Observation Date |
Observation Time |
Precipitation |
Snowfall |
Snowfall SWE |
Snow Depth |
Snow SWE |
Notes |
2/27/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
Sky: Mostly Clear
Temp: 19F
Humidity: 49%
Wind: N 2mph
Vis: Unlimited |
2/28/2017 |
7:07 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
Sky: Mostly Cloudy, Temp: 25F, Humidity: 57%, Wind: NE 6mph, Pressure: 29.64 steady |
3/1/2017 |
7:01 AM |
0.04 |
0.4 |
0.04 |
0.5 |
M |
Light SN showers began yesterday morning shortly after observation with negligible accumulation. Steady SN band began at 2:50 pm with heaviest snow rates prior to 3:15PM. Snowfall measured within 10 min. after snow event. Snow grains precipitated briefly around 7:30 pm with negliglble accumulation. Sky: Clear, Temp: 10F, Humidity:58%, Wind N3 |
3/2/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
Sky: Clear, Temp: 23F, Humidity: 43%, Wind: NNW4, Press: 30.32 steady |
3/3/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
Sky: Pt. Cloudy (mtn. wave clouds), Temp: 34F, Humidity 30%, Wind: W4mph, Press: 30.21 steady |
3/4/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
Sky: Mostly Cloudy, Temp: 40F, Humidity: 26%, Wind: NW7, Press: 30.00 Steady, Mtn. Wave Clouds |
3/5/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
Sky: Mostly Cloudy, Temp: 43F, Humidity: 25%, Wind: NW3, Press: 29.83 steady |
3/6/2017 |
6:58 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
Sky: Pt. Cloudy, Temp: 40F, Humidity: 28%, Wind SW16G25, Press: 29.33 |
3/7/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
0.0 |
M |
Sky: Mostly Clear, Temp: 24F, Humidity 30%, Wind: NW9 G24, Press: 29.96, Snow burst came through El Paso County yesterday between 0800-0900. Rain gauge dry. |
3/8/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
0.0 |
M |
Sky: Mostly Clear, Temp: 41F, Humidity: 39%, Wind: WNW12G23, Press: 30.08 |
3/9/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
0.0 |
M |
Sky: Pt. Cloudy, Temp: 46F, Humidity: 24%, Wind: N7, Press: 30.10 |
3/10/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
0.0 |
M |
Sky: Pt. Cloudy, Temp: 19F, Humidity: 92%, Wind: WSW6, Press: 30.25, Light Frost, back-door cold frontal passage. |
3/11/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
0.0 |
M |
Sky: Cloudy, Temp: 40F, Humidity: 62%, Wind NE6, Press: 30.16 |
3/12/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
0.0 |
M |
Sky: Mostly cloudy, Temp: 27F, Humidity: 89%, Wind: NNW5, Press: 29.98 |
3/13/2017 |
4:57 AM |
T |
0.0 |
M |
0.0 |
M |
Snow Grain Showers in the PM. Sky: Mostly clear, Temp: 19F, Humidity: 95%, Wind: NW2, Press: 30.18, Frost |
3/14/2017 |
6:57 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
Sky: Pt. Cloudy, Temp: 38, Humidity: 46%, Wind: N5, Press: 30.04 |
3/15/2017 |
6:55 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
0.0 |
M |
Sky: Pt. Cloudy, Temp: 41, Humidity: 40%, Wind: NW7, Press: 30.19 |
3/16/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
0.0 |
M |
Sky: Pt. Cloudy, Temp: 49, Humidity: 28%, Wind: WNW7, Press: 30.07 |
3/17/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
0.0 |
M |
Sky: Pt. Cloudy, Temp: 35, Humidity: 50%, Wind: N3, Press: 30.22 |
3/18/2017 |
7:02 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
0.0 |
M |
Sky: Pt. Cloudy, Temp: 40, Humidity: 59%, Wind: NNW3, Press: 30.25 |
3/19/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
0.0 |
M |
Sky: Mostly Cloudy, Temp: 57, Humidity: 25%, Wind: WNW10G16, Press: 30.13 |
3/20/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
Sky: Pt. Cloudy, Temp: 39, Humidity: 44%, Wind: N2, Press: 30.13 |
3/21/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
Sky: Mostly Clear, Temp: 32, Humidity: 99%, Wind: Calm, Press: 30.13, Patchy Frost and Ground Fog |
3/22/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
0.0 |
M |
Sky: Overcast, Temp: 32, Humidity: 97%, Wind: S5, Press: 30.01, Occasional Fog |
3/23/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
Sky: Pt. Cloudy, Temp: 37, Humidity: 79%, Wind: Calm, Press: 29.68 |
3/24/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.41 |
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M |
M |
M |
No measurable snow on snowboard due to high winds. Extreme snow drifting. Precipitation measured from open 4 inch gauge. Sky: Obscured snow/blowing snow, Temp: 30, Humidity: 99%, Wind: N36 G44, Press: 29.73 |
3/25/2017 |
7:03 AM |
0.03 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Liquid storm total from 4" rain gauge is .44". Will measure snow drifts later when snow softens and post. |
3/26/2017 |
7:00 AM |
T |
T |
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1.6 |
M |
Sky: Obscured, Temp: 35, Humidity: 80%, Wind: N8, Press: 29.71, Light Snow |
3/27/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
M |
M |
1.4 |
0.44 |
After observation on 26th, light snow flurries changed to light rain. Currently, Temp: 32, Humidity: 99%, Wind: NW4, Press: 29.89, Freezing Ground Fog |
3/28/2017 |
7:00 AM |
T |
0.0 |
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T |
M |
Sky: Mostly Cloudy, Temp: 33, Humidity: 99%, Wind: NE2, Press: 29.77, Frost |
3/29/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.08 |
1.2 |
0.02 |
1.2 |
M |
Precipitation began at 7:33pm as light rain. Lt. rain changed to light snow at 10:05pm. Removed inner rain gauge and measure .06 in. of liquid. Measured .02 in. of snow in outer cylinder at 7:00am. No measurable snow on snow board as it had blown off. Measured 1.2 in. on grassy surface. |
3/30/2017 |
7:00 AM |
T |
0.0 |
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T |
M |
Light Snow Flurries during and after observation on the 29th. Sky: Mostly Cloudy, Temp: 38, Humidity: 60%, Wind: NW11,Press: 29.78 |
3/31/2017 |
7:00 AM |
T |
0.0 |
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T |
M |
Sky: Obscured, Temp: 34F, Humidity: 100%, Wind: SE2, Press: 29.67, Vis: 1/16 mile fog/drizzle |
