Station Overview Station Location
Station Number CO-GF-73 Latitude 39.4408302307129
Station Name Glenwood Springs 7.2 S Longitude -107.314888000488
County Garfield Elevation (ft) 6914

Month 30 Yr Avg by PRISM Total Prcp Sum Days Covered By All Observations Daily Prcp Sum Daily Observation Count Multiday Prcp Sum Days Covered by Multiday Observations Multiday Observation Count Days With Prcp Days With Trace Total Snowfall Days With Snowfall Days With Snow On Ground
Oct 15 1.55 1.74 30 1.74 30 0.00 0 0 9 0 0.0 0 0
Nov 15 1.56 1.17 24 1.17 24 0.00 0 0 8 1 22.3 8 12
Dec 15 1.35 1.79 28 1.79 28 0.00 0 0 12 2 25.4 13 15
Jan 16 1.41 1.55 24 1.55 24 0.00 0 0 9 2 26.9 9 6
Feb 16 1.58 1.02 23 1.02 23 0.00 0 0 4 3 11.0 4 1
March 16 1.80 1.04 21 1.04 21 0.00 0 0 6 2 12.2 4 0
April 16 1.76 1.57 21 1.57 21 0.00 0 0 13 1 2.2 4 0
May 16 1.81 1.18 12 1.18 12 0.00 0 0 9 0 0.0 0 0
June 16 1.22 0.88 9 0.88 9 0.00 0 0 6 0 0.0 0 0
July 16 1.28 1.47 6 1.47 6 0.00 0 0 5 1 0.0 0 0
Aug 16 1.50 0.95 9 0.95 9 0.00 0 0 4 1 0.0 0 0
Sept 16 2.33 0.78 8 0.78 8 0.00 0 0 6 1 0.0 0 0
Water Year Totals: 19.15" 15.14" 215 days 15.14" 215 0.00" 0 days 0 91 days 14 days 100.0" 42 days 34 days

Days in Water Year Cell Color Key
        Daily Observation with Prcp         Missing Day
        Multiday Observation         Daily/Multiday Observation Conflict

Day of Year Daily Prcp Multiday Prcp
10/1/2015 0.00
10/2/2015 0.00
10/3/2015 0.02
10/4/2015 0.00
10/5/2015 0.00
10/6/2015 0.65
10/7/2015 0.00
10/8/2015 0.00
10/9/2015 0.00
10/10/2015 0.00
10/11/2015 0.00
10/12/2015 0.00
10/13/2015 0.00
10/14/2015 0.00
10/15/2015 0.00
10/16/2015 0.00
10/17/2015 M
10/18/2015 0.00
10/19/2015 0.07
10/20/2015 0.15
10/21/2015 0.00
10/22/2015 0.01
10/23/2015 0.50
10/24/2015 0.00
10/25/2015 0.00
10/26/2015 0.10
10/27/2015 0.08
10/28/2015 0.00
10/29/2015 0.00
10/30/2015 0.16
10/31/2015 0.00
11/1/2015 0.00
11/2/2015 0.00
11/4/2015 0.17
11/5/2015 0.05
11/6/2015 0.15
11/7/2015 M
11/8/2015 0.00
11/9/2015 0.00
11/10/2015 0.00
11/11/2015 0.32
11/12/2015 0.00
11/13/2015 0.00
11/14/2015 0.00
11/16/2015 0.19
11/17/2015 0.16
11/18/2015 0.00
11/20/2015 0.00
11/21/2015 0.00
11/22/2015 0.00
11/23/2015 0.00
11/26/2015 0.00
11/27/2015 0.00
11/28/2015 0.10
11/29/2015 T
11/30/2015 0.03
12/1/2015 0.00
12/4/2015 0.00
12/5/2015 T
12/6/2015 0.00
12/7/2015 0.00
12/8/2015 0.00
12/9/2015 0.00
12/10/2015 0.00
12/11/2015 0.00
12/12/2015 0.13
12/13/2015 0.02
12/14/2015 0.00
12/15/2015 0.52
12/16/2015 0.06
12/17/2015 0.09
12/18/2015 0.00
12/19/2015 0.00
12/20/2015 0.00
12/21/2015 0.11
12/22/2015 T
12/23/2015 0.15
12/24/2015 0.13
12/25/2015 0.14
12/26/2015 0.32
12/28/2015 0.00
12/29/2015 0.00
12/30/2015 0.05
12/31/2015 0.07
Day of YearDaily PrcpMultiday Prcp
1/1/2016 0.00
1/2/2016 0.00
1/3/2016 0.00
1/4/2016 0.00
1/5/2016 0.00
1/6/2016 0.00
1/7/2016 0.07
1/8/2016 0.15
1/11/2016 T
1/12/2016 0.00
1/13/2016 0.00
1/14/2016 0.00
1/15/2016 0.05
1/16/2016 0.17
1/17/2016 0.42
1/18/2016 0.00
1/19/2016 0.15
1/20/2016 0.09
1/21/2016 0.14
1/22/2016 0.00
1/24/2016 0.00
