Observation Date |
Observation Time |
Precipitation |
Snowfall |
Snowfall SWE |
Snow Depth |
Snow SWE |
Notes |
10/23/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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39 degrees, fog/clouds overcast, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 50 degrees, low 36, fog partially cleared by 3:00 PM. |
10/24/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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39 degrees, light general fog - low overcast - fog/clouds, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 49 degrees, low 39; overcast - fog/cloudy, partially cleared by 3:30 PM, clear at sunset; calm. |
10/27/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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36 degrees - (35 earlier), light general fog, calm. |
10/28/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.14 |
0.3 |
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0.3 |
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32 degrees - (31 earlier), mostly cloudy, variable W-NW wind to 8 mph. Previous 24 hours: High T missed, low 31 degrees; fog/cloudy all day, occasional mist light rain, snow after 11:00 PM; W to NW wind to 10 mph late afternoon - night. |
10/29/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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23 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 45 degrees, low 23; mostly cloudy to partly cloudy with clear periods afternoon, clear after sunset; gusty SW to W, to 15 mph winds. |
10/30/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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24 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 47 degrees, low 23; clear most of day; occasional breeze. Cool but nice day. |
11/2/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.04 |
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35 degrees - (32 earlier), light rain, light general fog, variable light wind W-N. Previous 24 hours: High T 53, low 32;, cloudy to partly sunny; light gusty winds. |
11/3/2013 |
7:00 AM |
1.22 |
0.3 |
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33 degrees, cloudy - moderate snow (wet), occasional light variable wind but mostly calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 43 degrees (late afternoon), low T 33; light to moderate rain most of day and night; wind mostly light variable except at 3:40 PM strong gusty winds for 20 minute period, variable - SW - WNW. |
11/4/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.24 |
1.1 |
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1.1 |
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32 degrees, mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 38 degrees, low 32; cloudy to mostly cloudy, occasional drizzle/mist, BIG flake snow 6;30 - 7:00 PM; occasional variable light wind. |
11/5/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
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32 degrees, mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High 37 degrees, low 32, mostly cloudy to cloudy. |
11/6/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.09 |
0.6 |
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0.5 |
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33 degrees - (32 earlier), partly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 38 degrees, low 32; mostly cloudy to cloudy - flakes drifting down all day, moderate accumulating snow started 7:30 PM; occasional light westerly wind. |
11/7/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.17 |
0.5 |
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33 degrees, light snow (small flakes), westerly breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 40 degrees, low 33; partly clear early, low overcast - fog/clouds 9:00 AM, partly clear at noon and remainder of day; calm. |
11/8/2013 |
7:00 AM |
1.14 |
0.6 |
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37 degrees - (33 earlier), cloudy - light rain, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 37, low 33, temperature peaked at 35 degrees early afternoon, dropped to 33, up to 37 degrees by 11:00 PM; cloudy, snow to 9:30 AM then light to moderate rain remainder day and night; mostly calm - occasional westerly breeze. |
11/9/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.39 |
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33 degrees, dense general fog - ceiling 150', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 41 degrees, low 33; cloudy most of day, brief periods of partly clear late afternoon, partly cloudy after sunset; occasional westerly breeze. |
11/10/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.22 |
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36 degrees, low overcast - drizzle/light rain, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 40 degrees, low 33; low overcast/fog early, occasional filtered sun afternoon, light rain after 11:00 PM; mostly calm. |
11/11/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.21 |
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35 degrees, overcast - fog/clouds, WSW breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 40 degrees, low 35; overcast fog/clouds early, intermittent light rain/drizzle all day - more prevalent morning; occasional WNW breeze |
11/12/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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38 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 42 degrees, low 35; cloudy; WSW breeze early, WNW breeze afternoon. |
11/13/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.09 |
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43 degrees - (40 earlier), cloudy - mist, calm. Previous 24 hours: high T 46 degrees, low 38; cloudy to mostly cloudy, light rain/drizzle started 2:25, ended 3:45 PM, shower between 9:00 PM and midnight; calm. |
11/14/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
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40 degrees - (41 6:00 AM), mostly cloudy, variable breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 47 degrees, low 40; cloudy to mostly cloudy, mist/drizzle early; occasional NNW breeze. |
11/15/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
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38 degrees - (37 earlier), overcast - precip. appears to be at 4000', 4 mph NNE-NNW wind. Previous 24 hours: High T 48 degrees, low 37; mostly cloudy with periods of partly clear during day, partly cloudy at sunset, light rain/drizzle for 15" at 8:20 PM; occasional NNW-N breeze. |
11/16/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.40 |
1.4 |
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1.0 |
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33 degrees, cloudy - light to moderate snow, SSE breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 41 degrees - (before 9:00 AM), low 33; cloudy, intermittent rain, snow, winter mix started at 11:25 AM; gusty variable wind to 16 mph, prevailing southerly after sunset. |
11/17/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.48 |
3.1 |
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3.5 |
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33 degrees, cloudy - light snow, 5 mph E wind. Previous 24 hours: High T 36 degrees, low 33; cloudy - intermittent snow - winter mix; SSE breeze early, SSW breeze later. |
11/18/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.11 |
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1.5 |
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38 degrees - 37 earlier), cloudy, S wind 6 mph. Previous 24 hours: High T 39 degrees, low 36, T dropped early evening then went up during night; cloudy except periods of partly clear late morning; occasional ENE wind 5 mph. (depth of snow highly variable - about 40% bare ground) |
11/19/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.40 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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39 degrees - light rain, overcast, upslope fog - (dsnk). calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 42, low 36; cloudy - occasional drizzle/light rain started 8:00 AM. became continuous light rain late afternoon to present; occasional southerly wind to 6 mph. |
11/20/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.75 |
