Observation Date |
Observation Time |
Precipitation |
Snowfall |
Snowfall SWE |
Snow Depth |
Snow SWE |
Notes |
10/1/2016 |
7:00 AM |
0.40 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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10/1/16 at 6:52 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has precipitation occurring- little humid temps. - - calm air -
The max. precipitation rate today so far is 0.18 inches per hour at 6:51 hrs.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.41 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.30 inches.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 70.3°F at 0:00 .
HIGH temperature 72.1°F at 2:50 hours
The current temp. 70.8°F at 6:52 hours
The current range 1.8°F at 6:52 hours
The dew point is now 70.8°F and the max. so far is 72.1°F at 2:50 hrs. and is uncomfortable. |
10/2/2016 |
7:01 AM |
0.03 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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10/2/16 at 6:57 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky. The rain occurred just after yesterday's 7 AM report.
Glen Allen has drying conditions with the evaporation of residual moisture- damp, cool temps. - and light air from the north-northeast-
It is cooler by -5.8°F than yesterday at 6:57am.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.33 inches.
The total precipitation for Oct. is now 0.33 inches.
HIGH temperature 66.4°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 64.7°F at 4:34 hours
The current temp. 64.9°F at 6:57 hours
The current range 1.7°F at 6:57 hours
Today's max. gust is 6 mph from the ave. direction of 15 deg/s & the current speed is 3 mph. |
10/3/2016 |
7:01 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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10/3/16 at 6:57 Glen Allen has a very heavy morning dew - damp, cool temps. - - calm air -
HIGH temperature 63.8°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 62.0°F at 5:34 hours
The current temp. 62.4°F at 6:57 hours
The current range 1.8°F at 6:57 hours |
10/4/2016 |
6:52 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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10/4/16 at 6:52 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
Glen Allen has - damp, chilly temps. - - calm air -
The minimum temperature last night was 55.5 °F the lowest minimum temperature since June 19, 2016 when the minimum temperature was 55.1°F.
It is cooler by -7.0°F than yesterday at 6:52am.
HIGH temperature 60.3°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 55.5°F at 6:50 hours
The current temp. 55.5°F at 6:52 hours
The current range 4.8°F at 6:52 hours |
10/5/2016 |
7:03 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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10/5/16 at 6:57 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew- damp, chilly temps.
and gentle breeze from the north-northeast-
HIGH temperature 60.9°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 59.0°F at 2:55 hours
The current temp. 59.9°F at 6:57 hours
The current range 1.9°F at 6:57 hours
Today's barometer was the highest for Oct. at 30.27 inches occurring at 6:56 hrs. |
10/6/2016 |
7:05 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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10/6/16 at 6:57 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew- damp, chilly temps. - - calm air -
It is cooler by -5.4°F than yesterday at 6:57 AM.
The minimum temperature last night was 54.0°F the lowest minimum temperature since June 9, 2016 when the minimum temperature was 50.2°F.
HIGH temperature 59.4°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 54.0°F at 6:11 hours
The current temp. 54.5°F at 6:57 hours
The current range 5.4°F at 6:57 hours
Today's 53.7°F was the lowest dew point for Oct. at 6:11 hours. |
10/7/2016 |
7:00 AM |
0.05 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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Glen Allen has residual moisture that is still on the lawn from precipitation today- damp, cool temps. - and light air from the northeast-
It is warmer by 8.7°F than yesterday at 6:52am.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.01 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.04 inches.
The precipitation for Oct. is now 0.38 inches.
The average precipitation to Oct. 7 is 0.67 inches giving a departure of -0.29 inches.
It has been 4.6 hr/s since last 0.01 inches of precipitation at 2:24 hrs.
HIGH temperature 63.5°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 62.7°F at 2:51 hours
The current temp. 63.3°F at 6:52 hours
The current range 0.8°F at 6:52 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +6.5°F for Oct. compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 11 mph from the ave. direction of 44 deg/s & the current speed is 3 mph. |
10/8/2016 |
6:55 AM |
0.13 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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10/8/16 at 6:47 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has light precipitation occurring- pleasant temps. - and light breeze from the east-
The max. precipitation rate today so far is 0.07 inches per hour at 3:44 hrs.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.04 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.13 inches.
The precipitation for Oct. is now 0.51 inches.
The average precipitation to Oct. 8 is 0.77 inches giving a departure of -0.26 inches.
HIGH temperature 68.5°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 66.0°F at 3:44 hours
The current temp. 66.7°F at 6:47 hours
The current range 2.5°F at 6:47 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +6.9°F for Oct. compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 15 mph from the ave. direction of 85 deg/s & the current speed is 5 mph. |
10/9/2016 |
7:10 AM |
3.43 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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0/9/16 at 6:58 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
The precipitation has stopped now a with chilly temps. and a breeze from the north-northeast-
It is much cooler by -14.2°F than yesterday at 6:58AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 2.81 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.75 inches.
The precipitation for Oct. is now 3.94 inches.
The average precipitation to Oct. 9 is 0.87 inches giving a departure of + 3.07 inches.
HIGH temperature 64.1°F at 0:36 hours
LOW temperature 52.3°F at 6:35 hours
The current temp. 52.6°F at 6:58 hours
The current range 11.8°F at 6:58 hours
Today's 52.3°F was the lowest min. temperature for Oct. occurring at 6:35 hours.
Today's lowest wind chill was 44.8°F and the lowest for Oct. at 6:44 hours.
The high wind gust today was 33 mph at 0:52 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 25 mph at 22:22 hours.
Today's 33 mph wind gust was the highest for Oct. occurring at 0:52 hours. |
10/10/2016 |
7:05 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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10/10/16 at 6:58 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has a light morning dew- very chilly temps. - and light breeze from the north-northeast-
It is cooler by -4.5°F than yesterday at 6:58am.
The minimum temperature last night was 46.8°F the lowest minimum temperature since May 16, 2016 when the minimum temperature was 40.6°F.
There is a drop of -13% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:58am.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.75 inches.
The total precipitation for Oct. is now 3.94 inches.
HIGH temperature 54.2°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 46.8°F at 2:38 hours
The current temp. 48.0°F at 6:58 hours
The current range 7.4°F at 6:58 hours
Today's 46.8°F was the lowest min. temperature for Oct. occurring at 2:38 hours.
Today's lowest wind chill was 42.0°F and the lowest for Oct. at 6:31 hours.
Today's max. gust is 18 mph from the ave. direction of 23 deg/s & the current speed is 8 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 38 mph at 10:03 hours.
Today's barometer was the highest for Oct. at 30.30 inches occurring at 6:49 hrs.
10/11/2016 |
7:08 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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10/11/16 at 7:03 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew- damp, very chilly temps. - - calm air -
It is cooler by -7.8°F than yesterday at 7:03am.
The minimum temperature on the 11th was 40.1°F, a new 8 year LOW daily minimum temperature record for the date - the old record was 41°F in 2012.
The minimum temperature last night was 40.1°F the lowest minimum temperature since April 17, 2016 when the minimum temperature was 35.9°F.
HIGH temperature 45.4°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 40.1°F at 6:46 hours
The current temp. 40.2°F at 7:03 hours
The current range 5.3°F at 7:03 hours
Today's 39.6°F was the lowest dew point for Oct. at 6:46 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 25 mph at 9:18 hours.
Today's barometer was the highest for Oct. at 30.44 inches occurring at 6:57 hrs. |
10/12/2016 |
6:58 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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10/12/16 at 6:48 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew- damp, very chilly temps. - - calm air -
HIGH temperature 48.5°F at 0:08 hours
LOW temperature 43.6°F at 6:43 hours
The current temp. 43.6°F at 6:48 hours
The current range 4.9°F at 6:48 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +4.0°F for Oct. compared to the average. |
10/13/2016 |
7:04 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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10/13/16 at 6:58 Glen Allen has a very heavy morning dew- damp, very chilly temps. - - calm air -
It is warmer by 6.4°F than yesterday at 6:58am.
Glen Allen has had 4 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Oct. precipitation departure is now + 2.69 inches.
HIGH temperature 54.3°F at 1:45 hours
LOW temperature 49.8°F at 6:54 hours
The current temp. 49.8°F at 6:58 hours
The current range 4.5°F at 6:58 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +3.0°F for Oct. compared to the average. |
10/14/2016 |
7:01 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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10/14/16 at 6:53 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew- damp, very chilly temps. - and light air from the north-northeast-
There is a drop of -11% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:53am.
Glen Allen has had 5 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Oct. precipitation departure is now + 2.59 inches.
HIGH temperature 59.3°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 47.3°F at 6:48 hours
The current temp. 47.3°F at 6:53 hours
The current range 12.0°F at 6:53 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +3.1°F for Oct. compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 17 mph from the ave. direction of 33 deg/s & the current speed is 4 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 21 mph at 23:11 hours. |
10/15/2016 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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10/15/16 at 6:53 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, damp, chilly temps. and calm air.
Glen Allen has had 6 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Oct. precipitation departure is now + 2.50 inches.
HIGH temperature 49.9°F at 1:18 hours
LOW temperature 47.4°F at 6:53 hours
The current temp. 47.4°F at 6:53 hours
The current range 2.5°F at 6:53 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +2.5°F for Oct. compared to the average. |
10/16/2016 |
6:56 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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10/16/16 at 6:47 Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, damp, chilly temps. and calm air.
It is warmer by 5.6°F than yesterday at 6:47am.
Glen Allen has had 7 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Oct. precipitation departure is now + 2.40 inches.
HIGH temperature 55.8°F at 0:05 hours
LOW temperature 51.7°F at 4:43 hours
The current temp. 53.6°F at 6:47 hours
The current range 4.1°F at 6:47 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +3.5°F for Oct. compared to the average. |
10/17/2016 |
6:58 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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10/17/16 at 6:52 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew- damp, chilly temps. and light air from the south.
Glen Allen has had 8 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Oct. precipitation departure is now + 2.31 inches.
HIGH temperature 60.2°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 57.4°F at 5:57 hours
The current temp. 57.6°F at 6:52 hours
The current range 2.8°F at 6:52 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +2.9°F for Oct. compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 4 mph from the ave. direction of 185 deg/s & the current speed is 3 mph. |
10/18/2016 |
7:04 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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10/18/16 at 6:52 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew and light breeze from the south-southwest.
It is warmer by 6.8°F than yesterday at 6:52am.
Glen Allen has had 9 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Oct. precipitation departure is now + 2.21 inches.
HIGH temperature 68.0°F at 0:04 hours
LOW temperature 64.4°F at 6:36 hours
The current temp. 64.4°F at 6:52 hours
The current range 3.6°F at 6:52 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +3.0°F for Oct. compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 11 mph from the ave. direction of 193 deg/s & the current speed is 6 mph. |
10/19/2016 |
7:05 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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10/19/16 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, damp, cool temps. and calm air.
Glen Allen has had 10 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Oct. precipitation departure is now + 2.11 inches.
HIGH temperature 71.4°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 63.5°F at 6:52 hours
The current temp. 63.5°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 7.9°F at 6:56 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +5°F for Oct. compared to the average.
10/20/2016 |
7:05 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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10/20/16 at 6:57 Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, damp, cool temps. and calm air.
Glen Allen has had 11 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Oct. precipitation departure is now + 2.02 inches.
HIGH temperature 69.0°F at 0:46 hours
LOW temperature 64.7°F at 6:35 hours
The current temp. 64.9°F at 6:57 hours
The current range 4.3°F at 6:57 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +5.3°F for Oct. compared to the average.
10/21/2016 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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10/21/16 at 6:52 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, damp, and light breeze from the south.
Glen Allen has had 12 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Oct. precipitation departure is now + 1.92 inches.
HIGH temperature 69.7°F at 0:01 hours
LOW temperature 64.7°F at 6:43 hours
The current temp. 64.7°F at 6:52 hours
The current range 5.0°F at 6:52 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +5.8°F for Oct. compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 14 mph from the ave. direction of 187 deg/s & the current speed is 5 mph.
Today's barometer was the lowest for Oct. at 29.77 inches occurring at 6:52 hrs. |
10/22/2016 |
7:10 AM |
0.04 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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10/22/16 at 7:02 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has drying conditions now but there was precipitation just before midnight and chilly temps. with a gentle breeze from the northeast.
It is much cooler by -11.6°F than yesterday at 7:02am.
There is a decrease of -28% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:02am.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.04 inches.
The total precipitation for Oct. is now 3.98 inches.
HIGH temperature 59.9°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 53.0°F at 6:28 hours
The current temp. 53.2°F at 7:02 hours
The current range 6.9°F at 7:02 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +4.8°F for Oct. compared to the average.
The high wind gust today was 24 mph at 1:00 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 24 mph at 12:53 hours. |
10/23/2016 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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10/23/16 at 6:47 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has cold temps. and light air from the south-southwest.
The minimum temperature last night was 37.9°F the lowest minimum temperature since April 17, 2015 when the minimum temperature was 35.9°F.
It is much cooler by -15.4°F than yesterday at 6:47am.
There is an increase of 22% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:47am.
HIGH temperature 41.9°F at 0:12 hours
LOW temperature 37.9°F at 4:23 hours
The current temp. 37.9°F at 6:47 hours
The current range 4.0°F at 6:47 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +4.1°F for Oct. compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 6 mph from the ave. direction of 198 deg/s & the current speed is 3 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 24 mph at 1:00 hours. |
10/24/2016 |
6:55 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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10/24/16 at 6:47 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions cool temps. and light air from the south-southwest.
It is much warmer by 16.4°F than yesterday at 6:47am.
There is a drop of -19% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:47am.
HIGH temperature 58.0°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 54.3°F at 6:45 hours
The current temp. 54.3°F at 6:47 hours
The current range 3.7°F at 6:47 hours
Today's max. gust is 16 mph from the ave. direction of 204 deg/s & the current speed is 4 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 25 mph at 12:48 hours. |
10/25/2016 |
7:05 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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10/25/16 at 7:02 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has a moderate morning dew, very chilly temps. and calm air.
It is much cooler by -13.1°F than yesterday at 7:02am.
There is a rise of 16% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:02am.
HIGH temperature 54.0°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 40.8°F at 6:45 hours
The current temp. 40.8°F at 7:02 hours
The current range 13.2°F at 7:02 hours |
10/26/2016 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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10/26/16 at 6:57 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, damp, cold temps. and calm air.
Glen Allen has had 4 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Oct. precipitation departure is now + 1.48 inches.
HIGH temperature 47.0°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 39.1°F at 6:49 hours
The current temp. 39.1°F at 6:57 hours
The current range 7.9°F at 6:57 hours |
10/27/2016 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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10/27/16 at 6:52 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, damp, very chilly temps. and light air from the south.
It is warmer by 6.9°F than yesterday at 6:52am.
Glen Allen has had 5 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Oct. precipitation departure is now + 1.38 inches.
HIGH temperature 49.8°F at 0:12 hours
LOW temperature 46.1°F at 6:50 hours
The current temp. 46.1°F at 6:52 hours
The current range 3.7°F at 6:52 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +36°F for Oct. compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 9 mph from the ave. direction of 179 deg/s & the current speed is 3 mph. |
10/28/2016 |
7:00 AM |
0.06 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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10/28/16 at 6:52 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
Glen Allen has cool temps. and light breeze from the northeast.
It is warmer by 5.7°F than yesterday at 6:52am.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.06 inches.
The total precipitation for Oct. is now 4.04 inches.
HIGH temperature 63.5°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 52.1°F at 6:49 hours
The current temp. 52.1°F at 6:52 hours
The current range 11.4°F at 6:52 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +3.7°F for Oct. compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 14 mph from the ave. direction of 42 deg/s & the current speed is 7 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 29 mph at 12:56 hours. |
10/29/2016 |
7:16 AM |
0.00 |
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0.0 |
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10/29/16 at 7:12 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, damp, chilly temps. and calm air.
It is much cooler by -9.8°F than yesterday at 7:12.
There is a rise of 15% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:12.
HIGH temperature 46.3°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 41.8°F at 6:56 hours
The current temp. 41.9°F at 7:12 hours
The current range 4.5°F at 7:12 hours |
10/30/2016 |
7:05 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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10/30/16 at 6:57 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew- damp, chilly temps. - - calm air -
It is much warmer by 12.1°F than yesterday at 6:57.
HIGH temperature 63.5°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 54.0°F at 6:28 hours
The current temp. 54.0°F at 6:57 hours
The current range 9.5°F at 6:57 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +2.6°F for Oct. compared to the average.
The high wind gust yesterday was 19 mph at 10:15 hours. |
10/31/2016 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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10/31/16 at 6:52 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, no dew, cool temps. and gentle breeze from the northeast.
There is a decrease of -23% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:52am.
Glen Allen has had 4 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Oct. precipitation departure is now + 1.06 inches.
HIGH temperature 65.9°F at 0:39 hours
LOW temperature 54.6°F at 6:51 hours
The current temp. 54.6°F at 6:52 hours
The current range 11.3°F at 6:52 hours |
11/1/2016 |
6:55 AM |
0.00 |
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11/1/16 at 6:47 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew,damp, cool temps. and calm air.
It is cooler by -5.1°F than yesterday at 6:47am.
There is an increase of 21% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:47am.
HIGH temperature 50.9°F at 5:57 hours
LOW temperature 44.6°F at 1:38 hours
The current temp. 49.7°F at 6:47 hours
The current range 6.3°F at 6:47 hours
The high wind gust yesterday was 24 mph at 9:55 hours. |
11/2/2016 |
7:08 AM |
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/2/16 at 7:02 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen had a sprinkle last night from 945 to 950PM, cool temps. and calm air.
Glen Allen has had 5 days since the last measurable precipitation.
HIGH temperature 54.8°F at 4:39 hours
LOW temperature 51.7°F at 1:27 hours
The current temp. 53.9°F at 7:02 hours
The current range 3.1°F at 7:02 hours |
11/3/2016 |
7:01 AM |
0.00 |
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11/3/16 at 6:52 Glen Allen has a very heavy morning dew,pleasant temps.and light air from the south.
Glen Allen has had 6 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Nov. precipitation departure is now -0.32 inches.
HIGH temperature 64.1°F at 0:04 hours
LOW temperature 57.7°F at 5:40 hours
The current temp. 58.8°F at 6:52 hours
The current range 6.4°F at 6:52 hours
11/4/2016 |
7:01 AM |
0.38 |
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11/4/16 at 6:52 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has residual moisture that is still on the lawn from precipitation today with cool temps. and gentle breeze from the north-northeast.
It is cooler by -5.2°F than yesterday at 6:52 am.
The max. precipitation rate today so far is 0.14 inches per hour at 2:16 hrs.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.12 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.26 inches.
The precipitation for Nov. is now 0.38 inches.
The average precipitation to Nov. 4 is 0.43 inches giving a departure of -0.05 inches.
HIGH temperature 63.9°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 53.6°F at 6:50 hours
The current temp. 53.6°F at 6:52 hours
The current range 10.3°F at 6:52 hours
Today's max. gust is 19 mph from the ave. direction of 28 deg/s & the current speed is 10 mph. |
11/5/2016 |
7:04 AM |
0.00 |
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11/5/16 at 6:57 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, damp, chilly temps. and calm air.
It is much cooler by -14.0°F than yesterday at 6:57am.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.26 inches.
The total precipitation for Nov. is now 0.38 inches.
HIGH temperature 42.6°F at 0:22 hours
LOW temperature 38.2°F at 5:18 hours
The current temp. 39.6°F at 6:57 hours
The current range 4.4°F at 6:57 hours
Today's 38.2°F was the lowest min. temperature for Nov. occurring at 5:18 hours. |
11/6/2016 |
6:59 AM |
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1/6/16 at 6:42 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, chilly temps. and calm air.
HIGH temperature 41.8°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 36.8°F at 6:33 hours
The current temp. 36.9°F at 6:42 hours
The current range 5.0°F at 6:42 hours
The minimum temperature last night was 36.8°F the lowest minimum temperature since April 17, 2016 when the minimum temperature was 35.9 °F.
Today's 36.0°F was the lowest dew point for Nov. at 6:33 hours. |
11/7/2016 |
6:59 AM |
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11/7/16 at 6:52 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has a moderate morning dew, chilly temps. and light air from the north.
HIGH temperature 44.5°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 38.5°F at 6:15 hours
The current temp. 38.8°F at 6:52 hours
The current range 6.0°F at 6:52 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +7.6°F for Nov. compared to the average.
Today's 35.6°F was the lowest dew point for Nov. at 6:48 hours.
Today's max. gust is 6 mph from the ave. direction of 7 deg/s & the current speed is 4 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 20 mph at 13:45 hours.
Today's barometer was the highest for Nov. at 30.47 inches occurring at 6:48 hrs. |
11/8/2016 |
7:05 AM |
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11/8/16 at 6:57 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has melting frost, very chilly temps., calm air.
Glen Allen is cooler by -6.0°F than yesterday at 6:57AM.
The minimum temperature last night at Glen Allen was 32.7°F the lowest minimum temperature since April 10, 2016 when the minimum temperature was 25.2°F.
Glen Allen has had 4 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Nov. precipitation departure is now -0.48 inches.
HIGH temperature 36.9°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 32.7°F at 6:27 hours
The current temp. 32.8°F at 6:57 hours
The current range 4.2°F at 6:57 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +6.0°F for Nov. compared to the average.
Today's 32.7°F was the lowest min. temperature for Nov. occurring at 6:27 hours.
Today's 31.9°F was the lowest dew point for Nov. at 6:27 hours. |
11/9/2016 |
7:05 AM |
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11/9/16 at 6:57 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has surfaces that are now drying from precipitation that occurred earlier, damp, cool temps. and light air from the north.
There has been a great temperature increase of 19.5°F since yesterday at 6:57am.
Glen Allen has had 5 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Nov. precipitation departure is now -0.59 inches.
HIGH temperature 52.3°F at 6:11 hours
LOW temperature 50.1°F at 2:23 hours
The current temp. 52.3°F at 6:57 hours
The current range 2.2°F at 6:57 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +6.0°F for Nov. compared to the average.
Today's barometer was the lowest for Nov. at 29.93 inches occurring at 5:08 hrs. |
11/10/2016 |
7:00 AM |
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11/10/16 at 6:52 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has damp, chilly temps. and calm air.
The Glen Allen area is much cooler by -15.6°F than yesterday at 6:52am.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.03 inches.
The total precipitation for Nov. is now 0.41 inches.
HIGH temperature 46.4°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 36.3°F at 6:52 hours
The current temp. 36.3°F at 6:52 hours
The current range 10.1°F at 6:52 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +5.6°F for Nov. compared to the average.
The high wind gust today was 20 mph at 3:34 hours. |
11/11/2016 |
7:05 AM |
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11/11/16 at 6:57 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has a light morning dew, chilly temps. and light air from the south-southwest.
HIGH temperature 46.5°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 38.3°F at 6:56 hours
The current temp. 38.3°F at 6:57 hours
The current range 8.2°F at 6:57 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +5.2°F for Nov. compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 9 mph from the ave. direction of 207 deg/s & the current speed is 2 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 20 mph at 3:34 hours.
Today's barometer was the lowest for Nov. at 29.86 inches occurring at 4:58 hrs. |
11/12/2016 |
7:07 AM |
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11/12/16 at 7:02 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, chilly temps. and light breeze from the north-northeast.
HIGH temperature 48.2°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 35.2°F at 6:58 hours
The current temp. 35.2°F at 7:02 hours
The current range 13.0°F at 7:02 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +5.0°F for Nov. compared to the average.
Today's lowest wind chill was 29.4°F and the lowest for Nov. at 6:55 hours.
Today's 26.6°F was the lowest dew point for Nov. at 6:21 hours.
Today's max. gust is 18 mph from the ave. direction of 19 deg/s & the current speed is 6 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 23 mph at 22:15 hours. |
11/13/2016 |
7:00 AM |
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11/13/16 at 6:52 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions and cold temps. and calm air.
The minimum temperature last night was 26.2°F the lowest minimum temperature since April 10, 2016 when the minimum temperature was 25.2°F.
It is cooler by -8.8°F than yesterday at 6:52am.
There is an increase of 24% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:52am.
Glen Allen has had 4 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Nov. precipitation departure is now -0.99 inches.
HIGH temperature 29.9°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 26.2°F at 5:06 hours
The current temp. 26.9°F at 6:52 hours
The current range 3.7°F at 6:52 hours |
11/14/2016 |
7:03 AM |
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11/14/16 at 6:57 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has very dry conditions, very chilly temps. and calm air.
