Observation Date |
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Notes |
10/1/2009 |
5:20 AM |
0.00 |
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09-30-09: High 64, Low 51, wind N, NE & E calm-11 mph.
Total rain 1.30 for September. At 5:20am temp 43,
wind E 5 mph, dew point 39, humidity 87%. Looks like we will have rain today, per the radar. |
10/2/2009 |
5:25 AM |
0.69 |
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10-01-09: High 59, Low 43, wind E & SE 5-20 mph
w/gust 27 mph, rain .69 in gauge. At 5:25am clear,
temp 49, wind SW 7 mph, dew point 47, humidity 89%.
Please settle the high school strike! |
10/3/2009 |
5:35 AM |
0.24 |
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10-02-09: High 57 (at 12:01am) Low 48, wind W & SW
6-23 mph w/gust 29 mph. Rain .24 in gauge. A sign of
the season is when you have your high's at midnight
and temps don't improve or even go down the rest of the day. At 5:35am cloudy, temp 48, wind WNW 7 mph,
dew point 46, humidity 93%, wind chill 45. |
10/4/2009 |
5:35 AM |
0.14 |
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10-03-09: High 55, Low 48, wind SW, W & WNW 5-14 mph
w/gust 20 mph, rain .14 in gauge. At 5:35am clear, full moon over head (harvest moon?) temp 45, wind
W 7 mph, dew point 43, humidity 92%, wind chill 42. |
10/5/2009 |
5:20 AM |
0.00 |
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10-04-09: High 64, Low 43, wind W, NW & N calm-15 mph
w/gust 22 mph. At 5:20am its cold! temp 37, wind
calm, dew point 34, humidity 91%. Get ready for next
weekend, artic air on its way!! |
10/6/2009 |
5:25 AM |
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10-05-09: High 66, Low 37, wind vrbl. calm-13 mph,
over night sprinkle, just enough to wet the deck.
Pool is now closed and put to bed for the winter.
At 5:25am temp 49, wind SE 7 mph, dew point 46,
humidity 85%. Radar looks active and its coming this way. |
10/7/2009 |
5:20 AM |
0.12 |
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10-06-09: High 65, Low 49, WIND!!! E, SE, S, SW & W
6-33 mph w/gust 44 mph, rain .12 in gauge. At 5:20am
temp 45, wind W 10 mph, dew point 40, humidity 80%,
wind chill 40. I forgot to mention I had frost Monday morning on grass and roof. |
10/8/2009 |
5:20 AM |
0.00 |
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10-07-09: High 63, Low 43, wind W, SW & S 5-16 mph
w/gust 21 mph. At 5:20am temp 45, wind SE 6 mph, dew point 40, humidity 81%. Yesterday was a beautiful crisp day on the Illinois & Fox rivers and the tree's turning. |
10/9/2009 |
5:15 AM |
0.24 |
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10-08-09: High 55, Low 44, wind S, SE, N & NE calm-11
mph, rain .24 in gauge. At 5:15am temp 47, wind NE 10
mph, dew point 45, humidity 92% and cloudy. |
10/10/2009 |
5:55 AM |
0.38 |
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10-09-09: High 52 (12:01am) Low 36 (11:59pm) wind
NE, N & NW 6-15 mph w/gust 20 mph, rain .38 in
gauge. At 5:55am Frost on my deck, temp 31, wind calm,
dew point 29, humidity 90%. Last night I brought indoors the inner tube from rain gauge, at least for
a few days. |
10/11/2009 |
5:25 AM |
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10-10-09: High 47, Low 30, wind W & NW calm-19 mph.
At 5:25am temp 29, wind NW 3 mph, dew point 24, humidity 79%. |
10/12/2009 |
6:45 AM |
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10-11-09: High 43, Low 29, wind NW, N & NE calm-9 mph.
At 6:45am temp 39, wind E 5 mph, dew point 33, humidity 76%, wind chill 35. |
10/13/2009 |
5:10 AM |
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10-12-09: High 47, Low 39, wind E, SE, NE & NW
calm-9 mph. At 5:10am temp 38, wind NW 7 mph,
dew point 34, humidity 80%, wind chill 33. Where is
our "Indian Summer"? |
10/14/2009 |
5:40 AM |
0.08 |
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10-13-09: High 51, Low 34, wind NW, N, NE & E
4=18 mph, rain this morning .08 in gauge. At 5:40am
raining, temp 40, wind calm, dew point 36, humidity
85%. |
10/15/2009 |
5:25 AM |
0.30 |
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10-14-09: High 47, Low 40, wind NE & E calm-16 mph,
yesterday's rain and overnight rain = .30
in the gauge. At 5:25am cloudy, temp 39, wind E 4 mph,
dew point 37, humidity 93%. Farmers are stuck behind the 8 ball. |
10/16/2009 |
5:23 AM |
0.11 |
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10-15-09: High 45, Low 39, wind E, NE & N 4-16 mph,
rain .11 in gauge. At 5:23am cloudy and occassional
drop of rain, temp 39, wind NE 8-10 mph, dew point 37,
humidity 94%, wind chill 33. RIP Miss Sophie. |
10/17/2009 |
5:30 AM |
0.05 |
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10-16-09: High 47, Low 39, wind N & NE 3-14 mph
w/gust 18 mph, rain .05 in gauge. At 5:30am temp 39,
wind NNW 6 mph, dew point 36, humidity 85%, wind
chill 35. So far this month only 6 dry days and the highest temp at my location is 66 degrees. I thought I heard that we are on track for being one of the coolest October's in quite a while. |
10/18/2009 |
5:45 AM |
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10-17-09: High 54, Low 35, wind NW & N calm-17 mph
w/gust 23 mph. At 5:45am temp 29, wind calm, dew point 27, humidity 93% & frost. |
10/19/2009 |
5:20 AM |
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10-18-09: High 58 (bank 61) Low 29, wind NW, W, SW & S
calm-16 mph w/gust 20 mph. Yesterday morning we had
frost and sunrise fog. One fog bank made its way down Caton Rd Hill on to N LaSalle St (1800-1900 block)
tree top level and moved south, very creepy & cool.
At 5:20am temp 39, wind S 7 mph, dew point 34,
humidity 77%, wind chill 34. |
10/20/2009 |
5:00 AM |
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10-19-09: High 69, Low 39, wind S & SW 5-17 mph
w/gust 23 mph. At 5am temp 49, wind S 6 mph, dew point 45, humidity 83%. Per the WGN farm dept. this is the slowest harvest in 30 years due to poor weather conditions. |
10/21/2009 |
5:20 AM |
0.06 |
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10-20-09: High 70, Low 49, wind S, SW & SE 3-12 mph,
rain .06 in gauge, overcast until around 2:45pm when
it cleared & warmed up. During TV primetime I could hear thunder. At 5:20am cloudy, temp 55, wind SSE 4
mph, dew point 52, humidity 87%. |
10/22/2009 |
5:20 AM |
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10-21-09: High 73, Low 55, wind SE, S & SW 4-18 mph.
2 back to back Indian Summer days! I noticed bean harvesting while driving to Oglesby which will come to a grinding halt! At 5:20am temp 54, wind SW 3 mph,
dew point 50, humidity 80%. Rain coming this way.
NWS predicting close to 2 inches in the next 48 hours. |
10/23/2009 |
5:20 AM |
2.08 |
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10-22-09: High 59, Low 48, wind SW, S, NE & E calm-18
mph w/gust 24 mph. A LOT OF RAIN 2.08 in gauge. Ponds in my back yard, hundreds of worms on my driveway,
sump pump is in high gear. **Rivers rising, future
"forecast" appear to be UNDER estimated!!** At 5:20am
cloudy, breezy, temp 58, wind ESE 12 mph, gust 17 mph,
dew point 57, humidity 95%. |
10/24/2009 |
6:10 AM |
0.15 |
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10-23-09: High 60, Low 43, wind E, SE, S, SW & W
7-25 mph w/gust 34, rain .15 in gauge. At 6:10am
temp 40, wind W 12 mph, dew point 39, humidity 85%,
wind chill 33. At 5am IL River 18.03/flood stage 20,
Fox River 9.76/flood stage 12. |
10/25/2009 |
5:54 AM |
0.07 |
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10-24-09: High 56, Low 40, wind NW, W, SW, S & SE
calm-20 mph w/gust 26 mph, rain .07 in gauge.
At 5:54am temp 46, wind SE 6 mph, dew point 40, humidity 80%. IL River crested 10pm Sat night at 19.33
flood stage is 20. |
10/26/2009 |
5:20 AM |
0.42 |
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10-25-09: High 63, Low 45, wind SE, S & SW calm-14
mph, rain .42 in gauge. At 5:20am temp 51, wind SE 3 mph, dew point 49, humidity 91%. IL River 19.02/flood
stage 20, Fox River 9.04/flood stage 12. Many boats are being pulled out of the water for the season. |
10/27/2009 |
5:30 AM |
0.09 |
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10-26-09: High 57, Low 46, wind SE, S, SW, W & NW
calm-15 mph, rain .09 in gauge. At 5:30am temp 40,
wind calm, dew point 38, humidity 94%. Thanksgiving
dinners will be served in the combines this year. |
10/28/2009 |
5:15 AM |
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10-27-09: High 55 (bank 56) Low 40, wind W, NW, N,
NE & E calm-9 mph, fog at 7am, rain .10 in gauge.
At 5:15am looks like fog is trying to develop (?)
temp a mild 50, wind calm, dew point 48, humidity 96%.
I took my boat out yesterday and the big boats are coming out this weekend on The Fox River. |
10/29/2009 |
5:20 AM |
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10-28-09: High 58, Low 50, wind E & SE calm-11 mph.
We ended the 6 day streak of rain!! At 5:20am temp
52, wind SE 8 mph, dew point 48, humidity 86%.
I hope we don't get a lot of new rain, rivers are a heartbeat from flooding. At 4am IL River 17.23/flood stage 20. Fox River 8.82/flood stage 12. |
10/30/2009 |
4:40 AM |
1.03 |
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10-29-09: High 62, Low 52, wind SE 5-24 mph w/gust
33 mph, rain 1.03 in gauge, the majority overnight.
At 4:40am temp 64, wind SE 13 mph, dew point 62,
humidity 93%. At 3am IL River 17.75/flood stage 20,
Fox River 9.47 and rising, flood stage 12. Pray for
a dry spell and for good harvest weather, it can't hurt & maybe it will help. (p.s. your site was down earlier) |
10/31/2009 |
6:30 AM |
0.70 |
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10-30-09: High 68, Low 45 (11:59pm) wind SE, S, SW & W
10-26 mph w/gust 33 mph. Rain .70 in gauge making a total of 1.73 in (roughly) 36 hours. At 6:30am temp
41, wind WNW 10 mph w/gust 18 mph, dew point 38,
humidity 75%, wind chill 34. At 5am IL River at Morris 16.27/flood stage 16. At LaSalle 22.61/flood stage 20. Fox River getting ready to crest, 11.90/flood stage 12. Happy Halloween & turn your clocks back tonight. |
11/1/2009 |
5:30 AM |
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10-31-09: High 48, Low 34, wind W calm-22 mph w/gust
31 mph. At 5:30am temp 30, wind calm, dew point 28, humidity 89% & frost. Total rain 7.05 for October.
At 4am Fox River 11.16 it crested 10am at 11.89/flood stage 12. IL River at Ottawa 464.4 it crested 464.58 at 7pm, 463 flood stage. At LaSalle 25.34/flood stage 20.
BTW....54 days until Christmas. |
11/2/2009 |
5:20 AM |
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11-01-09: High 57, Low 30, wind SE & S calm-12 mph
w/gust 17 mph. At 5:20am temp 46, wind SSE 6 mph,
dew point 39, humidity 71%. At 4am IL River at LaSalle
25.04/flood stage 20. It crested Sunday 11am at 25.5 feet. Yesterday was "yard" day in the neighborhood, was that the last cut of the year? |
11/3/2009 |
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11-02-09: High 63, Low 36, wind SE, S, SW, W & NW
3-18 mph w/gust 23 mph. At 5am temp 30, wind NW 6 mph,
dew point 27, humidity 85%, wind chill 24 and a big
hunter's moon overhead. At 3am IL River at LaSalle
23.61/flood stage 20. |
11/4/2009 |
5:00 AM |
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11-03-09: High 49, Low 29, wind W, NW, N, NE, E & SE
calm-9 mph, and morning frost. At 5am temp 41, wind SE 6 mph, dew point 35, humidity 75%, wind chill 37. At 3am IL River
at LaSalle 22.46/flood stage 20. Harvest in full gear yesterday, I saw plenty of combines out in the fields
as crop dust filled the air along with people burning leaves. (cough!) |
11/5/2009 |
5:20 AM |
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11-04-09: High 57, Low 29, wind SE, S, SW, W & NW
calm-17 mph w/gust 23 mph. At 5:20am temp 31, wind
W 5 mph, dew point 28, humidity 89%. At 4am IL
River at LaSalle 21.78/flood stage 20. Fall harvest in full gear as corn & soy bean fields are quickly disappearing. |
11/6/2009 |
5:20 AM |
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11-05-09: High 56, Low 30, wind W, SW, S & SE
calm-16 mph. At 4:30pm I noticed a "fog" like cloud
to the N & NW. Turned out to be "crop dust" from area havesting. At 5:20am temp 41, wind SE 7 mph, dew point 37, humidity 79%, wind chill 38. At 4am IL
River at LaSalle 21.01/flood stage 20. Yesterday cut my yard for the last time.....I hope? |
11/7/2009 |
5:30 AM |
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11-06-09: High 67, Low 41, wind SE & S 5-20 mph w/gust 25 mph. At 5:30am temp 52, wind SW 10 mph
w/gust 15 mph, dew point 47, humidity 85%. I'm looking
forward to a couple of Indian Summer days! |
11/8/2009 |
5:15 AM |
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11-07-09: High 74, Low 52, wind S, SW & SE calm-17
mph w/gust 25 mph. Rivers are back in their banks.
At 5:15am temp 42, wind calm, dew point 40,
humidity 88%. It is clear, I can see the moon and stars and the smell of burnt leaves lingers in the air. How about those NW Wildcats??!! |
11/9/2009 |
5:25 AM |
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11-08-09: High 76, Low 42, wind E, SE & S calm-17 mph.
Harvest 2009 rolls on thanks to another classic Indian Summer Day! (almost broke out my shorts)
At 5:25am clouds blocking the moon, temp 56, wind SW
5 mph, dew point 48, humidity 75%. |
11/10/2009 |
5:20 AM |
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11-09-09: High 65, Low 51, wind SW, W, NW, N & NE
3-13 mph. At 5:20am temp 50, wind ENE 9 mph, dew point
41, humidity 74%. I talked to two farmers yesterday,
beans are in, corn still in the field. |
11/11/2009 |
5:20 AM |
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11-10-09: High 58, Low 39, wind E & NE calm-16 mph
w/gust 21 mph. Software won't let me enter "T" for gauge reading as I had 8 drops on my windshield.
(could be due to Windows 7, I'm also having problems with radar readings) At 5:20am temp 33, wind NE 5 mph,
dew point 29, humidity 92%, wind chill 28.(corrected gauge read, par) |
11/12/2009 |
5:15 AM |
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11-11-09: High 57, Low 32, wind NE & E calm-12 mph
w/gust 16 mph. At 5:15am temp 30, wind calm, dew point
27, humidity 88%. Volunteer FD siren went off, one
coyote responded, sounds like a small one. |
11/13/2009 |
5:07 AM |
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11-12-09: High 57, Low 28, wind E, SE & SSE calm-15
mph. At 5:07am temp 33, wind SE 5 mph, dew point 26,
humidity 71%. Just a reminder.....42 shopping days until Christmas. |
11/14/2009 |
5:30 AM |
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11-13-09: High 57, Low 33, wind SE & S 5-20 mph
w/gust 26 mph. At 5:30am temp 43, wind SE 6 mph, dew point 39, humidity 83%. The elevators are giving the farmer's more problems than the weather the last few days. Aside from 2 days with trace readings, this month (so far) is rain free. |
11/15/2009 |
7:00 AM |
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11-14-09: High 66, Low 43, wind S, SW, W & NW 5-12
mph. At 7am temp 43, wind NE 8 mph w/gust 13 mph,
dew point 32, humidity 68%, wind chill 39. |
11/16/2009 |
5:20 AM |
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11-15-09: High 52 (12:01am) Low 41, wind N & NE
5-16 mph. Rain .17 in gauge, heavier rains south of Ottawa. At 5:20am temp 43, wind NE 7 mph w/gust 13 mph, dew point 41, humidity 90%. New problem for the farmers & elevators (per WGN farm report) propane is in short supply. (homeowner's next?) |
11/17/2009 |
5:25 AM |
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11-16-09: High 47, Low 41 (12:01am) wind NE & E
7-23 mph w/gust 29 mph, rain .03 in gauge. At 5:25am
temp 45, wind E 12 mph, dew point 35, humidity 67%,
wind chill 40. Elevators closing early, grain trucks
lined up for miles, limited propane supply, corn harvest is a MESS! |
11/18/2009 |
5:25 AM |
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11-17-09: High 46, Low 41, wind NE 8-18 mph w/gust
25 mph, early am gust 29 mph. Rain .17 in gauge.
