Observation Date |
Observation Time |
Precipitation |
Snowfall |
Snowfall SWE |
Snow Depth |
Snow SWE |
Notes |
10/1/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.24 |
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41 degrees, low overcast - fog/clouds, valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 58 degrees, low 41, Temp was 52 at 7:00 AM dropped to 49 at noon followed by strong gusty winds to 25 mph peak gust, one brief heavy shower and periods of partly clear later. |
10/2/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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40 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 59 degrees, low 41; partly cloudy by 9:00 AM, back to mostly cloudy remainder of day. |
10/12/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.37 |
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40 degrees, partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T missed, low 40, cloudy to mostly cloudy all day, light shower morning, one thunderstorm afternoon with very close lightning strike and brief large pea sized hail; SE wind all day, one period of strong gusty wind, 23 mph, early afternoon. |
10/13/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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39 degrees, mostly clear, SW breeze. |
10/14/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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42 degrees, cloudy, light SE breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 65 degrees, low 39; mostly clear early, partly cloudy by 9:00 AM - complete cover of thin cirrostratus, clear I hour later and remainder of day; light SW breeze early then occasional variable light wind. |
10/15/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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44 degrees, cloudy, calm. As indicated we received no rain last night. Previous 24 hours: High T 63 degrees, low 42; mostly cloudy all day except occasional filtered sun afternoon; gusty SE and later SW winds. |
10/16/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.61 |
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43 degrees, overcast - fog/clouds, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 54 degrees, low 42; cloudy all day with periods of light to moderate rain afternoon then periods of drizzle through the night; winds mostly SE, two periods of strong gusts WNW. |
10/17/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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35 degrees, overcast - fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 61 degrees, low 35 degrees. |
10/18/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
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45 degrees - (41 earlier), cloudy - drizzle, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 53 degrees, low 35, overcast - (fog/clouds) morning, clear with sun at 1:15 PM, back to partly to mostly cloudy late afternoon; occasional light SW breeze. |
10/19/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
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45 degrees, overcast - fog/clouds; calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 58 degrees, low 45; cloudy light drizzle tapers to nothing in half hour, sunny by 1:30 PM - variable cloud cover remainder of day. |
10/20/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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39 degrees, dense fog - zero ceiling, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 57 degrees, low 39; overcast until 1:45 PM, then partly to mostly cloudy; occasional light S-SW wind. |
10/21/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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49 degrees, cloudy - light general fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T missed, low 39 degrees; clear late morning, clear to partly cloudy remainder of day. |
10/22/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.07 |
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41 degrees, partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 61 degrees. low 41, light shower early periods of rain later, no rain overnight. |
10/23/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.31 |
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49 degrees, cloudy - drizzle, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T missed, low 41 degrees; fog and filtered sun early, periods of partly clear mid-day, cloudy later, light to moderate rain overnight; gusty south winds to 15 mph early afternoon. |
10/24/2014 |
7:00 AM |
1.32 |
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42 degrees, cloudy - light general fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 51 degrees, low 42; cloudy, drizzle early then light to moderate rain to 3:30 PM, light showers during night; occasional southerly breeze. |
10/25/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
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42 degrees, dense fog, ceiling zero, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 52 degrees, low 41 - temp. dropped after 7:00 AM; cloudy to occasional filtered sun, light precipitation during night; occasional southerly breeze. |
10/26/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.21 |
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44 degrees, cloudy - light rain/drizzle, SW breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 54 degrees, low 41; dense fog early to cloudy by 10:00 AM - brief 15 second shower, partly cloudy for 45 minutes early afternoon, rain during night; gusty winds 4:00 AM. |
10/27/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.36 |
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37 degrees, mostly cloudy - light general fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 53 degrees, low 37, cloudy one period of filtered sun, periods of light rain to drizzle throughout day and night, occasional light wind. |
10/28/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
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32 degrees - (29 earlier), partly clear, light general fog, SW breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 47 degrees, low 29. |
10/29/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.77 |
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43 degrees - (40 earlier), cloudy light rain, light SWesterly breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 48 degrees, low 37; cloudy - mist/drizzle morning, rain during nigh;, mostly calm with occasional light SE to SW breeze. |
10/30/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.25 |
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44 degrees, fog/cloud overcast - ceiling 200', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 50 degrees, low 43; mostly cloudy with several brief periods of partly sunny - light rain early morning and evening; occasional light wind S-SW with gusty E wind afternoon. |
10/31/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
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43 degrees - (41 earlier), fog/cloud overcast - ceiling 150', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 51 degrees, low 41; mostly cloudy with occasional filtered sun - 2 short periods of mist/drizzle; occasional breeze. |
11/1/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
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44 degrees, cloud/fog overcast - ceiling 100', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 50 degrees, low 43; overcast - cloudy all day, short period of drizzle before midnight; occasional breeze. |
11/2/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.25 |
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42 degrees, cloudy/fog - light rain, calm. Previous5 24 hours: High T - 53 degrees, low 42; cloudy with a brief period of filtered sun, light rain started at 4:50 PM continued through night, occasional light wind. |
11/3/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.09 |
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39 degrees, overcast - light general fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 44 degrees, low 39; cloudy - one brief period of partly clear, light rain early and during night; occasional light southerly wind. |
11/4/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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45 degrees - (43 earlier), fog, calm. |
11/5/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.70 |
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44 degrees, mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 49 degrees, low 44; cloudy all day, persistent fog morning, intermittent light to moderate rain all day; SSW to W wind. |
11/6/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
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45 degrees, mostly cloudy, light breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 54 degrees, low 44, temp. dropped to45 by 10:30 PM then back up to 46 at midnight, (may have risen higher before dropping again); mostly cloudy to cloudy morning, mostly cloudy to partly cloudy afternoon - cloudy at dusk, two short periods of misty/drizzle; occasional light breeze. It was a beautiful day. Larch color on wane, more copper-tone. |
