Observation Date |
Observation Time |
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Notes |
10/1/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Warm, gray scattered clouds but sun is bright in between. 55.8 degrees, 48% RH, 29.93 pressure and falling, wind WSW @ 2.2 mph, 1bft. This may be the day to catch six 'wild' sheep. |
10/2/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Dry again. Thin clouds coming from the west. wind @ 2.0 WSW, 1 bft, 56.8 temp, 44% humidity, pressure 29.88 and falling |
10/4/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Very still at 0. Temp: 55.6, RH 59%, Pressure 29.79 and falling.l No catch. Dusty and very dry |
10/5/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Orange sunrise. Overcast. 63 Degrees, RH 46%, zero wind. Pressure 29.57 and falling. No catch.
10/6/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Windy here yesterday. At about 4PM the wind gust was between 14.9 tp 18.1 but to day down to 6.8mph SSW, 2 bft, 52.9 degrees, RH 68%, Pressure 29.42 and going down. |
10/7/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.47 |
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Absolutely a beautiful rain began last night. .47in rain. 44.5 temp, 86%RH, wind S 2.2 mph, 1 bft, Pressure 29.29 and falling |
10/8/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.51 |
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It is still raining. Began last evening. Will be working rams in the rain this morning. Awesome....This morning 44.8 degrees. 91% RH, 7.6mph NNW, 2 bft, Pressure 30.04 and rising. A blessed day! |
10/9/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
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With the storm of yesterday we added another .02 inch. This morning has scattered clouds at 41.8 degreesm RH 89%, no wind, pressure is 30.10 and rising. |
10/11/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Orange sunrise. 40.6 degrees, 82%RH |
10/12/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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48.8 degrees. 60%RH. Wind WSW 1.7 mph, 1bft, Prerssure 29.88 and risung. It is overcast. |
10/25/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.03 |
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Cloudy & windy...13.4mph WNW. 3 bft. 0.03 inch rain. 38.7 degrees with 27.4 wind chill. 81% humidity. Pressure 30.04 and rising. |
10/27/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Cloudy at 29.3 degrees. Wind @ 3.5-4.9 mph, 2 bft. RH 73%. Pressure 29.94 and falling. |
10/28/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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cloudless sky. 27.5 degrees. wind @ 4.7, 2 bft. RH 77%. 30.11 pressure and rising. Guess it is time to start the wood stove. |
10/30/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Thin streaks of clouds this morning. 30.6 degrees. Wind @ 3.3 W, 1 bft. RH 76%. 30.04 pressure and rising. |
10/31/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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37.1 degrees with chill at 28.4. Wind is at 5.3 WSW. 2 bft. RH 61%. 29.80 pressure and falling. |
11/1/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.03 |
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Short catch last night .03". This morning the wind is still. Pressure is 30.00 and rising. It is 37.3 degrees. RH 73% |
11/2/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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19.1 degrees. Burrrrr. Frost everywhere. RH 86% wind 2.6 mph WSW, 1 bft, 30.33 pressure & rising |
11/4/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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25.6 degrees, RH 80%, Wind: WSW 0.0 mph, o bft, 29.63 pressure and falling. |
11/5/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Cloudy and calm. .6 mph, 1bft, 29.3 degrees, 73% RH, 29.40 Pressure and falling. Today is a good day to work outside to get the wood pile into shape for the winter months. Twice warmed. |
11/6/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.13 |
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Bright beautiful crisp morning. 28.1 degrees, wind chill 25.7 degrees. Wind WSW 3.5 mph, 1 bft. RH 78%, Rel pressure 29.68 and rising. |
11/7/2011 |
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Gee it is cold. 16.2 degrees. Wind chill: 10.4 degrees with wind 5.5 W, 2 bft. RH 84% Pressure 29.99 and rising. |
11/8/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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very high clouds this morning. 18.2 degrees. wind-2.6mph WSW, 1 bft. RH 83%. Pressure 30.04 and rising. |
11/9/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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scattered clouds. 26.5 degrees, wind at .8 W, 1 bft, RH 80%, Pressure 30.29 and rising. |
11/10/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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2.1 degrees, wind chill 16.6, wind at 4.2 mph SW, Rh 77%, 30.05 inHg and falling. |
11/12/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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38.2 degrees, slight stir at 2.4 mph WSW, 1 bft, 45%, 29.32 inHg and falling. |
11/13/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Dark gray scattered cloud with a heavy band coming over the hill from the west. 29.3 degrees,RH 78%, Pressure 29.35 and falling. Wind WSW 1.3 mph, 1 bft |
11/14/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Snowed thru the night. 1/4 inch. 31.7 degrees with windchill at 24.3 degrees. 58% RH. Wind 5.5mph WSW. 2 bft. 29.49 inHg and rising. |
11/16/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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No new snow. Most has melted. 18.7 degrees, RH 74%, Wind 1.1 mph, 0 bft. Pressure 30.12 inHg and rising. |
11/17/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Sun shining thru the scattered clouds. It is 14.4 degrees, wind at 4.9mph WSW, 1 bft and windchill 8.3 degrees. Rh 74%. Pressure 29.74 and falling |
