Observation Date |
Observation Time |
Precipitation |
Snowfall |
Snowfall SWE |
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Notes |
10/1/2010 |
7:00 AM |
7.71 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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10/1/10 7:45am EDT Wind 320° with gusts 18mph Temperature 66.6°F Dew Point Temperature 66.6°F Relative humidity 100.0% Heat Index Temperature 73.8°F Sea-level Pressure 29.603" Trend past 3-hours Rising, up 0.068" Change past hour 0.035" Peak Wind 320° 18mph at 7:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 6-hours 0.05" Rainfall past 24-hours 7.71" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org |
10/2/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 360° with gusts to 11mph Temperature 63.7°F Dew Point Temperature 53.4°F Relative humidity 69.0% Heat Index Temperature 66.5°F Sea-level Pressure 29.961" Trend past 3-hours Rising, up 0.67" Change past hour 0.017" Peak Wind 11mph at 7:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 6-hours 0.00 Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm
10/3/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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0.0 |
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0.0 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 010° 2 gusting to 11mph Temperature 64.8°F Dew Point Temperature 63.6°F Relative humidity 96.0% Heat Index Temperature 71.4°F Sea-level Pressure 29.877" Trend past 3-hours Rising, up 0.014" Change past hour 0.009" Peak Wind 360° 13mph at 4:00am EDT Rainfall past hour and past 6-hours TRACE Past 24-hours TRACE = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
10/4/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.65 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 340° with gusts to 12mph Temperature 59.5°F Dew Point Temperature 59.5°F Relative humidity 100.0% Heat Index Temperature 66.7°F Sea-level Pressure 29.982" Trend Risinig, up 0.051" past 3-hours, Change past hour 0.020" Peak Wind 040° 19mph at 1:14am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.01" Rainfall past 6-hours 0.12" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.65" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
10/5/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 360° with gusts to 7mph Temperature 52.6°F Dew Point Temperature 45.6°F Relative humidity 77.0% Heat Index Temperature 56.4°F Sea-level Pressure 30.116" Trend Rising past 3-hours, up 0.035" Change past hour 0.011" Peak Wind 300° 14mph at 12:01am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 6-hours 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
10/6/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 250° gusts to 5mph Temperature 53.3°F Dew Point Temp 48.9°F Relative humidity 85.0%
Sea Level Pressure 30.006" Steady, up 0.013" past 3-hours, change past hour 0.003" Peak Wind 250° 5mph at 6:17am EDT Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" Wind chill Temp 53.3°F = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
10/7/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 150° 0 gusting to 7mph Temperature 56.0°F Dew Point Temperature 48.9°F Relative humidity 77.0% Wind Chill Temperature 56.0 Heat Index Temperature 59.8°F Sea-level Pressure 29.887" Trend past 3-hours, Rising, up 0.013" Trend past hour 0.011" Peak Wind 190° 14mph at 12:39am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
10/8/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 360° 0 gusting to 2mph Temperature 61.6°F Dew Point Temperature 51.7°F Relative humidity 70.0% Wind Chill Temperature 61.6° Heat Index Temperature 64.6°F Sea-level Pressure 30.024" Trend past 3-hours Rising, up 0.029" Trend past hour 0.013" Peak Wind 020° 14mph at 1:38am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Email: wxr@cox.net Web: http://members.cox.net/wxr |
10/9/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last known direction 230° Temperature 57.5°F Dew Point Temperature 51.0°F Relative humidity 79.0% Wind Chill Temperature 57.5°F Heat Index Temperature 61.6°F Sea-level Pressure 29.989" Trend past 3-hours Decreasing slightly then increasing, up 0.028" Trend past hour 0.011" Peak Wind 200° 8mph at 1:32am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://members.cox.net/wxr |
10/10/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last known direction 310° Temperature 61.2°F Dew Point Temperature 57.4°F Relative humidity 87.0% Wind Chill Temperature 61.2°F Heat Index Temperature 66.4°F Sea-level Pressure 29.974" Trend past 3-hours Steady, but up 0.014" Trend past hour 0.011" Peak Wind 0mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm
10/11/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 210° with gusts to 5mph Temperature 64.3°F Dew Point Temperature 58.7°F Relative humidity 82.0% Wind Chill Temperature 64.3°F Heat Index Temperature 68.8°F Sea-level Pressure 29.870" Trend past 3-hours increasing slowly, up 0.014" Trend past hour 0.004" Peak Wind 220° 12mph at 3:33am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
10/12/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 200° with gusts to 10mph Temperature 63.5°F Dew Point Temperature 62.6°F Relative humidity 97.0% Wind Chill Temperature 63.5°F Heat Index Temperature 70.2°F Sea-level Pressure 29.819" Trend past 3-hours Steady but down -0.002" Trend past hour -0.001" Peak Wind 220° 10mph at 12:08am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
10/13/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 020° with gusts to 12mph Temperature 68.1°F Dew Point Temperature 66.0°F Relative humidity 93.0% Wind Chill Temperature 68.1°F Heat Index Temperature 74.2°F Sea-level Pressure 29.911" Trend past 3-hours Rising, up 0.073" Trend past hour 0.021" FROPA 0630Z Peak Wind 12mph at 3:47am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
10/14/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last known direction 040° Temperature 61.8°F Dew Point Temperature 61.8°F Relative humidity 100.0% Wind Chill Temperature 61.8°F Heat Index Temperature 69.0°F Sea-level Pressure 29.866" Trend past 3-hours Falling, down 0.054" Trend past hour -0.012" Peak Wind 0mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
10/15/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.40 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 220° with gusts to 7mph Temperature 50.1°F Dew Point Temperature 46.1°F Relative humidity 86.0% Wind Chill Temperature 47.8°F Sea-level Pressure 29.804" Trend past 3-hours Steady then Rising Slowly, up 0.012" Trend past hour 0.008" Peak Wind 300° 18mph at 12:48am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.40" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
10/16/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 330° with gusts to 11mph Temperature 51.3°F Dew Point Temperature 43.3°F Relative humidity 74.0% Wind Chill Temperature 51.3° Sea-level Pressure 29.950" Trend past 3-hours Increasing steadily, up 0.074" Trend past hour 0.020" Peak Wind 310° 12mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.02" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
10/17/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last known direction 240° Temperature 47.9°F Dew Point Temperature 46.8°F Relative humidity 96.0% Wind Chill Temperature 46.8°F Sea-level Pressure 30.069" Trend past 3-hours Steady but up slightlyl 0.019" Trend past hour 0.006" Peak Wind 0mph since 0400Z Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
10/18/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last known direction 240° Temperature 47.9°F Dew Point Temperature 46.8°F Relative humidity 96.0% Wind Chill Temperature 46.8°F Heat Index Temperature 54.5°F Sea-level Pressure 30.069" Trend past 3-hours Rising slowly, up 0.019" Trend past hour 0.006" Peak Wind 0mph since 12:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://members.cox.net/wxr |
10/19/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 200° with gusts to 10mph Temperature 57.6°F Dew Point Temperature 56.5°F Relative humidity 96.0% Wind Chill Temperature 57.6°F Sea-level Pressure 29.851" Trend past 3-hours Rising, up 0.026" Trend past hour 0.015" Peak Wind 210° 10mph at 4:12am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
10/20/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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At 7:00AM EDT Wind 020° 5 gusting to 10mph Temperature 62.1°F Dew Point Temperature 60.9°F Relative humidity 96.0% Wind Chill Temperature 62.1°F Sea-level Pressure 29.873" Trend past 3-hours Steady, but down 0.003" Trend past hour -0.003" Peak Wind 030° 11mph at 5:18am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
10/21/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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0.0 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 230° 1 gusting to 10 mph Temperature 56.9°F Dew Point Temperature 56.1°F Relative humidity 97.0% Wind Chill Temperature 56.9°F Sea-level Pressure 29.806" Trend past 3-hours Falling slowly -0.008" Trend past hour -0.003" Peak Wind 230° 12mph at 1:52am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours TRACE = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
10/22/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last known direction 020° Temperature 50.4°F Dew Point Temperature 46.7°F Relative humidity 87.0% Wind Chill Temperature 50.4°F Sea-level Pressure 30.005" Trend past 3-hours, Rising and up 0.074", Trend past hour 0.017" Peak Wind 202° 10mph at 12:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
10/23/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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10/24/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 200° with gusts to 10mph Temperature 54.1°F Dew Point Temperature 50.6°F Relative humidity 88.0% Wind Chill Temperature 54.1°F Sea-level Pressure 30.222" Trend past 3-hours Steady but up 0.003", Trend past hour 0.001" Peak Wind 220° 13mph at 1:03am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
10/25/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 150° with gusts to 10mph Temperature 62.7°F Dew Point Temperature 61.8°F Relative humidity 97.0% Wind Chill Temperature 62.7°F Sea-level Pressure 30.054" Trend past 3-hours Steady, 0.000" Trend past hour 0.004" Peak Wind 210° 18mph at 12:02am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
10/26/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.15 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 220° 3 with gusts to 8mph Temperature 67.6°F Dew Point Temperature 67.6°F Relative humidity 100.0% Heat Index Temperature 74.8°F Sea-level Pressure 29.940" Trend past 3-hours Steady with slight rise, Trend past hour 0.006" Peak Wind 180° 21mph at 1:12am EDT Rainfall past hour TRACE Rainfall past 24-hours 0.15" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
10/27/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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At 7 AM EDT, wind 220° 05 with gusts to 19mph Temperature 75.4°F Dew Point Temperature 74.8°F Relative humidity 98.0% Heat Index Temperature 82.3°F Sea-level Pressure 29.968" Trend past 3-hours Rising slowly, up 0.037" Trend past hour 0.004" Peak Wind 160° 24mph at 1:47am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.02" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
10/28/2010 |
7:00 AM |
1.06 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 230° 5 gusting to 14mph Temperature 73.2°F Dew Point Temperature 73.2°F Relative humidity 100.0% Heat Index Temperature 80.4°F Sea-level Pressure 29.972" Trend past 3-hours Steady but up 0.003", Trend past hour -0.002" Peak Wind 220° 24mph at 1:30am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 1.06" = | Email: wxr@cox.net Web: http://members.cox.net/wxr |
10/29/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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At 7:00 AM EDT, Wind 310° with gusts to 19mph Temperature 52.6°F Dew Point Temperature 38.7°F Relative humidity 59.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 52.6°F Sea-level Pressure 30.074" Trend past 3-hours Rising, up 0.084" Trend past hour 0.024" Peak Wind 310° 20mph at 5:21am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.01" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
10/30/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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At 7AM EDT, Wind 310° with gusts to 5mph Temperature 47.4°F Dew Point Temperature 38.5°F Relative humidity 71.0% Wind Chill Temperature 47.4°F Sea-level Pressure 30.212" Trend past 3-hours Rising slowly, up 0.023" Trend past hour 0.008" Peak Wind 330° 12mph at 12:36am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
10/31/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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At 6AM EDT, Wind 190° with gusts to 7mph Temperature 52.9°F Dew Point Temperature 46.2°F Relative humidity 78.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 52.9°F Sea-level Pressure 29.879" Trend past 3-hours Steady but down 0.019", Trend past hour 0.006" Peak Wind 220° 19mph at 1:29am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://members.cox.net/wxr |
11/1/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 040° with gusts to 10mph Temperature 52.8°F Dew Point Temperature 46.5°F Relative humidity 79.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 52.8°F Sea-level Pressure 30.234" Trend past 3-hours Rising steadily, up 0.073" Trend past hour 0.070" Peak Wind 360° 17mph at 1:08am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
11/2/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 070° 5 gusting to 12 mph Temperature 47.3°F Dew Point Temperature 39.8°F Relative humidity 75.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 47.3°F Sea-level Pressure 30.397" Trend past 3-hours Rising, up 0.034" Trend past hour 0.003" Peak Wind 020° 10mph at 12:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