At 5:25am temp 44, wind ENE 6 mph w/gust 12 mph,
dew point 41, humidity 93%, rain has stopped for now. |
11/19/2009 |
5:14 AM |
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11-18-09: High 49, Low 43, wind E & SE 3-12 mph,
rain .06 in gauge. At 5:14am raining, temp 44,
wind SE 8 mph, dew point 42, humidity 95%. Thanksgiving is one week away. |
11/20/2009 |
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11-19-09: High 48, Low 37, wind SE, S, SW & W calm-12
mph, rain .06 in gauge, making it a total of .49 for the week. At 5:15am fog creeping in, temp 35, wind
calm, dew point 34, humidity 97%. |
11/21/2009 |
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11-20-09: High 54, Low 34, wind SW, W & NW calm-11 mph. At Ottawa City Hall tulip green shutes are coming out of the ground, roughly 4-6 inches on the westside of the building. At 5:25am temp 31, wind calm, dew point 30, humidity 96% and no fog at this moment although conditions are perfect for it. |
11/22/2009 |
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11-21-09: High 57, Low 30, wind SE & E calm-9 mph.
Cut my grass for the last, last time. At 5:25am
temp 37, wind SE 4 mph, dew point 34, humidity 90%.
Corn field across the road was harvested during the night, break out the mouse traps! How about those
Wildcats!! Is that snow in the forecast for Thanksgiving? |
11/23/2009 |
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11-22-09: High 62, Low 37, wind SE & E calm-12 mph.
Registered high also at bank & on my car. At 5:25am
temp 39, wind E 6 mph, dew point 39, humidity 94%,
wind chill 36. No fog at this moment and none yesterday. Propane making its way back into the area. |
11/24/2009 |
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11-23-09: High 48, Low 38, wind SE & E calm-10 mph,
fog rolled in after 5:30am. Currently at 5:08am
temp 37, wind calm, dew point 36, humidity 97% and
thick fog. |
11/25/2009 |
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11-24-09: High 53, Low 36, wind E, SE, S & SW calm-18
mph w/gust 22 mph. Rain .61 in gauge. At 5:15am temp
43, wind WSW 3 mph, dew point 41, humidity 95% and cloudy, at this moment its stopped raining. |
11/26/2009 |
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11-25-09: High 49, Low 36, wind WSW, SW & W 3-20 mph
w/gust 26 mph, rain .26 in gauge. At 5:20am temp 35,
wind W 11 mph, dew point 33, humidity 93%, wind chill
29. Happy Thanksgiving......OH LOOK! ITS ANOTHER BLUE
11/27/2009 |
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11-26-09: High 40, Low 32, wind W & NW 10-24 mph
w/gust 32 mph, rain .04 in gauge. At 5:40am temp 30,
wind NW 8 mph, dew point 26, humidity 78%, wind chill
23. Let the shopping begin! |
11/28/2009 |
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11-27-09: High 43, Low 29, wind NW, N, Vrbl, S & SE
calm-12 mph. At 5:15am temp 29, wind SE 6 mph, dew
point 27, humidity 90%, wind chill 22. Santa came to town last night! |
11/29/2009 |
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11-28-09: High 57, Low 29, wind SE, S & SW and than back to S & SE calm-10 mph. Two neighbors cut their grass and the rest of the neighborhood was busy putting up outside Chirstmas decor. Houseboat seen on
The IL. River. At 5:30am temp 37, wind calm, dew point
36, humidity 92% and no fog at this moment in time.
(p.s.) Momma survived shopping trip Thursday night & Friday morning. |
11/30/2009 |
5:35 AM |
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11-29-09: High 46, Low 35, wind S, NW & N calm-18 mph,
rain .01 in gauge. At 5:35 temp 33, wind N 6 mph,
dew point 27, humidity 70%, wind chill 28. Christmas tree went up yesterday while Bing & Frank sang in the background....& Elvis too. (thank you very much)
Found dead rabbit in the pool. |
12/1/2009 |
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11-30-09: High 45, Low 33, wind NW, W & SW 3-18 mph
w/gust 25 mph. Total rain for Novemeber 1.41 in the
books. At 5:25am temp 34, wind SW 6 mph, dew point 29,
humidity 79%. Twenty Four shopping days until Christmas. |
12/2/2009 |
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12-01-09: High 58 (bank 60) Low 33, wind SW & S
6-20 mph w/gust 25 mph. One more neighbor cut his yard, mine is getting near it again but I'm looking the other way. At 5:20am temp 35, wind calm, dew point 29, humidity 78%. A beautiful full moon last night, we get another one on new years eve. |
12/3/2009 |
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12-02-09: High 45, Low 32, wind S, SE, N & NW calm-25
mph, no snow. At 5:20am temp 33, wind NW 8 mph w/gust 13 mph, dew point 27, humidity 73%, wind chill 26. |
12/4/2009 |
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12-03-09: High 37, Low 26, wind NW & W 7-23 mph w/gust
30 mph and 1 or 2 flakes in the air. At 5:20am temp 22, wind W 13 mph, dew point 18, humidity 70% and the
wind chill 10. You now have 21 shopping days until Christmas.(contacted par) |
12/5/2009 |
5:55 AM |
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12-04-09: High 29, Low 21, wind W, SW & S 5-22 mph
w/gust 27 mph. Trace of snow which could be seen ever so slightly accumulating in gullies & drain leaders of roofs, then the wind blew it away. At 5:55am temp
18, wind SW 6 mph, dew point 13, humidity 78%, wind
chill 10. |
12/6/2009 |
6:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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12-05-09: High 35, Low 18, wind SW & S 3-18 mph
w/gust 18 mph. At 6:30am temp 23, wind SSW 8 mph,
dew point 17, humidity 78%, wind chill 14. |
12/7/2009 |
5:40 AM |
0.11 |
1.0 |
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12-06-09: High 38, Low 23, wind SW, S & SE 6-16 mph.
Over night snow, 1 inch and .11 in gauge. At 5:40am
temp 28, wind calm, dew point 25, humidity 88%. |
12/8/2009 |
5:30 AM |
0.05 |
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12-07-09: High 33, Low 27, wind W & NW calm-10 mph
w/early morning snow that was included in yesterdays report. At 5:30am snowing, 1/2 inch w/.05 in gauge, temp 28, wind E 5 mph, dew point 26, humidity 90%, wind chill 22. |
12/9/2009 |
5:25 AM |
0.86 |
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12-08-09: High 36, Low 27, wind E 5-25 mph w/gust 33
mph. We were blessed and mainly got rain and sleet .86 in gauge. If that were snow it would be up to our knees. There
is a layer of slush on my driveway that will soon turn into a sheet of ice. At 5:25am temp 34, wind WSW
15 mph w/gust 23 mph, dew point 33, humidity 95%, wind chill 23. Get ready for the deep freeze and minus
wind chills! |
12/10/2009 |
6:35 AM |
0.04 |
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12-09-09: High 35, Low 7, wind SW & W 7-41 mph w/gust
52 mph and occassional white-outs, .04 blown into the gauge so my guess we got 1/2 to 1 inch of snow. At
6:35am temp 1, wind W 16 mph, dew point -5, humidity 71, wind chill -19. |
12/11/2009 |
5:20 AM |
0.00 |
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12-10-09: High 16 (11pm) Low 1, wind W & SW 10-25 mph,
I heard on the local radio a wind chill of -20.
At 5:20am temp 9, wind SW 6 mph, dew point 0, humidity 69%, wind chill -2. We now have 14 shopping days until Christmas. (yikes!) |
12/12/2009 |
6:15 AM |
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12-11-09: High 26, Low 9, wind W, SW, vrlb & S
calm-11 mph. At 6:15am temp 22, wind S 8 mph, dew point 16, humidity 79%, wind chill 13. |
12/13/2009 |
6:20 AM |
0.02 |
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12-12-09: High 38, Low 22, wind S & SE 5-17 mph,
rain .02 in gauge with some sleet &/or freezing rain
in the late afternoon. At 6:20am temp 34, wind WNW 5 mph, dew point 33, humidity 93%, wind chill 29 and a
very light fog, haze or low cloud. Sidewalks and driveways ice free. |
12/14/2009 |
5:15 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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12-13-09: High 37 (11pm) Low 33, wind S, SW, W, NW
and SE calm-13 mph and a light fog &/or haze through out the day. At 5:15am temp 37, wind S 5 mph, dew point 35, humidity 94%, wind chill 32 and a light fog. |
12/15/2009 |
5:25 AM |
0.01 |
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12-14-09: High 40, Low 25 (at 11:59pm) wind S, SE
turning NW around noon & W calm-22 mph, heavy fog
in the morning, rain .01 in gauge. At 5:25am windy and
cold! temp 19, wind WNW 12 mph w/gust 18 mph, dew point 17, humidity 79%, wind chill 6. Take comfort that we've already seen the high for the day at 12:01am and get ready for another day in the deep freeze. 10 shopping days until Christmas. |
12/16/2009 |
5:25 AM |
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12-15-09: High 25 (at 12:01am) daytime High 17, Low 7, wind NW & W 5-21 mph. At 5:25am temp 6, wind calm, dew point -2, humidity 62%. |
12/17/2009 |
5:20 AM |
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12-16-09: High 29, Low 6, wind W, SW, S, SE & E
calm-10 mph. At 5:20am temp 21, wind SE 6 mph, dew point 17, humidity 84%, wind chill 13. Eight shopping days left! |
12/18/2009 |
5:15 AM |
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12-17-09: High 43, Low 21, wind SE & S calm-13 mph.
At 5:15am temp 31, wind E 3 mph, dew point 28,
humidity 87% and with 7 shopping days left you better
git er' done this weekend! There just might be some snow to get you in the mood. |
12/19/2009 |
6:25 AM |
0.09 |
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12-18-09: High 40, Low 31, wind E, NE & N calm-14 mph,
late afternoon rain turning to snow .09 in gauge and I took several readings which average a inch of snow and on sidewalk and drive a very thin layer of ice
under the snow. At 6:25am temp 28, wind NNE 8-14 mph,
dew point 26, wind chill 20. |
12/20/2009 |
5:55 AM |
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12-19-09: High 32, Low 28, wind NNE, N, NW & W 7-19 mph, light snow flurries through out the day leaving a trace in the gauge. At 5:55am temp 28, wind W 8 mph, dew point 27, humidity 91%, wind chill 20. Its clean-up the house weekend getting ready for Christmas Eve get together. |
12/21/2009 |
5:25 AM |
0.03 |
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12-20-09: High 30, Low 27, wind W, SW calm-10 mph,
2 day* gauge reading .03 and a dusting of snow. At
5:25am temp 27, wind NW 3 mph, dew point 25, humidity 93%. Last few days there has only been a 3-5 degree
movement in temps. |
12/22/2009 |
5:00 AM |
0.31 |
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12-21-09: High 32, Low 26, wind NW, W, NE & E calm-11
mph. Overnight snow with .31 in gauge and 3 inches on the ground, per radar looks like it should be over soon. At 5am temp 29, wind ENE 4 mph, dew point 27, humidity 93%. I hope the wind does NOT pick up or we will have a lot of drifting. |
12/23/2009 |
5:00 AM |
0.01 |
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12-22-09: High 34, Low 28, wind NE & E calm-18 mph
w/gust 23 mph, rain & sleet around 4:30pm with .01
in the gauge. At 5am temp 31, wind E 11 mph, dew point 29, humidity 96%, wind chill 21. At 3am IL
River 12.48/flood stage 20 and Fox River 7/flood stage 12, keep an eye on the rivers. 2 shopping days
until......oh forget it! |
12/24/2009 |
5:25 AM |
0.83 |
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12-23-09: High 35, Low 31, wind E 7-20 mph w/gust 25
mph, rain .83 in gauge. Early am freezing rain change to all rain by 9:30am. At 5:25am temp 33, wind SE 12
mph w/gust 18 mph, dew point 32, humidity 97%, wind
chill 25. At 4am IL River at Ottawa 459.99/flood stage 463, at LaSalle 13.29/flood stage 20, Fox River
7.17/flood stage 12. |
12/25/2009 |
6:15 AM |
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1.72 in gauge. Merry Christmas. |
12/26/2009 |
5:45 AM |
0.11 |
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12-25-09: High 43, Low 18, wind E, SE, S & SW 10-26
mph w/gust 33 mph, gauge .11 with rain & snow w/average snow measurement around 1/2+ inch. At 5:45am
snowing, temp 23, wind SSE 13 mph, dew point 19, humidity 86%, wind chill 11. At 4am IL River at Ottawa
463.01/flood stage 463, at LaSalle 22.65 and rising, flood stage 20, Fox River 12.26 & getting ready to crest, flood stage 12. Backyard was swamped now turning into a ice skating rink. |
12/27/2009 |
5:45 AM |
0.21 |
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12-26-09: High 27, Low 20, wind SE, S & SW 7-22 mph.
Gauge .21 and 4.5 inches of snow making total snowfall
of 5.1 inches. At 5:45am flurries, temp 18, wind SW 6 mph, dew point 14, humidity 90%, wind chill 7. NWS calling for strong winds watch for drifting snow!
At 4am IL River at Ottawa 463.22/flood stage 463, crested 463.46 Saturday at 4pm. LaSalle 24.28/flood
stage 20. Fox River 11.44/flood stage 12, crested 4am Saturday at 12.26 |
12/28/2009 |
5:40 AM |
0.10 |
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12-27-09: High 24, Low 16, wind SW, NW & W calm-16
mph w/gust 21 mph, 1 inch of new snow and .10 in gauge. At 5:40am temp 26, wind W 12 mph w/gust 18 mph,
dew point 23, humidity 93%, wind chill 15. |
12/29/2009 |
5:35 AM |
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12-28-09: High 28, Low 9, wind W & NW 7-24 mph w/gust
29 mph, drifting wasn't that bad, I only had to clear
a nice sized drift at 1pm then it stayed clear. At
5:35am temp 5, wind calm, dew point 2, humidity 84%. |
12/30/2009 |
5:30 AM |
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12-29-09: High 24 (for a minute) Low 3, wind NW, Vrbl,
S & SE calm-10 mph. At 5:30am temp 21, wind SE 7 mph,
dew point 18, humidity 85%, wind chill 13. Two days left of this decade. |
12/31/2009 |
5:30 AM |
0.21 |
1.3 |
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12-30-09: High 32, Low 18, wind SE, S & SW 5-11 mph,
1.25 new snow and .21 in gauge. At 5:30am temp 32,
wind SW 3 mph, dew point 31, humidity 96%, wind chill 29. Get ready for the deep freeze tonight and Happy New Years Eve! |
1/1/2010 |
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12-31-09: High 32, Low 5, wind SW, NW & W calm-21 mph.
At 7:15am temp 0, wind W 4 mph, dew point -3, humidity 74%, wind chill -10. Total precipation for 2009= 49.74 HAPPY NEW YEAR! |
1/2/2010 |
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01-01-10: High 12, Low 0, wind W & NW 4-15 mph.
At 6:45am temp -2, wind NW 8 mph, dew point -7, humidity 74%, wind chill -17. What a lousy way to start a year. |
1/3/2010 |
6:40 AM |
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01-02-10: High 7, Low -8, wind NW & W 3-15 mph. At
6:40am temp -5, wind 4 mph, dew point -12, humidity 69%, wind chill -15. Per radio reports some wind chills in the area are anywhere from -10 to -24. |
1/4/2010 |
5:25 AM |
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01-03-10: High 12, Low -8, wind NW & N calm-10 mph.
At 5:25am temp 0, wind NW 7 mph, dew point -5,
humidity 75%, wind chill -13. Looks like we will be in
the deep freeze for at least another 7-10 days. Stay warm!! At 4am ice jam at Dayton, Fox River 21.10/flood
stage 12. |
1/5/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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01-04-10: High 17, Low 0, wind NW & W 6-20 mph.
At 7am temp 6, wind W 5 mph, dew point 2, humidity 77%, wind chill -2. At 6am Fox River at Dayton 26.72/flood stage 12. Ice approaching or surrounding
lower level dwellings. Last occurred in 1988 when the ice moved the Dayton Bridge. |
1/6/2010 |
5:20 AM |
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01-05-10: High 17, Low 2, wind NW & W 5-16 mph.
At 5:20am temp 2, wind W 6 mph, dew point -6, humidity
65%, wind chill -9. At 3am Fox River at Dayton 27/flood stage 12. Flooding so far is isolated in Dayton with ice is or has approached homes. In 1988
ice got as high as windows and in lower areas up to roofs. Cat equipment had to be brought in to dig everyone out. Can you imagine chipping ice away to be able to get out of your front door? Back to tomorrow, watch out for the snow storm, 8 inches in forecast. |
1/7/2010 |
5:15 AM |
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01-06-10: High 16, Low 0, wind W & SW calm-9 mph.
