Observation Date |
Observation Time |
Precipitation |
Snowfall |
Snowfall SWE |
Snow Depth |
Snow SWE |
Notes |
4/12/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.28 |
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Wind .8 w/ gusts of 4.5 |
4/13/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.31 |
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58.0 F / wind N 1.3 mph, gust 2.7 mph, msw 19.2 mph / rh 51% / bp 30.05 inHg |
4/14/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Temp: current 47.2 F / 24h max 85.3 F / 24h min 46.1 F
Wind: current dir WNW / current 0.1 mph / gusts 0.2 mph / 24h max 8.3 mph
Dewpoint: current 43.6 F / 24h max 47.8 F / 24h min 43 F
Relative Pressure: 30.07 inHg
Rainfall: 24h 0 in / last hour 0 in / max hour in last 24 h 0 in
4/15/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.02 |
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Temp: current 60.8 F / 24h max 74.5 F / 24h min 60.1 F
Wind: current dir ENE / current 1.1 mph / gusts 1.3 mph / 24h max 12.3 mph
Dewpoint: current 52.9 F / 24h max 58.1 F / 24h min 38.5 F
Relative Pressure: 30.06 inHg
Rainfall: 24h 0.02 in / last hour 0.0 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.02 in
4/16/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Temp: current 57.4 F / 24h max 76.6 F / 24h min 57.1 F
Relative Humidity: current 90 % / 24h max 91 % / 24 h min 45 %
Wind: current dir N / current 0.4 mph / gusts 1.3 mph / 24h max 15.0 mph
Dewpoint: current 54.7 F / 24h max 57.8 F / 24h min 52.7 F
Relative Pressure: 30.22 inHg
Rainfall: 24h 0 in / last hour 0 in / max hour in last 24 h 0 in
4/17/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Temp: current 61.6 F / 24h max 76.9 F / 24h min 55.1 F //
Relative Humidity: current 91 % / 24h max 92 % / 24 h min 45 % //
Wind: current dir WSW / current 1.8 mph / gusts 2.7 mph / 24h max 15.0 mph //
Dewpoint: current 59.1 F / 24h max 62.1 F / 24h min 52.2 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.20 inHg //
Rainfall: 24h 0 in / last hour 0 in / max hour in last 24 h 0 in
4/18/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Temp: current 64.6 F / 24h max 90.4 F / 24h min 5.9 F //
Relative Humidity: current 85 % / 24h max 90 % / 24 h min 42 % //
Wind: current dir SW / current 0.7 mph / gusts 1.3 mph / 24h max 12.3 mph //
Dewpoint: current 60.0 F / 24h max 69.3 F / 24h min 55.3 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.18 inHg //
Rainfall: 24h 0 in / last hour 0 in / max hour in last 24 h 0 in
4/19/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.01 |
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Temp: current 68.8 F / 24h max 82.8 F / 24h min 64.3 F //
Relative Humidity: current 86 % / 24h max 89 % / 24 h min 50 % //
Wind: current dir SW / current 0.7 mph / gusts 1.3 mph / 24h max 12.3 mph //
Dewpoint: current 64.4 F / 24h max 67.3 F / 24h min 57.1 F //
Relative Pressure: 29.94 inHg //
Rainfall: 24h 0.01 in / last hour 0 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.01 in
4/20/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.61 |
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Temp: current 50.4 F / 24h max 84.8 F / 24h min 50.0 F //
Relative Humidity: current 77 % / 24h max 91 % / 24 h min 50 % //
Wind: current dir NE / current 1.3 mph / gusts 2.7 mph / 24h max 30.2 mph //
Dewpoint: current 43.5 F / 24h max 68.9 F / 24h min 42.6 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.05 inHg //
Rainfall: 24h 0.61 in / last hour 0 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.57 in
4/21/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Temp: current 47.2 F / 24h max 64.8 F / 24h min 41.5 F //
Relative Humidity: current 76 % / 24h max 88 % / 24 h min 36 % //
Wind: current dir ENE / current 9.2 mph / gusts 13.6 mph / 24h max 15 mph //
Dewpoint: current 40.0 F / 24h max 44.0 F / 24h min 33.9 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.39 inHg //
Rainfall: 24h 0 in / last hour 0 in / max hour in last 24 h 0 in
4/22/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Temp: current 40.7 F / 24h max 67.0 F / 24h min 36.9 F //
Relative Humidity: current 81 % / 24h max 86 % / 24 h min 37 % //
Wind: current dir SW / current 4.7 mph / gusts 6.9 mph / 24h max 19.2 mph //
Dewpoint: current 35.3 F / 24h max 43.1 F / 24h min 32.4 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.35 inHg //
Rainfall: 24h 0 in / last hour 0 in / max hour in last 24 h 0 in
4/23/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.02 |
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Temp: current 49.1 F / 24h max 67.0 F / 24h min 36.9 F //
Relative Humidity: current 82 % / 24h max 86 % / 24 h min 37 % //
Wind: current dir NNW / current 4.5 mph / gusts 5.4 mph / 24h max 19.2 mph //
Dewpoint: current 43.8 F / 24h max 45.4 F / 24h min 32.4 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.16 inHg //
Rainfall: 24h 0.02 in / last hour 0 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.02 in
4/24/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Temp: current 51.8 F / 24h max 66.6 F / 24h min 44.6 F //
Relative Humidity: current 91 % / 24h max 92 % / 24 h min 52 % //
Wind: current dir SSW / current 3.4 mph / gusts 5.4 mph / 24h max 12.3 mph //
Dewpoint: current 49.2 F / 24h max 50.0 F / 24h min 41.7 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.13 inHg //
Rainfall: 24h 0 in / last hour 0 in / max hour in last 24 h 0 in
4/25/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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4/26/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Temp: current 49.7 F / 24h max 81.4 F / 24h min 44.6 F //
Relative Humidity: current 88 % / 24h max 92 % / 24 h min 41 % //
Wind: current dir ENE / current 0 mph / gusts 0 mph / 24h max 20.6 mph //
Dewpoint: current 60.4 F / 24h max 44.4 F / 24h min 40.2 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.34 inHg //
Rainfall: 24h 0 in / last hour 0 in / max hour in last 24 h 0 in |
4/27/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Temp: current 68.4 F / 24h max 68.4 F / 24h min 47.7 F //
Relative Humidity: current 42 % / 24h max 90 % / 24 h min 23 % //
Wind: current dir SW / current 3.6 mph / gusts 4.0 mph / 24h max 13.6 mph //
Dewpoint: current 54.5 F / 24h max 57.6 F / 24h min 35.0 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.34 inHg //
Rainfall: 24h 0 in / last hour 0 in / max hour in last 24 h 0 in //
Comments: Clear, cloudless skies |
4/28/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Temp: current 59.0 F / 24h max 83.3 F / 24h min 54.9 F //
Relative Humidity: current 69 % / 24h max 72 % / 24 h min 28 % //
Wind: current dir SSE / current 0.4 mph / gusts 1.3 mph / 24h max 9.6 mph //
Dewpoint: current 48.9 F / 24h max 54.4 F / 24h min 42.6 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.21 inHg //
Rainfall: 24h 0 in / last hour 0 in / max hour in last 24 h 0 in //
Comments: Overcast, occasional rain drops
5/4/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.01 |
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5/5/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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5/6/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.03 |
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Temp: current 58.7 F / 24h max 61.0 F / 24h min 52.2 F //
Relative Humidity: current 92 % / 24h max 93 % / 24 h min 79 % //
Wind: current dir ENE / current 2.9 mph / gusts 4.0 mph / 24h max 23.3 mph //
Dewpoint: current 56.3 F / 24h max 56.3 F / 24h min 47.5 F //
Relative Pressure: 29.94 inHg //
Rainfall: 24h 0.03 in / last hour 0 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.01 in //
Comments: Total overcast
5/7/2013 |
8:00 AM |
2.02 |
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Temp: current 57.8 F / 24h max 68.9 F / 24h min 52.2 F //
Relative Humidity: current 94 % / 24h max 94 % / 24 h min 79 % //
Wind: current dir SW / current 1.1 mph / gusts 2.7 mph / 24h max 23.3 mph //
Dewpoint: current 56.1 F / 24h max 54.5 F / 24h min 47.5 F //
Relative Pressure: 29.86 inHg //
Rainfall: 24h 2.02 in / last hour 0 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.75 in //
Comments: high, wispy clouds |
5/8/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.06 |
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Temp: current 58.5 F / 24h max 76.0 F / 24h min 50.6 F //
Relative Humidity: current 90 % / 24h max 94 % / 24 h min 48 % //
Wind: current dir SW / current 0.4 mph / gusts 1.3 mph / 24h max 11.0 mph //
Dewpoint: current 55.8 F / 24h max 66.2 F / 24h min 47.4 F //
Relative Pressure: 29.96 inHg //
Rainfall: 24h 0.06 in / last hour 0 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.02 in //
Comments: scattered clouds
5/9/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.15 |
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Temp: current 55.6 F / 24h max 76.7 F / 24h min 54.4 F //
Relative Humidity: current 92 % / 24h max 92 % / 24 h min 58 % //
Wind: current dir NW / current 0 mph / gusts 0 mph / 24h max 11.6 mph //
Dewpoint: current 53.3 F / 24h max 65.3 F / 24h min 51.9 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.00 inHg //
Rainfall: 24h 0.15 in / last hour 0 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.04 in //
Comments: heavy fog early
5/10/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.01 |
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Temp: current 64.3 F / 24h max 83.9 F / 24h min 54.4 F //
Relative Humidity: current 87 % / 24h max 92 % / 24 h min 42 % //
Wind: current dir SW / current 0 mph / gusts 0 mph / 24h max 13.6 mph //
Dewpoint: current 60.4 F / 24h max 65.3 F / 24h min 52.2 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.04 inHg //
Rainfall: 24h 0.01 in / last hour 0 in / max hour in last 24 h 0 in //
Comments: high, very very scattered whispy clouds, almost clear |
5/11/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Temp: current 70.2 F / 24h max 93.6 F / 24h min 66.3 F //
Relative Humidity: current 75 % / 24h max 87 % / 24 h min 36 % //
Wind: current dir SW / current 2.9 mph / gusts 4 mph / 24h max 13.6 mph //
Dewpoint: current 61.8 F / 24h max 68.2 F / 24h min 58.0 F //
Relative Pressure: 29.93 inHg //
Rainfall: 24h 0 in / last hour 0 in / max hour in last 24 h 0 in //
Comments: widely scattered light clouds