1/25/2016 T
1/30/2016 0.00
1/31/2016 0.31
2/1/2016 0.35
2/2/2016 0.29
2/3/2016 T
2/5/2016 T
2/8/2016 0.00
2/11/2016 0.00
2/12/2016 0.00
2/13/2016 0.00
2/14/2016 0.00
2/15/2016 T
2/16/2016 0.00
2/18/2016 0.01
2/19/2016 0.37
2/20/2016 0.00
2/21/2016 0.00
2/22/2016 0.00
2/23/2016 0.00
2/24/2016 0.00
2/25/2016 0.00
2/26/2016 0.00
2/27/2016 0.00
2/28/2016 0.00
2/29/2016 0.00
3/1/2016 0.00
3/2/2016 0.00
3/3/2016 0.00
3/4/2016 0.00
3/5/2016 0.00
3/7/2016 0.13
3/13/2016 0.00
3/14/2016 0.00
3/15/2016 0.37
3/16/2016 0.22
3/17/2016 0.00
3/18/2016 0.00
3/23/2016 0.20
3/24/2016 0.00
3/25/2016 T
3/26/2016 0.03
3/27/2016 0.00
3/28/2016 0.00
3/29/2016 0.09
3/30/2016 T
3/31/2016 0.00
Day of YearDaily PrcpMultiday Prcp
4/1/2016 0.07
4/2/2016 0.00
4/3/2016 0.00
4/4/2016 0.00
4/5/2016 0.00
4/6/2016 0.03
4/7/2016 0.00
4/8/2016 0.00
4/9/2016 0.00
4/10/2016 0.17
4/11/2016 0.18
4/15/2016 0.10
4/16/2016 0.18
4/17/2016 T
4/20/2016 0.10
4/24/2016 0.10
4/25/2016 0.02
4/26/2016 0.16
4/28/2016 0.09
4/29/2016 0.29
4/30/2016 0.08
5/2/2016 0.03
5/6/2016 0.00
5/7/2016 0.13
5/8/2016 0.09
5/9/2016 0.28
5/10/2016 0.47
5/11/2016 0.02
5/12/2016 0.00
5/13/2016 0.00
5/27/2016 0.09
5/28/2016 0.05
5/30/2016 0.02
6/5/2016 0.00
6/8/2016 0.16
6/13/2016 0.12
6/14/2016 0.25
6/15/2016 0.00
6/16/2016 0.00
6/23/2016 0.05
6/24/2016 0.11
6/30/2016 0.19
Day of YearDaily PrcpMultiday Prcp
7/1/2016 0.24
7/2/2016 0.19
7/3/2016 0.69
7/4/2016 T
7/19/2016 0.13
7/22/2016 0.22
8/12/2016 0.00
8/13/2016 0.00
8/23/2016 0.17
8/24/2016 0.36
8/26/2016 0.36
8/27/2016 0.06
8/28/2016 0.00
8/29/2016 T
8/30/2016 0.00
9/2/2016 0.51
9/3/2016 0.06
9/4/2016 0.05
9/12/2016 T
9/13/2016 0.10
9/15/2016 0.03
9/28/2016 0.00
9/30/2016 0.03

Observation Date Observation Time Precipitation Snowfall Snowfall SWE Snow Depth Snow SWE Notes
10/1/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
10/2/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
10/3/2015 7:00 AM 0.02 M M M M light rain last night. Cool and clear morning. 36F
10/4/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
10/5/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
10/6/2015 7:00 AM 0.65 M M M M
10/7/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
10/8/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
10/9/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
10/10/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
10/11/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
10/12/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
10/13/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
10/14/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
10/15/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
10/16/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
10/17/2015 7:00 AM M M M M M
10/18/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
10/19/2015 7:00 AM 0.07 M M M M
10/20/2015 7:00 AM 0.15 M M M M Rain yesterday morning, then sun and a bit more rain during the night. There was some lightning to the southwest toward midnight.
