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10/1/2015 |
8:00 AM |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 19.4 mph @ 5:28pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.15". Temp: 50.1 Deg., Low Temp: 49.7 Deg. at 5:11am; Wind: E at 7.6 mph, Gusting: 14.2 mph; Wind Chill: 48.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 44.8 Deg. at 6:58am; Dew Point: 44.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 43.2 Deg. at 7:18am; Sky: P/Cloudy to clear, in some areas; Humidity of 80%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.13Hg; Pressure Altitude: -189.28'; Density Altitude: -807.48'; Cloud Base: 1520.93'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
10/2/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 28.4 mph @ 10:26am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 45.9 Deg., Low Temp: 45.8 Deg. at 7:15am; Wind: E at 8.1 mph, Gusting: 12.6 mph; Wind Chill: 44.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 39.9 Deg. at 5:49am; Dew Point: 39.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 39.3 Deg. at 7:48am; Sky: M/cloudy; Humidity at 78%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.19Hg; Pressure Altitude: -246.27'; Density Altitude: -1162.73'; Cloud Base: 1575.02'; Ground: Dry to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
10/3/2015 |
8:00 AM |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 27.7 mph at 10:54am. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.02". Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Light drizzle is falling. Temp: 43.1 Deg., Low Temp: 42.5 Deg. at 5:59am; Wind: ENE at 8.5 mph, Gusting: 11.7 mph; Wind Chill: 40.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 33.6 Deg. at 5:39am;
Dew Point: 41.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 34.4 Deg. at 3:20am; Sky: Overcast, w/clouds up 900'; Humidity at 92%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.12Hg; Pressure Altitude: -181.13'; Density Altitude: -1279.92'; Cloud Base: 505.35'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, a;; open roads are clear and passable. |
10/4/2015 |
8:00 AM |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 28.6 mph @ 4:00am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.42". Temp: 51.7 Deg., Low Temp: 50.4 Deg. at 4:15am; Wind: SE at 9.2 mph, Gusting: 9.2 mph; Wind Chill: 50.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 45.7 Deg. at 4:40am; Dew Point: 48.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 47.8 Deg. at 4:15am; Sky: Overcast, w/clouds up 7K' TO 10K'; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressurre at 30.15Hg; Pressure Altitude: -213.72'; Density Altitude: -750.30'; Cloud Base: 752.65'; Ground: Damp to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
10/5/2015 |
8:00 AM |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 17.6 mph @ 12:50pm. Todays's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 52.1 Deg., Low Temp: 51.8 Deg. at 7:41am; Wind: N at 8.1 mph, Gusting: 8.1 mph; Wind Chill: 52.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 49.1 Deg. at 7:42am; Dew Point: 49.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 49.5 Deg. at 7:41am; Sky: Clear/Sunny; Humidity at 92%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.14Hg; Pressure Altitude: -202.86'; Density Altitude: -673.09'; Cloud Base: 591.87'; Ground: Dry to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
10/6/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 12.7 mph @ 2:26am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Light to moderate Haze, in some areas. Temp: 53.0 Deg., Low Temp: 52.0 Deg. at 7:14am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 53.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 52.0 Deg. at 7:14am; Dew Point: 50.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 49.6 Deg. at 7:14am; Sky: P/Cloudy; Humidity at 92%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.10Hg; Pressure Altitude: -159.39'; Density Altitude: -582.45'; Cloud Base: 564.06'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
10/7/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 8.8 mph @ 1:34am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Patches of Fog/Haze, in some areas. Temp: 56.8 Deg., Low Temp: 55.5 Deg. at 6:39am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 56.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 55.5 Deg. at 6:39am; Dew Point: 54.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 52.7 Deg. at 3:25am; Sky: Overcast, w/clouds up 22K'; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 2.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.09Hg; Pressure Altitude: -151.38'; Density Altitude: -299.39'; Cloud Base: 634.03'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
10/8/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Current 8:00am Weather Observation.
Light to moderate areas of Haze and/or Mist, in some areas; Temp: 50.6 Deg., Low Temp: 50.4 Deg. at 7:54am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 50.6 Deg., Low Wind ChillL 50.4 Deg. at 7:54am; Dew Point: 48.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 47.7 Deg. at 7:54am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 5.0 miles; Barometric Pressurre at 30.10Hg; Pressure Altitude: -167.55'; Density Altitude: -746.88'; Cloud Base: 645.97'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
10/9/2015 |
8:00 AM |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 12.9 mph @ 12:53am. Todays's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.07". Temp: 64.7 Deg., Low Temp: 63.4 Deg. @ 4:37am; Wind: NW @ 8.1 mph, Gusting: 8.1 mph; Wind Chill: 64.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 63.4 Deg. @ 4:37am; Dew Point: 59.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 58.0 Deg. @ 1:25am; Sky: Overcast, w/clouds
up 24K'; Humidity at 84%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.88Hg; Pressure Altitude: 34.16'; Density Altitude: 434.38'; Cloud Base: 1268.32'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
10/10/2015 |
8:00 AM |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 16.6 mph @ 1:50pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.11"; Temp: 41.7 Deg., Low Temp: 41.5 Deg. at 7:42am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 41.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 41.5 Deg. at 7:42am; Dew Point: 39.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 39.1 Deg. at 7:42am; Sky: P/Cloudy to clear; Humidity at 92%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.17Hg; Pressure Altitude: -232.71'; Density Altitude: -1426.50'; Cloud Base: 571.66'; Ground: Light to moderate frost, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
10/11/2015 |
8:00 AM |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 11.2 mph @ 11:17am. Todays Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 46.9 Deg., Low Temp: 45.8 Deg. at 12:59am; Wind: NW @ 3.5 mph, Gusting: 3.5 mph; Wind Chill: 46.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 43.8 Deg. at 2:08am; Dew Point: 41.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 40.9 Deg. at 7:41am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 81%; Visibility of 10.0 miles;
Barometric Pressure at 29.96Hg; Pressure Altitude: -36.85'; Density Altitude: -841.50'; Cloud Base: 1370.38'; Ground: Dry to wet, in some areas; Roadways:
All open roads are clear and passable. |
10/12/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 16.5 mph @ 4:54pm. Todays 8:00am Current Weather Observation. Temp: 52.1 Deg., Low Temp: 51.8 Deg. at 7:22am; Wind: N at 2.1 mph, Gusting: 2.2 mph; Wind Chill: 52.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 49.6 Deg. at 7:47am; Dew Point: 45.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 44.7 Deg. at 12:07am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 79%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.75Hg; Pressure Altitude: 154.65'; Density Altitude: -240.49'; Cloud Base: 1568.24'; Ground: Dry to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
10/13/2015 |
8:00 AM |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 21.7 mph @ 2:22pm. Todays Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 70.0 Deg., Low Temp: 55.6 Deg. at 7:15am; Wind: N at 5.8 mph, Gusting: 5.8 mph; Wind Chill: 70.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 53.2 Deg. at 7:20am; Dew Point: 47.2 Deg., Low DewPoint: 46.8 Deg. at 7:57am; Sky: P/Cloudy w/Overcast clouds up 60K'; Humidity of 70%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.53Hg; Pressure Altitude: 361.03'; Density Altitude:
320.20'; Cloud Base: 2454.72'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
10/14/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 16.9 mph @ 1:45pm. Todays Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 49.9 Deg., Low Temp: 48.8 Deg. at 6:00am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 49.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 47.3 Deg. at 6:34am; Dew Point: 45.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 43.7 Deg. at 5:57am; Sky: M/Cloudy, w/Overcast Clouds up 49K'; Humidity at 84%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.84Hg; Pressure Altitude: 72.45'; Density Altitude: -496.53'; Cloud Base: 1142.86'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
10/15/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 11.1 mph @ 1:42pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 40.4 Deg., Low Temp: 38.8 Deg. at 4:46am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 40.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 38.8 Deg.
at 4:46am; Dew Point: 38.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 36.9 Deg. at 4:46am; Sky: Clear; Humidity of 92%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.02Hg; Pressure Altitude: -96.82'; Density Altitude:
-1353.74'; Cloud Base: 512.90'; Ground: Dry to wet, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
10/16/2015 |
8:00 AM |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 19.5 mph @ 1:38pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.05". Temp: 40.3 Deg., Low Temp: 40.3 Deg. at 7:58am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill:
40.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 40.3 Deg. at 7:58am; Dew Point: 37.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 37.9 Deg. at 7:58am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 10.0 miles;
Barometric Pressure at 30.10Hg; Pressure Altitude: -170.27'; Density Altitude: -1452.10'; Cloud Base: 589.53'; Ground: Light to moderate Dew, in some areas;
Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
10/17/2015 |
8:00 AM |
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Freeze Warning in effect until 9:00am this morning. Yesterday's High Wind: 23.4 mph @ 3:27pm. Todays's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.02". Temp: 32.0 Deg., Low Temp: 31.9 Deg. at 7:55am; Wind: NNW @ 2.1 mph, Gusting: 2.1 mph; Wind Chill: 32.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 28.6 Deg. at 7:51am; Dew Point: 28.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 27.9 Deg. at 7:55am; Sky: P/Cloudy; Humidity at 85%; Visibility of 100 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.26Hg; Pressure Altitude: -316.70'; Density Altitude: -2213.89'; Cloud Base: 990.32'; Ground: Light to moderate frost, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
10/18/2015 |
8:00 AM |
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Freeze Warning expires at 9:00am this Morning. Yesterday's High Wind: 14.9 mph @ 12:57pm. Today's current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 30.7 Deg., Low Temp: 29.9 Deg. at 5:46am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill:
30.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 29.9 Deg. at 5:46am; Dew Point: 26.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 24.5 Deg. at 4:16am; Sky: Overcast, w/clouds up 37K' to 70K'; Humidity at 83%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.39Hg; Pressure Altitude: -427.46'; Density Altitude: -2437.27'; Cloud Base: 1128.56'; Ground: Light to moderate frost, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
10/19/2015 |
8:00 AM |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 15.9 mph @ 1:38pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weathewr Observation.
Temp: 36.9 Deg., Low Temp: 31.6 Deg. at 12:25am; Wind:
SW @ 4.6 mph, Gusting: 7.5 mph; Wind Chill: 36.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 29.8 Deg. at 5:01am; Dew Point: 28.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 27.1 Deg. at 12:25am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 72%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.39Hg; Pressurer Altitude: -430.15'; Density Altitude: -2018.93'; Cloud Base: 2058.32'; Ground: Damp to wet/Dew, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
10/20/2015 |
8:00 AM |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 21.0 mph @ 2:54pm. Todays's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 56.2 Deg., Low Temp: 55.9 Deg. at 12:01am; Wind:
WNW @ 8.1mph, Gusting: 8.1mph; Wind Chill: 55.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 52.5 Deg. at 12:11am; Dew Point:
35.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 31.5 Deg. at 12:05am; Sky: P/Cloudy; Humidity of 45%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.22Hg; Pressure Altitude: -270.67'; Density Altitude: -500.08'; Cloud Base: 5259.84'; Ground: Dry to moist, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
10/21/2015 |
8:00 AM |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 19.8 mph @ 12:55pm. Todays's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 50.6 Deg., Low Temp: 50.0 Deg. at 7:39am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 50.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 48.8 Deg. at 7:56am; Dew Point: 40.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 39.1 Deg. at 12:03am; Sky: Clear: Humidity at 69%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.28Hg; Pressure Altittude: -330.22'; Density Altitude: -948.52'; Cloud Base: 2417.40'; Ground: Dry to damp, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
10/22/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 18.8 mph @ 2:32pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 62.7 Deg., Low Temp: 62.2 Deg. at 1:00am; Wind: N @ 2.3 mph, Gusting: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 62.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 61.2 Deg. at 7:19am; Dew Point: 50.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 44.1 Deg. at 12:03am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 63%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.16Hg; Pressure Altitude: -219.15'; Density Altitude: -8.01'; Cloud Base: 3190.61'; Ground: Dry to wet, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
10/23/2015 |
8:00 AM |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 15.3 mph @ 5:01am. Todays's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.01:; Temp: 45.0 Deg., Low Temp: 44.9 Deg. at 8.00am; Wind: ESE at 4.6 mph, Gusting: 6.5 mph; Wind Chill: 44.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 40.9 Deg. at 7:46am; Dew Point: 43.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 42.5 Deg. at 4:29am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 94%; Visibility of 7.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.29Hg; Pressurre Altitude: -341.04'; Density Altitude: -1348.71'; Cloud Base: 439.35'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways:
All open roads are clear and passable. |
10/24/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 16.3 mph @ 2:00pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 58.4 Deg., Low Temp: 56.2 Deg. at 12:00am; Wind: WNW at 2.0 mph, Gusting: 4.3 mph; Wind Chill: 58.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 54.5 Deg. at 12:16am; Dew Point: 41.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 37.6 Deg. at 3:24am; Sky: Overcast, w/clouds up 55K' to 70K'; Humidity of 53%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.02Hg; Pressure Altitude: -96.82'; Density Altitude:
-146.18'; Cloud Base: 4284.08'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
10/25/2015 |
8:00 AM |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 22.1 mph @ 2:13pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.66". Temp: 51.3 Deg., Low Temp: 51.1 Deg. at 7:56am; Wind: NE @ 5.8 mph, Gusting: 5.8 mph; Wind Chill: 50.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 47.4 Deg. at 7:56am; Dew Point: 46.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 46.1 Deg. at 7:56am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds
up 13K' to 35K'; Humidity at 83%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.17Hg; Pressure Altitude: -227.28'; Density Altitude: -780.56'; Cloud Base: 1220.46'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
10/26/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 14.7 mph @ 9:30am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 36.2 Deg., Low Temp: 35.7 Deg. at 7:41am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 36.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 35.7 Deg. at 7:41am; Dew Point: 34.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 33.8 Deg. at 7:41am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 94%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressurer at 30.40Hg; Pressure Altitude: -440.94'; Density Altitude: -2074.28'; Cloud Base: 402.42'; Ground: Frost/Dew coverering in most areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
10/27/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 16.2 mph @ 12:56pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 43.2 Deg., Low Temp: 42.9 Deg. at 7:51am; Wind: 8.1 mph, Gusting: 8.8 mph; Wind Chill: 43.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 36.9 Deg. at 7:29am; Dew Point: 36.5 Deg.,
Low Dew Point: 36.2 Deg. at 7:51am; Sky: Overcast; Humidity at 77%; Visibilioty of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.31Hg; Pressure Altitude: -362.66'; Density Altitude: -1498.88'; Cloud Base: 1652.23'; Ground: Dry to wet, in some areas; Roadways:
All open roads are clear and passable. |
10/28/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 17.5 mph @ 3:53pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Light to moderate rain is falling. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.91"; Temp: 55.0 Deg., Low Temp: 49.5 Deg. at 12:01am; Wind: S @ 7.7 mph, Gusting: 15.8 mph; Wind Chill: 55.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 44.2 Deg. at 12:13am; Dew Point: 52.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 47.4 Deg. at 12:02am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up 800' to 14K'; Humidity at 92%; Visibility of 6.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.67Hg; Pressure Altitude: 231.56'; Density Altitude: 34.48'; Cloud Base: 598.58'; Ground: Soggy to saturated, in some areas; Roadways; No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
10/29/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 23.8 mph @ 7:31am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.44". Temp: 40.9 Deg., Low Temp: 40.9 Deg. at 7:21am; Wind: NW at 2.8 mph, Gusting: 11.2 mph; Wind Chill: 40.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 34.7 Deg. at 7:33am; Dew Point: 34.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 32.9 Deg. at 6:46am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 77%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressurre at 29.62Hg; Pressure Altitude: 275.58'; Density Altitude: -842.12'; Cloud Base: 1686.40'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures. |
10/30/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 33.1 mph @ 12:31pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.01". Temp: 42.9 Deg., Low Temp: 41.9 Deg. at 2:14am; Wind: NNW @ 4.6 mph, Gusting: 4.6 mph; Wind Chill: 40.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 36.8 Deg. at 1:23am; Dew Point: 40.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 36.1 Deg. at 12:05am; Sky: Overcast, w/clouds up 700'; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressurre at 30.05Hg; Pressure Altitude: -121.32'; Density Altitude: -1212.38'; Cloud Base: 681.36'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
10/31/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 10.1 mph @ 12:19am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 44.8 Deg., Low Temp: 44.3 Deg. at 7:28am; Wind: N @ 1.2 mph, Gusting: 1.2 mph; Wind Chill: 44.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 40.0 Deg. at 7:35am; Dew Point: 38.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 38.5 Deg. at 7:37am; Sky: Overcast, w/clouds up 12K'; Humidity at 80%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Pressure Altitude: -156.68';
Density Altitude: -1119.58'; Cloud Base: 1454.58'; Ground: Dry to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
11/1/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 21.5 mph @ 7:01pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.05". Temp: 52.6 Deg., Low Temp: 52.0 Deg. at 1:34am; Wind: W @ 3.9 mph, Gusting: 9.6 mph; Wind Chill: 52.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 49.9 Deg. at 8:00am; Dew Point: 47.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 46.2 Deg. at 11:59pm; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 83%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Baromettric Pressure at 29.87Hg; Pressure Altitude: 50.56'; Density Altitude: -342.60'; Cloud Base: 1251.93'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
11/2/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 22.9 mph @ 12:15pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 44.0 Deg., Low Temp: 43.4 Deg. at 6:26am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 44.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 43.4 Deg. at 6:26am; Dew Point: 40.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 39.6 Deg. at 6:20am; Sky: Clear/Sunny; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.08Hg; Pressure Altitude: -148.52'; Density Altitude: -1150.40'; Cloud Base: 757.86'; Ground: Dry to moist, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
11/3/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 9.4 mph @ 1:30pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 45.1 Deg., Low Temp: 44.1 Deg. at 7:15am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 45.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 44.1 Deg.
at 7:15am; Dew Point: 40.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 39.8 Deg. at 7:15am; Sky: Clear/Sunny; Humidity of 85%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.16Hg; Pressure Altitude: -221.86'; Density Altitude: -1193.75'; Cloud Base: 1027.78'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
11/4/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 10.1 mph @ 12:58pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 57.9 Deg., Low Temp: 50.0 Deg. at 1:27am; Wind: SW @ 2.3 mph, Gusting: 2.3 mph; Wind Chill: 57.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 50.0 Deg. at 1:27am; Dew Point: 49.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 40.4 Deg. at 1:18am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 74%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.22Hg; Pressure Altitude: -267.95'; Density Altitude: -390.62'; Cloud Base: 2039.19'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
11/5/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 11.1 mph @ 3:08pm. Todays's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 65.4 Deg., Low Temp: 63.5 Deg. at 12:00am; Wind:
SW @ 2.0 mph, Gusting: 3.4 mph; Wind Chill: 65.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 63.5 Deg. at 12:00am; Dew Point:
58.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 57.2 Deg. at 12:00am; Sky: Overcast, w/clouds up 75K'; Humidity at 78%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.16Hg; Pressure Altitude: -221.86'; Density Altitude: 164.67'; Cloud Base: 1748.53'; Ground: Dry to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable, no weather related road closures. |
11/6/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 19.4 mph @ 2:12pm. Todays's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Light rain to drizzle is falling, in some areas; Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.16". Temp: 63.7 Deg., Low Temp: 63.5 Deg. at 7:53am; Wind: W @ 7 mph, Gusting: 18.8 mph; Wind Chill: 63.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 61.7 Deg. at 7:55am; Dew Point: 60.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 55.7 Deg. at 12:19am; Sky: Overcast, w/clouds up 6K'; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.83'; Pressure Altitude: 83.40'; Density Altitude: 423.49'; Cloud Base: 815.83'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
11/7/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 24.5 mph @ 9:57am. Todays' Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 43.4 Deg., Low Temp: 43.2 Deg. at 5:59am; Wind: NW @ 2.9 mph, Gusting: 3.4 mph; Wind Chill: 43.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 38.3 Deg. at 7:29am; Dew Point: 40.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 39.2 Deg. at 5:59am; Sky: P/Cloudy; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.18Hg; Pressure Altitude: -238.14'; Density Altitude: -1323.40'; Cloud Base: 827.52'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways:
All open roads are clear and passable. |
11/8/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 21.0 mph @ 4:06pm. Today's Current 6:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 31.8 Deg., Low Temp: 31.6 Deg. at 5:53am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 31.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 31.6 Deg. at 5:53am; Dew Point: 29.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 29.1 Deg. at 5:48am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.40Hg; Pressure Altitude: -435.55'; Density Altitude: -2376.60'; Cloud Base: 607.24'; Ground: Damp
to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
11/9/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 8.5 mph @ 12:35pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 30.1 Deg., Low Temp: 29.6 Deg. at 7:25am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 30.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 27.0 Deg. at 6:51am; Dew Point: 27.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 27.2 Deg. at 7:22am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.32Hg; Pressure Altitude: -362.66'; Density Altitude: -2398.68'; Cloud Base: 569.66'; Ground: Light to moderate layer of frost/dew covering; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
11/10/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 13.5 mph @ 12:59pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Light drizzle is falling. Past 24-hr rain total:0.55".
Temp: 45.7 Deg., Low Temp: 45.4 Deg. at 7:47am; Wind Chill: 45.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 42.0 Deg. at 4:18am; Dew Point: 43.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 37.0 Deg.
at 12:06am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up 200'; Humidity at 94%; Visibility of 4.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.99Hg; Pressure Altitude: -66.85'; Density Altitude: -967.09'; Cloud Base: 412.61'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
11/11/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 14.2 mph @ 1:50pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Light Haze, in some areas; Temp: 39.5 Deg., Low Temp: 39.0 Deg. at 6:47am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 39.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 39.0 Deg. at 6:47am; Dew Point: 38.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 37.8 Deg. at 6:47am; Sky; Clear/Sunny; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 3.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.05Hg; Pressure Altitude: -115.87'; Density Altitude: -1439.60'; Cloud Base: 287.50'; Ground: Light to moderate layer of Dew/Frost, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
11/12/2015 |
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High Wind Advisory thru 10:00pm tonight. Yesterday's High Wind: 20.5 mph @ 9:46pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.16". Temp: 53.3 Deg., Low Temp: 46.9 Deg. at 3:28am;
Wind: SW at 3.0 mph, Gusting: 11.7 mph; Wind Chill: 51.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 40.6 Deg. at 4:10am; Dew Point: 50.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 41.0 Deg. at 12:09am;
Sky: Overcast w/clouds up 12K'; Humidity at 92%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.47Hg; Pressure Altitude: 419.05'; Density Altitude:
153.34'; Cloud Base: 586.83'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, All open roads are clear and passable. |
11/13/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 39.5 mph @ 12:33pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.01". Temp: 40.6 Deg., Low Temp: 40.4 Deg. at 7:51am; Wind: W @ 13.2 mph, Gusting: 13.2 mph; Wind Chill: 35.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 30.6 Deg. at 4:20am; Dew Point: 32.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 31.4 Deg. at 4:49am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds
up 31K' to 50K'; Humidity at 72%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.87Hg; Pressure Altitude: 50.56'; Density Altitude: -1156.49'; Cloud Base: 2058.33'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
11/14/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 32.4 mph @ 3:59am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 36.2 Deg., Low Temp: 36.1 Deg. at 7:58am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 36.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 32.2 Deg.
at 12:30am; Dew Point: 30.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 29.2 Deg. at 12:01am; Sky: Overcast with S/Clouds up 36K'; Humidity at 80%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.27Hg; Pressure Altitude: -324.81'; Density Altitude: -1936.31'; Cloud Base: 1384.09'; Ground: Solid, damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
11/15/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 15.4 mph @ 10:35am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 45.1 Deg., Low Temp: 43.1 Deg. at 12:00am; Wind:
Calm; Wind Chill: 45.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 37.8 Deg.
at 12:17am; Dew Point: 32.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 28.0
Deg. at 12:43am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 60%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.31Hg; Pressure Altitude: -368.07'; Density Altitude: -1368.65'; Cloud Base: 3218.83'; Ground: Dry
to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
11/16/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 18.6 mph @ 2:46pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 40.1 Deg., Low Temp: 39.0 Deg. at 6:05am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 40.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 39.0 Deg. at 6:05am; Dew Point: 33.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 32.0 Deg. at 5:59am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 75%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.29Hg; Pressure Altitude: -343.74'; Density Altitude: -1661.26'; Cloud Base: 1821.02'; Ground: Light layer of Dew/moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable, no weather related road closures. |
11/17/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 11.2 mph @ 11:44am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 51.4 Deg., Low Temp: 47.3 Deg. at 3:47am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 51.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 44.5 Deg.
at 2:30am; Dew Point: 36.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 33.2 Deg. at 2:40am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up 55K'; Humidity at 57%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.21Hg; Pressure Altitude: -265.24'; Density Altitude: -807.43'; Cloud Base: 3656.10'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
11/18/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 21.9 mph @ 11:50pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 58.0 Deg., Low Temp: 57.7 Deg. at 7:09am; Wind: SSE @ 8.5 mph, Gusting: 18.1 mph; Wind Chill: 56.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 53.3 Deg. at 7:39am; Dew Point: 38.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 30.2 Deg. at 12:05am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 47%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.01Hg; Pressure Altitude: -85.92'; Density Altitude: -145.93'; Cloud Base: 4985.82'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
11/19/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 35.4 mph at 9:49am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.16"; 0.07" yesterday, 0.09" today. Temp: 51.9 Deg., Low Temp: 51.3 Deg. at 7:31am; Wind: W @ 6.3 mph, Gusting: 13.0 mph; Wind Chill: 51.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 47.7 Deg. at 7:31am;
Dew Point: 47.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 46.8 Deg. at 6:45am; Sky: P/Cloudy, overcast, w/clouds up 18K' TO 37K'; Humidity at 85%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.89Hg; Pressure Altitude: 28.69'; Density Altitude: -409.81'; Cloud Base: 1098.38'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable, no weather related road closures. |
11/20/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 27.1 mph @ 11:11am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 33.1 Deg., Low Temp: 32.8 Deg. at 7:53am; Wind: NW @ 6.9 mph, Gusting: 6.9 mph; Wind Chill: 26.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 25.4 Deg. at 7:53am; Dew Point: 20.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 19.7 Deg. at 7:05am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 59%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.23Hg; Pressure Altitude: -284.21'; Density Altitude: -2095.81'; Cloud Base: 3188.65'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
11/21/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 21.4 mph @ 9:49am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 35.9 Deg., Low Temp: 35.9 Deg at 7:59am; Wind: ESE at 5.0 mph, Gusting: 10.1 mph; Wind Chill: 31.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 28.4 Deg.: Dew Point: 26.0 Deg.,
Low Dew Point: 20.0 Deg. at 2:556am; Sky: M/Cloudy and
overcast, with clouds up 11K'; Humidity at 66%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.11Hg; Pressure Altitude: -172.98'; Density Altitude: -1753.80'; Cloud Base: 2552.22'; Ground: moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable.
