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10/1/2012 |
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7am: Clear, vis 15mi wind ENE 2-6mph 60F dry. 9/30: Mostly clear, few Altocu mostly over mtns mid day (est 10k' asl) High 101F heat index 98. |
10/2/2012 |
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7am: Clear, just a few old contrails west, vis 15+mi, wind ENE 1-6mph, 61F dry. 10/1: Clear, few Ci west horizon late afternoon <1/50, Hottest day of 2012 max 108.5F (Davis VantagePro 3m agl (3m for nearby orchard)) heat index 103 so not as bad as a few earlier days. |
10/3/2012 |
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7am: Thin sct Cirrus & lone long old contrail 1/10, vis 10-15mi, wind ENE 1-3mph dry. 10/2: Clear morning, thin sct Ci noonsh to sunset, fine sunset, high 103F heat index 100F not as bad as 10/1 but plants needed extra H20. |
10/4/2012 |
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7am: Fog very near S-W-NNW, vis SW-NW 1/8-3/16 (fog edge about 400' SW & thick) top est 1200'asl, rest of sky: thin ovc Cs with Cc waves, vis 10-15mi N-E, calm, 50F dew on car. 10/3: Sct Ci & contrails got bkn about sunset and ovc before midnight, max 95F heat index 91. |
10/5/2012 |
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7am: Fractostratus 1/10 in valley 1400-1800'asl, thin bkn cirrostratus 9/10 for fine salmon sunrise, vis 5-6mi in valley S-W 10mi to mtns N-E, wind ENE 1-4mph 52F dew covers gauge. 10/4: Fog here 8-8:30 gone by 9am, ovc variable bkn Cirrus & Cc in waves morning, cleared by 5pm, max 87F gettin cooler! |
10/6/2012 |
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7am: Super Sunrise! Multilayers Altocu about 16k'sct 3/10, Cirrocu 20k' bkn 4/5 Cirrostrat 24k' ovc & contrails, 2/5 thin, vis 10-15mi, wind E 0-3mph 53F, dew covers gauge & few drops in. 10/5: Fractostratus gone by 9am, Cirroform including Cirrocu variable sct to ovc all day, high 81F nice! |
10/7/2012 |
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7am: Sct Cirroforms & contrails 1/5, some Ac past hr, vis 7mi haze in valley 10-15mi N-E to mtns, calm, 53F, dew covers gauge. 10/6: Bkn variable Ovc Cirroform mostly Cs all day, nice sunrise and set, high 86F. |
10/8/2012 |
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7am: Ovc Stratus 1700'asl breaks N&S, vis 7mi in valley 10+ in breaks to mtns, wind ENE 0-3mph, 56F bit o dew. 10/7: Fog lifted to low Stratus & gone mid morning, sct cirrus variable clear rest of day, high 85F. |
10/9/2012 |
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7am: Ovc Stratus 2400'asl many breaks NNE-E, vis 10+mi, wind E 1-5mph, 58F no dew. 10/8 Stratus was bkn 8:30 sct 9:30 but some in far west 11:30, clear afternoon, high 82F. |
10/10/2012 |
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7am: Sct Stratocu 1/10 base 5k'asl next to mtns, bkn Altocu 8-9/10 (1/5 thin) est 14k', vis 10-15mi, wind E 0-2mph 56F bit o dew. 10/9: Ovc Stratus bkn by 7:30am sct 8:07-10:15 gone 11am. Few Cirrus west 1pm replaced by Altocu 3pm-sunset, high 81F. |
10/11/2012 |
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7am: Bkn Cumulus 5k'asl distant Tcu SW-W 3/5, Altocu 4/5 est 14k', vis 15+mi, wind ENE 1-4mph, 52F dew on gauge top but no precip yet. 10/9: Bkn Cu & Ac all day, Cu base varied 3-7k'asl, 10am very light sprinkle near (Lake Wolford) but not here, high 77F. |
10/12/2012 |
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7am: Bkn Stratocu est 6500'asl 3/5, bkn Altocu 10k' 7/10, vis 20mi calm 55F wet. Past 24hr: Very variable cloud bases 3-7k'bkn-ovc Cu & few Cbs. 3 shower periods: 11:30-12:45 0.23, 6-9pm 0.04, 1-3am 0.06, high 68F. |
10/13/2012 |
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7am: Clear vis 15+mi 47F hvy dew. 10/12 after 7am: Trace from few very light showers & drizzly periods from bkn variable ovc Cumulus, TCu & Altocu maybe small L9 "nimbi" too. Never fully wetted the ground. High 67F. |
10/14/2012 |
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7am: Clear vis 15+mi wind ENE 0-2mph dewy car & gauge top. 10/13: Cirrus appeared in west about noon, sct mid aft, bkn for nice sunset then sct & clear, High 81F. |
10/15/2012 |
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7am: Clear vis 20+mi wind ENE 0-2mph dry. 10/14: Clear, vis 10-25+mi, light wind, max 95F. |
10/16/2012 |
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7am: Clear vis 15+mi wind E 1-4mph 56F dry. 10/15: Sct Cirrus (H-2) varied <1/10 to 3/10 mostly west, high 95F. |
10/17/2012 |
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7am: Clear, distant Cirrus SE-SSW <1/20, wind ENE 0-4mph 57F dry. 10/16: Mostly clear, few Ci or Cs far south horizon late afternoon, high 96F. |
10/18/2012 |
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7am: Stratocu over valley S-W-NW 4-5/10 est 2,500'asl, Cirrus & some Cc 7-8/10, vis 10+mi W 15+ E, wind E 0-2mph 59F dry. 10/17: Clear AM sct Cirrus noon Bkn Ci sunset Sct Ci midnight, High 101F. |
10/19/2012 |
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7am: Clear vis 10+mi W 15+ E, wind E 0-2mph, 52F dew covers gauge & few dropped in. 10/18: Stratocu got ovc by 7:30 & became bkn only near sunset but cleared by 10pm. Hiked Palomar Mtn 1-3pm above 5k', Stratocu tops about 5k'asl few Cumulus (L1) 6-7k' over mtns & Sct thin Ci & wavy Cirrocu about 25k'. High about 75F. |
10/20/2012 |
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7am: Ovc Stratus base 1800'asl vis 4mi haze wind NE 1-4 mph 61F. 10/19: Clear early, few bits of Ci by noon got sct 3/10 by 6pm for nice sunset Stratus in sight before dark, high 84F. |
10/21/2012 |
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7am: Light driz, Sct Fractostratus 1/5 est 2500'asl, ovc Stratus est 3500'asl, vis 7mi L--, 60F. 10/20: Mostly ovc Stratus, broken 9am-4pm driz began near sunset, high 75F. |
10/22/2012 |
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7am: Deep Marine layer, vis <2mi moderate driz, est 1400'asl bkn 3/5 1800' ovc, wind WNW 0-1 mph, 59F. 0.01 since sunset. 10/21: 0.01 from morning driz here, at Palomar Mtn Apple Festival driz all day with THICK fog vis <200' at times and heavy tree drip (5k'asl) still about 300 folks came! |
10/23/2012 |
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Delayed by computer problem, Driz 9-11am got very heavy & quit abruptly, bkn variable sct rest of day & night, high 71f. At 7am ovc w breaks 5200'asl Cu. |
10/24/2012 |
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7am: 3k'asl sct Cumulus(yes not stratus) very thin Cirrostratus bkn, vis 15+mi, calm 47F dew covers gage. 10/23: Cu ovc to bkn noon clear 6pm Ci/Cs all day, high 69F |
10/25/2012 |
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7am: Severe Clear vis 30+mi wind E 1-2mph, 42F mod. dew. 10/24: Sct Cu & Fractus to 1/5 base 3-4k'asl top 5k' gone after sunset, Cs 7am gone by 8. High 73. |
10/26/2012 |
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Severe Clear vis 25+mi wind now calm but gusts 3-4am 25+mph wake up call, 67F RH 20%. 10/25: Clear high 81F. |
10/27/2012 |
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7am: Severe Clear vis 30+mi calm 47F 48%RH Venus & Jupiter still visible. 10/26: clear, east winds to about 20mph AM less with some west PM. |
10/28/2012 |
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7am: Clear few Cirrus NNW, vis 20+mi calm 50F dry. 10/27: Clear, wind light & mostly from west, vis 30+mi, high 94F. |
10/29/2012 |
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6:45: Clear vis 20+mi calm 49F dry. 10/28: Thin Cirrostratus 1-3/10 mostly very thin and to south, high 89F. |
10/30/2012 |
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7am: Clear vis 15+mi wind E 0=2mph 48F dry, maybe thin elevated haze. 10/29: Very thin Cirrostratus mostly in southern sky mid-day to 2/5, high 89F. |
10/31/2012 |
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7am: Clear with thin elevated haze, vis 15+mi calm 44F dry. 10/30: Clear, high 86F. |
11/1/2012 |
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7am: Ovc Stratus ragged base 1300-1500'asl, vis 1mi haze&fog, calm, 49F bit of dew. 10/31: thin Cs noon 1/5 south, became Cirrus H-2 by 2pm growing to multilayer Cirroform bkn 7/10 (1/5 thick) by sunset. Fog & low St moved in about 10pm, high 79F. |
11/2/2012 |
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7am: Bkn Stratus 9/10 2500'asl base, break toward Palomar Mtn, vis 5-10mi haze in valley, wind E 0-2mph 53F no dew. 11/1 Stratus cleared around 9am, bkn to ovc multilayer Cirroforms rest of day, thick haze below 3-4k'asl vis <3mi lower valleys, high 75F |
11/3/2012 |
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7am: Cirrus & Cirrostratus mostly very thin bkn 3/5, vis 20+mi wind E 0-2mph, 44F heavy dew. 11/2: Stratus cleared mid morning, some sct Cirrus and thick haze rest of day, high 74F. |
11/4/2012 |
6:42 AM |
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06:42: Clear vis 15+mi wind E 0-2mph 50F dry. 11/3: Thin bkn Cs&Ci got sct by 8am & stayed mostly sct briefly just a few rest of day, less haze, high 84F |
11/5/2012 |
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7am: Clear vis 15+mi bit of smokey haze in valley (fireplaces?) 55F dry. 11/4: Mostly clear, few Ci & short contrails at times, high 92F |
11/6/2012 |
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7am: Clear vis 10+mi light haze in valley, wind from E 0-3mph 53F dry. 11/5: Clear, high 95F |
11/7/2012 |
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7am: Clear, but distant Altocu SE-S, vis 10+mi lgt haze in valley, wind E 0-3mph, 47F dry. 11/6: Clear max 88F. |
11/8/2012 |
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Showers 5-6am, 7am: Altocu 9ksct 3/10, 12k 5/10 Ci&Cs bkn 9/10, vis 5mi in valley haze & fog patches next to hills, vis 10+ N-NE to mtns, 54F calm. 11/7: Patch of thin Ac mid morning to 4/10 then clear except fire smoke over Palomar Mtn (control burn?) high 81F |
11/9/2012 |
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7am: 3k'asl sct Sc 1/10, 5-6k' ovc Stratocu small bks, vis 7mi haze, calm 52F. 11/8: Few hrs with sun in AM light showers about noon lgt to hvy drizzle 4PM-4AM, high 67F. |
11/10/2012 |
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7am: 3500'sct Fractus 1/5, 4500' ovc Cu & Stratocu few breaks, vis 10+mi calm 45F. Past24hr: Mostly cloudy Cu, TCu few small Cbs w lgt showers, high 58F |
11/11/2012 |
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7am: FROST covers roof & car but gauge is dewy, Clear, 33F at 9'agl, wind E 0-3mph, glad I covered Tomatoes temp undercover 37-39F outside 30-34F by IR thermometer. 11/10: Cu, small TCu slowly cleared & base rose to 6k+'asl by sunset, high WSW wind aloft. |
11/12/2012 |
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7am: Clear, Cirrus far south, vis 10mi lgt haze in valley, wind E 0-2mph 39F DRY. 11/11: Clear at times severe, SE cool SantaAna began about 8am gust 20+ mph afternoon dropped at dark, high 11/10: 59F, 11/11: high 67F low 32F. |
11/13/2012 |
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7am: Clear vis 15mi, wind E 0-4mph 41F dry. 11/12: Mostly clear, Cirrostratus & Ci distant south briefly got to 1/10 sct noonish, high 78F. |
11/14/2012 |
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7am: Thin ovc Cirrostratus, nice sunrise, vis 20+mi, wind E 0-2mph 49F dry. 11/13: Clear, at times severe with vis 30+mi N-SE, SE wind mostly, high 84F |
11/15/2012 |