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29 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 48 degrees, low 29; cloudy, low overcast - upslope fog light to moderate rain - 7:30 AM through 1:30 PM, another period of showers later; strong gusty N-NW winds prior to end of rain. |
11/21/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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14 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 36 degrees, low 14; clear all day; mostly calm - occasional SW-W light wind. |
11/22/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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13 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 34 degrees, low 13; clear early short period of partly cloudy then clear remainder of time; mostly calm - occasional NW to W breeze, |
11/23/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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14 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 33, low 13; clear morning, partly cloudy late afternoon- cirrus; calm. |
11/24/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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16 degrees, partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 33 degrees, low 14; clear early, cirro-stratus at 8:30 AM, cleared and few cirrus late afternoon; occasional light W-NW wind afternoon. |
11/25/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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19 degrees, cloudy, calm. |
11/26/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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19 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 35 degrees, low 19; partly cloudy -(cirrus) afternoon; occasional light NW-NNW wind. |
11/27/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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24 degrees, overcast of freezing fog, occasional W breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 35 degrees, low 20; clear to mostly cloudy morning, partly to mostly cloudy remainder of day; occasional light NNW wind. |
11/29/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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25 degrees, low overcast - freezing fog, ceiling 200', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 31 degrees, low 24; overcast all day - freezing fog, SSE breeze. |
11/30/2013 |
7:00 AM |
T |
0.1 |
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34 degrees, cloudy - apparent precip. at higher elevations, variable light wind - SE to occasional WNW. Previous 24 hours: High T 35 degrees - ( high during day 33, cools then warms to 35 before midnight), low 31; variable breeze |
12/1/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.50 |
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36 degrees, light rain, variable light wind - SSE-WNW. Previous 24 hours: High 38 degrees, low 34; cloudy - light rain started 8:00 AM, afternoon cloudy, light rain started again at 8:15 PM, continued to present. |
12/2/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.74 |
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35 degrees, partly clear, W - NW winds gusting to 12 mph. Previous 24 hours: High T 36 degrees, low 34; cloudy, light to moderate rain, continuous to 2:00 PM, intermittent later; strong westerly winds during night evidenced by yard equipment blown about and many branches on ground. |
12/3/2013 |
7:00 AM |
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0.1 |
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20 degrees, partly cloudy, calm . Previous 24 hours: High T 41 degrees, low 20; partly cloudy to mostly cloudy, light snow flurry at 7:00 PM; occasional variable - (SE to NNW) and gusty winds. |
12/4/2013 |
7:00 AM |
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11 degrees, clear, NW breeze. Previous 24 hours: Missed high, low 11 degrees; Clear early to mostly cloudy late afternoon, trace of graupel overnight; occasional variable wind - SE - SW. |
12/5/2013 |
7:00 AM |
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0.1 |
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13 degrees - (10 degrees earlier), partly clear, light WNW wind. Previous 24 hours: clear to partly clear. |
12/6/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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1 degree, clear, calm, Previous 24 hours: High 20 degrees, low 2 ; cloudy early remainder of day partly cloudy to clear; occasional variable wind to 8 mph. |
12/7/2013 |
7:00 AM |
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-3 degrees (minus three), clear, NNW wind 3 mph. Previous 24 hours: High T 12 degrees, -2 (minus 2); clear to mostly cloudy (varied throughout day), period of a light flurry out of a clear blue sky - our own creation; gusty variable SSW-WNW wind to 12 mph. |
12/8/2013 |
7:00 AM |
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0.1 |
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-6 minus six degrees, partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 11 degrees, low -5, minus five; clear most of day, partly cloudy at sunset, very light flurry between 6:00 AM and 7:00 AM this morning; NW wind early yesterday and ESE wind afternoon |
12/9/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
0.3 |
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12 degrees, cloudy - moderate blowing snow - dry wind blown snow, strong wildly variable southerly wind. Previous 24 hours: High T - 12 degrees, low -6, temp rose to 11 degrees early afternoon, dropped to 6 then back up to 12 by midnight; ESE to NNW breezes throughout day. |
12/10/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.05 |
1.8 |
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2.0 |
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23 degrees, cloudy - light snow, variable breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 22 degrees, low 12; cloudy, snow with westerly wind after 9:00 PM; gusty variable winds morning. |
12/11/2013 |
7:00 AM |
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1.5 |
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24 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 28 degrees, low 23; cloudy to partly clear with small blue spots, occasional few flakes drifting down; early morning S-SE wind to 15 mph, afternoon gusty S-SW wind to 15 mph, late afternoon gusty SSE winds. |
12/12/2013 |
7:00 AM |
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1.5 |
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21 degrees, Partly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 30 degrees, low 21; cloudy - a few flakes throughout the day. |
12/13/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.07 |
0.8 |
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2.0 |
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31 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 33 degrees, low 21; filtered sun to cloudy, snow flurry 11:15 PM to 12:15 AM; mostly calm. |
12/14/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
0.0 |
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1.5 |
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34 degrees, cloudy - light drizzle/mist, gusty SSW winds to 10 mph; Previous 24 hours: High T 37 degrees, low 31; cloudy - mist/drizzle started 12:05 PM; gusty SSW winds afternoon to 13 mph |
12/15/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.10 |
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1.0 |
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34 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 39 degrees, low 34; cloudy - mist/drizzle to light rain morning, occasional filtered sun afternoon; gusty winds all day to approx. 11 mph. |
12/16/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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41 degrees, cloudy, SW breeze, Previous 24 hours: High T 41 degrees at midnight, low 34. |
12/17/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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29 degrees, mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 45 degrees, low 29; cloudy morning, mostly cloudy - filtered sun afternoon, clear to mostly clear overnight; occasional variable light breeze. Not a vestige of snow, this elevation, at this site. Experiencing second ground/frost break-up (spring break-up). |
12/18/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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34 degrees - 32 earlier, cloudy, calm. |
12/22/2013 |
7:00 AM |
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0.2 |
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27 degrees, cloudy, calm, Previous 24 hours: High T 33 degrees, low 27; partly clear to partly cloudy, brief period of cloudy and 10 snowflakes; mostly calm. |
12/23/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.19 |
0.4 |
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2.0 |
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34 degrees, cloudy - light rain, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 35, low 27; cloudy to partly clear, .4" snow before midnight melted later by rain and temp.; light variable winds, occasional stronger SSW gusts. |
12/24/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.53 |
0.0 |
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0.5 |
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32 degrees, partly clear, calm, with frozen ground the rain and melting snow in puddles and ponding and frozen on surface, general icy conditions. Previous 24 hours: High T - 38 degrees, low 32; cloudy - drizzle to moderate rain most of day; gusty winds, gusts to 16 mph. |
12/25/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.5 |
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23 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 37 degrees, low 23; cloudy to partly cloudy, clear overnight; occasional gusty winds. |
12/26/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.5 |
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29 degrees, partly clear - (thin cirrus), calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 34 degrees, low 23; clear to partly cloudy, to cloudy; mostly clear after midnight; occasional light winds. |
12/27/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.5 |
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24 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 39 degrees, low 24; partly clear to partly cloudy morning, to cloudy by 1:00 PM, mostly clear after midnight; occasional gusty S-SW winds to 9 mph. In area of recording site 50% of ground is bare. |
12/28/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.03 |
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0.0 |
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27 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 35 degrees, low 24; dense general fog early, then clear morning to cloudy late afternoon, light rain/drizzle at 6:00 PM. |
12/29/2013 |
7:00 AM |
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0.0 |
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26 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T - 33 degrees, low 26; clear to partly cloudy to clear after midnight; mostly calm - occasional light wind. |
12/30/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
0.1 |
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0.0 |
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29 degrees - (28 degrees earlier), mostly cloudy, light wind - S. Previous 24 hours: High T 33 degrees, low 26; clear to partly cloudy, cloudy over-night; light southerly wind morning, E-SE wind afternoon. |
12/31/2013 |
7:00 AM |
0.15 |
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0.0 |
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34 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High 35 degrees, low 29; steady 34 degrees from yesterday afternoon to now; mostly cloudy to cloudy, drizzle/light rain started 4:30 PM and continued after midnight, no snow at this site; occasional strong gusty winds during day. Our driveway to road with north aspect - worst ice conditions in 40 years. |
1/1/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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0.0 |
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27 degrees, partly cloudy - (a few cirrus), calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 37 degrees, low 27; cloudy except short period of filtered sun, short period of mist/drizzle; gusty north wind morning, southerly wind late afternoon. |
1/2/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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33 degrees - (30 degrees earlier), mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 36 degrees, low 27; partly cloudy most of day; occasional gusty wind. |
1/3/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.77 |
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35 degrees, mostly cloudy, convection breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 37 degrees, low 33, temp. yo-yoed entire period - 33 to 37, down to 34 then up to 37 by midnight then down to 35 degrees; mostly cloudy to cloudy, rain started 5:15 PM continued through 6:30 AM - heavy periods, winter mix at 5:30 AM; occasional variable gusty winds. |
1/4/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
0.2 |
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0.0 |
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28 degrees, mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 38, low 27; mostly cloudy to cloudy - winter mix about 4:45 PM to light snow, clear by 7:00 PM; occasional light wind. |
1/5/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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15 degrees, clear, calm. |
1/6/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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12 degrees, partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 24 degrees, low 12; clear most of day, partly cloudy late afternoon and early night - clear late night; light easterly wind. |
1/7/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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20 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 27 degrees, low 12; partly cloudy early, cloudy by 8:00 AM to partly cloudy 11:00 Am and clear early night; mostly calm. |
1/8/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.12 |
1.4 |
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1.5 |
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27 degrees, cloudy - light, fine, heavy snow, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 29 degrees, low 20; cloudy to mostly cloudy to mid-afternoon, snow started sometime early night; light wind. |
1/9/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.26 |
0.3 |
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1.0 |
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33 degrees, cloudy - light winter mix, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 35 degrees, low 27; cloudy - occasional light snow flurries light rain started about 11:30 PM and continued ; occasional gusty SSW winds during day. |
1/10/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.17 |
2.1 |
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3.0 |
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33 degrees, cloudy - a few flakes, gusty west wind to 12 mph. Previous 24 hours: High T 35 degrees, low 32 (about midnight); cloudy with brief period of partly clear, periods of winter mix, started about 10:30 PM; ENE winds during day to 12 mph, E winds during night, W winds this morning. |
1/11/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.63 |
0.0 |
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1.5 |
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37 degrees, cloudy - light to moderate rain, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 37 degrees, low 33; cloudy - winter mix started at 11:30 AM with NO accumulation of snow, transitioned to rain and temperature rose after midnight; gusty E winds during day to stronger westerly winds during night. |
1/12/2014 |
7:00 AM |
1.06 |
0.3 |
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1.0 |
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34 degrees, cloudy, light drizzle - .3" half frozen snow/slush, WNW 10 mph wind. Previous 24 hours: High T 41 degrees, low 34; cloudy - light to moderate rain and mix most of day and night; strong gusty westerly winds to 20 mph. |
1/13/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.39 |
0.3 |
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1.0 |
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38 degrees, cloudy - drizzle, light wind. Previous 24 hours: High T 37 degrees, low 33 degrees about midnight; heavy snow/rain mix late afternoon; strong gusty winds about 9:00 PM and early morning. |