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11/22/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's HighWind: 25.5 mph @ 7:54pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.12". Temp: 28.8 Deg., Low Temp: 28.3 Deg. at 7:23am; Wind: NNW at 5.3 mph, Gusting: 8.0 mph; Wind Chill: 23.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 18.6 Deg. at 4:39am; Dew Point: 25.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 24.6 Deg. at 7:23am; Sky: M/Cloudy with clouds up to 34K'; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.08Hg; Pressure Altitude: -151.24'; Density Altitude: -2233.31'; Cloud Base: 761.04'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
11/23/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 20.8 mph @ 12:29am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 24.6 Deg., Low Temp: 19.5 Deg. at 2:27am; Wind: WSW @ 4.6 mph, Gusting: 4.6 mph; Wind Chill: 18.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 15.1 Deg. at 3:04am; Dew Point: 20.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 16.1 Deg. at 2;27am; Sky: Overcast, w/clouds up 8K'; Humidity at 83%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.15Hg; Pressure Altitude: -211.00'; Density Altitude: -2600.94'; Clouid Base: 1075.64'; Ground; Light to moderate layer of frost/dew, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
11/24/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 32.2 Deg., Low Temp: 31.7 Deg. at 6:46am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 32.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 27.4 Deg. at 3:34am; Dew Point: 29.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 28.1 Deg. at 12:00am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.29Hg; Pressure Altitude: -341.04'; Density Altitude: -2230.23'; Cloud Base: 794.43'; Ground; Light to moderate layer of frost covering, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
11/25/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 8.3 mph @ 3:34am. Todays Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 35.6 Deg., Low Temp: 33.1 Deg. at 2:39am; Wind: N @ 1.2 mph, Gusting: 1.2 mph; Wind Chill: 35.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 30.0 Deg. at 2:02am; Dew Point: 29.8 Deg. Low Dew Point: 29.7 Deg. at 7:33am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 79%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Baromettric Pressure at 30.46Hg; Pressurer Altitude: -492.13'; Density Altitude: 2180.15'; Cloud Base: 1456.80'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
11/26/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 17.4 mph @ 4:05pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 48.3 Deg., Low Temp: 46.3 Deg. at 12:01am; Wind:
WSW @ 8.1 mph, Gusting: 8.1 mph; Wind Chill: 46.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 41.7 Deg. at 1:56am; Dew Point: 33.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 28.1 Deg. at 12:01am; Sky: P/Cloudy-clear; Humidity at 57%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.51Hg; Pressure Altitude: -540.55'; Density Altitude: -1365.00'; Cloud Base: 3616.48'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
11/27/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 22.7 mph @ 9:11am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 56.3 Deg., Low Temp: 55.8 Deg. at 5:10am; Wind: WNW at 3.2mph, Gusting: 12.2mph; Wind Chill: 56.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 51.9 Deg. at 6:04am; Dew Point:
43.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 39.8 Deg. at 12:13am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up 10K'; Humidity at 62%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.35Hg; Pressure Altitude: -395.08'; Density Altitude: -647.27'; Cloud Base: 3188.11'; Ground; Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
11/28/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 22.5 mph at 11:16am. Todays Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Light rain is falling, in some areas; Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.40"; Temp: 40.6 Deg., Low Temp: 40.4 Deg. at 4:21am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 40.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 33.8 Deg. at 3:32am; Dew Point: 39.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 39.1 Deg. at 4:21am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up 300'; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 7.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.26Hg; Pressure Altitude: -308.58'; Density Altitude: -1603.65'; Cloud Base: 288.09'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
11/29/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 13.7 mph @ 5:12pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.14". Temp: 34.9 Deg., Low Temp: 34.8 Deg. at 7:56am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill:
34.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 29.8 Deg. at 3:00am; Dew Point: 33.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 33.3 Deg. at 7:56am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up 14K'; Humidity at 94%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.29Hg; Pressure Altitude: -338.33'; Density Altitude: -2030.11'; Cloud Base: 360.60'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
11/30/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 13.7 mph @ 2:31pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 29.2 Deg., Low Temp: 29.2 Deg. at 7:50am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 29.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 19.9 Deg. at 5:20am; Dew Point: 26.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 26.7 Deg. at 7:50am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.19Hg; Pressure Altitude: -248.98'; Density Altitude: -2320.20'; Cloud Base: 613.71'; Ground: Solid w/light to moderate layer of frost, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
12/1/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 16.5 mph @ 9:51am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Light rain is falling. Temp: 47.6 Deg., Low Temp: 43.4 Deg. at 12:53am; Wind: Light and variable; Wind Chill: 47.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 38.9 Deg. at 4:21am; Dew Point: 46.4 Deg.; Sky: Overcast/light to moderate Haze, in some areas; overcast clouds up 200'; Humidity at 95%; Visibility of 1.0 mile; Barometric Pressure at 29.92Hg; Pressure Altitude: 4.10'; Density Altitude: -736.48'; Cloud Base: 311.89'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways:
All open roads are clear and passable. |
12/2/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 13.8 mph @ 1:50PM. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.02". Temp: 36.1 Deg., Low Temp: 35.9 Deg. at 7:38am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill:
36.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 33.6 Deg. at 6:21am; Dew Point: 35.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 34.8 Deg. at 7:38am; Sky: Clear w/Light to moderate Haze, in some areas; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressurer at 29.84Hg; Pressure Altitude: 75.19'; Density Altitude: -1430.26'; Cloud Base: 263.50'; Ground: Wet to soggy, w/light layer of dew, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
12/3/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 21.4 mph @ 6:25pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.04". Past 24-hr snow accumulation: <1/10th; Temp: 34.0 Deg., Low Temp: 32.9 Deg. at 2:06am; Wind: N at 7.3 mph, Gusting: 7.3 mph; Wind Chill: 34.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 23.7 Deg. at 1:51am; Dew Point: 31.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 30.5 Deg. at 2:06am; Sky Overcast w/clouds up 700'; Humidity at 92%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.16Hg; Pressure Altitude: -219.15'; Density Altitude: -1944.30'; Cloud Base: 512.02'; Ground: Solid w/light dusting of snow, in some areas;
Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
12/4/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 16.1 mph @ 3:56am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 31.2 Deg., Low Temp: 30.3 Deg. at 5:06am; Wind: W at 1.4 mph, Gusting: 6.2 mph; Wind Chill: 31.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 21.7 Deg. at 5:50am; Dew Point: 29.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 28.2 Deg. at 5:06am; Sky: Overcast w/light to moderate haze, in some areas; Humidity at 93%; Visibility of 2.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.50Hg; Pressure Altitude: -535.17'; Density Altitude: -2543.75'; Cloud Base: 419.79'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
12/5/2015 |
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Freezing Dense Fog Advisory until 10:00am today. Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 29.9 Deg., Low Temp: 29.7 Deg. at 7:15am; Wind: SE Light and variable; Wind Chill: 30.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 24.6 Deg. at 1:27am; Dew Point: 29.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 28.7 Deg. at 7:15am; Sky: Medium to dense fog, in some areas; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 0.2 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.70Hg; Pressure Altitude: -717.52'; Density Altitude: -2864.33'; Cloud Base: 243.66'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways:
All open roads are clear and passable, no weather related road closures. |
12/6/2015 |
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Freezing Fog Advisory til 10:00am ET today. Yesterday's High Wind: 9.4mph @ 3:07am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 31.9 Deg., Low Temp: 26.4 Deg. at 2:13am; Wind: N at 1.3mph, Gusting: 5.0mph; Wind Chill: 31.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 24.8 Deg. at 4:36am; Dew Point: 30.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 25.4 Deg. at 2:13am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.46Hg; Pressure Altitude: -502.89'; Density Altitude: -2443.41'; Cloud Base: 271.58'; Ground: Solid w/moderate layer of frost covering; Roaways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
12/7/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 9.7 mph @ 6:06pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 30.8 Deg., Low Temp: 30.3 Deg. at 7:29am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 30.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 30.3 Deg. at 7:29am; Dew Point: 28.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 28.0 Deg. at 7:20am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 92%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.21Hg; Pressure Altitude: -262.24'; Density Altitude: -2227.22'; Cloud Base: 511.26'; Ground: Solid w/light to medium layer of frost/dew, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all
open roads are clear and passable. |
12/8/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 8.9 mph @ 3:05pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 39.1 Deg., Low Temp: 30.3 Deg. at 1:53am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 39.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 28.6 Deg. at 2:49am; Dew Point: 37.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 29.1 Deg. at 1:53am; Sky: Patches of Fog/Haze, in some areas; Humidity at 95%; Visibility of 6.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.12Hg; Pressure Altitude: -181.13'; Density Altitude: -1555.49'; Cloud Base: 313.53'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways:
All open roads are clear and passable. |
12/9/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 15.5 mph @ 2:09pm. Todays Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 39.3 Deg., Low Temp: 39.2 Deg. at 7:48am; Wind: WSW @ 6.9 mph, Gusting: 6.9 mph; Wind Chill: 36.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 33.5 Deg. at 7:57am; Dew Point: 36.9 Deg.; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.88Hg; Pressure Altitude: 39.62'; Density Altitude: -1259.82'; Cloud Base: 607.79'; Ground: Light frost layer, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related roads closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/10/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 22.9 mph @ 3:54pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 41.2 Deg., Low Temp: 40.2 Deg. at 6:45am; Wind: SW @ 4.6 mph, Gusting: 4.6 mph; Wind Chill: 41.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 35.7 @ 6:49am; Dew Point: 39.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 38.0 Deg. at 6:45am; Sky: Clear w/light Fog-Haze in some areas; Humidity at 93%; Visibility of 4.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.91Hg; Pressure Altitude: 6.83'; Density Altitude: -1169.64'; Cloud Base: 494.18'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
12/11/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 20.9 mph @ 7:45pm. Todays's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 45.3 Deg., Low Temp: 44.9 Deg. at 7:32am; Wind: WSW @ 0.2 mph, Gusting: 8.9 mph; Wind Chill: 45.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 40.0 Deg. aty 7:50am; Dew Point: 42.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 42.2 Deg. at 7:32am; Sky: Clear w/patches of haze, in some areas/clouds up 700'; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 5.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.87Hg; Pressure Altitude: 50.56'; Density Altitude: -841.67'; Cloud Base: 616.51'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
12/12/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 22.4 mph @ 1:30pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 58.8 Deg., Low Temp: 54.7 Deg. at 12:00am; Wind: Light and variable; Wind Chill: 58.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 52.6 Deg. at 12:05am; Dew Point: 55.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 50.8 Deg. at 12:00am;
Sky: Cloudy with clouds up 1K' to 5K'; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.03Hg; Pressure Altitude: -99.54'; Density Altitude:
-116.55'; Cloud Base: 877.30'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/13/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 22.4 mph @ 1:30pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.01". Temp: 58.7 Deg., Low Temp: 58.0 Deg. at 7:11am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 58.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 57.3 Deg. at 7:21am;
Dew Point: 55.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 54.5 Deg. at 7:11am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up 49K'; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.11Hg; Pressure altitude: -172.98'; Density Altitude: -220.54'; Cloud Base: 830.24'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
12/14/2015 |
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Chance of rain possible today. Yesterday's High Wind: 12.1 mph @ 12:06am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 61.9 Deg., Low Temp: 58.3 Deg. at 5:33am; Wind: W at 23.0 mph, Gusting: 23.0 mph; Wind Chill: 61.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 54.6 Deg. at 5:46am; Dew Point: 48.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 46.9 Deg. at 4:23am; Sky: Clear to overcast, in some areas; Humidity at 62%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.58Hg; Pressure Altitude: 308.63'; Density Altitude: 583.92'; Cloud Base: 3230.38''; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
12/15/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 27.6 mph @ 5:08pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.09". Temp: 41.5 Deg., Low Temp: 41.4 Deg. at 7:02am; Wind: WNW @ 9.2 mph, Gusting: 9.2 mph; Wind Chill: 35.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 33.9 Deg. at 5:09am; Dew Point: 38.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 37.6 Deg. at 7:02am; Sky: Overcast/Haze with clouds up 800' to 1500'; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 5.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.81Hg; Pressure Altitude: 108.05'; Density Altitude:
-1023.09'; Cloud Base: 835.05'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/16/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 17.8 mph @ 11:12am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 42.4 Deg., Low Temp: 42.1 Deg. at 3:46am; Wind: WSW @ 4.6 mph, Gusting: 4.6 mph; Wind Chill: 42.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 35.6 Deg. at 3:12am; Dew Point: 38.6 Deg.,Low Dew Point: 37.9 Deg. at 5:44am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up 1K'; Humidity at 86%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.99Hg; Pressure Altitude: -64.12'; Density Altitude: -1168.66'; Cloud Base: 933.76'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
12/17/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Temp: 17.7 mph @ 7:59pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 37.4 Deg., Low Temp: 37.3 Deg. at 8:00am; Wind: NNW @ 4.3 mph, Gusting: 8.4 mph; Wind Chill: 33.8 Deg. Low Wind Chill: 31.4 Deg. at 7:57am; Dew Point: 33.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 33.8 Deg. at 7:57am; Sky: P/Cloudy with clouds up 800'; Humidity at 87%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.80Hg; Pressure Altitude: 108.05'; Density Altitude:
-1305.94'; Cloud Base: 862.72'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
12/18/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 23.1 mph @ 2:38pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 30.3 Deg., Low Temp: 30.3 Deg. at 7:51am; Wind:
NNW at 6.9 mph, Gusting: 6.9 mph; Wind Chill: 27.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 21.6 Deg. at 7:27am; Dew Point: 22.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 22.2 Deg. at 7:35am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up 2600'; Humidity at 72%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.96Hg; Pressure Altitude: -34.12'; Density Altitude: -1973.78'; Cloud Base: 1973.78'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some ares; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
12/19/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 25.1 mph @ 4:10pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 27.5 Deg., Low Temp: 26.1 Deg. at 2:59am; Wind: WNW @ 9.2 mph, Gusting: 9.2 mph; Wind Chill: 22.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 14.7 Deg. at 2:04am; Dew Point: 21.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 19.4 Deg. at 1:10am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up 2K'; Humidity at 79%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.18Hg; Pressure Altitude: -240.85'; Density Altitude: -2438.05'; Cloud Base: 1397.06'; Ground: Dry to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
12/20/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 25.2 mph @ 12:27pm. Today's current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 24.0 Deg., Low Temp: 22.4 Deg. at 6:27am; Wind: N @ 5.4 mmph, Gusting: 5.4 mph; Wind Chill: 24.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 14.4 Deg. @ 4:55am; Dew Point: 17.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 15.8 Deg. @ 12:09am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 74%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.48Hg; Pressure Altitude: -510.97'; Density Altitude: -3024.01'; Cloud Base: 1744.85'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are cleqr and passable. |
12/21/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 23.9 mph @ 1:52pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Light rain is falling. Temp: 45.3 Deg., Low Temp: 40.5 Deg. at 12:05am; Wind: WNW @ 6.4 mph, Gusting: 12.4 mph; Wind Chill: 40.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 33.7 Deg. at 12:52am; Dew Point: 33.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 22.5 Deg. at 12:05am; Sky: Overcaast w/clouds up to 5500'; Humidity at 66%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.05Hg; Pressure Altitude: -121.32'; Density Altitude: -1089.28; Cloud Base: 2716.19'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
12/22/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 26.1 mph @ 10:46am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.98". Today's rain accumulation: 0.77: Yesterday's total: 0.21"; for total: 0.98 past 24-hr. Temp: 51.9 Deg., Low Temp: 51.4 Deg. at 6:52am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 51.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 50.1 Deg. at 5:10am; Dew Point: 50.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 49.6 Deg. at 4:59am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up to 2700'; Humidity at 94%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.82Hg; Pressure Altitude: 94.35'; Density Altitude: -341.90'; Cloud Base: 402.67'; Ground: Wet to saturated in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/23/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 13.5 mph @ 10:29am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 55.1 Deg., Low Temp: 43.8 Deg. at 12:39am; Wind: Light and variable; Wind Chill: 55.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 43.8 Deg. at 12:39am; Dew Point: 53.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 42.4 Deg. at 12:39am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up 2700'; Humidity at 93%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.84Hg; Pressure Altitude: 77.92'; Density Altitude:
-148.81'; Cloud Base: 488.33'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/24/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 20.5 mph @ 11:55pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation. 0.44". Temp: 47.5 Deg., Low Temp: 47.5 Deg. at 7:57am; Wind: W at 8.6 mph, Gusting: 17.0 mph; Wind Chill: 45.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 42.7 Deg. at 7:48am; Dew Point: 40.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 39.2 Deg. at 7:48am; Sky: Cloudy w/clouds up to 5K'; Humidity at 78%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.93Hg; Pressure Altitude: 1.37'; Density Altitude: -739.87'; Cloud Base: 1837.40'; Ground: wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/25/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 21.7 mph @ 2:05am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 49.5 Deg., Low Temp: 42.7 Deg. at 12:00am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 49.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 40.8 Deg. at 1:26am; Dew Point: 44.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 35.4 Deg. at 1:27am; Sky: Overcast/cloudy with clouds up 6500'; Humidity at 83%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.15Hg; Pressure Altitude: -211.00'; Density Altitude: -881.63'; Cloud Base: 1227.72'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
12/26/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 10.6 mph @ 2:10pm. Todays Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 42.4 Deg., Low Temp: 40.4 Deg. at 2:16am; Wind: Light and variable; Wind Chill: 42.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 34.5 Deg. at 5:06am; Dew Point: 37.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 36.5 Deg. at 6:53am; Sky: P/Cloudy with clouds up 2500'; Humidity at 81%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.29Hg; Pressure Altitude: -341.04'; Density Altitude: -1520.06'; Cloud Base: 1367.39'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
12/27/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 15.5 mph @ 7:59am. Todays Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 1.75"; Light to moderate rain is falling; Temp: 51.8 Deg., Low Temp: 51.8 Deg. at 8:00am; Wind: NNE at 6.8 mph, Gusting: 11.1 mph; Wind Chill: 48.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 48.5 Deg. at 8:00am; Dew Point: 50.4 Deg. Low Dew Point: 50.3 Deg. at 8:00am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds to 900'; Humidity at 94%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.98Hg; Pressure Altitude: -58.67'; Density Altitude: -504.59'; Cloud Base: 410.35'; Ground: Soggy to saturated, in some areas; Roaways: No
weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/28/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 30.1 mph @ 4:43am. Toaday's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.44". Temp: 34.1 Deg., Low Temp: 33.7 Deg. at 7:47am; Wind: N @ 1.2 mph, Gusting: 1.2 mph; Wind Chill: 34.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 22.1 Deg. at 7:47am; Dew Point: 29.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 28.3 Deg. at 7:47am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up 8K'; Humidity at 82d%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.29Hg; Pressure Altitude: -335.63'; Density Altitude: -2082.80'; Cloud Base: 1250.62'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/29/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 33.6 mph @ 6:36pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation: past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.47"/12-28=0.43/12-29=0.04. Temp: 47.3 Deg., Low Temp: 47.3 Deg. at 8:00am; Wind: NNW @ 9.2 mph, Gusting: 9.2 mph; Wind Chill: 43.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 40.7 Deg. at 7:49am; Dew Point: 42.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 42.4 Deg.
at 8:00am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up 2200'; Humidity at 83%; Visibility at 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.83Hg; Pressure Altitude: 86.14'; Density Altitude: -648.22'; Cloud Base: 1193.00'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways; All open roads are clear and passable. |
12/30/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 24.9 mph @ 12:06am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.04". Current Temp: 36.2 Deg., Low Temp: 34.9 Deg. at 2:41am, Wind: Light and variable; Wind Chill: 36.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 29.5 Deg. at 12:09am; Dew Point: 32.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 31.6 Deg. at 1:02am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up 1400'; Humidity at 86%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.18Hg; Pressure Altitude: -240.85'; Density Altitude: -1817.57'; Cloud Base: 915.74'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
12/31/2015 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 13.4 mph @ 5:05pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Oberservation.