10/21/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
10/22/2015 7:00 AM 0.01 M M M M
10/23/2015 7:00 AM 0.50 M M M M Rained off and on most of the day yesterday and last night. Clouds hugging the hogback this morning and overcast.
10/24/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M Clear and cold. First hard frost here at the house. Bird bath frozen solid.
10/25/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
10/26/2015 7:00 AM 0.10 M M M M Still raining at 7am.
10/27/2015 7:00 AM 0.08 M M M M Most rain fell yesterday morning. Evening was clear, as was the night with only the full moon raining light across the landscape. Cold this morning, heavy frost.
10/28/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
10/29/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
10/30/2015 8:00 AM 0.16 M M M M low 30's, but above freezing at 7000 ft. Low clouds and fog, trying to clear.
10/31/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
11/1/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
11/2/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
11/4/2015 9:00 AM 0.17 M M M M Wintery mix of rain and snow. Temp above freezing and nothing sticking, yet.
11/5/2015 7:00 AM 0.05 6.3 0.31 6.3 0.31 Rain yesterday morning, then unsettled to clear. Started snowing around 9:30pm last night. Wet snow, 6.25 inches. Still coming down this morning.
11/6/2015 7:00 AM 0.15 3.2 0.15 5.4 0.37 1.7 in of additional snow yesterday morning, then partly cloudy and sunny. Lots of settling and melt on the roads. Another 1.5 inches fell overnight and snow is still coming down this morning.
11/7/2015 7:00 AM M 1.8 0.07 4.5 0.44 Additional snow later in the morning. Some sleet falling late yesterday in short lived squalls. Clear and cold this morning.
11/8/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M 3.5 M
11/9/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M 2.5 0.23
11/10/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M 1.0 M
11/11/2015 7:00 AM 0.32 4.4 0.32 M M Snowfall started last night around 8:30. Wind picked up in the early morning, around 4:00am and north exposures are windswept. Nearly all of the old snow had melted by sundown yesterday.
11/12/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M 3.3 M
11/13/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M 2.5 M
11/14/2015 7:30 AM 0.00 0.0 M 2.5 0.40
11/16/2015 7:00 AM 0.19 1.8 0.19 M M Steady light snow starting around 2 am. Still coming down steadily at 7.
11/17/2015 7:00 AM 0.16 2.1 0.16 4.5 0.45 An additional 1.7 inches of snow fell yesterday morning before noon. Nearly all of that melted or sublimated by the end of the day. Snowfall began again in ernest last night at 8:00pm.
11/18/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 0.00 3.0 0.45 No new snow. Clear for the most part this morning, scattered clouds and sun.
11/20/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
11/21/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
11/22/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
11/23/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
11/26/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
11/27/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M A dusting of snow, too little to measure.
11/28/2015 7:00 AM 0.10 2.0 0.10 M M light dry snow overnight. Nothing much left from the old snow pack except for that left in shady areas.