1/14/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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0.0 precipitation; High T 43 degrees. |
1/15/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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31 degrees, partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High 44 degrees, low 31. Missed other conditions - "out of town." |
1/16/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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27 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 43 degrees, low 27; partly cloudy all day - cleared during night; occasional light variable breeze, beautiful like-spring day. |
1/17/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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28 degrees, low fog/clouds overcast - ceiling 200', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 38 degrees, low 25; clear early, general fog late morning to partly cloudy afternoon; calm morning, occasional light breeze afternoon. |
1/18/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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29 degrees, low overcast - ceiling 300', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 35 degrees, low 28; overcast with periods of partly clear morning, partly cloudy afternoon; mostly calm. |
1/19/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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27 degrees, cloudy - overcast, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 35 degrees, low 27; overcast/cloudy, brief period of filtered sun; mostly calm. |
1/20/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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29 degrees (25 earlier), overcast - clouds/freezing fog, light W breeze. Previous 24 hours: High 34 degrees, low 25; cloudy short period of filtered sun; mostly calm. |
1/21/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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27 degrees, overcast - fog/clouds, ceiling 400'. Previous 24 hours: High T 33 degrees, low 27; overcast most of day, brief period of partly cloudy late afternoon; mostly calm. |
1/22/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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27 degrees, cloudy - light snow, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 32, low 27; cloudy morning and early afternoon, partly cloudy late afternoon, clear after midnight; occasion light westerly breeze. |
1/23/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
0.1 |
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0.0 |
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31 degrees, overcast - fog/clouds, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 34 degrees, low 26; cloudy except brief period during morning of partly clear; mostly calm. |
1/24/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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31 degrees, overcast - clouds/fog, ceiling 500', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 36 degrees, low 30; overcast, brief period of partly cloudy, occasional light W breeze. |
1/25/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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30 degrees, overcast - fog/clouds - ceiling 500', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 38 degrees, low 30; overcast to partly cloudy briefly late afternoon; occasional westerly breeze. |
1/26/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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29 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 38 degrees, low 29; overcast early, partly cloudy by late morning and remainder of day; occasional westerly breeze. |
1/27/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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22 degrees, clear, N convection breeze (cooling still); High T 35, low 22; cloudy early to partly cloudy afternoon; occasional breeze. |
1/28/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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15 degrees, clear, SSE breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 36 degrees, low 15; clear morning to partly cloudy afternoon; occasional E-SSE breeze afternoon. |
1/29/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.11 |
0.7 |
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0.5 |
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28 degrees, cloudy snowing (fine - dense snow), calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 36 degrees, low 14; partly cloudy morning, cloudy by noon and remainder of day; gusty southeasterly winds afternoon. |
1/30/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.41 |
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30 degrees, cloudy - light snow, light N breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 34 degrees, low 28; cloudy, snow showers, freezing mist early for about 20 minutes; mostly calm, occasional SW-W breeze. |
1/31/2014 |
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19 degrees, cloudy, west breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 31 degrees, low 19; cloudy, snow with west wind morning, half hour period of near blizzard conditions, light snow late afternoon and evening; gusty west wind morning, 10 mph at site, to 25+ mph on highway with moderate fine snow. |
2/1/2014 |
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22 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 30 degrees, low 18; cloudy and occasional light snow morning, partly clear to partly cloudy afternoon; calm. |
2/2/2014 |
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21 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 29 degrees, low 21; cloudy to partly cloudy - a few flakes during night; mostly calm. |
2/3/2014 |
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22 degrees, cloudy - light snow, SSE wind to 8 mph. Previous 24 hours: High T 28 degrees, low 21; cloudy to partly clear to clear afternoon then cloudy and snow late afternoon and over-night. |
2/4/2014 |
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-1 (minus 1), partly cloudy - (cirrostratus), calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 30 degrees (briefly); cloudy early with light snow flurry, partly clear late morning to partly cloudy afternoon, clear overnight; occasional gusty wind. |
2/5/2014 |
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-10 (minus 10) degrees, clear, calm, Previous 24 hours: High 19 degrees, low -10; clear to partly clear, clear overnight; occasional (variable) gusty winds, ESE to WSW up to 15 mph. |
2/6/2014 |
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-16 degrees (minus 16) , clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T - 17 degrees, low -15 (minus 15); mostly clear, short period of partly cloudy afternoon; occasional light and variable gusty winds, E-WSW. |
2/7/2014 |
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5 degrees, cloudy - light snow, fluffy, dry snow, calm. Previous 24 hours: High 20 degrees, low -16 degrees - (minus 16), temp dropped to -2 about midnight then up to 5 degrees this AM; mostly calm, occasional variable breeze. |
2/8/2014 |
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2 degrees - (-1 degree earlier, minus 1), clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 20 degrees, low -1 (minus 1 degree); cloudy early with light snow, partly clear with filtered sun later; mostly calm, occasional light breeze. |
2/9/2014 |
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15 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 25 degrees, Low -1 (minus 1); Clear early to partly clear then partly cloudy; occasional variable breeze - NNW to SSE. |
4/26/2014 |
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0.39 |
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39 degrees, cloudy, light rain, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 48 degrees, low 39; cloudy, periods of light rain and occasional light breeze; rain overnight. |
4/27/2014 |
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34 degrees, light general and low overcast - ceiling 200', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 60 degrees, low 34; fog early yhen mostly cloudy with occasional brief but heavy showers accompanied by SE to S wind to 10 mph; periods of partly cloudy. |
4/28/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.45 |
