Observation Date |
Observation Time |
Precipitation |
Snowfall |
Snowfall SWE |
Snow Depth |
Snow SWE |
Notes |
10/23/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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37º, mostly cloudy, light east wind. Previous 24 hours: High T 54º, low 37º. |
10/24/2009 |
7:00 AM |
1.13 |
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43º at 7:00 AM, (41º at 7:30 AM), mostly cloudy, oocasional 5mph NNE breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 44º, low 37º; mostly cloudy early to cloudy, very light rain started at 10:00 AM, light to moderate rain started at 12:15 PM, heaviest rain during night; occasional variable gusts of wind 10-15 mph. |
10/25/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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24º, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 58º, low 25º; partly sunny to cloudy; variable winds SW to NW. |
10/26/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.39 |
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36º, cloudy - light rain, light variable wind - SE to SW. Previous 24 hours: High T 44º, low 25º; clear to partly cloudy to early afternoon, cloudy by sunset, rain started after midnight; variable light wind. |
10/27/2009 |
7:00 AM |
2.16 |
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38º (36º later), mostly cloudy, occasionally spitting rn/sn mix; calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 47º, low 36º, temp yo-yoed all day 36º - 41º - 37º - 46º - 44º - 47º, then gradually down, heaviest rain during highest temps; rain all day, heaviest afternoon, little or none after 9:00 PM; variable gusty wind, one very strong SW gust late afternoon 30-35 mph. |
10/28/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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28º - (27ºearlier), low clouds/fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 44º, low 27º; mostly cloudy early, cloudy most of day, partly clear to partly cloudy most of night; calm. |
10/29/2009 |
7:00 AM |
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30º, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 42º, low 28º; cloudy with upslope fog, very light dusting of snow during night; mostly calm. |
10/30/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.04 |
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36º, cloudy, very light mix, light SSE breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 37º, low 30º; cloudy, occasional periods of light snow during day (no accumulation), light mix during night; light SSE-SSW breeze. |
10/31/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.77 |
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46º, cloudy, drizzle/mist, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 46º, low 36º, temp up to 46º after midnight, dropped below 45º then up to 46º at 7:00 AM; cloudy all day with upslope fog and drizzle, heavy rain around 4:00 AM; light S breeze. |
11/1/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.36 |
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39º, mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 53º, low 40º; cloudy to partly cloudy, occasional light showers; variable strong gusty winds. |
11/2/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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23º, mostly clear - light general fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 56º, low 23º; mostly cloudy to partly clour to clear at sunset; calm. A beautiful day. Total accumulative P for Oct - 7.24" |
11/3/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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27º, clear - dense fog,calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 43º, low 23º; cloudy, cleared late morning to partly cloudy; mostly calm. |
11/4/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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24º (23º later), clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 51º, low 24º (this morning); mostly clear and calm allday. Beautiful day. |
11/5/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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25º (24º later), partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 49º, low 23º; clear then partly cloudy afternoon - thin discontinuous cirrostratus; mostly calm morning light SSE-SSW breeze afternoon. |
11/6/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.89 |
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42º (41º later), cloudy - light drizzle, calm.
Previous 24 hours: High T 48º,low 24º, dropped to 38º at 6:00 PM, up to 42º at 10:00 PM, temperature rise synchronous with rain, heavy rain after midnight; light variable breeze, no significant wind. |
11/7/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.12 |
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37º, cloudy - drizzle, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 44º, low 37º, cloudy, occasional drizzle morning, rain during night; variable - NW and SSW strong gusty winds up to 30mph. |
11/8/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.55 |
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34º, cloudy ceiling 400', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 44º, low 34º; morning - drizzle intspersed with brief periods of blue sky, afternoon drizzle, general light rain at dusk that continued into the night; mostly calm.
11/9/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.11 |
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35º, low clouds - ceiling 300', calm. Previous 24 hours: Missed the high, low 34º; low clouds all day, drizzle most of day; light north breeze early morning then mostly calm. |
11/10/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.31 |
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39º (35º earlier), moderate rain, light variable southerly breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 46, low 35º; cloudy morning, partly cloudy afternoon, cloudy at sunset, rain after midnight; mostly calm. |
11/11/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.13 |
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31º, mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 47º, low 29º (at 12:30 AM): cloudy with moderate to heavy rain for a short period morning (7:30 - 9:00 AM), partly cloudy much of day to cloudy at sunset, trace of snow overnight; occasional SE-S, 5-10 mph breeze. |
11/12/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.18 |
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32º, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: Low T 29º; cloudy with occasional drizzle and light rain, upslope fog; mostly calm. |
11/13/2009 |
7:00 AM |
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32º, cloudy - light snow - no accumulation, 5 mph N wind. Previous 24 hours: High T 43º low, 32º; cloudy early, partly cloudy then cloudy late afternoon; mostly calm. |
11/14/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
0.1 |
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32º, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: Low T 24º, cloudy with periods of very ligh snow - snow.rain mix with moderate snow late evening but now accumulation until early morning; variable 5 mph breeze. |
11/15/2009 |
7:00 AM |
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29º (28º earlier), mostly cloudy, 5-10 mph SW wind.