At 5:15am 2 1/4 inches of snow = .19 in gauge, temp 15, wind SE 3 mph, dew point 11, humidity 87%. At 4am in Dayton, Fox River 24.45/flood stage 12. |
1/8/2010 |
5:15 AM |
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01-07-10: High 24 (11:59pm) Low 14, wind E, NW, W & N
calm-20 mph, gauge reading .14 and additional snow 1.75 making total snowfall 4 inches. At 5:15am temp 20, wind NW 9, dew point 15, humidity 83%, wind chill 9. Some drifting is taking place. |
1/9/2010 |
6:30 AM |
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01-08-10: High 28 (around 1am) Low 0, wind NW & W
7-25 mph. At 6:30 its cold temp -4, wond NW 2 mph, and the dew point -11, humidity 78%. |
1/10/2010 |
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01-09-10: High 13, Low -5, wind NW & W 3-12 mph. It was the 9th day of below freezing temps. At 6:25 temp
-8, wind SW 3 mph, dew point -19, humidity 62%. At 5am
The Fox River (ice jam) at Dayton 23.27/flood stage 12. |
1/11/2010 |
5:15 AM |
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01-10-10: High 19 (at 11:30pm) Low minus 9, wind W, SW & S 3-22 mph w/gust 27 mph. Yesterday morning I noticed sparkles in the air. I'm assuming it was moisture in
the air freezing? At 5:15am temp 18, wind WNW 8 mph,
dew point 10, humidity 70%, wind chill 8. At 4am in Dayton (ice jam) Fox River 22.02/flood stage 12. |
1/12/2010 |
5:20 AM |
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01-11-10: High 25, Low 14, wind SW, W, NW & N 5-13
mph. At 5:20am temp 22, wind NW 5 mph, dew point 16,
humidity 77%, wind chill 15. At 4am at Dayton, Fox
River 22.79/flood stage 12. Eleven days straight under the freezing mark. |
1/13/2010 |
5:25 AM |
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01-12-10: High 28, Low 13, wind NW, W, SW & S calm-10 mph, 13th straight day below freezing. At 5:25am
temp 14, wind SW 7 mph, dew point 10, humidity 82%,
wind chill 4. At 4am at Dayton, Fox River/Ice Jam
21.85/flood stage 12. |
1/14/2010 |
5:20 AM |
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01-13-10: High 37, Low 13, wind SW & S 7-17 mph, finally got over 32 degrees after 13 straight days of below freezing temps. At 5:20am temp 30, wind S 8 mph,
dew point 24, humidity 80%, wind chill 22. At 4am Fox
River in Dayton 21.74/flood stage 12. Talked to a flood victim, he had 2 feet of water in his house.
1988 was worse, ice was up to his gutters. Regarding this flood he is maxing out his flood insurance at $56,000 and that won't be enough, but it will help. |
1/15/2010 |
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01-14-10: High 43, Low 28, wind S, SW, W & NW 5-16
mph. At 5:30am temp 29, wind NW 6 mph, dew point 27, humidity 93%, wind chill 22, no fog at this time. At
4am in Dayton, Fox River 22.57/flood stage 12. Quite a
bit of melting happening, I can see my roof again! |
1/16/2010 |
6:00 AM |
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01-15-10: High 36 (12:01am) Low 26, wind NW, W & SW
calm-10 mph, light fog & mist around 7-9am and a
lonely afternoon snowflake. At 6am temp 25, wind SW
6 mph, dew point 22, humidity 95%, wind chill 18. |
1/17/2010 |
5:40 AM |
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01-16-10: High 30, Low 24, wind W, SW & S calm-10 mph,
a few snowflakes, no accumulation. At 5:40am temp 23,
wind calm, dew point 21, humidity 94%, fog and mist.
At 4am Fox River at Dayton 21.54/flood stage 12.
IL River at LaSalle 15.23/flood stage 20. |
1/18/2010 |
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01-17-10: High 32, Low 21, wind NW & W calm-11 mph.
Frozen fog leaving trees beautiful all day and looking like something out of a postcard picture.
At 5:30 temp 30, wind NW 5 mph, dew point 28,
humidity 95%, wind chill 25, currently no fog. |
1/19/2010 |
5:15 AM |
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01-18-10: High 33, Low 26, wind W, NW & N calm-9 mph.
Fog rolled in before 7am. At 5:15am no fog at this moment, temp 25, wind calm, dew point 24, humidity 96%. At 4am Fox River at Dayton (ice jam) 22.11/flood stage 12. |
1/20/2010 |
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01-19-10: High 34, Low 21, wind N, NE & E calm-8 mph.
At 5:25am temp 22, wind NE 7 mph, dew point 20,
humidity 90%, wind chill 14. At 4am Fox River in Dayton (ice jam) 22.00/flood stage 12. |
1/21/2010 |
5:25 AM |
0.22 |
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01-20-10: High 34, Low 20, wind E 5-20 mph w/gust
30 mph. Rain .22 in gauge with 1/10 of ice on the
ground. My sidewalk & driveway are a sheet of ice but I did see a neighbor drive off to work so the street must not be that bad. At 5:25am temp 31, wind calm,
dew point 28, humidity 88%. At 3am Fox River at Dayton
(ice jam) 21.90/flood stage 12. |
1/22/2010 |
5:20 AM |
0.05 |
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01-21-10: High 36, Low 30, wind E & NE calm-15 mph
w/gust 22 mph, rain .05 in gauge. At 5:20am temp 33,
wind NE 4 mph, dew point 30, humidity 83%. Fox River report N/A. (still around 22/flood stage 12) |
1/23/2010 |
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01-22-10: High 37, Low 33, wind NE, E & SE calm most of the day, later up to 15 mph, trace of rain in gauge from fog, mist that came in late afternoon. A lot of melting occurred yesterday.
At 6:25am temp 34, light fog due to ESE wind 8 mph
w/gust 14 mph, dew point 32, humidity 94%, wind chill
27. Sunrise 7:14am and sunset now at 5pm ! Fox River report N/A. |
1/24/2010 |
6:30 AM |
0.53 |
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01-23-10: High 43, Low 33, wind E & SE calm-20 mph
w/gust 25 mph with fog. Rain .53 in gauuge. At 6:30am
temp 43, wind SE 14 mph, dew point 41, humidity 97%,
wind chill 36. At 5am Fox River at Dayton (ice jam)
21.64/flood stage 12. Snow just about gone, ponding
in backyard and sump pump is active this morning. Rivers should rise, be on alert. |
1/25/2010 |
5:30 AM |
0.16 |
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01-24-10: High 45, Low 32, wind SE, S, SW & W 8-22 mph
w/gust 27 mph, rain .16 in gauge. At 5:30am temp 32,
wind SW 8 mph, dew point 23, humidity 77%, wind chill
25. At 4am IL River at Morris 12.26/flood stage 16.
At LaSalle 19.94/flood stage 20. Fox River reading N/A. |
1/26/2010 |
5:25 AM |
0.02 |
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01-25-10: High 33, Low 18, wind SW & W 7-38 mph w/gust
45 mph around 5:20pm, white out conditions in some locations. Somewhere between a quarter to half an inch of snow, with .02 in gauge. At 5:25am temp 17,
wind NW 14 mph, dew point 10, humidity 73%, wind chill
3. At 3am IL River at Ottawa 462.18/flood stage 463,
at LaSalle 22.01/flood stage 20. Fox River reading N/A. |
1/27/2010 |
5:15 AM |
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01-26-10: High 21, Low 14, wind W 12-26 mph w/gust 32
mph. Light flurries, trace in gauge. At 5:15am temp
11, wind W 10 mph w/gust 16 mph, dew point 2, humidity
68%, wind chill minus 1. At 4am IL River at LaSalle
22.07/flood stage 20. Fox River reading N/A but you can tell visually that it is going down. |
1/28/2010 |
5:25 AM |
0.03 |
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01-27-10: High 26, Low 10, wind W, SW & WNW 6-19 mph
w/gust 26 mph. Light snow 1/2 inch with .03 in gauge.
At 5:25am temp 9, wind WNW 15 mph, dew point 2,
humidity 71%, wind chill minus 7. (enjoy!) |
1/29/2010 |
5:20 AM |
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01-28-10: High 17 (at 12:01am) Low 6, wind W, NW & N
calm-21 mph. At 5:20am temp 7, wind calm, dew point minus 5, humidity 56%. At 4am IL River at LaSalle
19.90/flood stage 20, Fox River reading N/A as gauge
must be broke from the ice jam. |
1/30/2010 |
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01-29-10: High 20, Low 6, wind NW, N & NE calm-9 mph.
At 6:30am temp 11, wind NE 4 mph, dew point 3, humidity 71%. Good luck to SPS 8th grade girls volleyball team in the LaSalle tourney. |
1/31/2010 |
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01-30-10: High 27, Low 11, wind NE, N & NW calm-10 mph. At 5:30am temp 12, wind W 5 mph, dew point 10,
humdity 84%, wind chill 4. |
2/1/2010 |
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02-01-2010: High 29, Low 11, wind W & NW calm-15 mph.
At 5:25am temp 20, wind NE 3 mph, dew point 12, humidity 69%. Total gauge reading for January 1.34 |
2/2/2010 |
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02-01-10: High 36, Low 15, wind NE, E & SE calm-12 mph, snow during wee hours this morning between 1/4 & 1/2 inch and 1cm. exactly. In gauge .04 melted snow.
At 5:20am temp 28, wind SE 8 mph, dew point 24, humidity 85%, wind chill 20. |
2/3/2010 |
5:20 AM |
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02-02-10: High 34, Low 23, wind SE, S, SW & W 3-18
mph w/gust 24 mph, a leftover flake or two and a drop or two of drizzle leaving .01 in gauge. At 5:20am
temp 19, wind NW 12 mph, dew point 14, humidity 79%,
wind chill 7. |
2/4/2010 |
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02-03-10: High 33, Low 18, wind NW, W & E calm-15 mph.
At 5:20am temp 23, wind SE 3 mph, dew point 19,
humidity 86%. At 4am Fox River (ice jam) 22.14/flood
stage 12. Sunrise 7:03am Sunset 5:15pm. Today we will gain 2 minutes and a few seconds and with each day we are another day closer to spring! |
2/5/2010 |
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02-04-10: High 34, Low 22, wind SE & E 3-13 mph and Happy Birthday Tyler. At 5:20am temp 31, wind NE 9 mph
w/gust 14 mph, dew point 26, humidity 82%, wind chill 23. |
2/6/2010 |
5:50 AM |
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02-05-10: High 37, Low 31, wind E & NE 9-33 mph.
A dusting of snow mixed with some rain .01 in gauge,
glazing on unused sidewalk & driveway. At 5:50am
temp 26, wind ENE 13/G18, dew point 19, humidity 75%,
wind chill 15. Keep on eye on Monday!! |
2/7/2010 |
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02-06-10: High 35 (12:01am) Low 26, wind NE & N
7-25 mph w/gust 37 mph. At 5:55am temp 25, wind E 5 mph, dew point 18, humidity 75%, wind chill 18, sunrise this morning 7am. Winter storm approaching,
keep an eye on Monday thru Tuesday!! Early prediction from NWS 5-7 inches. |
2/8/2010 |
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02-07-10: High 33, Low 25, wind N, NE, E & SE 3-11 mph. At 5:25am temp 22 and light flurries, wind SE 5
mph, dew point 18, humidity 78%, wind chill 15. |
2/9/2010 |
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02-08-10: High 30, Low 22, wind SE & E 3-17 mph.
Gauge .23 from falling snow. At 5am snowing, temp 23,
snow on ground 3 inches, wind NE 5 mph, dew point 19, humidity 92%. |
2/10/2010 |
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02-09-10: High 28, Low 21, wind E, NE, N & NW calm-25
mph w/gust 32 mph. Gauge reading .18 and new snow around 2 inches making total anywhere between 5-6 inches, I measured 5 at an isolated location at 4pm,
otherwise blowing makes in hard to tell what we got for a total. At 5:30 temp 21, wind NW 14 mph w/gust 20
mph, dew point 18, humidity 80%, wind chill 8.
Earthquake near DeKalb, IL 4.3 reading. I've got a one foot drift in the middle of my driveway which is West/East. |
2/11/2010 |
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02-10-10: High 28 (1am) Low 9, wind NW & W 8-22 mph
w/gust 30 mph. At 5:15am temp 5, wind NW 4 mph,
dew point minus 2, humidity 68%, wind chill minus 2.
Sunrise 6:55am Sunset 5:24pm. |
2/12/2010 |
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02-11-10: High 24, Low 1, wind NW & W calm-8 mph.
At 5:20am very light snow flurries/glazing, temp 15,
wind calm, dew point 10, humidity 78%. At 4am Fox River (ice jam) 21.42/flood stage 12. The days are slowly getting longer, volleyball is almost done, next week pitchers and catchers report, soon it will be basketball tourneys and Ash Wednesday is next week......I sort of think I can see spring at the end of the tunnel??? |
2/13/2010 |
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02-12-10: High 30, Low 8, wind NW & W calm-8 mph.
At 5:40am temp 5, wind NW 5, dew point 2, humidity 79%, wind chill minus 6. |
2/14/2010 |
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02-13-10: High 26, Low 5, wind NW & W calm-15 mph.
At 6:30am temp 8, wind W 3 mph, dew point 3, humidity 79%. Surise 6:51am Sunset 5:28pm. |
2/15/2010 |
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02-14-10: High 28, Low 8, wind NW & W (again) 2-13
mph. At 5:10am temp 7, wind calm, dew point 4, humidity 83%. Sunrise 6:50am, Sunset 5:29pm. Happy Birthday Mr. President. |
2/16/2010 |
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02-15-10: High 30, Low 5, wind W & NW calm-18 mph,
dusting of snow (T) leaving .01 in gauge, driveway, sidewalk & yard have snow, streets clean.
At 5:25am temp 24, wind NW 15 mph, dew point 21, humidity 85%, wind chill 11. Sunrise 6:48am, Sunset 5:30pm. Happy Fat Tuesday. |
2/17/2010 |
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02-16-10: High 33, Low 21, wind NW & N 8-20 mph
w/gust 25 mph. At 5:15am temp 25, wind NW 5 mph, dew point 20, humidity 77%, wind chill 19. There are many indications that spring will soon be here. Today is one of them. Pitchers & Catchers report to baseball spring training camps today! |
2/18/2010 |
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02-17-10: High 34, Low 25, wind NW & W 5-15 mph.
At 5:15am temp 21, wind W 7 mph, dew point 13, humidity 76%, wind chill 13. Old saying....weather follows weather and boy are we stuck in a rut.
At 3am Fox River (ice jam) 21.49/flood stage 12.
Sunrise 6:46am, Sunset 5:32pm. |
2/19/2010 |
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02-18-10: High 37, Low 19, wind NW & W 5-13 mph.
At 5:00am temp 15, wind W 4 mph, dew point 10,
humidity 79%, wind chill 9. Sunrise 6:44am, Sunset 5:34pm. |
2/20/2010 |
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02-19-10: High 42, Low 14, wind N, NW, W & SE calm-9
mph, snow this morning 1/2 inch with .04 in gauge.
At 5:30am snowing, temp 31, wind ESE 8 mph, dew point 27, humidity 94%, wind chill 24. We've been placed under a Winter Storm Watch, keep an eye on Sunday night and Monday morning. Sunrise 6:43am, Sunset 5:35pm. |
2/21/2010 |
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02-20-10: High 41, Low 31, wind E, SE, S & NW calm-10
mph. Early morning snow totaling 1/2 to 3/4 inch then turned to drizzle .01 left over in gauge making it a total of .05 for the day. All snow melted by afternoon. At 5:40am temp 32, wind NE 9 mph, dew point 30, humidity 88%, wind chill 24. Sunrise 6:41am,
Sunset 5:36pm. Awaiting the biggest snow storm of the season to hit our area later today. NWS forecasting
eight to twelve inches. |
2/22/2010 |
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02-21-10: High 36, Low 32, wind N & NE 5-15 mph. Warmer temps saved us from a large snow event. Three inches of snow and .40 in gauge. Since I'm a 1/2 mile south of Route 80, I went over to the northside of the overpass and they got 3.1 inches of snow (joke).
At 5:15am temp 33, wind N 8 mph, dew point 31, humidity 96%, wind chill 25. Beware....this is a wet heavy (heart attack) snow. |
2/23/2010 |
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02-22-10: High 35, Low 32, wind NE, N, NW & W
5-16 mph. At 5:30am light snow 1/4 inch or 1 cm with
.02 in gauge, wind NW 6 mph, dew point 25, humdity
92%, wind chill 20. Sunrise 6:39am, Sunset 5:38pm. |
2/24/2010 |
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02-23-10: High 32, Low 19, wind NW & W 6-18 mph, snow but unable to determine the amount due to blowing. My guess less than 1/2 inch. At 5:30am temp 16, wind W
11 mph, dew point 12, humidity 84%, wind chill 4.
Sunrise 6:37am, Sunset 5:40pm. |
2/25/2010 |
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02-24-10: High 28, Low 16, wind W & NW 11-18 mph w/gust 23 mph. At 5:25am temp 15, wind NW 8 mph, dew point 11, humidity 79%, wind chill 5. At 4am Fox River at Dayton (ice jam) 16.63/flood stage 12, ice is melted and gone at Main Street bridge. Sunrise 6:36am, Sunset 5:41pm. |
2/26/2010 |
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02-25-10: High 30, Low 15, wind NW, N & W 3-15 mph.
