Observation Date |
Observation Time |
Precipitation |
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Notes |
1/3/2011 |
7:00 PM |
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After a week of fall-like temperatures, the region has returned to a more early winter temps. of 30's in the day and teens throughout the night. |
1/4/2011 |
8:00 AM |
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Chilly night. Light frost. Air and temperature ripe for snow at this time. |
1/5/2011 |
8:12 AM |
0.00 |
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With light frost this time period is set with a 22 degree air temperature, 60%partly clouded skies, and o.oo precipitation. |
1/6/2011 |
8:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
0.00 |
25 degrees outside temperature with light frost. 100% overcast clouds,bright overcast @ this point. Area under WINTER STORM WATCH from 17:00 hrs Thursday until 24:00 hrs.Friday. Little to no accumulation expected Thursday. However, tonight's accumulation @ this point forecasted @ 1" to 3" of snow. |
1/7/2011 |
8:00 AM |
0.01 |
0.5 |
0.10 |
0.5 |
0.10 |
Thursday night approx. 18:30 hours the before-hand forcast of snow began to fall lightly in this area. The snowfall became heavy by 22:20. As of this moment there is 1/2" snow on the snow board outsise. Rain gauge melted shows .1". The 100% overcast persists in this area, though the Sun continues it's valent effort to shine through. |
1/8/2011 |
8:00 AM |
0.10 |
1.5 |
0.10 |
2.0 |
0.20 |
100% Overcast.1 1/2" NEW snow in last 24hrs.Melted snow =.1". On and off snow fall continues to come down. Sun continues it's fight to get through the overcast. 7 mph wind with 10mph wind chill. As it is in summer with dust devils, so it is here with SNOW DEVILS! Just another typical West Virginia winter thus far. |
1/10/2011 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Cold crisp night, low 10 degrees.100% overcast all night and this morning. At present time we are under a "Winter Advisory" as a southern snow storm sweeps north from the Gulf coast area and makes way for the east coast headed north along that line. No falling presipitation at all this time or in the past 24 hours. |
1/11/2011 |
8:00 AM |
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100% overcast. Snow falling heavy with large flakes, no accumulation @ this point. Temperature 25 degrees. 5 miles wind out of east. |
1/13/2011 |
8:13 AM |
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0.5 |
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4.5 |
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17 degrees, 100% overcast, snow has ended for now. |
1/14/2011 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
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100% overcast. Winds calm. 21 degrees at present. No precipitation recordable in last 24 hours. |
1/15/2011 |
8:35 AM |
0.00 |
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98% overcast. 30 degrees. Winds out of the ssw at 30 miles an hour with gusts same. Barometer 30.12 steady. |
1/16/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
30% clouds, plenty of sunshine.Present temp., 25degrees. Winds mild @ 4mph from the nnw, gusts @10mph from the wnw. Barometric pressure @30.25 steady. |
1/17/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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0.00 |
100% overcast. Temperature @ 22 degrees. No precipitation in last 24 hours. Wind 5mph out of nne, gust same from north. |
1/18/2011 |
9:30 AM |
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0.0 |
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0.0 |
0.00 |
100% overcast. 36 degrees presently. Low last night 32. wind calm with gusts 5mph out of n. Barometric pressure @ 29.85 steady. At this time sprinkling rain has entered the gauge, only a trace exists thus far. |
1/19/2011 |
10:21 AM |
0.02 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
100% heavy stratus overcast clouds.34 degrees present. Low of 33 degrees. Light intermitent drizzle outside presently .Barometric pressure @ 29.91 steady. Wind out of wnw @ 4mph, gusting from nw @ 8mph. |
1/20/2011 |
7:45 AM |
0.00 |
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0.00 |
Trace precipitation in last 24 hrs. 100% overcast. Stratus clouds. Wind calm with 3mph wind gust from north. Low temperature last 24hrs @ 28degrees, presently 29 degrees outside. Barometric pressure @30.14. We are under a WINTER STORM WARNING from 11a.m. this morning until 7:00a.m. Friday morning, forecastings are 3-6 inches of snowfall. |
1/21/2011 |
8:30 AM |
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1/22/2011 |
9:39 AM |
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-0.0 degrees presently. Winds calm. o mph gusts. Lows was -1 degree. No presipitation in last 24 hrs. . Barometric pressure @ 30.03.50% clouds, stratus. |
1/23/2011 |
11:00 AM |
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No precipitation in last 24 hrs. .Sunshine, 30% cirrus. 16 degrees presently.10mph wnw, gusts 20mph wnw. Low last night of 14 degrees. Barometric pressure of 30.26. |
1/24/2011 |
9:45 AM |
0.00 |
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No precipitation in last 24hrs.. 100% overcast stratus sky.Present temperature 14 degrees. Low temperature last night +3 degrees. No wind, no gusts at moment. Barometric pressure presently 30.27 falling. |
1/25/2011 |
9:40 AM |
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No presipitation in last 24hrs. 100% overcast, stratus clouds. wnid out of the west @ 3mph, gust @ 5mph. Low last night: 33 degrees. Barometric pressure @ 30.16. |
1/26/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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As of this time we are under a WINTER ADVISORY until 7am Thursday. Trace precipitation in last 24 hrs. Winds from nne @ 5mph, gust @ 5mph out of the nne. 100% overcast with stratus clouds. Present temperature out is 33 degrees.Lows lasr night @ 33 also, no change. Barometric pressure @ 29.84 steady. |
1/27/2011 |