11/3/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 040°2 gusting to 6mph Temperature 53.1°F Dew Point Temperature 46.8°F Relative humidity 79.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 53.1°F Sea-level Pressure 30.190" Trend past 3-hours Falling, down 0.032" Trend past hour -0.013" Peak Wind 040° 6mph at 7:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
11/4/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.03 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 150° 3mph Temperature 59.5°F Dew Point Temperature 59.5°F Relative humidity 100.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 59.5°F Sea-level Pressure 29.601" Trend past 3-hours: Falling, down 0.073" Trend past hour: -0.022" Peak Wind 130° 3mph at 5:34am EDT Rainfall past hour TRACE" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.03" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
11/5/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.26 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 280° 5 gusting to 12mph Temperature 48.0°F Dew Point Temperature 45.5°F Relative humidity 91.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 45.9°F Sea-level Pressure 29.558" Trend past 3-hours: Rising +0.066" Trend past hour: 0.038" Peak Wind 280° 12mph at 6:29am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.26" = | Web: http://www.fredhetutte.org/weather.htm |
11/6/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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At 7:00AM EDT, Wind 020° 7 gusting to 16mph Temperature 49.1°F Dew Point Temperature 41.9°F Relative humidity 74.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 49.8°F Sea-level Pressure 29.997" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, up 0.064" Trend past hour: 0.036" Peak Wind 020° 16mph at 6:29am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://members.cox.net/wxr |
11/7/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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At 7:00am EST Wind 040° 3mph Temperature 43.9°F Dew Point Temperature 39.4°F Relative humidity 84.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 43.9°F variable to 38° with gusts, Sea-level Pressure 30.318" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, up 0.035"; Trend past hour: 0.018" Peak Wind 350° 16mph at 2:00am EDT/EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://members.cox.net/wxr |
11/9/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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At 7:01am EST Wind 320° 12mph Temperature 50.5°F Dew Point Temperature 38.4°F Relative humidity 63.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 50.5°F Sea-level Pressure 29.895" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, 0.047" Trend past hour: 0.025" Peak Wind 340° 20mph at 12:24am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
11/10/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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At 7AM EST Wind 360°8mph Temperature 50.2°F Dew Point Temperature 46.8°F Relative humidity 88.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 50.2°F Sea-level Pressure 30.024" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, 0.044" Trend past hour: 0.019" Peak Wind 360° 8mph at 7:00am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
11/11/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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At 7:00am EST Wind 030° 3 gusting to 12mph Temperature 51.3°F Dew Point Temperature 44.0°F Relative humidity 76.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 51.1°F Sea-level Pressure 30.248" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, UP 0.059" Trend past hour: 0.018" Peak Wind 040° 12mph at 7:00am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
11/12/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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At 7:00am EST Wind 360° with gusts to 13mph Temperature 50.4°F Dew Point Temperature 43.8°F Relative humidity 78.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 50.4°F Sea-level Pressure 30.316" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, up 0.000" Trend past hour: 0.004" Peak Wind 030° 13mph at 7:00am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Email: wxr@cox.net Web: http://members.cox.net/wxr |
11/13/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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At 7:00am EST Wind 010° 02mph Temperature 48.6°F Dew Point Temperature 39.6°F Relative humidity 71.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 48.6°F Sea-level Pressure 30.191" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, down 0.010" Trend past hour: 0.000" Peak Wind 360° 8mph at 12:50am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
11/14/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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At 7AM EST, Wind is CALM with last known direction 010° Temperature 45.2°F Dew Point Temperature 42.7°F Relative humidity 91.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 45.2°F Sea-level Pressure 30.071" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, up 0.017" Trend past hour: 0.008" Peak Wind 0mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
11/15/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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At 7AM EST Wind 220° with gusts to 8mph Temperature 49.1°F Dew Point Temperature 47.5°F Relative humidity 94.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 49.1°F Sea-level Pressure 29.995" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, up 0.014" Trend past hour: 0.009" Peak Wind 210° 16mph at 5:54am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
11/16/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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At 7:00am EST Wind CALM with last known direction 150° Temperature 58.1°F Dew Point Temperature 52.6°F Relative humidity 82.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 58.1°F Sea-level Pressure 29.960" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, up 0.003"; Trend past hour: 0.003" Peak Wind 140° 10mph at 12:13am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://members.cox.net/wxx |
11/17/2010 |
7:00 AM |
0.13 |
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At 7:00am EST Wind 180° 3 gusting to 17mph Temperature 58.7°F Dew Point Temperature 53.6°F Relative humidity 83.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 58.7°F Sea-level Pressure 29.756" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, UP 0.085" Trend past hour: 0.035" Peak Wind 180° 32mph at 12:27am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.130" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
11/18/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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At 7:00am EST Wind CALM with last known direction 270° Temperature 45.4°F Dew Point Temperature 42.1°F Relative humidity 88.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 45.4°F Sea-level Pressure 30.141" Trend past 3-hours: Rising 0.026" Trend past hour: 0.011" Peak Wind 0 mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Email: wxr@cox.net Web: http://members.cox.net/wxr |
11/19/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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At 7 AM EST, Temperature 46.4°F Dew Point Temperature 38.2°F Relative humidity 73.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 46.4°F Sea-level Pressure 30.278" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, 0.050" Trend past hour: 0.016" Peak Wind 330° 10mph at 4:23am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://members.cox.net/wxr |
11/20/2010 |
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At 7AM EST, Temperature 45.2°F Dew Point Temperature 42.7°F Relative humidity 91.0% Chill Index Temperature 45.2°F Sea-level Pressure 30.265" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, up 0.002" Trend past hour: -0.002" Peak Wind 210° 17mph at 3:17am EST Rainfall Past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
11/21/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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At 7:00Am EST Wind CALM with last known wind direction 340° Temperature 46.8°F Dew Point Temperature 46.8°F Relative humidity 100.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 46.8°F Sea-level Pressure 30.356" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, up 0.053" Trend past hour: 0.015" Peak Wind 07mph 360° at 3:00am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
11/23/2010 |
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At 7:00AM EST, wind 200° 8mph Temperature 56.3°F Dew Point Temperature 56.3°F Relative humidity 100.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 54.8°F Sea-level Pressure 30.103" Trend past 3-hours: Steady but down 0.024", Trend past hour: -0.012" Peak Wind 220° 14mph at 12:00am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
11/24/2010 |
7:00 AM |
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At 7:00am EST Wind NNE 2 gusting to 17mph Temperature 51.4°F Dew Point Temperature 30.2°F Relative humidity 36.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 51.2°F Sea-level Pressure 30.153" Trend past 3-hours: Rising up 0.063" Trend past hour: 0.021" Peak Wind NNE 17mph at 7:00am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00 | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
11/25/2010 |
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At 7AM EST: Wind CALM with last known direction 060degrees Temperature 43.6°F Dew Point Temperature 37.5°F Relative humidity 79.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 43.6°F Sea-level Pressure 30.179" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, then decreasing slowly, down 0.013" Trend past hour: -0.008" Peak Wind 060 deg 3mph at 12:00am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
11/26/2010 |
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At 7:00am EST Wind 200° 5 gusting to 18mph Temperature 68.2°F Dew Point Temperature 61.3°F Relative humidity 90.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 64.3°F Sea-level Pressure 29.708" Trend past 3-hours: Decreasing, down 0.031" Trend past hour: -0.008" Peak Wind 250° 25mph at 2:00am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
11/27/2010 |
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At 7:00am EST Wind 220° with gusts to 10mph Temperature 41.8°F Dew Point Temperature 28.1°F Relative humidity 58.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 41.8°F Sea-level Pressure 29.879" Trend past 3-hours: Increasing, +0.086" Trend past hour: +0.032" Peak Wind 290° 17mph at 3:55am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours TRACE" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
11/28/2010 |
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At 7:00am EST Wind 320° with gusts to 6mph Temperature 39.1°F Dew Point Temperature 29.1°F Relative humidity 67.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 39.1°F Sea-level Pressure 30.301" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.059" Trend past hour: +0.024" Peak Wind 350° 17mph at 12:00am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
11/29/2010 |
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At 7:00am EST Wind CALM with last known direction 040° Temperature 34.1°F Dew Point Temperature 33.1°F Relative humidity 31.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 34.1°F Sea-level Pressure 30.451" Trend past 3-hours: Steady but up 0.014" Trend past hour: 0.009" Peak Wind CALM since 12:00am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm
11/30/2010 |
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At 7:00am EST Wind 140° with gusts to 5mph Temperature 53.8°F Dew Point Temperature 53.8°F Relative humidity 100.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 53.8°F Sea-level Pressure 30.274" Trend past 3-hours: Decreasing slowly, down 0.010" Trend past hour: -0.000" Peak Wind 140° 5mph at 7:00am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm
12/1/2010 |
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At 7:00am EST Wind S 2 gusting to 33mph Temperature 66.8°F Dew Point Temperature 66.8°F Relative humidity 100.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 66.8°F Sea-level Pressure 29.729" Trend past 3-hours: Falling, -0.082" Trend past hour: -0.028" Peak Wind 180° 33mph at 7:00am EST Rainfall past hour TRACE" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.04" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
12/2/2010 |
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At 7:00am EST Wind 300° with light winds to 5mph Temperature 36.6°F Dew Point Temperature 31.0°F Relative humidity 80.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 36.6°F Sea-level Pressure 30.165" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, 0.038" Trend past hour: 0.026" Peak Wind 340° 14mph at 1:24am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.24" = | Web: http://www.fredheute.org/weather.htm |
12/3/2010 |
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At 7:00am EST Wind 350° with gusts to 17mph Temperature 37.8°F Dew Point Temperature 26.7°F Relative humidity 64.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 37.8°F Sea-level Pressure 30.098" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, up slightly +0.015" Trend past hour: +0.002" Peak Wind 350° 17mph at 7:00am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
12/4/2010 |
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At 7:00am EST Wind 330° with gusts to 14mph Temperature 34.3°F Dew Point Temperature 23.0°F Relative humidity 63.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 34.3°F Sea-level Pressure 30.056" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, up 0.005" Trend past hour: 0.002" Peak Wind 310° 16mph at 1:17am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
12/5/2010 |