11/7/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.46 |
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44 degrees, partly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 54 degrees, low 44; cloudy - light rain late morning, light rain afternoon and sometime during night; SSW to west breeze, twigs and small branches indicate windy sometime during night. |
11/8/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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35 - (33 earlier), dense fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 52 degrees, low 33; cloudy most of day, occasional partly clear. |
11/9/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.06 |
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40 degrees -(38 degrees earlier), light rain, light SW wind. Previous 24 hours: High T 50 degrees, low 35; dense fog early, partly cloudy remainder of day, mostly cloudy at dusk; occasional SW to NW breeze. |
11/10/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.78 |
1.8 |
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2.0 |
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24 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 43, low 24; light to moderate rain through noon then occasional mist/drizzle, snow started about 10:30 PM;
SSW-W light wind morning and early afternoon, some insignificant wind during night. (measuring first "snow on ground" is a guessing game - warm ground, snow top of grass, etc., etc.) |
11/11/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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0.5 |
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11 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 33 degrees, low 12; clear morning, progressed to cloudy afternoon, light flurry about 9:00 PM. |
11/19/2014 |
7:00 AM |
T |
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15 degrees, partly cloudy - upslope fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 24 degrees, low 14; cloudy most of day, partly clear periods mid-day. |
11/20/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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22 degrees, partly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 32 degrees, low 15; partly cloudy morning - upslope fog, partly clear late afternoon; SW to NW light wind. Minuscule snow sometime during night. |
11/21/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.06 |
0.2 |
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0.2 |
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33 degrees, cloudy - upslope fog, light southerly wind. Previous 24 hours: High T 33 degrees, low 22; cloudy all day, afternoon - occasional drizzle or winter mix, more during night; occasional S-SW breeze, one period of NW wind. |
11/22/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.47 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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37 degrees, cloudy, southerly breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 37, low 33, T kept rising all day, to 37 about midnight; cloudy/foggy, periods of light rain/drizzle/snow - (winter mix); occasional variable wind, mostly southerly. |
11/23/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.04 |
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0.0 |
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37 degrees, partly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 41 degrees, low 35; intermittent partly clear and cloudy, periods of snow pellets morning, light winter mix early evening; variable gusty winds afternoon - southerly and N-NW. |
11/24/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.31 |
0.3 |
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0.2 |
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30 degrees, partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 38 degrees, low 30; cloudy light rain showers early, "winter mix" started about 11:00 AM continued most of afternoon and early evening; variable ESE to W
wind, occasional strong southerly. |
11/25/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.46 |
0.1 |
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0.2 |
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36 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High 37 degrees, low 30; cloudy - light rain, drizzle and winter (everything but sun); strong mostly southerly gusty winds. |
11/26/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.30 |
1.2 |
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1.3 |
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33 degrees, light snow, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 39 degrees, low 30; cloudy all day with exception of about 1 hour filtered sun, occasional light winter mix during day, snow overnight; wind mostly SE - 5-10 mph, brief NW and SW winds. |
11/27/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.31 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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38 degrees, overcast - fog/clouds, light drizzle, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 39 degrees, low 33; cloudy, light snow early, then winter mix, light rain and drizzle; wind mostly SE. Snow at site (south exposure) mostly bare ground. |
11/30/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.07 |
1.1 |
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0.9 |
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14 degrees, mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 35 degrees, low 14; cloudy upslope fog, pellet snow morning, heavy snow shower afternoon with strong gusty NW winds to 23 mph; morning winds were alternating SSE and NW and afternoon NW only. Bull River near bank-full. |
12/1/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.5 |
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9 degrees, partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 21 degrees, low 9; mostly cloudy early, partly clear at noon to partly cloudy; variable light wind. |
12/2/2014 |
7:00 AM |
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0.5 |
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12 degrees, mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 21 degrees, low 9; partly cloudy to mostly cloudy - brief light snow shower late afternoon; variable wind. |
12/3/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.5 |
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20 degrees, cloudy, light WNW wind to 6 mph. Previous 24 hours: High 27 degrees, low 12 degrees; mostly cloudy early, clear by 8:00 AM and remainder of day except partly cloudy at sunset - wispy cirrus; calm. |
12/4/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
0.1 |
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0.5 |
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22 degrees, cloudy - light snow, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 29 degrees, low 20; cloudy morning to partly cloudy afternoon; light wind morning, SSW wind afternoon. |
12/5/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.37 |
3.3 |
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3.9 |
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27 degrees - (26 degrees earlier), cloudy - light snow, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 29 degrees, low 22; cloudy intermittent snow showers; light variable wind. |
12/6/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
0.0 |
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3.3 |
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30 degrees, overcast - fog/clouds, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 33 degrees, low 27; light snow early, mist by noon, intermittent drizzle/mist afternoon. |
12/7/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.44 |
0.0 |
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2.5 |
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34 degrees, overcast - fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 36 degrees, low30; drizzle/mist all day, partly clear after sunset for beautiful full moon; occasional SE to SW breeze. |
12/8/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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1.5 |
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34 degrees, low overcast - fog/clouds, light variable breeze - E and WNW. Previous 24 hours: High T 41 degrees, low 34; fog all day, occasional brief periods of filtered sun; WNW - NW breeze. |
12/9/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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1.0 |
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34 degrees - (33 earlier), cloudy - upslope fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 38 degrees, low 33; overcast - fog/clouds; light variable breeze. |
12/10/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.31 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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38 degrees - high 39 during night, cloudy - dense fog, low overcast, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 39 degrees (during night), low 34; cloudy, occasional filtered sun, rained during afternoon and night; calm. |
