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10/1/2013 |
6:55 AM |
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Mon, 09/30: Day 227 of 273 w/sunshine. WAQA Index 10 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Tue, 0655; 46°F; BAR 29.98"S; Humidity ~68%; Scattered clouds; Breezy. Pollen Index 3.9 of 12.0 or Low-Medium. Pollen Type: Sagebrush/Sage, Chenopods, & Grass. Noontime UV Index 5 of 10+ or Moderate-High. |||| September summary: Precip Sept 0.79” from 8 days & 3 Trace, YTD 3.67”; Snowfall 0.0”. Days w/ sunshine 23. Washington Air Quality Advisory (WAQA) 29 Days Good Rating & 1 Day Unhealthy. Pollen counts 8 Low, 8 Low-Medium & 14 Medium. Highest # CoCoRaHS WA stations reporting in Sept was 327 on 09/06/2013. Highest # Benton County stations reporting was 8 of 12 “active” on 14 days – these counts are based on a tally 10/01/2013 0715. CoCoRaHS shows 1,026 stations in WA (added 3 more in Sept) with ~447 “active” – based on the 2011-12 Water Summary Report. |
10/2/2013 |
6:50 AM |
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Tue, 10/01: Day 228 of 274 w/sunshine. Couple morning sun breaks & a 3rd in the evening – have to give the C of C another “day with sunshine.” WAQA Index 7 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Wed, 0650; beautiful sunrise; 44°F; BAR 30.13"S; Humidity ~80%; Mostly cloudy; Calm. Pollen Index 3.1 of 12.0 or Low-Medium. Pollen Type: Sagebrush/Sage, Chenopods, & Grass. Noontime UV Index 5 of 10+ or Moderate-High. |
10/3/2013 |
6:55 AM |
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Wed, 10/02: Several weak sun breaks. WAQA Index 11 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Thu, 0655; 44°F; BAR 30.22"R; Humidity ~82%; Scattered clouds; Light breeze. Pollen Index 3.1 of 12.0 or Low-Medium. Pollen Type: Sagebrush/Sage, Chenopods, & Grass. Noontime UV Index 2 of 10+ or Low-Moderate. |
10/4/2013 |
6:45 AM |
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Thu, 10/03: Day 229 of 276 w/sunshine – beautiful Autumn day. WAQA Index remained 11 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Fri, 0645; 36°F; BAR 30.50"R; Humidity ~81%; Clear; Calm with scattered light frost on roof shingles – first for the season! Pollen Index 3.1 of 12.0 or Low-Medium. Pollen Type: Sagebrush/Sage & Grass. Noontime UV Index 4 of 10+ or Moderate-High. |
10/5/2013 |
7:05 AM |
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Fri, 10/04: Day 230 of 277 w/sunshine. WAQA Index 18 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Sat, 0705; 36°F; BAR 30.40"F; Humidity ~83%; Scattered high, thin clouds; Calm with scattered light frost on roof shingles again, but escaped the freeze warning for the past 2 days. Pollen Index 3.3 of 12.0 or Low-Medium. Pollen Type: Sagebrush/Sage & Grass. Noontime UV Index remained 4 of 10+ or Moderate-High. |
10/6/2013 |
6:58 AM |
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Sat, 10/05: Day 231 of 278 w/sunshine. WAQA Index 20 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Sunday, 0658; 39°F; BAR 30.19"F; Humidity ~82%; Clear; Calm with heavy dew. Pollen Index 3.5 of 12.0 or Low-Medium. Pollen Type: Sagebrush/Sage & Grass. Noontime UV Index 5 of 10+ or Moderate-High. |
10/7/2013 |
6:53 AM |
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Sunday, 10/06: Day 232 of 279 w/sunshine. WAQA Index 22 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Mon, 0653; 56°F; BAR 29.90"S; Humidity ~54%; Cloudy; Breezy. Pollen Index 4.1 of 12.0 or Low-Medium. Pollen Type: Sagebrush/Sage & Grass. Noontime UV Index 5 of 10+ or Moderate-High. |
10/8/2013 |
6:52 AM |
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Mon, 10/07: Day 233 of 280 w/sunshine. WAQA Index 68 or Moderate Rating w/ Particulates – blowing dust. || Tue, 0652; 52°F; BAR 29.95"R; Humidity ~70%; Overcast; Cold wind. Pollen Index 3.4 of 12.0 or Low-Medium. Pollen Type: Sagebrush/Sage & Grass. Noontime UV Index 3 of 10+ or Moderate. |
10/9/2013 |
6:58 AM |
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Tue, 10/08: Overcast except for 10 minute sun break 1350; 1515 light rain, 1535 – 1540 hard rain then light rain, 1547 – 1551 heavy rain & graupel, 1551 – 1620 light rain = 0.26” in gauge. WAQA Index 17 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Wed, 0658; 37°F; BAR 30.10"R; Humidity ~87%; Clear; Calm: Heavy dew. Pollen Index 3.0 of 12.0 or Low-Medium. Pollen Type: Sagebrush/Sage & Grass. Noontime UV Index 3 of 10+ or Moderate |
10/10/2013 |
7:02 AM |
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Wed, 10/09: Day 234 of 282 w/sunshine. WAQA Index 25 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Thu, 0702; 48°F; BAR 29.86"S; Humidity ~70%; Overcast; Breezy. Pollen Index 3.6 of 12.0 or Low-Medium. Pollen Type: Sagebrush/Sage & Grass. Noontime UV Index 3 of 10+ or Moderate. |
10/11/2013 |
7:16 AM |
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Thu, 10/10: Day 235 of 283 w/sunshine. WAQA Index 23 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Fri, 0716; 47°F; BAR 30.09"R; Humidity ~79%; Cloudy, but not overcast; Calm. Pollen Index 2.8 of 12.0 or Low-Medium. Pollen Type: Sagebrush/Sage. Noontime UV Index 3 of 10+ or Moderate. |
10/12/2013 |
7:00 AM |
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Fri, 10/11: Day 236 of 284 w/sunshine. WAQA Index 28 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Sat, 0700, Overcast. Pollen Index 2.3 of 12.0 or Low-Medium. Pollen Type: Sagebrush/Sage. Noontime UV Index 3 of 10+ or Moderate. |
10/13/2013 |
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Sat, 10/12: Mostly cloudy. WAQA Index 34 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Sunday, 0700, Clear, Calm. Pollen Index 2.9 of 12.0 or Low-Medium. Pollen Type: Sagebrush/Sage. Noontime UV Index 3 of 10+ or Moderate. |
10/14/2013 |
7:05 AM |
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Sunday, 10/13: Day 237 of 286 w/sunshine. WAQA Index 22 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. ||, Mon, 0705; 38°F; BAR 30.37"R; Humidity ~82%; Clear; Calm. Pollen Index 2.9 of 12.0 or Low-Medium. Pollen Type: Sagebrush/Sage. Noontime UV Index 3 of 10+ or Moderate |
10/15/2013 |
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Mon, 10/14: Day 238 of 287 w/sunshine. WAQA Index 35 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Tue, 0703; 32°F; BAR 30.42"R; Humidity ~90%; Clear; Calm, widespread light frost. Pollen Index 2.6 of 12.0 or Low-Medium. Pollen Type: Sagebrush/Sage. Noontime UV Index 3 of 10+ or Moderate. |
10/16/2013 |
6:55 AM |
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Tue, 10/15: Day 239 of 288 w/sunshine. WAQA Index 40 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Wed, 0655; 39°F; BAR 30.17" R; Humidity ~82%; Overcast; Calm. Pollen Index 2.6 of 12.0 or Low-Medium. Pollen Type: Sagebrush/Sage. Noontime UV Index 3 of 10+ or Moderate. |
10/17/2013 |
7:04 AM |
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Wed, 10/16: Day 240 of 289 w/sunshine. WAQA Index 51 or Moderate Rating w/ Particulates. || Thu, 0704; 37°F; BAR 30.25" R; Humidity ~82%; Scattered clouds; Calm. Pollen Index 2.5 of 12.0 or Low-Medium. Pollen Type: Sagebrush/Sage. Noontime UV Index 4 of 10+ or Moderate. |
10/18/2013 |
7:05 AM |
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Thu, 10/17: Day 241 of 290 w/sunshine. WAQA Index 26 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Fri, 0705; 35°F; BAR 30.30" S; Humidity ~82%; Scattered clouds, Calm, Light frost. Pollen Index 1.9 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: Sagebrush/Sage. Noontime UV Index 3 of 10+ or Moderate. |
10/19/2013 |
6:45 AM |
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Fri, 10/18: Day 242 of 291 w/sunshine. WAQA Index 32 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. Completed review of my 2013 Water Year Summary Report. || Sat, 0645; 34°F; BAR 30.16in, F; Humidity ~84%; Clear w/ some clouds ENE, Calm, Frost. Pollen Index 2.2 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: Sagebrush/Sage. Noontime UV Index 3 of 10+ or Moderate. |
10/20/2013 |
7:00 AM |
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Sat, 10/19: Day 243 of 292 w/sunshine. WAQA Index 42 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Sunday, 0700; Pollen Index Low. Pollen Type: Sagebrush/Sage. Noontime UV Index 3 of 10+ or Moderate. |
10/21/2013 |
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Sunday, 10/20: Day 244 of 293 w/sunshine. WAQA Index 63 or Moderate Rating w/ Particulates. || Mon, 0700; Pollen Index Low. Pollen Type: Sagebrush/Sage. Noontime UV Index 3 of 10+ or Moderate. Happy 91st Birthday, Mom! |
10/22/2013 |
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Mon, 10/21: Day 245 of 294 w/sunshine. WAQA Index 50 or barely Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Tue, 0700; Pollen Index Low. Pollen Type: Sagebrush/Sage. Noontime UV Index 3 of 10+ or Moderate. |
10/23/2013 |
7:05 AM |
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Tue, 10/22: Day 246 of 295 w/sunshine. WAQA Index 43 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Wed, 0705; 37°F; BAR 30.14 in, R; Humidity ~90%; Clear but hazy, Calm, Saturating dew. Pollen Index 2.1 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: Sagebrush/Sage. Noontime UV Index 4 of 10+ or Moderate. |
10/24/2013 |
6:55 AM |
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Wed, 10/23: Day 247 of 296 w/sunshine. WAQA Index 49 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Thu, 0655; 39°F; BAR 30.11 in, S; Humidity ~88%; Clear, Calm, Saturating dew. Pollen Index 1.9 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: Sagebrush/Sage. Noontime UV Index 4 of 10+ or Moderate. |
10/25/2013 |
7:10 AM |
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Thu, 10/24: Day 248 of 297 w/sunshine. WAQA Index 57 or Moderate Rating w/ Particulates. || Fri, 0705; 36°F; BAR 30.22 in, R; Humidity ~90%; Light fog here, other Richland stations reporting .25 mile visibility, Calm, Saturating dew. Grass remains wet all day even though we’ve had full days of sunshine this week. Going to give up and mow even though it’s still wet in the afternoon. Pollen Index 1.2 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: Sagebrush/Sage. Noontime UV Index 3 of 10+ or Moderate. |
10/26/2013 |
6:55 AM |
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Fri, 10/25: Day 249 of 298 w/sunshine after heavy fog lifted mid morning. WAQA Index 97 or High Moderate Rating w/ Particulates. || Sat, 0655; 36°F; BAR 30.30 in, R; Humidity ~90%; Light fog, Calm, Saturating dew. Pollen Index 1.8 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: Sagebrush/Sage. Noontime UV Index 3 of 10+ or Moderate. |
10/27/2013 |
6:45 AM |
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Sat, 10/26: Day 250 of 299 w/sunshine. WAQA Index 88 or Moderate Rating w/ Particulates. || Sunday, 0645; 46°F; BAR 29.83 in, F; Humidity ~84%; Clouding over, Cold wind, Cold front moving in, Saturating dew. Pollen Index 2.2 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: Sagebrush/Sage. Noontime UV Index 3 of 10+ or Moderate. |
10/28/2013 |
8:15 AM |
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Sunday, 10/27: Gloomy, gray day with a few sprinkles ~0850 and again ~1615 for Trace. 1730 – 1800 light rain for 0.01 plus additional 0.01 overnight. WAQA Index 110 or Unhealthy for sensitive groups Rating w/ Particulates. || Mon, 0815; 45°F; BAR 29.88, R; Humidity ~50%; Overcast, Windy, Haze. Pollen Index 2.2 of 12.0 or Low-Medium. Pollen Type: Sagebrush/Sage. Noontime UV Index 2 of 10+ or Low Moderate. |
10/29/2013 |
7:07 AM |
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Mon, 10/28: Day 251 of 301 w/sunshine in afternoon. WAQA Index 139 or Unhealthy for sensitive groups Rating w/ Particulates. Blowing dust all day || Tue, 0707; 31°F; BAR 30.03, R; Humidity ~59%; Clear, Calm. Pollen Index 0.4 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: Sagebrush/Sage. Noontime UV Index 2 of 10+ or Low Moderate. |
10/30/2013 |
6:45 AM |
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Tue, 10/29: Day 252 of 302 w/sunshine. WAQA Index 50 or barely Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Wed, 0645; 28°F; BAR 30.06, R; Humidity ~77%; Clear, Calm. Pollen Index 0.3 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: Sagebrush/Sage. Noontime UV Index 3 of 10+ or Moderate. [EDIT: 0730 need to wait for daylight to observe sky conditions. Scattered clouds, mostly to the west; first hard freeze; light frost] |
10/31/2013 |
7:05 AM |
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Wed, 10/30: Day 253 of 303 w/sunshine. [EDIT: After reading WA-BT-13 notes Thursday 0715, rechecked my rain gauge. Trace, could not make 0.01, but had to empty gauge.] WAQA Index 34 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Halloween, 0705; 50°F; BAR 30.07, R; Humidity ~65%; Overcast, Breezy. Pollen Index 2.3 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: Sagebrush/Sage. Noontime UV Index 3 of 10+ or Moderate. NWS, Current Conditions at Richland AP AWOS (KRLD), froze since 0750, 10/30/13. |
11/1/2013 |
7:15 AM |
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Thu, 10/31: Day 254 of 304 w/sunshine. WAQA Index 22 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Fri, 0715; 47°F; BAR 30.26, R; Humidity ~75%; Clouds to north & east for beautiful pre-sunrise, Breezy. Pollen Index 1.7 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: Sagebrush. Noontime UV Index 3 of 10+ or Moderate. NWS, Current Conditions at Richland AP AWOS (KRLD), missing since 0750, 10/30/13. The new Weather Underground Dashboard (I dislike) is going to take some getting used to. ||| October summary: Precip 0.28 from 2 days & 2 Days Trace, YTD 3.95; Snowfall 0.0. Days w/ sunshine 27. Washington Air Quality Advisory (WAQA) Rating: 23 Days Good, 6 Days Moderate, & 2 Days Unhealthy. Pollen counts 14 Low & 17 Low-Medium. CoCoRaHS shows 1,037 stations in WA (added 11 more in Oct including WA-BT-17 in Benton City) with ~453 active, based on the 2013 PRELIMINARY Water Summary Report. |