At 5:15am temp 14, wind W 6 mph, dew point 6, humidity 68%, wind chill 4. At 4am Fox River at Dayton 6.72/flood stage 12, ice jam has cleared, ice spotters can take 5! Sunrise 6:34am, Sunset 5:42pm. |
2/27/2010 |
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02-26-10: High 33, Low 14, wind W & NW 6-18 mph w/gust
25 mph. At 5:30am light snow flurries from the northeaster, temp 24, wind NW 10 mph, dew point 18, humidity 74%, wind chill 14. Sunrise 6:32am, Sunrise 5:43pm. |
2/28/2010 |
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02-27-10: High 36, Low 22, wind NW, N & W 5-16 mph,
left over melted snow from yesterday (bearly) .01 in gauge. At 5:30am temp 28, wind NW 2 mph, dew point 23, humidity 83%. Sunrise 6:31am, Sunset 5:44pm. |
3/1/2010 |
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02-28-10: High 39, Low 27, wind W, NW & N 2-12 mph.
Welcome to Meteorologial SPRING! (March 1st per Tom Skilling) At 5:15am temp 32, wind N 5 mph, dew point 28,
humidity 88%, wind chill 27. February: .97 total gauge reading. Today Sunrise 6:29am, Sunset 5:46pm. |
3/2/2010 |
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03-01-10: High 37, Low 29, wind NW & N calm-13 mph.
At 5:15am temp 28, wind NW 4 mph, dew point 25,
humidity 88%, wind chill 25. Sunrise 6:28am, Sunset 5:47pm. |
3/3/2010 |
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03-02-10: High 38, Low 26, wind NW, N and a touch
from the NE, calm-10 mph. At 5:00am temp 25, wind NW
6 mph, dew point 21, humidity 82%, wind chill 18.
Sunrise 6:26am, Sunset 5:48pm. |
3/4/2010 |
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03-03-10: High 41, Low 25, wind N & NW 5-16 mph.
At 5:00am temp 24, wind NW 3 mph, dew point 17,
humidity 73%. Sunrise 6:25am, Sunset 5:49. Grateful for the slow snow melt. Another sign of spring: The Cubs first pre-season baseball game is today. |
3/5/2010 |
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03-04-10: High 46, Low 24, wind N & NW calm-12 mph.
Got the grill out last night! At 5am temp 24, wind
NNW 3 mph, dew point 21, humidity 85%. Yesterday I had another sign of spring, 2 ROBINS. I also had a
coyote yipping and barking trying to lure my two big dogs away, it didn't work. I did drive out to see it
and it was not scared of me at all! Its was at the old Ottawa airport. Sunrise 6:23am, Sunset 5:50pm. |
3/6/2010 |
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03-05-10: High 47, Low 24, wind NW, N, NE & E
calm-8 mph. At 5:20am temp 24, wind calm, dew point 20, humidity 87%. Sunrise 6:21am, Sunset 5:51pm.
Checking the rivers at 4am Fox River 7.22/flood stage 12. IL River 13.79/flood stage 20. Today in Arizona it's The Cubs vs. The Sox. |
3/7/2010 |
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03-06-10: High 50, Low 24, wind S & SE calm-9 mph.
At 5:15am temp 31, wind SE 3 mph, dew point 27,
humidity 84%. Sunrise 6:20am, Sunset 5:52pm. |
3/8/2010 |
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03-07-10: High 40, Low 30, wind SE, E & NW calm-11
mph, rain .32 in gauge. At 5:15am Fog, temp 35, wind
calm, dew point 34, humidity 97%. Sunrise 6:18am,
Sunset 5:54pm. Six days left of CST. |
3/9/2010 |
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03-08-10: High 45, Low 35, wind NW, SE & E calm-6 mph.
At 5am THICK DENSE FOG, temp 33, wind calm, dew point 32, humidity 97%. At 3am IL River at La Salle is slowly rising 15.39/flood stage 20. Average temps for today 47/26, Sunrise 5:17am, Sunset 5:55pm. |
3/10/2010 |
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03-09-10: High 56, Low 32, wind E & SE calm-15 mph,
rain .13 in gauge. At 5:15am temp 47, wind SE 10 mph, dew point 45, humidity 94%, wind chill 41. Sunrise
6:15am, Sunset 5:56pm. At 4am rivers slowly rising,
IL River at LaSalle 15.93/flood stage 20, Fox River at Dayton 7.92/flood stage 12. |
3/11/2010 |
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03-10-10: High 67, Low 46, wind SE, S, SW & E 5-16 mph
w/gust 21 mph. At 5:15am thunderstrom approaching,
temp 50, wind SE 9 mph, dew point 46, humidity 86%.
Sunrise 6:13am, Sunset 5:57pm. |
3/12/2010 |
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03-11-10: High 66, Low 46, wind E, SE, S & W 3-18 mph
w/gust 25 mph. First thunderstorm of the season, rain
.27 in gauge. At 5:25am temp 36, wind SE 5 mph,
dew point 34, humidity 89%. At 4am IL River at LaSalle
17.80 & rising/flood stage 20. Fox River at Dayton
9.50 & rising/flood stage 12. Sunrise 6:12am, Sunset 5:58pm. |
3/13/2010 |
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03-12-10: High 50, Low 35, wind SW, SE, N & NE
calm-23 mph w/gust 28. Heavy rain over night .97
in gauge. Backyard is a large pond and sump pump is working overtime. At 5:30am temp 46, wind NE 13 mph
w/gust 17 mph, dew point 43, humidity 96%. RIVERS R
RISING! At 4am IL River at LaSalle 19.42/flood stage 20. Fox River at Dayton 10.17/flood stage 12. Forecast predictions for rivers should be reviewed
as the ground is saturated! Sunrise 6:10am, Sunset 5:59pm. See you an hour earlier tomorrow. |
3/14/2010 |
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03-13-10: High 50, Low 44, wind NE 13-25 mph w/gust 29, drizzle .04 in gauge. At 5:30 cdt temp 41, wind
NE 12 mph, dew point 38, humidity 88%, wind chill 34
and some drizzle. At 4am IL River at LaSalle 22.08/flood stage 20, Fox River at Dayton 10.7 and holding/flood stage 12. Sunrise 7:08am, Sunset 7pm. |
3/15/2010 |
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03-14-10: High 53, Low 41, wind N & NE 6-25 mph w/gust
30 mph, early am drizzle left a trace in the gauge.
At 5am temp 39, wind N 5 mph, dew point 37, humidity 88%, wind chill 36. At 3am both rivers appear to have crested, Fox River 10.46 and falling/flood stage 12.
IL River at LaSalle 23.27 and holding/flood stage 20.
Sunrise 7:07am, Sunset 7:01pm. |
3/16/2010 |
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03-15-10: High 53, Low 39, wind NE & N calm-14 mph
w/gust 18 mph. At 5:15am temp 36, wind NW 5 mph, dew point 34, humidity 91%, wind chill 32. Its going to be a beautiful day today! IL. River at LaSalle 22.85
/flood stage 20. Sunrise 7:05am, Sunset 7:03pm. |
3/17/2010 |
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03-16-10: High 62, Low 35 (frost on rooftops)
wind NW & W calm-17 mph. At 5am Dense Fog, temp 35,
wind calm, dew point 34, humidity 98%. At 4am IL
River at LaSalle 22.09/flood stage 20. Sunrise 7:03am,
Sunset 7:04pm. Congrats to St. Columba 7th grade girl
volleyball STATE CHAMPS!!! Happy SPD and the rest of the day to you. |
3/18/2010 |
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03-17-10: High 66, Low 33, wind W & NW calm-8 mph and a grand day is was. At 5:15am temp 39, wind WNW 6 mph, dew point 35, humidity 86%, wind chill 35. At 3am
IL River at LaSalle 21.51/flood stage 20. Sunrise 7:02am, Sunset 7:05pm. |
3/19/2010 |
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03-18-10: High 65, Low 37, wind NW, W & SW 5-22 mph.
Morning haze/light fog and spotty rooftop frost. At 5:15am temp 42, wind SW 3 mph, dew point 38, humidity 84%.
At 4am IL River at LaSalle 21.19/flood stage 20. Sunrise 7am, Sunset 7:06pm. Happy St. Joseph Day. |
3/20/2010 |
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03-19-10: High 68, Low 42, wind SW, W, NW & N 3-23
mph. At 5:30am started out as light drizzle turning to light rain in the last 15 minutes, temp 36, wind NE
9 mph w/gust 20 mph, dew point 31, humidity 83%,
wind chill 29. Sunrise 6:58am, Sunset 7:07pm.
Total precip will be in tomorrows report as it just started at obsv time. |
3/21/2010 |
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03-20-10: High 42 (12:01am) Low 30, wind N & NE 7-24
mph w/gust 30 mph. Rain, sleet & then snow .16 in
gauge, 99% of snow melted. At 6:45am temp 33, wind NE
9 mph, dew point 30, humidity 88%, wind chill 25. At 5am IL River at LaSalle 19.99/flood stage 20.
Sunrise 6:57am, Sunset 7:08pm. |
3/22/2010 |
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03-21-10: High 48, Low 33, wind NE 8-20 mph w/gust 25.
At 5:15am temp 34, wind NE 8 mph, dew point 27,
humidity 74%, wind chill 27. Sunrise 6:55am, Sunset
7:09pm. |
3/23/2010 |
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03-22-10: High 59, (Bank 60) Low 32, wind N, NE & E
calm-21 mph w/gust 26 mph. At 5:15am temp 29, wind
calm, dew point 24, humidity 76%. Sunrise 6:53am,
Sunset 7:10pm. |
3/24/2010 |
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03-23-10: High 68, Low 27, noticed frost on rooftops,
wind SW & E calm-12 mph. At 5:15am temp 40, wind ENE
6 mph, dew point 32, humidity 64%. Sunrise 6:51am,
Sunset 7:11pm. Cooked out on the grill last night. |
3/25/2010 |
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03-24-10: High 58, Low 39, NE & E calm-13 mph, rain .29 in gauge. At 5:15am temp 43, wind NE 8 mph,
dew point 40, humidity 93% and a driveway full of
(small) earth worms. Sunrise 6:50am, Sunset 7:12pm. |
3/26/2010 |
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03-25-10: High 49, Low 28 (11:59pm) wind NE & N
6-28 mph w/gust 35 mph and .01 left over in the gauge
from after yesterday's 5:15am reading. Temps started crashing after lunch. At 5:15am temp 24, wind NE 5 mph, dew point 21, humidity 78%, wind chill 18.
Sunrise 6:48am, Sunset 7:14pm. |
3/27/2010 |
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03-26-10: High 50, Low 24, wind NE, E & SE calm-13 mph, heavy frost on rooftops yesterday morning. At 6am temp 34, wind SE 8 mph, dew point 28, humidity 77%, wind chill 27. Sunrise 6:46am, Sunset 7:15pm. |
3/28/2010 |
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03-27-10: High 54, Low 33, wind SE, E & NE 6-18 mph
w/gust 25 mph. At 5:30am temp 41, wind N 13 mph,
dew point 35, humidity 72%, wind chill 34. Sunrise
6:45am, Sunset 7:16pm. Happy Palm Sunday. |
3/29/2010 |
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03-28-10: High 60, Low 40, wind E, N & NE 8-24 mph
w/gust 30 mph, trace of raindrops on my windshield
early in the morning. At 5:10am temp 31, wind NW 9 mph, dew point 28, humidity 80%, wind chill 24.
Bright full moon this morning. Sunrise 6:43am, Sunrise 7:17pm. Yesterday I noticed one yard mowed.
I putted around with the pool and put air in the boat trailer. There are limited patches in the yard growing faster than the rest, time to move the snow blower back and bring the mowers up front in the garage, the up coming warmth this week will make it grow for sure. |
3/30/2010 |
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03-29-10: High 57, Low 29, wind NW, N, NE, E & SE
calm-11 mph. At 5:15am temp 30, wind SE 5 mph, dew point 27, humidity 85%, wind chill 25. Sunrise 6:41am,
Sunset 7:18pm. Yesterday I noticed another yard that was cut. |
3/31/2010 |
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03-30-10: High 68, Low 30, wind SE & S 3-22 mph w/gust
30 mph. At 5:15am temp 50, wind S 11 mph, dew point 43, humidity 69%. Sunrise 6:40am, Sunset 7:19pm. We must sound like a bunch of old farmers, we either have too much rain or not enough of it. |
4/1/2010 |
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03-31-10: High 81, Low 50, wind S & SW 7-25 mph
w/gust 30 mph. At 5:15am temp 54, wind SW 9 mph
w/gust 15 mph, dew point 46, humidity 66%. Record for today is 84 degrees in 2003, will it be broken?
Sunrise 6:38am, Sunset 7:20pm. Total rain 2.19 for March at my location. Happy Maundy Thursday and I hope everyone has a blessed Easter Triduum. |
4/2/2010 |
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04-01-10: High 86, Low 54, wind SW & S 9-31 mph.
At 5:30am temp 58, wind mainly S 7-10 mph, dew point
50, humidity 62%. Sunrise 6:36am, Sunset 7:21pm.
Drove to Lombard yesterday and saw a couple of farmers
in their fields making applications. Will we break another temp record today? I'll bet we do. 78 degrees in 2003. |
4/3/2010 |
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04-02-10: High 81 (record was 78) Low 56 (at 11:59pm)
wind S, SW & W 7-35 mph w/gust 40 mph. Rain .05 started before dawn. At 6:50am temp 52, wind SW 9 mph
w/gust 14 mph, dew point 48, humidity 87%. Sunrise
6:35am, Sunset 7:22. Normal temps should be 55/34. |
4/4/2010 |
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04-03-10: High 61, Low 47, wind S, SW, W, NW back to
W, SW & S 8-24 mph w/gust 32 mph. Left over .09 rain in gauge, making a total of .14 for yesterday. At 5:30am temp 43, wind SE 7 mph w/gust 12 mph, dew point
37, humidity 68%, wind chill 39. Sunrise 6:33am, Sunset 7:23pm. Yesterday put snow blower to the back of the garage and got all of the mowers working and ready. |
4/5/2010 |
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04-04-10: High 72, Low 43, wind SE, S & E 6-31 mph
w/gust 40 mph, light afternoon rain and evening
thunderstorm .49 in gauge. At 5am FOG, temp 51, wind
NW 8 mph, dew point 50, humidity 98%. Normal temps
54/33 and Sunrise 6:31am, Sunset 7:24pm. |
4/6/2010 |
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04-05-10: High 72, Low 49, wind NW, W, SW, S & SE
calm-14 mph. At 5:15am temp 62, wind S 5 mph w/gust
12 mph, dew point 59, humidity 91%. The warm front has gone through here but just north of Ottawa temps are still in the 50's. Yesterday storms went south of
us and this morning hopefully they'll stay north of us. Why? Forecast of 60 mph winds and half dollar hail are enough for me! Sunrise 6:30am, Sunset 7:25. |
4/7/2010 |
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04-06-10: High 83, Low 62, wind S & SW 5-31 mph, rain
.30 in gauge from over night rain. At 5:15am
temp falling 59, raining, wind WSW 6 mph, dew point 57, humidity 94%. At 4am IL River 16.60/flood stage 20, Fox River 8.61/flood stage 12. Normal temp for today 59/34. Sunrise 6:28am, Sunset 7:27pm. Happy
81st B-Day Dad. |
4/8/2010 |
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04-07-10: High 73 (12:01am) Low 41 (11:59pm)
Daytime high 65, wind SW, S, SE E, NE & N calm-15 mph
except durning early am rain 15-29 mph, rain .07 in gauge. Cold front came through just after 3pm as I watched storm clouds try to form including updraft and weak rotation and then it fell apart in front of my eyes. To Ottawa's SE thunderstorms & warnings.