12/11/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.16 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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37 degrees, dense fog - 100' ceiling, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 43 degrees, low 37; cloudy with brief period of drizzle/rain, partly clear to filtered sun afternoon, light to moderate rain after 11:00 PM, variable fog most of day; mostly calm. |
12/12/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.10 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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33 degrees, low overcast - fog/clouds, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 43 degrees, low 33; fog all day, fog evening and during night; mostly calm. |
12/13/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.18 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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36 degrees, cloudy, light NW breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 41 degrees, low 33; cloudy, light rain/drizzle started at 4:00 PM and continued most of night; NW breeze all day until rain started at about 4:00 PM. |
12/19/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.11 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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35 degrees, cloudy - fog and drizzle, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 37 degrees, low 33; cloudy - upslope fog, occasional periods of drizzle during day and periods of drizzle/light rain during night; mostly calm. |
12/20/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.35 |
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34 degrees; low overcast - fog - visibility less than 1/4 mile, ceiling 100', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 38 degrees, low 34; mostly calm morning, afternoon SE 5 mph. |
12/21/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.54 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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36 degrees, occasional clear spot, SSE wind 6 mph. Previous 24 hours: High T 38, low 34; overcast - fog/clouds, mist/drizzle morning, light to moderate rain late afternoon and night; ESE breeze. |
12/22/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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37 degrees, partly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 42, low 36; party clear early and late afternoon - dusk, cloudy and period of drizzle; Morning SSE wind to 7 mph, afternoon wind N-NW to 10 mph. |
12/23/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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27 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 45 degrees, low 28; partly cloudy early partly to clear by late afternoon; strong gusty NW wind to 20 - 25 mph. |
12/24/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.77 |
2.5 |
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2.0 |
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33 degrees, snowing hard, light NW breeze. Rained until sometime after 3:00 AM, then very heavy, wet snow. Difficult to measure accurately because hard surfaces (snow board) collected rain and snow melted. Snow on ground indicated more snow than snow board. |
12/25/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.22 |
1.6 |
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2.6 |
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31 degrees, cloudy, light westerly breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 35 degrees, low 31; cloudy - snow early, winter mix late morning;; light northerly wind. |
12/26/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.05 |
1.0 |
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3.7 |
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28 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 34 degrees, low 28; mostly cloudy - occasional spot of blue, late afternoon and evening light snow; light variable wind. |
12/27/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
0.2 |
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3.1 |
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28 degrees, cloudy; SSW wind - 10 mph. Previous 24 hours: High T 34 degrees, low 28; mostly cloudy some clear spots late afternoon. |
12/30/2014 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0 degrees , partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 18 degrees, low 0 degrees, partly clear early, partly cloudy mid-day, partly clear afternoon; light NW wind morning, Se breeze afternoon. |
1/1/2015 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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8.0 |
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0 degrees, partly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T - 18 degrees (very briefly), low 0 (zero); clear; variable breeze - SE to SW |
1/2/2015 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
0.1 |
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7.0 |
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18 degrees, cloudy - light snow; gusty SSW wind 10-15 mph. Previous 24 hours: High T 20 degrees, low -1 degrees; partly clear early, mostly clear mid-day, partly clear at sunset; occasional light variable wind. |
1/3/2015 |
7:00 AM |
0.04 |
0.8 |
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7.5 |
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23 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 24 degrees, low 18; cloudy, light snow showers morning and during night; gusty SSW winds to 10-15 mph all day - some drifting |
1/4/2015 |
7:00 AM |
0.06 |
1.5 |
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8.5 |
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26 degrees, cloudy - light snow, calm. Previous 24hours: High T 32 degrees, low 23; cloudy morning, mostly cloudy afternoon with occasional clear spots and/or filtered sun, started light snow about 9:45 PM; occasional southerly light wind gusts. |
1/5/2015 |
7:00 AM |
1.14 |
10.6 |
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17.5 |
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27 degrees - (26 earlier), cloudy, moderate wet snow, "mix", calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 31 degrees, low 26; cloudy, occasional light snow became moderate about 5:00 PM, heavy very fine snow over-night; variable, light SW - WNW wind. |
1/6/2015 |
7:00 AM |
0.91 |
0.4 |
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14.5 |
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34 degrees, cloudy - occasional mist, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 34 degrees, low 27; cloudy - wet snow (mix) early, mostly rain by 11:00 AM; high T at midnight; calm |
1/12/2015 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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11.5 |
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27 degrees, partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 33 degrees, low 26; mostly cloudy morning, partly cloudy periods afternoon; mostly calm. |
1/13/2015 |
7:00 AM |
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11.5 |
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27 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 34 degrees, low 26 degrees (early evening yesterday); intermittent cloudy and partly clear, apparently a few flakes during night; mostly calm. |
1/14/2015 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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11.5 |
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28 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 33 degrees, low 27; cloudy to filtered sun, couple spots of sun; mostly calm. |
1/15/2015 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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11.0 |
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27 degrees, overcast - fog/clouds, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 35 degrees, low 27; cloudy with occasional filtered sun; mostly calm with occasional light NW breeze. |
1/16/2015 |
7:00 AM |
0.24 |
2.5 |
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13.0 |
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30 degrees, cloudy - light snow, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 34 degrees, low 27; overcast morning, partly cloudy to clear afternoon; occasional light NW breeze. |
1/17/2015 |
7:00 AM |
0.09 |
0.2 |
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11.5 |
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30 degrees, overcast fog/clouds, light S breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 37 degrees, low 30; cloudy, light snow early, mix by 9:00 AM, light rain/drizzle by 10:00 AM, periods of partly clear afternoon; occasional breeze. |
1/18/2015 |
7:00 AM |
0.80 |
4.6 |
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18.0 |
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34 degrees, cloudy - fog - drizzle, gusty wind to 8 mph. Previous 24 hours: High T 36 degrees, low 30 - (Sat. morning); cloudy, filtered sun, light snow late afternoon, increased to moderate wet, heavy snow during night, winter mix by 4:00 AM, mostly rain by 6:00 AM; occasional variable breeze.