11/2/2013 |
7:01 AM |
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Fri, 11/01: Day 255 of 305 w/sunshine. WAQA Index 18 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Sat, 0701; 47°F; BAR 29.71, F; Humidity ~83%; Overcast, Light rain began approx 0600, continuing for 0.03 at 0701, Light breeze. Pollen Index 1.8 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: Sagebrush. Noontime UV Index 2 of 10+ or Low-Moderate. NWS, Current Conditions at Richland AP AWOS (KRLD), missing since 0750, 10/30/13. The new Weather Underground Beta Dashboard is ugly. Missing local conditions: visibility, clouds, pollen count, and radar window. All the data history and charts should be below the original page or linked to it. I’m trying to get off the Beta version! |
11/3/2013 |
7:05 AM |
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Sat, 11/02: Day 256 of 306 w/sunshine. Light rain ended at 0820 with 0.06 since 0701 for total rain event of 0.09. Sun out 1100, very windy, followed with blowing dust, gusts up to 60 mph in area. WAQA Index 13 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Sunday, 0705 PST; 42°F; BAR 29.97, R; Humidity ~72%; 85% cloud cover, Windy. Pollen Index 2.4 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: Sagebrush/Sage. Noontime UV Index 2 of 10+ or Low-Moderate. NWS, Current Conditions at Richland AP AWOS (KRLD), missing since 0750, 10/30/13. Able to get back to original Weather Underground Dashboard. Will explore joining, so I can give them “feedback” about their Beta Dashboard disaster. |
11/4/2013 |
6:50 AM |
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Sunday, 11/03: Day 257 of 307 w/sunshine, but lots of cloudy periods. WAQA Index 17 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Mon, 0650 PST; 37°F; BAR 30.14, R; Humidity ~70%; Mostly cloudy, Calm. Pollen Index 0.1 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: Sagebrush. Noontime UV Index 2 of 10+ or Low-Moderate. NWS, Current Conditions at Richland AP AWOS (KRLD), missing since 0750, 10/30/13. |
11/5/2013 |
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Mon, 11/04: Day 258 of 308 w/sunshine. WAQA Index 19 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Tue, 0705 PST; 37°F; BAR 30.17, R; Humidity ~83%; Overcast, Calm. Light rain from before 0300 to 0520 for 0.11 in. Pollen Index 0.9 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: Sagebrush. Noontime UV Index 1 of 10+ or Low. NWS, Current Conditions at Richland AP AWOS (KRLD), missing since 0750, 10/30/13. Port of Benton advised me a phone line is out, waiting on the phone company. |
11/6/2013 |
6:55 AM |
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Tue, 11/05: Overcast w/ short sun break at 0920. WAQA Index 25 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Wed, 0655 PST; 37°F; BAR 30.37, R; Humidity ~86%; Overcast, Calm, Heavy dew. Pollen Index 1.1 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: Sagebrush. Noontime UV Index 2 of 10+ or Low-Moderate. |
11/7/2013 |
7:02 AM |
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Wed. 11/06: Overcast all day. Light rain began 2120. NWS, Current Conditions at Richland AP AWOS (KRLD), missing for 7 days is back on line. WAQA Index 37 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Thu, 0702 PST; light rain ended prior 0330 for 0.16 in. 41°F; BAR 30.03, F; Humidity ~88%; Overcast, Calm. Pollen Index 0.3 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: Sagebrush. Noontime UV Index 1 of 10+ or Low. |
11/8/2013 |
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Thu, 11/07: Trace ~1030; sprinkles off & on 1130 to 1345; sun break at 1350; WAQA Index 35 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Fri, 0705 PST; 48°F; BAR 30.05, R; Humidity ~71%; Overcast, Windy (gusts to 24 mph, Richland Airport). Pollen Index 1.9 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: Cedar/Juniper. Noontime UV Index 2 of 10+ or Low-Medium. |
11/9/2013 |
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Fri, 11/08: Weak sunshine midday, no shadows. WAQA Index 12 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Sat, 0715; 38°F; BAR 30.19, R; Humidity ~88%; Overcast, Calm. Pollen Index 1.0 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: Mixed Trace. Noontime UV Index 2 of 10+ or Low-Medium. |
11/10/2013 |
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Sat, 11/09: Overcast with a sun break late morning. WAQA Index 24 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Sunday, US Marine Corps 238th Birthday, 0705; 42°F; BAR 30.16, R; Humidity ~82%; Overcast, Calm. Pollen Index 0.8 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: Mixed Trace. Noontime UV Index 2 of 10+ or Low-Medium. |
11/11/2013 |
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Sunday, 11/10: Day 259 of 314 w/sunshine, though mostly cloudy. WAQA Index 36 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Mon, Thank you, Veterans, for your service & sacrifice. 0650; 38°F; BAR 30.16, R; Humidity ~83%; Scattered clouds, Calm. Pollen Index 1.0 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: Mixed Trace. Noontime UV Index 2 of 10+ or Low-Medium. |
11/12/2013 |
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Mon, 11/11: Day 260 of 315 w/sunshine, with clouds & haze. WAQA Index 43 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Tue, 0655; 41°F; BAR 30.32, R; Humidity ~87%; Cloudy, Calm. Pollen Index 1.0 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: Cedar/Juniper. Noontime UV Index 2 of 10+ or Low-Medium. NWS Pendleton radio for Richland is down at 0700 & Richland Airport Current Conditions hung up at 2350 last night. |
11/13/2013 |
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Tue, 11/12: Cloudy and hazy, sprinkles 0915, sun breaks at noon and 1430. WAQA Index 63 or Moderate Rating w/ Particulates. || Wed, 0705; 34°F; BAR 30.40, R; Humidity ~92%; Dense fog w/ visibly down to ¼ mile, Calm. Pollen Index 1.7 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: Cedar/Juniper. Noontime UV Index 2 of 10+ or Low-Medium. NWS Pendleton radio for Richland was down Tue but up Wed AM. Richland Airport Current Conditions missing humidity & dew point Wed AM. |
11/14/2013 |
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Wed, 11/13: Day 261 of 317 w/sunshine, after dense fog lifted. WAQA Index 25 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Wed, 0700; 37°F; BAR 30.13, F; Humidity ~88%; Cloudy, Calm. Pollen Index 1.2 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: Mixed Trace. Noontime UV Index 1 of 10+ or Low. Richland Airport Current Conditions missing humidity & dew point for 2nd day |
11/15/2013 |
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Thu, 11/14: Day 262 of 318 w/sunshine. WAQA Index 47 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Fri, 0650; 40°F; BAR 29.88, F; Humidity ~85%; Increasingly cloudy, windy. Pollen Index 2.2 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: Cedar/Juniper. Noontime UV Index 2 of 10+ or Low-Moderate. Richland Airport Current Conditions had all values restored shortly after Thu Obs Time. |
11/16/2013 |
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Fri, 11/15: Weak sunshine (no shadows) for ~ hour; light rain 1430 to 1500 < 0.01 for Trace. WAQA Index 11 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Sat, 0710; 43°F; BAR 29.41, R; Humidity ~62%; Clouds to the North & East otherwise clear, windy. Pollen Index 0.3 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: Mixed Trace. Noontime UV Index 1 of 10+ or Low. |
11/17/2013 |
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Sat, 11/16: Day 263 of 320 w/sunshine. WAQA Index 9 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Sunday, 0705; 45°F; BAR 29.87, R; Humidity ~73%; Cloudy, Windy. Pollen Index 2.0 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: Cedar/Juniper. Noontime UV Index 2 of 10+ or Low-Moderate. Richland Airport Current Conditions & Forecast Details locked up for Sat afternoon. |
11/18/2013 |
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Sunday, 11/17: Day 264 of 321 w/sunshine after morning clouds. WAQA Index 8 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Mon, 0710; 50°F; BAR 29.92, R; Humidity ~65%; Cloudy, Windy. Pollen Index 1.8 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: Cedar/Juniper. Noontime UV Index 2 of 10+ or Low-Moderate. Richland Airport Current Conditions & Forecast Details back up ~0700 today. |
11/19/2013 |
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Mon, 11/18: Light rain 1720 to 1930 for 0.04 followed by sprinkles ‘til ~2230 for total of 0.06 inch. WAQA Index 7 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Tue, 0655; 54°F; BAR 29.64, R; Humidity ~66%; Partly cloudy, Very windy-blowing trash barrels over. Pollen Index 0.3 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: Mixed Trace. Noontime UV Index 1 of 10+ or Low. |
11/20/2013 |
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Tue, 11/19: Couple sun breaks; Several sprinkles mid morning to early afternoon on kitchen window for a Trace. WAQA Index 7 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Wed, 0705; 32°F; BAR 30.23, R; Humidity ~43%; Clear, Light breeze. Pollen Index 0.3 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: Mixed Trace. Noontime UV Index 1 of 10+ or Low. |
11/21/2013 |
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Wed, 11/20: Day 265 of 324 w/sunshine. WAQA Index 14 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Thu, 0705; 15°F; BAR 30.68, R; Humidity ~62%; Clear, Calm, Cold-first hard freeze of season. Pollen Index 0.3 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: Mixed Trace. Noontime UV Index 2 of 10+ or Low. |
11/22/2013 |
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Thu, 11/21: Day 266 of 325 w/sunshine (C of C 300 days at risk - need 34 of remaining 40 days). WAQA Index 31 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Fri, 0655; 11°F; BAR 30.82, R; Humidity ~62%; Clear, Calm, Frost, winter season has arrived. Pollen Index 0.1 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: Mixed Trace. Noontime UV Index 2 of 10+ or Very Low (changed descriptor per EPA). |
11/23/2013 |
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Fri, 11/22: Day 267 of 326 w/sunshine, hazy. WAQA Index 39 or Good Rating w/ Particulates. || Sat, 0705; 14°F; BAR 30.64, F; Humidity ~72%; Clear, Calm, Frost. Pollen Index 0.1 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: no Predominant Pollens. Noontime UV Index 2 of 10+ or Very Low. |
11/24/2013 |
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Sat, 11/23: Day 268 of 327 w/sunshine. WAQA Index 55 or Moderate Rating w/ Particulates. [Air stagnation advisory] || Sunday, 0710; 15°F; BAR 30.41, S; Humidity ~81%; Fog < ¼ mile visibility, Calm, Freezing fog. Pollen Index 0.1 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: No Predominant Pollens. Noontime UV Index 2 of 10+ or Very Low. |
11/25/2013 |
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Sunday, 11/24: Day 269 of 328 w/ (hazy) sunshine. First ugly inversion of the season; could not see Red Mtn, let alone Rattlesnake or the Blues for haze. I sit between Candy & Badger. WAQA Index 102 or Unhealthy for sensitive groups rating w/ Particulates. [Air stagnation advisory] || Mon, 0650; 18°F; BAR 30.50, R; Humidity ~77%; Clear, Calm, Light frost. Pollen Index 0.1 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: No Predominant Pollens. Noontime UV Index 2 of 10+ or Very Low. |
11/26/2013 |
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Mon, 11/25: Day 270 of 329 w/ (hazy) sunshine. [Air stagnation advisory extended to 10 AM Friday.] WAQA Index 116 or Unhealthy for sensitive groups rating w/ Particulates. || Tue, 0655; 17°F; BAR 30.41, S; Humidity ~79%; Scattered clouds & haze [no chance to see ISON comet last two mornings], Calm, Moderate frost. Pollen Index 0.1 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: No Predominant Pollens. Noontime UV Index 2 of 10+ or Very Low. |
11/27/2013 |
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Tue, 11/26: Day 271 of 330 w/(hazy) sunshine. [Air stagnation advisory extended to 10 AM Friday.] WAQA Index 121 or Unhealthy for sensitive groups rating w/ Particulates. || Wed, 0705; 22°F; BAR 30.26, S; Humidity ~81%; Scattered clouds & haze, Calm, Light frost. Pollen Index 0.1 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: No Predominant Pollens. Noontime UV Index 2 of 10+ or Very Low. |
11/28/2013 |
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Wed, 11/27: Day 272 of 331 w/ (hazy) sunshine for a few hours. [Air stagnation advisory extended again, now to noon Sat.] WAQA Index 114 or Unhealthy for sensitive groups rating w/ Particulates. || Happy Thanksgiving. Thu, 0715; 20°F; BAR 30.25, R; Humidity ~87%; Freezing fog - coating everything - visibility < ¼ mile, Calm. Pollen Index 0.1 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: No Predominant Pollens. Noontime UV Index 2 of 10+ or Very Low. |
11/29/2013 |
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Thu, 11/28: Day 273 of 332 w/ (very hazy) sunshine for 2 1/2 hours. [Air stagnation advisory to noon Sat.] WAQA Index 120 or Unhealthy for sensitive groups rating w/ Particulates. || Thu, 0710; 21°F; BAR 30.33, S; Humidity ~88%; Freezing fog - hoarfrost coating everything - visibility < ½ mile, Stagnate. Pollen Index 0.1 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: No Predominant Pollens. Noontime UV Index 2 of 10+ or Very Low. [MOTS as a Denver TV weatherman used to say ~25 years ago - More Of The Same] |
11/30/2013 |
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Black Fri, 11/29: Socked in all day - never did see Badger Mtn, let alone the summit. The summit is 1,579 ft high, ~6,000 ft south as the crow flies and summit ~1,000 ft higher than me. [Air stagnation advisory extended again, now to 1000 Sunday.] Few sprinkles just before Obs time for a Trace. WAQA Index 119 or Unhealthy for sensitive groups rating w/ Particulates. || Sat, 0705; 29°F; BAR 30.37, R; Humidity ~89%; Overcast, Stagnate. Pollen Index 0.1 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: No Predominant Pollens. Noontime UV Index 1 of 10+ or Very Low. |
12/1/2013 |
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Sat, 11/30: Sprinkles 0730 for a Trace. WAQA Index 127 or Unhealthy for sensitive groups w/ Particulates. || Sunday, 0655; 44°F; BAR 29.93, F; Humidity ~90%; Light rain early morning Sunday for 0.10 [not rounded] in gauge at Obs time, Cloudy, Wind is up. Pollen Index 0.6 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: No Predominant Pollens. Noontime UV Index 0 of 10+ or Very Low. ||| November summary: Precip 0.43 from 6 days & 2 Days Trace, YTD 4.38; Snowfall 0.0, Core Precip 0.00. Days w/ sunshine 19. Washington Air Quality Advisory (WAQA) Rating Days: 21 Good, 8 Moderate, & 1 Unhealthy. Pollen count days 30 Low, 0 Low-Medium, & 0 Medium. CoCoRaHS shows 1,040 stations in WA (added 3 more in Nov) with ~454 active, based on the 2013 Water Summary Report. |
12/2/2013 |
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Sunday, 12/01: Cloudy w/ couple brief, weak sun breaks and windy. WAQA Index 14 or Good w/ Particulates. || Mon, 0705; 39°F; BAR 29.78, R; Humidity ~60%; Clear with clouds to North & East, Breezy. Pollen Index 0.1 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: No Predominant Pollens. Noontime UV Index 0 of 10+ or Very Low. |
12/3/2013 |
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Mon, 12/02: Day 274 of 336 w/sunshine. WAQA Index 12 or Good w/ Particulates. || Tue, 0710; 27°F; BAR 30.15, R; Humidity ~66%; Mostly cloudy, Breezy, 1st snow of season 0445 to 0545 for 0.1 on snow board. Pollen Index 0.1 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: No Predominant Pollens. Noontime UV Index 1 of 10+ or Very Low. [Had to find my eighth to tenth conversion chart and melt snow in gauge] |
12/4/2013 |
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Tue, 12/03: Day 275 of 337 w/sunshine. WAQA Index 19 or Good w/ Particulates. || Wed, 0655; 12°F; BAR 30.38, R; Humidity ~69%; Clear, Calm. Trace of yesterday’s snow in shaded areas. Pollen Index 0.3 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: No Predominant Pollens. Noontime UV Index 1 of 10+ or Very Low. |
12/5/2013 |
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Wed, 12/04: Day 276 of 338 w/sunshine. WAQA Index 31 or Good w/ Particulates. || Thu, 0705; 5°F; BAR 30.39, S; Humidity ~73%; Light haze, Light westerly breeze, Moderate frost. Trace of Tue snow in shaded areas - highs in mid 20s not enough to melt without direct sunshine. Pollen Index 0.3 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: No Predominant Pollens. Noontime UV Index 1 of 10+ or Very Low. |
12/6/2013 |
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Thu, 12/05: Day 277 of 339 w/sunshine. WAQA Index 46 or Good w/ Particulates. || Fri, 0705; 10°F; BAR 30.34, S; Humidity ~72%; Mostly cloudy & light haze, Calm, Light frost. Trace of Tue snow in shaded areas - highs in mid 20s not enough to melt without direct sunshine. Pollen Index 0.3 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: No Predominant Pollens. Noontime UV Index 1 of 10+ or Very Low. |
12/7/2013 |
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Fri, 12/06: Early sun break and overcast. WAQA Index 27 or Good w/ Particulates. || Sat, 0730; 9°F; BAR 30.34, R; Humidity ~45%; Scattered clouds, Light breeze. Trace of Tue snow in shaded areas. Pollen Index 0.3 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: No Predominant Pollens. Noontime UV Index 1 of 10+ or Very Low. Pearl Harbor Day 1941 |
12/8/2013 |
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Sat, 12/07: Day 278 of 341 w/sunshine. WAQA Index 36 or Good w/ Particulates. || Sunday, 0715; 10°F; BAR 30.53, R; Humidity ~51%; Overcast, Calm. Trace of Tue snow in shaded areas. Pollen Index 0.3 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: No Predominant Pollens. Noontime UV Index 1 of 10+ or Very Low. Richland Airport Current Conditions locked up on Sat 0750. |
12/9/2013 |
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Sunday, 12/08: Day 279 of 342 w/sunshine. WAQA Index 22 or Good w/ Particulates. || Mon, 0705; 9°F; BAR 30.55, R; Humidity ~65%; Mostly cloudy, Calm. Trace of Tue snow in shaded areas. Pollen Index 0.3 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: No Predominant Pollens. Noontime UV Index 2 of 10+ or Very Low. Richland Airport Current Conditions down since Sat 0750. |
12/10/2013 |
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Mon, 12/09: Day 280 of 343 w/sunshine. WAQA Index 31 or Good w/ Particulates. || Tue, 0655; 14°F; BAR 30.49; Humidity ~65%; Mostly cloudy, Calm. Trace of last Tue snow in shaded areas - highs in mid 20s all week not enough to melt without direct sunshine. Pollen Index 0.3 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: No Predominant Pollens. Noontime UV Index 2 of 10+ or Very Low. Richland Airport Current Conditions down since Sat 0750. |
12/11/2013 |
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Tue, 12/10: Day 281 of 344 w/sunshine - weak & hazy. WAQA Index 38 or Good w/ Particulates. || Wed, 0605; 10°F; BAR 30.50, F; Humidity ~71%; Clear, Calm. Pollen Index 0.3 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: No Predominant Pollens. Noontime UV Index 2 of 10+ or Very Low. Richland Airport Current Conditions down since Sat 0750. |
12/12/2013 |
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Wed, 12/11: Day 282 of 345 w/sunshine - weak & hazy again. WAQA Index 41 or Good w/ Particulates. Richland Airport Current Conditions back up Wed morning. || Thu, 0730; 17°F; BAR 30.31, F; Humidity ~71%; Mostly cloudy, Calm. Pollen Index 0.3 of 12.0 or Low. Pollen Type: No Predominant Pollens. Noontime UV Index 2 of 10+ or Very Low. |
12/13/2013 |
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Thu, 12/12: Mostly cloudy to overcast w/ some sun breaks. Saw no evidence of light sleet or freezing rain at this station. || Fri, 0655; ~ 22°F; Clear, Calm. |
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Fri, 12/13: Day 283 of 347 w/sunshine. || Sat, 0835; 30°F; Overcast, Calm. Enjoyed the Tri-Cities Christmas Boat Parade on the Columbia River last night. |
12/15/2013 |
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Sat, 12/14: Overcast to mostly cloudy w/ few sun breaks. || Sunday, 0655; 27°F; Mostly cloudy, Calm. |
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Sunday, 12/15: Day 284 of 349 w/sunshine. || Mon, 0705; ~38°F; Had a little shower early AM for a Trace, Clear, Calm. [EDIT: …super saturated atmosphere (we were at or above 100% RH) and cloud cover helped to keep us from fogging up completely. Then all that moisture in the air had to go somewhere if it wasn’t going to turn into fog, and since the ground was colder than the atmosphere, all the moisture started to rime to the ground. My thanks to Mike for catching my error. WLG] |
12/17/2013 |
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Mon, 12/16: Day 285 of 350 w/sunshine. || Tue, 0655; ~26°F; Scattered clouds, Calm, Heavy frost. Beautiful full moon playing through the scattered clouds. [Corrected my observation for yesterday, see 12/16/2013] |
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Tue, 12/17: Day 286 of 351 w/sunshine - hazy morning and cloudy afternoon. || Wed, 0705; ~33°F; Cloudy, Calm. |
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Wed, 12/18: Cloudy w/ short, weak sun break late AM. || Thu, 0650; ~26°F; Clear, Calm. |
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Thu, 12/19: Day 287 of 353 w/sunshine. || Fri, 0715; ~29°F; Overcast, Breezy. Radar shows freezing precip heading east toward Richland. |
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Fri, 12/20: Overcast. Snow flurries began 0805, snow ended 1000 for 0.5 on snow board. |
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Freezing rain prior to obs time. Thank you, Sabrina, my assistant. |
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Sunday, 12/29: Overcast & dense morning fog, inversion continues. As of Thu, 12/26 there were 291 days of 360 w/sunshine. || Mon, 0705; 29°F; Overcast at 700 ft, Calm. |
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Mon, 12/30: Overcast, inversion continues. Sprinkles around 1830 and light rain overnight prior to 0600 Tue. Driveway only damp, but it smelled like rain at 0600 - how I wish it was the beginning of Spring! || Tue, 0710; ~32°F; Mostly cloudy, Light breeze. 0.06 in rain gauge at 0710. Sprinkles again when I put the trash out at 0730. NWS extended Air Stagnation Advisory until January 3, 12:00 PM PST |
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Tue, 12/31: Sprinkles & light rain from 0730 - 0930 for 0.02, then hazy sun in afternoon for 292 days of 365 w/sunshine. Chamber of Commerce missed its 300 days of 365 with sunshine this year. Wed, New Years Day, 0650; ~28°F; Overcast, Foggy, Heavy frost. |||| December 2013 summary: Precip 0.26 from 5 days & 1 Day Trace; Snowfall 0.6 from 2 days, Core Precip 0.02. Days w/ sunshine 19. CoCoRaHS shows 1,045 stations in WA (added 5 more in Dec) with ~454 active, based on the 2013 Water Summary Report. |||| 2013 calendar year summary: Precip 4.64 from 58 days and 39 days with a Trace. Snowfall 1.2 from 5 days and 2 days with a Trace (0.6 last January and 0.6 this December). Core Precip 0.08. |||| HAPPY NEW YEAR! |
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Wed, 01/01: Overcast & foggy w/ road frost at 0600. Very tiny snowflakes at 0900 for a Trace. Would have missed if I hadn’t been outside. || Thu, 0750; ~32°F; Overcast, Damp, Calm. |
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Thu, 01/02: Cloudy and inversion continues. Yuk! || Fri, 0650; ~38°F; CLEAR SKY, Light breeze. Cold front is finally clearing air stagnation. Been under the crud since we got home a week ago.
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Fri, 01/03: Clear w/ bright sunshine. Beautiful day. || Sat, 0655; ~24°F; Clear, Calm. |
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Sat, 01/04: Clear. || Sunday, 0645; ~21°F; Clear, Calm, Moderate frost. |
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Sunday, 01/05: Sunny w/ few scattered clouds || Mon, 0655; ~21°F; Scattered clouds, Calm, Light frost. |
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Mon, 01/06: Pretty sunrise w/ scattered clouds to east. Thin overcast by early afternoon that turned to overcast. || Tue, 0702; ~30°F; Overcast, Calm, Freezing rain began as I checked rain gauge - will report that w/ Wed AM reading. |
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Tue, 01/07: Light freezing rain began as I checked rain gauge at 0702 - will report on Wed AM; 0805 still occasional pellets - just enough to fully cover horizontal surfaces and make sidewalk & street slippery. Overcast except for short sun break at 1230. Another trace of rain at 1345. Freezing rain began at 1745 to create a skating rink - ended 1945 – a little slushy 2015. Doesn’t appear to have added anymore overnight. || Wed, 0655; ~32°F; Overcast, Calm, had to scrape snowboard with a screwdriver to measure frozen accumulation which measured 0.1. Melted value in gauge was actually 0.10-system will not accept the melted frozen rain & new snow being equal. Snow shovel didn’t do any good trying to clear sidewalks & drive. Don’t know where wunderground.com and AccuWeather.com are finding light rain. My wife just drove at 0650 from south Richland to north Richland and didn’t see any precip. [Faye, I'm self reporting this one to CoCoRaHS - WLG] ((EDIT after inquiry to CoCoRaHS. To work around system safety check, I now rounded up 0.01, instead of down, to allow for moisture on inside of large cylinder. Thanks, Noah. )) |
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Wed, 01/08: Sprinkles at 1315 for a Trace; Light rain 1600 until prior to 1900 for 0.03. || Thu, 0705; ~39°F; Scattered clouds, Breezy. Richland Airport Current Conditions & Forecast Details locked up at 1120 Wednesday. |
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Thu, 01/09: Sprinkles off and on during afternoon for a Trace. Overcast & windy. || Fri, 0650; ~47°F; Scattered clouds, Very windy and forecast to get worse. NWS Richland Airport Current Conditions & Forecast Details were back up Thursday afternoon. |
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Fri, 01/10: Good scattering of rain drops on kitchen window 2245 for a Trace. || Sat, 0705; ~57°F; Mostly cloudy, Very windy. NWS 0620 “...HIGH WIND WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 4 AM PST SUNDAY... SUSTAINED WINDS FROM 30 TO 45 MPH WITH 55 TO 70 MPH WIND GUSTS ARE EXPECTED.” |
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Sat, 01/11: Light rain for 0.01 between 0800 & 0900 while gone. No NWS WWF56 weather radio signal from Rattlesnake Mountain for south Richland 0710 to noon - called NWS, Pendleton, OR - had signal by 1835. || Sunday, 0710; ~43°F; Mostly cloudy, Very windy with higher gusts. The 24 hours of high winds evaporated 1/2 the 0.01 rain from Sat AM. |
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Sunday, 01/12: Very windy with high gusts. || Mon, 0650; ~50°F; Mostly cloudy, Richland Airport Wind Speed SW 26 G 42 MPH. |
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Mon, 01/13: NWS extended Wind Advisory twice Monday into the evening. || Tue, 0645; ~43°F; Mostly clear, Breezy. Winds are gone. Now NWS talking about air stagnation. At least it’s not snow! |
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Tue, 01/14: Nice day in between the high winds and the temperature inversion that’s setting up. Wed, 0710; ~36°F; Mostly cloudy, Calm. NWS in Pendleton: Air stagnation advisory … which is in effect from 8 AM Wed … through at least Sat morning. |
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Wed, 01/15: Beautiful full moon overnight. Wed, 0705; ~27°F; Clear, Calm, Moderate frost.