Previous 24 Hours: High T 36º, low 28º; cloudy, occasional few snow flakes; occasional NE breeze. |
11/16/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
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32º, mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 38º, low 29º; mostly cloudy to cloudy, flakes drifting down to light flurries, some pellitized snow after dark - no accumulation; variable light breezes. |
11/17/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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41º, mostly cloudy, gusty wind, S, 10-15mph. Previous 24 hours: High T 48º, Low 32º; mostly cloudy early then partly cloudy and mostly cloudy late; mostly calm. |
11/18/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.24 |
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35º and falling, partly cloudy - upslope fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 53º, low 35º; mostly cloudy early, partly cloudy periods later with light southery wind gusts, cloudy late afternoon with drizzle and light rain, light rain after sunset. Like a spring day. |
11/19/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
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31º (27º earlier), mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 39º, low 27º; mostly cloudy, occassional very light showers. |
11/20/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.13 |
0.4 |
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0.2 |
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33º, general fog (low clouds), ceiling 200', calm. Previous 24 hours: High 35º, low 31º; snow started at 10:00 AM, changed to mix and rain at 11"30 AM, rain ended 4:00 PM; mostly calm. |
11/21/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.15 |
0.1 |
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0.1 |
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34º, light mix, occasional strong gusty, variable wind - 10-20mph. Previous 24 hours: High T 37º, low 34º, dropped to 34º early evening then up to 36º by 12:30 AM; snowing hard at 6:40 AM (this morning) for 5 minutes then changed to mix; mostly calm until early this morning. |
11/22/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.10 |
1.4 |
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1.4 |
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30º (29º earlier), cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 35º, low 29º; cloudy, intermiitant light snow and mix through day, nothing measureable overnight; strong gusty highly variable winds morning up to 30 mph. |
11/27/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.43 |
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39º, cloudy, light rain, light fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 41º, low 35º; cloudy - occasional "cloudy bright" (thin sun visible through clouds), misting at 9:30 PM, became rain later; calm. |
11/28/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.13 |
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29º, partly cloudy (became mostly cloudy within an hour), 5 mph SSW breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 41º, low 29º; light to moderate rain until 9:30 AM, freezing drizzle/mist after 9:00 PM; calm. |
11/29/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
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35º, low clouds - ceiling 500', mist/drizzle, light SSW breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 35º, low 29º, high during day was 34º, temp. dropped to 33º @ 6:30 PM then rose to 35º by 10:30 PM; partly cloudy early, cloudy by 9:30 AM; occasional mist; light E-SE wind up to 10 mph. |
11/30/2009 |
7:00 AM |
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34º, mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 38º, low 34º, high T during day was 37º, dropped to 35º at dusk, back up to 38º by 10:00 PM; low overcast most of day, lifting at dusk and becoming partly to mostly cloudy overnight; mostly calm. |
12/1/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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27º, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 45º, low 28º; partly sunny to mostly cloudy; highly variable (mostly southerly) gusty wind, one SW gust 20-25 mph. |
12/2/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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23º (17º earlier), cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 36º, low 17º; clear to partly cloudy late afternoon, clear most of night, became cloudy before 5:00 AM; calm. |
12/3/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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17º (14º earlier), mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 31º, low 14º; cloudy early, cleared later, back to partly cloudy at sunset, clear most of night; calm. |
12/4/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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14º, (12º earlier), clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 33º, low 12º; mostly cloudy early cleared to Partly cloudy afternoon; calm. |
12/5/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.04 |
0.4 |
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0.4 |
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20º (19º later), partly clear, calm. Previous 24 Hours: High T 30º briefly; mostly cloudy morning, partly cloudy afternoon, very light small flake snow after 7:00 PM; calm. |
12/6/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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17º, mostly clear, light E breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 30º, low 17º; partly sunny most of day, mostly clear after sunset; light variable wind - mostly S-SW. |
12/7/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0º, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 19º, low 0º; partly cloudy to clear; gusty E wind up to 20 mph afternoon, clear and calm after sunset. |
12/8/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.2 |
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-6º, clear, calm.Previous 24 Hours: Low T -6º (missed high T; clear to partly cloudy; mostly calm. |
12/9/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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7º, clear, light SE breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 14º briefly, low -6º (yesterday morning); clear during day, partly cloudy overnight; mostly calm. |
12/10/2009 |
7:00 AM |
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14º, mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 17º, low 7º; cloudy morning to partly cloudy afternoon to clear at night, a few flakes of snow in air morning; occasional light variable breeze. Accumulation of frost gives appearance of more snow than actual. |
12/11/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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13º, high thin overcast (not cirrus), light variable breeze - E to SW. Previous 24 hours: High T 25º, low 13º, cooled to 15º about 8:00 PM then up to 19º and then down; cloudy to partly sunny; 10mph SW wind morning, mostly calm afternoon. |
12/12/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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14º (13º earlier), mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 31º, low 13º; mostly cloudy early to partly cloudy and clear; light variable breeze. |
12/13/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.25 |
4.2 |
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4.0 |
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21º (21º for over 12 hours), light snow, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 23º, low 14º; snow started at 12:40 PM and continued light to moderate rate, mostly very small flakes; mostly calm. |
12/14/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.15 |
5.2 |
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7.5 |
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20º, partly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 24º, low 20º; cloudy, intermittent light snow, very dry fluffy; mostly calm. |
12/15/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.21 |
2.3 |
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7.0 |
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18º, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 28º, low 18º; partly clear to partly cloudy, mostly cloudy late afternoon, snow at dusk and overnight; mostly calm. |
12/16/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.33 |
2.1 |
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6.5 |
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32º, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 32º low 18º, (temp high yesterday was 27º dropped to 22º about 8:00 PM yesterday then strted warming) cloudy to mostly cloudy; apparenty much of the P fell during night as rain or mix, some of snow may have melted. |
12/17/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.47 |
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5.0 |
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35º, cloudy - light drizzle, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 37º, low 32º; low overcast, upslope fog, drizzle to light rain - mostly afternoon and all night; occasional S-SW wind up to 15mph. |
12/18/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.03 |
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4.0 |
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32º, dense fog - ceiling 150', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 40º, low 32º; cloudy, light drizzle before 10:00 AM then mostly cloudy to brief period of partly cloudy afternoon; occasinal light SE - S breeze otherwise calm. |
12/19/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.03 |
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3.5 |
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34º, cloudy - light rain, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 37º, low 32º; cloudy all day, light drizzle started at 4:30 PM; occasional light S breeze. |
12/20/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.48 |
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2.0 |
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33º, cloudy - light drizzle, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 36º, low 33º; cloudy, drizzle to light rain, upslope fog; mostly calm. |
12/21/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.60 |
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2.0 |
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36º, cloudy - light drizzle, light general fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 36º, low 33º; cloudy - light drizzle to light rain, very dark foggy day from down on the ground to high ceiling of 400' and then much upslope fog; calm. |
12/22/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.31 |
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1.5 |
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33º, mostly cloudy - an occasional flake of snow, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 39º, low 33º; cloudy, light drizzle to light rain: occasional 5mph S-SW breeze. Ground about 50% bare. |
12/23/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.03 |
0.2 |
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1.5 |
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30º, mostly cloudy, WNW breeze 5-10mph. Previous 24 hours: High T 37º, low 30º; mostly cloudy early, partly clear most of day, light snow noted at 11:55 PM; mostly calm. |
12/24/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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1.0 |
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14º, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High 32º, low 14º; partly clear to partly cloudy during day, clearing after dark; occasional WNW breeze. |
12/25/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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1.0 |
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22º, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 28º, low 14º; partly clear to partly cloudy during day and progressively more cloudy after dark; mostly calm.