Glen Allen has had 5 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Nov. precipitation departure is now -1.10 inches.
HIGH temperature 33.8°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 29.9°F at 3:36 hours
The current temp. 30.4°F at 6:57 hours
The current range 3.9°F at 6:57 hours |
11/15/2016 |
7:05 AM |
0.57 |
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11/15/16 at 6:58 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has surfaces that are now wet from precipitation that occurred earlier this morning with cool temperature and calm air.
It is much warmer by 15.1°F than yesterday at 6:58am.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.56 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.01 inches.
The precipitation for Nov. is now 0.98 inches.
The average precipitation to Nov. 15 is 1.62 inches giving a departure of -0.64 inches.
It has been 6.9 hr/s since last 0.01 inches of precipitation at 0:11 hrs.
HIGH temperature 45.7°F at 5:08 hours
LOW temperature 44.6°F at 0:00 hours
The current temp. 45.4°F at 6:58 hours
The current range 1.1°F at 6:58 hours |
11/16/2016 |
7:12 AM |
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11/16/16 at 7:08 Glen Allen has very chilly temps. and calm air.
It is much cooler by -11.2°F than yesterday at 7:08am.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.01 inches.
The total precipitation for Nov. is now 0.98 inches.
HIGH temperature 39.9°F at 0:47 hours
LOW temperature 33.8°F at 6:47 hours
The current temp. 34.3°F at 7:08 hours
The current range 6.1°F at 7:08 hours |
11/17/2016 |
7:07 AM |
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1/17/16 at 7:02 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, chilly temps. and calm air.
HIGH temperature 42.9°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 35.6°F at 7:01 hours
The current temp. 35.6°F at 7:02 hours
The current range 7.3°F at 7:02 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +3.0°F for Nov. compared to the average. |
11/18/2016 |
7:00 AM |
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11/18/16 at 6:52 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, chilly temps. and calm air.
HIGH temperature 40.4°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 36.6°F at 5:41 hours
The current temp. 36.6°F at 6:52 hours
The current range 3.8°F at 6:52 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +2.8°F for Nov. compared to the average. |
11/19/2016 |
7:10 AM |
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11/19/16 at 7:07 Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, chilly temps. and light air from the SSW.
Glen Allen has had 4 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Nov. precipitation departure is now -1.07 inches.
HIGH temperature 44.6°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 40.2°F at 6:44 hours
The current temp. 40.4°F at 7:07 hours
The current range 4.4°F at 7:07 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +3.3°F for Nov. compared to the average.
The maximum temperature on the 18th was 72.3°F, a new 8 year HIGH daily maximum temperature record for the date - the old record was 72°F in 2013.
The daily temperature range on the 18th was 35.7°F, a new 8 year HIGH daily temperature range record for the date - the old record was 25°F in 2010. |
11/20/2016 |
6:51 AM |
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11/20/16 at 6:42 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, chilly temps. and light breeze from the SSW.
Glen Allen has a great decrease of -46% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:42am.
Glen Allen has had 5 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Nov. precipitation departure is now -1.18 inches.
HIGH temperature 39.5°F at 1:32 hours
LOW temperature 37.2°F at 0:55 hours
The current temp. 39.1°F at 6:42 hours
The current range 2.3°F at 6:42 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +2.9°F for Nov. compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 17 mph from the ave. direction of 207 deg/s & the current speed is 6 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 23 mph at 12:31 hours. |
11/21/2016 |
6:57 AM |
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11/21/16 at 6:57 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has very dry conditions, cold temps.and light air from the SSW.
It is much cooler by -11.3°F than yesterday at 6:57am.
There is a rise of 19% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:57am.
Glen Allen has had 6 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Nov. precipitation departure is now -1.29 inches.
HIGH temperature 30.6°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 26.2°F at 4:38 hours
The current temp. 27.5°F at 6:57 hours
The current range 4.4°F at 6:57 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +2.3°F for Nov. compared to the average.
Today's 26.2°F was the lowest min. temperature for Nov. occurring at 4:38 hours.
Today's 19.7°F was the lowest dew point for Nov. at 4:38 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 23 mph at 14:21 hours. |
11/22/2016 |
7:03 AM |
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11/22/16 at 6:57 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has very dry conditions a heavy frost and cold temps. with light air from the SSW.
It is cooler by -5.0°F than yesterday at 6:57am.
The minimum temperature last night was 21.8°F the lowest minimum temperature since February 27, 2016 when the minimum temperature was 20.6°F.
Glen Allen has had 7 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Nov. precipitation departure is now -1.40 inches.
HIGH temperature 25.8°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 21.8°F at 4:21 hours
The current temp. 22.9°F at 6:57 hours
The current range 4.0°F at 6:57 hours
Today's 21.8°F was the lowest min. temperature for Nov. occurring at 4:21 hours.
The dew point is now 18.0°F and Glen Allen's min. dew point was 15.5°F at 0:30 hrs.
Today's max. gust is 3 mph from the ave. direction of 200 deg/s & the current speed is 2 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 21 mph at 13:59 hours.
11/23/2016 |
6:58 AM |
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11/23/16 at 6:52 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has very dry conditions a moderate frost and cold temps. with calm air.
Glen Allen has had 8 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Nov. precipitation departure is now -1.50 inches.
HIGH temperature 29.3°F at 0:05 hours
LOW temperature 25.5°F at 6:50 hours
The current temp. 25.5°F at 6:52 hours
The current range 3.8°F at 6:52 hours
11/24/2016 |
7:04 AM |
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11/24/16 at 6:57 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has a trace of precipitation this morning at 5:40 and was too little to measure has ended with cool temps.and light breeze from the South.
There has been a great temperature increase of 21.4°F since yesterday at 6:57am.
There is a great decrease of -30% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:57am.
Glen Allen has had 9 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Nov. precipitation departure is now -1.61 inches.
HIGH temperature 46.7°F at 6:52 hours
LOW temperature 40.5°F at 0:23 hours
The current temp. 46.7°F at 6:57 hours
The current range 6.2°F at 6:57 hours
Today's max. gust is 6 mph from the ave. direction of 174 deg/s & the current speed is 5 mph. |
11/25/2016 |
7:01 AM |
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11/25/16 at 6:52 Glen Allen has surfaces that are now drying from precipitation that occurred earlier, cool temps. and calm air.
Precipitation was hardly discernible and was a 3 of 15 on the precipitation sensor around 02:45 AM.
It is warmer by 5.1°F than yesterday at 6:52am.
There is a great increase of 38% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:52am.
Glen Allen has had 10 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Nov. precipitation departure is now -1.72 inches.
HIGH temperature 51.7°F at 6:13 hours
LOW temperature 47.0°F at 0:00 hours
The current temp. 51.7°F at 6:52 hours
The current range 4.7°F at 6:52 hours |
11/26/2016 |
6:50 AM |
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11/26/16 at 6:42 Glen Allen had precipitation earlier today at about 1:25am with cool temps. and light breeze from the NE.
It is cooler by -5.3°F than yesterday at 6:42am.
There is a drop of -14% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:42am.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.02 inches.
The precipitation for Nov. is now 1.00 inches.
The average precipitation to Nov. 26 is 2.81 inches giving a departure of -1.81 inches.
HIGH temperature 52.3°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 45.8°F at 5:15 hours
The current temp. 46.3°F at 6:42 hours
The current range 6.5°F at 6:42 hours
Today's max. gust is 15 mph from the ave. direction of 37 deg/s & the current speed is 5 mph. |
11/27/2016 |
7:02 AM |
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11/27/16 at 6:52 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions a very heavy frost and cold temps. with calm air.
There has been a great temperature decrease of -19.8°F since yesterday at 6:52am.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.02 inches.
The total precipitation for Nov. is now 1.00 inches.
HIGH temperature 32.2°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 26.3°F at 6:31 hours
The current temp. 26.5°F at 6:52 hours
The current range 5.9°F at 6:52 hours
The high wind gust yesterday was 21 mph at 14:53 hours. |
11/28/2016 |
7:02 AM |
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11/28/16 at 6:57 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
Glen Allen has chilly temps. and calm air.
Glen Allen is warmer by 8.4°F than yesterday at 6:57.
HIGH temperature 36.8°F at 2:53 hours
LOW temperature 33.4°F at 0:00 hours
The current temp. 35.0°F at 6:57 hours
The current range 3.4°F at 6:57 hours |
11/29/2016 |
6:59 AM |
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11/29/16 at 6:52 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has residual moisture that is still on the lawn from precipitation today, damp, pleasant temps. and gentle breeze from the SE.
There has been a great temperature increase of 20.9°F since yesterday at 6:52am.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.05 inches.
The precipitation for Nov. is now 1.05 inches.
The average precipitation to Nov. 29 is 3.13 inches giving a departure of -2.08 inches.
It has been 1.4 hr/s since last 0.01 inches of precipitation at 5:33 hrs.
HIGH temperature 57.0°F at 3:18 hours
LOW temperature 49.7°F at 0:00 hours
The current temp. 56.1°F at 6:52 hours
The current range 7.3°F at 6:52 hours
Today's max. gust is 14 mph from the ave. direction of 125 deg/s & the current speed is 9 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 19 mph at 12:09 hours. |
11/30/2016 |
7:11 AM |
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11/30/16 at 7:02 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has light precipitation occurring, damp, pleasant temps. and light air from the SE.
It is warmer by 6.1°F than yesterday at 7:02am.
The max. precipitation rate today so far is 0.09 inches per hour at 5:51 hrs.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.07 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.19 inches.
The precipitation for Nov. is now 1.26 inches.
The average precipitation to Nov. 30 is 3.24 inches giving a departure of -1.98 inches.
It has been 1.3 hr/s since last 0.01 inches of precipitation at 5:51 hrs.
HIGH temperature 63.1°F at 0:19 hours
LOW temperature 60.5°F at 2:46 hours
The current temp. 62.5°F at 7:02 hours
The current range 2.6°F at 7:02 hours
Today's max. gust is 10 mph from the ave. direction of 140 deg/s & the current speed is 4 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 35 mph at 15:33 hours.
12/1/2016 |
7:00 AM |
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12/1/16 at 6:52 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has surfaces that are now drying from precipitation that occurred last night, cool temps. and light breeze from the WNW.
It is much cooler by -13.4°F than yesterday at 6:52am.
There is a decrease of -26% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:52am.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.57 inches.
HIGH temperature 68.2°F at 0:44 hours
LOW temperature 49.1°F at 6:44 hours
The current temp. 49.1°F at 6:52 hours
The current range 19.1°F at 6:52 hours
The high wind gust today was 24 mph at 1:21 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 32 mph at 20:34 hours.
12/2/2016 |
6:58 AM |
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12/2/16 at 6:52 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, very chilly temps. and calm air.
There has been a great temperature decrease of -17.4°F since yesterday at 6:52am.
There is a rise of 19% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:52am.
HIGH temperature 37.3°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 31.3°F at 6:39 hours
The current temp. 31.6°F at 6:52 hours
The current range 6.0°F at 6:52 hours
The high wind gust yesterday was 24 mph at 1:21 hours. |
12/3/2016 |
7:05 AM |
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12/3/16 at 7:02 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, cold temperatures a heavy frost and calm air.
Glen Allen has had 4 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Dec. precipitation departure is now -0.32 inches.
HIGH temperature 34.1°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 28.9°F at 6:58 hours
The current temp. 28.9°F at 7:02 hours
The current range 5.2°F at 7:02 hours |
12/4/2016 |
7:00 AM |
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2/4/16 at 6:52 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions chilly temps. and light air from the North.
Glen Allen is warmer by 5.3°F than yesterday at 6:52am.
Glen Allen has had 5 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Dec. precipitation departure is now -0.42 inches.
HIGH temperature 35.3°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 31.2°F at 2:33 hours
The current temp. 34.6°F at 6:52 hours
The current range 4.1°F at 6:52 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +2.7°F for Dec. compared to the average. |
12/5/2016 |
6:55 AM |
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12/5/16 at 6:47 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has residual moisture that is still on the lawn from precipitation today, chilly temps. and calm air.
Glen Allen is warmer by 5.9°F than yesterday at 6:47am.
The max. precipitation rate today so far is 0.08 inches per hour at 1:50 hrs.
There is a rise of 18% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:47am.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.11 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.23 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for Dec. is now 0.34 inches.
Glen Allen's average precipitation to Dec. 5 is 0.53 inches giving a departure of -0.19 inches.
It has been 0.4 hr/s since last 0.01 inches of precipitation at 6:26 hrs.
HIGH temperature 41.1°F at 5:17 hours
LOW temperature 39.9°F at 0:00 hours
The current temp. 40.5°F at 6:47 hours
The current range 1.2°F at 6:47 hours |
12/6/2016 |
7:04 AM |
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12/6/16 at 6:57 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has precipitation that is occurring but not measurable yet- chilly temps. - and light air from the ENE -
There is a drop of -11% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:57.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.23 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for Dec. is now 0.34 inches.
HIGH temperature 43.6°F at 4:39 hours
LOW temperature 42.9°F at 1:12 hours
The current temp. 43.2°F at 6:57 hours
The current range 0.7°F at 6:57 hours |
12/7/2016 |
6:52 AM |
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12/7/16 at 6:42 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has chilly temps. and calm air.
It is cooler by -4.7°F than yesterday at 6:42am.
The total precipitation yesterday was 1.53 inches.
The total precipitation for Dec. is now 1.87 inches.
HIGH temperature 42.8°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 38.5°F at 6:35 hours
The current temp. 38.5°F at 6:42 hours
The current range 4.3°F at 6:42 hours
The high wind gust yesterday was 22 mph at 17:10 hours. |
12/8/2016 |
7:05 AM |
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12/8/16 at 7:02 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, chilly temperatures and calm air.
HIGH temperature 41.4°F at 2:12 hours
LOW temperature 39.1°F at 0:02 hours
The current temp. 40.1°F at 7:02 hours
The current range 2.3°F at 7:02 hours |
12/9/2016 |
7:10 AM |
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12/9/16 at 7:02 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions , cold temperatures and light air from the northwest.
Glen Allen is much cooler by -15.6°F than yesterday at 7:02AM.
There is a decrease of -23% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:02AM.
HIGH temperature 35.6°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 24.3°F at 7:00 hours
The current temp. 24.3°F at 7:02 hours
The current range 11.3°F at 7:02 hours
Today's 24.3°F was the lowest min. temperature for Dec. occurring at 7:00 hours.
The dew point is now 16.6°F and Glen Allen's min. dew point was 15.2°F at 0:06 hrs.
Today's max. gust is 13 mph from the ave. direction of 319 deg/s & the current speed is 4 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 19 mph at 14:28 hours.
Today's barometer was the highest for Dec. at 30.33 inches occurring at 6:56 hrs. |
12/10/2016 |
7:53 AM |
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12/10/16 at 6:52 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen's minimum temperature on the 10th was 18.8°F, a new 8 year LOW daily minimum temperature record for the date - the old record was 24°F in 2010.
Glen Allen's minimum temperature last night was 18.8°F the lowest minimum temperature since February 14, 2016 when the minimum temperature was 8°F.
Glen Allen has dry conditions , very cold temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is cooler by -6.6°F than yesterday at 6:42am.
There is a rise of 15% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:42am.
Glen Allen has had 4 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Dec. precipitation departure is now + 0.82 inches.
Cold night as the low temperature last night was a cold 19.0°F at 6:41 .
HIGH temperature 26.2°F at 1:35 hours
LOW temperature 19.0°F at 6:41 hours
The current temp. 19.0°F at 6:42 hours
The current range 7.2°F at 6:42 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -1.1°F for Dec. compared to the average.
The dew point is now 15.0°F and Glen Allen's min. dew point was 13.5°F at 4:12 hrs.
Today's 13.5°F was the lowest dew point for Dec. at 4:12 hours.
Today's barometer was the highest for Dec. at 30.54 inches occurring at 6:52 hrs. |
12/11/2016 |
7:08 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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12/11/16 at 7:02 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has calm and dry conditions, cold temperatures and light air from the east-southeast.
Glen Allen is warmer by 9.2°F than yesterday at 7:02am.
There is a drop of -19% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:02am.
Glen Allen has had 5 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Dec. precipitation departure is now + 0.71 inches.
HIGH temperature 28.1°F at 6:00 hours
LOW temperature 26.5°F at 0:00 hours
The current temp. 28.0°F at 7:02 hours
The current range 1.6°F at 7:02 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -2.1°F for Dec. compared to the average.
The dew point is now 18.2°F and Glen Allen's min. dew point was 15.7°F at 0:06 hrs.
Today's barometer was the highest for Dec. at 30.57 inches occurring at 2:28 hrs. |
12/12/2016 |
6:58 AM |
0.04 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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12/12/16 at 6:52 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has damp and wet conditions, cool temperatures and a gentle breeze from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen has been a great temperature increase of 17.4°F since yesterday at 6:52am.
There is an increase of 27% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:52am.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.04 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for Dec. is now 1.91 inches.
The average precipitation to Dec. 12 is 1.26 inches giving a departure of + 0.65 inches.
HIGH temperature 45.5°F at 5:28 hours
LOW temperature 41.4°F at 1:01 hours
The current temp. 45.4°F at 6:52 hours
The current range 4.1°F at 6:52 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -2.1°F for Dec. compared to the average.
The high wind gust today was 20 mph at 1:56 hours. |
12/13/2016 |
7:00 AM |
0.44 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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12/13/16 at 6:52 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has , chilly temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is cooler by -5.9°F than yesterday at 6:52am.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.48 inches.
0.04 inches of the 0.48 inches was reported yesterday.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for Dec. is now 2.35 inches.
HIGH temperature 42.6°F at 2:38 hours
LOW temperature 39.2°F at 5:21 hours
The current temp. 39.6°F at 6:52 hours
The current range 3.4°F at 6:52 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -1.6°F for Dec. compared to the average.
The high wind gust yesterday was 26 mph at 7:21 hours. |
12/14/2016 |
7:06 AM |
0.01 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
12/14/16 at 7:02 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has , very chilly temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is cooler by -4.9°F than yesterday at 7:02am.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.01 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for Dec. is now 2.36 inches.
HIGH temperature 41.8°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 34.4°F at 6:56 hours
The current temp. 34.6°F at 7:02 hours
The current range 7.4°F at 7:02 hours |
12/15/2016 |
6:54 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
12/15/16 at 6:47 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, very chilly temperatures and a gentle breeze from the west-northwest.
There is a great decrease of -58% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:47am.
HIGH temperature 41.2°F at 0:07 hours
LOW temperature 35.0°F at 6:43 hours
The current temp. 35.0°F at 6:47 hours
The current range 6.2°F at 6:47 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -1.5°F for Dec. compared to the average.
The dew point is now 11.4°F and Glen Allen's min. dew point was 11.4°F at 6:44 hrs.
Today's 11.4°F was the lowest dew point for Dec. at 6:44 hours.
The high wind gust today was 20 mph at 6:15 hours. |
12/16/2016 |
7:05 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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12/16/16 at 6:57 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has calm and dry conditions, very cold temperatures and light air from the north-northeast.
Glen Allen has been a great temperature decrease of -18.8°F since yesterday at 6:57am.
There is an increase of 22% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:57.
Cold night as the low temperature last night was a cold 13.0°F at 5:13 am and the coldest since February 14, 2016 when it was 8.2°F .
HIGH temperature 16.1°F at 6:56 hours
LOW temperature 13.0°F at 5:13 hours
The current temp. 16.1°F at 6:57 hours
The current range 3.1°F at 6:57 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -2.6°F for Dec. compared to the average.
The dew point is now 2.4°F and Glen Allen's min. dew point was 0.1°F at 2:57 hrs.
Today's max. gust is 4 mph from the ave. direction of 17 deg/s & the current speed is 2 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 31 mph at 7:11 hours. |
12/17/2016 |
7:12 AM |
T |
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12/17/16 at 7:07 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has light glaze from a trace of frozen drizzle that occurred earlier, cold temperatures and a gentle breeze from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen is much warmer by 11.3°F than yesterday at 7:07am.
There is a great increase of 34% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:07am.
Glen Allen has had 4 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Dec. precipitation departure is now + 0.57 inches.
HIGH temperature 29.5°F at 2:13 hours
LOW temperature 27.7°F at 6:08 hours
The current temp. 27.8°F at 7:07 hours
The current range 1.8°F at 7:07 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -3.5°F for Dec. compared to the average.
The current wind chill is 23.3°F. |
12/18/2016 |
7:10 AM |
0.01 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
12/18/16 at 7:02 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
Glen Allen has , pleasant temperatures and a moderate breeze from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen has been a great temperature increase of 28.8°F since yesterday at 7:02am.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.01 inches from yesterday's precipitation.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for Dec. is now 2.37 inches.
HIGH temperature 56.7°F at 6:54 hours
LOW temperature 51.7°F at 1:51 hours
The current temp. 56.7°F at 7:02 hours
The current range 5.0°F at 7:02 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -3.0°F for Dec. compared to the average.
The high wind gust today was 24 mph at 2:56 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 28 mph at 22:15 hours. |
12/19/2016 |
7:09 AM |
0.01 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
12/19/16 at 7:02 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has windy and dry conditions, very chilly temperatures and a moderate breeze from the north-northeast.
Glen Allen has been a great temperature decrease of -23.0°F since yesterday at 7:02am.
There is a great decrease of -39% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:02am.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.01 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for Dec. is now 2.38 inches.
HIGH temperature 38.1°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 33.7°F at 6:58 hours
The current temp. 33.7°F at 7:02 hours
The current range 4.4°F at 7:02 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -2.5°F for Dec. compared to the average.
The dew point is now 19.7°F and Glen Allen's min. dew point was 19.7°F at 7:00 hrs.
The high wind gust today was 23 mph at 0:29 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 33 mph at 9:24 hours.
Today's barometer 30.67 inches occurring at 6:14 hrs is the highest since January 6, 2016 when it was also at 30.67 inches. |
12/20/2016 |
7:05 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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12/20/16 at 6:57 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions , cold temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is much cooler by -10.3°F than yesterday at 6:57am.
There is an increase of 23% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:57am.
HIGH temperature 29.2°F at 1:26 hours
LOW temperature 23.5°F at 6:54 hours
The current temp. 23.5°F at 6:57 hours
The current range 5.7°F at 6:57 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -2.9°F for Dec. compared to the average.
The dew point is now 18.3°F and Glen Allen's min. dew point was 18.3°F at 6:54 hrs.
The high wind gust yesterday was 23 mph at 0:29 hours. |
12/21/2016 |
6:55 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
12/21/16 at 6:47 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions , cold temperatures and calm air.
HIGH temperature 25.8°F at 1:20 hours
LOW temperature 22.7°F at 6:39 hours
The current temp. 22.9°F at 6:47 hours
The current range 3.1°F at 6:47 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -3.1°F for Dec. compared to the average. |
12/22/2016 |
7:09 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
12/22/16 at 7:01 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, chilly temperatures and a gentle breeze from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen has been a great temperature increase of 21.9°F since yesterday at 7:01am.
There is a great decrease of -32% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:01am.
Glen Allen has had 4 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Dec. precipitation departure is now + 0.07 inches.
HIGH temperature 45.4°F at 6:11 hours
LOW temperature 37.6°F at 1:21 hours
The current temp. 44.4°F at 7:01 hours
The current range 7.8°F at 7:01 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -2.9°F for Dec. compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 21 mph from the ave. direction of 202 deg/s & the current speed is 9 mph. |
12/23/2016 |
7:01 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
12/23/16 at 6:57 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy frost and dry conditions with cold temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen has been a great temperature decrease of -20.5°F since yesterday at 6:57am.
There is a great increase of 35% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:57am.
Glen Allen has had 5 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Dec. precipitation departure is now -0.04 inches.
HIGH temperature 36.9°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 24.3°F at 6:26 hours
The current temp. 24.3°F at 6:57 hours
The current range 12.6°F at 6:57 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -2.8°F for Dec. compared to the average.
The high wind gust yesterday was 25 mph at 18:15 hours. |
12/24/2016 |
7:10 AM |
0.07 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
12/24/16 at 7:02 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has light precipitation that is occurring with chilly temperatures and light breeze from the south.
Glen Allen is much warmer by 16.5°F than yesterday at 7:02am.