11/18/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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30.4 temp, 25.6 wind chill. 90% RH. Wind 4.4mph W, 1 bft. 29.63 inHg and rising. |
11/19/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Snow really coming down. 7.9 degrees. windchill 5.4 degrees. wind @ 4.6 mph N, 2 bft. 83%RH. 29.83inHg and rising. |
11/20/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.07 |
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0.70 |
Storm left blue sky at about noon yesterday. The new snow was an additional 2 inches. Now it is sunny and bright with the temp at -1.1 degrees, wind SW 1.5 mph, 1 bft, 81%RH, 29.94inHg and rising. |
11/21/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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6.1 degrees, wind WSW.02mph, 0 bft, 86%RH, 29.89 inHg and falling. |
11/22/2011 |
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windy thru the night. This morning slight breeze at 5.3mph SW. Temp 17.1 with wind chil at 10.6. 88%RH. 29.91inHg and falling |
11/23/2011 |
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30.2 degree. Wind WSW 2.2, 1 bft, 82%RH, 29.88 inHg and falling. |
11/24/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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scattered clouds 36 degrees. wind SW at 0.6 mph, 0 bft, 72% RH, 29.68 inHg and falling |
11/25/2011 |
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very high clouds. 29.9 degrees. Wind: 4.6mph WSW. 1bft. Wind chill: 25 degrees. 85%FH, 29.63inHg and falling |
11/26/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Windy last night.Cloud cover this morning. Wind at 8.0 mph W, 3 bft. Temp: 31.3 degrees with wind chill 14.2. 57%RH. 30.37inHg and rising. |
11/27/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Temp 27 degrees, windchill: 15.1. Wind 7.6 mph WSW, 2 bft. 66% FH. 30.13 inHg and falling |
11/28/2011 |
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50 degrees. wind chill: 38.9. Wind 40.9 NWN. 2 bft. 37% RH, 30.00inHg and falling |
11/29/2011 |
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cloudless. Temp 28.8 degrees, Wind: 2.4 mph WSW, 1 bft. 84% RH, 30.11 inJg and falling. Quiet today. |
11/30/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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high clouds.no wind. 34.4 degrees, 82%RH, 29.76inHg and falling
12/1/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Rain yesterday began about 10am and snow began 11PM Little accumulation .25 inch of snow. Temp 19.8, 0 wind.
88% RH, 30.49 inHg and rising. |
12/3/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Crisp, bright, cloudless. Temps 20.2 degrees, Wind: .2 mph WSW, 0 bft, 77% RH, 30.07 inHg and rising. |
12/4/2011 |
7:00 AM |
0.03 |
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A change from yesterday. Cloud cover. Wind NWN, 13.6 mph,3 bft, wind chill 3.8 degrees. Temp 24 degrees, 82% RH, 30.05inHg and rising. |
12/5/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Zero wind. Temp 29 degrees, 83% RH, 30.31 inHg and rising. |
12/6/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Burr....10.4 degrees, Wind chill -4.3 degrees. Wind W 6.2 mph 69% RH, 29.91 inHg and falling. |
12/7/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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overcast. wind SW 2.0 mph, 1 bft. Temp 33.5 degrees, 60% RH, 30.02 inHg and rising |
12/8/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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15.7 degrees, wind WNW 4.2 mph, 1 bft, 30.16 inHg and rising |
12/11/2011 |
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Watching the shadow cross across the moon was fascinating yesterday morning. 19.1 degree. wind: 8.2 mph SW. Windchill: 8.6mph. 80% RH. 2bft. 29.82inHg and falling |
12/12/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Sun not up yet. No wind. 12.1 Degrees. 0 bft. 88 % RH, 29.99inHg and rising. |
12/14/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Very high clouds. 23.2 degrees. Wind 2.5mph SW. 1 bft, 88% RH, 29.74 inHg and rising, Wow we can breath today and not be so bunched in outerware |
12/16/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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wow, late this day. Noon here at 42.3 degrees 10.2 mph WNW., 3bft,windchill 27.4 degrees, 46%RH, 30.15inHg and rising. |
12/17/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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What a beautiful day. The sighs of God. 25.4 degrees, wind 7.3mph, 3bft. Wind chill 11.2 degrees. 72%RH. 30.15inHg and rising. |
12/18/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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31.3 degrees, 10 mph WSW, 3 bft, 70% RH, 29.79 inHG and falling. |
12/20/2011 |
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Lite frost. Temp: 20.5 degrees, wind: W 11.8 mph, 2 bft, windchill: 1.6,
85% RH, Pressure 29.77 inHg and falling. |
12/21/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Cloudy. Very little wind W .8mph,34 degrees, 82% RH, 29.78 inHg and rising. |
12/24/2011 |
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'th's the day before Christmas and the temps a chilly 21.1 degrees, wind chill at 8.8, Wind WSW 8.2, 3 bft, 68 RH, 30.17 inHG and rising. Merry Christmas |
12/25/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Merry Christmas Christ child is born to day. 22.7 degrees, wind:WSW 8.9mph, windchill 8.7 degrees, 2 bft, 72% RH, 30.23inHg and rising |
12/28/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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dark gray clouds rolling in over the river. 32.4 degrees, wind 5.3mph 2 bft, windchill 26.6, humidity 63% RH, 29.69inHg and falling |
12/29/2011 |
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Cloudy. 39.4 degrees, 3bft, wind: W 9.6 mph, windchill: 26.5,70% RH, 29.49inHg and falling. |
12/30/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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Rain came about 10am yesterday. Lasting for a short period of time. Early afternoon another shower.
