Observation Date |
Observation Time |
Precipitation |
Snowfall |
Snowfall SWE |
Snow Depth |
Snow SWE |
Notes |
10/1/2012 |
5:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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05:30 Temp 53.4ºF, DP 44.6ºF, RH 72%, BP 29.96in, Wind from 334º at 6.0mph gusting to 12.1mph, Mostly clear, very dry ground & surrounding vegetation.
Max Temp 88.0ºF @ 16:14 09/30/2012
Min Temp 46.2ºF @ 07:42 09/30/2012
Max Wind 21.3mph @ 02:10 10/01/2012
Min Humidity 15% @ 16:29 09/30/2012 |
10/2/2012 |
5:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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05:30 Temp 33.4ºF, DP 31.1ºF, RH 91%, BP 29.96in, Wind frm 136º @ 0mph gusting to 2.2mph, Prtly cldy, light frost
Max Temp 69.4ºF @ 15:11 10/01/2012
Min Temp 32.4ºF @ 04:39 10/02/2012
Max Wind 22.1mph @ 11:46 10/01/2012
Min RH 24% @ 17:10 10/01/2012 |
10/3/2012 |
5:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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05:30 Temp 38.7ºF, DP 32.1ºF, RH 77%, BP 29.88in, Wind from 266º at 0.7mph gusting to 2.2mph, Clear, Dry
Max Temp 72.9ºF @ 16:16 10/02/2012
Min Temp 32.7ºF @ 05:56 10/02/2012
Max Wind 25.1mph @ 12:29 10/02/2012
Min RH 14% @ 16:18 10/02/2012 |
10/4/2012 |
5:30 AM |
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05:30 Temp 45.5ºF, DP 41.6ºF, RH 86%, BP 29.73in, Wind from 036º at 4.5mph gusting to 8.3mph, Overcast w/ lightning. Heard thunder & light rain @ 00:42.
Max Temp 64.2ºF @ 11:17 10/03/2012
Min Temp 37.2ºF @ 07:16 10/03/2012
Max Wind 16.8mph @ 02:37 10/04/2012
Precipitation Time of Occurrence
Observed: 12 am - 1 am
Estimated: 1 am - 3 am |
10/5/2012 |
5:30 AM |
0.44 |
0.7 |
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0.7 |
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05:30 Temp 31.3ºF, DP 29.2ºF, RH 92%, BP 29.98in, Wind from 316º at 13.6mph gusting to 20.6mph, Cloudy w/ light snowfall
24hr Max/Min
Max Temp 45.5ºF @ 05:30 10/04/2012
Min Temp 30.9ºF @ 11:03 10/04/2012
Max Wind 28.9mph @ 16:02 10/04/2012
0.7" snow
0.44 total water content from mixed precipitation
Heaviest rainfall rate of 0.48"/hr @ 09:12
Precipitation Time of Occurrence (previous day)
Observed: 8 am - 11 pm
Estimated: 11 pm - midnight
Precipitation Time of Occurrence
Observed: 4 am - 6 am
Estimated: 12 am - 4 am
10/6/2012 |
5:30 AM |
0.09 |
0.6 |
0.09 |
1.2 |
M |
05:30 Temp 30.9ºF, DP 28.3ºF, RH 90%, 30.23BP in, Wind from 348º at 0.7mph gusting to 3.8mph under mostly cloudy sky.
24hr Max/Min
Max Temp 35.2ºF @ 13:18 10/05/2012
Min Temp 30.6ºF @ 04:56 10/06/2012
Max Wind 32.7mph @ 14:11 10/05/2012
Precipitation fell as light snow & light rain. Blowing & drifting snow create doubts about accuracy of precipitation collected vs. measured. Total snow depth measurements varied between 1.2" - 2.2" in multiple locations. 24 hr. snow measurement on first snow board was 0.6" w/ total storm accumulation of 1.2" measured on second snow board.