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7am: Overcast altostratus est 16k' solid, few Altocu <1/10 est 14k', vis 20mi, wind E 1-3mph, 52F dry. 11/14: Multilayer cirroform bkn var. ovc all day (Cs, Ci, Cc & contrails) Cirrocu in waves & patches up to 2/5 of sky, very nice, high 80F. |
11/16/2012 |
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7am: Bkn 2level Ac 7k'asl Cu&Tcu form 3/5, 9k' Ac small cells 7/10, some lenticular over mtns, vis 20mi, wind SW 0-2mph 49F dry. 11/15: Solid ovc As & Ac all morning, few breaks mid-late afternoon, brief sprinkle at 6:17pm ground 1/2 wet, high 67F |
11/17/2012 |
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7am: Cu & Fractus 5000'asl by mtns 3/10, bkn Cu 6500'asl 7-8/10 some lenticular, moving fast from WSW, vis 15+mi calm 55F. 11/16-17: Mostly bkn Altocu & lenticulars over mtns, ocl sct & ovc brief sprinkles about 9am and tonight pre 4am about 0.004" total so just a trace, high 78F. |
11/18/2012 |
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Precip was 11/17 lgt showers around 8:30am, 11/18: 7am: 5000-5300'asl ovc stratocu, few small bks, vis 15+mi, calm 55F. 11/17: Ovc to bkn at times, 4-5k'asl Cu & Tcu light morning showers, high 69F. |
11/19/2012 |
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7am: Thin Cirrostratus 1/5 25k', vis 15+mi, calm 44F hvy dew dripped in gauge. 11/18: Ovc Cu & Stratocu became bkn 7:30 & gradually cleared to sct 3/10 at sunset & kept moon company, base 4-5k'asl at Palomar Mtn. High here 72F. |
11/20/2012 |
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7am: Clear, vis 10mi in valley S-W 15mi to mtns N-E, was patchy ground fog in lower valley at 6:20, heavy dew covers gauge & some dropped in, 42F. 11/19: Very thin sct Cirrostrat early, gone by 10am, few short contrails rest of day, high 74F |
11/21/2012 |
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7am: Thin sct Cirrostratus & contrails 3/10, vis 10+mi calm 42F couple dew drops in tube. 11/20: Clear all day, high 76F |
11/22/2012 |
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7am: Thin sct cirrostratus 2/5, vis 10mi in valley 15mi to mtns, calm 44F heavy dew & 1 drop in gauge (we're thankfull for every drop!), was ground fog in lower valley 6:30am. 11/21: thin sct cirrostrat & short contrails, high 71F. |
11/23/2012 |
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7am: Thin sct Cirrostratus 1/10, vis 15+mi wind E 0-2 mph, 46F some dew. 11/22: Mostly clear, few cirroform at times, high 78F |
11/24/2012 |
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7am: Clear, vis 15+mi, wind E 1-3mph, 50F dry. 11/23: Thin sct Cirrostratus all day <1/5, high 89F |
11/25/2012 |
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7am: Clear, vis 10+mi in valley 15+ mtns N-E, wind E 1-2mph, 47F dry. 11/24: Clear, at times severe, some haze at sunset, high 89F |
11/26/2012 |
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7am: Fog, small clear spot NE, vis 1/8mi NE-SE-W 1/2mi NE-N & bit o blue, was out of fog 6:30-50, fog driftimg to west in E wind 0-2mph 42F, dew on gauge. 11/25: Mostly clear until thick haze came about 14:20 vis fell to <3mi & Fog arrived about 8pm, high 78F |
11/27/2012 |
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7am: Sct Cirrocumulus 1/10 SW-W est 20k', thin ovc Ci Cs & contrails with tiny breaks est 24k' made super sunrise! vis 15+mi wind E 0-1mph 45F lgt dew. 11/26: Fog & low Stratus went to thick haze by 9am, clearer mid day then haze back by 3pm, cirrus 1pm sct, 3pm bkn & nice sunset but for low haze. |
11/28/2012 |
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7am: sct Fractostratus 1700'asl 1/10, sct Cirrus 3/10, vis 2mi S-W into valley thick haze/fog, 7mi NE-SE uphill, calm, 45F hvy dew. 11/27: Thin cirrus bkn/ovc all day, Cirrocu early dropped to Altocu est 16k'asl mostly sct but bkn 4/5 about 3pm, ovc St&fog overnight cleared some by dawn. |
11/29/2012 |
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7am: Drizzle from ovc Stratus est 3k'asl, vis 3-5mi in very lgt to mod driz & haze, calm 56F. 11/28: Stratus cleared by 9am here, lingered to west, Ci/Cs moved east by 9am, Cu formed over mtns about 3pm then multilayer Altocu moved in for nice sunset, hazy all day vis 2-6mi, high 73F |
11/30/2012 |
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Drizzle, lgt to mod, 11/29 7-10am,4-6pm & overnight. At 7am: 1400'asl sct FSt 1/5 2200' ovc St mod driz, calm, 58F. 11/29: some sun mid day with multilevel Stratocu over valley, Cu over Mtns & Altocu 8-12k', good vis to 30+mi except in precip/fog. High 71F |
12/1/2012 |
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7am: Patchy fog in valley, bkn Stratocu 3/5 base 3500' asl, thin ovc Cirrostrat, cirrocu in waves and contrails (nice sunrise) vis above fog 10+mi, calm 55F. 11/30: Off&On driz & lgt showers all day until midnight, no sun, high 67F |
12/2/2012 |
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7am: Very light driz, ground dry 6:30am damp now, est 1400'asl(300'agl) ovc Stratus, vis 1mi L--&Fog, calm 56F. 12/1: Sct to bkn Cumulus & fractus 3-4k'mostly & thin Cirrostratus ovc to bkn all day, Ovc St night, no precip 'till dawn, high 72F. |
12/3/2012 |
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6:51am Patch o Fog in valley S-SW top 950'asl, Stratocu sct 3-4/10 5k'asl some wave form near mtns, thin bkn Cirroform 4/5, vis 1/2 mi to fog, 10+mi NW-NE-SE, calm 54F. 12/2: mostly cloudy Cu&Sc, drizzle 6-11pm, high 66F. |
12/4/2012 |
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7am: Nice sunrise Cirroforms, Cirrocu 1/5 est 20k', Ci, thin Cs & Contrails 9/10 est 24k' 3/10 thin, 52F hvy dew. 12/3: Variable bkn Cu 3-4k'asl, Ci & Cs bkn v ovc, good air&vis & some blue sky sunshine, high 70F |
12/5/2012 |
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7am: Fog in lower valley top 950'asl, bkn Cirrus 4/5 Nice Sunrise, vis 15mi above fog, wind E 0-2mph 41F very heavy dew & dew drops in gauge. 12/4: Cirrostratus mostly ovc all day, high 76F. |
12/6/2012 |
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7am: Low Stratus&Fog 3/5 SE-SW-NW 1100-1300'asl (50-250agl)Ovc Cirrus, vis 1/2mi SW, 7mi N-NE to Palomar Mtn, calm 48F hvy dew & 2 drops in gage. 12/5: Bkn Cirrus all day, good vis until haze arrived 14:45, high 75F. |
12/7/2012 |
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7am: Fog in lower valley 3/8mi SW 1/2mi S&W top 950' to 1k'asl, clear above vis 10+mi wind calm 43F very heavy dew. 12/6: Ci moved east, clear by 1pm, hazy afternoon High 71F |
12/8/2012 |
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7am: Clear, vis 10+mi, wind ENE 1-2mph, 42F moderate dew. 12/7: Lower valley fog cleared by 9am, haze below 2K'asl, clear above, high 75F. |
12/9/2012 |
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7am: Lower Valley Fog 3/8mi SW top 950'asl Ci & long contrails 7/10 bkn gave nice sunrise, vis 10+mi above fog wind E 0-3mph 39F very heavy dew, mt'd 3 drops fom gauge. 12/8: Clear, few Ci now&then, high 73F |
12/10/2012 |
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7am: Clear, vis 10mi some haze/dust suspended, calm 47F dry. 12/09: Cirrus thin bkn AM went sct noonish, just a few late PM & none now. High 73F. No big wind YET! |
12/11/2012 |
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7am: Thin overcast Cirrostratus, Cirrus & long contrails 1/10 thick 3/10 very thin, vis 10+mi wind E 0-3mph 40F dry. 12/10: Clear & 10+mi vis all day, high 77F. Nice surise sliver Moon & Venus & pink sky. |
12/12/2012 |
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7am: Sct Cirroform mix, Cs 1/10 NE-E est 22k' thin Ci & Cirrocu in waves 3/10 allquads, vis 10+mi, wind E 0-2 mph 35F dry. 12/11: Ovc Cs&Ci was sct by noon & was 1/10 or less most of afternoon, High 76F. |
12/13/2012 |
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7am: Light shower (RW-) est 2500'asl bkn Cumulus 3k' ovc Stratocu vis 6mi RW- wind E 0-2mph 52F. 12/12: Sct multilevel Ci, Cs & Cc 20-25k' got bkn to ovc mid day then sct as Cu formed over mtns in afternoon & rapidly got ovc around sunset, precip started about 1am, high 68F |
12/14/2012 |
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7am: Nice sunrise Cu&Tcu sct 4-5/10 moving from SSW 4k'asl, calm vis 15+mi 41F. Past 24Hr: showers mostly light few moderate to 5pm then some driz & shower 3-4am. High 57F |
12/15/2012 |
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7am: Ragged base low Stratus ovc 1k'-1500'asl ovc (0-450agl) ocl light driz, vis 5mi, calm 45F. Past 24hr: Sct to bkn Cu, TCu ocl Cb with bkn to ovc higher Sc, Ac, As, Ci&Cs with some blue sky & couple brief showers (7:30-45am, 4:30-5pm) lots of driz, but a picturesque cloud day overall, high 56F |
12/16/2012 |
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7am: Fractus 4k'asl sct 3-4/10, Stratocu 5k' bkn 9/10 3-4/10 thin, vis 10+mi, calm 45F. Past 24hr: Went from ovc 7:34 to sct Cu & Ac 8:47am, Sct Cu&Ac rest of day, good sun!, mid level Ovc afterdark, light shower about 12:30-1:15am & some driz ending by 6am, high 58F |
12/17/2012 |
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7am: Fog in lower valley & variable base ovc Stratus 1200-1700'msl, light driz, calm 52F. Past 24hr: sct Stratocu & Cu & ovc Stratus let in weak sun thru noon then Stratus thickened & lowered & driz began 3:45pm, high 57F. |
12/18/2012 |
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7am: Fractus 4k'msl 1/5 Stratocu 6k' 3/10, thin ovc Cirrostratus, patchy thin fog in valley vis 1mi S-W 7-10mi N-E, calm 52F. Past 24hr: Mostly cloudy, Cu & Sc ocl driz, measurable precip 12:30-3AM, high 65F |
12/19/2012 |
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7am: Clear vis 10+mi wind ENE 0-2mph HEAVY FROST! Gage totally ice coated. Took awhile to thaw & read. 29F. Covered veggies but expect some damage to Avocadoes & maybe citrus. 12/18: Showers (some briefly moderate) to 4pm clearing around sunset, high 56F |
12/20/2012 |
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7am: Clear, few contrails, vis 15+mi wind E-SE 2-7mph, 49F RH 42%, wind all night kept it warmer here, just a few miles away in calm valley high 20'sF. 12/19: Clear, icy spots till 10am, E wind afternoon high 60F |
12/21/2012 |
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7am: Clear Frosty 32F at 3m agl, vis 10+mi wind E 1-2 mph. 12/20: Clear, few(<1/20) Cirroform SE-SW midday high 72F with E wind in AM, W wind noon, N-NE sunset. |
12/22/2012 |
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7am: Thin ovc Cirrostratus, vis 15+mi, wind ENE 1-2mph 32F Frosty. 12/21: Cirroform increased from south, sct to bkn 9:30am bkn to ovc noon & got thick by 3:00PM thinned overnight, high 65F |
12/23/2012 |
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7am: Stratocu 9/10bkn 3/10thin 4k'msl, vis 10+mi, calm 43F, lgt dew. 12/22: Ciroform & Altocu moved east, clearing by 11am, haze increased, marine layer about 4k'msl afternoon, Stratocu far west until after dark, high 62F |
12/24/2012 |
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7am: Moderate driz from Stratus 2k'msl, vis 1 1/2 mi Driz&Fog&Haze, calm 49F. 12/23: sct to bkn Cu 3-4k' asl & bkn to ovc Stratocu over valley & small TCu (L2) over mtns base 5-6k'msl tops 10-12k', high 62F |
12/25/2012 |
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7am: Thin ovc cirrostratus for nice sunrise, vis 15mi wind E 0-2mph 42F dewy. Merry Christmas! 12/24: Driz became lgt rain after 7am ending 11am, then mostly Cumulus 2-4k'msl & some sun, high 64F. |
12/26/2012 |