Light snow had ended. Temp: 30.8 Deg., Low Temp: 30.6 Deg. at 7:56am; Wind: NNW @ 3.2 mph, Gusting: 7.1 mph; Wind Chill: 27.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 21.3 Deg at 7:37am; Dew Point: 29.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 29.1 Deg. at 3:49am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up 2K'; Humidity at 95%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.22Hg; Pressure Altitude: -276.08'; Density Altitude: -2254.92'; Cloud Base: 321.40'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: Patches of ice/slippery roads, in some areas. All open roads are clear and passable. |
1/1/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 19.8 mph @ 9:23pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 26.3 Deg., Low Temp: 26.2 Deg. at 7:59am; Wind: NW @ 12.7 mph, Gusting: 12.7 mph; Wind Chill: 15.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 13.7 Deg. at 7:52am; Dew Point: 22.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 21.4 Deg. at 7:59am; Sky: Cloudy w/clouds up 2100'; Humidity at 82%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.18Hg; Pressure Altitude: -240.85'; Density Altitude: -2509.74'; Cloud Base: 1198.52'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
1/2/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 23.9 mph @ 5:44am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 26.7 Deg., Low Temp: 24.8 Deg. at 5:33am; Wind: WNW @ 5.3 mph, Gusting: 5.8 mph; Wind Chill: 20.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 13.0 Deg. at 6:23am; Dew Point: 24.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 21.8 Deg. at 2:57am; Sky: Cloudy w/clouds up 1600'; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.13Hg; Pressure Altitude: -181.13'; Density Altitude: -2420.29'; Cloud Base: 673.13'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
1/3/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 23.0 mph @ 11:46am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 30.3 Deg., Low Temp: 30.1 Deg. at 7:42am; Wind: N @ 5.9 mph, Gusting: 9.4 mph; Wind Chill: 30.3 Deg.,
Low Wind Chill: 19.3 Deg. at 5:21am; Dew Point: 26.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 25.7 Deg. at 1:59am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up 1300'; Humidity at 86%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.96Hg; Pressure Altitude: -34.12'; Density Altitude:
-1980.47'; Cloud Base: 933.19'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
1/4/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 19.2 mph @ 5:21am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr new snow accumulation: .2'; Temp: 24.3 Deg., Low Temp: 22.7 Deg. at 3:57am; Wind: NNW @ 3.9 mph, Gusting: 9.0 mph; Wind Chill: 18.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 13.5 Deg. at 4:17am; Dew Point: 18.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 16.8 Deg. at 4:15am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up to 10K'; Humidity at 79%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.23Hg; Pressure Altitude: -284.21'; Density Altitude: -2714.36'; Cloud Base: 1413.42'; Ground: Areas of light snow accumulation, damp to wet; Roadways: Some overpasses, on/off ramps may be a little slick, all open roads are clear and passable.//EDIT: 0.20 precip moved to New Snow (per comments), precip changed to NA. -SDH- |
1/5/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 23.1 mph @ 3:57am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr snow accumulation: .2tenths. Temp: 11.0 Deg., Low Temp: 9.8 Deg. at 6:53am; Wind: Slight breeze blowing; Wind Chill: 11.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 9.8 Deg. at 6:53am; Dew Point: 8.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 7.1 Deg. at 6:53am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 89%; Visisbility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.62Hg; Pressure Altitude: -637.19'; Density Altitude: -4147.98'; Cloud Base: 656.01'; Ground: Light to moderate layer of frost/ice/snow, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable.//EDIT: 0.20 precip moved to New Snow, precip set to NA -SDH- |
1/6/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 18.1 mph @ 5:05am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 20.0 Deg., Low Temp: 18.0 Deg. at 5:16am; Wind: WSW @ 3.5 mph, Gusting: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 20.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 10.2 Deg. at 3:29am; Dew Point: 12.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 11.5 Deg. at 5:04am; Sky: P/Cloudy to Clear; Humidity at 72%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.43Hg; Pressure Altitude: -473.28'; Density Altitude: -3270.28'; Cloud Base: 1858.40'; Ground: Frozen w/patches snow/ice, in some areas. Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
1/7/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 12.2 mph @ 2:04pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 22.7 Deg., Low Temp: 21.7 Deg. at 6:15am; Wind: Slight to moderate breeze, in some areas; Wind Chill: 22.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 21.7 Deg. at 6:15am; Dew Point: 17.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 17.1 Deg. at 6:09am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 79%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.23Hg; Pressure Altitude: -284.21'; Density Altitude: -2829.61'; Cloud Base: 1380.59'; Ground: Light to moderate layer of frost/dew, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
1/8/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 9.3 mph @ 1:05pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 31.5 Deg., Low Temp: 26.7 Deg. at 4:09am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 31.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 25.5 Deg. at 6:35am; Dew Point: 27.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 21.1 Deg. at 1:03am; Sky: Cloudy w/clouds up 5K'; Humidity at 85%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.00Hg; Pressure Altitude: -75.02'; Density Altitude: -1946.94'; Cloud Base: 1009.49'; Ground: Solid w/patches of snow/ice, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
1/9/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 13.0 mph @ 11:41pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.24". Temp: 47.5 Deg, Low Temp: 45.6 Deg. at 12:00am; Wind: WSW @ 4.0 mph, Gusting: 6.6 mph; Wind Chill: 47.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 40.1 Deg. at 12:17am; Dew Point: 46.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 12:01am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up 900'; Humidity at 95%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.90Hg; Pressure Altitude: 15.02'; Density Altitude: -722.92'; Cloud Base: 332.57'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
1/10/2016 |
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Wind Advisory until 7:00pm tonight. Yesterday's High Wind: 15.5 mph @ 2:09am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Light to moderate rain is falling. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.37". Temp: 46.0 Deg., Low Temp: 45.0 Deg. at 3:47am; Wind: W @ 0.4 mph, Gusting: 12.2 mph; Wind Chill: 46.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 39.9 Deg. at 3:30am; Dew Point: 44.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 43.6 Deg. at 3:27am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up to 4100'; Humidity at 95%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.32Hg; Pressure Altitude: 560.34'; Density Altitude:
-154.60'; Cloud Base: 337.45'; Ground: Wet to saturated, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
1/11/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 30.9 mph. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Light flurries falling. Past 24-hr rain: 0.48"; Past 24-hr snow: 0.12" = 0.60" total. Temp: 8.4 Deg., Low Temp: 8.1 Deg. at 7:46am; Wind: W at 4.1 mph, Gusting: 5.2 mph; Wind Chill: 4.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: -6.4 Deg. at 7:14am; Dew Point: 5.5 Deg. Low Dew Point: 5.3 Deg. at 7:46am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up 1800'; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 5.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.08Hg; Pressure Altitude: -143.08'; Density Altitude: -3725.08'; Cloud Base: 667.66'; Ground: Solid, snow covered; Roaways: No weather related road closurers, all open roads are clear and passable, some may be slick. |
1/12/2016 |
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Winter Weather Advisory until noon EST today. Yesterday's High Wind: 22.2 mph @ 1:56am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Moderate blowing snow is falling. Temp: 27.9 Deg., Low Temp: 21.6 Deg. at 12:00am; Wind: NNW @ 13.8 mph, Gusting: 13.8 mph; Wind Chill: 16.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 10.1 Deg. at 12:26am; Dew Point: 26.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 16.8 Deg. at 12:00am; Sky: Overcast with clouds up 1500'; Humidity of 95%; Visibility of 1.0 mile; Barometric Pressure at 29.67Hg; Pressure Altitude: 231.56'; Density Altitude: -1810.82'; Cloud Base: 292.05'; Ground: Solid/snow covered; Roadways: Some county/twp.
roads may be snow covered and slick.
[edit: observer reported snowfall in precip field? Replaced 2.00 with NA and will contact volunteer. CoCoStaff NN. Updated. Volunteer called HQ and we talked over the procedure. Replaced new snowfall to 2.0 and leaving SWE NA for today] |
1/13/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind. 35.0 mph @ 2:31pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 2.5 Deg., Low Temp: 2.4 Deg. at 7:52am; Wind: WNW @ 4.4 mph, Gusting: 4.4 mph; Wind Chill: -4.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: -10.8 Deg. at 4:52am; Dew Point: 0.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 0.1 Deg. at 7:52am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.15Hg; Pressure Altitude: -208.29'; Density Altitude: -4237.23'; Cloud Base: 570.69'; Ground: Solid/Snow covered; Roadways: Some County/Twp and back roads may be still be snow/ice covered, with travel impedance. Some Ashland Schools closed early yeaterday..due to road conditions. |
1/14/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 16.1 mph @ 12:39am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr snow accumulation: .2". Temp: 26.1 Deg., Low Temp: 23.7 Deg. at 1:19am; Wind: SSW @ 4.5 mph, Gusting: 4.9 mph; Wind Chill: 19.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 10.0 Deg. at 12:37am; Dew Point: 21.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 17.2 Deg. at 1:19am; Sky: Overcast; Humidity at 82%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.87Hg; Pressure Altitude: 45.09'; Density Altitude: -2143.90'; Cloud Base: 1185.76'; Ground: Solid and snow covered; Roadways: Some County,
Twp. and back roads may still be travel restricted with snow and ice. All open road are clear and passable. |
1/15/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 20.9 mph @ 12:37am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation.
Temp: 39.7 Deg., Low Temp: 39.2 Deg. at 7:02am; Wind: WSW @ 11.5 mph., Gusting: 11.5 mph; Wind Chill: 36.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 32.1 Deg. at 7:20am; Dew Point: 32.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 32.1 Deg. at 5:56am; Sky: P/Cloudy with clouds up 4K'; Humidity at 75%; Visibility at 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.69Hg; Pressure Altitude: 209.57'; Density Altitude: -1020.10'; Cloud Base: 1823.61'; Ground: Soggy to saturated/partially snow covered in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all
open roads are clear and passable. |
1/16/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 13.9 mph @ 1:15pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.15". Temp: 32.5 Deg., Low Temp: 32.2 Deg. at 7:25am; Wind: N @ 5.3 mph, Gusting: 10.5 mph; Wind Chill: 27.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 28.6 Deg. at 6:45an; Dew Point: 31.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 30.8 Deg. at 7:25am; Sky: Overcast, with Clouds up 700'; Humidity at 95%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.65Hg; Pressure Altitude: 248.06'; Density Altitude: -1465.87'; Cloud Base: 343.72'; Ground: Wet/soggy, some snow spot areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
1/17/2016 |
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Wind Chill Advisory: This evening thru noon Monday.
Yesterday's High Wind: 21.4 mph @ 4:24pm. Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 24.9 Deg., Low Temp: 24.3 Deg. at 7:21am; Wind: NNW @ 5.0 mph, Gusting: 5.8 mph; Wind Chill: 21.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 15.4 Deg. at 7:46am; Dew Point: 21.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 20.2 Deg. at 7:04am; Sky: Cloudy w/clouds up 1400'; Humidity at 86%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.86Hg; Pressure Altitude: 56.03'; Density Altitude: -2258.79'; Cloud Base: 888.86'; Ground: Wet to soggy/patches of snow, in some areas; Roaways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
1/18/2016 |
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Wind Chill Advisory: To end at noon EST today. Yesterday's High Wind: 21.4 mph @ 11:32pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr snow accumulation: 0.5". Temp: 3.4 Deg., Low Temp: 3.2 Deg. at 7:59am; Wind: NW @ 2.5 mph, Gusting: 10.3 mph;
Wind Chill: -2.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: -13.9 Deg. at 2:52am; Dew Point: -0.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: -0.6 Deg. at 12:09am; Sky: Overcast, with clouds up 2300';
Humidity at 84%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.10Hg; Pressure Altitude: -170.27'; Density Altitude: -4136.42'; Cloud Base: 946.05'; Ground: Solid and snow covered; Roadways: Some county, twp. and other back roads may still be travel
restricted due to snow and ice. |
1/19/2016 |
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Wind Chill Advisory til 9:00am this AM. Yesterday's High Wind: 21.3 mph @ 2:42pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 5.3 Deg., Low Temp: 5.2 Deg. at 7:33am; Wind: WNW @ 4.5 mph, Gusting: 7.6 mph;
Wind Chill: -3.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: -10.3 Deg. at 3:30am; Dew Point: 1.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 0.7 Deg. at 12:00am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 85%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.36Hg; Pressure Altitude: -408.57'; Density Altitude: -4286.86'; Cloud Base: 885.50'; Ground: Solid/Snow covered; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable, some rual backroads may be slick. |
1/20/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 15.2 mph @ 3:30am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 13.5 Deg., Low Temp: 6.6 Deg. at 12:24am; Wind: SE @ 4.4 mph, Gusting: 5.0 mph; Wind Chill: 13.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 4.8 Deg. at 6:10am; Dew Point: 9.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 3.7 Deg. at 12:24am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up 8k'; Humidity at 85%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.28Hg; Pressure AltitudeL -330.22'; Density Altitude: -3567.05'; Cloud Base: 922.04'; Ground: Solid w/areas of snow covering; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
1/21/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 9.8 mph @ 10:53am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr snow accumulation: 1.5". Temp: 6.6 Deg., Low Temp: 6.4 Deg. at 7:57am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 6.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 6.4 Deg. at 7:57am; Dew Point: 4.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 4.6 Deg. at 7:57am; Sky: Cloudy w/clouds up 2K'; Humidity at 92%; Visibility of 6.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.35Hg; Pressure Altitude: -397.78'; Density Altitude: -4167.60'; Cloud Base: 444.59'; Ground: Solid, snow covered; Roadways: Some County/Twp. and rual back roads may be travel restricted due to sno and ice. |
1/22/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 6.6 mph @ 2:02am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 21.4 Deg., Low Temp: 14.7 Deg. at 2:16am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 21.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 7.4 Deg. at 2:53am; Dew Point: 17.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 12.7 Deg. at 2:17am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up 2200'; Humidity at 86%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.22Hg; Pressure Altitude: -276.08'; Density Altitude: -2913.39'; Cloud Base: 902.72'; Ground: Solid, with snow covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
1/23/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 22.2 mph @ 8:32pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Light/blowing snow is falling. Past 24-hr snow accumulation: 0.1"; Temp: 24.0 Deg., Low Temp: 23.7 Deg. at 12:22am; Wind: Moderate/variable(anoemeter frozen); Wind Chill: 24.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 7.5 Deg. at 12:35am; Dew Point: 22.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 13.3 Deg. at 12:00am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up 1400'; Humidity at 93%; Visibility of 7.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.98Hg; Pressure Altitude: -55.94'; Density Altitude: -2456.63'; Cloud Base: 438.15'; Ground: Solid/snow covered; Roadways: Some may be slick, all open roads are clear and passable. |
1/24/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 27.5 mph @ 12:20am. Today's 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 17.0 Deg., Low Temp: 10.3 Deg. at 4:14am; Wind: S @ 2.8 mph, Gusting: 5.0 mph; Wind Chill: 16.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 4.9 Deg. at 6:07am; Dew Point: 15.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 8.6 Deg. at 4:14am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 93%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.09Hg; Pressure Altitude: -159.39'; Density Altitude: -3086.86'; Cloud Base: 405.61'; Ground: Solid and snow covered; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
1/25/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 18.7 mph @ 12:39PM. Today's Current 8:00AM Weather Observation. Temp: 25.4 Deg., Low Temp: 25.1 Deg. at 5:14am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 25.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 16.8 Deg. at 3:51am; Dew Point: 20.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 19.5 Deg. at 5:14am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 80%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.08Hg; Pressure Altitude: -148.52'; Density Altitude: -2458.04'; Cloud Base: 1347.33'; Ground: Solid with patches of snow cover, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable.
1/26/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 18.0 mph @ 2:53pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 42.3 Deg., Low Temp: 42.3 Deg. at 12:20am; Wind: NW @ 23.0 mph, Gusting: 23.0 mph; Wind Chill: 38.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 34.2 Deg. at 12:37am; Dew Point: 37.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 34.7 Deg. at 12:00am;
Sky: Overcast w/clouds up to 2700'; Humidity at 79%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.86Hg; Pressure Altitude: 61.50'; Density Altitude: -930.34'; Cloud Base: 1460.66'; Ground: Wet w/areas of snow covering; Roadways: All open roads are
clear and passable. |
1/27/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 35.0 mph @ 7:43am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 25.4 Deg., Low Temp: 25.3 Deg. at 7:24am; Wind: Light & variable; Wind Chill: 25.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 13.7 Deg. at 6:25am; Dew Point: 21.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 21.0 Deg. at 5:36am; Sky: Overcast; Humidity at 84%; Barometric Pressure at 30.25Hg; Pressure Altitude: -300.46'; Density Altitude: -2662.95'; Cloud Base: 1044.44'; Ground: Solid/damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
1/28/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Temp: 22.2 mpn @ 2:46am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 29.0 Deg., Low Temp: 23.0 Deg. at 12:34am; Wind:
Light/variable, Gusting: 0.2 mph; Wind Chill: 29.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 13.4 Deg. at 1:26am; Dew Point: 24.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 19.2 Deg. at 12:34am; Sky: Overcast Overcast w/clouds up 65k'; Humidity at 82%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.77Hg; Pressure Altitude: 135.46'; Density Altitude: -1853.17'; Cloud Base: 1221.40'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
1/29/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 21.3 mph @ 2:48pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Total rain/snow mix of 0.02"; Temp: 25.1 Deg., Low Temp: 24.9 Deg., Wind: N @ 12.2 mph, Gusting: 16.7 mph; Wind Chill: 13.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 12.1 Deg. at 7:06am; Dew Point: 19.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 19.0 Deg. at 7:14am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up 2700'; Humidity at 79%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.81Hg; Pressure Altitude: 97.09'; Density Altitude: -2985.83'; Cloud Base: 1395.79'; Ground: Solid, dusting of light snow, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
1/30/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 23.1 mph @ 4:42am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 31.0 Deg., Low Temp: 24.8 Deg. at 12:04am; Wind:
N @ 2.3 mph, Gusting: 2.3 mph; Wind Chill: 31.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 15.8 Deg. at 16:06am; Dew Point:
24.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 20.0 Deg. at 12:04am; Sky: P/Coudy-Clear; Humidity at 77%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.83Hg; Pressure Altitude: 86.14'; Density Altitude: -1780.67'; Cloud Base: 1612.05'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
1/31/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 21.4 mph @ 1:39pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 51.2 Deg., Low Temp: 48.9 Deg. at 1:45am; Wind: SSW @ 0.9 mph, Gusting: 9.6 mph; Wind Chill: 51.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 45.9 Deg. at 1:10am; Dew Point: 39.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 36.1 Deg. at 12:52am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds to 5500'; Humidity at 64%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.78Hg; Pressure Altitude: 129.97'; Density Altitude: -331.28'; Cloud Base: 2974.93'; Ground: Solid, Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
2/1/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 30.1 mph @ 9:27pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 38.3 Deg., Low Temp: 38.3 Deg. at 7:31am; Wind: Light/variable; Wind Chill: 38.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill:
30.8 Deg. at 4:42am; Dew Point: 34.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 34.7 Deg. at 5:48am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up 1900'; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.96Hg; Pressure Altitude: -34.12'; Density Altitude: -1413.84'; Cloud Base: 844.66'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways:
All open roads are clear and passable, no weather related road closures. |
2/2/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 24.7 mph @ 3:07am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 32.9 Deg., Low Temp: 26.5 Deg. at 5:46am; Wind: Light/variable; Wind Chill: 32.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill:
22.1 Deg. at 5:51am; Dew Point: 30.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 25.3 Deg. at 3:41am; Sky: Cloudy/Overcast, w/clouds up 11k'; ; Humidity at 92%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.20Hg; Pressure Altitude: -259.82'; Density Altitude: -2079.40'; Cloud Base: 542.76'; Ground: Solid w/light to moderate layer of frost, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures. |
2/3/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 26.8 mph @ 3:36pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Rain has ended. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.65". Temp: 55.1 Deg., Low Temp: 51.6 Deg. at 12:02am; Wind: N @ 1.2 mph, Gusting: 16.0 mph; Wind Chill: 55.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 50.6 Deg. at 7:03am; Dew Point: 52.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 48.8 Deg. at 12:03am;
Sky: Cloudy w/clouds up 1100"; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.63Hg; Pressure Altitude: 272.83'; Density Altitude: 92.13'; Cloud Base: 643.49'; Ground: Soggy to saturated, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures. |
2/4/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 32.2 mph @ 1:50pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 31.0 Deg., Low Temp: 31.0 Deg. at 8:00am; Wind: Light & variable; Wind Chill: 31.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 21.7 Deg. at 3:58am; Dew Point: 28.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 28.2 Deg. at 6:38am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up 1100'; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 7.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.15Hg; Pressure Altitude: -208.29'; Density Altitude: -2141.83'; Cloud Base: 591.86'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
2/5/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 19.4 mph @ 1:02am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr snow accumulation: .1"; Temp: 18.2 Deg., Low Temp: 17.7 Deg. at 7:06am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill:
18.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 13.5 Deg. at 12:40am; Dew Point: 15.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 15.2 Deg. at 7:06am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.37Hg; Pressure Altitude: -413.97'; Density Altitude: -3344.60'; Cloud Base: 582.61'; Ground: Solid, with layer of snow/and or frost; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
2/6/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 14.3 mph @ 4:51pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 26.4 Deg., Low Temp: 24.4 Deg. at 7:20am; Wind: NNW @ 2.5 mph, Gusting: 4.6 mph; Wind Chill: 23.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 18.1 Deg. at 7:42am; Dew Point: 24.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 21.6 Deg. at 7:20am; Sky: Overcast w/Haze-Mist, in some areas; Clouds up 700'; Humidity of 91%; Visibility of 6.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.32Hg; Presssure Altitude: -370.77'; Density Altitude: -2672.34'; Cloud Base: 559.55'; Groud: Solid w/layer of Dew, and or frost; Roadways: |
2/7/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 14.5 mph @ 5:09pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 30.4 Deg., Low Temp: 29.6 Deg. at 7:37am; Wind: Light & variable; Wind Chill: 30.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 23.5 Deg. at 3:06am; Dew Point: 25.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 21.4 Deg. at 12:05am; Sky: Clear w/some clouds up 6K'; Humidity at 80%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.06Hg; Pressure Altitude: -132.20'; Density Altitude: -2103.18'; Cloud Base: 1340.57'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
2/8/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 21.2 mph @ 4:00PM. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Light rain is falling; Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.10"; Temp: 37.2 Deg., Low Temp: 37.2 Deg. at 7:55am;
Wind: Light & variable; Wind Chill: 37.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 32.6 Deg. at 4:39am; Dew Point: 35.1 Deg.,
Low Dew Point: 25.5 Deg. at 12:00am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up 11K'; Humidity at 92%; Visibility of 7.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.60Hg; Pressure Altitude: 292.10'; Density Altitude: -1083.48'; Cloud Base: 547.05'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
2/9/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 14.2 mph @ 1:59am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 28.4 Deg., Low Temp: 28.3 Deg. at 7:39am; wind: NNW @ 3.9 mph, Gusting: 6.9 mph; Wind Chill: 21.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 18.7 Deg. at 7:41am; Dew Point: 26.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 26.3 Deg. at 7:41am; Sky: Overcast, with clouds up 800'; Humidity at 92%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.61Hg; Pressure Altitude: 294.86'; Density Altitude:
-1689.09"Cloud Base: 473.40'; Ground: Solid and wet; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
2/10/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 19.9 mph @ 8:33pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Light snow is falling. Past 24-hr snow accumulation: 1.5"; Temp: 18.2 Deg., Low Temp: 18.0 Deg. at 7:57am; Wind: Light/variable; Wind Chill: 18.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 4.8 Deg. at 4:56am; Dew Point: 15.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 15.4 Deg. at 7:45am; Sky: Overcast with clouds up 1800'; Humidity at 90%; Visbility of 1.5 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.82Hg; Pressure Altitude: 86.14'; Density Altitude: -2683.35'; Cloud Base: 634.77'; Ground: Solid/snow covered; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
2/11/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 22.5 mph @ 3:23pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr snow accumulation: 1.5"; Temp: 8.0 Deg., Low Temp: 7.4 Deg. at 6:14am; Wind: Light & variable; Wind Chill: 7.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: -4.3 Deg. at 5:21am; Dew Point: 5.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 5.3 Deg. at 6:14am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up to 5K'; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.16Hg; Pressure Altitude: -221.86'; Density Altitude: -3847.19'; Cloud Base: 531.12'; Ground: Solid, snow covered; Roadways: No Weather related road closures, that are known at present. |
2/12/2016 |
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Wind Chill Advisory: 10pm tonight thru 10am Sunday EST. Yesterday's High Wind: 18.0 mph @ 1:31am; Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 13.2 Deg.,Low Temp: 9.8 Deg. at 5:26am Wind: W @ 5.8 mph, Gusting: 5.8 mph; Wind Chill: 8.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 2.7 Deg. at 5:13am; Dew Point: 9.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 6.0 Deg. at 5:26am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up 9500'; Humidity at 86%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.14Hg; Pressure Altitude: -200.14'; Density AltitudeL -3417.70'; Cloud Base: 861.93'; Ground; Solid, w/snow covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures. |
2/13/2016 |
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Wind Chill Advisory untill 10:00 EST Sunday. Past 24-hr. snow accumulation: .2". Yesterday's High Wind: 21.7 mph @ 4:23pm. Current 8:00am Weather Observation.