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34 degrees, cloudy, calm. Snow/frost line at 2700'. Previous 24 hours: High T 55 degrees, low 34; mostly cloudy with periods of brief, heavy showers accompanied by light SE - S winds. occasional periods of partly cloudy. |
4/29/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
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29 degrees - (28 degrees earlier), general fog - ceiling 150' ground level visibility one third mile, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 53 degrees, low 28; cloudy through late afternoon - couple light sprinkles, partly clear late afternoon and evening; oocasional variable breezes. |
4/30/2014 |
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28 degrees, dense general fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 68 degrees, low 28; mostly clear - partly cloudy late afternoon, slash smoke terrible morning; occasional light variable breeze late afternoon. |
5/1/2014 |
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33 degrees, light general fog - clear above, calm. Previous 24 hours:High T 76 degrees, low 28; clear; mostly calm occasional light variable breeze. |
5/2/2014 |
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41 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 82 degrees, low 33; mostly clear, partly cloudy periods late afternoon; occasional light variable breeze. |
5/4/2014 |
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43 degrees, drizzle, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 59 degrees,low 43; cloudy early, drizzle by 10:00 AM, light rain noon, light to moderate rain at 1:30 PM, late afternoon cloudy no rain; occasional light variable winds. |
5/5/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.56 |
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44 degrees, cloudy - up-slope fog, light breeze. previous 24 hours: High T 60 degrees, low 43; cloudy early then alternating partly cloudy and cloudy with moderate to heavy showers; gusty variable winds. preceded showers |
5/6/2014 |
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0.13 |
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37 degrees, cloudy - dense up-slope fog, calm. Previous 24 hours:High T (missed), low 37 degrees; light drizzle early, mostly cloudy throughout day with two periods of partly sunny, occasional light rain/drizzle; periods of light variable wind. |
5/7/2014 |
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42 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 67 degrees, low 37; mostly cloudy morning, partly clear afternoon; occasional light wind. |
5/8/2014 |
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31 degrees, clear - up-slope fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 69 degrees, low 31 degrees (this morning), cloudy to partly cloudy most of day; mostly calm but occasional light breeze or wind. |
5/9/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.15 |
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46 degrees, cloudy - light rain, up-slope fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 72 degrees, low 31; cloudy early to partly clear then filtered sun and back to cloudy, rain after midnight; occasional light southerly winds. |
5/10/2014 |
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0.71 |
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41 degrees, cloudy - up-slope fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 56 degrees, low 41; cloudy morning with brief, some heavy, showers, afternoon dame except partly sunny between showers - "pop-up" showers; occasional S-SW light wind. |
5/11/2014 |
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38 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 61, low 38; mostly cloudy to partly sunny, precip was between 12:30 AM and 6:00 AM; one period of strong gusty Swesterly wind late afternoon. |
5/12/2014 |
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28 degrees, clear - dense valley fog, calm.
Previous 24 hours: High T 71 degrees, low 28; mostly cloudy to occasional partly cloudy; occasional southwesterly cool wind. |
5/13/2014 |
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31 degrees, clear - light fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 72 degrees, low 28; clear to partly cloudy; occasional light S-SW wind. |
5/14/2014 |
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46 degrees - (44 earlier), mostly cloudy - light fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 77 degrees, low 32; clear morning, cirrus clouds - filtered sun afternoon; easterly breeze. |
5/15/2014 |
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42 degrees, partly cloudy - light valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 80 degrees, low 42; clear early, partly cloudy late morning and remainder of day; occasional variable breeze. |
5/17/2014 |
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48 degrees, mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 71 degrees. |
5/18/2014 |
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39 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High
T 71 degrees, low 39; mostly cloudy to partly cloudy (briefly), back to cloudy; occasional S-SW gusty wind. |
5/19/2014 |
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0.02 |
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47 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T - (missed), low 39 degrees; variable cloud cover - clear to cloudy, sprinkles afternoon, precip during night; strong, gusty S-SWesterly winds afternoon. |
5/20/2014 |
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35 degrees, dense valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 65 degrees, low 35; variable sky cover - cloudy all morning to clear at sunset, few drops of rain mid-morning; occasional light S-SW light wind. |
5/21/2014 |
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35 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 79 degrees, low 35; mostly clear; occasional light S-SW wind. |
5/22/2014 |
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42 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 81 degrees, low 35; clear and calm all day. |
5/23/2014 |
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44 degrees, mostly clear - one small wispy cirrus cloud, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 83, low 42; clear, calm. |
5/24/2014 |
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52 degrees, partly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 85 degrees, low 44; mostly clear early, cloudy by noon, strong gusty winds and sprinkle about 5:30 PM, one strong gust - many small branches down, 2 electrical outages, some rain after midnight. |
5/25/2014 |
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42 degrees, cloudy - high thin stratus - filtered sun, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 76 degrees, low 42; partly clear early then variable sky cover - cloudy with light gusty winds to partly cloudy, one light shower; mostly calm. |
5/26/2014 |
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50 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 68 degrees, low 42; variable sky cover, most precip after midnight; occasional light gusty S to SW wind. |
6/2/2014 |
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41 degrees, clear - light valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 80 degrees, low 41; partly cloudy all day, calm early then moderate gusty southerly winds most of day. |
6/3/2014 |
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52, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 80 degrees, low 41; partly cloudy all day; occasional breeze. |
6/4/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.23 |
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48 degrees, cloudy - light fog - overcast, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 75 degrees, low 48; cloudy most of day with intermittent showers, gusty winds with showers. |
6/5/2014 |
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43 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 75 degrees, low 43. |
6/6/2014 |
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34 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 78 degrees, low 43; clear to partly cloudy - clear at dusk; occasional southerly breeze. |
6/7/2014 |