4/1/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.14 |
0.7 |
0.09 |
0.7 |
0.09 |
Sky: Overcast, Temp: 28, Humidity 99%, Wind NNE5, Press: 30.03, Vis: 5 miles. Yesterday drizzle/fog continued throughout the day. Measured .05" of liquid precipitation at 5:00pm with drizzle still occurring. This was added to the snow liquid equivalent total in the gauge at 7:00am today of .09". |
4/2/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.18 |
2.0 |
0.17 |
2.0 |
M |
After observation yesterday, snow resumed at around 7:45am. Snow increased intensity after noon. Snow decreased to flurries at 5:00pm and stopped at 5:25pm. Measured 2.0" of snow on snow board. Dense fog formed after sunset but was gone before sunrise. Snow in 4" rain gauge had melted and froze overnight. Sky: Mostly Clear, Temp: 35F, Humidity: 80%, Wind: N10, Press: 29.80 rising. Settled snow measured 1.5". |
4/9/2017 |
7:00 AM |
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0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
Observed rain shower precipitate from a line of cumulus clouds that developed in a east/west axis from just south of Pikes Peak out to the Falcon area. No lightning observed. The shower was just a few seconds and ended as sprinkles. Current WX: Sky: Clear, Temp: 37F, Humidity 52%, Wind: NE7, Press: 29.56 |
4/10/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
Sky: Clear, Temp: 31F, Humidity: 34%, Wind: N6, Press: 29.99, No Frost |
4/11/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
Sky: Clear, Temp: 34F, Humidity: 41%, Wind: Calm, Press: 30.08 |
4/12/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
Sky: Pt. Cloudy, Temp: 46F, Humidity: 41%, Wind NNW5, Press: 29.99, Visibility: unrestricted SW to W and more restricted S to E. Moonset over Pikes Peak. |
4/13/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
Sky: Clear, Temp: 41F, Humidity: 91%, Wind NNE Calm, Press: 30.08, Vis: unrestricted |
4/14/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
Trace amount of moisture in rain gauge from heavy condensation. No indications of precipitation. Sky: Mostly Clear, Temp: 39F, Humidity: 87%, Wind: NNE4, Press: 29.77. Altostratus NE |
4/15/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
Sky: Clear, Temp: 43F, Humidity: 67%, Wind: N7, Press: 29.89, Vis: Unrestricted |
4/16/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
Convective activity yesterday afternoon and early evening mostly north and east. No thunderstorm observed. Bird dropping in rain gauge. Sky: Mostly Clear, Temp: 37F, Humidity 67%, Wind: S6, Press: 30.08 |
4/17/2017 |
7:00 AM |
T |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
Sky: Overcast, Lt. Drizzle, Temp: 44F, Humidity: 99%, Wind WNW4, Breaks in overcast NW |
4/18/2017 |
6:00 AM |
T |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
Sky: Partly Cloudy, Temp: 44F, Humidity: 64%, Wind: NNE10, Press: 29.95, Vis: Unrestricted, Scattered Cirrus and Altostratus. Precipitation occurred during and after observation yesterday as light drizzle. |
4/19/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
0.0 |
M |
Sky: Mostly Clear, Temp: 55F, Humidity: 33%, Wind: NNW7G19, Press: 29.80, Vis: Unrestricted, Few high clouds South - East. |
4/20/2017 |
7:00 AM |
T |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
Sky: Partly Cloudy, Temp: 35F, Humidity: 87%, Wind E2, Press: 30.16. A few raindrops on east facing windows observed during the 10pm hour. Two cloud decks north and south of stratocumulus and patches of cirrocumulus. Rain gauge dry. |
5/1/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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T |
M |
Sky: Partly Cloudy, Temp: 37F, Humidity: 75%, Wind: N7, Press: 29.95. Visibility: Unrestricted, Altostratus layer on eastern horizon and few altocumulus NW. Few snow drifts remain. |
5/2/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
0.0 |
M |
Sky: Mostly Cloudy, Temp: 34F, Humidity: 92%, Wind: SSW5, Press: 30.02, Visibility: Unrestricted, Altostratus increasing in coverage since sunrise. Moderate frost observed. |
5/3/2017 |
7:25 AM |
0.10 |
0.0 |
M |
0.0 |
M |
Sky: Low Overcast, Temp: 36F, Humidity: 96%, Wind: NE9, Press: 30.16, Lt. Rain |
5/4/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
0.0 |
M |
0.0 |
M |
Precipitation occurred during and after observation yesterday. Frost on rooftops. Sky: Clear, Temp: 38F, Wind: NNW5, Press: 30.23, Vis: Unrestricted |
5/5/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
Sky: Clear, Temp: 44F, Humidity: 72%, Wind: Calm, Press: 30.17, Vis: Unrestricted |
5/6/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
0.0 |
M |
Sky: Mostly Clear, Temp: 52F, Humidity: 57%, Wind: NW2, Press: 30;03, Vis: Unrestricted, Few clouds East. |
5/7/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.04 |
0.0 |
M |
0.0 |
M |
T-storm developed from SW moved over our area within 20 min. Precipitation began as sprinkle at 8:15pm then mixed with pea-sized hail then nickel-size soft hail with large rain drops. Heavy precipitation duration only 5 min or less. Precipitation ended around 9pm as sprinkle. Sky: Mostly Cloudy, Temp: 51F, Humidity: 60%, Wind: Calm, Press: 29.92, Vis:20+ miles. |
5/8/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
T-storm yesterday with precipitation beginning at 2:45 with pea-size hail with a 3 minute duration. Intermittent very light rain showers during next hour. Sky: Partly cloudy, Temp: 46F, Humidity: 89%, Wind: NW2, Press: 29.98, Vis: Unrestricted |
5/9/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.26 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
Good ground soaking rain last night. Sky: Mostly cloudy, Temp: 45F, Humidity: 96%, Wind: S6, Press: 30.04, Vis: Unrestricted, except lower visibility South with low stratus deck. Fresh snowpack on Pikes Peak. |
5/10/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
0.0 |
M |
0.0 |
M |
PM rain shower unknown time. Sky: Mostly Cloudy, Temp: 45F, Humidity: 94%, Wind: NNE16, Press: 29.92, Vis: 10+ miles, Low stratus moving in from North. |
5/11/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.03 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
Precipitation was mainly PM drizzle and AM light rain showers. Sky: Overcast, Temp: 41F, Humidity: 98%, Wind: N12G19,Press: 30.09, Vis: Unrestricted South, Lower North, Low Stratocumulus layer on back side of Low Pressure. Breaks in overcast South and East. Unknown timing of precipitation. |
5/12/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
Trace of moisture in rain gauge from condensation. Sky: Obscured from ground fog, Temp: 41F, Humidity: 99%, Wind: W2, Press: 30.14, Vis: <1/4 mile ground fog. |
5/13/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
Trace of moisture in rain gauge from heavy condensation. Sky: Mostly Clear, Temp: 50F, Humidity: 76%, Wind: SW3, Press: 29.86, Vis: Unrestricted, Cirrus clouds mostly in Eastern sky. |
5/14/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
Sky: Mostly clear, Temp: 50F, Humidity: 55%, Wind: NNE7, Press: 29.91, Vis: Unrestricted, Cirrostratus south. |
5/15/2017 |
6:42 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
Sky: Mostly cloudy, Temp: 50F, Humidity: 59%, Wind: Calm, Press: 29.84, Vis: Unrestricted, Altocumulus layer. |
5/16/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
Sky: Clear, Temp: 52F, Humidity: 38%, Wind: N6, Press: 29.72, Vis: Unrestricted |
5/17/2017 |
7:00 AM |
T |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
No moisture in rain gauge. However, observed wet surfaces during the 5PM hour yesterday. Family member observed rain drops so will call it a Trace. Sky: Partly cloudy, Temp: 40F, Humidity: 87%, Wind: Calm, Press: 29.57, Vis: Unrestricted, Layer of Altocumulus and Altostratus along the front range. |
5/18/2017 |
7:01 AM |
0.29 |
0.5 |
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0.5 |
M |
At 5:30am, precipitation was a mixture of rain and ice pellets. Trace accumulation of ice pellets mainly on rooftops. At 6:35 precipitation changed to heavy snow. Sky: Obscured, Temp: 33F, Humidity: 99%, Wind: N7, Press: 29.69, Vis: 1/2 mile Snow. Total precipitation quantity includes liquid and frozen precipitation. Precipitation start time based on Doppler radar loop. |
5/19/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.60 |
0.0 |
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M |
Precipitation continued during and after observation on 18th. Precipitation frequently changed between rain, rain/snow, rain/ice pellets and snow. At 09:55, heavy graupel precipitated until 10:10. Precipitation continued until 12:15 when a dry slot moved in. Precipitation reformed at 2:30 as heavy snow with thunder at 3:49. This precipitation ended at 4:55. Snow returned at 5:32 with no ending observed. Sky: Mostly cloudy, Temp: 29F, Wind Chill: 18F, Humidity: 93%, Wind: N14G24, Press: 29.93. Unable to measure snow as the wind blew most away. Trace of snow remains on ground and snow board. Utilized winter procedures to measure frozen precipitation as solid ice at bottom of 4" gauge. |
5/20/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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No precipitation observed. Sky: Partly Cloudy, Temp: 30F, Humidity: 91%, Wind: NW4, Press: 29.99, Vis: Unrestricted, heavy frost on rooftops, Cirrostratus in eastern half of sky |
5/21/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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Trace of water in rain gauge from condensation. Sky: Partly cloudy, Temp: 42F, Humidity: 76%, Wind: SW2, Press: 30.16, Vis: Unrestricted, Altocumulus south and east. Cumulus south of Pikes Peak. |
5/22/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.14 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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Sky: Mostly cloudy, Temp: 41F, Humidity: 96%, Wind: NW5, Press: 30.15, Vis: Unrestricted, Altocumulus, Stratus. Clear skies north progressing southward. Bird droppings in rain gauge funnel. |
5/23/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.07 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
Sky: Mostly clear, Temp: 37F, Humidity: 89%, Wind: NNW9, Press: 30.16, Vis: Unrestricted, Light frost on shaded rooftops. No thunder observed during rain event last night. |
5/24/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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Trace of water in gauge from condensation. Sky: Clear, Temp: 42F, Humidity: 80%, Wind: WSW4, Press: 29.85, Vis: Unrestricted. |
5/25/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
Sky: Mostly clear, Temp: 56F, Humidity 49%, Wind: W5, Press: 29.62, Vis: Unrestricted |
5/26/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.22 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
Thunder heard at 1:19am. Sky: Partly cloudy, Temp: 46F, Humidity: 91%, Wind: SSW4, Press: 29.94, Vis: Unrestricted, Altocumulus with tufts. |
5/27/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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1/2" hail was observed around 5:00pm with large raindrops with less than one minute duration. Sky: Clear, Temp: 45F, Humidity: 86%, Wind: NNE4, Press: 30.01, Vis: Unrestricted, Storms reached severe levels as they moved east of Falcon. |
5/28/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.20 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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Afternoon precipitation with unknown time and duration. Sky: Clear, Temp: 44F, Humidity: 69%, Wind NNW5, Press: 30.27, Vis: Unrestricted. |
5/29/2017 |
5:45 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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5/30/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.04 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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Two rain events yesterday. First one noted below in duration information with a light rumble of thunder. Second was a light rain shower during the 7:00pm hour. No thunder but a nice rainbow. Sky: Clear, Temp: 49F, Humidity: 86%, Wind: NE4, Press: 30.20, Vis: Unrestricted. |
5/31/2017 |
7:00 AM |
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0.0 |
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0.0 |
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Trace of precipitation from passing afternoon showers. Sky: Partly Cloudy, Temp: 50F, Humidity: 81%, Wind: W2, Press: 30.10, Vis: Unrestricted, Cirrus, Altostratus south. Unknown time and duration of precipitation. |
6/1/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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Sky: Partly cloudy, Temp: 52F, Humidity: 79%, Wind: N5, Press: 30.04, Vis: Unrestricted, Cirrus, Cirrostratus, grass wet with dew. |
6/2/2017 |
7:00 AM |
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0.0 |
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0.0 |
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Although rain gauge was dry, did observe very light rain shower from dissipating edge of t-storm that hit Colo. Springs. Sky: Partly Cloudy, Temp: 55F, Humidity: 69%, Wind: NNW5, Press: 30.01, Vis: Unrestricted, cirrus, cirrocumulus, altocumulus |
6/3/2017 |
7:00 AM |
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0.0 |
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0.0 |
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Although rain gauge was dry, a very light rain shower developed with duration less than 10 minutes. Sky: Mostly clear, Temp: 54F, Humidity: 76%, Wind: N6, Press: 30.17, Vis: Unrestricted, narrow band of altocumulus on NE horizon. |
6/4/2017 |
7:00 AM |
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0.0 |
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0.0 |
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Water in rain gauge from heavy condensation. Grass wet. Very light rain shower (sprinkle) for a few minutes. Sky: Clear, Temp: 48F, Humidity: 99%, Wind: Calm, Press: 30.13, Vis: restricted by haze in southern horizon. |
6/5/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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Sky: Clear, Temp: 53F, Humidity: 80%, Wind: Calm, Press: 30.04, Vis: Unrestricted except south with haze. |
6/6/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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Sky: Partly Cloudy, Temp: 54F, Humidity: 74%, Wind: N15G22, Press: 30.19, Cirrus, Cirrocumulus, Altocumulus |
6/7/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.11 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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Grazed by t-storm yesterday afternoon. Rain duration unknown. Sky: Mostly clear, Temp: 53F, Humidity: 88%, Wind: Calm, Press: 30.16, Vis: unrestricted, heavy condensation, bird dropping in rain gauge. |
6/8/2017 |
7:00 AM |
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0.0 |
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0.0 |
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Ten minutes of a light rain shower yesterday from a thunderstorm. Five light rumbles of thunder noted with the first initiating the rain. After rain event, checked rain gauge and it was dry. Trace of water in gauge this morning from heavy condensation. Sky: Mostly clear, Temp: 51F, Humidity: 96%, Wind: SW3, Press: 30.04, few cirrus clouds. |
6/9/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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Trace of water in rain gauge from heavy overnight condensation. Grass and roof wet. Sky: Mostly clear, Temp: 60F, Humidity 43%, Wind: N5, Press: 29.89, Vis: Unrestricted |
6/10/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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Sky: Partly cloudy, Temp; 71F, Humidity: 28%, Wind: N7, Press: 29.73, Vis: Unrestricted, haze south. Standing mountain wave clouds formed in the past hour. |
6/11/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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Sky: Mostly cloudy, Temp: 59F, Humidity: 31%, Wind: NNE3, Press: 29.74, Vis: Unrestricted, Cirrus and Altocumulus. |
6/12/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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Trace of water in rain gauge from low stratus that developed overnight. Many exposed surfaces wet including grass. Sky: Clear, Temp: 59F, Humidity: 99%, Wind: SW2, Press: 29.86, Vis: restricted by haze, low stratus observed to the north and southern horizons. Ground fog observed before 5:50AM. |
6/13/2017 |
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Sky: Clear, Temp:52F, Humidity: 42%, Wind: NE6, Press: 29.78, Vis: Unrestricted, haze south and hot-air balloons in southern sky. |
6/14/2017 |
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Sky: Clear, Temp: 58F, Humidity: 32%, Wind: NNW4, Press: 29.99, Vis: Unrestricted |
6/15/2017 |
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Sky: Clear, Temp: 62F, Humidity: 42%, Wind: N11, Press: 30.06, Vis: Unrestricted. |
6/16/2017 |
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Sky: Partly cloudy, Temp: 62F, Humidity: 42%, Wind: NNW7, Press: 30.00, Vis: Unrestricted, Cirrus. |
6/17/2017 |
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Sky: Partly cloudy, Temp: 68F, Humidity: 36%, Wind: NNE5, Press: 29.91, Vis: Unrestricted, cirrus, altostratus, hot-air balloons south. |
6/18/2017 |
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Although the rain gauge was dry, observed a few raindrops yesterday afternoon. Sky: Overcast, Temp: 54F, Humidity: 66%, Wind: S5, Press: 30.10, Vis: Unrestricted, hot-air balloon SW. |
6/19/2017 |
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Sky: Partly cloudy, Temp: 57F, Humidity: 59%, Wind: NNE12, Press: 30.16, Vis: Unrestricted, cirrus and cirrocumulus. |
6/20/2017 |
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Sky: Partly cloudy, Temp: 60F, Humidity: 64%, Wind: NNW2 Press: 30.15, Vis: Unrestricted, haze south, Cirrus and cirrostratus. |
6/21/2017 |
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Light rain shower yesterday at 7:42 with double half rainbow. No thunder. Second wave was thunderstorms that developed over the Black Forest during the 9:00 hour. Light rain began at 9:34pm and ended at 9:50pm. Associated outflow came through one minute after precipitation started with north wind gusts between 30-40 mph. Third wave of precipitation started at 10:00pm with a south wind. Rain gauge was dry this morning despite the rain events last night. Sky: Mostly clear, Temp: 70F, Humidity: 40%, Wind: NNW4, Press 30.02, Vis: Unrestricted |
6/22/2017 |
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First t-storm went past to the west with outflow beginning at 1:40pm and light rain shower from 1:45 to 1:50. Second storm went right over us at 5:03 and ended at 5:25 with a light rain shower with heaviest precipitation beginning at 5:12 with bands of heavier showers behind. Total rain in gauge not quite .01". Third storm passed to the SW. Sky: Mostly cloudy, Temp: 66F, Humidity: 37%, Wind: N4, Press: 29.91, Vis: restricted with haze, Altocumulus castellanus and altostratus |
6/23/2017 |
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Few light rain showers and sprinkles around 1:22 and 2:10 yesterday. No water observed in rain gauge. Native non-irrigated grasses are dry and brown. Sky: Partly cloudy, Temp: 55F, Humidity 93%, Wind: NNW16G22, Press: 30.07, Vis: restricted with by haze, low status north and east. |
6/24/2017 |
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Almost .01" from rain that came in from the north yesterday morning. Intensity and duration unknown. Sky: Mostly cloudy, Temp: 52F, Humidity: 87%, Wind: S5, Press: 30.19, Vis: Restricted with haze, breaks in overcast and clearing north. |
6/25/2017 |
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Some condensation on rain gauge funnel. Grass dry. Sky: Mostly clear, Temp: 52F, Humidity: 97%, Wind: SE4, Press: 30.23, Vis: restricted by haze. Alto cumulus east through south. |
7/2/2017 |
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Thunderstorm last night during 7:00 hour with brief heavy rain and small hail up to 1/2 inch. Sky: Clear, Temp: 64F, Humidity: 49%, Wind: NW5, Press: 30.03, Vis: Unrestricted. |
7/3/2017 |
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Sky: Partly cloudy, Temp: 57F, Humidity: 63%, Wind: SE4, Press: 30.05, Vis: Restricted Haze, altostratus, altocumulus, cirrus. Thunderstorm with light rain. Unknown time or duration. |
7/4/2017 |
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Precipitation duration and intensity unknown. Sky: Mostly clear, Temp: 62F, Humidity: 53%, Wind: N6 Press: 30.01, Vis: Restricted by haze. |
7/5/2017 |
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Sky: Clear, Temp: 62F, Humidity: 54%, Wind: Calm, Press: 30.11, Vis: Unrestricted, smoke from active fire SW. |
7/6/2017 |
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Sky: Mostly cloudy, Temp: 66F, Humidity: 48%, Wind: NW2, Press: 30.16, Vis: Restricted by haze and smoke. Cirrostratus and smoke visible in sky. |
7/7/2017 |
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Sky: Mostly clear, Temp: 57F, Humidity: 77%, Wind: NNW5, Press: 30.18, Vis: Restricted with smoke. |
7/8/2017 |
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Thunderstorms yesterday afternoon began around 1:10pm with the first one approaching severe intensity. Small hail began then diameter increased to dime size. Hail duration about 15 minutes. Heavy rain was also noted with very large rain drops. Unknown duration of precipitation. Thunderstorms and rain showers continued to develop the remainder of the afternoon. Sky: Mostly clear, Temp: 62F, Humidity: 64%, Wind: WNW4, Press: 30.13, Vis: Restricted by smoke and haze. |
7/9/2017 |
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First thunderstorm during 2:00PM hour with small hail less than 1/8th inch. Thunderstorms and rain continued to develop and move over area until the 6:00PM hour then it cleared. Sky: Clear, Temp: 59F, Humidity: 67%, Wind: N6, Press: 30.06, Vis: Restricted in the south by smoke and haze. |
7/16/2017 |
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Numerous thunderstorms yesterday with first clap of thunder at 1:15pm. First precipitation was a few rain drops at 8:55am with primary event starting after 1:30pm. Sky: Mostly clear, Temp: 53F, Humidity: 99%, Wind: NNW3, Press: 30.03, Vis: Unrestricted, Low stratus observed over southern Colorado Springs, High clouds NE through SE horizon. |
7/17/2017 |
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Trace of moisture in rain gauge from heavy condensation. Sky: Clear, Temp: 59F, Humidity: 82%, Wind: NW7, Press: 29.88, Vis: Unrestricted |
7/18/2017 |
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Thunderstorm yesterday evening with outflow boundary coming through at 6:35pm and precipitation starting at 6:53pm as light rain then increased intensity at 6:46 to moderate rain until 7:51. After that, the rainfall slowly tapered off with intermittent moderate rain at time. After 9:00pm, the rain again slowing tapered off and ended by 9:30pm. Distant lightening was observed mostly cloud to cloud with occasional cloud to ground. No hail was observed. Wind switched from North to WNW around 8:00pm. Sky: Mostly clear, Temp: 66F, Humidity: 62%, Wind: N3, Press: 29.94, Vis: Unrestricted, widely scattered altocumulus |
7/19/2017 |
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Unable to observe weather event yesterday. Family members observed heavy thunderstorm during 5:00pm hour. Rain lingered until I arrived home at 8:00. Sky: Partly cloudy, Temp: 62F, Humidity: 87%, Wind: NNW5, Press: 30.04, Vis: Unrestricted, Altocumulus and cirrus. |