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Thu, 01/16: Hazy day. || Fri, 0655; ~25°F; Freezing fog, Visibility 0.25 mi, Calm, Heavy frost. |
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Fri, 01/17: Gray ol’ day. || Sat, 0710; ~30°F; Foggy & damp, Visibility 2.0 mi, Calm. NWS in Pendleton: Air stagnation advisory extended ‘til Friday morning. |
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Sat, 01/18: Fog with drizzle all day. Never could see Badger Mountain ~ a mile away. || Sunday, 0655; 0.02 in from drizzle; ~34°F; Foggy & damp, Calm. |
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Sunday, 01/19: Cloudy and damp. At least could see Badger Mountain ~ a mile away, but only saw the summit a couple three times. Very top of Badger Mtn was still in clouds/fog. The summit is 1,579 ft high. It is ~ 7,000 ft south as the crow flies and ~1,000 ft higher than me. || Sunday [EDIT: Mon not Sunday], 0650; 32°F; Cloudy & damp, Calm. Go Broncos! |
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Mon, 01/20: 35°F Hi 32°F Lo Overnight Lo 31°F; Cloudy and damp, light drizzle at 1930 for a Trace. || Tue, 0655; 31°F; Overcast, calm. Very light snow flurry at 0630 for a Trace. |
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Tue, 01/21: 34°F Hi 31°F Lo; Overcast w/ morning snow flurries to put a very faint dusting on Badger and dampen the roads down here for a Trace. || Wed, 0705; 31°F; Overcast, calm. Good review of dealing with bad weather at Obs time on CoCoRaHS Webinar Tue evening. |
1/23/2014 |
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Wed, 01/22: High: 35°F, Low: 31°F; Overcast. || Thu, 0655; 31°F; Overcast, Calm. Light snow flurry at Obs time. Dusting of snow in bottom of 4 inch gauge for a Trace. |
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Thu, 01/23: High: 35°F, Low: 31°F; Overcast with a couple hours of morning snow flurries. Dusted the roof tops and bare ground for another Trace. Occasional drizzle in the afternoon. || Fri, 0658; 32°F; Overcast, Calm. |
1/25/2014 |
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Fri, 01/24: High: 33°F, Low: 31°F, Over-Night Low: 30°F; Overcast (never saw top of Badger Mtn) occasional drizzle and then light snow late afternoon. Light cover on grass, roads wet for a Trace. || Sat, 0655; 30°F; Overcast, Calm, with light snow at Obs time for addition Trace and melted 0.01 that collected in gauge since Fri AM. NWS, Pendleton, OR, extended the “strong inversions keeping pollutants trapped near the surface” into Tues 10 AM PST. |
1/26/2014 |
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Sat, 01/25: High: 35°F, Low: 30°F, Over-Night Low: 29°F; Overcast with morning snow flurries for a Trace. || Sunday, 0650; 29°F; Overcast, Calm. Several frozen tiny drops in the bottom of the gauge. Another day of the Tri-Cities winter blahs! [EDIT: Hi, Faye -- WLG] |
1/27/2014 |
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Sunday, 01/26: High: 31°F, Low: 29°F, Over-Night Low: 30°F; Overcast with noon snow flurries followed by drizzle for a Trace. || Mon, 0655; 30°F; Overcast, Calm. |
1/28/2014 |
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Mon, 01/27: High: 36°F, Low: 30°F, Over-Night Low: 32°F; Overcast, No Precip observed at my station, but did see some snow flurries and drizzle around town 0730. || Tue, 0710; 32°F; Overcast, Calm. |
1/29/2014 |
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Tue, 01/28: High: 37°F, Low: 32°F, Over-Night Low: 32°F; Overcast, Light rain began ~1930 and seemed to continue all night. || [EDIT: Wed not Tue -- WLG], 0658; 32°F; Overcast, Calm, light rain paused just before Obs time for 0.32. That’s the biggest one day rain catch I’ve had since I began daily Obs on 07-25-2012. My total for the ~1 ½ years is now 8.37 inches [Happy J Day - met my wife 31 years ago this evening! Roses to be delivered.] |
1/30/2014 |
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Wed, 01/29: High: 43°F, Low: 32°F, Over-Night Low: 31°F; Mid-day, sun break and blue sky for about an hour. || Thu, 0655; 38°F; Mostly cloudy, breezy. Only had sunshine a couple three days since Jan 7, but only had 3 days with snow for 0.7 inches since Dec 3. Air quality was a Good Rating all but one day during this long stretch of temperature inversions. |
1/31/2014 |
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Thu, 01/30: High: 51°F, Low: 30°F, Over-Night Low: 30°F; Partly cloudy overnight. Fri, 0658; 31°F; Cloudy, calm, with light frost on grass, ~8 tiny snow pellets in rain gauge for a Trace. |
2/1/2014 |
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Fri, 01/31: High: 44°F, Low: 30°F, Over-Night Low: 29°F; Overcast w/ light snow flurry 0815 for a Trace. A few weak sun breaks this afternoon. || Sat, 0702; 29°F; Overcast, Calm. |||| January 2014 summary: Precip 0.52 from 7 days & 10 days w/ a Trace; Snowfall 0.1 from 1 day, & 9 days w/ a Trace; Core Precip 0.11. CoCoRaHS shows 1,045 stations in WA (added 0 more in Jan) with ~454 active, based on the 2013 Water Summary Report. |
2/2/2014 |
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Sat, 02/01: High: 38°F, Low: 25°F; Overcast. || Sunday, 0655; 29°F; Overcast, Calm. [EDIT: Hi, Jim -- WLG] |
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Sunday, 02/02: High: 40°F, Low: 26°F, Over-Night Low: 29°F; Overcast. || Mon, 0657; 29°F; Overcast, Calm. Light snow flurry shortly before Obs time for a Trace (dusting in bottom of gauge). |
2/4/2014 |
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Mon, 02/03: High: 37°F, Low: 29°F, Over-Night Low: 21°F; Overcast, minor snow flurries after Obs time for minimal Trace, weak sun breaks midday. Partly cloudy overnight. || Tue, 0655; 22°F; Overcast, Calm. |
2/5/2014 |
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Tue, 02/04: High: 34°F, Low: 15°F, Over-Night Low: 10°F; Weak sun came out mid morning. || Wed, 0653; 10°F; Mostly cloudy w/ COLD breeze. |
2/6/2014 |
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Wed, 02/05: High: 26°F, Low: 9°F, Over-Night Low: 7°F; Sunny with cold north wind! || Thu, 0658; 7°F; Mostly clear w/ nasty wind chill factor. |
2/7/2014 |
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Thu, 02/06: High: 19°F, Low: 7°F, Over-Night Low: 12°F; Overcast, light snow flurries began at 1300 for afternoon, light snow 1800 ‘til ~0400 || Fri, 0655; 12°F; Mostly clear w/ wind chill ~7°F. 1.6 inches snow and SWE of 0.09 [weighing instead of melting snow core is the way to go] |
2/8/2014 |
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Fri, 02/07: High 27°F, Low 12°F, Over-Night Low 18°F; Sunny AM and overcast afternoon || Sat, 0700; 20°F; Overcast, calm; 1.5 inches new snow for 0.11 SWE and 2.5 inches (not rounded) total depth |
2/9/2014 |
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Sat, 02/08: High 29°F, Low 18°F, Over-Night Low 23°F; Overcast with snow again ~1730 and overnight || Sunday, 0700; 23°F; Overcast, calm; 3.1 inches new snow for 0.23 SWE and 5.5 inches (not rounded) total depth |
2/10/2014 |
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Sunday, 02/09: Late entry for Monday - had to leave early Monday AM and gone all day || Mon, 0700; Overcast, calm; 0.2 inches new snow for 0.01 SWE |
2/11/2014 |
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Mon, 02/10: High 37°F, Low 26°F, Over-Night Low 28°F; Obs few sprinkles 2020 for a Trace || Tue, 0655 31°F; Overcast, calm; 3.0 inches total snow depth |
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Tue, 02/11: High 49°F, Low 28°F, Over-Night Low 42°F; Hazy sun AM and overcast afternoon, light rain began 1710 followed by several bands of rain until ~0100 for 0.06 inch || Wed, 0650; 44°F; Mostly cloudy, Chinook winds, Trace total snow depth - just snow piles from shoveling |
2/13/2014 |
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Wed, 02/12: High 59°F, Low 42°F, Over-Night Low 45°F; Gotta’ love the chinook winds || Thu, 0645; 45°F; Clear, Windy, no snow on ground - not even the piles from shoveling and road grader |
2/14/2014 |
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Thu, 02/13: High 59°F, Low 41°F, Over-Night Low 37°F; Sunny and windy, started clouding up in afternoon || Fri, 0705; 38°F; Light rain overnight for 0.07, Overcast, Light breeze |
2/15/2014 |
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Fri, 02/14: High 57°F, Low 37°F, Over-Night Low 35°F; Partly cloudy AM w/ sprinkles ~ 0800 for a Trace in gauge, cloudy in afternoon and windy || Sat, 0655; 36°F; Overcast, Calm |
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Sat, 02/15: High 43°F, Low 35°F, Over-Night Low 39°F; Very light rain began 0945 and rain ended by 1700 for 0.16. Another shower band came through ~1930 for 0.02 || Sunday, 0650; 39°F; Clear overhead and windy |
2/17/2014 |
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Sunday, 02/16: High 52°F, Low 39°F, Over-Night Low 47°F; Sunny, windy, clouded over late afternoon || Mon, 0655; 48°F; Mostly cloudy and breezy |
2/18/2014 |
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Mon, 02/17: High 60°F, Low 42°F, Over-Night Low 42°F; Mostly sunny, windy, sprinkles 0900 for a Trace || Tue, 0705; 43°F; Partly cloudy and very breezy |
2/19/2014 |
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Tue, 04/18: High 56°F, Low 42°F, Over-Night Low 37°F; Overcast w/ sprinkles early & mid afternoon for Trace. Very windy past 24 hours. NOAA NWS Weather Radio WWF56, 162.450MHz, on Rattlesnake Mtn down since prior 0800 Monday; Techs working on it 0800 Tue || Wed, 0655; 37°F; Partly cloudy and windy |
2/20/2014 |
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Wed, 02/19: High 55°F, Low 37°F, Over-Night Low 39°F; Mostly sunny and windy. NOAA NWS Weather Radio WWF56, 162.450MHz, on Rattlesnake Mtn down since prior 0800 Monday || Thu, 0650; 42°F; Mostly cloudy and windy with another High Wind Advisory until 1900 |
2/21/2014 |
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Thu, 02/20: High 56°F, Low 39°F, Over-Night Low 37°F; Mostly sunny and windy. NOAA NWS Weather Radio WWF56, 162.450MHz, on Rattlesnake Mtn down since before 0800 Monday. “WWF56 suffered a catastrophic failure of the antenna system. We have replacement parts in route, and have scheduled antenna riggers for the next available safe day. We anticipate resuming broadcast within a week, but safety concerns may delay the repairs.” Electronics Program Manager, NWS - Western Region || Fri, 0705; 38°F; Mostly clear, Breezy |
2/22/2014 |
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Fri, 02/21: High 56°F, Low 37°F, Over-Night Low 36°F; Mostly sunny, nicest day in quite awhile. NOAA NWS Weather Radio WWF56, 162.450MHz, on Rattlesnake Mtn down since before 0800 02/17/14. 02/20/14 “WWF56 suffered a catastrophic failure of the antenna system. We have replacement parts in route, and have scheduled antenna riggers for the next available safe day. We anticipate resuming broadcast within a week, but safety concerns may delay the repairs.” Electronics Program Manager, NWS - Western Region || Sat, 0655; 36°F; Overcast, Calm |
2/23/2014 |
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Sat, 02/22: High 49°F, Low 36°F, Over-Night Low 32°F || Sunday, 0655; 32°F; Mostly cloudy, Calm. NOAA NWS Weather Radio WWF56, 162.450MHz, on Rattlesnake Mtn down since before 0800, 02/17/14, with catastrophic failure of the antenna system. |
2/24/2014 |
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Sunday, 02/23: High 46°F, Low 32°F, Over-Night Low 34°F; Mostly cloudy || Mon, 0705; 34°F; Overcast, Calm. NOAA NWS Weather Radio WWF56, 162.450MHz, on Rattlesnake Mtn down since before 0800, 02/17/14, with catastrophic failure of the antenna system. |
2/25/2014 |
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Mon, 02/24: High 37°F, Low 33°F, Over-Night Low 31°F; Overcast; wintery mix 1215 – 1445 for 0.11 inch, followed by rain mist all afternoon and light wintery mix overnight for added 0.05 || Tue, 0658; 31°F; 0.16 inch in gauge, thin coat of ice on snow board and dusting of snow on lawn; Light snow flurries, Calm. NOAA NWS Weather Radio WWF56, 162.450MHz, on Rattlesnake Mtn down since before 0800, 02/17/14, with catastrophic failure of the antenna system. |
2/26/2014 |
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Tue, 02/25: High 39°F, Low 31°F, Over-Night Low 28°F; Overcast, cold north wind || Wed, 0645; 28°F; partly cloudy, calm, pretty pre-sunrise on clouds to the east. NOAA NWS Weather Radio WWF56, still down. |
2/27/2014 |