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36 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 80 degrees, low 34; partly cloudy and clear periods; occasional light variable wind. Beautiful day. |
6/8/2014 |
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38 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 84 degrees, low 46; clear to mostly cloudy and back to partly cloudy mid-afternoon. |
6/9/2014 |
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46 degrees, partly cloudy, light SSE wind. Previous 24 hours: High T 76 degrees, low 38; clear early to partly cloudy and partly sunny later; occasional moderate gusty (10-15 mph) ESE winds. |
6/10/2014 |
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39 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 80 degrees, low 39; clear early to partly cloudy; light SSE wind. |
6/11/2014 |
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40 degrees, low overcast, light fog; Previous 24 hours: High T 76 degrees, low 39 (morning of 10th); clear early to partly cloudy morning, partly clear to cloudy, light to moderate showers after 4:30 PM. |
6/12/2014 |
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46 degrees - (45 earlier), cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 77 degrees, low 40; partly cloudy morning to mostly cloudy late afternoon; occasional breeze. |
6/14/2014 |
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0.01 |
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50 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 70 degrees, low 50; cloudy with occasional partly clear periods - couple periods of a few drops during day, light shower before 7:00 AM; occasional light S-SW wind. |
6/15/2014 |
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0.03 |
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47 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 59 degrees, low 50; cloudy all day, light shower at 7:00 AM, occasional drizzle remainder of day; occasional light S - SW wind. |
6/16/2014 |
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48 degrees - (47 earlier), partly clear, gusty S-SW winds to 10 mph. Previous 24 hours: High 68 degrees, low 47; cloudy with intermittent periods of partly sunny, light shower at 6:00 AM (this morning); occasional light gusty winds S-SW. |
6/17/2014 |
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0.24 |
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46 degrees - (41 earlier), cloudy - light rain, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 67 degrees, low 41; cloudy, light drizzle early, mostly cloudy with short periods of partly sunny, light rain after midnight; occasional light gusty SWesterly winds morning; strong E-NE gusty wind late afternoon. |
6/18/2014 |
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42 degrees, cloudy, strong gusty winds to 17 mph. Previous 24 hours: High T 46 degrees, low 42 degrees; cloudy, upslope fog, light to moderate rain most of day - dismal day; gusty winds - stronger early AM - (this morning) - to 17 mph. |
6/19/2014 |
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0.13 |
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49 degrees - (49 earlier), cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 50 degrees, low 42; cloudy, occasional light rain/drizzle; gusty southerly winds to 18 mph. |
6/20/2014 |
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43 degrees - (41 earlier), partly cloudy - valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 75, low 41; partly cloudy to cloudy period early afternoon; occasional gusty southerly winds. |
6/21/2014 |
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40 degrees, partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: high T 80, low 40; partly cloudy early to mostly cloudy early afternoon and back to partly cloudy; southerly winds to 9 mph. |
6/22/2014 |
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46 degrees -(44 degrees earlier), mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 82 degrees, low 40; partly cloudy to clear and back to partly cloudy; occasional light southerly wind. |
6/23/2014 |
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46, partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T85 degrees, low 46; mostly cloudy early then alternating clear and partly cloudy; light southerly wind. Beautiful day. |
6/24/2014 |
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0.02 |
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51 degrees, cloudy - light general fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 87 degrees, low 46; partly cloudy early to cloudy late afternoon to partly cloudy at sunset, light shower 7:30 PM ; occasional light wind. |
6/25/2014 |
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52 degrees, dense fog - visibility less than 1/4 mile, ceiling 100', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 72 degrees, low 51; cloudy except partly cloudy late afternoon, light shower morning and some precip. after midnight; occasional breeze afternoon. |
6/27/2014 |
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0.26 |
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55 degrees, cloudy - light rain/drizzle, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 70 degrees, low 53; cloudy - light rain/drizzle, partly cloudy by 10:00 AM, cloudy 5:30 PM, light rain after midnight; occasional breeze. |
6/28/2014 |
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0.83 |
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52 degrees, cloudy - upslope fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: high 69, cloudy, short periods of heavy rain morning, afternoon period of partly cloudy - drizzle/rain, heavy rain during night. occasional gusty wind. |
6/29/2014 |
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52 degrees - (50 earlier), partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High 63 degrees, low 50; cloudy early, partly cloudy periods mid-day, cloudy and moderately heavy showers late afternoon and
overnight; occasional gusty E to SW winds. |
6/30/2014 |
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49 - (46 earlier); fog/cloud overcast - ceiling 150', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 67 degrees, low 46; cloudy early then alternating partly cloudy and cloudy with light showers; occasional light S-SW wind. |
7/1/2014 |
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43 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 80 degrees, low 43; clear to partly cloudy, clear at sunset; occasional variable breeze. |
7/2/2014 |
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48 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 85, low 44. |
7/3/2014 |
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59 - (57 earlier), cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 93 degrees, low 48; clear to partly cloudy (cirrus) afternoon, cloudy at sunset; occasional light S- W wind. |
7/4/2014 |
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0.02 |
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51 degrees, partly cloudy, light SWesterly breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 92 degrees, low 52; cloudy - light drizzle started 7:10 AM continued intermittently 2 hours, cleared to partly cloudy and clear, occasional light SWesterly wind. |
7/5/2014 |
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51 degrees - (50 earlier), calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 86 degrees, low 50; partly cloudy with two periods of mostly cloudy; light southerly wind with occasional N-NE light gusts. |
7/6/2014 |
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55 degrees - (53 earlier), mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High 88 degrees; clear to partly cloudy; mostly S- SW light wind - occasional NE gusts. |
7/7/2014 |
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54 degrees - (53 earlier), partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 91 degrees, low 53; partly cloudy with periods of mostly cloudy; occasional light southerly wind. |
7/8/2014 |
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53 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 90 degrees, low 53; partly cloudy all day; occasional light variable breeze. |
7/9/2014 |
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52 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 94, low 52, clear early to partly cloudy most of day; occasional light SWesterly breeze. |
7/10/2014 |