12/26/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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1.0 |
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21º, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High 26º, low 21º; cloudy to mostly cloudy; 5mph W-SW breeze. Depth of total snow and ice is at my usual measuring site, large part of general area is bare - open slopes, valley bottom and under trees. |
12/27/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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1.0 |
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6º, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 25º, low 6º; cloudy to mostly cloudy; mostly calm, occasional light W breeze. |
12/28/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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1.0 |
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5º, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High 27º, low 5º; clear to partly cloudy; mostly calm. Beautiful winter day. |
12/29/2009 |
7:00 AM |
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1.0 |
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21º, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 25º, low 5º (yesterday morning), Temp dropped to 13º about 9:00 PM then started rising to 21º this morning; clear skys immediately became mostly cloudy then cleared to partly to mostly cloudy during day, very light dusting of snow during night; mostly calm. |
12/30/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.03 |
0.5 |
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1.5 |
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19º, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 27º, low 19º (early this morning); partly clear to cloudy, light snow started drifting down at 7:40 AM, snow shower 11:00 AM to noon produced most of snow; mostly calm. |
12/31/2009 |
7:00 AM |
0.15 |
2.6 |
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4.0 |
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28º, cloudy - very light snow, 0ccasional light breeze SSE to SSW. Previous 24 hours: High T 29º, low 18º yesterday mrng; .6" new snow during day, 2.0" during night; 5mph SSW breeze. |
1/3/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.24 |
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1.5 |
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33º, mostly cloudy, 5mph SW breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 39º, low 33º; low overcast with upslope fog, drizzle to rain all day, quit about dusk with some clear spots during night; mostly calm. |
1/4/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.04 |
0.4 |
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2.0 |
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33º (32º later), low overcast, general fog, light snow, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 40º, low 33º; mostly cloudy to cloudy, light drizzle morning; occasional light SW breeze. |
1/5/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.54 |
2.8 |
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4.0 |
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33º, (32º during night) low overcast, light fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 36º, low 32º; low ceiling, fog, winter mix most of day which changed to heavy wet snow during night, mostly calm. |
1/6/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.08 |
0.9 |
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4.0 |
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16º, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 35º, low 16º; low clouds, fog most of daytime, occasional mist in air morning - no actual precip, clearing at dusk but light snow sometime during night; mostly calm. Winter mix, rain and snow of previous days made very wet slushy conditions, now frozen. |
1/7/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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4.0 |
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7º, partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 24º, low 6º during night, temp bounced with clouds - down to 6º, up to 10º then down to 7º; clear to partly cloudy; 5 mph NW morning, light SE breeze afternoon. |
1/8/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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4.0 |
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5º, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 23º, low 5º; partly cloudy to clear; mostly calm. Total snow depth is misleading, snow has thin crust top, thin layer of ice bottom and honeycombed between.
1/9/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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4.0 |
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17º, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High 27º, low 6º (yesterday mrng); cloudy to partly cloudy; variable 5 mph breeze SSW - NW. Beautiful winter day. |
1/10/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.03 |
0.2 |
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4.0 |
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27º, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High 27º, low 17º, high of 27º afternoon, dropped to 26º early evening then up to 27º during night; cloudy. occasional light snow morning; mostly calm. |
1/11/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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3.5 |
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28º, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 37º, low 27º; cloudy to partly clear for a brief period; mostly calm. |
1/12/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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3.5 |
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30º, cloudy - light general fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 37º, low 27º; cloudy to partly clear during daytime, partly cloudy after dark, mostly calm. |
1/13/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.29 |
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3.0 |
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34º, cloudy - general light fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 38º, low 30º (yesterday morning); cloudy, occasional light drizzle during day, light rain started at 7:10 PM and continued most of night; mostly calm. |
1/14/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.26 |
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2.0 |
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36º, light rain, calm. Previous 24 Hours: High T 40º, low 34º; cloudy with low overcast (ceiling 100' - 300') fog banks throughout valley, light drizzle started late afternoon changed to light rain; occasional light SE breeze. |
1/15/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.12 |
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1.0 |
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32º, mostly cloudy, light general fog dense upslope fog, mist, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 40º, low 33º (earliar this mrng); cloudy, scattered light fog, light drizzle at dusk changed to light rain at 8:30 PM; calm most of day, 10 mph SW wind after dark. |
1/16/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.87 |
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1.0 |
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35º, cloudy - rain light general fog and upslope fog. Previous 24 hours: High T 38º, low 35º; cloudy to mostly cloudy, bright filtered sunlight for 1 hour at noon, occasional light rain/drizzle afternoon, general light to moderate rain sarted at about 8:30 PM and continued; occasional S to SW 5-10mph breeze. |
1/17/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.18 |
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1.0 |
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34º, cloudy, light general fog - dense upslope fog all day, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 40º, low 34º; cloudy to mostly cloudy, light rain morning, period of mist/light drizzle late afternoon occasional blue spots. |
1/18/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.06 |
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1.0 |
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34º, clear at ground level but dense 200' ceiling of fog/cloud cover, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 43º, low 34º; cloudy to mostly cloudy brief period of partly cloudy; 5-10 mph west wind; light rain during night. |
1/19/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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0.5 |
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33ºcloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 44º, low 33º (this mrng); cloudy to clear afternoon, upslope fog all day, brief light drizzle early evening. |
1/20/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.05 |
0.1 |
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0.5 |
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33º (32º earlier), cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 38º, low 32º; cloudy morning with intermittent periods of rain/snow winter mix, mostly cloudy afternoon with short period of partly cloudy; mostly calm. |
1/21/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.5 |
