Observation Date |
Observation Time |
Precipitation |
Snowfall |
Snowfall SWE |
Snow Depth |
Snow SWE |
Notes |
10/28/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.51 |
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40 degrees, cloudy, calm, light drizzle. Previous 24 hours: High T 40 degrees, low 36; continuous light drizzle to light rain; occasional SSW to WSW 5-10 mph wind. |
10/29/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.46 |
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M |
42 degrees, raining moderately hard, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 51 degrees, low 40; cloudy and light drizzle early until noon; occasional NNE to NE wind 8-10 mph; partly clear at sunset, partly cloudy by 9:30 PM, rain sometime after midnight with periods of heavy rain - calm. |
10/30/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.40 |
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M |
48 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 58 degrees (briefly - one short sunny period), low 42; hard rain to drizzle, morning, cloudy to partly clear afternoon, periods of drizzle to light rain; mostly calm. occasional |
10/31/2012 |
7:00 AM |
1.25 |
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M |
49 degrees, cloudy/general fog - ceiling 200', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 54 degrees, low 49, rain 7:05 AM to 9:30 AM, light rain resumed at 1:00 PM and continued light to moderate; occasional light S-SW breeze. |
11/1/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.04 |
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M |
47 degrees - (46 degrees earlier), partly clear - light general fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 56 degrees, low 46; cloudy, precip sometime after midnight, mostly calm. |
11/2/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.17 |
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45 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 52 degrees, low 45; partly clear early, became cloudy with occasional drizzle, 3 periods of brief heavy showers afternoon, light precip over night; S-SW winds late afternoon - gusts to 15 mph. |
11/3/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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41 degrees, overcast of dense fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 52 degrees, low 41; cloudy; mostly calm. |
11/4/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.90 |
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47 degrees, cloudy - mist, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 48 degrees, low 39; cloudy, light rain started mid-morning and continued through the night; light to strong gusty winds to 18 mph afternoon.
(edit: daily precip initially recorded as 0.90". changed to NA due to decimal error suspicion. observer contacted. P.G.)
(observer-confirmed 0.90". P.G.) |
11/5/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.03 |
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M |
60 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 60 degrees this morning, high during day Monday was 54 degrees, it dropped to 51 then back up to 60 at 6:45 AM, low T was 47 degrees; cloudy all day with frequent periods of mist and occasional drizzle; light gusty winds afternoon. |
11/6/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
40 degrees, general fog - overcast (clear earlier), calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 62, low 40, cloudy early then partly sunny most of day, occasional gusty winds to 12 mph. Beautiful day. |
11/7/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.58 |
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M |
47 degrees, cloudy, light east breeze. Previous 24 hours: high T 62, low 40, partly sunny to partly cloudy; occasional light breeze. Rain started after 10:30 PM and during night moderately heavy periods of rain. |
11/8/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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33 degrees - (29 degrees earlier), cloudy, light variable breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 51 degrees, low 29; cloudy early mostly partly clear during day to cloudy at sunset, cleared after dark; gusty SSW to NW winds to 17 MPH morning. |
11/9/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.14 |
3.9 |
M |
3.1 |
M |
28 degrees, cloudy, light snow. Previous 24 hours: High T 38 degrees, low 28; cloudy; mostly calm, occasional light breeze. Light snow started approx. 7:00 PM, heavy snow (approx 1.0"/hr) by 9:00 PM, rate of snow declined later and continued through night. |
11/10/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
0.2 |
M |
1.5 |
M |
22 degrees, partly clear \, W breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 33 degrees, low 22; cloudy - light snow early morning; cloudy mostly calm. |
11/11/2012 |
7:00 AM |
T |
0.1 |
T |
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M |
26 degrees - (24 earlier), cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 32 degrees, low 22; cloudy, light snow early (flakes drifting down), partly clear late morning, cloudy afternoon, dusting of snow overnight; mostly calm. |
11/12/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.03 |
0.3 |
0.03 |
1.5 |
M |
30 degrees, cloudy, light snow, W breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 32 degrees, low 26; cloudy, light dusting of snow morning, flakes in air most of day; ESE to S wind to 10 mph afternoon. |
11/13/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.19 |
1.0 |
0.19 |
1.2 |
M |
34 degrees, cloudy - light general fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 35 degrees, low 31; snow that did accumulate early, after 10:00 AM - very light snow that did not accumulate most of day, early evening rain/snow mix; occasional WSW breeze. Snow cover spotty, large bare areas. |
11/14/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.16 |
0.0 |
M |
0.0 |
M |
37 degrees, cloudy, raining, light W breeze. Previous 24 hours; High T 40 degrees, low 34, partly clear most of morning, cloudy afternoon, light rain started at 1:40 PM; occasional light WSW breeze. |
11/15/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.14 |
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M |
34 degrees - (33 earlier); cloudy, fog/cloud overcast, ceiling 200'; mostly calm. Previous 24 hours: High 42 degrees, low 33; cloudy - rain morning; E to SE wind morning to 12 mph, shifted to SSW late afternoon. |
11/16/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
33 degrees, fog/cloud overcast - ceiling 150', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 38 degrees, low 30 dgrees at 8:30 PM; cloudy - short period of filtered sunlight; mostly calm. |
11/17/2012 |
7:00 AM |
T |
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35 degrees, light fog - low overcast, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 41 degrees, low 33; cloudy with occasional partly clear periods; variable direction breeze. |
11/18/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.57 |
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37 degrees, cloudy - rain, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 41 degrees, low 35; cloudy, rained most of night, mostly calm. |
11/19/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.22 |
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34 degrees, cloudy - light rain, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 39 degrees, low 30 degrees about 8:30 PM; cloudy most of day - partly clear late afternoon, clear at 7:30 temp dropped to 30 degrees, clouds moved in about 10:00 pm and T rose to 33 degrees; mostly calm except light wind with clearing and clouds. |
11/20/2012 |
7:00 AM |
2.20 |
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43 degrees, cloudy - (not raining), calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 44 degrees, low 34 (monday morning); cloudy - continuous light to heavy rain to 6:45 AM this morning; mostly calm with exception of two periods of southerly wind to 12 mph. |
11/21/2012 |
7:00 AM |
1.00 |
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40 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 43 degrees, low 40; short intermittent periods without rain; occasional southerly wind to 9 mph. |
11/22/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.35 |
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34 degrees, cloudy, light gusty variable - N-E wind.
Previous 24 hours: High T 44 degrees, low 33 and snow (did not accumulate to measureable amount) at 10:30 PM; mostly cloudy with intermittent showers with brief periods of partly clear; occasional gusty, variable direction winds to 11 mph.