Temp: 2.1 Deg., Low Temp: 1.9 Deg. at 7:25am; Wind: N @ 8.1 mph, Gusting: 8.1 mph. Wind Chill: -2.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: -13.4 Deg. at 7:15am; Dew Point: -4.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: -4.7 Deg. at 7:41am; Sky: Clear and sunny; Humidity at 73%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.37Hg; Pressure Altitude: -413.97'; Density Altitude: -4521.69'; Cloud Base: 1642.35'; Ground: Solid w/snow covering; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. some less traveled roads may be slick and/or snow impacted. |
2/14/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 21.1 mph @ 1:05am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr snow accumulation: .1". Temp: -1.2 Deg., Low Temp: -1.5 Deg. at 7:28am; Wind: Light & variable;
Wind Chill: -1.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: -1.5 Deg. at 7:28am; Dew Point: -3.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: -3.4 Deg.
at 7:28am; Sky: Clear/sunny, w/Haze, in some areas; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 3.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.43Hg; Pressure Altitude: -465.20'; Density Altitude: 4870.40'; Cloud Base: 501.59'; Ground: Solid and snow covered; Roadways: No known weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
2/15/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 15.5 mph at 12:06am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr snow accumulation: .5". Light freezing drizzle/snow is falling, in some areas; Temp: 22.0 Deg., Low Temp: 16.0 Deg. at 12:00am; Wind: N @ 3.3 mph, Gusting: 8.8 mph; Wind Chill: 21.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 4.4 Deg. at 12:21am; Dew Point: 20.4 Deg.,
Low Dew Point: 13.3 Deg. at 12:02am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up 400'; Humidity at 94%; Visibility of 4.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.00Hg; Pressure Altitude: -77.75'; Density Altitude: -2635.24'; Cloud Base: 383.42'; Ground: Solid/snow covered; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
2/16/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 15.5 mph @ 12:30pm. Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr snow accumulation: 1.2". Light snow is falling/light fog, in some areas; Temp: 31.6 Deg., Low Temp: 31.5 Deg. at 7:01am; Wind: Light & Variable; Wind Chill: 31.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 31.5 Deg. at 7:01am; Dew Point: 30.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 30.6 Deg. at 7:01am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds uo 300'; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 5.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.71Hg; Pressure Altitude: 195.83'; Density Altitude: -1594.29'; Cloud Base: 226.24'; Ground: Wet and snow covered; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
2/17/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 10.1 mph @ 11:49am. Todays Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Light snow is falling , in some areas; Temp: 29.2 Deg., Low Temp: 27.5 Deg. at 2:45am; Wind: Light & variable; Wind Chill: 29.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 20.9 Deg. at 12:35am; Dew Point: 27.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 25.1 Deg. at 2:45am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up 500'; Haze in some areas; Humidity at 94%; Visibility of 3.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.05Hg; Pressure Altitude: -124.04'; Density Altitude: -2177.96'; Cloud Base: 409.30'; Ground: Solid, snow covered; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
2/18/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 20.4 mph @ 2:41am. Today's Current 9:00AM weather Observation. Temp: 19.8 Deg., Low Temp: 15.1 Deg. at 7:55am; Wind: N at 6.5 mph, Gusting: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 19.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 4.6 Deg. at 8:08am; Dew Point: 17.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 12.9 Deg. at 7:55am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.51Hg; Pressure Altitude: -543.24'; Density Altitude: -3365.60'; Cloud Base: 684.59'; Ground: Snow covered; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
2/19/2016 |
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Wind Advisory: 9am today thru 9pm tonight. Yesterday's High Wind: 14.0 mph @ 11:25pm. Today's current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 38.0 Deg., Low Temp: 32.9 Deg. at 12:00am; Wind: NW @ 8.1 mph, Gusting: 17.3 mph; Wind Chill: 38.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 23.4 Deg. at 1:23am; Dew Point: 28.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 22.7 Deg. at 12:03am; Sky: P/cloudy; Humidity at 67%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.09Hg; Pressure Altitude: -156.68'; Density AltitudeL -1594.32'; Cloud Base: 2491.93'; Ground: Snow Covered; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
2/20/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 36.7 mph @ 9:12pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 46.3 Deg., Low Temp: 45.9 Deg. at 7:43am; Wind: WSW @ 2.3 mph, Gusting: 8.5 mph; Wind Chill: 44.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 41.1 Deg. at 7:52am; Dew Point: 36.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 33.1 Deg. at 3:11am; Sky: Clear and sunny; Humidity at 68%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.94Hg; Pressure Altitude: -23.21'; Density Altitude: -865.29'; Cloud Base: 2444.65'; Ground: Wet to saturated, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
2/21/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 34.7 mph @ 11:24am. Todays's Current 8:00am Weather Observation.
Temp: 37.9 Deg., Low Temp: 37.3 Deg. at 7:03am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 38.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 37.3 Deg. at 7:03am; Dew Point: 33.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 31.8 Deg. at 5:56am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidty at 82%;
Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.98Hg; Pressure Altitude: -50.49'; Density Altitude:
-1461.95'; Cloud Base: 1271.85'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
2/22/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 16.9 mph @ 4:04pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Light to moderate fog, in some areas; Temp: 28.4 Deg., Low Temp: 27.0 Deg. at 5:23am; Wind: Light @ variable; Wind Chill: 28.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 19.7 Deg. at 6:49am; Dew Point: 27.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 25.4 Deg. at 5:24am; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 0.1 mile; Barometric Pressure at 30.17Hg; Pressure Altitude: -230.00'; Density Altitude: -2360.37'; Cloud Base: 260.87'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
2/23/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 16.2 mph @ 5:08pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 29.2 Deg., Low Temp: 27.6 Deg. at 1:53am; Wind: N @ 8.1 mph, Gusting: 9.3 mph; Wind Chill: 21.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 18.8 Deg. at 5:56am; Dew Point: 22.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 20.5 Deg. at 2:41am; Sky: Clear and sunny; Humidity at 75%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.08Hg; Pressure Altitude: -145.80'; Density Altitude: -2198.11'; Cloud Base: 1746.74'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
2/24/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 15.5 mph @ 5:14pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Moderate to light rain is falling. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 1.00". Temp: 38.9 Deg., Low Temp: 36.0 Deg. at 12:12am; Wind: Light & variable; Wind Chill: 38.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 27.5 Deg. at 6:21am; Dew Point: 37.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 31.0 Deg. at 12:02am;
Sky: Overcast w/clouds up 500'; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 5.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.50Hg; Pressure Altitude: 394.17'; Density Altitude:
-859.59'; Cloud Base: 266.68'; Ground: Soggy to saturated, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
2/25/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 24.3 mph @ 6:25am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Light snow is falling. Past 24-hr snow accumulation: 0.48". Temp: 31.0 Deg., Low Temp: 30.0 Deg. at 6:35am; Wind: NW @ 12.7 mph, Gusting: 12.7 mph; Wind Chill: 28.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 18.1 Deg. at 6:48am; Dew Point: 29.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 28.9 Deg. at 5:41am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up 1300'; Humidity at 95%; Visibility of 4.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.46Hg; Pressure Altitude: 435.64'; Density Altitude: -1354.28'; Cloud Base: 315.24'; Ground: Snow covered; Roadways: No weather related road closures, roads are wet, but passable. |
2/26/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 23.7 mph @ 3:56pm. Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Light blowing snow is falling. Past 24-hr snow accumulation:
2.8". Temp: 22.8 Deg., Low Temp: 22.0 Deg. at 7:16am; Wind: Light and variable; Wind Chill: 22.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 10.1 Deg. at 1:15am; Dew Point: 20.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 17.8 Deg. at 1:36am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up 5K'; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.14Hg; Pressure Altitude: -205.57'; Density Altitude: -2723.64'; Cloud Base: 544.36'; Ground: Snow covered; Roadways: Some roads may be untreated and slick. No closures due to weather, as of yet. All roads are clear and passable. |
2/27/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 22.6 mph @ 1:16am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 29.4 Deg., Low Temp: 28.4 Deg. at 4:49am; Wind: Light & variable; Wind Chill: 29.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 25.51am; Dew Point: 23.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 22.7 Deg. at 7:19am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up 3700', becoming clear and sunny; Humidity at 78%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.09Hg; Pressure Altitude: -156.68'; Density Altitude: -2204.64'; Cloud Base: 1544.14'; Ground: Snow covered; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
2/28/2016 |
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Wind Advisory until 10PM tonight. Yesterday's High Wind: 27.5 mph @ 2:55pm. Temp: 43.4 Deg., Low Temp: 41.0 Deg. at 12:01am; Wind: W @ 5.6 mph, Gusting: 12.9 mph; Wind Chill: 38.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 33.8 Deg. at 12:59am; Dew Point: 35.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 32.0 Deg. at 12:01am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 73%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure At 29.87Hg; Pressure Altitude: 50.56'; Density Altitude: -957.60'; Cloud Base: 2025.34'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
2/29/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 34.3 mph @ 2:28pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.14". Temp: 35.2 Deg., Low Temp: 34.3 Deg. at 6:30am; Wind: WNW @ 9.2 mph, Gusting: 9.2 mph; Wind Chill: 35.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 21.4 Deg. at 6:35am; Dew Point: 31.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 29.9 Deg. at 6:36am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up 2200'; Humidity at 87%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.86Hg; Pressure Altitude: 56.03'; Density Altitude: -1516.84'; Cloud Base: 847.48'; Ground: Wet to saturated, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
3/1/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 36.2 mph @ 2:48am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 31.2 Deg., Low Temp: 30.6 Deg. at 4:56am; Wind: N at 11.5 mph, Gusting: 11.5 mph; Wind Chill: 31.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 22.4 Deg. at 6:08am; Dew Point: 28.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 21.6 Deg. at 7:56am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.95Hg; Pressure Altitude: -28.66'; Density Altitude: -1917.18'; Cloud Base: 782.91'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
3/2/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 31.1 mph @ 9:10pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Light blowing snow, in some areas; Temp: 20.7 Deg., Low Temp: 20.3 Deg. at 7:12am; Wind: N @ 8.6 mph, Gusting: 10.0 mph; Wind Chill: 20.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 7.2 Deg. at 7:08am; Dew Point: 17.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 16.9 Deg. at 7:57am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 2200'; Humidity at 86%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.06Hg; Pressure Altitude: -132.20'; Density Altitude: -2797.74'; Cloud Base: 878.74'; Ground: Solid w/patches of ligh snow; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable, no weather related road closures. |
3/3/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 27.4 mph @ 12:00am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 25.1 Deg., Low Temp: 18.8 Deg. at 3:12am; Wind: N @ 3.9 mph, Gusting: 5.8 mph; Wind Chill: 25.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 14.6 Deg. at 7:47am; Dew Point: 20.7 Deg; Sky: P/Cloudy/Overcast with clouds up near 8500'; Humidity at 83%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.17Hg; Pressure Altitude: -224.57'; Density Altitude: -2589.26'; Cloud Base: 1078.14'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
3/4/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 11.4 Deg. at
12:18pm. Todays's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr snow accumulation: 2.0"; Temp; 30.0 Deg., Low Temp: 29.4 Deg. at 6:58am; Wind: Light & variable; Wind Chill: 30.0 Deg., Dew Point: 28.7 Deg.; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up 1700', and light to moderate haze, in some areas; Humidity at 95%; Visibility of 5.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.07Hg; Ground: Snow Covered; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. Untreated and less traveled roads may be snow covered and/or slick. |
3/5/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 9.3 mph @ 3:17pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Light snow is falling, in some areas; Temp: 30.4 Deg., Low Temp: 29.3 Deg. at 1:29am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 30.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 22.0 Deg. at 7:15am; Dew Point: 28.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 25.2 Deg. at 12:01am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up 5500'; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 6.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.11Hg; Pressure Altitude: -178.42'; Density Altitude: -2161.01'; Cloud Base: -576.60'; Ground; Patches of snow, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
3/6/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 12.8 mph @ 10:57am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr mixed precip: 0.16". Light to moderate haze
in some areas; Temp: 31.3 Deg., Low Temp: 30.6 Deg. at
5:00am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 31.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 23.7 Deg. at 4:21am; Dew Point: 30.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 29.7 Deg. at 5:00am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds
up near 1300'; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.30Hg; Pressure Altitude: -346.45'; Density Altitude: -2300.53'; Cloud Base: 219.66'; Ground: Moist to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all
open roads are clear and passable. |
3/7/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 14.2 mph @ 4:57pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 42.1 Deg., Low Temp: 37.4 Deg. at 12:00am; Wind: W @ 3.0 mph, Gusting: 11.4 mph; Wind Chill: 42.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 30.2 Deg. at 2:07am; Dew Point: 35.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 33.4 Deg. at 12:17am;
Sky: Clear; Humidity at 77%; Visibility of 10.0 miles;
Barometric Pressure at 30.08Hg; Pressure Altitude: -145.80'; Density Altitude: -1304.59'; Cloud Base: 1652.47'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
3/8/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 18.9 mph @ 1:55pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 53.4 Deg., Low Temp: 51.4 Deg. at 5:15am; Wind: Light & variable; Wind Chill: 53.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 51.4 Deg. at 5:15am; Dew Point: 37.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 34.6 Deg. at 2:54am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds
near 6000'; Humidity at 55%; Visibility of 10.0 miles;
Barometric Pressure at 30.14Hg; Pressure Altitude: -200.14'; Density Altitude: -592.77'; Cloud Base: 3949.74'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
3/9/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 21.9 mph @ 4:50pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 59.2 Deg., Low Temp: 55.2 Deg. at 12:52am; Wind:
SE @ 1.7 mph, Gusting: 12.4 mph; Wind Chill: 59.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 55.2 Deg. at 12:52aml Dew Point:
46.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 39.4 Deg. at 12:03am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 64%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.05Hg; Pressurre Altitude: -121.32'; Density Altitude: -117.07'; Cloud Base: 3039.09'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
3/10/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 27.8 mph @ 11:04am. Todays Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.26". Light rain is falling; Temp: 57.2 Deg., Low Temp: 56.9 Deg. at 7:07am; Wind: W @ 8.1 mph, Gusting: 8.1 mph; Wind Chill: 57.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 55.0 Deg. at 7:45am;
Dew Point: 55.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 54.7 Deg. at 12:00am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 900'; Humidity at 93%; Visibility of 5.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.02Hg; Pressure Altitude: -88.64'; Density Altitude: -215.41'; Cloud Base: 522.34'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable, no weather related road closures. |
3/11/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 17.5 mph @ 7:37pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.53". Temp: 39.5 Deg., Low Temp: 39.3 Deg. at 7:58am; Wind: Light & variable;
Wind Chill: 39.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 26.8 Deg. at 6:49am; Dew Point: 37.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 37.4 Deg.
at 7:58am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 800"; Humidity at 93%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.32Hg; Pressure Altitude: -370.77'; Density Altitude: -1757.19'; Cloud Base: 435.77'; Ground: Wet to saturated, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
3/12/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 17.5 mph @ 12:03am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 36.4 Deg., Low Temp: 30.6 Deg. at 4:59am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 36.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 29.1 Deg.
at 12:58am; Dew Point: 35.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 29.4 Deg. at 4:59am; Sky: Clear/sunny, w/light patches of fog/mist, in some areas; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.19Hg; Pressure Altitude: -246.27'; Density Altitude: -1817.36'; Cloud Base: 263.86'; Ground: Light to moderate layer of dew/frost, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
3/13/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 9.4 mph @ 1:57pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Light rain is falling. Temp: 50.4 Deg., Low Temp: 48.7 Deg. at 5:51am; Wind: Light and variable; Wind Chill: 50.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 44.3 Deg. at 5:03am;
Dew Point: 38.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 36.9 Deg. at 7:34am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 3500'; Humidity at 62%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.97Hg; Pressure Altitude: -42.30'; Density Altitude: -591.66'; Cloud Base: 3130.98'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
3/14/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 22.9 mph @ 11:06am. Today's Current 6:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.31". Temp: 58.5 Deg., Low Temp: 54.1 Deg. at 12:00am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 58.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 51.2 Deg.; Dew Point: 56.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 52.4 Deg. at 12:01am;
Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 600', haze & mist, in some areas; Humidity at 95%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.74Hg; Pressure Altitude: 168.37'; Density Altitude: 200.99'; Cloud Base: 414.62'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
3/15/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 21.4 mph @ 5:42pm. Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.63". Light to moderate fog and
haze, in some areas; Temp: 50.0 Deg., Low Temp: 50.0 Deg. at 7:45am; Wind: Light and variable; Wind Chill: 50.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 40.7 Deg. at 6:48am; Dew Point: 48.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 48.7 Deg. at 7:45am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 200'; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 3.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.82Hg; Pressure Altitude: 94.3'; Density Altitude: -455.9'; Cloud Base: 308.0'; Ground: wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
3/16/2016 |
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Wind Advisory thru 8:00pm EDT tonight. Yesterday's High Wind: 11.7 mph @ 5:04am. Today's Current 8:00am Weathewr Observation. Temp: 57.5 Deg., Low Temp: 52.7 Deg. at 2:38am; Wind: Light & variable; Wind Chill: 57.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 52.7 Deg. at 2:38am; Dew Point: 51.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 49.3 Deg. at 2:38am; Sky: Cloudy w/clouds up near 5K'; Humidity at 80%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.60Hg; Pressure Altitude: 303.12'; Density Altitude:
288.27'; Cloud Base: 1561.79'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related roads closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
3/17/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 37.7 mph @ 6:08pm. I received possible wind damage yesterday. A 4 foot (in diameter) snapped off of a large tree in my front yard. Current 8:00am Weather Observation:. Temp: 42.1 Deg., Low Temp: 41.9 Deg. at 7:59am; Wind: Light & variable; Wind Chill: 42.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 31.3 Deg. at 6:36am; Dew Point: 33.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 31.3 Deg. at 1:22am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 71%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.86Hg; Pressure Altitude: 53.30'; Density Altitude: -1043.18'; Cloud Base: 2134.85'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
3/18/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 31.0 mph @ 2:33pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 38.4 Deg., Low Temp: 38.4 Deg. at 7:52am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 38.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 36.0 Deg.
at 12:33am; Dew Point: 29.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 28.7 Deg. at 12:48am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 70%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.95Hg; Pressure Altitude: -28.66'; Density Altitude:
-1407.04'; Cloud Base: 2281.55'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
3/19/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 30.5 mph @ 2:43PM. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 30.8 Deg., Low Temp: 30.3 Deg. at 6:22am; Wind: Light/variable. Wind Chill: 30.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill:
13.6 Deg. at 6:24am; Dew Point: 26.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 26.3 Deg. at 6:24am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 9500'; Humidity at 86%; Visibility of 10.0 miles;
Barometric Pressure at 30.11Hg; Pressure Altitude: -172.98'; Density Altitude: -2118.86'; Cloud Base: 941.96'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways:
All open roads are clar and passable. |
3/20/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 17.0 mph @ 5:52am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Snow grains, to Light snow is falling. Temp: 31.2 Deg., Low Temp: 31.1 Deg. at 7:54 am; Wind: Light and
variable; Wind Chill: 31.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 15.9 Deg. at 7:03am; Dew Point: 25.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 23.3 Deg. at 5:26am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 5K'; Humidity at 80%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.07Hg; Pressure Altitude: -134.92'; Density Altitude: -2043.00'; Cloud Base: 1390.05'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
3/21/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 12.6 mph @ 2:33pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr snow fall: "T". Temp: 27.2 Deg., Low Temp: 25.0 Deg. at 3:02am; Wind: NNW @ 3.5 mph, Gusting: 3.5 mph; Wind Chill: 27.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 10.9 Deg. at 6:34am; Dew Point: 23.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 19.9 Deg. at 3:02am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 85%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.06Hg; Pressure Altitude: -132.20'; Density Altitude: -2316.17'; Cloud Base: 968.75'; Ground: Damp to wet, with light to moderate layer of frost/dew, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
3/22/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 19.8 mph @ 1:50am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 38.5 Deg., Low Temp: 33.1 Deg. at 12:00am; Wind: Light/variable; Wind Chill: 38.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 25.2 Deg. at 6:59am; Dew Point: 29.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 25.9 Deg. at 12:00am; Sky: Cloudy w/clouds up near 8500'; Humidity at 70%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Presssure at 30.05Hg; Pressure Altitude: -118.59'; Density Altitude: -1512.19'; Cloud Base: 2212.39'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
3/23/2016 |
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Ohio Statewide "Severe Weather Awareness Week'; Tornado Siren Drill Test: Today at 9:50am. No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 41.5 mph @ 6:43PM. Today's Current 8:00AM Weather Observation. Temp: 52.4
Deg., Low Temp: 52.2 Deg. at 7:43am; Wind: WSW @ 2.3 mph, Gusting: 2.3 mph; Wind Chill: 52.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 43.2 Deg. at 5:49am; Dew Point: 33.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 29.3 Deg. at 12:00am; Sky: P/Cloudy; Humidity at 49%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.93Hg; Pressure Altitude: -9.56'; Density Altitude: -437.09'; Cloud Base: 4707.60'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
3/24/2016 |
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Wind Advisory thru 7:PM EDT tonight. Yesterday's Tornado Siren Drill: Not heard indoors, barely heard outdoors with 70+dB street traffic noise drowning out Tornado siren alarm. Yesterday's High Wind: 21.8 mph @ 4:48pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 59.2 Deg., Low Temp: 56.7 Deg. at 1:34am; Wind: 2.1 mph; Wind Chill: 59.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 50.7 Deg. at 8:05am; Dew Point: 46.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 44.7 Deg. at 4:38am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 6K'; Humidity at 63%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.81Hg; Pressure Altitude: 97.09'; Density Altitude: 145.91'; Cloud Base: 3215.98'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
3/25/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 31.8 mph @ 5:36pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.52". Temp: 36.1 Deg., Low Temp: 35.9 Deg. at 6:58am; Wind: N @ 10.4 mph; Wind Chill: 36.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 18.6 Deg. at 4:55am; Dew Point: 34.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 34.6 Deg.
at 7:16am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 500'; Humidity at 95%; Visibility of 5.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.86Hg; Pressure Altitude: 58.77'; Density Altitude: -1454.15'; Cloud Base: 303.05'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
3/26/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 20.1 mph @ 12:37am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 30.7 Deg., Low Temp: 30.1 Deg. at 7:02am; Wind: N @ 8.1 mph, Gusting: 8.1 mph; Wind Chill: 30.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 17.7 Deg. at 7:10am; Dew Point: 28.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 27.1 Deg. at 6:20am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.23Hg; Pressure Altitude: -281.50'; Density Altitude: -2261.70'; Cloud Base: 658.45'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
3/27/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 12.4 mph @ 3:02pm. Todays's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 36.9 Deg., Low Temp: 36.4 Deg. at 7:29am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 36.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 36.4 Deg. at 7:29am; Dew Point: 32.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 31.8 Deg. at 7:29am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 84%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.14Hg; Pressure Altitude: -202.86'; Density Altitude: -1728.37'; Cloud Base: 1063.93'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
3/28/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 20.3 mph @ 4:59pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.44". Temp: 44.4 Deg., Low Temp: 43.4 Deg. at 6:38am; Wind: NW @ 8.6 mph, Gusting: 23.4 mph; Wind Chill: 33.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 20.2 Deg. at 7:21am; Dew Point: 40.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 39.7 Deg. at 6:49am; Sky: Overcast and windy, w/clouds up near 2500'; Humidity at 86%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Presssure at 29.78Hg; Pressure Altitude: 132.71'; Density Altitude:
-794.10'; Cloud Base: 1016.97'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
3/29/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 31.0 mph at 8:35am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 34.7 Deg., Low Temp: 34.4 Deg. at 7:40am; Wind: N @ 1.9 mph, Gusting: 2.3 mph; Wind Chill: 34.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 32.0 Deg. at 6:58am; Dew Point: 33.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 33.0 Deg. at 7:40am; Sky: Clear and sunny; Humidity of 95%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.25Hg; Pressure Altitude: -300.46'; Densfity Altitude: -2010.81'; Cloud Base: 320.54'; Ground: Wet, with light to moderate frost/dew covering, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
3/30/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: N @ 15.8 mph
at 12:38pm. Today's Current 7:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 33.3 Deg., Low Temp: 31.5 Deg. at 1:19am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 33.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 25.1 Deg. at 2:20am; Dew Point: 25.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 24.9 Deg. at 12:57am; Sky: P/Cloudy to Clear; Humidity at 72%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.20Hg; Presssure Altitude: -251.69'; Density Altitude: -2034.14'; Cloud Base: 2025.07'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable, no weather related road closures. |
3/31/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: SW @ 20.9 mph at 3:37pm. Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Light rain is falling. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.24". Temp: 55.7 Deg., Low Temp: 53.5 Deg. at 3:45am;
Wind Chill: 55.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 37.2 Deg. at 4:41am; Dew Point: 48.2 Deg.; Sky; Overcast w/clouds up near 9000'; Humidity at 76%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.70Hg; Pressure Altitude: 206.82'; Density Altitude: 70.21'; Cloud Base: 1886.65'; Ground: Soggy to saturated, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all
open roads are clear and passable. |
4/1/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: SSE @ 30.3 mph at 4:38pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.45". Temp: 46.8 Deg., Low Temp: 46.7 Deg. at 7:38am; Wind: WNW @ 8.3 mph, Gusting: 10.9 mph; Wind Chill: 46.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 37.5 Deg. at 6:47am; Dew Point: 41.6 Deg.,Low Dew Point: 41.2 Deg. at 7:28am; Sky: P/sunny-clear; Humidity at 82%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.66Hg; Pressure Altitude: 242.56'; Density Altitude: -487.98'; Cloud Base: 1275.36'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
4/2/2016 |
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Wind Advisory: From 2:PM to 11:PM EDT tonight. Yesterday's High Wind: 30.8 mph @ 2:32PM. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.11". Temp: 36.3 Deg., Low Temp: 36.0 Deg. at 7:34am; Wind: NNW @ 10.4 mph, Gusting: 10.4 mph; Wind Chill: 31.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 18.2 Deg. at 5:30am; Dew Point: 30.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 30.2 Deg. at 8:00am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 79%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.70Hg; Pressure Altitude: 201.32'; Density Altitude:
-1266.00'; Cloud Base: 1384.72'; Ground: Wet to soggy,
in some area; Roadways: All open raods are clear and passable. |
4/3/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 54.7 mph @ 5:11PM. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr mixed precip.: 0.06"; Past 24-hr new snow: .4"; Temp: 24.2 Deg., Low Temp: 23.7 Deg. at 7:30am; Wind: WNW @ 1.6 mph, Gusting: 2.9 mph; Wind Chill: 24.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 14.2 Deg. at 2:23am; Dew Point: 20.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 17.9 Deg. at 5:06am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 84%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.06Hg; Pressure Altitude: -126.76'; Density Altitude: -2516.77'; Cloud Base: 1011.71'; Ground: Light to moderate snow covering, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
4/4/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 27.8 mph at 8:11pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Light rain is falling; Temp: 41.2 Deg., Low Temp: 41.0 Deg. at 8:00am; Wind: NE @ 8.1 mph, Gusting: 8.1 mph; Wind Chill: 33.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 28.8 Deg. at 7:52am; Dew Point: 38.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 34.4 Deg. at 12:08am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 2900'; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 4.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.79Hg; Pressure Altitude: 124.49'; Density Altitude: -988.91'; Cloud Base: 886.82'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
4/5/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: WNW @ 33.4 mph at 1:22am. Todays Current 8:AM Weather Obervation:
Temp: 21.4 Deg., Low Temp: 20.1 Deg. at 7:25am; Wind: Slight breeze, in some areas; Wind Chill: 21.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 9.7 Deg. at 3:22am; Dew Point: 17.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 15.6 Deg. at 7:25am; Sky: Clear & sunny; Humidity at 83%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.43Hg; Pressure Altitude: -470.58'; Density Altitude: -3172.40'; Cloud Base: 1073.08'; Ground: Wet to soggy, w/patches of frost/dew, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
4/6/2016 |
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Wind Advisory: From Noon today until 10:PM EDT tonight. Yesterday's High Wind: 11.9 mph @ 9:44am. Today;s Current 7:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 36.3 Deg., Low Temp: 30.1 Deg. at 1:00am; Wind: Light and variable; Wind Chill: 36.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 25.2 Deg. at 2:29am; Dew Point: 19.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 17.8 Deg. at 3:35am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 11K'; Humidity at 50%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.05Hg; Pressurre Altitude: -121.32'; Density Altitude: -1675.39'; Cloud Base: 4139.20'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
4/7/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Current 8:00am Weather Observation.
