Observation Date |
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10/1/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Scattered clouds, calm, 60°, 33% RH. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, high altitude smoke, mostly light wind, high temp 82° at 1340 (8° above normal), low temp 58° at 0553 (12° above normal and only 1° below the record high minimum for the date set in 1992). |
10/2/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Scattered clouds, 60°, 45% RH, wind S 1 mph, gusting to 3. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, mostly light wind, but gusty winds 20 to 32 mph around 0730 and a few sprinkles at about 0830, high temp 74° at 1509 (1° above normal), low temp 60° at 0657 (14° above normal and new record high minimum for the date, breaking the old record of 58° set in 1992). |
10/3/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Scattered clouds, 60°, 50% RH, wind ESE 3 mph, gusting to 5. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, light rain in the vicinity early evening, SE breeze with gusts to 36 mph about 1900, high temp 80° at 1144 (8° above normal), low temp 60° at 0659 (15° above normal and new record high minimum for the date, breaking the old record of 54° set in 2003). |
10/4/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.14 |
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Overcast, thunderstorm in progress, 55°, 88% RH, wind ESE 2 mph, gusting to 5. Last 24 hours: Scattered to broken clouds most of period, SE breeze 5 to 15 mph, gusting to 29 mph in afternoon, 0.02" rain 1615 to 1650, heavier showers with lightning 0332 and 0650 producing 0.12" rain, stronger storms in vicinity, high temp 72° at 1126 (1° above normal), low temp 55° at 0634 (11° above normal and another record high minimum for the date, breaking the old record of 54° set in 1979). |
10/5/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.74 |
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Broken clouds, 51°, 92% RH, wind SE 6 mph, gusting to 12. Last 24 hours: Broken clouds to overcast most of day, periods of showers with lightning the entire 24 hours, starting at 0719, a brief period of 1/8" hail at 1230-1235, mostly SE breeze 5 to 10 mph with gusts to 23 mph, high temp 56° at 1223 (16° below normal), low temp 50° at 0212 (6° above normal). |
10/6/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.11 |
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Partly cloudy, 49°, 78% RH, wind S 4 mph. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy to overcast, easterly breeze 5 to 16 mph, gusting to 27 mph, rain showers with a few lightning strikes starting 1530 and ending about 1840, high temp 59° at 1418 (12° below normal), low temp 49° at 0659 (5° above normal). |
10/7/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
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Overcast, 47°, 79% RH, wind W 1 mph, gusting to 2. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, thunderstorms in vicinity, mostly to east and north, two brief periods of showers at 1513 and 1708 (the later one started with rice-size hail for about 1 min, easterly breeze 10 to 20 mph with gusts to 30 mph in the afternoon, light wind overnight, high temp 56° at 1253 (16° below normal and only 1° above the record low maximum for the date set in 1994), low temp 46° at 0621 (3° above normal). |
10/8/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Clear, 40°, 83% RH, wind WSW 1 mph, gusting to 3. Last 24 hours: Overcast to broken clouds most of day, clearing overnight, a few showers in vicinity, only trace this location, southerly breeze with gusts to 22 mph, light overnight, high temp 53° at 1119 (18° below normal and new record low maximum for the date, breaking the old record of 58° set in 1970), low temp 40° at 0659 (2° below normal). |
10/9/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Clear, 47°, 72% RH, wind NW 2 mph, gusting to 4. Last 24 hours: Scattered clouds, light wind, high temp 62° at 1633 (8° below normal), low temp 47° at 0657 (5° above normal). |
10/10/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Scattered high clouds, 48°, 64% RH, wind W 3 mph, gusting to 5. Last 24 hours: Clear, northerly breeze, high temp 67° at 1520 (3° below normal), low temp 48° at 0659 (5° above normal). |
10/11/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Clear, 51°, 66% RH, wind W 4 mph, gusting to 5. Last 24 hours: Clear, light wind, high temp 66° at 1331 (4° below normal), low temp 51° at 0659 (9° above normal). |
10/12/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Clear, 47°, 75% RH, wind WNW 4 mph, gusting to 7. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy afternoon, thunderstorms popped up out of nowhere in the afternoon, rain from 1520 to 1540 that dropped 0.21" and another bout about sunset that only dropped a trace this location, but some brief heavy showers in the vicinity, mostly light wind, but a few gusts up to 22 mph near T-storms, a few lightning strikes and some rice-size hail mixed with the rain, high temp 71° at 1328 (2° above normal), low temp 47° at 0659 (5° above normal. |
10/13/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Clear, 45°, 36% RH, wind W 4 mph, gusting to 7. Last 24 hours: Clear, light wind, high temp 65° at 1243 (2° below normal), low temp 45° at 0532 (4° above normal). |
10/14/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Clear, 45°, 40% RH, wind W 3 mph, gusting to 5. Last 24 hours: Clear, NW breeze, high temp 68° at 1304 (normal), low temp 45° at 0659 (4° above normal). |
10/15/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Scattered clouds, 52°, 49% RH, wind S 1 mph, gusting to 2. Last 24 hours: Clear, light southerly breeze, high temp 71° at 1241 (4° above normal), low temp 52° at 0659 (13° above normal and only 1° below the record high minimum for the date set in 1991). |
10/16/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Broken clouds, 52°, 52% RH, wind WSW 2 mph, gusting to 4. Last 24 hours: Scattered clouds, mostly light wind, but breezy at times, no consistent direction, high temp 73° at 1314 (6° above normal), low temp 52° at 0649 (13° above normal and ties the record high minimum for the date, previously set in 1992). |
10/17/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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54°, 55% RH, wind WNW 1 mph, gusting to 5. Last 24 hours: High temp 73° at 1258 (6° above normal), low temp 54° at 0659 (14° above normal and record high minimum for date, breaking the old record of 52° set in 1950). |
10/18/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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44°, 93% RH, wind WNW 2 mph, gusting to 3. Last 24 hours: Rain showers 1610 to 0350, high temp 63° at 1430 (4° below normal), low temp 44° at 0659 (3° above normal). |
10/19/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Clear, 45°, 78% RH, wind WNW 4 mph, gusting to 8, slightly less than 0.01" water in rain gauge, but probably due to heavy dew early this morning. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, light wind, experienced scattered showers driving from Eureka to Pioche, by way of Ely. The last shower was within a couple of miles of Pioche. High temp 60° at 1350 (5° below normal), low temp 45° at 0659 (6° above normal). |
10/20/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Broken clouds, 47°, 52% RH, wind W 6 mph, gusting to 11. Last 24 hours: Mostly clear, light wind, high temp 63° at 1307 (2° below normal), low temp 47° at 0503 (9° above normal and only 1° below the record high minimum for the date, set in 1974). |
10/21/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.29 |
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Broken clouds, areas of fog, 45°, 96% RH, wind SSE 5 mph, gusting to 9. Last 24 hours: Broken clouds, overcast at times, a few sprinkles during day, rain starting 1915, heaviest 0310 to 0440, stopped 0620, light wind except for SSE 10 to 29 mph 1915 to 2300, high temp 61° at 1300 (3° below normal), low temp 45° at 0659 (6° above normal). |
10/22/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
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Overcast, fog, 45°, 96% RH, wind ENE 1 mph, gusting to 2. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, fog at beginning and end of period, sprinkles in afternoon and light rain before dawn (about 0440), light wind, high temp 56° at 1317 (8° below normal), low temp 45° at 0406 (7° above normal). |
10/23/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Fog, broken clouds, 44°, 98% RH, wind NW 1 mph, gusting to 2. Last 24 hours: Fog & overcast until late morning, partly cloudy most of remaining time, thunderstorms in vicinity by late afternoon, rain this location about 1900 to 2130, heaviest 2030 to 2110, mostly light wind, high temp 55° at 1337 (9° below normal), low temp 42° at 0158 (4° above normal). |
10/24/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Overcast, upper part of town above 6300 feet in cloud bank, 44°, 90% RH, wind SE 11 mph, gusting to 20. Last 24 hours: Mostly cloudy, SE breeze 9 to 14 mph with gusts to 19 mph, rain showers 0930 to 1100 (0.08") and 1830 to 1940 (0.04"), high temp 53° at 1410 (10° below normal), low temp 44° at 0659 (8° above normal), the 2.88" of rain so far this month and mild temperatures are causing the hills to green up with new grass, the ground is saturated, so the drought appears to have ended for now. |
10/25/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Partly cloudy, 44°, 68% RH, wind NW 12 mph, gusting to 17. Last 24 hours: Overcast, threatened rain all day, but only a trace some time overnight, windy out of SE, 10 to 20 mph with gusts to 32 mph, switching to NW between 0600 and 0700, high temp 50° at 1510 (12° below normal), low temp 44° at 0659 (8° above normal). |
10/26/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Clear, 33°, 57% RH, wind WNW 2 mph, gusting to 3. Last 24 hours: Rapid clearing, NW wind 10 to 29 mph, becoming light after sunset, raw day due to high wind-chill, high temp 48° at 1238 (14° below normal), low temp 33° at 0659 (3° below normal). |
10/27/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Clear, 28°, 60% RH, wind W 4 mph, gusting to 8. Last 24 hours: Scattered clouds, NW breeze gusting to 20 mph, high temp 46° at 1400 (16° below normal), low temp 28° at 0659 (8° below normal). |
10/28/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Partly cloudy with high clouds, calm, 32°, 60% RH. Last 24 hours: Clear, light wind, high temp 45° at 1333 (15° below normal), low temp 32° at 0641 (4° below normal). |
10/29/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Scattered high clouds, 42°, 63% RH, wind SE 5 mph, gusting to 6. Last 24 hours: Mostly clear, high clouds at times, SE breeze, high temp 53° at 1311 (8° below normal), low temp 42° at 0528 (7° above normal). |
10/30/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Broken clouds, 44°, 58% RH, southerly breeze. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, mostly high clouds until this morning (thickening clouds at dawn), SE breeze, high temp 60° at 1242 (1° above normal), low temp 42° at 0715 on the 29th, this morning's low temp 44° at 0644 (11° above normal). |
10/31/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Scattered clouds, 37°, pockets of frost in yard, 89% RH, calm. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, overcast at times with brief rain showers 1040 to 1150 (0.03")and 1415 to 1430 (0.01"), mostly light wind, but SE breeze gusting up to 30 mph mid-day during shower activity, high temp 49° at 1027 (8° below normal), low temp 36° at 0426 (2° above normal). |
11/1/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Clear, 40°, 65% RH, wind W 3 mph, gusting to 6. Last 24 hours: Clear, light NW breeze, high temp 56° at 1326 (1° below normal), low temp 40° at 0659 (7° above normal). |
11/2/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Clear, 45°, 48% RH, wind W 6 mph, gusting to 10. Last 24 hours: Clear, light NW breeze, high temp 61° at 1500 (3° above normal), low temp 45° at 0659 (13° above normal and ties the record high minimum for the date, previously set in 1953). |
11/3/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Clear, 47°, 46% RH, wind W 6 mph, gusting to 10. Last 24 hours: Clear, NW breeze, high temp 66° at 1328 (8° above normal), low temp 47° at 0659 (14° above normal). |