11/29/2015 7:00 AM T T T 1.0 M
11/30/2015 7:00 AM 0.03 0.7 0.03 M M light snow last night after midnight. Cold. 9F this morning.
12/1/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M Clear and cold.
12/4/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
12/5/2015 7:00 AM T M M M M Just a very light dusting this morning.
12/6/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M Clear and cold. 7F
12/7/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
12/8/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M Warm, relatively speaking. 28F. Overcast with a few breaks in the clouds lighting the flat tops above glenwood springs with a wonderful patchy sunrise light.
12/9/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M Still warmish, mid 20's walking the dog this morning and into the 40's later in the day. Thin overcast with darker clouds to the north.
12/10/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
12/11/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M Warm this morning, upper 30's here at 7000 feet between Glenwood and Carbondale. Looks like its precipitating to the north, on the Flattops, but not here yet.
12/12/2015 8:00 AM 0.13 1.8 0.13 M M Light snow, temps in the mid 20's.
12/13/2015 7:00 AM 0.02 0.5 M 2.0 M light snow continued through the day yesterday, but not much new accumulation.
12/14/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M Clear and beautiful day yesterday. Warmed up nicely later in the day. There were a pair of spectacular Sun Dogs accompanying the sunrise!
12/15/2015 7:00 AM 0.52 6.2 0.51 7.3 0.72 Winter at last! Half a foot of snow overnight and its still coming down.
12/16/2015 9:00 AM 0.06 0.9 0.06 7.0 0.77
12/17/2015 7:00 AM 0.09 1.2 0.09 7.4 0.85 Light snow overnight. Still snowing some up further on the divide and Sunlight Peak. Beautiful sunrise along the hogback with the snow and ice crystals in the air.
12/18/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M Cold, partly cloudy. It was pretty cold all day yesterday as well, getting into the mid 20's at the warmest.
12/19/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M Cold and patly cloudy. Little change from yesterday.
12/20/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 0.00 5.0 0.77 Warm morning, upper 20's. Something is coming in. Beautiful sunrise with the advancing clouds.
12/21/2015 7:00 AM 0.11 2.5 0.11 7.5 0.89 Light snow overnight adding to the inch that fell later in the day yesterday. Clouds and a rosy sunrise.
12/22/2015 7:00 AM T 0.1 M 6.5 M Very light snow, just starting. Winter storm warning up, but not here yet.
12/23/2015 8:30 AM 0.15 1.3 0.15 6.5 1.08 Warm yesterday, upper 30's with a right but wet, almost rain snow falling occasionally. Windy overnight. Not much to the storm here.
12/24/2015 7:30 AM 0.13 2.9 0.13 8.5 1.17 Fast moving snow squall came through yesterday afternoon, dumping about 3" in an hour and a half. Strong winds added to the fun with some minor drifting. Cold this morning walking the dog. 1F just before sunrise.
12/25/2015 7:00 AM 0.14 2.6 0.14 10.3 1.45 Snow! Both new and total snow depths taken at 7am. The new water was measured at 7am, and the total water sample taken a little after 8, after an additional .5" of snow had fallen. At 9am there was an additional 1.1" and it's still coming down. Merry Christmas!
12/26/2015 7:00 AM 0.32 3.6 0.32 13.0 1.62 Snow all day yesterday, stopping and starting to clear late in the afternoon. Cold this morning, 5F. Clear-partly cloudy. Total storm snow depth for the storm was 6" before settling.
12/28/2015 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 0.00 13.0 M Cold, clear sunrise. -4F
12/29/2015 10:00 AM 0.00 0.0 0.00 11.2 1.70 Partly cloudy and a little warmer.
12/30/2015 7:00 AM 0.05 0.8 0.05 11.5 M Light snow over night. Warmer this morning, 16F.
12/31/2015 8:00 AM 0.07 1.0 0.07 12.0 M Light snow overnight. Clear and cld this morning, 6F.
1/1/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
1/2/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
1/3/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M I bit warmer. Not below zero this morning!
1/4/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
1/5/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M clear morning twilight and not so cold this morning. Snow was settling, melting on the roads yesterday. Starting to have that "old dirty snow" look of mid winter.
1/6/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
1/7/2016 7:00 AM 0.07 1.0 0.07 11.0 1.74 Light snow overnight and continuing this morning.
1/8/2016 7:00 AM 0.15 3.8 0.15 13.0 M Snow yesterday afternoon, ending around 6 pm, when I took a depth measurement.
1/11/2016 7:00 AM T M M M M A dusting while we were in Denver for the weekend. Cold!
1/12/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 0.00 M M Clear and cold. -2F
1/13/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
1/14/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 0.00 12.5 2.10 No snow, yet. I moved my total snow/water sampling location this morning to a more exposed and "natural" area, a patch of open space next door. The snow was very "hoary", more of a water crystalline structure than typical small snow. There may have been more snow this past weekend than was evident on my measuring station out back.
1/15/2016 7:00 AM 0.05 0.9 0.05 M M Starting to come down. We expect snow most of the day.
1/16/2016 7:00 AM 0.17 2.8 0.17 16.0 2.59 Snow continued throughout most of the day yesterday, tapering off late afternoon. The total water amount from this mornings sample is, I think, more representative of what it really is. I'll likely take another sample to double check.
1/17/2016 7:00 AM 0.42 7.4 0.42 22.0 3.02 Snowed most of the night. Trying to clear this morning.
1/18/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M 22.0 M Overcast. No snow since yesterday morning.
1/19/2016 7:00 AM 0.15 2.9 0.15 M M Snow early in the evening, tapering off in the wee hours. Clouds lifting now.
1/20/2016 7:00 AM 0.09 1.3 0.09 M M Snow has tapered off this morning, but more is expected.
1/21/2016 7:20 AM 0.14 1.9 0.14 M M Snow of and on most of the day yesterday. Clearing in the evening. Clear and cold again this morning. 8F
1/22/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 0.00 M M
1/24/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 0.00 M M Nothing yet, but its on its way!
1/25/2016 7:00 AM T T T M M Just a skiff of snow.
1/30/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 0.00 M M Nothing yet. I was in Denver all last week (Jan. 25 - 29) so was unable to send in data.
1/31/2016 7:00 AM 0.31 4.9 0.31 M M Snow started last night around 6 and was heavy at first, lightening up and ending in the wee hours of the morning. It was still snowing lightly when I let the dog out at 2:30am.
2/1/2016 8:00 AM 0.35 5.0 0.35 M M Snow most of the day yesterday and last night, not heavy, but steady. 2.8" additional at 9:30pm, 4.4" at 6:00am and now 5" at 8am. Still coming down. We have 9" for the storm total as measured on the patio table snow platform. I will get the total depth and SWE after clearing the driveway.
2/2/2016 7:00 AM 0.29 4.6 0.29 27.0 5.05 Snow fall throughout the day yesterday, sometimes heavy. By 8pm there was an additional 5", although it settled some during the night. Light snow has continued this morning. I took the total snow depth and water content at 2:00pm. There was the 12" from this storm and then 15" of much denser snow that had deteriorated considerably with the warm weather prior to this storm. The boundary between layers is quite distinct.
2/3/2016 7:00 AM T T T M M Less than .02" this morning. Cold!
2/5/2016 7:00 AM T T M M M Very light, brief snow fall last night.
2/8/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M cold, clear, perfect Bronco's weather!
2/11/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
2/12/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
2/13/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
2/14/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 0.00 M M Very warm the past couple days. Lots of melt.
2/15/2016 7:00 AM T 0.1 M M M Very light snow late on the 14th, quoting by 10pm.
2/16/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
2/18/2016 7:00 AM 0.01 M M M M Light rain or drizzle. 40F at 7am. The snow won't last long at this rate, and thats a worry here at 7000 feet on the West Slope.
2/19/2016 7:00 AM 0.37 1.3 0.18 M M Rain late yesterday, changing to snow after sunset. The rain was unexpectedly heavy late afternoon. We had 0.19 inches in the rain gauge, frozen solid by this morning, and another 0.18" of water in the snow that had fallen overnight. Strong winds as well. The snow was in"pellet" form, graupel.
2/20/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M Cool, clear
2/21/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 0.00 M M Another warmer than normal day shaping up.
2/22/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 0.00 M M
2/23/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 0.00 M M
2/24/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 0.00 M M
2/25/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 0.00 M M
2/26/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 0.00 M M
2/27/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 0.00 M M Looks to be another warm, sunny day. We are losing our snowpack fast at this elevation.
2/28/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
2/29/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
3/1/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
3/2/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
3/3/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
3/4/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
3/5/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 0.00 M M Warm. Most snow is gone already. What is left covers only half the ground and only a few inches deep. Most moisture has sublimated, leaving behind a "snow" of granular ice.
3/7/2016 7:00 AM 0.13 0.0 0.00 M M Rain overnight giving the roads and deck a light patina of ice. Aspen schools are closed due to the icy roads, not snow depth.
3/13/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M Back from a few days in Denver. We had .06" in the rain gauge, but I can't say when it fell.
3/14/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 0.00 M M Warm this morning. 40F at 7000 feet. It hasn't been below freezing for a few days now and what little snow is left is melting away
3/15/2016 7:00 AM 0.37 5.3 0.32 M M Winter is back! 0.05" of rain in the gauge before it became snow later in the evening. Still coming down at 7 am.
3/16/2016 6:30 AM 0.22 3.4 0.22 M M Most of yesterday's snow melted off, but we had a new snowfall last night.
3/17/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 0.00 M M Cloudy this morning, mid 20's.
3/18/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 0.00 M M Colder morning, partly cloudy.
3/23/2016 7:00 AM 0.20 3.1 0.16 M M light rain changing to snow. 0.04" rain, 0.16" snow melt water. Still warm enough that snow is not sticking on the roads, yet...
3/24/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M The snow from yesterday has all melted, except where it fell on the old snow .
3/25/2016 7:00 AM T M M M M Just a skiff of snow last night.
3/26/2016 7:00 AM 0.03 0.4 0.03 M M
3/27/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
3/28/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
3/29/2016 7:00 AM 0.09 M M M M Rain in gauge.
3/30/2016 7:00 AM T T M M M Just a skiff of snow this morning.
3/31/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
4/1/2016 7:00 AM 0.07 0.3 0.03 M M .04 inches in the gauge.
4/2/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
4/3/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
4/4/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M Beautiful day!
4/5/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M Not a thing from the promised storm, so far...
4/6/2016 7:00 AM 0.03 M M M M Rain and sleet squalls yesterday, with some good winds!
4/7/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
4/8/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
4/9/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
4/10/2016 7:00 AM 0.17 M M M M Rain late yesterday, off and on during the night.
4/11/2016 7:00 AM 0.18 M M M M Chilly morning. Partly cloudy with a skiff of ice on the deck and patio table.
4/15/2016 7:00 AM 0.10 0.8 0.08 M M light rain turned to light but wet snow. .02" water in the gauge, .08 in the snow. The daffodils are still blooming, but the chukars are worried...
4/16/2016 7:00 AM 0.18 0.5 0.26 M M rain to snow mix, and ice. Wet slushy snow that froze partially. Total of water in snow and in the gauge is .44"
4/17/2016 7:00 AM T T T M M
4/20/2016 7:00 AM 0.10 T M M M rain and slushy snow that melts quickly.
4/24/2016 7:00 AM 0.10 M M M M
4/25/2016 7:00 AM 0.02 M M M M
4/26/2016 7:00 AM 0.16 0.6 0.04 M M rain in the evening, snow in the wee hours.
4/28/2016 7:00 AM 0.09 M M M M
4/29/2016 7:00 AM 0.29 M M M M
4/30/2016 7:00 AM 0.08 M M M M Cool and cloudy, scattered rain moving through the hills.