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Wed, 02/26: High 39°F, Low 28°F, Over-Night Low 33°F; overcast, calm || Thu, 0655; 34°F; overcast, calm, several frozen drops in bottom of gauge for a Trace. NOAA NWS Weather Radio WWF56 still down. |
2/28/2014 |
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Thu, 02/27: High 42°F, Low 33°F, Over-Night Low 34°F; Overcast, cold wind, light sprinkles during day for a Trace || Fri, 0705; 35°F; overcast, calm, some light precip overnight for 0.01 inch. NOAA NWS Weather Radio WWF56 still down. |
3/1/2014 |
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Fri, 02/28: High 55°F, Low 34°F, Over-Night Low 28°F; overcast, then bright sun all afternoon - how nice! || Sat, 0655; 28°F; overcast, bitter north wind. NOAA NWS Weather Radio WWF56 still down. |||| February 2014 summary: Precip 0.92 from 9 days & 8 days w/ a Trace; Snowfall 6.4 from 4 day, & 3 days w/ a Trace; Core Precip 0.44. CoCoRaHS shows 1,046 stations in WA (added 1 more in Feb) with 758 active, based on the current List Stations Data Report. |
3/2/2014 |
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Sat, 03/01: High 37°F, Low 26°F, Over-Night Low 25°F; Overcast, few flurries around town but none here || Sunday, 0705; 25°F; overcast, calm. NOAA NWS Weather Radio WWF56 still down. |
3/3/2014 |
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Sunday, 03/02: High 28°F, Low 24°F, Over-Night Low 23°F; graupel began 0820 for a strong 0.10 inch on snow board at noon || Mon, 0655; 25°F; overcast, calm. Ice on snow board shattered when trying to check for minimal addition since noon, will leave at 0.10; 0.15 precip in gauge. NOAA NWS Weather Radio WWF56 still down. |
3/4/2014 |
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Mon, 03/03: High 42°F, Low 23°F, Over-Night Low 33°F; Few sprinkles late morning for a Trace - couldn’t make 0.01, bright sunshine in afternoon || Tue, 0705; 45°F; temp from 40°F to 47°F between midnight & 0705, gotta’ love the chinooks; mostly clear, windy. NOAA NWS Weather Radio WWF56 still down. |
3/5/2014 |
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Tue, 03/04: High 64°F, Low 40°F, Over-Night Low 47°F; Varied periods of clouds and sunshine || Wed, 0700; 48°F; cloudy, calm, sprinkles at 0700 w/ 0.01 in tube & light rain since then [snow board’s up & inner gauge out - YES]. NOAA NWS Weather Radio WWF56 still down. |
3/6/2014 |
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Wed, 03/05: High 65°F, Low 47°F, Over-Night Low 47°F; Light rain from 0700 to 0745 f/ 0.04; several sun breaks during the AM; clouded over and sprinkles began at 1500; rain at 1730 || Thu, 0650; 47°F; 0.26 inch in gauge; scattered clouds N, E, & S; calm. NOAA NWS Weather Radio WWF56 still down. |
3/7/2014 |
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Thu, 03/06: High 61°F, Low 47°F, Over-Night Low 42°F; clear morning ’til clouded over 1030, ½ dozen sprinkles 1400 f/ Trace || Fri, 0705; 44°F; clear, breezy. NOAA NWS Weather Radio WWF56 still down. |
3/8/2014 |
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Fri, 03/07: High 65°F, Low 42°F, Over-Night Low 33°F; Beautiful sunny day || Sat, 0700; 34°F; cloudy, calm, light frost. NOAA NWS Weather Radio WWF56 still down. |
3/9/2014 |
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Sat, 03/08: High 52°F, Low 33°F, Over-Night Low 48°F; cloudy, sprinkles 1430 then light rain 1600 – 1810 f/ 0.06 inch; windy and strong gusts all night || Sunday, 0705; [How I hate DST! Wish I could stay on “sun time” like Granddad did.] 56°F; cloudy, calm. NOAA NWS Weather Radio WWF56 still down. |
3/10/2014 |
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Sunday, 03/09: High 75°F, Low 54°F, Over-Night Low 49°F; right after Sunday’s Obs the wind came back up; 0720 - 1015 sprinkles on the SW windows mixed with light rain f/ 0.01 inch; several nice sun breaks during afternoon; dozen sprinkles 1700 || Mon, 0655; 49°F; cloudy, windy. NOAA NWS Weather Radio WWF56 still down. |
3/11/2014 |
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Mon, 03/10: High 62°F, Low 46°F, Over-Night Low 37°F; 0850 few sprinkles f/ Trace || Tue, 0655; 38°F; clear, calm. NOAA NWS Weather Radio WWF56 still down. |
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Tue, 03/11: High 65°F, Low 35°F, Over-Night Low 30°F; nice day || Wed, 0705; 30°F; clear, calm, light frost. NOAA NWS Weather Radio WWF56 still down. |
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Wed, 03/12: High 66°F, Low 29°F, Over-Night Low 36°F; NOAA NWS Weather Radio WWF56 back up from a catastrophic failure of the antenna system on Feb 17. Finally got a break in the weather for the antenna riggers to safely make the repairs. || Thu, 0705; 36°F; mostly clear, calm. |
3/14/2014 |
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Thu, 03/13: High 68°F, Low 36°F, Over-Night Low 50°F; || EDIT this was for FRIDAY, 0700; 50°F; overcast, windy, very light rain around 0500 for 0.01 inch. Very light rain again at 0700. |
3/15/2014 |
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Fri, 03/14: High 65°F, Low 50°F, Over-Night Low 37°F; very light rain off & on first thing in AM f/ Trace & a dead bug in the gauge || Sat, 0705; 38°F; mostly cloudy, calm. |
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Sat, 03/15: High 70°F, Low 37°F, Over-Night Low 53°F; || Sunday, 0655; 53°F; mostly cloudy, windy. |
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Sunday, 03/16: High 69°F, Low 52°F, Over-Night Low 45°F; sprinkles on the windows at 2100 f/ a Trace || Mon, 0650; 45°F; 12 hours 00 minutes “Daylight” today; mostly cloudy, windy. |
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Mon, 03/17: High 60°F, Low 41°F, Over-Night Low 31°F; || Tue, 0655; 31°F; clear, calm. |
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Wed, 0635: 33°F; scattered clouds, calm |
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Wed, 03/19: High 66°F, Low 32°F, Over-Night Low 33°F; very windy with blowing dust || Thu, 0655; 35°F; clear, breezy. 1st day of Spring! |
3/21/2014 |
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Thu, 03/20: High EDIT question my 63°F], Low 33°F, Over-Night Low 28°F; Would have missed the few sprinkles at 1910 if I hadn’t been outside || Fri, 0645; 28°F; mostly clear, calm |
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Fri, 03/21: High EDIT question my 60°F], Low 28°F, Over-Night Low 24°F; || Sat, 0705; 25°F; clear, calm, very light frost on roof tops |
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Sat, 03/22: High [EDIT question my 65°F], Low 24°F, Over-Night Low 34°F; nice spring day || Sunday, 0650; 36°F; clear, calm |
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Sunday, 03/23: High 61°F, Low 32°F, Over-Night Low 31°F || Mon, 0710; 32°F; partly cloudy, calm, very light frost on roofs |
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Mon, 03/24: High 66°F, Low 30°F, Over-Night Low 39°F || Tue, 0705; 40°F; overcast, calm |
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Tue, 03/25: High 65°F, Low 39°F, Over-Night Low 43°F; 1810 just enough sprinkles along with Tri-Cities’ blowing dust to put muddy splashes on the south & west windows (cleaned just last week!) || Wed, 0655; 44°F; mostly cloudy, calm |
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Wed, 03/26: High 63°F, Low 43°F, Over-Night Low 44°F; 1920 enough sprinkles to dampen patio for a trace but had to rinse dust and an insect out of gauge Thursday AM || Thu, 0645; 46°F; mostly cloudy, windy |
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Thu, 03/27: High 63°F, Low 44°F, Over-Night Low 42°F; windy! || Fri, 0650; 43°F; mostly cloudy, calm, radar shows forecast precip coming in from Prosser |
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Fri, 03/28: High 55°F, Low 42°F, Over-Night Low 46°F; 0820 sprinkles to light rain to occasional moderate rain & back to sprinkles f/ 0.06 by 1200 and 0.17 by 1800, || Sat, 0655; 48°F; clear, windy |
3/30/2014 |
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Sat, 03/29: High 67°F, Low 46°F, Over-Night Low 43°F; felt cheated w/ my 0.17 inch Friday, others around were reporting 1/4 to 1/3 inch until a couple later reports came in closer to my measurement; sunny but windy again w/ 3 brief sprinkles 1530-1830 f/ a Trace || Sunday, 0655; 43°F; partly cloudy, windy! |
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Sunday, 03/30: High 65°F, Low 43°F, Over-Night Low 34°F || Mon, 0650; 34°F; clear, calm, light frost on roofs, orchard and vineyard wind machines are running |
4/1/2014 |
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Mon, 03/31: High 62°F, Low 34°F, Over-Night Low 46°F || Tue, 0655; 46°F, BAR 29.72, R; cloudy, calm, few small sprinkles at 0655 f/ Trace- would have missed if not putting trash barrel out |||| March 2014 summary: Precip 0.67 from 7 days & 9 days w/ a Trace; Snowfall 0.1 from 1 day, & 0 days w/ a Trace; Core Precip 0.00. CoCoRaHS shows 1,055 stations in WA (added 9 more in March during CoCoRaHS March Madness 2014) with 767 active, based on the current List Stations Data Report. Benton County has 17 stations with 13 active. |
4/2/2014 |
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Tue, 04/01: High 65°F, Low 44°F, Over-Night Low 38°F || Wed, 0650; 41°F, BAR 29.87, R; clear, light breeze |
4/3/2014 |
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Wed, 04/02: High 64°F, Low 38°F, Over-Night Low 41°F || Thu, 0705; 42°F, BAR 30.01, S; clear, calm |
4/4/2014 |
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Thu, 04/03: High 65°F, Low 41°F, Over-Night Low 46°F || Fri , 0655; 47°F, BAR 29.90 S; cloudy, breezy |
4/5/2014 |
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Fri, 04/04: High 64°F, Low 46°F, Over-Night Low 43°F; 1245 to 1345 three bands of showers heavy enough to wet the walks each time f/ total of 0.01 inch || Sat, 0705; 46°F, BAR 30.00 R; mostly cloudy, breezy |
4/6/2014 |
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Sat, 04/05: High 65°F, Low 43°F, Over-Night Low 46°F; 1930 dozen small drops on window f/ Trace || Sunday, 0700; 48°F, BAR 30.10 R; mostly sunny, breezy |
4/7/2014 |
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Sunday, 04/06: High 73°F, Low 46°F, Over-Night Low 43°F || Mon, 0645; 44°F, BAR 30.28 R; clear, calm, beautiful spring morning |
4/8/2014 |
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Mon, 04/07: High 76°F, Low 43°F, Over-Night Low 46°F || Tue, 0710; 47°F, BAR 30.08 S; mostly cloudy, calm |
4/9/2014 |
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Tue, 04/08: High 79°F, Low 46°F, Over-Night Low 48°F || Wed, 0650; 48°F, BAR 30.11 R; mostly cloudy, calm
4/10/2014 |
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Wed, 04/09: High 69°F, Low 48°F, Over-Night Low 38°F; irrigation water on a week early - Spring’s here || Thu, 0645; 38°F, BAR 30.14 S; clear, calm |
4/11/2014 |
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Thu, 04/10: High 68°F, Low 38°F, Over-Night Low 39°F || Fri, 0720; 40°F, BAR 30.02 S; clear, calm: a little late - busy checking sprinkler heads w/ first irrigation dirty water |
4/12/2014 |
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Fri, 04/11: High 73°F, Low 39°F, Over-Night Low 41°F || Sat, 0650; 44°F, BAR 29.96 R; clear, calm |
4/13/2014 |
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Sat, 04/12: High 72°F, Low 41°F, Over-Night Low 37°F; some cumulus clouds, breezy || Sunday, 0705; 37°F, BAR 30.31 R; clear, calm, freeze warning for Monday AM |
4/14/2014 |
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Sunday, 04/13: High 67°F, Low 37°F, Over-Night Low 32°F; sunny || Mon, 0655; 32°F, BAR 30.23 F; sunny, calm; only 2 of 20 stations in the Tri-Cities area are below 32°F |
4/15/2014 |
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Mon, 04/14: High 73°F, Low 32°F, Over-Night Low 51°F; sunny then increasing afternoon clouds || Tue, 0650; 51°F, BAR 30.00 R; overcast, windy; clouds blocked the total lunar eclipse viewing after the first third phase darkened |
4/16/2014 |
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Tue, 04/15: High 68°F, Low 51°F, Over-Night Low 50°F; windy, cloudy then sunny || Wed, 0720; 51°F, BAR 30.06 R; overcast, windy. Little late - had to run security updates for computer. |
4/17/2014 |
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Wed, 04/16: High 69°F, Low 50°F, Over-Night Low 52°F; cloudy & windy || Thu, 0705; 53°F, BAR 29.87 F; overcast, windy. Sprinkles at 0510 to very light rain continuing at Obs time - just enough to dampen bottom of gauge for a Trace
4/18/2014 |