Today's temp 27 degrees. Slight breeze W .4 mph, 0 bft. 70% RH, 29.72 inHg and rising. |
12/31/2011 |
7:00 AM |
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windy all night.A dusting of snow. Wind at NWN 17.8 mph, 4 bft, 86% RH, Temp 33.7 degrees. 29.72 inHg and rising. Happy New Year everyone..goodbye 2011 |
1/1/2012 |
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2012 Happy New Year. Wispy clouds. Chilly 17.3 degrees, slight breeze at S .4mph, 80%RH, 30.41inHg and rising. |
1/2/2012 |
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Orange sunrise. 16.6 degrees. Wind SW 1.5mph. 1 bft. 79% RH. 30.31 inHg and falling. |
1/3/2012 |
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Awesome morning. 32.4 degrees. 7.3mph SW, windchill 22.6 degrees. 78%RH, 2 bft, Pressure 29.91 inHg and falling. |
1/4/2012 |
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the sky is orange...32.2 degrees. Wind 6.0 mph SSW, windchill 22 degrees, 70% RH, 3 bft, pressure 30.10inHg and rising |
1/5/2012 |
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windy-SW 8 mph,3 bft, windchill-27 degrees, Temp 35.8 degrees, 70% RH, Pressure 29.86 inHg and falling |
1/6/2012 |
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quite morning. 33.1 degrees. win SWW 4.0 mph, 1 bft,29.97 inHg and rising. |
1/7/2012 |
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quiet and still. No wind. 20.3 degrees. 0 bft, 81% RH. Pressure 29.97 and rising. |
1/8/2012 |
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cooler and cloudless this morning at 16.4 degrees. Slight breeze 3.3 mph SWW, 1 bft. 82% RH, Pressure 30.05inHg and rising |
1/10/2012 |
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still dark. 28.8 degrees. 2.6 mph SW, 2 bft,81% RH,29.83inHg |
1/11/2012 |
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rain started about 5pm yesterday. THis morning a light dusting of snow. It is now 14 degrees, wind at 16.5 mph NWN, 4 bft, windchill -12.1 (Burr-we are spoiled)Pressure 30.22 and rising |
1/13/2012 |
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Almost barefoot temps this morning....Temp 21.4 degrees, Wind: 2.4 mph, SWW, 1 bft, 73% RH, Pressure 29.83inHg and falling |
1/14/2012 |
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Yesterday was windy ranging from 25-35 mph. This morning orange sunrise. 19.1 degrees, 5.3mph SW, 2bft, windchill: 10.8 degrees, 81% RH, 29.94 inHg and rising. |
1/15/2012 |
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25.9 degrees, 3.1mph SW, 1 bft, 70%RH, 29.56inHg and falling. Have a blessed day |
1/16/2012 |
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It started about 3AM. A slight 1/8 inch so far and coming down very lightly. 10.1 degrees. 6.0 mph NW, 2 bft, 3.6 degrees wind chill, 29.87 inHg and rising.
1/18/2012 |
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-0.7 degrees, 6.0mph N, 2 bft, windchill: -14.8 degrees, 77% RH, Pressure 29.84inHg and rising.
I am always amazed the amount of moisture is in the snow. Starting to snow again.