Measured snow twice, would have been much more had I measured every hour. |
1/19/2015 |
7:00 AM |
0.08 |
0.0 |
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12.5 |
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35 degrees, cloudy - light drizzle, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 43 degrees, low 34; overcast - clouds/fog - winter mix then rain only morning, cloudy afternoon light rain started 8:00 PM for 25"; strong gusty winds - electric out for two hours. |
1/20/2015 |
7:00 AM |
0.05 |
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11.5 |
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30 degrees, overcast - fog/clouds - ceiling 500', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 39 degrees, low 30; cloudy morning, periods of partly clear afternoon, occasional light drizzle throughout day, brief pellet snow early evening. |
1/21/2015 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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11.5 |
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28 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 35 degrees, low 28; overcast early, filtered sun by 10:30 AM, partly clear afternoon; occasional light NW breeze. |
1/22/2015 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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11.0 |
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22 degrees - (19 earlier), partly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 36, low 19; cloudy early, partly cloudy by 10:45 AM, clear at sunset; occasional light wind. |
1/23/2015 |
7:00 AM |
T |
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11.0 |
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32 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 35 degrees, low 22; partly clear early to clear afternoon and cloudy late afternoon and night, a few flakes at 6:45 PM; occasional light breeze. |
1/24/2015 |
7:00 AM |
0.63 |
0.0 |
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10.5 |
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38 degrees (36 earlier), cloudy, light S wind. Previous 24 hours: High T 38 degrees, low 32; cloudy to partly cloudy, light rain about 6:00 PM; gusty winds early morning. |
1/25/2015 |
7:00 AM |
0.14 |
0.0 |
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9.5 |
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39 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 48 degrees, low 38; cloudy to partly clear, misty/drizzle started 4:15 PM then later (9:30 PM), moderate rain; light wind most of day SE to SSW. |
1/26/2015 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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7.5 |
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33 degrees - (32 earlier), dense fog overcast - visibility less than 1/4 mile, ceiling 200', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 47 degrees, low 32; cloudy early to partly cloudy afternoon; occasional variable light wind. |
1/27/2015 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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7.5 |
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30 degrees, fog overcast, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 47 degrees, low 30; dense fog early, partly cloudy by 11:00 AM, clear late afternoon. Occasional variable breeze. River stage rising moderately. |
1/28/2015 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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7.0 |
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29 degrees, cloudy and fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 37 degrees, low 29; fog most of morning to partly clear afternoon, clear late; light breeze. |
1/29/2015 |
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30 degrees, fog overcast, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 39 degrees,low 29; fog morning, afternoon - partly clear to partly cloudy; occasional breeze. Lower southern exposures of surrounding mountains bare. |
1/30/2015 |
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29 degrees, fog overcast, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 37 degrees - (brief late, afternoon), low 25 - (early AM, before 7:00 AM); fog overcast morning, partly cloudy to clear afternoon; occasional light breeze. |
1/31/2015 |
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30 degrees - (27 degrees earlier), partly clear, variable light wind. Previous 24 hours: High T 36 degrees, low 27; fog/cloud overcast morning, partly cloudy to clear afternoon, very light snow flurry - 7:30 to 7:50 AM; occasional SSE-S breeze. |
2/2/2015 |
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28 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 35 degrees, low 27; cloudy - light snow flurry about 11:00 AM and again late afternoon; occasional light SSW wind. |
2/3/2015 |
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34 degrees, cloudy - light drizzle, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 36 degrees, low 28; cloudy most of day, filtered sun at 1:00 PM, drizzle started 4:45 PM continued and increased to moderate rain during night; breeze during day, gusty winds accompanied advent of precip. |
2/4/2015 |
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33 degrees - (32 earlier), fog overcast, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 41 degrees, low 32; cloudy with occasional filtered sun, several short periods of light drizzle; variable breeze. |
2/5/2015 |
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34 degrees, fog overcast - ceiling 300', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 43 degrees, low 33; cloudy early to filtered sun and partly cloudy late afternoon, light rain started at 6:00 PM; variable SE - SW breeze afternoon. |
2/6/2015 |
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39 degrees, fog/cloud overcast - light rain, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 41, low 34; light rain started 7:55 AM and continued at various intensity most of day with one short filtered sun period; southerly wind to 12 mph afternoon. Bull River stage up approx. 18" |
2/7/2015 |
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36 degrees, cloudy - upslope fog - light rain, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 47 degrees, low 36; fog, sometimes dense, most of day, variable rain all day; occasional light wind. Bull River - bank-full, however, bank-full is a nebulous term on the Bull R. |
2/8/2015 |
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41 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 46 degrees; cloudy, variable fog, rain intermittently all day; occasional light wind. Bull River Bank-full most areas. |
2/16/2015 |
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24 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 51 degrees, low 24; partly clear early, partly cloudy remainder of day; southerly winds all day up to 14 mph. |
2/17/2015 |
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20 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 48 degrees, low 20; clear morning, partly cloudy afternoon; occasional southerly breeze. Like a beautiful Spring day. |
2/18/2015 |
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21 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 47 degrees, low 20; clear to partly cloudy afternoon; occasional southerly breeze afternoon. |
2/19/2015 |
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30 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 47 degrees, low 21; mostly cloudy to partly cloudy after 8:00 AM, mostly cloudy late afternoon; occasional southerly breeze. |
2/20/2015 |
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27 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 45 degrees, low 27; cloudy to partly clear; light E wind afternoon. |
2/21/2015 |
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32 degrees, partly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 49 high, low 27;cloudy early to partly cloudy afternoon - brief mist period late afternoon; wind to 8 mph late afternoon. |
2/22/2015 |
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15 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T missed, low 15 degrees; partly clear to cloudy then partly clear - light to heavy snow with winds to 22 mph briefly at 9:00 AM; SSW moderate winds remainder of day.
2/23/2015 |
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14 degrees, partly cloudy, SE wind. Previous 24 hours: High T 40 degrees, low 14; clear to partly cloudy; occasional variable breeze. |
2/24/2015 |
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23 degrees, mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 43 degrees, low 14; partly cloudy; SE wind most of day. |
2/25/2015 |
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20 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 50 degrees, low 20; mostly cloudy to partly clear; occasional light SE wind throughout day. |
2/26/2015 |
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27 degrees, mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 50 degrees, low 19 (dropped 1 degree after 7:00 AM); clear morning, partly cloudy afternoon; S-SE wind throughout day. Beautiful Day |
4/25/2015 |
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33 degrees, partly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: missed high, low 33 degrees; cloudy to partly cloudy, a few drops of rain; occasional gusty winds to 10 mph. |
4/26/2015 |
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Missed 7:00 temp., partly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 63 degrees, low 33; partly clear to cloudy, two periods of light sprinkle, light rain 4:30 to 5:15 PM; gusty winds. |
4/27/2015 |
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28 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 63 degrees, low - (missed); mostly to partly couple, 3 drops of rain from one small dark cloud; occasionally a southerly breeze. |
4/29/2015 |
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49 degrees, cloudy - light rain, NW breeze - about 6 mph. Previous 24 hours: High T 80 degrees, low 33; clear late afternoon then partly cloudy - a few wispy cirrus; occasional light variable wind. |
4/30/2015 |
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32 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 65 degrees, low 32; light rain early - clear by mid-morning - partly cloudy late afternoon; light NW winds early, strong (to 25 mph) winds mid-morning to early afternoon, light N winds late afternoon. |
5/1/2015 |
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40 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T - missed, low 32 degrees; clear early. partly cloudy - 10:00 AM, mostly cloudy - 12:30 PM, clear at sunset; occasional light wind, calm at sunset. |
5/2/2015 |
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38 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 73, low 38; cloudy early, cloudy - filtered sun by 9:30 AM, partly cloudy to mostly cloudy by 5:30 PM; gusty winds late morning and afternoon to 25-30mph late afternoon. |
5/3/2015 |
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29, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T (missed), low 29 degrees (this morning), clear to partly cloudy; occasional light wind. Very dry for 1st week of May. |
5/12/2015 |
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46 degrees, cloudy, gusty SE wind. Previous 24 hours: High 72 degrees, low 44; cloudy early, clear to partly cloudy most of day then mostly cloudy at sunset; gusty southerly wind afternoon to 15 mph. |
5/13/2015 |
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47 degrees, cloudy, light continued drizzle. Previous 24 hours: High T 70 degrees, low 46 degrees; cloudy early with light gusty SE wind, mid-day partly clear with strong SE to SW gusty wind; cloudy with 6 drops of rain late afternoon, SW wind. |
5/14/2015 |
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46 degrees, cloud/fog overcast, calm. Previous 24 hours: High 57 degrees, low 46; cloudy light precip. early, filtered sun 10:30 AM to light rain by 1:00 PM, drizzle and mist with brief periods of filtered sun late afternoon, no rain during night; mostly calm. |
5/15/2015 |
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41 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T missed, low 41 degrees; low cloud/fog overcast early, filtered sun and partly clear later; occasional light variable wind. |
5/16/2015 |
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50 degrees, partly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 68 degrees, low 41; cloudy early, partly cloudy to cloudy remainder of day - two periods of "6 drops" from a dark cloud; mostly calm - several periods of breeze. |
5/17/2015 |
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45 degrees, partly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 68 degrees, low 45; mostly cloudy morning to partly clear afternoon: mostly calm. |
5/18/2015 |
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37 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 72 degrees, High T 72 degrees, low 37; partly clear early to partly cloudy afternoon and clear at sunset; light variable wind mid-day, strong gusty winds late afternoon. Very dry, walking around in sandals on the flood plain where normally this time of year I would need hip boots. The peak flow was back in Feb. and/or March. |
5/19/2015 |
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38 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High 72 degrees, low 37; clear early, partly cloudy most of day; light variable wind morning, occasional strong gusty easterly wind afternoon. |
5/20/2015 |
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42 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 74 degrees, low 38; clear through mid-day, partly cloudy late afternoon; light wind morning, strong gusty winds late afternoon. |
5/21/2015 |
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40 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours; High T 80 degrees, low 40; partly cloudy most of day; light southerly wind. |
5/22/2015 |
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44 degrees, partly cloudy - (cirrus), calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 83 degrees, low 40; mostly clear morning, mostly cloudy afternoon; light gusty southerly (SW) wind afternoon. |
5/24/2015 |
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43 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 83 degrees, low 43; cloudy early - (stratus); strong gusty southwesterly winds afternoon, gusts to 20 mph. |
5/25/2015 |
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55, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 86 degrees - briefly, low 43; partly cloudy most of day, periods of mostly cloudy late afternoon, cloudy at sunset; occasional southwesterly wind afternoon. |
5/26/2015 |
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45 degrees, mostly cloudy - light general fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T (missed), low 45 degrees; cloudy most of day, partly clear late afternoon, light rain started 7:15 AM; occasional light wind. |
5/27/2015 |
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46 degrees, partly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 72, low 45; cloudy morning, light general fog, to partly cloudy late afternoon, occasional drops of rain morning, not measureable; southerly winds afternoon. |
5/28/2015 |
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52 degrees, partly clear, dense general fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 80 degrees, low 45; intermittently partly to mostly cloudy, two light sprinkles from dark cloud after noon, rain during night; occasional light S - SW wind. |
5/29/2015 |
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55 degrees, overcast of fog/clouds, 500' ceiling, calm.