11/24/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.69 |
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38 degrees, cloudy - low overcast, moderate rain, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 38 degrees, low 31; mostly cloudy with short periods partly clear or filtered sun, light rain started 4:55 PM and continued light to heavy through night; general SSE-SSW wind to 9 mph afternoon; stronger gusts during night to 12+ mph. |
11/25/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.24 |
0.6 |
0.40 |
0.5 |
M |
33 degrees, light snow, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 44 degrees, low 33; occasional showers morning and early afternoon interspersed with partly clear sky - snow started at midnight; mostly calm. |
11/26/2012 |
7:00 AM |
T |
0.1 |
T |
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M |
27 Degrees, general fog - low ceiling, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 42 degrees, low 28; light snow early then cloudy to partly clear, clear most of night; mostly calm - occasional light wind. |
11/27/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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28 degrees - (23 degrees before midnight); cloudy, light general fog; calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 34 degrees, low 23; fog morning - low ceiling, partly cloudy midday, clear late afternoon and early night to 11:00 PM; mostly calm. |
11/28/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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25 degrees, cloudy/fog, low ceiling, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 34, low 25, cloudy/fog most of day, calm. |
11/29/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.13 |
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33 degrees; cloudy - mist, upslope fog; calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 34, low 33; cloudy/fog morning, clear to partly cloudy - filtered sun afternoon, light rain and rain/snow mix during night; mostly calm, brief period of southerly wind preceding system. |
11/30/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.54 |
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38 degrees, raining, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 40 degrees, low 33; cloudy - upslope fog; most of rain overnight; calm. |
12/1/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.30 |
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41 degrees, cloudy - light rain, light general fog, gusty south winds 5-9 mph. Previous 24 hours: High T 45 degrees, low 38; cloudy, upslope fog, rain through early afternoon and started again after midnight; gusty winds to 12 mph. |
12/2/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.67 |
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36 degrees, cloudy - rain/snow mix - heavy,wet, big flake snow; SW breeze. previous 24 hours: High T 45 degrees, low 36; cloudy, raining through early afternoon then periods of partly clear, rain again after midnight; gusty winds to 15 mph. |
12/3/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.86 |
0.1 |
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38 degrees, cloudy - raining - low overcast, ceiling 200', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 42 degrees, low 33 (8:00 AM yesterday); cloudy - rain/mix early, light to moderate rain most of period; mostly calm except brief periods of north wind 10:00 PM to midnight. |
12/4/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.41 |
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37 degrees, cloudy - light rain, low overcast, light easterly breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 40 degrees, low 37; light to moderate rain or intermittent rain; occasional gusty winds to 9 mph. |
12/5/2012 |
7:00 AM |
1.64 |
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42 degrees, mostly cloudy (partly clear spots), light rain, gusty southerly winds to 19 mph; Previous 24 hours: High T 48 degrees (sometime during night), low 37; cloudy, intermittent light to moderate rain during day, continuous moderate to heavy rain from 8:00 PM to 6:45 AM; occasional gusty SSW winds to 13 mph during day. Just had brief loss of electricity. |
12/6/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
0.4 |
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0.3 |
M |
32 degrees -(30 earlier), snowing lightly - very light fluff, 7 mph SSW wind. Previous 24 hours: High T 44; partly clear early, periods of partly cloudy afternoon; gusty SSW winds early to 19 mph, apparently two much stronger gusts - short electrical outage about 7:15 AM then totally out at 7:45 AM, many small branches down; snow started sometime after midnight. |
12/7/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.30 |
4.8 |
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3.5 |
M |
32 degreess - (31 earlier), mostly cloudy - some partly clear areas, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 34 degrees, low 31; variable snow morning; light, dry snow early, heavy wet later, some/rain snow mix after noon, most snow occurred 4:00 PM to midnight; strong gusty winds late morning to 18 mph. |
12/8/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.49 |
6.9 |
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7.5 |
M |
28 degrees, partly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 33 degrees, low 28; light to heavy snow, most snow afternoon to early evening, very heavy load of snow on trees (three electrical outages); light breeze late afternoon. |
12/9/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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6.5 |
M |
21 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 31 degrees, low 22; partly clear to partly cloudy; light NW breeze early morning, calm most of day. |
12/10/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.03 |
0.5 |
M |
6.5 |
M |
28 degrees, partly cloudy, light E breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 28 degrees, low 20 degrees - mid-morning, Sunday; partly clear to partly cloudy, light snow showers late afternoon and early evening; gusty southerly winds to 9 mph afternoon. |
12/11/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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6.0 |
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33 degrees, cloudy, E-SE breeze.Previous 24 hours: High 35 degrees, low 28; partly clear to partly cloudy morning and early afternoon, mostly cloudy late afternoon and evening. |
12/12/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.09 |
0.3 |
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3.5 |
M |
33 degrees, cloudy - light general fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 35 degrees, low 33; cloudy, intermittent mist most of day, rain/snow (mostly rain) started 10:00 PM; S-SE breeze shifted to S-SW late afternoon. |
12/13/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.06 |
0.3 |
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3.0 |
M |
34 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24hours: High T 37 degrees,low 33; cloudy - general light fog morning and evening, occasional periods of mist, drizzle, rain/snow mix; light SE to SW winds. |
12/14/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
0.0 |
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2.0 |
M |
26 degrees - (25 degrees earlier), partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 35 degrees, low 25; cloudy early, partly clear periods throughout day, brief rain/snow mix shower morning; SSE to
SW breeze |
12/15/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
0.3 |
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0.2 |
M |
29 degrees - (28 earlier), light snow, dry; SSW breeze.Previous 24 hours: High 32 degrees; cloudy, one brief flurry morning; gusty SSW wind to 10 mph. |
12/18/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.81 |
4.8 |
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10.0 |
M |
27 degrees, cloudy - light snow, wind shifting from light breeze SSW to 6 mph NNW. Previous 24 hours: High T 37 degrees at 9:00 AM, low 27; rain early to, rain/snow mix to heavy snow 6:00 PM; strong gusty winds to 22 mph, winds constantly shifted direction from NNE to southerly. Electricity out about 11:00 PM. Very messy day. |
12/19/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.16 |
3.3 |
0.16 |
11.5 |
M |
26 degrees - (25 earlier), cloudy - very light snow, South wind to 6 mph. Previous 24 hours: High T 29 degrees, low 25; cloudy (occasional partly clear - blue spots) with light to moderate snow showers throughout day and night; southerly breeze. |
12/20/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.12 |
1.4 |