11/4/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Scattered high clouds, 46°, 58% RH, wind S 1 mph, gusting to 2. Last 24 hours: Clear, light wind, high temp 66° at 1327 (7° above normal), low temp 46° at 0659 (13° above normal). |
11/5/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Partly cloudy with high, thin, clouds, 49°, 56% RH, wind SSE 2 mph, gusting to 4. Last 24 hours: High clouds, light wind, high temp 67° at 1309 (8° above normal), low temp 49° at 0659 (16° above normal and new record high minimum for the date, shattering the old record of 43° set in 1983; strong temp inversion this morning, courthouse temp 43° and it is only 300' lower and still well above the valley bottom). |
11/6/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Broken high clouds, 48°, 58% RH, wind SSE 1 mph, gusting to 3. Last 24 hours: Scattered high clouds, southerly breeze, high temp 65° at 1330 (7° above normal), low temp 48° at 0641 (16° above normal and ties the record high minimum for the date, previously set in 1988). |
11/7/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Scattered high clouds, 44°, 61% RH, wind SE 3 mph, gusting to 4. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, mostly cloudy and SE breeze up to 29 mph in mid-afternoon, high temp 59° at 1315 (2° above normal), low temp 42° at 0629 (9° above normal). |
11/8/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.12 |
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Overcast, mix of rain, graupel pellets, sleet and snow, 38°, 94% RH, wind NW 4 mph, gusting to 6. Last 24 hours: Increasing clouds with rain 0520 to 0700, SE breeze 5 to 29 mph, switching to NW about 0600, lowest barometer coincided with start of rain, high temp 56° at 1214 (1° below normal), low temp 38° at 0659 (6° above normal). |
11/9/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Scattered clouds, 28°, 66% RH, wind NW 4 mph, gusting to 7, 1/4" snow on ground in patches. Last 24 hours: Overcast daylight hours, clearing overnight, rain and snow early, changing to all snow sometime during the day (I was traveling to and from St George between 0930 and 1700, so couldn't make local observations; but did observe heavy wet snow over Panaca Summit about 1000, heavy rain in places in SW Utah and snow in Lincoln County, NV on return trip), northwesterly breeze, gusting at times to 20 mph, high temp 41° at 1439 (15° below normal and only 1° above the record low maximum for the date, set in 1972), low temp 26° at 0639 (5° below normal). |
11/10/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Broken clouds, 31°, 59% RH, wind SE 5 mph, gusting to 11. Last 24 hours: Mostly clear, NW breeze, increasing clouds after midnight with trace of moisture sometime during that period, high temp 40° at 1430 (16° below normal and new record low maximum for the date, breaking the old record of 43° set in 1994), low temp 26° at 0140 (6° below normal). |
11/11/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Broken clouds early, then partial clearing, turning mostly cloudy in afternoon and evening with light snow showers 1445 to 2300, NW breeze in afternoon and overnight, high temp 40° at 1251 (15° below normal), low temp 26° at 0638 (5° below normal). |
11/12/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Clear, 29°, 72% RH, wind NW 2 mph, gusting to 4. Last 24 hours: Mostly clear, NW breeze, mostly light, high temp 41° at 1123 (14° below normal), low temp 26° at 0512 (6° below normal). |
11/13/2010 |
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Clear, 31°, 68% RH, wind W 5 mph, gusting to 8. Last 24 hours: Mostly clear, high clouds at times, W to NW breeze, mostly light, high temp 46° at 1218 (8° below normal), low temp 28° at 0556 (3° below normal). |
11/14/2010 |
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Partly cloudy, 29°, 66% RH, wind NW 2 mph, gusting to 4. Last 24 hours: Mostly clear, high clouds at times, NW breeze, high temp 45° at 1317 (7° below normal), low temp 29° at 0627 (normal). |
11/15/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Clear, 39°, 69% RH, wind NW 10 mph, gusting to 17. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, NW wind with gusts to 28 mph, high temp 50° at 1238 (normal), low temp 37° at 0355 (10° above normal). |
11/16/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Clear, 36°, 71% RH, wind S 2 mph, gusting to 4. Last 24 hours: Scattered clouds, NW wind gusting to 29 mph, becoming light overnight, high temp 54° at 1229 (5° above normal), low temp 35° at 0500 (7° above normal). |
11/17/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Scattered high clouds, 33°, 58% RH, wind SW 1 mph, gusting to 2. Last 24 hours: Scattered clouds, westerly breeze in afternoon with gusts to 23 mph, high temp 55° at 1156 (5° above normal), low temp 31° at 0632 (3° above normal). |
11/18/2010 |
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Partly cloudy, high clouds, 37°. 47% RH, wind SE 7 mph, gusting to 12. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy with high clouds, SE breeze mid-day, high temp 50° at 1210 (2° above normal), low temp 31° at 0632 (5° above normal). |
11/19/2010 |
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Overcast, 39°, 51% RH, wind ESE 5 mph, gusting to 12. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, mostly high clouds, SE breeze gusting to 23 mph, high temp 51° at 1226 (3° above normal), low temp 38° at 0338 (12° above normal). |
11/20/2010 |
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Overcast, 41°, 53% RH, wind ESE 11 mph, gusting to 20. Last 24 hours: Mostly cloudy, ESE wind with gusts to 35 mph, high temp 48° at 1325 (2° below normal), low temp 41° at 0659 (14° above normal). |
11/28/2010 |
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Overcast, 25°, 84% RH, wind N 7 mph, gusting to 16. Last 24 hours: Increasing clouds, snow after 2130. |
11/29/2010 |
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Clear, 14°, 63% RH, wind NW 11 mph, gusting to 17. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, clearing overnight, NW breeze, gusts to 29 mph, high temp 29° at 1241 (18° below normal and new record low maximum for the date, breaking the old record of 31 set in 1994), low temp 14° at 0602 (10° below normal). |
11/30/2010 |
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Scattered high clouds, 14°, 62% RH, wind W 3 mph, gusting to 4. Last 24 hours: Clear, NW breeze, gust to 20 mph, light overnight, high temp 28° at 1223 (19° below normal), low temp 13° at 0650(12° below normal). |
12/1/2010 |
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Scattered clouds, 28°, 43% RH, wind S 1 mph, gusting to 2. Last 24 hours: Mostly clear, light wind, high temp 36° at 1216 (12° below normal), low temp 28° at 0650 (2° above normal). |
12/2/2010 |
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Partly cloudy, high clouds, 34°, 40% RH, calm. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, high clouds, light wind, high temp 47° at 1224 (normal), low temp 32° at 0001 (8° above normal). |
12/3/2010 |
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Overcast, 43°, 27% RH, wind SE 2 mph, gusting to 4. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, SE breeze, high temp 50° at 1201 (4° above normal), low temp 38° at 0450 (13° above normal and record high minimum for the date, breaking the old record of 37° set in 1980). |
12/4/2010 |
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Overcast, 38°, 58% RH, wind WSW 1 mph, gusting to 3. Last 24 hours: Mostly cloudy, light wind, high temp 47° at 1419 (normal), low temp 37° at 0546 (12° above normal). |
12/5/2010 |
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Broken clouds, 33°, 76% RH, wind SSE 2 mph, gusting to 4. Last 24 hours: Broken clouds, light wind, high temp 47° at 1059 (1° above normal), low temp 33° at 0659 (10° above normal. |
12/6/2010 |
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Scattered clouds, 35°, 86% RH, wind SSE 4 mph, gusting to 7. Last 24 hours: Broken clouds, rain from about 2300 to 0430, SE breeze, strengthening during rain, with gusts to 30 mph, high temp 50° at 1324 (4° above normal), low temp 35° at 0659 (12° above normal). |
12/7/2010 |
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Clear, 33°, 67% RH, wind W 4 mph, gusting to 7. Last 24 hours: Mostly clear by mid-morning, light wind, high temp 48° at 1140 (3° above normal), low temp 32° at 0548 (8° above normal). |
12/8/2010 |
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Overcast, 33°, 67% RH, calm. Last 24 hours: Mostly clear, scattered high clouds at times, light wind, high temp 47° at 1239 (2° above normal), low temp 32° at 0004 (9° above normal). |
12/9/2010 |
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Overcast, 37°, 58% RH, wind SSE 1 mph, gusting to 3. Last 24 hours: Mostly cloudy, SE breeze in afternoon, high temp 45° at 1300 (1° above normal), low temp 34° at 0046 (11° above normal). |
12/10/2010 |
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Partly cloudy, 33°, 75% RH, wind SE 3 mph, gusting to 7. Last 24 hours: Mostly cloudy, a few sprinkles in afternoon, light wind, high temp 46° at 1426 (2° above normal), low temp 32° at 0509 (9° above normal). |
12/11/2010 |
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Clear, 39°, 64% RH, wind W 3 mph, gusting to 6. Last 24 hours: Mostly cloudy, clearing overnight, high temp 54° at 1232 (10° above normal), low temp 37° at 0510 (14° above normal). |
12/12/2010 |
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Scattered high clouds, 38°, 87% RH, wind SSE 2 mph, gusting to 3. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy afternoon, NW breeze mid-day, high temp 51° at 1214 (6° above normal), low temp 38° at 0656 (17° above normal and record high minimum for the date, breaking the old record of 36 set in 1958). |
12/13/2010 |
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Scattered high clouds, 36°, 83% RH, wind S 2 mph, gusting to 6. Last 24 hours: Mostly clear, light wind, high temp 55° at 1218 (10° above normal), low temp 36° at 0659 (15° above normal). |
12/14/2010 |
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Partly cloudy, 39°, 63% RH, wind SE 7 mph, gusting to 10. Last 24 hours: Broken, mostly high clouds, light wind, high temp 56° at 1125 (12° above normal), low temp 38° at 0440 (17° above normal and record high minimum for the date, old record 37° in 1952). |
12/15/2010 |
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Overcast, 39°, 67% RH, wind SSE 4 mph, gusting to 5. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy to overcast, southerly breeze, gusts to 24 mph, high temp 49° at 1140 (4° above normal), low temp 39° at 0647 (17° above normal and new record high minimum for the date, breaking the old record of 36° set in 1983). |
12/16/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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Scattered clouds, 26°, 80% RH, wind NW 7 mph, gusting to 12. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, overcast at times, NW breeze most of period, but easterly from 1500 to 2300, high temp 41° at 1421 (4° below normal), low temp 26° at 0659 (4° above normal). |
12/17/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Broken clouds, 25°, 80% RH, calm. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, NW breeze, high temp 39° at 1253 (6° below normal), low temp 23° at 0242 (normal). |
12/18/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.42 |
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Overcast, fog, light rain, 33°, 100% RH, wind SE 9 mph, gusting to 19, 2.5" gloppy snow on the ground. Last 24 hours: Overcast, snow from 0950 through most of the period, changing to rain before sunrise, fog overnight, SE wind afternoon and overnight with gusts to 24 mph, high temp for 24 hour period 33° at 0659 this morning, high temp for the 17th was 32° at 1344 and midnight (13° below normal), low temp for 24 hour period 25° at 0701 on the 17th, this mornings low temp 31° at 0259 (8° above normal). |
12/19/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.73 |