Previous 24 hours: High T 80 degrees, low 52; partly clear - dense general fog early, cloudy afternoon, partly cloudy at dusk, thunderstorm started about 3:50 PM, light rain about 4:30 PM preceded by strong gusty wind. |
5/30/2015 |
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57 degrees, cloudy - drizzle, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 82 degrees, low 55; overcast early, partly to mostly cloudy with several drops of rain during day, rain and thunderstorm after midnight; mostly calm to midnight. |
5/31/2015 |
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50 degrees, general fog overcast - ceiling 200', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 77 degrees, low 50; cloudy - drizzle to 8:00 AM, gradual clearing through day with occasional thunderhead and sprinkle, distant thunder 5:00 to 7:00 PM; mostly clear at sunset; occasional breeze. |
6/2/2015 |
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56 degrees, overcast - fog/clouds, light rain, calm. |
6/8/2015 |
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55 degrees, clear, calm. |
6/9/2015 |
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54 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 96 degrees, low 54; clear; gusty winds to 12 mph afternoon. |
6/10/2015 |
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48 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 96 degrees, low 48; clear early, thin - cirrus partly cloudy by 7:30 AM and through the day; light wind after noon. |
6/11/2015 |
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53 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 92 degrees, low 48; clear early, partly cloudy by 9:30 AM; gusty winds afternoon. |
6/12/2015 |
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59 degrees, clear, strong (18 mph) gusty W-NW wind. Previous 24 hours: High T 88 degrees, low 53; clear to partly cloudy; strong (20 mph) gusty W-NW winds afternoon. |
6/13/2015 |
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38 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 81 degrees, low 38; day started clear with strong gusty W - NW wind, became partly cloudy and stronger winds. Between 5:00 and 8:00 PM winds over 25 mph, much tree debris and some forest roads closed by down trees. |
6/14/2015 |
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40 degrees, partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 73 degrees, low 38; clear early morning, partly cloudy rest of day; gusty winds afternoon. |
6/15/2015 |
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46 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 82 degrees, low 40; partly cloudy most of day; occasional light wind afternoon. |
6/16/2015 |
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46 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 83 degrees, low 45; clear early then partly cloudy by mid-morning and clear again at sunset; occasional light wind afternoon. |
6/17/2015 |
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49 degrees, partly cloudy - (thin cirrus), light variable breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T - 88 degrees, low 45;clear early, partly cloudy most of day, mostly cloudy at dusk - (cirrostratus); occasional light breeze. |
6/18/2015 |
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50 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T - 89 degrees, low 49; partly cloudy morning with short periods of mostly cloudy after noon, clear at sunset; strong gusty southerly wind afternoon. Gusty winds amplifying drying effect. Conditions "crisp." |
6/19/2015 |
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53 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 85 degrees, low 50; cloudy early, partly cloudy late morning, clear at sunset; gusty southerly wind late afternoon. |
6/20/2015 |
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45 degrees, partly cloudy, light breeze. Previous 24 hours: High T 80 degrees, low 45; partly cloudy to mostly cloudy periods after noon; by mid-morning and through afternoon - occasional strong, gusty southerly wind.