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Thu, 04/17: High 61°F, Low 51°F, Over-Night Low 42°F; overcast, breezy, light rain to rain mist f/ 0.01 at 1015, 0.02 at 1215, 0.04 at 1415, short burst of moderate rain 1430, total 0.08 at 1615, end at 1640 || Good Friday, 0645; 42°F, BAR 29.97 R; sunny, windy, cold wind chill |
4/19/2014 |
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Good Friday, 04/18: High 66°F, Low 42°F, Over-Night Low 37°F; sunny & windy || Sat, 0650; 40°F, BAR 29.91 F; mostly cloudy, light breeze, orchard fans running |
4/20/2014 |
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Sat, 04/19: High 72°F, Low 37°F, Over-Night Low 40°F; variable cloudiness & windy, blowing dust 1430, sprinkles 1530 f/ Trace, 1700 sunny || Easter, 0705; 44°F, BAR 30.30 R; sunny & breezy; Hi, Faye. |
4/21/2014 |
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Easter, 04/20: High 70°F, Low 40°F, Over-Night Low 43°F; sunny changed to thin overcast & back to sunny || Mon, 0630; 44°F, BAR 30.06 F; overcast, calm; early report since have early appointment today |
4/22/2014 |
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Mon, 04/21: High 66°F, Low 43°F, Over-Night Low 48°F; overcast to filtered sun in afternoon back to overcast; rain mist at 2010, sporadic sprinkles until 0300 then light rain || Tue, 0700; 48°F, BAR 29.75 F; overcast, windy, light rain continues |
4/23/2014 |
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Tue, 04/22: High 64°F, Low 48°F, Over-Night Low 46°F; Very Light rain after Obs f/ Trace, overcast then partly cloudy afternoon || Wed, 0645; 47°F, BAR 29.89 S; overcast, windy, sprinkles 0500 on newspaper |
4/24/2014 |
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Wed, 04/23: High 63°F, Low 46°F, Over-Night Low 51°F; overcast & windy, mostly sunny mid AM then overcast w/ off & on very light rain f/ 0.02 by 1800 || Thu, 0700; 52°F, BAR 29.73 S; overcast, windy, rain ended 0545 f/ total 0.10 inch, not rounded |
4/25/2014 |
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Thu, 04/24: High 69°F, Low 51°F, Over-Night Low 47°F; overcast to mostly sunny and back w/ occasional sprinkles f/ a Trace, windy || Thu, 0655; 49°F, BAR 29.83 S; overcast, breezy |
4/26/2014 |
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Fri, 04/25: High 65°F, Low 47°F, Over-Night Low 42°F; variable cloudiness & sunshine || Sat, 0705; 46°F, BAR 29.77 R; mostly cloudy, breezy |
4/27/2014 |
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Sat, 04/26: High 65°F, Low 42°F, Over-Night Low 44°F; partly cloudy, windy || Sunday, 0700; 45°F, BAR 29.72 R; partly cloudy, Richland Airport (~4 miles north of me) Wind Speed SW 17 G 24 MPH || Hi, Jim |
4/28/2014 |
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Sunday, 04/27: High 63°F, Low 44°F, Over-Night Low 40°F; variable cloudiness & sunshine, Richland Airport (~4 miles north of me) Wind Speed W 21 G 29 MPH at 1700 || Mon, 0645; 42°F, BAR 30.22 R; sunny, breezy |
4/29/2014 |
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Mon, 04/28: High 68°F, Low 40°F, Over-Night Low 36°F; sunny, light breeze, beautiful day || Tue, 0650; 39°F, BAR 30.55 R; sunny, calm |
4/30/2014 |
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Tue, 04/29: High 69°F, Low 36°F, Over-Night Low 43°F; sunny w/ light haze, light breeze || Wed, 0630; 44°F, BAR 30.51 R; sunny, calm; early summer? forecast in 80s next 3 days |
5/1/2014 |
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Wed, 04/30: High 77°F, Low 43°F, Over-Night Low 45°F; sunny, calm || Thu, May 1st, 0650; 48°F, BAR 30.22 S; partly cloudy, calm |||| April 2014 summary: Precip 0.27 from 4 days & 6 days w/ a Trace; Snowfall 0.0. CoCoRaHS shows 1,059 stations in WA (added 4 more in April with 770 active, based on the current List Stations Data Report. Benton County has 17 stations with 13 active. |
5/2/2014 |
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Thu, 05/01: High 82°F, Low 45°F, Over-Night Low 58°F; partly cloudy, hazy, calm || Fri, 0705; 65°F, BAR 29.99 R; mostly sunny, breezy |
5/3/2014 |
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Fri, 05/02: High 88°F, Low 58°F, Over-Night Low 54°F; partly to mostly cloudy, windy || Sat, 0655; 55°F, BAR 29.86 R; partly cloudy, breezy (after early morning overcast and windy) |
5/4/2014 |
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Sat, 05/03: High 73°F, Low 54°F, Over-Night Low 50°F; varying cloudiness & wind velocities || Sunday, 0701; 50°F, BAR 29.83 S; cloudy, windy, had light rain around 0330 - 0430 f/ 0.02 (my week as comment reader) |
5/5/2014 |
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Sunday, 05/04: High 73°F, Low 50°F, Over-Night Low 46°F; mostly sunny then cloudy afternoon, breezy || Mon, 0645; 47°F, BAR 29.91 R; sunny, breezy |
5/6/2014 |
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Mon, 05/05: High 72°F, Low 46°F, Over-Night Low 48°F; mostly sunny, breezy || Tue, 0650; 50°F, BAR 29.95 S; sunny, breezy |
5/7/2014 |
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Tue, 05/06: High 73°F, Low 39°F, Over-Night Low 50°F; mostly sunny then cloudy by early evening, light rain 1935 - 2000 for 0.01 || Wed, 0655; 52°F, BAR 29.93 R; sunny, light breeze |
5/8/2014 |
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Wed, 05/07: High 71°F, Low 50°F, Over-Night Low 47°F; beautiful, sunny day w/ light breezes || Thu, 0645; 50°F, BAR 29.83 S; thin overcast and cloudy, calm |
5/9/2014 |
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Thu, 05/08: High 75°F, Low 47°F, Over-Night Low 49°F; partly sunny changing to overcast, 1535 - 1725 sprinkles to moderate rain and back f/0.05, by 1955 catch 0.10 not rounded, by 2315 broken clouds, windy, catch 0.17 || Fri, 0655; 51°F, BAR 29.82 R; clear, windy |
5/10/2014 |
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Fri, 05/09: High 70°F, Low 49°F, Over-Night Low 46°F; mostly sunny in AM, Wind Speed WSW 18 G 33 MPH at Richland Airport 1250, sprinkles on WA-BT-1 at 1245 and 1350 for Trace || Sat, 0650; 47°F, BAR 30.00 R; scattered clouds, windy |
5/11/2014 |
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Sat, 05/10: High 70°F, Low 46°F, Over-Night Low 48°F; variable cloudy & sunshine || Happy Mother’s Day -- Sunday, 0705; 52°F, BAR 30.24 R; clouds w/ sun breaks; Hi, Faye |
5/12/2014 |
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Sunday, 05/11: High 70°F, Low 48°F, Over-Night Low 42°F; sunny with cumulus clouds against blue sky || Mon, 0645; 43°F, BAR 30.40 ; sunny, calm |
5/13/2014 |
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Mon, 05/12: High 77°F, Low 42°F, Over-Night Low 45°F; sunny, breezy || Tue, 0620; 47°F, BAR 30.37 S; mostly sunny, calm, high thin clouds |
5/14/2014 |
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Tue, 05/13: High 77°F, Low 45°F, Over-Night Low 47°F; sunny, warm || Wed, 0650; 50°F, BAR 30.33 R; sunny, calm, high thin clouds to the east |
5/15/2014 |
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Wed, 05/14: High 85°F, Low 47°F, Over-Night Low 52°F; sunny, hazy, high thin clouds || Thu, 0645; 54°F, BAR 30.08 F; weak sun through a thin overcast, calm |
5/25/2014 |
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May 25th, Sunday, 0705; 59°F, BAR 30.03 F; mostly cloudy, calm |
5/26/2014 |
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Sunday, 05/25: High 81°F, Low 56°F, Over-Night Low 57°F; variable clouds and sun, breezy, few fat rain drops at 2100 for a Trace || Memorial Day - Let us never forget! 0630; 58°F, BAR 29.99 R; bright sun, windy w/ gusts to 25 MPH |
5/27/2014 |
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Memorial Day, 05/26: High 78°F, Low 57°F, Over-Night Low 49°F; sunny, windy || Tue, 0645; 53°F, BAR 30.10 S; sunny, calm |
5/28/2014 |
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Tue, 05/27: High 77°F, Low 49°F, Over-Night Low 54°F; sunny, breezy afternoon || Wed, 0705; 54°F, BAR 30.02 R; scattered clouds east & south, breezy |
5/29/2014 |
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Wed, 05/28: High 74°F, Low 54°F, Over-Night Low 49°F; variable clouds and sunshine, T-storms didn’t materialize, 1735-1755 light rain w/moderate rain last 5 minutes f/ 0.02 || Thu, 0645; 51°F, BAR 30.18 R; sunny, breezy |
5/30/2014 |
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Thu, 05/29: High 73°F, Low 49°F, Over-Night Low 50°F; sunny, breezy || Fri, 0650; 52°F, BAR 30.07 R; sunny, calm |
5/31/2014 |
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Fri, 05/30: High 78°F, Low 50°F, Over-Night Low 62°F; sunny, calm || Sat, 0705; 62°F, BAR 29.94 R; sunny w/ clouds to the east, calm |
6/1/2014 |
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Sat, 05/31: High 82°F, Low 62°F, Over-Night Low 62°F; sunny, breezy || Sunday, 0650; 62°F, BAR 29.97 R; sunny, calm |||| May 2014 summary: Precip 0.22 from 4 days & 3 days w/ a Trace; Snowfall 0.0. 2014 YTD Precip 2.60; CoCoRaHS shows 1,061 stations in WA (added 2 more in May) with 771 active. Benton County has 17 stations with 13 active. Hi, Faye |
6/2/2014 |
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Sunday, 06/01: High 83°F, Low 61°F, Over-Night Low 58°F; sunny, breezy at times || Mon, 0645; 59°F, BAR 29.86 S; sunny, calm |
6/3/2014 |
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Mon, 06/02: High 85°F in the shade, Low 58°F, Over-Night Low 64°F; sunny, calm || Tue, 0650; 66°F, BAR 29.79 R; sunny, calm |
6/4/2014 |
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Tue, 06/03: High 85°F in the shade, Low 64°F, Over-Night Low 61°F; sunny, breezy afternoon || Wed, 0715; 63°F, BAR 30.00 R; sunny, light breezes |
6/5/2014 |
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Wed, 06/04: High 87°F, Low 61°F, Over-Night Low 55°F; sunny, light breezes || Thu, 0645: 65°F, BAR 30.04 R; sunny, light breezes |
6/6/2014 |
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Thu, 06/05: High 82°F, Low 68°F, Over-Night Low 53°F; sunny, breezy at times || Fri, 0710: 62°F, BAR 30.03 R; scattered clouds, calm |
6/7/2014 |
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Fri, 06/06: High 84°F, Low 53°F, Over-Night Low 54°F; sunny with variable cloudiness || Sat, 0705: 66°F, BAR 30.03 R; mostly sunny, high thin clouds, light breeze |
6/8/2014 |
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Sat, 06/07: High 87°F, Low 54°F, Over-Night Low 58°F; sunny || Sunday, 0645: 67°F, BAR 30.10 R; sunny, calm; Hi, Jim |
6/9/2014 |
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Sunday, 06/08: High 87°F, Low 58°F, Over-Night Low 60°F; mostly sunny, high thin clouds; south Richland power outage 500 homes & some businesses 1425 - 1725, vehicle hit light pole & utility box || Mon, 0655: 68F, BAR 29.99 S; sunny, calm |
6/10/2014 |
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Mon, 06/09: High 88°F, Low 60°F, Over-Night Low 53°F; abundant sunshine, few variable clouds || Tue, 0710: 66°F, BAR 29.95 R; sunny, calm |
6/11/2014 |
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Tue, 06/10: High 84°F, Low 53°F, Over-Night Low 52°F; clouded over part of afternoon || Wed, 0650: 61°F, BAR 30.01 R; sunny, calm |
6/12/2014 |
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Wed, 06/11: High 84°F, Low 52°F, Over-Night Low 57°F; partly cloudy w/ high clouds || Thu, 0705: 62°F, BAR 29.72 R; mostly cloudy, calm, smells like rain but no precip |
6/13/2014 |
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Thu, 06/12: High 85°F, Low 57°F, Over-Night Low 53°F; clouds & sun, windy afternoon w/ blowing dust, Wind Speed SSW to W 21 G 32 MPH at Richland Airport || Fri, 0725: 62°F, BAR 29.85 R; partly cloudy, Wind Speed SW 13 G 18 MPH |
6/14/2014 |
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Fri, 06/13: High 68°F, Low 53°F, Over-Night Low 53°F; clouded over by mid morning, sporadic light rain 1100 - 1330 f/ 0.03, light rain to rain mist 1720-2100 f/ total of 0.07; first measurable precip in 15 days || Sat, 0650: 56°F, BAR 30.00 S; clouds & sun, windy |
6/15/2014 |
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Sat, 06/14: High 76°F, Low 53°F, Over-Night Low 54°F; mostly sunny, windy || Sunday, 0820: 62°F, BAR 29.83 S; mostly cloudy & weak sun, windy; late report - got wife’s fifth wheel out of storage to prep for summer get a ways; Happy Father's Day |
6/16/2014 |
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Sunday, 06/15: High 75°F, Low 54°F, Over-Night Low 48°F; clouds & sun, breezy, windy evening with shower at 1915 f/ 0.02 || Mon, 0640: 52°F, BAR 29.78 R; sunny, windy
6/17/2014 |