5/12/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.04 |
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Temp: current 63.4 F / 24h max 88.7 F / 24h min 62.6 F //
Relative Humidity: current 77 % / 24h max 89 % / 24 h min 43 % //
Wind: current dir SW / current 0 mph / gusts 0 mph / 24h max 10.1 mph //
Dewpoint: current 56.0 F / 24h max 68.6 F / 24h min 55.6 F //
Relative Pressure: 29.87 inHg / falling//
Rainfall: 24h 0.04 in / last hour 0 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.03 in //
Comments: brief rain shower late Saturday afternoon, mostly cloudy this morning
5/13/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Temp: current 52.0 F / 24h max 81.0 F / 24h min 47.3 F //
Relative Humidity: current 61 % / 24h max 73 % / 24 h min 34 % //
Wind: current dir N / current 0.2 mph / gusts 1.3 mph / 24h max 12.3 mph //
Dewpoint: current 40.9 F / 24h max 58.8 F / 24h min 37.8 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.13 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 0 in / last hour 0 in / max hour in last 24 h 0 in //
Comments: scattered mid-level clouds early
5/14/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Temp: current 41.4 F / 24h max 81.0 F / 24h min 40.7 F //
Relative Humidity: current 84 % / 24h max 84 % / 24 h min 25 % //
Wind: current dir WNW / current 0 mph / gusts 0 mph / 24h max 13.6 mph //
Dewpoint: current 36.9 F / 24h max 58.8 F / 24h min 33.0 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.19 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 0 in / last hour 0 in / max hour in last 24 h 0 in //
Comments: clear skies
5/15/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Temp: current 60.3 F / 24h max 73.10 F / 24h min 40.7 F //
Relative Humidity: current 70 % / 24h max 85 % / 24 h min 25 % //
Wind: current dir SSW / current 2.5 mph / gusts 2.7 mph / 24h max 11.6 mph //
Dewpoint: current 50.8 F / 24h max xx.x F / 24h min xx.x F //
Relative Pressure: 30.03 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0 in / last hour 0 in / max hour in last 24 h 0 in //
Comments: clear skies
5/16/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Temp: current 63.2 F / 24h max 88.9 F / 24h min 60.5 F //
Relative Humidity: current 83 % / 24h max 83 % / 24 h min 38 % //
Wind: current dir SW / current 0 mph / gusts 0 mph / 24h max 15.0 mph //
Dewpoint: current 58.1 F / 24h max 62.8 F / 24h min 50.8 F //
Relative Pressure: 29.93 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0 in / last hour 0 in / max hour in last 24 h 0 in //
Comments: completely clear skies
5/17/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Temp: current 68.0 F / 24h max 91.8 F / 24h min 61.0 F //
Relative Humidity: current 84 % / 24h max 87 % / 24 h min 33 % //
Wind: current dir NE / current 0 mph / gusts 0 mph / 24h max 15.0 mph //
Dewpoint: current 63.2 F / 24h max 67.8 F / 24h min 55.8 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.06 inHg / fising //
Rainfall: 24h 0 in / last hour 0 in / max hour in last 24 h 0 in //
Comments: totally overcast with mid-level clouds
5/18/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.05 |
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Temp: current 67.9 F / 24h max 95.4 F, 12:56 PM / 24h min 63.4 F, 6:19 AM //
Relative Humidity: current 85 % / 24h max 89 %, 6:59 AM / 24 h min 31 % 12:40 PM//
Wind: current dir NNE / current 0 mph / gusts 0 mph / 24h max 8.3 mph, 12:37 PM //
Dewpoint: current 63.4 F / 24h max 71.6 F, 9:26 AM / 24h min 58.1 F, 11:21 AM //
Relative Pressure: 30.14 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 0.05 in / last hour 0 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.03 in, 11:39 PM //
Comments: overcast
5/19/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.09 |
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Temp: current 67.7 F / 24h max 85.0 F, 11:02 AM / 24h min 65.5 F, 6:26 AM //
Relative Humidity: current 92 % / 24h max 92 %, 8:00 AM / 24 h min 61 % 11:08 AM//
Wind: current dir SSE / current 0.02 mph / gusts 1.3 mph / 24h max 8.3 mph, 7:16 PM //
Dewpoint: current 65.4 F / 24h max 71.5 F, 11:01 AM / 24h min 62.6 F, 6:10 AM //
Relative Pressure: 30.13 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 0.09 in / last hour 0 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.03 in, 10:00 PM //
Comments: overcast
5/20/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.43 |
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Temp: current 68.4 F / 24h max 86.4 F, 1:24 PM / 24h min 66.8 F, 1:29 AM //
Relative Humidity: current 93 % / 24h max 93 %, 8:00 AM / 24 h min 61 % 1:26 PM//
Wind: current dir E / current 0.04 mph / gusts 1.3 mph / 24h max 20.6 mph, 2:04 PM //
Dewpoint: current 66.2 F / 24h max 74.0 F, 12:27 PM / 24h min 63.5 F, 2:33 PM //
Relative Pressure: 30.13 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.43 in / last hour 0.12 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.12 in, 8:00 AM //
Comments: overcast, steady light rain
5/21/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.52 |
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Temp: current 68.9 F / 24h max 78.8 F, 2:04 PM / 24h min 67.7 F, 11:13 PM //
Relative Humidity: current 94 % / 24h max 94 %, 8:00 AM / 24 h min 77 % 3:08 PM //
Wind: current dir S / current 0.0 mph / gusts 1.3 mph / 24h max 13.6 mph, 4:15 PM //
Dewpoint: current 67.3 F / 24h max 72.4 F, 12:11 PM / 24h min 65.5 F, 11:13 PM //
Relative Pressure: 30.04 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.52 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.27 in, 4:55 PM //
Comments: overcast, scattered fog early
5/22/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.01 |
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Temp: current 71.5 F / 24h max 85.5 F, 12:51 PM / 24h min 67.7 F, 6:12 AM //
Relative Humidity: current 87 % / 24h max 94 %, 8:13 AM / 24 h min 68 % 1:04 PM //
Wind: current dir SW / current 6.3 mph / gusts 8.3 mph / 24h max 13.6 mph, 2:34 AM //
Dewpoint: current 67.2 F / 24h max 76.3 F, 11:20 AM / 24h min 65.3 F, 10:18 PM //
Relative Pressure: 30.03 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.01 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in, x:xx PM //
Comments: mostly clear, scattered clouds
5/23/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Temp: current 72.4 F / 24h max 88.2 F, 12:56 PM / 24h min 69.3 F, 6:32 AM //
Relative Humidity: current 87 % / 24h max 90 %, 7:24 AM / 24 h min 56 % 12:59 PM //
Wind: current dir SSW / current 2.0 mph / gusts 4.0 mph / 24h max 16.3 mph, 5:51 PM //
Dewpoint: current 68.0 F / 24h max 73.4 F, 9:29 AM / 24h min 65.3 F, 1:15 AM //
Relative Pressure: 29.95 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in, 8:00 AM //
Comments: partly cloudy
5/24/2013 |
8:00 AM |
1.48 |
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Temp: current 64.1 F / 24h max 93.2 F, 12:27 PM / 24h min 63.4 F, 6:31 AM //
Relative Humidity: current 90 % / 24h max 93 %, 6:40 AM / 24 h min 46 % 1:05 PM //
Wind: current dir NNE / current 0.7 mph / gusts 1.3 mph / 24h max 9.6 mph, 10:59 AM //
Dewpoint: current 61.4 F / 24h max 73.4 F, 9:53 AM / 24h min 61.0 F, 6:30 AM //
Relative Pressure: 29.86 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 1.48 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 1.16 in, 3:59 PM //
Comments: mostly sunny
5/25/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.01 |
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Temp: current 48.4 F / 24h max 74.2 F, 12:44 PM / 24h min 42.3 F, 6:23 AM //
Relative Humidity: current 72 % / 24h max 91 %, 8:00 AM / 24 h min 42 % 7:15 PM //
Wind: current dir NNE / current 4.7 mph / gusts 6.9 mph / 24h max 19.2 mph, 5:27 PM //
Dewpoint: current 39.6 F / 24h max 63.2 F, 8:00 AM / 24h min 38.0 F, 5:08 AM //
Relative Pressure: 30.21 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 0.01 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in, x:xx PM //
Comments: cloudless skies
5/26/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 05-26-13 //
Temp: current 54.7 F / 24h max 74.0 F, 10:04 AM / 24h min 47.2 F, 6:14 AM //
Relative Humidity: current 76 % / 24h max 83 %, 7:05 AM / 24 h min 29 %, 4:21 PM //
Wind: current dir NNE / current 0 mph / gusts 0 mph / 24h max 15.0 mph, 2:23 PM //
Dewpoint: current 47.3 F / 24h max 48.9 F, 9:19 AM / 24h min 36.5 F, 3:05 PM //
Relative Pressure: 30.22 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in, x:xx PM //
Comments: cloudy skies
5/27/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 05-27-13 //
Temp: current 71.0 F / 24h max 72.7 F, 11:32 AM / 24h min 55.1 F, 8:13 AM //
Relative Humidity: current 48 % / 24h max 89 %, 7:42 AM / 24 h min 30 %, 1:13 PM //
Wind: current dir SSE / current 2.2 mph / gusts 4.0 mph / 24h max 11.0 mph, 2:48 PM //
Dewpoint: current 62.8 F / 24h max 63.5 F, 9:09 AM / 24h min 41.5 F, 2:18 PM //
Relative Pressure: 30.26 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in, x:xx PM //
Comments: nearly cloudless skies
5/28/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 05-28-13 //
Temp: current 64.4 F / 24h max 88.7 F, 12:18 PM / 24h min 51.7 F, 6:22 AM //
Relative Humidity: current 82 % / 24h max 85 %, 6:42 AM / 24 h min 32 %, 1:01 PM //
Wind: current dir SW / current 3.8 mph / gusts 5.4 mph / 24h max 12.3 mph, 4:10 PM //
Dewpoint: current 59.5 F / 24h max 63.5 F, 9:11 AM / 24h min 51.5 F, 3:48 AM //
Relative Pressure: 30.24 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in, x:xx PM //
Comments: a few high wispy clouds
5/29/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 05-29-13 //
Temp: current 67.0 F / 24h max 90.2 F, 12:42 PM / 24h min 61.0 F, 6:18 AM //
Relative Humidity: current 87 % / 24h max 89 %, 7:39 AM / 24 h min 44 %, 12:22 PM //
Wind: current dir SW / current 4.9 mph / gusts 5.4 mph / 24h max 13.6 mph, 3:30 PM //
Dewpoint: current 62.9 F / 24h max 69.3 F, 10:48 AM / 24h min 57.2 F, 6:18 AM //
Relative Pressure: 30.23 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in, x:xx PM //
Comments: clear skies
5/30/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 05-30-13 //
Temp: current 67.9 F / 24h max 91.8 F, 12:45 PM / 24h min 61.9 F, 6:27 AM //
Relative Humidity: current 89 % / 24h max 89 %, 8:00 AM / 24 h min 40 %, 12:12 PM //
Wind: current dir SSW / current 3.1 mph / gusts 4.0 mph / 24h max 16.3 mph, 10:13 AM //