HIGH temperature 44.1°F at 0:20 hours
LOW temperature 40.8°F at 6:48 hours
The current temp. 40.8°F at 7:02 hours
The current range 3.3°F at 7:02 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -2.9°F for Dec. compared to the average. |
12/25/2016 |
7:07 AM |
0.46 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
2/25/16 at 7:02 Glen Allen has drying conditions with residual moisture from yesterday's rain very chilly temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is cooler by -8.3°F than yesterday at 7:02am.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.53 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for Dec. is now 2.91 inches.
HIGH temperature 39.6°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 32.5°F at 5:25 hours
The current temp. 32.5°F at 7:02 hours
The current range 7.1°F at 7:02 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -2.8°F for Dec. compared to the average. |
12/26/2016 |
7:05 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
12/26/16 at 7:02 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, chilly temperatures and light air from the northeast.
Glen Allen is much warmer by 10.2°F than yesterday at 7:02am.
There is a drop of -14% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:02am.
HIGH temperature 43.8°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 42.6°F at 5:19 hours
The current temp. 42.6°F at 7:02 hours
The current range 1.2°F at 7:02 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -2.6°F for Dec. compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 5 mph from the ave. direction of 54 deg/s & the current speed is 3 mph. |
12/27/2016 |
7:03 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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12/27/16 at 6:57 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions , pleasant temperatures and a moderate breeze from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen is much warmer by 14.5°F than yesterday at 6:57am.
HIGH temperature 57.6°F at 6:09 hours
LOW temperature 50.6°F at 0:12 hours
The current temp. 57.3°F at 6:57 hours
The current range 7.0°F at 6:57 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -2.3°F for Dec. compared to the average.
The high wind gust today was 30 mph at 6:07 hours. |
12/28/2016 |
6:58 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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12/28/16 at 6:52 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has , chilly temperatures and light air from the north-northeast.
Glen Allen has been a great temperature decrease of -19.2°F since yesterday at 6:52AM.
There is a drop of -11% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:52AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for Dec. is now 2.92 inches.
HIGH temperature 47.6°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 38.1°F at 6:50 hours
The current temp. 38.1°F at 6:52 hours
The current range 9.5°F at 6:52 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -1.8°F for Dec. compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 7 mph from the ave. direction of 27 deg/s & the current speed is 3 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 30 mph at 6:07 hours. |
12/29/2016 |
7:00 AM |
0.15 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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12/29/16 at 6:57 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has damp and wet conditions, chilly temperatures and light air from the south.
The max. precipitation rate today so far is 0.08 inches per hour at 6:18 hrs.
There is a rise of 14% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:57am.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.16 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for Dec. is now 3.08 inches.
The average precipitation to Dec. 29 is 3.05 inches giving a departure of + 0.03 inches.
HIGH temperature 40.9°F at 3:51 hours
LOW temperature 38.3°F at 0:18 hours
The current temp. 40.8°F at 6:57 hours
The current range 2.6°F at 6:57 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -1.6°F for Dec. compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 14 mph from the ave. direction of 170 deg/s & the current speed is 4 mph. |
12/30/2016 |
7:00 AM |
0.05 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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2/30/16 at 6:52 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, very chilly temperatures and light air from the southwest.
Glen Allen is cooler by -8.1°F than yesterday at 6:52.
There is a decrease of -25% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:52.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.20 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for Dec. is now 3.12 inches.
HIGH temperature 37.6°F at 2:10 hours
LOW temperature 31.9°F at 5:24 hours
The current temp. 32.4°F at 6:52 hours
The current range 5.7°F at 6:52 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -1.6°F for Dec. compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 13 mph from the ave. direction of 216 deg/s & the current speed is 3 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 24 mph at 14:12 hours. |
12/31/2016 |
6:57 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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12/31/16 at 6:52 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, cold temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is cooler by -8.2°F than yesterday at 6:52am.
There is a rise of 11% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:52.
HIGH temperature 27.8°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 24.1°F at 6:40 hours
The current temp. 24.1°F at 6:52 hours
The current range 3.7°F at 6:52 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -1.9°F for Dec. compared to the average.
The dew point is now 18.9°F and Glen Allen's min. dew point was 18.1°F at 3:23 hrs.
The high wind gust yesterday was 20 mph at 12:00 hours.
1/1/2017 |
7:08 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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1/1/17 at 7:02 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, chilly temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is much warmer by 16.0°F than yesterday at 7:02.
There is a drop of -17% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:02.
HIGH temperature 45.7°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 40.1°F at 7:01 hours
The current temp. 40.1°F at 7:02 hours
The current range 5.6°F at 7:02 hours
The high wind gust yesterday was 32 mph at 12:23 hours. |
1/2/2017 |
7:03 AM |
0.35 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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1/2/17 at 6:57 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has damp and wet conditions, chilly temperatures and light breeze from the northeast.
The max. precipitation rate today so far is 0.12 inches per hour at 6:54 hrs.
There is a great increase of 34% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:57am.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.35 inches.
The average precipitation to Jan. 2 is 0.20 inches giving a departure of + 0.15 inches.
HIGH temperature 47.6°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 43.5°F at 5:11 hours
The current temp. 43.8°F at 6:57 hours
The current range 4.1°F at 6:57 hours
Today's max. gust is 14 mph from the ave. direction of 50 deg/s & the current speed is 5 mph. |
1/3/2017 |
7:04 AM |
0.86 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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1/3/17 at 6:57 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has damp and wet conditions with chilly temperatures and light air from the northeast.
The max. precipitation rate today so far is 0.31 inches per hour at 6:14 hrs.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.61 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.60 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for Jan. is now 1.21 inches.
The average precipitation to Jan. 3 is 0.29 inches giving a departure of + 0.92 inches.
HIGH temperature 43.6°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 43.1°F at 5:45 hours
The current temp. 43.2°F at 6:57 hours
The current range 0.5°F at 6:57 hours |
1/4/2017 |
6:55 AM |
0.29 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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1/4/17 at 6:47 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has cool temperatures and light air from the southwest.
Glen Allen is warmer by 6.7°F than yesterday at 6:47am.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.89 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for Jan. is now 1.50 inches.
HIGH temperature 50.2°F at 4:05 hours
LOW temperature 48.8°F at 0:00 hours
The current temp. 49.9°F at 6:47 hours
The current range 1.4°F at 6:47 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +10.2°F for Jan. compared to the average.
Today's max. wind gust is 13 mph from the average direction of 228 deg/s & the current speed is 2 mph. |
1/5/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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1/5/17 at 6:52 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, very chilly temperatures and light air from the west-southwest.
Glen Allen has been a great temperature decrease of -18.5°F since yesterday at 6:52am.
There is a great decrease of -47% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:52am.
HIGH temperature 33.0°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 28.0°F at 4:13 hours
The current temp. 31.5°F at 6:52 hours
The current range 5.0°F at 6:52 hours
Today's 10.1°F was the lowest dew point for Jan. at midnight.
Today's max. gust is 9 mph from the ave. direction of 237 deg/s & the current speed is 2 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 20 mph at 15:00 hours.
The daily mean temperature departure is +9.5°F for Jan. compared to the average. |
1/6/2017 |
7:15 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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1/6/17 at 7:12 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, very chilly temperatures and a gentle breeze from the northeast.
There is a rise of 18% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:12 am.
HIGH temperature 36.3°F at 3:20 hours
LOW temperature 33.0°F at 6:58 hours
The current temp. 33.0°F at 7:12 hours
The current range 3.3°F at 7:12 hours
The high wind gust today was 20 mph at 6:28 hours. |
1/7/2017 |
7:08 AM |
0.37 |
3.8 |
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4.0 |
M |
Glen Allen has moderate snow occurring, cold temperatures and a gentle breeze from the northeast.
Glen Allen is much cooler by -12.6°F than yesterday at 7:02am.
There is a rise of 18% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:02am.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.37 inches.
HIGH temperature 29.3°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 20.4°F at 6:54 hours
The current temp. 20.5°F at 7:02 hours
The current range 8.9°F at 7:02 hours
Today's lowest wind chill was 5.6°F and the lowest for Jan. at 6:11 hours.
The high wind gust today was 22 mph at 3:34 hours. |
1/8/2017 |
7:25 AM |
0.17 |
2.7 |
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6.0 |
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1/8/17 at 7:16 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen low temp. was 2.5°F the lowest temperature since Feb. 20, 2015 when the minimum was -1.2°F and the 2nd lowest temperature for the Glen Allen station.
Frigid Arctic Cold temperatures and light air from the north-northwest.
Glen Allen is much cooler by -15.7°F than yesterday at 7:16am.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.54 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for Jan. is now 2.04 inches.
VERY cold night as the low temperature last night was a frigid 2.5°F at 4:27AM.
HIGH temperature 7.5°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 2.5°F at 4:27 hours
The current temp. 4.8°F at 7:16 hours
The current range 5.0°F at 7:16 hours
Today's 2.5°F was the lowest min. temperature for Jan. occurring at 4:27 hours.
The dew point is now 1.1°F and Glen Allen's min. dew point was -1.5°F at 6:44 hrs.
Today's -1.5°F was the lowest dew point for Jan. at 6:44 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 22 mph at 3:34 hours.
Today's barometer was the highest for Jan. at 30.52 inches occurring at 7:10 hrs. |
1/9/2017 |
7:12 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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5.0 |
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1/9/17 at 7:06 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, Frigid Arctic Cold temperatures and calm air.
VERY cold night as the low temperature last night was a frigid 2.7°F at 7:05AM.
HIGH temperature 8.2°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 2.7°F at 7:04 hours
The current temp. 2.7°F at 7:06 hours
The current range 5.5°F at 7:06 hours
The dew point is now -1.3°F and Glen Allen's min. dew point was -1.5°F at 3:07 hrs.
Today's -1.5°F was the lowest dew point for Jan. at 3:07 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 19 mph at 14:30 hours.
Today's barometer was the highest for Jan. at 30.78 inches occurring at 7:06 hrs.
The highest barometer pressure since Nov. 26, 2015 when it was 30.81 inches. |
1/10/2017 |
7:02 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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4.0 |
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1/10/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, very cold temperatures and light air from the south-southeast.
Glen Allen is much warmer by 16.4°F than yesterday at 6:56 am.
There is a drop of -17% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:56 am.
Cold night as the low temperature last night was a cold 17.1°F at 5:05 am.
HIGH temperature 20.1°F at 6:16 hours
LOW temperature 17.1°F at 5:05 hours
The current temp. 19.9°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 3.0°F at 6:56 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -3.4°F for Jan. compared to the average.
The dew point is now 10.7°F and Glen Allen's min. dew point was 7.8°F at 0:53 hrs. |
1/11/2017 |
7:05 AM |
0.02 |
0.0 |
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1.0 |
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1/11/17 at 7:01 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has residual moisture from precipitation today, chilly temperatures and light air from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen has been a great temperature increase of 17.6°F since yesterday at 7:01 am.
There is an increase of 26% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:01 am.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.02 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for Jan. is now 2.05 inches.
The average precipitation to Jan. 11 is 1.08 inches giving a departure of + 0.97 inches.
It has been 5.6 hr/s since last 0.01 inches of precipitation at 1:24 hrs.
HIGH temperature 41.5°F at 0:28 hours
LOW temperature 37.2°F at 6:50 hours
The current temp. 37.5°F at 7:01 hours
The current range 4.3°F at 7:01 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -3.1°F for Jan. compared to the average.
The high wind gust today was 23 mph at 0:16 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 20 mph at 23:07 hours.
Today's 23 mph wind gust was the highest for Jan. occurring at 0:16 hours. |
1/12/2017 |
6:56 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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1/12/17 at 6:51 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has a light morning dew, pleasant temperatures and a moderate breeze from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen has been a great temperature increase of 19.0°F since yesterday at 6:51 am.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.02 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for Jan. is now 2.05 inches.
HIGH temperature 56.3°F at 6:47 hours
LOW temperature 50.1°F at 0:02 hours
The current temp. 56.3°F at 6:51 hours
The current range 6.2°F at 6:51 hours
The high wind gust today was 19 mph at 5:26 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 23 mph at 0:16 hours. |
1/13/2017 |
7:01 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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1/13/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
Glen Allen has a moderate morning dew, cool temperatures and light air from the north-northwest.
HIGH temperature 63.1°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 53.6°F at 6:56 hours
The current temp. 53.6°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 9.5°F at 6:56 hours
Today's max. gust is 20 mph from the ave. direction of 344 deg/s & the current speed is 2 mph.
The high wind gust today was 20 mph at 0:49 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 33 mph at 14:21 hours.
1/14/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.09 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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1/14/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has light precipitation occurring, chilly temperatures and light air from the northeast.
Glen Allen has been a great temperature decrease of -16.5°F since yesterday at 6:56 am.
The max. precipitation rate today so far is 0.04 inches per hour at 4:13 hrs.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.09 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for Jan. is now 2.14 inches.
The average precipitation to Jan. 14 is 1.37 inches giving a departure of + 0.77 inches.
HIGH temperature 44.2°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 37.2°F at 6:52 hours
The current temp. 37.2°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 7.0°F at 6:56 hours
The high wind gust yesterday was 20 mph at 0:49 hours. |
1/15/2017 |
12:01 AM |
0.07 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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1/15/17 at 7:01 Glen Allen has, chilly temperatures and light air from the east-northeast.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.16 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for Jan. is now 2.21 inches.
HIGH temperature 42.5°F at 1:08 hours
LOW temperature 38.5°F at 5:15 hours
The current temp. 38.9°F at 7:01 hours
The current range 4.0°F at 7:01 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +1.1°F for Jan. compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 9 mph from the ave. direction of 59 deg/s & the current speed is 4 m |
1/16/2017 |
7:15 AM |
0.14 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
1/16/17 at 7:11 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has residual moisture that is still on the lawn from precipitation today, chilly temperatures and calm air.
The max. precipitation rate today so far is 0.05 inches per hour at 3:31 hrs.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.14 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for Jan. is now 2.35 inches.
The average precipitation to Jan. 16 is 1.57 inches giving a departure of + 0.78 inches.
It has been 1.9 hr/s since last 0.01 inches of precipitation at 5:21 hrs.
HIGH temperature 42.9°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 38.5°F at 6:17 hours
The current temp. 38.6°F at 7:11 hours
The current range 4.4°F at 7:11 hours
The daily mean temperature departure i1.5°F for Jan. compared to the average. |
1/17/2017 |
7:05 AM |
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0.0 |
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0.0 |
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1/17/17 at 7:06 Glen Allen has a light morning dew, chilly temperatures and light breeze from the south.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.14 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for Jan. is now 2.35 inches.
HIGH temperature 43.9°F at 5:37 hours
LOW temperature 40.4°F at 0:00 hours
The current temp. 43.4°F at 7:06 hours
The current range 3.5°F at 7:06 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +2.3°F for Jan. compared to the average.
Today's maximum gust is 7 mph from the average direction of 174 deg/s & the current speed is 5 mph. |
1/18/2017 |
7:08 AM |
0.07 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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1/18/17 at 7:05 Glen Allen has residual moisture that is still on the lawn from precipitation today, cool temperatures and light air from the southwest.
Glen Allen is warmer by 9.7°F than yesterday at 7:05am.
The max. precipitation rate today so far is 0.03 inches per hour at 1:19 hrs.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.02 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.05 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for Jan. is now 2.42 inches.
The average precipitation to Jan. 18 is 1.77 inches giving a departure of + 0.65 inches.
It has been 5.8 hr/s since last 0.01 inches of precipitation at 1:19 hrs.
HIGH temperature 57.1°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 53.0°F at 7:04 hours
The current temp. 53.0°F at 7:05 hours
The current range 4.1°F at 7:05 hours
Today's 56.1°F was the highest dew point for Jan. at 3:38 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 23 mph at 13:34 hours. |
1/19/2017 |
7:05 AM |
0.01 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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1/19/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has , chilly temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen has been a great temperature decrease of -17.4°F since yesterday at 6:56am.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.06 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for Jan. is now 2.43 inches.
HIGH temperature 40.9°F at 0:54 hours
LOW temperature 36.1°F at 6:53 hours
The current temp. 36.1°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 4.8°F at 6:56 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +3.5°F for Jan. compared to the average.
The high wind gust yesterday was 21 mph at 13:27 hours. |
1/20/2017 |
7:04 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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1/20/17 at 7:00 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, chilly temperatures and light air from the east-southeast.
Glen Allen is warmer by 7.9°F than yesterday at 7:00am.
HIGH temperature 43.9°F at 6:22 hours
LOW temperature 42.6°F at 1:14 hours
The current temp. 43.8°F at 7:00 hours
The current range 1.3°F at 7:00 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +3.5°F for Jan. compared to the average. |
1/21/2017 |
7:05 AM |
0.08 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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1/21/17 at 7:01 Glen Allen has, cool temperatures and light air from the south.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.08 inches and the total precipitation for Jan. is now 2.51 inches.
HIGH temperature 49.2°F at 0:34 hours
LOW temperature 47.7°F at 6:32 hours
The current temp. 47.7°F at 7:01 hours
The current range 1.5°F at 7:01 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +3.9°F for Jan. compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 7 mph from the ave. direction of 179 deg/s & the current speed is 2 mph. |
1/22/2017 |
7:03 AM |
0.54 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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1/22/17 at 7:01 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has residual moisture that is still on the lawn from precipitation today, cool temperatures and light breeze from the northeast.
The max. precipitation rate today so far is 0.14 inches per hour at 0:01 hrs.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.38 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.16 inches and the precipitation for Jan. is now 3.05 inches.
The average precipitation to Jan. 22 is 2.16 inches giving a departure of + 0.89 inches.
It has been 0.2 hr/s since last 0.01 inches of precipitation at 6:48 hrs.
HIGH temperature 50.1°F at 0:42 hours
LOW temperature 48.8°F at 5:46 hours
The current temp. 48.8°F at 7:01 hours
The current range 1.3°F at 7:01 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +3.9°F for Jan. compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 12 mph from the ave. direction of 44 deg/s & the current speed is 7 mph. |
1/23/2017 |
7:08 AM |
0.12 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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1/23/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has light precipitation occurring, cool temperatures and light breeze from the east.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.20 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.08 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for Jan. is now 3.17 inches.
The average precipitation to Jan. 23 is 2.26 inches giving a departure of + 0.91 inches.
It has been 1.2 hr/s since last 0.01 inches of precipitation at 5:44 hrs.
HIGH temperature 50.8°F at 2:43 hours
LOW temperature 49.4°F at 0:00 hours
The current temp. 50.6°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 1.4°F at 6:56 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +4.1°F for Jan. compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 30 mph from the ave. direction of 99 deg/s & the current speed is 8 mph.
Today's barometer is now 29.32 inches the lowest since February 24, 2016 when the barometer was also 29.32 inches. |
1/24/2017 |
7:06 AM |
1.26 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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1/24/17 at 7:06 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has surfaces that are now drying from precipitation that occurred earlier, chilly temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is much cooler by -14.7°F than yesterday at 7:06 am.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 1.35 inches and the total precipitation for Jan. is now 4.44 inches.
HIGH temperature 38.9°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 35.9°F at 7:03 hours
The current temp. 35.9°F at 7:06 hours
The current range 3.0°F at 7:06 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +5.2°F for Jan. compared to the average.
The high wind gust today was 20 mph at 1:15 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 30 mph at 6:52 hours. |
1/25/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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1/25/17 at 6:41 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, chilly temperatures and light air from the south-southwest.
HIGH temperature 43.2°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 37.8°F at 6:10 hours
The current temp. 37.8°F at 6:41 hours
The current range 5.4°F at 6:41 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +5.4°F for Jan. compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 9 mph from the ave. direction of 200 deg/s & the current speed is 3 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 20 mph at 1:15 hours. |
1/26/2017 |
7:05 AM |
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0.0 |
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0.0 |
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1/26/17 at 7:06 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has scarcely a discernible trace of precipitation today at 4:06 and was too little to measure has ended, pleasant temperatures and a moderate breeze from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen has been a great temperature increase of 21.1°F since yesterday at 7:06 am.
There is a great decrease of -31% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:06 am.
HIGH temperature 59.3°F at 5:28 hours
LOW temperature 57.0°F at 0:56 hours
The current temp. 58.4°F at 7:06 hours
The current range 2.3°F at 7:06 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +6.0°F for Jan. compared to the average.
The high wind gust today was 21 mph at 5:12 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 24 mph at 23:10 hours. |
1/27/2017 |
7:09 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
1/27/17 at 7:06 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, very chilly temperatures and light air from the southwest.
Glen Allen has been a great temperature decrease of -25.7°F since yesterday at 7:06 am.
There is a rise of 16% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:06 am.
Glen Allen has had 4 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Jan. precipitation departure is now + 1.79 inches.
HIGH temperature 38.8°F at 0:16 hours
LOW temperature 32.2°F at 6:31 hours
The current temp. 32.7°F at 7:06 hours
The current range 6.6°F at 7:06 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +6.2°F for Jan. compared to the average.
The high wind gust yesterday was 30 mph at 14:13 hours. |
1/28/2017 |
6:59 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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1/28/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, cold temperatures and a gentle breeze from the south-southwest.
There is a drop of -12% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:56 am.
Glen Allen has had 5 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Jan. precipitation departure is now + 1.69 inches.
HIGH temperature 30.7°F at 0:23 hours
LOW temperature 27.4°F at 3:52 hours
The current temp. 29.2°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 3.3°F at 6:56 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +5.8°F for Jan. compared to the average.
The current wind chill is 23.8°F.
The dew point is now 18.6°F and Glen Allen's min. dew point was 16.5°F at 3:35 hrs.
The high wind gust yesterday was 23 mph at 15:54 hours. |
1/29/2017 |
7:15 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
1/29/17 at 7:11 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has very dry conditions, cold temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen has had 6 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Jan. precipitation departure is now + 1.60 inches.
HIGH temperature 36.5°F at 1:15 hours
LOW temperature 29.7°F at 7:10 hours
The current temp. 29.7°F at 7:11 hours
The current range 6.8°F at 7:11 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +5.9°F for Jan. compared to the average.
The high wind gust yesterday was 21 mph at 11:42 hours. |
1/30/2017 |
7:08 AM |
0.19 |
0.1 |
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1/30/17 at 7:01 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has freezing conditions now and there was precipitation earlier today, very chilly temperatures and calm air.
There is an increase of 20% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:01am.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.14 inches.
A heavy period of snow from 12:40 to 12:55 PM gave 0.1 inches before melting.
There is still a trace of snow on the grass and colder surfaces.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.05 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for Jan. is now 4.63 inches.
The average precipitation to Jan. 30 is 2.94 inches giving a departure of + 1.69 inches.
It has been 0.2 hr/s since last 0.01 inches of precipitation at 6:53 hrs.
HIGH temperature 35.0°F at 1:31 hours
LOW temperature 31.2°F at 6:59 hours
The current temp. 31.2°F at 7:01 hours
The current range 3.8°F at 7:01 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +5.8°F for Jan. compared to the average.
The high wind gust today was 20 mph at 4:00 hours.
1/31/2017 |
7:02 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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1/31/17 at 7:01 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, very chilly temperatures and a gentle breeze from the south-southeast.
There is a decrease of -28% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:01 am.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.05 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for Jan. is now 4.63 inches.
HIGH temperature 30.9°F at 5:09 hours
LOW temperature 24.0°F at 3:23 hours
The current temp. 30.6°F at 7:01 hours
The current range 6.9°F at 7:01 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +5.4°F for Jan. compared to the average.
The dew point is now 19.1°F and Glen Allen's min. dew point was 16.5°F at 1:52 hrs.
The high wind gust yesterday was 20 mph at 4:00 hours. |
2/1/2017 |
7:04 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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2/1/17 at 7:01 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has calm and dry conditions, chilly temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is warmer by 8.2°F than yesterday at 7:01 am.
HIGH temperature 45.1°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 36.6°F at 5:34 hours
The current temp. 38.8°F at 7:01 hours
The current range 8.5°F at 7:01 hours
The high wind gust yesterday was 25 mph at 10:34 hours. |
2/2/2017 |
7:00 AM |
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0.0 |
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0.0 |
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2/2/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has surfaces that are now drying from sprinkles that occurred last night, chilly temperatures and calm air.
There is an increase of 22% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:56 am.
HIGH temperature 45.7°F at 1:45 hours
LOW temperature 36.3°F at 6:43 hours
The current temp. 36.3°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 9.4°F at 6:56 hours
2/3/2017 |
7:10 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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2/3/17 at 7:06 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, cold temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is cooler by -6.9°F than yesterday and there is a drop of -18% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:06 am.
Glen Allen has had 4 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Feb. precipitation departure is now -0.30 inches.
HIGH temperature 35.9°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 28.1°F at 4:25 hours
The current temp. 29.2°F at 7:06 hours
The current range 7.8°F at 7:06 hours |
2/4/2017 |
7:08 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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2/4/17 at 7:06 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has very dry conditions, very cold temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is much cooler by -10.5°F than yesterday at 7:06 am.
Glen Allen has had 5 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Feb. precipitation departure is now -0.39 inches.
Cold night as the low temperature last night was a cold 18.8°F at 7:04 .
HIGH temperature 29.0°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 18.8°F at 7:04 hours
The current temp. 18.8°F at 7:06 hours
The current range 10.2°F at 7:06 hours
The dew point is now 11.0°F and Glen Allen's min. dew point was 10.2°F at 4:13 hrs. |
2/5/2017 |
6:56 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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2/5/17 at 6:51 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, very chilly temperatures and a gentle breeze from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen is much warmer by 14.6°F than yesterday at 6:51am.
There is a decrease of -25% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:51am.
Glen Allen has had 6 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Feb. precipitation departure is now -0.49 inches.
HIGH temperature 34.0°F at 6:32 hours
LOW temperature 30.4°F at 3:48 hours
The current temp. 34.0°F at 6:51 hours
The current range 3.6°F at 6:51 hours
The dew point is now 14.9°F and Glen Allen's min. dew point was 11.9°F at 0:01 hrs.
The high wind gust today was 19 mph at 5:40 hours. |
2/6/2017 |
6:58 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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2/6/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has a light morning dew, very chilly temperatures and calm air.
There is a great increase of 41% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:56am.
Glen Allen has had 7 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Feb. precipitation departure is now -0.59 inches.
HIGH temperature 37.1°F at 3:38 hours
LOW temperature 33.2°F at 1:52 hours
The current temp. 34.3°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 3.9°F at 6:56 hours
The high wind gust yesterday was 22 mph at 11:43 hours. |
2/7/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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2/7/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, pleasant temperatures and a gentle breeze from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen has been a great temperature increase of 21.1°F since yesterday at 6:56am.
There is a decrease of -22% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:56am.
Glen Allen has had 8 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Feb. precipitation departure is now -0.69 inches.
HIGH temperature 56.3°F at 0:37 hours
LOW temperature 55.1°F at 0:00 hours
The current temp. 55.4°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 1.2°F at 6:56 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +2.4°F for Feb. compared to the average.
Today's 43.5°F was the highest dew point for Feb. at 6:48 hours.
Today's max. gust is 24 mph from the ave. direction of 202 deg/s & the current speed is 10 mph. |
2/8/2017 |
6:56 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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2/8/17 at 6:51 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has a light morning dew, pleasant temperatures and light air from the south.
There is a rise of 18% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:51am.
Glen Allen has had 9 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Feb. precipitation departure is now -0.79 inches.
HIGH temperature 64.1°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 58.2°F at 6:47 hours
The current temp. 58.2°F at 6:51 hours
The current range 5.9°F at 6:51 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +5.7°F for Feb. compared to the average.
The high wind gust today was 23 mph at 2:31 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 36 mph at 14:25 hours.
Today's barometer was the lowest for Feb. at 29.63 inches occurring at 6:29 hrs. |
2/9/2017 |
7:06 AM |
0.09 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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2/9/17 at 7:06 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has residual moisture that is still on the lawn from precipitation this morning, chilly temperatures and a moderate breeze from the north-northeast.
Glen Allen has been a great temperature decrease of -17.4°F since yesterday at 7:06am.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.09 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for Feb. is now 0.09 inches.
The average precipitation to Feb. 9 is 0.89 inches giving a departure of -0.80 inches.
It has been 1.0 hr/s since last 0.01 inches of precipitation at 6:07 hrs.
HIGH temperature 59.1°F at 0:21 hours
LOW temperature 40.6°F at 7:02 hours
The current temp. 40.6°F at 7:06 hours
The current range 18.5°F at 7:06 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +7.8°F for Feb. compared to the average.
The high wind gust today was 33 mph at 5:37 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 23 mph at 2:31 hours.
Today's barometer was the lowest for Feb. at 29.41 inches occurring at 5:05 hrs. |
2/10/2017 |
6:57 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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2/10/17 at 6:51 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, cold temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen has been a great temperature decrease of -20.4°F since yesterday at 6:51am.
There is a drop of -13% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:51am.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.09 inches.
The dew point is now 12.6°F and Glen Allen's min. dew point was 5.6°F at 0:18 hrs.
The high wind gust yesterday was 33 mph at 5:37 hours.
Cold night as the low temperature last night was a cold 19.1°F at 4:47 .
HIGH temperature 26.5°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 19.1°F at 4:47 hours
The current temp. 20.5°F at 6:51 hours
The current range 7.4°F at 6:51 hours |
2/11/2017 |
7:03 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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2/11/17 at 7:01 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, cool temperatures and a gentle breeze from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen has been a great temperature increase of 26.6°F since yesterday at 7:01am.
Glen Allen has a decrease of -26% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:01am.
HIGH temperature 47.4°F at 6:51 hours
LOW temperature 42.1°F at 0:00 hours
The current temp. 47.4°F at 7:01 hours
The current range 5.3°F at 7:01 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +5.6°F for Feb. compared to the average.
The high wind gust today was 20 mph at 3:26 hours. |
2/12/2017 |
7:05 AM |
0.00 |
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2/12/17 at 7:01 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, pleasant temperatures and light air from the south.
Glen Allen is warmer by 8.3°F than yesterday at 7:01am.
Glen Allen has a great increase of 33% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:01am.
HIGH temperature 55.8°F at 6:58 hours
LOW temperature 47.6°F at 0:38 hours
The current temp. 55.8°F at 7:01 hours
The current range 8.2°F at 7:01 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +6.4°F for Feb. compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 6 mph from the ave. direction of 173 deg/s & the current speed is 3 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 22 mph at 11:38 hours. |
2/13/2017 |
7:15 AM |
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2/13/17 at 7:06 The maximum temperature on the 12th was 83.3°F, a new 8-year daily HIGH maximum temperature record for the date - the old record was 66°F in 2009.
This was the highest temperature ever recorded at Glen Allen in February; the previous record was 81°F on February 24, 2012.
This was the highest February temperature recorded at the Richmond International Airport since February 15, 1989 when it was also 82°F.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, chilly temperatures and a gentle breeze from the northwest.
Glen Allen has been a great temperature decrease of -16.2°F since yesterday at 7:06am.
Glen Allen has a great decrease of -42% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:06am.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.05 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for Feb. is now 0.14 inches.
HIGH temperature 53.7°F at 0:39 hours
LOW temperature 39.8°F at 7:02 hours
The current temp. 39.8°F at 7:06 hours
The current range 13.9°F at 7:06 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +7.6°F for Feb. compared to the average.
Today's 19% was the lowest relative humidity for the year.
The dew point is now 14.4°F and Glen Allen's min. dew point was 7.4°F at 2:38 hrs.
Today's max. gust is 30 mph from the ave. direction of 314 deg/s & the current speed is 10 mph.
The high wind gust today was 30 mph at 2:50 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 29 mph at 12:42 hours.
2/14/2017 |
7:00 AM |
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2/14/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, cold temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is much cooler by -10.3°F than yesterday at 6:56am.
Glen Allen has a great increase of 48% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:56am.
HIGH temperature 31.9°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 26.5°F at 4:00 hours
The current temp. 29.6°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 5.4°F at 6:56 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +7.1°F for Feb. compared to the average.
The high wind gust yesterday was 30 mph at 2:50 hours. |
2/15/2017 |
7:02 AM |
0.08 |
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2/15/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has light precipitation occurring, chilly temperatures and light air from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen is much warmer by 11.8°F than yesterday at 6:56am.
The max. precipitation rate today so far is 0.03 inches per hour at 6:48 hrs.
Glen Allen has a rise of 12% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:56am.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.08 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for Feb. is now 0.22 inches.
The average precipitation to Feb. 15 is 1.48 inches giving a departure of -1.26 inches.
It has been 0.2 hr/s since last 0.01 inches of precipitation at 6:48 hrs.
HIGH temperature 43.1°F at 2:13 hours
LOW temperature 41.4°F at 5:18 hours
The current temp. 41.4°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 1.7°F at 6:56 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +6.9°F for Feb. compared to the average.
The high wind gust yesterday was 20 mph at 11:10 hours. |
2/16/2017 |
6:58 AM |
0.21 |
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2/16/17 at 6:51 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, cold temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is much cooler by -14.3°F than yesterday at 6:51am.
Glen Allen has a decrease of -29% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:51am.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.29 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for Feb. is now 0.43 inches.
HIGH temperature 32.1°F at 4:49 hours
LOW temperature 27.2°F at 6:32 hours
The current temp. 27.2°F at 6:51 hours
The current range 4.9°F at 6:51 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +6.4°F for Feb. compared to the average.
The dew point is now 17.0°F and Glen Allen's min. dew point was 16.2°F at 5:20 hrs.
The high wind gust yesterday was 27 mph at 16:22 hours. |
2/17/2017 |
7:05 AM |
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2/17/17 at 7:01 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has calm and dry conditions, very chilly temperatures and calm air.
Yesterday from 1105AM to 11:10AM while the sun was out and the temp. was 40.4°F Glen Allen had a VERY light snow flurry.
HIGH temperature 31.0°F at 6:56 hours
LOW temperature 23.8°F at 2:31 hours
The current temp. 31.0°F at 7:01 hours
The current range 7.2°F at 7:01 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +5.7°F for Feb. compared to the average.
The high wind gust yesterday was 23 mph at 14:39 hours. |
2/18/2017 |
6:59 AM |
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2/18/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has a light dew and chilly temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen has an increase of 23% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:56am.
HIGH temperature 40.5°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 32.5°F at 6:42 hours
The current temp. 32.7°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 8.0°F at 6:56 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +5.7°F for Feb. compared to the average. |
2/19/2017 |
7:30 AM |
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2/19/17 at 7:26 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has a trace of precipitation this morning at midnight and was too little to measure has ended, cool temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is much warmer by 13.3°F than yesterday at 7:26am.
Glen Allen has had 4 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Feb. precipitation departure is now -1.44 inches.
HIGH temperature 60.6°F at 0:29 hours
LOW temperature 46.3°F at 7:11 hours
The current temp. 46.3°F at 7:26 hours
The current range 14.3°F at 7:26 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +6.6°F for Feb. compared to the average.
The high wind gust yesterday was 24 mph at 14:31 hours. |
2/20/2017 |
7:02 AM |
0.00 |
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2/20/17 at 7:01 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has a moderate morning dew, chilly temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is cooler by -8.1°F than yesterday at 7:01am.
Glen Allen has a rise of 13% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:01am.
Glen Allen has had 5 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Feb. precipitation departure is now -1.54 inches.
HIGH temperature 49.5°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 38.3°F at 6:56 hours
The current temp. 38.3°F at 7:01 hours
The current range 11.2°F at 7:01 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +7.2°F for Feb. compared to the average.
2/21/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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2/21/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has a light morning dew, chilly temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen has had 6 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Feb. precipitation departure is now -1.64 inches.
HIGH temperature 47.1°F at 0:15 hours
LOW temperature 38.6°F at 6:50 hours
The current temp. 38.8°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 8.5°F at 6:56 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +7.5°F for Feb. compared to the average.
2/22/2017 |
7:06 AM |
0.00 |
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2/22/17 at 7:06 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has a light morning dew, cool temperatures and light air from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen is warmer by 7.6°F than yesterday at 7:06am.
Glen Allen has had 7 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Feb. precipitation departure is now -1.74 inches.
HIGH temperature 47.1°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 44.9°F at 1:21 hours
The current temp. 46.4°F at 7:06 hours
The current range 2.2°F at 7:06 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +7.7°F for Feb. compared to the average. |
2/23/2017 |
7:06 AM |
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2/23/17 at 7:06 Glen Allen has surfaces that are now drying from precipitation that occurred earlier , cool temperatures and light air from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen is warmer by 7.8°F than yesterday at 7:06am.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.01 inches and the total precipitation for Feb. is now 0.44 inches.
HIGH temperature 55.8°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 52.1°F at 3:57 hours
The current temp. 54.3°F at 7:06 hours
The current range 3.7°F at 7:06 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +7.8°F for Feb. compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 6 mph from the ave. direction of 192 deg/s & the current speed is 4 mph. |
2/24/2017 |
7:02 AM |
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2/24/17 at 7:01 Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, cool temperatures and calm air.
HIGH temperature 60.5°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 52.4°F at 6:59 hours
The current temp. 52.4°F at 7:01 hours
The current range 8.1°F at 7:01 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +8.8°F for Feb. compared to the average.
The high wind gust yesterday was 23 mph at 12:12 hours. |
2/25/2017 |
6:58 AM |
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2/25/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, pleasant temperatures and light breeze from the south-southeast.
Glen Allen is warmer by 6.9°F than yesterday at 6:56am.
HIGH temperature 64.6°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 59.1°F at 5:18 hours
The current temp. 59.6°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 5.5°F at 6:56 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +9.5°F for Feb. compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 11 mph from the ave. direction of 157 deg/s & the current speed is 5 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 21 mph at 13:46 hours. |
2/26/2017 |
7:05 AM |
0.01 |
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2/26/17 at 7:01 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has very chilly temperatures and light air from the northwest.
Glen Allen has been a great temperature decrease of -28.3°F since yesterday at 7:01am.
Glen Allen has a decrease of -21% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:01am.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.01 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for Feb. is now 0.45 inches.
HIGH temperature 47.0°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 31.3°F at 6:58 hours
The current temp. 31.3°F at 7:01 hours
The current range 15.7°F at 7:01 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +9.9°F for Feb. compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 15 mph from the ave. direction of 318 deg/s & the current speed is 2 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 32 mph at 10:59 hours. |
2/27/2017 |
7:00 AM |
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2/27/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
Glen Allen has frost formation that is increasing, very chilly temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen has a rise of 12% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:56am.
HIGH temperature 35.0°F at 0:06 hours
LOW temperature 28.9°F at 5:32 hours
The current temp. 31.9°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 6.1°F at 6:56 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +9.5°F for Feb. compared to the average. |
2/28/2017 |
7:00 AM |
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2/28/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has a light dew, cool temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is much warmer by 15.0°F than yesterday at 6:56am.
HIGH temperature 51.4°F at 3:21 hours
LOW temperature 46.7°F at 6:55 hours
The current temp. 46.7°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 4.7°F at 6:56 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +9.7°F for Feb. compared to the average. |
3/1/2017 |
7:16 AM |
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3/1/17 at 7:16 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has pleasant temperatures and a gentle breeze from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen is much warmer by 16.5°F than yesterday at 7:16am.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.09 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for March is now 0.00 inches.
HIGH temperature 62.8°F at 7:12 hours
LOW temperature 57.7°F at 1:21 hours
The current temp. 62.8°F at 7:16 hours
The current range 5.1°F at 7:16 hours
The high wind gust today was 20 mph at 6:37 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 19 mph at 13:51 hours. |
3/2/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.06 |
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3/2/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, chilly temperatures and light air from the southwest.
Glen Allen has been a great temperature decrease of -18.0°F since yesterday at 6:56am.
Glen Allen has a great decrease of -44% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:56am.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.15 inches.
HIGH temperature 61.4°F at 0:44 hours
LOW temperature 44.5°F at 6:55 hours
The current temp. 44.5°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 16.9°F at 6:56 hours
The high wind gust today was 28 mph at 4:48 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 46 mph at 11:46 hours.
3/3/2017 |
7:00 AM |
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3/3/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has and average frost and cold temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is much cooler by -15.9°F than yesterday at 6:56am.
Glen Allen has an increase of 29% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:56am.
HIGH temperature 35.8°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 28.6°F at 6:42 hours
The current temp. 28.7°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 7.2°F at 6:56 hours
The high wind gust yesterday was 28 mph at 4:48 hours. |
3/4/2017 |
7:12 AM |
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3/4/17 at 7:01 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky. A few snow flurries yesterday that melt on contact with surfaces.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, cold temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is cooler by -6.4°F than yesterday at 7:01am.
HIGH temperature 28.4°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 22.1°F at 6:37 hours
The current temp. 22.3°F at 7:01 hours
The current range 6.3°F at 7:01 hours
The dew point is now 15.9°F and Glen Allen's min. dew point was 12.1°F at 0:40 hrs.
The high wind gust yesterday was 26 mph at 13:53 hours.
3/5/2017 |
7:01 AM |
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3/5/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, cold temperatures and light air from the east-northeast.
Glen Allen has a decrease of -21% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:56am.
Glen Allen has had 4 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The March precipitation departure is now -0.50 inches.
HIGH temperature 31.8°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 24.6°F at 5:59 hours
The current temp. 24.9°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 7.2°F at 6:56 hours
Today's max. gust is 7 mph from the ave. direction of 62 deg/s & the current speed is 3 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 20 mph at 14:16 hours.
Today's barometer was the highest for March at 30.69 inches occurring at 6:54 hrs. |
3/6/2017 |
6:56 AM |
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3/6/17 at 6:50 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, very chilly temperatures and light air from the southeast.
Glen Allen is warmer by 5.7°F than yesterday at 6:50AM.
Glen Allen has a rise of 14% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:50AM.
Glen Allen has had 5 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The March precipitation departure is now -0.63 inches.
HIGH temperature 34.4°F at 0:06 hours
LOW temperature 30.6°F at 4:33 hours
The current temp. 30.7°F at 6:50 hours
The current range 3.8°F at 6:50 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -4.0°F for March compared to the average. |
3/7/2017 |
6:58 AM |
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3/7/17 at 6:50 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions with no dew and cool temperatures with a gentle breeze from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen has been a great temperature increase of 23.5°F since yesterday at 6:50AM.
Glen Allen has had 6 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The March precipitation departure is now -0.76 inches.
HIGH temperature 57.1°F at 0:05 hours
LOW temperature 54.2°F at 4:24 hours
The current temp. 54.2°F at 6:50 hours
The current range 2.9°F at 6:50 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -2.4°F for March compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 18 mph from the ave. direction of 202 deg/s & the current speed is 10 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 19 mph at 10:09 hours. |
3/8/2017 |
6:59 AM |
0.04 |
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3/8/17 at 6:55 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has light precipitation occurring, cool temperatures and light air from the north.
Glen Allen has a rise of 15% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:55AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.01 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.02 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for March is now 0.18 inches.
The average precipitation to March 8 is 1.04 inches giving a departure of -0.86 inches.
HIGH temperature 64.3°F at 4:08 hours
LOW temperature 51.8°F at 6:54 hours
The current temp. 51.8°F at 6:55 hours
The current range 12.5°F at 6:55 hours
The high wind gust today was 28 mph at 2:11 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 34 mph at 13:13 hours. |
3/9/2017 |
7:05 AM |
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3/9/17 at 7:00 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions and no dew with cool temperatures and light breeze from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen has a great decrease of -45% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:00AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.03 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for March is now 0.19 inches.
HIGH temperature 50.8°F at 2:37 hours
LOW temperature 46.4°F at 6:07 hours
The current temp. 48.2°F at 7:00 hours
The current range 4.4°F at 7:00 hours
The high wind gust yesterday was 28 mph at 2:11 hours. |
3/10/2017 |
6:57 AM |
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3/10/17 at 6:55 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions with no dew and cool temperatures and light breeze from the northwest.
HIGH temperature 57.0°F at 0:08 hours
LOW temperature 52.4°F at 6:37 hours
The current temp. 52.7°F at 6:55 hours
The current range 4.6°F at 6:55 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +2.4°F for March compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 16 mph from the ave. direction of 315 deg/s & the current speed is 6 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 25 mph at 14:12 hours. |
3/11/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
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3/11/17 at 6:55 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions and a light frost, cold temperatures and light air from the northeast.
Glen Allen has been a great temperature decrease of -26.8°F since yesterday at 6:55am.
Glen Allen has an increase of 21% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:55am.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.01 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for March is now 0.20 inches.
HIGH temperature 32.1°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 24.7°F at 6:00 hours
The current temp. 25.9°F at 6:55 hours
The current range 7.4°F at 6:55 hours
The dew point is now 15.4°F and Glen Allen's min. dew point was 15.2°F at 6:49 hrs.
The high wind gust yesterday was 33 mph at 13:57 hours.
3/12/2017 |
7:11 AM |
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3/12/17 at 7:04 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions and no frost with cold temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen has a drop of -17% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:04.
HIGH temperature 30.0°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 26.9°F at 4:23 hours
The current temp. 28.1°F at 7:04 hours
The current range 3.1°F at 7:04 hours
The dew point is now 11.9°F and Glen Allen's min. dew point was 9.7°F at 0:00 hrs. |
3/13/2017 |
7:00 AM |
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3/13/17 at 6:54 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions very light frost, cold temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen has a rise of 16% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:54am.
HIGH temperature 31.6°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 26.5°F at 6:15 hours
The current temp. 27.1°F at 6:54 hours
The current range 5.1°F at 6:54 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -0.8°F for March compared to the average.
The dew point is now 17.3°F and Glen Allen's min. dew point was 16.1°F at 5:23 hrs.
3/14/2017 |
7:08 AM |
1.06 |
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3/14/17 at 6:58 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has light precipitation occurring as sleet and rain cold temperatures and calm air.
The max. ice accumulation is 0.1 inches.
Glen Allen is warmer by 6.0°F than yesterday at 6:58AM.
Glen Allen has an increase of 28% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:58AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.39 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.67 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for March is now 1.26 inches.
HIGH temperature 33.2°F at 6:31 hours
LOW temperature 32.4°F at 5:36 hours
The current temp. 33.2°F at 6:58 hours
The current range 0.8°F at 6:58 hours
Today's barometer was the lowest for March at 29.61 inches occurring at 6:52 hrs. |
3/15/2017 |
7:08 AM |
0.07 |
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3/15/17 at 7:04 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions with no frost and cold temperatures and light breeze from the west.
Glen Allen is much cooler by -12.9°F than yesterday at 7:04AM.
Glen Allen has a great decrease of -49% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:04AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.74 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for March is now 1.33 inches.
HIGH temperature 28.9°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 20.3°F at 7:02 hours
The current temp. 20.3°F at 7:04 hours
The current range 8.6°F at 7:04 hours
Today's 20.3°F was the lowest min. temperature for March occurring at 7:02 hours.
The dew point is now 2.4°F and Glen Allen's min. dew point was 1.8°F at 6:47 hrs.
Today's 1.8°F was the lowest dew point for March at 6:47 hours.
The high wind gust today was 25 mph at 0:49 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 27 mph at 13:59 hours. |
3/16/2017 |
7:15 AM |
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3/16/17 at 7:09 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, cold temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen has a rise of 15% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:09.
HIGH temperature 26.5°F at 0:41 hours
LOW temperature 21.7°F at 4:57 hours
The current temp. 21.8°F at 7:09 hours
The current range 4.8°F at 7:09 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -3.8°F for March compared to the average.
The dew point is now 10.4°F and Glen Allen's min. dew point was 7.2°F at 1:09 hrs.
The high wind gust yesterday was 27 mph at 13:06 hours. |
3/17/2017 |
7:05 AM |
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0.0 |
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3/17/17 at 7:04 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, cold temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen has a rise of 16% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:04.
HIGH temperature 29.3°F at 0:14 hours
LOW temperature 23.9°F at 6:44 hours
The current temp. 24.4°F at 7:04 hours
The current range 5.4°F at 7:04 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -4.1°F for March compared to the average.
The dew point is now 17.3°F and Glen Allen's min. dew point was 14.4°F at 4:14 hrs.
The high wind gust yesterday was 20 mph at 10:19 hours. |
3/18/2017 |
7:10 AM |
0.01 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
3/18/17 at 7:05 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has precipitation that has stopped with the last 0.01 inches of precipitation at 0:17 hours, chilly temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen has been a great temperature increase of 18.9°F since yesterday at 7:05AM.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.01 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for March is now 1.34 inches.
The average precipitation to March 18 is 2.35 inches giving a departure of -1.01 inches.