Drought observation: Using reliable data from the previous 7 years for the period of April 29 through June 19 for an average, this site has received 27% of average precipitation. |
6/21/2015 |
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42 degrees, mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 76 degrees, low 43; partly cloudy morning to mostly cloudy late afternoon; occasional light gusty wind. |
6/22/2015 |
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42, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 86 degrees, low 43; partly cloudy early to mostly cloudy at sunset; occasional gusty wind. |
6/23/2015 |
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46 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 87 degrees, low 42; clear early, partly cloudy mid-morning through late afternoon then mostly cloudy; occasional light wind. |
6/24/2015 |
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48 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T - 88 degrees, low 46; clear early, partly cloudy by 10:00 AM, periods of mostly cloudy after noon; occasional gusty wind. |
6/25/2015 |
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56 degrees, mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T66 degrees, low 48; cloudy early, partly cloudy by 9:00 AM, cloudy at 4:00 PM and continued; occasional light variable wind. |
6/26/2015 |
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52 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 93 degrees, low 53; mostly cloudy early, partly cloudy by 9:30; occasional wind after noon. |
6/28/2015 |
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58 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 102 degrees, low 54; clear morning, partly cloudy (cirrus) afternoon; occasional light variable wind. |
6/29/2015 |
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66 degrees, cloudy, mostly calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 104 degrees low 58; clear early, intermittent partly cloudy (cirrus) and clear after 10:30 AM; mostly calm. |
6/30/2015 |
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61 degrees, fog - overcast, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 91 degrees; cloudy early to mostly cloudy mid-day and partly cloudy late afternoon, two periods of several drops. |
7/9/2015 |
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51 degrees, filtered sun - (clouds/smoke?), calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 96 degrees, low 51; clear morning, few clouds by 2:00 PM, partly cloudy late afternoon on; occasional breeze. |
7/10/2015 |
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53 degrees, mostly cloudy - (clouds and smoke), calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 99, low 51; clear late morning, partly cloudy periods after noon, clear at sunset; occasional light wind. |
7/11/2015 |
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63 degree, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 98 degrees, low 53 degrees; mostly cloudy early morning, partly cloudy late morning through early afternoon then mostly cloudy to sunset. Rain started approx. 1:30 AM; strong gusty winds late morning through early afternoon. This is the FIRST measureable precip. in 37 days. |
7/12/2015 |
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63 degrees, mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 70 degrees, low 63; cloudy to late afternoon then mostly cloudy, rain started 1:10 PM; occasional light variable wind. |
7/13/2015 |
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59 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 84 degrees, low 59; cloudy morning, partly cloudy after noon; occasional light variable wind. Ten drops of rain from a dark cloud. |
7/14/2015 |
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56 degrees - (54 earlier), mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 85 degrees, low 54; cloudy morning and partly cloudy mid-day, thunder 1:10 PM, rain 1:25, main body of storm west of this site; occasional wind - west quadrant. |
7/15/2015 |
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50 degrees - (49 earlier), clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 84 degrees, low 49; clear early to partly cloudy mid-morning to clear at noon then partly to mostly cloudy remainder of afternoon; strong gusty WNW wind early afternoon. |
7/16/2015 |
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51 degrees, cloudy calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 86 degrees, low 50; clear early to partly cloudy mid-morn then partly to mostly cloudy afternoon; strong gusty WNW wind early afternoon. |
7/17/2015 |
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42 degrees, partly cloudy - cirro-stratus, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 78 degrees, low 42; cloudy early, partly to mostly cloudy later, brief light sprinkle from one dark cloud; occasional gusty wind. |
7/18/2015 |
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52 degrees - (50 degrees earlier), mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 74 degrees, low 42; partly cloudy early then varied from partly cloudy to cloudy; occasional strong gusty winds after noon. |
7/19/2015 |
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49 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 87 degrees, low 49; mostly cloudy to cloudy; light wind. |
7/20/2015 |
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56 degrees, mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 94 degrees, low 49; clear early, partly cloudy by noon; gusty winds afternoon. |
7/21/2015 |
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52 degrees, clear, strong gusty wind. Previous 24 hours: High T 93 degrees, low 52; mostly cloudy early, then partly cloudy to clear; strong gusty wind after noon. |
7/22/2015 |
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53 degrees, partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 89 degrees, low 52; clear early with strong gusty winds at 7:00 AM (earlier than has been), clear to partly cloudy (cirrus) through the day; strong gusty winds to 20 mph. |
7/23/2015 |
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43 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 82, low 43, partly cloudy early to clear; gusty wind E to SSW started 9:00 AM. |
7/24/2015 |
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43 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 86 degrees, low 43; clear early, partly cloudy at noon and remainder of day; moderate gusty winds by 10:00 AM.
Drought Comment: 53 day period with .47" precip. Average High temp. over that period - 88 degrees. Vegetation appears green but it is "Brittle Green."
Bull River is as low as ever observed over 45 year period and that observation was the latter part of August. Talked to USFS about changing Fire danger rating from "Very High" to "Extreme", which it is in surround area, and their comment was: "It will get worse in August and if we are already at the highest rating then what are we going to call it at that point." WOW! If the pail is full are we just going to not say the pail is full and keep pouring water into it? I fail to comprehend their logic. |
7/25/2015 |
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52 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 82 degrees, low 46; clear morning, partly cloudy after noon; gusty wind started 9:30 AM, strong gusts - to 30 mph after noon. |
7/26/2015 |
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56 degrees, mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 78 degrees, mostly cloudy morning to cloudy after noon, light rain 3:25 PM, continued intermittent; moderate gusty winds. |
7/27/2015 |
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48 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 76 degrees, low 48; mostly cloudy early, partly cloudy by 9:00 AM and thereafter; moderate gusty wind by 7:30 AM. |
7/28/2015 |
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46 degrees, fog/cloud overcast, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 72 degrees, low 46; cloudy early then mostly cloudy to cloudy later; showers started 7:00 PM and continued intermittently; strong gusty wind started 1:00 PM.
Moderate to heavy rain south 7 miles and north 10-15 miles. This has been a persistent pattern of precip. the last 6 weeks. |
7/29/2015 |
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44 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 80 degrees, low 44 degrees; cloud/fog overcast early, clear by 8:30 AM, partly cloudy after noon , clear by sunset; light gusty wind afternoon. |
7/30/2015 |
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45 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 87 degrees, low 44; periods of partly cloudy after noon clear at sunset; occasional moderate wind. |
7/31/2015 |
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46 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 96 degrees, low 45 degrees; clear all day; moderate wind. |
8/1/2015 |
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46 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 101 degrees, low 46 degrees; clear; occasional moderate wind gusts. |
8/2/2015 |
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48 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 101 degrees, low 46; clear until 6:00 PM then partly cloudy until clear at sunset; occasional breeze. |
8/3/2015 |
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53 degrees, mostly cloudy and smoke, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 97 degrees, low 48; smoke overcast - filtered sun; occasional light wind. |
8/4/2015 |
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62, mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 93 degrees, low 53; mostly cloudy early, partly cloudy most of day with smoke filtered sun, dense smoke late afternoon, cloudy after sunset - no precip; occasional moderate wind. |
8/5/2015 |
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56 degrees, partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 86 degrees, low 56; clear most of day, partly cloudy at sunset; strong ( 25 + mph) gusty winds morning. |
8/6/2015 |
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55degrees, mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 86, low 55; partly cloudy early then clear most of day, partly cloudy at sunset; strong gusty winds, gusts 25+ mph morning. |
8/14/2015 |
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55 degrees, partly cloudy with smoke, calm. Previous 24 hours: Thunderstorm with much lightning, little rain. Five fires within 1-1/2 miles of site. |
8/15/2015 |
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64 degrees, cloudy/smoke, light easterly wind. Previous 24 hours: High T 95 degrees, low 55 degrees - (Friday morning); morning partly cloudy and smoke, a few intermittent drops of rain several times during afternoon; light variable wind starts at 11:45 AM and velocity increases through early evening.