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At 7:00am EST Wind 280° 3 gusting to 13mph Temperature 34.1°F Dew Point Temperature 31.2°F Relative humidity 89.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 31.7°F Sea-level Pressure 29.808" Trend past 3-hours: Rising +0.041" Trend past hour: +0.019" Peak Wind 19mph at 5:00am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.01" Snowfall past 24-hours: TRACE = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org |
12/6/2010 |
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At 7AM EST Wind 260° 5 gusting to 12mph Temperature 29.5°F Dew Point Temperature 18.8°F Relative humidity 64.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 24.1°F Sea-level Pressure 29.874" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, -0.023" Trend past hour: -0.003" Peak Wind 330° 18mph at 12:00am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
12/7/2010 |
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At 7:00am EST Wind 280° 11mph Temperature 26.4°F Dew Point Temperature 15.1°F Relative humidity 60.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 16.8°F Sea-level Pressure 29.792" Trend past 3-hours: Increasing slowly, +0.031" Trend past hour: +0.013" Peak Wind 320° 20mph at 3:06am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
12/8/2010 |
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At 7:00 AM EST Wind 300° 1 gusting to 7mph Temperature 25.4°F Dew Point Temperature 14.6°F Relative humidity 63.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 25.4°F Sea-level Pressure 30.060" Trend past 3-hours: Increasing slowly and steadily, up 0.037" Trend past hour: +0.008" Peak Wind 300° 19mph at 12:00am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
12/9/2010 |
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At 7:00am EST Wind 030° with light gusts to 2mph Temperature 29.1°F Dew Point Temperature 14.5°F Relative humidity 54.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 29.1°F Sea-level Pressure 30.269" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.043" Trend past hour: +0.010" Peak Wind 330° 13mph at 12:00am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
12/10/2010 |
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At 7:00am EST Wind CALM with last known direction 020° Temperature 28.4°F Dew Point Temperature 23.0°F Relative humidity 80.0% with some frost Wind Chill Index Temperature 28.4°F Sea-level Pressure 30.334" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, 0.008" Trend past hour: 0.012" Peak Wind 0mph since 05Z Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = |
Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
12/11/2010 |
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At 7:00am EST Wind CALM with last known direction 350° Temperature 35.5°F Dew Point Temperature 35.5°F Relative humidity 100.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 35.5°F Sea-level Pressure 30.202" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, up 0.007" Trend past hour: -0.010" Peak Wind CALM Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://WWW.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
12/12/2010 |
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At 7:00am EST Wind 190° 21 gusting to 26mph Temperature 55.0°F Dew Point Temperature 54.7°F Relative humidity 99.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 50.0°F Sea-level Pressure 29.628" Trend past 3-hours: Decreasing then steady, down 0.047" Trend past hour: 0.008" Peak Wind 26mph at 6:58am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.62" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
12/13/2010 |
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At 7:00am EST Wind 240° 8 gusting to 14mph Temperature 36.0°F Dew Point Temperature 33.6°F Relative humidity 91.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 31.1°F Sea-level Pressure 29.322" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.063" Trend past hour: +0.036" Peak Wind 220° 19mph at 6:00am EST Rainfall past hour TRACE Rainfall past 24-hours 0.25" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
12/14/2010 |
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At 7:00am EST Wind 270° 7 gusting to 19mph Temperature 22.2°F Dew Point Temperature 8.1°F Relative humidity 54.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 13.7°F Sea-level Pressure 29.743" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.067" Trend past hour: +0.025" Peak Wind 250° 26mph at 6:58am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.20" Snowfall 0.8" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
12/15/2010 |
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At 7:00am EST Wind 250° with gusts to 7mph Temperature 21.0°F Dew Point Temperature 9.7°F Relative humidity 61.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 18.9°F Sea-level Pressure 29.992" Trend past 3-hours: Rising slowly, 0.016" Trend past hour: 0.005" Peak Wind 330° 17mph at 2:48am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" Snow on ground TRACE" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
12/16/2010 |
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At 7:00am EST Wind CALM with last known direction 200° Temperature 27.0°F Dew Point Temperature 13.0°F Relative humidity 55.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 27.0°F Sea-level Pressure 29.959" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, then decreasing, -0.001" Trend past hour: -0.003" Peak Wind 220° 11mph at 12:00am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" | Email: wxr@cox.net Web: http://members.cox.net/wxr |
12/17/2010 |
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At 7AM EST: Wind 310° with light gusts to 5mph Temperature 29.0°F Dew Point Temperature 26.7°F Relative humidity 91.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 26.7°F Sea-level Pressure 29.953" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, 0.061" Trend past hour: 0.030" Peak Wind 020° 10mph at 12:46am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.30" Snowfall = 1.5" | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
12/18/2010 |
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At 7:00am EST Wind CALM with last known direction 010° Temperature 32.2°F Dew Point Temperature 30.4°F Relative humidity 93.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 32.2°F Sea-level Pressure 30.135" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, -0.003" Trend past hour: +0.004" Peak Wind CALM Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredhuette.org/weather.htm |
12/19/2010 |
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At 7:00am EST Wind 030° with gusts to 17mph Temperature 35.2°F Dew Point Temperature 29.7°F Relative humidity 80.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 35.2°F Sea-level Pressure 29.954" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.019" Trend past hour: 0.000" Peak Wind 17mph at 7:00am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.05" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
12/20/2010 |
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At 7:31am EST Wind 320° 4 gusting to 19mph Temperature 28.5°F Dew Point Temperature 19.6°F Relative humidity 69.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 24.0°F Sea-level Pressure 29.975" Trend past 3-hours: Rising slowly then steady 0.022" Trend past hour: down 0.001" Peak Wind 340° 20mph at 4:00am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Email: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
12/21/2010 |
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At 7:00am EST Wind 310° with gusts to 12mph Temperature 31.2°F Dew Point Temperature 19.7°F Relative humidity 62.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 31.2°F Sea-level Pressure 30.028" Trend past 3-hours: Decreasing, then increasing 0.001" Trend past hour: 0.012" Peak Wind 360° 19mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" past 24-hours 0.00" | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
12/22/2010 |
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At 7:00am EST Wind 330° with gusts to 2mph Temperature 37.3°F Dew Point Temperature 24.3°F Relative humidity 59.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 37.3°F Sea-level Pressure 29.917" Trend past 3-hours: Falling, -0.004" Trend past hour: -0.002" Peak Wind 300° 5mph at 3:30am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
12/23/2010 |
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At 7:00am EST Wind 320° with gusts to 17mph Temperature 33.8°F Dew Point Temperature 20.8°F Relative humidity 60.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 33.2°F Sea-level Pressure 29.994" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, 0.031" Trend past hour: 0.013" Peak Wind 320° 21mph at 1:41am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
12/24/2010 |
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At 7:00am EST Wind 360° with gusts to 13mph Temperature 31.6°F Dew Point Temperature 20.8°F Relative humidity 64.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 25.0°F Sea-level Pressure 30.124" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.045" Trend past hour: +0.012" Peak Wind 330° 19mph at 1:48am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
12/25/2010 |
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WINTER STORM WATCH IN EFFECT THROUGH EVENING 12/26/10 | At 7:00AM 12/25/10 EST Wind 300° 1 mph Temperature 35.0°F Dew Point Temperature 24.4°F Relative humidity 65.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 35.0°F Sea-level Pressure 30.069" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.004" Trend past hour: +0.004" Peak Wind 300° 3mph at 5:40am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
12/27/2010 |
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At 7:00am EST Wind 310° with gusts to 18mph Temperature 27.5°F Dew Point Temperature 25.0°F Relative humidity 90.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature in wind gusts 14° Sea-level Pressure 29.576" Trend past 3-hours: Rising slowly, +0.032" Trend past hour: +0.014" Peak Wind 290° 19mph at 2:18am EST Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.6"Estimated STORM TOTAL SNOWFALL 11.0" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
4/1/2011 |
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At 7AM EDT: Wind 320° with gusts to 9mph Temperature 43.8°F Dew Point Temperature 41.1°F Relative humidity 90.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 43.6°F Sea-level Pressure 29.522" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.025" Trend past hour: +0.015" Peak Wind 20mph at 12:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.22" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
4/2/2011 |
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At 7AM EDT 4/2/11 Wind 220° with gusts to 10mph Temperature 42.2°F Dew Point Temperature 30.9°F Relative humidity 64.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 40.9°F Sea-level Pressure 29.699" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, -0.011" Trend past hour: -0.001" Peak Wind 11mph at 6:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours TRACE = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
4/3/2011 |
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At 7AM EDT Wind W 320° with gusts to 11mph Temperature 43.2°F Dew Point Temperature 33.0°F Relative humidity 67.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 43.2°F Sea-level Pressure 30.054" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.076" Trend past hour: +0.036" Peak Wind 11mph at 6:38am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.02" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
4/4/2011 |
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At 7AM EDT Wind 190° 7 gusting to 22mph Visibility 10 statute miles Sky Scattered Clouds at 12000' Temperature 56.9°F Dew Point Temperature 48.7°F Relative humidity 74.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 55.5°F Sea-level Pressure 29.918" Trend past 3-hours: Decreasing then steady, +0.019" Trend past hour: 0.000" Peak Wind 26mph at 6:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredhuette.org\weather.htm |
4/5/2011 |
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At 7AM EDT, Wind 210° 13 gusting to 39mph Temperature 62.5°F Dew Point Temperature 60.5°F Relative humidity 93.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 62.3°F Sea-level Pressure 29.517" Trend past 3-hours: Unsteady, down 0.026" Trend past hour: +0.011" Peak Wind 39mph at 6:03am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.09" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.09" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
4/6/2011 |
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At 7AM EDT Wind 220° 02mph Visibility 10 statute miles Sky Clear Temperature 41.2°F Dew Point Temperature 30.3°F Relative humidity 65.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 41.2°F Sea-level Pressure 30.139" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.087" Trend past hour: +0.035" Peak Wind 340° 17mph at 12:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.12" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
4/7/2011 |
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At 7AM EDT Wind 190° 4 gusting to 13mph Temperature 52.5°F Dew Point Temperature 39.9°F Relative humidity 62.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 51.8°F Sea-level Pressure 30.036" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, 0.000" Trend past hour: +0.012" Peak Wind 230° 22mph at 1:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org |
4/8/2011 |
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At 7AM EDT Wind NE 1 with gusts to 11mph Temperature 49.6°F Dew Point Temperature 47.1°F Relative humidity 91.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 49.6°F Sea-level Pressure 30.131" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.016" Trend past hour: +0.006" Peak Wind ESE 15 15mph at 3:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
4/9/2011 |
