Observation Date |
Observation Time |
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Notes |
10/1/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 37.4° high 71° Current: 42° 29.94 RP, 88% RH, 39.3 DP, NNE 1.1-1.3 mph. Moderate horizon fog, dew wet environment with condensation on gauges. Moist air. |
10/2/2013 |
7:30 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 59° high 84° Current: 62.5° 30.00 RP rising, 82% RH, 57 DP, NE 2.5-4.0 mph. Dew, mostly cloudy, cool. |
10/3/2013 |
7:30 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 59° high 83° Current: 67° 29.87 RP, 91% RH, 64.4 DP, SE 1.1-1.3 mph.Light fog, overcast. Rain sprinkles at end of report. Watering large trees. Drought continues. |
10/4/2013 |
7:30 AM |
0.26 |
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Low 62° high 81° Current: 65° 29.90 RP, 92% RH, 63.2 DP, Calm last SE. Grass drippy wet, light fog, humid with gray overcast. |
10/5/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.15 |
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Low 64° high 76° Current: 69° 29.84, patio cement wet, light fog, gray overcast and very humid. Dripping wet environment. |
10/6/2013 |
7:30 AM |
0.13 |
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Low 42° high 79° light rain during day. Current: 43° 29.72 RP, 90% RH, 43.1 DP, SW 3.4-5.4 mph. Heavy dew,condensation on gauges, moist air and cold. Blue sky with clouds |
10/7/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
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Low 38.3° high 67° gray damp day Current: 45° 29.83 RP rising, 92% RH, 43.6 DP. light breeze. cold, light horizon fog, wet environment with condensation on gauges. |
10/8/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Low 39.9° high 73°Current: 44° 30.11 RP,89% RH, 42.5 DP with light breeze. Heavy dew with condensation on environment. Clear sky, cold |
10/9/2013 |
6:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Low 41° high 81° Current: 41° 30.16 RP, 87% RP, 40.5 DP. Fog on horizon, dew wet environment, condensation on gauges. Very cold (ugh winter)opaque sky. calm |
10/10/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Low 40° high 78° Current: 42° 30.10 RP, 88% RH, 40.8 DP,light SW breeze.Moderate-heavy fog, wet cold environment. Condensation on gauges. Saw Space Station last night. |
10/11/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 42° high 82.5° Current: 49.6° 30.00 RP,87% RH, 46.9 DP,calm with light fog, condensation on environment, partly cloudy, cold and damp |
10/12/2013 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 49° high 82° 29.89 RP, 83% RH, 54.3 DP, calm. Lightning and thunder than few rain drops fell during report. Overcast, grass damp. |
10/13/2013 |
6:30 AM |
0.18 |
0.0 |
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Low 34.8° high 72.5° cold evening. Current: 35.9° 30.26, 83% RH, 36.5 DP,calm. Heavy drippy dew, very cold, breath visible,summer is gone! |
10/14/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 34.1° high 73° Evening cooled off fast. Current: 36° 30.33 RP,85% RH, 35.5 DP. Report began with dew wet environment and during report turned to moderate frost! Went in to get suet & came back out to frost! a first.Moderate frost on roof and grass, Calm, opaque sky, light hazy on horizon. |
10/15/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
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Low 34° yesterday morning, high 69° Current: 50° 29.89 RP, 79% RH,calm, raining, cold. |
10/25/2013 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 22° high 44° Current:22°,30.33 RP, 82% RH, 20.8 DP, calm, during yesterdays report, grains of snow fell. Moderate frost roof, grass. Sun on horizon. Cold. |
10/26/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 22.4° high 60° Current: 42° 29.84 RP, 66% RH, 32.0 DP.Cold, dew wet environment. |
10/27/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 24.2° high 57° Current: 25° 30.00 RP,81% RH, 23.1 DP, calm. Frost covered environment, cold, frozen bird bath water. |
10/28/2013 |
6:15 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 24.6° high 62° Current: 31° 30.10 RP, 82% RH, 28.3 DP. Frost |
10/29/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 30° high 61° Current: 35° 30.26 RP, 89% RH, 34.3 DP. Fog on N-NE horizon, dew on grass, pink clouds to E-SE horizon. Flocks of geese increasing daily at Lake Mendota. Robins are eating crab apples. Gray day. |
10/30/2013 |
6:45 AM |
0.01 |
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low 34.5° high 58° two rain showers 5:30-6:30 pm. Current: 47° 30.02,89% RH 45.6 DP. Fog, wet environment. |
10/31/2013 |
7:30 AM |
1.66 |
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Low 47° high 62° Rain off and on all day. Current: 61° 29.54 RP, 95% RH, 59.8 DP. Slight breeze, rain soaked environment (6-30 my last recorded good rainfall was 1.53",four months ago) Gray sky. |
11/1/2013 |
7:30 AM |
0.57 |
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Low 42° high 63° rain current:43°, 29.51 RP down,91% RH, 42.2 DP. wet environment, cold wind, gray sky. |
11/2/2013 |
7:30 AM |
0.03 |
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Low 33° High 48° light rain wet patio. Current: 48° 29.83 rising, 92% RH, 34.3 DP.Cold, gray clouds with blue sky peeking through here and there.Wet environment with slight air movement. Black squirrels have chased red squirrels away from cemetery. Sad! |
11/3/2013 |
6:30 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 25.7° high 53° Current: 27.5°, 30.20 RP, 89% RH, 25.8 DP. Heavy frost covering environment scraped off gauge, cold with clear sky. Frosty foggy horizons.
Total rain.. Sept 1.26", Oct 3.10". Water bill high! |
11/4/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 26° high 59° Current: 42° 30.11 RP. Overcast, cold wind and grass damp. |
11/5/2013 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 41° high 59.5° Current: 42° 30.17 RP. Gray overcast, cold,damp and gloomy environment. |
11/6/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.78 |
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Low 47° high 55° 6:15 am raining. Current: 55° 29.75 RP, Steady rainfall, dim light,gray day.Grass looks greener. |
11/7/2013 |
6:30 AM |
0.07 |
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Low 25° high 56° passing quick rainfall. Current: 25° 30.18, Weather station down due to lack of sun power. Cold with moderate frost, bird bath water frozen, Cat's water dish next to house frozen also. |
11/8/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 23° high 44° Current: 23° 30.25 RP, 90% RH, 23.4 DP. Cold, heavy frost, bird bath frozen, frosty air. |
11/9/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 23° high 52° Current: 43° 29.84 RP, 80% RH, 38 DP. High clouds in blue sky, cold wind and damp grass. Cold. Quiet as no bird talk this morning. |
11/10/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 28° high 59.5° Current:31°, 30.29 RP Moderate frost, cold |
11/11/2013 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 31° high 52° Current: 43° 30.04 RP, gray overcast makes gray day! light breeze, jacket weather. |
11/12/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.04 |
0.5 |
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0.5 |
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Low 17° high 47° rain turned to snow began in afternoon,snow melted at first Current: 17.6° 30.61 RP, gauge has ice on NW side,very cold, snow crunches under foot. Estimated at 1/2" difficult to measure due to melting. Did not do core sample |
11/13/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 11.6° high 35° Current: 14° 30.49 RP. Moderate frost, still have snow left, cold and mostly cloudy. |
11/14/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 14° high 43° Current: 29°, 30.02 RP. Cold, sunshine, blue sky with thin white clouds. |
11/15/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 27° high 55° Current: 29° 29.92RP, light frost on west side of roof, cold. |
11/16/2013 |
8:00 AM |
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Low 29° high 54° Current: 48° 29.76, damp air and environment, foggy horizons, gray overcast. |
11/17/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.23 |
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Low 48° high 61° Current: 61° 29.35 RP. Rain wet environment, gray overcast sky with lower thin clouds moving N-NE. Tornado warning broadcasted. |
11/18/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.35 |
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Low 34° high 67° wind and rain but now damage. Current: 34° 29.89 RP. Rain washed siding and windows,gust of wind hit West side of house, heard Peoria and suburbs were hit hard. Windy, cold, damp. |
11/19/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 20° high 46° Current: 20° 30.28. Heavy frost covering gauge and environment. Cold with few clouds on SE horizon. |
11/20/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 21° high 47° Current: 28° 30.15 RP. Heavy frost, cold with overcast sky |
11/21/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.23 |
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Low 28° high 42.6° Current: 38° 30.07 RP. Gray overcast with wet,damp environment from rain. Foggy horizons,light fog here. |
11/22/2013 |
7:30 AM |
0.02 |
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Low 34° high 48° Current: 34° 30.33. Patio wet with rain, air damp, few snow flakes flying by that increased at end of report. Cold with gray overcast sky. |
11/23/2013 |
7:30 AM |
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Low 18° high 39° Few snow flakes during yesterday report. Current: 20° 30.47 RP, Moderate frost on roof,grass and gauge. Cold sharp wind, gray clouds to NE, white scattered cloud N-S half. Very cold, can see breathe. |
11/24/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 4.8° high 26° Current: 5.5° 30.65 RP. Moderate frost, very cold, quiet as no birds talking, clear blue sky... ugh!! winter! |
11/25/2013 |
7:30 AM |