5/2/2016 7:00 AM 0.03 M M M M Finally! More sun than clouds!
5/6/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M The last two days were warm and sunny, but the forecast isn't so good...
5/7/2016 7:00 AM 0.13 M M M M
5/8/2016 7:00 AM 0.09 M M M M
5/9/2016 7:00 AM 0.28 M M M M Started raining late last night, continuing on into the daylight hours. Not heavy, but steady rain this morning.
5/10/2016 7:00 AM 0.47 M M M M Rain most of the night and lightly falling this morning.
5/11/2016 6:00 AM 0.02 M M M M Clear, chilly morning.
5/12/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M Clear! Orioles trying to figure out the hummingbird feeder.
5/13/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M Cold, clear and dry this morning.
5/27/2016 7:00 AM 0.09 M M M M Light rain yesterday afternoon. I was out of town from May 14 to 24. There was some heavy rains during that time, mostly from the 16th to the 20th and the gauge had 0.50" in it when I returned.
5/28/2016 7:00 AM 0.05 M M M M
5/30/2016 7:00 AM 0.02 M M M M A short burst of light rain over the area yesterday.
6/5/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M Warm and dry. Night temperatures very warm, near 50.
6/8/2016 7:00 AM 0.16 M M M M
6/13/2016 7:00 AM 0.12 M M M M Passing thunderstorms yesterday afternoon and again today.
6/14/2016 7:00 AM 0.25 M M M M
6/15/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
6/16/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
6/23/2016 7:00 AM 0.05 M M M M
6/24/2016 7:00 AM 0.11 M M M M Thunderstorm rolled through yesterday morning, clearing off in the afternoon.
6/30/2016 7:00 AM 0.19 M M M M Steady rain off and on during the night.
7/1/2016 7:00 AM 0.24 M M M M Rain late afternoon and then another thunderstorm around midnight.
7/2/2016 7:00 AM 0.19 M M M M More rain expected today.
7/3/2016 7:00 AM 0.69 M M M M Rain off and on most of yesterday and through the night.
7/4/2016 7:00 AM T M M M M
7/19/2016 7:00 AM 0.13 M M M M
7/22/2016 7:00 AM 0.22 M M M M Quite the storm late yesterday afternoon.
8/12/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M Clear and cool this morning. 0.5" was in the gauge when we returned from vacation in Ohio last night. We left on Aug. 2. My guess is that most of this precipitation fell on Thursday and Friday, the 4th and 5th. I was talking with folks in Carbondale on those days and they said it was raining all day.
8/13/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
8/23/2016 7:00 AM 0.17 M M M M Rain and hail yesterday afternoon. Looking for more today.
8/24/2016 7:00 AM 0.36 M M M M
8/26/2016 7:00 AM 0.36 M M M M
8/27/2016 7:00 AM 0.06 M M M M
8/28/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M
8/29/2016 7:00 AM T M M M M Overcast, light rain.
8/30/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M Clear and cool.
9/2/2016 7:00 AM 0.51 M M M M
9/3/2016 7:00 AM 0.06 M M M M
9/4/2016 7:00 AM 0.05 M M M M
9/12/2016 7:00 AM T M M M M
9/13/2016 7:00 AM 0.10 M M M M
9/15/2016 7:00 AM 0.03 M M M M Cold this morning, in the 30's
9/28/2016 7:00 AM 0.00 0.0 M M M I was out of town between the 16th and yesterday, the 27th, so no data was recorded although my wife tells me there was some rain last week.
9/30/2016 7:00 AM 0.03 M M M M Light rain overnight.

Start Date End Date & Time Duration in Days Precipitation Snow Depth Snow Depth SWE Notes

Observation Date Observation Time Notes Largest Stone Size Average Stone Size Smallest Stone Size Stone Consistency Duration Minutes Durration Accuracy Damage Timing More Rain than Hail Hail Started Largest Hail Started Angle of Impact Number of Stones on Pad Distance Between Stones on Pad Depth of Stones on Ground