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51 degrees, clear, light NE breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 90 degrees, low 51; mostly clear; occasional light S-SW breeze with two periods of stronger gusts to 12 mph. |
7/12/2014 |
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50 degrees, clear, calm. previous 24 hours: High T 92 degrees, low 50; clear most of day, cumulus clouds with vertical development mid to late afternoon, clear prior to sunset; occasional light breeze. |
7/13/2014 |
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51`degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 95 degrees, low 50, clear morning, partly cloudy afternoon, mostly cloudy at dusk; occasional S-SW breeze. |
7/14/2014 |
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59 degrees, cloudy - couple drops of rain, cloudy, light breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 97 degrees, low 51; clear most of day, partly cloudy late afternoon; occasional breeze. |
7/15/2014 |
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57 degrees, partly cloudy (couple high cirrus), calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 89 degrees, low 57; cloudy morning - couple drops before and after 7:00 AM, short partly cloudy period afternoon and back to cloudy, other than few drops (T) early we received NO precip; occasional light variable wind. |
7/16/2014 |
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55 degrees, cloudy - filtered sun, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 92 degrees, low 55; mostly clear; occasional breeze. |
7/17/2014 |
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55 degrees, filtered sky - SMOKE, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 94 degrees, low 56; mostly filtered sun morning - (smoke) then clear mid-day, smoke again late afternoon; occasional light southerly wind. |
7/26/2014 |
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42 degrees, clear, valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 72 degrees, low 42; mostly cloudy early to partly cloudy; light wind early to occasional strong gusty winds afternoon. |
7/27/2014 |
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44 degrees, clear, calm, Previous 24 hours: High T 91, low 42 - (yesterday @ 7:10 AM.), partly cloudy most of day; occasional light southerly wind. |
7/28/2014 |
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56 degrees, mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 89 degrees, low 44; clear most of day - partly cloudy late afternoon; afternoon occasional light southerly wind. |
7/29/2014 |
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50 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 95 degrees, low 50; mostly cloudy early to cloudy and then partly cloudy at 10:30 AM and the remainder of the day; mostly calm. |
7/30/2014 |
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51 degrees, partly cloudy (a few cirrus),calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 99 degrees, low 50; partly cloudy afternoon; occasional southerly breeze. |
7/31/2014 |
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52 degrees _ (49 earlier), mostly cloudy (cirro-stratus), calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 99 degrees, low 49; partly cloudy early, clouds increased throughout day to mostly cloudy by 4:30 PM (cumulous to cumulo-nimbus with considerable vertical development) but no precip or thunder; light to moderate winds mostly southerly. |
8/1/2014 |
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51 degrees, partly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 100 degrees, low 51; cloud cover vacillated between partly and mostly cloudy to settle at clear by 11:00 AM; occasional light southerly wind. |
8/2/2014 |
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57 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 96, low 52. |
8/3/2014 |
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59 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 97 degrees, low 57; clear morning to partly cloudy afternoon and mostly cloudy 6:00 PM and later, one brief shower sometime after 7:00 PM and several strong gusts of wind to 26 mph. No discernible thunder or lightning. |
8/4/2014 |
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53 degrees, partly cloudy - (a few cirrus), calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 92 degrees, low 53; cloudy early to partly cloudy and mostly cloudy late afternoon; occasional light S - SW wind. |
8/5/2014 |
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52 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 96, low 52; partly cloudy early to clear late morning, partly cloudy (cumulus with some vertical development) afternoon; southerly breeze. |
8/6/2014 |
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52 degrees - (51 earlier), clear - smokey haze, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 95 degrees, low 51; mostly clear - occasional wisp of cirrus cloud; southerly breeze. |
8/7/2014 |
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49 degrees, clear, light valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 91 degrees, low 50; mostly clear with smokey haze all day; afternoon -wind ESE to SE 5 mph with gusts to 10 mph. |
8/8/2014 |
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47 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 88, low 47; clear; occasional light southerly wind. |
8/9/2014 |
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46 degrees, clear - light valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 88 degrees, low 46; clear morning, cloudy afternoon, clear at sunset; occasional light southerly wind. |
8/10/2014 |
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46 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 89 degrees, low 46; clear morning, mostly cloudy afternoon, clear at sunset; occasional light wind - ESE to S. |
8/11/2014 |
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46 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 91 degrees, low 46; clear morning, partly cloudy early afternoon, clear late afternoon and evening; occasional light wind. |
8/12/2014 |
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58 degrees, mostly cloudy, calm. previous 24 hours: High T96 degrees, low 46; mostly clear and calm. |
8/13/2014 |
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59 degrees, overcast - fog/clouds - ceiling 100', calm.
Previous 24 hours: High T 88 degrees, low 58; cloudy with thunderstorm activity 7:15 AM - light shower, mostly cloudy with periods of partly clear, cloudy late afternoon - thunderstorm 9:10 PM with light shower; light winds preceded thunderstorms. |
8/14/2014 |
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59 degrees, low overcast - fog/clouds, calm. Previous 24 hours: High 88 degrees, low 59; fog/clouds early, brief minimal shower, partly clear periods through day, cloudy late afternoon - light rain started 5:45 PM; light wind preceded rain. |
8/15/2014 |
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61 degrees - (60 earlier) overcast - light ground fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 75 degrees, low 60; overcast early (fog/clouds) light shower - 7:15 AM, partly clear to partly cloudy most of day, cloudy late afternoon - light shower and shower overnight; mostly calm |
8/16/2014 |
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57 degrees - (55 earlier), cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High 72 degrees, low 55; cloudy early, clear spots by 9:00 AM, partly cloudy mid-day, brief shower at 5:30 PM; occasional light wind. |
8/17/2014 |
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53 degrees, low overcast fog/clouds, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 73 degrees, low 54; cloudy early, periods of partly cloudy late morning and late afternoon, shower early morning; mostly calm - one period of light wind. |
8/18/2014 |
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50 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 83 degrees, low 51; low overcast early then very dense general fog, partly clear to partly cloudy most of day; occasional southerly breeze. |
8/19/2014 |
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51 degrees, partly cloudy, calm. High T 89 degrees, low 50; partly cloudy most of day; occasional light S-SW wind. |
8/20/2014 |