At 5am temp 36, wind NW 7 mph, dew point 33, humidity
83%, wind chill 30. Sunrise 6:26am, Sunset 7:28pm. |
4/9/2010 |
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04-08-10: High 46, Low 36, wind N & NW 5-21 mph w/gust
21 mph, trace of rain with a few drops on the windshield. At 5:15am temp 31, wind SW 3
mph, dew point 26, humidity 83%. At 4am IL River holding its own at 18.44/flood stage 20, Fox River is 8.65 flood stage 12. Sunrise 6:25am, Sunset
7:29pm. |
4/10/2010 |
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04-09-10: High 63, Low 30 (frost) wind SW, W, NW,
E & SE calm-12 mph w/gust 18 mph. At 5:30am temp 41,
wind SSE 7 mph, dew point 32, humidity 64%, wind chill 35. Sunrise 6:23am, Sunset 7:30pm. Cutting my grass/yard today for the first time. Break out the baler! |
4/11/2010 |
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04-10-10: High 77, Low 40, and here is why my "W"
flag was tangled up...wind SE, S, SW, W, NW, N & NE
3-24 mph w/gust 31 mph. At 5:30am temp 46, wind ESE 4 mph, dew point 40, humidity 72%. Sunrise 6:22am,
Sunset 7:31pm. RIP Mrs. Stalker. |
4/12/2010 |
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04-11-10: High 71, Low 45, wind NE & E 4-17 mph w/gust
23 mph. At 5:10am temp 50, wind E 8 mph, dew point 31,
one of the lowest morning humidity readings in a long time of 52%. Small boats are starting to pop up on
The Fox River. Normal average temps 60/37. Sunrise
6:20am, Sunset 7:32pm. |
4/13/2010 |
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04-12-10: High 80, Low 48, wind E, SE & S 6-23 mph
w/gust 27 mph. At 4:50am temp 52, wind SE 8 mph,
dew point 42, humidity 62%. Record 84 in 2006. Sunrise 6:18am, Sunset 7:33pm. |
4/14/2010 |
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04-13-10: High 82, Low 50, wind SE & E calm-20 mph
w/gust 25 mph. At 5:15am temp 49, wind SE 7 mph,
dew point 42, humidity 77%. Ground/yard is starting to crack. Normal temp for today 60/38. Record 87 in 1977. Sunrise 6:17am, Sunset 7:34pm. |
4/15/2010 |
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04-14-10: High 86 (bank 88) Low 49, wind E, SE, S,
SW back to S 3-24 mph. We missed tying the record by 1 degree. At 5:15am temp 59, wind S 6 mph, dew point 46, humidity 59%. Record for today 89 in 2002. Normal
62/39. Sunrise 6:15am, Sunset 7:35pm. Happy Taxman Day. |
4/16/2010 |
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04-15-10: High 84, Low 58, wind S, SW & W 5-25 mph
w/gust 32 mph. Trace of rain at 4:30am this morning.
I checked the radar and a rain cloud was south of Ottawa heading east. At 5:10am temp 62, wind NW 9 mph,
dew point 58, humidity 80%. Normal temps 65/41.
Sunrise 6:14am, Sunset 7:36pm. |
4/17/2010 |
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04-16-10: High 68, Low 46 (11:59pm) wind W & NW
7-26 mph w/gust 32 mph, rain .01 in gauge. At 5:50am
temp 33, wind NW 8 mph, dew point 27, humidity 84%,
wind chill 28. Sunrise 6:12am, Sunset 7:37pm. |
4/18/2010 |
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04-17-10: High 63, Low 33, wind NW, N & NE 3-24 mph
w/gust 31 mph, frost at dawn on rooftops. I went to Naperville yesterday via Route 71 and the farmers were in their fields, I even saw one planting his crop. At 5:15am temp 34, wind calm, dew point 25,
humidity 67%. Normal temps 63/39. Sunrise 6:11am,
Sunset 7:38pm. With the farmers in the fields that can only mean one thing.....Start working on my boat!!!! |
4/19/2010 |
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04-18-10: High 64, Low 32, wind N, NE & E calm-15 mph
w/gust 20 mph. At 5:40am temp 34, wind calm, dew point
29, humidity 84%. Sunrise 6:09am, Sunset 7:39pm. Good
day for the farmers and their field work. I applied
weed & feed to my yard. |
4/20/2010 |
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04-19-10: High 64, Low 33, wind NE & E calm-13 mph
w/gust 18 mph. Limited spotty frost yesterday morning.
At 5:15am temp 39, wind calm, dew point 32, humidity
85%. Farmers in their fields. Sunrise 6:08am, Sunset
7:41pm. Length of day 13 hours & 32 minutes. |
4/21/2010 |
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04-20-10: High 68, Low 39, wind E, NE, N & NW calm-10
mph. At 5:00am temp 40, wind calm, dew point 32,
humidity 74%. Normal temps for today 64/41. Sunrise
6:06am, Sunset 7:42pm. |
4/22/2010 |
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04-21-10: High 75, Low 40, wind vrbl calm-10 mph
except late in the evening 13-22 mph. No rain in gauge but my deck is wet, trace of rain. At 5am temp
39, wind E 4 mph, dew point 34, humidity 81%. With the upcoming rain field work will come to a halt this weekend. Sunrise 6:05am, Sunset 7:43pm. |
4/23/2010 |
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04-22-10: High 73, Low 39, wind NE & E calm-11 mph.
At 5:15am temp 43, wind E 6 mph, dew point 34, humidity 70%, wind chill 39. Sunrise 6:03am, Sunset
7:44pm. |
4/24/2010 |
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04-23-10: High 61, Low 43, wind E & SE 6-21 mph w/gust
30 mph. Rain .37 in gauge. At 5:20am temp a mild 57,
wind SE 12 mph, dew point 54, humidity 87%. Normal temps for today 63/41. Sunrise 6:02am, Sunset 7:45pm. |
4/25/2010 |
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04-24-10: High 70, Low 55, wind SE & E 5-22 mph w/gust
28 mph. Rain .33 in gauge. At 5:30am temp 54, wind SE 9 mph, dew point 52, humidity 89%. Sunrise 6:00am,
Sunset 7:46pm. |
4/26/2010 |
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04-25-10: High 63, Low 49, wind SE, E, NE & N 6-24 mph
w/gust 30 mph, trace of rain/2 drops on my windshield.
So much for the predicted 2-3 inches of rain! At 5:15am temp 48, wind N 10 mph, dew point 42, humidity 78%, wind chill 44. Sunrise is before 6am @ 5:59am,
Sunset 7:47pm. |
4/27/2010 |
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04-26-10: High 68, Low 48, wind N & NE calm-17 mph.
At 5:15am temp 42, wind NE 7 mph, dew point 33,
humidity 65%. I was out in Dayton Twp. yesterday on E. 19th Rd. and saw corn popping up through the ground in one field. Sunrise 5:58am, Sunset 7:48pm. |
4/28/2010 |
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04-27-10: High 63, Low 42, wind N, NE & E 3-20 mph
w/gust 26 mph. At 5:00am we have the "pink" full moon,
temp 34, wind calm, dew point 29, humidity 81%. At 3am
IL River 12.29, Fox River 6.84. Normal temp for today 67/42. Sunrise 5:56am, Sunset 7:49pm. |
4/29/2010 |
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04-29-10: High 68, Low 32, wind SW, S & SE calm-14
mph w/gust 20 mph. Frost at sunrise on roofs, vehicles and on the grass. At 5:15am temp 49, wind SE
11 mph, dew point 38, humidity 67%. Sunrise 5:55am,
Sunset 7:50pm. Wind advisory for today, anchor it, nail it down or put it away. |
4/30/2010 |
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04-29-10: High 81, Low 49, wind SE & S 9-39 mph
w/gust 50 mph, trace of rain mid morning, a couple of drop were on my windshield. At 5am temp 61, wind S
9 mph, dew point 56, humidity 74%. Sunrise 5:53am,
Sunset 7:51pm. I'll submit total rainfall for the month tomorrow. This has to be one of the lower total readings for April. We haven't received a lot of rain for a month that is usually wet. |
5/1/2010 |
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04-30-10: High 82, Low 61, wind S & SW 3-35 mph w/gust
43 mph, evening t-storm w/thunder & lightning .10
in gauge. It came up via Peoria and it lost some energy as it entered LaSalle County. (thank you)
Enough thunder & lightning to spook the dogs. At 5:45am temp 59, wind S 8 mph, dew point 56, humidity 91%. Total rain 1.81 for April. Record for today 89 in 1987 and 31 in 1977. Normal temp for today 68/43.
Sunrise 5:52, Sunset 7:52. Good Luck to everyone in Spring Valley today at the regional Special Olympics Games. |
5/2/2010 |
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05-01-10: High 71, Low 58, wind S, SW & W calm-16 mph.
Heavy rain over night and this morning 1.62 in gauge.
At 5:30am rain has stopped, temp 52, wind calm, dew point 51, humidity 97%. Sunrise 5:51am, Sunset 7:53pm.
Sump pump has been very active this morning. |
5/3/2010 |
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05-02-10: High 71, Low 52, wind SW & W calm-11 mph.
Took a drive on E 16th Rd. Wallace Twp. and noticed 3 fields where corn is popping up through the ground.
At 5:15am temp 49, wind SW 3 mph, dew point 46,
humidity 89%. Sunrise 5:50am, Sunset 7:54pm. |
5/4/2010 |
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05-03-10: High 74, Low 49, wind SW, W & WNW 3-20 mph
w/gust 26 mph. At 5am temp 47, wind SW 4 mph, dew point 44, humidity 88%. Sunrise 5:48, Sunset 7:56pm.
Enjoy today, it will be the warmest day of the week. |
5/5/2010 |
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05-04-10: High 82, Low 47, wind S & SW 4-30 mph w/gust
36 mph, trace of rain at 8am which came in from the north and then cleared up. At 5am temp 57, wind NW 10 mph, dew point 45, humidity 66%. Normal temp for today
68/45. Sunrise 5:47am, Sunset 7:57pm. |
5/6/2010 |
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05-05-10: High 75, Low 54 (11:59pm) wind NW & W
3-25 mph w/gust 32 mph. At 5:30 temp 43, wind W 6 mph,
dew point 35, humidity 71%. Normal temps for today
69/44. Sunrise 5:46am, Sunset 7:58pm. |
5/7/2010 |
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05-06-10: High 73, Low 43, wind NW, vrlb mid-day
turning E calm-25 mph, rain early this morning .68
in gauge, more coming. At 6:25am temp 49, wind NE 13
mph, dew point 46, humidity 88%, wind chill 44.
Sunrise 5:45am, Sunset 7:59pm. Roughly 30 minutes more both sunrise and sunset until we hit maximum daylight. |
5/8/2010 |
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05-07-10: High 65, Low 46, wind E, NE, NW & W 3-28
mph w/gust 36 mph, leftover rain .19 in gauge making a total of .87 for Friday. At 5:10am temp 44, wind
WNW 18 mph w/gust 33 mph, dew point 35, humidity 73%,
wind chill 37. Normal temps for today 69/46.
Sunrise 5:44am, Sunset 8:00pm. |
5/9/2010 |
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05-08-10: High 50, Low 38 (11:59pm) wind W & NW
5-32 mph w/gust 44 mph, 6:30am drizzle .01 in gauge.
At 5am temp 33, FROST, wind NW 6 mph, dew point 28,
humidity 86%, wind chill 28. Normal temps 71/46.
Sunrise 5:42am, Sunset 8:01pm. Happy Mother's Day. |
5/10/2010 |
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05-09-10: High 61, Low 33, wind NW, N, NE & E calm-12
mph. At 5:15am temp 41, wind E 4 mph, dew point 34, humidity 65%. At 4am IL River 13.36, Fox River 7.50.
Normal temps 72/45. Sunrise 5:41am, Sunset 8:02pm.
Went to Peru yesterday and noticed corn fields with emerging green shutes, corn planting appears to be almost complete. |
5/11/2010 |
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05-10-10: High 62, Low 41, wind E & SE 4-25 mph
w/gust 30 mph, heavy rain this morning 1.29 in gauge.
At 5:45am temp 47, wind SE 12-23mph, dew point 44,
humidity 93%. Heavy rains seemed to be Ottawa and south, right now IL & Fox rivers seem to be OK. Sunrise 5:40am, Sunset 8:03pm. |
5/12/2010 |
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05-11-10: High 61, Low 47, wind SE, S, SW, W, NW & N
3-25 mph w/gust 40 during 3am rain event yesterday.
At 5:30am temp 45, wind E 8 mph, dew point 43, humidity 93%. At 4am IL River 15.48/flood stage 20.
Fox River 8.69/flood stage 12. Both rivers have risen
but are handling the recent rain, they probably will not handle a 1-2 inch rain thats in the forecast as the ground is wet. Flood watch??? Sunrise 5:39am, Sunset 8:04pm. |
5/13/2010 |
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05-12-10: High 58, Low 45, wind NE & E 5-24 mph w/gust
30 mph. Rain this morning .28 in gauge, when it was coming down it sounded like a monsoon. At 5:15am
light rain w/thunder & lightning, temp 53, wind E 7 mph, dew point 51, humidity 95% with more rain on the way. At 3am IL River is rising 17.02/flood stage 20,
Fox River holding its own at 8.67/flood stage 12 but very strong current! Sunrise 5:38am, Sunset 8:05pm. |
5/14/2010 |
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05-13-10: High 77, Low 53, wind E, SE, S, SW & W
calm-24 mph w/gust 35 mph. Rain .63 making yesterday's total .91 in the gauge. Fox River came up fast due to heavy rain's north of us. At 3am Fox River
13.50/flood stage 12, IL River 20.68/flood stage 20.
At 5am temp 48, wind SW 6 mph, dew point 44, humidity
87%. Sunrise 5:37am, Sunset 8:06pm. |
5/15/2010 |
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05-14-10: High 68, Low 48, wind SW & W 3-20 mph w/gust
25 mph and one large & healthy grey & white coyote.
At 5:30am temp 46, wind calm, a ground mist out in the field, dew point 44, humidity 95%. At 4am IL River
at LaSalle 21.68/flood stage 20. Fox River at Dayton
crested at noon 13.91 and is currently 12.86/flood
stage 12. Normal temps 72/48. Sunrise 5:36, Sunset
8:07. Took cover off boat yesterday and today removing cover from pool. Looks like we'll be warming up a little next week. |
5/16/2010 |
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05-15-10: High 69 (cleared at 5pm) Low 45,
wind SW, W then turned calm for most of the day, then
NE, calm-13 mph. At 5:15am temp 46, wind ENE 8 mph,
dew point 41, humidity 82%. At 4am yesterday IL River crested at LaSalle 21.68. At 4am today 21.04/flood stage 20. Normal temp 73/50. Sunrise 5:35am, Sunset
8:08pm. |
5/17/2010 |
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05-16-10: High 70, Low 46, wind NE & E 5-17 mph w/gust
22 mph. At 5am just started raining, temp 51, wind
NE 7 mph, dew point 46, humidity 75%. At 4am IL River at LaSalle 20.45/flood stage 20, Fox River at Dayton
10.66/flood stage 12. Sunrise 5:34am, Sunset 8:09pm.
Large boats put in on The Fox at SBC. This weekend I uncovered pontoon boat & got it ready, uncovered the pool and hook up filter. 2 weeks until Memorial Day!!! |
5/18/2010 |
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05-17-10: High 62, Low 51, wind E, NE & N 4-16 mph,
rain .08 in gauge. First OGFP game last night, I dressed up as if I was at a Bear game. At 5:10am temp
52, wind N 8 mph, dew point 47, humidity 76%. At 4am
IL River at LaSalle 19.82/flood stage 20. Normal temps
76/50. Sunrise 5:33am, Sunset 8:10pm. |
5/19/2010 |
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05-18-10: High 71, Low 52, wind N & NE calm-24 mph
w/gust 29 mph. At 5:30am temp 47, wind NE 4-7 mph,
dew point 43, humidity 78%. Records for today 92 in
1984 and 36 in 1968. Sunrise 5:32am, Sunset 8:11pm. |
5/20/2010 |
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05-19-10: High 80, Low 47, wind N, NE, E & SE 4-19 mph
w/gust 25 mph. At 5:15am temp 50, wind SE 3 mph,
dew point 46, humidity 80%. Normal temps 75/50.
Sunrise 5:32am, Sunset 8:12pm. |
5/21/2010 |
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05-20-10: High 71, Low 49, wind E & SE 3-21 mph w/gust
28 mph. Rain .27 in gauge. At 5:10am temp 58, wind
SE 5 mph, dew point 55, humidity 95%. Records for today 90 (1972) 33 (2002). Sunrise 5:31am, Sunset
8:13pm. |
5/22/2010 |
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05-21-10: High 75 (cleared at 6pm) Low 57, wind S & SE
calm-13 mph. Rain .06 in gauge. Rained heavy in some areas, hardly any at others. Did receive a call from eastside with heavy rain, downtown at work hardly anything. Very humid day. At 5:15am FOG, temp 58, wind W 3 mph, dew point 58, humidity 98%. Sunrise
5:30am, Sunset 8:14. Roughly another 15 minutes to gain on sunrise and sunsets. |
5/23/2010 |
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05-22-10: High 82, Low 58, wind W, SW, S & SE calm-15
mph. Fog lifted around 10am, heavy dew. Today at 5am
temp 64, wind SE 8 mph, dew point 60, humidity 89%.
Record for today 90 (1964) Can we break it? Normal temps 74/52. Sunrise 5:29am, Sunset 8:15pm. |
5/24/2010 |
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05-23-10: High 93 (Bank & Car 95) Low 64, wind SE, S
SW 6-17 mph, old temp record 90 in 1964 broken. At
5:10 temp 71, wind SE 5 mph, dew point 68, humidity 94%. Normal 73/50. Record 91 (1972) Sunrise 5:28am, Sunset 8:15pm. |
5/25/2010 |
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05-24-10: High 97 (bank 100/car 99) Low 71, wind S, SE
calm-13 mph w/gust 18 mph. At 5:15am temp 69, thunder can be heard far away and getting closer, it looks like it could rain, stationary storm near Peoria, wind SE 2 mph, dew point 65, humidity 89%. Sunrise 5:28am, Sunset 8:16pm.