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At 7AM EDT Wind 360° 2 gusting to 18mph Temperature 49.5°F Dew Point Temperature 47.3°F Relative humidity 92.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 49.5°F Sea-level Pressure 30.108" Trend past 3-hours: Rising +0.059" Trend past hour: +0.022" Peak Wind 18mph at 7:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.34" = | Email: wxr@cox.net Web: http://members.cox.net/wxr |
4/10/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind is CALM with last recorded directions 030° Temperature 50.2°F Dew Point Temperature 49.7°F Relative humidity 98.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 50.2°F Sea-level Pressure 30.143" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.017" Trend past hour: +0.005" Peak Wind 030° and 080° 6mph at 12AM and 2AM EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.04" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
4/11/2011 |
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At 7AM EDT Wind 200° 7 gusting to 17 mph Temperature 63.5°F Dew Point Temperature 61.7°F Relative humidity 94.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 63.5°F Sea-level Pressure 29.980" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, then increasing slowly, +0.021" Trend past hour: +0.019" Peak Wind 20mph at 4:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
4/12/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 200° with gusts to 18mph Temperature 67.6°F Dew Point Temperature 63.6°F Relative humidity 87.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 67.6°F Sea-level Pressure 29.736" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.008" Trend past hour: +0.006" Peak Wind 220 23mph at 12:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
4/13/2011 |
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At 7AM EDT Wind 220° gusting to 14mph Temperature 55.7°F Dew Point Temperature 53.4°F Relative humidity 92.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 55.7°F Sea-level Pressure 29.816" Trend past 3-hours: Rising +0.037" Trend past hour: +0.009" Peak Wind 220° 16mph at 4:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.01" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
4/14/2011 |
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AT 7AM EDT, Wind CALM with last recorded direction 290° Temperature 51.4°F Dew Point Temperature 47.0°F Relative humidity 85.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 47.0°F Sea-level Pressure 30.052" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.036" Trend past hour: +0.020" Peak Wind 300° 6mph at 3:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
4/15/2011 |
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At 7AM EDT Wind CALM with last recorded direction 080° Temperature 48.3°F Dew Point Temperature 44.6°F Relative humidity 87.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 48.3°F Sea-level Pressure 30.238" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.050" Trend past hour: +0.024" Peak Wind 210° 8mph at 12:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
4/16/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 050° with gusts to 10mph Temperature 58.7°F Dew Point Temperature 55.2°F Relative humidity 88.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 58.7°F Sea-level Pressure 30.056" Trend past 3-hours: Falling, -0.041" Trend past hour: -0.011" Peak Wind 040° 21mph at 1:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
4/17/2011 |
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At 7AM EDT Wind 210° with gusts to 10mph Temperature 52.0°F Dew Point Temperature 40.5°F Relative humidity 64.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 52.0°F Sea-level Pressure 29.854" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.097" Trend past hour: 0.046" Peak Wind 280° 26mph at 1:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall Rainfall past 24-hours 0.21" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org |
4/18/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 210° with gusts to 9mph Temperature 56.7°F Dew Point Temperature 42.1°F Relative humidity 58.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 56.7°F Sea-level Pressure 30.034" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.040" Trend past hour: 0.018" Peak Wind 210° 17mph at 2:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
4/19/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 180° with gusts to 14mph Temperature 60.9°F Dew Point Temperature 55.4°F Relative humidity 82.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 60.9°F Sea-level Pressure 30.056" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.019" Trend past hour: +0.019" Peak Wind 230° 20mph at 1:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
4/20/2011 |
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At 7AM EDT, Wind 220° 9 gusting to 17mph Temperature 66.3°F Dew Point Temperature 63.9°F Relative humidity 92.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 66.3°F Sea-level Pressure 29.982" Trend past 3-hours: increasing +0.029" Trend past hour: +0.014" Peak Wind 210° 22mph at 3:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
4/21/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 030° with gusts to 15mph Temperature 65.5°F Dew Point Temperature 47.9°F Relative humidity 53.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 65.5°F Sea-level Pressure 30.074" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.086" Trend past hour: +0.042" Peak Wind 15mph at 7:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Email: wxr@cox.net Web: http://members.cox.net/wxr |
4/22/2011 |
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At 7:00AM EDT Wind 020° with gusts to 8mph Temperature 50.8°F Dew Point Temperature 41.4°F Relative humidity 70.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 50.8°F Sea-level Pressure 30.344" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.056" Trend past hour: +0.012" Peak Wind 11mph at 6:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
4/23/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 170° with gusts to 13mph Temperature 61.2°F Dew Point Temperature 59.5°F Relative humidity 94.0% Wind Chill Index Temperature 61.2°F Sea-level Pressure 30.158" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.018" Trend past hour: +0.023" Peak Wind 170° 13mph at 7:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.05" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm
4/24/2011 |
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At 7AM EDT, Wind 205° 6 gusting to 20mph Temperature 67.8°F Dew Point Temperature 66.9°F Relative humidity 97.0% Heat Index Temperature 74.5°F Sea-level Pressure 30.119" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.023" Trend past hour: +0.014" Peak Wind 222° 21mph at 12:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
4/25/2011 |
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At 7:20AM EDT Wind S 11mph Temperature 68.4°F Dew Point Temperature 67.2°F Relative humidity 96.0% Heat Index Temperature 74.5°F Sea-level Pressure 30.093" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.022" Trend past hour: +0.004" Peak Wind 220° 18mph at 2:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
4/26/2011 |
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At 7AM EDT, Wind 210° with gusts to 13mph Temperature 70.9°F Dew Point Temperature 68.8°F Relative humidity 93.0% Heat Index Temperature 77.0°F Sea-level Pressure 30.059" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.025" Trend past hour: +0.018" Peak Wind 200° 18mph at 12:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
4/27/2011 |
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At 7AM EDT, Wind 230° with gusts to 14mph Temperature 69.9°F Dew Point Temperature 69.3°F Relative humidity 98.0% Heat Index Temperature 76.8°F Sea-level Pressure 30.007" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.034" Trend past hour: +0.018" Peak Wind 210° 21mph at 2:33am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.73" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
4/28/2011 |
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At 7AM EDT Wind 250° 6 gusting to 31mph Temperature 74.7°F Dew Point Temperature 68.8°F Relative humidity 82.0% Heat Index Temperature 79.2°F Sea-level Pressure 29.853" Trend past 3-hours: Falling slowly,
-0.020" Trend past hour: -0.010" Peak Wind 220° 33mph at 5:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.01" = | Email: wxr@cox.net Web: http://members.cox.net/wxr |
4/29/2011 |
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At 7AM EDT Wind 290° 4mph Temperature 61.2°F Dew Point Temperature 50.6°F Relative humidity 68.0% Heat Index Temperature 63.9°F Sea-level Pressure 29.869" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.059" Trend past hour: +0.025" Peak Wind 200° 13mph at 12:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.25" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
4/30/2011 |
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At 7:00AM Wind CALM with last recorded direction 020° Temperature 56.6°F Dew Point Temperature 42.0°F Relative humidity 58.0% Heat Index Temperature 58.2°F Sea-level Pressure 30.086" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.042" Trend past hour: +0.021" Peak Wind 020° 22mph at 12:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
5/1/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last recorded direction 140° Temperature 51.6°F Dew Point Temperature 48.8°F Relative humidity 90.0% Heat Index Temperature 57.2°F Sea-level Pressure 30.276" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.037" Trend past hour: +0.026" Peak Wind NE 090° 7mph at 1:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
5/2/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 140° 6mph Temperature 58.9°F Dew Point Temperature 51.4°F Relative humidity 76.0% Heat Index Temperature 62.6°F Sea-level Pressure 30.276" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.042" Trend past hour: +0.032" Peak Wind 180° 10mph at 2:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
5/3/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 190° 6 gusting to 13mph Temperature 64.3°F Dew Point Temperature 59.0°F Relative humidity 83.0% Heat Index Temperature 68.9°F Sea-level Pressure 30.155" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.030" Trend past hour: +0.010" Peak Wind 200° 17mph at 12:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
5/4/2011 |
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At 7AM EDT Wind 200° with gusts to 14mph Temperature 67.1°F Dew Point Temperature 64.1°F Relative humidity 90.0% Heat Index Temperature 72.7°F Sea-level Pressure 29.957" Trend past 3-hours: Falling, -0.017" Trend past hour: -0.003" Peak Wind 180° 24mph at 12:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm
5/5/2011 |
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At 7AM EDT Wind 310° 6 gusting to 20mph Temperature 51.3°F Dew Point Temperature 36.6°F Relative humidity 57.0% Heat Index Temperature 52.8°F Sea-level Pressure 30.212" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.022" Trend past hour: +0.010" Peak Wind 340° 20mph at 5:52am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.39" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
5/6/2011 |
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At 7AM EDT Wind 190° with gusts to 11mph Temperature 52.5°F Dew Point Temperature 44.5°F Relative humidity 74.0% Heat Index Temperature 55.9°F Sea-level Pressure 30.083" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, 0.000" Trend past hour: +0.003" Peak Wind 200° 11mph at 4:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
5/7/2011 |
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At 7AM EDT Wind 280° with gusts to 2mph Temperature 56.0°F Dew Point Temperature 54.9°F Relative humidity 96.0% Heat Index Temperature 62.6°F Sea-level Pressure 29.945" Trend past 3-hours: Decreasing then increasing slowly, +0.013" Trend past hour: +0.016" Peak Wind 240° 10mph at 2:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
5/8/2011 |
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At 7AM EDT Wind 210° with gusts to 8mph Temperature 60.9°F Dew Point Temperature 53.3°F Relative humidity 76.0% Heat Index Temperature 64.6°F Sea-level Pressure 29.905" Trend past 3-hours: -0.008" Trend past hour: +0.006" Peak Wind 030° 10mph at 12:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
5/9/2011 |
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At 7AM EDT Wind 250° with gusts to 2mph Temperature 58.1°F Dew Point Temperature 57.3°F Relative humidity 97.0% Heat Index Temperature 64.8°F Sea-level Pressure 29.967" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.043" Trend past hour: +0.019" Peak Wind 270° 7mph at 5:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.02" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
5/10/2011 |
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At 7AM EDT, Wind 300° with gusts to 7mph Temperature 58.7°F Dew Point Temperature 56.7°F Relative humidity 93.0% Heat Index Temperature 64.8°F Sea-level Pressure 29.996" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.039" Trend past hour: +0.023" Peak Wind 7mph at 7:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org |
5/11/2011 |
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At 7am EDT Wind CALM with last recorded direction 130° Temperature 54.2°F Dew Point Temperature 52.2°F Relative humidity 93.0% Heat Index Temperature 60.3°F Sea-level Pressure 30.038" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.062" Trend past hour: +0.045" Peak Wind 240° 8mph at 2:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
5/12/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last recorded direction 060° Temperature 53.1°F Dew Point Temperature 51.1°F Relative humidity 93.0% Heat Index Temperature 59.2°F Sea-level Pressure 30.086" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, -0.002" Trend past hour: +0.007" Peak Wind CALM Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