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56 degrees, partly cloudy - upslope fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 88 degrees, low 51; partly cloudy - 10 drops from little grey cloud, progressively more cloudy, thunder/lightning after 7:00 PM and light showers through night, gusty southerly winds. |
8/29/2014 |
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46 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 86 degrees, low 46; clear to partly cloudy; variable light wind - ENE to SSW. |
8/30/2014 |
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61 degrees, partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 85 degrees, low 47; clear morning - cloudy by 5:30 PM. A day with cloud forms of great variety and beauty - morning = a combination of Cumulus Medocris and Cirrus Uncinus, afternoon an even great variety of Cumulus, Cirrus, Altocumulus (3 forms) - Altocumulus Lenticularis and Cirrus/Cirrocumulus. A beautiful day. |
8/31/2014 |
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54 degrees -(53 earlier), cloudy - drizzle, mostly calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 77 degrees, low 43; partly cloudy morning, threatening cloudy cells interspersed with partly cloudy, occasional drops of rain; strong gusts (15-20) mph with each cell. |
9/1/2014 |
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47 degrees, low overcast - fog/clouds, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 68, low 47; mostly cloudy - occasional periods of partly cloudy to partly clear; mostly calm, some gusts to 9 mph. Although only .45" precip, it came as a brief deluge causing unusual erosion of dirt/gravel roads for that amount of precip. |
9/2/2014 |
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43 degrees, partly sunny, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 72 degrees, low 43; partly clear to partly cloudy; occasional light variable wind. |
9/3/2014 |
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48 degrees, light rain, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 77 degrees, low 43; variable cloud cover - partly clear to partly cloudy to mostly cloudy; light wind - SSW to WNW. |
9/4/2014 |
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46 degrees, overcast - clouds/fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 54 degrees, low 46; cloudy to mostly cloudy, light to moderate rain morning, intermittent rain/drizzle afternoon, occasional light wind. |
9/5/2014 |
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37 degrees, overcast/fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 68 degrees, low 38. |
9/6/2014 |
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37 degrees, clear - light valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 76 degrees, low 37; Overcast early, clear by 9:30 AM, partly cloudy periods afternoon, mostly calm. |
9/7/2014 |
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36 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours; High T 78 degrees, low 37; clear; occasional light wind. |
9/8/2014 |
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39 degrees, partly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 81 degrees, low 36; short period of gusty southerly wind to 20 mph afternoon. |
9/9/2014 |
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49 degrees, partly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 79, low 40; partly early to clear most of day; light southerly wind with shifts to north and strong gusts. |
9/10/2014 |
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40 degrees _ (39 earlier), mostly cloudy - several drops of rain, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 68, low 39; cloudy to partly cloudy; occasional light variable wind. |
9/11/2014 |
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44 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T missed, low 40 degrees; cloudy to partly cloudy - couple drops when cloudy; gusty SW to NW winds. |
9/12/2014 |
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26 degrees, clear, calm. (14 degrees in lower meadow at garden for cool vegetables). Previous 24 hours: High T 65 degrees, low 26. |
9/13/2014 |
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34 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 69 degrees, low 26; clear morning, partly cloudy late afternoon (cirrocumulus); occasional wind SSW to West. |
9/14/2014 |
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32 degrees, clear - valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours; High T 71 degrees, low 32; clear early then short cloudy period and clear most of day, late afternoon a cover of thin cirrus; occasional light southerly wind. |
9/15/2014 |
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34 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 74 degrees, low 32; clear ; mostly calm. |
9/16/2014 |
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39 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 78 degrees, low 34; costly clear all day; occasional light breeze. |
9/17/2014 |
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43 degrees, mostly cloudy (cirrostratus), calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 77 degrees, low 39, clear early, partly cloudy by 9:00 AM, cloudy at 5:00 PM; occasional light SSW to W wind. |
9/18/2014 |
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46 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 82 degrees, low 43; mostly cloudy early, clear by 9:30 AM, than back to cloudy by 2:00 PM. Rain started approximately 9:00 PM. |
9/19/2014 |
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55 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High 77 degrees, low 46; cloudy early, partly cloudy by 9:00 AM, back to cloudy by 4:00 PM. |
9/20/2014 |
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43 degrees, clear - valley fog, calm; previous 24 hours: High T 77 degrees, low 43; cloudy early, to partly cloudy and clear periods later. |
9/21/2014 |
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41 degrees, clear - valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 80 degrees, low 41; clear all day; mostly calm - two short periods of light southerly wind. |
9/22/2014 |
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44 degrees, clear - valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 82 degrees, low 41; clear all day except partly cloudy at sunset; occasional light southerly breeze. |
9/23/2014 |
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56 degrees, mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 82 degrees, low 41; clear except partly cloudy late afternoon to sunset, light rain sometime after midnight; occasional light southerly breeze. |
9/24/2014 |
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56 degrees, mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 73 degrees, low 56; partly cloudy most of morning, cloudy with light shower mid-day, then partly to mostly cloudy afternoon, occasional drops of rain from a gray cloud; occasional light wind. Another beautiful day. |
9/25/2014 |
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42 degrees, clear - valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 81 degrees, low 43; mostly cloudy early cleared by 8:00 AM, late afternoon partly cloudy to mostly cloudy by sunset; occasional S to SW light wind. |
9/26/2014 |
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53 degrees, cloudy - light rain, calm; Previous 24 hours: High T 84 degrees, low 42; clear, clouds over surrounding higher elevations, cloudy at sunset; occasional light wind WNW to SSW. |
9/27/2014 |
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43 degrees, low overcast - ceiling 150', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T missed, low 43 degrees; cloudy with shower morning, partly clear to cloudy afternoon with another shower; occasional light wind. |
9/28/2014 |
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44 degrees, cloudy, calm, Previous 24 hours: High T 65 degrees, low 43; cloudy (overcast early) to clear by 10:00 AM partly cloudy afternoon; occasional gusty ESE to S winds to 12 MPH. Beautiful sunset |
9/30/2014 |
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52, light rain, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 64, low 42; partly cloudy early, cloudy 11:30 AM, clear early afternoon, cloudy later, periods of rain after midnight; occasional light wind. |