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11.0 |
M |
30 degrees, light snow, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 31 degrees, low 26; cloudy few flakes during day, light snow during night, light S wind. (Note: depth of total snow/ice less today then yesterday, ground under snow not frozen, snow probably melting from bottom.) |
12/21/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.15 |
0.7 |
M |
10.0 |
M |
33 degrees, cloudy - light snow, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 34 degrees, low 30; cloudy, few flakes of snow, light misty drizzle late afternoon, light snow during night, mostly calm. |
12/22/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
0.0 |
M |
9.0 |
M |
33 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 36 degrees, low 33, cloudy, periods of mist morning, mostly calm. Most of snow came off roof during night, had to shovel out the door this morning. |
12/23/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.29 |
0.8 |
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8.5 |
M |
33 degrees, cloudy, SSW wind to 12 mph. Previous 24 hours: High T 35 degrees, low 33; cloudy snow started at 12:45 PM, changed to mix 20 minutes later, drizzle most of afternoon, light snow over night; occasional light breeze. |
12/24/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.19 |
3.9 |
0.19 |
12.0 |
M |
33 degrees, cloudy - snowing, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 38 degrees, low 32; cloudy to partly clear - (sunny) dense general fog during cloudy periods, started snowing about midnight; periods of gusty SSW winds to 11 mph. |
12/25/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.11 |
2.0 |
0.11 |
12.0 |
M |
30 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours High T 35 degrees, low 29; cloudy with moderate snow early diminished to a few dry fluffy flakes all day; occasional very light SSW breeze. |
12/26/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.04 |
0.4 |
0.04 |
11.5 |
M |
26 degrees, mostly cloudy - light snow, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 33 degrees, low 26; cloudy to occasional partly clear - blue spots, light snow late afternoon and over night; mostly calm. 14 hours between new snow measurements - settling a factor. |
12/27/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
0.3 |
0.02 |
11.5 |
M |
26 degrees, mostly cloudy - very light snow, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 33 degrees, low 26; cloudy - a few flakes, partly clear after midnight; mostly calm |
12/28/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
0.2 |
M |
10.5 |
M |
30 degrees - (26 earlier), mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High 33 degrees, low 26; mostly cloudy (periods of partly clear early afternoon), very light snow morning and evening, few drops of rain late afternoon; calm. |
12/29/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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10.0 |
M |
26 degrees - (25 earlier), cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 34 degrees, low 25; cloudy, calm. HAPPY NEW YEAR |
12/30/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
0.3 |
0.02 |
10.0 |
M |
26 degrees, cloudy calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 33 degrees, low 25; cloudy - snow - 4;10 PM - 4:55 PM, filtered moonlight; SSW breeze late afternoon. |
12/31/2012 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
0.2 |
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9.5 |
M |
26 degrees, mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 30 degrees, low 26; cloudy to mostly cloudy (a few sunny rays showing) late afternoon, occasional light snow; SSW wind to 7 mph. It was a nice day for 12/30/2012. |
1/1/2013 |
7:00 AM |
T |
0.1 |
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9.0 |
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26 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 30 degrees, low 26; cloudy - occasional flakes - dry and fluffy, calm. |
1/2/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
8.5 |
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24 degrees, cloudy, light NW breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 30 degrees, low 24, cloudy, calm. |
1/3/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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8.5 |
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22 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 31 degrees, low 22; cloudy with exception some partly clear spots at sunset; light breeze early morning, otherwise calm. |
1/4/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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8.0 |
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20 degrees - (18 degrees earlier), cloudy light SSE wind. Previous 24 hours: High T 28 degrees, low 18 (new low for this winter), cloudy, mostly calm. |
1/5/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
0.1 |
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8.0 |
M |
27 degrees - (26 earlier), cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 30 degrees, low 20; cloudy most of day, early morning flurries of fine wet snow freezing on surfaces at 10:20 AM; early light SE wind, later SSE wind to 9.0 mph at time of flurries, to 13 mph afternoon; periods of partly clear late afternoon. |
1/6/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.50 |
1.1 |
0.50 |
9.0 |
M |
30 degrees - (25 degrees earlier), cloudy snowing, 12 mph WSW wind. Previous 24 hours: High T 33 degrees, low 25; cloudy, occasional light flurries, most of snow overnight. |
1/7/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.12 |
1.9 |
0.12 |
10.5 |
M |
32 degrees, cloudy - light snow, light SW wind: Previous 24 hours: High T 34 degrees, low 30, cloudy - light snow morning, most snow after midnight; WSW wind to 13 mph. |
1/8/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.36 |
1.2 |
0.36 |
10.0 |
M |
33 degrees, partly clear, SW breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 35 degrees (at 3:00 AM today), low 32; cloudy, snow morning, became more wet through day to all rain by 9:00 PM; wind steady to 9 mph with gusts to 16 mph. |
1/9/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.46 |
0.2 |
M |
9.5 |
M |
36 degrees, cloudy, southerly breeze; Previous 24 hours High T 38 degrees, low 33; partly clear before 8:00 AM, cloudy remainder of day, occasional light snow flurries, winter mix afternoon changing to steady moderate rain about 9:00 PM, high T of 38 occurred sometime during night; light southerly winds during day. Messy weather. |
1/10/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.23 |
T |
M |
8.5 |
M |
33 degrees, partly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 41, low 33; cloudy - occasional drops and/or flakes, light rain started at 3:30 PM and intermittent through night; variable light wind SE to SSW. |
1/11/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.20 |
2.5 |
0.20 |
10.5 |
M |
23 degrees, cloudy, SW breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 35 degrees, low 24; cloudy - light snow started 1:30 PM to 7:00 PM; occasional light wind - E to ESE. |
1/12/2013 |
7:00 AM |
T |
T |
T |
9.5 |
M |
19 degrees, cloudy - very light snow, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 29 degrees, low 15 (partly cloudy Temp dropped to 15, became cloudy and Temp rose to 19 degrees); occasional light variable breeze. |
1/13/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.05 |
1.3 |
0.05 |
11.0 |
M |
19 degrees - (17 earlier); cloudy - light snow; S-SW breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 29 degrees, low 17; cloudy - light snow morning, partly cloudy to clear afternoon; light variable wind. |
1/14/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
0.2 |
0.01 |
10.0 |
M |
20 degrees, cloudy - light snow, SSW wind gusting to 9 mph. Previous 24 hours: High T 26 degrees, low 18; cloudy - light snow flurries morning, partly clear to partly cloudy afternoon; occasional variable breeze. Beautiful day. |
1/15/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.08 |
1.5 |
0.08 |
11.0 |
M |
24 degrees, cloudy, light SE breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 24 degrees (this morning), low 21; cloudy, snow flurries morning, 2 periods relatively heavy 9:15 AM to 9:45 AM and 10:55 AM to 11:15, the flurries matched radar perfectly; wind gusts during flurries SSW to 13 mph.
(edit: new snowfall changed from 10.5" to 1.5" to keep snow depth progression accurate. P.G.) |
1/16/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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10.5 |
M |
25 degrees - (23 earlier), partly cloudy, SSW breeze.