7:38 AM |
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Trace precipitation in last 24 hrs. 100% overcast, stratus. Temperature presently, 27 degrees. Wind out of the ssw @ 6mph, with gusts from the n @ 9mph. Barometric pressure of 30.03. Ice appears to be slight on nearby tree limbs this morning. |
1/28/2011 |
8:13 AM |
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0.3 |
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1/4 inch of new snow fallen in last 24 hrs. Snow is presently still falling. Snow appears to be of the dry variety. Temperature is 28 degrees presently. Barometric pressure @ 29.78. 100% overcast skies, stratus clouds. Winds @4mph out of the ssw, gusts 5mph out of the ssw as well. |
1/29/2011 |
10:10 AM |
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No precipitation in last 24hrs.. 28 degrees presently. 100% overcast presently, stratus. Wind 4mph from sse, gusts 7mph from sse as well. |
1/30/2011 |
8:56 AM |
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No precipitation in last 24hrs. . Presently 30 degrees out. Barometric pressure @ 30.15. 100% overcast, stratus clouds. Winds are calm with gusts out of sse @ 3mph. |
1/31/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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No precipitation in last 24hrs. . Present temperature: 21. Barometric pressure: 30.24. Skies clear. Winds out of the nne @ 9mph with gusts of 16 also from nne. |
2/1/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
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.01 rain has fallen over night (last 24hrs) with much more to come. 35 degrees out presently. Barometric pressure @ 30.08. 100% 0vercast . Winds out of the nne @ 3mph with gusts also out of the nne @ 3mph. Yesterday the area was under a FREEZE RAIN ADVISORY from 3:41pm until 11:45pm. |
2/2/2011 |
7:06 AM |
0.90 |
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Area under WIND ADVISORY. 7/8 " rain in last 24 hrs. Present temp: 54 degrees with a wind chill of 51 degrees! Lot of warm southern temps passing by at eastern edge of this north-eastern rapidly moving national storm.Barometric pressure @29.57. 90% overcast, nimbostratus. Wind out of the ssw @ 10mph, gusts 10mph ssw. |
2/3/2011 |
11:17 AM |
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Snow fall last 24 hrs 1/2 inch on board, trace in gauge. Present temp. 23 degrees. Low temp last night, 14 degrees. Barometric pressure 30.54. 20% partly cloudy, cumulus. Wind out of the n @4mph, gust n @ 7mph. |
2/4/2011 |
9:01 AM |
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No precipitation in last 24 hours. 18 degrees presently, 18 was last nights low. Light frosting during night. Barometric temperature @ 30.34. 100% overcast, stratus clouds. Wind calm, gust @ 3mph from north. |
2/5/2011 |
8:56 AM |
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Trace precipitation in last 24hrs. Light rain falling presently. Temperature 32 degrees. Low last night was 32 degrees. Barometric pressure @ 29.71. 100% overcast stratus clouds. Wind blowing from nne @ 3mph, gust also @ 3mph. |
2/6/2011 |
8:39 AM |
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No precipitation in last 24 hrs. . Present temperature 32 degrees. Last nights low also 32 degrees. Barometric pressure @ 30". 100% overcast with stratus clouds. Very light fog present outside. |
2/7/2011 |
7:04 AM |
0.10 |
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1/10th rainfall over night. Still sprinkling @ this time. Present temperature 36 degrees with an overnight low of 32. Barometric temperature at 29.97. 100% overcast stratus clouds. Winds out of the sse @ 5mph with gusts from the s @ 7mph. |
2/8/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.25 |
0.3 |
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0.5 |
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0.25 inches snow fell over night in area as measured on snow board. As well, an additional 1/4 inch of rain fell previously in last 24 hr period prior to the snow fall.(NOTE: there was no snow on the ground when rain was falling). Temperature @ 25 degrees mirroring last nights low of 25. Barometric pressure 30.04. 80% partly clouded sky with stratuscumulus clouds present. Winds out of the w @9mpg with gusts from the nw @ 21. |
2/9/2011 |
8:40 AM |
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Trace of snow fall in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 13 degrees. Barometric pressure 30.35. 60% stratus cloud cover. Winds are calm, no gusting. |
2/10/2011 |
7:45 AM |
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Trace snow fall fell during last 24hrs. Present temperature 9 degrees. Barometric pressure 30.21. Crystal clear skies this morning. Winds calm with gusts out of the wnw @ 6 mph. |
2/11/2011 |
7:31 AM |
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No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 15 degrees with lows over night of 13. Crystal clear skies this morning. Wind out of the ssw @ 5mph with gusts also out of the ssw @ 7mph. |
2/12/2011 |
9:55 AM |
0.00 |
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No precipitation has fallen in past 24 hrs. Present temp, 32 with over night temp of 30. 100% over cast stratus clouds. Wind out of the wsw @ 8mph with gusting from the north at 20 mph. Barometric pressure at 30.1". |
2/13/2011 |
8:49 AM |
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No precipitation in last 24hrs. Present temperature 37 degrees. Low last night, 33. 90% stratus cloud cover. Winds 14mph ssw. Gusts, 23 ssw. Barometric pressure 30.05. |
2/14/2011 |
9:08 AM |
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No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 49 degrees, low last night of 49. Clear skies. Wind out of the wsw @ 13mph. Gusting from ssw @ 36mph. Barometric pressure of 29.76. |
2/15/2011 |
6:46 AM |
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No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 28, which was last nights low as well. Clear skies. Light frost fell during night. Winds are from the nnw @ 3mph, with gusts 6mph from the nnw. Barometric pressure, 30.4". |