Dewpoint: current 64.6 F / 24h max 71.3 F, 9:32 AM / 24h min 58.1 F, 6:27 AM //
Relative Pressure: 30.25 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in, x:xx PM //
Comments: totally clear skies
5/31/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 05-31-13 //
Temp: current 72.9 F / 24h max 96.3 F, 12:38 PM / 24h min 65.5 F, 6:35 AM //
Relative Humidity: current 83 % / 24h max 90 %, 7:38 AM / 24 h min 39 %, 12:49 PM //
Wind: current dir W / current 3.1 mph / gusts 5.4 mph / 24h max 12.3 mph, 11:41 AM //
Dewpoint: current 69.1 F / 24h max 72.8 F, 9:07 AM / 24h min 61.6 F, 2:55 PM //
Relative Pressure: 30.24 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in, x:xx PM //
Comments: nearly cloudless skies, high humidity early
6/1/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 06-01-13 //
Temp: current 71.3 F / 24h max 97.0 F, 11:27 AM / 24h min 67.5 F, 6:28 AM //
Relative Humidity: current 87 % / 24h max 90 %, 6:52 AM / 24 h min 43 %, 1:02 PM //
Wind: current dir WSW / current 2.2 mph / gusts 4.0 mph / 24h max 11.0 mph, 2:24 PM //
Dewpoint: current 67.4 F / 24h max 77.4 F, 9:12 AM / 24h min 63.1 F, 7:13 PM //
Relative Pressure: 30.15 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in, x:xx PM //
Comments: clear skies
6/2/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 06-02-13 //
Temp: current 72.7 F / 24h max 96.8 F, 11:01 AM / 24h min 68.0 F, 5:52 AM //
Relative Humidity: current 83 % / 24h max 88 %, 6:50 AM / 24 h min 42 %, 11:06 AM //
Wind: current dir SSW / current 2.5 mph / gusts 2.7 mph / 24h max 12.3 mph, 6:06 AM //
Dewpoint: current 67.3 F / 24h max 74.9 F, 9:22 AM / 24h min 63.0 F, 5:27 AM //
Relative Pressure: 30.03 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in, x:xx PM //
Comments: Mostly cloudy, fast moving clouds
6/3/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 06-03-13 //
Temp: current 73.1 F / 24h max 94.5 F, 12:34 PM / 24h min 71.3 F, 5:22 AM //
Relative Humidity: current 88 % / 24h max 89 %, 7:54 AM / 24 h min 45 %, 12:52 PM //
Wind: current dir SW / current 0.0 mph / gusts 0.8 mph / 24h max xx.x mph, x:xx AM //
Dewpoint: current 69.3 F / 24h max 71.5 F, 9:57 AM / 24h min 64.4 F, 6:10 PM //
Relative Pressure: 29.93 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.03 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.03 in, 3:03 AM / Month Total June 0.03 in//
Comments: Completely overcast, ground still wet from overnight rain
6/4/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 06-04-13 //
Temp: current 69.8 F / 24h max 82.8 F, 2:14 PM / 24h min 65.5 F, 3:20 AM //
Relative Humidity: current 85 % / 24h max 93 %, 6:26 AM / 24 h min 71 %, 2:18 PM //
Wind: current dir SSW / current 1.1 mph / gusts 4.2 mph / 24h max 12.3 mph, 4:49 PM //
Dewpoint: current 65.3 F / 24h max 73.9 F, 1:36 PM / 24h min 62.6 F, 3:20 AM //
Relative Pressure: 30.04 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 0.02 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.0 in, 1:59 AM / Month Total June 0.05 in//
Comments: Clear skies, low fog early
6/5/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 06-05-13 //
Temp: current 68.8 F / 24h max 82.1 F, 9:33 AM / 24h min 59.8 F, 6:18 AM //
Relative Humidity: current 75 % / 24h max 91 %, 6:43 AM / 24 h min 49 %, 5:01 PM //
Wind: current dir ENE / current 1.1 mph / gusts 1.3 mph / 24h max 13.6 mph, 9:10 AM //
Dewpoint: current 60.7 F / 24h max 67.8 F, 9:28 AM / 24h min 59.6 F, 6:14 AM //
Relative Pressure: 30.14 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.02 in, 8:59 AM / Month Total June 0.05 in//
Comments: partly cloudy skies, beautiful morning
6/6/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 06-06-13 //
Temp: current 66.8 F / 24h max 90.0 F, 12:31 PM / 24h min 63.7 F, 3:00 AM //
Relative Humidity: current 84 % / 24h max 85 %, 7:52 AM / 24 h min 39 %, 1:12 PM //
Wind: current dir NNE / current 0.4 mph / gusts 1.3 mph / 24h max 9.6 mph, 3:53M //
Dewpoint: current 61.7 F / 24h max 67.3 F, 9:48 AM / 24h min 55.4 F, 12:23 AM //
Relative Pressure: 29.96 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h x.xx in, x:xx AM / Month Total June 0.05 in//
Comments: totally overcast
6/7/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 06-07-13 //
Temp: current 70.2 F / 24h max 78.1 F, 1:26 PM / 24h min 66.8 F, 8:09 AM //
Relative Humidity: current 94 % / 24h max 94 %, 8:00 AM / 24 h min76 %, 1:34 PM //
Wind: current dir SE / current 0.7 mph / gusts 1.3 mph / 24h max 12.6 mph, 8:02M //
Dewpoint: current 68.4 F / 24h max 72.2 F, 3:07PM / 24h min 61.7 F, 8:09 AM //
Relative Pressure: 29.66 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 3.24 in / last hour 0.92 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.92 in, 8:00 AM / Month Total June 3.29 in//
Comments: steady light rain overnight, steady hard rain at time of reading
6/8/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 06-08-13 //
Temp: current 71.1 F / 24h max 81.7 F, 1:14 PM / 24h min 68.2 F, 5:29 AM //
Relative Humidity: current 94 % / 24h max 94 %, 8:00 AM / 24 h min84 %, 2:25 PM //
Wind: current dir SE / current 1.1 mph / gusts 2.7 mph / 24h max 12.3 mph, 5:57 PM //
Dewpoint: current 69.9 F / 24h max 77.6 F, 1:06 PM / 24h min 66.4 F, 5:29 AM //
Relative Pressure: 29.91 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 3.04 in / last hour 0.0 in / max hour in last 24 h 1.69 in, 4:19 PM / Month Total June 6.36 in//
Comments: total overcast, lots of standing and running water
6/9/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 06-09-13 //
Temp: current 74.9 F / 24h max 85.9 F, 12:36 PM / 24h min 66.2 F, 5:58 AM //
Relative Humidity: current 91 % / 24h max 94 %, 9:11 AM / 24 h min 63 %, 4:08 PM //
Wind: current dir SSE / current 0.4 mph / gusts 1.3 mph / 24h max 11.0 mph, 3:20 PM //
Dewpoint: current 72.1 F / 24h max 75.0 F, 12:30 PM / 24h min 64.1 F, 5:58 AM //
Relative Pressure: 30.15 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 0.02 in / last hour 0.0 in / max hour in last 24 h .02 in, 3:24 PM / Month Total June 6.38 in//
Comments: a few high clouds
6/10/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 06-10-13 //
Temp: current 75.1 F / 24h max 98.8 F, 11:28 AM / 24h min 70.9 F, 1:00 AM //
Relative Humidity: current 92 % / 24h max 93 %, 7:51 AM / 24 h min 47 %, 12:26 PM //
Wind: current dir SE / current 1.1 mph / gusts 2.7 mph / 24h max 13.6 mph, 8:330 PM //
Dewpoint: current 73.2 F / 24h max 80.8 F, 10:08 AM / 24h min 66.7 F, 9:50 PM //
Relative Pressure: 30.06 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.21 in / last hour 0.0 in / max hour in last 24 h .14 in, 9:35 PM / Month Total June 6.60 in//
Comments: mostly cloudy, ground saturated
6/11/2013 |
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6/12/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 06-12-13 //
Temp: current 69.5 F / 24h max 88.6 F (11:56 AM) / 24h min 63.7 F (6:08 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 88 % / 24h max 93 % (4:47 AM ) / 24 h min 47 % (11:56 AM) //
Wind: current dir SSW / current 1.8 mph / gusts 4.0 mph / 24h max 21.9 mph (3:34 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 66.1 F / 24h max 77.1 F (2:39 PM) / 24h min 60.8 F (6:08 AM) //
Relative Pressure: 29.96 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.01 in / last hour 0.0 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in (x:xx PM) / Month Total June 7.11 in//
Comments: just a few high clouds, beautiful morning
6/13/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 06-13-13 //
Temp: current 77.9 F / 24h max 95.4 F (10:38 AM) / 24h min 69.7 F (8:25 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 85 % / 24h max 90 % (6:46 AM ) / 24 h min 44 % (11:48 AM) //
Wind: current dir SW / current 1.1 mph / gusts 1.3 mph / 24h max 12.3 mph (3:45 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 73.3 F / 24h max 75.3 F (9:23 AM) / 24h min 66.2 F (8:28 AM) //
Relative Pressure: 29.81 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.0 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in (x:xx PM) / Month Total June 7.11 in//
Comments: clear skies, warm
6/14/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 06-14-13 //
Temp: current 65.9 F / 24h max 100.8 F (12:33 PM) / 24h min 62.3 F (6:08 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 80 % / 24h max 90 % (12:41 AM ) / 24 h min 41 % (12:16 PM) //
Wind: current dir SE / current 0.4 mph / gusts 1.3 mph / 24h max 54.8 mph (5:53 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 58.7 F / 24h max 81.0 F (9:26 AM) / 24h min 56.7 F (6:03 AM) //
Relative Pressure: 29.79 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.11 in / last hour 0.0 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.11 in (6:51 PM) / Month Total June 7.22 in//
Comments: storm came through yesterday 5:45 PM, gone by 6:15 PM. During storm, constant winds above 50 MPH observed for about a 15 minute period. No major storm damage apparent. This morning, totally clear cloudless skies
6/15/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 06-15-13 //
Temp: current 65.9 F / 24h max 86.2 F (9:32 AM) / 24h min 57.2 F (6:01 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 83 % / 24h max 90 % (7:25 AM ) / 24 h min 39 % (11:17 AM) //
Wind: current dir NW / current 0.9 mph / gusts 1.3 mph / 24h max 17.9 mph (1:22 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 60.8 F / 24h max 65.6 F (9:26 AM) / 24h min 53.7 F (6:01 AM) //
Relative Pressure: 30.09 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in (xx:xx PM) / Month Total June 7.22 in//
Comments: crystal clear cloudless skies. BTW forgot to report yesterday that Thursday was the first 100 degree – Plus day of 2013 at this station.
6/16/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 06-16-13 //
Temp: current 65.5 F / 24h max 90.4 F (12:41 PM) / 24h min 65.2 F (7:16 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 73 % / 24h max 83 % (11:47 PM ) / 24 h min 40 % (12:42 PM) //
Wind: current dir NNW / current 2.9 mph / gusts 4.3 mph / 24h max 13.9 mph (4:12 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 56.4 F / 24h max 67.6 F (9:17 AM) / 24h min 54.6 F (4:52 AM) //
Relative Pressure: 30.09 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in (xx:xx PM) / Month Total June 7.22 in//
Comments: partly cloudy.