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Low 5.5° high 33° Current: 25° 30.14 RP, few snow pellets on boards, cold wind with gray overcast sky. |
11/26/2013 |
6:00 AM |
0.01 |
0.1 |
0.01 |
0.5 |
0.01 |
Low 25° high 31° Snowfall began in morning. Current: 28° 30.01 RP, Dim light, cold, snow collected in grass,roof. Sidewalk, driveway are clear. #1,#2,#3 boards have same measurement of 1/10". Snow is light and fluffy. |
11/27/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 8° high 33° Current: 9° 30.18 RP. Light frost with frosty air. Cold with sun to SE horizon. |
11/28/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 8° high 31° Current: 19.5° 30.13 RP. cold, sunny with clear sky. Every feeder, suet holder needed to be refilled! Bird's are telling me, look out... cold weather. The bird is ready for the oven.. Happy Thanksgiving to All |
11/29/2013 |
7:30 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 8° high 38° Current: 9° 30.54 RP. Very heavy frost, clear sky with frosty horizons and sunshine. |
12/2/2013 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 29° high 44° Current: 32° 29.82 down, Light frosty fog, gray overcast. Not as many bird voices anymore. Grass remains green. |
12/3/2013 |
7:30 AM |
0.03 |
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Low 31° high 43° short period of rain. Current: 35° 29.63 down. Foggy, dim light, cold and rain wet making it feel colder. Few bird voices heard. |
12/4/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.03 |
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Low 37° high 47° rain began in evening. Current: 45° 29.61 still going down. Gray overcast, fog, air damp and wet environment. warmer this morning. |
12/5/2013 |
6:00 AM |
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Low 23° high 53° short period of light rain. Current: 23° 29.89 rising, cold SW wind, grains of snow in gauge(did not see) dark and can see breathe. |
12/6/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 12° high 26° wind made it feel colder. Current: 12° 30.30 RP rising. Bitter cold wind, Sadly it is a silent world.I miss the little feathered friends. The usual gray overcast. |
12/7/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 2.6° high 19° wind made it feel colder. Current: 5.7° 30.60 RP rising. Cold, moderate frost that sparkles in sunlight, blue sky |
12/8/2013 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 5° high 22° Current: 14° 30.32 rising, cold with gray sky, occasional snow flake drifts down. Trace of snow in bottom of gauge. N-NE wind makes it feel colder. Glad for old farm chore goosedown snow suit. |
12/9/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.18 |
1.6 |
0.16 |
1.6 |
0.16 |
Low 5.7° high 23° snowed off and on during day,also during night more added. Current: 16° 30.03 down, cold, snow light&fluffy to shovel. Mostly cloudy. cold for hands without gloves. Early Christmas present!! |
12/10/2013 |
6:00 AM |
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Low -7° high 17.4° Current: 5.7° 29.97 down, gray overcast with opening to SE horizon. Very cold, snow crunches under foot, dark. |
12/11/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.10 |
2.4 |
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2.7 |
0.22 |
Low 4.2° high 25° new snow came after midnight. Current: 13° 30.30 RP, 13° light fluffy new snow, sparkles in sun light, no drifting noted. Out of practice, it took longer. |
12/12/2013 |
7:00 AM |
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Low -7.5° high 19.4° Current: -3.5° 30.37 RP, gray sky and red East horizon that has a red streak rising straight up that looks like a cross. |
12/13/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low -3.5° high 25° sunny day Current: 8° 30.09 RP, clear sky, frost covered environment, snow crunches under foot, frosty horizons. #1 2" is total board, #2&3 cleared.Frosty horizons. Birds clearing out feeders.(2nd entry as program dumped be before) |
12/14/2013 |
7:30 AM |
0.17 |
3.0 |
0.39 |
4.4 |
0.57 |
Low 6.6° high 29° Snow began late afternoon. Current: 28° 29.91 RP, cold and snowing.New snow not to bad to shovel, compacted, wet. sky is overcast gray. Have three boards out #1 2.9" #2 4.4" #3 2.2". Chose #2 for new snow sample and #1 is total board. Looks like I better make #2 total as #1 & #3 are in windy places, first snow helped me to see results. This was hard and long to get results as first snowfall and out of practice! |
12/15/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
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Low 6° high 30° cold day,gauge results is wind affect. Current: 6.4° 29.98 rising, snow crunches, cold, gray sky, light air flow. Using #2 as total snow is in middle of yard. Nice day to stay in. |
12/16/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.06 |
1.1 |
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4.8 |
0.67 |
Low 2.4° high 17° Current: 3.2° 30.06 RP. NOTE: lost gauge reading when tipped over in sink(had to put in a guess amount/program) New snowfall light and fluffy, did not clear any boards yesterday but recorded additional inches as new.#1&3 cleared, #2 is Total board |
12/17/2013 |
7:30 AM |
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Low 1.5° high 22° Current: 19° 29.95 RP down, Frosty foggy air, snow crunches under foot, gray sky is the color of winter. Grains of snow bottom of gauge. |
12/18/2013 |
7:30 AM |
0.00 |
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5.6 |
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Low 5.5° High 8° Current: 5.7° 30.09 RP up. Snow sparkles in sunlight, gauge covered with frost, few white clouds in blue sky, very cold. Ground snow averaged 4.4"-6.8"= 5.6" with no drifting noted. |
12/19/2013 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 6° high 38° Current: 23° Frost on roof, gauge and frosty air. Small golden seed pods blew in on the wind, laying in pathways & foot prints that are in ground snow. Snow has become dense and crunches. |
12/20/2013 |
6:00 AM |
0.16 |
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Low 23° high 36° sunny, melting snow Current: 36° 29.71 RP down, Raining, changing snow to crystals and melting. Dark using flashlight, patio & driveway wet. |
12/21/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.04 |
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Low 26° high 32° raining during yesterday report. sunny day Current: 26° 29.75 RP, gray overcast sky, cold, fog on horizons, ground snow decreasing, crunchy crystals. |
12/22/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.28 |
1.2 |
0.21 |
3.4 |
0.80 |
Low 26° high 32° snowed during night. Current:27° 29.70 RP. New snow dense with ice base, gauge coated with ice inside and outside, inside snow and ice piled on South side, out side ice North side. Not all of samples collected due to ice base.Gray overcast. Ground snow dense. |
12/23/2013 |
8:00 AM |
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Low 1.4° high 29° Sunny. Current: 2.4° 30.28 RP, wind making it feel colder than is. New snow crystals beautifully shaped,light,fluffy and sparkle in sunlight. Unable to include ice base in measurement of boards
12/24/2013 |
7:00 AM |
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Low -9.8 high 9.1° Current: -9.8 30.46 RP. Apricot colored E horizon. Frozen snow crunches under foot. Very cold, clear and can see breathe. |
12/25/2013 |
8:30 AM |
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Low -9.8° high 21.5° light fluffy snow fell during night. Current: 22° Ground snow 2.5" of frozen crystals. All boards have icy base. Very cold. Merry Christmas to All! |
12/26/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
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Low 11° high 28° snow during night/early am. Current: 13° 30.19 RP. Gray overcast, ground snow compressing, cold |
12/27/2013 |
6:00 AM |
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Low 13° high 35° Current: 16° 30.19 RP Dark, ground snow firm, crunchy and sparkles in flashlight, cold |
12/28/2013 |
7:45 AM |
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Low 15° high 41° Sunny Current: 26° 30.02 down. Million rabbit tracks in yard snow, sure don't know what goes on in the night! Clear, cold with crunchy snow. Drifts 5.4" |
12/29/2013 |
8:00 AM |
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Low 26° high 49° nice day. Current: 28° 29.80 down. Headed into deep freeze by New Year's day. Ground snow becoming dense and firm. Cold wind with gray overcast sky and hazy horizons. |
12/30/2013 |
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Low -4.8° high 30.5° Current: -4.4° 30.25 RP. Very cold, clear with overcast sky. Ground snow crunches and holds my weight. Gauge is ice covered outside North side and South inside. |
12/31/2013 |
8:00 AM |
0.04 |
1.2 |
0.05 |
4.4 |
1.16 |
Low -9.4 high 18.6° snowed during night-morning. Current: -6.9, 30.22 RP. Sun behind gray overcast. Not much wind as snow in bottom of gauge. Boards have icy base, not able to collect all. Cold, fingers burn. |
1/1/2014 |
8:00 AM |
0.05 |
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Low -7° high 20° snow began in evening. Current: 13° 30.16 RP. Snow flurries during report, cold NE wind. Ground snow has become crystallized and firm. Birds and squirrel came early.. bad sign! A Happy and Healthy New Year to All |
1/2/2014 |
8:00 AM |
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Low 9°, high 19.7° blowing snow all day. Current: 9° Did not stay out for measurements due to conditions. Windy, blowing snow and many thigh high drifts. Cold |
1/3/2014 |
7:30 AM |
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Low -10° high 15° Current: -9.4° 30.34 RP. Cold wind, deep drifted snow has covered over #2 and #3 board, unable to use. Gauge frost covered inside and out but empty. Snow crunches underfoot, wind causing snow to drift. |
1/4/2014 |
8:00 AM |
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Low -9.4° high 26° Current: 26° 29.78 RP. Grey overcast sky, ground snow firm & crunchy, Cold sinks into clothes, gray overcast sky. |