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Overcast, fog, moderate rain, 40°, 100% RH, wind SE 9 mph, gusting to 17. Last 24 hours: Overcast, foggy, near zero visibility at times, light rain most of period, becoming heavier after midnight, steadily increasing temperature, yesterday's high temp 39° at midnight, 24 hour high temp 40° at 0659 (4° below normal), this morning's low temp also 39° at 0001 (15° above normal and record high minimum for the date, breaking the old record of 34° set in 1981), last 24 hour low 34° at 0700 on the 18th. |
12/20/2010 |
7:00 AM |
1.09 |
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Overcast, fog, moderate rain, south wind. Last 24 hours: Overcast, in the cloud bank for most of period, so very limited visibility, light to moderate rain most of period (0.75" from 0700 to 1510, 0.34" 1510 to 0700), but dry period from 2030 to about 0030, south to southeast wind with gusts to 38 mph (and probably higher, as it blew over a power pole just after dark that blacked out the town until about 2200), high temp 41° at 2008 (3° below normal), low temp 36° at 0638 (14° above normal and another record high minimum for the date, breaking the old record of 35° set in 1981). |
12/21/2010 |
7:00 AM |
1.60 |
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Overcast, rain, 34°, 98% RH, wind SE 8 mph, gusting to 15. Last 24 hours: Overcast, foggy at times, mostly from being in the cloud bank, rain most of period, but temp dropped to freezing from 2030 to 0130 and the rain changed to snow, 2" of snow on ground at midnight, but raining at reading time with 2.5" sloppy rained upon snow still on the ground, SE wind, gusts to 27 mph, becoming calm during the period of snow and then resuming from 0300 to 0700 with gust to 21 mph, high temp 37° at 1318 (6° below normal), low temp 32° from 2030 to 0130 (10° above normal), precip measurements; 0.56" 0700 to 1500, 0.72" 1500 to midnight, 0.32" midnight to 0700. |
12/22/2010 |
7:00 AM |
1.38 |
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Overcast, 37°, 100% RH, wind E 15 mph, moderate rain. Last 24 hours: Overcast, rain most of period, especially overnight, all yesterday's snow washed off, mostly SE wind, high temp 37° at 1320 and 0643 (6° below normal), low temp 34° at 0247 (13° above normal and only 1° below the record high minimum for the date). My start and end times for the storm are very accurate because it was raining both days at reading time, but I didn't chart the course of the storm because there were no noteworthy periods, just variations from light to moderate rain with a few mostly dry periods mixed in. |
12/23/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.71 |
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Clear above the thick fog, 33°, 98% RH, wind NW 3 mph, gusting to 5. Last 24 hours: Overcast, moderate rain changing to snow 0812 to about 1330, then light rain that stopped about 1500, foggy overnight, with probable gradual clearing, easterly breeze becoming light overnight and northwesterly, high temp 37° at 0700 (5° below normal), low temp 32° at 1100 (11° above normal). No flooding occurred this location, but both the Meadow Valley Wash and Clover Creek were flooding. |
12/29/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.20 |
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Overcast, moderate snow, drifting, 28°, 95% RH, wind SE 14 mph, gusting to 25. Last 24 hours: Broken clouds to overcast, snow beginning sometime after 0100, measurements an average, as there was considerable drifting, SE breeze in afternoon, strengthening after sunset, with gusts to 31 mph, high temp 37° at 1236 (6° below normal), low temp 28° at 0528 (7° above normal). |
12/30/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.43 |
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Clear, 9°, 85% RH, wind NW 12 mph, gusting to 12, 6" snow on ground. Last 24 hours: Overcast, fog at times, clearing by dawn this morning, moderate to light snow from 0700 to about 2000 with breaks mid-day, brief period of hail (up to 3/8" in diameter), graupel pellets and lightning with frontal passage about dusk (1610 to 1630), SE wind 10 to 20 mph, gusts to 33 mph, changing to NW about 1700, high temp 30° at 1552 (12° below normal), low temp 9° at 0659 (12° below normal). |
12/31/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Clear, 4°, 79% RH, wind NW 1 mph, gusting to 2. Last 24 hours: Scattered clouds at times, NW breeze with gusts to 27 mph, decreasing late afternoon and overnight, cold, high temp 19° at 1305 (24° below normal and new record low maximum for the date, the old record was 27° in 1982), low temp 4° at 0659 (16° below normal; the temp was -3° at the courthouse, 300' lower). |
1/1/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Overcast, 7°, 78% RH, calm. Last 24 hours: Clear, increasing clouds sometime after midnight, light wind, cold, high temp 18° at 1155 (23° below normal and record low maximum for the date, breaking the old record of 24° set in 1975), low temp 3° at 0441 (18° below normal; courthouse temp was -6° and grammar school was -5°, so significant inversion, record low is -2° for date, but the official thermometer has been located at several different locations in town and this has a huge influence on the mimimum temperatures). |
1/2/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Overcast, light snow (just enough to re-coat pavement that is showing with a thin layer of white), 17°, 71% RH, wind NW 2 mph, gusting to 4. Last 24 hours: Started overcast, but quickly cleared to scattered clouds and then became overcast again this morning by dawn with snow starting close to 0700, light wind, high temp 23° at 1144 (17° below normal), low temp for 24 hour period 7° at 0700 on the 1st, morning low temp 12° at 0214 on the 2nd (7° below normal). |
1/3/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.07 |
1.2 |
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7.0 |
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Overcast, light snow, 93% RH, wind WNW 5 mph, gusting to 8. Last 24 hours: Overcast early, then partly to mostly cloudy most of period, becoming overcast with snow some time after midnight, probably from about 0430 to 0700 when the relative humidity was much higher than it had been and without much temp change, very dry snow with a ratio of 17:1, light wind with no definite direction, high temp 31° at 1420 (9° below normal), low temp for period 15° at 0744, morning low temp 22° at 0659 (4° above normal). |
1/4/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
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Overcast, 24°, 79% RH, wind W 2 mph, gusting to 3. Last 24 hours: Overcast, very light snow flurries from 0700 to about 1900, W to NW breeze, mostly light, high temp 32° at 1131 (8° below normal), low temp 22° at 0210 (4° above normal). |
1/5/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Scattered high clouds, 16°, 79% RH, wind S 1 mph, gusting to 4. Last 24 hours: Started overcast, but mostly clear by 1100, light wind, high temp 32° at 1240 (8° below normal), low temp 15° at 0623 (4° below normal). |
1/6/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Clear, 26°, 52% RH, wind NW 7 mph, gusting to 11. Last 24 hours: Scattered high clouds at times, light NW breeze, picking up a little overnight, high temp 35° at 1253 (6° below normal), low temp 24° at 0229 (4° above normal). |
1/7/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Clear, 24°, 53% RH, wind NW 6 mph, gusting to 9. Last 24 hours: Clear, WNW breeze, high temp 38° at 1233 (3° below normal), low temp 24° at 0044 (4° above normal). |
1/8/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Clear, 24°, 80% RH, Calm. Last 24 hours: Mostly clear, northwesterly breeze, high temp 38° at 1243 (4° below normal), low temp 24° at 0659 (3° above normal). |
1/9/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Partly cloudy, fog, 25°, 95% RH, calm. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, lenticular clouds to NE, nearly calm, high temp 39° at 1245 (4° below normal), low temp 25° at 0658 (3° above normal). |
1/10/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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1.24 |
Clear, 11°, 68% RH, wind N 5 mph, gusting to 7. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, fog early, NW breeze, high temp 31° at 1311 (12° below normal), low temp 11° at 0656 (11° below normal). |
1/11/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Overcast, 14°, 60% RH, calm. Last 24 hours: Mostly clear, becoming overcast after midnight, NW breeze, nearly calm overnight, high temp 25° at 1234 (17° below normal), low temp 10° at 0140 (13° below normal, temp at Courthouse 5° and school 4°). |
1/12/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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22°, 67% RH. Last 24 hours: Overcast to partly cloudy, high temp 30° at 1246 (12° below normal), low temp 21° at 0529 (1° below normal). |
1/13/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Partly cloudy, high clouds, calm, 28°, 69% RH. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy at times, mostly high clouds, light wind, high temp 40° at 1313 (2° below normal), low temp 28° at 0659 (7° above normal). |
1/14/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Partly cloudy, high clouds, 35°, 74% RH, wind W 7 mph, gusting to 10. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, mostly high clouds, light wind until about 2200, then breezy out of W, high temp 45° at 1420 (2° above normal), low temp for 24 hour period 28° at 0704 on 13th, morning low temp 34° at 0310 (12° above normal and only 1° below the record high minimum for the date, set in 1980). |
1/15/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Partly cloudy, high clouds, 32°, 72% RH, wind NW 2 mph, gusting to 6. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, high clouds, W to NW breeze, high temp 45° at 1238 (1° above normal), low temp 31° at 0346 (8° above normal). |
1/16/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Overcast, 37°, 81% RH, wind S 3 mph, gusting to 11. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, mostly high clouds, NW breeze, high temp 46° at 1216 (2° above normal), low temp 33° at 0226 (11° above normal and only 2° below the record high minimum for the date, set in 2000). |
1/17/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Scattered clouds, 42°, 79% RH, heavy dew, wind WSW 2 mph, gusting to 4. Last 24 hours: Overcast to scattered clouds, NW breeze, considerable snow melt with bare patches starting to show up on more than just south-facing slopes, high temp 52° at 1221 (9° above normal), low temp 39° at 0450 (16° above normal and new record high minimum for the date, breaking the old record of 37° set in 2000). |
1/18/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Partly cloudy, high clouds, 35°, 56% RH, wind NW 2 mph, gusting to 3. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, mostly high clouds, unseasonably warm NW breeze and lack of freezing at night has reduced the snow to patches at this altitude on all but north-facing slopes, high temp 56° at 1136 (12° above normal), low temp 34° at 0644 (10° above normal). |
1/19/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Scattered clouds, 34°, 54% RH, wind SW 1 mph, gusting to 4. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, mostly high clouds, light wind, spring conditions, lots of mud, snow in town reduced to patches, except on steep north-facing slopes where there is still coverage, high temp 50° at 1303 (6° above normal), low temp 33° at 0547 (11° above normal). |
1/20/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Clear, 20°, 67% RH, wind NW 6 mph, gusting to 9. Last 24 hours: Scattered clouds, NW wind gusting to 26 mph, high temp 45° at 1040 (2° above normal), low temp 20° at 0659 (2° below normal). |
1/21/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Clear, 30°, 47% RH, wind NW 5 mph, gusting to 9. Last 24 hours: Clear, NW breeze with gusts to 20 mph, high temp 38° at 1244 (5° below normal), low temp 26° at 0114 (5° above normal). Most of yard free of snow, but north-facing slopes in town still mostly covered. |
1/22/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Scattered clouds, 36°, 64% RH, wind NW 6 mph, gusting to 12. Last 24 hours: Mostly clear, but scattered clouds by dawn, light wind, high temp 49° at 1226 (7° above normal), low temp 33° at 0358 (12° above normal and ties the record high minimum for the date, previously set in 1970). |