7/20/2017 |
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First raindrops fell at 7:39pm but stopped after two minutes. Doppler indicated this was an isolated shower that developed just NW of our area and moved on to the NE. More significant precipitation developed later during the 8:00 hour and increased in intensity during the 9:00 hour as rain with lightening to the SW. Rain stopped by 10:15. Sky: Mostly clear, Temp: 64F, Humidity: 71%, Wind: N13, Press: 30.03, Vis: Unrestricted, few cirrus. |
7/21/2017 |
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Sky: Mostly clear, Temp: 66F, Humidity: 58%, Wind: N11, Press: 29.92, Vis: Unrestricted, cirrus east, altocumulus north. AM Diurnal winds becoming more prevalent. |
7/22/2017 |
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Thunderstorm that developed south of Falcon just missed us by a hair during the 6:00 through 7:00pm hours. First precipitation fell at 8:00pm as a light sprinkle with large raindrops then stopped after a couple of minutes. Most rain fell starting at 9:30pm and continued past 11:00pm. Sky: Mostly cloudy, Temp: 59F, Humidity: 87%, Wind: NNE2, Press: 29.95, Vis: Unrestricted, altocumulus, altostratus. |
7/23/2017 |
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Few raindrops observed yesterday at Antler Creek golf course at 4:37pm lasting less than 10 sec. At my location, grass wet from condensation this morning. Sky: Mostly clear, Temp: 57F, Humidity: 85%, Wind: NW3, Press: 30.00, Vis: Restricted by haze south. |
7/24/2017 |
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Heavy condensation observed on rooftop and grass. Sky: Mostly clear, Temp: 58F, Humidity: 91%, Wind: SE2, Press: 29.92, Vis: Restricted by haze, few cirrus high overcast in southern horizon. |
7/25/2017 |
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Sky: Mostly Cloudy, Temp: 69F, Humidity: 52%, Wind: N6 Press: 29.88, Vis: Unrestricted, Altocumulus, Altostratus, Cirrus |
7/26/2017 |
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Unknown time and duration of rain and thunderstorms yesterday. Sky: Partly cloudy, Temp: 59F, Humidity: 90%, Wind: NNE12, Press: 29.96, Vis: Unrestricted, Altocumulus layers on northern and southern horizons. Filtered sunlight east from cirrostratus. |
7/27/2017 |
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Intermittent light rain began at 1:59pm. First thunder heard at 2:30pm with heavy rain showers beginning at 2:43pm and lightning accompanying the heavy rain showers with an east wind. This rain event ended at 4:10pm. Next thunder heard at 4:54pm. Rain gauge observed at 5:15pm with .27 in. of precipitation (rain gauge not emptied. Next rain event started at 8:08pm with a heavy steady rain and continued into late at night with a north wind. Unknown duration of this event. Sky: Obscured in fog, Temp: 57F, Humidity: 99%, Wind: Calm, Press: 30.00, Vis: 1/8 mi. ground fog |
7/28/2017 |
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Trace of water in rain gauge from condensation. Roof and grass also wet. Sky: Partially obscured in fog, Temp: 61F, Humidity: 99%, Wind: S1, Press: 29.92, Vis: 1/4 mi. in fog. |
7/31/2017 |
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Light rain developed at 3:55pm and stopped around 4:20pm. Intermittent low rumbles of thunder started at 4:10pm. Slightly more intense rain developed at 4:54pm with more frequent thunder from cloud to cloud lightning. Rain gradually subsided by 6:27pm. No hail observed. Sky: Mostly clear, Temp: 59F, Humidity: 88%, Wind: N7, Press: 30.00, Vis: Unrestricted |
8/1/2017 |
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Doppler indicated rain shower occurred between 4:14 and 4:40. Condensation also observed on grass and roof. Sky: Mostly clear, Temp: 58F, Humidity: 84%, Wind: NNW4, Press: 30.07, Vis: Unrestricted, Pikes Peak and surrounding mountains obscured by cumulus. |
8/2/2017 |
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Sky: Partly cloudy, Temp: 53F, Humidity: 78%, Wind: Calm, Press: 29.98, Vis: Restricted by haze, Altocumulus |
8/3/2017 |
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Two precipitation events yesterday. First one was a fast moving thunderstorm that moved through during the 2:00pm hour. We caught the edge of it as the rain gauge had only .03" after it was over. Witness observed pea-size hail at Antler Creek golf course. No precipitation duration info for that storm. Second event was a late night thunderstorm accompanied by frequent CC lightning with .20" in the rain gauge. Precipitation ended after bedtime. No hail observed. Sky: Partly cloudy, Temp: 52F, Humidity: 95%, Wind: Variable N-NE@6. Press: 30.03, Vis: Restricted by haze. Cirrocumulus, Altocumulus, dark stratus clouds south, low stratus layer north progressing southward. |
8/4/2017 |
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Precipitation observed yesterday as light rain showers at: 8:23am, 8:45am, 4:35pm and 7:20pm all durations less than 5 min. Sky: Overcast, Temp: 53F, Humidity: 99%, Wind: S2, Press: 29.93, Vis: Restricted by fog/haze, break in overcast east. |
8/5/2017 |
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Rain gauge dry. However, observed light sprinkles yesterday afternoon with unknown duration from convective activity that passed to our west from two thunderstorms that developed over Colorado Springs. One early afternoon and the second one during the 4:00pm hour. Did not observe precipitation from first thunderstorm. Frequent thunder heard from both. Sky: Partly cloudy, Temp: 65F, Humidity: 49%, Wind: N14, Press: 29.71, Vis: Restricted by haze, Cirrus, Cirrocumulus, Altostratus, Altocumulus |
8/6/2017 |
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Grass wet from condensation. Rain gauge dry. Sky: Mostly clear, Temp: 53F, Humidity: 95%, Wind: NNE6, Press: 29.83, Vis: Restricted by haze, low stratus layer on eastern horizon and a few stratus north. |
8/7/2017 |
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First thunder at 4:20pm. Light rain began at 4:45 then intensified slightly as a gentle rain with calm winds. Occasional thunder heard from distant thunderstorm. Wind then came out of the north after 5:10pm with precipitation ending at 5:52pm. More intense moderate rain was observed during the 9:00pm hour. No duration was noted for this event. Sky: Overcast, Temp: 54F, Humidity: 97%, Wind: NNE11G16, Press: 29.92, Vis: Restricted by haze, Altostratus, Altocumulus |
8/8/2017 |
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Precipitation started yesterday morning around 9:13am and ended around 11:35 according to Doppler. Precipitation resumed in the afternoon and into the evening with unknown duration. Sky: Overcast, Temp: 54F, Humidity: 99%, Wind: SSW2, Press: 29.93, Vis: less than 5 mi in fog/haze. One break in overcast overhead. |
8/9/2017 |
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Heavy thunderstorm yesterday afternoon. Doppler radar indicated precipitation began around 2:40pm and ended at 3:34pm. .87" was measured from the thunderstorm. Light rain shower developed overhead at 8:20pm and ended 7 minutes later with a trace. Measured .07" this morning from overnight rain. Sky: Partly cloudy, Temp: 55F, Humidity: 79%, Wind: N7, Press: 29.89 Vis: Unrestricted. |
8/10/2017 |
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Four precipitation events: 1) 2:10pm - 2:25pm rain shower T, 2) 5:09pm - 5:50pm thundershower .03, 3) 9:50pm - unknown duration light rain shower unknown amount, 4) 5:10am - 6:12am thunderstorm unknown amount. Sky: Partly cloudy, Temp: 51F, Humidity 98%, Wind: NNE4, Press: 29.93, Vis: Unrestricted, Dark cumulonimbus east, altocumulus elsewhere, observed snow on surface of Pikes Peak. Duration information below is from event #4. |
8/16/2017 |
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Rain developed last night around 9:30pm and ended around 10:10pm. No thunder or lightning observed. Sky: Mostly cloudy, Temp: 53F, Humidity: 83%, Wind: N5, Press: 29.80, Vis: Unrestricted, Altocumulus castellanus |
8/17/2017 |
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Two precipitation events yesterday afternoon: 1) Rain began 12:24 and ended around 12:50pm measured .01". as light to moderate rain. 2) Rain began 4:44pm ended at 4:50pm with .02" measured. This event was a heavy rain shower with no hail. Main thunderstorm cells moved through north of our area. Sky: Partly cloudy, Temp: 53F, Humidity: 83%, Wind: Calm, Press: 29.92, Vis: Unrestricted, Altocumulus and Altocumulus Castellanus. Duration information below is from second event. |
8/18/2017 |
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Outflow from approaching thunderstorm began at 2:07pm. Precipitation began as light rain at 2:15. First lightning strike at 2:19. No hail observed. Sky: Clear, Temp: 60F, Humidity: 50%, Wind: N6, Press: 29.92, Vis: Restricted by haze south. |
8/19/2017 |
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Sky: Partly cloudy, Temp: 60F, Humidity: 59%, Wind: N6, Press: 29.87, Vis: Unrestricted, haze south, Altocumulus. |
8/20/2017 |
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Rain shower early yesterday evening. Sky: Partly cloudy, Temp: 64F, Humidity: 43%, Wind: N6, Press: 29.83, Vis: Unrestricted, haze south, Cirrus and Cirrocumulus filtering sunlight. |
8/21/2017 |
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Precipitation began as very light rain from the eastern edge of a thunderstorm in Colorado Springs. Wind was from the west during the precipitation. Sky: Mostly clear, Temp: 64F, Humidity: 52%, Wind: N6, Press: 29.86, Vis: Unrestricted, few cirrus and a band of altocumulus SE horizon. |
8/22/2017 |
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Sky: Partially obscured in fog, Temp: 53F, Humidity: 99%, Wind: NE2, Press: 30.05, Vis: <1/4mile, fog was <1/8th mile before 6:30am. Grass and rooftops are soaking wet from fog, trace of water in rain gauge from fog. |
8/23/2017 |
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Sky: Mostly cloudy, Temp: 54F, Humidity: 93%, Wind: Calm, Press: 29.95, Vis: Unrestricted, clear skies SW-S. Altocumulus layer produced beautiful sunrise. |
8/24/2017 |
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Precipitation began around the 5:00pm hour and continued off and on until 7:30pm as light rain showers and sprinkles. Sky: Mostly cloudy, Temp: 54F, Humidity: 78%, Wind: Calm, Press: 29.84, Vis: Restricted by haze south. Multiple layers of Cirrus, Cirrostratus and Altocumulus. Filtered sunlight. |
8/25/2017 |
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Late afternoon and evening sprinkles from leftover thunderstorms that moved north of our area. Rain gauge dry. Sky: Clear, Temp: 49F, Humidity: 76%, Wind: N3, Press: 29.82, Vis: Unrestricted |
9/4/2017 |
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Sky: Partly cloudy, Temp: 60F, Humidity: 39%, Wind: NNW8, Press: 29.99, Vis: Restricted by smoke, Altocumulus. |
9/5/2017 |
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Sky: Overcast, Temp: 50F, Humidity: 86%, Wind: ENE3, Press: 30.11, Vis: Restricted by smoke/haze, Stratus. |
9/6/2017 |
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Sky: Clear, Temp: 43F, Humidity: 90%, Wind: NNW5, Press: 29.99, Vis: Restricted by smoke, grass wet with condensation. |
9/7/2017 |
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Sky: Mostly clear, Temp: 49F, Humidity: 86%, Wind: Calm, Press: 29.85, Vis: Restricted by smoke, a few cirrus. |
9/8/2017 |
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Sky: Mostly clear, Temp: 58F, Humidity: 51%, Wind: Calm, Press: 29.87, Vis: Restricted by smoke, few cirrus. |
9/9/2017 |