Precipitation Time of Occurrence (previous day)
Observed: 5 am - midnight
Precipitation Time of Occurrence
Estimated: 12 am - 4 am |
10/7/2012 |
5:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
05:30 Temp 30.9ºF, DP 24.6ºF, RH 77%, BP 30.03in, Wind from 224º at 2.2mph gusting to 6.9mph
24hr Max/Min
Max Temp 45.0ºF @ 15:36 10/06/2012
Min Temp 28.2ºF @ 21:07 10/06/2012
Max Wind 16.8mph @ 14:19 10/06/2012 |
10/8/2012 |
5:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
05:30 Temp 39.4ºF, DP 26.7ºF, RH 60%, BP 29.67in, Wind from 176º at 0mph gusting to 3.1mph
24hr Max/Min
Max Temp 55.6ºF @ 15:18
Min Temp 30.7ºF @ 07:19
Max Wind 19.7mph @ 13:35 |
10/9/2012 |
5:30 AM |
0.09 |
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0.0 |
M |
05:30 Temp 37.4ºF, DP 32.4ºF, RH 82%, BP 29.65in, Wind from 264º at 7.6mph gusting to 12.1mph, Mostly Clear w/ Aurora Borealis shining brightly to the north above a layer of clouds!
Max Temp 45.1ºF @ 16:09 10/08/2012
Min Temp 37.2ºF @ 06:30 10/08/2012
Max Wind 23.5mph @ 17:11 10/08/2012
Rainfall began as light sprinkles long before being measurable by electronic gauge. As of 7 PM, 10/08/2012, there is 0.09" of rain as measured in manual rain gauge. Electronic station measured 0.12" of rain. Max Rainfall Rate 0.24in/hr @ 11:31 AM.
Precipitation Time of Occurrence (previous day)
Observed: 10 am - 2 pm, 5 pm - 6 pm
Estimated: 9 am - 10 am, 2 pm - 5 pm
All snow from last week's storm is gone. |
10/10/2012 |
5:30 AM |
0.02 |
0.0 |
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M |
05:30 Temp 31.5ºF, DP 28.9ºF, RH 90%, BP 29.97in, Wind from 314º at 0.7mph gusting to 5.4mph, Overcast w/ frost
24hr Max/Min
Max Temp 41.7ºF @ 16:19 10/09/2012
Min Temp 29.8ºF @ 01:43 10/10/2012
Max Wind 23.5mph @ 16:57 10/09/2012
Precipitation Time of Occurrence (previous day)
Observed: 7 am - 8 pm
Intermittent rain & snow showers occurred throughout the day w/ light misty rain, ice & snow pellets & snow flurries w/ no accumulation. |
10/11/2012 |
5:30 AM |
0.21 |
1.0 |
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1.0 |
M |
05:30 Temp 32.5ºF, DP 31.5ºF, RH 96%, BP 30.01in, Wind from 315º at 0mph gusting to 0mph
24hr Max/Min
Max Temp 45.9ºF @ 13:21 10/10/2012
Min Temp 28.6ºF @ 07:33 10/10/2012
Max Wind 17.4mph @ 15:29 10/10/2012
Light intermittent rain began ~ 17:30. It changed to snow by 20:00.
Precipitation Time of Occurrence (previous day)
Observed: 5 pm - 11 pm
Estimated: 11 pm - midnight |
10/12/2012 |
5:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
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05:30 Temp 20.3ºF, DP 18.6ºF, RH 93%, BP 30.36in, Wind from 138º at 0.7mph gusting to 1.6mph, Mostly clear sky
Only small patches of snow remain on ground w/ none on snow board.