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Mon, 06/16: High 71°F, Low 48°F, Over-Night Low 50°F; variable clouds & sun, breezy; sprinkles at 1620, sunshine & 5 minute shower for 0.01 w/ distant peal of thunder at 1640; showers 1800, overnight, with last one at 0530 Tue f/ total 0.19 || Tue, 0700: 52°F, BAR 29.95 R; overcast, breezy; June 17th -- CoCoRaHS Day! … Happy Sweet Sixteenth Anniversary! |
6/18/2014 |
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Tue, 06/17: High 66°F, Low 50°F, Over-Night Low 55°F; overcast breezy, 1245 light rain off & on all afternoon then sprinkles at 1755 f/ 0.04, another 0.01 by 0030 Wed || Wed, 0705: 56°F, BAR 29.95 S; overcast, breezy |
6/19/2014 |
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Wed, 06/18: High 84°F, Low 55°F, Over-Night Low 58°F; sunny, light breezes || Thu, 0645: 62°F, BAR 29.93 R; sunny, breezy |
6/20/2014 |
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Thu, 06/19: High 88°F, Low 58°F, Over-Night Low 62°F; sunny, light breezes || Fri, 0655: 66°F, BAR 30.00 R; partly cloudy, sunny, breezy |
6/21/2014 |
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Sat, 06/21: Beautiful day for first day of summer. |
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Sunday, 06/22: We got back this afternoon from the weekend at Charbonneau Campground on the Snake River in the wife’s fifth wheel. It’s a beautiful park with lots of green lawns and room between most of the camping sites. Great start to the summer. Hi, Faye |
6/23/2014 |
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Sunday, 06/22: High 87°F, Low 51°F, Over-Night Low 54°F; sunny || Mon, 0650: 63°F, BAR 29.93 R; sunny, calm |
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Mon, 06/23: High 93°F, Low 54°F, Over-Night Low 62°F; sunny, high thin clouds during day then overcast evening || Tue, 0701: 62°F, BAR 30.01 R; overcast with blue sky N & W horizons, breezy; light rain 0430 – 0530 and sprinkles 0650 for 0.02 |
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Tue, 06/24: High 87°F, Low 62°F, Over-Night Low 59°F; sunny with various cloud cover || Wed, 0645: 65°F, BAR 29.95 S; scattered clouds, calm, beautiful sunrise at 0500 |
6/26/2014 |
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Wed, 06/25: High 81°F, Low 59°F, Over-Night Low 63°F; overcast & a muggy afternoon || Thu, 0659: 65°F, BAR 29.73 S; overcast, breezy, light rain to drizzle began 0515 for 0.01 |
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Thu, 06/26: High 80°F, Low 63°F, Over-Night Low 57°F; overcast w/ couple sun breaks, sprinkles began 1520; 1925 sun’s out and hard shower; total is much closer to 0.01 than a Trace; overnight + 0.01 f/ total 0.02 || Fri, 0705: 60°F, BAR 29.80 R; overcast, light breezes |
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Fri, 06/27: High 82°F, Low 57°F, Over-Night Low 59°F; sunny with various cloud cover || Sat, 0705: 62°F, BAR 29.92; sunny, gusty winds |
6/29/2014 |
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Sat, 06/28: High 82°F, Low 59°F, Over-Night Low 58°F; sunny with various cloud cover - cloudy, sunny, overcast - just wait and it changed again || Sunday, 0640: 60°F, BAR 30.04 R; mostly cloudy, calm; Hi, Jim |
6/30/2014 |
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Sunday, 06/29: High 80°F, Low 58°F, Over-Night Low 53°F; partly cloudy, breezy || Mon, 0655: 63°F, BAR 30.19 R; clear - not a cloud in the sky, calm |
7/1/2014 |
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Mon, 06/30: High 86°F, Low 53°F, Over-Night Low 58°F; sunny, light breezes || Tue, 0645: 65°F, BAR 30.00 R; sunny, calm |||| Jun 2014 summary: Precip 0.38 from 7 days & 0 days w/ a Trace; Snowfall 0.0; 2014 YTD Precip 2.98; CoCoRaHS shows 1,063 stations in WA (added 2 more in June) with 769 active. Benton County has 17 stations with 13 active. |
7/2/2014 |
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Tue, 07/01: High 95°F, Low 58°F, Over-Night Low 65°F; sunny, warmin’ up || Wed, 0705: 73°F, BAR 29.81 R; partly cloudy, calm |
7/3/2014 |
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Wed, 07/02: High 94°F, Low 65°F, Over-Night Low 68°F; mostly cloudy, summer’s here || Thu, 0655: 72°F, BAR 29.89 R; sunny, calm broken by light gusty winds |
7/4/2014 |
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Thu, 07/03: High 92°F, Low 68°F, Over-Night Low 63°F; thin broken clouds to mostly cloudy evening || Fri, 0650: 64°F, BAR 29.93 R; cloudy, breezy |||| Happy Birthday USA! |
7/5/2014 |
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Fri, 07/04: High 90°F, Low 63°F, Over-Night Low 68°F; cloudy with weak sunshine || Sat, 0635: 69°F, BAR 29.99 R; mostly cloudy, breezy |
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Sat, 07/05: High 96°F, Low 68°F, Over-Night Low 64°F; sunny, light winds || Sunday, 0655: 72°F, BAR 30.05 R; clear, calm |
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Sunday, 07/06: High 99°F, Low 64°F, Over-Night Low 71°F; mostly clear, breezy afternoon || Mon, 0705: 78°F, BAR 30.05 S; clear - not a cloud in the sky, calm |
7/8/2014 |
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Mon, 07/07: High 96°F, Low 71°F, Over-Night Low 66°F; clear, calm || Tue, 0645: 77°F, BAR 29.92 R; clear, calm |
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Tue, 07/08: High 99°F, Low 66°F, Over-Night Low 71°F; clear, calm || Wed, 0640: 73°F, BAR 29.83 R; mostly cloudy, calm; Subdivision irrigation pumps are BOTH out since July 3rd and will be out for at least several more days in this heat wave. Can’t post the word I have in mind nor what I think about the home owners association! |
7/10/2014 |
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Wed, 07/09: High 99°F, Low 71°F, Over-Night Low 65°F; sunny & hazy || Thu, 0655: 72°F, BAR 29.82 R; sunny with light smoky sky, calm |
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Thu, 07/10: High 95°F, Low 65°F, Over-Night Low 61°F; sunny, haze(smoke), light breezes || Fri, 0705: 69°F, BAR 29.89 R; More Of The Same (MOTS) as a TV forecaster in Denver, Colo, use to say twenty plus years ago |
7/12/2014 |
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Fri, 07/11: High 97°F, Low 61°F, Over-Night Low 68°F; partly cloudy, haze(smoke), could smell it in the evening || Sat, 0635: 71°F, BAR 30.00 R; mostly cloudy, calm; Beautiful full moon set behind cloud wisps at 0510 over Badger Mtn while on an early walk to beat the heat |
7/13/2014 |
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Sat, 07/12: High 103°F, Low 68°F, Over-Night Low 67°F; few clouds & light smoke apparent on horizons, HOT || Sunday, 0645: 72°F, BAR 30.03 R; NWS Triple digit Heat Advisory thru at least Thursday; || Hi, Faye |
7/14/2014 |
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Sunday, 07/13: High 100°F, Low 67°F, Over-Night Low 75°F; overcast afternoon held temperature down, but sun break ~1700 bumped it to 100°F, calm afternoon & windy early evening; Didn’t get any of the precip that radar & Richland Airport showed ~1950. || Mon, 0655: 77°F, BAR 29.95 R; Scattered clouds on horizons, calm |
7/15/2014 |
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Mon, 07/14: High 104°F, Low 75°F, Over-Night Low 69°F; partly cloudy, occasional breezes || Tue, 0645: 72°F, BAR 29.98 S; light haze/smoke, calm |
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Tue, 07/15: High 98°F, Low 69°F, Over-Night Low 71°F; hazy smoke w/ occasional breeze; my high temp is in the shade, but my wife’s car showed 102°F when she got home at 1700 || Wed, 0630: 75°F, BAR 29.88 R; light haze/smoke, calm; early entry before carpet cleaner technician arrives |
7/17/2014 |
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Wed, 07/16: High 105°F in shade, Low 71°F, Over-Night Low 74°F; blast furnace, smoky sky || Thu, 0650: 78°F, BAR 29.79 R; clear except for a bank of clouds or smoke haze NE horizon, breezy |
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Thu, 07/17: High 100°F in shade, Low 74°F, Over-Night Low 68°F; varied from partly to mostly cloudy and back again, breezy || Fri, 0640: 70°F, BAR 29.87 R; smoky skies made for “fiery” sunrise, breezy; today breaks a 7 day stretch of triple digit temps in the Tri-Cities |
7/19/2014 |
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Fri, 07/18: High 98°F in shade, Low 68°F, Over-Night Low 69°F; partly cloudy, smoky areas, windy || Sat, 0655: 72°F, BAR 29.92 R; partly cloudy, gusty strong breezes |
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Sat, 07/19: High 99°F in shade, Low 69°F, Over-Night Low 68°F; scattered clouds, windy || Sunday, 0705: 75°F, BAR 29.83 R; sunny, calm; Hi, Jim |
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Sunday, 07/20: High 90°F in shade, Low 68°F, Over-Night Low 60°F; overcast late morning to mostly cloudy, light breezes || Mon, 0745: 67°F, BAR 29.94 R; partly cloudy, light breeze; NWS weather at Richland Airport locked at 10:20 AM Sunday also not available on NOAA NWS Weather Radio WWF56, 162.450MHz |
7/22/2014 |
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Mon, 07/21: High 82°F in shade, Low 60°F, Over-Night Low 68°F; partly cloudy morning to overcast afternoon || Tue, 0700: 69°F, BAR 29.99 R; overcast, light rain 0600 - 0645 for a Trace, enough to cover bottom of gauge; started again at 0710; first precip since June 24th |
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Tue, 07/22: High 88°F in shade, Low 68°F, Over-Night Low 64°F; brief light rain 0710 for Trace plus sprinkles 1135 & 1930, again covered bottom of gauge; Total event before & after 0700 Tue was 0.01; partly cloudy afternoon || Wed, 0655: 68°F, BAR 29.93 F; sunny, partly cloudy, calm; Richland Airport station not fully functional - reporting heavy rain instead of fair skies |
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Wed, 07/23: High 83°F in shade, Low 64°F, Over-Night Low 56°F; variable cloudiness, front came thru 1430 & dropped temp from 83°F to 70°F, windy, 1930 - 2000 light rain f/ 0.02 || Thu, 0650: 59°F, BAR 30.12 R; sunny, windy (cold wind, but not complaining) |
7/25/2014 |
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Thu, 07/24: High 85°F in shade, Low 56°F, Over-Night Low 54°F; sunny, windy, hard to believe it’s late July || Fri, 0655: 60°F, BAR 30.10 R; sunny, calm; Joined CoCoRaHS just over 6 years ago & today is my 2nd year of daily observations. |
7/26/2014 |
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Fri, 07/25: High 89°F, Low 54°F, Over-Night Low 55°F; sunny, light breezes || Sat, 0705: 62°F, BAR 30.07 R; sunny, calm |
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Sat, 07/26: High 96°F, Low 55°F, Over-Night Low 58°F; sunny, calm || Sunday, 0645: 65°F, BAR 30.07 S; sunny, calm, not a cloud in the sky |
7/28/2014 |
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Sunday, 07/27: High 95°F, Low 58°F, Over-Night Low 72°F; clear morning to overcast late afternoon || Mon, 0655: 73°F, BAR 30.00 R; sunny, calm; Congratulations CSU Weather Station (home of CoCoRaHS) on its 140th anniversary of continuous daily observations. |
7/29/2014 |
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Mon, 07/28: High 105°F, Low 72°F, Over-Night Low 66°F (for just a few minutes ~0430); hot, hazy, calm || Tue, 0705: 72°F, BAR 29.99 R; sunny, calm |
7/30/2014 |
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Tue, 07/29: High 104°F, Low 66°F, Over-Night Low 74°F; hot, hazy, calm || Wed, 0635: 76°F, BAR 29.95 R; clouds & sun, calm; beautiful, fiery sunrise to begin another scorcher day |
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Wed, 07/30: High 106°F, Low 74°F, Over-Night Low 66°F; clouds & sun, calm || Thu, 0655: 70°F, BAR 29.98 R; clear calm |
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Thu, 07/31: High 98°F, Low 66°F, Over-Night Low 70°F; hot, hazy, light breezes || Fri, 0605: 70°F, BAR 29.91 R; mostly cloudy, calm; beautiful sunrise with multi layer of clouds; early report to get yard work done ahead of heat |||| July 2014 summary: Precip 0.02 from 1 day & 2 days w/ a Trace; Snowfall 0.0; 2014 YTD Precip 3.00; CoCoRaHS shows 1,070 stations in WA (added 7 more in July) with 775 active. Benton County has 17 stations with 13 active. |
8/2/2014 |
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Fri, 08/01: High 100°F, Low 70°F, Over-Night Low 67F; hot, hazy, variable cloudiness || Sat, 0705: 73°F, BAR 29.88 R; hazy, cloud bank NE |
8/3/2014 |
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Sat, 08/02: High 93°F, Low 67°F, Over-Night Lo 67°F; clouded over late morning, few sprinkles at 1420, peal of thunder 1430, weak sun break at 1615, 2000 - 2200 lightning & thunder, more sprinkles, < 0.01 in gauge || Sunday, 0655: 71°F, BAR 29.97 R; hazy, cloud bank NE again to “delay” sunrise; Hi, Faye |
8/4/2014 |