1/5/2014 |
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Low 12° high 34° Current: 11.8° 29.97 RP falling. Wind chill -1°, dew point -17°per Rochelle airport. Strong, bitter cold wind howls around house. Drifts just below windows and above my waist. Still snowing, birds frantic for food. No other information from boards gathered as too dangerous to be out! Church canceled. City plows trying to keep roads clear. |
1/6/2014 |
7:30 AM |
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Low -18.6° high 12° snow,wind,extreme cold. Current: -18.6°, 30.16 RP. Extreme cold continues with light air movement. Sky clear, sun rising. Rochelle airport -19.1° WC -42° with wind 8.5-10.5 mph. No outside report due to extreme cold! Patio snow waist high and firm.(NOTE: Gauge reading obtained Jan 8th when able to get to it. NO snow fell after this day) |
1/7/2014 |
6:30 AM |
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-18.6°low, Present -13.4° Dark, ground snow frozen. Bitter cold! Tough go for all outside creatures, big and small. Birds draining feeders. A day to stay safe indoors. Gauge not read due to extreme cold. |
1/8/2014 |
8:00 AM |
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Low -13.8° high 12° Current: 2.4° 30.30 RP, finally able to get to gauge, drifts 2 1/2' to 3'foot high of dense snow. Patio has deep snow drifts. Cold (NOTE: gauge melt of 0.30 entered on Jan 6 report as day after last snowfall.) |
1/9/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low -4.9° high 14° Current: 4° 30.36 RP. Dark, crunch firm snow cover. Birds here already for food, light wind. |
1/10/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.03 |
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7.4 |
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Low 4° high 29° 2.7" new snowfall while out of town. Current: 29° 29.96 falling. Fog, caused by warm air and cold snow, dim light. Ground snow compacting. |
1/11/2014 |
9:30 AM |
0.65 |
0.0 |
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Low 29° high 37° rain began in afternoon. Current: 31° 29.49 RP falling, snow crystals crunchy,wet, melting. Air damp, snow has dusty streaks on top of drift ridges. |
1/12/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Low 25° high 36° current: 26° 29.77 HP. Gauge frost covered, hazy horizons, grass visible in places where snow melted, cold |
1/13/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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7.0 |
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Low 26° high 43° Current: 32° 29.50 falling. Blue sky behind white and gray clouds. Ground snow firm and icy. Boards: #1 clear #2 total board 7.6 to 8.6" #3 4.7".
Averaged snow cover/drifts= 6.97" Drifts are shrinking slowly, some grass showing.
1/14/2014 |
8:30 AM |
0.03 |
0.2 |
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7.5 |
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Low 22° high 31° Current: 31° 29.57 up. Began snowing during report and stopped near end. Ground snow crunchy. |
1/15/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.03 |
0.3 |
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1.0 |
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Low 7.3° high 34.5° Current: 9.3° New snow sparkles in sunlight, ground snow crunches under foot, very cold. Old snow in form of crystals. |
1/16/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Low 10.5° high 27° Current: 26° 29.53 HP. Dim light,cold with gray overcast. Ground snow frozen with icy spots, slippery. |
1/17/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
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Low 7° high 37.5° Current: 7° 29.80 RP, very light dusting of snow, blue gray sky behind white cloud. Very cold. Fingers burn. |
1/18/2014 |
8:00 AM |
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Low 2° high 18° Current: 12° 29.76 RP, gauge frost covered with snow inside. Very fine snow falling,have to look at something dark to see it. Very cold, ground snow firm and icy making it slippery. Gray overcast. |
1/19/2014 |
8:00 AM |
0.28 |
4.8 |
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10.1 |
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Low -0.1 high 23° snow began during yesterday report time, stopped late afternoon. Current: 12° 29.73 RP falling. New snow not heavy and wet. Gauge snow piled on NW side. Boards: #1 = 4.2" & #3 5.3" averaged =4.75" of new snow. #2 Total board = 10.1" for snow on ground.(Core sample on Mondays). Blue opaque sky, sunshine. |
1/20/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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9.7 |
2.42 |
Low 12° high 40° Current: 26° 29.75 RP. Very cold with dim light, snow sparkles, ground snow soft with crystals visible. blue sky. Total board #2 sample taken and not cleared #1 & #3 boards were clean.Gauge was empty. |
1/21/2014 |
8:00 AM |
0.01 |
8.8 |
1.56 |
15.8 |
3.25 |
Low -2.8° high 38° Current: -2.8° Windy, extreme cold, sunny. NO OUTSIDE REPORT due to extreme weather at this time! New snow appears dense powder that when snow plows go by looks like white smoke.( 10:30 am samples taken) |
1/22/2014 |
8:00 AM |
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Low -10° high 15° Current: 6.0° 29.94 RP.Very cold with gray sky.Very light grainy snow falling that I did not see until out in it, trace in gauge and on patio. |
1/23/2014 |
7:30 AM |
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Low -8.4° high 18.8° 12:30 pm snow flakes building up. Current: -7.6° 30.40 RP. Bitter cold with sunshine. Birds are frantic for seeds. Cold sinks in clothes fast. Will do outside report later. |
1/24/2014 |
7:30 AM |
0.00 |
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17.3 |
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low -13 high 6.6° Current: -3.5° 30.22. Dim light, very cold. #2 Total 15.3° and 17.3°. Drift shrinking, knee high. |
1/25/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
0.4 |
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14.4 |
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Low -3.5° high 32° Current: 22° 29.49 down. wind howling in cemetery trees, feels warmer, new snow on #1= 0.4". Drifts have become very large. Station problem is wind and drifting, affects measurements |
1/26/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.17 |
2.8 |
0.22 |
16.0 |
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Low 3° high 22.6° New snow during night. Current: 12° 29.40 RP. New snow dense and no evidence of drifting. Several reading taken and average for total inches and ground snow. Gray/white clouds with blue sky peeking through.All ground readings taken from total and new snow boards. Total board SWE done on Mondays. |
1/27/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.06 |
5.7 |
0.93 |
13.8 |
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Low -7.6° high 35° snow began late evening. Current: -7.6 30.14 RP. Ground snow compact,dense.The ground snow is now ridges of drifted snow. #3 board under 21" drift. Other drifts 37.6" & 25.2". New snow total from three readings averaged. This was my most difficult report to obtain and to report the readings due to white out blowing snow that caused uneven snow on ground. This is the best I can do. But it sure is pretty to look at! |
1/28/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Low -17.2° high 1.0° Current: -17.2° 30.37 RP. Very cold air, not even a breeze. Cold sinks into clothing. Snow sparkles and is firm and frozen. Birds already at feeders. Poor things. |
1/29/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low -17° high 8° Current: -5° 30.14 RP down. Does not feel as cold as yesterday, sunshine. |
1/30/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Low -4° high 28.5° Current: 21° 29.75 RP down. Windy, cold with gray sky. |
1/31/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
4.5 |
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14.5 |
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Low 10.9° High 31° Current: 11° 30.05 RP. Not bad cold wise. Usual gray overcast. Ground snow firming and becoming ice crystals,crunchy,holds my weight for a moment. Not too cold. Drift 19.5" to 23.4". Ground snow
13.4", 14.0" & 16.0"= 14.5" |
2/1/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.19 |
5.4 |
0.62 |
16.1 |
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Low 11° high 23° Snow began around 7:30 pm. Current: 23°. Still snowing, adding up fast, shoveled patio before report and had to again after.Birds waiting on seeds and feeders. Snow on board #3 17", 16" and 15.4" |
2/2/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.03 |
1.8 |
0.22 |
14.9 |
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Low 1.2° high 25.3° Current: 1.2° 30.17 RP,Cold with dim light, snow becoming dense. Overcast sky with pale rose colored East horizon. cold. #2 Total board 12.6" Patio 1.6 to 4.0" Drifts 25.3-26" |
2/3/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
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Low 3° high 26° Current: 14° 29.92 RP. light fluff snow beginning, increased during report, very cold, Boards 1,2 cleared, gray overcast. 16.7, 85%, 13.0 DP, 16.7 WC, wind 2.5-2.7 WNNW |
2/4/2014 |
7:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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2/5/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.06 |
13.0 |
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Low 9° high 34° Current: 18° 30.09 RP Strong wind blow snow. very cold wind howling. People getting stuck at my corner. Drifts 24" to 34".Total board has 28"
2/6/2014 |
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2/7/2014 |
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Low -10° high 7.7° Current: -8° 30.32 RP. Sun up and cold |
2/8/2014 |
6:00 AM |
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Low -8.2 high 18 Current: 7 30.18 RP. Dark, cold and quiet. Birds cleaning out feeders |
2/9/2014 |
6:00 AM |
0.11 |
5.7 |
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low -8.3 high 23 6:45am yesterday snow flakes began falling. Current: -8.2 30.09 RP. Bar has been dropping now 3 days. Dim light, boards # 2 &3 under drifts with only #1 in open. Patio has 6.4 to 6.6" of snow on it. Gauge frost covered. Yard drifts 32.4" to 33". New snow sample later as still melting |
2/10/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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6.6 |
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low 19 high 25 Current: -14.7 30.35 /current: |
2/11/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.43 |
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Low 31° high 46° 3 am gust of wind hitting side of house, howling, gray overcast, very cold. gusty wind howling. No snow, all melted, ground frozen and windy. 5 am 20.1 W 28.9 7am 15.0 SSW RP 20.6 Current: 31° 29.63 RP. down. |
2/12/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 24° high 32° Current: 25° 30.03 RP. very cold due to wind, overcast sky, strong gusts of wind. Shoveled pile of snow across driveway yesterday. WC 15.8° WNW 7.2-11.0 mph |
2/13/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 16° high 33° Current: 17° 29.74 RP. 87%, DP 16.6, WC 19.8° Last wind 0.0-0.0. Heavy frost, frosty foggy air and horizons. Apricot colored Eastern horizon, gauge frost inside and out. Pine needle tree branches frost covered. |
2/14/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 2.6° high 35° Current: 10° Gray cold day. |
2/15/2014 |
7:30 AM |
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Low -4° high 25.5° Current: 9° 30.02 RP. Cold, ground snow has turned to crystals and firm but gives way under foot. |
2/16/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.07 |
0.8 |
0.05 |
19.3 |
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Low 9° high 29° snow stopped around 8pm. Current: 11° 30.03 RP. New snow on patio 0.5" reflects the wind factor here as have three different results. New snow dense, sparkles in sunlight. |
2/17/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.05 |
0.8 |
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Low 8° high 26° Current: 20° 29.97 RP falling. Blowing snow that looks like smoke coming off roof. wind strong. Good day to stay home. |
2/18/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.28 |
6.3 |
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27.0 |
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Low 9° high 32.7° new snowfall stopped around 830am. Current: 9° 29.84RP falling. Foggy, cold, snow sparkles sunlight. Gauge frost covered. Snow drifts in back yard are waist to chest high= 18" to 25.3". New snow reading from #1 board cleared. #2 total= 22" #3 20" neither cleared. I need wadding boots as snow getting in top of boots. Window view decreasing as piles of snow getting higher,only see top half of cars on street. |
2/19/2014 |
7:30 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 9° high 48° sunny which caused snow melt to begin. Current: 26° 29.83 RP down. Sunny, warmer, blue sky. Birds and squirrels visiting. |
2/20/2014 |
7:30 AM |
0.91 |
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Low 26° high 48° sunshine and warm day started snow melting. Awakened 3;30 am by loud thunder, rain and white lightning. Current: raining, standing water on patio, ground snow disappearing, slippery, gray overcast sky, cold moist air. |
2/21/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.70 |
1.6 |
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18.0 |
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Low 25° high 43° foggy day with sunshine afternoon that started snow melt. Standing water in places on highways. Strong wind howling and hitting West side house in evening. Current: 25° 29.53 RP. Strong wind continues, gray overcast with dim light. Snow pack has decreased. Trees whipping around. Two robins eating seeds and grapes on porch. New snow on patio,sidewalks and #1 1.3" & 1.8" averaged. Drifts 24" |
2/22/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Low 18° high 35° Current: 21° 29.92 RP rising. Clear, cold, snow firm, difficult to walk on as gives way. NW sky dark and stormy looking. Still have plenty of ground snow. |
2/23/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 12.5° high 37.2° Current: 13° 30.14 RP. Very light fog, cold, gray overcast sky again. |
2/24/2014 |
7:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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5.0 |
5.36 |
Low 8.9° high 32° Current: 9° 30.20 RP. Blue sky, few white clouds with sunshine. SWE taken at 5.4" from #2 board which had 5.4" up to 9.4". Ground snow condensed. Took full gauge pressed down at 5.4", did get 5" and left .4". Today it was a very difficult measurement to obtain. Melted full gauge of compacted snow. Sorry, did my best! |
2/25/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 9° high 44° Current: 21° 30.08 RP Foggy, hazy horizons, grass showing through snow. Firm, icy with crystals. Snow frozen, crunchy. Cold and frost on gauges,roofs. Snow boards #1 & 2 clear, #3 1.0" core 0.35, firm, DP 18.7, WC 22.3 ENE 2.2-4.4 mph |
2/26/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low -6° high 25° Current: -6 30.17 RP. Clear sky, SE rising sun, very cold frosty morning |
2/27/2014 |
6:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low -6° high 17° Current: 2° 29.90 RP. Cold wind causing low wind chill, gray dim day. Home is best place today! |
2/28/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low -8° high 10° Current: 5° 30.08 RP rising. Gray overcast sky, very cold, frost. Frozen snow pack. |
3/1/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
0.3 |
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16.3 |
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Low 5° high 37° began snowing after 8pm. Current: 21° 30.05 RP. Cold gray day, moderate wind which is decreasing wind chill. Ground snow firm and gives way under foot. Not one bird voice heard. Go to Ottawa high school to the Weather Show. |
3/2/2014 |
10:30 AM |
0.10 |
7.0 |
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21.0 |
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Low 4° high 25° 10:30 am to 3:30 pm attended National Weather Service show then Ill. Valley Symphony and exiting the high school at 5:45pm it was snowing from NW to SW which made the drive slow going. Current: 7° 30.34 RP rising. New snow dense, sparkles in sunshine. Cold wind. Drifts 15" to 25". Still melting new core sample.. stay tuned.. |
3/3/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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21.0 |
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Low -7° high 8° Current: -7° 30.40 RP. Bitter cold with cold wind, frosty air. Snow pack frozen. Wind chill -15° to -25° per weather radio. Birds feeding heartily. |
3/4/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 6° high 25° Current: 11.4° 30.20 RP down. Cold gray day.. again. Finches happy for seeds! I think they are telling others as more than usual at feeders or because of weather change coming. |
3/5/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.05 |
5.8 |
0.65 |
19.0 |
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Low 11° high 39° snow began during night. Current: 18° 30.28 RP rising. Steady snow fall, cold wind, can hear snow hit hood of jacket. New snow 5.8", 6.3", 5.4" averaged & taken at 5.8". Wind and snow almost horizontal.. Northeasterly. One of the larger drifts 23.4" |
3/6/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.03 |
2.6 |
0.15 |
20.0 |
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Low 5° high 8° New snow stopped around 3:30 pm. Current: 8° 30.27 RP up slightly. Sunshine, cold, snow sparkles in sunlight. Gray sky. |
3/7/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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15.6 |
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Low 6° high 35° Current: 13° 29.93 RP down. Frost covered environment. Tree branches are fat with frost.. pretty picture. Frosty air and foggy-frosty horizons. |
3/8/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.03 |
0.5 |
0.06 |
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Low 13° high 52° Current: 30° 30.06 RP. light fine rain felt on face, damp making it feel colder. Ground snow becoming crystalized. New snow frozen to board and icy. |
3/9/2014 |
8:11 AM |
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Low 10° high 33° Current: 15° 30.18 RP. sunshine, very cold, frosty air, frost covered gauge and roofs. |
3/10/2014 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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15.8 |
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Low 15° high 46° 29.69 RP down. Puddles forming, snow crystalizing, wet and melting. Geese arriving at lake, can hear their talking, telling each other about their winter in FL. Sun shine, warmer. |
3/11/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 33° high 57° Current: 34° 29.61 RP down, precip in forecast.. gray sky with light fog. Ground snow crystalizing, gives way under weight. Cold |
3/12/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.34 |
1.4 |
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11.5 |
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Low 29° high 44° rain began in evening. Current: 29° 29.78 RP rising. Strong bitter cold wind, ice covered environment,slippery. Snow now ice crystals and crunchy. Gauge ice covered outside N. side, inside S side. Tree's North side snow/ice covered. |
3/13/2014 |
7:30 AM |
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14.9 |
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Low 11° high 30° Between 11am - 11:30 am snowing with N-NW slant. Current:12° Sun light on SE horizon. Ground snow frozen crystals, holds weight. Boards #1 T #2 Total board 11.4", 11.0". #3 12". Ground snow 16" & 13.7"=14.85", drifts slowly melting. |
3/14/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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0.0 |
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Low 12° high 42° Current: 34° 29.60 RP down. Cold, sun rising, opaque sky, frost on roof, quiet. Ground snow slowly shrinking. |
3/15/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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7.4 |
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9.0 |
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Low 28° high 56° Current: 29° 29.96 RP rising. Ground snow dirty, frost, damp and cold. Ground snow crystalizing, crunchy |
3/16/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
0.3 |
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Low 19° high Low 42° Current: 19° 30.23 RP rising. Strong wind from NE, gusty. 3/10 of snow on patio, boards blown clear. Very cold. New snow makes old snow look grimy. |
3/17/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Low 13° high 28° Current: 14° 29.93 RP down. Gray day, very cold with blue gray sky with white fluffy clouds. Ground snow frozen and dirty. Heavy frost this morning |
3/18/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 14° high 43° Current: 29° 29.74 RP down. blue sky behind scattered gray-white clouds. |
3/19/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.22 |
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Low 29° high 43° gray day. Current: 22° 29.53 HP continues to fall. Raining with gray cloud covered sky. Rain is soaking in ground. Only snow drifts left. |
3/20/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
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Low 26° high 42° Current: 27° 29.99 RP rising. Moderate frost gauge, roof and environment. Grains of snow in gauge, on sidewalk, boards & driveway. |
3/21/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Low 27° High 50° Current: 32° 29.87 RP down. Light frost, nice morning with only drifts and piles of snow left. |
3/22/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 26° High 59° Current: 26° 30.05 RP rising. Dark clouds to East horizon, Mostly cloudy with a few patches of blue. Snow piles decreasing. |
3/23/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Low 17.6°High 42° Current: 18° 30.36 RP rising. Strong gust of roaring wind hit me during report, very cold with blue sky and half moon. Sun on East horizon |
3/24/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 15° high 34 Current: 25° 30.28 RP falling. Sunny, cold, light frost on roofs. Small icy patch under bushes and in ditch. |
3/27/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.09 |
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Low 15° high 44° rain started during night. Current: 34° 29.75 RP. Raining, hazy/foggy horizons, dark gray day. Snow remains in ditches and piles. |
3/28/2014 |
8:00 AM |
0.10 |
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Low 33° high 53° rain during night or early AM.
Current: 38° 29.82 RP rising. Bar is going up and down. Rain wet environment. |
3/29/2014 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 32° high 42° Current: 38° 30.12 RP rising. sunlight, hazy foggy horizon to North. Cold, blue sky, clover up in grass.. ugh |
3/30/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 21° high 45° Current: 22° 30.18 RP up. Moderate frost and cold. |
3/31/2014 |
6:00 AM |
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Low 22° High 62° Wren houses put up. Current: 38° 29.93 RP, no frost at start of report but began to collect at the end. Cold, dim light with gray sky. |
4/1/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 29° high 66° Current: 29° 29.79 RP down. Gray sky, bitter cold wind. Very small amount of snow left. |
4/2/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 28° high 52° Current: 32° 30.08 RP rising. Gray cloudy sky, cold with very light frost here and there. |
4/3/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.89 |
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Low 32° high 49° around 3 am raining with lightning and loud clap of thunder. Current: 40° 29.78 RP. Steady rain during report, fog on horizons. |
4/4/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.42 |
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Low 33 high 44° gray day with chilly wind. Current: 42° 29.47 RP down. Gray dim light, wet environment, quiet. |
4/5/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 33° high 43° Current: 29° 30.11 RP up. Cold, frosty morning. |
4/6/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 25° high 60° Current: 33° 30.08 RP rising. Moderate frost, gauge frost covered. Cold frosty air |
4/7/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Low 33° high 61° Current: 37° 29.77 RP. Gray sky with few blue openings. Cold, damp air |
4/8/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.04 |
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Low 33° high 62° Current: 38° 29.68 RP down, going up and down. Foggy horizon, wet environment. |
4/9/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Low 33° high 62° Current: 35° 29:96 RP. Nice spring morning, light dew, grass becoming greener as days go by. Cold |
4/10/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Low 34° high 65° Current: 50° 29.66 RP down, gray overcast sky, Cold spring morning. |
4/11/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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0.0 |
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Low 30° high 68° Current 35° Current: 35° 29 RP up. sunny, cold |
4/12/2014 |
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Low 33° high 77° Current: 56° 29.89 RP, overcast with moist air. |
4/13/2014 |
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Low 53° high 81° Current: 60° 29.67 RP down. Sun is up, damp and cold |
4/14/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.48 |
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Low 36° high 68° Current: 60° 29.67 RP steady. Gray sky, NNW cold sharp wind 12.9 mph with 13.6 mph gusts, frozen rain drops hitting coat and face. |
4/15/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 20° high 38° 2 pm began snowing. Current: 0.04 30.05 RP. Current temp 24° New snow fluffy and wet, melting in sunlight. Cold. Scrapped out side of gauge = 0.20". Took 3 measurement 2", 2.5" & 3" called it 2.25". Did not have snow boards out. Scrapped outside gauge ice=0.20, inner tube melted 0.03", funnel and inside gauge=0.10. |
4/16/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 23° high 44° Current: 38° 30.18 RP rising. Cold, damp,grass growing slowly, new birds returning weekly |
4/17/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 37° high 57° Current: 40° 30.06 RP. Cold, sun to East, clouds moving in, grass wet with heavy dew. |
4/18/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 33° high 59° Current: 35° 30.25 RP rising. Fog, cold, drippy wet foggy dew on grass. |
4/19/2014 |
8:00 AM |
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Low 29° high 70° Current: 46° 30.28 RP. Very heavy dew, sunshine, cold and windy |
4/20/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 35° high 74° Happy Easter. heavy drippy dew, cold with sunshine. Sky 1/2 cloud cover other blue sky. |
4/21/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 42° high 83° current: 53° 29.89 RP up & down
daily. Mixed overcast sky, damp and fog or haze on horizons |
4/22/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.67 |
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Low 42° high 74° 9:20 pm saw space station traveling NW to SE. Too high to see all the colored lights. Current: 47° Rain wet grass, clear horizons, windy. UNABLE to enter this so entering late. |
4/23/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 29° high 65³ Current: 32° 30.11 RP. Cold wet environment. Frost noted in shaded areas. Heavy dew that sparkles in sunlight. Wind 1.4-5.4° NNE. |
4/24/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 32° high 60° Current: 45° 29.89 RP down. Cold wind, overcast, grass wet with dim light. Wind ESE to SSE 4.7 mph. |
4/25/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.12 |
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Low 44° high 68° Current: 47° 29.76 RP down. Cold, wet environment with fog/hazy on horizon. Mostly cloudy with blue sky behind. Wind 1.7 mph NNW. |
4/26/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 46° high 75° Current: 48° 29.89 RP rising. Cold wind NNW 8.7 mph. Grass dripping wet,few clouds in blue sky. |
4/27/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.06 |
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Low 39° high 70° Current: 44° 29.84 RP down. Cold sharp wind, gray overcast with rain wet environment |
4/28/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.52 |
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Low 44° high 65° rain began around 5pm. Current: 46° 29.58 RP down. light rain during report, windy with strong gusts. Gray overcast sky. |
4/29/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.14 |
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Low 45.5° high 56° Current: 52° 29.41 RP. Gray overcast, raining, wet environment. |
4/30/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 43° high 61° rain during night. Current: 43° 29.66 RP rising. Wet drippy environment, gray overcast with cold wind. |
5/1/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.03 |
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Low 35° high 47° nice day to work in yard. Cut asparagus for lunch. Current: 42° 29.65 RP, windy, gray overcast sky. Wet and cold. |
5/2/2014 |
8:00 AM |
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Low 42° high 51° chilly gray day. Current: 46° 29.87 RP. Cold wind, wet grass with gray sky. |
5/3/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 42° high 56° wore a coat to mow lawn! Current: 46° 29.70 RP. Sunshine, heavy dew, thin clouds in blue sky. Wind SW 4.6 mph. Cold day wearing coat. |
5/4/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 43° high 69° Current: 53° 30.00 RP rising. gray overcast windy, grass dry but occasionally feel a very light rain drop on face which will be on tomorrow report. |
5/5/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 43° high 62° Current: 45° 29.91 RP down. Dirty water in gauge, rain fell during yesterdays report time. Wind East 8.5-12.7 mph. |
5/6/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 38° high 67° Current: 43° 29.93 RP down. No dew grass dry, blue sky with thin clouds, cold SE wind 5.4-10.5 mph. |
5/7/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 43° high 73° Current: 29.73 RP No dew, wind SE 6.2 mph, overcast sky, cool. |
5/8/2014 |
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Low 58° high 88° Current: 62° 29.78 RP down. Grass wet with rain, gray overcast with humid air. Gauge has dirt, a bug and plus rain water. Do not know when it rained, wind SE 0.2 with 3.1 SSW gust. Pulled weeds while ground wet. |
5/9/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 62° high 93° Current: 64° 29.65 RP. Much needed light rain falling, wet environment, gray overcast sky. Wind gust WSW 7.1°, average wind speed 3.7-4.0 mph. |
5/10/2014 |
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Gauge 0.00. grass dripping wet with dew, gray overcast sky, chilly. |
5/11/2014 |
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Low 53° high 84° Current: 58° 29.87 RP, blue sky behind white/gray clouds. Air humid with dew cover grass/environment |
5/12/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.33 |
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Low 58°high 86° Current: 71° 29.79 HP. Very humid, rain/dew drops hanging on grass, gray overcast with SSW 4.2-1.3 mph wind. |
5/13/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.62 |
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Low 53° high 88° Current: 55° 29.92 RP. Rain wet environment, moderate cold SW wind 2.1-7.4 mph. Gray overcast sky |
5/14/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 44° high 57° Current: 46° 30.14 RP. Cold, gray overcast sky, drippy wet grass. After report can see sun behind overcast. |
5/22/2014 |
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Low 54° Current: 60° High 94°Heavy dew with blue sky and thin clouds. Cool wind NNE 8.2-2.5 mph. |
5/23/2014 |
8:30 AM |
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Low 47° high 77° Current: 69° 30.14 RP. Heavy dew, blue sky, light breeze, humid. |
5/24/2014 |
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Grass wet with dew, partly cloudy. Wind NE 3-4 mph. Grass growing in spite of this Station being dry. No ground cracks noted yet. Corn planted across road broke ground and sitting. |
5/25/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Wind ESE 3.2-0.0 mph. Heavy dew with blue sky and thin clouds on horizons. |
5/26/2014 |
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Low 58° high 91° Current: 64° 29.98 RP down. High thin overcast clouds. Grass wet with dew, slight damp air movement noted. |
5/27/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 64° high 93° Current: 70° 29.90 RP. Gray overcast, grass dripping wet with humid air. Wind SW 8.4-5.4 mph. |
5/28/2014 |
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Low 62° High 84° Current: 66° 29.89 RP. Wind N 6.4-1.3 mph. Light fog here, heavier to North. Heavy drippy dew. |
5/29/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.21 |
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Low 58° high 85° Current: 61° 30.00 RP. Slight dew with gray overcast sky, chilly, windy ESE 8.9-1.6 MPH. |
5/30/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 56° high 87° Current: 65° 30.10 RP. Sunny with blue sky and a few clouds. Nice breeze |
5/31/2014 |
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Low 56° high 89° Current: 71° 30.10 RP. Thin clouds in blue sky, warm |
6/1/2014 |
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Low 66° high 94° Current: 76° 29.97 RP. Warm and sunny, grass dry with light overcast. Wind 5.8 mph SW. |
6/2/2014 |
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Low 70° high 94° Current: 75° 29.75 RP falling. Gray overcast, warm and humid with SW/SSW 8.9-2.0 wind. |
6/3/2014 |
7:30 AM |
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Low 63° high 87° Current: 67° 29.89 RP rising. sunny, grass drippy wet, blue sky with cool breeze. |
6/4/2014 |
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Low 61° high 86° Current: 63° 29.68 RP down. Wet environment, gray overcast sky, cool East wind 3.6-5.7 mph. A bowl on the ground I forgot about had 1.59" of multi-day rain. |
6/5/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 49° high 68° Current: 66° 29:91 RP, ENE 5.8-3.1 mph. Cool, damp variable wind, heavy drippy dew that sparkles in sunlight. |
6/6/2014 |
9:00 AM |
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Low 49° high 83° Current: 74° 29.94 RP. Sunny with dew covered environment. Clear blue sky. Lush green environment compared to few years ago. |
6/7/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 55° high 91° Current: 69° 29.92 RP. Sunny with blue sky behind light white clouds. Environment is drying out. Need rain |
6/8/2014 |
7:30 AM |
0.22 |
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Low 61° high 86° Rain began late evening. Current: 61° 29.92 RP down. Blue sky with white clouds over head and dark gray to East. Chilly, grass wet ENE 6.8-4.6 mph wind. |
6/9/2014 |
8:00 AM |
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Low 50° high 73° Current: 62° 29.93 RP rising. Heavy, drippy dew, cool wind from SE at 0.0-0.8 mph. Blue sky, sunny. |
6/10/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
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Low 60° high 87° Current: 60° 29.83 RP. Very light rain at report time with wet environment. |
6/11/2014 |
9:00 AM |
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Low 59° high 69° Current: 60° 29:65 RP, Wind Sock N-NE. (gift of official wind sock in use) Light rain of which I am so happy to receive. Gray overcast. Sad as son and family leave for home today.. |
6/12/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 55° high 67° Current: 62° 29.75 RP rising. Heavy dew drops on grass blades, grass dripping wet, humid air with S-SSW 1.6-2.3 mph breeze. Cloud cover with light fog. |
6/13/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 49° high 78.2° Current: 57° 29.94 RP. Windy N,NE 8.5-1.4 mph. Sunny, chilly with clear blue sky and heavy dew. |
6/16/2014 |
7:30 AM |
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Low 60° high 85° Current: 71° 30.00 RP. Heavy dew, sunny with slight breeze. Humid. |
6/17/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 60° high 93° Current: 69° 29.82 RP. Light rain during night. grass damp, few drops felt on face during report. cool wind WSW 5.1-3.5 mph. Gray overcast, dim light. |
6/18/2014 |
8:00 AM |
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Dark gray sky and to North can see storm coming. Hoping for a good rain. Trace is for the few drops of rain during yesterdays report |
6/19/2014 |
8:00 AM |
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Low 64° high 92° rain at last! Current: 67° 29.99 RP. Rain soaked environment. Gray sky with moist air. Light fog on horizon. |
6/20/2014 |
7:30 AM |
0.80 |
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Low 66° high 91° Current: 71° 29.92 RP. Rain wet environment, South breeze, gray overcast sky, humid with SW 1.2-5.1 mph breeze. |
6/21/2014 |
7:30 AM |
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Low 62° high 89° Current: 64° 29.91 RP falling. Light fog, heavy drippy dew that formed last late evening. Gray overcast. SE 0.0-1.5 mph Dust bottom of the gauge. |
6/22/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 62° high 90° Current: 64° 29.85 RP. SE breeze 01.-0.8 mph. Light fog, wet environment,Tops of trees have more movement. |
6/23/2014 |
7:30 AM |
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Low 64° high 92° Current: 66° 29.27 RP. Raining steady, gray overcast with some open sky to West |
6/24/2014 |
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Low 66° high 87° Current: 76° 29.81 RP up. Wet with heavy dew, gray overcast and humid air. |
6/25/2014 |
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Low 63° high 91° Current: 70° 29.91 RP. Heavy wet dew, sunny with few clouds in blue sky. Humid |
6/26/2014 |
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Low 61° high 91° rain during night. Current: 62° 29.99 RP rising. Fog, rain soaked environment. I pulled one weed that lead to many more! Good to have IL-LS-1 Back!! |
6/27/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 61° high 89° Current: 88° Sunny, feels like a hot day coming up as sun hot on skin. |
6/28/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Just a short report today.. as unable to read precip due to gauge has bird droppings in it |
6/29/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 66° high 91° Current: 71° 29.88 RP. Gray overcast with wet environment. Humid air with 5.2-2.8 S,WSW breeze. |
6/30/2014 |
7:30 AM |
0.73 |
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Low 67° high 88° /current: 70° 29.80 RP. Rain wet refreshed environment. Overcast sky SE 0-3.4 mph breeze. Wrens are sing to me. |
7/1/2014 |
8:00 AM |
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9PM storm from NW-N hit windows hard with rain, strong whipping wind with lightning and thunder that rattles the windows. 9:15 pm lost electricity for short time. Current: 75° 29.69 RH 1.82 in gauge, wet environment, sunshine. High 91° low 63° 29.69 RH |
7/2/2014 |
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low 60° high 82° Current: 65° 29:85 RP. Cloudy, wind is varied in direction. |
7/3/2014 |
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0.22 |
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Low 58° high 70° Current: 62° 30:06 RP. Rain wet environment, partly cloudy with blue sky. Near calm with very light air movement I can feel on my face.