thunderstorm, mostly lightning, evening of 8/14 started many small fires, (12 in Bull River Valley and many others just out of this drainage). No fire fighting personnel and one copter shows at 10:00 AM. All resources on other incidents. |
8/16/2015 |
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46 degrees, smoke overcast - ceiling 300', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T (missed), low 46; cloudy/smoke early, partly cloudy later, smoke conditions improve; moderate south wind after noon, wind highly variable later.
late afternoon Sikorsky sky crane working fires on south aspect and valley floor close to structures. does not get to ours before darkness. Our fire not moving down slope, we decide to stay another day/night. |
8/17/2015 |
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50 degrees, partly cloudy/smoke, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 79 degrees, low 46; smoke overcast - ceiling 300' early, later - partly cloudy with dense smoke mid-day; light gusty wind. Fire spreading and moving down mountain. Sky crane dumping for 2 hours late afternoon. Did cool a bit and slowed downhill spread. |
8/18/2015 |
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46 degrees, cloudy/smoke overcast - ceiling 400', calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 85 degrees, low 46 (this morning); Sky obscured by smoke most of day; occasional light to moderate wind.
Fire within 100' of valley floor, 450 yards from our deck. Humongous flare-ups last night about 9:30 PM. |
9/8/2015 |
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46 degrees, fog/cloud overcast - ceiling 400', calm. Previous 24 hours: high T (missed), low 45 degrees; cloudy morning, cloudy to mostly cloudy after noon with intermittent showers; occasional light variable wind.
Have been absent from reports due to fire evacuation - unfortunate and frustrating but interesting experience. |
9/9/2015 |
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44 degrees, partly cloudy = upslope fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 68 degrees, low 46; cloudy early, partly to mostly cloudy after noon; occasional light gusty winds. |
9/10/2015 |
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43 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 77 degrees, low 43; partly cloudy; occasional moderate , southerly, gusty wind. Air clear - no smoke. |
9/11/2015 |
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45 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 81 degrees, low 43; clear early, partly cloudy after noon, light smoke after noon; occasional moderate wind after noon. |
9/12/2015 |
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45 degrees, clear - valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 86 degrees, low 45; clear all day; mostly calm. |
9/13/2015 |
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46 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 89 degrees, low 45; mostly clear all day; occasional moderate gusty winds after noon. |
9/15/2015 |
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48 mostly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: Missed high T, low 48; cloudy to mostly cloudy morning, two periods of filtered sun afternoon; few drops of precip. late afternoon and again early evening; occasional light gusty wind. |
9/16/2015 |
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38 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 63 degrees, low 38; mostly cloudy morning, partly cloudy after noon; occasional strong gusty southerly wind after noon |
9/17/2015 |
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36 degrees, partly clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 62 degrees, low 36; cloudy morning to clear at sunset; occasional moderate gusty winds after noon. |
9/18/2015 |
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48 degrees, cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 62 degrees, low 38; partly clear to partly cloudy, few occasional sprinkles during day, light shower some during night; occasional light wind. |
9/19/2015 |
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41 degrees, partly cloudy - valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 64 degrees, low 41; cloudy morning with occasional drizzle, partly clear after noon to clear late evening; occasional light wind afternoon. |
9/21/2015 |
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63 degrees - (62 degrees later), cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 72 degrees, low 53; partly cloudy to cloudy periods after noon; very strong gusty winds (mostly northerly) afternoon and evening. |
9/22/2015 |
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39 degrees - (38 later), clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 78 degrees, low 39; cloudy early, partly cloudy most of day, clear at sunset; occasional moderate gusty wind.
Interesting clouds yesterday - cumulus (congestus?) with considerable vertical development, with two layers of cirrus above the cumulus with one layer at right angle to the other giving the impression of strong shear wind at that high elevation. |
9/23/2015 |
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43 degrees, clear, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 74 degrees, low 35; clear early, cloudy mid-day, partly cloudy later; occasional light wind. |
9/24/2015 |
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39 degrees, clear, light valley fog calm. Previous 24 hours: High 77 degrees, low 33 (26 degrees in our lower meadow, frost pocket); clear most of day; calm and smoky until middle afternoon then light wind cleared smoke. |
9/25/2015 |
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37 degrees, clear - light smoke and light valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 77 degrees, low 37; clear early to partly clear at sunset; calm and bad smoke until midafternoon breeze that cleared smoke. Several hot spots and remote fires.
9/26/2015 |
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41 degrees, partly cloudy, calm. Previous 24 hours: High T 83 degrees, low 37; clear early, cloudy late morning, clear after sunset; occasional light breeze after noon. Very smoky morning. |
9/27/2015 |
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32 degrees (first frost), clear - some smoke, valley fog, calm. Previous 24 hours: High 69 degrees, low 32; partly cloudy to mostly cloudy, clear after sunset, 5 drops of rain; occasional southerly breeze. |