Previous 24 hours: High T 33 degrees, low 23; mostly cloudy, filtered sun to partly clear late afternoon; gusty winds, particulary stronger (15 mph) prior to clearing. |
1/17/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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10.5 |
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22 degrees - (21 earlier); cloudy/fog; calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 38 degrees, low 21; partly cloudy to clear afternoon; light wind SSE to SSW. Beautiful bright winter day. |
1/18/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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10.0 |
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26 degrees, cloudy, mostly calm; Previous 24 hours: High T 35 degrees, low 22; cloudy/fog early to partly clear afternoon; gusty southerly winds to 16 mph. |
1/19/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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9.5 |
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18 degrees, cloudy/fog - 200' ceiling, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 39, low 18; cloudy morning to partly cloudy, clear over-night; occasional gusty winds to 13 mph mostly south. |
1/20/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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9.5 |
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17 degrees, 16 earlier; cloudy; W breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 34 degrees, low 16; cloudy/fog early to partly cloudy by mid-morning and rest of day; variablle light wind ESE to SW. |
1/21/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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9.5 |
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20 degrees, low overcast - clouds/fog - ceiling 200', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 30 degrees, low 14; cloudy early to mostly clear at sunset and until sometime after midnight; occasional W- WSW breeze. |
1/22/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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9.0 |
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20 degrees, low overcast - cloudy/fog, ceiling 250', WSW breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 28 degrees, low 20; cloud/fog overcast early clear by mid-afternoon, partly cloudy after sunset, mostly calm. |
1/23/2013 |
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18 degrees - (17 earlier), mostly cloudy; E breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 30 degrees, low 17; overcast early to clear, to partly cloudy late afternoon, back to clear after midnight; mostly calm. |
1/24/2013 |
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34 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 37 degrees, low 18; cloudy to partly cloudy to snow by 8:00 PM, light rain 9:30 PM, moderate mrain 10:30 PM; temp. waas down to 32 at 8:00 PM then bounced around from 10:30 PM t0 12:30 AM -- 34 to 37, to 33 to 35; light E wind during day to 12 mph NNE at 12:00 midnight. |
1/25/2013 |
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34 degrees,cloudy - drizzle, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 37 degrees, low 32 at 8:00 PM then up to 34 by 10:30 PM; partly clear early to cloudy to partly clear to cloudy and snowing at 7:30 PM, rain at 10:30 PM. |
1/26/2013 |
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35, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 39 degrees, low 34; cloudy - upslope fog, light rain/drizzle late afternoon, heavier rain at 9:15 PM; light wind late afternoon - ESE to SSW |
1/27/2013 |
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33 degrees - (31 earlier), cloudy, light snow, calm. Previous 24 hours:High T 42 degrees, low 31; partly cloudy by 10:30 AM, remainder of day partly cloudy to partly clear; light east wind. |
1/28/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.11 |
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32 degrees, cloudy - moderate snow, SE - S breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 37, low 32; cloudy most of day, some operiods of partly clear; occasional variable breeze. |
1/29/2013 |
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30 degrees, mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 35 degrees, low 32; cloudy - variable rate of snowfall, one period of 20 minutes with calm wind snowfall that was nearly a "whiteout"; wind mostly S to SW, a brief gusty period to 11 mph. |
1/30/2013 |
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33 Degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 39 degrees, low 29; cloudy early, partly cloudy 10:00 AM to cloudy 5:30 PM, very light snowfall overnight; mostly calm. |
1/31/2013 |
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36 degrees, cloudy, calm, Previous 24 hours: High T 40 degrees, low 33; partly clear to partly cloudy to late afternoon cloudy, occasional light mist; light wind NNE to SE and S, afternoon gusts to 11 mph. |
2/1/2013 |
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33 degrees, partly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 40 degrees, low 33; mostly cloudy early to cloudy - occasional mist/drizzle to 5:15 PM light rain started, 7:45 PM heavier rain, rain/snow mix at midnight; mostly calm. |
2/2/2013 |
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28 degrees, most of sky obscured by fog - visible sky clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 44 degrees, low 28; partly clear to partly cloudy through night-time; occasional breeze. |
2/3/2013 |
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28 degrees, partly clear, SSW breeze; Previous 24 hours: High T 43 dgrees, low 28; clear morning - upslope fog to partly cloudy afternoon and through night; oocasional variable breeze. Beautiful day. |
2/4/2013 |
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34 degrees, cloudy - ceiling about 600', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 35 degrees, low 28; partl clear most of day, some periods of cloudy which were accompanied by SSW breeze, some form of precip. during night. |
2/5/2013 |
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32 degrees, partly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 46 degrees, low 32; cloudy to partly clear and partly cloudy later, brief period of light rain afternoon; East wind afternoon - gust to 12 mph. |
2/6/2013 |
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35 degrees, cloudy - light rain, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 43 degrees, low 27; partly clear morning to cloudy afternoon, brief period of snow pellets late morning, mist to light - moderate rain overnight; occasional SE breeze. |
2/7/2013 |
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32 degrees, dense fog - ceiling 150', calm. Previous 24 hours: A mixed bag. High 39 degrees, low 32; cloudy - light rain, snow at 9:30 AM, heavy large gropple for 5 minutes at 12:40 PM, periods of partly clear afternoon, rain/snow mix at Midnight, .2" measureable snow at 7:00 AM today. |
2/8/2013 |
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33 degrees, cloudy, calm.Previous 24 hours: High T missed, low 32 degrees; cloudy all day, very light snow after midnight; occasional light breeze. |
2/9/2013 |
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30 degrees- (29 earlier), cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 41 degrees, low 29; cloudy to partly cloudy, partly cloudy most 0f night, brief period of misty/drizzle early morning; mostly calm. |
2/10/2013 |
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28 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 37 degrees, low 28; cloudy, occasional very light mist early; mostly calm. Depth of total snow and ice becoming difficult to measure with any degree of reliability due to disparity resulting from age, rain and melting variations. |
2/11/2013 |
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27 degrees, cloudy, SW breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 39 degrees, low 27; occasional light mist early; partly clear to partly cloudy, clear most of night; occasional light variable breeze. |
5/4/2013 |
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34 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: Low 34 degrees, High missed; cloudy, occasional light drizzle, mostly cloudy by noon, clear to partly cloudy afternoon; light gusty winds afternoon - 7 mph. |
5/5/2013 |
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33 degrees, calm, clear. Previous 24 hours: High 81 degrees, low 33 degrees; clear early to partly cloudy afternoon; gusty winds afternoon - peak gusts to 11 mph. |
5/6/2013 |
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35 degrees, clear calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 78 degrees, low 33 degrees; clear; occasional light breeze. |
5/8/2013 |
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40 degrees, clear, calm. |
5/9/2013 |
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45 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 92 degrees, low 40 degrees; clear, calm.
Bull River bank-full yesterday; over banks today, flooding all low land - meadows and valley bottom, No flooded roads or property damage. |
5/10/2013 |
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41 degrees, clear, calm. previous 24 hours: high T 94 degrees, low 41 degreess; clear morning, partly cloudy afternoon; calm morning occasional breeze afternoon. |
5/11/2013 |
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47 degrees, mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 93 degrees, low 41; partly cloudy; occasional light wind afternoon.