7/4/2014 |
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Happy 4th of July.... |
7/5/2014 |
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Low 50° high 88° Current: 74° Grass damp, overcast sky and cooler. Trace for raindrops note during yesterdays report |
7/6/2014 |
8:00 AM |
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Low 62° high 79° Current: 70° 29.88 RP. Sunny, muggy with heavy dew |
7/7/2014 |
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Current: SW-W breeze. If flowers grew as fast as weeds my yard would be beautiful. Precip during night or early AM. |
7/8/2014 |
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Dew on grass, sunny and birds have targeted gauge again. |
7/9/2014 |
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dew and warm |
7/10/2014 |
7:30 AM |
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Low 52° high 93° Current: 62° 30.08 RP. Sunny, heavy wet dew with blue sky. |
7/11/2014 |
9:30 AM |
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Low 54° high 87° Current: 79° 30.12 RP. Sunny with dew, blue sky and white clouds which are heavier to West. |
7/12/2014 |
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Low 67° high 87° Current: 70° 29.98 RP. Dark gray day, pavement wet, moist air. |
7/13/2014 |
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Low 65° high 85° Current: 67° 29.89 RP. Wet drippy grass, damp air with gray overcast sky but can see sun behind clouds. |
7/14/2014 |
8:00 AM |
0.07 |
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Low 60° high 89° Current: 69° 29.81 RP falling. Sunny, blue sky/white clouds. Very heavy drippy dew. |
7/15/2014 |
7:30 AM |
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Low 51° high 83° Current: 56° 29.90 RP. Dew,cool wind from SW-W. Few clouds. Very cool must be on edge of cold front. |
7/16/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.03 |
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Low 49° high 73° Current: 57° 29.97 RP. Heavy wet dew, cool with sunshine. |
7/17/2014 |
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Low 50° high 78° Current: 61° 30.03 RP. Sunny,heavy wet dew, clear blue sky with 1/2 moon to SW sky |
7/18/2014 |
9:00 AM |
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Low 53° high 85° 30:10 RP. Current: 71° Sunshine through clouds, calm with drippy dew, air humid. Can hear baby birds as parents feed them. |
7/19/2014 |
9:00 AM |
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Low 52° high 87° Current: 69° 30.04 RP. Calm, warm, dew, sunny with opaque sky. |
7/20/2014 |
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Low 54° high 86° Current: 64° 30.01 RP. calm to slight breeze. Last from NE. Dew wet and dripping , warm. Bees packing on pollen from Sun Flowers |
7/21/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 58° high 86° Current: 62° 30.03 RP Light fog, dew with moist air. |
7/22/2014 |
7:30 AM |
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Low 62° high 91° Current: 71° 29.95 RP Light breeze to variable SE to SW. Wind SW 3.1 mph. opaque sky. |
7/23/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 63° high 92° Current: 65° 30.05 RP. sunny with E,NE wind, grass dry. |
7/24/2014 |
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Low 52° high 80° Current: 62° 30.11 RP. Sunny, cool with dew. 4.5-1.2 mph breeze from ENE |
7/25/2014 |
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Low 51° high 81° current: 60° 30:02 RP. Few sprinkles on patio, gray overcast sky with S-SSW 0.0-1.2mph breeze. Air damp. |
7/26/2014 |
9:00 AM |
0.05 |
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Low 59.5° high 77° Current: 76° 29.76 RP. Gray overcast sky, humid with hazy horizons. |
7/27/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 64° high 88° Current: 71° 29.73 RP down. Light fog, moisture on windows. Grass soaking wet drips off boots. Warm |
7/28/2014 |
8:00 AM |
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Low 56° high 84° Current: 60° 30.01 RP. ENE 1.1-8.1 mph. Sunny, chilly, no dew with clear sky. |
7/29/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 53° high 77° Current: 57° 30.02 RP. Opaque sky, chilly with heavy dew. Variable breeze E to W. Birds frequent bird bath for water. |
7/30/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
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Low 57° high 83° short rain shower in afternoon. Current: 65° 29.98 RP. Calm, grass damp. |
7/31/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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Low 54° high 87° Current: 60° 29.98 RP steady. Humid moist air. slight breeze with heavy dew. |
8/1/2014 |
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Low 54° high 87° Current: 60° 29.98 RP. Rain during night, pavement damp. It was much needed RAIN!! Yea!!
July total rainfall 3.64" |
8/2/2014 |
8:30 AM |
0.04 |
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Low 55° high 89° Current: 66° 30.10 RP. rain wet environment, sunny with humid air. |
8/3/2014 |
8:30 AM |
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Low 59° high 90° Current: 75° 30.10 RP. Sunny, drippy dew, very warm. J beetles increasing! |
8/4/2014 |
8:00 AM |
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Low 60° high 87° Current: 70° 30.05 RP. Daily dew is watering the grass, thin clouds with blue sky. Humid and close |
8/5/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.18 |
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Low 64 high 91 Current: 66 29.97 RP. Light fog, slight breeze, wet and damp environment. |
8/6/2014 |
7:30 AM |
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Low 61° high 85° Current: 65° 30.01 RP. Gauge water dirty. Gray overcast, wet environment with moist air. Grass drippy wet. |
8/7/2014 |
8:30 AM |
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Low 57° high 89° Current: 67° 30.01 RP steady. Dew wet grass, humid with NE-E wind, gray overcast sky again. |
8/8/2014 |
9:00 AM |
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Low 61° high 80° 29.97 RP, SE-NE light wind, grass dry, gray overcast with sunshine filtering through. |
8/9/2014 |
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Low 61° high 82° Current: 70° 30.07 RP. Dew, light cloud cover with blue sky. Wind SE 0.0-2.4 mph |
8/10/2014 |
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Low 65° high 84° Current: 71° 29.98 RP down. Filtered sunlight, mostly cloudy with humid air ESS 2.1-2.4 mph |
8/11/2014 |
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Low 66° High 85° Current: 73° 29.83 RP down. Mostly cloudy with white-gray clouds, humid, grass damp. Wind SW 2.7-0.8 mph. Too cloudy last night to see the Super Moon.