HIGH temperature 47.3°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 43.3°F at 6:44 hours
The current temp. 43.3°F at 7:05 hours
The current range 4.0°F at 7:05 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -4.0°F for March compared to the average.
The high wind gust yesterday was 23 mph at 14:19 hours. |
3/19/2017 |
7:07 AM |
0.32 |
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0.0 |
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3/19/17 at 7:05 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky. Some rain snow mix this morning melting on contact with surfaces.
Glen Allen has damp and wet conditions, chilly temperatures and a fresh breeze from the north-northeast.
Glen Allen is cooler by -4.7°F than yesterday at 7:05AM.
Glen Allen has a rise of 16% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:05.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.23 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.10 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for March is now 1.66 inches.
The average precipitation to March 19 is 2.48 inches giving a departure of -0.82 inches.
HIGH temperature 44.6°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 38.6°F at 7:04 hours
The current temp. 38.6°F at 7:05 hours
The current range 6.0°F at 7:05 hours
The high wind gust today was 23 mph at 7:01 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 23 mph at 20:37 hours. |
3/20/2017 |
7:01 AM |
0.01 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
3/20/17 at 6:55 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky. The 0.01 was recorded from the 7AM report time to the end of precipitation at 8:40AM.
Glen Allen has a heavy frost with cold temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is much cooler by -9.8°F than yesterday at 6:55AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.11 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for March is now 1.67 inches.
HIGH temperature 40.5°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 29.2°F at 6:53 hours
The current temp. 29.2°F at 6:55 hours
The current range 11.3°F at 6:55 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -3.8°F for March compared to the average.
The high wind gust yesterday was 25 mph at 7:01 hours. |
3/21/2017 |
7:05 AM |
0.01 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
3/21/17 at 7:00 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has residual moisture that is still on the lawn from precipitation today, cool temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen has been a great temperature increase of 18.7°F since yesterday at 7:00AM.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.01 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for March is now 1.68 inches.
The average precipitation to March 21 is 2.74 inches giving a departure of -1.06 inches.
It has been 3.3 hr/s since last 0.01 inches of precipitation at 3:45 hrs.
HIGH temperature 52.7°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 47.4°F at 6:48 hours
The current temp. 47.7°F at 7:00 hours
The current range 5.3°F at 7:00 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -3.5°F for March compared to the average. |
3/22/2017 |
7:01 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
3/22/17 at 6:55 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, cool temperatures and light breeze from the north-northeast.
Glen Allen is warmer by 5.5°F than yesterday at 6:55AM.
Glen Allen has a decrease of -27% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:55.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.01 inches and the total precipitation for March is now 1.68 inches.
HIGH temperature 54.7°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 50.6°F at 4:41 hours
The current temp. 53.2°F at 6:55 hours
The current range 4.1°F at 6:55 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -2.9°F for March compared to the average. |
3/23/2017 |
6:59 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
3/23/17 at 6:55 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, cold temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen has been a great temperature decrease of -28.4°F since yesterday at 6:55AM.
HIGH temperature 36.8°F at 0:15 hours
LOW temperature 24.7°F at 6:54 hours
The current temp. 24.7°F at 6:55 hours
The current range 12.1°F at 6:55 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -3.1°F for March compared to the average.
The dew point is now 12.4°F and Glen Allen's min. dew point was 6.0°F at 1:10 hrs.
The high wind gust yesterday was 31 mph at 9:07 hours. |
3/24/2017 |
7:13 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
3/24/17 at 7:10 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, very chilly temperatures and light air from the south.
Glen Allen is warmer by 9.3°F than yesterday at 7:10AM.
Glen Allen has a rise of 15% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:10AM.
HIGH temperature 41.4°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 34.0°F at 6:39 hours
The current temp. 34.1°F at 7:10 hours
The current range 7.4°F at 7:10 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -3.2°F for March compared to the average. |
3/25/2017 |
7:05 AM |
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0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
3/25/17 at 7:00 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
A few light sprinkles around noon yesterday.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, pleasant temperatures and a gentle breeze from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen has been a great temperature increase of 23.5°F since yesterday at 7:00AM.
HIGH temperature 61.0°F at 0:07 hours
LOW temperature 57.6°F at 6:53 hours
The current temp. 57.7°F at 7:00 hours
The current range 3.4°F at 7:00 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -2.7°F for March compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 23 mph from the ave. direction of 202 deg/s & the current speed is 9 mph.
The high wind gust today was 23 mph at 0:15 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 33 mph at 14:28 hours.
3/26/2017 |
7:15 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
3/26/17 at 7:10 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, pleasant temperatures and light air from the east-northeast.
HIGH temperature 64.9°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 56.2°F at 6:19 hours
The current temp. 56.8°F at 7:10 hours
The current range 8.7°F at 7:10 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -1.8°F for March compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 11 mph from the ave. direction of 73 deg/s & the current speed is 3 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 25 mph at 15:11 hours. |
3/27/2017 |
7:05 AM |
0.01 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
3/27/17 at 7:00 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has precipitation so light it is hardly discernible with cool temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is cooler by -5.8°F than yesterday at 7:00AM.
Glen Allen has a rise of 15% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:00.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.01 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for March is now 1.69 inches.
The average precipitation to March 27 is 3.52 inches giving a departure of -1.83 inches.
It has been 1.9 hr/s since last 0.01 inches of precipitation at 5:10 hrs.
HIGH temperature 52.0°F at 3:32 hours
LOW temperature 50.4°F at 1:22 hours
The current temp. 51.2°F at 7:00 hours
The current range 1.6°F at 7:00 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -1.3°F for March compared to the average.
3/28/2017 |
7:07 AM |
0.01 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
3/28/17 at 7:05 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
Glen Allen has light precipitation occurring and pleasant temperatures and light air from the southwest.
Glen Allen is much warmer by 12.1°F than yesterday at 7:05AM.
Glen Allen has a drop of -15% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:05AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.01 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.01 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for March is now 1.70 inches.
The average precipitation to March 28 is 3.65 inches giving a departure of -1.95 inches.
HIGH temperature 68.6°F at 0:30 hours
LOW temperature 63.3°F at 7:04 hours
The current temp. 63.3°F at 7:05 hours
The current range 5.3°F at 7:05 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -0.5°F for March compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 17 mph from the ave. direction of 224 deg/s & the current speed is 4 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 22 mph at 11:49 hours.
3/29/2017 |
7:01 AM |
0.05 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
3/29/17 at 6:55 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has surfaces that are now drying from precipitation that occurred earlier and pleasant temperatures and light air from the east-northeast.
Glen Allen is cooler by -6.1°F than yesterday at 6:55AM.
Glen Allen has a rise of 12% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:55AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.06 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for March is now 1.75 inches.
HIGH temperature 63.6°F at 0:36 hours
LOW temperature 55.7°F at 5:21 hours
The current temp. 57.6°F at 6:55 hours
The current range 7.9°F at 6:55 hours
Today's max. gust is 15 mph from the ave. direction of 58 deg/s & the current speed is 3 mph.
3/30/2017 |
7:10 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
3/30/17 at 7:05 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions and cool temperatures and light breeze from the east-northeast.
Glen Allen is much cooler by -9.1°F than yesterday at 7:05AM.
Glen Allen has a drop of -19% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:05AM.
HIGH temperature 53.9°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 46.0°F at 2:58 hours
The current temp. 48.3°F at 7:05 hours
The current range 7.9°F at 7:05 hours
Today's max. gust is 11 mph from the ave. direction of 61 deg/s & the current speed is 6 mph. |
3/31/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
3/31/17 at 6:55 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has residual moisture on the lawn from precipitation today, cool temperatures and light air from the east.
Glen Allen has an increase of 20% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:55AM.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.01 inches and the precipitation for March is now 1.76 inches.
The average precipitation to March 31 is 4.04 inches giving a departure of -2.28 inches.
It has been 1.4 hr/s since last 0.01 inches of precipitation at 5:36 hrs.
HIGH temperature 49.8°F at 3:08 hours
LOW temperature 48.8°F at 0:00 hours
The current temp. 49.4°F at 6:55 hours
The current range 1.0°F at 6:55 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +0.6°F for March compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 11 mph from the ave. direction of 100 deg/s & the current speed is 3 mph. |
4/1/2017 |
7:02 AM |
1.02 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
4/1/17 at 7:00 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has , damp, chilly temperatures and light air from the southwest.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 1.03 inches.
HIGH temperature 53.5°F at 0:33 hours
LOW temperature 48.4°F at 5:57 hours
The current temp. 50.3°F at 7:00 hours
The current range 5.1°F at 7:00 hours |
4/2/2017 |
7:05 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
4/2/17 at 7:00 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions and very chilly temperatures with light air from the north-northeast.
Glen Allen is cooler by -8.0°F than yesterday at 7:00AM.
Glen Allen has a drop of -18% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:00AM.
HIGH temperature 48.0°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 42.1°F at 6:57 hours
The current temp. 42.1°F at 7:00 hours
The current range 5.9°F at 7:00 hours
Today's max. gust is 15 mph from the ave. direction of 25 deg/s & the current speed is 3 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 23 mph at 19:19 hours. |
4/3/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
4/3/17 at 6:55 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has a light to moderate morning dew and very chilly temperatures and light air from the south.
HIGH temperature 52.5°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 47.2°F at 6:52 hours
The current temp. 47.2°F at 6:55 hours
The current range 5.3°F at 6:55 hours
Today's max. gust is 10 mph from the ave. direction of 181 deg/s & the current speed is 3 mph. |
4/4/2017 |
7:10 AM |
0.12 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
4/4/17 at 7:05 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has , cool temperatures and light breeze from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen is much warmer by 16.5°F than yesterday at 7:05AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.12 inches and the total precipitation for April is now 0.12 inches.
HIGH temperature 64.5°F at 0:24 hours
LOW temperature 63.2°F at 6:30 hours
The current temp. 63.5°F at 7:05 hours
The current range 1.3°F at 7:05 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -1.7°F for April compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 23 mph from the ave. direction of 205 deg/s & the current speed is 7 mph.
The high wind gust today was 23 mph at 0:27 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 20 mph at 21:20 hours. |
4/5/2017 |
7:01 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
4/5/17 at 6:55 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, very chilly temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is much cooler by -13.9°F than yesterday at 6:55AM.
Sunrise today is at 6:52 AM.
HIGH temperature 61.2°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 49.7°F at 6:54 hours
The current temp. 49.7°F at 6:55 hours
The current range 11.5°F at 6:55 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +0.8°F for April compared to the average.
The high wind gust yesterday was 28 mph at 9:02 hours. |
4/6/2017 |
7:02 AM |
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0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
4/6/17 at 7:00 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has scarcely a discernible trace of precipitation today at 4:25 and was too little to measure has ended and cool temperatures and a gentle breeze from the south-southeast.
Glen Allen is much warmer by 13.6°F than yesterday at 7:00AM.
HIGH temperature 64.0°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 60.7°F at 2:03 hours
The current temp. 63.2°F at 7:00 hours
The current range 3.3°F at 7:00 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +2.5°F for April compared to the average.
The high wind gust yesterday was 21 mph at 18:36 hours.
Today's barometer was the lowest for April at 29.52 inches occurring at 6:31 hrs.
4/7/2017 |
7:01 AM |
0.90 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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4/7/17 at 6:55 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky. Pea size hail from 12:43 PM to 12:45 PM no accumulation.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, very chilly temperatures and light air from the west.
Glen Allen has been a great temperature decrease of -16.9°F since yesterday at 6:55AM.
Glen Allen has a great decrease of -35% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:55AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.90 inches and the total precipitation for April is now 1.02 inches.
HIGH temperature 50.2°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 45.9°F at 5:19 hours
The current temp. 46.2°F at 6:55 hours
The current range 4.3°F at 6:55 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +1.9°F for April compared to the average.
Today's 28.7°F was the lowest dew point for April at 6:17 hours.
The high wind gust today was 26 mph at 0:54 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 33 mph at 17:55 hours.
4/8/2017 |
7:05 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
4/8/17 at 7:00 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
Glen Allen has dry conditions with a moderate frost with cold temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is much cooler by -13.8°F than yesterday at 7:00AM.
Glen Allen has an increase of 28% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:00AM.
HIGH temperature 39.4°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 31.6°F at 6:32 hours
The current temp. 32.5°F at 7:00 hours
The current range 7.8°F at 7:00 hours
Today's 31.6°F was the lowest min. temperature for April occurring at 6:32 hours.
Today's 25.6°F was the lowest dew point for April at 1:38 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 26 mph at 0:54 hours. |
4/9/2017 |
7:23 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
4/9/17 at 7:20 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
Glen Allen has dry conditions with a moderate dew and chilly temperatures with calm air.
HIGH temperature 47.0°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 37.0°F at 6:51 hours
The current temp. 37.6°F at 7:20 hours
The current range 10.0°F at 7:20 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -1.1°F for April compared to the average. |
4/10/2017 |
7:08 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
/10/17 at 7:05 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, chilly temperatures and light breeze from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen has been a great temperature increase of 17.3°F since yesterday at 7:05AM.
Glen Allen has a decrease of -26% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:05AM.
Glen Allen has had 4 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The April precipitation departure is now -0.07 inches.
HIGH temperature 56.4°F at 3:57 hours
LOW temperature 54.3°F at 1:58 hours
The current temp. 54.5°F at 7:05 hours
The current range 2.1°F at 7:05 hours
Today's max. gust is 18 mph from the ave. direction of 206 deg/s & the current speed is 5 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 19 mph at 16:34 hours.
4/11/2017 |
7:01 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
4/11/17 at 6:55 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has very dry conditions, chilly temperatures and a moderate breeze from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen is warmer by 5.4°F than yesterday at 6:55AM.
Glen Allen has a rise of 17% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:55AM.
Glen Allen has had 5 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The April precipitation departure is now -0.18 inches.
HIGH temperature 66.6°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 59.8°F at 6:45 hours
The current temp. 59.9°F at 6:55 hours
The current range 6.8°F at 6:55 hours
The high wind gust yesterday was 29 mph at 14:37 hours. |
4/12/2017 |
7:02 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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4/12/17 at 6:55 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has very dry conditions, chilly temperatures and calm air.
The maximum temperature yesterday was 85.4°F the warmest day since October 20, 2016 when it was 86°F.
Glen Allen has had 6 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The April precipitation departure is now -0.29 inches.
HIGH temperature 70.9°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 57.7°F at 6:53 hours
The current temp. 57.7°F at 6:55 hours
The current range 13.2°F at 6:55 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +1.6°F for April compared to the average.
The high wind gust today was 19 mph at 3:32 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 25 mph at 8:45 hours. |
4/13/2017 |
6:58 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
4/13/17 at 6:54 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, cool temperatures and light breeze from the north-northeast.
Glen Allen has a great decrease of -34% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:54.
Glen Allen has had 7 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The April precipitation departure is now -0.40 inches.
HIGH temperature 68.4°F at 0:44 hours
LOW temperature 59.3°F at 6:50 hours
The current temp. 59.3°F at 6:54 hours
The current range 9.1°F at 6:54 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +2.5°F for April compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 15 mph from the ave. direction of 34 deg/s & the current speed is 6 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 19 mph at 3:32 hours.
Today's barometer was the highest for April at 30.32 inches occurring at 6:49 hrs. |
4/14/2017 |
6:55 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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4/14/17 at 6:50 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, very chilly temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is much cooler by -10.5°F than yesterday at 6:50AM.
Glen Allen has a great increase of 39% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:50AM.
Glen Allen has had 8 days since the last measurable precipitation and the April precipitation departure is now -0.51 inches.
HIGH temperature 57.0°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 48.5°F at 6:25 hours
The current temp. 48.8°F at 6:50 hours
The current range 8.5°F at 6:50 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +2.6°F for April compared to the average.
The high wind gust yesterday was 19 mph at 21:10 hours. |
4/15/2017 |
7:20 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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4/15/17 at 7:15 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions and cool temperatures and light air from the east-southeast.
Glen Allen is warmer by 6.5°F than yesterday at 7:15AM.
Glen Allen has a drop of -19% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:15AM.
Glen Allen has had 9 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The April precipitation departure is now -0.61 inches.
HIGH temperature 57.2°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 55.1°F at 4:28 hours
The current temp. 56.4°F at 7:15 hours
The current range 2.1°F at 7:15 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +2.6°F for April compared to the average. |
4/16/2017 |
7:02 AM |
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0.0 |
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0.0 |
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4/16/17 at 7:00 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has very dry conditions and cool temperatures and a gentle breeze from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen is warmer by 8.7°F than yesterday at 7:00AM.
Glen Allen has had 10 days since the last measurable precipitation and the April precipitation departure is now -0.72 inches.
HIGH temperature 70.0°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 65.1°F at 6:57 hours
The current temp. 65.1°F at 7:00 hours
The current range 4.9°F at 7:00 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +3.3°F for April compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 19 mph from the ave. direction of 208 deg/s & the current speed is 10 mph.
The high wind gust today was 19 mph at 6:21 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 19 mph at 15:59 hours. |
4/17/2017 |
6:58 AM |
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0.0 |
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0.0 |
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4/17/17 at 6:50 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has very dry conditions with cool temperatures and a light breeze from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen has had 11 days since the last measurable precipitation and the April precipitation departure is now -0.83 inches.
HIGH temperature 69.9°F at 0:59 hours
LOW temperature 63.2°F at 6:39 hours
The current temp. 63.3°F at 6:50 hours
The current range 6.7°F at 6:50 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +4.1°F for April compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 12 mph from the ave. direction of 202 deg/s & the current speed is 6 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 30 mph at 13:48 hours. |
4/18/2017 |
7:02 AM |
0.01 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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4/18/17 at 6:59 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has chilly temperatures and a light breeze from the north-northeast.
Glen Allen is cooler by -8.2°F than yesterday at 6:59 AM.
Glen Allen has a rise of 12% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:59 AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.01 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for April is now 1.03 inches.
HIGH temperature 57.2°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 54.4°F at 6:13 hours
The current temp. 55.2°F at 6:59 hours
The current range 2.8°F at 6:59 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +4.3°F for April compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 9 mph from the ave. direction of 28 deg/s & the current speed is 8 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 21 mph at 14:05 hours. |
4/19/2017 |
7:05 AM |
0.01 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
4/19/17 at 6:59 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has light precipitation occurring, damp, chilly temperatures and light air from the east.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.01 inches and the precipitation for April is now 1.04 inches.
The average precipitation to April 19 is 2.07 inches giving a departure of -1.03 inches.
It has been 1.2 hr/s since last 0.01 inches of precipitation at 5:55 hrs.
HIGH temperature 55.9°F at 0:29 hours
LOW temperature 51.0°F at 5:47 hours
The current temp. 51.3°F at 6:59 hours
The current range 4.9°F at 6:59 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +4.2°F for April compared to the average.
Today's high gust is 5 mph from the average direction of 87 deg/s & the current speed is 3 mph.
Today's barometer was the highest for April at 30.42 inches occurring at 4:57 hrs. |
4/20/2017 |
7:05 AM |
0.07 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
4/20/17 at 7:05 Glen Allen has damp and cool temperatures and light breeze from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen is warmer by 7.5°F than yesterday at 7:05 AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.08 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for April is now 1.11 inches.
HIGH temperature 59.3°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 57.9°F at 5:30 hours
The current temp. 58.8°F at 7:05 hours
The current range 1.4°F at 7:05 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +4.0°F for April compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 16 mph from the ave. direction of 201 deg/s & the current speed is 5 mph. |
4/21/2017 |
10:56 AM |
0.26 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
4/21/17 at 10:30 The thunderstorm yesterday gave a close lightning strike took out the phone and internet service.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, pleasant temperatures, cloudy sky and light air from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen is warmer by 9.7°F than yesterday at 10:30 AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.26 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for April is now 1.37 inches.
The high wind gust yesterday was 30 mph at 19:00 hours. |
4/22/2017 |
7:15 AM |
0.28 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
4/22/17 at 7:10 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has residual moisture that is still on the lawn from precipitation today, damp, cool temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.27 inches. Times below are just for the 0.27 inches not for the .01 of drizzle this morning.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.01 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for April is now 1.65 inches.
The average precipitation to April 22 is 2.40 inches giving a departure of -0.75 inches.
It has been 1.2 hr/s since last 0.01 inches of precipitation at 6:02 hrs.
HIGH temperature 67.7°F at 0:01 hours
LOW temperature 64.7°F at 6:41 hours
The current temp. 65.0°F at 7:10 hours
The current range 3.0°F at 7:10 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +4.8°F for April compared to the average.
The high wind gust yesterday was 28 mph at 19:21 hours. |
4/23/2017 |
7:02 AM |
0.44 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
4/23/17 at 6:55 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has residual moisture that is still on the lawn from precipitation today, very chilly temperatures and a light breeze from the north-northeast.
Glen Allen is much cooler by -15.0°F than yesterday at 6:55 AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.35 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.09 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for April is now 2.08 inches.
The average precipitation to April 23 is 2.51 inches giving a departure of -0.43 inches.
It has been 1.3 hr/s since last 0.01 inches of precipitation at 5:40 hrs.
HIGH temperature 51.1°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 49.7°F at 6:54 hours
The current temp. 49.7°F at 6:55 hours
The current range 1.4°F at 6:55 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +4.4°F for April compared to the average.
The high wind gust yesterday was 21 mph at 16:00 hours. |
4/24/2017 |
6:58 AM |
0.11 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
4/24/17 at 6:50 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has light precipitation occurring, damp, chilly temperatures and a gentle breeze from the northeast.
The max. precipitation rate today so far is 0.03 inches per hour at 4:19 hrs.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.12 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.08 inches and the precipitation for April is now 2.19 inches.
The average precipitation to April 24 is 2.62 inches giving a departure of -0.43 inches.
It has been 1.2 hr/s since last 0.01 inches of precipitation at 5:41 hrs.
HIGH temperature 52.6°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 50.0°F at 4:36 hours
The current temp. 50.4°F at 6:50 hours
The current range 2.6°F at 6:50 hours |
4/25/2017 |
7:02 AM |
0.42 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
4/25/17 at 6:55 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has light precipitation occurring, damp, chilly temperatures and a gentle breeze from the north-northeast.
Glen Allen is warmer by 6.7°F than yesterday at 6:55 AM.
The max. precipitation rate today so far is 0.05 inches per hour at 6:25 hrs.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.40 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.10 inches and the total precipitation for April is now 2.61 inches.
The average precipitation to April 25 is 2.73 inches giving a departure of -0.13 inches.
HIGH temperature 57.1°F at 6:24 hours
LOW temperature 54.4°F at 0:00 hours
The current temp. 57.1°F at 6:55 hours
The current range 2.7°F at 6:55 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +3.6°F for April compared to the average.
The high wind gust today was 20 mph at 0:47 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 23 mph at 17:04 hours.
4/26/2017 |
7:12 AM |
0.41 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
4/26/17 at 7:05 Glen Allen has drizzle and damp with cool temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.50 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.01 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for April is now 3.02 inches.
The average precipitation to April 26 is 2.83 inches giving a departure of + 0.19 inches.
It has been 0.3 hr/s since last 0.01 inches of precipitation at 6:54 hrs.
HIGH temperature 59.1°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 57.8°F at 6:07 hours
The current temp. 58.0°F at 7:05 hours
The current range 1.3°F at 7:05 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +3.5°F for April compared to the average.
The high wind gust yesterday was 26 mph at 10:20 hours. |
4/27/2017 |
6:59 AM |
0.01 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
4/27/17 at 6:54 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has, damp, cool temperatures and light air from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen is warmer by 5.7°F than yesterday at 6:54 AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.02 inches and the total precipitation for April is now 3.03 inches.
HIGH temperature 65.3°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 61.6°F at 4:50 hours
The current temp. 63.6°F at 6:54 hours
The current range 3.7°F at 6:54 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +3.7°F for April compared to the average.
Today's high gust is 9 mph from the average direction of 205 deg/s & the current speed is 4 mph. |
4/28/2017 |
12:01 AM |
0.37 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
4/28/17 at 7:10 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has residual moisture that is still on the lawn from precipitation early today, pleasant temperatures and light air from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.37 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for April is now 3.40 inches.
The average precipitation to April 28 is 3.05 inches giving a departure of + 0.35 inches.
HIGH temperature 73.3°F at 0:36 hours
LOW temperature 66.1°F at 4:03 hours
The current temp. 66.5°F at 7:10 hours
The current range 7.2°F at 7:10 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +4.2°F for April compared to the average.
The high wind gust yesterday was 26 mph at 15:18 hours. |
4/29/2017 |
7:01 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
4/29/17 at 6:55 Glen Allen has dry conditions, little humid temperatures, and calm air.
Glen Allen is warmer by 6.6°F than yesterday at 6:55 AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.37 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for April is now 3.40 inches.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 73.0°F at 6:20 AM.
HIGH temperature 75.8°F at 2:24 hours
LOW temperature 73.0°F at 6:20 hours
The current temp. 73.0°F at 6:55 hours
The current range 2.8°F at 6:55 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +4.7°F for April compared to the average.
The dew point is now 71.1°F and the max. so far is 71.4°F at 3:01 hrs. and is uncomfortable.
The high wind gust today was 20 mph at 2:30 hours. |
4/30/2017 |
7:02 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
4/30/17 at 7:00 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has a moderate morning dew, little humid temperatures and a light breeze from the south-southwest.
Warm night as the minimum temperature last night was a warm 72.2°F at 6:25 AM.
HIGH temperature 77.0°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 72.2°F at 6:25 hours
The current temp. 72.3°F at 7:00 hours
The current range 4.8°F at 7:00 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +5.2°F for April compared to the average.
Today's high gust is 18 mph from the average direction of 200 deg/s & the current speed is 7 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 20 mph at 2:30 hours. |
5/1/2017 |
7:06 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
5/1/17 at 7:05 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, pleasant temperatures and a gentle breeze from the south-southwest.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 70.7°F at 3:51 AM.
HIGH temperature 76.4°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 70.7°F at 3:51 hours
The current temp. 71.4°F at 7:05 hours
The current range 5.7°F at 7:05 hours
Today's max. gust is 25 mph from the ave. direction of 195 deg/s & the current speed is 10 mph.
The high wind gust today was 25 mph at 5:20 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 24 mph at 15:40 hours. |
5/2/2017 |
7:12 AM |
0.13 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
5/2/17 at 7:10 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has surfaces that are now drying from precipitation that occurred earlier, cool temperatures and a gentle breeze from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen is cooler by -7.2°F than yesterday at 7:10 AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.11 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.02 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for May is now 0.13 inches.
HIGH temperature 70.2°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 63.7°F at 6:50 hours
The current temp. 64.1°F at 7:10 hours
The current range 6.5°F at 7:10 hours
Today's max. gust is 24 mph from the ave. direction of 199 deg/s & the current speed is 9 mph.
The high wind gust today was 24 mph at 1:45 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 34 mph at 15:33 hours. |
5/3/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
5/3/17 at 6:55 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has a light to moderate morning dew, chilly temperatures and light air from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen is much cooler by -13.6°F than yesterday at 6:55 AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.02 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for May is now 0.13 inches.
HIGH temperature 58.1°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 49.7°F at 6:39 hours
The current temp. 50.2°F at 6:55 hours
The current range 8.4°F at 6:55 hours
The high wind gust yesterday was 26 mph at 15:28 hours. |
5/5/2017 |
7:05 AM |
0.44 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
5/5/17 at 7:00 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has fog, damp and wet , pleasant temperatures and a gentle breeze from the southeast.
Glen Allen has been a great temperature increase of 18.9°F since yesterday at 7:00.
The max. precipitation rate today so far is 0.22 inches per hour at 4:55 hrs.
Glen Allen has a rise of 12% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:00.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.21 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.57 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for May is now 0.91 inches.
The average precipitation to May 5 is 0.61 inches giving a departure of + 0.30 inches.
HIGH temperature 67.3°F at 6:51 hours
LOW temperature 60.1°F at 0:00 hours
The current temp. 67.3°F at 7:00 hours
The current range 7.2°F at 7:00 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -2.1°F for May compared to the average.
Today's barometer was the lowest for May at 29.52 inches occurring at 6:57 hrs. |
5/6/2017 |
7:02 AM |
1.16 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
5/6/17 at 7:00 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has drying conditions with the evaporation of residual moisture, chilly temperatures and a gentle breeze from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen is much cooler by -12.1°F than yesterday at 7:00 AM.
Glen Allen has a drop of -12% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:00 AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 1.39 inches and the total precipitation for May is now 1.73 inches.
HIGH temperature 62.9°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 53.9°F at 5:04 hours
The current temp. 55.4°F at 7:00 hours
The current range 9.0°F at 7:00 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -2.2°F for May compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 24 mph from the ave. direction of 201 deg/s & the current speed is 10 mph.
The high wind gust today was 24 mph at 3:23 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 22 mph at 15:33 hours. |
5/7/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.03 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
5/7/17 at 6:55 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has , very chilly temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is much cooler by -10.4°F than yesterday at 6:55 AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.03 inches and the total precipitation for May is now 1.76 inches.
HIGH temperature 48.1°F at 0:04 hours
LOW temperature 43.5°F at 6:08 hours
The current temp. 44.8°F at 6:55 hours
The current range 4.6°F at 6:55 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -4.3°F for May compared to the average.
Today's 43.5°F was the lowest min. temperature for May occurring at 6:08 hours.
Today's 42.0°F was the lowest dew point for May at 6:05 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 24 mph at 3:23 hours. |
5/8/2017 |
7:10 AM |
0.02 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
5/8/17 at 7:05 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has, very chilly temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.02 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for May is now 1.78 inches.
HIGH temperature 46.0°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 40.5°F at 6:09 hours
The current temp. 42.9°F at 7:05 hours
The current range 5.5°F at 7:05 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -5.9°F for May compared to the average.
Today's 40.5°F was the lowest min. temperature for May occurring at 6:09 hours.
Today's 39.5°F was the lowest dew point for May at 6:09 hours. |
5/9/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
5/9/17 at 6:55 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, damp, cold temperatures and calm air.
HIGH temperature 46.4°F at 0:14 hours
LOW temperature 38.0°F at 6:27 hours
The current temp. 39.0°F at 6:55 hours
The current range 8.4°F at 6:55 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -7.1°F for May compared to the average.
Today's 38.0°F was the lowest minimum temperature for May occurring at 6:27 hours. |
5/10/2017 |
6:55 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
5/10/17 at 6:50 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
Glen Allen has a very heavy morning dew, very chilly temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is warmer by 9.1°F than yesterday at 6:50 AM.
HIGH temperature 55.2°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 46.6°F at 6:17 hours
The current temp. 47.8°F at 6:50 hours
The current range 8.6°F at 6:50 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -7.5°F for May compared to the average. |
5/11/2017 |
7:15 AM |
0.09 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
5/11/17 at 7:10 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has surfaces that are now drying from precipitation that occurred earlier , damp, chilly temperatures and light breeze from the northeast.
Glen Allen is much warmer by 10.8°F than yesterday at 7:10 AM.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.09 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for May is now 1.87 inches.
The average precipitation to May 11 is 1.34 inches giving a departure of + 0.53 inches.
It has been 6.5 hr/s since last 0.01 inches of precipitation at 0:44 hrs.
HIGH temperature 65.5°F at 0:02 hours
LOW temperature 58.1°F at 4:42 hours
The current temp. 59.6°F at 7:10 hours
The current range 7.4°F at 7:10 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -7.0°F for May compared to the average. |
5/12/2017 |
7:12 AM |
0.19 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
5/12/17 at 7:08 Early this morning the sky is currently overcast and a light rain is occurring and the last interval of precipitation today started at 5:39 and the maximum rate so far today is 0.04 at 6:15 hours.
The barometer is now rising at a rate of 0.02 inches per hour and the barometric pressure is 0.10 inches higher today than yesterday at this time and map features are moving slowly.
At this time with damp & chilly temperatures that has stayed the same during the past hour with a gentle breeze from the north.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.06 inches and the total for yesterday was 0.22 inches with 0.19 since the last report. |
5/13/2017 |
7:05 AM |
1.21 |
0.0 |
M |
0.0 |
M |
5/13/17 at 7:00 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has light precipitation occurring, very chilly temperatures and a gentle breeze from the north-northeast.
The max. precipitation rate today so far is 0.17 inches per hour at 0:11 hrs.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.98 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.29 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for May is now 3.27 inches.
The average precipitation to May 13 is 1.59 inches giving a departure of + 1.68 inches.
It has been 0.4 hr/s since last 0.01 inches of precipitation at 6:42 hrs.
HIGH temperature 50.4°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 49.2°F at 5:00 hours
The current temp. 49.5°F at 7:00 hours
The current range 1.2°F at 7:00 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -8.3°F for May compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 14 mph from the ave. direction of 30 deg/s & the current speed is 9 mph. |
5/14/2017 |
7:20 AM |
0.05 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
5/14/17 at 7:20 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has , very chilly temperatures and light air from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.34 inches and 0.05 inches after yesterday's report.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for May is now 3.32 inches.
HIGH temperature 49.4°F at 7:20 hours
LOW temperature 44.7°F at 5:27 hours
The current temp. 49.3°F at 7:20 hours
The current range 4.7°F at 7:20 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -8.9°F for May compared to the average. |
5/15/2017 |
7:05 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
5/15/17 at 7:05 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has cool temperatures and light air from the north.
Glen Allen is warmer by 7.4°F than yesterday at 7:05 AM.
Glen Allen has a great decrease of -41% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:05 AM.
HIGH temperature 69.3°F at 0:41 hours
LOW temperature 55.3°F at 6:52 hours
The current temp. 55.4°F at 7:05 hours
The current range 14.0°F at 7:05 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -7.8°F for May compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 18 mph from the ave. direction of 10 deg/s & the current speed is 2 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 20 mph at 15:42 hours. |
5/16/2017 |
7:05 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
5/16/17 at 7:00 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, chilly temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is cooler by -6.5°F than yesterday at 7:00 AM.
Glen Allen has a great increase of 36% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:00 AM.
HIGH temperature 55.7°F at 0:01 hours
LOW temperature 47.0°F at 6:15 hours
The current temp. 48.7°F at 7:00 hours
The current range 8.7°F at 7:00 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -7.3°F for May compared to the average.
5/17/2017 |
7:05 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
5/17/17 at 6:59 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has a moderate morning dew, cool temperatures and light air from the southwest.
Glen Allen is much warmer by 15.5°F than yesterday at 6:59 AM.
Glen Allen has had 4 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The May precipitation departure is now + 1.25 inches.
HIGH temperature 65.9°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 62.2°F at 6:13 hours
The current temp. 63.4°F at 6:59 hours
The current range 3.7°F at 6:59 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -7.0°F for May compared to the average. |
5/18/2017 |
6:59 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
5/18/17 at 6:54 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has very dry conditions and no dew with pleasant temperatures and a gentle breeze from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen is warmer by 7.5°F than yesterday at 6:54 AM.
Glen Allen has a drop of -15% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:54 AM.
Glen Allen has had 5 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The May precipitation departure is now + 1.13 inches.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 70.2°F at 6:52.
HIGH temperature 77.8°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 70.2°F at 6:52 hours
The current temp. 70.3°F at 6:54 hours
The current range 7.6°F at 6:54 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -6.2°F for May compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 16 mph from the ave. direction of 196 deg/s & the current speed is 9 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 19 mph at 15:33 hours.
5/19/2017 |
6:59 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
5/19/17 at 6:54 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has very dry conditions, pleasant temperatures and light air from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen has had 6 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The May precipitation departure is now + 1.00 inches.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 72.1°F at 6:22 AM .
HIGH temperature 77.7°F at 0:01 hours
LOW temperature 72.1°F at 6:22 hours
The current temp. 72.5°F at 6:54 hours
The current range 5.6°F at 6:54 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -5.3°F for May compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 18 mph from the ave. direction of 194 deg/s & the current speed is 4 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 23 mph at 16:38 hours. |
5/20/2017 |
7:22 AM |
T |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
5/20/17 at 7:14 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen had a few drops of rain this morning from 5:45 to 5:50 AM that are now drying along with a light dew that occurred earlier, pleasant temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is cooler by -4.1°F than yesterday at 7:14 AM.
Glen Allen has had 7 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The May precipitation departure is now + 0.88 inches.
HIGH temperature 73.0°F at 0:07 hours
LOW temperature 66.8°F at 4:45 hours
The current temp. 68.7°F at 7:14 hours
The current range 6.2°F at 7:14 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -4.5°F for May compared to the average.
The high wind gust yesterday was 23 mph at 16:59 hours. |
5/21/2017 |
7:08 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
M |
5/21/17 at 7:04 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has very dry conditions with no dew and chilly temperatures and a light breeze from the northeast.
Glen Allen is much cooler by -10.7°F than yesterday at 7:04 AM.
Glen Allen has a drop of -11% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:04 AM.
Glen Allen has had 8 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The May precipitation departure is now + 0.76 inches.
HIGH temperature 62.3°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 56.4°F at 5:13 hours
The current temp. 57.8°F at 7:04 hours
The current range 5.9°F at 7:04 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -4.2°F for May compared to the average.
Today's barometer was the highest for May at 30.29 inches occurring at 0:58 hrs. |
5/22/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.03 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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5/22/17 at 6:54 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has damp and wet conditions, damp, cool temperatures and light air from the northeast.
Glen Allen has a rise of 14% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:54.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.03 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for May is now 3.35 inches.
The average precipitation to May 22 is 2.68 inches giving a departure of + 0.67 inches.
HIGH temperature 63.5°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 60.2°F at 6:24 hours
The current temp. 60.3°F at 6:54 hours
The current range 3.3°F at 6:54 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -4.2°F for May compared to the average. |
5/23/2017 |
7:05 AM |
0.11 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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5/23/17 at 6:59 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen had a trace of precipitation that occurred a 5:00 AM and has cool temperatures and a light breeze from the northeast.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.14 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for May is now 3.46 inches.
HIGH temperature 65.6°F at 0:33 hours
LOW temperature 61.7°F at 6:31 hours
The current temp. 61.7°F at 6:59 hours
The current range 3.9°F at 6:59 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -4.1°F for May compared to the average.
Today's high gust is 13 mph from the average direction of 42 deg/s & the current speed is 7 mph. |
5/24/2017 |
7:06 AM |
0.70 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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5/24/17 at 6:59 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has residual moisture that is still on the lawn from precipitation today, damp, chilly temperatures and a light breeze from the northeast.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.52 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.18 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for May is now 4.16 inches.
The average precipitation to May 24 is 2.93 inches giving a departure of + 1.23 inches.
HIGH temperature 59.4°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 57.1°F at 4:06 hours
The current temp. 58.1°F at 6:59 hours
The current range 2.3°F at 6:59 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -4.3°F for May compared to the average.
Today's maximum gust is 14 mph from the average direction of 54 deg/s & the current speed is 5 mph. |
5/25/2017 |
7:03 AM |
0.53 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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5/25/17 at 6:59 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has residual moisture that is still on the lawn from precipitation today, damp, cool temperatures and light air from the south.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.46 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.25 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for May is now 4.69 inches.
The average precipitation to May 25 is 3.05 inches giving a departure of + 1.64 inches.
HIGH temperature 61.2°F at 5:26 hours
LOW temperature 59.0°F at 0:02 hours
The current temp. 59.6°F at 6:59 hours
The current range 2.2°F at 6:59 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -4.4°F for May compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 15 mph from the ave. direction of 185 deg/s & the current speed is 2 mph. |
5/26/2017 |
7:05 AM |
0.32 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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5/26/17 at 6:59 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
Glen Allen has , damp, chilly temperatures and a gentle breeze from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.57 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for May is now 5.01 inches.
HIGH temperature 59.8°F at 6:59 hours
LOW temperature 58.0°F at 6:09 hours
The current temp. 59.8°F at 6:59 hours
The current range 1.8°F at 6:59 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -4.4°F for May compared to the average.
The high wind gust yesterday was 26 mph at 15:20 hours. |
5/27/2017 |
7:08 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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5/27/17 at 7:04 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has a very heavy morning dew, damp, chilly temperatures and calm air.
HIGH temperature 62.8°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 56.9°F at 5:27 hours
The current temp. 58.7°F at 7:04 hours
The current range 5.9°F at 7:04 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -4.2°F for May compared to the average. |
5/28/2017 |
7:15 AM |
0.49 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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5/28/17 at 6:32 Glen Allen has , damp, cool temperatures and light air from the east-northeast.
Glen Allen is warmer by 6.6°F than yesterday at 6:32 AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.49 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for May is now 5.50 inches.
The average precipitation to May 28 is 3.41 inches giving a departure of +2.10 inches.
HIGH temperature 66.2°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 63.2°F at 5:46 hours
The current temp. 63.7°F at 6:32 hours
The current range 3.0°F at 6:32 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -3.9°F for May compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 7 mph from the ave. direction of 76 deg/s & the current speed is 4 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 29 mph at 17:36 hours. |
5/29/2017 |
7:07 AM |
0.33 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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5/29/17 at 7:04 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has surfaces that are now drying from precipitation that occurred earlier, pleasant temperatures and light air from the south.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.33 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for May is now 5.83 inches.
HIGH temperature 68.7°F at 0:01 hours
LOW temperature 66.4°F at 6:25 hours
The current temp. 67.0°F at 7:04 hours
The current range 2.3°F at 7:04 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -3.7°F for May compared to the average. |
5/30/2017 |
7:05 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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5/30/17 at 7:04 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions and a light dew with pleasant temperatures and light air from the southeast.
HIGH temperature 72.4°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 67.7°F at 6:00 hours
The current temp. 68.2°F at 7:04 hours
The current range 4.7°F at 7:04 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -3.4°F for May compared to the average. |
5/31/2017 |
7:39 AM |
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0.0 |
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0.0 |
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5/31/17 at 7:29 Glen Allen has a moderate morning dew, pleasant temperatures and calm air.
HIGH temperature 73.3°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 67.5°F at 4:27 hours
The current temp. 69.0°F at 7:29 hours
The current range 5.8°F at 7:29 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -3.1°F for May compared to the average. |
6/1/2017 |
7:01 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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6/1/17 at 6:59 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
Glen Allen has a moderate to heavy morning dew, damp, cool temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is cooler by -5.1°F than yesterday at 6:59.
Glen Allen has had 4 days since the last measurable precipitation.
HIGH temperature 67.6°F at 2:09 hours
LOW temperature 61.2°F at 5:20 hours
The current temp. 63.2°F at 6:59 hours
The current range 6.4°F at 6:59 hours |
6/2/2017 |
7:03 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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6/2/17 at 6:59 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, damp, chilly temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is cooler by -5.2°F than yesterday at 6:59 AM.
Glen Allen has had 5 days since the last measurable precipitation.
HIGH temperature 68.8°F at 0:09 hours
LOW temperature 56.8°F at 6:16 hours
The current temp. 58.1°F at 6:59 hours
The current range 12.0°F at 6:59 hours |
6/3/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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6/3/17 at 6:54 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, damp, chilly temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen has had 6 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The June precipitation departure is now -0.39 inches.
HIGH temperature 62.0°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 54.8°F at 6:15 hours
The current temp. 55.9°F at 6:54 hours
The current range 7.2°F at 6:54 hours |
6/4/2017 |
6:56 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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6/4/17 at 6:49 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has a very heavy morning dew, damp, cool temperatures and light air from the south.
Glen Allen is warmer by 5.8°F than yesterday at 6:49 AM.
Glen Allen has had 7 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The June precipitation departure is now -0.52 inches.
HIGH temperature 68.6°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 59.3°F at 6:00 hours
The current temp. 61.2°F at 6:49 hours
The current range 9.3°F at 6:49 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -4.7°F for June compared to the average. |
6/5/2017 |
7:05 AM |
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6/5/17 at 6:59 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has precipitation that is occurring but not measurable yet, pleasant temperatures and a gentle breeze from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen is much warmer by 10.0°F than yesterday at 6:59 AM.
Glen Allen has had 8 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The June precipitation departure is now -0.66 inches.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 71.9°F at 5:51 AM.
HIGH temperature 72.7°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 71.9°F at 5:51 hours
The current temp. 72.0°F at 6:59 hours
The current range 0.8°F at 6:59 hours
Today's 68.5°F was the highest dew point for June at 6:49 hours.
Currently the present wind speed is 11 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 23 mph at 12:48 hours.
Today's barometer was the lowest for June at 29.79 inches occurring at 5:02 hrs. |
6/6/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.53 |
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6/6/17 at 6:54 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy dew, cool temperatures and light air from the west-northwest.
Glen Allen is cooler by -8.0°F than yesterday at 6:54 AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.53 inches and the total precipitation for June is now 0.53 inches.
HIGH temperature 65.3°F at 0:01 hours
LOW temperature 62.8°F at 4:29 hours
The current temp. 63.8°F at 6:54 hours
The current range 2.5°F at 6:54 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -4.0°F for June compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 4 mph from the ave. direction of 289 deg/s & the current speed is 2 mph.
Today's barometer was the lowest for June at 29.68 inches occurring at 4:08 hrs. |
6/7/2017 |
7:11 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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6/7/17 at 7:04 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions with a light dew, chilly temperatures and light breeze from the northeast.
Glen Allen is cooler by -4.9°F than yesterday at 7:04 AM.
Glen Allen has a drop of -11% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:04 AM.
HIGH temperature 65.5°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 58.0°F at 3:40 hours
The current temp. 59.2°F at 7:04 hours
The current range 7.5°F at 7:04 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -4.4°F for June compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 12 mph from the ave. direction of 37 deg/s & the current speed is 6 mph. |
6/8/2017 |
7:07 AM |
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6/8/17 at 6:59 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, damp, chilly temperatures and light breeze from the northeast.
HIGH temperature 60.7°F at 0:03 hours
LOW temperature 54.0°F at 5:33 hours
The minimum temperature on the 8th was 54°F, a new 8-year LOW daily minimum temperature record for the date - the old record was 55°F in 2012.
The current temp. 55.2°F at 6:59 hours
The current range 6.7°F at 6:59 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -5.6°F for June compared to the average.
Today's 54.0°F was the lowest min. temperature for June occurring at 5:33 hours.
Today's 60.5°F was the lowest heat index for June occurring at 5:33 hours.
Today's max. gust is 9 mph from the ave. direction of 49 deg/s & the current speed is 5 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 20 mph at 16:07 hours. |
6/9/2017 |
7:02 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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6/9/17 at 6:54 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, damp and cool temperatures and light air from the south.
The maximum temperature yesterday was 74°F, a new 8-year cold daily maximum temperature record for the date - the old record was 78°F in 2010.
Glen Allen has had 4 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The June precipitation departure is now -0.65 inches.
HIGH temperature 55.5°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 52.7°F at 5:22 hours
The current temp. 55.4°F at 6:54 hours
The current range 2.8°F at 6:54 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -6.7°F for June compared to the average.
Today's 52.7°F was the lowest min. temperature for June occurring at 5:22 hours.
Today's 51.8°F was the lowest dew point for June at 5:22 hours.
Today's max. gust is 5 mph from the ave. direction of 173 deg/s & the current speed is 4 mph. |
6/10/2017 |
6:50 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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0.0 |
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6/10/17 at 6:44 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has a moderate to heavy morning dew, cool temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen has had 5 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The June precipitation departure is now -0.78 inches.
HIGH temperature 66.5°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 58.3°F at 6:12 hours
The current temp. 58.8°F at 6:44 hours
The current range 8.2°F at 6:44 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -6.6°F for June compared to the average. |
6/11/2017 |
6:57 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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6/11/17 at 6:54 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
Glen Allen has a light morning dew, pleasant temperatures and light air from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen is much warmer by 10.2°F than yesterday at 6:54 AM.
Glen Allen has had 6 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The June precipitation departure is now -0.91 inches.
HIGH temperature 74.3°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 68.2°F at 6:01 hours
The current temp. 69.2°F at 6:54 hours
The current range 6.1°F at 6:54 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -5.8°F for June compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 11 mph from the ave. direction of 201 deg/s & the current speed is 2 mph. |
6/12/2017 |
7:01 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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6/12/17 at 7:00 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
Glen Allen has very dry conditions, pleasant temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen has had 7 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The June precipitation departure is now -1.04 inches.
HIGH temperature 78.2°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 68.8°F at 5:57 hours
The current temp. 70.2°F at 7:00 hours
The current range 9.4°F at 7:00 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -4.9°F for June compared to the average. |
6/13/2017 |
7:10 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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6/13/17 at 7:04 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has a light morning dew, little humid temperatures and light breeze from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen has had 8 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The June precipitation departure is now -1.17 inches.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 72.3°F at 5:41 AM.
HIGH temperature 75.2°F at 2:05 hours
LOW temperature 72.3°F at 5:41 hours
The current temp. 74.4°F at 7:04 hours
The current range 2.9°F at 7:04 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -4.0°F for June compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 9 mph from the ave. direction of 198 deg/s & the current speed is 6 mph. |
6/14/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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6/15/2017 |
7:09 AM |
0.95 |
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6/16/2017 |
7:08 AM |
0.00 |
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6/16/17 at 7:04 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, humid temperatures and light air from the north-northeast.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 71.3°F at 3:40 AM.
HIGH temperature 72.8°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 71.3°F at 3:40 hours
The current temp. 72.4°F at 7:04 hours
The current range 1.5°F at 7:04 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -2.9°F for June compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 6 mph from the ave. direction of 30 deg/s & the current speed is 2 mph. |
6/17/2017 |
7:05 AM |
1.93 |
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6/17/17 at 7:04 Glen Allen has surfaces that are now drying from precipitation that occurred earlier, little humid temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 1.93 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for June is now 3.41 inches.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 70.9°F at 5:04 AM.
HIGH temperature 72.8°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 70.9°F at 5:04 hours
The current temp. 72.2°F at 7:04 hours
The current range 1.9°F at 7:04 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -2.7°F for June compared to the average. |
6/18/2017 |
7:17 AM |
0.06 |
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6/18/17 at 7:09 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has , little humid temperatures and light breeze from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.06 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for June is now 3.47 inches.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 72.7°F at 5:25 .
HIGH temperature 74.8°F at 7:06 hours
LOW temperature 72.7°F at 5:25 hours
The current temp. 74.8°F at 7:09 hours
The current range 2.1°F at 7:09 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -2.5°F for June compared to the average. |
6/19/2017 |
7:00 AM |
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6/19/17 at 6:54 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has a trace of precipitation this morning at 5:28 and was too little to measure has ended, pleasant temperatures and a gentle breeze from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen has a drop of -13% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:54 AM.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 75.3°F at 6:48 AM.
HIGH temperature 80.4°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 75.3°F at 6:48 hours
The current temp. 75.3°F at 6:54 hours
The current range 5.1°F at 6:54 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -2.1°F for June compared to the average.
Currently the present wind speed is 11 mph.
The high wind gust today was 19 mph at 0:20 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 29 mph at 16:17 hours. |
6/20/2017 |
7:13 AM |
1.14 |
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6/20/17 at 7:09 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has surfaces that are now drying from precipitation that occurred earlier, pleasant temperatures and light breeze from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen is cooler by -6.6°F than yesterday at 7:09 AM.
Glen Allen has a rise of 19% in the humidity since yesterday at 7:09 AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 1.14 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for June is now 4.61 inches.
HIGH temperature 70.0°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 68.4°F at 5:38 hours
The current temp. 69.1°F at 7:09 hours
The current range 1.6°F at 7:09 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -1.9°F for June compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 12 mph from the ave. direction of 203 deg/s & the current speed is 5 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 38 mph at 17:56 hours. |
6/21/2017 |
6:57 AM |
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6/21/17 at 6:49 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen had a trace of rain around 3 AM, pleasant temperatures and light breeze from the south.
HIGH temperature 72.6°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 69.3°F at 6:21 hours
The current temp. 69.3°F at 6:49 hours
The current range 3.3°F at 6:49 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -1.9°F for June compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 15 mph from the ave. direction of 190 deg/s & the current speed is 7 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 19 mph at 15:08 hours. |
6/22/2017 |
7:09 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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6/22/17 at 7:04 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has a moderate morning dew, little humid temperatures and light air from the south-southwest.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 70.2°F at 5:49 AM.
HIGH temperature 76.1°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 70.2°F at 5:49 hours
The current temp. 72.2°F at 7:04 hours
The current range 5.9°F at 7:04 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -1.7°F for June compared to the average. |
6/23/2017 |
7:05 AM |
0.14 |
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6/23/17 at 6:59 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has damp and wet conditions, little humid temperatures and light breeze from the south.
The max. precipitation rate today so far is 0.07 inches per hour at 6:52 hrs.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.14 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for June is now 4.75 inches.
The average precipitation to June 23 is 3.01 inches giving a departure of + 1.74 inches.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 72.4°F at 6:03 .
HIGH temperature 76.8°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 72.4°F at 6:03 hours
The current temp. 72.8°F at 6:59 hours
The current range 4.4°F at 6:59 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -1.4°F for June compared to the average. |
6/24/2017 |
7:01 AM |
0.02 |
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6/24/17 at 6:54 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen had a trace of precipitation this morning between 1:45 AM & 2:40 AM that was too little to measure, little humid temperatures and light air from the southwest.
Glen Allen is warmer by 5.0°F than yesterday at 6:54 AM.
Glen Allen has a drop of -18% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:54 AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.16 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for June is now 4.77 inches.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 77.8°F at 6:48 AM.
HIGH temperature 82.1°F at 4:43 hours
LOW temperature 77.8°F at 6:48 hours
The current temp. 77.8°F at 6:54 hours
The current range 4.3°F at 6:54 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -1.1°F for June compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 30 mph from the ave. direction of 229 deg/s & the current speed is 4 mph.
The high wind gust today was 30 mph at 1:08 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 25 mph at 13:27 hours.
Today's barometer was the lowest for June at 29.63 inches occurring at 4:14 hrs. |
6/25/2017 |
7:04 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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6/25/17 at 6:59 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
Glen Allen has a very heavy morning dew, pleasant temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is much cooler by -9.9°F than yesterday at 6:59 AM.
Glen Allen has a rise of 14% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:59 AM.
HIGH temperature 71.7°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 66.5°F at 6:17 hours
The current temp. 67.9°F at 6:59 hours
The current range 5.2°F at 6:59 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -1.0°F for June compared to the average.
The high wind gust yesterday was 30 mph at 1:08 hours. |
6/26/2017 |
7:10 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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6/26/17 at 7:04 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has a Very heavy morning dew, chilly temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is cooler by -8.8°F than yesterday at 7:04 AM.
HIGH temperature 66.2°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 57.0°F at 6:07 hours
The current temp. 59.0°F at 7:04 hours
The current range 9.2°F at 7:04 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -1.1°F for June compared to the average. |
6/27/2017 |
7:10 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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6/27/17 at 7:09 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, cool temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen has had 4 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The June precipitation departure is now + 1.23 inches.
HIGH temperature 66.0°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 61.5°F at 2:58 hours
The current temp. 63.7°F at 7:09 hours
The current range 4.5°F at 7:09 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -1.2°F for June compared to the average. |
6/28/2017 |
7:05 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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6/28/17 at 6:59 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has a very heavy morning dew, chilly temperatures and light air from the north-northeast.
Glen Allen is cooler by -7.2°F than yesterday at 6:59 AM.
Glen Allen has had 5 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The June precipitation departure is now + 1.10 inches.
HIGH temperature 65.5°F at 0:04 hours
LOW temperature 54.1°F at 6:09 hours
The current temp. 56.4°F at 6:59 hours
The current range 11.4°F at 6:59 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -1.4°F for June compared to the average.
Today's 59.1°F was the lowest heat index for June occurring at 6:09 hours.
Today's barometer was the highest for June at 30.18 inches occurring at 6:59 hrs. |
6/29/2017 |
7:02 AM |
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6/29/17 at 6:59 The Richmond Airport is reporting a partly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, cool temperatures and light breeze from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen is warmer by 7.4°F than yesterday at 6:59 AM.
Glen Allen has had 6 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The June precipitation departure is now + 0.97 inches.
HIGH temperature 67.9°F at 0:01 hours
LOW temperature 61.0°F at 5:52 hours
The current temp. 63.2°F at 6:59 hours
The current range 6.9°F at 6:59 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -1.5°F for June compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 10 mph from the ave. direction of 195 deg/s & the current speed is 5 mph. |
6/30/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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6/30/17 at 6:54 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
Glen Allen has very dry conditions, pleasant temperatures and a gentle breeze from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen is warmer by 8.5°F than yesterday at 6:54 AM.
Glen Allen has had 7 days since the last measurable precipitation and the June precipitation departure is now + 0.84 inches.
HIGH temperature 75.2°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 69.0°F at 4:14 hours
The current temp. 70.9°F at 6:54 hours
The current range 6.2°F at 6:54 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -1.4°F for June compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 18 mph from the ave. direction of 200 deg/s & the current speed is 10 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 21 mph at 13:22 hours. |
7/1/2017 |
7:02 AM |
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7/1/17 at 6:59 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has humid temperatures and light breeze from the south-southeast.
Glen Allen is warmer by 5.0°F than yesterday at 6:59 AM.
Glen Allen has had 8 days since the last measurable precipitation.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 75.2°F at 3:33 AM.
HIGH temperature 76.9°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 75.2°F at 3:33 hours
The current temp. 76.0°F at 6:59 hours
The current range 1.7°F at 6:59 hours
Today's max. gust is 14 mph from the ave. direction of 161 deg/s & the current speed is 5 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 23 mph at 11:30 hours. |
7/2/2017 |
6:56 AM |
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7/2/17 at 6:49 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, little humid temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen has had 9 days since the last measurable precipitation and the June + July precipitation departure is now -1.13 inches.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 73.4°F at 5:56 AM.
HIGH temperature 78.8°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 73.4°F at 5:56 hours
The current temp. 74.6°F at 6:49 hours
The current range 5.4°F at 6:49 hours
The dew point is now 71.4°F and the max. so far is 73.0°F at 0:47 hrs. and is uncomfortable.
The high wind gust yesterday was 22 mph at 14:40 hours. |
7/3/2017 |
7:02 AM |
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7/3/17 at 6:54 Glen Allen has a Very heavy morning dew, pleasant temperatures and calm air.
Two pds. of sprinkles - 7:12AM-7:15AM and 5:03PM-5:08PM-
Glen Allen has had 10 days since the last measurable precipitation and the Jume + July precipitation departure is now -1.28 inches.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 70.2°F at 6:01 AM.
HIGH temperature 76.1°F at 0:01 hours
LOW temperature 70.2°F at 6:01 hours
The current temp. 70.7°F at 6:54 hours
The current range 5.9°F at 6:54 hours |
7/4/2017 |
7:05 AM |
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7/4/17 at 6:59 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, pleasant temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen has had 11 days since the last measurable precipitation and the June + July precipitation departure is now -1.42 inches.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 71.8°F at 5:54 AM.
HIGH temperature 75.8°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 71.8°F at 5:54 hours
The current temp. 73.1°F at 6:59 hours
The current range 4.0°F at 6:59 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +0.9°F for July compared to the average. |
7/5/2017 |
7:00 AM |
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7/5/17 at 6:54 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has surfaces that are now drying from precipitation that occurred earlier, little humid temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.10 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for July is now 0.10 inches.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 73.4°F at 5:50 .
HIGH temperature 75.4°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 73.4°F at 5:50 hours
The current temp. 73.9°F at 6:54 hours
The current range 2.0°F at 6:54 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +0.6°F for July compared to the average.
The dew point is now 70.4°F and the max. so far is 70.9°F at 0:00 hrs. and is uncomfortable.
Today's barometer was the highest for July at 30.09 inches occurring at 6:52 hrs. |
7/6/2017 |
7:10 AM |
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7/6/17 at 7:04 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has surfaces that are now drying from precipitation that occurred from 2:00 AM to 2:10 AM, humid temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 1.76 inches and the total precipitation for July is now 1.86 inches.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 71.4°F at 4:18 .
HIGH temperature 72.8°F at 7:02 hours
LOW temperature 71.4°F at 4:18 hours
The current temp. 72.8°F at 7:04 hours
The current range 1.4°F at 7:04 hours
The dew point is now 70.3°F and the max. so far is 70.3°F at 7:02 hrs. and is uncomfortable. |
7/7/2017 |
7:02 AM |
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7/7/17 at 7:00 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
Glen Allen has, humid temperatures and light breeze from the south-southwest.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 71.9°F at 3:04 AM.
HIGH temperature 74.9°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 71.9°F at 3:04 hours
The current temp. 73.7°F at 7:00 hours
The current range 3.0°F at 7:00 hours
Today's max. gust is 9 mph from the ave. direction of 195 deg/s & the current speed is 5 mph.
Today's barometer was the lowest for July at 29.82 inches occurring at 6:07 hrs. |
7/8/2017 |
7:03 AM |
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7/8/17 at 7:00 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, pleasant temperatures and light air from the south.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 71.8°F at 6:08 AM.
HIGH temperature 77.9°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 71.8°F at 6:08 hours
The current temp. 72.8°F at 7:00 hours
The current range 6.1°F at 7:00 hours
Today's max. gust is 11 mph from the ave. direction of 184 deg/s & the current speed is 2 mph.
Today's barometer was the lowest for July at 29.80 inches occurring at 4:31 hrs. |
7/9/2017 |
6:50 AM |
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7/9/17 at 6:40 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, cool temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is cooler by -8.4°F than yesterday at 6:40 AM.
Sunrise today is at 6:03 AM.
Glen Allen has had 4 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The July precipitation departure is now + 0.55 inches.
HIGH temperature 73.8°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 64.0°F at 5:52 hours
The current temp. 64.2°F at 6:40 hours
The current range 9.8°F at 6:40 hours
Today's 64.0°F was the lowest min. temperature for July occurring at 5:52 hours.
Today's 69.1°F was the lowest heat index for July occurring at 5:52 hours.
The high wind gust yesterday was 21 mph at 16:18 hours. |
7/10/2017 |
7:02 AM |
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7/10/17 at 7:00 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, pleasant temperatures and light air from the south-southeast.
Glen Allen has had 5 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The July precipitation departure is now + 0.41 inches.
HIGH temperature 74.9°F at 0:26 hours
LOW temperature 68.7°F at 6:09 hours
The current temp. 69.7°F at 7:00 hours
The current range 6.2°F at 7:00 hours
Today's max. gust is 11 mph from the ave. direction of 151 deg/s & the current speed is 4 mph. |
7/11/2017 |
6:50 AM |
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7/11/17 at 6:35 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
Glen Allen has a moderate morning dew, little humid temperatures and light breeze from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen has had 6 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The July precipitation departure is now + 0.26 inches.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 73.7°F at 6:04 AM.
HIGH temperature 79.3°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 73.7°F at 6:04 hours
The current temp. 74.0°F at 6:35 hours
The current range 5.6°F at 6:35 hours
Today's max. gust is 11 mph from the ave. direction of 205 deg/s & the current speed is 7 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 20 mph at 18:53 hours. |
7/12/2017 |
7:01 AM |
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7/12/17 at 6:55 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
Glen Allen has very dry conditions, humid temperatures and light breeze from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen has had 7 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The July precipitation departure is now + 0.11 inches.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 77.8°F at 6:11 .
HIGH temperature 80.9°F at 0:01 hours
LOW temperature 77.8°F at 6:11 hours
The current temp. 78.1°F at 6:55 hours
The current range 3.1°F at 6:55 hours
Today's max. gust is 13 mph from the ave. direction of 198 deg/s & the current speed is 6 mph. |
7/13/2017 |
7:08 AM |
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7/13/17 at 7:05 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
Glen Allen has very dry conditions, little humid temperatures and light breeze from the south.
Glen Allen has had 8 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The July precipitation departure is now -0.03 inches.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 78.1°F at 6:17 .
HIGH temperature 83.2°F at 0:02 hours
LOW temperature 78.1°F at 6:17 hours
The current temp. 78.8°F at 7:05 hours
The current range 5.1°F at 7:05 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +0.8°F for July compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 15 mph from the ave. direction of 190 deg/s & the current speed is 6 mph. |
7/14/2017 |
7:06 AM |
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7/14/17 at 6:55 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
Glen Allen has very dry conditions, humid temperatures and light breeze from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen has had 9 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The July precipitation departure is now -0.18 inches.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 75.3°F at 6:22 AM.
HIGH temperature 82.1°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 75.3°F at 6:22 hours
The current temp. 75.6°F at 6:55 hours
The current range 6.8°F at 6:55 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +1.2°F for July compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 15 mph from the ave. direction of 200 deg/s & the current speed is 5 mph. |
7/15/2017 |
6:59 AM |
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7/15/17 at 6:50 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has very dry conditions, pleasant temperatures and light air from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen has had 10 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The July precipitation departure is now -0.32 inches.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 72.4°F at 5:48 .
HIGH temperature 78.9°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 72.4°F at 5:48 hours
The current temp. 73.9°F at 6:50 hours
The current range 6.5°F at 6:50 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +1.4°F for July compared to the average.
The high wind gust yesterday was 19 mph at 16:02 hours. |
7/16/2017 |
7:05 AM |
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7/16/17 at 7:05 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has a very light morning dew, pleasant temperatures and light air from the east-southeast.
Glen Allen has had 11 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The July precipitation departure is now -0.47 inches.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 71.6°F at 6:44 .
HIGH temperature 76.1°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 71.6°F at 6:44 hours
The current temp. 72.1°F at 7:05 hours
The current range 4.5°F at 7:05 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +1.5°F for July compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 10 mph from the ave. direction of 106 deg/s & the current speed is 4 mph. |
7/17/2017 |
6:54 AM |
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7/17/17 at 6:50 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
Glen Allen has a moderate morning dew and humid temperatures with light air from the south-southeast.
Glen Allen has a rise of 16% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:50 AM.
Glen Allen has had 12 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The July precipitation departure is now -0.61 inches.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 71.5°F at 6:17 AM.
HIGH temperature 77.4°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 71.5°F at 6:17 hours
The current temp. 71.9°F at 6:50 hours
The current range 5.9°F at 6:50 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +1.5°F for July compared to the average. |
7/18/2017 |
7:20 AM |
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7/18/17 at 7:15 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has a very heavy morning dew, little humid temperatures and light air from the south.
Glen Allen has had 13 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The July precipitation departure is now -0.76 inches.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 73.1°F at 6:43 AM.
HIGH temperature 76.5°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 73.1°F at 6:43 hours
The current temp. 73.9°F at 7:15 hours
The current range 3.4°F at 7:15 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +1.5°F for July compared to the average.
The dew point is now 72.3°F and the max. so far is 72.3°F at 7:14 hrs. and is uncomfortable |
7/19/2017 |
7:05 AM |
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7/19/17 at 6:55 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has a moderate morning dew, pleasant temperatures and light air from the south.
Glen Allen is cooler by -4.4°F than yesterday at 6:55 AM.
Glen Allen has had 14 days since the last measurable precipitation.
If no measurable rain occurres today it will be the longest period since October 11th to the 24th of 2015 which was also a 14 day period.
The July precipitation departure is now -0.90 inches.
HIGH temperature 75.3°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 67.9°F at 5:56 hours
The current temp. 68.7°F at 6:55 hours
The current range 7.4°F at 6:55 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +1.4°F for July compared to the average. |
7/20/2017 |
7:00 AM |
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7/20/17 at 6:50 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has , little humid temperatures and light air from the south.
Glen Allen is warmer by 5.6°F than yesterday at 6:50.
Glen Allen has had 15 days since the last measurable precipitation.
If no measurable rain occurres today it will be the longest period since April 1st to the April 17th of 2012 which was a 17 day period.
The July precipitation departure is now -1.05 inches.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 74.3°F at 6:32 AM.
HIGH temperature 80.9°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 74.3°F at 6:32 hours
The current temp. 74.3°F at 6:50 hours
The current range 6.6°F at 6:50 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +1.6°F for July compared to the average.
The dew point is now 70.2°F and the max. so far is 70.3°F at 6:10 hrs. and is uncomfortable. |
7/21/2017 |
7:05 AM |
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7/21/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has a light morning dew, little humid temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen has had 16 days since the last measurable precipitation.
This is now the longest period without measurable precipitation since April 1st to the April 17th of 2012 which was a 17-day period.
The July precipitation departure is now -1.20 inches.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 74.1°F at 6:07 AM.
HIGH temperature 81.1°F at 1:43 hours
LOW temperature 74.1°F at 6:07 hours
The current temp. 74.6°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 7.0°F at 6:56 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +1.8°F for July compared to the average.
The dew point is now 70.5°F and the max. so far is 71.3°F at 0:00 hrs. and is uncomfortable. |
7/22/2017 |
7:08 AM |
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7/22/17 at 7:01 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, little humid temperatures and light air from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen has had 17 days since the last measurable precipitation.
If no measurable precipitation occurs today it will tie the Glen Allen Station 9 year record.
The July precipitation departure is now -1.34 inches.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 72.3°F at 6:13 AM.
HIGH temperature 80.0°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 72.3°F at 6:13 hours
The current temp. 73.2°F at 7:01 hours
The current range 7.7°F at 7:01 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +2.0°F for July compared to the average.
The dew point is now 71.7°F and the max. so far is 72.2°F at 0:46 hrs. and is uncomfortable. |
7/23/2017 |
7:06 AM |
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7/23/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen had two traces of precipitation that occurred at 110 AM and 225 AM humid temperatures and light air from the south.
Glen Allen has had 18 days since the last measurable precipitation and if no measurable precipitation occurs today it will break the Glen Allen Station 9-year record.
The July precipitation departure is now -1.49 inches.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 74.8°F at 6:20 AM.
HIGH temperature 79.8°F at 2:02 hours
LOW temperature 74.8°F at 6:20 hours
The current temp. 75.3°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 5.0°F at 6:56 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +2.2°F for July compared to the average.
The dew point is now 72.5°F and the max. so far is 73.7°F at 1:31 hrs. and is uncomfortable.
Today's barometer was the lowest for July at 29.76 inches occurring at 4:03 hrs.
7/24/2017 |
7:20 AM |
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7/24/17 at 7:11 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has precipitation now so light it is hardly discernible, and light air from the south.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.74 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.19 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for July is now 2.79 inches.
The average precipitation to July 24 is 3.49 inches giving a departure of -0.70 inches.
Glen Allen did not break the precipitation record but tied the 9-year record at 17 days without measurable precipitation as rain occurred yesterday just before midnight.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 72.2°F at 5:56 AM.
HIGH temperature 75.1°F at 0:23 hours
LOW temperature 72.2°F at 5:56 hours
The current temp. 72.4°F at 7:11 hours
The current range 2.9°F at 7:11 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +2.2°F for July compared to the average.
The high wind gust yesterday was 23 mph at 22:32 hours.
7/25/2017 |
6:58 AM |
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7/25/17 at 6:46 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
Glen Allen has a light morning dew, pleasant temperatures and light breeze from the north-northeast.
Glen Allen has a drop of -19% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:46 AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.19 inches.
The Trace, sprinkles was recorded yesterday just after giving the 7 AM report yesterday.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for July is now 2.79 inches.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 71.7°F at 6:40 AM.
HIGH temperature 78.2°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 71.7°F at 6:40 hours
The current temp. 71.7°F at 6:46 hours
The current range 6.5°F at 6:46 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +2.2°F for July compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 14 mph from the ave. direction of 34 deg/s & the current speed is 8 mph.
7/26/2017 |
7:01 AM |
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7/26/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has a moderate morning dew, cool temperatures and light air from the southeast.
Glen Allen is cooler by -6.0°F than yesterday at 6:56 AM.
Glen Allen has a rise of 14% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:56 AM.
HIGH temperature 70.5°F at 0:04 hours
LOW temperature 65.1°F at 6:43 hours
The current temp. 65.7°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 5.4°F at 6:56 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +2.0°F for July compared to the average.
Today's barometer was the highest for July at 30.17 inches occurring at 6:02 hrs.
7/27/2017 |
7:00 AM |
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7/27/17 at 6:51 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
Glen Allen has a light morning dew, pleasant temperatures and light air from the south-southeast.
Glen Allen is warmer by 6.3°F than yesterday at 6:51 AM.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 71.1°F at 5:28 AM.
HIGH temperature 75.2°F at 0:14 hours
LOW temperature 71.1°F at 5:28 hours
The current temp. 71.7°F at 6:51 hours
The current range 4.1°F at 6:51 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +1.9°F for July compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 14 mph from the ave. direction of 163 deg/s & the current speed is 2 mph. |
7/28/2017 |
7:08 AM |
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7/28/17 at 7:01 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has a light dew, humid temperatures and light air from the south.
Glen Allen has had 4 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The July precipitation departure is now -1.28 inches.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 72.9°F at 6:43 AM.
HIGH temperature 74.6°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 72.9°F at 6:43 hours
The current temp. 73.0°F at 7:01 hours
The current range 1.7°F at 7:01 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +1.8°F for July compared to the average.