1/19/2012 |
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-6.1 degrees, Wind 2.9mph NNE, 78% RH, 1 bft, 29.83inHg and falling. Snow still falling. |
1/20/2012 |
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Sunrise was beautiful. 2.7 degrees, little wind at .2mph N, 0bft, 80%RH, 29.89inHg and rising. |
1/21/2012 |
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windy morning with an orange sunrise. 13.3 degrees, 4.4 mph SW, 1 bft, RH 85%, Pressure 29.36 inHYg and falling. |
1/22/2012 |
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It began to rain about 9:30PM last night. 34.6 degrees. 10.7 mph W, windchill: 24.3 degrees, 3 bft, 61%RH, Pressure 29.63 inHg and rising. |
1/23/2012 |
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12.4 degrees. wind: 8.5mph SW. Windchill: -2.5 degrees, 3 bft, 84% RH, 29.75inHg and rising, |
1/24/2012 |
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Wow it is warm outside this morning. 27.7 degrees, windchill the same. Wind is 0.0. 0 bft, 66% RH and pressure is 29.99inHg and rising. A quiet day. Take pleasure is being outside. |
1/25/2012 |
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Balmy morning. 27.7 degrees, Wind 9.8mph SWW, windchill: 15.8 degrees, 61% RH, 2 bft, 29.73 inHg and falling. |
1/26/2012 |
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Another balmy. 25.4 degrees, wind 1.7 SW, 0 bft, 76% RH, Pressure 29.93 inHg and rising. |
1/27/2012 |
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Blast of wind about 8:30PM last night. Followed with a trace of rain and snow. 29.0 degrees. wind: WNW 14 mph, windchill: 10.4 degrees, 3 bft. 68% RH. 30.02 inHg and rising. |
1/28/2012 |
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Cloudless sky. Orange sunrise. 25.6 degrees, wind: 8.0 W, 3 bft, Windchill: 13.3 degrees, RH 47% 30.06 inHg and rising. |
1/29/2012 |
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30.4 degrees, Wind: 6.4 mpp SW, Windchill: 22.5 degrees, 2 bft, 60% RH, 29.81inHg and falling. Have a blessed day. |
1/30/2012 |
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32.6 degrees, 4.2mph SW, 1 bft, 68% RH, 29.59 inHg and falling. Guite day. |
1/31/2012 |
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Dark Gray clouds coming over the west hills. Sunrise a bright orange. 35.6 degrees, little wind SW 2.0 mph, 1 bft, 61%RH, Pressure 29.86inHg and rising. |
2/2/2012 |
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Today is the day: winter or spring? 24.5 degrees, 1.5mph SW, 1 bft, 81%RH, 30.03inHG pressure and rising. Ground hog said we are to have 6 more weeks of winter. |
2/4/2012 |
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oofta it is cold this morning compared to this past week. Plenty of frost. 16.9 degrees, 1.3mph SW, 1 bft, 88%RH, pressure 30.35 inHg and rising. |
2/5/2012 |
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Morning frost. 17.3 degrees, wind: 5.8mph W, 2 bft, 9.5 degrees wind chill, 86% RH, Pressure 30.22inHg and falling. |
2/10/2012 |
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skiff of snow and very low clouds. Snow started about 6am. 12.4 degrees, 2.9 mph NE, 1 bft, 83%RH, 30.24inHg and rising. |
2/12/2012 |
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light frost. 7.0 degrees,wind:ENE 0.0 mph, 0 bft, 85%RH, 29.86inHg and falling |
2/13/2012 |
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A few scattered clouds 20 degrees, wind 5.5 SW, Wind chill:13.7 degrees, 2bft, 86%RH. {pressure 29.63 inHg and falling |
2/15/2012 |
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Wet snow on the ground. Anywhere from 1/4 to 1/2 inch. 15.7 degrees. 4.2 mph WSW, windchill: 11.9 degrees, 1 bft, 87%RH, Rel 29.90inHg and rising. |
2/16/2012 |
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17.7 degrees earlier this morning. It is now 24.5, RH 74%, wind WSW 3.3 mph, 1 bft, 30.03inHg and rising. |
2/17/2012 |
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21.2 degrees,76%RH,30.10inHg |
2/18/2012 |
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Frost this morning.19.3 degrees. wind: SW W 2.0 mph, 1 bft, 91% RH Pressure 29.87inHg and falling. |
2/23/2012 |
7:00 AM |
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Woke to a trace of snow. Wind 18-21 mph NW, 4bft, RH 74%, 28.6 degrees, windchill 5.8 degrees, Rel 29.76 inHg and rising |
2/24/2012 |
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snow flurries throughout the day, The Powder River did raise. 27.5 degrees, 7.8 mph W, 2 bft, 84%RH, 29.98inHg and rising |
2/25/2012 |
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25.9 degrees, Wind: SE 2.0 mph,75 RH, 29.55 inHg and falling, 0 bft.
2/26/2012 |
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wind, rain, snow during the night. 20degrees, wind NW 14.9, wind chill -4.1 degrees, 80% RH, 29.83 inHg and rising. |
2/27/2012 |
7:00 AM |
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Temp 0.4 degrees, 0 bft. 86% RH, 30.00 inHG and rising. Frost on the windshield. |
2/28/2012 |
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17.8 degrees, no wind, 0 bft, 88% RH,Pressure 29.74inHg and falling. |
2/29/2012 |
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15.7 degrees, 2.6 mph SW, 1 bft, 89%RH, pressure 29.71 inHg and falling |
3/1/2012 |
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28.6 degrees, 1.5 mph SW, 1 bft, 60%RH, 29.68inHg and rising. Did it rsin? Had .03 in the rain guage.