Light rain is falling. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.40"; Temp: 42.1 Deg., Low Temp: 41.8 Deg. at 6:46am;
Wind: Light & variable; Wind Chill: 42.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 24.1 Deg. at 3:46am; Dew Point: 40.7 Deg.,
Low Dew Point: 40.2 Deg. at 6:46am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 4K'; Humidity at 94%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.49Hg; Pressure Altitude: 396.94'; Density Altitude: -622.72'; Cloud Base: 392.94'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
4/8/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterdy's High Wind: WSW @ 25.9 MPH at 1:39AM. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain/snow accumulation: 0.22".
Rain: 0.19"/New Snow: .3"; for total: 0.22". Temp: 31.9 Deg., Low Temp: 31.7 Deg. at 1:59am; Wind: Light and variable; Wind Chill: 31.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 22.0 Deg. at 1:12am; Dew Point: 28.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 27.8 Deg. at 6:48am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 2400'; Humidity at 87%; Visibility of 10.0 miles;
Barometric Pressure at 29.77Hg; Pressure Altitude: 140.94'; Density Altitude: -1648.83'; Cloud Base: 834.48'; Ground: Light to moderate snow covering, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
4/9/2016 |
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Winter Weather Advisory: Until 10:AM this morning. Yesterday's High Wind: NE at 19.5 mph @ 11:48am. Todays Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.12"; Past 24-hr New Snow: 2.00"; Temp: 26.1 Deg., Low Temp: 24.4 Deg. at 7:01am; Wind: NE @ 7.4 mph, Gusting: 7.4 mph; Wind Chill: 26.1 Deg.; Dew Point: 26.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 21.9 Deg. at 7:53am; Sky: Hazed/Overcast w/clouds up near 10K'; Visibility of 4.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.88Hg; Pressure Altitude: 34.16'; Density Altitude:
-2207.56'; Cloud Base: 1039.83'; Ground: Light to moderate snow covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
4/10/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: N @ 25.5 mph @ 9:20AM. Today's current 8:00AM Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.05". Past
24-hr new snow accumulation: .2"; for total of 0.07".
Temp: 26.3 Deg., Low Temp: 19.4 Deg. at 1:56am; Wind: N @ 9.8 mph, Gust: 9.8 mph; Wind Chill: 26.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 9.8 Deg. at 7:20am; Dew Point: 23.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 17.9 Deg. at 12:32am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 8500'; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.27'; Pressure Altitude: -319.40'; Density Altitude:
-2615.08'; Cloud Base: 599.26'; Ground: Moderate snow covering; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
4/11/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: SSE @ 23.6 mph @ 12:41PM. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.10". Temp: 50.9 Deg., Low Temp: 46.0 Deg. at 11:59am; Wind:
N @ 9.2 mph, Gust: 9.2 mph; Wind Chill: 50.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 34.5 Deg. at 7:41am; Dew Point: 45.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 42.8 Deg. at 5:35am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 3100'; Humidity at 82%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.88Hg; Pressure Altitude: 42.36'; Density Altitude: -466.62'; Cloud Base: 1298.54'; Ground: Soggy to saturated, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closurres, all open roads are
clear and passable. |
4/12/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: SW @ 27.5 mph, at 5:50am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Oberservation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.57"; Temp: 33.5 Deg., Low Temp: 32.1 Deg. at 7:13am; Wind: N @ 1.0 mph, Gusting: 1.0 mph; Wind Chill: 33.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 24.7 Deg. at 7:36am; Dew Point: 27.5 Deg.; Sky: Clear and sunny; Humidity at 79%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.22'; Pressure Altitude: -267.95'; Density Altitude: -2047.38'; Cloud Base: 1442.99'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
4/13/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 11.6 mph N @
12:19AM. Today's Current 8:00AM Weather Observation. Temp: 35.0 Deg., Low Temp: 30.6 Deg. at 2:41am; Wind: SE @ 3.5 mph, Gusting: 4.6 mph; Wind Chill: 34.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 24.9 Deg.; Dew Point: 28.4 dEG., Low Dew Point: 2.8 Deg. at 3:11am; Sky: Clear and sunny; Humidity at 80%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.43Hg; Pressure Altitude: -470.58'; Density Altitude: -2202.29'; Cloud Base: 1600.58'; Ground: Light to moderate frost/dew covering; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
4/14/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: N @ 19.3 mph at 11:30am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 32.9 Deg., Low Temp: 30.9 Deg. at 5:14am; Wind: E @ 1.2 mph, Gust: 1.2 mph; Wind Chill: 32.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 28.1 Deg. at 5:38am; Dew Point: 28.8 Deg., Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 85%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.31Hg; Pressure Altitude: -354.56'; Density Altitude: -2211.89'; Cloud Base: 979.16'; Ground: Light to moderate frost/dew, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
4/15/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: ENE @ 14.4 mph at 5:55pm. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 44.9 Deg., Low Temp: 35.9 Deg. at 4:36am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 44.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 32.9 Deg. at 4:43am; Dew Point: 34.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 29.6 Deg. at 4:30am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 66%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.28Hg; Pressure Altitude: -327.52'; Density Altitude: -1338.57'; Cloud Base: 2670.99'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
4/16/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: ESE @ 15.8 mph @ 1:09PM. Today's Current 8:00AM Weather Observation. Temp: 51.7 Deg., Low Temp: 46.4 Deg. at 7:03am; Wind: Light/variable; Wind Chill: 51.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 45.9 Deg. at 3:00am; Dew Point: 37.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 33.2 Deg. at 3:34am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 57%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.37Hg; Pressure Altitude: -416.67'; Density Altitude: -974.90'; Cloud Base: 3662.44'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
4/17/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: ESE @ 13.8 mph, at 2:28PM. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 50.0 Deg., Low Temp: 45.9 Deg. at 7:24am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 50.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 45.9 Deg. at 7:24am; Dew Point: 41.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 36.5 Deg. at 1:35am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 71%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.45Hg; Pressure Altitude: -481.36'; Density Altitude: -1183.18'; Cloud Base: 2227.67'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
4/18/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: ENE @ 16.3 mph at 6:12AM. Today's Current 6:00AM Weather Observation. Temp: 48.9 Deg., Low Temp: 48.7 Deg., at 5:22am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 48.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 48.7 Deg. at 5:22am; Dew Point: 35.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 34.1 Deg. at 5:37am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 60%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.36Hg; Pressure Altitude: -403.17'; Density Altitude: -1140.29'; Cloud Base: 3317.69'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
4/19/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: SE @ 6.6 mph
at 7:33am. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation.
Temp: 52.4 Deg., Low Temp: 52.3 Deg. at 7:59am; Wind: NE @ 4.6 mph, Gusting: 4.6 mph; Wind Chill: 52.4 Deg.,
Low Wind Chill: 47.3 Deg. at 7:54am; Dew Point: 44.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 42.9 Deg. at 4:04am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 74%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.23Hg; Pressure Altitude: -286.92'; Density Altitude: -773.86'; Cloud Base: 1998.35'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
4/20/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: E @ 21.0 MPH @ 4:14PM. Today's Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 49.2 Deg., Low Temp: 46.9 Deg. at 6:37am; Wind: N @ 11.5 mph, Gusting: 11.5 mph; Wind Chill: 49.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 31.7 Deg. at 5:52am;
Dew Point: 30.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 28.6 Deg. at 5:10am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 48%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.26Hg; Pressure Altitude: -311.28'; Density Altitude: -1019.52'; Cloud Base: 4723.02'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and
passable. |
4/21/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: SE @ 20.8 MPH @ 9:00AM. Today's Current 8:00AM Weather Observation. Light rain is falling; Temp: 58.9 Deg., Low Temp: 58.5 Deg. at 7:51am; Wind: SE @ 3.7 mph, Gusting: 5.7 mph; Wind Chill: 58.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 54.3 Deg. at 6:47am; Dew Point: 48.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 30.8 Deg. at 12:17am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 8500'; Humidity at 67%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.98Hg; Pressure Altitude: -53.21'; Density Altitude: -65.95'; Cloud Base: 2689.00'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable at this time. |
4/22/2016 |
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N Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: SSW @ 20.6 mph at 8:51PM. Today's Current 8:00AM Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.29". Temp:
57.7 Deg.; Low temp: 56.3eg. at 7:00am; Wind: WSW @
2.4 mph, Gusting: 8.0 mph; Wind Chill: 57.7Deg., Low Wind Chill: 49.1 Deg. at 7:00am; Dew Point: 53.9Deg,ow Dew Point: 50.5 Deg. at 12:51am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 12K'; Humidity at 87%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.90Hg; Pressure Altitude: 23.22'; Density Altitude: -30.96'; Cloud Base: 928.14'; d: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
4/23/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: NE @ 20.3 mph @ 10:39PM. Today's Current 8:00AM Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.04". Temp:
41.2 Deg., Low Temp: 40.9 Deg. at 7:10AM; Wind: Light @
variable; Wind Chill: 41.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 29.9 Deg. at 5:13AM; Dew Point: 40.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 39.5 Deg. at 6:42AM; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 500'and light to moderate haze, in some areas; Humidity at 95%; Visibility of 4.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.13Hg; Pressure Altitude: -192.00'; Density Altitude: -1417.12'; Cloud Base: 316.60'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
4/24/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: ENE @ 16.8 MPH @ 3:04PM. Todays Current 8:00AM Weather Observation. Temp: 42.5 Deg., Low Temp: 34.9 Deg. at 6:19am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 42.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 36.7 Deg. at 3:40am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 76%; Barometric Pressure at 30.16Hg; Ground: Damp to wet/light covering of frost/dew, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
4/25/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: ESE @ 11.7 mph, at 8:57PM. Today's Current 8:00AM Weather Observation. Temp: 52.7 Deg., Low Temp: 44.9 Deg. at 6:08am; Wind: N @ 2.4 mph, Gusting: 3.5 mph; Wind Chill: 52.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 43.3 Deg. at 6:12am;
Dew Point: 38.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 35.4 Deg. at 4:47am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 62%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.99Hg; Presure
Altitude: -61.39'; Density Altitude: -487.88'; Cloud Base: 3455.20'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
4/26/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: W @ 23.1 MPH @ 5:27PM. Today's Current 8:00AM Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.28". Temp: 59.6 Deg., Low Temp: 57.5 Deg. at 6:41am; Wind: Light and variable; Wind Chill: 59.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 55.5 Deg. at 6:40am; Dew Point: 56.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 48.6 Deg. at 12:00am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.78Hg; Pressure Altitude: 129.97'; Density Altitude: 212.78'; Cloud Base: 671.60'; Ground: Soggy to saturated, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all
open roads are clear and passable. |
4/27/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: N @ 27.5 MPH @ 3:47AM. Today's Current 6:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 40.1 Deg., Low Temp: 39.8 Deg. at 5:40am; Wind: N @ 8.1 MPH, Gust: 9.8 MPH; Wind Chill: 40.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 31.1 Deg. at 5:40am; Dew Point: 37.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 37.1 Deg. at 5:40am; Sky: Overcast, w/clouds up near 600'; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.94Hg; Pressure Altitude: -20.48'; Density Altitude: -1279.37'; Cloud Base: 672.91'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
4/28/2016 |
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No Weather Alert. Yesterday's High Wind: N @ 18.7 MPH @ 5:40AM. Todays Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Moderate to light rain is falling. Temp: 46.4 Deg., Low Temp: 46.2 Deg. at 7:51am; Wind: E @ 2.7 mph, Gust: 3.5 mph; Wind Chill: 45.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 43.7 Deg. at 6:03am; Dew Point: 40.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 27.3 Deg. at 1:46am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 3100'; Humidity at 77%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.93Hg; Pressure Altitude: -9.56'; Density Altitude: -841.56'; Cloud Base: 1560.76'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
4/29/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: E @ 14.0 mph @ 2:53am. Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.22". Moderate to heavy fog, in some areas; Temp: 48.0 Deg., Low Temp: 47.7 Deg. at 5:47am; Wind: NE @ 0.7 MPH, Gust: 3.5 mph; Wind Chill: 48.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 46.1 Deg. at 7:53am; Dew Point: 46.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 46.0 Deg. at 4:14am; Sky: Overcast; Humidity at 95%; Visibility of 0.2 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.02Hg; Pressure Altitude: -94.09'; Density Altitude: -844.77'; Cloud Base: 333.15'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
4/30/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: N @ 12.1 MPH
@ 4:09PM. Todays Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 40.7 Deg., Low Temp: 36.8 Deg. at 6:05am, Wind: E @ 7.4 MPH, Gusting: 7.4 mph; Wind Chill: 40.6 Deg.; Low Wind Chill: 32.7 Deg. at 3:07am; Dew Point: 38.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 35.5 Deg. at 6:05am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 94%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.16Hg; Pressure Altitude: -213.72'; Density Altitude: -1485.51'; Cloud Base: 431.07'; Ground: Moist to wet/light layer of dew/frost, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
5/1/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: SE @ 16.6 mph @ 8:18am. Todays Current 8:00am Weather Observation: Light to moderate Fog/Haze/Mist, in some areas; Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.59". Temp: 59.4 Deg., Low Temp: 54.5 Deg. at 12:00am; Wind: W @ 2.5 mph, Gusting: 6.4 mph; Wind Chill: 59.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 54.5 Deg. at 12:00am; Dew Point: 57.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 53.0 Deg. at 12:08am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 200'; Humidity at 95%; Visibility of 2.5 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.96Hg; Pressure Altitude: -34.12'; Density Altitude:
3.72'; Cloud Base: 393.93'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable, no weather related road closures. |
5/2/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: N @ 15.3 mph @ 1:50pm. Todays Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.38". Temp: 49.5 Deg., Low Temp: 47.5 Deg. at 6:20am; Wind: NNW @ 4.6 mph, Gust: 4.6 mph; Wind Chill: 49.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 44.5 Deg. at 4:27am; Dew Pint: 47.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 45.9 Deg. at 6:20am; Sky: Light to moderate fog, in some areas; Humidity at 94%; Visibility of 0.1 mile; Barometric Pressure at 29.97Hg; Pressure Altitude: -45.03'; Density Altitude: -669.09'; Cloud Base: 377.50'; Ground: Soggy to saturated, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/3/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: NNE @ 20.6mph @ 2:44am. Todays Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Light to moderate Haze/Mist, in some areas. Temp: 44.1 Deg., Low Temp: 41.9 Deg. at 6:59am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 44.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 39.8 Deg. at 2:48am; Dew Point: 42.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 40.1 Deg. at 6:59am; Sky: Cloudy w/clouds up near 6500'; Humidity at 94%; Visibility of 3.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.95Hg; Pressure Altitude: -28.66'; Density Altitude: -1008.26'; Cloud Base: 417.18'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
5/4/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: ENE @ 6.5 mph @ 2:48am. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: "T". Temp: 49.8 Deg., Low Temp: 43.9 Deg. at 6:03am; Wind: SW @ 3.7mph, Gust: 3.8mph; Wind Chill: 48.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 41.6 Deg. at 6:52am; Dew Point: 46.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 41.4 Deg. at 5:57am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.73Hg; Pressure Altitude: 179.35'; Density Altitude: -384.22'; Cloud Base: 704.48'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
5/5/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: SW @ 7.4 mph @ 8:01am. Todays current 7:00am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.15; Light rain is falling. Temp: 44.6 Deg., Low Temp: 44.0 Deg. at 5:07am; Wind: NNW @ 0.7, Gusting: 4.1 mph; Wind Chill: 43.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 39.8 Deg. at 5:13am; Dew Point: 43.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 42.7 Deg. at 5:07am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 300'; Humidity at 95%; Visibility of 2.5 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.76Hg; Pressure Altitude: 151.91'; Density Altitude: -756.63'; Cloud Base: 307.56'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passsable. |
5/6/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: ENE # 19.9 Deg.; at 4:52am. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.07"
Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 47.4 Deg., Low Temp: 42.1 Deg. at 6:48am; Wind: NNW @ 2.2 mph, Gusting: 6.0 miles; Wind Chill: 46.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 6:48am; Dew Point: 42.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 38.9 Deg. at 6:48am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.95Hg; Pressure Altitude: -25.93'; Density Altitude:
-794.06'; Cloud Base: 1246.71'; Ground: Moist to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: All open roadsd are clear and passable. |
5/7/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: NNE @ 15.5 mph @ 11:11am. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 56.6 Deg., Low Temp: 44.6 Deg. at 5:14am; Wind: SW @ 1.7 mph, Gust: 3.4 mph; Wind Chill: 56.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 44.1 Deg. at 5:55am; Dew Point: 46.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 39.7 Deg. at 3:52am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 68%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.79Hg; Pressure Altitude: 124.49'; Density Altitude: 11.59'; Cloud Base: 2576.15'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
5/8/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Current 8:00am Weather Observation.
Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.17". Temp: 47.1 Deg., Low Temp: 41.1 Deg. at 6:53am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill:
47.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 41.1 Deg. at 6:53am; Dew Point: 44.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 38.6 Deg. at 6:53am;
Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.95Hg; Pressure Altitude: -20.48'; Density Altitude: -800.83'; Cloud Base at 737.95'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable, no weather related road closures. |
5/9/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: NNE @ 16.0 mph. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 50.7 Deg., Low Temp: 45.8 Deg. at 6:21am; Wind: Light & variable; Wind Chill: 50.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 45.5 Deg. at 4:20am; Dew Point: 43.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 39.2 Deg. at 3:20am; Sky: P/Cloudy with clouds up near 8000'; Humidity at 78%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.09Hg; Pressure Altitude: -156.68'; Density Altitude: -733.40'; Cloud Base: 1691.08'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
5/10/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: N at 9.8 mph @ 10:16am. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.12". Temp: 50.5 Deg., Low Temp: 48.3 Deg. at 5:29am; Wind: N at 3.7 mph, Gust: 3.7 mph; Wind Chill: 50.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 42.9 Deg. at 6:29am; Dew Point: 47.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 45.2 Deg. at 6:28am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 9500'; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.16Hg; Pressure Altitude: -216.43'; Density Altitude: -820.93'; Cloud Base: 697.19'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open raods are clear and passable.