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32º, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 41º, low 32º; mostly cloudy morning to partly cloudy afternoon, mostly cloudy at dusk and until early morning; mostly calm. |
1/22/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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30º, cloudy, calm. Low T 30º (missed high T); mostly to partly cloudy; calm beautiful day. |
1/23/2010 |
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30º (29º earlier), mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 38º, low 29º; cloudy early to brief partly cloudy period afternoon, cloudy at sunset and partly cloudy after midnight; 5 mph W wind morning, 5-10 mph S-SE wind afternoon. |
1/24/2010 |
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30º (28º earlier), mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 41º, low 28º; cloudy to partly cloudy, very light, dry snow this morning. |
1/25/2010 |
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29º (28º earlier), mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 40º, low 28º; mostly cloudy early to partly cloudy then cloudy after dark, very light snow early (.1") T overnight; light SSW breeze afternoon. Beautiful spring-like day. |
1/26/2010 |
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32º, mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High 37º, low 29º; mostly cloudy with a brief heavy flurry between 10:30 AM and 11:30 AM (.8" snow), partly cloudy afternoon to cloudy later, .6" snow before midnight; mostly calm. Another beautiful day. |
1/27/2010 |
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31º, cloudy, light variable easterly breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 39º, low 31º; mostly cloudy with filtered sunlight afternon; calm. |
1/28/2010 |
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24º, mostly clear - few high thin cirrus, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 38º, low 25º; cloudy early to partly cloudy with filtered sun afternoon, mostly clear all night - enough cirrus to create halo; mostly calm. |
1/29/2010 |
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28º, partly cloudy - "Cirrus radiatus" clouds moving in from the west, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 41º, low 22º (sometime after 7:00 AM yuesterday); mostly cloudy to partly clear with filtered, or full sun most of day, cleared after sunset; mostly calm. |
1/30/2010 |
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30º, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 40º, low 27º; mostly cloudy to partly cloudy until early this morning; calm. Beautiful day. |
1/31/2010 |
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32º, cloudy - light snow, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 37º, low 30º; cloudy to mostly cloudy, very light snow started early afternoon and continued through dark but with temps 34º to 36º there was no accumulation, measureable snow occurred after midnight; calm. |
2/1/2010 |
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34º (32ºearlier, mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 37º, low 32º, cloudy to mostly cloudy, light snow early morning, occasional drizzle; 10-15 mph SSW wind afternoon. |
2/2/2010 |
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33º (32º earlier), cloudy light general fog - dense upslope fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 41º, low 32º; cloudy to mostly cloudy, occasional mist/light drizzle; calm. |
2/3/2010 |
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33º, cloudy - dense fog, can see moon through fog so may be clear above, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 41º, low 33º; cloudy to mostly cloudy, couple periods of mist/light drizzle; occasional SSW wind 10-15 nph. |
2/20/2010 |
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24º (23º earlier), mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 51º, low 23º; clear to partly cloudy; light SSE breeze late afternoon. |
2/21/2010 |
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16º, mostly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 50º, low 17º; Partly cloudy to clear; occasional SSE 5 mph breeze. |
2/26/2010 |
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32º, (31º earlier), fog - 1/4 mile visibility, ceiling 300', highway surface coated with ice - treacherous to walk on, no apparent treatment or maintenance practices at 7:05 AM, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 47º, low 31º; partly cloudy to cloudy with occasional periods of light rain; variable light breeze. |
2/27/2010 |
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35º, cloudy, general light fog, dense upslope fog. Previous 24 hours: High 51º, low 35º; cloudy to mostly cloudy; occasional light rain after 9:30 PM; mostly calm. |
2/28/2010 |
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28º (27º earlier), cloudy, foggy overcast, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 50º, low 27º; cloudy to partly cloudy; mostly calm. |
3/1/2010 |
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24º, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 54º, low 24º, partly cloudy to clear, mostly calm. Beautiful, but tragically dry. |
4/30/2010 |
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40º, light rain, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 48º, low 37º, cloudy - light rain morning, 10-15 mph SE wind early morning, light rain late afternoon and intermittent during night. |
5/1/2010 |
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39º, cloudy, drizzle, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 53º, low 39º; occasional light rain/drizzle;, several short periods of sunshine. |
5/2/2010 |
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40º, mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 55º, low 39º; cloudy light rain/drizzle most of morning, partly cloudy afternoon; variable wind - 5-10mph occasional NE gusts 15-20mph. |
5/3/2010 |
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38º, light rain - low dark overcast, 500' ceiling, mostly calm with occasional strong (15-20mph) gusts S wind. Previous 24 hours: High T 56º, low 38º early this morning; mostly cloudy morning, occasional light rain afternoon, most precip after midnight. |
5/4/2010 |
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33º, cloudy - light snow (no acumulation), snow level 2600', variable light S to SW breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 48º briefly, low 34º; light rain with moderately heavy bursts and occasional strong wind gusts morning, rain changed to mix with snow pellets and pea sized hail late afternoon with more frequent and stronger wind gusts; wind and rain abated after 8;00 PM. Two elec power outages - one 2 hour outage around noon, one 11 hour outage started 5:00 PM. |
5/5/2010 |
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30º, mostly cloudy, dense valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 46º, low 31º; cloudy most of day, one brief period of sun; light snow until 11:00 AM, brief period of heavy rain/snow mix afternoon; light variable breeze except strong north gust with the "mix. Typical cool MT spring day, something for everybody. |
5/6/2010 |
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26º, Partly cloudy, light general fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: Low T 26º; partly cloudy to cloudy and light rain afternoon. |
5/7/2010 |
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27º, partly cloudy - light fog, calm. Previous 24 hours:
High T 61º, low 26º; Partly cloudy to mostly cloudy and cloudy at sunset; occasional light variable breeze. |
5/8/2010 |
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39º, cloudy - ceiling 500', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 63º, low 28º; partly cloudy, became cloudy late afternoon, short light shower 6.55 PM, very light precip during night - form? |
5/9/2010 |
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37º, 36º earlier, cloudy, light valley and upslope fog. Previous 24 hours: High T 50º, low 26º; cloudy most of day some partly cloudy periods, occasional drizzle, shower 7:00 t0 7:20 PM. periods of drizzle overnight; light variable breezes. |
5/10/2010 |
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31º, 30º earlier, dense fog at ground level, clear above, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 64º, low 30º; partly cloudy most of day, became cloudy late afternoon with a couple sprnkles and drizzle; highly variable 5-10 mph winds afternoon. |
5/11/2010 |
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37º (34º earlier), mostly clear - one small, high cirrus cloud, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 72º, low 31º; clear morning, partly cloudy afternoon; gusty 10- 15 mph S-SW winds late morning and afternoon. |
5/12/2010 |
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31º, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 75º, low 31º; clear to partly cloudy later. |
5/13/2010 |
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33º, clear above, light fog, calm. Previous 24 Hours: High T 76º, low 31º (yesterday morning); clear early to partly cloudy later and clear at sunset; occasional light breeze. |
5/14/2010 |
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36º, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 81º, low 33º, clear morning to partly cloudy afternoon, mostly calm.