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Light rain shower from the remains of a thunderstorm over Colorado Springs late afternoon. Ground barely dampened. Rain gauge dry during observation.Sky: Mostly clear, Temp: 57F, Humidity: 55%, Wind NW5, Press: 29.90, Vis: Improved but remains restricted from smoke/haze, a few cirrus and altostratus. |
9/10/2017 |
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Rain shower yesterday afternoon of unknown time and intensity. Sky: Mostly clear, Temp: 61F, Humidity: 53%, Wind: NNW6, Press: 29.94, Vis: Improved but still restricted by haze. |
9/11/2017 |
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Precipitation began as sprinkle then intensity increased after a single lightning stroke at 6:21. At 6:38 precipitation further increased to rain with brief downpours at 6:49 and 7:00 with 7:00 being the longest and most intense. Rain decreased to sprinkle by 7:30 but increased to light rain by 7:53 and continued past 9:15 at bedtime. Sky: Mostly cloudy, Temp: 62F, Humidity: 57%, Wind: NNE5, Press: 30.02, Vis: Restricted by haze, Altocumulus. |
9/12/2017 |
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Convective activity in the area yesterday afternoon produced trace of precipitation. Was not present to observe. Sky: Mostly clear, Temp: 55F, Humidity: 68%, Wind: NNE4, Press: 29.92, Vis: Unrestricted, few altocumulus in the north and east. |
9/13/2017 |
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Sky: Mostly clear, Temp: 62F, Humidity: 49%, Wind: N6, Press: 29.75, Vis: Unrestricted, few altocumulus south. |
9/14/2017 |
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Yesterday afternoon during the 3:00pm hour Doppler indicated isolated convective activity around our area. Sky: Mostly clear, Temp: 56F, Humidity 53%, Wind: N6, Press: 29.68, Vis: Unrestricted, scattered altocumulus. |
9/15/2017 |
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Sky: Mostly clear, Temp: 57F, Humidity: 46%, Wind: NNW6, Press: 29.58, Vis: Unrestricted, cumulus over Colorado Springs and altocumulus east. |
9/16/2017 |
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Sky: Mostly cloudy, Temp: 45F, Humidity: 91%, Wind: NE7G10, Press: 29.75, Vis: Restricted by haze, Cirrus, Broken Cumulus layer and low stratus over Black Forest. |
9/17/2017 |
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Sky: Overcast, Temp: 47F, Humidity: 93%, Wind: SSW8, Press: 29.93, Vis: restricted by low stratus and haze. |
9/18/2017 |
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Sky: Mostly clear, Temp: 50F, Humidity: 60%, Wind: NW6, Press: 29.82, Vis: Unrestricted, Few altocumulus East through SW. Observed a few light sprinkles at 7:33pm last evening from a low cloud mass to the Southeast with no duration noted. Rain gauge dry. |
9/19/2017 |
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Sky: Partly cloudy, Temp: 61F, Humidity: 25%, Wind: WSW11, Press: 29.53, Vis: Unrestricted, Cirrus, Cirrocumulus, Altostratus, filtered sunlight. |
9/20/2017 |
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Sky: Partly cloudy, Temp: 36F, Humidity: 79%, Wind: SSW7, Press: 29.74, Vis: Unrestricted but hazy south. Sunlight filtered by cirrostratus intermingled with cirrocumulus in eastern half of sky. Low temp this morning 35F. |
9/21/2017 |
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Sky: Mostly clear, Temp: 50F, Humidity: 47%, Wind: SSW6, Press: 29.60, Vis: Unrestricted, altostratus eastern horizon |
9/22/2017 |
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Sky: Partly cloudy, Temp: 58F, Humidity: 41%, Wind: SSE2, Press: 29.58, Vis: Unrestricted, Altostratus layer SE and one lonely cumulus cloud NE of Colorado Springs. |
9/23/2017 |
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Returned home last evening with light rain shower of unknown duration. Rain gauge dry this morning. Sky: Mostly cloudy, Temp: 46F, Humidity: 77%, Wind: NE5, Press: 29.68, Vis: Unrestricted, Altocumulus with heavier cloud layer SW. |
9/24/2017 |
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Two precipitation events yesterday. The first event I was not home. The second event started around 6:30pm and most likely continued overnight. No thunder observed. Sky: Low overcast drizzle, Temp: 41F, Humidity: 99%, Wind: NNE5, Press: 29.68, Vis: Restricted by drizzle and low stratus. |
9/25/2017 |
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Drizzle continued during and after observation yesterday until late morning with unknown duration. Sky: Overcast, Temp: 41F, Humidity: 99%, Wind: NNE8, Press: 29.78, Vis: Restricted by haze, Low Stratus with breaks and alto stratus. |
9/26/2017 |
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Evening rain began around 7:00pm. No duration noted. Sky: Light drizzle, Partially Obscured; Fog, Temp: 41F, Humidity: 99%, Wind: SSW2, Press: 29.92, Vis: Restricted by fog <1 mile. Visibility <1/4 mile 10 minutes prior to observation. |
9/27/2017 |
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Doppler radar indicates light rain began at 6:15 this morning. Sky: Overcast with light rain, Temp: 45F, Humidity: 98%, Wind: Calm, Press: 30.04, Vis: Restricted by mist, light rain and low stratus. |
9/28/2017 |
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Precipitation events yesterday began with light rain during the 7:00am observation through 10:20am. Next event began at 11:55am and ended at 12:35pm. Brief rain shower at 1:30pm for just a few minutes. Light rain began at 4:15pm and continued with no observed duration. Doppler indicated a large swath of moderate rain ended at 5:00am. Sky: Obscured by drizzle/fog, Temp 41F, Humidity: 99%, Wind: SE2, Press: 30.08, Vis: <1/4 mile in fog and drizzle. |
9/29/2017 |
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Unknown duration of precipitation. Sky: Obscured Fog/Drizzle, Temp: 43F, Humidity: 100%, Wind: SSW7, Press: 30.03, Vis: <50 yards Restricted by Dense Fog/Drizzle. |