5/11/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: E @ 17.6 MPH @ 3:28PM. Todays Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation. 0.02". Temp: 60.5 Deg., Low Temp: 57.4 Deg. at 6:16am, Wind: SSW @ 7.6 mph, Gusting: 7.6 mph; Wind Chill: 60.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 57.4 Deg. at 6:16am; Dew Point: 57.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 55.2 Deg. at 6:16am; Sky: Cloudy w/clouds up near 6500'; Humidity at 92%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.13Hg; Pressure Altitude: -189.28'; Density Altitude: -135.13'; Cloud Base: 575.01'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
5/12/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: N @ 9.7 mph @ 10:22am. Todays current 7:00am Weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.01". Temp: 61.7 Deg., Low Temp: 58.4 Deg. at 5:22am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill:
61.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 58.4 Deg. at 5:22am; Dew Point: 59.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 53.7 Deg. at 4:31am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 10K, Light Mist in some areas'; Humdity at 92%; Visibility of 7.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.07Hg; Pressure Altitude: -140.36'; Density Altitude: 17.12'; Cloud Base: 585.81'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/13/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: SW @ 16.7 MPH @ 12:27AM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.38". Temp: 56.0 Deg., Low Temp: 55.1 Deg. at 7:22am; Wind: Light/variable; Wind Chill: 56.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 52.6 Deg. at 7:26am; Dew Point: 50.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 49.9 Deg. at 7:22am; Sky; Clear/sunny w/light mist in some areas; Humidity at 81%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.96Hg; Pressure Altitude: -36.85'; Density Altitude:
-217.67'; Cloud Base: 1443.80'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
5/14/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: N @ 22.0 MPH @ 11:14AM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Light rain is falling. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.24"; Temp: 53.5 Deg., Low Temp: 52.9 Deg. at 6:53am; Wind: WNW @ 5.0 mph, Gusting: 5.0 mph; Wind Chill: 53.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 48.4 Deg. at 6:37am; Dew Point: 51.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 47.3 Deg. at 12:07am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 1100'; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 7.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.70Hg; Pressure Altitude: 206.82'; Density Altitude: -89.19'; Cloud Base: 594.97'; Ground: Soggy to saturated, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/15/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: NNW @ 7 mph @ 1:36pm. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.05". Temp: 40.8 Deg., Low Temp: 37.8 Deg. at 3:16am; Wind: NNW @ 4.4 MPH, Gusting: 8.5 mph; Wind Chill: 38.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 29.8 Deg. at 3:00am; Dew Point: 32.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 30.8 Deg. at 12;25am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 7K'; Humidity at 74%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometrric Pressure at 30.03Hg; Pressure Altitude: -107.71'; Density Altitude: -1325.96'; Cloud Base: 2080.17'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
5/16/2016 |
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Freeze Warning until 9:AM this morning. Yesterday's High Wind: N @ 22.3 mph @ 1:17Pm. Todays current 8:AM weather observation. Temp: 45.1 Deg., Low Temp: 34.9 Deg. at 5:32am; Wind: Light/Variable; Wind Chill: 44.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 31.2 Deg. at 4:35am; Dew Point: 31.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 28.1 Deg. at 5:54am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 60%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.24Hg; Pressure Altitude: -295.04'; Density Altitude: -1332.55'; Cloud Base: 3238.26'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roaways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/17/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: SW @ 17.3 mph @ 1:30PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: "T". Temp: 52.7 Deg., Low Temp: 50.4 Deg. at 6:15am; Wind: light/variable; Wind Chill: 52.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill:
50.4 Deg. at 6:15am; Dew Point: 44.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 36.2 Deg. at 12:01am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 11K'; Humidity at 75%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.24'; Pressure Altitude: -297.75'; Density Altitude: -787.27'; Cloud Base: 1920.04'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
5/18/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: WNW @ 10.3 mph @ 1:11pm. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.09". Temp: 49.2 Deg., Low Temp: 47.7 Deg. at 6:43am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 49.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 45.9 Deg.
at 5:35am; Dew Point: 45.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 44.1 Deg. at 5:55am; Sky: Overcast, w/clouds up near 95K'; Humidity at 87%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.20Hg; Pressure Altitude: -259.82'; Density Altitude: -955.69'; Density Altitude: 924.31';
Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/19/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: NNW @ 13.8 mph @ 3:46am. Todays Current 8:00am Weather Observation. Temp: 46.3 Deg., low temp: 39.8 Deg. at 6:02am; Wind: Light/variable; Wind Chill: 46.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 39.8 Deg. at 6:02am; Dew Point: 43.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 37.0 Deg. at 5:11am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.24Hg; Pressure Altitude: -295.04'; Density Altitude: -1196.08'; Cloud Base: 793.96'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
5/20/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 13.1 mph E @ 3:53pm. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 52.8 Deg., Low Temp: 43.7 Deg. at 6:31am; Wind: 2.4 mph E, Gust: 5.4 mph; Wind Chill: 52.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 41.4 Deg. at 2:42am; Dew Point: 40.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 37.8 Deg. at 4:29am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 64%; Barometric Pressure
at 30.27Hg; Pressure Altirtude: -319.40'; Density Altitude: -787.27'; Cloud Base: 2976.72'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/21/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 18.3 mph ESE
@ 2:30PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0:22". Moderate rain is falling. Temp: 56.8 Deg., Low Temp: 55.2 Deg. at 3:29am; Wind: Light & variable; Wind Chill: 56.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 54.3 Deg.; Dew Point: 54.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 52.0 Deg. at 1:03am; Sky: Overcast, w/clouds up near 200'; Humidity at 94%; Visibility of 1.5 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.01Hg; Pressure Altitude: -83.20'; Density Altitude:
-228.55'; Cloud Base: 440.50'; Ground: Soggy to saturated, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related roads closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/22/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 14.3 mph NNE @ 4:25PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.07". Temp: 52.9 Deg., Low Temp: 47.0 Deg. at 3:12am; Wind: Slight breeze; Wind Chill: 52.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 47.0 Deg. at 3:12am; Dew Point: 48.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 43.7 Deg. at 5:10am; Sky: Clear/Sunny, clouds in some areas up near 12K''; Humidity at 86%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.02Hg; Pressure Altitude: -88.64'; Density Altitude: -501.55'; Cloud Base: 1039.16'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roaways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
5/23/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 18.7 mph at 2:34PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 49.0 Deg., Low Temp: 43.2 Deg. at 6:23am; Wind: Light breeze; Wind Chill: 49.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 43.2 Deg. at 6:23am; Dew Point: 45.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 39.9 Deg. at 5:38am; Sky: Clear & sunny; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.11Hg; Pressure Altitude: -170.27'; Density Altitude: -864.87'; Cloud Base: 833.28'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
5/24/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 12.2 mph E @
1:37PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 56.9 Deg., Low Temp: 49.8 Deg. at 6:17am; Wind: Light & variable; Wind Chill: 56.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 49.8 Deg. at 6:17am; Dew Point: 52.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 46.8 Deg. at 6:17am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.12Hg; Pressure Altitude: -181.13'; Density Altitude: -342.95'; Cloud Base: 823.48'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable, no weather related road closures. |
5/25/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 13.9 mph W at 1:43PM. Todays current 8:00am weather obervation. Temp: 67.2 Deg., Low Temp: 58.1 Deg. at 6:03am; Wind: 2.2 mph W; Wind Chill: 67.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 58.1 Deg. at 6:05am; Dew Point: 50.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 47.6 Deg. at 5:01am; Sky: Clear & sunny; Humidity at 56%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.16Hg; Pressure Altitude: -224.57'; Density Altitude: 278.05'; Cloud Base: 4088.56'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
5/26/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 16.9 mph @ 4:05pm. Todays current 8:00am weather Observation. Temp: 67.9 Deg., Low Temp: 64.7 Deg. at 4:49am; Wind: W 8.1 mph, Gust: 8.1 mph; Wind Chill: 67.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 64.7 Deg. at 4:49am; Dew Point: 62.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 57.1 Deg. at 12:05am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 81%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Baromteric Pressure at 30.08Hg; Pressure Altitude: -148.52': Density Altitude: 423.30': Cloud Base: 1474.76"; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
5/27/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 21.1 MPH SSW @ 5:32pm. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 67.3 Deg., Low Temp: 65.3 Deg. at 6:16am; Heat Index: 67.4 Deg.; Wind: WSW @ 2.1 mph, Gusting: 4.6 mph; Wind Chill: 67.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 65.3 Deg. at 6:16am; Dew Point: 62.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 60.9 Deg. at 6:16am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 85%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.08Hg; Pressure Altitude: -143.08'; Density Altitude: 384.77', Cloud Base: 1223.24'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
5/28/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 12.4 mph N at 12:12AM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation.
Temp: 73.7 Deg., Low Temp: 67.8 Deg. at 6:17am; Heat Index: 73.7 Deg.; Wind Chill: 73.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 67.8 Deg. at 6:17am; Dew Point: 64.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 61.7 Deg. at 3:25am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 74%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.11Hg.; Pressure Altitude: -175.70'; Density Altitude: 755.45'; Cloud Base: 2209.08'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
5/29/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 19.9 mph SW @ 5:03PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.52". Temp: 71.9 Deg., Low Temp: 66.1 Deg.; Heat Index: 71.4 Deg.; Wind: WSW @ 2.8 mph, Gust: 7.1 mph; Wind Chill: 71.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 66.1 Deg. at 5:57am; Dew Point: 66.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 62.9 Deg. at 5:57am; Sky: P-Cloudy, with S-Clouds up 11K'; Humidity at 82%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Pressure Altitude: -200.14';
Density Altitude: 616.92'; Cloud Base: 1386.92'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas, with light covering of dew. Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/30/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: WSW at 17.3 mph. Todays current 8:00 am weather observation. Past 24-hr. rain accumulation: 0.11". Temp: 65.7 Deg., Low Temp: 60.5 Deg. at 5:38am; Heat Index: 65.7 Deg,; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: .7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 60.5 Deg. at 5:38am; Dew Point: 62.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 57.8 Deg. at 5:38am; Sky: P/Cloudy; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.06Hg; Pressure Altitude: -126.76'; Density Altitude: 301.22'; Cloud Base: 783.77'; Ground: wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open road are clear and passable. |
5/31/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 9.1 mpn S at
12:18pm. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Past 24-hr ranin accumulation: 0.01". Temp: 63.07 Deg., Low Temp: 58.6 Deg. at 6:11am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 63.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 58.6 Deg. at 6:11am;
Dew Point: 60.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 55.4 Deg. at 6:11am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.04Hg; Pressure Altitude: -113.15'; Density Altitude: 181,.39'; Cloud Base: 871.61'; Ground: Wet w/light covering of dew; Roadways: All open road are clear and passable. |
6/1/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 13.5 mph ENE
at 5:16PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 67.2 Deg., Low Temp: 60.4 Deg. at 5:19am; Heat Index: 67.2 Deg.; Wind: 4.6 mph E, Gust: 6.6 mph; Wind Chill: 67.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 60.4 Deg., Dew Point: 51.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 48.9 Deg. at 2:58am; Sky: P/Cloudy; Humidity at 58%; Visibility at 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.06Hg; Pressure Altitude: -134.92'; Density Altitude: 388.33'; Cloud Base: 3850.12'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
6/2/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 13.0 mph ESE
@ 4:23PM. Todays current 8:00AM weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.02". Temp: 68.1 Deg., Low Temp: 65.8 Deg. at 6:22am; Heat Index: 68.1 Deg.; Wind: Light & variable; Wind Chill: 68.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 65.8 Deg. at 6:22am; Dew Point: 63.6 Deg.;
Low Dew Point: 54.8 Deg. at 6:12am; Sky: Clear/sunny, with Haze, in some areas; Humidity at 85%; Visibility of 5.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.04Hg; Pressure Altitude: -113.15'; Density Altitude: 473.24'; Cloud Base: 1135.02'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable.
6/3/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 8.7 mph N at 3:38PM. Todays current 7:00am weather observation.
Temp: 65.9 Deg., Low Temp: 64.8 Deg. at 4:48am; Wind: Light breeze; Wind Chill: 65.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 64.8 Deg. at 4:48am; Dew Point: 54.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 54.0 Deg. at 6:25am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 75K'; Humidity at 67%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.07Hg; Pressure Altitude: -134.92'; Density Altitude: 310.63'; Cloud Base: 2823.65'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads arre clear and passaable. |
6/4/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 12.8 mph WSW
at 12:39AM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation.
Past 24-hr rain accumulation: "T"; Temp: 64.3 Deg., Low Temp: 60.7 Deg. at 2:47am; Heat Index: 64.3 Deg.; Wind: Light breeze; Wind Chill: 64.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 60.4 Deg. at 2:47am; Dew Point: 59.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 53.3 Deg. at 1:40am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 7K'; Humidity at 84%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.04Hg; Pressure Altitude: -110.43'; Density Altitude: 217.32'; Cloud Base: 1191.20'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
6/5/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 11.6 mph WSW
at 7:38PM. Todays current 8:00AM weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.20". Temp: 65.1 Deg., Low Temp: 63.8 Deg. at 4:33am; Heat Index: 65.1 Deg.; Wind: 3.5 mph N, Gusting 3.5 mph; Wind Chill: 65.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 63.8 Deg. at 4:33am; Dew Point: 62.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 60.5 Deg. at 4:33am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 1000'; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.73Hg; Pressure Altitude: 173.86'; Density Altitude: 632.29'; Cloud Base: 742.68'; Ground: Souggy to saturated, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related raaod closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
6/6/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 28.0 mph WSW at 3:14PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.04". Temp: 66.7 Deg., Low Temp: 62.0 Deg. at 2:41am; Heat Index: 66.7 Deg.; Wind: 3.5 mph WSW, Gusting: 3.5 mph.; Wind Chill: 66.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 61.5 Deg.
at 2:16am; Dew Point: 58.3 Deg.; Low Dew Point: 56.1 Deg. at 1:39am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 6 to 12K'; Humidity at 74%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.77Hg; Pressure Altitude: 140.94'; Density Altitude: 688.85'; Cloud Base: 2096.52'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
6/7/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 21.3 mph NNW @ 8:26PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.01". Temp: 58.6 Deg., Low Temp: 56.8 Deg. at 5:29am; Wind: NNW at 3.5 mph, Gusting: 3.5 mph; Wind Chill: 58.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 56.8 Deg. at 5:29am; Dew Point: 53.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 52.5 Deg. at 7:46am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 82%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.72Hg; Pressure Altitude: 184.85'; Density Altitude: 227.90'; Cloud Base: 1350.33'; Ground: Wet w/areas of Dew, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
6/8/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 17.5 mph N @
3:28PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 52.1 Deg., Low Temp: 50.0 Deg. at 6:39am; Wind: 5.1 mph N, Gust: 5.1 mph; Wind Chill: 52.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 46.6 Deg. at 6:25am; Dew Point: 44.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 44.0 Deg. at 7:47am; Sky: Clear & sunny; Humidity at 75%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.96Hg; Pressure Altitude: -31.39'; Density Altitude: -477.51'; Cloud Base: 1917.53'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
6/9/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: N at 17.1 mph at 11:48am. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 53.0 Deg., Low Temp: 48.0 Deg. at 6:29am; Wind: Light/variable; Wind Chill: 53.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 48.0 Deg. at 6:29am; Dew Point: 45.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 41.1 Deg. at 5:37am; Sky: Clear and sunny; Humidity at 75%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.11Hg; Pressure Altitude: -172.98'; Density Altitude: -585.89'; Cloud Base: 1908.36'; Ground: Wet w/areas of dew; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
6/10/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: N at 8.6 mph
at 11:48am. Todays current 8:00am weather observation.
Temp: 65.7 Deg., Low Temp: 62.6 Deg. at 6:34am; Heat Index: 65.7 Deg.; Wind: N at 3.9 mph, Gusting: 6.2 mph; Wind Chill: 65.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 62.6 Deg. at 6:34am; Dew Point: 50.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 47.3 Deg. at 4:45am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 7500'; Humidity at 57%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.11Hg; Pressure Altitude: -170.27'; Density Altitude: 228.18'; Cloud Base: 3847.72'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
6/11/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 12.9 mph W @
2:15PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.01". Temp: 75.2 Deg., Low Temp: 70.3 Deg. at 4:33am; Heat Index: 75.2 Deg.; Wind: N at 8.3 mph, Gusting: 17.3 mph; Wind Chill: 75.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 70.3 Deg. at 4:33am; Dew Point: 62.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 61.3 Deg. at 6:07am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 65%; Visibility of 10.0 miles;
Barometric Pressure at 30.00Hg; Pressure Altitude: -75.02'; Density Altitude: 974.59'; Cloud Base: 3185.52'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
6/12/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind. 22.9 mph @ 8:41AM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 64.6 Deg., Low Temp: 64.4 Deg. at 7:59am; Heat Index: 64.6 Deg., Wind Chill: 64.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 63.9 Deg. at 7:52am; Dew Point: 46.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 46.0 Deg. at 7:56am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds
up near 3200'; Humidity at 53%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.06Hg; Pressure Altitude: -132.20'; Density Altitude: 223.05'; Cloud Base: 4425.00'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related roads closures, all open road are clear and passable. |
6/13/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 16.8 mph ENE
at 8:07AM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 55.1 Deg., Low Temp: 48.8 Deg. at 5:42am; Wind: Slight Breeze; Wind Chill: 55.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 48.8 Deg. at 5:42am; Dew Point: 50.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 44.5 Deg. at 12:15am; Sky: Clear & sunny; Humidity at 86%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.13Hg; Presssure Altitude: -197.43'; Density Altitude: -482.68'; Cloud Base: 1041.28'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
6/14/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 14.4 mph ENE at 4:55PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: "T"; Temp: 61.1 Deg., Low Temp: 56.7 Deg. at 6:35am; Wind: SE at 1.2 mph; Wind Chill: 61.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 55.6 Deg. at 2:29am; Dew Point: 49.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 42.3 Deg. at 1:12am; Sky: P/Cloudy w/clouds up near 6500'; Humidity at 65%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.06Hg; Pressure Altitude: -124.04'; Density Altitude: 11.04'; Cloud Base: 2940.75'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roaways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
6/15/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 14.8 mph ENE
at 2:26AM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 70.0 Deg., Low Temp: 63.8 Deg. at 5:16am; Wind: WNW at 1.8 mph, Gusting: 2.3 mph; Wind Chill: 70.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 63.8 Deg. at 5:16am; Dew Point: 54.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 53.3n Deg. at 7:44am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 12K'; Humidity at 58%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.94Hg; Pressure Altitude: -15.02'; Density Altitude: 728.92'; Cloud Base: 3893.41'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
6/16/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 16.9 mph WSW at 3:37PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.02". Temp: 68.6 Deg., Low Temp: 68.3 Deg. at 7:29am; Wind: Light and variable; Wind Chill: 68.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 68.3 Deg. at 6:29am; Dew Point: 62.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 62.4 Deg. at 6:55am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 82%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.77Hg; Pressure Altitude: 135.46'; Density Altitude: 811.01'; Cloud Base: 1444.90'; Ground: Wet to saturated, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
6/17/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 21.6 mph WNW
at 1:39PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.02". Temp: 66.7 Deg., Low Temp: 63.4 Deg. at 5:15am; Heat Index: 66.7 Deg.; Wind: NNE at 5.3 mph, Gusting: 5.3 mph; Wind Chill: 66.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 63.4 Deg. at 5:15am; Dew Point: 63.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 60.5 Deg. at 4:34am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 600", Light to moderate
Haze/Fog...in some areas; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 4.0 miles; Baromettric Pressure at 29.95Hg; Pressure Altitude: -25.93'; Density Altitude: 470.65'; Cloud Base: 771.19'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
6/18/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 19.6 mph ENE
at 2:59PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 64.2 Deg., Low Temp: 56.2 Deg. at 6:35am; Wind: WNW at 1.7 mph, Gust: 2.0 mph; Wind Chill: 64.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 56.2 Deg. at 6:36am; Dew Point: 57.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 48.4 Deg. at 12:00am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 79%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.24Hg; Pressure Altitude: -292.33'; Density Altitude: -6.77'; Cloud Base: 1738.92'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
6/19/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 13.8 mpt ENE
at 3:40PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation.
Temp: 70.1 Deg., Low Temp: 62.8 Deg. at 5:04am; Heat Index: 70.1 Deg.; Wind: 2.3 mph SSE, Gust: 2.3 mph; Wind Chill: 70.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 62.8 Deg. at 5:04am; Dew Point: 58.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 53.0 Deg. at 12:00am; Sky: Clear & sunny; Humidity at 66%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.36Hg; Pressure Altitude: -405.87'; Density Altitude: 216.53'; Cloud Base: 2902.80'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
6/20/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 16.0 mph WNW
at 11:05AM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation.