24hr Max/Min
Max Temp 42.8ºF @ 14:21 10/11/2012
Min Temp 20.3ºF @ 05:28 10/12/2012
Max Wind 21.3mph @ 11:46 10/11/2012 |
10/13/2012 |
5:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
05:30 Temp 41.4ºF, DP 23.7ºF, RH 49%, BP 29.76in, Wind from 163º at 0.7mph gusting to 5.4mph, Very dry w/ Clear sky & Aurora
24hr Max/Min
Max Temp 50.7ºF @ 17:11 10/12/2012
Min Temp 18.3ºF @ 07:42 10/12/2012
Max Wind 18.3mph @ 16:10 10/12/2012 |
10/14/2012 |
5:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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05:30 Temp 37.6ºF, DP 37.3ºF, RH 99%, BP 29.86in, Wind from 330º at 0.7mph gusting to 2.2mph, Overcast w/ light fog
24hr Max/Min
Max Temp 65.1ºF @ 16:51 10/13/2012
Min Temp 33.4ºF @ 03:09 10/14/2012
Max Wind 13.6mph @ 11:26 10/13/2012 |
10/15/2012 |
5:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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05:30 Temp 29.5ºF, DP 28.7ºF, RH 97%, BP 29.91in, Wind from 269º at 0mph gusting to 2.2mph, clear w/light fog & frost
24hr Max/Min
Max Temp 59.4ºF @ 14:37 10/14/2012
Min Temp 28.8ºF @ 03:23 10/15/2012
Max Wind 15.2mph @ 16:07 10/14/2012 |
10/16/2012 |
5:30 AM |
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05:30 Temp 52.7ºF, DP 42.1ºF, RH 67%, BP 29.55in, Wind from 156º at 1.6mph gusting to 3.8mph, Overcast
24hr Max/Min
Max Temp 58.6ºF @ 14:33 10/15/2012
Min Temp 26.4ºF @ 06:51 10/15/2012
Max Wind 14.5mph @ 18:39 10/15/2012
Precipitation Time of Occurrence (previous day)
Observed: 3 pm - 7 pm
Precipitation Time of Occurrence
Observed: 5 am - 6 am
Estimated: 4 am - 5 am
10/17/2012 |
5:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
05:30 Temp 52.7ºF, DP 47.0ºF, RH 81%, BP 29.28in, Wind from 126º at 1.6mph gusting to 5.4mph, Overcast
24hr Max/Min
Max Temp 77.7ºF @ 15:45 10/16/2012
Min Temp 47.8ºF @ 08:27 10/16/2012
Max Wind 10.7mph @ 07:18 10/16/2012 |
10/18/2012 |
5:30 AM |
0.33 |
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M |
05:30 Temp 43.2ºF, DP 41.6ºF, RH 94%, BP 29.21in, Wind from 346º at 0mph gusting to 0.7mph, Overcast
Max Temp 52.7ºF @ 05:30 10/17/2012
Min Temp 43.0ºF @ 04:00 10/18/2012
Max Wind 16.8mph @ 16:55 10/17/2012
Station Record Low Min BP 29.09in @ 14:43 10/17/2012
Misty drizzle occurred most of day 10/17/2012 w/ brief light to moderate rain showers.
Precipitation Time of Occurrence (previous day)
Observed: 8 am - 9 pm
Estimated: 6 am - 8 am, 9 pm - 10 pm
Max rainfall rate: 0.36in/hr @ 08:53 10/17/12 for 1 minute as measured by electronic gauge. Total rain from electronic gauge 0.26in. |
10/19/2012 |
5:30 AM |
0.82 |
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M |
05:30 Temp 43.5ºF, DP 42.2ºF, RH 95%, BP 29.61in, Wind from 358º at 3.8mph gusting to 17.4mph, Fog & mist
24hr Max/Min
Max Temp 51.6ºF @ 20:07 10/18/2012
Min Temp 43.0ºF @ 05:37 10/18/2012
Max Wind 22.1mph @ 00:33 10/19/2012
Light mist to moderate rain all day.