3/2/2012 |
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21.8 degrees, 19mph NW, 4 bft, windchill: -1.4 degrees, 73%RH, 29.88inHg and rising. Gray clouds flying in from the west over the hills. River running with some clogging on the curves....watching |
3/4/2012 |
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cloudy. Had wind all night. 33.7 degrees. 3.8mph NW, 2 bft, 81%RH, 30.00 and rising.
3/5/2012 |
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Nice morning. 33.5 Degrees, 7.6mph SWW, 2 bft, 77%RH, 29.79inHg and falling. |
3/7/2012 |
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22 degrees, 79%Rh, 1.3mph W, 1bft, 29.88inHg and rising. Scattered clouds. |
3/10/2012 |
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Quiet start to the morning. 31 degree, 3.1 mph SW,1 bft, 78%RH, 29.85inHg and falling. |
3/11/2012 |
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30.1 degrees, 9.3mph SW, windchill: 16.9 degrees, 3 bft, 81%RH, 29.62inHg and falling. I didn't think it was that chilly when out this morning. Have a blessed day. |
3/13/2012 |
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Few scattered clouds, 35.8 degrees, no wind, 71%Rh, 29.64inHg and falling |
3/14/2012 |
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25 degrees, 0.2 wind N NW, 0bft, 69%RH, 29.86inHg and rising. very light scattered clouds. |
3/16/2012 |
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41.4 degrees, 67%RH, 2.6 mph SW, 1bft, 29.61inHg and falling. |
3/17/2012 |
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It was 80 degrees in the barn yesterday afternoon. Scattered orange clouds this morning. 35.3 degrees, no wind, 0 bft, 84%RH, 29.63 inHg and rising. No moisture. Enjoy St. Patrick's Day
3/20/2012 |
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25.5 degrees, 89% RH, .8 mph SW, 1 bft, 29.81inHg and rising. |
3/21/2012 |
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30.4 degrees, 64% RH, 1 bft, 4.4 mph SW, 29.86 inHg and rising. Wispy clouds. |
3/22/2012 |
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To dry. 31.0 degrees, .2mph W, 0 bft, 70%RH, 29.8 inHg and rising. A quiet day |
3/23/2012 |
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Dry and clear early this morning. Now 36.7 degree, 74%RH, 5.5 mph SW, 2 bft. off to the lambing barn again. |
3/25/2012 |
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Awesome morning. Peaceful. Lambs all over. 42.5 degrees, 4.0 mph SE, 1 bft, 73%RH and 29.91 inHg and falling.
3/27/2012 |
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Rain began about 10Pm with howling wind. .07 inches. 51.5 degrees, wind: W NW 14.9 mph, 38.5 windchill, 51% RH, 4 bft, 29.80inHg and rising.
3/28/2012 |
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29.9 degrees, 6.0 moh SW, 2 bft, 85% RH, 29.82 inHg and rising. |
3/29/2012 |
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46.4 degrees, 4.6mph W NW, 1 bft, 53% RH, 29.83 ingh and rising. |
4/1/2012 |
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In from the lambing barn. Warm and dry. Little wind.
47.7 degrees, .2mph SW, 0 bft, 58%RH, 29.35 inHg and falling. |
4/4/2012 |
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awesome weather for lambing. Calm and warm. Temp 47.3degrees, 3.3 mph S, 2 bft, 44%RH, 29377inHg and falling. Very high lightly scattered clouds |
4/5/2012 |
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dry and realitively quiet. 46.3 degrees, 1.7 mph NW W, 1 bft, 64% RH, 29.73inHg and rising. There are dark clouds coming over the hill.
4/6/2012 |
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Temp 40.9 degrees, wind: 3.3 mph N NE, 2 bft, 68% RH, 29.65 inHg and falling. Covercast. |
4/7/2012 |
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No rain, no snow but plenty of wind. Frost this morning. 28.1 degree, 1.3 mph SW W, 1 bft, 84% RH, 30.11 inHg and rising. Clear sky. |
4/9/2012 |
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Quiet morning. 27.5 degrees, 0bft, 0.6 mph W, 58% RH, 30.21 inHg and risting. |
4/10/2012 |
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26.8 degrees, 5.1 mph, 2 bft NW, 30.09 inHg and falling. |
4/11/2012 |
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Still dry. Clouds rolling in. 30.8 degrees, 2.9 mph N NE, 1 bft, 63% RH, 29.94 inHg and falling. |
4/12/2012 |
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Where is the rain? Did have a drop. 58.1 degrees, windy: 9.6 mph S, 3 bft, 10.5 RH, 29.44 and falling |
4/13/2012 |
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Calm after yesterday's wind. Scattered high clouds. 35.5 degrees, wind: 5.3 mph SW W, 2 bft, 88%RH, 29.69 inHg and rising. |
4/14/2012 |
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Still and overcast. 38.7 degrees. 0 mph, 0 bft, 75% RH, 29.68inHg and rising. |
4/15/2012 |
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'million dollar rain' soft and easy. 37.9 degrees, wind: NW N 7.8mph, 3 bft, 87% RH, 29.79inHg and rising. |
4/17/2012 |
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40.9 degrees, 4.6 mph SW W, 1 bft, 74% RH, 29.89 inHg and falling. |
4/18/2012 |
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40 degrees,no wind, 85% RH, 29.86 inHg and falling. Simple and to the point....quiet.