At 4:45 PM cool wind and obvious minor front moved in from west - well defined frontal cloud bank (cumulo-stratus), temp dropped 10º. 45' later it cleared and temp returned to prior to front. |
5/15/2010 |
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37º, (36º earlier), light fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 83º, low 36º; clear early to partly cloudy later, mostly cloudy late afternoon with a very light shower (didn't wet pavement); occasional light breeze. |
5/16/2010 |
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39º, partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours High T 85º, low 37º; partly cloudy to mostly cloudy late afternoon, four different inpotent storm clls moved through with no precip, some apparent virga, each cell was accompanied by light gusty winds. |
5/17/2010 |
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43º, (42º earlier), mostly clear - couple small wisps of high cirrus, calm. Previous 24 hours: High 83º, low 39º; partly cloudy morning, mostly cloudy late afternoon; occasional light variable breeze. |
5/18/2010 |
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47º, partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: Partly cloudy morning to cloudy with storms in vicinity afternoon. At 7:35 PM strong gusty SSW winds 30-35 mph, no thunder no rain. |
5/19/2010 |
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50º, partly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: Partly cloudy early to cloudy after 11:00 AM; shower at 1:35 PM accompanied by 25-30mph SSW gusts, occasional light showers and/or drizzle remainder of day. |
5/20/2010 |
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42º, low overcast - (fog/cloudy), drizzle. calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 74º, low 42; partly cloudy early, cloudy by 9:00 AM, light shower 11:30 AM, partly cloudy afternoon, heavy shower with gusty wind at 11;30 PM. |
5/21/2010 |
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35º, (34º earlier), partly clear, light SE breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T (lost - in the 50s), low 34º; occasional drizzle through day, 5:30 PM brief heavy rain/snow pellet mix, some pellets more like small hail - they bounced on deck. |
5/22/2010 |
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29º, clear, dense valley fog,calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 61º, low 29º; partly to mostly cloudy and calm, brief light shower in morning from one dark cloud. |
5/23/2010 |
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38º (35º earlier), mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 66º, low 30º; partly cloudy early to cloudy late morning with brief, heavy winter mix for approx. 3 minutes, then back to partly cloudy; variable SE to SSW gusty winds. |
5/24/2010 |
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32º, (30º earlier), cloudy, light SE breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 63º, low 30º; mostly cloudy early to partly cloudy for remainder of day to clear after sunset. |
5/25/2010 |
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45º (43º earlier), cloudy, calm. Previous24 hours: High T 68º, low 32º; cloudy to partly cloudy, light SE breeze early, calm most of day. |
5/26/2010 |
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40º (38º earlier), mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High 72º, low 38º; partly cloudy most of day, light variable breeze - beautiful day. |
5/27/2010 |
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49º, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 73º, low 40º; mostly cloudy to partly cloudy to cloudy with rain starting at 7:00 PM accompanied by strong (25-30 mph) SSW winds. Intermittent showers continued through 10:30 PM, some showers heavy. |
5/28/2010 |
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47º (45º earlier), cloudy, drizzle, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 55º, low 45º; cloudy, intermittent drizzle to light rain all day, mostly calm. |
5/29/2010 |
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46º, low clouds light rain, light general fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 62 (briefly late afternoon), low 46º; cloudy to mostly cloudy late afternoon, light rain resumed at 7:00 PM; calm. |
5/30/2010 |
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46º (45 earlier), cloudy, light drizzle, upslope fog, variable 5 mph wind with occasional gusts to 15 mph. Previous 24 hours: High T 56º, low 45º; cloudy, drizzle to moderate rain after 5:00 PM; mostly calm. |
6/1/2010 |
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50º, mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 63º, low 47º; cloudy with upslope fog all day except brief period of mostly cloudy about 6:00 PM; drizzle to light rain, about 9:00 PM heavy shower of .18 P in less than 8 minutes, (1.35/hour); calm all day. |
6/2/2010 |
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49º, (48º earlier), cloudy, drizzle started at 7:00 AM, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 70º, low 48º; cloudy morning to partly cloudy late afternoon; occasional variable breeze. |
6/3/2010 |
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47º, Mostly cloudy and clearing, strong - up to 25 mph, gusty SE winds, dark ominous cumulus clouds racing at high speed from SW to NE. Previous 24 hours: High T 58º, low 47º; drizzle started at 7:00 AM; drizzle and light rain continued intermittently, most of precip occurred during night with heavy showers. |
6/4/2010 |
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45º (42º earlier), light rain, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 66º, low 42º. |
6/8/2010 |
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43º, very dense fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 74º, low 43º; cloudy early , partly cloudy by 8:30 AM, 5 different storm cells moved through afternoon but most of activity was south of this site, thunder and heavy visible precip half mile to south; light gusty winds preceded passage of cells. Became clear and calm at sunset. |
6/9/2010 |
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48º, cloudy, calm. |
6/10/2010 |
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48º, (47º earlier), low overcast - fog/clouds, ceiling 200 feet, light rain. Previous 24 hours: High T 63º, low 47º; cloudy with drizzle early, one heavy shower morning, two heavy showers evening; light wind accompanied showers, other times calm. |
6/11/2010 |
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47º, (46º earlier), cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 62º, low 44º; cloudy to partly sunny, several very light showers; occasional 5-10 mph S-SW breeze. |
6/12/2010 |
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44º (42º earlier), low fog/cloud overcast, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 72º, low 42º; cloudy early partly cloudy most of day with brief exception of one very light shower; mostly calm except 5-10mph W - NW wind at sunset. |
6/13/2010 |
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42º, clear, valley fog, calm. Previous 24 Hours: High T 82º, low 42º; partly cloudy early to clear remainder of day; occasional SW - W breeze. Beautiful day. Mosquitoes came upon the scene in full force. |
6/14/2010 |
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47º, mostly clear (one little white cloud), calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 87º, low 42º; clear, calm. |
6/15/2010 |
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40º, clear, dense valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours:
81º, low 40º; clear early to partly cloudy and clear at sunset; occasional 5-10 mph S - SW wind. |
6/17/2010 |
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42º, rain, occasional 5-10mph W - NW wind. Previous 24 hours: High T 52º, low 42º; drizzle early to light rain to 1:30 PM, drizzle resumed at 2;30 PM then light to moderate rain overnight; occasional variable breeze. |
6/18/2010 |
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48º (47º earlier), cloudy upslope fog, mostly calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 52º, low 43º; drizzle to light rain all day, upslope fog; occasional variable wind 5 - 10 mph. |
6/19/2010 |