5:45am update* watching clouds erupt and build like a atom bomb went off to the west!! |
5/26/2010 |
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05-25-10: High 88, Low 68, wind SE turning vrbl.
calm-14 mph w/gust 18 mph. Rain between 6am thru 7:34am
.20 in gauge, nothing more nothing less, more lightning than rain. At 5:15am temp 66, wind NW 7 mph,
dew point 65, humidity 91%. Normal temp 74/51. Sunrise
5:27am, Sunset 8:17pm. |
5/27/2010 |
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05-26-10: High 90 (bank 91) Low 66, wind NW & N
calm to 12 mph, trace of rain between 5 and 6:30pm, not enough to wet the deck. Around 7pm LaSalle County Emergency Notification came on cable TV advising tornado
south of Streator. Radar showed a "pop-up/stand still"
storm. Can a tornado develop in one of those situations? Radar did show bright red and purple.
At 5:15am temp 65, wind ENE 7 mph, dew point 61, humidity 88%. Sunrise 5:26am, Sunset 8:18pm. |
5/28/2010 |
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05-27-10: High 86, Low 65, wind E, NE & N 3-15 mph
w/gust 20 mph. At 5:15am temp 57, wind N 7 mph,
dew point 49, humidity 70%. Full Moon this morning otherwise known as the milk moon, hare moon or flower moon, depending where you live. Normal temp 76/53.
Sunrise 5:26am, Sunset 8:19pm. |
5/29/2010 |
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05-28-10: High 86, Low 57, wind N, NE & E 3-16 mph.
At 5:30am temp 59, wind calm, dew point 53, humidity
85%. Sunrise 5:25am, Sunset 8:20pm. School's out and with the memorial weekend its the unoffical start of summer! |
5/30/2010 |
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05-29-10: High 93, Low 59, wind NE, E & SE calm-10 mph. At 5:20am temp 66, wind calm, very light limited fog &/or haze, dew point 62, humidity 89%. Normal temp for today 76/54. At 4am IL River 17.60 and Fox River 7.47 Sunrise 5:25am, Sunset 8:20pm. |
5/31/2010 |
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05-30-10: High 95 (and humid) Low 66, wind E, SE, S
and SW calm-11 mph. At 5:50am temp 71, wind calm, dew
point 64, humidity 82%. Sunrise already happened, Sunset later tonight. |
6/1/2010 |
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05-31-10: High 83, Low 65, wind SW, W & E calm-17 mph
w/gust 25 mph as the front came in. Rain .20 in gauge.
At 5:30 very dense fog! Temp 63, wind calm, dew point 62, humidity 97%. Sunrise 5:24am, Sunset 8:22pm.
May precip 5.61 |
6/2/2010 |
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06-01-10: High 89, Low 63, wind SW & S calm-13 mph
w/gust 16 mph. Storms came in this morning in the wee hours, rain 1.13 in gauge. I had weather radio on and it seemed the heavy stuff was south of Ottawa. I kept hearing Streator, Wenona and Lacon area. Heck of a light show! At 5:15am temp 65, wind W 6 mph, dew point 63, humidity 93%. I was on the river yesterday and it was up due to 3 inches in Morris from the other day. Rivers will rise! At 4am IL River @ LaSalle 18.20/flood stage 20,
Fox River @ Dayton 7.28/flood stage 12. Strong currents and undertow, be careful! Sunrise 5:23am,
Sunset 8:23pm. |
6/3/2010 |
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06-02-10: High 80, Low 65, wind N, NW, W & SW calm-13
mph. At 5:15am temp 58, wind N 6 mph, dew point 53,
humidity 84%. At 4am IL River at LaSalle 20.10/flood
stage 20, Fox River at Dayton 10.13/flood stage 12.
Normal temp for today 78/54. Sunrise 5:23am, Sunset
8:23pm. Ode to Billy Joe day. What was she throwing off the bridge? |
6/4/2010 |
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06-03-10: High 80, Low 58, wind N, NE & E calm-12 mph.
At 5:10am temp 57, wind E 2 mph, dew point 52,
humidity 77%. Normal temp 78/54. At 3am IL River at
LaSalle 19.23/flood stage 20, Fox River at Dayton
8.78/flood stage 12. Keep an eye on the rivers if we get heavy rain that's in the forecast. Sunrise 5:23am, Sunset 8:24pm. |
6/5/2010 |
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06-04-10: High 89, Low 57, wind E, SE, S & SW calm-15
mph w/gust 22 mph. Afternoon rain .12 and this morning's thunder storm at 4:30am .17 equals .29 in gauge. At 8:15pm wall cloud N by NW of Ottawa, pink green gray colors.
RADAR READING placed cloud approx at Route 52 & 23 area, bright red readings w/purple in the NW (rear) area of cloud, by 8:35 it started to break up. At 6am temp 68,
wind calm, dew point 65, humidity 90%. Normal temps 78/55. Sunrise 5:22am, Sunset 8:25pm. Lets go HAWKS! |
6/6/2010 |
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06-05-10: High 84, Low 68, wind SW, W & NNW calm-25 mph w/gust 38 mph. Rain from early morning showers & evening t-storm .89 in gauge. Approx 8:20pm last night wall cloud from the west approaching Ottawa when wind from the NNW took wall cloud and its hanging fingers (from the cloud) slammed it to the SE. At that point I was making arrangements to head to the basement. 10 minutes later (and late as usual) the city tornado sirens came on. Earlier Streator had reported a tornado touchdown. Early reports seem to be in the Route 17 area. As far as Ottawa to early to report, if anything? (nothing on report at 5am @ NWS)
At 5:15am temp 58, wind NNW 13 mph, dew point 55, humidity 84%. Normal temps 80/56. At 3am IL River
18.99/flood stage 20, Fox River 8.71/flood stage 12.
Sunrise 5:22am, Sunset 8:25pm. |
6/7/2010 |
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06-06-10: High 80, Low 58, wind N, NW, W & E calm-25
mph. Gust of 36 mph at 5:45pm and a 19 degree temp
drop. At 5:15am temp 54, wind ENE 3 mph, dew point 52,
humidity 97%, heavy dew, fog over the bean field.
Sunrise 5:22am, Sunset 8:26pm. |
6/8/2010 |
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06-07-10: High 79, Low 54, wind vrbl. calm-11 mph.
Light rain this morning .01 in gauge. At 5:20am
overcast, temp 60, wind ESE 7 mph, dew point 54,
humidity 81%. Normal temps 82/57. We'll be below normal today and serious rain is on the way. MAXIUMUM
SUNRISE 5:21am for the next 10 days or so, Sunset 8:27pm. |
6/9/2010 |
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06-08-10: High 73, Low 60, wind E, SE, S & SW 7-17 mph
w/gust 23 mph. Rain .23 in gauge. At 5:15am temp 68,
wind WNW 7 mph, dew point 64, humidity 87%. Normal
temps 81/56. Sunrise (maximum) 5:21am, Sunset 8:27pm.
GO GO HAWKS!!!!!! |
6/10/2010 |
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06-09-10: High 85, Low 59 (11:59pm) wind NW & W 5-23
mph w/gust 30 mph. At 5:15am temp 56, wind calm, dew
point 54, humidity 91%. Today's records 93/1968 and
40/1972 Normal 80/55. Sunrise (maximum) 5:21am, Sunset
8:28pm. Nice to see Lord Stanley back in the house!
Way to go HAWKS!!!!!! |
6/11/2010 |
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06-10-10: High 85, Low 55, wind vrlb. calm-12 mph.
At 5:00am cloudy & overcast, temp 67, wind SE 3 mph,
dew point 64, humidity 87%. Normal temp 82/56.
Sunrise (maximum) 5:21am, Sunset 8:28pm. |
6/12/2010 |
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06-11-10: High 93, Low 67, wind E, SE, S & SW 3-25 mph
w/gust 33 mph. At 5:40am temp 73, wind SW 3 mph,
dew point 70, humidity 94%. Normal temp 82/59.
Sunrise (maximum) 5:21am, Sunset 8:29pm. |
6/13/2010 |
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06-12-10: High 85 (B4 storm) Low 68, wind vrbl calm-18
mph w/gust 26 mph. Ugly looking storm came through
around 3:05, rain .23 in gauge. I went downtown afterwards and it looked like heavier rain totals as you went south. At 5:40am fog and mist, temp 66,
wind E 4 mph, dew point 64, humidity 99%. At 4am IL River at LaSalle 18.14/flood stage 20, Fox River at Dayton 8.26/flood stage 12. Sunrise (maximum) 5:21am,
Sunset 8:29pm. "W" flag for sale, hardly used, cheap. |
6/14/2010 |
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06-13-10: High 80, Low 66, wind vrbl. calm-9 mph.
Rain .13 in gauge. At 5:15am FOG, thicker than yesterday, temp 68, wind calm, dew point 67, humidity 98%. Rivers holding, at 4am IL River 18.66/flood stage
20, Fox River 8.21/flood stage 12. Sunrise (maximum)
5:21am, Sunset 8:30pm. |
6/15/2010 |
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06-14-10: High 79, Low 64, wind NE & E calm-15 mph.
Rain .03 in gauge. At 5:00am overcast, temp 64, wind
calm, dew point 61, humidity 91%. Record high for this date 100/1987 and low 42/1965. Sunrise (maximum)
5:21am, Sunset 8:30pm. |
6/16/2010 |
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06-15-10: High 82, Low 64, wind E, SE, S & SW calm-12
mph, rain .03 in gauge. At 4:59am clear, temp 62,
wind NW 5 mph, dew point 59, humidity 91%. Normal temps for today 80/57. At 4am IL River is rising, at
Morris 10.3/flood stage 16, at LaSalle 18.58/flood stage 20. Sunrise (maximum) 5:21am, Sunset 8:30pm. |
6/17/2010 |
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06-16-10: High 83, Low 62, wind NW, W, SW 3-16 mph
w/gust 22 mph. At 4:59am clear, temp 61, wind calm, dew point 59, humidity 96%. I'm surprised we don't have any fog, perfect conditions for it. At 4am IL
River at LaSalle 19.64/flood stage 20. Record temps
93/1977 and 43/1980. Sunrise (maximum) 5:21am, Sunset
8:31pm. |
6/18/2010 |
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06-17-10: High 89, Low 61, wind E, SE & S calm-13 mph.
Rain this morning .02 in gauge. At 5:50am temp 67,
wind ESE 7 mph, dew point 64, humidity 90%. Yesterday I was on the rivers, the IL is up and swift currents!
At 4am at LaSalle IL River 19.92/flood stage 20.
Normal temps for today 83/58. Sunrise (maximum) 5:21am, Sunset 8:31pm. |
6/19/2010 |
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06-18-10: High 93, Low 65, wind vrbl. calm-42 mph
w/gust during afternoon storm of 53 mph. Rain 1.25
in gauge. Afternoon rain .32 and .93 overnight.
At 5:15am temp 64, wind SW 4 mph, dew point 62, humidity 92%. At 4am IL River at Ottawa 460.84/flood
stage 463, at LaSalle 19.86/flood stage 20. Fox River at Dayton 8.54/flood stage 12. Sunrise (maximum) 5:21am, Sunset 8:31pm. Final note: no hail, some tree
damage around town. The afternoon storm was the stronger one, at one point had the kids go into the basement
when winds hit gust of 53 mph when the afternoon front came through. |
6/20/2010 |
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06-19-10: High 89, Low 64, wind SW, W, NW & N calm-16
mph w/gust 22 mph. At 5:15am temp 65, wind NW 5 mph, dew point 63, humidity 92%, rain on the way which will be in tomorrow's report. At 5am IL River at Ottawa 461.28/flood stage 463, LaSalle 21.09/flood stage 20, Fox River at Dayton 9.63/flood stage 12.
Sunrise (maximum) 5:21am, Sunset 8:31pm. Longest day will be tomorrow. Happy Father's Day. |
6/21/2010 |
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06-20-10: High 88, Low 65, wind vrbl. calm-10 mph.
Rain barely .03 in gauge. At 5:15am more rain on the way, temp 68, wind E 5 mph, dew point 64, humidity 83%. At 4am IL River at LaSalle 21.62/flood stage 20.
Sunrise 5:21am (last maximum day) Sunset (maximum)
8:32pm. Happy 1st "calender" day of summer! |
6/22/2010 |
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06-21-10: High 91, Low 68, wind E, SW & S calm-12 mph
w/gust 18 mph. Rain .64 from 7am storm, nothing else
as pm storms went south of us. At Peck Park OGFP games
were called at 8:45pm from visable lightning from Pontiac area storm. (side note: that area was under tornado warning) At 5:10am temp 69, wind calm, dew
point 67, humidity 88%. At 3am IL River at LaSalle
21.38/flood stage 20. Sunrise 5:21am, Sunset (maximum)
8:32pm. The mornings will now be getting shorter. |
6/23/2010 |
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06-22-10: High 87, Low 69, wind W, SW & S calm-16 mph.
At 4:55am temp 75 (warmest morning so far) wind S 8 mph, dew point 72, humidity 88%. Normal 81/59. Records
for today 95/1988 and 40/1972. At 4am IL River at Ottawa 461.02/flood stage 463, at LaSalle 21.25/flood
stage 20. Sunrise 5:22am, Sunset (maximum) 8:32pm.
Currently under a t-storm watch. |
6/24/2010 |
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06-23-10: High 94, Low 69, wind S & SW except W & NW
during afternoon storm, 3-24 mph w/gust 44 mph.
Morning rain .79 and afternoon rain .68 total of 1.47
in gauge. At 5:15 temp 63, wind NW 8 mph, dew point 60, humidity 89%. Rivers R Rising! At 3:45am Fox River at Dayton 12.43/flood stage 12. IL River at Morris 14.83/flood stage 16, Ottawa 463.45/flood stage 463, LaSalle 23.30/flood stage 20. Riverbottom contest at Pekin Boat Club has been moved to Pekin City Park due to flooding, event is Saturday. Normal temps for today 83/59, we will be close to those today. Sunrise 5:22am, Sunset (maximum) 8:32pm. |
6/25/2010 |
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06-24-10: High 85, Low 63, wind N & NW calm-13 mph.
At 5:15am temp 65, wind calm, dew point 64, humidity
95%, fog bank to the NW. At 3:45am Fox River at Dayton
11.91/flood stage 12, Fox River at LaSalle 25.13/flood stage 20. Sunrise 5:23am, Sunset (maximum)
8:32pm. Cutting my grass twice a week and still need to bale it afterwards. |
6/26/2010 |
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06-25-10: High 87, Low 63, wind SW & S calm-12 mph.
Summer thunderstorm came through this morning around 3:30am, rain .36 in gauge, Chicagoland caught the blunt of it. At 5:30am temp 68, wind SW 6 mph, dew
point 67, humidity 92%. At 4:30am IL River at Ottawa
462.81/flood stage 463, at LaSalle 24.84/flood stage
20. Sunrise 5:23, Sunset (maximum) 8:32pm. Did you know you have 182 shopping days until Christmas? |
6/27/2010 |
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06-26-10: High 91, Low 68, wind S, SW and a splash of W calm-15 mph. At 5:40am temp 75, wind SW 7 mph, dew point 72, humidity 89%. At 4:30am IL River at LaSalle
24.45/flood stage 20. Normal temp for today 85/61.
Sunrise 5:23am, Sunset (maximum) 8:32pm. Congrads
to Ottawa Shoreline Boat Club, winners of 2010 Miss
Riverbottom at Pekin, IL. |
6/28/2010 |
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06-27-10: High 89, Low 74, wind S, SW & W 3-19 mph
w/gust 23 mph. Around 9:15 to 9:30 a downpour .32 in
the gauge. At 5am temp 68, wind WNW 7 mph, dew point
65, humidity 88%. At 3:30am IL River at LaSalle 24.09/
flood stage 20. Normal temps for today 85/61. Sunrise
5:24, Sunset (maximum) 8:32pm. |
6/29/2010 |
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06-28-10: High 84, Low 64, wind W & NW 5-19 mph w/gust
26 mph. At 5:15am clear, temp 57, wind NNE 5 mph, dew point 55, humidity 91%. Normal temps 85/61. At 3:30am
IL River at LaSalle 23.60/flood stage 20. Sunrise 5:24am, Sunset (maximum)
8:32pm. |
6/30/2010 |
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06-29-10: High 79, Low 57, wind NW, N, NE & E 3-9 mph.
At 5:15am clear, temp 55, wind calm, dew point 52,
humidity 88%. At 4am IL River 22.93/flood stage 20.
Total rain 7.06 for June. Sunrise 5:25am, Sunset
(maximum) 8:32pm. |
7/1/2010 |
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06-30-10: High 80, Low 55, wind vrbl settling in from the E, calm-10 mph. At 5:10am brisk! temp 52, wind
calm, dew point 48, humidity 89%. At 4am IL River
22.12/flood stage 20. Records for today 99/1970 and
45/1988. Sunrise 5:25am, Sunset (maximum) 8:32pm.