Precipitation Time of Occurrence (previous day)
Observed: 7 am - midnight
Estimated: 6 am - 7 am
Precipitation Time of Occurrence Observed: 12 am - 6 am
Electronic gauge only measured 0.47" in past 24 hrs. w/ max rainfall rate of 0.71"/hr @ multiple times late last night & early this morning. |
10/20/2012 |
5:30 AM |
0.07 |
0.0 |
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M |
05:30 Temp 40.3ºF, DP 39.2ºF, RH 96%, BP 29.75in, Wind from 146º at 0mph gusting to 1.6mph, Dense Fog
24hr Max/Min
Max Temp 46.4ºF @ 15:18 10/19/2012
Min Temp 39.9ºF @ 04:10 10/20/2012
Max Wind 17.4mph @ 05:30 10/19/2012
light misty drizzle thru most of day
Precipitation Time of Occurrence (previous day)
Observed: 5 am - 5 pm |
10/21/2012 |
5:30 AM |
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05:30 Temp 45.0ºF, DP 43.1ºF, RH 93%, BP 29.79in, Wind from 179º at 0.7mph gusting to 4.5mph, Overcast
Max Temp 50.2ºF @ 15:42 10/20/2012
Min Temp 40.3ºF @ 05:30 10/20/2012
Max Wind 13.0mph @ 15:13 10/20/2012
Intermittent light drizzle
Precipitation Time of Occurrence (previous day)
Observed: 9 am - 12 pm
Precipitation Time of Occurrence
Estimated: 2 am - 4 am |
10/22/2012 |
5:30 AM |
0.01 |
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05:30 Temp 41.5ºF, DP 39.7ºF, RH 93%, BP 30.08in, Wind from 27º at 3.8mph gusting to 6.9mph, Overcast
24hr Max/Min
Max Temp 57.2ºF @ 14:10 10/21/2012
Min Temp 41.5ºF @ 05:07 10/22/2012
Max Wind 15.2mph @ 18:54 10/21/2012
Precipitation Time of Occurrence (previous day)
Observed: 5 am - 7 am
Estimated: 7 am - 8 am |
10/23/2012 |
5:30 AM |
0.07 |
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05:30 Temp 44.6ºF, DP 43.5ºF, RH 96%, BP 29.88in, Wind from 69º at 0.7mph gusting to 8.3mph, Overcast w/ light mist & drizzle
24hr Max/Min
Max Temp 57.7ºF @ 14:54 10/22/2012
Min Temp 39.2ºF @ 07:22 10/22/2012
Max Wind 19.0mph @ 02:35 10/23/2012
Precipitation Time of Occurrence (previous day)
Estimated: 11 pm - midnight
Precipitation Time of Occurrence
Observed: 12 am - 1 am, 5 am - 6 am
Estimated: 1 am - 5 am |
10/24/2012 |
5:30 AM |
0.07 |
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M |
05:30 Temp 47.1ºF, DP 16.0ºF, RH 96%, BP 29.85in, Wind from 274º at 1.6mph gusting to 3.1mph, Overcast
Max Temp 51.3ºF @ 01:47 10/24/2012
Min Temp 44.6ºF @ 05:30 10/23/2012
Max Wind 15.2mph @ 13:24 10/23/2012
Sporadic fog, mist, drizzle, rain
Precipitation Time of Occurrence (previous day)
Observed: 5 am - midnight |
11/6/2012 |
5:30 AM |
0.26 |
0.7 |
0.26 |
0.7 |
M |
05:30 Temp 35.4ºF, DP 34.4ºF, RH 96%, BP 29.68in, Wind from 292º at 4.5mph gusting to 9.2mph
24hr Max/Min
Max Temp 39.0ºF @ 12:47 11/05/2012
Min Temp 30.6ºF @ 05:30 11/05/2012
Max Wind 15.2mph @ 20:59 11/05/2012
Rain/snow mix began ~ 21:30 11/05/2012
0.7" Snow, 0.26 H2O
Precipitation Time of Occurrence (previous day) Observed: 9 pm - 11 pm
Estimated: 11 pm - midnight
Precipitation Time of Occurrence
Observed: 5 am - 6 am
Estimated: 12 am - 5 am
Fog |
11/7/2012 |
5:30 AM |
0.05 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
05:30 Temp 35.6ºF, DP 34.3ºF, RH 95%, BP 30.04in, Wind from 274º at 0.7mph gusting to 3.1mph
24hr Max/Min
Max Temp 36.3ºF @ 10:16 11/06/2012
Min Temp 34.2ºF @ 14:35 11/06/2012
Max Wind 19.0mph @ 11:52 11/06/2012
Misty drizzle & light rain thru day
Precipitation Time of Occurrence (previous day) Observed: 5 am - 9 pm |
11/8/2012 |
5:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
05:30 Temp 38.3ºF, DP 32.4ºF, RH 79%, BP 29.85in, Wind from 210º at 0.7mph gusting to 8.3mph, Mostly Clear
24hr Max/Min
Max Temp 49.1ºF @ 12:36 11/07/2012
Min Temp 35.6ºF @ 05:30 11/07/2012
Max Wind 15.9mph @ 01:50 11/07/2012 |
11/9/2012 |
5:30 AM |
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05:30 Temp 30.6ºF, DP 29.1ºF, RH 94%, BP 30.14in, Wind from 64º at 2.2mph gusting to 12.1mph
24hr Max/Min
Max Temp 43.5ºF @ 11:12 11/08/2012
Min Temp 30.4ºF @ 04:50 11/09/2012
Max Wind 18.3mph @ 11:50 11/08/2012
Trace light mist & snow w/ glaze
Precipitation Time of Occurrence (previous day)
Estimated: 11 pm - midnight
Precipitation Time of Occurrence
Observed: 4 am - 6 am
Estimated: 12 am - 4 am |
11/10/2012 |
5:30 AM |
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05:30 Temp 32.4ºF, DP 31.1ºF, RH 95%, BP 29.87in, Wind from 117º at 5.4mph gusting to 14.5mph, Overcast w/ light mist falling
24hr Max/Min
Max Temp 34.3ºF @ 12:56 11/09/2012
Min Temp 30.4ºF @ 05:32 11/09/2012
Max Wind 18.3mph @ 01:22 11/10/2012
Precipitation Time of Occurrence (previous day)
Observed: 5 am - 7 am, 10 am - 12 pm
Precipitation Time of Occurrence
Observed: 4 am - 6 am
Estimated: 2 am - 4 am |
11/11/2012 |
5:30 AM |
0.12 |
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M |
05:30 Temp 29.3ºF, DP 27.3ºF, RH 92%, BP 29.59in, Wind from 278º at 9.8mph gusting to 22.8mph
24hr Max/Min
Max Temp 42.1ºF @ 22:47 11/10/2012
Min Temp 29.3ºF @ 05:29 11/11/2012
Max Wind 22.8mph @ 05:20 11/11/2012
Mist & drizzle w/ lt rain. Afternoon - night fog
Precipitation Time of Occurrence (previous day)
Observed: 5 am - 10 pm
Observation period weather - Fog, Glaze |
11/12/2012 |
5:30 AM |
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0.0 |
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05:30 Temp 16.3ºF, DP 12.4ºF, RH 84%, BP 29.80in, Wind from 288º at 3.8mph gusting to 13mph, Overcast w/ light snow
24hr Max/Min
Max Temp 29.3ºF @ 05:30 11/12
Min Temp 16.2ºF @ 02:32 11/13
Max Wind 22.8mph @ 05:30 11/12
Very light blowing snow from 05:45 11/12
Precipitation Time of Occurrence (previous day)
Observed: 5 am - midnight
Precipitation Time of Occurrence
Observed: 4 am - 6 am
Estimated: 12 am - 4 am |
11/19/2012 |
5:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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05:30 Temp 42.1ºF, DP 34.7ºF, RH 75%, BP 29.96in, Wind from 155º at 1.6mph gusting to 3.8mph,
24hr Max/Min
Max Temp 55.4ºF @ 14:25 11/18
Min Temp 34.2ºF @ 07:52 11/18
Max Wind 15.9mph @ 13:17 11/18 |
11/20/2012 |
5:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
05:30 Temp 23.4ºF, DP 22.4ºF, RH 96%, BP 30.14in, Wind from 279º at 0.7mph gusting to 2.2mph, Freezing Fog w/ heavy frost
24hr Max/Min
Max Temp 56.5ºF @ 13:48 11/19
Min Temp 21.2ºF @ 04:14 11/20
Max Wind 12.1mph @ 10:54 11/19 |
11/21/2012 |
5:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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05:30 Temp 32.9ºF, DP 30ºF, RH 89%, BP 29.88in, Wind from 193º at 0mph gusting to 3.1mph
24hr Max/Min
Max Temp 49.3ºF @ 13:42 11/20
Min Temp 21.0ºF @ 07:07 11/20
Max Wind 9.8mph @ 14:52 11/20
Heavy fog & frost thru late morning produced 0.01" water |
11/22/2012 |
5:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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05:30 Temp 39.2ºF, DP 35.4ºF, RH 86%, BP 29.57in, Wind from 288º at 2.2mph gusting to 6.9mph
24hr Max/Min
Max Temp 61.9ºF @ 13:50 11/21
Min Temp 29.5ºF @ 07:52 11/21
Max Wind 9.8mph @ 11:29 11/21 |
11/23/2012 |
5:30 AM |
0.19 |
3.0 |
0.19 |
3.0 |
0.19 |
05:30 Temp 15.4ºF, DP 12.6ºF, RH 88%, BP 30.21in, Wind from 336º at 5.4mph gusting to 19.7mph
24hr Max/Min
Max Temp 39.9ºF @ 05:53 11/22
Min Temp 15.4ºF @ 04:09 11/23
Max Wind 25.1mph @ 14:12 11/22
Light precip began ~ 09:25 11/22 w/ 0.19"
Snow: 1" on board - 5" on ground => 3"
Precipitation Time of Occurrence (previous day) Observed: 9:25 am - midnight
Precipitation Time of Occurrence Observed: 12 am - 5:30 am
Snow still falling
11/24/2012 |
5:30 AM |
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0.3 |
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2.5 |
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05:30 Temp 6.4ºF, DP 4.0ºF, RH 89%, BP 30.21in, Wind from 233º at 1.6mph gusting to 3.8mph, flurries
24hr Max/Min
Max Temp 21.2ºF @ 13:58 11/23
Min Temp 4.5ºF @ 04:33 11/24
Max Wind 23.5mph @ 05:36 11/23
Light snow flurries w/ ~ 2hr break in snowfall
Precipitation Time of Occurrence (previous day)
Observed: 5 am - 2 pm, 4 pm - 11 pm
Estimated: 11 pm - midnight
Precipitation Time of Occurrence
Observed: 4 am - 6 am
Estimated: 12 am - 4 am
Blowing & drifting snow w/ snow flurries & showers produced snow depth accumulations varying from 0.75" to 4.5". |
11/25/2012 |
5:30 AM |
0.07 |
1.0 |
0.07 |
4.0 |
M |
05:30 Temp 18.3ºF, DP 13ºF, RH 79%, BP 29.88in, Wind from 326º at 9.2mph gusting to 16.8mph, Light Snow
24hr Max/Min
Max Temp 23.5ºF @ 00:47 11/25
Min Temp 5.4ºF @ 06:44 11/24
Max Wind 18.3mph @ 00:58 11/25
4" snow on ground w/ 1" new snow => 0.07" precip
Precipitation Time of Occurrence (previous day)
Observed: 5 am - 7 am, 12 pm - 10 pm
Estimated: 7 am - 12 pm, 10 pm - midnight
Precipitation Time of Occurrence
Observed: 4 am - 6 am
Estimated: 12 am - 4 am |
11/26/2012 |
5:30 AM |
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0.1 |
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3.5 |
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05:30 Temp -2.7ºF, DP -6.0ºF, RH 85%, BP 30.28in, Wind from 293º at 1.6mph gusting to 4.5mph, Clear
24hr Max/Min
Max Temp 25.2ºF @ 11:39 11/25
Min Temp -2.7ºF @ 05:12 11/25
Max Wind 17.4mph @ 13:48 11/2505:30 Temp -2.7ºF, DP -6.0ºF, RH 85%, BP 30.28in, Wind from 293º at 1.6mph gusting to 4.5mph, Clear
24hr Max/Min
Max Temp 25.2ºF @ 11:39 11/25
Min Temp -2.7ºF @ 05:12 11/25
Max Wind 17.4mph @ 13:48 11/25
Precipitation Time of Occurrence (previous day)
Observed: 5 am - 6 am, 8 am - 3 pm
Estimated: 6 am - 8 am, 3 pm - 6 pm |
11/27/2012 |
5:30 AM |
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2.0 |
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05:30 Temp 19.6ºF, DP 14.2ºF, RH 79%, BP 30.06in, Wind from 250º at 0.7mph gusting to 3.1mph
24hr Max/Min
Max Temp 22.5ºF @ 02:25 11/27
Min Temp -4.7ºF @ 08:05 11/26
Max Wind 13.0mph @ 00:56 11/27
Precipitation Time of Occurrence (previous day)
Observed: 8 pm - 9 pm
Estimated: 9 pm - midnight
Precipitation Time of Occurrence Estimated: 12 am - 5 am |