6/17/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 06-17-13 //
Temp: current 73.8 F / 24h max 91.6 F (12:54 PM) / 24h min 70.4 F (6:37 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 75 % / 24h max 79 % (6:30 AM ) / 24 h min 45 % (11:44 AM) //
Wind: current dir N / current 4.0 mph / gusts 6.9 mph / 24h max 19.2 mph (2:23 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 65.6 F / 24h max 69.0 F (12:53 PM) / 24h min 63.2 F (6:37 AM) //
Relative Pressure: 30.09 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in (xx:xx PM) / Month Total June 7.22 in//
Comments: cloudy with mostly high clouds.
6/18/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 06-18-13 //
Temp: current 72.4 F / 24h max 92.2 F (11:08 AM) / 24h min 69.7 F (5:26 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 88 % / 24h max 90 % (6:48 AM ) / 24 h min 52 % (11:27 AM) //
Wind: current dir WNW / current 1.3 mph / gusts 4.0 mph / 24h max 12.3 mph (3:43 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 68.8 F / 24h max 73.3 F (11:05 AM) / 24h min 65.6 F (8:16 AM) //
Relative Pressure: 29.94 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.01 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in (xx:xx PM) / Month Total June 7.23 in//
Comments: total overcast, gray skies
6/19/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 06-19-13 //
Temp: current 68.4 F / 24h max 85.7 F (4:42 PM) / 24h min 66.6 F (5:47 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 91 % / 24h max 93 % (7:08 AM ) / 24 h min 66 % (4:25 PM) //
Wind: current dir SSW / current 1.1 mph / gusts 2.7 mph / 24h max 16.3 mph (4:55 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 65.4 F / 24h max 74.4 F (4:07 PM) / 24h min 63.8 F (4:27 AM) //
Relative Pressure: 29.97 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 0.37 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.31 in (7.59 PM) / Month Total June 7.60 in//
Comments: partly cloudy with high clouds
6/20/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 06-20-13 //
Temp: current 67.1 F / 24h max 84.6 F (12:18 PM) / 24h min 63.4 F (6:29 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 87 % / 24h max 92 % (6:47 AM ) / 24 h min 54 % (12:03 PM) //
Wind: current dir SSW / current 1.1 mph / gusts 2.7 mph / 24h max 16.3 mph (4:55 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 62.8 F / 24h max 69.5 F (9:14 AM) / 24h min 60.9 F (5:50 AM) //
Relative Pressure: 30.21 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in (x:xx PM) / Month Total June 7.60 in//
Comments: cloudy with mid-level clouds
6/21/2013 |
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6/22/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 06-22-13 //
Temp: current 69.5 F / 24h max 88.7 F (12:34 PM) / 24h min 56.2 F (5:50 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 91 % / 24h max 92 % (7:20 AM ) / 24 h min 34 % (12:09 PM) //
Wind: current dir S / current 3.8 mph / gusts 4.0 mph / 24h max 12.3 mph (3:14 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 66.7 F / 24h max 68.9 F (9:17 AM) / 24h min 51.3 F (4:59 AM) //
Relative Pressure: 30.20 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in (x:xx PM) / Month Total June 7.60 in//
Comments: total overcast
6/23/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 06-23-13 //
Temp: current 73.1 F / 24h max 83.7 F (11:04 AM) / 24h min 68.0 F (6:22 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 93 % / 24h max 94 % (7:11 AM ) / 24 h min 66 % (12:05 PM) //
Wind: current dir WSW / current 0.4 mph / gusts 1.3 mph / 24h max 9.6 mph (12:25 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 72.0 F / 24h max 73.7 F (11:02 AM) / 24h min 65.9 F (6:22 AM) //
Relative Pressure: 30.19 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.32 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.08 in (3:03 PM) / Month Total June 7.93 in//
Comments: high overcast, heavy dew
6/24/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 06-24-13 //
Temp: current 77.2 F / 24h max 92.9 F (12:05 PM) / 24h min 71.6 F (6:24 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 87 % / 24h max 94 % (8:01 AM ) / 24 h min 56 % (12:35 PM) //
Wind: current dir NNW / current 3.4 mph / gusts 5.4 mph / 24h max 9.6 mph (6:52 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 73.1 F / 24h max 79.7 F (10:09 AM) / 24h min 68.6 F (3:24 AM) //
Relative Pressure: 30.21 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 0.01 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in (x:xx PM) / Month Total June 7.94 in//
Comments: partly cloudy
6/25/2013 |
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scattered high clouds |
6/26/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 06-26-13 //
Temp: current 73.4 F / 24h max 92.9 F (11:17 AM) / 24h min 69.8 F (6:18 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 91 % / 24h max 93 % (7:17 AM ) / 24 h min 55 % (11:56 AM) //
Wind: current dir N / current 5.6 mph / gusts 6.9 mph / 24h max 16.3 mph (10:26 AM) //
Dewpoint: current 70.8 F / 24h max 78.4 F (10:01 AM) / 24h min 67.3 F (4:53 AM) //
Relative Pressure: 30.012inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.21 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.20 in (2:46 PM) / Month Total June 8.22 in//
Comments: mostly cloudless skies, somewhat hazy
6/27/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 06-27-13 //
Temp: current 72.0 F / 24h max 95.8 F (11:03 AM) / 24h min 67.9 F (4:43 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 91 % / 24h max 93 % (7:09 AM ) / 24 h min 52 % (11:48 AM) //
Wind: current dir NNW / current 1.8 mph / gusts 5.4 mph / 24h max 23.3 mph (7:21 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 69.2 F / 24h max 78.8 F (10:03 AM) / 24h min 65.3 F (9:16 PM) //
Relative Pressure: 29.87inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.32 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.26 in (8:30 PM) / Month Total June 8.54 in//
Comments: high overcast
6/28/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 06-28-13 //
Temp: current 77.8 F / 24h max 91.1 F (12:23 PM) / 24h min 72.0 F (8:06 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 87 % / 24h max 92 % (7:12 AM ) / 24 h min 61 % (3:37 PM) //
Wind: current dir NNE / current 4.3 mph / gusts 5.4 mph / 24h max 16.3 mph (11:45 AM) //
Dewpoint: current 73.8 F / 24h max 78.1 F (11:35 AM) / 24h min 69.1 F (2:37 AM) //
Relative Pressure: 29.72inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h trace in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in (x:xx PM) / Month Total June 8.54 in//
Comments: overcast, clearing
6/29/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 06-29-13 //
Temp: current 71.1 F / 24h max 98.5 F (11:28 PM) / 24h min 68.8 F (5:00 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 93 % / 24h max 93 % (8:00 AM ) / 24 h min 48 % (1:08 PM) //
Wind: current dir NE / current 1.2 mph / gusts 3.4 mph / 24h max 16.3 mph (4:40 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 69.1 F / 24h max 79.4 F (10:15 AM) / 24h min 66.3 F (4:53 AM) //
Relative Pressure: 29.69inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 1.50 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.82 in (12:35 AM) / Month Total June 10.04 in//
Comments: thunderstorms yesterday at 7PM and midnight. Overcast this morning
6/30/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 06-30-13 //
Temp: current 74.5 F / 24h max 86.6 F (3:27 PM) / 24h min 71.3 F (8:55 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 92 % / 24h max 93 % (7:04 AM ) / 24 h min 67 % (3:54 PM) //
Wind: current dir N / current 0.2 mph / gusts 1.4 mph / 24h max 11.0 mph (1:48 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 71.9 F / 24h max 78.0 F (12:43 PM) / 24h min 69.1 F (8:55 AM) //
Relative Pressure: 29.80inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 0.09 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.07 in (5:06 AM) / Month Total June 10.13 in//
Comments: total overcast, some fog
7/1/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 07-01-13 //
Temp: current 73.4 F / 24h max 89.3 F (1:21 PM) / 24h min 70.6 F (12:455 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 93 % / 24h max 94 % (7:59 AM ) / 24 h min 68 % (2:12 PM) //
Wind: current dir N / current 0.x mph / gusts x.x mph / 24h max xx,x mph (x:xx PM) //
Dewpoint: current 71.1 F / 24h max 79.1 F (12:55 PM) / 24h min 67.5 F (11:47 PM) //
Relative Pressure: 29.92 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 1.26 in / last hour 0.54 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.54 in (8:00 AM) / Month Total June 11.39in//
Comments: total heavy overcast, some fog early, heavy rain starting at 7:00 AM and continuing through observation time.