Temp: 75.2 Deg., Low Temp: 70.3 Deg. at 6:03am; Heat Index: 77.0 Deg.; Wind: 0.9 mph W, Gusting: 6.2 mph; Wind Chill: 75.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 70.3 Deg. at 6:03am; Dew Point: 61.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 52.3 Deg. at 3:43am; Sky: Clear & sunny; Humidity at 62%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.22Hg; Pressure altitude: -278.79'; Density Altitude: 730.82'; Cloud Base: 3522.08'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
6/21/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 19.8 mph NW @ 4:19PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 69.0 Deg., Low Temp: 68.0 Deg. at 7:02am; Wind: E at 2.8 mph, Gusting: 5.0 mph; Wind Chill: 69.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 68.0 Deg. at 7:02am; Dew Point: 56.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 56.7 Deg. at 7:52am; Heat Index: 69.0 Deg.; Sky: P/Cloudy w/clouds up near 4100'; Humidity at 66%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.99Hg; Pressure Altitude: -64.12'; Density Altitude: 591.49'; Cloud Base: 2975.72'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
6/22/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 22.0 mph W @
4:10PM. Todays current 8:00AM weather observation. Temp: 62.7 Deg., Low Temp: 56.4 Deg. at 5:45AM; Wind: Slight breeze; Wind Chill: 62.8 Deg.; Low Wind Chill: 56.4 Deg. at 5:45AM; Dew Point: 56.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 46.0 Deg. at 12:13AM; Sky: Some clouds to clear, in some areas; Humidity at 79%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.00Hg; Pressure Altitude: -72.30'; Density Altitude: 186.05'; Cloud Base: 1685.31'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas;
Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
6/23/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind. 13.4 mph W @
5:03PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.74". Temp: 66.4 Deg., Low Temp: 65.8 Deg. at 4:01am; Heat Index: 66.3 Deg., Wind: Light/variable; Wind Chill: 66.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 65.4 Deg. at 5:06am; Dew Point: 63.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 62.7 Deg. at 2:54am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds
up near 2400'; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.87Hg; Pressure Altitude: 42.36'; Density Altitude: 548.19'; Cloud Base: 667.48'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
6/24/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 12.8 mph NW at 5:20AM. Todays current 8:00AM weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.64'. Temp: 65.5 Deg., Low Temp: 61.5 Deg. at 6:05am; Heat Index: 65.3 Deg.; Wind: NNE at 6.9 mph.; Wind Chill: 65.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 61.5 Deg. at 6:05am; Dew Point: 51.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 51.9 Deg. at 7:38am; Sky: Cloudy w/clouds up near 5500'; Humidity at 62%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.05Hg; Pressure Altitude: -118.59'; Density Altitude: 304.78'; Cloud Base: 3390.72'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
6/25/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 14.5 mph ENE
at 4:15PM. Todays current 8:00AM weather observation. Temp: 61.1 Deg., Low Temp: 53.9 Deg. at 5:13am; Wind: Light breeze; Wind Chill: 61.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 53.9 Deg. at 5:13am; Dew Point: 56.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 47.5 Deg. at 1:20am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 86%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.18Hg; Pressure Altitude: -238.14'; Density Altitude: -142.74'; Cloud Base: 1084.21'; Ground: Patchy areas of Dew, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
6/26/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 9.8 mph W at
2:31PM. Todays current 8:00AM weather observation. Temp: 74.3 Deg., Low Temp: 61.8 Deg. at 4:56am; Heat Index: 77.0 Deg.; Wind: SW at 1.2 mph, Gusting: 1.2 mph; Wind Chill: 74.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 61.8 Deg. at 4:56am; Dew Point: 61.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 56.5 Deg. at 4:56am; Sky: Clear & sunny; Humidity at 64%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.15Hg; Pressure Altitude: -211.00'; Density Altitude: 750.36'; Cloud Base: 3249.35'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
6/27/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 17.6 mph N @
9:33PM. Todays current 8:00AM weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.10". Temp: 71.0 Deg., Low Temp: 68.4 Deg. at 6:38am; Heat Index: 71.0 Deg.; Wind: WNW at 3.0 mph, Gusting: 3.5 mph; Wind Chill: 71.0 Deg.; Low Wind Chill: 68.4 Deg. at 6:38am; Dew Point: 67.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 65.0 Deg. at 6:38am; Sky: Cloudy..with clouds up near 300', Haze-Mist, in some areas; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 6.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at -134.92'; Density Altitude: 632.96'; Cloud Base: 899.24'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
6/28/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 14.0 mph SW @ 3:20PM. Todays current 8:00AM weather observation. Temp: 66.4 Deg., Low Temp: 62.9 Deg. at 6:31am; Heat Index: 66.6 Deg.; Wind: NE @ 1.6 mph, Gusting: 2.9 mph; Wind Chill: 66.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 62.9 Deg. at 6:31am; Dew Point: 61.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 58.4 Deg. at 6:26am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 84%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.03Hg; Pressure Altitude: -102.26'; Density Altitude: 370.27'; Cloud Base: 1226.46'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
6/29/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: N at 12.6 mph, at 11:19am. Current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 60.5 Deg., Low Temp: 56.2 Deg. at 6:24am; Wind: Light breeze; Wind Chill: 60.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 56.2 Deg. at 6:24am; Dew Point: 54.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 52.9 Deg. at 6:24am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 80%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.10Hg; Pressure Altitude: -167.55'; Density Altitude: -95.16'; Cloud Base: 1521.77'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
6/30/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 11.5 mph N at 12:41PM. Todays current 8:00AM weather observation. Temp: 59.9 Deg., Low Temp: 52.0 Deg. @ 6:14am; Wind: Slight breeze; Wind Chill: 59.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 52.0 Deg. at 6:14am; Dew Point: 55.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 48.0 Deg. at 3:11am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 85%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.11Hg; Pressure Altitude: -175.70'; Density Altitude: -138.11'; Cloud Base: 1104.21'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
7/1/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 12.0 mph NW @ 2:40PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Light rain was falling. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.04". Temp: 63.6 Deg., Low Temp: 62.8 Deg. at 1:51am;
Wind: Light breeze; Wind Chill: 63.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 62.4 Deg. at 7:38am; Dew Point: 58.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 52.4 Deg. at 1:31am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 6K'; Humidity at 84%; Visibility of 7.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.94Hg; Presssure Altitude: -17.75'; Density Altitude: 298.91'; Cloud Base: 1187.66'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
7/2/2016 |
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No Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind. 14.2 mph N @
3:17PM. Todays current 8:00AM weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.07". Temp: 60.8 Deg., Low Temp: 55.5 Deg. at 5:50am; Wind: SSW @ 2.2 mph, Gust: 5.8 mph; Wind Chill: 60.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 55.5 Deg. at 5:50am; Dew Point: 57.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 52.5 Deg. at 3:05am; Sky: Clear & sunny; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.18Hg; Pressure Altitude: -235.42'; Density Altitude: -152.62'; Cloud Base: 798.71'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
7/3/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 9.6 mph SSE at 9:41AM. Todays current 8:00AM weather observation. Temp: 57.8 Deg., Low Temp: 54.4 Deg. @ 5:28am; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 57.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 54.4 Deg. at 5:28am; Dew Point: 54.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 51.1 Deg. at 2:38am; Sky: Clear w/light to moderate Haze, in some areas; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 5.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.16Hg; Pressure Altitude: -219.15'; Density Altitude: -323.71'; Cloud Base: 735.86'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads
are clear and passable. |
7/4/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 9.3 mph at 1:11PM. Todays current 8:00AM weather observation. Temp: 62.3 Deg., Low Temp: 58.9 Deg. @ 3:58am; Wind: Light/variable; Wind Chill: 62.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 58.9 Deg. at 3:58am; Dew Point: 55.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 55.0 Deg. at 7:58am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 4K'; Humidity at 78%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.02Hg; Pressure Altitude: -88.64'; Density Altitude:
126.70'; Cloud Base: 1725.65'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
7/5/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 13.1 mph ESE @ 10:00AM. Todays current 8:00AM weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.01". Temp: 69.9 Deg., Low Temp: 69.1 Deg. at 5:35am; Wind: Light/variable; Wind Chill: 69.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill:
69.1 Deg. at 5:35am; Dew Point: 66.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 64.7 Deg. at 1:11am; Sky: Overcast w/light to moderate Haze/Mist, in some areas; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 4.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.92Hg; Pressure Altitude: 4.10'; Density Altitude: 745.98'; Cloud Base: 927.81'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
7/6/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 11.6 mph WNW @ 2:29PM. Todays current 8:00AM weather observation. Temp: 72.2 Deg., Low Temp: 63.5 Deg. @ 4:44am; Heat Index: 74.0 Deg; Wind: 2.2 mph WSW, Gust: 5.2 mph; Wind Chill: 72.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 63.5 Deg. at 4:44am; Dew Point: 64.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 59.4 Deg. at 4:39am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 75%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.96Hg; Pressure Altitude: -39.58'; Density Altitude: 833.16'; Cloud Base: 2079.54'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
7/7/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.18". Temp: 72.2 Deg., Low Temp: 68.0 Deg. at 5:29am;
Wind: 3.6 mph NW, Gust: 9.4 mph; Wind Chill: 72.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 67.5 Deg. at 7:54am; Dew Point: 67.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 63.5 Deg. at 4:00am; Sky; Clear/sunny; Humidity at 85%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.89Hg; Pressure Altitude: 31.42'; Density Altitude: 907.51'; Cloud Base: 1111.89'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
7/8/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 14.0 mph WNW at 2:40PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 73.6 Deg., Low Temp: 72.9 Deg. at 5:42am, Heat Index: 73.0 Deg.; Wind: WSW at 5.6, Gusting: 5.6 mph; Wind Chill: 73.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 72.9 Deg. at 5:42am; Dew Point: 68.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 67.3 Deg. at 12:25am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 2300'; Humidity at 83%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.84Hg; Pressure Altitude: 69.71'; Density Altitude: 1043.69'; Cloud Base: 1351.00'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
7/9/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 16.6
mph N at 11:40PM. Todays current 8:00AM weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.12". Temp: 67.0 Deg., Low Temp: 65.6 Deg. at 6:48am; Heat Index: 67.0 Deg.: Wind: NNW at 2.7 mph, Gusting: 4.3 mph; Wind Chill: 67.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 64.9 Deg. at 7:29am; Dew Point: 63.2 Deg.; Low Dew Point: 62.4 Deg. at 6:48am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Presssure at 29.90Hg; Pressure Altitude: 17.76''; Density Altiitude: 563.19'; Cloud Base: 949.00'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: Noweather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
7/10/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 16.1 mph WSW at 12:58PM. Todays current 8:00am weather
observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.01". Temp: 66.7 Deg., Low Temp: 61.7 Deg. at 6:40am; Heat Index: 66.7 Deg.; Wind: NNW @ 2.0 mph, Gusting: 2.0 mph; Wind Chill: 66.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 61.7 Deg. at 6:40am; Dew Point: 61.4 Deg.; Low Dew Point: 56.7 Deg. at 12:45am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 84%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.07Hg; Pressure Altitude: -134.92'; Density Altitude: 336.56'; Cloud Base: 1285.94'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
7/11/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 10.6 mph, ESE at 12:03PM. Todays current 8:00AM weather observation. Temp: 66.2 Deg., Low Temp: 60.2 Deg. at 6:11am; Heat Index: 66.2 Deg; Wind: Slight Breeze; Wind Chill: 66.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 60.2 Deg. at 6:11am; Dew Point: 60.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 54.6 Deg. at 4:25am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 83%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.12Hg; Pressure Altitude: -181.13'; Density Altitude: 266.73'; Cloud Base: 1327.20'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
7/12/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 15.0
mph, WNW at 2:09PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 69.7 Deg., Low Temp: 65.9 Deg. at 7:04am; Heat Index: 69.7 Deg.; Wind: N at 0.4 mph; Wind Chill: 68.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 69.7 Deg. at 7:04am; Dew Point: 63.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 59.6 Deg. at 3:28am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 82%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometrric Pressure at 30.06Hg; Pressure Altitude: -126.76'; Density Altitude: 572.40'; Cloud Base: 1557.70'; Ground: Dry to moist, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
7/13/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 17.3 mph WNW at 2:07PM. Current 8:00AM weather observation. Temp: 74.4 Deg., Low Temp: 71.9 Deg. at 5:35am; Heat Index: 74.4 Deg.; Wind: WNW @ 4.2 mph; Wind Chill: 74.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 70.4 Deg. at 3:14am; Dew Point: 68.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 66.9 Deg. at 5:03am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 83%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.03Hg; Pressure Altitude: -102.26'; Density Altitude: 896.41'; Cloud Base: 1382.41'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
7/14/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 33.5 mph WNW at 9:06PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation: Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.46"; Temp: 68.5 Deg., Low Temp: 68.0 Deg. at 6:20am; Heat Index: 68.5 Deg.; Wind: Slight breeze; Wind Chill: 68.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 62.0 Deg. at 5:18am; Dew Point: 65.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 63.9 Deg. at 3:23am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 1500'; Humidity at 90%;
Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.93Hg; Pressure Altitude: -6.83'; Density Altitude: 629.72'; Cloud Base: 777.39'; Ground: soggy to saturated, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
7/15/2016 |
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No Current Weather Aleerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 17.3 mph WNW at 2:23PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 72.1 Deg., Low Temp: 69.8 Deg. at 6:28am; Heat Index: 73.0 Deg.; Wind: Light breeze; Wind Chill: 72.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 69.5 Deg. at 7:46am; Dew Point: 65.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 64.8 Deg.
at 6:22am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 79%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.98Hg; Pressure Altitude: -55.94'; Density Altitude: 806.69'; Cloud Base: 1671.65'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
7/16/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 18.6 mph WNW at 12:PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 64.7 Deg., Low Temp: 61.9 Deg. at 4:28am; Heat Index: 64.6 Deg., Wind: Slight breeze; Wind Chill: 64.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 61.9 Deg. at 4:28am; Dew Point: 60.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 58.6 Deg.
at 2:46am; Sky: P/Cloudy w/clouds up near 300'; Humidity at 87%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.09Hg; Pressure Altitude: -159.39'; Density Altitude: 196.07'; Cloud Base: 988.23'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open
roads are clear and passable. |
7/17/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterdays High Wind: 11.6 mph N at 2:38PM. Todays current 9:00AM weather observation. Temp: 71.1 Deg., Low Temp: 59.3 Deg. at 6:36am; Heat Index: 72.0 Deg.; Wind: 9.2 MPH N, Gust: 9.7 mph; Wind Chill: 71.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 59.3 Deg. at 6:36am; Dew Point: 64.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 56.6 Deg. at 6:38am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 80%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.20Hg; Pressure Altitude: -259.82'; Density Altitude: 498.81'; Cloud Base: 1593.61'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
7/18/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 17.4
mph WNW at 3:35am. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.11"; Temp: 69.9 Deg., Low Temp: 69.2 Deg., Heat Index: 69.9 Deg.; Wind: Slight breeze; Wind Chill: 69.9 Deg.,
Low Wind Chill: 65.6 Deg. at 6:06am; Dew Point: 66.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 65.1 Deg. at 6:32am; Sky: Overcast; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.14Hg; Pressure Altitude: -202.86'; Density Altitude: 498.18'; Cloud Base: 879.17'; Ground: Soggy to saturated, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
7/19/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 20.7
mph N at 5:51AM. Temp: 68.4 Deg., Low Temp: 64.2 Deg.
at 6:38AM; Heat Index: 68.7 Deg.; Wind: Slight breeze;
Wind Chill: 68.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 64.2 Deg. at 6:38AM; Dew Point: 64.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 60.9 Deg.
at 6:38AM; Sky: Clear, light Haze in some areas; Humidity at 86%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.25Hg; Pressure Altitude: -305.87'; Density Altitude: 262.08'; Cloud Base: 1087.83'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
7/20/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 13.9 mph WNW at 2:24PM. Todays current 8:00AM weather observation. Temp: 64.3 Deg., Low Temp: 59.2 Deg. at 6:36am; Heat Index: 64.3 Deg.; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill:
64.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 59.2 Deg. at 6:38am; Dew Point: 59.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 55.2 Deg. at 6:36am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 85%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.30Hg; Pressure Altitude: -351.85'; Density Altitude: -73.58'; Cloud Base: 1166.36'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
7/21/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 10.1 mph SE at 12:06PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 74.7 Deg., Low Temp: 64.0 Deg. at 4:24am; Heat Index: 77.0 Deg.; Wind: WSW at 2.9 mph, Gusting: 3.6 mph; Wind Chill: 74.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 64.0 Deg. at 4:24am; Dew Point: 62.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 57.2 Deg. at 2:34am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 65%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressuree at 30.20Hg; Pressure Altitude: -257.11'; Density Altitude: 719.26'; Cloud Base: 3112.13'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
7/22/2016 |
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Heat Advisory: From 11AM this morning, thru 9PM EDT Saturday night. Yesterday's High Wind: 18.5 mph WNW @
1:10PM. Todays current 8:00AM weather observation. Rain is falling. Temp: 71.6 Deg., Low Temp: 71.5 Deg. @ 8:00am; Heat Index: 71.6 Deg., Wind: N at 6.9 mph, Gusting: 9.6 mph; Wind Chill: 71.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 67.5 Deg. at 7:57am; Dew Point: 66.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 65.2 Deg. at 5:58am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 10K'; Humidity at 85%; Visibility of 1.2 miles; Baromettric Pressure at 30.07Hg; Pressure Altitude: -132.20'; Density Altitude: 674.73'; Cloud Base: 1228.41'; Ground: Soggy to saturated, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all
open roads are clear and passable. |
7/23/2016 |
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Heat Advisory: Until 8:PM EDT Sunday night. Yesterdays
high wind: 14.0 mph W at 1:52PM. Todays current 8:00am
weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.13". Temp: 75.5 Deg., Low Temp: 73.9 Deg. at 6:29am;
Heat Index: 76.0 Deg.; Wind: WNW at 1.1 mph, Gusting: 1.1 mph; Wind Chill: 75.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 73.9 Deg. at 6:29am; Dew Point: 71.1 Deg.; Low Dew Point: 69.5 Deg. at 6:29 am; Sky: P/Cloudy w/clouds up near 4300, light to moderate Haze, in some areas; Humidity at 86%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Presssure at 30.03Hg; Pressure Altitude: -102.26'; Density Altitude: 959.23'; Cloud Base: 1102.53'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
7/24/2016 |
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Heat Advisory: In effect until 8:00PM EDT tonight. Current 8:00AM weather observation. Temp: 73.4 Deg., Low Temp: 70.6 Deg. at 4:14am; Heat Index: 74.4 Deg.; Wind: N at 5.8 mph, Gusting: 5.8 mph; Wind Chill: 73.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 70.6 Deg. at 4:14am; Dew Point: 65.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 62.5 Deg. at 5:29am; Sky: P/Cloudy w/clouds up near 4400'; Humidity at 76%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.02Hg; Pressure Altitude: -94.09'; Density Altitude: 830.06'; Cloud Base: 1938.51'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open
roads are clear and passable. |
7/25/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 18.6 mph N at 2:20PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation: Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.23"; Temp: 77.9 Deg., Low Temp: 73.9 Deg. at 1:23am; Wind: WSW at 4.6 mph, Gusting: 4.6 mph; Wind Chill: 77.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 73.9 Deg. at 1:23am;
Dew Point: 72.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 68.3 Deg. at 12:39am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 1400'; Humidity at 83%; Visibility of 7.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.99Hg; Pressure Altitude: -61.39'; Density Altitude: 1161.68'; Cloud Base: 1420.47'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
7/26/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 12.7
mph WSW at 3:34PM. Todays current 8:00AM weather observation. Temp: 71.2 Deg., Low Temp: 67.9 Deg. at 6:44am; Heat Index: 70.9 Deg.; Wind: NE at 1.8 mph, Gust: 4.3 mph; Wind Chill: 71.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 67.9 Deg. at 6:44am; Dew Point: 66.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 63.3 Deg. at 6:44am; Sky: Clear & sunny; Humidity at 85%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.08Hg; Pressure Altitude: -148.52'; Density Altitude: 622.67'; Cloud Base: 1183.79'; Ground: Dry to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
7/27/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 12.5 mph E at 11:09AM. Current 8:00AM weather obervation. Temp: 68.5 Deg., Low Temp: 64.4 Deg. at 5:30am; Heat Index: 68.5 Deg; Wind: Slight breeze; Wind Chill: 68.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 64.4 Deg. at am; Dew Point: 61.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 57.2 Deg. at 3:59am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 79%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.06Hg; Pressure Altitude: -129.48'; Density Altitude: 472.51'; Cloud Base: 1689.57'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and
passable. |
7/28/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 11.5
mph at 8:37PM. Todays current 8:00AM weather observation. Temp: 70.8 Deg., Low Temp: 67.7 Deg. at 3:19am; Heat Index: 71.0 Deg.; Wind: SSW at 1.9 mph, Gusting: 2.4 mph; Wind Chill: 70.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 67.7 Deg. at 3:19am; Dew Point: 64.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 60.8 Deg. at 1:29am; Sky: P/Cloudy w/clouds
up near 4800'; Humidity at 80%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.95Hg; Pressure Altitude: -31.39'; Density Altitude: 740.86'; Cloud Base: 1598.53'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
7/29/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 20.8
mph E at 8:10PM. Current 8:00AM weather observation. Temp: 66.7 Deg., Low Temp: 63.2 Deg. at 6:06am; Heat Index: 66.7 Deg.; Wind: Calm; Wind Chill: 66.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 63.2 Deg. at 6:06am; Dew Point: 63.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 60.1 Deg. at 6:06am; Sky: Clear/light mist-Haze, in some areas; Humidity at 89%;
Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.97Hg; Pressure Altitude: -45.03'; 466.57'; Cloud Base: 826.97'; Groud: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
7/30/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 21.3
mph at 5:07PM. Todays current 8:00AM weather observation. Temp: 68.9 Deg., Low Temp: 67.7 Deg. at 6:03am; Heat Index: 68.9 Deg.; Wind: N at 1.2 mph, Gusting: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 68.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 66.1 Deg. at 4:52am; Dew Point: 65.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 63.4 Deg. at 2:35am; Sky: Overcast with clouds up near 5500', light to moderate Haze, in some areas; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 4.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.97Hg; Pressure Altitude: -45.03'; Density Altitude: 595.64'; Cloud Base: 850.11'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
7/31/2016 |
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Special WX Statement: (Fog) until: 8:15am EDT this AM.
Yesterday's High Wind: 16.0 mph NNW at 4:32PM. Todays
current 8:00am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.22". Temp: 68.5 Deg, Low Temp: 64.7 Deg. at 6:24am; Heat Index: 68.8 Deg; Wind: Light to moderate breeze; Wind Chill: 68.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 64.7 Deg. at 6:24am; Dew Point: 65.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 61.9 Deg. at 6:24am; Sky: Areas of Fog and mist; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 0.2 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.03Hg; Pressure Altitude: -102.26'; Density Altitude: 512.41'; Cloud Base: 762.03'; Ground: Moist to soggy, in some areas; Road |
8/1/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 13.8 mph at 3:14pm. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 67.7 Deg., Low Temp: 65.1 Deg. at 6:17am; Heat Index; 67.7 Deg.; Wind: Slight breeze; Wind Chill: 67.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 65.1 Deg. at 6:17am; Dew Point: 64.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 62.1 Deg. at 6:17am; Sky; Clear w/light to moderate Haze/Mist, in some areas; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 7.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.10Hg; Pressure Altitude: -167.55'; Density Altitude: 361.13'; Cloud Base: 733.75'; Ground; Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/2/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 10.4
mph N at 3:04am. Todays current 8:00am weather observation: Temp: 65.5 Deg., Low Temp: 62.4 Deg. at 6:20am; Heat Index: 65.7 Deg; Wind: Slight breeze; Wind Chill: 65.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 62.4 Deg. at 6:20am; Dew Point: 62.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 59.1 Deg.
at 6:20am; Sky: Clear & Sunny, w/Light to moderate Haze in some areas; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 4.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.11Hg; Pressure Altitude: -178.42'; Density Altitude: 270.07'; Cloud Base: 833.21'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
8/3/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 13.1
mph E at 6:49pm. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 67.8 Deg., Low Temp: 64.0 Deg. at 6:39am; Heat Index: 72.7 Deg; Wind: Slight breeze; Wind Chill: 67.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 64.0 Deg. at 6:39am; Dew Point: 62.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 59.6 Deg.
at 6:39am; Sky: Clear & sunny; Humidity at 84%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.11Hg; Pressure Altitude: -175.70'; Density Altitude: 383.41'; Cloud Base: 1217.90'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
8/4/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 13.2
mph E at 1:58PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 71.3 Deg., Low Temp: 67.2 Deg. at 6:11am; Heat Index: 76.4 Deg.; Wind: Light/variable; Wind Chill: 71.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 66.8 Deg. at 7:55am; Dew Point: 67.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 57.8 Deg.
at 12:01am; Sky: S/Clouds with clouds up near 10K'; Humidity at 86%; Barometric Pressure at 30.08Hg; Pressure Altitude: -148.52'; Density Altitude: 635.49'; Cloud Base: 1067.08'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
8/5/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Temp: 73.8 Deg., Low Temp: 71.2 Deg. at 6:41am; Heat Index: 78.4 Deg.; Wind: 8.8 mph SW, Gusting: 8.8 mph; Wind Chill: 73.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 68.2 Deg. at 6:13am; Dew Point: 68.7 Deg.,
Low Dew Point: 66.3 Deg. at 12:37am; Sky: Clear/sunny;
Humidity at 85%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.96Hg; Pressure Altitude: -34.12'; Density Altitude: 922.72'; Cloud Base: 1230.09'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
8/6/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 15.4
mph W at 2:21PM. Todays current 8:00AM weather observation. Temp: 68.4 Deg., Low Temp: 67.8 Deg. at 7:42am; Heat Index: 73.1 Deg; Wind: 1.8 mph NNW, Gust:
3.3 mph; Wind Chill: 68.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 67.8 Deg. at 7:42am; Dew Point: 63.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 62.5 Deg. at 7:22am; Sky: Clear & sunny, w/clouds up near 2000'; Humidity at 83%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Baromettric Pressure at 29.94Hg; Pressure Altitude: -15.02'; Density Altitude: 619.65'; Cloud Base: 1374.51'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
8/7/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 14.7
mph NNE at 1:48PM. Todays Current 8:00AM weather observation. Temp: 63.4 Deg., Low Temp: 59.4 Deg. at 5:14am; Wind: Slight breeze; Wind Chill: 63.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 59.4 Deg. at 5:14am; Dew Point: 59.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 55.4 Deg. at 5:14am; Sky: Clear &
sunny; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.03Hg; Pressure Altitude: -104.98'; Density Altitude: 158.83'; Cloud Base: 861.83'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
8/8/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 13.9
mph E at 4:54PM. Todays Current 8:00AM weather observation. Temp: 68.1 Deg., Low Temp: 65.0 Deg. at 5:20am; Heat Index: 71.3 Deg.; Wind: Slight breeze; Wind Chill: 68.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 62.3 Deg. at 6:51am; Dew Point: 59.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 57.0 Deg. at 12:58am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 73%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.11Hg; Pressure Altitude: -175.70'; Density Altitude: 396.87'; Cloud Base: 2270.62'; Ground: Moist
to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
8/9/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 17.0
mph N at 1:06PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 70.5 Deg., Low Temp: 65.4 Deg. at 3:58am; Heat Index: 74.4 Deg; Wind: N at 5.8 mph, Gust: 5.8 mph; Wind Chill: 70.5 mph, Low Wind Chill: 63.6 mph at 4:10 am; Dew Point: 62.6 mph, Low Dew Point: 58.8 mph at 3:43am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 76%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.09Hg; Pressure Altitude: -153.96'; Denity Altitude: 583.93'; Cloud Base: 1999.85'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
8/10/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 25.9
mph, WSW at 8:08PM. Todays current 8:00AM weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0:59". Temp: 74.3 Deg., Low Temp: 73.2 Deg. at 6:54am; Heat Index: 74.3 Deg.; Wind: Light/variable; Wind Chill: 74.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 70.3 Deg. at 6:54am; Dew Point: 70.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 69.1 Deg. at 6:54am; Sky; Overcast w/clouds up near 8500'; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.12Hg; Pressure Altitude: -186.57'; Density Altitude: 786.68'; Cloud Base: 953.36'; Ground |
8/11/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 11.7
mph NW @ 4:29PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 76.7 Deg., Low Temp: 74.1 Deg. @ 5:54am; Heat Index: 77.0 Deg.; Wind: W @ 2.4 mpn, Gust: 2.8 mph; Wind Chill: 76.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 74.1 Deg. at 5:54am; Dew Point: 72.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 70.0 Deg. @ 5:00am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humididty
at 88%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure @
30.13Hg; Pressure Altitude: -197.43'; Density Altitude: 909.30'; Cloud Base: 996.30'; Ground: Wet to
soggy, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/12/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Past 24-hr. rain accumulation: 0.01"; Temp: 79.2 Deg., Low Temp: 76.2 Deg. at 6:53am;
Heat Index: 81.0 Deg., Wind: NW at 2.1 mph, Gusting: 3.7 mph; Wind Chill: 79.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 74.1 Deg. at 6:59am; Dew Point: 71.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 69.9 Deg. at 6:53am; Sky: Clear/sunny, some clouds up near 4400'; Humidity at 77%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.00Hg; Pressure Altitude: -69.57'; Density Altitude: 1220.93'; Cloud Base: 1946.45'; Ground: Moist to wet in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
8/13/2016 |
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Flash Food Watch today at 2:00PM thru Sunday evening.