1/23/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Clear, 23°, 64% RH, wind NW 3 mph, gusting to 5. Last 24 hours: Scattered clouds early, then clearing, NW wind with gusts to 27 mph, high temp 48° at 1234 (5° above normal, but felt much colder), low temp 23° at 0659 (1° above normal). |
1/24/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Clear, 29°, 44% RH, wind NW 2 mph, gusting to 3. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy at times with high clouds, light wind, high temp 40° at 1248 (4° below normal), low temp 28° at 0509 ( 6° above normal). |
1/25/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Clear, 30°, 61% RH, wind NW 3 mph, gusting to 4. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy at times, high clouds, light NW breeze, high temp 46° at 1226 (3° above normal), low temp 30° at 0659 (7° above normal). |
1/26/2011 |
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Scattered clouds, 27°, 86% RH, wind NW 5 mph, gusting to 9. Last 24 hours: Clear, NW wind, gusts to 24 mph, high temp 48° at 1229 (3° above normal), low temp 27° at 0659 (4° above normal). |
1/27/2011 |
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Clear, 27°, 74% RH, wind NW 4 mph, gusting to 9. Last 24 hours: Scattered clouds early, then mostly clear, NW breeze, high temp 44° at 1231 (normal), low temp 27° at 0659 (5° above normal). Still patches of snow about our east-facing yard and north-facing part of town mostly retain several inches of hard packed snow and ice as is usual. January has been unusually dry with a persistent NW flow and about normal temperature for a non-stormy and mostly clear period. |
1/28/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Clear, 30°, 70% RH, wind W 2 mph, gusting to 3. Last 24 hours: Clear, NW breeze, high temp 46° at 1300 (2° above normal), low temp 30° at 0640 (8° above normal). |
1/29/2011 |
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Clear, 32°, 54% RH, wind SE 3 mph, gusting to 4. Last 24 hours: Clear, southerly breeze, high temp 53° at 1231 (9° above normal), low temp 32° at 0659 (11° above normal). |
1/30/2011 |
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Partly cloudy, 33°, 54% RH, wind ESE 5 mph, gusting to 9. Last 24 hours: Clear daylight hours, increasing clouds overnight, SE breeze, high temp 52° at 1510 (8° above normal), low temp 33° at 0640 (12° above normal). |
2/9/2011 |
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Clear, 20°, 66% RH, wind N 5 mph, gusting to 8. Last 24 hours: Scattered clouds, northerly wind with gusts to 23 mph, a few snow flurries in surrounding mountains, high temp 35° at 1254 (10° below normal), low temp 20° at 0659 (3° below normal). Still patchy snow on steep north-facing slopes in town, but mid-winter drought remains in place with only 0.08" precip since January 1st. |
2/10/2011 |
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Clear, 19°, 66% RH, wind NW 5 mph, gusting to 10. Last 24 hours: Mostly clear, scattered clouds at times, NW breeze, high temp 37° at 1225 (9° below normal), low temp 19° at 0652 (5° below normal). |
2/11/2011 |
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Clear, 26°, 54% RH, wind NW 8 mph, gusting to 14. Last 24 hours: Clear, NW breeze, high temp 39° at 1239 (6° below normal), low temp 25° at 0651 (1° above normal). |
2/12/2011 |
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Mostly clear, a few high clouds, calm, 29°, 58% RH. Last 24 hours: Clear, NW breeze, becoming nearly calm overnight, high temp 46° at 1238 (normal), low temp 28° at 0529 (5° above normal). |
2/13/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Scattered high clouds, 32°, 44% RH, wind SSE 3 mph, gusting to 6. Last 24 hours: Clear, southerly breeze, high temp 52° at 1231 (7° above normal), low temp 31° at 0645 (7° above normal). |
2/14/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Scattered clouds, 36°, 37% RH, wind SE 6 mph, gusting to 10. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, mostly high clouds, high temp 54° at 1138 (8° above normal), low temp 34° at 0542 (9° above normal). |
2/15/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Scattered high clouds, 34°, 45% RH, wind SE 5 mph, gusting to 8. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, high clouds, southerly wind with gusts to 29 mph, high temp 51° at 1258 (5° above normal), low temp 32° at 0527 (8° above normal). |
2/16/2011 |
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Clear, 35°, 56% RH, wind ESE 13 mph, gusting to 26. Last 24 hours: Scattered high clouds, SE wind with gusts to 30 mph, high temp 49° at 1431 (2° above normal), low temp 34° at 0634 (9° above normal). |
2/17/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
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Clear, 26°, 62% RH, wind SE 7 mph, gusting to 10. Last 24 hours: Clear, then overcast by mid-afternoon, followed by clearing overnight, brief shower of graupel pellets and rain 1645 to 1700, high wind out of SE with gusts to 67 mph, high temp 47° at 1444 (1° above normal), low temp 25° at 0616 (normal). |
2/18/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Broken clouds, 31°, 51% RH, wind ESE 4 mph, gusting to 10. Last 24 hours: Clear in morning, scattered clouds in afternoon, increasing overnight, SE wind gusting to 27 mph, high temp 40° at 1310 (7° below normal), low temp 31° at 2154 and again at 0659 (7° above normal). |
2/19/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.38 |
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Overcast, moderate snow, 31°, 98% RH, wind ESE 7 mph, gusting to 12. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, clear at times, overcast and snow 0100 to 0700 (based on temp and dew-point coming together), SE wind with gusts to 34 mph, high temp 44° at 1340 (2° below normal), low temp 31° from 0300 to 0700 (7° above normal). |
2/20/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.53 |
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Scattered clouds, 20°, 90% RH, wind NW 1 mph, gusting to 4. Last 24 hours: Overcast, snow, gradual clearing after 1500, SE wind with gusts to 28 mph, high temp 34° at 1444 (12° below normal), low temp 20° at 0657 (4° below normal). |
2/21/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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8.0 |
1.21 |
Fog, scattered clouds, 21°, 93% RH, wind WSW 2 mph, gusting to 3. Last 24 hours: Scattered clouds, fog after midnight, light wind, high temp 34° at 1206 (12° below normal), low temp 19° at 0212 (6° below normal). |
2/22/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Scattered clouds, 21°, 84% RH, wind SE 2 mph, gusting to 4. Last 24 hours: Fog until mid-morning, scattered clouds, SE breeze, light wind overnight, high temp 34° at 1225 (14° below normal), low temp 20° at 0646 (5° below normal). |
2/23/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Clear, 23°, 78% RH, wind SSE 4 mph, gusting to 5. Last 24 hours: Clear, Southerly breeze, high temp 37° at 1242 (11° below normal), low temp 22° at 0624 (3° below normal). |
2/24/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Clear, 29°, 74% RH, wind SSE 11 mph, gusting to 21. Last 24 hours: Clear in morning, overcast by mid-afternoon, clearing overnight, SE wind with gusts to 23 mph, high temp 39° at 1241 (8° below normal), low temp 27° at 0232 (2° above normal). |
2/25/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Broken clouds, 29°, 82% RH, wind SE 12 mph, gusting to 19. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, SE wind gusting to 27 mph, high temp 43° at 1256 (6° below normal), low temp 29° at 0655 (3° above normal). |
2/26/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.35 |
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Overcast, light snow, 29°, 97% RH, wind ESE 10 mph, gusting to 21. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy to overcast, snow started after midnight, probably about 0120, because that is when the temp dropped to below freezing and the humidity shot up to near saturation at the recording instruments at the courthouse, SE wind with gusts to 35 mph, high temp 37° at 1610 (12° below normal), low temp 29° at 0659 (4° above normal). |
2/27/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.32 |
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12.0 |
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Overcast, 20°, 85% RH, wind WNW 7 mph, gusting to 9. Last 24 hours: Overcast, light to moderate snow until about midnight, SE wind with gusts to 31 mph, changing to WNW about 1420 and decreasing, high temp 32° at 1419 (16° below normal), low temp 19° at 0621 (5° below normal). I suspect that the rain gauge is under-collecting wind-driven snow because there was a lot of snow plastered on the sides and the snow depths were somewhat deeper than I would have expected for snow that fell near freezing. I didn't have time to take a core sample this morning, but I will take one later today and tomorrow. |
2/28/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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10.0 |
1.67 |
Overcast, not sure if it is fog or we are in a cloud bank, 25°, 93% RH, wind SSE 14 mph, gusting to 19. Last 24 hours: Clear, fog after 2300, breezy at times, max gust 23 mph, no consistent direction, high temp 34° at 1235 (14° below normal), low temp 25° at 0643 (1° above normal). Note, I took core samples of both the total snow and the loose new snow from Saturday and Sunday's storm 1.67"/0.81". The new snow readings from the core sample exceed what I measured in my gauge by 0.14" or 21% higher. I had estimated that the gauge might be missing some snow and this seems to confirm it. |
3/3/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Scattered clouds, 37°, 74% RH, wind 9 SE mph, gusting to 12. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, SE wind with gusts to 27 mph, high temp 47° at 1312 (1° above normal), low temp 34° at 0625 (9° above normal). |
3/4/2011 |
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Clear, 33°, 63% RH, wind WNW 5 mph, gusting to 8. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, clearing overnight, light rain showers briefly after 1230, breeze gradually shifting from SE to NW, high temp 50° at 1159 (4° above normal), low temp 29° at 0622 (3° above normal). |
3/5/2011 |
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Scattered clouds, 34°, 66% RH, wind SE 3 mph, gusting to 5. Last 24 hours: Mostly clear, NW breeze, changing to SE in afternoon, high temp 47° at 1234 (normal), low temp 31° at 0602 (5° above normal). I have been following the guidlines on how to report old snow depths, but these results can be misleading because I am usually the only person reporting in this area and my yard faces steeply SE. Most of the town faces north and retains snow much longer. The snow in my yard is turning patchy, while there is still solid snow cover on all of the north-facing slopes. |
3/6/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Overcast, 39°, 45% RH, wind SE 6 mph, gusting to 9. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, SE breeze, high temp 53° at 1255 (5° above normal), low temp 37° at 0148 (10° above normal). |
3/7/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Overcast, sleet, 36°, 84% RH, wind WSW 2 mph, gusting to 5. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy most of day, then clear first part of knight, becoming overcast and precip starting before sunrise, SE breeze, high temp 52° at 1143 (3° above normal), low temp 35° at 0619 (8° above normal). Note: Not enough snow to take a meaningful core sample. |
3/8/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Clear, 26°, 63% RH, wind NW 12 mph, gusting to 20. Last 24 hours: Started overcast with sleet from 0700 to 1030, partial clearing, then broken clouds with snow showers (graupel pellets) from 1230 to 1700, gradual clearing after that, S wind, changing to NW about 1000, with gusts to 31 mph, high temp 44° at 1158 (7° below normal), low temp 23° at 0504 (6° below normal). |
3/9/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Scattered high clouds, 36°, 69% RH, wind W 2 mph, gusting to 3. Last 24 hours: Clear, NW breeze with gusts to 23 mph morning, becoming light in afternoon and overnight, high temp 44° at 1249 (7° below normal), low temp 32° at 0352 (3° above normal). |
3/10/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Clear, 44°, 51% RH, calm. Last 24 hours: Mostly clear, southerly breeze, high temp 56° at 1450 (4° above normal), low temp 36° at 0550 (7° above normal). |
3/11/2011 |
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Clear, 43°, 54% RH, calm. Last 24 hours: Mostly clear, SE wind most of daylight hours, gusting to 32 mph, high temp 58° at 1245 (7° above normal), low temp 38° at 0607 (10° above normal). A lot of remaining snow melted in warm winds yesterday; only small patches left in my yard, but north-facing slopes in town still more than 50% covered with snow. |
3/12/2011 |
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Scattered high clouds, 42°, 58% RH, wind WNW 3 mph, gusting to 6. Last 24 hours: Clear, SE breeze, gusts to 20 mph, high temp 60° at 1300 (10° above normal), low temp 36° at 0608 (8° above normal). |
3/13/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Scattered high clouds, 37°, 53% RH, calm. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, broken clouds mid-afternoon, mostly westerly breeze, high temp 59° at 1155 (9° above normal), low temp 37° at 0539 (9° above normal). Snow finally gone from yard and less than 50% coverage on north-facing slopes in town. |
3/14/2011 |
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Overcast, 44°, 48% RH, wind WNW 2 mph, gusting to 3. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, breezy (no constant direction), high temp 58° at 1526 (7° above normal), low temp 40° at 0336 (12° above normal). |
3/15/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Scattered clouds, 39°, 61% RH, wind SSE 3 mph, gusting to 4. Last 24 hours: Overcast early, then rapid clearing to scattered clouds most of day, westerly breeze with gust to 20 mph, high temp 62° at 1525 (10° above normal), low temp 39° at 0659 (11° above normal). |
3/16/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Overcast, 47°, 53% RH, wind SE 8 mph, gusting to 12. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, southerly breeze, gusts to 22 mph, high temp 63° at 1526 (12° above normal), low temp 47° at 0637 (18° above normal and new record high minimum for the date, breaking the old record of 44° set in 1994). |
3/17/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.03 |
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Overcast, 37°, 47% RH, wind E 3 mph, gusting to 4. Last 24 hours: Overcast, light and briefly moderate rain 1725 to about 1800, SE wind with gusts to 29 mph, changing to westerly and becoming light about 1730, high temp 59° at 1538 (6° above normal), low temp 37° at 0344 (9° above normal). |
3/18/2011 |
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Clear, hazy, calm, 32°, 78% RH. Last 24 hours: Overcast, heavy at first, but high, thin by afternoon, very hazy, but light wind (very strange), clear overnight, high temp 47° at 1607 (5° below normal), low temp 32° at 0654 (4° above normal). |
3/19/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Overcast, 37°, 37% RH, wind S 4 mph, gusting to 9. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, very hazy, SE wind with gusts to 37 mph, high temp 52° at 1400 (normal), low temp 36° at 0633 (7° above normal). |
3/20/2011 |
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Overcast, 34°, 67% RH, wind ESE 10 mph, gusting to 18. Last 24 hours: Overcast, southerly wind with gusts to 34 mph, snow showers in vicinity and a few light flurries this location, high temp 45° at 1256 (8° below normal), low temp 31° at 0237 (3° above normal). |
3/21/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.20 |
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0.27 |
Overcast, heavy drifting snow, 29°, 98% RH, strong southerly wind. Last 24 hours: Overcast, some light mixed rain and snow showers in the morning that dropped 0.02" precip, short period of heavy snow after 0330 and lasting until reading time at 0700, high SE to ESE winds averaging about 25 to 30 mph, with gusts to 63 mph, power failure due to winds at about 0330, high temp 41° at 1426 (13° below normal), low temp 29° at 0659 (1° below normal). Note: The old and new snow measurements coincided because there was no old snow left on any but the steeper north-facing slopes in town, none of which are in my measuring area. |
3/22/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Clear, 23°, 94% RH, calm. Last 24 hours: Overcast early with heavy snow briefly, then partial clearing, back to overcast in afternoon with on and off snow showers, graupel pellets 1408 to 1700, then gradual clearing, although another brief snow shower sometime after dark dropped an additional 0.01" of moisture, southerly wind 14 to 20 mph with gusts to 38 mph, light wind overnight, high temp 40° at 1641 (15° below normal), low temp 22° at 0600 (10° below normal). |
3/23/2011 |
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Clear, 28°, 71% RH, wind SE 4 mph, gusting to 6. Last 24 hours: Started clear, broken clouds by afternoon with snow showers in vicinity, only a few flurries this location, clearing overnight, breezy afternoon with erratic wind direction, high temp 40° at 1436 (15° below normal), low temp 27° at 0636 (4° below normal). |
3/24/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.22 |
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Broken clouds, 28°, 89% RH, southerly breeze. Last 24 hours: Started clear, partly cloudy by afternoon, overcast and snow after midnight and before dawn, southerly wind, precip measurements probably low because there was more snow plastered on the outside of the gauge than in it and core measurement wouldn't be too meaningful because of drifting, high temp 51° at 1338 (4° below normal), low temp 27° at 0636 (4° below normal). |
3/25/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.04 |
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Overcast, light snow, 30°, 81% RH, wind S 7 mph, gusting to 18. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, becoming overcast overnight with snow starting after midnight, probably just before sunrise and continuing at 0700, southerly wind, high temp 39° at 1532 (15° below normal), low temp 30° at 0659 (1° below normal). |
3/26/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Overcast, 32°, 74% RH, wind SE 8 mph, gusting to 11. Last 24 hours: Light snow, becoming moderate to heavy, then decreasing to flurries about 1130, precip stopped about noon with partial clearing and only scattered clouds by 1400, southerly wind 12 to 25 mph, shifting to north about 1000 and back to southerly and decreasing about 1400, rapid melting as soon as the sun came out, even though the temp was below freezing most of the day, high temp 41° at 1515 (13° below normal), low temp 30° at 0302 (1° below normal). |
3/27/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Clear, hazy, 32°, 88% RH, wind W 2 mph, gusting to 5. Last 24 hours: Overcast, lt snow 0909, moderate at times, stopped about 1300, then broken clouds, clearing overnight, mostly SE breeze, high temp 39° at 1600 (15° below normal), low temp 31° at 0630 (1° above normal). |
3/28/2011 |
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Clear, 36°, 75% RH, wind WSW 3 mph, gusting to 6. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, SE wind with gusts to 27 mph, high temp 50° at 1540 (4° below normal), low temp 34° at 0659 (6° above normal). |
3/29/2011 |
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Scattered high clouds, 30°, 60% RH, wind W 3 mph, gusting to 7. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy at times, NW wind with gusts to 22 mph, light wind overnight, high temp 53 at 1522 (normal), low temp 30 at 0659 (2° above normal). |
3/30/2011 |
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Clear, 38°, 66% RH, wind WNW 5 mph, gusting to 8. Last 24 hours: Mostly clear, some high clouds, breezy at times, high temp 54° at 1510 (1° below normal), low temp 36° at 0640 (6° above normal). |
3/31/2011 |
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Scattered high clouds, 45°, 57% RH, wind WNW 7 mph, gusting to 11. Last 24 hours: High clouds at times, NW wind with gusts to 28 mph, high temp 62° at 1453 (6° above normal), low temp 44° at 0442 (13° above normal and near record high minimum for the date). |
4/1/2011 |
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Clear, 45°, 48% RH, wind SSE 1 mph, gusting to 3. Last 24 hours: Mostly clear, a few high clouds, NW breeze with gusts to 24 mph in afternoon, light wind overnight, high temp 72° at 1507 (16° above normal), low temp 45° at 0656 (14° above normal). |
4/2/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Partly cloudy, 54°, 41% RH, wind SE 7 mph, gusting to 12. Last 24 hours: A few high clouds, SE breeze, high temp 74° at 1519 (19° above normal and record high maximum for the date, breaking the old record of 73° set in 2004), low temp 54° at 0659 (23° above normal and shattered the old highest minimum record for the date of 45° set in 1989). |
4/3/2011 |
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Scattered clouds, 36°, 92% RH, wind NW 10 mph, gusting to 14. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, light rain about 0330, SE wind with gusts to 36 mph, changing to northwesterly overnight, high temp 67° at 1409 (12° above normal), low temp 36° at 0659 (5° above normal). |
4/4/2011 |
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Scattered high clouds, 30°, 47% RH, wind W 2 mph, gusting to 3. Last 24 hours: Scattered clouds early, then mostly clear, steady NW wind 10 to 20 mph with gusts to 33 mph, becoming light overnight, high temp 45° at 1457 (11° below normal), low temp 30° at 0652 (3° below normal). |
4/5/2011 |
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Clear, 40°, 44% RH, wind WSW 1 mph, gusting to 3. Last 24 hours: Mostly clear, light wind, high temp 57° at 1519 (normal), low temp 40° at 0657 (8° above normal). |
4/6/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Overcast, light snow, 36°, 95% RH, wind ESE 7 mph, gusting to 12. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, becoming overcast sometime overnight with light snow beginning about 0550 (that is when rain started showing up on the automatic gauge at the courthouse) ending about 0700, SE wind with gusts to 26 mph, changing to WNW about 0120 and gusting to 21 mph, high temp 64° at 1529 (6° above normal), low temp 36° at 0633 (2° above normal). |
4/7/2011 |
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41°, 86% RH, wind ESE 7 mph, gusting to 14. Last 24 hours: SE wind afternoon and overnight with gusts to 29 mph, high temp 54° at 1545 (5° below normal), low temp 40° at 0240 (7° above normal). |
4/8/2011 |
9:00 AM |
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Note: Precipitation measurement taken 0900, all others taken at 0700. Overcast, snowing, 27°, 92% RH, wind SSE 11 mph, gusting to 21. Last 26 hours: Overcast and snow 2140 to 0900, ESE wind with gusts to 56 mph, high temp 48° at 1250 (10° below normal), low temp 27° at 0659 (4° below normal). |
4/9/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
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Overcast, light wind, 28°, 86% RH. Last 24 hours: Snow showers at times, ESE wind with gusts to 23 mph, high temp 33° at 1500 (25° below normal and new record low maximum for the date, breaking the old record of 37° set in 1975), low temp 28° at 0630 (5° below normal). |
4/10/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.03 |
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Clear, 27°, 86% RH, calm. Last 24 hours: Light snow 0730 to 1115 and another brief shower 1845, clearing overnight, NW wind, gusts to 20 mph, switching to SE about 1630, then decreasing and light overnight, high temp 38° at 1510 (22° below normal and record low maximum for the date, breaking the old record of 40° set in 1950), low temp 24° at 0550 (9° below normal). |
4/11/2011 |
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Scattered high clouds, 34°, 73% RH, calm. Last 24 hours: Scattered clouds, NW breeze with gusts to 20 mph, light wind overnight, high temp 40° at 1720 (19° below normal), low temp 33° at 0641 (1° below normal). |
4/12/2011 |
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Partly cloudy, high clouds, 39°, 65% RH, wind W 4 mph, gusting to 7. Last 24 hours: Scattered high clouds, SE breeze, high temp 56° at 1556 (3° below normal), low temp 37° at 0350 (3° above normal). |
4/13/2011 |
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Scattered clouds, 41°, 62% RH, wind ESE 8 mph, gusting to 12. Last 24 hours: Scattered clouds, southerly breeze with gust to 21 mph, high temp 61° at 1335 (2° above normal), low temp 37° at 0528 (4° above normal). |
4/14/2011 |
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Clear, 31°, 57% RH, wind WNW 10 mph, gusting to 14. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, light snow showers 1730 to 1800, SE wind with gusts to 38 mph, switching to NW about 1730, gusts to 35 mph, high temp 58° at 1221 (3° below normal), low temp 29° at 0612 (6° below normal). |
4/15/2011 |
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Clear, hazy, 34°, 55% RH, wind WNW 4 mph, gusting to 6. Last 24 hours: Clear, NW breeze with gusts to 21 mph, high temp 50° at 1518 (11° below normal), low temp 31° at 0622 (4° below normal). |
4/16/2011 |
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Scattered high clouds, 46°, 49% RH, wind ESE 2 mph, gusting to 3. Last 24 hours: Scattered mostly high clouds, a few linticular clouds to north in late afternoon, breezy, variable direction, max gust 17 mph, high temp 60° at 1232 (2° below normal), low temp 42° at 0553 (6° above normal). Last patches of snow in town are gone, everything greening up and wildflowers starting to appear. |
4/17/2011 |
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Scattered high clouds, 47°, 58% RH, calm. Last 24 hours: Scattered clouds, breezy, max gust 19 mph, no consistent direction, high temp 67° at 1620 (4° above normal), low temp 42° at 0553 (6° above normal). |
4/18/2011 |
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Overcast, 54°, 48% RH, wind SE 6 mph, gusting to 8. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, lenticular clouds late afternoon and evening, southerly breeze, gusts to 22 mph, high temp 72° at 1430 (10° above normal), low temp 54° at 0659 (18° above normal and record high minimum for the date, breaking the old record of 50° set in 1987). |
4/19/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Clear, 42°, 59% RH, calm. Last 24 hours: Mostly cloudy daytime, SE wind, gusts to 23 mph, changing to WNW about 1500 and picking up to 32 mph, brief showers at 1415 and 1424 with a little bit of 1/8" hail, another peak in wind about 2000 which probably coincided with nearby thunderstorm (we were in Caliente at the time and experienced a thunderstorm that dropped heavy rain for a short while), clearing overnight and calm by morning, high temp 66° at 1342 (5° above normal), low temp 39° at 0639 (6° above normal). |
4/20/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Scattered clouds, 44°, 58% RH, wind WNW 5 mph, gusts to 8. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, clearing overnight, NW breeze, variable overnight, high temp 61° at 1547 (2° above normal), low temp 41° at 0625 (6° above normal). |
4/21/2011 |
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Clear, 45°, 62% RH, wind SE 9 mph, gusting to 16. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, overcast by 1830 with light rain until about 2000, then clearing overnight, SE wind with gusts to 28 mph, switch to WNW 1830 to 2040, high temp 66° at 1255 (6° above normal), low temp 42° at 0620 (6° above normal). |
4/22/2011 |
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Clear, 41°, 47% RH, wind NW 3 mph, gusting to 6. Last 24 hours: Increasing clouds to mostly cloudy mid-day, then decreasing again in afternoon, SE wind 10 to 15 mph with gusts to 29 mph, changing to W about 1300 and NW overnight and decreasing, high temp 61° at 1610 (1° below normal), low temp 36° at 0612 (normal). |
4/23/2011 |
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Overcast, 39°, 52% RH, wind WNW 8 mph, gusting to 12. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, NW breeze, high temp 56° at 1431 (6° below normal), low temp 39° at 0656 (2° above normal). |
4/24/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.17 |
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Broken clouds, 39°, 83% RH, light wind. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, rain showers starting about 2300, ended sometime before sunrise, new snow on surrounding mountains above about 8,000 feet, high temp 58° at 1624 (4° below normal), low temp 37° at 0623 (normal). |
4/25/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Partly cloudy, 35°, 72% RH, wind SW 1 mph, gusting to 3. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, thunderstorms in afternoon that only wet the ground several times this location and dropped less than 0.01", but much stronger storms in vicinity, breezy in afternoon and early evening with max gust near storm of 35 mph, high temp 60° at 1402 (3° below normal), low temp 33° at 0559 (3° below normal). |
4/26/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Mostly clear, clouds to north, 37°, 52% RH, wind NW 10 mph, gusting to 15. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, overcast by late afternoon with virga and a few light showers, clearing overnight, southerly breeze with gusts to 31 mph, changing to NW about 2030 with gusts to 25 mph overnight, high temp 61° at 1528 (1° below normal), low temp 35° at 0600 (1° below normal). |
4/27/2011 |
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Clear, 33°, 47% RH, wind NW 4 mph, gusting to 6. Last 24 hours: Mostly clear up until 1100, when I traveled to Elko and experienced cold and blustery weather from Ely to Elko, with snow flurries as I traveled north, high temp 50° at 1520 (11° below normal), low temp 29° at 0602 (8° below normal). |
4/28/2011 |
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Clear, 44°, 35% RH, wind E 5 mph, gusting to 7. Last 24 hours: Mostly clear, high clouds at times, high temp 55° at 1656 (8° below normal), low temp 38° at 0551 (1° above normal). |
4/29/2011 |
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Clear, 43°, 43% RH, wind NW 14 mph, gusting to 25. Last 24 hours: Scattered clouds, SE wind gusting to 30 mph, becoming westerly about midnight and finally NW by 0600, high temp 65° at 1540 (2° above normal), low temp 37° at 0607 (normal). |
4/30/2011 |
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Clear, 31°, 47% RH, wind WNW 9 mph, gusting to 14. Last 24 hours: Scattered clouds, NW wind with gusts to 40 mph, high temp 42° at 1641 (21° below normal and ties the record low maximum for the date set in 2005), low temp 24° at 0542 (13° below normal). |
5/1/2011 |
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Clear, 38°, 45% RH, wind NW 7 mph, gusting to 11. Last 24 hours: Scattered clouds, NW wind with gusts to 21 mph, high temp 46° at 1520 (18° below normal), low temp 30° at 0600 (9° below normal). |
5/2/2011 |
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Mostly clear, a few high clouds, 42°, 41% RH, wind WNW 6 mph, gusting to 9. Last 24 hours: Scattered clouds, NW wind with gusts to 22 mph, becoming light overnight, high temp 51° at 1659 (14° below normal), low temp 32° at 0548 (7° below normal). |
5/3/2011 |
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Clear, clouds to NE, 41°, 31% RH, wind ENE 1 mph, gusting to 3. Last 24 hours: Mostly clear, southerly breeze in afternoon, high temp 59° at 1330 (7° below normal), low temp 40° at 0457 (1° below normal). |
5/4/2011 |
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Clear, 47°, 52% RH, wind WNW 3 mph, gusting to 5. Last 24 hours: Scattered clouds, southerly wind gusting to 26 mph, switching to NW overnight and decreasing, high temp 69° at 1550 (3° above normal), low temp 40° at 0604 (1° below normal). |
5/5/2011 |
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Clear, 49°, 39% RH, wind W 6 mph, gusting to 10. Last 24 hours: Clear, NW breeze, high temp 65° at 1534 (1° below normal), low temp 41° at 0444 (1° above normal). |
5/6/2011 |
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Partly cloudy, high clouds, 53°, 37% RH, wind SSE 3 mph, gusting to 4. Last 24 hours: Mostly clear, a few high clouds, NW breeze, changing to southerly about 1000, steady 5 to 10 mph with gusts to 19, becoming light overnight, high temp 73° at 1241 (7° above normal), low temp 49° at 0614 (9° above normal). |
5/7/2011 |
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Clear, 59°, 36% RH, wind SE 8 mph, gusting to 12. Last 24 hours: Scattered clouds, southerly breeze, gusts to 23 mph, high temp 78° at 1211 (13° above normal), low temp 53° at 0501 (13° above normal). |
5/8/2011 |
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Broken clouds, 54°, 43% RH, wind SE 7 mph, gusting to 12. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, steady SE breeze 10 to 15 mph with gusts to 28, high temp 76° at 1248 (11° above normal), low temp 53° at 0555 (12° above normal). |
5/9/2011 |
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Broken clouds, fog in valley, snow in mountains above ~8,000 feet, 40°, 89% RH, wind WNW 5 mph, gusting to 9. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy to overcast, rain about 1800 to 2300, SE wind 10 to 17 mph with gusts to 33 mph, changing to NW about 1800 and decreasing, high temp 62° at 1336 (4° below normal), low temp 36° at 0554 (5° below normal). |
5/10/2011 |
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36°, 88% RH, wind calm, sky condition in Pioche unknown (we were in Spring Creek where it was snowing at 0700). Last 24 hours: Snow and rain showers 1220 to 1820 based on next door neighbors observations and readings at Courthouse gauges, neighbor read my gauge which contained 0.06", breezy at times, no consistent direction, high temp 47° at 1140 (20° below normal and record low maximum for the date, breaking the old record of 49° set in 1979), low temp 34° at 0235 (7° below normal). |
5/11/2011 |
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Scattered clouds, 44°, 80% RH, wind WNW 4 mph, gusting to 6. Last 24 hours: Rain 1630 to ~2100 and one other brief shower some time during the night. Coming home fro Elko in late afternoon and evening experienced showers off and on all the way home, with heavy showers Pony Springs to Bristol Wells turnoff (where there was a pocket of recently fallen hail), high temp 53° at 1230 (14° below normal), low temp 37° at 0532 (5° below normal). |
5/12/2011 |
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Clear, 51°, 62% RH, wind ENE 3 mph, gusting to 5. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, brief shower about 1700 that wetted the ground but didn't quite get to the 0.01" mark, NW breeze with gusts to 20 mph, light wind overnight, high temp 59° at 1715 (8° below normal), low temp 43° at 0555 (1° above normal). |
5/13/2011 |
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Clear, 51°, 52% RH, wind WNW 3 mph, gusting to 4. Last 24 hours: Clear to partly cloudy to clear, southerly breeze at times, high temp 71° at 1220 (4° above normal), low temp 48° at 0520 (6° above normal). |
5/14/2011 |
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Broken clouds, 57°, 55% RH, wind E 3 mph, gusting to 8. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, afternoon thunderstorms in vicinity and another round ~0400 to 0430 with a few close lightning strikes, mostly light breeze, but windy at times out of southerly direction in afternoon with gusts to 45 mph, high temp 73° at 1252 (5° above normal), low temp 48° at 0549 (5° above normal). |
5/15/2011 |
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Clear, 53°, 40% RH, wind ESE 14 mph, gusting to 23. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy at times, clearing overnight, ESE wind 10 to 17 mph with gusts to 35 mph, high temp 71° at 0547 (2° above normal), low temp 47° at 0547 (3° above normal). |
5/16/2011 |
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Broken clouds, 41°, 50% RH, wind NW 1 mph, gusting to 3. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, steady high wind 20 to 30 mph with gusts to 67 mph and probably higher, becoming light after 1800, high temp 61° at 1330 (8° below normal), low temp 38° at 0614 (5° below normal). |
5/17/2011 |
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Broken clouds, 40°, 62% RH, wind SE 8 mph, gusting to 12. Last 24 hours: Mostly cloudy, trace of snow in very light shower about 1830 (the mountains across the valley were obscured by snow showers at this time), SE breeze gusting to 24 mph, high temp 52° at 1400 (17° below normal), low temp 38° at 0347 (6° below normal). |
5/18/2011 |
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Overcast, moderate snow, 33°, 94% RH, wind W 3 mph, gusting to 5. Last 24 hours: Broken clouds to overcast, SE wind with gusts to 30 mph, snow about 0330 to 0700, high temp 51° at 1250 (19° below normal), low temp 33° at 0649 (12° below normal). |
5/19/2011 |
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Broken clouds, shards of fog in valley, 39°, 79% RH, wind NE 1 mph, gusting to 3. Last 24 hours: Overcast to broken clouds most of period, southerly breeze daylight hours, changing to W and then NW overnight and becoming light, 1/8" hail, sleet, graupel briefly about 1240, another brief period of large snowflakes 1316, followed by an extended thunderstorm from 1524 to about 1740 with rain, snow and up to 1/4" hail that accumulated to a depth of 1.5" in places, high temp 47° at 1512 (25° below normal; this temp is misleading, because it was just a brief spike when the sun popped out for a minute, a more realistic high was about 42°, but even with this spike, it broke the old minimum high record from 1977 by 6°), low temp 34° at 0316 (11° below normal). |
5/20/2011 |
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Scattered clouds, 50°, 65% RH, wind NNW 2 mph, gusting to 4. Last 24 hours: Overcast daylight hours, light rain 1320 to 1350, brief heavier shower 1333, heavier showers in vicinity, NW breeze with gusts to 24 mph, becoming light overnight, high temp 51° at 1203 (21° below normal and only 1° above the record low maximum for the date, set in 1949), low temp 39° at 0435 (6° below normal). |
5/21/2011 |
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Scattered high clouds, 50°, 56% RH, wind ENE 1 mph, gusting to 2. Last 24 hours: Broken clouds, clearing late afternoon and overnight, weak effort at thunderstorm development with some brief showers in the vicinity and a few big drops this location at 1117, W to NW breeze 5 to 12 mph with gusts to 23 mph, high temp 61° at 1630 (10° below normal), low temp 41° at 0440 (4° below normal). |
5/22/2011 |
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Overcast, 52°, 61% RH, wind W 2 mph, gusting to 6. Last 24 hours: Broken clouds by afternoon with southerly breeze with gusts to 28 mph, light wind in morning and overnight, high temp 68° at 1330 (3° below normal), low temp 52° at 0659 (8° above normal). |
5/23/2011 |
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Partly cloudy, high clouds, 49°, 67% RH, wind SSE 4 mph, gusting to 9 mph. Last 24 hours: Mostly cloudy, brief sprinkle 0835, thunderstorms to north in the late afternoon, SE breeze about 10 mph with gusts to 29 mph, clearing and light wind overnight, high temp 69° at 1325 (3° below normal), low temp 45° at 0544 (normal). |
5/24/2011 |
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Clear, 47°, 74% RH, wind WNW 6 mph, gusting to 9. Last 24 hours: Rapid cumulus buildup with rain showers, lightning and some 1/4" hail mixed in starting 1245 and ending about 2120, heavier showers in vicinity, mostly cloudy afternoon and early evening, breezy, variable direction controlled by T-storm location, max gust 20 mph, light wind overnight, high temp 61° at 1126 (11° below normal), low temp 40° at 0526 (5° below normal). |
5/25/2011 |
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Clear, 49°, 58% RH, wind NNW 1 mph, gusting to 3. Last 24 hours: Started clear, but rapid cumulus development and a brief shower at about 0800, partly cloudy and gradual clearing in late afternoon, NW breeze 5 to 12 mph with gusts to 19, light wind overnight, high temp 59° at 1439 (14° below normal), low temp 41° at 0428 (5° below normal). |
5/26/2011 |
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Scattered clouds, 58°, 26% RH, wind SW 5 mph, gusting to 12. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, mostly high clouds, SE wind 11 to 17 mph with gusts to 41 mph, high temp 70° at 1329 (2° below normal), low temp 52° at 0443 (5° above normal). |
5/27/2011 |
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Clear, 53°, 43% RH, wind NW 2 mph, gusting to 5. Last 24 hours: Scattered clouds, 7-19 mph breeze in afternoon, variable direction, high temp 68° at 1445 (6° below normal), low temp 46° at 0536 (1° below normal). |
5/28/2011 |
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Clear, 54°, 52% RH, wind WNW 5 mph, gusting to 8. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, breezy at times, southerly in afternoon with gusts to 22 mph, high temp 73° at 1333 (2° below normal), low temp 47° at 0514 (1° below normal). |
5/29/2011 |
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Overcast, 40°, 80% RH, wind WNW 4 mph, gusting to 7. Last 24 hours: Mostly clear, increasing clouds overnight, southerly breeze with gusts to 36 mph in afternoon and early evening, changing to W about 2240 and then WNW, high temp 71° at 1320 (4° below normal), low temp 39° at 0553 (8° below normal). |
5/30/2011 |
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Clear, 42°, 62% RH, wind NW 2 mph, gusting to 6. Last 24 hours: Overcast most of daylight hours, clearing overnight, periods of rain and snow between 0750 and 2300, briefly heavy snow between 1000 and 1200, but not accumulating, W to NW breeze, gusting to 21 mph, high temp 46° at 1720 (29° below normal and record low maximum for the date, breaking the old record of 49° set in 1971), low temp 36° at 0538 (11° below normal). |
5/31/2011 |
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Scattered high clouds, 49°, 43% RH, wind SE 5 mph, gusting to 8. Last 24 hours: Scattered clouds, NW breeze gusting to 24 mph, changing to SE mid-afternoon with gusts to 20 mph, high temp 57° at 1700 (18° below normal), low temp 42° at 0350 (5° below normal). |
6/1/2011 |
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Partly cloudy, 56°, 30% RH, wind SE 5 mph, gusting to 11. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy with mostly high clouds, SE wind 10 to 19 mph with gusts to 32 mph, remaining breezy overnight, high temp 66° at 1340 (9° below normal), low temp 48° at 0424 (normal). |
6/2/2011 |
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Clear, 43°, 26% RH, wind NNW 1 mph, gusting to 3. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, high clouds, SE wind 10 to 21 mph with gusts to 42 mph, decreasing overnight, high temp 67° at 1330 (7° below normal), low temp 42° at 0530 (6° below normal). |
6/3/2011 |
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Clear, 46°, 42% RH, wind WNW 7 mph, gusting to 12. Last 24 hours: Clear, breezy (averaging under 10 mph, but frequent gusts to up to 25 mph), mostly southerly direction day time, westerly overnight, high temp 61° at 1520 (15° below normal), low temp 38° at 0526 (10° below normal), high and low both close to record low readings for the date. |
6/4/2011 |
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Broken clouds, 50°, 45% RH, wind WNW 4 mph, gusting to 9. Last 24 hours: Clear, breezy, gusts to 21 mph mid-day, high temp 66° at 1430 (9° below normal), low temp 46° at 0423 (3° below normal). |
6/5/2011 |
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Clear, 59°, 32% RH, wind ENE 1 mph, gusting to 3. Last 24 hours: Mostly clear, ESE wind 9 to 16 mph with gusts to 33 mid-morning through afternoon, light wind overnight, high temp 72° at 1520 (5° below normal), low temp 51° at 0523 (1° above normal). |
6/6/2011 |
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Scattered clouds, 58°, 37% RH, wind ESE 17 mph with gust to 43. Last 24 hours: Clear, ESE wind 10 to 20 mph with gusts to 37, the wind never quits anymore, but the rain is missing us to the west and north, not a good combination, high temp 74° at 1500 (3° below normal), low temp 56° at 0452 (6° above normal). |
6/7/2011 |
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Clear, 54°, 49% RH, wind WNW 4 mph, gusting to 6. Last 24 hours: Increasing and thickening clouds in morning with light rain 1154, then gradual clearing, windy out of ESE 14 to 20 mph, gusting to 42 mph, abruptly decreasing to 5 to 10 mph with gusts to 29 after 1120 and then becoming light overnight (for once the wind was not as bad as forcast), high temp 64° at 1710 (13° below normal), low temp 45° at 0529 (3° below normal). |
6/8/2011 |
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Clear, 52°, 46% RH, wind WNW 5 mph, gusting to 8. Last 24 hours: Clear, SE breeze, gusts to 20 mph, light wind overnight, high temp 71° at 1316 (4° below normal), low temp 47° at 0528 (1° below normal). |
6/9/2011 |
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Clear, 53°, 48% RH, wind NW 2 mph, gusting to 4. Last 24 hours: Scattered clouds, southerly breeze, high temp 72° at 1510 (4° below normal), low temp 51° at 0525 (1° above normal). |
6/10/2011 |
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Clear, 58°, 45% RH, wind WNW 5 mph, gusting to 8. Last 24 hours: Clear, NW breeze becoming light overnight, high temp 73° at 1630 (4° below normal), low temp 50° at 0348 (1° above normal). |
6/11/2011 |
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Clear, 63°, 35% RH, wind E 3 mph, gusting to 6. Last 24 hours: Clear, SE breeze, 8 to 13 mph in afternoon, gusting to 27 mph, high temp 77° at 1420 (1° above normal), low temp 53° at 0520 (3° above normal). |
6/12/2011 |
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Broken clouds, 62°, 36% RH, wind NNW 1 mph, gusting to 3. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, SE wind 9 to 14 mph, gusting to 26 mph, light wind overnight, high temp 75° at 1440 (3° below normal), low temp 54° at 0310 (3° above normal). |
6/13/2011 |
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Scattered clouds, 58°, 25% RH, wind ENE 1 mph, gusting to 4. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, ESE breeze, strongest from mid-morning to early evening, with gusts to 24 mph, high temp 73° at 1400 (6° below normal), low temp 52° at 0532 (normal). |
6/14/2011 |
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Clear, 64°, 50% RH, wind WNW 7 mph, gusting to 11. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, nearly overcast by late afternoon with light rain showers in the vicinity, clearing overnight, breezy, mostly southerly, gusts to 21 mph, high temp 79° at 1510 (normal), low temp 57° at 0527 (6° above normal). |
6/15/2011 |
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Clear, 66°, 42% RH, wind WNW 2 mph, gusting to 4. Last 24 hours: Clear, light wind, high temp 80° at 1630 (1° above normal), low temp 57° at 0440 (5° above normal). |
6/16/2011 |
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Scattered clouds, 68°, 43% RH, wind SE 6 mph, gusting to 10. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, nearly overcast at sunset with light showers and a few lightning strikes 1930 to 2000, southerly breeze, mostly light, but gusty at times, up to 30 mph, high temp 87° at 1420 (7° above normal), low temp 61° at 0528 (9° above normal). |
6/17/2011 |
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Broken clouds, 53°, 48% RH, wind WNW 4 mph, gusting to 7. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, sprinkles about 1230, southerly breeze turning NW late in afternoon, gusts to 30 mph, wind decreasing overnight, high temp 83° at 1610 (3° above normal), low temp 53° at 0624 (1° above normal). |
6/18/2011 |
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Mostly clear, high clouds to north, 61°, 41% RH, wind WNW 6 mph, gusting to 9. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, breezy at times, mostly southerly, gusts to 21 mph, high temp 76° at 1550 (5° below normal), low temp 53° at 0527 (1° above normal). |
6/19/2011 |
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Broken clouds, 52°, 59% RH, wind NW 19 mph, gusting to 30. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, southerly breeze, gusts to 24 mph, windshift to NW about 0400, with average speed picking up to 15 to 20 mph with gusts to 31 mph, high temp 78° at 1410 (4° below normal), low temp 52° at 0659 (2° below normal). |
6/20/2011 |