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Sunday, 08/03: High 99°F, Low 67°F, Over-Night Lo 67°F; partly cloudy, hazy (smoke?) || Mon, 0645: 67°F, BAR 29.86 R; hazy - smoke, calm, heavy dew on lawn - so much for mowing early to beat the heat |
8/5/2014 |
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Mon, 08/04: High 102°F, Low 67°F, Over-Night Lo 68°F; partly cloudy, haze / smoke; I’d wish for rain except for fear of lightning starting more fires. || Tue, 0655: 72°F, BAR 29.87 R; haze - smoke, calm |
8/6/2014 |
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Tue, 08/05: High 102°F, Low 68°F, Over-Night Lo 68°F; haze & smoke again || Wed, 0650: 69°F, BAR 29.96 R; no clouds but haze & smoke, breezy |
8/7/2014 |
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Wed, 08/06: High 97°F, Low 68/°F, Over-Night Lo 66°F; sunny but smoke haze || Thu, 0655: 68°F, BAR 29.95 R; smoke haze, breezy; 0415 very strong smoke smell - mostly dissipated by 0530 |
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Thu, 08/07: High 94°F, Low 66°F, Over-Night Lo 64°F; sunny, clear w/ few clouds || Fri, 0630: 68°F, BAR 29.91 R; partly cloudy, light breeze, smoke haze on horizon at sunup; early report so I can get yard work done |
8/9/2014 |
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Fri, 08/08: High 95°F, Low 64°F, Over-Night Lo 59°F; overcast morning, sunny afternoon || Sat, 0710: 64°F, BAR 30.04 R; sunny, calm |
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Sat, 08/09: High 93°F, Low 59°F, Over-Night Lo 60°F; variable cloudiness, calm || Sunday, 0645: 65°F, BAR 30.05 R; sunny, calm, smoke haze on horizon; Hi, Jim |
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Sunday, 08/10: High 99°F, Low 60°F, sunny, hazy, occasional light breeze || Mon, 0650: 65°F, BAR 29.97 R, Over-Night Lo 64°F; sunny, calm, smoke haze apparent with super moon this morning |
8/12/2014 |
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Mon, 08/11: High 99°F, Low 64°F, moderate smoke haze, sunny morning to mostly cloudy by mid afternoon || Tue, 0645 76°F, BAR 29.81 R, Over-Night Lo 76°F; mostly cloudy, calm; CoCoRaHS down for some of us - including me - 1400 back from dentist & CoCoRaHS is back up |
8/13/2014 |
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Tue, 08/12: Low 76°F at 0530, High 98°F, Low 71°F at 1630, 74°F at 2105, partly cloudy, smoke, calm; front hit Richland 1530 w/ gusts to 60 mph, light rain 0.02, || Wed, 0640 68°F, BAR 29.90 R, Over-Night Lo 64°F; sunny, smoke, calm; all local Wunderground weather stations offline |
8/14/2014 |
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Wed, 08/13: Low 64°F, High 89°F, partly cloudy then mostly cloudy, smoke, variable breezes during day; T-storm began 0010 Thu || Thu, 0650 62°F, BAR 29.93 F, Over-Night Lo 61°F; mostly cloudy, calm; last rainfall ~0430 for 0.19; no flooding here in south Richland but wife’s office parking lot in north Richland is flooded ("Minor") |
8/15/2014 |
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Thu, 08/14: Low 61°F, High 83°F, partly cloudy morning, mostly cloudy evening; heavy rain 2340 - 2350; We’ll be so glad when the exterior house painting is completed so we can see out the windows again! || Fri, 0645 63°F, BAR 29.97 S, Over-Night Lo 62°F; sunny with clouds, calm; 0.26 from last night’s event |
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Sunday, 08/17: Low 63°F, High 89°F, sunny but hazy, calm || Mon, 0645: 68°F, BAR 29.93 R, Over-Night Lo 64°F; sunny, smoke haze, calm |
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Mon, 08/18: Low 64°F, High 93°F, sunny but hazy, calm || Tue, 0655: 71°F, BAR 29.70 S, Over-Night Lo 66°F; cloudy, calm |
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Tue, 08/19: Low 66°F, High 95°F, clouds & sun, gettin’ breezy in the evening || Wed, 0650: 65°F, BAR 29.76 R, Over-Night Lo 68°F; Temp dropped from 69°F at 0500 to 65°F at 0650, partly cloudy, windy |
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Wed, 08/20: Low 65°F, High 88°F, variable clouds, windy || Thu, 0645: 62°F, BAR 29.91 R, Over-Night Lo 61°F; sunny, scattered thin clouds, light breeze |
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Thu, 08/21: Low 61°F, High 85°F, || Fri, 0700: 64°F, BAR 29.92 R, Over-Night Lo 62°F; |
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Fri, 08/22: Low 62°F, High 87°F, partly cloudy transitioned to mostly cloudy, sprinkles at 1415 & light rain at 1530 f/ 0.01 || Sat, 0650: 60°F, BAR 30.09 R, Over-Night Lo 59°F; sunny, clear, calm |
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Sat, 08/23: Low 59°F, High 86°F, beautiful late summer day || Sunday, 0655: 59°F, BAR 29.94 R, Over-Night Lo 58°F; lost sunshine to mostly cloudy skies, calm; Hi Faye |
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Sunday, 08/24: Low 58°F, High 89°F, sun and clouds || Mon, 0630: 58°F, BAR 29.96 R, Over-Night Lo 58°F; clear, sunny, calm; radar showed rain all around me Sunday evening, but all I have in the gauge is a small spider; early entry because of early appointment |
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Mon, 08/25: Low 58°F, High 88°F, sunny, no clouds, calm || Tue, 0650: 60°F, BAR 30.02 R, Over-Night Lo 59°F; clear, sunny, calm |
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Tue, 08/26: Low 59°F, High ~91°F (read 96, but sun’s moved enough south it must have hit my thermometer), sunny, hazy, calm || Wed, 0655: 61°F, BAR 29.99 R, Over-Night Lo 59°F; clear, sunny, calm |
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Wed, 08/27: Low 59°F, High 100°F, sunny, wind came up in afternoon || Thu, 0705: 71°F, BAR 29.97 R, Over-Night Lo 68°F; clear, sunny, light breeze |
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Thu, 08/28: Low 68°F, High 92°F, variable cloudiness, light breezes || Fri, 0650: 61°F, BAR 29.90 S, Over-Night Lo 60°F; sunny, calm, pretty sunrise; little late submitting report - computer hiccup, mouse took a recess |
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Fri, 08/29: Low 60°F, High 89°F, mostly cloudy by afternoon || Sat, 0705: 59°F, BAR 29.89 R, Over-Night Lo 60°F; sunny, calm; clouds made a beautiful sunset Friday night |
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Sat, 08/30: Low 59°F, High 81°F, Enjoyed Tumbleweed Music Festival & evening concert in spite of afternoon blowing dust with wind gusts up to 40 mph (blowing dust caused 50+ car pileup I-82 & US 395 just south of Kennewick) || Sunday, 0655: 59°F, BAR 29.97 R, Over-Night Lo 58°F; mostly cloudy, breezy; Hi, Jim |
9/1/2014 |
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Sunday, 08/31: Low 58°F, High 82°F, sunny, breezy || Monday, Labor Day, 0650: 57°F, BAR 30.04 R, Over-Night Lo 56°F; cloudless blue sky, calm |||| August 2014 summary: Precip 0.48 from 4 days & 1 day w/ a Trace; Snowfall 0.0; 2014 YTD Precip 3.48; CoCoRaHS lists 1,074 stations in WA (added 4 more in August) with 777 active. Benton County has 17 stations with 13 active. |
9/2/2014 |
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Mon, 09/01: Low 56°F, High 84°F, beautiful late summer day || Tue, 0655: 56°F, BAR 29.86 S, Over-Night Lo 54°F; sunny, calm |
9/3/2014 |
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Tue, 09/02: Low 54°F, High 86°F, sunny, evening winds w/ light dust along Badger Mtn || Wed 0650: 57°F, BAR 29.90 R, Over-Night Lo 56°F; partly cloudy, windy, gusts to 16 mph |
9/4/2014 |
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Wed, 09/03: Low 56°F, High 80°F, partly cloudy, breezy early part of day || Thu, 0705: 53°F, BAR 30.12 R, Over-Night Lo 50°F; cloudless sky, calm |
9/5/2014 |
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Thu, 09/04: Low 50°F, High 78°F, light haze, calm || Fri, 0645: 54°F, BAR 30.16 R, Over-Night Lo 51°F; cloudless sky, calm |
9/6/2014 |
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Fri, 09/05: Low 51°F, High 85°F, sunny, breezy afternoon || Sat, 0650: 51°F, BAR 30.09 R, Over-Night Lo 50°F; cloudless sky, calm |
9/7/2014 |
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Sat, 09/06: Low 50°F, High 87°F, cloudless sky, calm || Sunday, 0645: 51°F, BAR 29.88 R, Over-Night Lo 51°F; cloudless sky, calm; Thanks, Jim |
9/8/2014 |
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Sunday, 09/07: Low 51°F, High 89°F, another cloudless sky, calm day || Mon, 0605: 58°F, BAR 29.74 S, Over-Night Lo 58°F; clear, calm |
9/9/2014 |
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9/10/2014 |
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9/11/2014 |
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9/12/2014 |
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Thu, 09/11: Low 45°F, High 72°F, clear || Fri, 0655: 44°F, BAR 30.17 S, Over-Night Lo 43°F; cloudless sky, calm |
9/13/2014 |
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Fri, 09/12: Low 43°F, High 77°F, clear, calm || Sat, 0705: 48°F, BAR 30.05 S, Over-Night Lo 47°F; clear, calm |
9/14/2014 |
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Sat, 09/13: Low 47°F, High 80°F, clear, light breezes || Sunday, 0650: 46°F, BAR 29.98 R, Over-Night Lo 45°F; clear, calm; Hi, Faye |
9/15/2014 |
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Sunday, 09/14: Low 45°F, High 83°F, cloudless sky, calm, smoke “clouds” at sunset - from Trinidad, WA fire? || Mon, 0655: 49°F, BAR 29.98 R, Over-Night Lo 48°F; clear, calm; hope that’s more clouds than smoke on east horizon at sunrise |
9/16/2014 |
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Mon, 09/15: Low 48°F, High 83°F, thin clouds & light smoke from fire SE of Portland || Tue, 0650: 55°F, BAR 29.84 R, Over-Night Lo 55°F; partly cloudy, calm; pretty sunrise |
9/17/2014 |
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Tue, 09/16: Low 54°F, High 83°F, partly to mostly cloudy, calm || Wed, 0705: 61°F, BAR 29.74 S, Over-Night Lo 59°F; cloudy, calm |
9/18/2014 |
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Wed, 09/17: Low 59°F, High 82°F, variable clouds, weak sunshine, some smoke from Oregon? || Thu, 0635: 67°F, BAR 29.64 S, Over-Night Lo 64°F; cloudy, calm |
9/19/2014 |
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Thu, 09/18: Low 64°F, High 85°F, variable clouds & sun, windy afternoon w/ gusts to 25 MPH at Richland Airport || Fri, 0650: 62°F, Over-Night Lo 61°F; clear, light breezes |
9/20/2014 |
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Fri, 09/19: Low 61°F, High 85°F, sunny || Sat, 0720: 56°F, Over-Night Lo 55°F; clear,calm |
9/21/2014 |
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Sat, 09/20: Low 55°F, High 87°F, sunny, light breezes || Sunday, 0645: 55°F, Over-Night Lo 55°F; cloudless sky, calm; Happy 29th Anniversary to us; Hi, Jim |
9/22/2014 |
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Sunday, 09/21: Low 55°F, High 85°F, scattered high thin clouds & haze || Mon, 0655: 66°F, Over-Night Lo 59°F; clear with cloud banks on horizons, calm |
9/23/2014 |
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Mon, 09/22: Low 59°F, High 87°F, partly to mostly cloudy, breezy, Trace at 1125 to cover < 50% of sidewalk with drops / few more drops 1209 / sprinkles ~ 0100 || Tue, 0715: 64°F, Over-Night Lo 62°F; mostly cloudy, humid, and calm; total in rain gauge = 1 small dead spider and dust |
9/24/2014 |
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Tue, 09/23: Low 62°F, High 77°F, mostly cloudy, calm, sticky; light sprinkles 1815, few rain drops 2100 f/ another Trace || Wed, 0705: 66°F, Over-Night Lo 62°F; mostly cloudy, breezy |
9/25/2014 |
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Wed, 09/24: Low 62°F, High 71°F, overcast, breezy, sprinkles during afternoon & evening for Trace, clean gauge remained dry || Thu, 0640: 60°F, Over-Night Lo 60°F; overcast, calm ; 12 hours, 0 minutes of daylight today |
9/26/2014 |
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Thu, 09/25: Low 60°F, High 68°F, overcast, variable breezes, sun break 1745 || Fri, 0635: 57°F, Over-Night Lo 56°F; partly cloudy, breezy |
9/27/2014 |
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9/28/2014 |
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9/29/2014 |
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Sunday, 09/28: Low 55°F, High 79°F, sunny || Mon, 0645: 63°F, Over-Night Lo 63°F; mostly cloudy, breezy |
9/30/2014 |
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Mon, 09/29: Low 62°F, High 80°F, partly cloudy, sprinkles at 1948 & light shower at 2035 for 0.01+ || Tue, 0650: 53°F, Over-Night Lo 53°F; couple bands of clouds on E horizon, clear; cold, gusty SW wind |