4/19/2012 |
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39.1 degrees, 86% RH, little wind .4mph SW W, 0 bft, 29.89inHg and rising. |
4/20/2012 |
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Rain off and on during the day. At one time very small hail for about 5 minutes - short lived. Today is clear but clouds coming in from the west. 34 degrees, 5.3 mph SW W, 2 bft, 90% RH, 29.99 inHg and rising. |
4/28/2012 |
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Since this rain has begin there is a total of .25 inch of rain. Temp 36.7 degrees, 3 bft, 10.9 mph W, 89%RH, 29.77inHg and rising. |
4/29/2012 |
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a very soft penitrating rain. Since the beginning of the storm a total of .54. Temp 37.3, 5.5 mph W, 2 bft, 89% RH, 29.88 inHg and rising. |
5/3/2012 |
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temp 48.8, no wind, 61% RH, 29.89inHg and rising. Clouds overhead. |
5/4/2012 |
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Rain in late evening. This morning temp 54.2, 3.3mph SW W, 1 bft, 77% RH, 29.80inHg and falling. Yesterday we had a Storm Spotter workshop in Broadus which was very informative. |
5/5/2012 |
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Trying to rain. Nothing in the bucket yet. 53.5 degrees, 2 bft, 7.6 mph S SW, 77% RH, 29.85 inHg and rising. |
5/6/2012 |
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Rained yesterday. Temp 42.5 degrees, 4.9 mph SWW, 64% RH, 1 bft, 30.11 inHg and rising |
5/8/2012 |
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Temp 33.5 degrees, wind @ SW 3.5 mph, 1 bft, 76%RH, 30.12inHg and falling. |
5/13/2012 |
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44.8 degrees. 3.1 mph SWW, 2 bft, 51%RH, 30.14 inHg and falling. No moisture. dusty. Sunnny and cloudless |
5/17/2012 |
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Quiet dry morning with very high clouds. Temp 65.3 degrees, Wind: 1.3 mph W, 1 bft, 42% RH, 29.70inHg and falling. Temps has dropped considerably since yesterday high of 91. Cool enough to fix fences. |
5/19/2012 |
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What a lovely rain...soft and gentle. 51.7 temp, 1 bft, 2.0 mph SE, 30.02inHg and rising. |
5/20/2012 |
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44.5 degrees, 0.4mph NW N, 80% RH, 30.10inHg and rising. Scattered clouds. |
5/22/2012 |
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Internet working this morning. Overcast and windy. Warm at 62.3 degrees, wind: 7.8mph W, 2 bft, 44%RH, 29.59inHg and falling. |
5/23/2012 |
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46.1 degrees, no wind: still and quiet, 83%RH, 29.60inHg and rising. |
5/24/2012 |
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Cool with no wind at 6am. Temp 53.5 degrees, 55%RH, 29.65inHg and rising. Scattered clouds. |
5/25/2012 |
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At 6AM - Temp 40.7, wind: .2mph, 2 bft, 83%RH, 29.93inHg and rising. |
5/26/2012 |
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Great rain and it is continuing this morning in a fine mist. 43.7 degrees, wind at 5.1mph NE, 94%RH, 2 bft, 29.84inHg and falling |
5/27/2012 |
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temp 46.6, no wind, 92%RH, 29.62inHg and falling. Beautiful well needed moisture. Grass will grow, livestock will flourish. |
5/28/2012 |
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Short storm with thunder late evening with .1 in the rain guage. Temp this morning 41.8, 1bft, 8.2mph W, 78%RH, 29.80inHg and rising. |
5/29/2012 |
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hazy blue sky. temps 43.9, no wind, no bft, 76%RH, 30.02inHg and rising. |
5/30/2012 |
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Temp 49.9, no wind, no bft, 93%RH, 29.90inHg and falling. Still raining. Great. |
5/31/2012 |
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Temp. 50.2, No wind, no bft, 78% RH, 30.04inHg and rising. |
6/1/2012 |
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a little moisture last night. 1 bft, 54 temp, 38%RH, 29.88 inHg and falling. |
6/3/2012 |
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quick moving storm about 5pm lasy evening. This morning temp 58, no wind,81% RH,29.82 inHg and rising. |
6/5/2012 |
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Wind, rain, lightening in the west last night. This morning 78.1 degrees,37%RH, wind SSE 9.1mph, 3 bft, 29.67inHg and falling. |
6/7/2012 |
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56.9 degrees, overcast, no wind, 0 bft, 67% RH, 29.93 inHg and rising. |
6/8/2012 |
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Foggy this morning. 54.0 temp, no wind, no bft, 95% RH, 29.80 inHg and falling. |
6/9/2012 |
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clear. no wind, 0 bft, temps 56.2 degrees this morn, 72% RH, 29.62 inHg and rising. |
6/10/2012 |
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Temp 49.7 degrees. no wind, 0 bft, 72% RH, 29.75 inHg and rising. |
6/11/2012 |
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Still windy 16-20 mph, 54.5 degrees, 65% RH, 29.97inHg and rising |
6/12/2012 |
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High clouds. 54.4 degrees, very still and quiet. 81%RH, 30.03inHg and rising. |
6/13/2012 |
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High clouds, 68.2 degrees, 61% RH, 29.71 inHg and falling. |
6/14/2012 |
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61.9 degrees, no wind, 52% RH, 29.86inHg and rising. Another quiet warm morning. Some dew. |
6/15/2012 |
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Scattered high cloud. 54.4 degrees, 77% RH, 29.86inGh and rising. |
6/18/2012 |
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The little moisture came in with a blast of wind late last night. Morning temp 67.1. 57%RH, 29.62 inHg and falling. |
6/20/2012 |
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Temp. 60.3 degrees, 55%RH,
3 bft,
2.9 mph W NW
29.94inHg |
6/22/2012 |
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Beautiful moring. 61.9 degrees, 60% RH, Wind: 5.5 mph SE S, 2 bft, 29.88 inHg and falling. |
6/24/2012 |
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71.9 temp, 10.2 mph ESE, 3 bft, 39% RH, 29.99 inHg and rising. |
6/26/2012 |
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79.4 degree, 45% RH, 29.63 inHg |
7/6/2012 |
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what a welcomed rain. Working with the Ash and Taylor Fire this is a wonderful relief. Temps 59.4, 92% RH (good for fire control) 30.02 inHg and rising. No wind. Overcast with a mist. A very good day. |
7/8/2012 |
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Clear sky. 66.5 temps, still no wind, 75% RH, 30.18inHg and rising. |
7/10/2012 |
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going to be another very warm day. Temp 67.9 degrees,wind out of the W .2mph, 58% RH, 30.04inHg and falling. |
7/11/2012 |
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Waking up to 67.6 degrees may mean a very warm day. Smoke in the air. No wind. 48% RH, 29.94inHg and falling. |
7/14/2012 |
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It will be warm today as the temp is already 78.1 degrees. RH 45%, Pressure 29.94inHg and falling. Drink plenty of water today. |
7/16/2012 |
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Going to be another warm day. Scattered clouds. 69.5 degrees, wind is barely moving at .2mph SE, 64% RH, 29.80inHg and falling. |
7/17/2012 |
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Beauty rain. .82 inches, Temp 67.9 degrees, scattered clouds and very still, 88% RH, 29.89 inHg and rising. |
7/18/2012 |
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65.2% temp, 80%RH, 29.91inHg and rising. clear skies. Quick shower last night. |
7/19/2012 |
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Scattered clouds, 67 degrees, 71% RH, 29.93inHg and rising. |
7/20/2012 |
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67.9 degrees. 73% RH, 30.00inHG and rising |
7/21/2012 |
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A little rain to cut the dust yesterday afternoon. Going to be very warm as it is already 72.4 degrees with an overcast sky with smoke. 79% RH, 29.98 inHg and rising. |
7/22/2012 |
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scattered clouds, 68.2 degrees, 63%RH, 29.97inHg and falling |
7/24/2012 |
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Temps 70.6 degrees, 82% RH, 1 bft, E 4.2 mph, 29.84 inHg and falling |
7/25/2012 |
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71.3 degrees, 58% RH, 29.89 inHg and rising. Very high scattered clouds. |
7/28/2012 |
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64.4 degrees, 62% RH, 29.97 inHg and rising |
7/29/2012 |
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97.7 degrees at 11:30am, 18% RH, Wind W 8.2 mph, 30.00 inHg and rising. Where is the moisture.....
7/30/2012 |
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Moisture to cut the dust. Yeah! 62.8 degrees, 78% RH, Wind out of the SE, 30.01 inHg and rising. |
7/31/2012 |
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Overcast with a rainbow. 68.9 degrees, 60% RH, 29.91inHg and falling wind showing out of the NE. |
8/1/2012 |
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74.5 degrees, 41% RH, 29.89 inHg and falling. Overcast. |
8/2/2012 |
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Tried to rain this morning. 67.7 degrees, 69% RH, 29.89 inHg and falling. |
8/3/2012 |
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Wind out of the north this morning. Turned off fan in the barn. 63.7 degrees, 60% RH, 29.84inHg and falling. Going to be a pleasant day. |
8/4/2012 |
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58.1 degrees, 64%RH. 30.06 inHg and rising |
8/5/2012 |
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clear sky, 59.8 degrees, feels like fall, 53% RH, 30.07 inHg and rising. Have a day of Grace and enjoy what is around you. |
8/6/2012 |
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clear sky. 57.1 degrees, 54% RH, 30.00inHg and falling.
8/7/2012 |
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73.6 degrees and rising. Warm already. 37% RH, 30.02 inHg and falling. Had a fast moving storm come thru about 5 yesterday afternoon. Enough moisture to cut the dust. |
8/8/2012 |
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61.7 degrees, 42% RH, 30.10 inHg and rising |
8/9/2012 |
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Overcast this morning. 69.7 degrees, 50% RH, 30.05 inHg and rising. |
8/11/2012 |
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nice moisture to put out the fire we had last night in the area. 65.0 degrees, 87% RH. 29.90 inHg and falling. |
8/12/2012 |
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Moisture came yesterday morning. Cloudless sky 63.5 degrees, 73% RH, yesterday had some wind up to 13.4 mph, today it is still and quiet, 30.10 inHg and rising. |
8/13/2012 |
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56 degrees, 76% RH, 30.04 inHg and rising. |
8/15/2012 |
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overcast and windy and a dash of rain. wow is it cool! 60.5 degrees, 70% RH, 29.93inHg and rising |
8/17/2012 |
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Cloudless clouds, 51.7 degrees, 68% RH, 30.02 inHg and falling. |
8/19/2012 |
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cloudless sky. 48.4 degrees very pleasant, 61%RH, 30.06 inHg and rising. |
8/20/2012 |
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52.9 degrees, 56% RH, 29.99 inHg and falling |
8/23/2012 |
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54.7 degrees, 60% RH, 29.86 inHg and falling. Sunny and bright. |
8/24/2012 |
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63.4 degrees, 50% RH, 29.70 inHg and falling |
8/27/2012 |
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Red sunrise today. 54 degrees, 29.94 inHg and rising.
8/28/2012 |
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60.5 degrees, 51%RH, 29.97 inHg and rising. Scattered clouds and hazy. |
8/29/2012 |
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Scattered cloud. Had two fires last night. 64.3 degrees, 44% RH, 29.75 inHg and falling. Oh so dry....a standard statement for this summer. |
8/31/2012 |
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Not sure where this rain came from but whatever. Will take anything. Oh so dry! 75.1 degrees, 4.01mph NE, 33% RH, 1 bft, 29.92 inHg and falling. |
9/1/2012 |
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Plenty of lightening strikes last night. 84.1 degrees. 35% RH, 29.81 inHg and falling. |
9/3/2012 |
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Clear sky. 59.6 degrees, wind .4 mph WNW, 41%PH, 29.90inHg and rising. |
9/4/2012 |
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49.3 degrees, 41% RH, 29.86 inHg and rising. breezie, red-orange sunrise |
9/5/2012 |
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40.9 degrees, 78% RH, 30.06 inHg & rising |
9/6/2012 |
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overcast-hoping for rain. 54.2 degrees, 47% RH, 29.92 inHg and falling. |
9/11/2012 |
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53.01 degrees, smoke in the area-fire going-22000ac burned so far, 41% RH, 29.91 inHg & rising |
9/13/2012 |
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37.4 degreees, 46% RH, 30.26inHg and rising. Cloudless, some smoke. Fire is contained. |
9/17/2012 |
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clouds and an orange sunrise. 38.7 degrees, 83% RH, 30.12 inHg and rising |
9/18/2012 |
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44.5 degrees, 60% RH, 29.95 inHg and falling. Very clear sky |
9/19/2012 |
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scattered clouds, 56.5 degrees, 44% RH, 30.09 inHg & rising |
9/21/2012 |
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dry, streaks of clouds, orange sunrise. 44.3 degrees, 60% RH, 30.02 inHg and falling. Water down those corrals if working cattle or sheep...extremely dusty. |
9/23/2012 |
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76.7 degrees, 22% H, Wind: NE E 3.5-5.6 mph, 2 bft, |
9/28/2012 |
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Came home yesterday to moisture in the rain guage. .07 from Wednesday night....than yesterday afternoon another .06. Thank you Lord. Feels good to walk on soft grass. It is now 48.8 degrees, 82% RH, 30.02inHg Wind out of the SW W.
9/30/2012 |
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53.3 degrees, 55%RH, 30.03 and falling. Still comfortable. Slight breeze, overcast. |