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45º (42º earlier), low clouds - 400' ceiling, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 71º, low 42º; partly sunny early to clear late in day, a few drops of rain early afternoon; occasional variable breeze. |
6/20/2010 |
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50º (48º earlier), partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 81º, low 45º; partly cloudy early to mostly clear and mostly cloudy at sunset. |
6/21/2010 |
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54º, low clouds (ceiling 400') light rain, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 82º, low 48º; partly cloudy early to cloudy and threatening storm clouds by 5;00 PM, started light rain at 6:00 PM; gusty S winds 10-20 mph afternoon, mostly calm after rain started. |
6/22/2010 |
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52º, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 60º, low 52º; cloudy with occasional very light showers, mostly cloudy at sunset. |
6/23/2010 |
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47º, (45º earlier), dense fog - 150 yd visibility, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 74º, low 45º; cloudy to partly cloudy; mostly calm. |
6/24/2010 |
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52º, mostly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 82º, low 47º; partly cloudy to clear then cloudy at sunset; calm. |
6/25/2010 |
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53º, Partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 88º, low 52º; clear to mostly cloudy - many cumulus clouds afternoon with great vertical development but no storm development, 10 drops of rain from a little gray cloud; occasional light breeze. |
6/26/2010 |
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49º (48º earlier), clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 84º, low 48º; partly cloudy to clear late afternoon with EXCEPTION - early afternoon thunderstorm activity developed giving us most intense
(quantity/time) rain this calendar year - .39/25 min, large drops, thunder & lightning; another light, brief shower ½ hour later, then cleared; light breeze during deluge otherwise calm. |
6/27/2010 |
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44º, mostly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 82, low 44º. |
6/28/2010 |
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48º, clear, light valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 86º, low 45º; partly cloudy all day; variable wind E to S, occasional gusts to 15mph. |
6/29/2010 |
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54º, Mostly clear (1 little white cloud) light valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 92º, low 48º; partly cloudy most of day - clear late afternoon; occasional light S wind 5 +/- mph. |
6/30/2010 |
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58º, clear, gusting NE winds to 15 mph. Previous 24 hours: High T 91º, low 54º; mostly clear; occasional gusty winds S 10-15mph. |
7/1/2010 |
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39º, mostly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 78º, low 40º (this morning); clear to partly cloudy; gusty NE winds. |
7/2/2010 |
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50º, light rain low overcast upslope fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 75º, low 39º; clear then cloudy by 7:30 AM, cleared to partly cloudy afternoon; mostly calm. |
7/3/2010 |
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49º (47º earlier), cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 63º, low 47º; morning - cloudy with periods of light rain, afternoon occasional periods of partly to mostly cloudy with intermittent light rain/drizzle; mostly calm. |
7/5/2010 |
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52º (48º earlier), mostly cloudy upslope fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High 72º briefly, low 44º; partly cloudy to cloudy later, rain started @ 11:30 PM with lightning and thunder; calm most of day light breeze preceded rain. |
7/6/2010 |
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42º, clear, dense valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 75º, low 43º; cloudy to partly cloudy, dark storm clouds with rain up Napoleon Gulch, thunder and threatening here but just few big drops and cleared ; occasional gusty SSE winds. |
7/7/2010 |
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42º, clear - dense valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 83º, low 42º; clear to partly cloudy and clear after sunset, early afternoon one dark threatening cloud bank with two distant thunders - no rain; occasional gust of south wind, light breeze most of the time. |
7/8/2010 |
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45º, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 91º, low 43º; clear early, partly cloudy then clear late afternoon; occasional light SE to SSW breeze. |
7/9/2010 |
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49º, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 94º, low 45º; mostly clear, calm - light up-valley, down-valley, morning/evening convection. |
7/10/2010 |
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50º, partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 97º, low 50º; clear, mostly calm. |
7/11/2010 |
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52º, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 93º, low 50º; partly cloudy early, became mostly cloudy with threatening cloud formations then partly cloudy afternoon with occasional gusty winds SE to SSW. |
7/12/2010 |
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63º, mostly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 92º, low 53º; strong highly variable gusty winds to 20 mph - E to SW morning, partly sunny afternoon, dark cumulus with considerable vertical development, gusty winds afternoon S - SW. |
7/19/2010 |
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48º, partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 90º, low 46º; clear early partly cloudy late morning and afternoon clear at sunset; SSW breeze with occasional gust to 15 mph. |
7/20/2010 |
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46º, clear, light valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 88º, low 47, partly cloudy most of day, became clear late afternoon; SSW breezes afternoon. |
7/21/2010 |
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47º, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: Yet another boring beautiful summer day. High T 89º, low 46º; became partly cloudy late morning, clear at sunset; mostly calm except occasional light SSW breeze afternoon; everything is becoming dry. |
7/23/2010 |
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54º, low clouds/fog - ceiling 200', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 86º, low 50º; cloudy with short periods of partly sunny; brief heavy shower morning, severe storm started about 6:00 PM, very strong wind - heard two trees crash in forest and much debris, two short periods of heavy rain with light showers continuing until 9:00 PM; prior to storm very erratic winds varying from ENE to SSW. |
7/24/2010 |
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46º, clear - dense valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 83º, low 46º; cloudy early then partly cloudy to clear; Occasional light breeze. Beautiful summer day. |
7/25/2010 |
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48º, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High
T 92º, low 47º; mostly clear and calm. |
7/26/2010 |
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50º, (49º earlier), clear - light valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 96º; mostly clear and calm except occasional light breeze after noon. |
7/27/2010 |
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54º, partly cloudy, occasional light SSW breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 99º, low 50º; Mostly clear, occasional light breeze. |
7/28/2010 |
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56º, low over - fog/clouds (ceiling 300') light general fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High 90º, low 55º; became cloudy afternoon, first shower 4:30 PM - .03" precip, general moderate rain with thunder & lightning about 5:45 PM, tapered off with light showers until 9:00 PM with little or no wind. |