Bull River well over banks, most of valley bottom covered with water. No known flooded roads or property damage. |
5/12/2013 |
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41 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previopus 24 hours: High T 93 degrees, low 47; mostly cloudy to partly cloudy; gusty winds afternoon to 18 mph. |
5/13/2013 |
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56 degrees, mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 84 degrees, low 50; mostly cloudy early to partly cloudy early afternoon and partly clear at sunset; occasional gusty winds afternoon to 20 mph. |
5/14/2013 |
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39 degrees, mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High 69 degrees, low 39; mostly cloudy to cloudy, light shower started at 10:05 AM then occasional light showers to heaviest rain approx. 4:30 to 5:00 PM. There was a heavy rain sometime after 11:30 PM with northerly wind. Wind accompanied heavier rain. |
5/15/2013 |
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32 degrees, partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 71 degrees, low 32; partly cloudy to mostly cloudy late afternoon, clearing at sunset. |
5/16/2013 |
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0.02 |
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47, cloudy - light drizzle, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T (missed), low 32 degrees; cloudy to partly cloudy most of day; mostly calm - ocassional very light breeze. |
5/17/2013 |
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40 degrees, mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 76 degrees, low 40 degrees; cloudy - drizzle, clears to partly cloudy; calm during day, light wind during night. |
5/18/2013 |
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50 degrees, cloudy - (drizzle earlier), calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 79 degrees, low 40; partly cloudy to cloudy with light shower then mostly to partly cloudy; calm.
Bull River down to near normal stage this morning. |
5/19/2013 |
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48 degrees, partly clear, calm. previous 24 hours; Missed High, low 48 degrees; cloudy to partly cloudy; occasional light breeze. |
5/20/2013 |
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45 degrees, partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 71 degrees, low 46; partly cloudy/clear; occasional light breeze afternoon. |
5/21/2013 |
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40 degrees, partly cloudy - (cirrus), calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 85 degrees (briefly), low 40 degrees; partly cloudy early - clear most of day; occasional breeze afternoon. |
5/22/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.87 |
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43 degrees, cloudy - moderate rain, light gusty SW wind to 8 mph. Previous 24 hours: High T 87 degrees - (briefly); partly cloudy to clear most of day, cloudy late afternoon - rain after 7:30 PM continued through night; strong gusty winds to 28 mph after 6:00 PM, electrical outage after 8:0o PM. |
5/23/2013 |
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1.13 |
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37 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 43 degrees - (yesterday at 7:00 AM), low 34 degrees - (yesterday at approx. 1:00 PM); cloudy, rain early to winter mix then heavy snow for 35 minutes before sky cleared to a few blue spots, temp rose to 39 degrees; gusty SW winds (8-10 mph) accompanied initial precip. forms. Total system precip from Tues. through Wed. - 2.00". |
5/24/2013 |
12:00 AM |
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35 degrees, dense general fog - ceiling 100', calm. Previous 24 hours: High 72 degrees, low 37; cloudy cleared to partly cloudy and clear at sunset; occational breeze. beautiful day.
Bull River over banks again. |
5/25/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.22 |
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41 degrees, partly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 79 degrees, low 34; Fog early to partly cloudy to cloudy afternoon - rain late afternoon; occasional light variable wind. |
5/26/2013 |
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36 degrees - (34 degrees at 6:15 AM), dense general fog - ceiling 150', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 62 degrees, low 34; cloudy most of day; calm most of day, occasional breeze afternoon. |
5/27/2013 |
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0.05 |
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51 degrees - (50 degrees earlier), cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 84 degrees briefly, low 36 degrees; dense fog early to partly cloudy, then cloudy late afternoon, light precip sometime between midnight and 6:00 AM; variable gusty winds to 11 mph afternoon. |
5/28/2013 |
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49, cloudy - degrees low overcast - mist, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 72 degrees, low 49; cloudy early to partly cloudy to cloudy late afternoon; occasional breeze. |
5/29/2013 |
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0.12 |
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46 degrees, dense general fog - ceiling 150', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 68 degrees, low 46; cloudy most of day, partly cloudy late afternoon to sunset; occasional light mostly SW wind. |
5/30/2013 |
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0.09 |
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47 degrees, 46 degrees earlier, parttly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High 70 degrees, low 46; partly cloudy most of day, cloudy late afternoon, light rain started at 6:45 PM; gusty winds late afternoon until advent of rain. |
5/31/2013 |
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46 degrees - (45 degrees earlier), cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 62 degrees, low 45; partly clear to cloudy with light showers, to partly cloudy at sunset; occasional breeze. |
6/1/2013 |
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38 degrees - (36 earlier), dense fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 78 degrees, low 36; cloudy to partly clear and back to cloudy; occasional breeze. |
6/3/2013 |
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0.29 |
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47 degrees - (46 earlier), dense fog - ceiling about 300', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 75 degrees, low 45; cloudy early to partly cloudy and back to cloudy, light to mopderate rain started at 2:50 PM, another shower early evening; gusty winds to 10 mph accompanied first rain. |
6/4/2013 |
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0.02 |
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47 degrees - (45 earlier), partly cloudy - upslope and valley fog, calm; Previous 24 hours: high T 77 degrees, low 45; partly cloudy to mostly cloudy afternoon with very light showers; light wind with showers. |
6/5/2013 |
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41 degrees - (40 earlier), clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 85 degrees, low 40; partly cloudy early to clear by afternoon and through night; mostly calm. |
6/6/2013 |
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53 degrees, cloudy - (altostratus), calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 92 degrees, low 41; clear to filtered sun at noon - (cirrostratus nebulosus with a few lower cumulus) cleared late afternoon; south wind to 9 mph with advent of clouds. |
6/7/2013 |
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56 degrees, partly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 95 degrees, low 53; to mostly clear afternoon - a few classic cumulus. |
6/8/2013 |
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47 degrees - (46 earlier), clear - valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 87 degrees, low 46; partly clear to cloudy to partly cloudy and cloudy late afternoon; sprinkles (9 drops) @ 7:00 PM, actual light shower about 8:00 PM from a "little white cloud that cried;" gusty southerly winds afternoon to 12 mph. |
6/9/2013 |
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47 degrees - (46 earlier), clear - valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 81 degrees, low 47; clear to partly cloudy to clear; light gusty winds most of the day. |
6/10/2013 |
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40 degrees, - (39 degrees earlier), clear, calm. At a lower meadow 700' lateral distance from site and 80' lower the low temp. was 28 degrees. Previous 24 hours: High T 88 degrees, low 39; clear early, partly cloudy middle of day and clear later; gusty winds. |
6/11/2013 |
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42 degrees - (41 earlier), mostly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 91 degrees, low 40; sky cover vacillated all day between clear and partly cloudy; variable breeze, mostly S-SW. |
6/12/2013 |