Total precpt. for June 7.06 |
7/2/2010 |
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07-01-10: High 82, Low 52, wind NE, E & SE calm-12 mph. Many referred to yesterday as "a perfect day."
At 5:25am temp 55, wind calm, dew point 52, humidity
87%. At 4:30am IL River at LaSalle 21.37/flood stage
20. Sunrise 5:26am, Sunset (maximum) 8:32pm. Good Luck
to all of the acts tonight at the "Gong Show". |
7/3/2010 |
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07-02-10: High 85, Low 55, wind SE & S calm-16 mph.
At 5:30am temp 60, wind SE 8 mph, dew point 54,
humidity 80%. At 4am IL River at LaSalle 20.92/flood
stage 20. Sunrise 5:26am, Sunrise (maximum) 8:32pm.
Gong Show winner: Sisters Act 2 & 1/2. |
7/4/2010 |
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07-03-10: High 90, Low 60, wind SE, S, SW back to S
3-14 mph. Yesterday must have been "baby robins leave the nest day." All of our nests were empty and a lot of baby robins hopping around the yard. At 5:20am
temp 68, wind S 7 mph, dew point 64, humidity 85%.
At 4am IL River at LaSalle 20.24/flood stage 20.
Normal temps 84/62. Sunrise 5:27am, Sunset (maximum)
8:32pm. Happy 4th of July, the mid point of summer. |
7/5/2010 |
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07-04-10: High 93, Low 68, wind S & SW 5-17 mph w/gust 22 mph, hit & miss rain, trace but nothing in
the gauge, barely wet the deck. At 6:30am temp 76,
wind S 9 mph, dew point 69, humidity 78%. Extremes for today 97/1966 and 42/1972. Normal temps 83/60.
Sunrise 5:27am, Sunset 8:31. We've lost 7 minutes of
sunlight as we fall back into winter. |
7/6/2010 |
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07-05-10: High 94 (car 96) Low 75, wind S & SW 7-24
mph w/gust 30 mph. At 5:10am temp 74, wind SSW 8 mph
w/gust 14 mph, dew point 66, humidity 83%. Sunrise 5:28am, Sunset 8:31pm. I was out on the river yesterday, the Ottawa pool is almost back to normal,
nice day and not a lot of traffic. |
7/7/2010 |
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07-06-10: High 96, Low 74, wind S & SW calm-15 mph
w/gust 23 mph. Only a trace in gauge. At 5pm I was at the eastside of Ottawa and it was raining cats and dogs, at home it barely wet the deck. At 5:15am temp 69, wind ESE 3 mph, dew point 67, humidity 94%. Sunrise 5:29am,
Sunset 8:31pm. |
7/8/2010 |
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07-09-10: High 97, Low 69, wind SE, S & SW calm-14 mph except around 4:30pm storm front went by to the NW
of Ottawa, wind, no rain, NW 23-35 mph. Overnight rain .12 in gauge. First measureable rain in a while, yards are turning brown. At 5:25am cloudy, temp 72,
wind calm, dew point 70, humidity 93%. Sunrise 5:29am,
Sunset 8:30pm. |
7/9/2010 |
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07-08-10: High 89, Low 72, wind NW calm-8 mph. At
5:15am cloudy, temp 70, wind NNW 6 mph, dew point 66,
humidity 85%. Sunrise 5:30am, Sunset 8:30pm. |
7/10/2010 |
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07-09-10: High 88, Low 70, wind N, NW & W calm-13 mph
w/gust 17 mph. Yards turning light brown, cut the
grass once this week instead of twice. LaSalle County 4-H Fair is next week, a sign that summer is slowly slipping away. About 5 weeks until school starts again. At 5:10am clear, temp 63, wind calm, dew point 60, humidity 89%. Records for today 101/1966 and 48/1975. Sunrise 5:31am, Sunset 8:29pm. |
7/11/2010 |
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07-10-10: High 90, Low 63, wind NW & W calm-19 mph.
I was out on the IL River yesterday and watched a storm develop in the far distance which ended up in Indiana as a severe thunderstorm. Funny how we can watch something that far off and it effects people that far away.
At 5:20am temp 64, wind ESE 5 mph, dew point 61,
humidity 91%. Normal temps for today 87/64. Sunrise
5:31am, Sunset 8:29pm. |
7/12/2010 |
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07-11-10: High 84, Low 64, wind SE S & SW calm-15 mph
w/gust 25 mph during t-storm which popped up out of nowhere at 7:55pm leaving .03 in gauge. At 5:15am FOG
1/4 mile visb. temp 62, wind N 3 mph, dew point 61, humidity 97%. Sunrise 5:32am, Sunset 8:28pm. |
7/13/2010 |
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07-12-10: High 89, Low 62, wind vrbl calm-10 mph. Rain
overnight .24 in gauge. At 5:10am 68 and sticky, wind calm, dew point 66, humidity 94%. Records for today
97 in 1981 and 47 in 1975, both in my lifetime. Sunrise 5:33am, Sunset 8:28pm. |
7/14/2010 |
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07-13-10: High 88, Low 68, wind N, NE, E & SE calm-8
mph. At 5:15am clear with haze/field fog, very light, temp 69, wind ESE 3 mph, dew point 67,
humidity 93% and heavy dew. Normal temps for today
86/64. Records 100 in 1977 and 51 in 1967. Sunrise
5:34am, Sunset 8:27pm. |
7/15/2010 |
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07-14-10: High 98, Low 69, wind E, SE & S calm-11 mph
w/gust 16 mph. At 5:15am temp 79, warmest morning of the year, wind S 8 mph w/gust 12 mph, dew point 74,
humidity 85%. Happy St. Swithum and or Swithin Day. If you listened to WCFL back in the day you'll know.
Sunrise 5:34am, Sunset 8:27pm. |
7/16/2010 |
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07-15-10: High 92, Low 67 (11:59pm) wind S, SW, W & NW
3-14 mph w/gust 20 mph. No rain yesterday on St. Swithun's Day so that means 40 days of fair weather, no rain. (we'll see) At 5:15am temp 62, wind calm, dew
point 59, humidity 89%. Sunrise 5:35am, Sunset 8:26pm. |
7/17/2010 |
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07-16-10: High 91, Low 62, wind NW, W & SW calm-11 mph, not as humid as yesterday. Nice night for a cook-out on the grill by the pool. At 5:20am its clear, temp 67, wind S 5 mph, the "W" flag waving nicely, dew point 64, humidity 86%. Sunrise 5:36am, Sunset 8:25pm. |
7/18/2010 |
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07-17-10: High 94, Low 67, wind S, SW, W & NW calm-10
mph. Lawns are brown & dormant, only the weeds are growing. At 5:20am clear, temp 70, wind SSE 4-6 mph,
dew point 66, humidity 89%. Sunrise 5:37am, Sunset
8:25pm. We've lost 23 minutes of daylight as we head back into winter. |
7/19/2010 |
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07-18-10: High 91 (high dew points and humidity), Low
70, wind SE, S, SW, W & NW 3-16 mph w/gust 25 mph.
At 5:00am temp 66, heavy dew, wind calm, dew point 62, humidity 89%.
Sunrise 5:38am, Sunset 8:24pm. Next report 07/23. |
7/20/2010 |
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7/21/2010 |
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7/22/2010 |
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3 day report. Not one drop in rain gauge. This report is for 07-19 thru 07-21. (Filled in 0.00 for missing days.) |
7/23/2010 |
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07-22-10: High 95, Low 72, wind SE, S & SW calm-24 mph. At 5:20am temp 78, wind vrbl 4 mph, dew point 71,
humidity 80%. Back from the Dells, left yesterday in a monsoon/heavy rainfall. This morning from my house I can see for miles and I can see the rain to the north thats in DeKalb or farther north. Still dry and no rain in gauge, grass brown, watered trees and bushes. Sunrise 5:41am,
Sunset 8:21pm. |
7/24/2010 |
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07-23-10: High 98, Low 73. Rain: T at 6am enough to wet the roads, .08 with 5:20pm storm and .38 in the last 13 minutes=.47 in gauge. Damaging storm at 5:20pm
with extreme tree damage with many fallen on roofs, yards and streets. Power outages. Wind 57 mph. At 6:30am HEAVY RAIN,
temp 70, wind NNW 6-14 mph w/gust 25 mph, dew point 69, humidity 99%. Keep an eye on the rivers!!!! They will be rising due to heavy rains up north. |
7/25/2010 |
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07-24-10: High 91, Low 70, wind SW & W except NW during storm, calm-17 mph w/gust 25 mph. Rain .67 in gauge and 1.05 total for Saturday. At 5:15am temp 68,
wind N 7 mph, dew point 65, humidity 87%. Rivers R Rising. At 4am Fox River at Dayton 12.01/flood stage 12. IL River at LaSalle 16.29/flood stage 20. Sunrise 5:43am, Sunset 8:19pm. |
7/26/2010 |
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07-25-10: High 86, Low 68, wind NW, N, NE & E 5-13 mph. At 5:15am temp 59, wind calm, dew point 56,
humidity 85%. At 4:30am IL River at LaSalle 18.78/flood stage 20. Fox River at Dayton 11.21/flood
stage 12. Once again we are underwater in Chicago's
runoff, not because of our own. Sunrise 5:44am, Sunset
8:18pm. |
7/27/2010 |
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07-26-10: High 90, Low 59, wind E & SE calm-9 mph.
At 5:15am temp 68, wind calm, dew point 65, humidity 92%. All rivers have crested and are below "action" stage. Normal for today 84/63. Sunrise 5:45am, Sunset 8:17pm. For news articles and photos of Ottawa wind storm go to http://www.mywebtimes.com & did U know its 22 days until school and 151 shopping days before Christmas? |
7/28/2010 |
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07-27-10: High 95, Low 68, wind SE, S & SW calm-10 mph. At 5:10am full moon, temp 75, wind SW 7 mph, dew point 72, humidity 92%. Since June 1st there have been 23 days with 90 degrees or higher. Sunrise 5:46am, Sunset 8:16pm. Ottawa's 2010 Riverfest kicks off today. |
7/29/2010 |
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07-28-10: High 97, Low 72, wind SW, W, NW & N 3-13 mph
except during storm 20-27 mph which started around 3:25pm and by 4:15 we had .69 in gauge. At one point it came down so hard I couldn't see Route 80 and it was like a "white out." At 5:15am temp 63, wind NE 6 mph, dew point 61, humidity 84%. Normal 84/60 which is what we will be for a few days. Sunrise 5:47am, Sunset 8:15pm. Sidenote: I'm getting my gauge readings in the dark again, I have to turn on outside garage light. 20 days until school. |
7/30/2010 |
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07-29-10: High 87, Low 63, wind N, NE & E calm-8 mph.
At 5:10am temp 68, wind calm, dew point 60, humidity
75% and a very nice morning. Sunrise 5:48am, Sunset
8:14pm. 2010 Ottawa Riverfest is in full swing. |
7/31/2010 |
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07-30-10: High 81, Low 68, wind E & SE calm-12 mph
w/gust 16 mph. Rain .02 in gauge. At 5:45am cloudy,
temp 68, wind SSW 8 mph, dew point 65, humidity 90%.
Sunrise 5:49am, Sunset 8:13pm. 2nd day in a row without 90 degree temps. Summer is quickly passing us by. |
8/1/2010 |
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07-31-10: High 80 (barely) Low 68 (twice) wind vrbl.
calm-10 mph, occasional drizzle .02 in gauge, clearing by 5pm. At 6:15am DENSE FOG visibility under 500 feet,
temp 64, wind calm, dew point 63, humidity 98%. Total rain 2.26 for July. Sunrise 5:50am, Sunset 8:12pm. |
8/2/2010 |
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08-01-10: (last month of meteorological summer) High 88, Low 64, wind E & SE calm-6 mph. At 5:00am temp
67, wind calm, dew point 64, humidity 92%. Sunrise
5:51am, Sunset 8:11pm. We have lost 51 minutes of daylight. |
8/3/2010 |
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08-02-10: High 89, Low 67, wind SW, S & SE calm-10 mph. At 5:25 temp 73, storm moved in around 4:30 and in an hour time .26 of rain in gauge, wind NE 6-12 mph, dew point 70, humidity 93%. Keep an eye on The Fox, at 4am in Dayton 9.01/flood stage 12. Sunrise 5:52am, Sunset 8:10pm. |
8/4/2010 |
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08-03-10: High 96, Low 70, wind vrbl. calm-13 mph.
Leftover rain .09 in gauge. This report coming from my office as home internet service is out. All cable channels from Chicago are out. Strong storm coming our way. Temp 80, wind calm, dew point 78, humidity 93%. RIVERS R RISING! At 3:45am IL River at LaSalle 17.55/flood stage 20, Ottawa 461.55/flood stage 463.
Fox River at Dayton 11.51/flood stage 12. Joliet area has received excess rain, more coming and will end up here, anyone living along rivers BE ALERT! I was planning on going to Cub game today, wondering if I can make it in let alone make it out! (a slight concern in the back of my mind) Sunrise 5:53am,
Sunset 8:08pm. |
8/5/2010 |
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08-04-10: High 85, Low 71, morning rain from storm .73
and rain in the afternoon .06 = total .79 in gauge. Wind during storm 25-38 mph. At 4:55 temp 67, heavy dew, wind NW 5 mph, dew point 66, humidity 97%. At 3am
IL River at LaSalle 19.58/flood stage 20. Fox River at Dayton 11.43/flood stage 12. Sunrise 5:54am, Sunset 8:07pm.
I did make it to the Cub game (W) |
8/6/2010 |
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08-05-10: High 86, Low 67 wind W & NW 5-17 mph w/gust 25 mph. I do not count dew as precipitation. At 5:05am
temp 60, wind calm, dew point 57, humidity 88%. We will be normal today 82/61. Sunrise 5:55am, Sunset 8:06pm. |
8/7/2010 |
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08-06-10: High 84 (perfect day) Low 60, wind NW, W & SW calm-8 mph. At 5:40am approaching rain/storm cloud
from the NW, temp 63, wind SE 5 mph, dew point 60,
humidity 90%. Sunrise 5:56am, Sunset 8:05pm. |
8/8/2010 |
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08-07-10: High 89, Low 63, wind SW & S 3-15 mph. Rain
started after my report and ended by 6:45am with
.08 in gauge. Today at 5:30am temp 67, wind SSW 4 mph, dew point 64, humidity 86%. Record high for today 97 in 1980. Sunrise 5:57am, Sunset 8:03pm. Last full week before school starts. |
8/9/2010 |
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08-08-10: High 93, Low 67, wind S & SW calm-15 mph
w/gust 21 mph. Afternoon rain .02 in gauge. At 5:15am
temp 75, wind calm, dew point 71, humidity 86%. Rain on the radar approaching from the west. Record 100 in 1988. Sunrise 5:58am, Sunset 8:02pm. |
8/10/2010 |
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08-09-10: High 94, Low 75, wind vrbl calm-8 mph. Trace of rain at 6:30am, just enough to wet the driveway.
At 5:10am storm approaching, I can see lightning and hear thunder coming from SW, temp 76, wind calm with occassional wisp from the S 2 mph, dew point 74, humidity 89%. Normal 82/60. Sunrise 5:59am,
Sunset 8:01pm. 8th grader starts in a week and OHS starts in 8 days, where did the summer go?!!! |
8/11/2010 |
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08-10-10: High 95, Low 76, wind vrbl. calm-8 mph.
With all of that early morning lightning and thunder and lit up radar I didn't get a drop! Today at 5:15am
temp 70, wind calm, dew point 68, humidity 92%, heavy dew, deck is wet. Normal for today 82/59 and the record 95 in 1983, will it be broken today? Sunrise 6am, Sunset 8pm. |
8/12/2010 |
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08-11-10: High 94, Low 70, wind SW, W & NW calm-10 mph. At 5:10am Fog NW of me, W of E16th Rd on Rt 80,
temp 72, wind calm, dew point 71, humidity 95%. Sunrise 6:01am, Sunset 7:58pm. |
8/13/2010 |
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08-12-10: High 96, Low 72, wind S & SE calm-6 mph.
Last night that was a "Wet" Moon up in the sky. At 5:10am temp 73, wind SSE 4 mph, dew point 71, humidity 89%. On this Friday the 13th Sunrise will be at 6:02am, Sunset 7:57pm. School starts up next week! |
8/14/2010 |
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08-13-10: High 95, Low 73, wind SE & S calm-13 mph
except during 6:30pm storm W & NW 23 mph w/gust 35 mph, giving us .50 in gauge and overnight .34 equals .84 total. At 5:40am temp 69, wind SW 7 mph, dew point 67,
humidity 91%. Normal for today 82/60. Sunrise 6:03am,
Sunset 7:55pm. |
8/15/2010 |
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08-14-10: High 91, Low 69, wind S & SW than CALM! At 6:59am temp 73, wind NW 6 mph, dew point 71, humidity 91%. Sunrise 6:04am, Sunset 7:54. Happy first day of your lifes together to Meg & Dan. Outdoor reception last night, that might be why I'm a little late today : ) |
8/16/2010 |
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08-15-10: High 84, Low 65 (11:59pm) wind W & NW
calm-19 mph w/gust 25 mph. At 5am temp a refreshing 61, wind W 5 mph, dew point 58, humidity 86%. We will be almost normal today, which is 84/62. In our household grade school starts tomorrow! Sunrise 6:05am, Sunset 7:53pm. Summer is slip sliding away... |
8/17/2010 |
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08-16-10: High 83, Low 61, wind NW, W & SW 4-17 mph.