7/2/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 07-02-13 //
Temp: current 74.0 F / 24h max 89.1 F (12:29 PM) / 24h min 72.4 F (6:01 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 93 % / 24h max 94 % (7:29 AM ) / 24 h min 67 % (12:30 PM) //
Wind: current dir N / current 0.x mph / gusts x.x mph / 24h max 16.3 mph (3:45 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 72 F / 24h max 78.2 F (11:15 AM) / 24h min 69.9 F (5:30 AM) //
Relative Pressure: 30.10 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 0.35 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.20 in (5:15 AM) / Month Total July 0.35 in //
Comments: total overcast, ground saturated, pooling and running water, pond full and overflowing
7/3/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 07-03-13 //
Temp: current 76.3 F / 24h max 83.3 F (11:16 AM) / 24h min 71.3 F (1:04 PM) //
Relative Humidity: current 94 % / 24h max 95 % (7:57 AM ) / 24 h min 80 % (11:26 AM) //
Wind: current dir N / current 0.x mph / gusts x.x mph / 24h max 21.9 mph (11:36 AM) //
Dewpoint: current 74.9 F / 24h max 77.3 F (11:16 AM) / 24h min 68.5 F (12:51 PM) //
Relative Pressure: 30.22 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 1.32 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 1.11 in (12:20 PM) / Month Total July 1.67 in //
Comments: mostly cloudy with mid-level clouds / some clear spots / starting day with a different sense than previous days which began with heavy, low total overcast / ground is absolutely saturated, it is like walking on a fully drenched sponge, footprints fill with water / standing and flowing water everywhere / pond full to overflowing / I believe a windstorm at this point would uproot numerous trees
7/4/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 07-04-13 //
Temp: current 79.9 F / 24h max 95.9 F (10:35 AM) / 24h min 72.9 F (1:10 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 88 % / 24h max 95 % (7:35 AM ) / 24 h min 61 % (10:51 AM) //
Wind: current dir W / current 02.5 mph / gusts 4.0 mph / 24h max 13.6 mph (2:43 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 75.9 F / 24h max 83.7 F (9:57 AM) / 24h min 70.1 F (1:10 AM) //
Wind Chill: 80.3 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.30 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h T in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in (x:xx PM) / Month Total July 1.67 in //
Comments: partly cloudy with fast moving cumulus clouds, ground drier than yesterday, this location was totally bypassed by the storm ling that went through Raleigh yesterday
7/5/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 07-05-13 //
Temp: current 76.1 F / 24h max 97.2 F (11:34 AM) / 24h min 70.7 F (4:39 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 92 % / 24h max 94 % (7:39 AM ) / 24 h min 54 % (11:59 AM) //
Wind: current dir WNW / current 1.1 mph / gusts 1.3 mph / 24h max 12.3 mph (8:50 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 74.2 F / 24h max 82.4 F (10:33 AM) / 24h min 68.0 F (4:31AM) //
Wind Chill: 77.4 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.30 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in (x:xx PM) / Month Total July 1.67 in //
Comments: mostly cloudy, quite still
7/6/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 07-06-13 //
Temp: current 70.0 F / 24h max 97.7 F (11:24 AM) / 24h min 71.5 F (4:45 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 89 % / 24h max 93 % (7:07 AM ) / 24 h min 50 % (11:41 AM) //
Wind: current dir NE / current 0.7 mph / gusts 1.3 mph / 24h max 11.0 mph (8:08 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 73.8 F / 24h max 81.0 F (9:53 AM) / 24h min 68.7 F (4:45 AM) //
Wind Chill: 77.2 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.26 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in (x:xx PM) / Month Total July 1.67 in //
Comments: mostly cloudy, quite still, some clearing
7/7/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 07-07-13 //
Temp: current 74.5 F / 24h max 98.6 F (10:35 AM) / 24h min 68.8 F (5:48 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 91 % / 24h max 92 % (8:00 AM ) / 24 h min 48 % (12:03PM) //
Wind: current dir N / current 2.5 mph / gusts 5.4 mph / 24h max 9.6 mph (11:21 AM) //
Dewpoint: current 71.8 F / 24h max 82.5 F (9:34 AM) / 24h min 66.0 F (5:48 AM) //
Wind Chill: 74.5F //
Relative Pressure: 30.19 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in (x:xx PM) / Month Total July 1.67 in //
Comments: nearly cloudless skies, beautiful morning
7/8/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 07-08-13 //
Temp: current 76.5 F / 24h max 94.9 F (10:00 AM) / 24h min 73.8 F (6:43 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 88 % / 24h max 90 % (7:16 AM ) / 24 h min 53 % (10:01 AM) //
Wind: current dir N / current 3.4 mph / gusts 5.4 mph / 24h max 16.3 mph (9:52 AM) //
Dewpoint: current 72.4 F / 24h max 78.8 F (9:32 AM) / 24h min 70.4 F (6:43 AM) //
Wind Chill: 76.5 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.17 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in (x:xx PM) / Month Total July 1.67 in //
Comments: overcast, clouds have been increasing steadily since sunrise |
7/9/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 07-09-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 72.9 F / 24h max 94.3 F (11:38 AM) / 24h min 71.1 F (4:53 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 94 % / 24h max 94 % (8:00 AM ) / 24 h min 52 % (11:42 AM) //
Wind: current dir N / current x.x mph / gusts x.x mph / 24h max 11.0 mph (7:20 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 72.7 F / 24h max 78.1 F (3:43 PM) / 24h min 68.7 F (1:12 AM) //
Wind Chill: 72.9 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.15 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 1.32 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.79 in (7:46 PM) / Month Total July 2.99 in //
Comments: total overcast
7/10/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 07-10-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 75.1 F / 24h max 90.5 F (1:17 PM) / 24h min 73.4 F (4:45 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 93 % / 24h max 94 % (6:52 AM ) / 24 h min 67 % (2:57 PM) //
Wind: current dir N / current x.x mph / gusts x.x mph / 24h max 16.3 mph (4:16 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 72.9 F / 24h max 80.9 F (1:13 PM) / 24h min 70.3 F (6:20 PM) //
Wind Chill: 75.1 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.07 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in (x:xx PM) / Month Total July 2.99 in //
Comments: total overcast
7/11/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 07-11-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 74.5 F / 24h max 90.4 F (12:26 PM) / 24h min 72.7 F (5:51 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 91 % / 24h max 93 % (7:41 AM ) / 24 h min 65 % (12:27 PM) //
Wind: current dir NNE / current 2.9 mph / gusts 6.9 mph / 24h max 19.2 mph (1:53 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 71.7 F / 24h max 78.8 F (12:17 PM) / 24h min 69.8 F (5:44 PM) //
Wind Chill: 74.5 F //
Relative Pressure: 29.97 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in (x:xx PM) / Month Total July 2.99 in //
Comments: partly cloudy
7/12/2013 |
8:00 AM |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 07-12-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period: 7:59 AM is today, 8:01 AM is yesterday) //
Temp: current 74.7 F / 24h max 86.0 F (2:19 PM) / 24h min 71.5 F (4:13 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 94 % / 24h max 95 % (7:54 AM ) / 24 h min 68 % (2:19 PM) //
Wind: current dir NNE / current 0.4 mph / gusts 2.7 mph / 24h max 12.3 mph (10:38 AM) //
Dewpoint: current 72.9 F / 24h max 76.2 F (1:25 PM) / 24h min 69.3 F (4:01 AM) //
Wind Chill: 74.7 F //
Relative Pressure: 29.92 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.65 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.28 in (12:47 AM) / Month Total July 3.64 in //
Comments: steady rain through the night, mostly cloudy this morning trending towards total overcast
7/13/2013 |
7:00 AM |
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Readings at 7:00 AM, 07-13-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 71.5F / 24h max 77.6 F (1:53 PM) / 24h min 70.7 F (4:13 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 94 % / 24h max 94 % (8:00 AM ) / 24 h min 79 % (1:47 PM) //
Wind: current dir SW / current 1.8 mph / gusts 2.7 mph / 24h max 6.9 mph (1:42 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 69.1 F / 24h max 73.1 F (8:09 AM) / 24h min 68.5 F (2:04 AM) //
Wind Chill: 71.5 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.03 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 0.01 in / last hour 0.01 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.01 in (8:00 AM) / Month Total July 3.65 in //
Comments: overcast; light, misty rain
7/17/2013 |
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7/18/2013 |
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Readings at 7:15 AM, 07-19-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 75.2 F / 24h max 103.3 F (11:06 AM) / 24h min xx.x F (x:xx AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 92 % / 24h max xx % (x:xx AM ) / 24 h min 44 % (1:33 PM) //
Wind: current dir SW / current 0.0 mph / gusts 20.0 mph / 24h max 8.3 mph (3:42 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 72.8 F / 24h max 83.1 F (9:17 AM) / 24h min xx.x F (x:xx AM) //
Wind Chill: 75.2 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.13 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.08 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h x.xx in (x:xx AM) / Month Total July 5.01 in //
Comments: mostly sunny, a very few high cirrus clouds |
7/19/2013 |
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Trace in gauge, clear skies, slight haze |
7/20/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 07-20-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 76.5 F / 24h max xx.x F (xx0xxAM) / 24h min xx.x F (x:xx AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 84 % / 24h max xx % (x:xx AM ) / 24 h min 44 % (1:33 PM) //
Wind: current dir NNE / current 03.8mph / gusts 6.9 mph / 24h max 13.6 mph (5:33 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 72.4 F / 24h max 83.1 F (9:17 AM) / 24h min xx.x F (x:xx AM) //
Wind Chill: 76.5 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.03 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h x.xx in (x:xx AM) / Month Total July 5.01 in //
Comments: total, moderately thick overcast
7/21/2013 |
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Readings at 8:30 AM, 07-21-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 76.5 F / 24h max 91.1 F (11:42 AM) / 24h min 72.9 F (5:14 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 86 % / 24h max 89 % (7:25 AM ) / 24 h min 61 % (2:58 PM) //
Wind: current dir NNW / current 1.1 mph / gusts 2.7 mph / 24h max 16.3 mph (1:33 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 72.2 F / 24h max 78.2 F (11:32 AM) / 24h min 69.1 F (5:14 AM) //
Wind Chill: 76.5 F //
Relative Pressure: 29.98 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h x.xx in (x:xx AM) / Month Total July 5.01 in //
Comments: moderate overcast |
7/22/2013 |
7:55 AM |
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Readings at 7:55 AM, 07-22-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 74.2 F / 24h max 89.3 F (4:31 PM) / 24h min 70.9 F (6:51 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 94 % / 24h max 94 % (7:55 AM ) / 24 h min 64 % (3:59 PM) //
Wind: current dir N / current 1.1 mph / gusts 2.7 mph / 24h max 9.6 mph (12:02 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 72.4 F / 24h max 77.3 F (2:06 PM) / 24h min 68.7 F (5:32 AM) //
Wind Chill: 74.2 F //
Relative Pressure: 29.94 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.17 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.17 in (8:27 PM) / Month Total July 5.19 in //
Comments: a few high clouds
7/23/2013 |
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Readings at 6:40 AM, 07-23-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 74.5 F / 24h max 91.8 F (11:15 AM) / 24h min 74.2 F (5:20 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 90 % / 24h max 94 % (7:54 AM ) / 24 h min 64 % (1:22 PM) //