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46 _ (44 earlier), partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 93 degrees, low 42; clear to partly cloudy mid-day to clear afternoon; occasional breeze, mostly S - SW. |
6/13/2013 |
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46 degrees - (45 earlier); mostly cloudy; calm. Previous 24 hours: High 88 degrees, low 45; cloudy to partly cloudy; occasional light wind, mostly S-SW. |
6/14/2013 |
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48 degrees - (43 earlier), partly clear, calm. |
6/15/2013 |
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38 degrees - (37 earlier), clear -valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 64 degrees, low 37; partly clear early to mostly cloudy, cloudy and partly cloudy at sunset; occasional light wind. Intermittent mist started at 11:35 AM - continued for approx. 1 hour; light rain at 2:40 PM for 10 minutes. Dry for this time of year at this site. |
6/16/2013 |
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41 degrees - (39 earlier), clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 85 degrees, low 38; clear to partly cloudy late afternoon to sunset - thin cirrus; mostly calm. |
6/17/2013 |
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53 degrees - (52 earlier), mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 92 degrees, low 41; clear to partly cloudy to clear; occasional breeze. |
6/18/2013 |
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57 degrees - ( 55 earlier), partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 90 degrees, low 53; partly cloudy early, partly clear at 10:00 AM; cloudy late afternoon; gusty winds to 17 mph afternoon. |
6/19/2013 |
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55 degrees, cloudy - drizzle, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 89 degrees, low 55; partly cloudy early to clear by 7:30 AM back to partly clear at 10:00 AM. Cloudy later with rain sometime after 11:30 PM; Gusty winds late afternoon to 18 mph. |
6/20/2013 |
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1.73 |
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48 degrees, cloudy - moderate rain, light SSW wind 4 mph. Bull River just below bank-full. Previous 24 hours: High T 57 degrees, low 48 (present); cloudy - drizzle early, drizzle to moderate rain to 7:00 PM, rain resumed about 10:00 PM; occasional light SSW wind. Last 9 hours - .97", last 24 hours - 1.73", this storm (last 32 hours) - 2.15" |
6/21/2013 |
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1.07 |
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46 degrees - (45 earlier), cloudy - upslope fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 56 degrees, low 46; cloudy, rain and drizzle - heaviest to 3:00 PM, light rain and drizzle after that; light SSW wind. Bull River bank-full with moderate sediment load. |
6/22/2013 |
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46 degrees - (44 earlier), cloudy - dense general fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 64 degrees, low 44; cloudy early, partly cloudy late morning, mostly cloudy 2:00 PM; occasional few drops of rain when cloudy; occasional light southerly wind. |
6/23/2013 |
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44 degrees - (42 earlier), dense fog - 150' ceiling, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 69 degrees, low 42; partly cloudy early to cloudy and partly clear later; occasional light wind - SSW, gusts to 10 mph. |
6/24/2013 |
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0.03 |
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56 degrees - (55 earlier), cloudy - light rain, calm. Previous 24 hours: Previous 24 hours: High T 86 degrees, low 44; partly cloudy most of day to partly clear later; light variable breeze.
6/25/2013 |
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0.25 |
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52 degrees, partly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T - 71 degrees, low 52, cloudy with occasional partly clear periods, sprinkle about 8:45 AM, another sprinkle between 5:00 and 6:00 PM, general light rain about 10:00 PM. |
6/26/2013 |
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0.57 |
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53 degrees - (52 earlier), cloudy - light rain, upslope fog; calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 72 degrees, low 52; partly clear to cloudy, few sprinkles morning, heavy 15 minute shower 5:30 PM, another heavy 15 minute shower 7:00 PM, occasional light rain overnight; calm. |
6/27/2013 |
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0.24 |
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54 degrees - (53 earlier), dense general fog - sky obscured, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 76 degrees, low 53; cloudy early to alternating periods of partly clear and cloudy, cloudy late afternoon - sprinkle morning, sprinkle early afternoon and very heavy shower late afternoon - .21 precip. in less than 10 minutes. SSW winds to 8 mph afternoon. |
6/28/2013 |
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52 degrees, partly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 96 degrees, low 52; Partly clear early to clear, to partly cloudy afternoon; occasional SSW breeze. |
6/29/2013 |
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57 degrees - (55 earlier), clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 95 degrees, low 52, partly clear to clear, partly cloudy afternoon; occasional SSW breeze. |
6/30/2013 |
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59 degrees - (57 earlier), partly cloudy - light fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High 83 degrees, low 57; clear early then alternating cloudy - partly cloudy, light shower morning and afternoon accompanied by light winds. |
7/1/2013 |
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58 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 96 degrees, low 58; partly cloudy early to clear, later partly cloudy; mostly calm. |
7/2/2013 |
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58 degrees - (56 earlier), clear - upslope fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High 99 degrees, low 56; clear most of day with 2 brief periods of partly cloudy; occasional southerly breeze. |
7/3/2013 |
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62 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 101 degrees, low 58; clear; occasional southerly wind to 7 mph. |
7/4/2013 |
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53 degrees - (52 earlier), partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 96 degrees, low 52; clear; occasional gusty variable winds, mostly southerly but one period of NE gusts to 15-20 mph. |
7/5/2013 |
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51 degrees, - (50 earlier), clear - light valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours High T 83 degrees, low 50 degrees; partly cloudy/clear; occasional light southerly wind. |
7/6/2013 |
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49 degrees - (48 earlier), clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 85 degrees, low 48; partly cloudy (cumulus/cumulonimbus) by mid-day; gusty variable winds NE and SSW to 17 mph afternoon. |
7/7/2013 |
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52 degrees - (51 earlier), clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 89 degrees, low 49; alternating periods of clear and partly cloudy - (cumulus and cumulonimbus); light winds preceding partly cloudy periods. |
7/8/2013 |
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52 degrees - (49 earlier), mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 90 degrees, low 49; clear with periods of partly cloudy, very pleasant until 2:00 PM became unseasonably warm; occasional breeze. |
7/9/2013 |
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46, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 84 degrees, low 47; mostly cloudy early to partly cloudy to cloudy and threatening sky by 11:30 AM - 9 drops from a lone little white cloud, partly cloudy to cloudy most of afternoon and clear by sunset; strong wind with clearing sky up to 21 mph. Heavy showers 9 miles SSE about 6:45 PM, nothing here. |
7/10/2013 |
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48 degrees - (47 earlier), clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 90 degrees, low 46; clear; mostly calm - occasional southerly breeze. |
7/11/2013 |
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58 - (56 earlier), partly clear - ending drizzle, light gusty wind. Previous 24 hours: High T 85 degrees, low 48; clear all day after 8:30 AM; occasional strong gusty winds to 22 mph. Lightning and thunder, half mile distant at 5;25 AM, another lightning strike 1½ mile distant at 5:35 AM. First strike started fire on ridge ½ mile from this site. Three man crew on it by noon, 7 men and copter water drops by 5:00 PM, 20 man crew on way; has expanded up ridge. |
7/12/2013 |
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46 - (42 earlier), clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 84 degrees, low 42; clear to mostly cloudy; variable but mostly southerly gusty winds to 21 mph.
Beautiful cloud forms over lower Bull River valley and Clark Fork valley. All forms of lenticularus with evolution to various forms of cirrus between from horizon to horizon. |
7/13/2013 |
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45 degrees - (43 earlier), clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 82 degrees, low 43; cloud cover varied from clear to cloudy to clear at sunset; occasional variable light to moderate wind SE to SSW. Napoleon Gulch fire status : light smoldering smoke early, no noticeable smoke afternoon, four copter surveillance flights and apparently small crew on ground. |
7/14/2013 |
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43 degrees - (42 earlier), clear, calm. Could see frost on the vegetation in the meadow below us, along the Bull River. Previous 24 hours: High T 85 degrees, low 42; clear to partly cloudy during middle afternoon; occasional light southerly wind. |
7/15/2013 |
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44 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 91 degrees, low 43; clear; afternoon variable gusty winds - E - SSW, gusts to 17 mph. |
7/16/2013 |
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49 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 91 degrees, low 44; clear; occasional light gusty winds mostly southerly. |
7/17/2013 |
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61 degrees, partly clear, light breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 93, low 49; clear, cloudy periods afternoon, cloudy early evening through night; occasional light southerly wind. Late afternoon had development of mammatus clouds, usually a precursor of weather activity, but nothing happened, dissipated and became partly clear. |
7/18/2013 |
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54 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High 92 degrees, low 54; mostly clear to clear with occasional cloud but mostly clear remainder of day. |
7/19/2013 |
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48 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 94 degrees, low 48; clear early, became partly cloudy; occasional SSW breeze. |
7/20/2013 |
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50 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 96 degrees, low 49; mostly clear - short period of partly cloudy; calm early, light southerly wind afternoon. |
7/21/2013 |
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46 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High 98 degrees, low 46; clear all day; variable wind - SSE - W, gusts to 12 mph. |
7/22/2013 |
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49 degrees - (48 earlier), clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 95 degrees, low 47; clear; SSE - SSW gusty winds to 15 mph. |
7/23/2013 |
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50 degrees, clear - light valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours" High T 93 degrees, low 49; clear all day; occasional light southerly wind. |
7/24/2013 |
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50 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 95 degrees, low 50; clear all day; occasional light breeze. |
7/25/2013 |
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49 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 102 degrees, low T 49 degrees; clear; calm. |
7/26/2013 |
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49 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 101, low 49; clear, mostly calm except occasional southerly breeze late afternoon. |
7/27/2013 |
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49 - (48 earlier), clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 101 degrees, low 48; clear most of day, partly cloudy at sunset; variable winds after 11:00 AM, E - SSW, gusts to 12 mph. |
7/28/2013 |
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45 degrees, partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 92 degrees, low 45; alternately partly cloudy to clear - cirrus early to cumulus over higher terrain (7-8000') with moderate vert. devel., clear at sunset; variable wind NE to SSW and S later to 8 mph. |
7/29/2013 |
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47 degrees, partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 95 degrees, low 45; alternately partly cloudy and clear; variable wind to 8 mph NE to SSW. |
7/30/2013 |
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50 degrees - ( 48 earlier), mostly cloudy (cirro stratus), calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 89 degrees, 47; partly cloudy (cumulus) most of day, short clear period afternoon, mostly cloudy (cirrostratus) at sunset; occasional variable breeze. |
7/31/2013 |
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45 degrees, partly cloudy - also haze/smoke, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 92 degrees, low 45; mostly cloudy to partly cloudy - haze/smoke; variable light wind. |
8/1/2013 |
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55 degrees, partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 92 degrees, low 46; partly cloudy to cloudy with filtered sun; occasional breeze |
8/2/2013 |
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57 degrees, low overcast, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 71 degrees, low 55; cloudy morning to partly clear late afternoon, partly cloudy at sunset - (light smoke), occasional drizzle/light rain after 11:15 AM to 1:30 PM; calm. |
8/3/2013 |
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54 degrees - (53 earlier), low overcast - light general fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 71 degrees, low 53; intermittent light rain/drizzle most of day; mostly calm. Total Precip. from this system - 1.27". GREAT |
8/4/2013 |
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50 degrees - (49 earlier), very dense fog (sky obscured), calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 82 degrees, low 49; cloudy, low overcast early, partly cloudy afternoon, clear at sunset; occasional light wind. |
8/5/2013 |
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51 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 90 degrees, low 50; partly cloudy all day; variable gusty winds NE - WSW, up to 12 mph. |
8/6/2013 |
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50 degrees, clear (very dense fog just cleared at this site), calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 91 degrees, low 50; partly cloudy all day mostly cumulus, some cirrus at sunset; gusty winds (up to 15 mph) from all quarters EXCEPT E. |
8/7/2013 |
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52 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 94 degrees, low 50; Variable light winds |
8/8/2013 |
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49 degrees, clear - light valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 96 degrees, low 50; mostly clear morning, partly cloudy afternoon; light wind - WSW morning, E-SE afternoon. |
8/9/2013 |
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55 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 96 degrees, low 49; clear early, partly cloudy by late morning and remainder of day; occasional light variable wind but mostly calm. |
8/10/2013 |
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61 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 95 degrees, low 55; clear early, partly cloudy later; light variable wind - E to SSW. |
8/11/2013 |
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57,cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 97 degrees, low 57; cloudy early, clear by 9:00 AM; mostly calm - occasional light breeze. No precip. |
8/12/2013 |
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56 degrees, clear sky - dense general fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 95 degrees, low 56; cloudy early to clear and back to cloudy by 3:45 PM; shower at 6:45 PM, thunder and lightning starting at 11:10 and through out much of night; light wind. |
8/17/2013 |
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56 degrees - (57 earlier), clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: Gone for 5 days - No previous.