5/13/2011 |
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At 7am EDT Wind 170° with gusts to 8mph Temperature 60.7°F Dew Point Temperature 53.8°F Relative humidity 78.0% Heat Index Temperature 64.7°F Sea-level Pressure 29.953" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.015" Trend past hour: +0.001" Peak Wind 150° 10mph at 8:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
5/14/2011 |
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At 7am EDT Wind 180° 1 gusting to 10mph Temperature 62.5°F Dew Point Temperature 62.5°F Relative humidity 100.0% Heat Index Temperature 63.3°F Sea-level Pressure 29.776" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, -0.018" Trend past hour: +0.002" Peak Wind 160° 13mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.04" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
5/15/2011 |
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At 7am EDT Wind 230° with gusts to 14mph Temperature 68.2°F Dew Point Temperature 67.0°F Relative humidity 96.0% Heat Index Temperature 70.1°F Sea-level Pressure 29.618" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.014" Trend past hour: +0.003" Peak Wind 230° 15mph at 5:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.01" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.01" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
5/16/2011 |
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At 7am EDT Wind CALM with last recorded direction 230° Temperature 63.2°F Dew Point Temperature 62.0°F Relative humidity 96.0% Heat Index Temperature 63.9°F Sea-level Pressure 29.611" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.045" Trend past hour: +0.029" Peak Wind 230° 14mph at 12:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.02" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
5/17/2011 |
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At 7am EDT Wind 050° with gusts to 8mph Temperature 65.8°F Dew Point Temperature 63.4°F Relative humidity 92.0% Heat Index Temperature 67.1°F Sea-level Pressure 29.635" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.015" Trend past hour: -0.003" Peak Wind 160° 10mph at 12:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours TRACE = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
5/18/2011 |
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At 7AM EDT Wind CALM with last known wind direction 120° Temperature 62.9°F Dew Point Temperature 61.7°F Relative humidity 96.0% Heat Index Temperature 69.5°F Sea-level Pressure 29.792" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.037" Trend past hour: +0.009" Peak Wind 9mph at 12:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours TRACE = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
5/19/2011 |
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At 7AM EDT Wind 210° with gusts to 8mph Temperature 59.3°F Dew Point Temperature 56.1°F Relative humidity 89.0% Heat Index Temperature 64.8°F Sea-level Pressure 29.792" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.057" Trend past hour: +0.029" Peak Wind 220° 13mph at 1:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.64" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
5/20/2011 |
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At 7AM EDT, Wind 290° with gusts to 6mph Temperature 62.6°F Dew Point Temperature 54.9°F Relative humidity 76.0% Heat Index Temperature 66.3°F Sea-level Pressure 30.043" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, 0.000" Trend past hour: 0.000" Peak Wind 210° 9mph at 12:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
5/21/2011 |
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At 7AM EDT, Wind 290° with gusts to 2mph Temperature 65.2°F Dew Point Temperature 62.5°F Relative humidity 91.0% Heat Index Temperature 71.0°F Sea-level Pressure 29.981" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, 0.024" Trend past hour: +0.019" Peak Wind 200° 7mph at 2:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
5/22/2011 |
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At 7AM EDT, Wind 220° with gusts to 7mph Temperature 65.0°F Dew Point Temperature 61.4°F Relative humidity 88.0% Heat Index Temperature 70.3°F Sea-level Pressure 30.070" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, 0.051" Trend past hour: +0.027" Peak Wind 240° 9mph at 12:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
5/23/2011 |
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At 7am EDT, Wind 210° with gusts to 17mph Temperature 72.1°F Dew Point Temperature 70.3°F Relative humidity 94.0% Heat Index Temperature 78.3°F Sea-level Pressure 30.031" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, -0.005" Trend past hour: +0.007" Peak Wind 17mph at 7:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours TRACE = | Web: http://www.fredheuttte.org/weather.htm |
5/24/2011 |
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At 7am EDT, Wind 220° with gusts to 13mph Temperature 72.5°F Dew Point Temperature 72.2°F Relative humidity 99.0% Heat Index Temperature 79.5°F Sea-level Pressure 29.904" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.013" Trend past hour: +0.007" Peak Wind 220° 18mph at 4:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.16" = | Web: http://www.fredheuttte.org/weather.htm |
5/25/2011 |
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AT 7:00am EDT Wind 210° with gusts to 8mph Temperature 67.6°F Dew Point Temperature 67.6°F Relative humidity 100.0% Heat Index Temperature 74.8°F Sea-level Pressure 29.952" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.052" Trend past hour: +0.020" Peak Wind 320° 25mph at 12:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.78" (Max Wind Gust at 1700 5/24/11 150° 41mph) = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
5/26/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 190° 6 gusting to 11mph Temperature 74.9°F Dew Point Temperature 71.1°F Relative humidity 88.0% Heat Index Temperature 80.2°F Sea-level Pressure 29.945" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.049" Trend past hour: +0.023" Peak Wind 11mph at 7:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
5/27/2011 |
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At 7AM EDT, Wind 190° with gusts to 10mph Temperature 72.8°F Dew Point Temperature 69.7°F Relative humidity 90.0% Heat Index Temperature 78.4°F Sea-level Pressure 30.007" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.018" Trend past hour: +0.008" Peak Wind 200° 22mph at 1:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Email: wxr@cox.net Web: http://members.cox.net/wxr |
5/28/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last recorded direction 160° Temperature 72.0°F Dew Point Temperature 69.6°F Relative humidity 92.0% Heat Index Temperature 77.9°F Sea-level Pressure 30.025" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.038" Trend past hour: +0.015" Peak Wind 190° 14mph at 1:30am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
5/29/2011 |
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At 7AM EDT Wind 180° with gusts to 9mph Temperature 73.3°F Dew Point Temperature 72.1°F Relative humidity 96.0% Heat Index Temperature 79.9°F Sea-level Pressure 30.127" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.056" Trend past hour: 0.026" Peak Wind 210° 13mph at 2:38am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours TRACE = | Web: http://members.cox.net/wxr |
5/30/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 210° 7 gusting to 13mph Temperature 73.0°F Dew Point Temperature 69.9°F Relative humidity 90.0% Heat Index Temperature 78.6°F Sea-level Pressure 30.153" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.031" Trend past hour: +0.016" Peak Wind 190° 17mph at 12:01am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
5/31/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last recorded wind direction 270° Temperature 78.6°F Dew Point Temperature 74.4°F Relative humidity 87.0% Heat Index Temperature 83.8°F Sea-level Pressure 30.134" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.016" Trend past hour: +0.010" Peak Wind CALM since at 12:01am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
6/1/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 210° with gusts to 6mph Temperature 73.2°F Dew Point Temperature 70.7°F Relative humidity 92.0% Heat Index Temperature 79.1°F Sea-level Pressure 30.163" Trend past 3-hours: Rising slowly, +0.014" Trend past hour: +0.011" Peak Wind 150° 8mph at 8:38am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
6/2/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 250° with gusts to 4mph Temperature 74.0°F Dew Point Temperature 71.9°F Relative humidity 93.0% Heat Index Temperature 80.1°F Sea-level Pressure 30.027" Trend past 3-hours: Rising slowly, +0.012" Trend past hour: +0.012" Peak Wind 170° 10mph at 12:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
6/3/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 030° 2mph with gusts to 15mph Temperature 69.8°F Dew Point Temperature 51.9°F Relative humidity 53.0% Heat Index Temperature 70.9°F Sea-level Pressure 30.115" Trend past 3-hours: Rising slowly, +0.043" Trend past hour: +0.016" Peak Wind 050° 15mph at 4:15am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
6/4/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 320° with gusts to 7mph Temperature 64.2°F Dew Point Temperature 54.6°F Relative humidity 71.0% Heat Index Temperature 67.3°F Sea-level Pressure 30.151" Trend past 3-hours: Rising slowly then steady, +0.020" Trend past hour: 0.000" Peak Wind 320° 7mph at 6:04am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
6/5/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 200° 7mph Temperature 70.6°F Dew Point Temperature 59.1°F Relative humidity 67.0% Heat Index Temperature 73.2°F Sea-level Pressure 29.985" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.034" Trend past hour: +0.029" Peak Wind 190° 8mph at 4:47am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
6/6/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last recorded wind directions 120° Temperature 68.4°F Dew Point Temperature 67.5°F Relative humidity 97.0% Heat Index Temperature 75.1°F Sea-level Pressure 29.995" Trend past 3-hours: Rising slowly, +0.024" Trend past hour: +0.008" Peak Wind 120° 4mph at 1:19am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.45" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
6/7/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 200° with gusts to 4mph Temperature 68.6°F Dew Point Temperature 67.7°F Relative humidity 97.0% Heat Index Temperature 75.3°F Sea-level Pressure 30.048" Trend past 3-hours: Rising slowly, +0.014" Trend past hour: +0.005" Peak Wind 190° 8mph at 1:19am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
6/8/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 210° 8mph with gusts to 11mph Temperature 72.2°F Dew Point Temperature 69.1°F Relative humidity 90.0% Heat Index Temperature 77.8°F Sea-level Pressure 30.024" Trend past 3-hours: Rising slowly, +0.019" Trend past hour: +0.007" Peak Wind 210° 20mph at 12:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
6/9/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 210° with gusts to 11mph Temperature 75.8°F Dew Point Temperature 72.3°F Relative humidity 89.0% Heat Index Temperature 81.3°F Sea-level Pressure 29.989" Trend past 3-hours: Rising , +0.046" Trend past hour: +0.016" Peak Wind 230° 11mph at 3:21am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
6/10/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 220° 2mph with gusts to 10mph Temperature 76.0°F Dew Point Temperature 71.2°F Relative humidity 85.0% Heat Index Temperature 80.9°F Sea-level Pressure 29.963 rend past 3-hours: Rising , +0.029" Trend past hour: +0.014" Peak Wind 230° 15mph at 12:01am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
6/11/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 190° with gusts to 10mph Temperature 70.8°F Dew Point Temperature 70.2°F Relative humidity 98.0% Heat Index Temperature 77.7°F Sea-level Pressure 29.970 Trend past 3-hours: Rising slowly, +0.028" Trend past hour: +0.014" Peak Wind 220° 14mph at 1:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.19" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
6/12/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 210° with gusts to 9mph Temperature 69.9°F Dew Point Temperature 69.9°F Relative humidity 100.0% Heat Index Temperature 77.1°F Sea-level Pressure 29.890 Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.005" Trend past hour: -0.004" Peak Wind 200° 13mph at 3:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 1.55" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
6/13/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 030° with gusts to 10mph Temperature 73.0°F Dew Point Temperature 68.2°F Relative humidity 85.0% Heat Index Temperature 77.9°F Sea-level Pressure 29.852" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.028" Trend past hour: +0.008" Peak Wind 210° 10mph at 4:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours TRACE" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
6/14/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 340° with gusts to 10mph Temperature 69.8°F Dew Point Temperature 51.9°F Relative humidity 53.0% Heat Index Temperature 70.9°F Sea-level Pressure 29.897" Trend past 3-hours: Rising slowly, +0.026" Trend past hour: +0.011" Peak Wind 10mph at 4:00am & 7:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
6/15/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 010° with gusts to 15mph Temperature 67.4°F Dew Point Temperature 58.1°F Relative humidity 72.0% Heat Index Temperature 70.6°F Sea-level Pressure 29.922" Trend past 3-hours: Rising slowly, +0.028" Trend past hour: +0.011" Peak Wind 15mph at 7:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
6/16/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 220° with gusts to 10mph Temperature 66.9°F Dew Point Temperature 56.4°F Relative humidity 69.0% Heat Index Temperature 69.7°F Sea-level Pressure 29.975" Trend past 3-hours: Rising slowly, +0.035" Trend past hour: +0.010" Peak Wind 10mph at 7:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
6/17/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 230° 9mph Temperature 73.4°F Dew Point Temperature 69.0°F Relative humidity 86.0% Heat Index Temperature 78.5°F Sea-level Pressure 29.929" Trend past 3-hours: Rising slowly, +0.035" Trend past hour: +0.017" Peak Wind 210 24mph at 12:01am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
6/18/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 200° with gusts to 9mph Temperature 74.4°F Dew Point Temperature 67.8°F Relative humidity 80.0% Heat Index Temperature 78.6°F Sea-level Pressure 29.938" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.007" Trend past hour: +0.004" Peak Wind 210 13mph at 6:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours TRACE = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
6/19/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 210° 6mph with gusts to 13mph Temperature 71.8°F Dew Point Temperature 65.3°F Relative humidity 80.0% Heat Index Temperature 76.0°F Sea-level Pressure 29.798" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, -0.001" Trend past hour: -0.005" Peak Wind 210 14mph at 5:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.08" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
6/20/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 200° with gusts to 10mph Temperature 71.7°F Dew Point Temperature 71.4°F Relative humidity 99.0% Heat Index Temperature 78.7°F Sea-level Pressure 29.766" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, -0.012" Trend past hour: +0.012" Peak Wind 140° 11mph at 6:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.32" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
6/21/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 230° with gusts to 6mph Temperature 67.9°F Dew Point Temperature 63.9°F Relative humidity 87.0% Heat Index Temperature 73.1°F Sea-level Pressure 29.992" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.036" Trend past hour: +0.024" Peak Wind 140° 6mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.05" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
6/22/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 240° with gusts to 7mph Temperature 74.8°F Dew Point Temperature 70.7°F Relative humidity 80.0% Heat Index Temperature 80.0°F Sea-level Pressure 29.952" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.003" Trend past hour: -0.012" Peak Wind 190° 17mph AT 2AM EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours TRACE = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
6/23/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 210° 2mph with gusts to 14mph Temperature 76.2°F Dew Point Temperature 70.3°F Relative humidity 82.0% Heat Index Temperature 80.7°F Sea-level Pressure 29.860" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.009" Trend past hour: 0.000" Peak Wind 220° 16mph AT 12AM EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours TRACE = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
6/24/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 200° 4mph with gusts to 13mph Temperature 73.4°F Dew Point Temperature 70.0°F Relative humidity 89.0% Heat Index Temperature 78.9°F Sea-level Pressure 29.788" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.003" Trend past hour: +0.002" Peak Wind 220° 17mph AT 12AM EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours TRACE = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
6/25/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last recorded wind direction 250° Temperature 72.5°F Dew Point Temperature 70.7°F Relative humidity 94.0% Heat Index Temperature 78.7°F Sea-level Pressure 29.819" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.043" Trend past hour: +0.012" Peak Wind 200° 20mph AT 12AM EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.01" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
6/26/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last recorded wind direction 360° Temperature 71.2°F Dew Point Temperature 66.5°F Relative humidity 85.0% Heat Index Temperature 78.5°F Sea-level Pressure 29.912" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, 0.000" Trend past hour: 0.000" Peak Wind 230°8mph AT 2AM EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
6/27/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 200° with gusts to 7mph Temperature 76.2°F Dew Point Temperature 74.0°F Relative humidity 93.0% Heat Index Temperature 82.6°F Sea-level Pressure 29.998" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.014" Trend past hour: +0.014" Peak Wind 100° 9mph AT 12:06AM EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
6/28/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 200° with gusts to 13mph Temperature 73.4°F Dew Point Temperature 73.4°F Relative humidity 100.0% Heat Index Temperature 80.6°F Sea-level Pressure 29.959" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, 0.000" Trend past hour: -0.005" Peak Wind 200° 13mph AT 7:00AM EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.05" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
6/29/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 210° with gusts to 9mph Temperature 71.8°F Dew Point Temperature 71.8°F Relative humidity 100.0% Heat Index Temperature 79.5°F Sea-level Pressure 29.920" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.008" Trend past hour: -0.003" Peak Wind 210° 10mph AT 2:30AM EDT Rainfall past hour 0.01" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.76" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
6/30/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 040° with gusts to 6mph Temperature 73.0°F Dew Point Temperature 65.0°F Relative humidity 76.0% Heat Index Temperature 76.7°F Sea-level Pressure 30.003" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.029" Trend past hour: -0.016" Peak Wind 040° 6mph AT 7:00AM EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
7/1/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last recorded direction 170° Temperature 71.7°F Dew Point Temperature 70.8°F Relative humidity 97.0% Heat Index Temperature 78.4°F Sea-level Pressure 30.025" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.022" Trend past hour: +0.011" Peak Wind 200° 8mph AT 1:00AM EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
7/2/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 220° 1mph Temperature 72.2°F Dew Point Temperature 66.4°F Relative humidity 82.0% Heat Index Temperature 76.7°F Sea-level Pressure 30.083" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.037" Trend past hour: +0.021" Peak Wind 160 VBL 210° 13mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
7/3/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 200° 2 with gusts to 13 mph Temperature 75.1°F Dew Point Temperature 69.2°F Relative humidity 82.0% Heat Index Temperature 79.6°F Sea-level Pressure 29.975" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.001" Trend past hour: -0.001" Peak Wind 190° 16mph Rainfall past hour TRACE Rainfall past 24-hours TRACE = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
7/4/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 180° with gusts to 14 mph Temperature 73.7°F Dew Point Temperature 67.5°F Relative humidity 81.0% Heat Index Temperature 78.1°F Sea-level Pressure 29.935" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, -0.001" Trend past hour: +0.002" Peak Wind 340° 26mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.06" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
7/5/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 310° with gusts to 08 mph Temperature 72.7°F Dew Point Temperature 71.5°F Relative humidity 96.0% Heat Index Temperature 79.3°F Sea-level Pressure 29.965" Trend past 3-hours: Rising slowly, +0.024" Trend past hour: +0.004" Peak Wind 210° 11mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.07" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
7/6/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 220° with gusts to 11 mph Temperature 74.8°F Dew Point Temperature 71.7°F Relative humidity 90.0% Heat Index Temperature 80.4°F Sea-level Pressure 30.008" Trend past 3-hours: Rising slowly, +0.030" Trend past hour: +0.005" Peak Wind 210° 13mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
7/7/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 210° 4 with gusts to 8mph Temperature 71.3°F Dew Point Temperature 71.3°F Relative humidity 100.0% Heat Index Temperature 79.8°F Sea-level Pressure 29.990" Trend past 3-hours: Rising slowly, +0.013" Trend past hour: +0.007" Peak Wind 220° 14mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 1.24" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
7/8/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 170° with gusts to 16mph Temperature 76.6°F Dew Point Temperature 76.0°F Relative humidity 98.0% Heat Index Temperature 83.5°F Sea-level Pressure 29.912" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.006" Trend past hour: +0.012" Peak Wind 170° 16mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 1.59" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
7/9/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 340° with gusts to 7mph Temperature 72.7°F Dew Point Temperature 72.7°F Relative humidity 100.0% Heat Index Temperature 79.9°F Sea-level Pressure 29.836" Trend past 3-hours: Rising slowly, +0.031" Trend past hour: +0.016" Peak Wind 180° 17mph Rainfall past hour 0.01" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.80" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
7/10/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last known wind direction 190° Temperature 72.2°F Dew Point Temperature 71.3°F Relative humidity 97.0% Heat Index Temperature 78.9°F Sea-level Pressure 30.038" Trend past 3-hours: Rising slowly, +0.025" Trend past hour: +0.015" Peak Wind 190° 4mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours TRACE = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
7/11/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 200° with gusts to 8mph Temperature 73.4°F Dew Point Temperature 73.4°F Relative humidity 100.0% Heat Index Temperature 81.4°F Sea-level Pressure 30.090" Trend past 3-hours: Rising slowly, +0.036" Trend past hour: +0.018" Peak Wind 190° 13mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours TRACE = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
7/12/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 240° 8 with gusts to 15mph Temperature 77.3°F Dew Point Temperature 69.2°F Relative humidity 76.0% Heat Index Temperature 81.0°F Sea-level Pressure 29.851" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, -0.010" Trend past hour: +0.007" Peak Wind 190° 26mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours TRACE = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
7/13/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 020° 4mph Temperature 82.6°F Dew Point Temperature 74.3°F Relative humidity 76.0% Heat Index Temperature 89.2°F Sea-level Pressure 29.815" Trend past 3-hours: Rising slowly, +0.023" Trend past hour: +0.006" Peak Wind 320° 8mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours TRACE = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
7/14/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 040° 13 with gusts to 18mph Temperature 72.7°F Dew Point Temperature 59.8°F Relative humidity 64.0% Heat Index Temperature 75.0°F Sea-level Pressure 29.922" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.050" Trend past hour: +0.014" Peak Wind 040° 18mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.000" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
7/15/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last recorded direction 070° Temperature 64.2°F Dew Point Temperature 58.9°F Relative humidity 83.0% Heat Index Temperature 66.8°F Sea-level Pressure 30.077" Trend past 3-hours: Steady but with a slight rise, +0.017" Trend past hour: +0.015" Peak Wind 060° 7mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
7/16/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last recorded direction 360° Temperature 67.9°F Dew Point Temperature 65.2°F Relative humidity 91.0% Heat Index Temperature 73.7°F Sea-level Pressure 30.168" Trend past 3-hours: Rising slowly and steadily, +0.019" Trend past hour: +0.014" Peak Wind 090° 6mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
7/17/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 220° with light gusts to 1mph Temperature 72.3°F Dew Point Temperature 66.9°F Relative humidity 83.0% Heat Index Temperature 76.9°F Sea-level Pressure 30.217" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.015" Trend past hour: +0.004" Peak Wind 190° 8mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
7/18/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 210° with gusts to 8mph Temperature 72.0°F Dew Point Temperature 65.1°F Relative humidity 79.0% Heat Index Temperature 76.1°F Sea-level Pressure 30.145" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.028" Trend past hour: +0.022" Peak Wind 200° 11mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
7/19/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 230° with gusts to 11mph Temperature 73.2°F Dew Point Temperature 62.0°F Relative humidity 68.0% Heat Index Temperature 75.9°F Sea-level Pressure 29.905" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.005" Trend past hour: +0.009" Peak Wind 190° 18mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
7/20/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 180° with gusts to 8mph Temperature 79.5°F Dew Point Temperature 78.6°F Relative humidity 97.0% Heat Index Temperature 86.2°F Sea-level Pressure 29.891" Trend past 3-hours: Steady then rising, +0.032" Trend past hour: +0.021" Peak Wind 200° 17mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
7/21/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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At 6:50am EDT Wind 180° with gusts to 8mph Temperature 79.5°F Dew Point Temperature 78.6°F Relative humidity 97.0% Heat Index Temperature 86.2°F Sea-level Pressure 29.891" Trend past 3-hours: Steady then rising, +0.032" Trend past hour: +0.021" Peak Wind 200° 17mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
7/22/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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At 6:50am EDT Wind 220° 4 mph with gusts to 10mph Temperature 80.2°F Dew Point Temperature 73.5°F Relative humidity 80.0% Heat Index Temperature 84.7°F Sea-level Pressure 29.941" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.043" Trend past hour: +0.012" Peak Wind 230° 13mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
7/23/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 200° 1 mph with gusts to 10mph Temperature 81.0°F Dew Point Temperature 74.0°F Relative humidity 79.0% Heat Index Temperature 86.8°F Sea-level Pressure 29.990" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.046" Trend past hour: +0.024" Peak Wind 210° 17mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
7/24/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 210° with gusts to 8mph Temperature 76.6°F Dew Point Temperature 74.1°F Relative humidity 92.0% Heat Index Temperature 82.5°F Sea-level Pressure 29.973" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.001" Trend past hour: +0.005" Peak Wind 210° 10mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 1.69" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
7/25/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 200° with gusts to 10mph Temperature 75.8°F Dew Point Temperature 75.2°F Relative humidity 98.0% Heat Index Temperature 82.7°F Sea-level Pressure 29.897" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, -0.002" Trend past hour: +0.001" Peak Wind 200° 11mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.02" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
7/26/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 280° 7mph Temperature 75.1°F Dew Point Temperature 75.1°F Relative humidity 100.0% Heat Index Temperature 82.3°F Sea-level Pressure 29.777" Trend past 3-hours: Decreasing then increasing but slowly, +0.003" Trend past hour: +0.006" Peak Wind 240° 11mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 1.23" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
7/27/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 200° 1 mph with gusts to 14mph Temperature 75.7°F Dew Point Temperature 74.5°F Relative humidity 96.0% Heat Index Temperature 82.3°F Sea-level Pressure 29.987" Trend past 3-hours: Increasing +0.037" Trend past hour: +0.020" Peak Wind 200° 14mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
7/28/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last recorded wind direction 200° Temperature 78.4°F Dew Point Temperature 77.5°F Relative humidity 97.0% Heat Index Temperature 85.1°F Sea-level Pressure 30.034" Trend past 3-hours: Increasing +0.034" Trend past hour: +0.014" Peak Wind 210° 9mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
7/29/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 220° with gusts to 8mph Temperature 79.5°F Dew Point Temperature 74.2°F Relative humidity 84.0% Heat Index Temperature 84.3°F Sea-level Pressure 29.973" Trend past 3-hours: Increasing +0.020" Trend past hour: +0.014" Peak Wind 170° 10mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
7/30/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last recorded direction 350° Temperature 83.0°F Dew Point Temperature 73.5°F Relative humidity 73.0% Heat Index Temperature 89.2°F Sea-level Pressure 29.947" Trend past 3-hours: Increasing +0.039" Trend past hour: +0.015" Peak Wind 220° 9mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
7/31/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last recorded direction 240° Temperature 75.6°F Dew Point Temperature 71.8°F Relative humidity 88.0% Heat Index Temperature 80.9°F Sea-level Pressure 30.030" Trend past 3-hours: Increasing +0.029" Trend past hour: +0.019" Peak Wind 240° 5mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
8/1/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last recorded direction 170° Temperature 73.0°F Dew Point Temperature 72.7°F Relative humidity 99.0% Heat Index Temperature 80.0°F Sea-level Pressure 30.002" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.004" Trend past hour: +0.001" Peak Wind 0 mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
8/2/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 250° with gusts to 2mph Temperature 75.0°F Dew Point Temperature 70.5°F Relative humidity 86.0% Heat Index Temperature 80.1°F Sea-level Pressure 29.847" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, -0.017" Trend past hour: -0.003" Peak Wind 180° 9mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
8/3/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 230° 6 gusting to 10mph Temperature 78.9°F Dew Point Temperature 69.5°F Relative humidity 73.0% Heat Index Temperature 82.2°F Sea-level Pressure 29.775" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.018" Trend past hour: +0.019" Peak Wind 210° 10mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
8/4/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 260° with gusts to 4mph Temperature 77.8°F Dew Point Temperature 71.9°F Relative humidity 82.0% Heat Index Temperature 82.3°F Sea-level Pressure 29.752" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.050" Trend past hour: +0.020" Peak Wind 220° 10mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.01" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
8/5/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 020° with gusts to 8mph Temperature 74.8°F Dew Point Temperature 70.3°F Relative humidity 83.0% Heat Index Temperature 79.9°F Sea-level Pressure 30.023" Trend past 3-hours: Steady then rising, +0.048" Trend past hour: +0.028" Peak Wind 060° 10mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
8/6/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last recorded direction 050° Temperature 74.3°F Dew Point Temperature 71.8°F Relative humidity 92.0% Heat Index Temperature 80.2°F Sea-level Pressure 30.032" Trend past 3-hours: Steady +0.009" Trend past hour: +0.010" Peak Wind 050° 5mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
8/7/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 220° at 8mph Temperature 76.0°F Dew Point Temperature 75.1°F Relative humidity 97.0% Heat Index Temperature 82.7°F Sea-level Pressure 29.820" Trend past 3-hours: Steady 0.000" Trend past hour: +0.002" Peak Wind 190° 15mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.01" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
8/8/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 220° with gusts to 8mph Temperature 76.6°F Dew Point Temperature 74.1°F Relative humidity 89.0% Heat Index Temperature 82.1°F Sea-level Pressure 29.667" Trend past 3-hours: Decreasing then increasing Steady +0.038" Trend past hour: +0.019" Peak Wind 320° 11mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.06" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
8/9/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 220° with gusts to 15mph Temperature 79.7°F Dew Point Temperature 75.1°F Relative humidity 86.0% Heat Index Temperature 84.8°F Sea-level Pressure 29.628" Trend past 3-hours: Steady +0.004" Trend past hour: +0.009" Peak Wind 140° 9mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
8/10/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 320° with gusts to 7mph Temperature 78.0°F Dew Point Temperature 67.0°F Relative humidity 69.0% Heat Index Temperature 80.8°F Sea-level Pressure 29.708" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.048" Trend past hour: +0.027" Peak Wind 310° 10mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
8/11/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 330° with gusts to 10mph Temperature 77.8°F Dew Point Temperature 61.0°F Relative humidity 61.0% Heat Index Temperature 79.7°F Sea-level Pressure 29.798" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.065" Trend past hour: +0.021" Peak Wind 240° 11mph FROPA 0830Z Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours TRACE = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
8/12/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 010° with gusts to 4mph Temperature 74.3°F Dew Point Temperature 69.2°F Relative humidity 84.0% Heat Index Temperature 79.1°F Sea-level Pressure 29.875" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.039" Trend past hour: +0.015" Peak Wind 100° 2mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
8/13/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 130° 2mph with gusts to 6mph Temperature 74.6°F Dew Point Temperature 67.7°F Relative humidity 79.0% Heat Index Temperature 78.7°F Sea-level Pressure 29.969" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.017" Trend past hour: +0.017" Peak Wind 170° 8mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
8/14/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 150° with gusts to 8mph Temperature 73.7°F Dew Point Temperature 70.6°F Relative humidity 90.0% Heat Index Temperature 79.3°F Sea-level Pressure 29.779" Trend past 3-hours: Falling, -0.019" Trend past hour: -0.008" Peak Wind 150° 8mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 2.50" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
8/15/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 270° with gusts to 7mph Temperature 68.9°F Dew Point Temperature 68.6°F Relative humidity 99.0% Heat Index Temperature 75.9°F Sea-level Pressure 29.600" Trend past 3-hours: Decreasing then increasing, +0.013" Trend past hour: +0.022" Peak Wind 190° 14mph FROPA ~ 09Z Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.05" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
8/16/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 330° with gusts to 10mph Temperature 72.3°F Dew Point Temperature 63.9°F Relative humidity 75.0% Heat Index Temperature 75.9°F Sea-level Pressure 29.756" Trend past 3-hours: Increasing, +0.052" Trend past hour: +0.012" Peak Wind 330° 10mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours TRACE = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
8/17/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last recorded direction 360° Temperature 69.9°F Dew Point Temperature 68.7°F Relative humidity 96.0% Heat Index Temperature 76.5°F Sea-level Pressure 30.028" Trend past 3-hours: Increasing, +0.047" Trend past hour: +0.018" Peak Wind 0 mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours TRACE = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
8/18/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last recorded direction 210° Temperature 70.5°F Dew Point Temperature 67.8°F Relative humidity 91.0% Heat Index Temperature 76.3°F Sea-level Pressure 30.011" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.006" Trend past hour: +0.006" Peak Wind 200° 08mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours TRACE = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
8/19/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 210° with gusts to 7mph Smoke Temperature 72.7°F Dew Point Temperature 71.2°F Relative humidity 95.0% Heat Index Temperature 79.1°F Sea-level Pressure 29.837" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.009" Trend past hour: +0.001" Peak Wind 150° 10mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours TRACE = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
8/20/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last recorded diredtion 220° Temperature 72.0°F Dew Point Temperature 70.2°F Relative humidity 94.0% Heat Index Temperature 78.2°F Sea-level Pressure 29.852" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.024" Trend past hour: +0.014" Peak Wind 040° 13mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours TRACE = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
8/21/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 210° 7mph Temperature 75.0°F Dew Point Temperature 74.4°F Relative humidity 98.0% Heat Index Temperature 81.9°F Sea-level Pressure 29.911" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.004" Trend past hour: -0.002" Peak Wind 190° 9mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
8/22/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 210° 4 with gusts to 11mph Temperature 73.2°F Dew Point Temperature 71.4°F Relative humidity 94.0% Heat Index Temperature 79.4°F Sea-level Pressure 29.760" Trend past 3-hours: Steady but with a slight upward trend, +0.024" Trend past hour: +0.010" Peak Wind 210° 14mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.20" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
8/23/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 020° with gusts to 6mph Temperature 69.8°F Dew Point Temperature 60.0°F Relative humidity 71.0% Heat Index Temperature 72.9°F Sea-level Pressure 29.936" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.040" Trend past hour: +0.021" Peak Wind 020° 6mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
8/24/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last recorded wind direction 130° Temperature 66.1°F Dew Point Temperature 61.5°F Relative humidity 85.0% Heat Index Temperature 71.0°F Sea-level Pressure 29.984" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.016" Trend past hour: +0.011" Peak Wind 200° 11mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
8/25/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last recorded direction SE Temperature 66.4°F Dew Point Temperature 61.8°F Relative humidity 85.0% Heat Index Temperature 68.0°F Sea-level Pressure 29.984" Trend past 3-hours: sTEADY, +0.016" Trend past hour: +0.011" Peak Wind CALM Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
8/26/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last recorded wind direction 170° Temperature 74.4°F Dew Point Temperature 74.4°F Relative humidity 100.0% Heat Index Temperature 81.6°F Sea-level Pressure 29.960" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.002" Trend past hour: +0.005" Peak Wind 170° 10mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.19" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
8/27/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 040° 17 gusting to 29mph Temperature 74.6°F Dew Point Temperature 74.6°F Relative humidity 100.0% Heat Index Temperature 81.8°F Sea-level Pressure 29.503" Trend past 3-hours: Falling, -0.093" Trend past hour: +0.035" Peak Wind 020° 31mph Rainfall past hour 0.09" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.99" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
8/28/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind SW 9 with gusts to 26mph Temperature 73.9°F Dew Point Temperature 66.2°F Relative humidity 77.0% Heat Index Temperature 75.7°F Sea-level Pressure 29.413" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.153" Trend past hour: +0.051" Peak Wind W 40mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 3.28" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
8/29/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind NNE with gusts to 8mph Temperature 73.4°F Dew Point Temperature 73.1°F Relative humidity 99.0% Heat Index Temperature 76.8°F Sea-level Pressure 29.829" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.058" Trend past hour: +0.030" Peak Wind NNE 8mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
8/30/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind N 3 gusting to 16mph Temperature 70.5°F Dew Point Temperature 61.4°F Relative humidity 73.0% Heat Index Temperature 71.0°F Sea-level Pressure 30.034" Trend past 3-hours: Rising, +0.020" Trend past hour: +0.006" Peak Wind N 16mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
8/31/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last recorded direction 030° Temperature 61.4°F Dew Point Temperature 58.1°F Relative humidity 89.0% Heat Index Temperature 66.9°F Sea-level Pressure 30.157" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.014" Trend past hour: +0.015" Peak Wind CALM Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours TRACE = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
9/1/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last recorded direction 064° Temperature 61.0°F Dew Point Temperature 58.1°F Relative humidity 90.0% Heat Index Temperature 66.6°F Sea-level Pressure 30.153" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.012" Trend past hour: +0.002" Peak Wind CALM Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
9/2/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last recorded direction 050° Temperature 66.6°F Dew Point Temperature 66.3°F Relative humidity 99.0% Heat Index Temperature 73.6°F Sea-level Pressure 30.053" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, -0.008" Trend past hour: +0.004" Peak Wind CALM Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
9/3/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last recorded direction 140° Temperature 66.9°F Dew Point Temperature 63.6°F Relative humidity 89.0% Heat Index Temperature 72.4°F Sea-level Pressure 30.011" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, -0.013" Trend past hour: -0.004" Peak Wind 140° 6mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
9/4/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 210° 6mph Temperature 68.6°F Dew Point Temperature 66.5°F Relative humidity 93.0% Heat Index Temperature 74.7°F Sea-level Pressure 29.964" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.033" Trend past hour: +0.011" Peak Wind 220° 13mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
9/5/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 200° with gusts to 8mph Temperature 72.2°F Dew Point Temperature 68.8°F Relative humidity 89.0% Heat Index Temperature 77.7°F Sea-level Pressure 29.847" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, -0.018" Trend past hour: +0.002" Peak Wind 200° 17mph at 12:01am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
9/6/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 180° with gusts to 15mph Temperature 77.5°F Dew Point Temperature 76.3°F Relative humidity 96.0% Heat Index Temperature 84.1°F Sea-level Pressure 29.828" Trend past 3-hours: Steady but with slight rise, +0.019" Trend past hour: +0.008" Peak Wind 210° 20mph at 3:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.17" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
9/7/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 160° with gusts to 10mph Temperature 78.6°F Dew Point Temperature 76.1°F Relative humidity 92.0% Heat Index Temperature 84.5°F Sea-level Pressure Steady 29.914" Trend past 3-hours: +0.022" Trend past hour: -0.009" Peak Wind 220° 17mph at 2:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
9/8/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 150° with gusts to 8mph Temperature 73.9°F Dew Point Temperature 71.4°F Relative humidity 92.0% Heat Index Temperature 79.8°F Sea-level Pressure Steady 29.871" Trend past 3-hours: +0.009" Trend past hour: -0.007" Peak Wind 170° 10mph at 1:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.11" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
9/9/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 130° with gusts to 6mph Temperature 75.1°F Dew Point Temperature 75.0°F Relative humidity 99.0% Heat Index Temperature 82.3°F Sea-level Pressure 29.821" Trend past 3-hours: Increasing +0.022" Trend past hour: +0.013" Peak Wind 220° 6mph at 12:01am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.05" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
9/10/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 220° with gusts to 7mph Temperature 67.4°F Dew Point Temperature 63.4°F Relative humidity 87.0% Heat Index Temperature 72.6°F Sea-level Pressure 29.893" Trend past 3-hours: Steady then increasing slightly +0.017" Trend past hour: +0.015" Peak Wind 180° 7mph at 3:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
9/11/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last recorded direction 190° Temperature 70.8°F Dew Point Temperature 68.7°F Relative humidity 93.0% Heat Index Temperature 76.9°F Sea-level Pressure 30.021" Trend past 3-hours: Increasing slowly +0.026" Trend past hour: +0.014" Peak Wind 190° 4mph at 4:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
9/12/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last recorded direction 210° Temperature 69.8°F Dew Point Temperature 65.4°F Relative humidity 86.0% Heat Index Temperature 74.9°F Sea-level Pressure 30.027" Trend past 3-hours: Steady +0.006" Trend past hour: +0.003" Peak Wind 200° 15mph at 12:01am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
9/13/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 250° with gusts to 4mph Temperature 68.3°F Dew Point Temperature 64.6°F Relative humidity 88.0% Heat Index Temperature 73.6°F Sea-level Pressure 30.000" Trend past 3-hours: Steady +0.014" Trend past hour: +0.011" Peak Wind 190° 8mph at 12:01am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
9/14/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 200° with gusts to 6mph Temperature 69.3°F Dew Point Temperature 67.5°F Relative humidity 94.0% Heat Index Temperature 75.5°F Sea-level Pressure 29.962" Trend past 3-hours: Steady +0.005" Trend past hour: +0.008" Peak Wind 210° 13mph at 12:01am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
9/15/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 220° with gusts to 6mph Temperature 70.1°F Dew Point Temperature 67.7°F Relative humidity 92.0% Heat Index Temperature 76.0°F Sea-level Pressure 29.885" Trend past 3-hours: Steady -0.005" Trend past hour: +0.002" Peak Wind 200° 10mph at 12:01am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
9/16/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 010° with gusts to 10mph gusting to 26mph Temperature 59.1°F Dew Point Temperature 38.4°F Relative humidity 46.0% Heat Index Temperature 59.5°F Sea-level Pressure 30.241" Trend past 3-hours: Rising +0.061" Trend past hour: +0.033" Peak Wind 010° 30mph at 2:03am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 1.55" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
9/17/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 360° 8 with gusts to 15mph Temperature 61.0°F Dew Point Temperature 54.5°F Relative humidity 83.0% Heat Index Temperature 64.3°F Sea-level Pressure 30.246" Trend past 3-hours: Rising slowly +0.008" Trend past hour: +0.008" Peak Wind 360° 15mph at 5:50am EDT Rainfall past hour TRACE Rainfall past 24-hours 0.09" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
9/18/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 050° 2 with gusts to 13mph Temperature 63.2°F Dew Point Temperature 62.0°F Relative humidity 96.0% Heat Index Temperature 69.8°F Sea-level Pressure 30.245" Trend past 3-hours: Rising +0.027" Trend past hour: +0.016" Peak Wind 040° 17mph at 12:00am EDT Rainfall past hour TRACE Rainfall past 24-hours 0.85" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
9/19/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 040° with gusts to 8mph Temperature 63.5°F Dew Point Temperature 60.8°F Relative humidity 91.0% Heat Index Temperature 69.3°F Sea-level Pressure 30.218" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, then increasing slowly +0.004" Trend past hour: 0.000" Peak Wind 360° 14mph at 12:00am EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.02" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
9/20/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last known wind direction Temperature 59.8°F Dew Point Temperature 56.6°F Relative humidity 89.0% Heat Index Temperature 65.3°F Sea-level Pressure 30.128" Trend past 3-hours: Incresasing slowly, +0.026" Trend past hour: +0.013" Peak Wind CALM since 12:00AM EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
9/21/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last known wind direction Temperature 59.8°F Dew Point Temperature 56.6°F Relative humidity 89.0% Heat Index Temperature 65.3°F Sea-level Pressure 30.128" Trend past 3-hours: Incresasing slowly, +0.026" Trend past hour: +0.013" Peak Wind CALM since 12:00AM EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
9/22/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 190° with gusts to 6mph Temperature 72.7°F Dew Point Temperature 72.7°F Relative humidity 100.0% Heat Index Temperature 79.9°F Sea-level Pressure 30.103" Trend past 3-hours: Incresasing slowly, +0.014" Trend past hour: +0.004" Peak Wind 240° 13mph at 3:26AM EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.04" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
9/23/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last known wind direction 140° Temperature 72.0°F Dew Point Temperature 72.0°F Relative humidity 100.0% Heat Index Temperature 79.2°F Sea-level Pressure 30.024" Trend past 3-hours: Decreasing, -0.042" Trend past hour: -0.009" Peak Wind 170° 10mph at 3:28AM EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.28" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
9/24/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last known wind direction 210° Temperature 71.1°F Dew Point Temperature 71.1°F Relative humidity 100.0% Heat Index Temperature 78.3°F Sea-level Pressure 29.990" Trend past 3-hours: Increasing, +0.040" Trend past hour: -0.031" Peak Wind 210° 8mph at 12:27AM EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 1.79" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
9/25/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 040° with gusts to 6mph Temperature 69.9°F Dew Point Temperature 69.9°F Relative humidity 100.0% Heat Index Temperature 77.1°F Sea-level Pressure 30.031" Trend past 3-hours: Increasing, +0.023" Trend past hour: +0.011" Peak Wind 060° 4mph at 6:00AM EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.09" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
9/26/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind CALM with last recorded direcion 070° Temperature 70.1°F Dew Point Temperature 70.1°F Relative humidity 100.0% Heat Index Temperature 77.3°F Sea-level Pressure 29.980" Trend past 3-hours: Increasing, +0.035" Trend past hour: +0.004" Peak Wind 070° 6mph at 3:02AM EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.08" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
9/27/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 220° with gusts to 10mph Temperature 70.8°F Dew Point Temperature 70.8°F Relative humidity 100.0% Heat Index Temperature 78.0°F Sea-level Pressure 29.929" Trend past 3-hours: Increasing, +0.018" Trend past hour: +0.010" Peak Wind 200° 13mph at 6:00AM EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours TRACE = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
9/28/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 200° with gusts to 9mph Temperature 72.9°F Dew Point Temperature 72.0°F Relative humidity 97.0% Heat Index Temperature 79.6°F Sea-level Pressure 29.881" Trend past 3-hours: Increasing slowly, +0.025" Trend past hour: +0.007" Peak Wind 220° 15mph at 1:29AM EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours TRACE = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
9/29/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 190° 6 with gusts to 10mph Temperature 77.2°F Dew Point Temperature 68.5°F Relative humidity 97.0% Heat Index Temperature 76.1°F Sea-level Pressure 29.769" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, +0.011" Trend past hour: +0.005" Peak Wind 220° 13mph at 4:13AM EDT Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.19" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |
9/30/2011 |
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At 7:00am EDT Wind 140° with gusts to 6mph Temperature 77.3°F Dew Point Temperature 60.3°F Relative humidity 82.0% Heat Index Temperature 70.4°F Sea-level Pressure 29.743" Trend past 3-hours: Steady, -0.007" Trend past hour: 0.000" Peak Wind 150° 8mph Rainfall past hour 0.00" Rainfall past 24-hours 0.00" = | Web: http://www.fredheutte.org/weather.htm |