At 5:15am temp 63, wind calm, dew point 58, humidity
83%. Sunrise 6:06am, Sunset 7:51pm. Remember the Irish, Fear The Academy. |
8/18/2010 |
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08-17-10: High 78, Low 62, wind W & NW calm-7 mph. First day below 80 degrees since June 29th. Rain .05 in gauge. At 5:15am
light drizzle/mist, temp 64, wind calm, dew point 62, humidity 89%. Sunrise 6:07am, Sunset 7:50pm. Everybody's back to school at OHS today. (College student leaving Friday) |
8/19/2010 |
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08-18-10: High 87, Low 64, wind S, SE & E calm-9 mph.
At 5:05am temp 65, soft wind S 2 mph, dew point 62, humidity 86% and the OPD just drove by checking out the neighborhood. "Do you live here"? Yes, I'm just checking my rain gauge in the dark officer. Sunrise 6:08am, Sunrise 7:48pm. |
8/20/2010 |
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08-19-10: High 91, Low 65, wind S & SE calm-19 mph.
At 5:09am temp 72, wind SE 6 mph, dew point 66, humidity 80%. Sunrise 6:09am, Sunset 7:47pm. |
8/21/2010 |
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08-20-10: High 97 (car 100) Low 72, wind S & SW
calm-22 mph w/gust 27 mph. Rain .13 in gauge. At
5:45am FOG, temp 73, wind calm, dew point 71, humidity
95% and a young frog on the driveway to greet me this morning. Sunrise 6:10am, Sunset 7:45. A loss of 94 minutes of daylight. |
8/22/2010 |
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08-21-10: High 88, Low 72, wind W & NW calm-14 mph.
At 5:45am light fog rolling in, temp 66, wind NNE 5
mph, dew point 63, humidity 94%. I think the light wind is (at the moment) holding back the fog. Beautiful day on the IL River yesterday! Stopped out to Heritage Harbor. Sunrise 6:11am, Sunset 7:44pm. |
8/23/2010 |
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08-22-10: High 88, Low 66, wind N & NE calm-10 mph.
At 5:00am temp 61, wind NNE 6 mph, dew point 59,
humidity 92%, heavy dew. Normal 81/59. Sunrise 6:12am,
Sunset 7:42pm. This will be the last full week of
meteorological summer. |
8/24/2010 |
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08-23-10: High 86, Low 61, wind N, NE & E 3-9 mph.
At 5:15am temp 59, wind calm, dew point 57, humidity 96%, very heavy dew and a Sturgeon or Red Moon in the west sky which is very clear this morning. Sunrise 6:13am, Sunset 7:41pm. I saw a young coyote yesterday afternoon in a backyard on Evans Street. No fear, very curious. |
8/25/2010 |
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08-24-10: High 86, Low 59, wind N & NW calm-13 mph
w/gust 18 mph. At 5:10am clear sky, temp 55, wind NW
8 mph, dew point 62, humidity 86%. Normal for today 83/60 we will be below those temps. Sunrise 6:14am,
Sunset 7:39pm. |
8/26/2010 |
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08-25-10: High 81, Low 55, wind NW & N 5-19 mph w/gust
25 mph. At 5:05am temp 53, wind NNW 6 mph, dew point 51, humidity 87%. Today is the 20th anniversary of the F5 Plainfield Tornado. Sunrise 6:15am, Sunset 7:37pm. |
8/27/2010 |
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08-26-10: High 82, Low 53, wind vrbl calm-10 mph.
At 5:10am its clear, temp 56, wind SE 4 mph, dew point 52,
humidity 89%. Sunrise 6:16am, Sunset 7:36pm. |
8/28/2010 |
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08-27-10: High 89, Low 56, wind SE, S & SW calm-11 mph. At 5:40am clear sky, temp 60, wind SE 5 mph,
dew point 52, humidity 82%. NEED RAIN! Lawns brown, some trees showing stress, soy beans slow pod/seed delevopment. To date only 2.28 inches at my location for August.
Sunrise 6:17am, Sunset 7:34pm. |
8/29/2010 |
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08-28-10: High 92, Low 60, wind SE & S calm-16 mph.
At 5:15am temp 67, wind SE 4 mph, dew point 63, humidity 80%. 15 days without rain. I was at McNabb Jr. High ballfield yesterday and leaves were falling off the trees like it was October due to stress/dry conditions. Normal for today 83/58. Sunrise 6:18am,
Sunset 7:33pm. |
8/30/2010 |
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08-30-10: High 98, Low 66, wind SE & S calm-16 mph
w/gust 23 mph. At 5:15am temp 68, wind SE 2 mph, dew point 63, humidity 85%. Normal for today 82/59. Sunrise 6:19am, Sunset 7:31pm. |
8/31/2010 |
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08-30-10: High 89, Low 68, wind SE & S 2-21 mph w/gust 26 mph. I had 7 drops on car windshield = T
of rain but I went to Krogers North at 3:30pm and saw puddles and at 5pm at Shoreline Boat Club (east Ottawa) had a five minute rain shower. At 5:15am temp 72, wind S 6 mph, dew point 67, humidity 85%. Sunrise 6:20am, Sunset 7:29pm. Last day of meteorological summer. |
9/1/2010 |
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08-31-10: High 97, Low 72, wind S & SW 5-17 mph
w/gust 23 mph. Total August precipitation 2.28 in the gauge, seems low for August. It is raining right now and I did have rain
overnight but since that is a September 1st rain it will be in my report tomorrow. At 5:15am light rain w/lightning to the distant SW, temp 67, wind W 3 mph,
dew point 66, humidity 91%. Sunrise 6:21am, Sunset 7:28pm. Happy 1st day of meteorological fall/autumn.
Happy birthday shout out to my mother. |
9/2/2010 |
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09-01-10: High 83, Low 67, wind W & SW calm-9 mph
w/gust 12 mph. Rain .54 in gauge for 09-01. At 5:15am
driveway is wet, nothing in gauge, temp is 71,
wind SE 3 mph, dew point 69, humidity 94%. Normal for
today 82/58. Sunrise 6:22am, Sunset 7:26pm. 114 shopping days until Christmas. |
9/3/2010 |
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09-02-10: High 88, Low 67, wind SE, S, SW & NW calm-21
mph. Rain .21 in gauge. At 5am Ma Nature has turned on the A/C! Temp 59, wind NW 10-14 mph, dew point 56,
humidity 89%. Sunrise 6:23am, Sunset 7:24pm. Went to
Pontiac yesterday, noticed one corn field where harvest has started. All corn is brown and ready and saw a few soybeans with yellow on their leaves. |
9/4/2010 |
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9/5/2010 |
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09-04-10: High 71, Low 53 (11:59pm) wind NW & W
3-22 mph w/gust 29 mph. At 5:30 temp 47, wind calm,
dew point 45, humidity 92%. Normal temps for today
80/56. Sunrise 6:25am, Sunset 7:21pm. |
9/6/2010 |
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09-05-10: High 81, Low 47, wind S & SW calm-20 mph
w/gust 25 mph. Rain from this morning .06 in gauge.
At 5:30 WINDY! Raining again, temp 65, wind SW 16 mph w/gust 28 mph,
dew point 56, humidity 70%. Gusts recorded earlier up to 40 mph. Sunrise 6:26am, Sunset 7:19pm. |
9/7/2010 |
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09-06-10: High 87, Low 65, wind S & SW 8-35 mph
w/gust 46 mph. Trace of rain, barely wet the deck.
At 5:15am temp 64, wind WNW 9-11 mph, dew point 54,
humidity 67%. Sunrise 6:27am, Sunset 7:18pm. Summer is
offically over. Thoughts are turning to when I will close the pool. Beans are turning yellow. Time to starting buying Halloween candy before the stores pull it for Christmas items. |
9/8/2010 |
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09-07-10: High 80, Low 55 (11:59pm) wind S, SW & W
7-32 mph w/gust 40 mph. At 5:15am temp 48, wind NW
2 mph, dew point 45, humidity 82%. Normal temps for today 80/55. Sunrise 6:28am, Sunset 7:16pm. |
9/9/2010 |
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09-08-10: High 78, Low 48, wind W, NW & N 2-13 mph
w/gust 17 mph. At 5:15am temp 48, wind calm, dew point 46, humidity 94%. Normal 79/55. Sunrise 6:29am,
Sunset 7:14pm. Beautiful day yesterday on the IL and
Fox Rivers. |
9/10/2010 |
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09-09-10: High 77, Low 47, wind E, SE & NE calm-10 mph. At 5:15am temp 54, wind NE 5 mph, dew point 51,
humidity 87% and the ole 5:17 is on time on the Rock Island Line. Sunrise 6:30am, Sunset 7:13pm. |
9/11/2010 |
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09-10-10: High 82, Low 53, and a haunting clear blue sky, the same as 9 years ago, wind NE, E & SE calm-14 mph
w/gust 20 mph. Rain this morning .01 in gauge. At 5:30am temp 62, wind ESE 5 mph, dew point 59, humidity 88% with droplets in the air. Sunrise 6:31am, Sunset 7:11pm. Today remember those who were taken away from us but also for those who were left behind........alone. |
9/12/2010 |
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09-11-10: High 80, Low 57 (11:59pm) wind SE, SW, W &
NW calm-18 mph w/gust 24 mph. Leftover rain .01 in gauge total .02 for the day. At 5:30am temp 51, wind calm, dew point 47, humidity 88%. Sunrise 6:32am, Sunset 7:09pm. Traveled to McNabb yesterday, farmers are in the corn fields, busy as bee's. |
9/13/2010 |
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09-12-10: High 87, Low 51, wind W & SW calm-20 mph
w/gust 25 mph. At 5:10am temp 61, wind SW 5 mph, dew point 54, humidity 81%. Sunrise 6:33am, Sunset 7:08pm. Pool is covered and closed for the season. I was on the rivers yesterday and the asian carp were jumping, one boat had bow & arrow hunting them. |
9/14/2010 |
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09-13-10: High 90, Low 59, wind SW, W, NW & N calm-15
mph w/gust 20 mph. At 5:15am temp 57, wind calm as my "W" flag is not moving, dew point 52, humidity 82%.
Sunrise 6:34am, Sunset 7:06pm. Congrats to The Academy girls 8th grade softball team on a great season that came to an end against 1A champs Putman Co. with a walk off HR. IL corn harvest at 18% and I noticed a bean field being harvest yesterday near McNabb, must be an early planted bean field. |
9/15/2010 |
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09-14-10: High 85, Low 57, wind SE, E & NE calm-10 mph. At 5:20am temp 55, wind E 4 mph, dew point 50,
humidity 79%. Sunrise 6:35am, Sunset 7:04pm. Very large round animal spotted 1 night ago in Oaklane area by a female resident. |
9/16/2010 |
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09-15-10: High 86, Low 55, wind E, SE, S & SW 3-12 mph
w/gust 18 mph. Trace of rain around 6pm which didn't even wet the deck. At 5:20am temp 67, wind W 7 mph w/gust 12 mph, dew point 64, humidity 84%. Sunrise
6:36am, Sunset 7:02pm. |
9/17/2010 |
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09-16-10: High 72, Low 56 (11:59pm) wind SW, W, NW, N & NE 4-21 mph w/gust 28 mph. Trace of rain around 9:30am. At 5am temp 47, wind calm, dew point 45, humidity 94% no fog but conditions are in place for it to occur. Also can see a VERY bad accident on the E 16th Rd overpass. Sunrise 6:37am,
Sunset 7:01pm. |
9/18/2010 |
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09-17-10: High 81, Low 47, wind S & SW calm-12 mph.
At 5:20am mild 60, wind S 5 mph, dew point 53,
humidity 80%. Sunrise 6:38am, Sunset 6:59pm. Harvest in high gear. |
9/19/2010 |
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09-18-10: High 68, Low 60, wind S, SW, vrbl, NE
calm-14 mph. Morning rain .29 & overnight rain this morning .10 equal .39 in the gauge. At 5:10am temp 57,
wind ENE 7 mph, dew point 54, humidity 93%. Normal for
today 77/53. Sunrise 6:39, Sunset 6:57pm. We haven't had a high below 70 degree's since May 17th. FYI 97
shopping days until Chirstmas. |
9/20/2010 |
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09-19-10: High 73, Low 57, wind E & NE calm-10 mph.
At 5:15am temp 60, wind is lightly waving the "W" flag (which has no dust on it) NNE 4 mph, humidity 78%. Sunrise 6:40am, Sunset 6:56pm. Go Bears! |
9/21/2010 |
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09-20-10: High 90, Low 60, wind NE, E, SE & S 3-12 mph. A trace of rain around 6:30, HARDLY enough to wet the deck! At 5:15am the stars are out, temp 67,
wind S 3 mph, dew point 64, humidity 84%. Sunrise 6:41am, Sunset 6:54. I think I hear a boat calling my name? |
9/22/2010 |
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09-21-10: High 92, Low 67, wind S & SW 3-24 mph except
durings storms W & NW gust 29-35 mph. I was out on the IL River when at 2:15 I noticed approaching storm couldn't be the incoming one from Iowa so I headed back to port, vivid lightning as I came back in. This was a pop-up storm from out of nowhere .09 in gauge and the 2nd wave HAIL smaller than a penny & larger than a pea, closer to the penny size. 6:15 storm with strong winds .18 in gauge and overnight .20 in gauge total .47 of rain. At 5:15am temp 63, wind calm, dew point 61, humidity 93. Sunrise 6:42am, Sunset 6:52pm. |
9/23/2010 |
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09-22-10: High 80 (when sky cleared around 4pm) Low
63, wind vrbl turning SE calm-9 mph. At 5:10am Harvest Moon, temp 67, wind SE 6 mph, dew point 63,
humidity 86%. Normal for today 71/46 and a record of 90 in 1988. Sunrise 6:43am, Sunset 6:50pm. First day of calendar Autumn, but we all know it started September 1st. Blackbird's are getting very noisey, must be making flight plans. |
9/24/2010 |
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09-23-10: High 90, Low 67, wind S & SW 6-32 mph
w/gust 38 mph. Rain started early this morning .18
in the gauge, more to report tomorrow as its still raining but should be out of here shortly.
At 5:20am rain, temp 68 (we've already seen the high for the day) wind WSW 9-13 mph and calming down from what we had over night, dew point 66, humidity 96%.
Sunrise 6:44am, Sunset 6:49pm. |
9/25/2010 |
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09-24-10: High 81 (12:01am) Low 56 (11:59pm) the
mid-day high rebounded to 73, wind SW & W 7-26 mph
w/gust 37 mph. Leftover rain .03 in gauge, total .21
for the day. 25 degree swing for the day. At 5:40am
temp 48, wind WNW 6 mph, dew point 44, humidity 87%,
wind chill 45 and a left over harvest moon. Sunrise 6:45am, Sunset 6:47pm. Did I say wind chill? |
9/26/2010 |
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09-25-10: High 63, Low 48, wind W, NW, N & NE calm-12
mph. Afternoon & evening rain .04 in gauge. At 7:40am and the days 1/4 over the temp is 51, wind NNE 7 mph
with the "W" flag waving, dew point 48, humidity 87%.
Sunrise 6:46am, Sunset 6:45pm. Cut the yard mid morning and put away all the deck and pool furniture.
Soy bean field across the street was 1/2 harvested, stopped because of rain? |
9/27/2010 |
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09-26-10: High 65, Low 47, wind N, NE & E 4-15 mph
w/gust 21 mph. At 5:15 clear & cool, temp 42, wind
NNW 4 mph, dew point 40, humidity 87%, wind chill 40.
Sunrise 6:47am, Sunset 6:42pm. Crisp boat ride yesterday on the Illinois & Fox Rivers, saw a "Looper" heading for warmer weather. |
9/28/2010 |
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09-27-10: High 69, Low 42, wind N & NW calm-8 mph.
At 5:00am wet deck trace of rain, temp 46, wind calm, dew point 43, humidity
86%. Sunrise 6:48, Sunset 6:42pm. 57% of the IL corn crop has been harvested and is in the bin. |
9/29/2010 |
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09-28-10: High 76, Low 46, wind vrbl calm-9 mph.
At 5:20am temp 48, wind calm, dew point 45, humidity
84%. Sunrise 6:49am, Sunset 6:40pm. NWS forecasting our first frost this weekend? As for today I think I hear a boat calling my name. |
9/30/2010 |
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09-29-10: High 79, Low 47, wind SE, S & SW calm-10 mph. At 5:15am clear, temp 57, wind NNW 8 mph,
dew point 52, humidity 79%. Sunrise 6:51am, Sunset
6:38pm. Beautiful day on the river yesterday. Bean field across the street has been harvested. With the weekend frost it should help some of the leaves to start turning colors. 86 shopping days until Christmas. |