7/29/2010 |
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60º, partly sunny, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 90º, low 56º; cloudy early, clear by 9:30 AM, became partly cloudy late afternoon, light shower about 5:30 AM; mostly calm. |
7/30/2010 |
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48º, mostly clear, calm. Missed previous 24 hour conditions, too busy with other demands on time. |
7/31/2010 |
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56º, mostly cloudy - thunder in distance, calm. Previous 24 hours: Missed high T, low 48º, was clear @ 7:00 AM but immediately became cloudy, by 12:30 PM temp had risen to only 69º, later warmed to high 80s, variable breeze. |
8/1/2010 |
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51º, partly cloudy, dense fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High 86º, low 51º, immrdiately became cloudy with thunder, lightning and rain from 7:00 to 7:50 AM, cleared to partly cloudy with light SSW breeze. |
8/2/2010 |
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49º (48º earlier), clear - light valley fog. Previous 24 hours: High T 77º, low 48º; partly cloudy, cleared at sunset, never warmed much even though partly cloudy; varable breezes. |
8/3/2010 |
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55º, smoke/haze, valley fog, calm. |
8/4/2010 |
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54º - (53º earlier), partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 88º, low 53º, smake/haze - filtered sun, mostly calm occasional light breeze. |
8/5/2010 |
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54º - (53 earlier), clear calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 91º, low 53º; partly cloudy, occasionally gusty W winds afternoon, otherwise calm. |
8/6/2010 |
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60º, cloudy - light general fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 94º, low 54º; clear to partly cloudy throughout day time; at least two periods of thunder and lightning during night, at 6:05 AM thunder storm and very heavy rain for 5 min then light rain about 10 min. LP in gauge .28. |
8/7/2010 |
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52º (51º earlier), partly cloudy - light valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 90º T, low 51º; cloudy early, cleared to partly cloudy, sudden storm conditions at 1:48 PM with thunder, lightning and very heavy rain, hail pea to nickle size, .44 LP in gauge from this event - some may have bounced out, one other heavy rain of very short duration later, huge rain drops largest I have seen; very little to no wind with these storms. |
8/8/2010 |
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57º - (56º earlier), cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High 87º, low 52º, partly cloudy; mostly calm. |
8/9/2010 |
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49º (48º ½ hour later), dense fog, ceilimg 150', calm.
Previous 24 hours: High 79º, low 49º. cloudy morning partly cloudy afternoon, mostly calm. |
8/10/2010 |
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50º, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 87º, low 48º; dense fog early cleared to partly cloudy; mostly calm. |
8/11/2010 |
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53º (51º earlier), partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 83º, low 50º; several threatening clouds - a few drops of rain, cleared to partly cloudy; occasional light variable breeze. |
8/12/2010 |
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52º (51º earlier), clear calm. Previous 24 hours: High 80º, low 51º; generally partly cloudy with some periods of mostly cloudy; calm. |
8/13/2010 |
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52º, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T lost, low 52º; clear early to mostly cloudy by 2:30 PM; light shower at 6:05 PM, then intermittent showers with occasional thunder, and two brief heavy rains, until 9:20 PM, another brief heavy rain at 11:30 PM.
Occasional SSW wind with one gust to 20 mph. |
8/14/2010 |
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44º, clear - valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T lost, low 44º; clear early to mostly cloudy late afternoon back to partly cloudy; mostly calm occasional light WSW breeze. |
8/16/2010 |
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46º (45º later), clear - general valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 90º, low 46º; clear to partly cloudy back to clear late afternoon; occasional light SSW afternoon breeze. |
8/17/2010 |
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49º (48º earlier), clear - light valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 92º, low 45º; clear to partly cloudy, clear at sunset; occasional light breeze except several 10-15 mph SSW gusts late afternoon. |
8/20/2010 |
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47º, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High 82º, low 47º; variable light winds. |
8/21/2010 |
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46º (42º earlier), partly cloudy, few drops of rain, cold light north wind. Previous 24 hours: High T 84º, low 42º; partly cloudy most of day, clear late afternoon; SE-W, 5-15mph all day. |
8/22/2010 |
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54º (52º earlier), mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 85º, low 46º; partly to nostly cloudy; variable light wind S- W. |
8/23/2010 |
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49º, low overcast of fog/cloud ceiling 150', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 74º, low 49º; mostly cloudy early cleared to partly cloudy back to cloudy, moderate rain started at 12:30 PM accompanied by SE-SW wind 15-20mph, rain continued very light to 1:40 PM. |
8/24/2010 |
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38º, clear - valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 76º, low 38º; overcast and light general fog, clears to partly cloudy; occasional variable breeze. Splendent day |
8/25/2010 |
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42º, clear - valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 85º, low 42º, clear all day; occasional light S-SW breeze. Beautiful day. |
8/26/2010 |
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44º, clear - valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 93º, low 43º, clear all day, occasional light variable breeze. Another beautiful day. |
8/27/2010 |
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51º - (49º earlier), partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 90º, low 45º; afternoon became mostly cloudy, about 5:30 PM strong gust 25 to 35 mph with brief light shower, about hour later sustained strong winds with higher gusts 30-35 mph for 50 minutes, later became mostly calm and partly cloudy. |
8/28/2010 |
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43º (42º earlier),cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 74º, low 42º; partly cloudy; variable light breeze. |
8/29/2010 |
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49º, cloudy upslope fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 72º, low 43º; filtered sun most of day, periods of partly sunny, sprinkle of rain late afternoon and more precip. overnight; occasional light breeze. |
8/30/2010 |
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39º, partly clear - valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 71º, low 39º; partly cloudy early became mostly cloudy late afternoon with brief light shower; mostly calm. |
8/31/2010 |
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48º (44º earlier), cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 72º, low 44º; partly cloudy to mostly cloudy at sunset; calm until late afternoon then occasional 5-15mph gusty winds for approx 1 hour. |
9/1/2010 |
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49º, light rain, light SW breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 63º, low 48º; cloudy morning to occasional drizzle afternoon, general light rain at 5:30 PM, continued all night after 9:00 PM; mostly calm. 2.27" P for Aug |
9/2/2010 |
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42º(39ºearlier), dense fog ceiling 150', calm.