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7am: Lgt rain began about 6am, bkn Fractus 1/5 est 2200'msl, ovc Nimbostratus 2500'msl, vis 1 1/2mi, R- & haze/fog, calm 47F. 12/25 Ovc Cirrostrat got thick & Altocu est 15k' sct to bkn came in afternoon & left after sunset for big cirrus ring around Moon with Jupiter close inside, high 62F |
12/27/2012 |
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7am: Clear, few bits of fractus & patch of fog NE, vis 10mi wind ESE 0-4mph, 40F hvy dew. 12/26: Showery 'till 10:30am then bkn ocl sct Cumulus with ToweringCu over Mtns, nice&cool high 59F. |
12/28/2012 |
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7am: Clear, Frosty (roof 100% fields 80%), vis 15mi, wind ENE 0-2mph 31F @9'agl. 2/27: Cumulus sprouted & grew to bkn after noon, slowly cleared to sct by sunset & cleared by midnight, high 60F |
12/29/2012 |
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7am: Sct Altocu est 12k'msl 1/5, vis 15+mi wind E 0-2 mph 35F at 9'agl spots of frost. 12/28: Mostly clear, sct Cirrus in afternoon to 1/10 & few Altocu distant west, high 62F |
12/30/2012 |
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7am: 3k'sct Fractus 3/10, vis 10mi+, calm 38F no frost. 12/29: Sct Altocu grew & lower Cu came too so after a little sun showers begun 2-9pm, high 56F |
12/31/2012 |
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7am: Clear & Heavy FROST, 100% of roof & field to west and outside of gauge, vis 15+mi wind E 0-2mph, 31F at 9'agl. 12/30: Cu & Cb by 11am mostly ovc, few showers 1-4pm, high 53F |
1/1/2013 |
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7am: Frosty, mid&high mostly thin Altocu 1/10 16k', Altostrat 3/5 18k', Cirroforms 22k' ovc, vis 15+mi wind E 0-2mph, 36F@9'agl (was colder). 12/31: Mostly clear, small Cu over mtns & sct Cirrus to 2/5 mid day, high 58F. Happy New Year! |
1/2/2013 |
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7am: Clear, vis 15+mi wind E 1-5mph 37F dry. 1/1: Spectacular Altocu with anvils & virga bkn to ovc all day, dry E wind strongest 11am-9pm 20+mph, high 61F |
1/3/2013 |
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7am: Clear Frosty vis 15+mi wind ENE 1-2mph, 32F at 9'agl. 1/2: Clear, high 66F |
1/4/2013 |
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7am: Severe Clear, vis 25+mi wind E 1-3mph 38F. 1/3: Clear, some haze below 2k'msl vis 30+mi above, high 70F |
1/5/2013 |
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7am: Clear, vis 15+mi wind E 0-2mph 32F some frost even with low RH. 1/4: Clear high 68F |
1/6/2013 |
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7am: Est 5k'msl bkn 4/5 Stratocu 5500' ovc, vis 10mi, calm 42F no precip yet but clouds lowering & virga or shower far west. 1/5: Clear morning, Cirriform entered noon slowly increased thin bkn afternoon & thin mostly ovc evening, high 68F
1/7/2013 |
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7am: Clear, vis 15+mi wind E 0-2mph, wet (no frost) Snow on Palomar Mtn to 4k'msl 36F. 1/6: Brief shower 8am Trace, shower 14:00-30 0.03, light showers 20:30-23:30 0.12 (Davis Vantage Pro total 0.15 Cocorahs 0.16) high 56.7F |
1/8/2013 |
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07:00 Thin sct Cirrus 1/10, vis 15mi wind E 0-2mph 35F @9'agl roof frosted. 1/7: Cumulus over mtns morning 1/10 Cirrus afternoon 1/10 high 65F. |
1/9/2013 |
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7am: Thin to very thin ovc Cirrostratus, 2/5 very thin but gave pure pink sunrise, vis 20+mi wind E 0-2mph, dry 42F. 1/8: Sct Ci morning just a few afternoon warm & dry high 74F. |
1/10/2013 |
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7am: Lgt rain, Nimbostratus ovc 2k'msl, vis 1mi rain&fog, calm 47F. Past 24hr: Thin ovc Cirrostratus got thick afternoon & Altostratus came at sunset, precip began about 6am, high 73F |
1/11/2013 |
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7am: Cold (for Avocado) Clear 27F Hvy Frost, vis 15+mi, wind NE 0-2mph. 1/10: Showers ended before 10:00AM mostly cloudy Cu & TCu & Ci rest of day, strong W wind broke small branches & blew off some avocados, high 53F. |
1/12/2013 |
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7am: Clear & Cold (for Avocados) hvy Frost 27F, vis 15+mi wind E 1-2mph. 1/11: Sct Cu mostly over mtns day, bkn Stratocu early evening then clear after midnight, high 53F. |
1/13/2013 |
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7am: Clear hvy Frost 28F, vis 15+mi wind E 0-2mph, patch of Altocu now to south was here & stabled temp, but still 9+hr <32F, patchy fog in lower valley. 1/12: Mostly clear, some sct Ac 1/10 or less over mtns base est 8k'msl, high 55F. |
1/14/2013 |
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7:00: Clear, COLD 25F (bad for avocadoes & citrus)(record is 23F), hvy frost, calm vis 10-20+mi fireplace smoke in valley. 1/13: Clear prenoon, Few Ac est 8k'msl noon grew sct 1/10 & Cirrus came fast afternoon bkn 7/10 14:00, bkn to ovc Ac after sunset cleared about midnight & temp plunged, high 55F. |
1/15/2013 |
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7am: Clear, cold, Tomatoes froze even under blankets Avocadoes hurt Citrus ok for now, 27F now was 25F & <32F since 9pm, vis 15mi wind E 0-2mph. 1/14: Mostly clear some Cirrus high 55F. |
1/16/2013 |
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7am: Thin sct Cirrus 3/10, vis 15+mi wind E 0-1mph 40F thin frost on roof, low at 9'agl 32.5 @ 3:30am. 1/15: Mostly clear, briefly bkn Cirriform noonish, ocl sct rest of day, high 62F, Citrus & Avos had some frost damage last 5 days but not too bad. |
1/17/2013 |
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7am: Clear, some distant Cs SW-W, vis 15+mi wind ENE 0-1mph 42F NO FROST!. 1/16: Thin sct Ci AM mostly clear PM, strong E wind near but not here, high 70F. |
1/18/2013 |
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7am: Thin bkn Ci&Cs few contrails 9/10, vis 20+mi wind light&variable, 46F dry. 1/17: Mostly clear few Ci&Cs distant south briefly 1/10, E breeze gust to 20mph, high 76F. |
1/19/2013 |
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7am: Thin bkn Cirrostratus 9/10 mostly very thin but pink in sunrise, vis 15+mi calm 42F dry. 1/18: Thin bkn Cirriform morning, scat midday, clear sunset, high 77F east winds gust to 15mph. |
1/20/2013 |
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7am: Clear, vis 15+mi wind ENE 0-2mph 41F dry. 1/19: thin sct Cirrus & contrails all day 1-3/10, good vis & mostly E breeze gust to 12mph, high 78F |
1/21/2013 |
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7am: Clear vis 15+mi wind ENE 1-4mph 41F dry. 1/20: Clear sunrise, sct Cirrostratus and Cirrus (H2) about 9am-4pm E-SW max 1/5, clear sunset, high 81F! |
1/22/2013 |
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7am: Thin ovc Cirrostratus, mostly very thin, vis 20+mi wind E 0-1mph 47F. 1/21: Clear all day, good vis, freqently shifting E&W breeze, high 83F! |
1/23/2013 |
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7am: Mid&High mix estimate 15K'bkn As&Ac 4/5 with virga and Ac&Ci ovc above, few tiny breaks, vis 20+mi wind light&variable, 62F (warmer than indoors). 1/22: Thin Cirrus at dawn got thinner & sct then thickened and went bkn-ovc noon on, High 86F!! |
1/24/2013 |
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7am: Ovc Altostratus est 10k'asl virga NW, few lgt showers since 6am, vis 20mi calm 51F. 1/23: Overcast mid&high clouds all day, some sun with thinner Cirrus mid day, dry warm wind high 79F |
1/25/2013 |
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7am: Very lgt shower, 5k'ovc Stratocu, vis 6-10mi more showers near, wind SE-SW 0-10mph 59F. Past 24hr: 1st storm showers end 10am (0.05 cocoRAHs}, clouds briefly bkn 3-4pm & bit of sun, 2nd storm showers start 9pm, high 67F. |
1/26/2013 |
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7am: Drizzle, ovc Stratocu 2500'asl patchy fog, vis 3/8-5mi calm 55F. 1/25: lgt rain most of day, ocl brief moderate showers (max 0.04" in 15min) high 62F |
1/27/2013 |
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7am: Overcast Stratus 18-1900'asl few tiny breaks, vis 5mi driz near but not here, calm 52F. Past 24hr: Off&on lgt rain driz & showers all day & night, brief heavy shower gave 0.14" 3:15-30pm. |
1/28/2013 |
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7am: Mostly thin bkn Stratocu 5-6/10 vis 10+mi calm 39F. 1/27: Ovc Sc dawn got bkn & cumuliform late morning & sct at sunset. Light showers & driz ended 11:30AM. High 59F. No flow yet Yuima Crk. |
1/29/2013 |
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7am: Thin bkn Cirriform mix & long contrails, pink salmon sunrise, vis 10+mi some haze layers, calm 38F frost on cartop. 1/28: Sct to bkn Cu & baby Tcu mostly over mtns, sct Ci&Cs afternoon, high 58F. |
1/30/2013 |
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7am: Thin sct Cs contrails 3/10, vis 10mi lgt fog some haze, calm 37F frost on car & roof. 1/29: thin bkn/ovc Cs all day, Stratocu formed 8am, 1-2/10 'till 1pm, 3/10 2pm, overcast 3-4:30pm, 4/5 5pm, 3/5 6pm. High 60F |
1/31/2013 |
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7am: Clear vis 20+mi distant Cirrostratus ESE-S low on horizon & moving in, 40F hvy dew. 1/30: Sct thin Cirrus near us morning, clear here afternoon high 71F. |
2/1/2013 |
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7am: Thin sct Cirrostratus & old contrail 1/10, vis 15+mi calm 42F lgt dew. 1/31: Few Cs slowly moved in from south to 8-9/10 bkn noon then moved out to >1/10 by sunset, high 78F. |
2/2/2013 |
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7am: Thin ovc Cirrostratus & contrails few Ac, wind E 0-3mph 47F dry. 2/1: sct Cs 7am, Cs&Cc grew bkn by 11am ovc by 3pm with large sun ring & Altocu joined at 4:30pm getting 3/10 sct at sunset. High 77F |
2/3/2013 |
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7am: Altocu bkn 7/10 12k', Cirrus & thin Cs 9/10, vis 20+mi calm 55F precip ended before 6am. 2/2: Ovc Cs & few Ac 7am, Altocu increased going sct to bkn 11am and ovc 1pm, some virga afternoon, sprinkles late night to dawn. High 73F |
2/4/2013 |
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7am: Severe Clear, vis 20+mi, wind NE 0-2mph hvy dew 42F. 2/3: Altocu cleared by 9am bkn variable ovc Cirriform all day, Cumulus over mtns 10am-4pm bases est 6k'msl lifting to 8k', high 73.0F |
2/5/2013 |
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7am: At Fog edge, vis SE-SW-NW 1/4mi or less, vis NE 15+mi, Fog top 1200-1300'asl, wind calm 39F hvy dew. 2/4: Clear here all day, few small Cumulus over Mtns 6-8k'asl, high 75F. |
2/6/2013 |
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7am: Ovc Stratus 2k'msl, vis 3-5mi haze wind NW 1-3mph 49F no dew. 2/5: Fog here 7:30am lifted and cleared by noon. Cirrus (H2) 1/10 @ 1pm 1/5 2pm 3/5 2:30pm 9/10 3pm ocv & thick @ sunset, High 62F |
2/7/2013 |
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7am: Thin fog in lower valley, clear & hazy above 950'msl vis 2-7mi calm 37F dew covers gauge, lgt frost on roof. 2/6: Stratus cleared noonish, haze heavy afternoon, high 65F |
2/8/2013 |
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7am: Sct Cu&Fractus 3/10, vis 10+mi calm, 42F, lgt showers after 11pm ended before 6am. 2/7: Clear until Cu, Sc formed about 3pm & grew fast, bkn 9/10 4:30pm, ovc 5pm, but variable bkn/ovc&some sct since, thick haze, High 66F |
2/9/2013 |
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7am: Clear, Frosted car & house 35F, snow on Palomar Mtn <3k'msl, few Cumulus over Mtns 6k'asl, few Fractus in Valley 3k'asl. 2/8: Several brief showers until 11pm, 3or4 moderate, brief sun few times, high 51F |
2/10/2013 |
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7am: Bkn Stratocu 3/5 mostly near mtns, vis 15+mi, calm 38F dewy. 2/9: Few fractus 7am grew to cumulus & some higher clouds 1/5sct 8am, 9/10bkn 9am bkn var ovc rest of day briefly sct sunset then bkn var ovc overnight, high 56F. |
2/11/2013 |
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7am: Clear, 32F Frost covers roof, car, open fields and part of gauge, few Fractus over mtns 5-7k'msl, calm. 2/10: Stratocu mostly overcast, few minutes of sun, few showers about 1-9pm briefly moderate about 2-3pm, high 53F |
2/12/2013 |
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7am: Clear, Frosty 30F, frost covers open fields, roof & car, vis 20+mi wind calm. 2/11: Sct Cumulus 5-6k'asl 1-3/10 briefly bkn 7/10 3-4pm, clear night, high 61F. |
2/13/2013 |
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7am: Clear & Frosty, vis 15+mi wind E 0-2mph 32F @9'agl. 2/12: Clear good vis, warmed up to 64F. |
2/14/2013 |
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7am: Clear, vis 15+mi wind ENE 1-2mph, frost on cold roof, dew on car, 37F 9'agl. 2/13: Clear high 70F |
2/15/2013 |
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7am: Cirrostratus 3/5bkn 1/5 very thin, vis 20+mi, wind E 1-3mph, dry warm 49F. 2/14: Cirrostratus at south horizon 10:15am, 1/5 thin 2pm, 9/10 medium thick 5pm 78F |
2/16/2013 |
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7am: Salmon sunrise Cirrus H2 bkn 4/5, vis 20+mi wind mostly E 0-2nph 56F 2/15: Cirrus 7-10/10 all day, E wind to 15mph, high 78F |
2/17/2013 |
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7am: Clear vis 15+mi wind E 0-1mph 38F dry. 2/18: Cirrus H2 bkn/ovc all morning, sct Ac & Cc joined party about 12-2pm then all went north, clear by 5pm. High 81F! |
2/18/2013 |
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7am: Ovc Stratus 1800'asl few thin spots breaks east, vis 5mi haze, wind E 1-5mph 41F. 2/17: Clear thru noon, few Cumulus about 2pm grew sct 1/10 2:30pm, Stratocu & haze came fast at sunset, high 72F. |
2/19/2013 |
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7am: Overcast Stratocu ragged base 4-5k'asl, vis 10+mi wind SE 0-1mph, 46F no precip yet. 2/18: Stratus gone by 9am, sct to bkn thin Cirrus rest of day, Cumulus and Stratocu 1st pop 3pm, ovc at sunset. High 67F. |
2/20/2013 |
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7am: Cumulus & Fractus 3800'asl 4/5 & 6k' 9/10, vis 10+mi, wind calm 39F. 2/19: Overcast most of day, bit of sun mid afternoon, showers briefly moderate 1pm-5am, high 52F |
2/21/2013 |
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7am: Ovc Cumulus many small breaks 4500'asl, vis 15+mi, wind calm 38F clear & colder most of night. 2/20: Highly variable Cu, Stratocu & Alto cu&strat 1/10 to 10/10 & back in <30min several times, no new precip, high 57F. |
2/22/2013 |
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7am: Sct Cirrus & short contrails 1/10, vis 15+mi, wind E 0-2mph, heavy frost on fields&roofs 31F@9'agl 2/21: Cu and Cumulonibus grew fast after 8am, very lgt sprinkles 9:40 heavier 12-1pm some sun after 2pm clearing at sunset. Heavier precip to south. High 57F |
2/23/2013 |
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7am: Clear few contrails, vis 7-10mi haze, 36F @9'agl hvy dew and frost on roof, car & fields. 2/22: Clear, few small cumulus over mtns mostly west, high 66F. |
2/24/2013 |
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06:55: Clear vis 10mi very lgt haze in valley, wind E 0-2mph 34F frost on roof, car, fields. 2/23: Mostly clear, few cirrus now&then, high 66F. |
2/25/2013 |
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6:48am: Clear, vis 15+mi wind E 0-1mph 32F lgt frost on car & home roof. 2/24: Scat Cirrus & short contrails much of day, high 69F |
2/26/2013 |
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6:45: Severe Clear, vis 20+mi wind ENE 1-3mph 31F FROSTY roof&car&fields. 2/25: Mostly clear, sct Ci at sunset 1/5 & high lenticular Ac over Mtns ENE with colorfull ring around full moon 7pm, high 71F. |
2/27/2013 |
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7am: Clear vis 15mi wind ESE 0-1mph 44F, east wind to 20+mph, highest 11pm-1am, kept night mostly in 50's even 60F+ midnight! 2/26: Mostly clear, few bits of Cirrus at times, west wind much of day & east night, high 74F |
2/28/2013 |
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7am: Clear vis 15mi wind E 0-1mph 38F dry. 2/27: Clear, few Cirriform now&then, high 75F |
3/1/2013 |
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7am: Clear vis 15mi wind E 0-2mph 42F dry. 2/28: Clear good vis lgt wind high 81F. |
3/2/2013 |
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7am: Clear vis 15mi wind ENE 0-2mph 51F dry. 3/1: Clear Warm Windy, E wind to 25mph stronger nearby, bit of cirrus at sundown, high 82F |
3/3/2013 |
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7am: Virga Rainbow(6:38)! Now, Altocu 9-10/10 est 14k'asl with few Cb forms & virga to about 9k'asl moving from south, vis 20+mi calm 47F dry. 3/2: Thin sct cirrus grew thick & bkn/ovc mid afternoon then thinned some, high 88F! |
3/4/2013 |
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7am: Bkn Stratocu base est 2500'asl 3/5, Cirriform 4/5, vis 7mi haze, calm 48F. 3/3: Bkn/briefly ovc Altocu most of day with some virga, bases 14-7k'asl, sct at sunset & some Ci, high 72F. |
3/5/2013 |
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7am: Ovc Stratus 1600'asl, vis 3-4mi haze, calm 49F dry. 3/4: Stratocu was sct by 9am and gone about noon, thin Cirrostratus all day was bkn sometimes ovc, high 71F |
3/6/2013 |
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Precip about midnight. 7am: Bkn Stratocu 2400'asl 9/10, 3k'ovc Stratocu with few breaks west, vis 10+mi wind calm 48F. 3/5: Ovc Stratus became sct Stratocu with sct Cirrostratus becoming ovc in afternoon, Stratocu got bkn to ovc near sunset, high 68F |
3/7/2013 |
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Light precip overnight. 7am: Ovc Stratus est 3k'asl or less, vis 7mi haze & int. light driz, 47F. 3/6: Sc became sct Cumulus all day mostly over mtns, sct Cirrus toward sunset, ovc Stratus after, high 66F |
3/8/2013 |
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7am: Cu & Cumulonimbus 4/5 large break overhead brief SUN! RWU distant west, calm vis 15mi, 44F. Past 24 hr: Drizzle ended 11am 0.06", then some weak sun with mostly ovc Cumulus and altostratus, showers, heavy at times 11:30pm-6:30am, high 58F. Yuima Creek flowing about 2 gal/sec!(no storm flow last 2 winters) |
3/9/2013 |
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7am: Ovc Stratus 1700'asl few tiny breaks, vis 10mi, wind S-W 0-2mph 46F no precip at 7am but off&on light showers & driz past 24 hrs, Yuima Creek flow stopped by noon. Few heavy showers with ice pellets near but not here (Valley Center). |
3/10/2013 |
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7am: Clear here FOG in lower valley vis here 15+mi, est 1/8th in fog, Fog top 1000'asl, calm, Frost on roof & car, 37F at 9'agl. 3/9: Cu & Stratocu all day bkn variable ovc mostly 3-4k'asl, snow on Palomar Mtn hvy >4k'asl, high 59F. |
3/11/2013 |
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7am: Thin sct Cirrus 1/10, vis 15mi+, wind ENE 1-2mph 39F hvy dew & some frost on roof. 3/10: Mostly clear, some cirrus & haze near sunset, high 73F. |
3/12/2013 |
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7am: Cirrus sct 1/5, vis 15mi, wind NE 0-1mph 43F bit of dew. 3/11: sct Cirrus at times, mostly clear afternoon, high 80F! |
3/13/2013 |
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7am: Clear vis 15+mi, wind E 0-1mph, 48F dry. 3/12: Sct Cirrus went east, clear after 9am, HIGH 83F!! |
3/14/2013 |
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7am: Clear (almost severe) vis 20+mi wind E 0-2mph lgt dew, 49F. 3/13: Clear warm dry, High 89F!! |
3/15/2013 |
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7am: Cirrus&Cirrostratus thin bkn to ovc probably 2 layers gave salmon sunrise, vis 15mi west 25+mi east, wind E 1-3mph 49F dry. 3/14: clear morning, sct Ci afternoon HOT! 94F!! |
3/16/2013 |
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7am: Clear here, few Cirrus, thick FOG in lower valley est top 1K'asl, est vis in fog <1/10mi vis above 7mi S-W in valley, 15+mi N-E, calm 40F lgt dew. 3/15: Cirriform, ovc/bkn morning, sct afternoon, high 88F. Saw comet low in west 7:40pm. |
3/17/2013 |
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7am: Ovc Stratus 1400'asl few thin spots, vis 2mi haze, wind E 0-1mph, 48F. 3/16: Cirrus sct 1/10 7:30-10am went east, clear rest of day, hazy late afternoon, high 77F. |
3/18/2013 |
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7am: Ovc Stratus 1800'asl, vis 5mi haze, wind E 0-1mph 50F no dew. 3/17: Ovc Stratus 9am cleared to sct 3/10 9:43 & soon gone, Sct Cirriform became highly variable sct to ovc to sct in <2hrs several times, high 75F |
3/19/2013 |
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7:00am: Stratus ovc base 1700'asl, vis 2-4mi haze, wind E 0-1mph 52F. 3/18: Stratus ovc 9:12, bkn 7/10 10am stratocu, sct 1/10 10:31 with cirrus 1/5. Cirriform (Ci,Cs) increased 4/5 2pm 9/10 2:30 ovc 4pm, thickened & lowered to Altostratus & Ac ovc sunset. High 71F |
3/20/2013 |
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7am: Altocu 15k'sct 1/10, Cirrostratus 24k' thin ovc, nice sunrise, vis 7mi S-W 12+mi N-E calm 47F dew covers gauge. 3/19: Stratocu cleared by 10am, overcast (briefly bkn) Cirrostratus mostly thin all day, hazy vis 2-7mi all day, high 76F |
3/21/2013 |
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7am: Altocu sct 1/5 Cirrostratus ovc (1/5thin) est 18&22k', vis 10-15+mi, calm, dewy 46F. 3/20: Sky went from sct to ovc by 8am, ovc Cirrostatus & some Ac rest of day, haze thined late afternoon, high 78F |
3/22/2013 |
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7am: Stratus ovc ragged base 19-2200'asl, vis 3mi haze, calm, some dew 52F. 3/21: Mid&high Ac, Cs&Ci thinned & moved east, still thin ovc noon gone by 6pm, some Cumulus about 5k' came&went 3-5pm 1/5max, high 75F |
3/23/2013 |
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7am: Stratus west over Valley 1/10 est 18-2500'asl, patchy ground fog, haze, vis 3-10mi above fog, calm, heavy dew covers gauge, 42F. 3/22: Ovc Stratus became bkn Stratocu & cleared by noon, high 76F |
3/24/2013 |
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7am: Clear vis 5mi in valley haze 7+mi up slope, calm, 42F dew covers gauge. 3/23: Clear until after 3pm when Cirriform (Ci&Cs) came & was 7/10 thin bkn at sunset, few Cumulus over mtns 3-6pm, high 76F |
3/25/2013 |
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7am: Clear, vis 5mi in valley haze, better above, wind NE 0-1mph 45F dewy. 3/24: Mostly clear & hazy, some Cirrus late afternoon to 1/10, high 80F! |
3/26/2013 |
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7am: Few Altocu NE-SE est 16k', sct Cirrus 2/5, Fog in lower valley est top 950'asl vis above fog 3-5mi in valley 10+ above 2k'asl, calm, 42F hvy dew. 3/25: Clear early, Cirrus 1/10 1pm 9-10/10 by 5pm, high 84F |
3/27/2013 |
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7am: Stratus 1400'asl bkn 4/5, Cirrostratus with contrail ovc, vis 3mi haze, calm 47F lgt dew. 3/26: Fog in valley within 1/10mi by 8am gone at 9. Variable sct/ovc Cirriform rest of day, high 79F. |
3/28/2013 |
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7am: At FOG edge, 3/4 sky fogged, thin Cirrostratus in 1/4 to NE, vis 1/4mi in fog, Palomar Mtn barely visible, calm 44F dewy. 3/27:Ovc stratus cleared, ovc cirriform noon was bkn 3pm, sct 5pm & just a few at sunset, high 75F. |
3/29/2013 |
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7am: Fog very near but not here. 90% of sky clear (few short contrails) Fog S-W-N vis 1/8-1/4mi SW-NW vis 15+mi NE-SE, calm,45F dew covers gauge. 3/28: Lower valley fog gone by 8am, ovc Cirrostratus sct by 1pm & sct rest of day, Ci & few Cc glaciating & brief mammantus forms late afternoon, high 79F. |
3/30/2013 |
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7am: Stratus ovc base 13-1400'asl, vis 2mi haze, calm 49F dew covers gage. 3/29: Fog gone by 8am sct Cirrus 1/5 10am got ovc by noon, thickened & Ac & As sct 2/5 came in under by sunset, high 78F |
3/31/2013 |
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7am: Very low Stratus & Fog vis 1/4-1/2mi base variable 0-200' agl (about 1k'asl) calm 47F Hvy dew, Trace from 3/30 Drizzle 7:15-8:30am. Low St cleared fast 9-10am few Ci and Ac gone by 10:10, then clear except for few Cumulus over Palomar Mtn, high 79F. |
4/1/2013 |
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7am: Ovc Stratus 1800'asl vis 6mi haze, calm 51F dry. 3/31: Fog & Stratus cleared by 10am, few Cumulus over mtns 11am grew to ovc by sunset & lowered from 6 to 3k'asl, high 74F. |
4/2/2013 |
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7am: Sct 1/5 Stratocu 3500'asl, vis 7mi haze in valley better above, calm 49F. 4/1: Ovc St became bkn 3/5 Cu & some Ci at 9am, sct Cu bkn Ci at 2pm, bkn to ovc Cu & Sc after 4pm, high 70F |
4/3/2013 |
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7am: Bright orange sunrise! Thin ovc Cirrostratus & 1/3 so thin need sunrise to see it, few Stratus bits in Valley SW-W, vis 7mi S-W 10+ N-E calm 44F hvy dew. 4/2: Few Cumulus topped mtns & to west most of day, Cirrus sct at times all day, high 75F |
4/4/2013 |
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7am: Fog near (was here 6am), S-W vis 1/2-1mi vis N-E 7-10+mi, Fog base 1000'asl top est 1600'asl, sct Cirrus, wind E 0-2mph 48F. 4/3: Stratus briefly ovc gone by 9am, highly variable cirriform sct/ovc all day, high 84F |
4/5/2013 |
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7am: Ovc Stratus 1700'asl, vis 3-4mi calm 51F some dew. 4/4: Ovc Stratus gone by 9am highly variable mostly thin Ci/Cs sct/ovc all day, altocu est 9-10k'asl after 4pm ovc Ac at 6pm small bks, high 83F |
4/6/2013 |
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7am: Ovc St&Stratocu ragged base 2k'asl, vis 5-7mi haze, calm 55F no dew. 4/5: Ovc St&Sc AM bkn noonish, sct Cu mostly over mtns & sct Ci afternoon increased at sunset, high 73F |
4/7/2013 |
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7am: Ovc Stratus 1800-2k'asl vis 6mi haze, calm 53F no dew. 4/6: Mostly ovc Stratocu(few bks) cleared to bkn Sc noonish, sct 1pm & clear 6pm few Ci, high 74F |
4/8/2013 |
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7am: Drizzle has wetted ground, was mostly dry 6am. Ovc Stratus & Sc, vis 5mi haze&driz wind W 0-5mph 54F. 4/7: Ovc St&Sc broke up noonish, thick Cirrostratus, sun disk only now&then faintly visible with big (22deg) ring until rapid clearing after 4pm, high 75F |
4/9/2013 |
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Report transmission delayed. 7am ob: 3k' sct stratus, vis 5-7mi, calm 42F hvy dew. 4/8: Showers briefly moderate to 11am, heaviest 8:15-35am, 10;35-42am, ovc to bkn 2pm bkn to clear 6-8pm high 58F |
4/10/2013 |
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7am: Clear, vis 10mi S-W 15mi+ N-E, wind E 1-2mph, 41F dry. 4/09: Cumulus over mtns most of day 1/10 max, clear near sunset, high 71F |
4/11/2013 |
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7am: Clear vis 15+mi wind E 1-3mph dry 43F. 4/10: Clear nice breeze, high 81F |
4/12/2013 |
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7am: Stratocu S-W 2/5 2500'asl, Cirrostrat with contrails thin ovc, vis 4-5mi S-W 6-7mi N-E, wind E 0-2mph 51F dry. 4/11: Mostly clear, few Ci&Cc, Ci sct at times max 1-2/10, high 85F |
4/13/2013 |
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7am: Stratus ovc base 16-1800'asl, vis 4-5mi haze, wind E 0-1mph 52F dry. 4/12: By 8:25am few bits of Stratus, Cirriform bkn 3/5, By 9am sct to clear Cirrus rest of day with high Cumulus over mtns about 10k'asl (4-6k' agl over mtns) most of afternoon. High 81F |
4/14/2013 |
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7am: Ovc Stratocu est 2800'asl, vis 5mi haze, wind W 0-1mph 52F dry. 4/13: Low St moved west 9-10am Cirrus variable sct/bkn mostly thin rest of day. Thick haze below 3k'asl thinner haze to 4-5k' (view from Palomar Mtn noonish) high 75F |
4/15/2013 |
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7am: Fractus 1800'asl sct 1/5, ovc Stratocu 2500'asl few tiny blue sky breaks, vis 10+mi, calm 52F. 4/14: Lgt-Mod drizzle about 6-11pm, overcast Cumulus & Sc est 2500-4k'asl all day no sun at all, high 62F |
4/16/2013 |
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7am: Stratocu 4k'asl 9/10bkn, vis 7mi lgt haze, wind E 0-2mph 47F dry. 4/15: Ovc to bkn multilayer Fractus, Cumulus & Stratocu all day. Driz near not here. Some sun. High 66F |
4/17/2013 |
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7am: Clear vis 10mi+ calm 39F! hvy dew covers gauge. 4/16: Overcast variable bkn Cu & Stratocu base 4-6k' asl all day. Some sun. High 62F. |
4/18/2013 |
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7am: Severe Clear, vis 20mi+, wind E-SE 0-3mph 55F very dry (was 42F at midnight). 4/17: Clear few high Fractus over Palomar Mtn est 10k'asl at times late morning-noonish, wind to 20mph from SOUTH to SW here in valley and northerly at higher areas maybe "ROTOR" wave? |
4/19/2013 |
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7am: Clear vis 15-20mi bit of haze/fireplace smoke, calm 43F. 4/18: Clear, bit of haze afternoon, high 81F |
4/20/2013 |
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7am: Thin ovc Cirrostratus and Cirrocumulus (3/10), vis 20mi+ calm 43F dry. 4/19: Clear, few Ci/Cs patches distant west late afternoon, high 88F |
4/21/2013 |
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7am: Thin sct Cirrus 1/10, vis 15mi bit of smoke (fireplace) in valley, calm 49F. 4/20: Thin ovc Cirriform bkn by 9am clear noonish thru sunset, high 90F! Dry! RH in single #s. |
4/22/2013 |
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7:00am: FOG vis 1/8-1/4mi wind light&variable, 48F, bit o dew. 4/21: Cirrus (few to sct) all day, high 88F |
4/23/2013 |
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7am: Overcast Stratocu w breaks, vis 3-5mi haze, calm 52F dry. 4/22: Stratus cleared by 9:10am, variable thin sct Cirrus rest of day, high 83F |
4/24/2013 |
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7am: Ovc Stratus 1800-2100'asl vis 5mi haze calm 53F dry. 4/23: Ovc Stratus cleared to 2/5 sct by 7:40 & gone by 9:38am, few Ci & short contrails rest of day, high 82F |
4/25/2013 |
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7am: Few Fractus next to mtns est.3k'asl, sct Stratocu est.5k' 1/10, Ovc Altocu (Sc form) est. 7k'asl, vis 7-10+mi bit of haze, calm 52F. 4/24: Overcast Sc all day base variable, off&on driz & brief light rain 2:35pm-about 9pm, high 62F |
4/26/2013 |
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7am: Clear vis 10+mi bit o haze, calm 44F hvy dew covers gauge. 4/25: Ovc multilayer Cu&Sc went bkn by 10am, sct about 2pm, clear by 4pm high 74F. |
4/27/2013 |
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7am: Clear vis 10mi valley 15+ up mtns, 45F dew on 1/2 of gauge. 4/26: Clear, hazy in valleys vis 5-10mi vis at 5k' 30mi+, high 82F |
4/28/2013 |
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7am: FOG vis 3/16-1/4mi, wind E 0-2mph 51F bit o dew. 4/27: Clear, light haze here thickening toward coast, high 85F |
4/29/2013 |
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7am: Stratus ovc base 14-1500'asl, vis 3-5mi haze, calm, bit o dew, 51F. 4/28: Went up Palomar Mtn 7:30am fog top 1800'asl Fog&Stratus retreated to coast by noon, haze thick in valley, clearer late afternoon. St back about midnight. High 89F |
4/30/2013 |
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7am: Stratus ovc base est 2400'asl, vis 5mi haze, calm 54F no dew. 4/29: Ovc St went bkn 4/5 at 7:30am clear by 9am & rest of day, thick low haze arrived 6pm, high 87F. |
5/1/2013 |
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7am: Driz from multilevel marine deck 1400-2100'asl lower stuff highly variable, lgt intermittent driz now, vis 2-4mi, wind W 0-2mph 56F. 4/30: Early Stratus cleared 8-9:30, clear to 1pm then few to 1/5 sct Ci, low multilevel St&Sc back sct 6:30pm ovc 7pm, high 77F |
5/2/2013 |
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7am: FOG near, 1/3mi to SW in Valley, top 1000-1300'asl, was moving 20-30mph from WNW 6:20am now stationary!, some haze vis 10mi+ above fog, 49F hvy dew. 5/1: AM Sc cleared by 11:15, high 84F |
5/3/2013 |
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7am: thin bkn Ci&Cs (25-30k') 8-9/10 1/10thick, vis 30+mi, wind ENE 0-2mph 51F dry. 5/2: Lower valley Fog gone by 7:50am & clear, RH plunged from 98% at 7am to <6% mid day, E winds to 20+mph, high 95F |
5/4/2013 |
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7am: Clear, vis 15mi+, wind ENE 0-1mph, 47F dry, 5/3: Variable bkn to ovc Cirrus & Cirrostratus multilevels thiner AM thicker PM 7-10/10 all day, high&dry 98F! |
5/5/2013 |
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7am: 4k'asl Bkn 9/10 Stratocu, 24k' ovc Cirrostratus (thin), vis 7-10mi haze, calm, 55F dry. 5/4: Few Cirrus morning grew scat by noon & sct to thin bkn after sunset, Ci&Cirrocu in waves afternoon, high 83F. |
5/6/2013 |
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7am: Off&on showers (latest ended 6:55am) 1400' sct Fractus 1/10, 2k' sct 3/10 Stratocu, 3k' ovc Sc with breaks S-W, vis 5mi+ calm 55F. 5/5: Bkn to ovc 8-10/10 Stratocu, ovc Cirriform, light showers began about 5pm, high 72F. |
5/7/2013 |
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7am: Sct Fractus 3/10 3k'asl, ovc Stratocu 4k'asl few bks. 5/6-7: Off&on showers to 3pm, another 2:30-3:15am (0.06")more expected, mostly overcast, Max 64F. |
5/8/2013 |
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7am: Few Fractus 1500'asl, sct 2-3/10 Stratocu 5k'asl, thin ovc Cirriform mix including waves, calm, 53F. Rapid clearing, last precip 5:30am & at 6:37 still ovc Sc with few breaks west. 5/7: Overcast, few breaks at times, off&on mostly very light showers, high 62F |
5/9/2013 |
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7am: Few Fractus 3k'asl, thin sct Cirrus 1/10, vis 4-5mi haze, calm 49F dew covers gauge. 5/8: Low clouds became bkn to sct in morning with sun in thin cirrus, then low Stratocu grew overcast noonish on, high 68F |
5/10/2013 |
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7am: Stratocu ovc but thinning, many breaks, est 2k-2200'asl, vis 3mi haze, wind SSW 0-2mph, 56F. 5/9: Few Fractus&Ci at sunrise both grew to bkn after 9:15 & bkn/ovc afternoon, Cb's to east & lightning radio static, very light showers 7-7:50pm (Trace) high 74F |
5/11/2013 |
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7am: Clear vis 10+mi some lower valley haze, calm 52F dew covers gauge. 5/10: Sct Cu max 3/10 mostly over mtns est 6-7k'asl & few Cirrus, high 84F |
5/12/2013 |
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7am: Clear(almost severe)vis 20+mi, wind E 0-2mph, 56F dry. 5/11: Sct Altocumulus mostly over mtns but few over valley 2-3/10 max, clear by sunset, high 96F |
5/13/2013 |
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7am:Clear(almost severe)few short contrails vis20+mi wind NE 1-2mph dry 62F. 5/12:Altocu est 9-10k'asl mostly over mtns 9am-7pm max 1/5, HOT! 102F! |
5/14/2013 |
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7am:Clear, few Ci&contrails, vis 15+mi, calm 58F dry. 5/13:Few Altocu est 12k'asl sprouted over mtns late morning grew sct by noon & briefly bkn 3/5 6-6:30pm & gone by 7:30pm, HOT! 102F (4+hrs 100F+) |
5/15/2013 |
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7am: Bkn Stratus 3/5 (was 9/10 6am), vis 5mi haze, wind N-E 0-2mph 53F lgt dew. 5/14: Cirriform ovc/bkn sunrise, bkn noon, sct 2/5 4pm, clear 6:30pm, high 89F |
5/16/2013 |
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7am: Ovc Stratus 2k'asl, vis 7mi haze wind W 1-4mph, 56F no dew 5/17: Stratus cleared 8am, few Cirrus afternoon, high 82F |
5/17/2013 |
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7am: Ovc Stratus, vis 5-7mi haze, wind N-E 0-1mph 59F no dew. 5/16: Ovc St 7am, sct 3/10 9:15am & soon gone, few Ci 6pm got <1/10 7pm, high 80F. |
5/18/2013 |
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7am: Ovc Stratocu est 3k'asl tiny breaks, vis 7-10mi, calm 59F dry. 5/17: Ovc Stratus became 9/10 at 11:30am to 2/5 Cumulus 11:42am & 1/5 1:30pm then inc to 1/2 at 2:55&4:55pm &4/5 at 5:18 & soon ovc, high 78F. |
5/19/2013 |
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7am: Ovc Stratus 2k'asl, vis 3-4mi haze, calm 55F lgt dew. 5/18: Ovc Sc got broken near noon & sct soon to just a few by 5pm & clear sunset, high 78F |
5/20/2013 |
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7am: Clear, vis 6-7mi haze, calm 52F hvy dew covers gauge. 5/19: Ovc Stratus got bkn by 8:06am, sct 1/10 9:15 & gone by 10:20am, clear & hazy rest of day. High 83F. |
5/21/2013 |
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7am: Very low Stratus and FOG est 1100-1200'asl (ground level 1050') vis 3/8-3/4mi, calm 55F lgt dew. 5/20: Mostly clear, few Cirrus midday, sct Cirriform at sunset, high 87F |
5/22/2013 |
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7am: Sct Stratocu 3/10 (1/10thin) est 2200'asl clearing fast (ovc at 6am) vis 4-5mi calm 57F. 5/21: Fog&Stratus cleared about 8am, bkn Cirriform with some Cirrocu until 5pm then went sct to <1/5 at sunset, high 89F (correction 5/20 high was 90F not 83F) |
5/23/2013 |
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7am: 2 levels Stratocu 2500'asl sct 2-3/10 3500'3/10, vis 5-7mi haze, wind E 0-2mph 53F dewy car. 5/22: Stratocu gone about 8am, clear & hazy till Stratocu formed 8pm on, high 86F (Davis Pro over dirt 3m agl) this tiny valley is a hot spot, natural solar oven! |
5/24/2013 |
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7am: Stratocumulus 3/5 bkn est 4500'asl, vis 7-10mi, calm 52F no dew. 5/23: Sct Stratocu to about 10am clear to about sunset when Strato Cu grew (1/10 19:30 10/10 21:30) high 79F |
5/25/2013 |
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7am: Stratocu 2500'asl bkn 9/10, vis 5-7mi haze, calm 52F. 5/24 bkn Stratocu cleared by 8am, thin sct to bkn Cirrus, Cs & contrails late afternoon, high 77F |
5/26/2013 |
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7am: Stratus solid ovc 2-2200'asl at mtn sides, vis 5-7mi haze, calm, 54F dry. 5/25: Stratocu Ovc 8am vanished by 9:10am, cirriform all day mostly thin sct, briefly very thin bkn, less haze, high 80F |
5/27/2013 |
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7am: Ovc Stratus 12-1400'asl (150-350agl) 1/10thin, was sct/bkn 6am, vis 5mi in valley haze,calm 50F lgt dew. 5/26: Stratocu to 9-11am, sct thin Cirrus, few L1 Cumulus 6500' asl over Mtns 1-6pm, high 77F |
5/28/2013 |
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7am: Stratus ovc 2200'asl, vis 5-7mi wind SE-S 0-3mph 57F. 5/27: Stratus ovc @7am GONE at 7:45am! Cirrus 1/5 9am & 5pm grew fast to bkn to overcast after 6pm, high 82F |
5/29/2013 |
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7am: Stratus ovc 1600'asl vis 4mi calm 56F. 5/28: Stratocu ovc 9:48 bkn 9/10 10am, sct 2/5 1:13pm & stayed sct to sunset with Cirrus near us variable sct/bkn, cleared after sunset! high 80F |
5/30/2013 |
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Report delayed by web problem. 7am Fog, Now at 8am almost clear, 56F at 7am. 5/29: Stratocu cleared by 8:30am clear rest of day, high 87F |
5/31/2013 |
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7am: Stratocu ovc small breaks, vis 4-5mi, wind light variable, 57F dry. 5/30: Stratocu 1/10 8:25am & soon gone, few Ci at times & mostly clear, high 87F |
6/1/2013 |
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7am:FOG! vis 1/8-1/4mi few thin spots, calm 56F dewy. 5/31: Stratus ovc @7am sct 1/5 8:09am clear 9am, clear until sunset when Cirrostratus and/or elevated smoke layer made orangebrown ominous sky, high 88F |
6/2/2013 |
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7am: FOG vis 1/8mi (W2X1/8F) Calm, 57F old dew. 9/1: Fog & Stratus ovc at 7am, 1/5 7:45 gone by 8:10am, sct Cirrus (H2) 1-4/10 variable rest of day, high 94F |
6/3/2013 |
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7am: Stratocumulus(L5 Sc)ovc 10/10 thin spots & distant breaks NE est base 2700'asl at mtns, calm 61F dry. 6/2: 1st sun 9:10am, Sc 1/10 at 9:30 gone 10am, clear 'till sunset as Sc returned fast, high 82F |
6/4/2013 |
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7am: Solid Stratocu ovc est 2700'asl, vis 10mi wind W 0-2mph, 59F dry. 6/3: Ovc Sc 7am, 9/10 7:47, 3/5 8:06, few 8:42am then clear to 8pm & Sc returning, high 82F. |
6/5/2013 |
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7am: Stratocu(L5)ovc with tiny breaks, base 2500'asl at mtns, vis 6-10mi haze, calm 59F dry. 6/4: Sc ovc @ 7:45am & breaking, 4-5/10 8:33, just a few 9:40, clear 10am on, high 82F |
6/6/2013 |
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7am: Stratus low ovc est 1400-1500'asl vis 2-3mi haze wind E 0-2mph 56F, at 6am was misty fog that lifted, surfaces dry so not a trace. 6/5: Ovc Sc gone by 10am then clear, high 86F |
6/7/2013 |
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7am: Stratus ovc base 1700'asl thinner NE, vis 3-4mi haze, calm 58F dry. 6/6: Stratocu ovc 7am 7/10 7:30 clear 8am, Stratocu all day distant west & few high Cu over mtns est 8k' afternoon, clear sunset, high 84F |
6/8/2013 |
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7am: Bkn thinning Stratus 9/10(1/5thin)est 1800'asl, vis 3-4mi, wind SW-W 0-2 mph 57F dry. 6/7: 7am ovc St, 8am 9/10, 9:02 just a few, clear here rest of day but distant Sc toward coast, high 85F & humid. |
6/9/2013 |
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7am: Stratus ovc est 16-1700'asl at mtns, vis 3-5mi haze, wind W 0-2mph, 57F dry. 6/8: Stratus cleared from 9/10 7am to <1/10 8:12am, clear thru sunset, high 84F |
6/10/2013 |
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7am: Stratus ovc base 2k'asl at mtns, vis 3-5mi haze, wind W 0-2mph, 57F dry. 6/9: St ovc 8am, 9/10 8:30, few Fractus 9am, highly variable mostly thick Cirrus all day 9/10 to 1/10 cycling every few hours & moving from W, better visibility (20+mi) high 87F. |
6/11/2013 |
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NICE SUNRISE! 7am: Alto and/or Cirrocu sct 2/5 with waves, maybe 2 levels, est 18-22k'asl, vis 15mi, calm 50F. 6/10: Stratus 1/5 8am clear 9am on, high 85F |
6/12/2013 |
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7am: Stratus ovc 13-1500'asl vis 2-3mi haze, wind W-N 0-2mph 59F no dew. 6/11: Ac went E early replaced by thick Cirrus (H2) sct 1/5 10:40 bkn 9/10 11:47 & 7-10/10 to sunset, high 95F |
6/13/2013 |
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7am: Stratus clearing fast, now 1/10, 6:34am 10/10 tiny breaks & thin spots, now: vis 4mi haze, wind N 1-2mph, 60F dry. 6/12: Stratus cleared about 10am, Cirrus (H2) variable sct to bkn cleared by sunset, high 82F |
6/14/2013 |
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7am: Stratus ovc with few tiny breaks base 1700'asl, vis 3-5mi, wind N-E 0-2mph 56F dry. 6/13: Stratus gone by 8am & clear rest of day, high 87F. |
6/15/2013 |
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7am: Stratocu bkn 7-8/10 est 2500'asl 1/5thin, vis 4-6mi, wind E-ESE 0-2mph 54F dry. 6/14: Stratocu 9/10 7:24am 3/5 7:45, 1/10 8:45 & soon clear for rest of day, high 85F |
6/16/2013 |
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7am: Fractostratus 2-3/10 all thin & clearing, was ovc 1/2 hr ago, base varied 1300-1700'asl, vis 3-5mi haze, calm, 51F some dew. 6/15 Sc gone by 9am then clear, high 85F |
6/17/2013 |
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7am: Clear, vis 7mi valley haze, calm 53F dewy. 6/16: Fracto Stratus gone by 8am, clear onward, high 87F |
6/18/2013 |
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7am: Clear almost severe!, vis 20mi, calm 52F dry. 6/17: Clear but hazy, vis improved from 4 to 10+mi by sunset, high 90F |
6/19/2013 |
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7am: Sct FractoStratus 1/5 mostly thin, vis 4-7mi wind E 0-4mph, 56F bit o dew. 6/18 Haze returned after 7am (5-10mi) thinned after 10am (7-15mi) no clouds, high 89F |
6/20/2013 |
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7am: Clear, vis 7-10+mi lgt low haze, calm 52F dewy. 6/19: Clear by 8am & rest of day. High 88F. |
6/21/2013 |
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7am: Cirrostratus ovc, few tiny breaks, 3/10 thick, Cc at times, nice pink sunrise, vis 10-20+mi some low valley haze, calm 53F dry. 6/20 clear high 89F |
6/22/2013 |
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7am: Fog(just in) vis S-W 1/4mi N-E 1-3mi, calm 52F dewy. 6/21: Very variable cirriform ovc 7am, just a few 10:30am, sct variable bkn rest of day, high 87F |
6/23/2013 |
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7am: Overcast Stratocu 2k'asl tiny breaks, vis 4-5mi haze, calm 58F no dew. 6/22: Fog gone by 8:30am few Cirrus near us now&then rest of day, high 87F |
6/24/2013 |
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7am: Ovc Stratus ragged base 2800'asl+-200', vis 10+mi calm 60F dry. 6/23: Ovc Sc 7am, bkn 4/5 8:30, sct 1/10 9am soon gone, Ci appeared noonish, bkn Ci, Cs & Cc(waves)late afternon, high 82F |
6/25/2013 |
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7am: Stratocu ovc tiny breaks 1/5thin 16-1800'asl base, vis 7+mi lgt haze, wind W 0-2mph 58F bit of dew. 6/24: Sc ovc thru late morn then Cirriform bkn/ovc most of day sct/bkn sunset, high 81F |
6/26/2013 |
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7:00am Clear here, FOG in lower valley, vis SW 1/2mi 10+mi above fog top 1000-1200'asl, calm 59F dew. 6/25: ovc Stratus 7am, just a few in west 8am soon gone then clear, high 86F |
6/27/2013 |
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7am: Clear, vis 15+mi, calm 62F bit o dew. 6/26: Clear here all day, lower valley fog gone by 8am, few hi cumulus over far east mtns afternoon, high 95F |
6/28/2013 |
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7am: Estimate 25k'sct Cirrocumulus 1/10, glaciating (ice virga)to 20k', vis 30+mi wind E 0-3mph 65F dry.
6/27: Clear until Cc grew over mtns 1pm & came from SE to 8-9/10 bkn after 6pm, some with anvils! base est 25k' tops 30k' ice virga to 20k', good vis, high 99F (DavisPro 9'agl) |
6/29/2013 |
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7am: Altocu 1/10 NE-SE-SW 18k'asl, Ci 1/10 24k', thin Cs 4-5/10 30k', vis 20-30+mi calm 65F. 6/28: sct Cirrocu & Ci most of day 1-2/10 Cirrostrat (thin) grew from sct at noon to ovc at sunset, high 101F |
6/30/2013 |
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Delay by "full log". 7am: sct altocu 18k'asl 2-3/10, sct Ci&Cs 2/5 25-30k', vis 20+mi calm 68F. 6/29: Altocu grew 4/5 bkn 11am + Ci&Cs ovc slowed heating, Ci&Cc&Cs bkn thur sunset, some ice & water virga, high 107F |
7/1/2013 |
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Delayed by WiFi problem: 7am: Bkn Altocu 3/5 15k'asl w virga, ovc Cs thin, valley vis 15mi thin smoke, vis upmtn 20mi+ calm 66F dry. 6/30: bkn Ac clearing mid afternoon w virga then thin Cs ovc at sunset, high 100F |
7/2/2013 |
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7am: Altocu 1/10 est 15k'asl NW-NE-ENE cells&waves, vis 15mi S-W 25+mi N-E calm 62F dry. 7/1: Altocu sct variable bkn with Ci/Cc/Cs(thin) multilayers & elevated thin smoke, virga reached ground near but not here, few tiny drops about 10mi WSW about 3pm, high 100F |
7/3/2013 |
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7am: Sct Altocu 12k'asl 1/10 16k' 1/5, bkn Ci&Cs&contrails 7/10, 3/10 very thin Cs & with shadow of contrail a bit higher on it, vis 6mi valley haze 15+mi up mtns, calm, 62F dew. 7/2: variable mostly sct Ac & bkn Ci&Cs some virga, high 93F |
7/4/2013 |
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7am: FOG near here in valley (top 1200'asl) vis 1/4mi SW, vis 5mi SE and WNW in valley, 10+mi N-E up mtn, Cirrus 25k' 3/10, calm 60F dew. 7/3 Bkn Ac&Ci&Cs & bit of virga morning, sct by sundown, high 97F |
7/5/2013 |
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7am: Stratus 1/5 1600'asl S-W, Altocu 3/10 est 14k' & 16k' ovc 10/10 with tiny breaks, valley vis 3mi S-W up mtn 10+mi N-E, wind SW 0-2mph 60F lgt dew. (St was 4/5 at 6am) 7/4: Cirrus sct variable bkn all day, high 97F |
7/6/2013 |
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7am: Sct Stratus 2-3/10 2k'asl, Altocu bkn 6-7/10 15k'asl, vis 7mi haze, calm 63F dry. 7/5: St cleared fast, Ac slower (ovc 7am, bkn 3/5 9:30, sct 1/10 4pm, just a few at sunset, high 91F |
7/7/2013 |
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7am: Stratus ovc 12-1300'asl, vis 2-3mi haze, calm 62F dew pt 60F. 7/6: FractoStrat gone by 8am, Altocu multilevel (14-18k') bkn 6-9/10 with some virga until near sunset then sct to 1/10, high 90F |
7/8/2013 |
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7am: FOG was briefly here, now 1/4mi SW in valley S-W, vis 3/8mi SW 10+mi N-E few Altocu E, calm 59F hvy dew. 7/7: Stratus gone by 8:39 then clear except few altocu & fumocu over fire near Julian & Mt Laguna, smoke plume going north, high 95F |
7/9/2013 |
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7am: Altocu 14k'asl bkn 3/5 17k'7/10 cirrus 25k' ovc with large breaks, vis 7-10+ mi lgt haze, calm 64F dry. 7/8: Fog gone by 8am, mostly sct Altocu rest of day, smoke east over mtns from Fire on Mt Laguna, high 99F! |
7/10/2013 |
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7am: Overcast Altocu est 12k'asl higher clouds visible in small breaks, vis 15mi, calm 68F dry. 7/9: Altocu bkn morning, sct mid day, bkn after 3pm, no precip, high 94F |
7/11/2013 |
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7am: Light shower RW-- medium drops wetting 1/2 of ground, ovc Altocu&strat est 12k'bkn 15k'ovc, vis 10+mi calm 67F. Past 24hr: few sprinkles since late afternoon ovc to briefly bkn monsoon sky, high 90F |
7/12/2013 |
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7am: Altocu bkn 4/5 est 14k'asl, vis 6mi haze in valley 10+mi mtns N-E, calm 65F dry. Past 24hr: Ovc Altocu&strat M-7 12k'+asl light driz & sprinkles ground max 1/2 wet, 1 drop in gauge! Precip end 2pm. High 85F |
7/13/2013 |
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7am: Stratus ovc 1300'asl vis 2-3mi haze, calm 63F bit of dew on cars. 7/12: Altocu bkn 9/10 @7am sct 1/10 & Cirrocu 1/5 10:42 and sct 'till 6pm, joined by Cu&Tcu L-2, briefly L-3 over mtns afternoon, clearing sunset, high 92F |
7/14/2013 |
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7am: Altocu ovc with breaks mostly NE-SE est 15k'asl, vis 7mi lgt haze in valley 10-12 N-E up mtn, calm 65F dry. 7/13: Stratus gone 8am then clear here, cumulus over mtns N-SE few towering est 9-10k'asl few cirrus NE at sunset, high 93F |
7/15/2013 |
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6:52: Clear, vis 10-15+mi calm 61F dry. 7/14: Ovc Altocu 7am, bkn 4/5 9am, 2 layers (est.13-16k'asl) variable 2-3/5 10am and lower Cu forms grew over mtns, Altocu gone noonish, Cu grew to TCu over local mtns, distant Cb's over deasert, clearing sunset, high 96F |
7/16/2013 |
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7am: Thin ovc Cirrostratus, vis 7mi haze in valley, 10-15+mi up mtn N-E, calm 58F dew on gauge top. 7/15: Clear here, few cumulus over mtns est 12k'asl & few Ci, high 94F |
7/17/2013 |
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7am: Thin bkn Cirrus 4/5 gave fine sunrise (2/5 5:40 max color), vis 20+mi wind E 0-2mph 53F dry. 7/16: Cirrus briefly ovc at 7am bkn to sct rest of day, high 94F |
7/18/2013 |
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7am: Thin ovc Cirrostratus & smoke from Fire on Mt San Jacinto N-NE, vis 15-30+mi, calm 54F dry. 7/17: Variable mostly bkn Ci&Cs all day, fire smoke N-NW, high 97F |
7/19/2013 |
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7am: FOG in lower valley top 1k'asl thin elevated layer bit above, Altocumulus 4/5 bkn est 14k' moving in from E, Cirriforms 9/10, vis 10+mi above fog, calm some dew. 7/18: Cirrostratus thin mostly ovc all day & smoke NNW-NNE (Mt San Jacinto fire) possible smoke from distant fire NE-SE, high 94F |
7/20/2013 |
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7am: Sct Stratus 3/10 1400'asl, sct Altocu 2/5 15k', ovc Cirriforms w small bks, vis 3mi haze, calm 60F dry. 7/19: Altocu mostly bkn, sct ocl morning more frequently afternoon, sunset with fire smoke in Altocu for ominous color sky&sun, high 89F |
7/21/2013 |
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Lgt shower 3:45-5pm yesterday. 7am: Precip just to NE, Stratus came fast with West wind 4-12mph, at 7am 3-4/5 bkn 1500'asl St, ovc Ac, 6:30am just Ac 9-12k' 4/5 & Ci bkn/ovc(partly anvil), yesterday sct to ovc Ac&Ci, high 82F |
7/22/2013 |
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7am: FOG vis 1/8mi, wind W 0-2mph 63F wet!. 7/21: Light showers 4-8pm, mostly ovc Altocu&stratus multilayer 8-15k'asl & cirriform, occasional brks, low Stratus at times 1200-2k'asl early morn & during precip, high 76F |
7/23/2013 |
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7am: Fog vis 3/8-1/2mi thinning, wind W 0-2mph, 62F dewy. 7/22: Fog lifted & left by 9am, Altocu multilevel sct, Cu & Tcu over mtns late morning, Cb over mtns noonish to late afternoon, base 4-6k'asl, thunder heard 2pm, showers near (N-E-SE) but not here, high 89F |
7/24/2013 |
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6:40: Ovc Stratus 1300-1400'asl (3-400'agl)vis 2-3mi haze wind 1-2mph from west, 62F some dew. 7/23: Fog lifted & left by 8:26, few high cumulus & small TCu over mtns est 8-9k'base 12k'tops, lgt haze, high 91F |
7/25/2013 |
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7am: Fog vis 1/8th mi (W3X1/8F) calm 60F dewy. 7/24: Not home 7am-6pm then Ac sct 1/10 est 15k'asl & thin to very thin Ci&Cs 3/10 into sunset, high 92F |
7/26/2013 |
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Woke to noisey shower of big drops wetting 3/4 of ground 05:15-18. Thunder 06:00-now W-N. 7:00: Est 10k'asl bkn 8-9/10 Cu, TCu small Cb's moving west, multilevel higher Ac & Ci ovc w breaks, vis 15+mi (thunder at 7:09:20) calm 63F. 7/25: Fog gone 8:30, sct Ac&Ci morning bkn afternoon w Cu over mtns 10k'asl&up high 93F |
7/27/2013 |
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7am: FOG in lower valley vis 3/8mi SW bkn multilayer Altocu 7/10 3/10thin vis up mtn 10mi calm 62F. 7/26: Few lgt sprinkles most of day, barely wetting ground, thunder in early morning over mtns NW-NE, Mostly ovc multilayer midlevel Ac w breaks, high 91F. |
7/28/2013 |
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7am: Stratus ovc 1300'asl (250'agl) vis 1/2mi in valley, wind W 0-2mph, 59F patchy dew. 7/27: Lower valley fog gone 8am, bkn Altocu cleared mid day, except over mtns, distant TCu very distant Cb's over San Bernardino Mts & Mojave visible late afternoon from local mtns, high 91F |
7/29/2013 |
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7am: Stratus ovc 1600'asl, vis 3-4mi haze, wind E 0-3mph 56F. 7/28: Climbed Palomar Mtn 8am Fog top 2k'-2100'asl cleared mid morning, clear rest of day, high 90F. |
7/30/2013 |
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7am: Thin bkn Stratus 7/10 4-5/10 thin base 1500'asl top 2k', vis 3mi in valley haze, calm 54F dewy. 7/29: Stratus gone bit after 9am, clear thru sunset, high 87F. |
7/31/2013 |
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7am: Stratus ovc 1400'asl vis 2mi haze/fog, calm 58F. 7/30: Bkn Stratus cleared by 9:30am few Cirrus and Cirrocu most of day & sct 1/10 around 6pm & few small cumuli over mtns afternoon, high 87F |
8/1/2013 |
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7am: Stratus ovc ragged base 2-2200'asl, vis 4-5mi haze, wind E-SE 0-2mph 57F no dew, dew pt 53F. 7/31: Stratus slow to go all gone 11am, few Ci & Cc morning grew to sct 12:20&3:17pm, bkn 4/5 6:18pm thru nice sunset, high 85F |
8/2/2013 |
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7am: Stratus bkn 9/10 (1/5thin) 1500'asl higher ovc Alto or cirrocumulus cell form w breaks, vis 3mi haze, calm 56F dry. 8/1: Stratus broken at 9am gone 10:30, Cirrus variable few/sct but clear at sunset, high 86F |
8/3/2013 |
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7am: Stratus ovc ragged 14-1700'asl tiny breaks, 1/10 thin, vis 4mi calm 57F dew pt 55F. 8/2: St/Sc cleared to sct by 8am & gone after 10am, variable sct/bkn Ci Cc Cs all day & Ac multilevel afternoon, some with virga, lowest est 14k', super sunset, high 90F. |
8/4/2013 |
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7am: FOG vis 1/8mi wind E 0-2mph 56F, lgt dew. 8/3: St bkn 4/5 7:24am gone by 8:44am, mixed multilevel variable sct/bkn, Altocu est 15k' some virga to 12k' & Ci and Cc add to fine sky picture rest of day, high 87F |
8/5/2013 |
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7am: At edge of FOG, vis E-S-WNW 1/4mi obsc 1/5 of sky, Altocu 15k' 7/10 18k' 4/5 thin Cs ovc, vis N-NE 10+mi, calm 51F dewy. 8/4: Went up Palomar Mtn, top St 2k'asl 8:40am cleared by 10am, Altocu bkn 6-7/10 15k'asl thru midmorn Altocu cleared noonish, high 90F |
8/6/2013 |
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7am: Overcast Stratus thinning lifting, est 1700'asl 3/10thin few breaks, vis 3-5mi, wind E 0-2mph, 56F lgt dew. 8/5: Fog gone 9am, bkn Altocu gone 11am, ovc Ci at 9am sct 11-4pm then gone, high 92F |
8/7/2013 |
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7am: Ovc ragged Stratus 13-1700'asl thin spots, break NNE Palomar Mtn visible & Cirrus, Vis 2mi in valley haze 7+mi up Mtn, calm 55F some dew. 8/6:Ovc Stratus cleared by 7:44, clear rest of day, some Ci, very thin Cs & high smoke?, max 91F |
8/8/2013 |
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7am: Clear vis 10+mi in valley 20+mi up mtns, calm 50F some dew. 8/7: Ovc St cleared 7:20-8am, ovc Ci & Cs bkn by 8:30, sct 9:40am, few 2pm soon gone & clear, high 89F |
8/9/2013 |
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7am: Stratocu bkn/ovc 9-10/10 ragged base 14-1700'asl vis 4-7mi wind ENE 0-3mph dry. 8/8: Clear, few Cirrus and Cc (cirrocu) <1/10, high 91F |
8/10/2013 |
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7am: FOG vis 1/4mi uphill 3/8mi downhill, calm 52F dry. 8/9: Stratus 9/10 7:35 1/10 8:04am soon gone & clear, high 85F |
8/11/2013 |
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7am: Clear, lgt smokey haze in valley vis 7mi, 15+mi up mtns, calm 49F hvy dew. 8/10: Fog lifted to St Ovc by 8am, sct 1/10 8:30am & few bits far west 9:44am then clear, high 86F |
8/12/2013 |
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7am: FOG (W2X1/4F) ave. vis 1/4mi, calm 55F some dew. 8/11: Clear, some low haze, high 90F |
8/13/2013 |
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7am: FOG vis 1/8-1/4mi(W2X3/16F) wind calm, 54F dewy. 8/12: Fog & low Stratus cleared fast 1/10 at 8:16am, clear rest of day, high 91F. |
8/14/2013 |
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7am: FOG vis 1/8mi (W2X1/8F), calm 56F dewy. 8/13: Fog thinned fast, weak sun 7:30, blue sky 8am, all clear by 9am on, high 95F |
8/15/2013 |
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7am: Clear vis 7mi valley haze 10+mi up mtns, calm 57F lgt dew. 8/14: Fog thinning at 8am, 1/10 low St & low valley fog 8:14am & soon gone, few thin Cirrus at times rest of day, high 97F |
8/16/2013 |
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7am: Clear, vis 7+mi valley lgt haze, 15+mi up mtns, wind E 0-1mph, 61F, dew pt 55F. 8/15: Clear, few bits of Cirrus & thin Cs at times, few distant Altocu est 10k' over mtn crest E-SSE mid day, high 99F |
8/17/2013 |
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7am: Clear vis 15+mi wind E 0-1mph 59F dew pt 54F. 8/16: Clear, few Altocu (L1 & small L2 form) over mountains & desert slope far east mid-late day, high 97F |
8/18/2013 |
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7am: Clear, calm, 60F dew pt 57F. 8/17: Clear, few Altocu over mtns NE-SE mid-late day and distant Cb's late day very distant NNE&SSE, high 99F |
8/19/2013 |
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7am: Multilevel Altocu & Cc est 12k 2/10 Cu form, 16k 3-4/10 22k Cirrocu 4-5/10 variable past hr 2-4/5 total Ac&Cc, COLORFULL!, vis 3mi into patchy fog and low Stratus in valley below mtn tops, vis 10+mi up mtns, calm 60F lgt dew. 8/18: Clear early, Altocu grew from over mtns to over coast up to 2/5, Congestus(L3) and Cb(L9) over mtns N-E-SSE all afternoon, radio lightning static but too far for thunder, high 95F. |
8/20/2013 |
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7am: Sct Altocu 1/10 15k'asl, vis 15+mi calm 59F dew covers gauge dew pt 57. 8/19: Multilayer Ac & Cc bkn much of day & virga, sct late afternoon, bkn late night, high 95F |
8/21/2013 |
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7am: Clear, few Altocu 15k', vis 7+mi valley 15+mi mtns, calm 56F dew pt 51F. 8/20: Sct Altocu & Cirrocu all day, briefly bkn mid day, many with virga, high 95F. |
8/22/2013 |
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7am: Fine Sunrise! Altocu sct est10k' 1/5 14k 2/5 & As 16k' 1/2, vis 15+mi, wind NE-SE 0-2mph 60F dew pt 52F. 8/21: Altocu mostly sct 1-2/10 times just a few 'till around sundown bkn vari. sct 4-7/10, high 101F |
8/23/2013 |
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7am: Altocu 14k'asl sct 1/10, vis 10+mi valley 15+mi up mtn, calm 59F dew pt 51F. 8/22: Altocu 7/10 at 6am 1/10 at 8am, variable few-sct to sunset with distant Cu, TCu&Cb over mtn crest NNE-SSE, Ac grew after 8pm (4/5 9pm) & distant lightning NE-SE no thunder, high 101F |
8/24/2013 |
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7am: Altocu sct 1/10 mostly N-E-S, vis 7mi haze valley 10mi up mtn, calm 55F dew pt 52F. 8/23: Altocu here & Cu near sct 1/10 or less in AM, Altocu here TCu & distant Cb's over mtns & desert PM sct to 4pm then bkn then sct after dark, high 100F hazy. |
8/25/2013 |
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7am: Altocu mix 15k'sct 1/10, vis 15mi+, calm 61F dew pt 56F. 8/24: Altocu here, over mtns & desert Cu TCu & mid-late day Cbs <1/10 to 1/5 most of day, but late afternoon to 7/10 in brief surge off mtn cloud factory thunderheads, high 98F |
8/26/2013 |
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7am: Ac&As ovc, break far west, base est 16k' west lowers to 12k' east with Cu forms over mtns 8k', virga all quads, RWU distant E-S vis 15+mi, calm 75F dew pt 63F. 8/25: Sct Ac & Cu grew into Tcu by noon over mtns & Cb's early afternoon on, Ac expanded westward around sunset, rain near but not here, high 99F. |
8/27/2013 |
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7am: Altocu sct 1/5 15k'asl, vis 15mi, calm 66F dew pt 61F. 8/26: Ovc Ac with Cu&Tcu over mtns getting bkn 6pm, distant breaks SW-W all day, est Cu bases 5500' Mt Laguna 7k'+ Palomar mtn & Ac 10k+'. Few sprinkles 9:45am-3pm max 1/4 ground wet. Nice sunset. High 94F. |
8/28/2013 |
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7am: Clear, vis 10+mi valley 15+ mtns, calm 66F dew pt 60F. 8/27: Few Altocu all day, Cu & Tcu over local mtns mid-late day, distant Cbs over mtns&desert far N-SSE 2-5pm, high 96F (heat index 99F) |
8/29/2013 |
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7am: Altocu sct 3/10 est 12k'asl, thin Ci&Cs bkn 6-7/10, vis 15mi wind ESE 0-2mph 69F dew pt 61. 8/28: Clear <1/10 here Cu grew over mtns & deserts, Cbs afternoon east over mtn crest & deserts, high 100F heat index 102F. |
8/30/2013 |
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7am: Altocu bkn multilevel 12k'asl+ 7/10, wind E 0-2mph 77F dew pt 68F. 8/29: Showers near (<3mi) but not here. Ovc variable bkn Altocu & Cu, Tcu, Cbs mostly over mtns. Hot Humid & Dusty. High 98F heat index 102F. |
8/31/2013 |
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7am: Altocu "sheepbacks" 9-10/10 est 15k'asl, vis 20+ mi, calm 73F dew pt 69F HUMID 8/30: Rain near but not here, bkn/ovc multilayer Ac with Cu to Cb over mtns & hills mostly N-E-SSE, THUNDER from Palomar Mtn 3:40pm, High 97F with heat index 102F, low 75F Friday |
9/1/2013 |
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7am: Multilevel Altocu est12k bkn 15k ovc breaks, vis 20+mi, calm 67F dew pt 65: 8/31: Cu & TCu grew over mtns & hills, bkn to ovc Altocu all day, no precip here, high 94F heat index 102F. |
9/2/2013 |
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7am: Few Altocu 16k'asl? sct Ci & contrails 30k'?, vis 10+mi valley 15+mi mtns, calm 65F dew pt 63F. 9/1: Mostly bkn Altocu & Cirrocu all day, Cu to TCu & afternoon Cbs over mtns, bases 10-30k' Anvils to 40k'+, some virga & distant precip, high 95F heat index 100F. |
9/3/2013 |
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7am: Altocu & old Cb tops 4-5/10 14k'asl+, vis 15mi calm 68F dew pt 65F. 9/2: Altocu&Ci grew from sct to bkn/ovc by noon and Cu grew to Cbs by 2pm, SHOWER 4;15-45pm big drops 4:30pm heavier to east, dampened the dust! High 94F heat index 100F. |
9/4/2013 |
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7am: Clear, vis 15+, wind ENE 0-1mph, 68F dew pt 61F. 9/3: Altocu sct at sunrise gone by noon, Cu sprout over mtns 10am grew to L3 congestus afternoon & few Cb L9 over higher peaks faded at sunset, high 98F heat index 103F. |
9/5/2013 |
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7am: Clear, few Altocu 15k'?, vis 15+mi calm 70F dew pt 62F. 9/4: Cu grew over mtns Tcu 11am, Cb noonish THUNDER 12:20 Virga here showers near to east to late afternoon, multilayer Altocu & Ci gave wonderfull sunset colors. HOT&HUMID high 107F heat index 111F. |
9/6/2013 |
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7am: RAINBOW west 2 legs SW&W from Altocu, est 10k sct 2/5 15k bkn 3/5, vis 15+mi calm 72F dew pt 62F 9/5: Cu grew over mtns after 9am, Cb by 1:30pm THUNDER from Cbs over Palomar around 2pm, precip near but not here, Cbs faded by 6pm & Ci stayed for sunset, high 101F heat index 104F. |
9/7/2013 |
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7am: Clear, vis 15mi calm 72F dew pt 61. 9/6: Altocu 10k'+ bkn v ovc & Cu 10am & Cbs ovr mtns 12pm-5pm just Ci sunset, THUNDER 12:20-3pm showers to east not a drop here, high 103F H.Index 104F |
9/8/2013 |
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7am Altocu base 14k'? 1/2 16k' 3/5 vis 10 mi valley 15 mtn, wind ENE 0-2mph 67F dew pt 61. 9/7: Few Cu sprouts on mtns 10am grew fast Cbs by 12:30, huge storms over mtns melted after 6pm, 1/10 Altocu at sunset, High 101F H.Index 103F |
9/9/2013 |
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7am: Altocu & Cirrocu multilayer est 14k'sct 2/5 to 20k'4/5, vis 10-15+mi lgt valley haze, calm 62F dew pt 59F. 9/8: Clear, few afternoon Cu & Tcu distant NNE-SSE over desert side of mtns, very distant Cb SSE, high 97F dryer H Index 95F |
9/10/2013 |
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7am: Ovc Stratus 1500'asl vis 3mi haze, calm 61F dew pt 60F no dew. 9/9: Bkn Altocu & Cirrocu all day, Cu sprouted on mtns noonish grew to Cbs late afternoon & very distant lightning (no thunder) around 8-9pm, high 93F |
9/11/2013 |
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7am: Stratus&Fog 1200'asl (ground 1050'asl) vis S 1mi NE 1/2mi, wind E 0-2mph 61F dew pt 59F. 9/10: Stratus clearing 8am Bkn altocu 10k' asl gone by 11am, few TCu over mtns far east, high 88F. |
9/12/2013 |
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7am: Clear, few Ci, vis 15mi valley 25+ mtn, wind E 0-2mph 52F dewp 46F dew on car. 9/11: Stratus cleared 9-10am few Ci mostly distant N, elevated haze or smoke overhead, high 88F |
9/13/2013 |
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7am: Clear vis 10mi in valley 15+mi to mtns, wind E 1-3mph 55F DewP 46F. 9/12: Mostly clear with few cirrus sct to 1/10 at times, few Altocu over mtns far SE (Mt Laguna & beyond), elevated thin smoke/haze, high 96F |
9/14/2013 |
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7am: Clear, vis 10+mi valley S-W 20+ up mtn N-E, wind E 0-1mph 58F dewp 45F. 9/13: Clear, High 96F, thin elevated haze/smoke |
9/15/2013 |
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7am: Clear, calm, vis 10mi in valley lgt haze 15+mi up mtns N-SE, 58F dewP 51F. 9/14: Clear, high 101F |
9/16/2013 |
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7am: Clear, 10mi in valley lgt haze, 15+mi up mtns, wind E 0-4mph 59F dewp 49F. 9/15: Clear, few Ac est 10k'asl over mtns mostly distant N-NE afternoon, high 102F. |
9/17/2013 |
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7am: FOG in lower valley 1/4mi SW, clear here, vis SW 1/3mi N-E-SE 7-10+mi valley haze, calm 54F dewp 52F dew covers gauge. 9/16: Clear, some haze, high 99F |
9/18/2013 |
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7am: Bkn Stratus 9/10 3/10thin 18-2100'asl, vis 5mi+, wind E 0-5mph, 55F dewp 53F no dew. 9/17: Fog arrived about 7:45-8:15am gone by 9:30am & clear thru midnight, high 90F |
9/19/2013 |
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7am: Sct Stratus 3/10 S-W base 1500'asl est top 1800' thin wavy layer next to hills S-W 1100-1200'asl, vis 5mi lower valley 10mi up mtn slopes, wind E 0-1mph 51F dewp 50F dew covers gauge. 9/18 Stratus gone 9am then clear, high 83F cool! |
9/20/2013 |
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7am: Stratus ovc 1700-2k'asl vis 4mi haze, wind E 0-1mph 61F dewp 58F. 9/19 St sct at 7am, 7-8/10 7:13-9:37, 9:50 1/5, 10:05am almost gone, soon clear, high 87F |
9/21/2013 |
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7am: Stratocu ovc few thin spots, base 25-2700'asl vis 10mi, wind E 1-4mph, 60F dewp 54F. 9/20: Stratus bkn to sct 9:30 finally clear here 1pm, few Sc 5mi+ west all day, back by 8pm bkn soon ovc, high 81F |
9/22/2013 |
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7am: Stratocu sct 3/10 est base 3k'asl, vis 15mi, wind ESE 1-3mph, 56F dewp 54F dew on gauge top. 9/21: Stratocu ovc 7am sct 9/10 7:44 1/2 8:30, few bits west 9:33am, clear to after sunset, Sc back 8pm, high 81F. |
9/23/2013 |
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7am: Clear vis 10+mi valley 15+ to mtns, wind E 0-2mph 50F dewp 47F dew tops gauge. 9/22: Stratocu became Cumulus mostly bkn AM & sct PM, base rose to 6k'+ asl, cleared near sunset, high 79F nice! |
9/24/2013 |
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7am: Clear, vis 15+mi valley 20+mi to mtns, wind E 0-1mph 55F dewp 42 dry. 9/23: Clear, high 93F |
9/25/2013 |
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7am: Clear vis 15+mi calm 50F dewp 42F dry! 9/24: Clear high 91F |
9/26/2013 |
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7am: Overcast Stratocu with breaks(<5%), est ragged base 3-4k'asl, vis 10+mi calm 58F dewp 51F dry. 9/25: Clear 'til sunset & Stratus formed around mtns NW-N & spread, high 85F |
9/27/2013 |
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7am: Clear vis 15mi S-W 20+mi N-E wind E 0-2mph 45F dewp 40F lgt dew. 9/26: Driz near but not here. Driz on Palomar Mtn slopes. Ovc Sc became Bkn Cu & lifted from 3-4k' to 6500' by 2pm then down to 3k' sunset & sct 4-5/10 cleared soon. Nice hike on Palomar Mtn with wind & rapidly changing clouds & dripping trees. High 75F |
9/28/2013 |
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7am: SEVERE CLEAR! vis 20+mi west 50+mi east, calm 47F dewp 29F. 9/27: Clear high 87F low 44F. |
9/29/2013 |
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7am: Clear vis 20+mi calm 51F dewp 31F. 9/28: Clear (severe most of day) vis 15-50+mi, dry, wind gust to 20mph direction variable east & west (eddies by topography) high 92F. |
9/30/2013 |
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7am: Clear vis 15+mi wind E 0-2mph 50F dewp 30F. 9/29: Clear, good vis, high 91F, |