Wind: current dir NNW / current 4.7 mph / gusts 5.4 mph / 24h max 9.6 mph (5:19 AM) //
Dewpoint: current 71.6 F / 24h max 79.9 F (11:12 AM) / 24h min 70.7 F (4:45 AM) //
Wind Chill: 74.5 F //
Relative Pressure: 29.81 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h T in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in (x:xx PM) / Month Total July 5.20 in //
Comments: low, fast moving clouds
7/24/2013 |
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Readings at 6:20 AM, 07-24-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 70.6 F / 24h max 94.0 F (12:06 PM) / 24h min 70.4 F (6:18 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 91 % / 24h max 91 % (6:18 AM ) / 24 h min 52 % (1:04 PM) //
Wind: current dir SSE / current 0.0 mph / gusts 0.0 mph / 24h max 13.6 mph (5:19 AM) //
Dewpoint: current 67.8 F / 24h max 76.8 F (9:30 AM) / 24h min 67.6 F (6:23 AM) //
Wind Chill: 70.6 F //
Relative Pressure: 29.72 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in (x:xx PM) / Month Total July 5.20 in //
Comments: totally calm, beautiful blue sky, a few cirrus clouds at sunrise |
7/26/2013 |
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Readings at 7:45 AM, 07-26-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 63.9 F / 24h max xx.xx F (xx:xx PM) / 24h min 61.6 F (6:39 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 92 % / 24h max 92 % (7:45 AM ) / 24 h min xx % (x:xx PM) //
Wind: current dir SSW / current 0.7 mph / gusts 1.3 mph / 24h max xx.x mph (x:xx AM) //
Dewpoint: current 61.7 F / 24h max xx.x F (x:xx AM) / 24h min 59.0 F (6:15 AM) //
Wind Chill: 63.9 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.06 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h trace in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in (x:xx PM) / Month Total July 5.27 in //
Comments: completely clear skies
7/27/2013 |
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Readings at 7:45 AM, 07-27-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 69.1 F / 24h max 94.0 F (1:10 PM) / 24h min 63.9 F (6:49 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 91 % / 24h max 92 % (7:13 AM ) / 24 h min 39 % (1:21 PM) //
Wind: current dir SSW / current 0.0 mph / gusts 0.0 mph / 24h max 6.9 mph (11:04 AM) //
Dewpoint: current 66.2 F / 24h max 72.5 F (9:22 AM) / 24h min 61.8 F (5:45 AM) //
Wind Chill: 69.1 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.03 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h trace in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in (x:xx PM) / Month Total July 5.27 in //
Comments: partly cloudy, heavy fog earlier, still a bit foggy
7/28/2013 |
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Readings at 7:45 AM, 07-28-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 72.5 F / 24h max 93.4 F (12:40 PM) / 24h min 69.1 F (7:49 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 91 % / 24h max 92 % (7:48 AM ) / 24 h min 51 % (1:35 PM) //
Wind: current dir SSW / current 0.0 mph / gusts 0.0 mph / 24h max 9.6 mph (2:22 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 69.9 F / 24h max 78.2 F (9:33 AM) / 24h min 66.2 F (7:51 AM) //
Wind Chill: 72.5 F //
Relative Pressure: 29.95 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h .09 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.06 in (10:07 PM) / Month Total July 5.36 in //
Comments: cloudy, with high clouds, ran shower last evening
7/29/2013 |
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8/2/2013 |
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Readings at 7:25 AM, 08-02-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 68.4 F / 24h max 86.0 F (11:41 AM) / 24h min 67.7 F (6:44 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 94 % / 24h max 94 % (7:25 AM ) / 24 h min 65 % (11:44 AM) //
Wind: current dir SSW / current 0.0 mph / gusts 0.0 mph / 24h max 9.6 mph (12:43 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 66.8 F / 24h max 76.4 F (10:48 AM) / 24h min 65.5 F (6:04 AM) //
Wind Chill: 68.4 F //
Relative Pressure: 29.95 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.71 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.50 in (6:01 PM) / Month Total July 0.71 in //
Comments: clear skies |
8/3/2013 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 08-03-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 76.7 F / 24h max 96.7 F (11:46 AM) / 24h min 68.4 F (7:27 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 91 % / 24h max 94 % (8:31 AM ) / 24 h min 46 % (1:23 PM) //
Wind: current dir SSW / current 0.0 mph / gusts 0.0 mph / 24h max 8.3 mph (2:45 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 73.9 F / 24h max 78.8 F (9:35 AM) / 24h min 66.8 F (7:29 AM) //
Wind Chill: 76.7 F //
Relative Pressure: 29.99 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 0.2 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in (s:ss PM) / Month Total July 0.73 in //
Comments: thin, hazy overcast
8/4/2013 |
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8/5/2013 |
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Readings at 7:35 AM, 08-05-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 63.7 F / 24h max 87.8 F (1:30 PM) / 24h min 61.6 F (6:52 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 90 % / 24h max 91 % (7:22 AM ) / 24 h min 50 % (6:06 PM) //
Wind: current dir SSW / current 0.0 mph / gusts 0.0 mph / 24h max 9.6 mph (4:38 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 61.0 F / 24h max 70.0 F (10:49 AM) / 24h min 58.7 F (6:52 AM) //
Wind Chill: 63.7 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.05 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h T in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in (x:xx PM) / Month Total July 0.77 in //
Comments: clear, cool, a few scattered clouds
8/6/2013 |
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Readings at 6:25 AM, 08-06-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 67.1 F / 24h max 91.4 F (11:36 AM) / 24h min 63.7 F (7:39 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 86 % / 24h max 91 % (8:08 AM ) / 24 h min 38 % (1:00 PM) //
Wind: current dir SSW / current 0.0 mph / gusts 0.0 mph / 24h max 8.3 mph (12:45 AM) //
Dewpoint: current 62.7 F / 24h max 68.0 F (10:30 AM) / 24h min 59.3 F (1:00 PM) //
Wind Chill: 67.1 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.02 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h .05 in / last hour 0.05 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.05 in (6:25 AM) / Month Total July 0.82 in //
Comments: overcast, steady light rain at time of observation
8/7/2013 |
6:50 AM |
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Readings at 6:50 AM, 08-07-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 68.2 F / 24h max 87.8 F (1:02 PM) / 24h min 66.6 F (2:58 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 91 % / 24h max 92 % (6:14 AM ) / 24 h min 59 % (1:06 PM) //
Wind: current dir SSW / current 0.0 mph / gusts 0.0 mph / 24h max 11.0 mph (5:18 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 65.6 F / 24h max 74.4 F (10:53 AM) / 24h min 62.7 F (6:33 AM) //
Wind Chill: 68.2 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.05 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h .03 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.02 in (8:20 AM) / Month Total July 0.85 in //
Comments: mostly cloudy
8/8/2013 |
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Readings at 6:50 AM, 08-08-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 69.1 F / 24h max 95.0 F (12:55 PM) / 24h min 68.2 F (6:55 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 91 % / 24h max 92 % (7:30 AM ) / 24 h min 45 % (1:28 PM) //
Wind: current dir WNW / current 0.0 mph / gusts 0.0 mph / 24h max 12.3 mph (1:49 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 66.3 F / 24h max 77.3 F (10:18 AM) / 24h min 65.6 F (7:12 AM) //
Wind Chill: 69.1 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.03 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h .01 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in (x:xx AM) / Month Total August 0.86 in //
Comments: just a few high clouds, very pretty morning
8/9/2013 |
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mostly clear, only a few cirrus clouds |
8/11/2013 |
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Readings at 8:15 AM, 08-11-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 74.2 F / 24h max 98.3 F (12:58 PM) / 24h min xx.x F (x:xx AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 94 % / 24h max 94 % (8:15 AM ) / 24 h min 47 % (1:39 PM) //
Wind: current dir NW / current 0.7 mph / gusts 1.3 mph / 24h max 23.3 mph (5:38 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 72.4 F / 24h max 79.6 F (12:57 PM) / 24h min xx.x F (x:xx AM) //
Wind Chill: 74.2 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.08 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h .70 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.67 in (6:32 PM) / Month Total August 1.56 in //
Comments: heavy rain late yesterday afternoon, almost all of precip cam between 5:30 pm and 7:00 pm, this morning slightly cloudy skies
8/12/2013 |
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Readings at 7:00 AM, 08-12-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 72.4 F / 24h max 96.1 F (1:02 PM) / 24h min 71.8 F (6:28 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 93 % / 24h max 94 % (8:54 AM ) / 24 h min 50 % (12:38 PM) //
Wind: current dir SW / current 0.0 mph / gusts 0.0 mph / 24h max 9.6 mph (11:57 AM) //
Dewpoint: current 70.2 F / 24h max 80.0 F (10:22 AM) / 24h min 69.7 F (6:28 AM) //
Wind Chill: 72.4 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.01 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h .12 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h x.xx in (x:xx PM) / Month Total August 1.68 in //
Comments: clear skies
8/13/2013 |
6:30 AM |
1.14 |
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Readings at 6:30 AM, 08-13-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 70.9 F / 24h max 98.6 F (12:50 PM) / 24h min 70.9 F (6:30 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 93 % / 24h max 94 % (8:04 AM ) / 24 h min 45 % (12:51 PM) //
Wind: current dir WNW / current 0.0 mph / gusts 1.3 mph / 24h max 16.3 mph (1:19 AM) //
Dewpoint: current 68.8 F / 24h max 80.2 F (9:48 AM) / 24h min 68.8 F (6:30 AM) //
Wind Chill: 70.9 F //
Relative Pressure: 29.85 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 1.14 in / last hour 0.01 in / max hour in last 24 h x.xx in (x:xx PM) / Month Total August 2.82 in //
Comments: clear skies
8/14/2013 |
6:30 AM |
0.34 |
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Readings at 6:30 AM, 08-14-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 69.8 F / 24h max 93.1 F (1:00 PM) / 24h min 69.8 F (6:29 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 91 % / 24h max 94 % (3:09 AM ) / 24 h min 60 % (1:08 PM) //
Wind: current dir SE / current 1.1 mph / gusts 2.7 mph / 24h max 12.3 mph (2:44 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 67.1 F / 24h max 78.9 F (12:49 PM) / 24h min 67.1 F (6:30 AM) //
Wind Chill: 69.8 F //
Relative Pressure: 29.86 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.34 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h x.xx in (x:xx PM) / Month Total August 3.16 in //
Comments: partly cloudy
8/17/2013 |
7:45 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Readings at 7:45 AM, 08-17-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 65.3 F / 24h max 74.9 F (10:41 AM) / 24h min 63.7 F (11:58 PM) //
Relative Humidity: current 88 % / 24h max 89 % (7:39 AM ) / 24 h min 60 % (11:05 AM) //
Wind: current dir S / current 1.3 mph / gusts 1.3 mph / 24h max 8.3 mph (11:05 AM) //
Dewpoint: current 61.8 F / 24h max 63.9 F (2:10 PM) / 24h min 58.3 F (11:05 AM) //
Wind Chill: 65.3 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.11 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 0.0 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h x.xx in (x:xx PM) / Month Total August 3.18 in //
Comments: full, moderately thick overcast
8/18/2013 |
8:25 AM |
0.38 |
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Readings at 8:25 AM, 08-18-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 73.1 F / 24h max 73.6 F (4:01 PM) / 24h min 65.3 F (7:57 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 93 % / 24h max 94 % (8:18 AM ) / 24 h min 88 % ( 8:21 AM) //
Wind: current dir NNE / current 1.1 mph / gusts 2.7 mph / 24h max 9.6 mph (8:17 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 70.9 F / 24h max 71.7 F (8:18 AM) / 24h min 61.8 F (5:57 AM) //
Wind Chill: 73.1 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.13 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 0.38 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h x.xx in (x:xx PM) / Month Total August 3.56 in //
Comments: mostly cloudy
8/19/2013 |
8:50 AM |
0.70 |
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full overcast, raining hard since midnight, switching to light drizzle at 6am. |
8/20/2013 |
6:30 AM |
0.12 |
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Readings at 6:30 AM, 08-20-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 67.5 F / 24h max xx.x F (x:xx PM) / 24h min 66.6 F (7:51 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 94 % / 24h max 94 % (6:30 AM ) / 24 h min xx % ( x:xx AM) //
Wind: current dir WNW / current 0.0 mph / gusts 0.0 mph / 24h max x.x mph (x:xx PM) //
Dewpoint: current 65.7 F / 24h max xx.x F (x:xx AM) / 24h min 64.2 F (5:09 AM) //
Wind Chill: 67.5 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.09 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.12 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h x.xx in (x:xx PM) / Month Total August 3.68 in //
Comments: slightly cloudy
8/21/2013 |
7:25 AM |
0.02 |
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Heavy Dew, Hazy skies |
8/22/2013 |
6:30 AM |
0.02 |
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Readings at 6:30 AM, 08-21-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 69.7 F / 24h max 91.6 F (12:48 PM) / 24h min 68.9 F (3:02 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 94 % / 24h max 95 % (8:33 AM ) / 24 h min 65 % ( 12:43 PM) //
Wind: current dir SSE / current 0.0 mph / gusts 0.0 mph / 24h max x12.3 mph (6:00 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 67.0 F / 24h max 80.1 F (12:41 PM) / 24h min 66.7 F (2:30 AM) //
Wind Chill: 69.7 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.06 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.02 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h x.xx in (x:xx PM) / Month Total August 3.70 in //
Comments: cloudy
8/24/2013 |
8:10 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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clear skies |
8/25/2013 |
8:35 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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clear skies |
8/26/2013 |
6:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Readings at 6:30 AM, 08-26-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 54.4 F / 24h max xx.x F (xxx PM) / 24h min 54.4 F (6:30 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 90 % / 24h max xx % (x:xx AM ) / 24 h min 44 % ( 12:48 PM) //
Wind: current dir SSE / current 0.0 mph / gusts 0.0 mph / 24h max 16.3 mph (12:05 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 51.5 F / 24h max xx.x F (x:xx PM) / 24h min 51.5 F (6:30 AM) //
Wind Chill: 54.4 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.22 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h x.xx in (x:xx PM) / Month Total August 3.70 in //
Comments: clear skies at sunrise
8/27/2013 |
6:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Readings at 6:30 AM, 08-27-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 62.1 F / 24h max 89.5 F (12:29 PM) / 24h min 54.4 F (6:53 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 87 % / 24h max 93 % (8:43 AM ) / 24 h min 39 % ( 1:02 PM) //
Wind: current dir NW / current 0.2 mph / gusts 4.0 mph / 24h max 6.9 mph (11:42 AM) //
Dewpoint: current 58.2 F / 24h max 69.5 F (9:54 AM) / 24h min 51.5 F (6:46 AM) //
Wind Chill: 62.1 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.00 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in (x:xx PM) / Month Total August 3.70 in //
Comments: slightly cloudy, heavy dew
8/28/2013 |
8:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Readings at 8:30 AM, 08-28-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 74.7 F / 24h max 94.5 F (12:21 PM) / 24h min 62.1 F (6:26 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 90 % / 24h max 92 % (8:11 AM ) / 24 h min 48 % ( 12:29 PM) //
Wind: current dir N / current 0.0 mph / gusts 1.3 mph / 24h max 6.9 mph (1:52 AM) //
Dewpoint: current 71.8 F / 24h max 74.3 F (12:01 PM) / 24h min 58.2 F (6:27 AM) //
Wind Chill: 74.7 F //
Relative Pressure: 29.94 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h x.xx in (x:xx PM) / Month Total August 3.70 in //
Comments: cloudy skies
8/29/2013 |
6:30 AM |
0.02 |
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Readings at 6:30 AM, 08-29-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 74.9 F / 24h max 84.6 F (12:07 PM) / 24h min 74.2 F (5:39 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 90 % / 24h max 91 % (5:49 AM ) / 24 h min 71 % ( 12:12 PM) //
Wind: current dir S / current 0.2 mph / gusts 1.3 mph / 24h max 9.6 mph (3:22 AM) //
Dewpoint: current 71.8 F / 24h max 76.0 F (2:54 PM) / 24h min 71.1 F (5:31 AM) //
Wind Chill: 74.9 F //
Relative Pressure: 29.82 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.02 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.02 in (5:21 PM) / Month Total August 3.72 in //
Comments: mostly cloudy, overcast
8/30/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 08-30-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 67.3 F / 24h max 87.5 F (12:49 PM) / 24h min 66.6 F (7:39 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 94 % / 24h max 94 % (8:00 AM ) / 24 h min 65 % ( 3:36 PM) //
Wind: current dir SSW / current 2.0 mph / gusts 4.0 mph / 24h max 12.3 mph (2:23 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 65.5 F / 24h max 76.9 F (12:45 PM) / 24h min 64.4 F (4:17 AM) //
Wind Chill: 67.3 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.03 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in (x:xx PM) / Month Total August 3.72 in //
Comments: totally clear skies
8/31/2013 |
9:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Readings at 9:00 AM, 08-31-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 72.4 F / 24h max 94.1 F (12:04 PM) / 24h min 66.3 F (6:57 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 91 % / 24h max 94 % (8:03 AM ) / 24 h min 47 % ( 1:02 PM) //
Wind: current dir NNW / current 4.0 mph / gusts 5.4 mph / 24h max 6.9 mph (12:29 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 69.9 F / 24h max 74.9 F (10:56 AM) / 24h min 62.6 F (6:57 AM) //
Wind Chill: 72.4 F //
Relative Pressure: 29.99 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in (x:xx PM) / Month Total August 3.72 in //
Comments: totally clear skies
9/1/2013 |
8:15 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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9/2/2013 |
8:00 AM |
2.61 |
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Heavy Rain early evening, high overcast this morning |
9/3/2013 |
8:30 AM |
0.02 |
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Readings at 8:30 AM, 09-03-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 74.5 F / 24h max 94.1 F (12:51 PM) / 24h min 70.7 F (6:59 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 94 % / 24h max 95 % (9:11 AM ) / 24 h min 58 % ( 4:21 PM) //
Wind: current dir N / current 1.1 mph / gusts 2.7 mph / 24h max 11.0 mph (4:19 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 72.7 F / 24h max 82.3 F (10:35 AM) / 24h min 68.6 F (6:59 AM) //
Wind Chill: 74.5 F //
Relative Pressure: 29.88 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.02 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 0.00 in (x:xx PM) / Month Total September 2.63 in //
Comments: totally cloudy
9/4/2013 |
7:30 AM |
1.16 |
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Readings at 7:30 AM, 09-04-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 69.7 F / 24h max 91.8 F (11:53 AM) / 24h min 68.6 F (4:14 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 94 % / 24h max 94 % (7:30 AM ) / 24 h min 65 % ( 11:57 AM) //
Wind: current dir SSW / current 0.0 mph / gusts 1.3 mph / 24h max 21.9 mph (12:21 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 67.9 F / 24h max 80.3 F (11:49 AM) / 24h min 66.1 F (12:33 PM) //
Wind Chill: 69.7 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.00 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 1.16 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h 9.1 in (12:02 PM) / Month Total September 3.79 in //
Comments: slightly cloudy
9/5/2013 |
7:45 AM |
0.02 |
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Readings at 7:45 AM, 09-05-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 67.0 F / 24h max 88.6 F (12:44 PM) / 24h min 65.9 F (7:11 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 94 % / 24h max 94 % (7:45 AM ) / 24 h min 54 % ( 12:39 PM) //
Wind: current dir SE / current 0.0 mph / gusts 1.3 mph / 24h max 11.0 mph (9:38 AM) //
Dewpoint: current 65.4 F / 24h max 73.4 F (3:27 PM) / 24h min 63.5 F (6:46 AM) //
Wind Chill: 67.0 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.07 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.02 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h x.xx in (12:02 PM) / Month Total September 3.81 in //
Comments: just a couple high clouds
9/6/2013 |
7:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Readings at 7:30 AM, 09-06-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 63.7 F / 24h max 93.4 F (11:48 AM) / 24h min 63.4 F (7:17 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 83 % / 24h max 94 % (8:43 AM ) / 24 h min 45 % ( 4:14 PM) //
Wind: current dir S / current 1.6 mph / gusts 2.7 mph / 24h max 9.6 mph (2:26 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 58.4 F / 24h max 78.2 F (10:05 AM) / 24h min 58.1 F (7:17 AM) //
Wind Chill: 63.7 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.11 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h x.xx in (xx:xx PM) / Month Total September 3.81 in //
Comments: clear with some clouds starting to come in
9/8/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 09-08-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 62.6 F / 24h max 90.5 F (12:39 PM) / 24h min 58.3 F (7: 1 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 92 % / 24h max 92 % (8:00 AM ) / 24 h min 43 % ( 12:47 PM) //
Wind: current dir WNW / current 0.9 mph / gusts 1.3 mph / 24h max x.x mph (x:xx PM) //
Dewpoint: current 60.5 F / 24h max 71.6 F (10:04 AM) / 24h min 55.4 F (7:01 AM) //
Wind Chill: 62.6 F //
Relative Pressure: 29.86 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h x.xx in (xx:xx PM) / Month Total September 3.81 in //
Comments: mostly clear, scattered clouds
9/9/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 09-09-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 66.6 F / 24h max 94.7 F (12:18 PM) / 24h min 62.6 F (8:051 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 93 % / 24h max 93 % (8:00 AM ) / 24 h min 39 % ( 12:27 PM) //
Wind: current dir WNW / current 0.0 mph / gusts 1.3 mph / 24h max 5.4 mph (2:44 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 64.4 F / 24h max 73.8 F (10:18 AM) / 24h min 60.5 F (8:07 AM) //
Wind Chill: 66.6 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.06 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h x.xx in (xx:xx PM) / Month Total September 3.81 in //
Comments: clear, some haze
9/10/2013 |
6:45 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Readings at 6:45 AM, 09-10-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 65.7 F / 24h max 92.5 F (12:40 PM) / 24h min 65.7 F (6:45 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 92 % / 24h max 93 % (8:28 AM ) / 24 h min 50 % ( 12:44 PM) //
Wind: current dir NW / current 0.0 mph / gusts 0.0 mph / 24h max 8.3 mph (1:19 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 63.0 F / 24h max 73.9 F (10:27 AM) / 24h min 63.0 F (6:45 AM) //
Wind Chill: 65.7 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.17 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h x.xx in (xx:xx PM) / Month Total September 3.81 in //
Comments: foggy
9/11/2013 |
7:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Readings at 7:30 AM, 09-11-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 66.1 F / 24h max 94.5 F (12:31 PM) / 24h min 65.7 F (7:16 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 91 % / 24h max 93 % (8:14 AM ) / 24 h min 49 % ( 12:38 PM) //
Wind: current dir NW / current 0.0 mph / gusts 0.0 mph / 24h max 8.3 mph (10:58 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 63.4 F / 24h max 77.1 F (10:09 AM) / 24h min 63.0 F (7:16 AM) //
Wind Chill: 66.1 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.17 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h x.xx in (xx:xx PM) / Month Total September 3.81 in //
Comments: completely cloudless skies, some fog early
9/12/2013 |
7:45 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Readings at 7:45 AM, 09-12-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 69.8 F / 24h max 93.8 F (12:30 PM) / 24h min 66.1 F (7:34 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 91 % / 24h max 92 % (8:31 AM ) / 24 h min 48 % ( 12:30 PM) //
Wind: current dir N / current 1.8 mph / gusts 2.7 mph / 24h max 12.3 mph (2:57 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 67.0 F / 24h max 75.0 F (11:08 AM) / 24h min 63.8 F (7:38 AM) //
Wind Chill: 69.8 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.00 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h x.xx in (xx:xx PM) / Month Total September 3.81 in //
Comments: a few high cirrus clouds
9/13/2013 |
7:15 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Readings at 7:15 AM, 09-13-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 69.1 F / 24h max 92.2 F (12:35 PM) / 24h min 69.1 F (7:14 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 91 % / 24h max 91 % (7:15 AM ) / 24 h min 53 % ( 12:23 PM) //
Wind: current dir N / current 0.0 mph / gusts 0.0 mph / 24h max 12.3 mph (3:49 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 66.3 F / 24h max 74.6 F (1:49 PM) / 24h min 66.3 F (7:17 AM) //
Wind Chill: 69.1 F //
Relative Pressure: 29.77 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h x.xx in (xx:xx PM) / Month Total September 3.81 in //
Comments: 50%/50% --> clouds/clear, clouds increasing
9/14/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 09-14-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 60.7 F / 24h max 92.3 F (11:49 AM) / 24h min 57.8 F (7:19 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 71 % / 24h max 91 % (7:51 AM ) / 24 h min 43 % ( 12:09 PM) //
Wind: current dir SE / current 1.8 mph / gusts 6.9 mph / 24h max 11.0 mph (8:00 AM) //
Dewpoint: current 51.5 F / 24h max 71.3 F (10:25 AM) / 24h min 50.2 F (7:12 AM) //
Wind Chill: 60.7 F //
Relative Pressure: 29.99 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h x.xx in (xx:xx PM) / Month Total September 3.81 in //
Comments: partly cloudy skies
9/15/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 09-15-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 55.8 F / 24h max 76.3 F (12:17 PM) / 24h min 52.2 F (7:30 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 91 % / 24h max 91 % (8:00 AM ) / 24 h min 39 % ( 12:06 PM) //
Wind: current dir SSE / current 1.8 mph / gusts 2.7 mph / 24h max 15.0 mph (11:50 AM) //
Dewpoint: current 53.3 F / 24h max 56.3 F (6:50 PM) / 24h min 48.3 F (11:04 AM) //
Wind Chill: 55.8 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.16 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h x.xx in (xx:xx PM) / Month Total September 3.81 in //
Comments: totally cloudless skies, clear and beautiful, heavy dew
9/16/2013 |
7:45 AM |
0.03 |
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Readings at 7:45 AM, 09-16-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 67.7 F / 24h max 85.7 F (12:15 PM) / 24h min 56.0 F (8:37 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 92 % / 24h max 92 % (7:45 AM ) / 24 h min 40 % ( 12:22 PM) //
Wind: current dir NNE / current 0.0 mph / gusts 0.0 mph / 24h max 6.9 mph (2:39 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 65.4 F / 24h max 65.5 F (9:58 AM) / 24h min 53.3 F (8:39 AM) //
Wind Chill: 67.7 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.09 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 0.03 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h x.xx in (xx:xx PM) / Month Total September 3.84 in //
Comments: cloudy, on and off drizzle at time of observation
9/17/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Readings at 7:00 AM, 09-17-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 58.0 F / 24h max 87.7 F (12:03 PM) / 24h min 58.0 F (7:00 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 87 % / 24h max 92 % (8:44 AM ) / 24 h min 47 % ( 4:10 PM) //
Wind: current dir SSE / current 0.7 mph / gusts 1.3 mph / 24h max 12.3 mph (10:17 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 54.1 F / 24h max 75 F (11:42 AM) / 24h min 54.1 F (7:00 AM) //
Wind Chill: 58.0 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.22 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h x.xx in (xx:xx PM) / Month Total September 3.84 in //
Comments: totally cloudless skies
9/18/2013 |
7:30 AM |
0.00 |
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Readings at 7:30 AM, 09-18-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 50.6 F / 24h max 78.5 F (12:48 PM) / 24h min 50.4 F (7:21 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 89 % / 24h max 90 % (7:12 AM ) / 24 h min 43 % ( 3:30 PM) //
Wind: current dir SSE / current 1.6 mph / gusts 2.7 mph / 24h max 13.6 mph (3:30 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 47.4 F / 24h max 61.6 F (10:16 AM) / 24h min 46.8 F (5:42 AM) //
Wind Chill: 50.6 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.23 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h x.xx in (xx:xx PM) / Month Total September 3.84 in //
Comments: clear skies
9/19/2013 |
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9/20/2013 |
7:00 AM |
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overcast and raining at time of observation |
9/21/2013 |
8:30 AM |
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Readings at 8:30 AM, 09-21-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 67.7 F / 24h max 75.6 F (11:40 AM) / 24h min 62.6 F (9:06 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 93 % / 24h max 93 % (8:30 AM ) / 24 h min76 % ( 3:23 PM) //
Wind: current dir NW / current 1.6 mph / gusts 2.7 mph / 24h max 9.6 mph (2:14 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 65.5 F / 24h max 69.2 F (10:54 AM) / 24h min 59.8 F (9:02 AM) //
Wind Chill: 67.7 F //
Relative Pressure: 29.87 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.30 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h x.xx in (xx:xx PM) / Month Total September 4.14 in //
Comments: overcast, some light fog
9/22/2013 |
8:20 AM |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 09-22-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 65.3 F / 24h max 79.6 F (3.36 PM) / 24h min 64.3 F (5:17 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 92 % / 24h max 94 % (2:27 AM ) / 24 h min77 % ( 3:33 PM) //
Wind: current dir S / current 2.9 mph / gusts 4.0 mph / 24h max 11.0 mph (7:03 AM) //
Dewpoint: current 63.1 F / 24h max 72.1 F (3:36 PM) / 24h min 62.3 F (5:17 AM) //
Wind Chill: 63.7 F //
Relative Pressure: 29.74 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 2.43 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h x.xx in (xx:xx PM) / Month Total September 6.57 in //
Comments: partly cloudy, breezy
9/23/2013 |
8:00 AM |
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Readings at 8:00 AM, 09-23-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 55.8 F / 24h max 77.4 F (3.33 PM) / 24h min 54.5 F (7:30 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 83 % / 24h max 92 % (8:46 AM ) / 24 h min55 % ( 5:21 PM) //
Wind: current dir SW / current 1.1 mph / gusts 2.7 mph / 24h max 16.3 mph (11:34 AM) //
Dewpoint: current 50.7 F / 24h max 64.4 F (10:00 AM) / 24h min 49.8 F (7:30 AM) //
Wind Chill: 55.8 F //
Relative Pressure: 29.98 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 0.02 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h x.xx in (xx:xx PM) / Month Total September 6.59 in //
Comments: clear skies, cool, beautiful
9/24/2013 |
7:30 AM |
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Readings at 7:30AM, 09-24-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 55.1 F / 24h max 74.7 F (11:58 AM) / 24h min 52.2 F (3:35 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 83 % / 24h max 92 % (8:46 AM ) / 24 h min55 % ( 5:21 PM) //
Wind: current dir SSW / current 0.2 mph / gusts 1.3 mph / 24h max 11.0 mph (10:20 AM) //
Dewpoint: current 52.7 F / 24h max 57.3 F (4:06 PM) / 24h min 49.5 F (3:05 AM) //
Wind Chill: 55.1 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.05 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h trace in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h x.xx in (xx:xx PM) / Month Total September 6.59 in //
Comments: totally cloudy skies
9/25/2013 |
7:30 AM |
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Readings at 7:15AM, 09-25-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 51.7 F / 24h max 81.7 F (11:39 AM) / 24h min 51.5 F (7:19 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 91 % / 24h max 92 % (6:27 AM ) / 24 h min 48 % ( 11:44 AM) //
Wind: current dir SW / current 0.0 mph / gusts 0.0 mph / 24h max 5.4 mph (3:36 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 49.2 F / 24h max 64.4 F (10:05 AM) / 24h min 48.9 F (7:19 AM) //
Wind Chill: 51.7 F //
Relative Pressure: 29.88 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h trace in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h x.xx in (xx:xx PM) / Month Total September 6.59 in //
Comments: very still air, just a few high cirrus clouds
9/27/2013 |
8:30 AM |
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Readings at 6:45AM, 09-27-13 //
Temp: current 55.4 F //
Relative Humidity: current 92 % //
Wind: current dir S / current 0.0 mph / gusts 1.3 mph //
Dewpoint: current 53.1 F //
Wind Chill: 55.4 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.05 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h trace in / last hour 0.00 in / Month Total September 6.59 in //
Comments: mostly clear
9/28/2013 |
9:30 AM |
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Readings at 9:30AM, 09-28-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 59.4 F / 24h max 74.0 F (10:29 AM) / 24h min 52.2 F (7:25 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 88 % / 24h max 93 % (8:24 AM ) / 24 h min 56 % ( 4:25 PM) //
Wind: current dir SSE / current 2.9 mph / gusts 5.4 mph / 24h max 12.3 mph (1:45 PM) //
Dewpoint: current 49.2 F / 24h max 64.4 F (10:05 AM) / 24h min 48.9 F (7:19 AM) //
Wind Chill: 59.4 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.19 inHg / rising //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h x.xx in (xx:xx PM) / Month Total September 6.59 in //
Comments: totally cloudless skies, nice gentle breeze
9/29/2013 |
8:15 AM |
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Readings at 8:15AM, 09-29-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 55.3 F / 24h max 74.3 F (11:12 AM) / 24h min 52.7 F (7:40 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 92 % / 24h max 92 % (8:15 AM ) / 24 h min 52 % ( 11:17 AM) //
Wind: current dir SE / current .2 mph / gusts 1.3 mph / 24h max 15.0 mph (10:38 AM) //
Dewpoint: current 52.9 F / 24h max 64.3 F (10:26 AM) / 24h min 49.8 F (4:54 AM) //
Wind Chill: 55.3 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.10 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h x.xx in (xx:xx PM) / Month Total September 6.59 in //
Comments: a few, scattered, low, fast-moving clouds
9/30/2013 |
8:15 AM |
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Readings at 8:15AM, 09-30-13 (all times refer to the previous 24-hour period) //
Temp: current 56.5 F / 24h max 75.6 F (11:43 AM) / 24h min 53.3 F (7:22 AM) //
Relative Humidity: current 92 % / 24h max 92 % (8:15 AM ) / 24 h min 53 % ( 3:08 PM) //
Wind: current dir SSE / current 0.0 mph / gusts 1.3 mph / 24h max 11.0 mph (9:00 AM) //
Dewpoint: current 54.5 F / 24h max 61.7 F (11:14 AM) / 24h min 50.9 F (7:09 AM) //
Wind Chill: 56.5 F //
Relative Pressure: 30.04 inHg / falling //
Rainfall: 24h 0.00 in / last hour 0.00 in / max hour in last 24 h x.xx in (xx:xx PM) / Month Total September 6.59 in //
Comments: mixture of clouds and clear skies