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Clear, 57°, 48% RH, wind WNW 6 mph, gusting to 11. Last 24 hours: Broken clouds early with a few light sprinkles 0700 to 0830, clearing by late afternoon, NW wind 10 to 20 mph with gusts to 30 mph, decreasing overnight, high temp 64° at 1558 (18° below normal), low temp 48° at 0534 (7° below normal). |
6/23/2011 |
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Clear, 73°, 34% RH, wind WNW 1 mph, gusting to 3. Last 24 hours: Clear, SE breeze with gusts to 20 mph, high temp 90° at 1630 (6° above normal), low temp 62° at 0500 (6° above normal). |
6/24/2011 |
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Clear, 68°, 32% RH, wind SE 9 mph, gusting to 12. Last 24 hours: Clear, SE wind with gusts to 28 mph, high temp 87° at 1450 (3° above normal), low temp 65° at 0519 (9° above normal). |
6/25/2011 |
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Clear, 67°, 30% RH, wind ENE 5 mph, gusting to 8. Last 24 hours: Clear, Southerly wind with gusts to 29 mph, high temp 85° at 1550 (2° above normal), low temp 62° at 0427 (7° above normal). |
6/26/2011 |
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Clear, 67°, 30% RH, wind NNE 1 mph, gusting to 4. Last 24 hours: Clear, SE wind with gusts to 28 mph, high temp 83° at 1256 (normal), low temp 60° at 0431 (5° above normal). |
6/27/2011 |
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Clear, 63°, 34% RH, wind WNW 6 mph, gusting to 10. Last 24 hours: Clear, SE breeze with gusts to 22 mph, high temp 84° at 1640 (normal), low temp 59° at 0529 (3° above normal). |
6/28/2011 |
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Clear, 72°, 28% RH, wind SE 7 mph, gusting to 12. Last 24 hours: Clear, SE breeze with gusts to 26 mph, high temp 86° at 1500 (1° above normal), low temp 64° at 0519 (7° above normal). |
6/29/2011 |
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Broken clouds, 66°, 36% RH, wind E 9 mph, gusting to 20. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, SE wind 10 to 20 mph, gusting to 38 mph, high temp 84° at 1410 (1° below normal), low temp 66° at 0659 (9° above normal). |
6/30/2011 |
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Clear, a few clouds to north, 58°, 46% RH, wind ESE 1 mph, gusting to 2. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, thunderstorm 0340 to 0500, mostly to east with a few lightning strikes, SE wind 10 to 25 mph with gusts to 51 mph, becoming light after 2100, except for brief windy period when T-storms near 0340 to 0500, high temp 79° at 1519 (6° below normal), low temp 55° at 0548 (normal). |
7/1/2011 |
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Clear, 68°, 37% RH, wind WNW 6 mph, gusting to 10. Last 24 hours: Clear, breezy at times, no consistent direction, high temp 78° at 1650 (7° below normal), low temp 57° at 0635 (1° above normal). |
7/2/2011 |
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Clear, 67°, 35% RH, wind WNW 6 mph, gusting to 10. Last 24 hours: Clear, hot, mostly light southerly breeze, one gust to 20 mph, probably a whirlwind, high temp 89° at 1630 (3° above normal), low temp 64° at 0530 ( 7° above normal). |
7/3/2011 |
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Broken clouds, 66°, 23% RH, wind W 2 mph, gusting to 3. Last 24 hours: Mostly clear, variable southerly breeze with gusts to 25, but light at times, high temp 92° at 1530 (5° above normal), low temp 63° at 0100 (5° above normal). |
7/4/2011 |
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Overcast, 68°, 54% RH, wind E 2 mph, gusting to 4. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, light rain 1421, SE breeze with gusts to 27 mph, high temp 89° at 1241 (2° above normal), low temp 67° at 0631 (10° above normal and new record high minimum, breaking the old record of 66° set in 1991). |
7/5/2011 |
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Scattered clouds, 67°, 63% RH, wind NW 5 mph, gusting to 8. Last 24 hours: Overcast early morning and afternoon, partly cloudy rest of time, light rain about 1810, but not quite measureable amount, thunderstorms to west and north, breezy with gusts to 25 mph, no consistent direction, very comfortable day, even with the higher humidity, high temp 82° at 1435 (5° below normal), low temp 60° at 0537 (3° above normal). |
7/6/2011 |
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SCattered clouds, 65°, 68% RH, wind W 3 mph, gusting to 5. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, thunderstorms 1430 to 1530 with heavy rain 1505 to 1515 and rapid temp drop from 84° to 62°, southerly breeze during storms with gusts to 28 mph, but light otherwise, high temp 84° at 1334 (3° below normal), low temp 62° at about 1515 and morning low 63° at 0540 (5° above normal). |
7/7/2011 |
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Broken clouds, dew, 63°, 80% RH, wind NW 1 mph, gusting to 3. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, overcast, thunderstorms afternoon with rain, mostly light, 1600 to 1721, partial clearing and light wind overnight, WNW breeze in afternoon with gust to 22 mph, high temp 80° at 1310 (8° below normal), low temp 61° at 0448 (2° above normal). |
7/8/2011 |
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Scattered clouds, 68°, 65% RH, calm. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, overcast at times, thunderstorms in vicinity most of the period, but only brief light rain this location and I am not sure of when this happened, light breeze, but a couple of 10 to 20 mph episodes with the passage of nearby thunderstorms, high temp 76° at 1705 (12° below normal), low temp 62° at 0556 (4° above normal). |
7/9/2011 |
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Clear, 66°, 61% RH, wind NNW 1 mph, gusting to 4. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, thunderstorms in vicinity, but only a few drops this location, mostly light wind, but breezy at times, especially near T-storms in late evening with gusts to 23 mph, high temp 80° at 1553 (7° below normal), low temp 62° at 0608 (3° above normal). |
7/10/2011 |
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Broken clouds, 68%, 55% RH, wind ESE 5 mph, gusting to 9. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, decreasing thunderstorm activity, but still several storms passing nearby, no rain this location, SE breeze with gusts to 23 mph, high temp 83° at 1537 (4° below normal), low temp 67° at 0337 (8° above normal). |
7/11/2011 |
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Overcast, 64°, 67% RH, wind SE 1 mph, gusting to 2. Last 24 hours: Four periods of thundershowers, 0930 light rain with 0.04", 1000 and 1630 moderate rain at times with 0.15", and light rain at 1835 with 0.01", mostly southerly breeze, strong when thunderstorms near, max gust 28 mph, light wind overnight, high temp 79° at 1547 (9° below normal), low temp 63° at 0149 (4° above normal). |
7/12/2011 |
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Clear, 68°, 53% RH, wind SE 4 mph, gusting to 8. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, weak effort at thunderstorm development early with a few light sprinkles, clearing overnight, ESE breeze late morning to early evening ~10 mph with gusts to 26 mph, high temp 79° at 1535 (10° below normal and new record low maximum for the date, the old record was 80° set in 1995), low temp 63° at 0543 (4° above normal). |
7/13/2011 |
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Clear, 65°, 37% RH, wind SE 4 mph, gusting to 8. Last 24 hours: Scattered clouds during day, SE breeze mid-morning to late-evening with gusts to 29 mph, high temp 80° at 1502 (9° below normal), low temp 62° at 0553 (2° above normal). |
7/14/2011 |
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Clear, 65°, 35% RH, wind NW 1 mph, gusting to 2. Last 24 hours: Scattered clouds daytime, clear overnight, SE wind 10 to 17 mph with gusts to 32, incredible day for mid-July with high temp of only 79° (10° below normal), low temp 63° at 0549 (3° above normal; pretty good inversion going, I had to go down to Panaca about 0600 and the temp was 48°). |
7/15/2011 |
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Clear, 65°, 36% RH, wind ESE 1 mph, gusting to 5. Last 24 hours: Clear, SE breeze 9 to 14 mph with gusts to 30 daylight hours, decreasing overnight, high temp 79° at 1527 (10° below normal), low temp 61° at 0545 (1° above normal). |
7/16/2011 |
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Clear, 62°, 40% RH, wind E 1 mph, gusting to 3. Last 24 hours: Clear, SE wind 7 to 14 mph with gusts to 28 mph, high temp 79° at 1549 (11° below normal, which is only 2° above the record low minimum for the date and is especially noteworthy because there were no clouds to keep the temp down; this is also normally the hottest day of the year at this location), low temp 57° at 0527 (4° below normal). |
7/17/2011 |
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Clear, 67°, 35% RH, wind ENE 2 mph, gusting to 4. Last 24 hours: Clear, SE breeze 7 to 14 mph with gusts to 27 mph, light overnight, high temp 80° at 1509 (9° below normal), low temp 61° at 0436 (1° above normal). |
7/18/2011 |
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Partly cloudy, 70°, 40% RH, wind SSW 2 mph, gusting to 3. Last 24 hours: Scattered clouds afternoon and overnight, SE wind 10 to 13 mph with gusts to 28 mph, decreasing overnight, high temp 85° at 1537 (3° below normal), low temp 68° at 0343 (9° above normal). |
7/19/2011 |
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Mostly clear, 72°, 46% RH, wind SE 5 mph, gusting to 11. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, sprinkles about 1200, mostly clear overnight, SE breeze with gusts to 28 mph, lighter wind overnight, high temp 83° at 1601 (5° below normal), low temp 69° at 0548 (11° above normal). |
7/20/2011 |
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Clear, 67°, 32% RH, wind WNW 4 mph, gusting to 6. Last 24 hours: Scattered clouds, SE wind 10 to 12 mph with gusts to 29 mph, light breeze overnight, high temp 86° at 1521 (2° below normal), low temp 66° at 0546 (6° above normal). |
7/21/2011 |
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Clear, 66°, 27% RH, wind E 2 mph, gusting to 4. Last 24 hours: Clear, ESE wind 8 to 14 mph in afternoon with gusts to 26 mph, very low humidity of only 5% by late afternoon, high temp 87° at 1513 (1° below normal), low temp 65° at 0353 (6° above normal). |
7/22/2011 |
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Clear, 69°, 22% RH, wind ENE 2 mph, gusting to 5. Last 24 hours: Clear, SE breeze with gusts to 20 mph, high temp 87° at 1513 (1° below normal), low temp 63° at 0547 (4° above normal). |
7/23/2011 |
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Clear, calm, 68°, 29% RH. Last 24 hours: Clear, SE breeze with gusts to 23 mph, high temp 86° at 1342 (1° below normal), low temp 64° at 0532 (6° above normal). |
7/24/2011 |
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Clear, 70°, 45% RH, calm. Last 24 hours: Clear, SE breeze with gusts to 17 mph, light wind overnight, high temp 87° at 1555 (1° below normal), low temp 67° at 0556 (8° above normal). |
7/25/2011 |
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Broken clouds, 73°, 42% RH, wind SSE 4 mph, gusting to 8. Last 24 hours: Mostly clear daylight hours, but a few clouds late afternoon, increasing overnight with sprinkles about 2300, SE breeze at times with a gust to 20 mph, high temp 89° at 1540 (1° above normal), low temp 73° at 0639 (14° above normal and new record high minimum for the date, breaking the old record of 69° set in 2003). |
8/3/2011 |
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Partly cloudy, 66°, 69% RH, wind WNW 3 mph, gusting to 8. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, thunderstorms in vicinity in afternoon, only trace rain this location, SE wind with gusts to 35 mph near thunderstorms, high temp 83° at 1450 (6° below normal), low temp 65° at 0535 (6° above normal). |
8/4/2011 |
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Scattered clouds, 66°, 60% RH, wind NE 1 mph, gusting to 6. Last 24 hours: Partly cloudy, thunderstorms mid-afternoon through early evening with heavy rain 1930 to 1935 and 1950 to 2010, SE breeze with gusts to 27 mph during storms, high temp 83° at 1428 (5° below normal), low temp 64° at 0347 (5° above normal). |
8/30/2011 |
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Stronger storms in vicinity. |
9/27/2011 |
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