8/12/2014 |
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Low 60° high 88° Current: 63° 29.81 RP. 7.1 mph wind out of N-NE. Wind sock swing around in every direction. Grass wet, chilly. |
8/13/2014 |
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Low 50° high 77° current: 54° 29.99 RP up. Heavy dew, cold, moon in Western sky, slight breeze with condensation on outside of gauge |
8/14/2014 |
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Low 54° high 87° 30.02 RP. Dew sparkles in sunlight. Wind E 6.0-1.5 mph. |
8/15/2014 |
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Low 45° high 80° Current: 56° 30.02 RP. Dew with blue sky and white clouds. Needed... RAIN! |
8/16/2014 |
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Low 56° High 82° Current: 64° 29.86 RP. Gray sky, dim light, looks like rain (I hope!!) grass wet, light fog, humid air. Gauge covered with condensation. Quiet and wind sock limp. |
8/17/2014 |
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Low 60° high 82° Current: 64° 29.88 RP. Hazy foggy horizons with overcast gray sky. Drippy dew. ESE 4.9-2.3 mph wind. Humming birds out in force. It is amazing how many different birds use the bird bath for drinking and bathing. |
8/18/2014 |
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Low 61° high 85° Current: 63° 29.84 RP. Gray fog with overcast sky, slight air movement, grass wet. Calm
8/19/2014 |
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Low 63° high 89° Current: 75° 29.68 RP. Dew, humid air with thin overcast that is increasing as clouds move in. |
8/20/2014 |
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Low 61° high 88° Current: 79° 29.82 RP. Opaque sky, watched Space Station pass going fast NW to SW. Cooler, grass showing dry conditions. NEED multi days of rain! Wind WSW 2.8-0.3 mph 1.5 mph average. |
8/21/2014 |
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Low 67° high 92° Current: 70° 29.89 RP/. Night time rain, damp, grass wet. Humid with gray overcast sky, Space Station visible last night. Wind SE 4.4-1.3 mph. |
8/22/2014 |
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Low 69° high 85° Rain during night, early morning. Current: 76° 29.89 RP steady. Gray storm clouds to West, hope it brings more rain. Air moisture laden, wind SW 10.3-4.7mph, increasing in strength. |
8/23/2014 |
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Low 71° high 89° late afternoon 2:00-3:00 pm fast approaching storm with moisture laden air, storm passed by without precip. Current: 76° 29.90 RP up. humid, drippy dew, overcast sky. Wind ESE 2.2-0.0 mph Gray day with fog which it heavier across N field. |
8/24/2014 |
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Low 67° high 84° 2:30 pm emptied gauge 0.48". Current: 71° 29.92 RP rising. Light fog, moisture filled air, gray sky, wet environment. Wind E 3.6-1.2 mph, stronger in tree tops.
8/25/2014 |
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Low 71° high 92° Current: 80° 29.93 RP. Fog, humid air, mostly cloudy with heavy dew. |
8/26/2014 |
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Low 67° high 97° Current: 73° 30.01 RP. Partly cloudy, grass wet, high humidity |
8/27/2014 |
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Low 64° high 87° Current: 73° 30.07 RP rising. Overcast sky, grass damp, humid air E 4.1-2.3 mph, tree tops moving. |
8/28/2014 |
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Low 61° high 85° Current: 65° 30.04 RP. Overcast sky, cool and grass damp. |
8/29/2014 |
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Low 65° high 84° Current: 69° 29.89 RP down. Overcast, slight air movement, fog with wet environment. |
8/30/2014 |
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8/31/2014 |
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Low 62° high 85° Current: 68° 29.86 RP. Dense fog, calm with drippy wet environment. Gauge covered with dew. |
9/1/2014 |
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Low 68° high 90° Current: 71° 29.65 RP down. Gray overcast,rain wet environment,SW 5.2-4.9 mph,gust 7.1 mph. Few sprinkles during report. |
9/2/2014 |
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Low 63° high 84° Current: 75° 29.83 RP. Mostly cloudy with thin clouds. Heavy wet dew, environment is dripping wet. Very light air movement. SE 0.6. |
9/5/2014 |
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Low 67° 87° Current: 75° 29.90 RP. Very heavy, drippy dew. Clouds to E and W. Clear overhead.//edit - Zero entered for precip, but unlikely due to widespread rain. Observer contacted. -SDH-// |
9/6/2014 |
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Low 55° high 94° Current: 60° Wind NE 0.9-3.8. Heavy dew, thin clouds with blue sky. Chilly, almost cold! |
9/7/2014 |
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Low 50° high 75° Current: 55° 30.14 RP. Sunny, heavy drippy dew, calm. Gauge covered with dew. |
9/8/2014 |
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Low 49° high 82° Current: 63° 30.06 RP. Heavy drippy dew, sunny, clouds to East with light breeze from NE. |
9/9/2014 |
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Low 60° high 81° 29.93 RP. Current: 62° 29.93 RP. Light rain during report, cloudy and chilly. Moist air with calm winds. Began to rain during report. NW sky dark. |
9/10/2014 |
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Low 62° High 87° Current: 68° 29.45 RP. Strong gusting wind, trees whipping around. Hear rain on windows, dim light. Inner tube overflow is first in long time! |
9/11/2014 |
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Low 48° high 84° rain during night/early AM. Current: 49°, 30.05 RP. Gray overcast,damp environment. Cold wind ENE 7.1 mph |
9/12/2014 |
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Low 44° high 53° 30.23 RP rising. N-NE 0.0 to 7.1 mph gust of wind. Gray over cast, cold, grass wet. |
9/13/2014 |
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Low 34.5° high 55° Current: 38° 30.29 RP. Rain during night, damp and cold! Mostly cloudy. Breeze NE-NW 1.0-0.0. Grass/environment dripping wet. Again I say, COLD! |
9/14/2014 |
6:45 AM |
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Low 34° high 68° Current: 34° 30.24 RP. Scattered frost on roofs, mine and across street only. Birds at feeders already. Heavy drippy dew on grass. Calm. |
9/15/2014 |
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Low 34° High 73° Thunder with rain 6:15 am Current: 51° 30.05 RP. Gray overcast, rain wet environment. Slight breeze from NE,cold wet with light rain. |
9/16/2014 |
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Low 38° high 59° rain during night/early AM. Current: 48° 30.15 RP. sunny, chilly, grass dripping, opaque blue sky with ight NE breeze. |
9/17/2014 |
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Low 38° high 73° Current: 51° 29.96 RP down. Sunny, wet environment from heavy dew, gauge covered with dew. Light clouds in blue sky. Calm, last wind from NE. |
9/18/2014 |
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9/19/2014 |
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clear sky, heavy dew |
9/20/2014 |
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Low 53° high 79° Current: 68° Heavy dew, high thin clouds in blue sky. SW 2.9-6.2 mph. |
9/21/2014 |
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Low 53° high 81° Current: 54° 29.79 RP, WSW 2.9 to 7.1 gusts. Cold wind, grass wet, blue sky with sunshine. |
9/22/2014 |
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Low 37° high 67° Did not observe rain fall. Current: 54°, 30.22 RP. Fall has arrived! Rain or dew wet environment, blue sunny sky. |
9/23/2014 |
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Low 39° high 72° Current: 53° 30.25 RP. Sunny, heavy dew with blue sky, white clouds, cold with slight NE breeze. |
9/24/2014 |
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Low 46.5° high 78° current: 57° 30.26 RP. Gray opaque sky, chilly, damp with heavy dew. Slight NE breeze |
9/25/2014 |
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Low 49° high 79.5° Current: 59° 30.22 RP. Light fog, grass is wet with dew. Cold |
9/26/2014 |
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Low 52.5° high 82° Current: 59° 30.18 RP. Light fog, opaque sky, 3.6-0.1 ENE breeze. Dew heavy, grass dripping wet. |
9/27/2014 |
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9/28/2014 |
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Low 53° high 85° Current: 54° 30.10 RP. Heavy, drippy dew. Mostly cloudy with slight air movement. Dew covering gauge. Interesting cloud formations across blue sky this AM |
9/29/2014 |
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Low 50° High 87° Current: 61° 29.98 RP down. Sunny, heavy dew that sparkles in sunlight on blades of grass. |
9/30/2014 |
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Low 49° high 88° Current: 49° 29.97 RP. Gray overcast, flock of Crows over head chasing a large bird. |