Yesterday's High Wind: 16.3 mph SSW at 4:39PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.01". Temp: 78.2 Deg., Low Temp: 75.7 Deg. at 12:06am; Heat Index: 81.0 Deg.; Wind: S at 0.7 mph, Gusting: 8.6 mph; Wind Chill: 78.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 75.7 Deg. at 12:06am; Dew Point: 71.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 70.6 Deg. at 7:38am; Sky: Cloudy w/clouds up near 85K'; Humidity at 81%; Visiility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.91Hg; Pressusre Altitude: 6.83'; Density Altitude: 1270.37'; Cloud Base: 168'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
8/14/2016 |
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Flash Flood Watch until 8:00PM tonight. Yesterday's high wind: 28.3 mph N @ 3:58PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.38". Temp: 73.0 Deg., Low Temp: 72.3 Deg. at 5:11am;
Wind: WNW @ 1.2 mph, Gusting: 1.2 mph; Wind Chill: 73.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 69.8 Deg. at 3:16am; Dew Point: 69.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 69.2 Deg. at 5:11am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 700'; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.04Hg; Pressure Altitude: -113.15'; Density Altitude: 774.80'; Cloud Base: 734.33'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/15/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 9.8 mph SW at 4:58PM. Current 8:00am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.75". Temp: 72.5 Deg., Low Temp: 70.7 Deg. at 12:51am; Heat Index: 72.4 Deg.;
Wind: Slight breeze; Wind Chill: 72.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 70.7 Deg. at 12:51am; Dew Point: 69.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 67.4 Deg. at 12:51am; Sky: Few cloudy, w/clouds up near 400'; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 5.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.19Hg; Pressure Altitude: -246.27'; Density Altitude: 583.88'; Cloud Base: 725.03'; Ground: Soggy to saturated, in some areas; Rodaways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
8/16/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 9.8 mpn SW at 3:54PM. Todays currrent 8:00am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.08".; Temp: 72.3 Deg., Low Temp: 71.7 Deg. at 6:12am; Heat Index: 71.0 Deg.; Wind: N at 8.3 mph, Gusting: 8.3 mph; Wind Chill: 72.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 66.7 mph; Dew Point: 67.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 66.9 Deg. at 7:22am; Sky: Few clouds up near 9K'; Humidity at 84%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.08Hg; Pressure Altitude: -148.52'; Density Altitude: 702.80'; Cloud Base: 1240.59'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
8/17/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 28.2
mph WSW at 12:23PM. Todays current 8:00AM weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.04"; Temp: 71.0 Deg., Low Temp: 69.8 Deg. at 3:07am; Heat Index: 70.9 Deg.; Wind: Slight breeze; Wind Chill: 71.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 69.8 Deg. at 3:07am; Dew Point: 67.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 66.5 Deg. at 3:07am; Sky: Cloudy with clouds up near 8K' and light to moderate Haze, in some areas; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 4.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.16Hg; Pressure Altitude: -224.57'; Density Altitude: 535.69'; Cloud Base: 753.60'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
8/18/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 10.2
mph WSW at 2:21PM. Current 8:00am weather observation.
Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.02"; Temp: 68.1 Deg. Low Temp: 66.4 Deg. at 7:12am; Heat Index: 68.2 Deg.; Wind: Light 7 variable; Wind Chill: 68.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 66.4 Deg. at 7;12am; Dew Point: 64.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 62.7 Deg. at 7:12am; Sky: Some clouds, w/clouds up near 11K'; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.14Hg; Pressure Altitude: -202.86'; Density Altitude: 382.29'; Cloud Base: 978.35'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/19/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 13.0
mph NNE at 4:03PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 69.9 Deg., Low Temp: 66.3 Deg. at 5:57am; Heat Index: 66.9 Deg.; Wind: Slight breeze; Wind Chill: 69.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 66.3 Deg. at 5:57am; Dew Point: 66.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 62.8 Deg.
at 3:50am; Sky: Clear, w/some areas of haze; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 5.0 miles; Barometric Pressure of 30.02Hg; Pressure Altitude: -96.82'; Density Altitude: 609.19'; Cloud Base: 797.42'; Ground; Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
8/20/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 14.1
mph WNW @ 3:41PM. Todays current 8:00AM weather observation. Temp: 71.2 Deg., Low Temp: 68.0 Deg. at 6:59am; Heat Index: 71.2 Deg., Wind: N at 2.3 mph, Gusting: 7.1 mph; Wind Chill: 71.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 68.0 Deg. at 6:59am; Dew Point: 66.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 63.8 Deg. at 5:16am; Sky: Clear/sunny, with areas of haze in some areas; Humidity at 86%; Visibility of 6.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.91Hg; Pressure Altitude: 6.83'; Density Altitude: 819.80'; Cloud Base: 1065.74'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
8/21/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 17.9
mph N @ 3:28PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.05"; Temp: 67.0 Deg., Low Temp: 66.8 Deg. at 7:45am; Heat Index: 67.0 Deg.; Wind: SW at 2.7 mph, Gusting: 2.7 mph; Wind Chill: 67.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 66.5 Deg. at 3:30am; Dew Point: 61.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 61.5 Deg. at 7:45am; Sky: M/Cloudy, w/clouds up near 7500'; Humidity at 84%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.83Hg; Pressure Altitude: 80.66'; Density Altitude: 640.55'; Cloud Base: 1280.73'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/22/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 18.8
mph at 4:30PM. Current 8:00AM weather observation: Temp: 59.3 Deg., Low Temp: 57.7 Deg. at 7:00am; Heat Index: 59.2 Deg.; Wind: Light to moderate breeze, in some areas; Wind Chill: 59.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 57.7 Deg. at 7:00AM; Dew Point: 55.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 53.9 Deg. at 6:02am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.17Hg; Pressure Altitude: -232.71'; Density Altitude: -254.59'; Cloud Base: 832.02'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
8/23/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 9.6
mph @ 3:13apm. Todays current 8:00AM weather observation. Temp: 57.8 Deg., Low Temp: 55.0 Deg. at 6:32am; Wind: Slight morning breeze; Wind Chill: 57.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 55.0 Deg. at 6:32am; Dew Point: 54.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 52.0 Deg. at 5:09am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.33Hg; Pressure Altitude: -378.87'; Density Altitude: - 521.05'; Cloud Base: 734.86'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/24/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 10.4
mph NW at 11:50AM. Todays current 8:00AM weather observation: Temp: 62.4 Deg., Low Temp: 58.8 Deg. at 5:17AM; Wind: 2.2 mph N, Gust: 2.2 mph; Wind Chill: 62.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 58.8 Deg. at 5:17AM; Dew Point: 58.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 55.0 Deg. at 5:17am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.25Hg; Pressure Altitude: -305.87'; Density Altitude: -141.11'; Cloud Base: 882.62'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
8/25/2016 |
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No current weather alerts. Todays current 8:00AM weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation. 0.29". Temp: 71.5 Deg., Low Temp: 70.5 Deg. at 7:06am; Heat Index: 71.5 Deg.; Wind: Light/variable; Wind Chill: 71.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 70.5 Deg. at 7:06am; Dew Point: 68.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 66.7 Deg. at 1:05am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.08Hg; Pressur Altitude: -145.80'; Density Altitude: 664.43'; Cloud Base: 738.72'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passble. |
8/26/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 16.9
mph WSW at 5:11PM. Todays current 8:00AM weather observation. Temp: 70.3 Deg., Low Temp: 69.0 Deg. at 7:10AM; Heat Index: 70.3 Deg.; Wind: Slight breeze; Wind Chill: 70.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 69.0 Deg. at 7:10am; Dew Point: 66.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 65.0 Deg.
at 7:10am; Sky: Clear/sunny, w light Haze, in some areas; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.16Hg; Pressure Altitude: -219.15'; Density Altitude: 478.17'; Cloud Base: 937.18'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
8/27/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 70.4 Deg., Low Temp: 65.0 Deg. at 3:49am; Heat Index: 73.0 Deg., Wind: ESE @ 2.2
mph, Gusting: 2.2 mph; Wind Chill: 70.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 64.1 Deg. at 4:29am; Dew Point: 61.5 Deg.,
Low Dew Point: 57.4 Deg. at 12:05am; Sky: Clear/sunny;
Humidity at 74%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.17Hg; Pressure Altitude: -232.71'; Density Altitude: 467.93'; Cloud Base: 2196.22'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
8/28/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 24.7
mph WNW @ 6:31PM. Todays current 8:00AM weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.04"; Temp: 69.0 Deg., Low Temp: 67.9 Deg. at 6:43am; Heat Index: 69.1 Deg; Wind: Slight to light breeze; Wind Chill: 69.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 67.9 Deg. at 6:43am; Dew Point: 65.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 64.6 Deg. at 6:43am; Sky: Some clouds, up near 46K'; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.23Hg; Pressure Altitude: -286.92'; Density Altitude: 317.65'; Cloud Base: 875.48'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/29/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 14.3
mph ESE at 5:50PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 69.6 Deg., Low Temp: 66.9 Deg. at 6:49am; Heat Index: 69.6 Deg.; Wind: 1.6 mph ENE, Gusting: 3.4 mph; Wind Chill: 69.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 66.9 Deg., Dew Point: 66.5 Deg., Low Dew Point:
63.7 Deg., Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 200', and light to moderate fog/haze in some areas; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 0.5 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.27Hg; Pressure Altitude: -322.11'; Density Altitude: 313.05'; Cloud Base: 772.62'; Ground: Mosit to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable.
miles; |
8/30/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 62.0 Deg., Low Temp: 59.4 Deg. at 6:35am; Wind: Light to moderate breeze; Wind Chill: 62.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 59.4 Deg. at 6:35am;
Dew Point: 57.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 6:35am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.22Hg; Pressure Altitude: -270.67'; Density Altitude: -123.91'; Cloud Base: 889.02'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
8/31/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 9.6
mph WNW @ 4:52PM. Current 8:00AM weather observation.
Temp: 69.7 Deg., Low Temp: 68.6 Deg. at 4:47am; Heat Index: 69.6 Deg.; Wind: Slight to light breeze; Wind Chill: 69.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 68.6 Deg. at 4:47am;
Dew Point: 65.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 62.8 Deg. at 12:01am; Sky: Overcast, w/clouds up near 7K'; Humidity
at 85%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure
at 30.04Hg; Pressure Altitude: -110.43'; Density Altitude: 579.61'; Cloud Base: 1142.68'; Ground: Damp to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are cleaar and passable. |
9/1/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterdays High Wind: 12.5 NW @ 3:18PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.02"; Temp: 60.0 Deg., Low Temp: 59.3 Deg. at 7:31am; Wind: Slight breeze; Wind Chill: 60.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 59.3 Deg. at 7:31am; Dew Point: 55.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 54.4 Deg. at 5:59am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 85%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.05Hg; Pressure Altitude: -121.32'; Density Altitude: -64.41'; Cloud Base: 1145.16'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/2/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 18.3
mph N at 5:50PM. Todays current 8:00AM weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.03". Temp: 60.7 Deg., Low Temp: 59.0 Deg. at 7:12am, Wind: Light & variable; Wind Chill: 60.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 59.0 Deg. at 7:12am; Dew Point: 57.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 55.8 Deg. at 12:00am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.21Hg; Pressure Altitude: -270.67'; Density Altitude: -209.25'; Cloud Base: 821.40'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
9/3/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 18.8
mph N at 3:16PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 54.7 Deg., Low Temp: 52.8 Deg. at 7:12AM; Wind: Breezy; Wind Chill: 54.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 52.8 Deg. at 7:12AM; Dew Point: 51.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 49.4 Deg. at 7:00AM; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.24Hg; Pressure Altitude: -289.63'; Density Altitude: -630.06'; Cloud Base: 792.86'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
9/4/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 7.9 MPH @ 2:04PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 55.7 Deg., Low Temp: 54.5 Deg. at 6:51am; Wind: Light and variable; Wind Chill: 55.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 54.5 Deg. at 6:51am; Dew Point: 52.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 50.7 Deg. at 2:43am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.27Hg; Pressure Altitude: -322.11'; Density Altitude: -603.60'; Cloud Base: 652.65'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
9/5/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Temp: 11.9
mph E at 2:26PM. Todays current 8:00AM weather obervation. Temp: 58.3 Deg., Low Temp: 56.6 Deg. at 6:55am; Wind: Slight to light breeze; Wind Chill: 58.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 56.6 Deg. at 6:55AM; Dew Point: 55.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 53.3 Deg. at 6:55AM; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Pressure Altitude: -330.22'; Density Altitude: -434.47'; Cloud Base: 767.11'; Ground: moist
to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
9/6/2016 |
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No Current Weather Observation. Yesterday's High Wind:
10.2 mph WNW at 12:46PM. Todays current 8:00AM weather observation. Temp: 70.7 Deg., Low Temp: 67.0 Deg. at 6:18am; Heat Index: 73.0 Deg.; Wind: 0.3 mph N, Gusting: 1.6 mph; Wind Chill: 70.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 65.4 Deg. at 5:05AM; Dew Point: 62.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 58.5 Deg. at 2:43AM; Sky: Cloudy w/clouds up near 85K'; Humidity at 75%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.19Hg; Pressure Altitude: -248.98'; Density Altitude: 473.63'; Cloud Base: 2085.46'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/7/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 13.4
mph SSE at 1:01PM. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 75.3 Deg., Low Temp: 74.8 Deg. at 7:05am; Heat Index: 77.0 Deg., Wind: WNW at 2.6 mph, Gusting: 2.6 Deg.; Wind Chill: 75.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 73.3 Deg. at 7:434am; Dew Point: 66.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 65.6 Deg. at 12:09am; Sky: Clear/sunny;
Humidity at 75%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.14Hg; Pressure Altitude: -197.43'; Density Altitude: 843.26'; Cloud Base: 2098.62'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
9/8/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 14.8
mph WNW at 5:08am. Current 8:00am weather observation.
Temp: 75.5 Deg., Low Temp: 75.0 Deg. at 7:31am; Heat Index: 77.0 Deg.; Wind: Light/variable; Wind Chill: 75.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 73.4 Deg. at 6:30am; Dew Point: 66.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 66.0 Deg. at 7:09am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 74%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.98Hg; Pressure Altitude: -55.94'; Density Altitude: 1022.99'; Cloud Base: 2245.21'; Ground; moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways; All open roads are clear and passable. |
9/9/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 21.9
mph W at 1:48pm. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.79"; Temp: 70.8 Deg., Low Temp: 70.2 Deg. at 7:17am; Heat Index: 70.8 Deg.; Wind: Slight to light breeze; Wind Chill: 70.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 70.2 Deg. at 7:17am; Dew Point: 68.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 67.6 Deg. at 7:17am; Sky: Overcast, scattered clouds up near 600'; Humidity at 92%; Visibility of 5.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.02Hg; Pressure Altitude: -85.92'; Density Altitude: 673.90'; Cloud Base: 632.22'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/10/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 9.9 mph SW at 4:03pm. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.19". Temp: 73.3 Deg., Low Temp: 71.2 Deg. at 12:55am; Heat Index: 72.0 Deg.; Wind: 4.4 mph SW, Gusting: 9.9 mph; Wind Chill: 71.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 69.6 Deg. at 8:00am; Dew Point: 69.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 66.9 Deg. at 8:00am; Sky: Cloudy w/clouds up near 8K'; Humidity at 87%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.89Hg; Pressure Altitude: 20.49'; Density Altitude: 973.95'; Cloud Base: 1007.84'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/11/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 26.9 mph NNW at 4:43am. Today current 8:00am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.63". Temp: 57.8 Deg., Low Temp: 57.3 Deg. at 7:08am; Wind: N at 3.5 mph, Gusting: 3.5 mph; Wind Chill: 57.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 51.9 Deg. at 7:43am; Dew Point: 55.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 55.1 Deg. at 7:08am; Sky: Overcast, w/clouds up near 500'; Humidity at 93%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.17Hg; Pressure Altitude: -227.28'; Density Altitude: -353.61'; Cloud Base: 509.06'; Ground: Wet to saturated, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads
are clear and passable, no weather related road closures. |
9/12/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 8.9 mph SW at 3:56pm. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 52.8 Deg., Low Temp: 51.6 Deg. at 6:29am; Wind: Light breeze; Wind Chill: 53.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 51.6 Deg. at 6:29am; Dew Point: 50.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 49.2 Deg. at 6:29am; Sky; Clear and sunny; Humidity at 92%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.24Hg; Pressure Altitude: -300.46'; Density Altitude: -757.11'; Cloud Base: 564.06' Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways:
All open roads are clear and passable. |
9/13/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 9.8 mph N at 10:56am. Todays currrent 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 55.3 Deg., Low Temp: 54.7 Deg. at 7:21am; Wind: Slight to light breeze; Wind Chill: 55.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 54.7 Deg. at 7:21am; Dew Point: 52.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 51.8 Deg. at 7:21am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.14Hg; Pressure Altitude: -205.57'; Density Altitude: -472.79'; Cloud Base: 659.57'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
9/14/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 13.2 mph N at 3:26pm. Todays Current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 61.1 Deg., Low Temp: 60.3 Deg. at 1:51am; Wind: 1.3 mph E, Gusting: 1.3 mph; Wind Chill: 61.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 60.3 Deg. at 1:51am; Dew Point: 56.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 55.1 Deg. at 1:42am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 86%; Barometric Pressure at 30.18Hg; Pressure Altitude: -238.14'; Density Altitude: -129.70'; Cloud Base: 1037.68'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
9/15/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 14.4
mph W at 4:33pm. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.48"; Temp: 56.4 Deg., Low Temp: 55.7 Deg. at 7:20am; Wind: ESE at 4.9 mph, Gusting: 5.8 mph; Wind Chill: 56.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 52.8 Deg. at 3:38am; Dew Point: 52.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 51.3 Deg. at 7:20am. Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 85%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Pressure Altitude: -341.04'; Density Altitude: -573.81'; Cloud Base: 1095.66'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/16/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 13.1
mph ESE at 1:25pm. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 53.9 Deg., Low Temp: 53.0 Deg. at 5:50am; Wind: Slight breeze; Wind Chill: 53.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 53.0 Deg. at 5:50am; Dew Point: 50..9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 49.4 Deg. at 2:02am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometrric Pressure at 30.19Hg; Pressure Altitude: -243.56; Density Altitude: -626.46'; Cloud Base: 662.47'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
9/17/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday High Wind: 12.0 mph SE at 1:49pm. Todays Current 8:00am weather observation. Light rain was falling; total accumulated rain fall as of 8:00am..0.08"; Temp: 69.4 Deg., Low Temp: 69.2 Deg. at 6:38am; Heat Index: 69.4 Deg.; Wind: W at 1.3 mph, Gusting: 1.3 mph; Wind Chill: 69.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 69.2 Deg.; Dew Point: 65.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 63.0 Deg. at 12:00am; Sky; Overcast w/clouds up near 65K'; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 5.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.06Hg; Pressure Altitude: -126.76'; Density Altitude: 540.26'; Cloud Base: 950.83'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/18/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 20.3
mph WNW at 1:29pm. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.33". Temp: 68.5 Deg., Low Temp: 68.1 Deg. at 3:18am; Heat Index: 68.5 Deg.; Wind: Light breeze; Wind Chill: 68.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 68.1 Deg. at 3:18am; Dew Point: 65.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 64.3 Deg. at 3:18am; Sky: Cloudy w/clouds up near 45K', and light to moderate Haze, in some areas; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 7.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.03Hg; Pressure Altitude: -99.54'; Density Altitude: 522.21'; Cloud Base: 832.91'; Ground: Wet to
soggy, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passabe. |
9/19/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 9.5 mph WNW at 1:47pm. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Light to moderate Fog/Haze/Mist, in some areas; Temp: 60.4 Deg., Low Temp: 60.0 Deg. at 6:42am;
Wind: Light breeze; Wind Chill: 60.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 60.0 Deg. at 6:42am; Dew Point: 58.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 57.5 Deg. at 6:42am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 92%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.07Hg; Pressure Altitude: -137.64'; Density Altitude: -64.83'; Cloud Base: 567.21'; Ground: moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
9/20/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 10.4
mph N at 3:10pm. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 57.7 Deg., Low Temp: 56.8 Deg. at 7:42am; Wind: Slight breeze; Wind Chill: 57.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 56.8 Deg. at 7:42am; Dew Point: 55.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 54.5 Deg. at 7:42am; Sky: Clear/sunny, with areas of light Haze/Mist; Humidity of 92%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.18Hg; Pressure Altitude: -238.14'; Density Altitude: -367.02'; Cloud Base: 553.23'; Ground; Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
9/21/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 9.2 mph NW at 2:19pm. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 59.3 Deg., Low Temp: 58.4 Deg. at 5:43am; Wind: Light breeze; Wind Chill: 59.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 58.4 Deg. at 5:43am; Dew Point: 56.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 55.5 Deg. at 5:43am; Sky: Clear &
sunny; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.24Hg; Pressure Altitude: -292.33'; Density Altitude: -321.62'; Cloud Base: 663.40'; Ground: Moist to wet dew, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
9/22/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 12.7
mph W at 2:02pm. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 60.0 Deg., Low Temp: 59.4 Deg. at 7:02am; Wind: Slight breeze; Wind Chill: 59.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 59.4 Deg. at 7:02am; Dew Point: 57.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 56.2 Deg. at 3:39am; Sky: Clear &
sunny; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.18Hg; Pressure Altitude: -243.56'; Density Altitude: -221.86'; Cloud Base: 641.97; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
9/23/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Yesterdays High wind: 9.3 mph NW at 1:48pm. Temp: 65.1 Deg., Low Temp: 64.0 Deg. at 4:04am; Heat Index: 65.1 Deg.; Wind: Light breeze; Wind Chill: 65.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 64.0 Deg. at 4:04am; Dew Point: 60.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 58.7 Deg. at 4:04pm; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 85%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.09Hg; Pressure Altitude: -162.11'; Density Altitude: 222.08'; Cloud Base: 1153.76'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
9/24/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 9.2 mph N at 11:40am. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 65.6 Deg., Low Temp: 65.4 Deg. at 7:41am; Heat Index: 65.6 Deg., Wind: N at 9.2 mph, Gusting: 9.2 mph; Wind Chill: 65.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 60.1 Deg. at 8:00am; Dew Point: 61.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 61.2 Deg. at 7:41am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 600'; Humidity at 87%; Visibility of 4.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.19Hg; Pressure Altitude: -243.56'; Density Altitude: 141.11'; Cloud Base: 1016.43'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
9/25/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 12.8
mph ENE at 8:44pm. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 50.5 Deg., Low Temp: 48.5 Deg. at 7:20am; Wind: 2.8 mph N, Gusting: 6.5 mph; Wind Chill: 50.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 46.6 Deg. at 7:58am; Dew Point: 47.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 45.2 Deg. at 7:20am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.20Hg; Pressure Altitude: -257.11'; Density Altitude: -871.36'; Cloud Base: 785.96'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/26/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 11.0
mph E at 12:10pm. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Temp: 65.1 Deg., Low Temp: 59.7 Deg. at 1:18am; Heat Index: 65.1 Deg., Wind: 2.3 mph WNW, Gusting: 8.5 mph; Wind Chill: 65.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 59.7 Deg. at 1:18am; Dew Point: 49.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 47.8 Deg. at 12:06am; Sky: Cloudy w/clouds up near 46K'; Humidity at 57%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.93Hg; Pressure Altitude: -4.10'; Density Altitude: 409.90'; Cloud Base: 3909.99'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
9/27/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 15.8
mph N at 9:42am. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.37". Temp: 50.9 Deg., Low Temp: 50.2 Deg. at 6:13am; Wind: SSW at 3.3 mph, Gusting: 7.2 mph; Wind Chill: 50.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 39.5 Deg. at 7:32am; Dew Point: 44.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 44.5 Deg. at 7:36am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 80%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 29.94Hg; Pressure Altitude: -20.48'; Density Altitude: -541.08'; Cloud Base: 1476.68'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
9/28/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 28.6
mph N at 12:10pm. Todays current 8:00am weather oberservation. Temp: 56.9 Deg., Low Temp: 56.8 Deg. at
5:06am; Wind: Light breeze; Wind Chill: 56.9 Deg., Low
Wind Chill: 52.5 Deg. at 5:40am; Dew Point: 45.5 Deg.,
Low Dew Point: 40.9 Deg. at 7:50am; Sky: Overcast with
clouds up near 10K'; Humidity at 66%; Barometric Pressure at 29.88Hg; Pressure Altitude: 36.89'; Density Altitude: -80.17'; Cloud Base: 2805.62'; Ground: Moist to wet, in some areas; Roadways: All open roads are clear and passable. |
9/29/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 11.9
mph SE at 1:38pm. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 1.07". Temp: 54.1 Deg., Low Temp: 52.9 Deg. at 6:24am; Wind: 4.6 mph SE, Gusting: 4.6 mph; Wind Chill: 54.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 48.0 Deg. at 7:51am; Dew Point: 52.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 50.9 Deg. at 6:24am; Sky: Overcast; Humidity at 94%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Baromettric Pressure at 30.09Hg; Pressure Altitude: -153.96'; Density Altitude: -498.91'; Cloud Base: 457.34'; Ground: Wet to saturated, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/30/2016 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 10.0
mph E at 1:06pm. Todays current 8:00am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.53". Temp: 59.4 Deg., Low Temp: 59.0 Deg. at 3:02am; Wind: NE at 3.9 mph, Gusting: 3.9 mph; Wind Chill: 59.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 43.5 Deg. at 2:52am; Dew Point: 56.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 56.0 Deg. at 7:35am; Sky: Overcast w/clouds up near 14K'; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure at 30.11Hg; Pressure Altitude: -175.70'; Density Altitude: -157.86'; Cloud Base: 833.45'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |