Observation Date |
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10/3/2011 |
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42º, 30.18"S. Clear, calm, and cool this morning. Only an trace of rain since last report on 9/29. |
10/4/2011 |
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47º, 30.21"S. Clear, calm, and cool this morning. Monday - Fair conditions and warmer. Very pleasant day with no precipitation. 72º Hi, 41º Lo. |
10/5/2011 |
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50º, 30.15"S. Clear and calm this morning. Tuesday - Fair conditions and warmer with no precipitation. 74º Hi, 46º Lo. |
10/6/2011 |
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51º, 30.15"S. Clear and calm this morning. Wednesday - Fair and warmer with no precipitation. 76º Hi, 49º Lo. |
10/7/2011 |
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61º, 30.15"S. Partly cloudy, SE wind 1-5 mph and warmer this morning. Thursday - Fair to partly cloudy with no precipitation, another pleasant day. 75º Hi, 51º Lo. |
10/8/2011 |
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65.5º, 30.21"S. Clear, warmer with South wind 5-10 mph this morning. Friday - Fair with south winds 10 15 mph with higher gusts in the afternoon. No precipitation. 80º Hi, 51º Lo. |
10/9/2011 |
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58º, 30.30"S. Clear and calm more humidity this morning. Saturday - Clear with south wind 5 - 10 during the day and no precipitation. Harvest in full swing. 80º Hi, 56º Lo. |
10/10/2011 |
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51º, 30.15"S. Clear and calm this morning. Sunday - Fair conditions and slightly cooler with no precipitation, another pleasant weather day. 77º Hi, 51ºF Lo. |
10/11/2011 |
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60º, 29.97"S. Partly cloudy, calm, wet with light fog this morning. Monday - Clear in the morning with building clouds during the day. Rain shower began at 10:05 PM. 75º Hi, 50º Lo. |
10/12/2011 |
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56º, 29.80". Partly cloudy, calm with light fog this morning. Tuesday - A sprinkle of rain in the morning with partly to mostly cloudy conditions during the day. 73º Hi, 56º Lo. |
10/13/2011 |
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58º, 29.62"S. Overcast, calm and wet this morning. Wednesday - Rain began in the morning. Series of thunderstorms with periods of heavy rain throughout the day into the evening. Several close lightning strikes with loss of power for about 1.5 hours at mid-day. 65º Hi, 56º Lo. |
10/14/2011 |
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47º, 29.65"S. Clear, NW wind 1-5 mph this morning. Thursday - Overcast in the early morning with clearing by mid-morning. Slightly cooler and dryer. No precipitation. 65º Hi, 47º Lo. |
10/15/2011 |
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45º, 29.91"S. Clear, cooler, light North wind this morning. Friday - Clear conditions with strong west winds 15-20 mph with higher gusts. No precipitation. 60º Hi, 42º Lo. |
10/16/2011 |
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48º, 29.88"R. Mostly cloudy, calm and wet this morning. Saturday - Clear conditions in the morning. Building clouds in the afternoon. Rain overnight. 59º Hi, 45º Lo. |
10/17/2011 |
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38º, 29.88"S. Clear, calm, and cool this morning. Sunday - Mostly cloudy early. Skies cleared by mid-morning. Breezy and cool with no precipitation. 59º Hi, 38º Lo. |
10/18/2011 |
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42º, 29.83"S. Partly cloudy with a light North wind and milder this morning. Monday - Fair conditions during the day with no precipitation. 56º Hi, 36º Lo. |
10/19/2011 |
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42º, 29.88"S. Overcast, North wind 1-5 mph this morning. Tuesday - Fair to partly cloudy in the morning. Building clouds in the afternoon with a trace of rain in the late afternoon/early evening. 49º Hi, 38º Lo. |
10/20/2011 |
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37º, 29.83"S. Partly cloudy with NW wind 5-10 mph and cooler this morning. Wednesday - Overcast, windy and cool during the day, with clearing overnight. No precipitation. 51º Hi, 37º Lo. |
10/21/2011 |
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31º, 30.03"S. Clear and calm with a heavy frost this morning on all surfaces. Thursday - Partly to mostly cloudy with clearing in the afternoon. Cool evening and overnight. No predipitation. 53º Hi, 31º Lo. |
10/24/2011 |
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37º, 30.00"S. Clear, calm, cool, and fog with a visibility of about 1/8 mile. Sunday - Partly cloudy in the morning with building clouds by afternoon. Warmer with periods of sprinkles in afternoon. Thunderstorms in evening. Series of short duration storms one with hail for several minutes at 7:40 PM during heavy rain. Hail report submitted. 68º Hi, 37º Lo. |
10/25/2011 |
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54º, 29.80"F. Partly cloudy with a light rain shower at obervation. Rain stopped several minutes after it began. Monday - Fair and mild conditions during the day. Building clouds in the late afternoon and evening. 63º Hi, 36º Lo. |
10/26/2011 |
5:30 AM |
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46º, 29.91"S. Overcast with light North wind and mild this morning. Tuesday - Partly cloudy conditions and warmer during the day. Light rain shower in the early morning reported on the 10/25 report. 71º Hi, 46º Lo. |
10/27/2011 |
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43º, 29.97"S. Overcast, calm, and mild this morning. Wednesday - Overcast and cooler with north wind during the day. No precipitation. 52º Hi, 43º Lo. |
10/28/2011 |
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31º, 30.06"S. Clear, calm, cooler with a heavy frost this morning. Thursday - Overcast in the morning. Clearing in the afternoon with sunshine. No precipitation. 55º Hi, 31º Lo. |
10/29/2011 |
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31º, 30.06"S. Clear calm and cool this morning. Friday - Fair conditions during the day with no precipitation. 57º Hi, 29º Lo. |
10/30/2011 |
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43º, 29.83"S. Overcast and calm with light rain this morning. Saturday - Fair to partly cloudy conditions during the day. Building clouds in the evening with rain overnight. 52º Hi, 31º Lo. |
10/31/2011 |
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42º, 29.94"S. Overcast and calm this morning. Sunday - Overcast and light rain in the morning. Rain ended by mid morning. Some clearing and periods of sunshine in the afternoon with building clouds in the evening. 55º Hi, 40º Lo. |
11/1/2011 |
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40º, 29.92"F. Clear, SE wind 1-5 and cool this morning. Monday - Overcast in the morning with clearing skies. No precipitation. 54º Hi, 37º Lo. |
11/2/2011 |
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51º, 29.94"S. Overcast, North wind 5-10 mph, and warmer this morning. Tuesday - Fair and warmer during the day. Building clouds in the evening. 66º Hi, 39º Lo. |
11/3/2011 |
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40º, 30.06"S. Overcast, North wind 5-10, damp and cool this morning. Wednesday - Overcast with north wind 10-15 mph with higher gusts. Rain, heavy at times throughout the day. No evidence of snow flurries at this location. 51º Hi, 38º Lo. |
11/4/2011 |
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26º, 30.24"S. Partly cloudy, calm, and cold with heavy frost this morning. Thursday - Overcast in the morning with clearing by mid-day. Sunshine in the afternoon with pleasant conditions and no precipitation. 49º Hi, 25º Lo. |
11/5/2011 |
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39º, 30.03"S. Partly cloudy, SE wind 5-10 mph, cool with light frost this morning. Friday - Fair conditions and mild with no precipitation. 51º Hi, 26º Lo. |
11/6/2011 |
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48º, 29.77"S. Mostly cloudy, SE wind 5-10 mph, and mild this morning. Saturday - Partly cloudy and sunshine early. Then overcast, SE winds 10-15 mph with higher gusts with haze mid morning through afternoon. Clearing in the evening. 50º Hi, 39º Lo. |
11/7/2011 |
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33º, 30.12"S. Partly cloudy, calm, cool, frost with a light fog/haze this morning. Sunday - Mostly cloudy in the morning, clearing in the afternoon. Strong South winds 10-15 with higher gusts during the day. Winds calmed by early evening. Mild afternoon with no precipitation. 61º Hi, 33º Lo. |
11/8/2011 |
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42º, 30.00"F. Overcast, light rain with north wind this morning. Monday - Partly cloudy in the morning. Building clouds during the day. Rain began overnight. 56º Hi, 32º Lo. |
11/9/2011 |
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35º, 29.77"F. Overcast, snow/rain mix, North wind 15-20 mph with gusts to 40 mph this morning. 0.3" slush on snow board with accumulation on grass only. Several intermittent power outages between 0445 and 0500. Tuesday - Overcast with rain on and off all day. Snow mixed with rain overnight. 44º Hi, 34º Lo. |
11/10/2011 |
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35º, 29.94"S. Overcast, West wind 10-15 mph and cool this morning. Wednesday - Snow/rain mix ended by 9:00 AM. Skies cleared with sunshine by early afternoon with building clouds overnight. 1.40" total precipitation since Monday night/Tuesday morning. 43º Hi, 33º Lo. |
11/11/2011 |
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29º, 29.85"F. Partly cloudy, calm, cool with heavy frost this morning. Thursday - Overcast in the morning with some clearing during the day. Cool temps and west wind made for a raw day. 41º Hi, 27º Lo. |
11/12/2011 |
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34º, 29.65"S. Partly cloudy, calm, cool, with heavy frost this morning. Friday - Partly cloudy to fair conditions, warmer, with no precipitation. 47º Hi, 28º Lo |
11/13/2011 |
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49º, 29.23"S. Mostly Cloudy, calm, and mild this morning. Saturday - Partly Cloudy in the morning. Overcast in the afternoon. Mild conditions with no precipitation. 55º Hi, 35.1 Lo |
11/14/2011 |
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42º, 29.53"S. Overcast, calm and mild this morning. Sunday - Partly to mostly cloudy with short periods of sunshine through mid-afternoon. Skies clouded to overcast for the remainder of the day. Mild with no precipitation. 59º Hi, 40º Lo. |
11/15/2011 |
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41º, 29.62"S. Mostly cloudy, mild, SE wind 5-10 this morning. Monday - Overcast in the morning with some clearing later in the day. No precipitation. 57º Hi 33º Lo. |
11/16/2011 |
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28ºF, 30.00"S. Clear, calm, cooler with frost this morning. Tuesday - Mostly cloudy in the morning with some clearing during the day with no precipitation. Nice weather for mid November. 56º Hi, 28º Lo. |
11/17/2011 |
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22º, 30.12"S. Clear, cooler, light West wind and frost this morning. Wednesday - Clear to partly cloudy during the day, significantly colder with no precipitation. 39º Hi, 22º Lo. |
11/18/2011 |
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36º, 29.83"F. Partly cloudy, SE wind 5-10 mph with frost this morning. Thursday - Fair conditions and cool with no precipitation. 36º Hi, 20º Lo. |
11/22/2011 |
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37º, 30.03"F. Overcast, North wind 1-5, with a hazy fog this morning. Monday - Overcast in early morning with clearing and fair conditions. Building clouds in the evening with no precipitation. 45º Hi, 30º Lo. |
11/23/2011 |
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27º, 30.12"S. Overcast, calm, colder, fog with visibility < 1/8 mile and heavy frost this morning. Tuesday - Overcast and hazy fog during the day with no precipitation. 45º Hi, 26º Lo. |
11/24/2011 |
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45º, 30.06"S. Overcast, calm and cool this morning. Wednesday - Overcast, dense fog in the morning, and raw during the day. No precipitation. 45º Hi, 27º Lo. |
11/25/2011 |
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48º, 29.80"S. Mostly cloudy, mild, SW wind 1-5 mph this morning. Thanksgiving Day - Overcast in the morning. Sunshine and clearing by 11:00 AM. Sunshine and warmer in the afternoon, mild overnight. No precipitation 57º Hi, 44º Lo. |
11/26/2011 |
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52º, 29.77"S. Overcast, calm, mild, with light rain this morning. Friday - Overcast, SW winds and mild during the day. Rain began overnight. 53º Hi, 48º Lo. |
11/27/2011 |
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36º, 30.09"S. Overcast, North wind 5-10 mph, light snow flurry at observation. Saturday - Overcast, mild with light rain in morning. NW wind increased and colder in the afternoon and evening. 52º Hi, 36º Lo. |
11/28/2011 |
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32º, 30.09"S. Overcast and calm this morning. Sunday - Overcast and colder during the day with no precipitation. 37º Hi, 32º Lo. |
11/29/2011 |
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32º, 30.06"S. Partly cloudy, breezy - North wind 10-15 mph and frost this morning. Monday - Overcast in the morning with gradual clearing during the day and clear skies by late afternoon. No precipitation. 37º Hi, 29º Lo. |
11/30/2011 |
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19º, 30.00"S. Partly cloudy, calm, heavy frost, coolest morning this winter season. Tuesday - Partly cloudy to fair conditions, breezy and cold with no precipitation. 39º Hi, 19º Lo |
12/1/2011 |
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32º, 30.06"S. Overcast, calm, and warmer this morning. Wednesday - Cold in the morning with fair skies and warmer in the afternoon. No precipitation. 43º Hi, 18º Lo. |
12/2/2011 |
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20º, 30.33"S. Clear, calm, and cold with heavy frost this morning. Thursday - Overcast with a trace of rain/sleet in the afternoon. 41º Hi, 20º Lo |
12/3/2011 |
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41º, 30.09"S. Overcast, calm, mild, with light rain this morning. Friday - Clear and cold early in the day with building clouds in the afternoon, rain began overnight. 41º Hi, 19º Lo. |
12/4/2011 |
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31º, 30.00"R. Overcast, calm, cooler and wet this morning. Saturday - Overcast, light to moderate rain throughout the day with fog late in the evening. 1.46" storm total precipitation. 46º Hi, 31º Lo |
12/5/2011 |
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26º, 30.27"S. Overcast, cold, N wind 1-5 mph, with a few snow flakes falling this morning. Sunday - Overcast with hints of blue sky in the afternoon. Light sprinkles of snow in the afternoon and evening. 46º Hi, 25º Low. |
12/6/2011 |
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24º, 30.27"S. Overcast, light snow with accumulation on all surfaces, calm this morning. Monday - Overcast, cold and N-NW wind during the day with snow beginning overnight. 30º Hi, 24º Lo. |
12/7/2011 |
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18º, 29.97"F. Mostly cloudy, cold, SW wind 1-5 this morning. Tuesday - Overcast to mostly cloudy during the day. Light snow during the morning which ended by afternoon. Cold overnight with lowest temp this season. 28º Hi, 14º Lo. |
12/8/2011 |
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27º, 30.09"S. Overcast, calm and frost this morning. Wednesday - Overcast in the morning with clearing to partly cloudy by mid-day. Cold with SW wind chills and no precipitation. 30º Hi, 18º Lo. |
12/9/2011 |
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17º, 30.21"S. Clear, calm, cold, with frost this morning. Thursday - Overcast early with clearing in the morning to fair skies. Building clouds in the afternoon and overcast by late afternoon. Cold overnight with no precipitation. 34º Hi, 17º Lo. |
12/10/2011 |
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9º, 30.36"S. Clear, calm, cold, heavy frost this morning. Friday - Fair and cold with no precipitation. 22º Hi, 9º Lo. |
12/11/2011 |
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26º, 30.21"S. Clear, Cool, heavy frost, with SW wind 1-5 mph this morning. Saturday - Clear and cold in the morning. Building clouds and overcast by late morning. South winds and humidity made for raw and cold afternoon and evening. No precipitation. 30º Hi, 9º Lo. |
12/12/2011 |
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38º, 30.18"S. Overcast, South wind 5-10 mph, milder with a trace of rain this morning. Sunday - Clear in morning. Overcast with fog/mist by mid-day. Warmer with a trace of rain overnight. 39º Hi, 26º Lo. |
12/13/2011 |
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35º, 30.27"S. Overcast, calm and milder this morning. Monday - Overcast throughout the day, with light south wind and milder temperatures. No precipitation. 43º Hi, 35º Lo. |
12/14/2011 |
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41º, 29.85"F. Overcast, wet/mist, and mild with SE wind 1-5 mph this morning. No rain at observation Tuesday - Overcast and mild. Light rain began about 5:45 PM and continued on and off overnight. Intensity changed with periods of moderate to heavy rain at times. 45º Hi, 35º Lo. |
12/22/2011 |
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33º, 30.00"R. Overcast, light snow, and North wind 1-5 mph this morning. Submitted multi-day report last evening that covers the period of 12/14 through 12/21. Snowfall began overnight. |
12/23/2011 |
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17º, 30.27"S. Clear, calm, and cold this morning. A trace of yesterdays snow is visible in shaded areas. Thursday - Light snow in the early morning that ended by 8:00 AM. Gradual clearing during the day with sunshine in the afternoon. Overall a rude return from a week in warm and sunny Florida. 33º Hi, 15º Lo. |
12/24/2011 |
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24º, 30.21"S. Clear, calm, cool, with heavy frost this morning. Friday - Clear in the morning, with overcast skies by mid-day. Cold SW winds in the afternoon. No precipitation. 35º Hi, 18º Lo. |
12/25/2011 |
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33º, 30.15"S. Clear, light W wind 1-5 mph, and frost this morning. Saturday - Clear conditions during the day, windy and mild in the afternoon with no precipitation. 40º Hi, 24º Lo. |
12/26/2011 |
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28º, 30.12"F. Clear, SW wind 1-5 mph, and heavy frost this morning. Christmas Day - Clear, sunny, and mild. Nice afternoon for a walk with family and frends. 42º Hi, 23º Lo. |
12/27/2011 |
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35º, 29.68"S. Overcast, mild, NW wind 5-10 mph with light frost this morning. Monday - Clear in the morning with SW wind to 30 mph. Building clouds to overcast by mid-afternoon. Trace of rain in late afternoon. Clearing overnight. 43º Hi, 28º Lo. |
12/28/2011 |
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27º, 29.97"S. Mostly cloudy with a light south wind with no frost this morning. Tuesday - Overcast with NW wind 10-15 mph with higher gusts. Gradual clearing by late late afternoon. Clouds returned overnight. No precipitation. 37º Hi, 26º Lo. |
12/29/2011 |
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36º, 29.53"S. Clear, light west wind 1-5 mph with frost this morning. Wednesday - Overcast in the morning with gradual clearing in the afternoon. S to SE winds during the day with no precipitation. 40º Hi, 27º Lo. |
12/30/2011 |
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36º, 29.44"S. Overcast, light rain, with E wind 5-10 mph this morning. Thursday - Fair skies until early evening. Building clouds with light rain beginning about 10:30 PM. Rain continued overnight. 45º Hi, 35º Lo. |
12/31/2011 |
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36º, 29.83"S. Overcast, wet, with a light South wind 1-5 mph this morning. Friday - Overcast with light rain during the morning. Rain changed over to light snow during the early afternoon. No accumulation. Precipitation ended by about 2:30 PM. Total storm precipitation was 0.60". 37º Hi, 33º Lo. |
1/1/2012 |
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36º, 29.91"S. Clear, Strong NW wind 25-35 mph with higher gusts. DELAYED REPORT - due to power loss at house from high winds. Saturday - Fair to partly cloudy wiht SE winds up to 30 mph. Overcast by the evening with no precipitation. 48º Hi, 30º Lo. |
1/2/2012 |
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21º, 30.27"S. Mostly cloudy, Strong NW wind 20-30 mph with a light snow flurry this morning. Sunday - Partly cloudy to overcast with strong NW wind 25-35 mph with gusts to 50 mph or more. Snow flurries in the late afternoon and overnight. Wind damage to the NW corner of machine shed. 32º Hi, 21º Lo. |
1/3/2012 |
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12º, 30.33"F. Clear, calm, and cold this morning. Monday - Overcast and light snow in the morning. Clearing during the day. Strong NW winds 20-30 mph with higher gusts continued during the day. Winds diminished in the evening. 24º Hi, 12º Lo. |
1/4/2012 |
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27º, 29,91"S. Clear, light NW wind 1-5 this morning. No precipitation in last 24 hours. 33º Hi, 11º Lo. |
1/5/2012 |
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26º,29.91"S. Clear and calm this morning with frost on the ground and gauge. Wednesday - Fair condtions for the day with no precipitation. Warm day on tap with temps near 50º. 40º Hi, 25º Lo. |
1/6/2012 |
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31º, 29.65"S. Clear and calm this morning. No precipitation over last 24 hours. 52º Hi, 25º Lo. |
1/7/2012 |
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31º, 29.94"S. Clear and calm this morning. No precipitaion over the last 24 hours. 46º Hi, 30º Lo. |
1/8/2012 |
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22º, 30.27"S. Partly cloudy, calm, cool, with heavy frost this morning. Saturday - fair conditions by mid-morning. Mild with no precipitation. 46º Hi, 20º Lo. |
1/9/2012 |
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25º, 30.09"F. Partly cloudy, calm, frost on gauge and surfaces this morning. Sunday - Fair conditions during the day, light S to SW winds. Cool but pleasant afternoon for January. No precipitation. 38º Hi, 22º Lo. |
1/10/2012 |
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26º, 29.94"S. Clear, calm, and cool with frost this morning. Monday - Fair conditions throughout the day. Mild weather continued with sunshine and warmth. No precipitation. 47º Hi, 25º Lo. |
1/11/2012 |
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26º, 29.59"F. Clear, calm, and cool this morning. Tuesday - Fair conditions during the day. West winds in afternoon to 20-25 mph. Mild and pleasant. No precipitation. 49º Hi, 25º Lo. |
1/12/2012 |
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14º, 29.65"S. Overcast, light snow, NW wind 15-25 mph with gusts over 30 mph with drifting and blowing snow this morning. Snow at a large angle in gauge, missed some catch due to wind. Wednesday - Fair and mild through mid afternoon. Building clouds and falling temps in late afternoon and evening. Snow began about 9:15 PM. 46º Hi, 14º Lo. |
1/13/2012 |
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14º, 29.88"R. Overcast, cold, calm, with light snow continuing. Thursday - Overcast and snow throughout the day and overnight. Strong NW winds 15-25 with gusts over 30 mph throughout the day created blowing and drifting snow and low visibilities. Catch at large angle in gauge so I didn't catch all the moisture. 4" snow from 0615 to 2015 (0.25" SWE) and another 0.5" (0.02" SWE) overnight. Storm total so far is 6.6" (0.42" SWE). 15º Hi, 12º Lo. |
1/14/2012 |
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-1º, 30.03"S. Partly cloudy, calm, and cold this morning. Friday - Overcast skies and light snow/flurries throughout the day that ended by 7:00 PM. Cold. Clearing overnight. 20º Hi -1º Lo. |
1/15/2012 |
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22º, 30.09"S. Clear, warmer, with SE wind 5-10 mph this morning. Saturday - Partly cloudy and cold in the morning. Building clouds to overcast by mid afternoon. Trace of snow in the late afternoon. Milder overnight. 24º Hi, -1º Lo. |
1/16/2012 |
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33º, 29.68"S. Partly cloudy, calm and milder this morning. Sunday - Clear, sunshine, with south winds 10-15 mph. Milder with no precipitation. 38º Hi, 27º Lo. |
1/17/2012 |
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26º, 29.74"R. Overcast, moderate snowfall, with N winds 15-20 mph and blowing and drifting snow this morning. Monday - Partly cloudy to fair conditions during the day. Mild with sunshine and snow melt. Building clouds in late afternoon and overcast by evening. Snow began overnight. 44º Hi, 26º Lo. |
1/18/2012 |
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-2º, 30.15"S. Clear, calm, and cold this morning. Tuesday - Overcast and light snow through the morning. Snow ended by early afternoon. Clearing in the afternoon with NW wind 10-20 mph. Winds calmed by early evening. Cold overnight. Storm total snowfall 2.5" (0.16" SWE). 26º Hi, -3º Lo. |
1/19/2012 |
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5º, 29.94"S. Overcast, cold, with NW wind 15-20 mph this morning. Wednesday - Fair early in the morning, mostly cloudy by mid day with clearing again in the late afternoon. South winds 10-15 mph during the day. No precipitation. Significant snowstorm expected tomorrow. 26º Hi, -2º Lo. |
1/20/2012 |
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6º, 30.03"S. Overcast, cold, Light snowfall with East wind 5-10 mph this morning. Thursday - Overcast early. Clearing to fair and cold conditions by mid-morning. NW winds diminished by late afternoon. Snow began about 0545 this morning. Looking at up to 7" of snow today. 6º Hi, -4º Lo. |
1/21/2012 |
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6º, 30.15"S. Overcast, calm, cold, with a light snow flurry this morning. Friday - Snow began about 5:45 AM. Snow, heavy at times, continued through the afternoon. East winds 5-15 mph caused minor drifting. Cold throughout the day. 10º Hi, 3º Lo |
1/22/2012 |
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28º, 29.68"F. Overcast, warmer, SE wind 10-15 mph this morning. Trace of frozen rain on gauge. Saturday - Overcast, light snow flurries in the morning. SE winds throughout the day. Light fog/mist in evening with trace of freezing rain. 28º Hi, 6º Lo. |
1/23/2012 |
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33º, 29.38"S. Overcast, moderate snowfall with NW wind 15-20 mph and blowing/drifting snow this morning. Road conditions are poor. Sunday - Overcast with fog/mist during the day, milder, with SE wind 10-20 mph. Snow began overnight. 35º Hi, 27º Lo. |
1/24/2012 |
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24º, 30.06"R. Overcast, colder, West wind 5-10 mph this morning. Still have icy roads due to blowing snow. Monday - Overcast conditions throughout the day. Snow ended about 7:45 AM. West to NW winds 15-25 mph with gusts to 30 mph during the day caused drifting and blowing snow. Poor road conditions due to blowing snow. T of SWE with 0.2" of snow for a storm total of 1.2". 33º Hi, 24º Lo. |
1/25/2012 |
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24º, 30.21"S. Overcast with light East wind 1-5 mph this morning. Tuesday - Overcast early with clearing skies by mid-morning. Sunshine and light West winds during the day. Building clouds in the evening. No precipitation. Milder quiet weather for today. 31º Hi, 19º Lo. |
1/26/2012 |
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34º, 29.83"F. Overcast, mild, calm, light fog/mist this morning. Wednesday - Overcast in the morning with clearing and sunshine in the afternoon. Building clouds in the evening. No precipitation. 37º Hi, 24º Lo. |
1/27/2012 |
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23º, 29.88"S. Partly cloudy, calm, some sunshine this morning. Thursday - Overcast with hazy conditions during the day. Clearing overnight. Mild with snow melt. 42º Hi, 23º Lo. |
1/28/2012 |
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23º, 30.06"R. Clear, with light West wind 1-5 mph this morning. Friday - Overcast with S-SW wind 10-15 mph. Snow began about 2:45 PM to about 4:00 PM. Clearing overnight. 39º Hi, 20º Lo. |
1/29/2012 |
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25º, 30.12"R. Mostly cloudy with sun breaking through, NW wind 1-5 this morning. Saturday - Fair with lots of sunshine and SW wind but not much warming. Clouds built in the evening with a trace of snow overnight. 33º Hi, 24º Lo. |
1/30/2012 |
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30º, 29.77"F. Clear, SE wind 10-15 mph and milder this morning. Sunday - Fair and sunny but cool during the day. Building clouds in the evening. No precipitation. Warming over the next few days. 30º Hi, 20º Lo. |
1/31/2012 |
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36º, 29.68"S. Clear, mild, with light SW wind 1-5 mph this morning. Monday - Fair and mild with sunshine, a nice afternoon with snowmelt. Another nice day ahead with temps possibly into the 50s today! 47º Hi, 29º Lo. |
2/1/2012 |
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32º, 30.09"S. Overcast, fog, mild, and calm this morning. Tuesday - Fair and mild with SW winds 5-10 during the day. Plenty of sunshine and some snow melt. Expected more melting then we saw. 48º Hi, 32º Lo. |
2/2/2012 |
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28º, 30.15"S. Overcast, calm with heavy fog and visibility about 1/10 mile this morning. Wednesday - Overcast and fog/mist during the day. Heavy fog returned by 5:00 PM and continued over night. No precipitation. 39º Hi, 28º Lo. |
2/3/2012 |
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31ºF, 30.33"S. Overcast, East wind 1-5 mph and fog this morning. Thursday - Heavy fog through the morning with clearing by mid-day. Fair in the afternoon with fog/mist returning in the evening. No precipitation. 40º Hi, 28º Lo. |
2/4/2012 |
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34º, 30.21"F. Overcast, East wind 10-15 mph with gusts to 25 mph this morning. Friday - Overcast with fog/mist throughout the day. Trace of rain in the afternoon. E to NE wind 10-15 mph with higer gusts in the evening. 34º Hi, 31º Lo. |
2/5/2012 |
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31º, 30.27"S. Overcast, N wind 1-5 mph, frost on gauge this morning. Saturday - Overcast and NE wind 10-15 mph with gusts to 25 mph early. Clearing with partly cloudy skies and some sun in the afternoon with wind from the N-NW. Clouds returned overnight. No precipitation. 40º Hi, 27º Lo. |
2/6/2012 |
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29º, 30.15"F. Overcast, West wind 1-5 mph this morning. Sunday - Overcast with a light fog/mist throughout the day. Light N-NW-W wind during the day. Cold damp day with no precipitation. 36º Hi, 29º Lo.
2/7/2012 |
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31º, 30.18"S. Overcast, light haze/fog, with NE wind 1-5 mph this morning. Monday - Overcast, light fog/hazy conditions during the day, cool with S-SW winds. No precipitation. 36º Hi, 27º Lo. |
2/8/2012 |
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23º, 30.36"S. Partly cloudy, cooler with light N wind 1-5 mph this morning. Tuesday - Overcast and cool with N-NE wind throughout the day. No precipitation. 35º Hi, 23º Lo. |
2/9/2012 |
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17º, 30.18"S. Clear, calm and cooler this morning with heavy frost. Wednesday - Mostly cloudy early. Skies cleared by 9:30 AM. Fair but colder conditions for the rest of the day. No precipitation. 30º Hi, 17º Lo. |
2/10/2012 |
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25º, 29.94"S. Overcast, N-NW winds 20-30 mph. Thursday - No precipitation. 36º Hi, 16º Lo. |
2/13/2012 |
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27º, 30.00"F. Overcast, SE wind 5-10 mph this morning. Multiday precipitation taken at 1915 on 2/12/12. No precipitation since 0700 report on 2/10/12. No precipitation over night. |
2/14/2012 |
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33º, 29.74"S. Overcast, light fog/mist, with SW wind 1-5 mph this morning. Monday - Overcast with light snow in the morning into the afternoon. Additional light snow overnight. 37º Hi, 27º Lo. |
2/15/2012 |
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32º, 29.88"S. Mostly cloudy and calm this morning. Tuesday - Mostly cloudy to overcast with clearing in the evening. Clouds returned overnight. No precipitaion. 43º Hi, 30º Lo. |
2/16/2012 |
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33º, 30.00"S. Clear, calm with a light fog this morning. No precipitatoin over the last 24 hours. 45º Hi, 31º Lo. |
2/17/2012 |
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29º, 29.97"S. Overcast and calm this morning with a few flakes of snow falling at observation. Thursday - Partly cloudy to fair conditions with sunshine during the day. Mild. 42º Hi, 26º Lo. |
2/18/2012 |
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25º, 30.15"S. Clear and calm this morning. No precipitation over the last 24 hours. 44º Hi, 24º Lo. |
2/19/2012 |
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22º, 30.12"S. Clear, calm and frost at observation. No precipitation over pervious 24 hours. |
2/22/2012 |
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30º, 29.74"F. Mostly cloudy, calm, trace of new snow on the ground. Snow fell overnight. Accumulation since multi-day reading taken at 1730 on 02/21/2012. |
2/23/2012 |
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30º, 29.41"S. Mostly cloudy, light E wind 5-10 mph with heavy frost. Wednesday - Light rain/snow mix in early afternoon. 42º Hi, 28º Lo. |
2/24/2012 |
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29º, 29.68"R. Overcast, calm, light snow this morning. Thursday - Overcast conditions during day. Snow began about 1:15 PM. Snow continued into the evening and overnight. All snow here with no rain observed. 37º Hi, 29º Lo. |
2/25/2012 |
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15º, 30.15"S. Mostly cloudy and cold with some sun and light snow at observation. Friday - Light snow flurries on and off during the day. Resulted in accumulation of light fluffy snow on the snow board. 34º Hi, 12º Lo. |
2/26/2012 |
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35º, 29.83"F. Partly cloudy, milder, S-SE wind 15-20 mph with higher gusts this morning. Saturday - Light snow flurries that ended by 9:00 AM. Clear and cold with plently of sunshine. Warming overnight. 35º Hi, 15º Lo. |
2/27/2012 |
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23º, 30.21"R. Partly cloudy, cold, west wind 15-20 mph with higher gusts this morning. Sunday - Mostly clear and breezy with S-SW wind 15-25 mph with gusts up to 40 mph. Mild with significant snow melt during the day. 47º Hi, 23º Lo. |
2/28/2012 |
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31º, 30.27"F. Partly cloudy and cool this morning. No precipitation over the last 24 hours. 34º Hi, 23º Lo. |
2/29/2012 |
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40º, 29.29"S. Mostly cloudy, mild, windy with SW wind 20-25 mph with higher gusts. Tuesday - Overcast and breezy conditions. Rain on and off, with brief periods of heavy rain during the afternoon and evening. 46º Hi, 30º Lo. |
3/1/2012 |
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34º, 29.71" Overcast, mild, with light West wind 1-5 this morning. Wednesday - Overcast, with SW wind 20-25 mph and gusts over 40 mph during the day. Snow and blowing snow with limited visibility in the afternoon. Snow ended by late afternoon. 40º Hi, 34º Lo. |
3/2/2012 |
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33º, 29.56"F. Overcast, calm. No precipitation over the last 24 hours. 41º Hi, 33º Lo. |
3/3/2012 |
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28º, 29.68"S. Mostly cloudy, Breezy with W wind 15-20 mph. Friday - Snow during the day, heavy at times. 38º Hi, 28º Lo. |
3/4/2012 |
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23º, 29.88"S. Partly cloudy, cold, sunshine, high clouds to the west with light NW wind this morning. Saturday - Overcast and breezy with W-NW wind 15-20 mph with gusts over 30 mph. Snow flurries in the morning. No accumulation. 33º F Hi, 19º Lo. |
3/5/2012 |
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14º, 30.18"S. Clear, calm, and cold with fresh snow and heavy frost this morning. Sunday - Clear in the morning. Overcast by mid-day. Snow in the afternoon. Started as a large flake snow and changed to a fine flake snowfall for the rest of the snow event. Cold overnight. 14º Lo. 34º Hi. |
3/6/2012 |
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34º, 29.77"F. Clear, and milder with SE wind 5-10 mph this morning. Monday - Fair to partly cloudy conditions during the day with no precipitation. 36º Hi, 14º Lo. |
3/7/2012 |
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51º, 29.68"S. Partly cloudy, warm, South wind 5-10 mph this morning. Tuesday - Fair and warm conditions with strong S-SW wind 20-25 mph with gusts to 40 mph during the day. No precipitation over the last 24 hours. 64º Hi, 35º Lo. |
3/8/2012 |
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29º, 30.00"S. Partly cloudy, cooler, with NW wind 10-15 mph this morning. Wednesday - Overcast conditions with periods of rain in the late afternoon and evening. Rain was heavy for brief periods with lightning in the distance. 64º Hi, 29º Lo. |
3/9/2012 |
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28º, 30.45"R. Partly cloudy, dryer, North wind 1-5 mph this morning. Thursday - Fair to partly cloudy and breezy with W-NW wind 15-20 mph and higher gusts. No precipitation. 41º Hi, 25º Lo. |
3/10/2012 |
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43º, 30.21"S. Fair and mild this morning with South wind 10-15 mph. Friday - Fair and cool with light S-SE wind and no precipitation. 43º Hi, 28º Lo. |
3/11/2012 |
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48º, 30.09"S. Fair and mild this morning. Saturday - Fair conditions during the day. SW winds 15-20 mph with gusts over 30 mph in the afternoon. No Precipitation. 62º Hi, 36º Lo. |
3/12/2012 |
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51º, 29.71"F. Mostly cloudy, mild and wet with South wind 1-5 mph this morning. Sunday - Fair conditions in the morning. Building clouds in the afternoon. Light rain began in the evening with rain overnight. 63º Hi, 48º Lo. |
3/13/2012 |
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38º, 29.85"S. Clear, calm, with heavy fog this morning. Visibility about 1/8 - 1/4 mile. Monday - Light rain early. Gradual clearing during the day. 61º Hi, 38º Lo. |
3/14/2012 |
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54, 29.83"S. Clear, mild with south wind 5-10 mph. Tuesday - Fair conditions and warm with no precipitation duirng the day. 65 Hi, 35 Lo. |
3/15/2012 |
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51F, 29.91"S. Clear, calm, mild with fog. Wednesday - Fair and warm conditions with no precipitation. 71F Hi, 50F Lo. |
3/16/2012 |
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50º, 29.94"S. Clear, calm, mild and fog. No precipitation over the last 24 hours. |
3/17/2012 |
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61º, 29.94"S. Partly cloudy, mild, South wind 5-10 mph this morning. Friday - Fog in the morning. Partly to mostly cloudy during the day. Clearing in the late afternnon. Warm with near record high temperatures. 77º Hi, 50º Lo. |
3/18/2012 |
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62º, 29.91"S. Overcast, warm, with south wind 1-5 mph this morning. No precipitation over the last 24 hours. 79º Hi, 61º Lo. |
3/19/2012 |
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63º, 29.85"S. Partly cloudy, mild, SE wind 5-10 mph this morning. Sunday - Warm and breezy with South wind 15-20 mph with higher gusts. No precipitation. 78º Hi, 62º Lo. |
3/20/2012 |
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61º, 29.85"S. Overcast, damp and calm this morning. Monday - Overcast during the day. Light rain in the morning. Brief period of heavy rain at 7:30 PM with nearby thunderstorms. Thunderstorms to the south later in the evening. 77º Hi, 60º Lo. |
3/21/2012 |
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61º, 29.94"S. Overcast, mild, calm, eveidence of a trace of rain this morning. Partly to mostly cloudy during the day with a trace of rain over night. 73º Hi, 60º Lo. |
3/22/2012 |
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62º, 30.00"S. Partly cloudy, mild and calm. Wednesday - periods of light rain in the morning and overnight. 74º Hi, 60º Lo. |
3/23/2012 |
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53º, 29.95"S. Partly cloudy, calm, wet with heavy fog this morning. Thursday - Periods of rain in the afternoon and evening. Mild temperatures continue. 73º Hi, 53º Lo. |
3/24/2012 |
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58º, 29.85"S. Overcast, calm and light rain this morning. Friday - Fair to partly cloudy during the day. Rain began over night. 68º Hi, 52º Lo |
3/25/2012 |
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55º, 30.06"S. Clear, calm, and cooler with heavy dew this morning. Saturday - Light rain in the early morning. Partial clearing late in the day. Cooler. 65º Hi, 50º Lo. |
3/26/2012 |
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46º, 30.21"S. Overcast, cooler, East wind 10-15 mph with gusts over 25 mph. Sunday - Partly cloudy to fair during the day. Building clouds over night. No precipitation 72º Hi, 46º Lo. |
3/27/2012 |
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47º, 29.88"F. Mostly cloudy, cool with SE wind 10-15 mph this morning. Monday - Breezy with E-SE wind 15-20 mph with gusts over 30 mph. Light rain in the early morning. Some clearing overnight. 48º Hi, 40º Lo. |
3/28/2012 |
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50º, 29.88"S. Clear and cool with light west wind 1-5 mph this morning. Tuesday - Fair and breezy conditions during the day with SW wind 20-30 mph with gust to near 40 mph. Winds lowered in the evening. No precipitation. 74º Hi, 47º Lo. |
3/29/2012 |
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44º, 30.00"S. Clear and cool this morning. Wednesday - Fair to partly cloudy conditions. Breezy during the day with W-NW wind 10-15 mph with gusts to about 25 mph. No precipitation. 62º Hi, 43º Lo. |
3/30/2012 |
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46º, 29.68"F. Overcast, cool and wet with SE wind 1-5 mph this morning. Thursday - Fair and breezy during the day with SE winds 15-20 mph. Light rain, thunder and lightning from a line that passed about 8:00PM. More significant rain overnight with distant thunder. 60º Hi, 42º Lo. |
3/31/2012 |
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44º, 29.85"S. Overcast calm, Light fog/mist with a sprinkle of rain this morning. Friday - Overcast with periods of light mist/fog. Trace of rain. 55º Hi, 44º Lo. |
4/1/2012 |
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47º, 29.62"S. Fair and calm with a light fog this morning. Saturday - Overcast conditions during the day. Sprinkle of rain in the early morning and later a brief period of large rain drops as thunderstorms skirted our area about 10:00 PM. The storms passed to our south and east with thunder and lighting but fortunately nothing else. 56º Hi, 44º Lo. |
4/2/2012 |
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48º, 29.71"S. Clear with east wind 5-10 mph this morning. Sunday - Fair to partly cloudy and hazy during the day. No precipitation. 62º Hi, 47º Lo. |
4/3/2012 |
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52º, 29.77"S. Clear, and calm this morning. Monday - Clear and hazy with SE wind 15-20 mph with gusts to 30 mph during the day. Winds calmed in the evening with no precipitation. 70º Hi, 48º Lo. |
4/4/2012 |
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52º, 29.94"S. Overcast with clearing to the NE, E wind 1-5 mph, dry with no dew this morning. Tuesday - Fair conditions with N-NE wind 10-15 mph during the day. No precipitation. |
4/5/2012 |
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41º, 29.94"S. Partly cloudy, dry with East wind 5-10 mph this morning. Wednesday - Fair conditions with E wind 10-15 mph during the day. Cool with no precipitation. 63º Hi, 41º Lo. |
4/6/2012 |
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43º, 30.24"S. Clear, cool, Frost with East win 1-5 mph this morning. Thursday - Fair and breezy conditions during the day. E-NE wind 10-15 mph with gusts to 25 mph. Dry with no precipitation. Cold and frost overnight. 34º Lo, 58º Hi. |
4/7/2012 |
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50º, 30.12"S. Partly cloudy, dry with no dew, and SE wind 1-5 mph this morning. Friday - Fair conditions and cool with SE winds 10-15 mph. No precipitation. 57º Hi, 40º Lo. |
4/8/2012 |
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45º, 30.30"R. Fair and sunshine, calm with frost this morning. Saturday - Partly cloudy early, with building clouds to overcast by 10:30 AM. A light drizzle started at 2:15. Drizzle/light misty rain on and off until early evening. 61º Hi, 34º Lo. |
4/9/2012 |
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38º, 30.06"S. Clear and calm, cool with frost this morning. Sunday - Fair in the morning. Building clouds to overcast by late afternoon. Cool over night with no precipitation. 65º Hi, 38º Lo. |
4/10/2012 |
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32º, 30.09"S. Clear, calm, cool with frost this morning. Monday - Fair and breezy with NW winds 15-20 mph with gusts over 30 mph. Cool with no precipitation. 58º Hi, 32º Lo. |
4/11/2012 |
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29º, 30.24"S. Clear, calm with frost this morning. No precipitation over the last 24 hours. 51º Hi, 29º Lo. |
4/12/2012 |
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32º, 30.15"S. Clear, calm and heavy frost this morning. Wednesday - Fair conditions and cool with no precipitation. 54º Hi, 28º Lo. |
4/13/2012 |
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49º, 29.97"S. Mostly cloudy, mild with SE wind 5-10 mph, no dew-dry. Thursday - Fair conditions with building clouds during the day. No precipitation. 61º Hi, 31º Lo. |
4/23/2012 |
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41º, 30.06"S. Clear and cool with frost this morning. No precipitation since Multi-day Accumulation reading taken at 1415 on 4/22/12. |
4/24/2012 |
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46 F, 29.77"F. Mostly cloudy and mild this morning. Monday - Partly cloudy to fair conditions during the day with no precipitation. 62 F Hi, 41F Lo.
4/25/2012 |
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53º, 29.59"R. Mostly cloudy, mild with East wind 5-10 mph this morning. Tuesday - Mostly cloudy early in the day with clearing to fair conditions by afternoon. No precipitation. 70º Hi, 46º Lo.
4/26/2012 |
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51º, 29.80". Fair and mild with a light North wind this morning. Wednesday - Mostly cloudy and breezy in the morning. Clearing to fair conditions and warm in the afternoon. No precipitation. 75º Hi, 50º Lo. |
4/27/2012 |
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44º, 30.12"S. Mostly cloudy, mild, with a light SE wind 1-5 this morning. Thursday - Partly cloudy to fair conditions during the day with no precipitation. 62º Hi, 43º Lo. |
4/28/2012 |
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5/1/2012 |
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49º, 29.88"S. Mild conditions and cloudy with light fog/mist this morning. Monday - Overcast conditions during the day with gradual clearing to fair by early evening. Measureable rain amount during the day. 59º Hi, 48º Lo. |
5/2/2012 |
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59º, 29.68"S. Overcast, warm and wet this morning. Tuesday - Overcast and fog/mist during the day with some clearing late in the afternoon. Rain overnight with distant thunder. 66º Hi, 49º Lo. |
5/3/2012 |
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66º, 29.83"S. Overcast, humid/wet, and warm this morning. Wednesday - Overcast early, some clearing during the morning and overcast again by afternoon. Periods of drizzle and rain in the late afternoon and evening. 77º Hi, 59º Lo. |
5/4/2012 |
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Thunderstorms to our south in the evening. No precipitation at this location. |
5/7/2012 |
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59º, 29.94"S. Overcast, mild and calm this morning. Catch is accumulation since multi-day reading taken at 4:30 PM on 05/06/2012. |
5/8/2012 |
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51º, 29.91"S. Clear calm and dryer this morning with little dew. Monday - Overcast early with clearing to fair condtions by mid-morning. Pleasant afternoon and evening with no precipitation. 79º Hi, 51º Lo. |
5/9/2012 |
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48º, 29.91"S. Clear, calm and cool this morning. Tuesday - Clear in the morning. overcast/mostly cloudy in the afternoon and clearing again in the evening. No precipitation. 66º Hi, 48º Lo. |
5/10/2012 |
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43º, 29.94"S. Clear, calm, and cool with heavy dew this morning. Wednesday - Clear early. Building clouds to overcast by mid-day. Clearing again in the afetrnoon with a cool evening. No precipitation. 65º Hi, 43º Lo. |
5/11/2012 |
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57º, 29.97"S. Partly cloudy, warmer with light South wind 5-10 mph this morning. Thursday - Fair throughout the day, warmer with light SE winds 5-10 mph during the day. No precipitation. 70º Hi, 43º Lo. |
5/12/2012 |
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61º, 30.30"S. Clear and dry with NE wind 5-10 mph this morning. Friday - Fair conditions and breezy with SW wind 15-20 mph with gusts to 30 mph. No precipitation. 81º Hi, 55º Lo. |
5/13/2012 |
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Fair and dry this morning. Saturday - Fair and dry conditions with no precipitation. |
5/14/2012 |
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45º, 30.06"S. Clear and calm, cool with dew this morning. Sunday - Fair and pleasant conditions throughout the day. No precipitation. 73º Hi, 45º Lo. |
5/15/2012 |
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56º, 29.94"S. Clear calm and dry this morning. Monday - Fair conditions throughout the day. Breezy in the afternoon with West wind 10-15 mph. No precipitation. 79º Hi, 45º Lo. |
5/16/2012 |
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53º, 30.06"S. Clear, calm and dry this morning. Tuesday - Fair conditions throughout the day. Breezy in the afternoon with North winds 15-20 mph with gusts over 30 mph. Winds calmed in the evening. No precipitation. 86º Hi, 45º Lo. |
5/17/2012 |
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67º 30.12"R. Clear and dry this morning. No precipitation over the last 24 hours. |
5/18/2012 |
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63º, 30.00"S. Fair with high clouds and dry, with South wind 1-5 mph this morning. Thursday - Fair conditions throughout the day, breezy in the afternoon with S-SE Wind 15-25 with gusts to 30 mph. No precipitation. Starting to see stressed areas of the yard from lack of rain. 76º Hi, 56º Lo. |
5/19/2012 |
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77º, 29.97"S. Fair, warm, and dry with South wind 5-10 mph this morning. Friday - Fair and warm throughout the day, breezy with South wind 10-15 mph with gusts t0 30 mph. No precipitation. |
5/20/2012 |
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74º, 29.94"S. Partly cloudy, warm and breezy with S wind 10-15 mph this morning. Saturday - Fair conditions, warm and breezy with South winds 15-25 mph with gusts to 35 mph. No precipitation. 87º Hi, 71º Lo. |
5/21/2012 |
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48º, 30.21"S. Clear and cool this morning. Light North wind 1-5 mph. Sunday - Fair early. Building clouds to mostly cloudy in the afternoon. Clearing again in the late afternooon. Breezy with W-NW-N wind 10-15 mph with gusts to 30 mph in the afternoon. No precipitation. 83º Hi, 48º Lo. |
5/22/2012 |
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49º, 30.09"S. Clear calm and cool this morning. Monday - Fair conditions continued. Pleasant temperatures and conditions with no precipitation. 74º Hi, 48º Lo. |
5/23/2012 |
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61º, 29.83"S. Mostly cloudy, warm, with South wind 5-10 mph this morning. Tuesday - Fair with South winds 10-15 mph with gusts to 25 mph in the afternoon. Pleasant evening. No precipitation. 79º Hi, 49º Lo. |
5/24/2012 |
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68º, 29.62"S. Clear, warmer, dry with South wind 10-15 mph this morning. Wednesday - Fair and windy throughout the day. S-SE winds 20-30 mph with gusts to 40 mph. Warmer and dry with low humidity. Possibility of rain later today. 83º Hi, 61º Lo. |
5/25/2012 |
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55º, 29.94"R. Partly cloudy, calm and cooler this morning. Thursday - Fair early with building clouds to overcast by mid-day. Breezy again with South winds 20-30 mph with gusts over 40 mph. Severe thrunderstorm passed just to our NW about 5:45 PM. Light rain shower only with enough wind to blow some leaves down. Temp dropped 15-20º as storm passed. Winds died down with clearing in the evening. 87º Hi, 54º Lo. |
5/26/2012 |
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63º, 30.03"F. Mostly cloudy and hazy, damp, with East wind 5-10 mph this morning. Friday - Fair in the morning. Building clouds with periods of light rain in the late afternoon. Thunderstorm with frequent lightning passed about 10:00 PM. Other thunderstorms overnight - knocked out power about 2:00 AM. No wind damage. 71º Hi, 55º Lo. |
5/27/2012 |
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81º, 29.91"S. Fair and warm with South Wind 1-5 mph. Saturday - Clouds around mid-day. Light sprinkle of rain in early afternoon. Partly cloudy to fair rest of day. 81º Hi, 63º Lo. |
5/28/2012 |
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71º, 29.77". Partly cloudy, calm, and damp this morning. Sunday - Fair conditions and hot with South winds 15-20 mph with gusts to 30 mph in the afternoon. Light rain showers early this morning. Lost power several times early this morning, although no severe weather. 90º Hi, 68º Lo. |
5/29/2012 |
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56º, 29.88"S. Clear, calm, and cooler this morning. Monday - Fair to mostly cloudy during the day. Breezy with West winds 15-20 mph with gusts to 30 mph. Warm with no precipitation. 87º Hi, 56º Lo. |
5/30/2012 |
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53º, 29.97"S. Clear, calm, and cool this morning. Tuesday - Fair condtions throughout the day. Breezy again in the late morning and afternoon with West wind 20-25 mph with gusts to 35 mph. Winds diminished for a pleasant evening. No precipitation. 74º Hi, 51º Lo. |
5/31/2012 |
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51º, 29.94"S. Overcast, light rain, and NE wind 10-15 mph this morning. Wednesday - Fair in the morning and early afternoon. Clouds built to overcast by late afternoon. N-NE wind 5-10 mph during the day. Rain began overnight. 69º Hi, 51º Lo. |
6/1/2012 |
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60º, 29.91"S. Clear, cool, NW wind 1-5 mph this morning. Thursday - Overcast with light rain in the morning. Rain ended by mid-morning. Overcast rest of day. Clearing late in the evening. Unable to log in on several attempts during the morning. 60º Hi, 49º Lo. |
6/2/2012 |
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63º, 29.80"S. Overcast, cool, with West wind 1-5 mph this morning. Friday - Fair to partly cloudy with NW to W wind 5-10 mph with gusts to 20 mph. Overcast overnight with no precipitation. 68º Hi, 53º Lo. |
6/3/2012 |
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70º, 29.85"S. Clear, and calm, and warmer this morning. Saturday - Overcast in the morning with gradual clearing during the day. West wind 1-5 mph during the day. Clear skies by 6:30 PM for a pleasant evening. No precipitation. 73º Hi, 51º Lo. |
6/4/2012 |
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62º, 29.85"S. Overcast, mild with East wind 10-15 mph this morning. Sunday - Fair early. Partly cloudy to overcast for rest of the day. East Wind 5-10 mph. Trace of rain in the early evening. 79º Hi, 62º Lo |
6/5/2012 |
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61º, 30.00"S. Overcast and mild with SE wind 1-5 mph this morning. Monday - Overcast early. Clearing to fair conditions by mid-morning. Light winds mainly from the East at 1-5 mph. Clouding overnight. No precipitation. 80º Hi, 60º Lo. |
6/6/2012 |
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58º, 30.09"S. Clear and cooler with SE wind 1-5 mph this morning. Tuesday - Partly to mostly cloudy with E-SE wind 5-10 mph. Clearing in the evening with no precipitation. 80º Hi, 58º Lo. |
6/7/2012 |
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56º, 30.12"S. Clear and calm with heavy dew this morning. Wednesday - Fair conditions during the day with E-SE winds 5-10 mph and no precipitation. 77º Hi, 55º Lo. |
6/8/2012 |
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61º, 30.09"S. Clear with South wind 1-5 mph this morning. Thursday - Fair and warmer with no precipitation. 82º Hi, 56º Lo. |
6/9/2012 |
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79º, 29.85"S. Clear and warm with South wind 1-5 mph this morning. Friday - Fair and warm, breezy in the afternoon with SW wind 5-15 mph with gusts to 20 mph. No precipitation. 86º Hi, 61º Lo. |
6/10/2012 |
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75º, 29.88"S. Clear and warm with South wind 10-15 mph this morning. Saturday - Fair and warm with South wind 10-15 mph with gusts to 25 mph. No precipitation. 87º Hi, 69º Lo. |
6/11/2012 |
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70º, 29.88"S. Overcast, damp, with South wind 1-5 mph this morning. Sunday - Fair to partly cloudy and warm during the day, breezy in the afternoon with South wind 10-15 mph with gusts to 30 mph. Thunderstorm overnight. 89º Hi, 68º Lo. |
6/12/2012 |
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65º, 30.15"S. Clear, and cooler with NW wind 5-10 mph this morning. Monday - Fair and warm with no precipitation. 86º Hi, 56º Lo. |
6/13/2012 |
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60º, 30.15"S. Mostly cloudy, cool and calm with light dew this morning. Tuesday - Fair and cooler with NW winds 5-15 mph with gusts to 20 mph in the afternoon. No precipitation. 71º Hi, 52º Lo. |
6/14/2012 |
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71º, 30.06"S. Mostly cloudy, warmer, with SE wind 5-10 mph this mroning. Wednesday - Clear in the morning, with a period of overcast skies at mid-day. Clearing again in the afternoon. No precipitation. 75º Hi, 58º Lo. |
6/15/2012 |
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72º, 30.03"S. Partly cloudy, calm, and dry this morning. Thursday - Fair and warm, breezy in the afternoon with South winds 15-20 mph with gusts to 30 mph. No precipitation. 86º Hi, 68º Lo |
6/16/2012 |
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71º, 30.00"S. Overcast, with South wind 1-5 mph this morning. Friday - Fair during the day with E-SE winds 5-10 mph. Overcast in the evening with a sprinkle of rain overnight. 86º Hi, 69º Lo. |
6/17/2012 |
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75º, 30.00"S. Clear, warm and calm this morning. Saturday - Mostly cloudy to overcast during the day. The expected thunderstorms passed about 6:00PM. They missed us with only several cracks of lighting and a light rain shower for about 30 minutes. 85º Hi, 63º Lo. |
6/18/2012 |
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75º, 70% RH, 29.65"S. Clear, warm, dry, with South wind 5-10 mph. Sunday - Fair and warm during the day with South wind 10-15 mph. Clouding to mostly couldy in the early evening then clearing. Getting dry here, need some rain. 86º Hi, 75º Lo. |
6/19/2012 |
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No precipitation. |
6/20/2012 |
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74 F, 70% RH, 29.89"S. Clear and warm this morning. Tuesday - Fair conditions and breezy with South winds 15-20 mph with gusts over 30 mph. No precipitation. 90F Hi, 74F Lo. |
6/21/2012 |
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64F, 79%RH, 29.98"R. Overcast, cooler, wet and calm this morning. Wednesday - Fair and breezy with S-SW wind 15-20 mph with gusts to 30 mph. Clouds in the late afternoon. Rain showers from nearby thunderstorm about 10:00 PM. No severe weather at this location. Severe part of strom to our NW. Rain was helpful but could have used more. 88F Hi, 64F Lo. |
6/22/2012 |
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59º, 75%RH, 30.07"S. Clear and calm with heavy dew this morning. Thursday - Fair to partly cloudy, milder with no precipitation. 80º Hi, 58º Lo |
6/25/2012 |
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67º, 71% RH, 30.10"R. Clear, cool, with East wind 5-10 mph this morning. Sunday - Partly cloudy, warm and more humid druing the day. Series of two thunderstorms passed early (5:30 AM and 7:30AM). Precipitation recorded on multi-day report taken at 09:40 AM. 86º Hi, 66º Lo. |
6/26/2012 |
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55º, 30.04"S. Clear, calm, and cool this morning. Monday - Fair conditions with E-NE winds 5-10 mph. Pleasant conditions with no precipitation. 79º Hi, 54º Lo. |
6/27/2012 |
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68º, 29.86"S. Clear and cool with SE wind 5-10 mph this morning. Tuesday - Fair conditions with S-SE winds 5-10 mph, pleasant temperatures with no precipitaiton. Heat returns today with mid to upper 90s today and tomorrow. 82º Hi, 54º Lo. |
6/28/2012 |
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74º, 77%RH, 29.80"S. Clear, warm with light haze, and West wind 1-5 mph this morning. Wednesday - Fair and hot, breezy with S-SW wind 10-15 mph until early evening. Warm and humid overnight with no precipitation. 97º Hi, 68º Lo. |
6/29/2012 |
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73º, 66%RH, 29.92"S. Overcast, calm and warm this morning. Looks like some needed rain on the way. Thursday - Fair, hot and hazy with W-NW wind 5-10 mph. No precipitation. 96º Hi, 71º Lo. |
6/30/2012 |
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73º, 85%RH, 29.86"S. Precipitation from thunderstorms during the day. 86º Hi, 67º Lo. |
7/2/2012 |
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74º, 84%RH, 29.95"S. Clear, warm and humid this morning. This report covers period from multiday reading taken at 4:15 PM on 7/1/12. |
7/3/2012 |
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74º, 77%RH, 29.89"S. Partly cloudy, warm with South wind 1-5 mph this morning. Monday - Fair to partly cloudy, hot, and dry. Seeing impact of lack of rain. Second cut of hay has more stems, not as much growth after first cut. No precipitation. 98º Hi, 74º Lo. |
7/4/2012 |
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80º, 78%RH, 29.89"S. Clear, warm and humid this morning. Tuesday - Fair, hazy, and hot. Breezy in the afternoon with SW wind 10-15 mph with gusts to 25 mph. Dry spell continues with no precipitation. May get a break in the heat and possibly even rain this weekend. 98º Hi, 73º Lo. |
7/5/2012 |
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79º, 70%RH, 29.92"S. Partly cloudy and warm with SW wind 1-5 mph this morning. Wednesday - Fair and hot with S-SW wind 5-10 mph during the day. High humidity and heat made for uncomfortable conditions. No precipitation. Looks like some relief this weekend with milder temperatures and possibly even some rain. 99º Hi, 76º Lo. |
7/6/2012 |
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76º, 82%RH, 29.98"S. Clear, warm, humid with fog in low areas. Thursday - Fair and hot/hazy with light west wind 1-5 mph. Oppressive conditions continue. Break in temperatures this weekend. No real rain in sight. 100º Hi, 76º Lo. |
7/7/2012 |
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81º, 76%RH, 30.01"S. Clear, calm, warm and humid this morning. Friday - Fair and hot/hazy conditions continued with no precipitation. Getting dry here, with little pasture growth, dryest conditions that I ever recall seeing since moving to Iowa 20 years ago. 102º Hi, 75º Lo. |
7/16/2012 |
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73º, 79%RH, 29.98"S. Partly cloudy and calm this morning. This report covers time since multiday reading taken at 1600 on 7/15/12. Sunday - Fair and hot. 94º Hi, 69º Lo. |
7/17/2012 |
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73º, 79%RH, 29.86"S. Clear, calm and humid this morning. Monday - Fair and hot with S-SW wind 5-10 mph in the morning and early afternoon. No precipitation. Another hot and opressive day expected. 96º Hi, 73º Lo. |
7/18/2012 |
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75º, 81%RH, 29.86"S. Clear, warm, and calm this morning with fog in low areas. Tuesday - Fair and hot with W-SW wind 1-5 mph. Drought continues with no precipitation. Chance of thunderstorms later today and tonight. 97º Hi, 73º Lo. |
7/19/2012 |
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71º, 78%RH, 29.92"R. Clear with light breeze from the north this morning. Wednesday - Fair hot and hazy. Partly to mostly cloudy in the afternoon. Thunderstorms and rain passed to our north about 6:00PM. Cold front passed with storms. Temperature dropped about 15º between 6:00 and 8:00 PM. Pleasant later evening. No precipitation. 98º Hi, 71º Lo. |
7/20/2012 |
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64º, 77%RH, 30.10"R. Mostly cloudy, cooler with haze/light fog this morning. Thursday - Clear early, mostly cloudy to overcast by mid morning. Clearing by early evening. Cooler and more comfortable with pleasant evening conditions. Still very dry, with no precipitation. Hot weather returns this weekend and through next week with no rain in sight. 86º Hi, 63º Lo. |
7/21/2012 |
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73º, 79%RH, 30.10"S. Partly cloudy, cooler with SW wind 1-5 mph this morning. Friday - Mostly cloudy in the morning with clearing by mid-day. Cooler with no precipitation. Hot and dry weather returns for the next week. 85º Hi, 63º Lo. |
7/22/2012 |
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76º,79%RH, 30.10"R. Mostly cloudy, warm, and humid this morning. Saturday - Partly to mostly cloudy through mid-afternoon. Sprinkle of rain at 12:50 PM that continued for about 20 minutes. Unfortunately not enough for any measureable precipitation. Clear in the late afternoon and evening. 85º Hi, 70º Lo. |
7/23/2012 |
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71º, 74%RH, 29.98"S. Partly cloudy, calm with light dew this morning. Sunday - Partly to mostly cloudy in the morning. Teased with two periods of sprinkles in the morning. The first at 9:35 AM and the second at 12:00PM. Each with sprinlkes of rain for 5 minutes or so. Clearing in the afternoon with the familiar heat returning with the clear skies. Clear into the overnight. 93º Hi, 71º Lo. |
7/24/2012 |
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76º, 70%RH, 29.95"S. Partly cloudy with E wind 1-5 mph this morning. Monday - Partly cloudy to fair during the day, hot, with W-SW wind 1-5 mph. Clouds built to the north with the look of rain/storms in the late afternoon and evening, but no rain at this location. Heat continues for today and tomorrow. 101º Hi, 71º Lo. |
7/25/2012 |
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75F, 79%RH, 29.80"F. Clear, warm and dry with no dew this morning. Tuesday - Fair to partly cloudy conditions with SE wind 5-10 mph. Not as hot with no precipitation. A warm one expected today and possibly even a thunderstorm this evening. Rain is welcome. 93F Hi, 75F Lo. |
7/26/2012 |
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73F, 83%RH, 29.71"R. Mostly cloudy, calm, damp and wet this morning. Wednesday - Fair and hot during the day. Breezy by mid-day and afternoon with SW wind 10-15 mph with gusts over 20 mph. Building clouds in the evening with severe thunderstorms. Estimate wind gusts to 50 mph or more as the storms passed. Hail report filed at 10:00 PM. Rain began at 9:20 PM with periods of heavy rain, near constant lightning for roughly 40 minutes. Measured 0.62" during a break in the rain at 10:15 PM. Rest overnight. Lost power 4 to 5 times. Power restored at about 3:00 AM after last outage. Leaves all over but no other damage. Sure nice to see the rain. 103F Hi, 72F Lo. |
7/27/2012 |
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76ºF, 65%RH, 29.89"S. Fair and warm with NW wind 1-5 mph this morning. Thursday - Mostly cloudy early with clearing to fair by by late morning. Breezy in the afternoon with NW wind 10-15 mph with gusts to 20 mph. Not as hot with no precipitation. Pleasant evening weather. 88º Hi, 67º Lo. |
7/28/2012 |
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74º, 70%RH, 30.16"R. Mostly cloudy and calm with light dew this morning. Friday - Fair in the morning, building clouds to mostly cloudy in the afternoon with clearing in the evening. Cooler and more comfortable with no precipitation. 82º Hi, 64º Lo. |
7/29/2012 |
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68º, 84%RH, 30.07"S. Overcast, calm, with light rain/sprinkles at observation. Saturday - Mostly cloudy early. Clearing to fair/partly cloudy. Clouds built with distant lightning in late evning. Rain began overnight. 83º Hi, 66º Lo. |
7/30/2012 |
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69º, 84%RH, 29.95"S. Partly cloudy, calm, with fog in low areas this morning. Sunday - Overcast to mostly cloudy during the day, milder and humid. Trace of rain in the early evening. 81º Hi, 68º Lo. |
7/31/2012 |
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71º, 77%RH, 29.92"R. Clear and calm this morning. Monday - Fair to partly cloudy during the day. Warm and humid with no precipitation. 93º Hi, 69º Lo. |
8/1/2012 |
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64º, 77%RH, 29.98"S. Clear and calm with fog in low areas this morning. Tuesday - Fair and warm with few clouds and no precipitation. 88º Hi, 64º Lo. |
8/2/2012 |
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71º, 73%RH, 29.86"S. Mostly cloudy and calm this morning. Wednesday - Fair and warm condtions continued for the day. Light S-SW wind 1-5 mph. No precipitation. 93º Hi, 64º Lo. |
8/3/2012 |
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71º, 77%RH, 29.89"S. Clear, calm and humid this morning. Thursday - Partly to mostly cloudy early. Fair conditions by mid-morning, warm and humid with no precipitation. Heat continues through tomorrow with a cold front and possibility for severe weather and needed rain tomorrow evening. 92º Hi, 71º Lo. |
8/4/2012 |
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74º, 70% RH, 29.89"S. Partly cloudy, warmer with NE wind 5-10 mph this morning. Friday - Fair and warm during the day. Some clouds in the early evening. No precipitation. Chance of severe storms today as cold front passes. Precipitation is welcome. 93º Hi, 71º Lo. |
8/5/2012 |
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69º, 75%RH, 30.10"R. Clear, cooler with NW wind 5-10mph with heavy dew this morning. Saturday - Partly cloudy early, overcast by mid-morning. Thunderstorm and showers mid-day. Rain began at 12:15. Heavy rain by 12:40. Wind gusts to about 40 mph as storm passed. No Hail or wind damage. Heavy rain for about 30 minutes then a steady rain for another 20 minutes. A much needed good soaking rain. 86º Hi, 61º Lo. |
8/6/2012 |
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54º, 75%RH, 30.13"S. Clear, cool, and calm with heavy dew and fog in low areas this morning. Sunday - Fair and cooler with plenty of sunshine. Pleasant day with lower humidity. No precipitation. 77º Hi, 54º Lo. |
8/7/2012 |
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64º, 76%RH, 29.95"F. Clear, calm and cool this morning. Monday - Fair conditions with more typical temperature and humidity with no precipitation. 82º Hi, 64º Lo. |
8/8/2012 |
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68º, 70%RH, 29.98"S. Mostly cloudy, calm, and dry with little dew. Brilliant red sky at sunrise this morning. Tuesday - Fair and warmer with plenty of sunshine and no precipitation. 91º Hi, 64º Lo. |
8/9/2012 |
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64º, 79%RH, 29.89"S. Clear and calm with a hazy fog this morning. Wednesday - Range of conditions from fair to overcast. Trace of rain in the morning. Distant lighting in the evening that looked like it was approaching but passed by with no rain. 84º Hi, 64º Lo. |
8/10/2012 |
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61º, 83%RH, 30.04"R. Mostly cloudy, cool, North wind 1-5 mph with heavy dew this morning. Thursday - Partly cloudy to overcast. Cooler, short period of rain in the late afternoon, cool overnight. Looking a bit greener. 80º Hi, 57º Lo. |
8/11/2012 |
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72º, 64%RH, 30.10"R. Clear, calm and cool this morning. Friday - Mostly cloudy early with clearing to fair by mid afternoon. Cooler and comfortable with no precipitation. 77º Hi, 55º Lo. |
8/12/2012 |
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63º, 79%RH, 30.04"S. Overcast, calm and drizzle this morning. Saturday - Fair and mild during the day. Rain early this morning. 78º Hi, 61º Lo. |
8/13/2012 |
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61º, 86%RH, 29.95"S. Overcast, cool, damp with a light mist/fog this morning. Sunday - Overcast and cool with periods of rain throughout the day and overnight. 69º Hi, 61º Lo. |
8/14/2012 |
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59º, 80%RH, 29.98"S. Clear and calm with light fog and heavy dew this morning. Monday - Overcast in the morning with gradual clearing in the afternoon. Fair conditions in the evening. Cooler with no precipitation. 76º Hi, 59º Lo. |
8/15/2012 |
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64º, 78%RH, 29.92"S. Partly cloudy, calm, with fog in low areas this morning. Tuesday - Clear to mostly coudy conditions during the day. Warmer with no precipitation. 84º Hi, 59º Lo. |
8/16/2012 |
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69º, 78%RH, 29.77"F. Overcast, light rain, with thunder and lightning in the vacinity. West wind 10-15 mph this morning. Wednesday - Fair to partly cloudy conditions during the day. Breezy in the afternoon with South wind 10 - 15 mph. Building clouds late with rain and thunderstorms over night and continuing this morning. 84º Hi, 63º Lo. |
8/17/2012 |
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52º. Clear calm and cool this morning. Thursday - Light rain in the early morning. Partial clearing by afternoon. Breezy with NW wind 10-15 mph with gusts to 25 mph in the afternoon. Cool overnight. |
8/18/2012 |
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65º, 69% RH, 30.04"S. Clear, cool and calm this morning. No precipitaiton over the last 24 hours. |
8/19/2012 |
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67º, 69%RH, 30.01"S. Clear, calm, and cool this morning. No precipitaiotn over the last 24 hours. |
8/20/2012 |
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54º, 77%RH, 30.01"S. Clear, calm, cool, wet with light fog this morning. Sunday - Fair early. Clouds and a light rain shower in the late morning. Thunderstorms in late afternoon. Rain at 5:05PM as thunderstorms skirted our area. Just a light rain from the thunderstorms. Another rain shower at about 6:20 PM for about 15 minutes. Clearing later in the evening. 78º Hi, 54º Lo. |
8/21/2012 |
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51º, 69%RH, 30.07"R. Clear, calm and cool with light fog this morning. Monday - Fair and mild during the day. Pleasant conditions. No precipitation. 77º Hi, 51º Lo. |
8/22/2012 |
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53º, 71%RH, 30.04"S. Partly cloudy, calm and cool this morning. Tuesday - Fair and pleasant conditions during the day with no precipitation. Warmer conditions expected today. 80º Hi, 53º Lo. |
8/23/2012 |
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65º, 66%RH, 30.01"S. Clear and calm, warmer and dryer this morning. Wednesday - Partly cloudy in the morning with clearing to fair in the afternoon. Warmer with no precipitation. 88º Hi, 53º Lo. |
8/24/2012 |
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68º, 58%RH, 30.01"R. Partly cloudy, calm and dry with little dew, dark clouds to the NE this morning. Thursday - Fair to partly cloudy and warmer. Breezy in the afternoon with SW wind 10-15 mph with gusts to 25 mph. No precipitation. 92º Hi, 65ºLo. |
8/27/2012 |
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64º, 85%RH, 30.07"S. Calm with heavy fog this morning. Visibility less than 1/10 mile in spots. This report covers accumulation received since multi-day reading taken at 5:10 PM on 08/26/1012. |
8/28/2012 |
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64º, 79%RH, 30.10"S. Clear, calm, and cool with heavy dew and fog in low areas this morning. Monday - Heavy fog in the morning that cleared by mid-morning. Fair and warm for the remainder of the day with no precipitation. 85º Hi, 64º Lo. |
8/29/2012 |
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67º, 78%RH, 30.04"S. Clear and cool this morning. No precipitation over the last 24 hours. 88ºHi, 63º Lo. |
9/1/2012 |
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71º, 61%RH, 30.04"S. Partly cloudy, NE wind 5-10 mph, dry with little dew. Rain amount since multi-day report at 7:00 PM on 8/31/12. |
9/2/2012 |
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66º, 70%RH, 29.92"S. Clear, calm and cool this morning. Saturday - Partly cloudy to overcast during the day with no precipitation. The remnants of Iasac passed to our SE. 82º Hi, 65º Lo. |
9/3/2012 |
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78º, 81%RH, 29.92"S. Partly cloudy, warm and humid this morning. Sunday - Partly cloudy and warm with no precipitation. 89º Hi, 66º Lo. |
9/4/2012 |
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71º, 87%RH, 29.89"S. Partly cloudy, warmer, damp with light fog/haze this morning. Monday - Fair to partly cloudy in the morning. Overcast by afternoon with light rain in the early evening. Warm and humid day. 89º Hi, 69º Lo. |
9/5/2012 |
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65º, 98%RH, 29.83"S. Mostly cloudy, calm and wet/damp this morning. Tuesday - Fair to partly cloudy and warm during the day. Large Thunderstorms visible to the NE starting at about 6:00 PM. Near constant lightning visible through well after dark. Thunderstorm passed at about 2:00 AM. Heavy N wind during the storm with gusts to 45 mph. Heavy rain at times with catch reduced due to slanting rain during storm. 93º Hi, 64º Lo. |
9/6/2012 |
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58º, 76%RH, 29.95"R. Clear, calm and cool with a light hazy fog in low areas this morning. Wednesday - Clear in the morning, partly to mostly cloudy in the afternoon. Clearing again in the evening. No precipitation. 83º Hi, 58º Lo. |
9/7/2012 |
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63º, 79%RH, 29.77"F. Mostly cloudy, calm and wet this morning. Thursday - Fair during the day. Building clouds in the evening. Distant thunder in the early morning with rain overnight. 79º Hi, 57º Lo. |
9/8/2012 |
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50º, 71%RH, 30.01"S. Clear and cool with NW wind 1-5 mph this morning. Friday - Mostly cloudy early with clearing in the morning. Mostly cloudy to overcast by mid day with light rain in the afternoon. Clearing again by early evening. Much cooler. 72º Hi, 50º Lo. |
9/9/2012 |
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59º, 68%RH, 30.13"R. Clear and cooler with North wind 1-5 mph this morning. Saturday - Fair and pleasant during the day. Breezy with West wind 10-15 mph and gusts to 25 mph. No precipitation. 73º Hi, 52º Lo. |
9/10/2012 |
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50º, 72%RH, 30.16"S. Clear, calm, and cool with fog in low areas this morning. Sunday - Partly cloudy to fair during the day. A pleasant sunny day with no precipitation. 72º Hi, 50º Lo. |
9/11/2012 |
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57º, 67%RH, 30.01"S. Clear this morning. Monday - Fair during the day. Breezy with South wind 10-15 mph with gusts to 25 mph. No precipitation. |
9/12/2012 |
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61º, 77%RH, 30.01"S. Clear with south wind 1-5 mph this morning. Tuesday - Fair throughout the day. Breezy again in the afternoon with south wind 10-15 mph with gusts to 25 mph. Warmer with no precipitation. 84º Hi, 58º Lo. |
9/13/2012 |
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52º, 72%RH, 30.30"R. Overcast with North wind 5-10 mph. Wet but no rain at observation time this morning. Wednesday - Fair through mid-afternoon with overcast conditions by late afternoon. Winds increased with overcast skies - North 10-20 mph with gusts over 25 mph. Rain overnight. 85º Hi, 52º Lo. |
9/14/2012 |
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46º, 76%RH, 30.30"S. Clear, cool, heavy dew with fog this morning. Thursday - Overcast and light rain early. Gradual clearing to fair/partly cloudy by early afternoon. Clear and cool overnight. 45º Lo, 64º Hi. |
9/15/2012 |
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53º, 73%RH, 30.27"S. Clear, calm, and cool with heavy dew this morning. Friday - Fair and warmer during the day with no precipitation. A pleasant late summer day. 74º Hi, 46º Lo. |
9/16/2012 |
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51º, 74%RH, 30.10"S. Partly cloudy, with a cloud bank to the SE, cool, with S wind 1-5 mph this morning. Saturday - Fair and warmer, pleasant with no precipitation. 77º Hi, 48º Lo. |
9/17/2012 |
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58º, 77%RH, 29.89"F. Mostly cloudy, calm with a hazy fog this morning. Sunday - Fair with S-SW wind 10-15 mph in the afternoon. Building coulds in the evening with no precipitation. 75º Hi, 53º Lo. |
9/18/2012 |
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42º, 71%RH, 29.95"S. Clear and cool with North wind 1-5 mph this morning. Monday - Mostly cloudy to overcast with a hazy fog during the morning. Light rain for a short period in the afternoon. Clearing to fair by late afternoon with cool conditions overnight. 71º Hi, 42º Lo. |
9/19/2012 |
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49º, 61%RH, 29.92"F. Mostly cloudy, milder, with south wind 1-5 mph this morning. Tuesday - Fair to partly cloudy during the day, cooler with no precipitaiton. NW wind 5-10 mph with gusts to 20 mph in the afternoon. 61º Hi, 42º Lo. |
9/21/2012 |
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50º, 64%RH, 29.89"S. Overcast, wet, and calm with no rain at observation. Light rain overnight. Accumulation recorded is catch since multi-day reading taken at 1930 on 9/20/12. |
9/22/2012 |
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44º, 60%RH, 30.04"R. Clear and cool with NW wind 5-10 mph this morning. Friday - Overcast to mostly cloudy during the day with periods of light rain in the morning. Gradual clearing late in the day. 62º Hi, 41º Lo. |
9/23/2012 |
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41º, 65%RH, 30.30"R. Clear, calm, and cool with season's first frost. Saturday - Fair early, increasing clouds to overcast by mid-day. Gradual clearing to fair by early evening. Cool with no precipitation. 57º Hi, 35º Lo. |
9/24/2012 |
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33º, 60%RH, 30.13"F. Clear, calm, cool with frost this morning. Sunday - Fair and cool. Breezy in the afternoon with NW wind 10-15 mph with gusts to 20 mph. No precipitation. 59º Hi, 33º Lo. |
9/25/2012 |
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45º, 60%RH, 29.80"S. Partly cloudy, calm, and warmer this morning. Monday - Fair and warmer. Breezy in the afternoon with SW wind 10-20 mph with gusts over 25 mph. No precipitation. 73º Hi, 33º Lo. |
9/26/2012 |
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48º, 54%RH, 29.98"S. Partly cloudy, calm and warmer this morning. Tuesday - Fair and warmer with no precipitation. Pleasant weather day. 79º Hi, 44º Lo. |
9/27/2012 |
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42º, 58%, 30.21"S. Clear and cool this morning. Scattered frost visible. Wednesday - Fair condtions during the day. Cooler with no precipitation. 69º Hi, 42º Lo. |
9/28/2012 |
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40º, 61%RH, 30.18"S. Clear, calm, and cool this morning. Thursday - Fair and mild with no precipitation. Another pleasant weather day. 68º Hi, 40º Lo. |
9/29/2012 |
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48º, 65%, 30.13"S. Clear calm and cool this morning. Friday - Fair and slightly warmer with no precipitation. 72º Hi, 41º Lo. |
9/30/2012 |
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47º, 62%RH, 29.98"S. Clear, calm and cool this morning. Saturday - Fair and warmer with no precipitation. 80º Hi, 43º Lo. |