see multi day accumulation report. |
8/18/2013 |
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53 degrees - (52 degrees earlier), clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 89 degrees, low 52; clear early partly cloudy afternoon, brief periods of mostly cloudy late afternoon; gusty winds (to 12 mph) S-SW afternoon. |
8/19/2013 |
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50 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 90 degrees, low 50; clear early tending toward more clouds as day progressed to mostly cloudy at 6:30 PM, clearing after sunset; S to SW winds afternoon. |
8/20/2013 |
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50 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 90 degrees, low 50; clear morning, partly cloudy afternoon, clear after sunset, gusty ESE - SSE winds 10-18 mph. |
8/21/2013 |
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41 degrees; clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 89 degrees, low 41; clear; gusty winds, SSE - SSW up to 9 mph. |
8/22/2013 |
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45 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 88 degrees, low 41; clear morning, partly cloudy late afternoon - cirro stratus; mostly calm all day; |
8/23/2013 |
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56 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 89 degrees, low 45; clear morning to mostly cloudy late afternoon; occasional light southerly wind. |
8/24/2013 |
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50 degrees, clear - (valley fog), calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 91 degrees, low 50; clear early, partly cloudy by 8:00 AM, mostly cloudy late afternoon with distant thunder and 9 drops of rain; occasional light breeze. |
8/25/2013 |
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58 degrees, cloudy - (light general fog), cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 92 degrees, low 50; clear early, partly cloudy afternoon with threatening conditions, two distinct storm cells - one after 10:30 PM, another after midnight, first had heaviest rain; mostly calm during day, light SW wind with thunderstorms. |
8/26/2013 |
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55 degrees, general fog - ceiling 150', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 89 degrees, low 55; cloudy early to partly cloudy morning, cloudy by 6:00 PM, three thunderstorm events, first about 10:00 PM with light rain, second about 11:45 accompanied by initial strong wind and brief heavy rain and continued light
rain, 3rd event sometime after midnight. |
8/27/2013 |
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46,clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: high T (missed high), low 47 degree; partly to mostly cloudy; cooled significantly afternoon from high 80s to middle 70s and then warmed again. |
8/28/2013 |
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50 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 90 degrees, low 46,clear morning with light S wind; partly to mostly cloudy late afternoon. |
8/29/2013 |
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50 degrees, clear - light valley fog, calm.
Previous 24 hours: High T 87 degrees, low 50; cloudy early to filtered sun most of day; occasional light wind S- SSW. |
8/30/2013 |
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54, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 78, low 50; clear early to cloudy by noon, sprinkle at 12:30 PM, more productive shower about 3:30 PM, clear after sunset. |
8/31/2013 |
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423 degrees, clear - valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 84 degrees, low 43;cloudy - light rain 7:05 to 8:05 AM, clearing at 8:10, partly cloudy to mostly cloudy remainder of day (cumulus subtending cirrus). |
9/1/2013 |
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45 degrees - (44 earlier), clear - valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 89 degrees, low 43; mostly clear, two brief periods of partly cloudy; occasional light southerly wind. |
9/2/2013 |
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62 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 92 degrees, low 45; clear morning, partly cloudy afternoon to cloudy and threatening at 5:30 PM, partly cloudy at sunset; occasional southerly breeze. |
9/3/2013 |
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53 degrees, cloudy. Previous 24 hours: High T 74 degrees, low 54 degrees, light sprinkle at 7:30 AM; mostly calm. |
9/4/2013 |
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53 degrees - (52 earlier), mostly cloudy - light valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 84 degrees, low 52; cloudy early to partly clear late afternoon, partly cloudy at sunset; mostly calm. |
9/5/2013 |
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62 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 92 degrees, low 53; mostly cloudy early, to clear most of day, to partly cloudy at sunset; occasional southerly breeze. |
9/6/2013 |
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60 degrees - (58 earlier), low overcast - fog/clouds ceiling 150', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 73 degrees, low 58; cloudy, light rain 7:15 to 9:15 cleared to partly cloudy, cloudy late morning w/occasional light shower, to partly clear late afternoon, no rain 1:30 PM to 7:00 AM Friday, most weather west of this site. |
9/7/2013 |
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55 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 73 degrees, low 55; Overcast to clear by 8:00 AM, cloudy and threatening by noon to partly cloudy late afternoon; gusty winds with one strong gust to 25 mph late afternoon. |
9/8/2013 |
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54 degrees -(53 earlier), mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 74 degrees, low 53; cloud cover varied from cloudy to partly cloudy all day; light southerly breeze. |
9/9/2013 |
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50 degrees, clear - light valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T (missed), low 50 degrees; partly cloudy by 7;30 AM, remainder of day partly to mostly cloudy with threatening appearance, light mist for 5 minutes at 7:30 PM; occasional light southerly wind. |
9/10/2013 |
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47 degrees, clear - valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 87 degrees, low 47; clear morning, partly cloudy afternoon, cumulus clouds with considerable vertical development; calm, occasional light breeze. |
9/11/2013 |
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49 degrees, clear - valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 91 degrees, low 47; clear to partly cloudy; occasional light southerly breeze. |
9/12/2013 |
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50 degrees, clear - light valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 92, low 49; mostly clear and calm.
DRY, dry soils, dry vegetation, dry atmosphere, little or no dew in morning.
9/13/2013 |
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49 degrees - (48 earlier), clear - light valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 91 degrees, low 48; clear morning, partly cloudy periods afternoon; mostly calm. |
9/14/2013 |
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54 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 93 degrees, low 49; clear morning, partly cloudy periods afternoon; morning and early afternoon light ESE winds. |
9/15/2013 |
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49 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 87 degrees, low 49; clear at 7:00 AM, partly cloudy by 7:15 AM, cloudy by 11:00 AM - filtered sunlight, clearing at sunset; light southerly breeze afternoon. |
9/16/2013 |
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57 degrees -(56 earlier), low overcast - fog - ceiling 100', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 96 degrees, low 49: clear at 7:00 AM to partly cloudy by 7:05, back to clear by 10:00 AM, partly cloudy at 2:15 PM, clear at sunset; occasional light SE wind, rain sometime after midnight accompanied by light gusty winds. |
9/17/2013 |
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49 - (48 earlier), clear - light valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T missed, low 48 degrees; sky cover varied from cloudy to partly cloudy all day with dark threatening clouds over Mtns. both sides of valley, occasionally clouds would extend over and drop a couple drops of rain; light wind -SE. |
9/18/2013 |
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52 degrees - (51 earlier), cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 82 degrees, low 49; clear early to partly cloudy by 8:00 AM to cloudy and threatening by 5:00 PM, light rain started at 8:15 PM; occasional breeze. |
9/19/2013 |
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43 degrees, very dense fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 55 degrees, low 43; cloudy - light rain most of morning, intermittent rain afternoon through 9:30 PM; occasional light gusty wind. |
9/20/2013 |
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44 degrees - (40 earlier), dense fog - ceiling 150', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T missed, low 40 degrees; very dense fog early - ceiling 100', to partly cloudy late morning, clear at sunset. |
9/21/2013 |
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46 degrees - (42 earlier, clear most of night), mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 70 degrees, low 42; Partly cloudy to clear after fog cleared; occasional light wind. |
9/22/2013 |
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40 degrees, general fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 69 degrees, low 40; mostly cloudy - filtered sun, partly clear late afternoon, early afternoon a 20 minute period of countable drops. |
9/23/2013 |
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48 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 59 degrees, low 40; cloudy, one brief period of partly clear, sprinkle around noon, shower afternoon, light rain during night; light wind with showers, apparent stronger gusts during night (small branch litter). |
9/24/2013 |
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48 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 56 degrees, low 48; intermittent drizzle or light rain all day; breeze morning. |
9/25/2013 |
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45 degrees, light rain, calm. Previous 24 hours: High 56 degrees, low 45; cloudy most of time with some showers, several brief periods of "peek-a-boo sun", periods of light showers overnight. |