Previous 24 hours: High T 68º, low 39º; moderate rain 7:30 AM - 9:00 AM, partly clear at 9:30 AM, cloudy early afternoon, thunderstorm and light rain at 3:30 PM, clear at sunset; occasional variable light winds. |
9/3/2010 |
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39º, partly cloudy - light valley fog, calm. Previous 24 Hours: High T 75º, low 39º; partly cloudy; light variable breeze. Beautiful day. |
9/4/2010 |
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48º, partly cloudy - dense fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 82º, low 38º; partly cloudy to cloudy at sunset, very light shower and 5 fast moving storm cells with thunder, lightning and sprinkles of rain with light W wind, from 8:30 PM to midnight. |
9/5/2010 |
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46º (44º earlier), clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 84º, low 44º; partly cloudy, clear at sunset; 15-20 mph gusty winds - some peak gusts to 25 mph, mostly calm at sunset. |
9/6/2010 |
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36º (35º earlier), mostly cloudy - light valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 60º, low 35º; partly clear to cloudy, two periods of drizzle/light rain; occasional gusty 5-10 mph SE - SSW winds. |
9/7/2010 |
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43º (42º earlier), mostly cloudy, dense fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 65º, low 36º; partly clear to cloudy; gusty 5-15 mph, S-SSW wind, calm late afternoon. Shower about 1:00 AM. |
9/8/2010 |
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46º (45º later), mostly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 62º, low 43º; mostly cloudy early, then cloudy until mostly cloudy at sunset, two light showers; calm. |
9/9/2010 |
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52º, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 69º, low 45º; mostly clear early, late mrng and afternoon partly clear to cloudy, a T of precip, rain during night; mostly calm. |
9/10/2010 |
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50º, cloudy, 5 mph NNE breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 63º, low 50º; partly clear to cloudy all day, oocasional few drops of rain; light rain during night;
mostly calm. |
9/11/2010 |
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43º (38º earlier), cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 59º, low 38º (5:00 AM this morning); cloudy most of day, partly cloudy at sunset, clear later; occasional light variable breeze. |
9/12/2010 |
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37º (36º later), Dense general fog ceiling 200', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 71º, low 37º; partly clear to partly cloudy; occasional highly variable gusty winds 5-15 mph afternoon. |
9/13/2010 |
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43º, partly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 79º, low 36º; partly clear to partly cloudy; occasional light variable breeze. |
9/14/2010 |
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43º (42 earlier), mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 80º, low 42º; partly cloudy to mostly clear; occasional light breeze. Beautiful day. |
9/15/2010 |
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42º (41º earlier, 40º later), mostly clear, dense ground fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 79º, low 41º; mostly clear early, mostly clear by 10:00 AM, mostly clear to partly cloudy remainder of day. |
9/16/2010 |
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54º, light rain low overcast, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T, 82º, low 40º; mostly clear morning, partly cloudy to mostly cloudy late afternoon; occasional light breeze. |
9/17/2010 |
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53º, low overcast - light rain, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 65º, low 53º; cloudy, light rain morning cleared to mostly cloudy with filtered sun late afternoon, calm, light to moderate rain after midnight. |
9/18/2010 |
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46º, cloudy - light drizzle, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T missed, low 46º, cloudy, mostly calm. |
9/19/2010 |
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48º, cloudy, light general fog, light drizzle, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 54º, low 46º; cloudy, occasional light drizzle throughout day, mostly calm. |
9/20/2010 |
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51º, cloudy - light rain, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 59º, low 48º; cloudy with moderately heavy rain early then occasional light drizzle remainder of day, most of rain occurred during night with periods of heavy rain, one 5 min. period of sunshine late afternoon; Occasional S-SSW winds afternoon 10-15 mph one gust 25+ mph. |
9/21/2010 |
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48º, mostly cloudy - upslope fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 59º, low 48º; cloudy except brief period mostly cloudy with spots of sunshine late afternoon; occasional drizzle or light rain; mostly calm.
9/22/2010 |
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43º - (40º earlier), low clouds - mist, calm. Previous 24 hours: High 58º, low 40º; cloudy to mostly cloudy, two showers; two periods of light gusty SSW winds |
9/23/2010 |
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36º - (34º earlier), dense fog - 150' ceiling, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 60º, low 34º; cloudy, mist early, cleared to partly cloudy afternoon; occasional light S-SW breeze. |
9/24/2010 |
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48º (47º earlier) cloudy upslope fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 61º, low 36º; cloudy, mist early; mostly cloudy to partly sunny later; light rain after sunset and durig night; occasional light SSW wind. |
9/25/2010 |
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43º (42º earlier), very dense fog, ceiling 150', calm. Previous 24 hours: High 63º, low 42; cloudy - light drizzle early, cleared to mostly cloudy - partly sunny. |
9/26/2010 |
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41º - (40º earlier), cloudy light fog,calm. Previous 24 hours: 71º high, low 40º; clear sky after fog; occasional light SSW breeze. |
9/28/2010 |
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50º (48º earlier), partly cloudy - light fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: cloudy early, cleared to partly cloudy then clear at sunset; occasional light SSW breeze. |