2/16/2011 |
7:01 AM |
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No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature is 39 degrees. 85% stratus cloud cover. Winds are calm with gusting from the south @ 5mph. Barometric pressure @ 30.22. |
2/17/2011 |
7:22 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature, 48 degrees. Low last night 48 degrees. 70% stratus cloud cover. Winds out of the ese @ 6mph with gusts out of the n @ 9mph. Barometric pressure @ 30.15". |
2/18/2011 |
7:42 AM |
0.00 |
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No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature, 60 degrees. Lows last night also 60 degrees. 100% overcast stratus cloud cover. Winds out of the ssw @ 9mph. Gusting from n @ 26mph. Barometric pressure presently is 29.98. |
2/19/2011 |
7:38 AM |
0.00 |
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No precipitation last 24 hrs. Present temperature 36 degrees. 3% partly cloudy, cirrus. Winds out of the ssw @ 6mph, gusting @ 10mph from the n. Barometric pressure 30.26". |
2/20/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature, 28 degrees, over night low of 25. 100% overcast, stratus. Winds are calm with gusts, out of e @ 5mph. Barometric pressure, 30.34. |
2/21/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Trace precipitation in last 24 hrs, rain. Present temperature, 57 degrees. Low temperature last night, 53. 100% overcast skies at present, stratus clouds. Winds out of the ssw @ 9 mph with gusts ssw at 29. Barometric pressure at 29.65". |
2/22/2011 |
6:57 AM |
1.50 |
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One and one half inches rain has fallen in last 24 hrs. Where rain has fallen there is ice here and there. Present temperature 28 degrees, lows last night also 28 degrees. 100% overcast stratus skies. Winds calm with gusting from north at 9 mph. |
2/23/2011 |
8:07 AM |
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Light fog. Area under a FLOOD WATCH until noon Friday. No precipitation has fallen in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 26 degrees, low last night of 26 degrees. 100% overcast, stratus. Calm winds, gusts from n @ 6mph. Barometric pressure @ 30.31". |
2/24/2011 |
6:49 AM |
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100% over cast stratus skies. Light drizzle falling. Trace precipitation in gauge in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 34 degrees with lows last night of 30. Wind blowing from the nnw @6mph, gusting @ 8mph sse. Barometric pressure, 30.06". |
2/25/2011 |
7:17 AM |
1.01 |
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One and 1/10th inches of rainfall over night in last 24 hrs has fallen. Temperature 41 degrees. Lows last night, 39. 100% overcast, stratus clouds. Wind out of the ssw @14mph gusting to 22mph out of the ssw. Barometric pressure, 29.36". |
2/26/2011 |
6:59 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 30 degrees, over night low was 30 degrees as well. 100% overcast sky with stratus clouds. Winds are calm with 3mph gusts out of the n. Barometric pressure 30.18. |
2/27/2011 |
9:17 AM |
0.00 |
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No precipitation has fallen in last 24hrs. Present temperature 43, last nights low 38. 80% partly altostratus clouds. Winds are calm with gusts out of the n @ 3mph. Barometric pressure, 29.99". Area presently under a FLOOD WATCH until 10 pm Monday. |
2/28/2011 |
8:15 AM |
0.80 |
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Area has just been down-graded from a TORNADO WARNING to a TORNADO WATCH until 1pm this day. FLASH FLOOD WARNING also in effect @ present time until 1pm today. Precip 0.8" in rainfall in last 24 hrs. At moment winds are @24mph from the wsw with gusts to 49mph from the w. Lot of lightening and thunder not a lot of rain coming down at moment. 100% overcast, stratus clouds. Barometric pressure @ 29.66". |
3/1/2011 |
7:13 AM |
0.50 |
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Present temperature 25 degrees, also 25 for low over night. Heavy frost on ground. Clear skies this morning. Winds calm with gusts out of the nnw @ 5mph. Barometric pressure 30.33. |
3/2/2011 |
10:05 AM |
0.00 |
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No precipitation fell in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 37 with last nights low of 27. Clear skies. Frost was on the ground this morning. Winds out of the wsw @5mph, gusting from the north @ 6mph. Barometric pressure 30.28. March came in like a lamb here. |
3/3/2011 |
7:10 AM |
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No precipitation has fallen in last 24 hrs. Light frost, however, is apparent everywhere. Temperature presently 25 continuing the overnight low of 25 degrees. 20% partly cloudy cirrus clouds. Winds out of the ene @ 8mph, gusting from ene @ 8mph. Barometric pressure 30.56. |
3/4/2011 |
9:45 AM |
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No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Temperature 46, last nights low 44. 100% overcast stratus clouds. Winds out of the sse @ 10 mph, gusting from the n @22 mph.Barometric pressure 30.35". |
3/5/2011 |
7:52 AM |
0.00 |
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No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 54, overnight low 53. 100% overcast with stratus clouds. Winds out of the sse @ 14mph, gusting to 29 from sse. Barometric pressure 30.09. Area under a FLOOD WATCH until 1 pm Sunday. |
3/6/2011 |
7:35 AM |
1.05 |
0.1 |
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0.1 |
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0.1" snow fall over night in last 24 hrs. Plus 1.04" rainfall in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 32, last nights low 32. 100% overcast with stratus clouds. Winds out of the wnw @ 9mph, gusting from the nw @24mph. Barometric pressure 30.04". |
3/7/2011 |
6:53 AM |
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0.4 |
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Trace (snow) precipitation has fallen in last 24 hours. Present temp 28. 28 last night's low. 100% overcast, stratus. Calm winds with gusts from the north @6 mph. Barometric pressure precently 30.23". |
3/8/2011 |
8:55 AM |
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No precipitation in last 24 hrs.. Present temperature 33, also last nights low. 100% overcast with stratus cloud cover. Calm winds with 6mph wind gust out of the nne. Barometric pressure 30.35". Area rivers (Ohio and Little Kanawa)near flood stage at this hour @ 31.5 feet. 36' is area flood stage. |
3/9/2011 |
7:14 AM |
0.90 |
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5/8 inches rain has fallen in last 24 hours, @ present time is still falling rather heavily. Present temperature 41 degrees, over night low of 40. 100% overcast stratus skies. Wind from the ese @ 9 mph, gusting from north @ 24 mph. Barometric pressure is 30.19". Area still under FLASH FLOOD WATCH until Thursday evening at 7 pm. Ohio and Little Kanawa rivers here are at 32.8 feet. Flood stage is 36 feet. |
3/10/2011 |
7:04 AM |
0.80 |
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3/4" rainfall last 24 hrs. Temperature presently, 48 with lows over night 48. 100% overcast, stratus. Winds out of the ene @ 3 mph. and gusting from n @ 8mph. Barometric pressure 29.83". |
3/11/2011 |
7:25 AM |
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A trace of snow fell in last 24 hours. Snow continues to fall lightly as of this report time. Present temperature 32 degrees, same as last nights low. 100% overcast stratus clouds. Wind out of the wsw @6mph, gusting also from wsw @ 17mph. Baraometric pressure 29.93". Area is still under a FLASH FLOOD WARNING until Monday the 14th @ 10:00 a.m. . Ohio River is at 35.44". Flood stage is at 36'. |
3/12/2011 |
11:59 AM |
1.60 |
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1.6 rainfall in last 24 hours has fallen. Skies are clear. Winds out of the ssw @ 11 mph, gusting from the ssw @ 21 mph. Barometric pressure 29.92". Ohio river level @ 37'. |
3/13/2011 |
7:43 AM |
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No precipitation in last 24 hours. Present temperature 38, low last night 38 as well. 80% partly cloudy stratus clouds. Winds out of the wsw @ 6 mph. Gusting from n @ 9 mph.Barometric pressure 30.15. |
3/14/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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No precipitation in last 24 hours. Temperature and last nights low 29. 100% altostratus cloud cover. Light frosting on ground. Winds are calm with Gusts from the n @ 5 mph. Barometric pressure 30.37" |
3/15/2011 |
7:02 AM |
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No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature is 39 degrees, last nights low was 39. 100% overcast stratus clouds. Winds out of the ene @ 6 mph. Gusting from n @ 7 mph. Barometric pressure 30.2". |
3/16/2011 |
7:23 AM |
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No precipitation in last 24 hours. Present temperature of 45 degrees was also last nights low. 100% overcast with stratus clouds. Winds out of the wsw @ 5 mph, gusting from n @ 9 mph. Barometric pressure 30.12". |
3/17/2011 |
8:36 AM |
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No precipitation in last 24 hours. Present temperature, 36, last nights low 35. Clear skies this morning, fantastically bright sunrise. Winds out of the ssw @ 3 mph, gusting from the s @ 7 mph. Barometric pressure @ 30.3. |
3/18/2011 |
7:27 AM |
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No precipitation has fallen in last 24 hours. Present temperature 62 degrees, and 62 was last nights low. 100% overcast stratus clouds. Winds out of the ssw @ 9 mph. Gusting from the ssw @ 11 mph. Barometric pressure 30.06". |
3/19/2011 |
8:43 AM |
0.40 |
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0.4 rain fell in last 24 hours. Present temp is also last nights low, 39 degrees. Crystal clear skies this morning. Winds out of the nnw @5 mph, gusting from the nw @6 mph.Barometric pressure 39.9". |
3/20/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 39 degrees. Last nights low 38 degrees. 85% cirrus clouds. Winds out of the nne @9 mph with gust from the e @ 9 mph. Barometric pressure @ 30.49". |
3/21/2011 |
7:20 AM |
0.30 |
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0.3 rainfall in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 54 degrees, same over night low. 100% overcast, stratus clouds. Winds from ssw @ 10 mph, gusting from n @ 17 mph. Barometric pressure, 30.07" Heavy overnight thunderstorms that began approximatly 3 am this morning. |
3/22/2011 |
8:22 AM |
1.30 |
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1 1/4" rainfall in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 48 degrees. Last nights low 48. 100% overcast stratus clouds. Winds out of the nnw @ 3mph. Gusting from the nnw @ 10mph. Barometric pressure 30.08". |
3/23/2011 |
8:21 AM |
0.00 |
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No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 59, over night low 49. 100% overcast stratus clouds. Winds from the s @ 8, gusting from s @ 8. Barometric pressure 29.61'. |
3/24/2011 |
7:51 AM |
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Rain fall of one and one quarter inch of occured in this area in last 24 hours. Also @ 5pm we had hail the size of a dime that came down rather heavy at times. Area was under a TORNADO WATCH from 5 pm until 9 pm last night. WATCH was eventually canceled @ 6:30 pm for this area but remained for several hours longer for those counties south and south east of this area. Heavy winds and heavy rain made up the central part of the storm. |
3/25/2011 |
6:51 AM |
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No rainfall in last 24 hours. Temperature presently 25, 25 was last nights low as well. Clear skies with a wiff of cirrus here and there, very lightly. Winds are calm with gusts from the nnw @5mph. Pressure @ 30.13". |
3/26/2011 |
9:15 AM |
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No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 27, lows last night 24. 100% altocumulus clouds overcast. Winds out of the nne @ 10 mph, gusting to 11 mph from the nne. Barometric pressure 30.13". |
3/27/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Trace snow in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 29 degrees. Last nights temperature 26. 10% cirrus clouds. Wind out of the nne @ 9 mph. Gusting from nne @ 18 mph. Barometric pressure @ 30.1" |
3/28/2011 |
9:31 AM |
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No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 26, last nights low 26. 100% altostratus clouds. Winds out of the nne @ 8mph. Gusting from nne @ 9mph. Barometric pressure 30.23". |
3/29/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No preciptation in last 24 hours. Present temperature 26 degrees, overnight temperature was also 26. 80% overcast stratus clouds. Winds out of the nne @ 5 mph. Gusting @ 6 mph. Barometric pressure 30.27". |
3/30/2011 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hours. Present temperature 39. Low last night 38. 100% overcast, stratus. Winds out of the nne @ 6 mph. Gusting from nne @ 8 mph. Barometric pressure 30.08". |
3/31/2011 |
8:19 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
3/8 inch rainfall in last 24 hours. Present temperature 32 degrees, last nights low 32. 100% overcast with stratus clouds. Winds out of the north @ 3 mph, gusting from north @ 6 mph. Barometric pressure 29.86". |
4/1/2011 |
7:20 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 33, last nights low 32. 100% overcast stratus clouds. Winds calm gusting from n @ 5 mph. Barometric pressure 29.68". |
4/2/2011 |
9:51 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 39, last nights low 39. 100% stratus cloud cover. Winds out of the wsw @ 9 mph, gusting from n @ 20 mph. Barometric pressure 29.72". |
4/3/2011 |
10:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hours. Present temperature 43. Over night low of 30. Clear skies. Winds calm, gusting from sse@ 5 mph. Barometric pressure 30.13". |
4/4/2011 |
7:55 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 66 degrees. Last nights low was 63. 90% stratus cloud cover. Winds out of the ssw @ 10 mph, gusting from ssw @ 23 mph. Area under a WIND ADVISORY until 2 a.m. Tuesday morning. |
4/5/2011 |
7:09 AM |
1.80 |
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1 3/4 inces of rainfall in last 24 hours. At 2:45 yesterday afternoon we were under a WIND ADVISORY until 2a.m. this day. Heavy winds sometimes in excess of 50 mph passed through this area during the night. Present temperature 37, last nights low was 37. 100% overcast stratus clouds. Winds out of the wnw @ 6 mph, gusting to 33 mph from the nw. Barometric pressure 29.63". |
4/6/2011 |
8:36 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hours. Present temperature 37, last nights low 32. 100% overcast stratus clouds. Winds out of the sse @ 5 mph, gusting from the s @ 7. Barometric pressure 30.04". |
4/7/2011 |
11:04 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 59 degrees, last nights low was 48. 10% cirrus cloud cover. Winds out of the wnw @ 7 mph, gusting from wnw @ 20 mph. Barometric pressure 30.05". Perfect spring morning. |
4/8/2011 |
7:19 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 55, over night 56. 100% overcast stratus clouds. Winds out of the ene @ 7 mph, gusting from the n @ 12 mph. Barometric pressure 29.92". |
4/9/2011 |
7:05 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 48 degrees, last nights low 48. Low level heavy fog preventing cloud cover observation @ this time. Winds out of the nne @3 mph, gusting from n @ 6 mph. Barometric pressure 30.06". |
4/10/2011 |
10:55 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 57, last nights low 46. 100% overcast altostratus cloud cover. Winds out of the sse @ 6 mph. gusting from the sse @ 7 mph. Barometric pressure 30.05" |
4/11/2011 |
7:02 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 73 degrees, last nights low 73. 100% overcast stratus clouds. Winds out of the ssw @ 10 mph, gusting from the sw @ 15 mph. Barometric pressure is 29.8". |
4/12/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.07 |
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M |
0.7" rainfall over night. Area under FLOOD WATCH until 12:15pm Wednsday. Tuesday, breifly, area was under a TORNADO WATCH until 7:00pm. Present temperature 51, low over night 51. 100% overcast stratus clouds. Winds out of the nne @ 14 mph., gusting from the nne @ 23 mph. Barometric pressure 29.66". |
4/13/2011 |
7:53 AM |
0.40 |
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M |
3/8 rainfall in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 43, last nights low 43. 100% stratus cloud cover. Winds out of the wnw @ 5 mph, gusting from wnw @ 8 mph. Barometric pressure 29.99". |
4/14/2011 |
8:13 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 35, last nights low 35. Clear skies this morning. Winds are calm with no gusting. Barometric pressure 30.11". |
4/15/2011 |
9:46 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No rainfall in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 55 degrees. Over night temperature 50. Winds out of the e @ 6mph, gusting from the n @ 9 mph. Skies clear. Barometric pressure 30.11". |
4/16/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.80 |
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M |
3/4" rainfall in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 53, last nights low 53. 100% overcast stratus skies. Winds from the ene @ 5 mph. Gusting from wsw @ 6 mph . Barometric pressure 29.67". Heavy rainfall accuring out side presently. |
4/17/2011 |
7:00 AM |
1.10 |
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M |
(edit: daily precip. initially recorded as 0.00". changed to NA due to incongruity with nearby staitons. observer contacted. P.G.)
(observer-confirmed 1.10". P.G.) |
4/18/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No rainfall in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 46, last nights low 46. 100 % overcast stratus clouds. Winds are calm at the moment with 0 gusting. Barometric pressure 29.93". |
4/19/2011 |
8:11 AM |
0.30 |
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M |
5/16th" rainfall in last 24 hrs. Heavy lightening and thunder at this present time. Tempersture 53 degrees, low last night 53. 100% overcast stratus clouds. Winds out of the nne @ 5 mph, gusting to 32 from the wnw. Barometric pressure 29.94". |
4/20/2011 |
6:47 AM |
1.80 |
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M |
M |
1 3 /4" rain fell in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 60, over night low 60. 100% overcast stratus clouds. Presently raining outside. Winds out of the wnw @ 7mph, gusting from the wnw @ 43mph. Barometric pressure 29.96". Area under a FLASH FLOOD WATCH until 12 noon today. Area was under a TORNADO WATCH all last night beginning at 10:46 pm until 9 am this morning. |
4/21/2011 |
8:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 44 last nights low 42. 100% overcast stratus clouds. Winds out of the nnw @ 5mph, gusting from the nw @ 24 mph. Barometric pressure 30.36. |
4/22/2011 |
6:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Present temperature 46. Last nights low 45. 100% overcast stratus cloud cover. Winds out of the nne @ 5mph, gusting to 8mph from the ne. Barometric pressure 30.21. |
4/23/2011 |
6:43 AM |
0.60 |
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M |
5/8" rainfall in last 24 hrs. Present tempeerature 57, low last night 55. 100% overcast stratus cloud cover. Winds out of the ssw @ 9 mph, gusting from s @ 22. Barometric pressure 29.95". |
4/24/2011 |
6:44 AM |
0.90 |
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M |
M |
15/16th" rainfall in last 24 hours. Present temperature 59 degrees, last nights low 59. 90% stratus cloud cover. Winds out of the sse @ 5 mph, gusting from the ssw @ 9 mph. Barometric pressure 30.03". |
4/25/2011 |
6:35 AM |
0.30 |
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M |
1/4" rainfall in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 61 degrees, last nights low 61 degrees. 100% overcast stratus cloud cover. Barometric pressure 30.03". Winds out of the nne @ 3 mph, gusting from the n @ 7 mph. |
4/26/2011 |
8:33 AM |
0.10 |
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M |
1/16th" rainfall in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 70 degrees, last nights low 63. 90% stratus cloud cover. Winds out of the sse @ 9 mph, gusting from the sse @9. Barometric pressure 29.82". |
4/27/2011 |
8:04 AM |
0.10 |
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M |
1/16th" rainfall in last 24 hours. Until 6am Thursday we are under a FLASH FLOOD WATCH in this area. Present temperature 66 degress, last nights low 58. 90% cirrus/stratus cloud cover. Winds out of the sse @ 8 miles an hour gusting to 8 from the se. Barometric pressure 29.74". A very pleasant Spring morning. |
4/28/2011 |
8:13 AM |
0.80 |
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M |
3/4" rainfall over night. Present temperature 56, last nights low 56. 80% nimbostratus cloud cover. Winds out of the n @ 7 mph, gusting from the w @ 33 mph. Barometric temperature 29.74". |
4/29/2011 |
9:32 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation has fallen in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 51 , last nights low 49. 100% stratus cloud cover. Winds out of the wsw @ 8 mph, gusting from the sw @ 16 mph. Barometric pressure 29.93". |
4/30/2011 |
6:57 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hours. Temperature 36, lows last night 36. High fog hiding any cloud cover. Wind calm, no gusting. Barometric pressure 30.16".
5/1/2011 |
7:18 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hours. Present temperature 59, last nights low 57. 100% overcast stratus cloud cover. Winds out of the ssw @ 3 mph, gusting from the n @ 6 mph. Barometric pressure 30.1". |
5/2/2011 |
8:21 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation has fallen in last 24 hours. Present temperature 59 degrees, last nights low 59. 100% overcast stratus skies. Winds out of the sse @ 3 mph, gusting from the s @ 8 mph. Barometric pressure 30.1". |
5/3/2011 |
7:42 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation has fallen in last 24 hours. Present temperature, 51, last nights low 51. 100% overcast stratus skies. Winds out of the ne @ 3 mph, gusting from the n @ 11 mph. Barometric pressure 29.99". |
5/4/2011 |
6:26 AM |
1.20 |
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M |
1 3/16" rainfall in last 24 hrs. has fallen. Present temperature 44 degrees, last nights low 43. High-level fog making determination this morning on cloud cover % and type unapproachable. Winds are calm with gusting from the wnw @ 6 mph. Barometric pressure 30.22". |
5/5/2011 |
9:40 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hours. Present temperature 44 degrees, last night's low 32. Winds out of the n @ 3 mph, gusting from the sse @ 3 mph. Barometric pressure is 30.36". |
5/6/2011 |
10:35 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation has fallen in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 50 degrees, low last night 40. 100% overcast stratus cloud cover. Winds out of the s @ 5 mph gesting from the s @ 5 @ 5 mph. Barometric pressure 29.28". |
5/7/2011 |
7:27 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hours. Present temperature 46 degrees, last nights low 46. Skies are clear. Winds out of the ssw @ 3 mph, gusting from the n @ 5 mph. Barometric pressure 29.98. |
5/8/2011 |
8:47 AM |
0.40 |
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M |
3/8" rainfall over last 24 hours. Present temperature 55, overnight, 52. 100% overcast stratus cloud cover. Winds calm gusting out of the n @ 5 mph. Barometric pressure 29.99. |
5/9/2011 |
10:28 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hours. Present temperature 59 degrees, lows last night of 47. Winds out of the nne @ 3 mph, gusting to 8 mph from the nne. Barometric pressure 30.11. |
5/10/2011 |
7:14 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 50 degrees, last nights low 50 degrees. Winds out of the nne @ 3 mph, gusting from the nne @ 3 mph. Barometric pressure 30". |
5/12/2011 |
9:18 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 71, over night low 64. High-level fog, unable to see clouds. Winds are calm gusting from the east @ 5mph. Barometric 29.48" |
6/2/2011 |
7:23 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 55. Last nights low 55. Skies are clear. Winds are calm with no gusting. Barometric pressure is 30.19. |
6/3/2011 |
7:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 52 degrees, last nights low 52 degrees. 70% Cirrus cloud cover. Winds are calm, no gusting. Barometric pressure 30.25". |
6/4/2011 |
10:39 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hours. Present temperature 71 degrees. Last nights low 50 degrees. Clear skies, no clouds. Winds out of the ssw @ 5mph, gusting from ssw @ 6mph. Barometric pressure 30.2". |
6/5/2011 |
7:24 AM |
2.60 |
0.0 |
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M |
2.6" rainfall in last 24 hours. Heavy thunderstorm late last night with lightening hitting the ground near this station. Present temperature 66 degrees, last nights low 64. 100% overcast stratus clouds. Winds calm with gusting from nw @ 21 mph. Barometric pressure 30.13". |
6/6/2011 |
8:27 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 64 degrees, last nights low 62. Cloud cover n/a because of heavy ground-level fog. Winds calm with gusts from the ne @ 6 mph. |
6/7/2011 |
9:08 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 66 degrees. Last nights low 64. Clear skies at the moment. Winds are calm, no gusting. Barometric pressure 30.05". |
6/8/2011 |
11:37 AM |
0.50 |
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M |
1/2" rainfall in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 79 degrees, low last night 63. Skies are clear. Wind out of the ssw @ 6mph, gusting from sw @ 6mph. Barometric pressure 30.06". |
6/9/2011 |
7:53 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 70 degrees with low last night of 70 degrees. Skies are clear. Winds out of the sse @ 3 mph, gusting from the se @ 3mph. Barometric pressure 30.02". |
6/10/2011 |
9:58 AM |
0.50 |
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M |
1/2" rainfall has fallen here in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 71 degrees, last nights low was 64 degrees. 60% partially overcast stratus clouds. Winds are calm, gusting from ene @ 5 mph. Barometric pressure 30.06". We are presently under a FLASH FLOOD WATCH here in Wood County until noon today. |
6/11/2011 |
7:40 AM |
0.10 |
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M |
1/8th" rainfall in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 64 degrees, last nights low 63. 100% overcast stratus clouds. On and off light rain falling presently. Winds out of the wnw @ 5 mph gusting from n @ 6 mph. Barometric pressure 30". |
6/12/2011 |
10:07 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 76 degrees, last nights low 67. 100% overcast stratus cloud cover . Wind out of the n @ 3 mph, gusting from the nnw @ 31 mph. Barometric pressure 29.95". |
6/14/2011 |
7:01 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 51 degrees, last nights low 51 degrees. Skies are clear. Winds are calm, no gusting. Barometric pressure 3006". |
6/15/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 51 degrees, last nights low 48. Low level fog. Winds and wind gusting are calm. Barometric pressure 30.03". |
6/16/2011 |
8:42 AM |
0.10 |
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M |
1/8th precipitation has fallen in last 24 hrs., presently a light rain is falling. Temperature presently is 66 degrees with a low over night of 64. 100% overcast stratus clouds. Winds out of the ssw @ 7 mph, gusting to 7 mph from the ssw. Barometric pressure 29.86". |
6/18/2011 |
8:32 AM |
T |
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M |
Trace precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 66, last nights low 65. Winds calm with gusting from the n @ 12 mph. Barometric pressure 29.54" |
6/19/2011 |
7:00 AM |
T |
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M |
Trace rainfall in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 70, last nights low 69. 100% overcast stratus clouds. Winds are calm with gusts from nnw @ 5. Barometric pressure 29.88". |
6/20/2011 |
7:27 AM |
1.00 |
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M |
One inch rainfall in last 24 hrs has fallen. Present temperature 66, last nights low 66. Winds out of the w @ 6 mph, gusting also from the w @ 6 mph. 100% overcast stratus cloud cover. Barometric pressure 29.92".NOTE: Area was under a flash flood watch last night until 23:30 hrs. . |
6/21/2011 |
7:23 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No rainfall in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 66, over night low 66. 70% overcast Cumulus clouds. Winds calm with gusts from the ese @ 3 mph. Barometric pressure 29.90". |
6/22/2011 |
8:11 AM |
0.60 |
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M |
5/8th inch rainfall in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 68 degrees. Last nights low 68. 100% overcast stratus cloud cover. Winds out of the sse @ 3 mph, gusting from ssw @ 6 mph. Barometric pressure presently 29.92". |
6/23/2011 |
8:06 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No rainfall in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 71 degrees. Last nights low also 71. Winds out of the s @ 7 mph gusting from the ssw @ 16. Barometric pressure 29.81". |
6/24/2011 |
8:29 AM |
0.30 |
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M |
1/4" rainfall in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 64 degrees with a 64 degree over night low. 90% overcast stratocumulus cloud cover. Winds out of the ssw @ 6 mph, gusting from the sw @ 6 mph. Barometric pressure is 29.78". |
6/25/2011 |
10:14 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 66 degreees, low overnight of 62. 100% overcast stratus cloud cover. Winds out of the wnw @ 5 mph, gusting from the wnw @ 9 mph. Barometric pressure 29.96". |
6/26/2011 |
9:53 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hours. Present temperature 63 degress with over night low of 58. 100% overcast stratus clouds. Winds are calm, no gusting. Barometric pressure 30.04". |
6/27/2011 |
7:59 AM |
0.10 |
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M |
1/8" rainfall in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 60 degrees with last nights low of 57 degrees. Low-level heavy ground fog making it impossible to note cloud cover % and type of clouds this morning. Winds are calm with gusting out of the ssw @ 5 mph. Barometric pressure 30.03". |
6/28/2011 |
7:10 AM |
2.40 |
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M |
2 3/8ths inches rainfall has fallen in last 24 hours as a result of a severe thunderstorm that had unloaded considerable rainfall as it passed through this area in last 24 hours. Present temperature 71 degrees, last nights low 70. 100% overcast stratus clouds. Winds out of the ssw @ 6 mph gusting to 7 mph from the se. Barometric pressure 29.94". |
6/29/2011 |
9:47 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No rainfall in last 24 hrs. Temperature presently 66 degrees, low last night 57. Skies are clear. Winds are calm, gusting to 6 mph out of the nnw. Barometric pressure 30.13". |
6/30/2011 |
10:16 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 63 degrees, over night low of 55. Winds are calm, no gusting. Barometric pressure 30.15" |
7/1/2011 |
7:24 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 61 last nights low 60. Light high-level fog out presently. Winds are calm with no gusting. Barometric pressure 30.08". |
7/2/2011 |
11:44 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 80 degrees with overnight temp of 64. 100% overcast stratus clods. Winds out of the ssw @ 7 mph, gusting to 3 mphfro m the nw. Barometric pressure 30.24". |
7/3/2011 |
8:02 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 71, last nights low 69. 100% overcast stratus clouds. Winds out of the s @ 7 mph, gusting from the s @ 7. Barometric pressure 30.02" |
7/4/2011 |
7:29 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hours, however, a very light rain is beginning at this moment. Present temperature 68 degrees, last nights low 66. 100% overcast stratus cloud cover. Winds are calm gusting from the ene @ 3 mph. Barometric pressure 29.97". HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY EVERYONE!! |
7/5/2011 |
7:24 AM |
0.10 |
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M |
1/8" rainfall in last 24 hours. Present temperature 64 degrees, last nights low 63. Very thick low-level fog on ground at this time. Winds are calm, no gusting. Barometric pressure 30.04". |
7/6/2011 |
7:17 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hours. Present temperature 63 degrees with an over night temperature of 62. Heavy low-level ground fog blanking out view of cloud cover. Winds are calm with no wind gusting. Barometric pressure 30.02". |
7/7/2011 |
8:58 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 71 degrees with an over night low of 66. Winds are calm with 3 mph gusts from se. Barometric pressure 30.01". |
7/8/2011 |
8:33 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 72 degrees with overnight temperature of 70. 100% overcast stratus clouds. Winds out of the nne @ 4 mph, gusting from the n @ 6 mph. Barometric pressure 29.80" |
7/10/2011 |
6:34 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No presipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 63 degrees, last nights low 63 degrees. Winds are calm, no gusting. Barometric pressure 30.05". |
7/11/2011 |
7:03 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No presipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 70 degrees, this was also last night's low. Clear skies. Winds are calm with no gusting. Barometric pressure 30.01". |
7/12/2011 |
8:25 AM |
2.00 |
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M |
2" rainfall has fallen in last 24 hrs. We were under a SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH from approx. 19:00 Monday night to Tue 05:00. We had area power failures and many downed tree limbs. Lightening was rapid and some strikes hit the ground near this station. Present temperature 71 degrees, last nights low 70. 100% overcast stratus cloud cover. Winds are basically calm with gusting from the sw @ 8 mph. Barometric pressure is 29.96" |
7/13/2011 |
8:44 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No presipitation in last 24 hours. Present temperature 74 degrees with a low of 72 over night. Winds are calm with gusting from the sse @ 3 mph. Barometric pressure 29.93". |
7/14/2011 |
9:07 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No presipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 65 degrees, last nights low was 58 degrees. Winds are calm with no gusting. Barometric pressure 30.09". |
7/15/2011 |
7:02 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 64 degrees which was last night's low as well. Winds are calm with gusts from ese @ 3 mph. Barometric pressure 30.03". |
7/16/2011 |
6:54 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No presipitation in last 24 hours. Present temperature 62 degrees with over night low of 61. Winds are calm with no gusting winds. Barometric pressure 30.11". |
7/17/2011 |
8:30 AM |
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No presipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 69 degrees, overnight low 60. Humidity 82%. Winds are calm with no husting. Barometric pressure 30.22". |
7/18/2011 |
6:47 AM |
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No presipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 70 degrees which was last night's low as well. 100% humidity presently. 100% overcast stratus cloud cover. Winds are calm with 7 mph gusting from the n. Barometric pressure 30.15". |
7/19/2011 |
6:52 AM |
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1/2" rainfall in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 72 degrees, lows last night 72 degrees. 100% overcast stratus clouds. Winds out of the ssw @ 5 mph gusting from ssw @ 7 mph. Barometric pressure 29.95". A SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH was issued for area last night @ 21:03 ending @ 01:00 this morning. We are presently under a HEAT ADVISORY from noon today until 20:00 hrs with a heat index predicted of 100/103 degrees. |
7/20/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Temperature 73 degrees, last night's low 73 degrees. Humidity @ 94%, heavy fog. Winds are calm with no gusting. Barometric pressure 29.92". Area under HEAT ADVISORY 04:13 this morning until midnight tonight. |
7/21/2011 |
7:15 AM |
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No presipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 72 degrees, low overnight 71. Humidity @ 92%. Light low-level fog. Winds are calm with gusting @ 3 mph from sw. Barometric pressure 29.93". Area under HEAT ADVISORY until 20:00 tonight. |
7/22/2011 |
8:25 AM |
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No presipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 80 degrees. Lows last night 78. Humidity is 94%. Winds out of the south @ 3 mph gusting from sse @ 3 mph. Barometric pressure 30.03". |
7/23/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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No presipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 71. Humidity 88%. Winds out of the sse @ 3 mph, gusting from the n @ 5 mph. Barometric pressure 30.08". |
7/24/2011 |
7:27 AM |
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No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 75 degrees with an over night low of 73. 89% humidity. 100% overcast stratus cloud cover. Winds are calm with gusting of 5 mph from the n. Barometric pressure 30.08" |
7/25/2011 |
6:40 AM |
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No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 73 degrees, last nights low 73 degrees. Humidity @ 86%. 100% overcast stratus clouds. Calm winds, no gusting. Barometric pressure 29.96". |
7/26/2011 |
6:41 AM |
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3/4" rain fell in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 68 degrees with over night low of 66. Humidity@ 94%. 100% overcast stratus cloud cover. Winds are calm with no gusting. Barometric pressure 29.88". |
7/27/2011 |
8:17 AM |
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No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 68 degrees, last nights low 64 degrees. Winds are calm with no gusting. Humidity @ 96%. Barometric pressure 30.01". |
7/28/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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No rainfall in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 68 degrees, last nights low 68 degrees. Humidity is @ 90%. Winds are calm with gusting of 3 mph from the ene. Barometric pressure 30.04". |
7/29/2011 |
9:01 AM |
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No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 75 degrees with over night temperature of 71. Humidity is @87%. Winds are calm with gusting from the se @ 5 mph. Barometric pressure 30.07". |
7/30/2011 |
9:33 AM |
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No precipitation in last 24 hrs. Present temperature 74 degrees with over night low of 72. Humidity is @ 92%. Winds are calm with 5 mph gusting from the n. Barometric pressure 30.12". |