The dew point is now 70.2°F and the max. so far is 70.5°F at 5:19 hrs. and is uncomfortable.
The high wind gust yesterday was 19 mph at 12:09 hours. |
7/29/2017 |
7:07 AM |
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7/29/17 at 7:01 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has residual moisture that is still on the lawn from precipitation today, pleasant temperatures and a moderate breeze from the north-northeast.
The max. precipitation rate today so far is 0.47 inches per hour at 1:30 hrs.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.03 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 1.15 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for July is now 3.97 inches.
The average precipitation to July 29 is 4.22 inches giving a departure of -0.27 inches.
It has been 1.0 hr/s since last 0.01 inches of precipitation at 6:06 hrs.
HIGH temperature 73.8°F at 0:01 hours
LOW temperature 69.8°F at 6:37 hours
The current temp. 69.8°F at 7:01 hours
The current range 4.0°F at 7:01 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +1.7°F for July compared to the average.
The high wind gust today was 20 mph at 5:36 hours.
Today's barometer was the lowest for July at 29.59 inches occurring at 4:24 hrs. |
7/30/2017 |
7:08 AM |
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7/30/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has a damp and cool morning with a light breeze from the north-northeast.
Glen Allen is much cooler by -11.2°F than yesterday at 6:56 AM and a clear blue sky.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 1.29 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for July is now 4.11 inches.
HIGH temperature 64.6°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 57.1°F at 6:08 hours
The current temp. 58.8°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 7.5°F at 6:56 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +1.2°F for July compared to the average.
Today's 57.1°F was the lowest min. temperature for July occurring at 6:08 hours.
Today's 54.8°F was the lowest dew point for July at 5:52 hours.
Today's 63.0°F was the lowest heat index for July occurring at 6:08 hours.
Today's max. gust is 9 mph from the ave. direction of 31 deg/s & the current speed is 5 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 25 mph at 11:18 hours. |
7/31/2017 |
7:11 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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7/31/17 at 7:06 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has an extremely heavy morning dew, damp, chilly temperatures and calm air.
HIGH temperature 64.2°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 58.5°F at 5:57 hours
The current temp. 59.5°F at 7:06 hours
The current range 5.7°F at 7:06 hours |
8/1/2017 |
7:05 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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8/1/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, damp, cool temperatures and calm air.
HIGH temperature 68.6°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 63.4°F at 6:26 hours
The current temp. 64.0°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 5.2°F at 6:56 hours |
8/2/2017 |
7:01 AM |
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8/2/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, pleasant temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is warmer by 6.1°F than yesterday at 6:56 AM.
Glen Allen has had 4 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Aug. precipitation departure is now -0.30 inches.
HIGH temperature 73.9°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 68.8°F at 5:04 hours
The current temp. 70.1°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 5.1°F at 6:56 hours |
8/4/2017 |
6:58 AM |
0.20 |
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8/4/17 at 6:46 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has , pleasant temperatures and light air from the south.
Sunrise today is at 6:23 AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.20 inches and is also the total precipitation for August.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 70.3°F at 6:31 AM.
HIGH temperature 76.6°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 70.3°F at 6:31 hours
The current temp. 70.5°F at 6:46 hours
The current range 6.3°F at 6:46 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +2.6°F for Aug. compared to the average.
The high wind gust yesterday was 20 mph at 18:33 hours. |
8/5/2017 |
7:02 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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8/5/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, pleasant temperatures and light air from the south.
Glen Allen has a drop of -12% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:56 AM.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 74.2°F at 6:20 AM.
HIGH temperature 79.3°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 74.2°F at 6:20 hours
The current temp. 74.4°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 5.1°F at 6:56 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +3.4°F for Aug. compared to the average. |
8/6/2017 |
7:06 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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8/6/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, damp, chilly temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is much cooler by -15.3°F than yesterday at 6:56 AM.
Glen Allen has a rise of 17% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:56AM.
HIGH temperature 65.7°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 58.5°F at 6:01 hours
The current temp. 59.2°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 7.2°F at 6:56 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +2.4°F for Aug. compared to the average.
Today's 58.5°F was the lowest min. temperature for Aug. occurring at 6:01 hours.
Today's 56.2°F was the lowest dew point for Aug. at 6:07 hours. |
8/7/2017 |
7:05 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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8/7/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, little humid temperatures and light breeze from the south.
Glen Allen is much warmer by 14.1°F than yesterday at 6:56 AM.
Glen Allen has had 4 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Aug. precipitation departure is now -0.85 inches.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 72.8°F at 3:31 AM.
HIGH temperature 74.5°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 72.8°F at 3:31 hours
The current temp. 73.3°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 1.7°F at 6:56 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +2.3°F for Aug. compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 13 mph from the ave. direction of 171 deg/s & the current speed is 6 mph. |
8/8/2017 |
7:14 AM |
0.86 |
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8/8/17 at 7:06 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has residual moisture that is still on the lawn from precipitation today, pleasant temperatures and light air from the north-northeast.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.65 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.21 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for Aug. is now 1.06 inches.
The average precipitation to Aug. 8 is 1.20 inches giving a departure of -0.14 inches.
It has been 0.6 hr/s since last 0.01 inches of precipitation at 6:35 hrs.
HIGH temperature 71.6°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 69.8°F at 3:15 hours
The current temp. 70.1°F at 7:06 hours
The current range 1.8°F at 7:06 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +1.8°F for Aug. compared to the average.
The high wind gust yesterday was 25 mph at 16:11 hours. |
8/9/2017 |
7:08 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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8/9/17 at 7:01 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
Glen Allen has a very heavy dew with cool temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is cooler by -8.7°F than yesterday at 7:01 AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.22 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for Aug. is now 1.07 inches.
HIGH temperature 65.0°F at 0:15 hours
LOW temperature 60.7°F at 6:26 hours
The current temp. 61.4°F at 7:01 hours
The current range 4.3°F at 7:01 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +0.8°F for Aug. compared to the average.
Today's barometer was the highest for Aug. at 30.17 inches occurring at 6:49 hrs. |
8/10/2017 |
6:54 AM |
0.00 |
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8/10/17 at 6:41 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has a very heavy morning dew with damp and cool temperatures and calm air.
HIGH temperature 66.7°F at 0:01 hours
LOW temperature 60.7°F at 6:05 hours
The current temp. 60.7°F at 6:41 hours
The current range 6.0°F at 6:41 hours
Today's barometer was the highest for Aug. at 30.22 inches occurring at 0:26 hrs. |
8/11/2017 |
7:05 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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8/11/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, pleasant temperatures and light breeze from the south.
Glen Allen is warmer by 9.1°F than yesterday at 6:56 AM.
Glen Allen has a drop of -13% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:56 AM.
HIGH temperature 72.7°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 67.4°F at 4:36 hours
The current temp. 70.1°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 5.3°F at 6:56 hours
Today's max. gust is 7 mph from the ave. direction of 174 deg/s & the current speed is 5 mph. |
8/12/2017 |
7:02 AM |
0.03 |
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8/12/17 at 6:51 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has light precipitation occurring, little humid temperatures and light breeze from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen is warmer by 5.1°F than yesterday at 6:51 AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.01 inches and the precipitation today so far is 0.02 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for Aug. is now 1.10 inches.
The average precipitation to Aug. 12 is 1.80 inches giving a departure of -0.70 inches.
It has been 1.2 hr/s since last 0.01 inches of precipitation at 5:47 hrs.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 74.9°F at 6:48 .
HIGH temperature 77.4°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 74.9°F at 6:48 hours
The current temp. 75.0°F at 6:51 hours
The current range 2.5°F at 6:51 hours |
8/13/2017 |
7:11 AM |
0.29 |
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8/13/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has residual moisture that is still on the lawn from precipitation today, little humid temperatures and light air from the north-northeast.
Glen Allen is cooler by -4.5°F than yesterday at 6:56 AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.26 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.05 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for Aug. is now 1.39 inches.
The average precipitation to Aug. 13 is 1.95 inches giving a departure of -0.56 inches.
It has been 5.8 hr/s since last 0.01 inches of precipitation at 1:16 hrs.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 70.3°F at 6:43 AM.
HIGH temperature 77.5°F at 0:34 hours
LOW temperature 70.3°F at 6:43 hours
The current temp. 70.3°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 7.2°F at 6:56 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +0.7°F for Aug. compared to the average. |
8/14/2017 |
7:02 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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8/14/17 at 6:55 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, pleasant temperatures and light air from the northeast.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.05 inches before the 7 AM report.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for Aug. is now 1.39 inches.
HIGH temperature 68.8°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 65.4°F at 4:26 hours
The current temp. 66.7°F at 6:55 hours
The current range 3.4°F at 6:55 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +0.5°F for Aug. compared to the average. |
8/15/2017 |
6:56 AM |
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8/15/17 at 6:45 Glen Allen has surfaces that are now drying from precipitation that occurred earlier, humid temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is warmer by 9.2°F than yesterday at 6:45 AM.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 75.9°F at 6:20 AM.
HIGH temperature 76.7°F at 1:07 hours
LOW temperature 75.9°F at 6:20 hours
The current temp. 75.9°F at 6:45 hours
The current range 0.8°F at 6:45 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +0.6°F for Aug. compared to the average.
The dew point is now 73.4°F and the max. so far is 73.6°F at 6:01 hrs. and is uncomfortable. |
8/16/2017 |
7:12 AM |
0.37 |
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8/16/17 at 7:00 Glen Allen has, humid temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is cooler by -5.3°F than yesterday at 7:00 AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.37 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for Aug. is now 1.76 inches.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 70.2°F at 6:34 AM.
HIGH temperature 74.3°F at 2:01 hours
LOW temperature 70.2°F at 6:34 hours
The current temp. 70.7°F at 7:00 hours
The current range 4.1°F at 7:00 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +0.6°F for Aug. compared to the average. |
8/17/2017 |
7:05 AM |
0.00 |
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8/17/17 at 6:55 Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, little humid temperatures and calm air.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 71.1°F at 6:29 AM.
HIGH temperature 76.4°F at 0:07 hours
LOW temperature 71.1°F at 6:29 hours
The current temp. 71.4°F at 6:55 hours
The current range 5.3°F at 6:55 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +0.8°F for Aug. compared to the average. |
8/18/2017 |
7:06 AM |
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8/18/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has a moderate morning dew, humid temperatures and light air from the south.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 74.8°F at 6:06 AM.
HIGH temperature 78.7°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 74.8°F at 6:06 hours
The current temp. 75.3°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 3.9°F at 6:56 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +1.0°F for Aug. compared to the average.
The dew point is now 73.1°F and the max. so far is 75.0°F at 0:10 hrs. and is uncomfortable. |
8/19/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.60 |
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8/19/17 at 6:50 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has residual moisture that is still on the lawn from precipitation last night, humid temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.43 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.17 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for Aug. is now 2.36 inches.
The average precipitation to Aug. 19 is 2.86 inches giving a departure of -0.50 inches.
It has been 5.5 hr/s since last 0.01 inches of precipitation at 1:27 hrs.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 74.5°F at 4:32 .
HIGH temperature 76.2°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 74.5°F at 4:32 hours
The current temp. 75.1°F at 6:50 hours
The current range 1.7°F at 6:50 hours
The dew point is now 73.9°F and the max. so far is 74.3°F at 0:00 hrs. and is uncomfortable.
8/20/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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8/20/17 at 6:50 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, pleasant temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is cooler by -5.5°F than yesterday at 6:50 AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.17 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for Aug. is now 2.36 inches.
HIGH temperature 74.4°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 69.4°F at 6:46 hours
The current temp. 69.5°F at 6:50 hours
The current range 5.0°F at 6:50 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +1.4°F for Aug. compared to the average. |
8/21/2017 |
7:00 AM |
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8/22/2017 |
7:00 AM |
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8/23/2017 |
7:03 AM |
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8/23/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has a moderate morning dew, humid temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen has had 4 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Aug. precipitation departure is now -1.10 inches.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 74.1°F at 6:42 AM.
HIGH temperature 81.6°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 74.1°F at 6:42 hours
The current temp. 74.3°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 7.5°F at 6:56 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +2.0°F for Aug. compared to the average.
The dew point is now 70.8°F and the max. so far is 73.6°F at 0:07 hrs. and is uncomfortable. |
8/24/2017 |
7:01 AM |
0.11 |
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8/24/17 at 6:51 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has, pleasant temperatures and light air from the north-northwest.
Glen Allen is cooler by -5.8°F than yesterday at 6:51 AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.11 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for Aug. is now 2.47 inches.
HIGH temperature 68.3°F at 5:52 hours
LOW temperature 66.4°F at 1:40 hours
The current temp. 68.3°F at 6:51 hours
The current range 1.9°F at 6:51 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +1.8°F for Aug. compared to the average. |
8/25/2017 |
6:55 AM |
0.00 |
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8/25/17 at 6:46 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions with a heavy dew, cool temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is cooler by -4.7°F than yesterday at 6:46 AM.
HIGH temperature 65.7°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 63.1°F at 4:17 hours
The current temp. 63.5°F at 6:46 hours
The current range 2.6°F at 6:46 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +1.5°F for Aug. compared to the average. |
8/26/2017 |
6:58 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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8/26/17 at 6:46 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, damp, cool temperatures and light air from the north.
HIGH temperature 65.8°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 60.4°F at 5:56 hours
The current temp. 60.8°F at 6:46 hours
The current range 5.4°F at 6:46 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is +1.2°F for Aug. compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 5 mph from the ave. direction of 352 deg/s & the current speed is 2 mph. |
8/27/2017 |
7:04 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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8/27/17 at 6:55 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, damp, cool temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen has had 4 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Aug. precipitation departure is now -1.59 inches.
HIGH temperature 64.2°F at 0:42 hours
LOW temperature 61.1°F at 6:52 hours
The current temp. 61.1°F at 6:55 hours
The current range 3.1°F at 6:55 hours |
8/28/2017 |
7:08 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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8/28/17 at 6:55 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has a moderate to heavy morning dew, damp, chilly temperatures and light air from the north-northeast.
Today's 57.9°F was the lowest min. temperature for Aug. occurring at 4:20 hours.
The minimum temperature last night was 57.9°F the lowest minimum temperature since July 30, 2016 when the minimum temperature was 57.1°F.
Glen Allen has had 5 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Aug. precipitation departure is now -1.74 inches.
HIGH temperature 62.4°F at 0:01 hours
LOW temperature 57.9°F at 4:20 hours
The current temp. 60.0°F at 6:55 hours
The current range 4.5°F at 6:55 hours
Today's 63.6°F was the lowest heat index for Aug. occurring at 4:20 hours.
Today's max. gust is 10 mph from the ave. direction of 18 deg/s & the current speed is 3 mph. |
8/29/2017 |
7:10 AM |
0.48 |
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8/29/17 at 7:00 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has damp and wet conditions, damp, cool temperatures and a gentle breeze from the north-northeast.
The max. precipitation rate today so far is 0.13 inches per hour at 5:40 hrs.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.47 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for Aug. is now 2.94 inches.
The average precipitation to Aug. 29 is 4.36 inches giving a departure of -1.42 inches.
HIGH temperature 68.3°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 62.6°F at 5:15 hours
The current temp. 62.7°F at 7:00 hours
The current range 5.7°F at 7:00 hours
Today's max. gust is 16 mph from the ave. direction of 27 deg/s & the current speed is 10 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 23 mph at 18:11 hours. |
8/30/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.24 |
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8/30/17 at 6:51 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has damp, cool temperatures and light air from the north-northwest.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.71 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for Aug. is now 3.18 inches.
HIGH temperature 64.8°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 59.9°F at 6:47 hours
The current temp. 59.9°F at 6:51 hours
The current range 4.9°F at 6:51 hours
Today's max. gust is 14 mph from the ave. direction of 334 deg/s & the current speed is 2 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 25 mph at 12:47 hours.
8/31/2017 |
6:58 AM |
0.00 |
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8/31/17 at 6:51 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, cool temperatures and calm air.
HIGH temperature 70.3°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 64.0°F at 6:41 hours
The current temp. 64.0°F at 6:51 hours
The current range 6.3°F at 6:51 hours |
9/1/2017 |
6:45 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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9/1/17 at 6:36 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, pleasant temperatures and light breeze from the north-northeast.
Glen Allen has a drop of -11% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:36.
HIGH temperature 73.0°F at 0:02 hours
LOW temperature 67.2°F at 6:31 hours
The current temp. 67.3°F at 6:36 hours
The current range 5.8°F at 6:36 hours
Today's max. gust is 15 mph from the ave. direction of 18 deg/s & the current speed is 6 mph. |
9/2/2017 |
7:00 AM |
1.76 |
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9/2/17 at 6:51 Glen Allen has precipitation so light it is hardly discernible, damp, chilly temperatures and a gentle breeze from the northeast.
Glen Allen is cooler by -9.0°F than yesterday at 6:51 AM.
The max. precipitation rate today so far is 0.02 inches per hour at 5:55 hrs.
Glen Allen has a rise of 17% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:51 AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 1.73 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.03 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for Sep. is now 1.76 inches.
HIGH temperature 58.2°F at 6:50 hours
LOW temperature 55.2°F at 0:00 hours
The current temp. 58.1°F at 6:51 hours
The current range 3.0°F at 6:51 hours |
9/3/2017 |
7:15 AM |
0.34 |
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9/3/17 at 7:06 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has residual moisture that is still on the lawn from precipitation today, cool temperatures and light air from the south-southeast.
The max. precipitation rate today so far is 0.04 inches per hour at 0:42 hrs.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.32 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.05 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for Sep. is now 2.10 inches.
The average precipitation to Sep. 3 is 0.41 inches giving a departure of + 1.69 inches.
It has been 2.6 hr/s since last 0.01 inches of precipitation at 4:34 hrs.
HIGH temperature 63.2°F at 0:30 hours
LOW temperature 61.4°F at 6:34 hours
The current temp. 61.4°F at 7:06 hours
The current range 1.8°F at 7:06 hours |
9/4/2017 |
7:10 AM |
0.00 |
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9/4/17 at 7:06 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has a very heavy morning dew, damp, chilly temperatures and light air from the southwest.
Glen Allen is cooler by -5.0°F than yesterday at 7:06 AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.05 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for Sep. is now 2.10 inches.
HIGH temperature 62.1°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 55.8°F at 6:27 hours
The current temp. 56.5°F at 7:06 hours
The current range 6.3°F at 7:06 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -7.9°F for Sep. compared to the average. |
9/5/2017 |
7:01 AM |
0.00 |
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9/5/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, pleasant temperatures and light breeze from the south-southwest.
Glen Allen is much warmer by 12.3°F than yesterday at 6:56 AM.
Glen Allen has a drop of -17% in the humidity since yesterday at 6:56 AM.
HIGH temperature 73.3°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 68.2°F at 6:54 hours
The current temp. 68.2°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 5.1°F at 6:56 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -5.2°F for Sep. compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 15 mph from the ave. direction of 205 deg/s & the current speed is 8 mph. |
9/6/2017 |
6:59 AM |
0.00 |
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9/6/17 at 6:51 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has a light morning dew, pleasant temperatures and light air from the southwest.
HIGH temperature 71.0°F at 0:22 hours
LOW temperature 67.8°F at 6:22 hours
The current temp. 68.3°F at 6:51 hours
The current range 3.2°F at 6:51 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -3.4°F for Sep. compared to the average.
The high wind gust yesterday was 22 mph at 16:07 hours. |
9/7/2017 |
7:10 AM |
0.51 |
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9/7/17 at 7:01 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has, damp, chilly temperatures and light air from the west-southwest.
Glen Allen is much cooler by -12.0°F than yesterday at 7:01 AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.51 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for Sep. is now 2.61 inches.
HIGH temperature 60.6°F at 0:14 hours
LOW temperature 56.3°F at 7:00 hours
The current temp. 56.4°F at 7:01 hours
The current range 4.3°F at 7:01 hours |
9/8/2017 |
7:06 AM |
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9/8/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has a Very heavy morning dew, very chilly temperatures and calm air.
Today's 49.0°F is the lowest minimum temperature since May 16, 2017 when the low temperature was 47°F.
Glen Allen is cooler by -7.3°F than yesterday at 6:56 AM.
HIGH temperature 55.0°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 49.0°F at 6:47 hours
The current temp. 49.1°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 6.0°F at 6:56 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -4.8°F for Sep. compared to the average.
Today's 47.5°F was the lowest dew point for Sep. at 6:09 hours.
Today's 55.4°F was the lowest heat index for Sep. occurring at 6:47 hours.
9/9/2017 |
6:52 AM |
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9/9/17 at 6:46 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions with a moderate dew and chilly temperatures and light air from the north-northeast.
Glen Allen is warmer by 5.8°F than yesterday at 6:46 AM.
HIGH temperature 61.5°F at 0:51 hours
LOW temperature 54.9°F at 6:45 hours
The current temp. 55.0°F at 6:46 hours
The current range 6.6°F at 6:46 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -5.0°F for Sep. compared to the average.
Today's barometer was the highest for Sep. at 30.27 inches occurring at 6:43 hrs. |
9/10/2017 |
7:00 AM |
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9/10/17 at 6:51 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, very chilly temperatures and light air from the north.
Today's 48.0°F is the lowest minimum temperature since May 16, 2017 when the low temperature was 47°F.
Glen Allen is cooler by -6.4°F than yesterday at 6:51 AM.
Glen Allen has had 4 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Sep. precipitation departure is now + 1.23 inches.
HIGH temperature 55.0°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 48.0°F at 6:26 hours
The current temp. 48.2°F at 6:51 hours
The current range 7.0°F at 6:51 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -5.5°F for Sep. compared to the average.
Today's barometer was the highest for Sep. at 30.37 inches occurring at 6:43 hrs. |
9/11/2017 |
7:10 AM |
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9/11/17 at 7:06 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, damp, chilly temperatures and light air from the north-northwest.
Glen Allen has had 5 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Sep. precipitation departure is now + 1.10 inches.
HIGH temperature 57.5°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 51.3°F at 5:22 hours
The current temp. 52.9°F at 7:06 hours
The current range 6.2°F at 7:06 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -6.0°F for Sep. compared to the average. |
9/12/2017 |
7:00 AM |
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9/12/17 at 6:51 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has surfaces that are now drying from precipitation that occurred around midnight, cool temperatures and light air from the NNE.
Glen Allen is warmer by 7.4°F than yesterday at 6:51 AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.01 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for Sep. is now 2.62 inches.
HIGH temperature 61.3°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 59.6°F at 5:28 hours
The current temp. 60.1°F at 6:51 hours
The current range 1.7°F at 6:51 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -6.1°F for Sep. compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 8 mph from the ave. direction of 17 deg/s & the current speed is 3 mph. |
9/13/2017 |
7:08 AM |
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9/13/17 at 5:01 The Richmond International Airport reported fog with 0.5 mile visibility.
Glen Allen has residual moisture that is still on the lawn from rain around 10PM to 2:15 AM, pleasant temperatures and light air from the SSW.
Glen Allen is warmer by 8.2°F than yesterday at 5:01 AM.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.02 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.09 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for Sep. is now 2.71 inches.
The average precipitation to Sep. 13 is 1.79 inches giving a departure of + 0.92 inches.
It has been 4.9 hr/s since last 0.01 inches of precipitation at 2:08 hrs.
HIGH temperature 68.4°F at 4:56 hours
LOW temperature 66.7°F at 1:26 hours
The current temp. 68.3°F at 5:01 hours
The current range 1.7°F at 5:01 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -5.7°F for Sep. compared to the average. |
9/14/2017 |
7:08 AM |
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9/14/17 at 7:00 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has residual moisture that is still on the lawn from rain between 3:20 & 4:40 AM, pleasant temps. & light breeze from the SSW.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.09 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for today so far is 0.01 inches.
Glen Allen's precipitation for Sep. is now 2.74 inches.
The average precipitation to Sep. 14 is 1.93 inches giving a departure of + 0.81 inches.
It has been 2.7 hr/s since last 0.01 inches of precipitation at 4:24 hrs.
HIGH temperature 72.4°F at 3:01 hours
LOW temperature 67.9°F at 0:00 hours
The current temp. 68.7°F at 7:00 hours
The current range 4.5°F at 7:00 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -5.0°F for Sep. compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 15 mph from the ave. direction of 207 deg/s & the current speed is 5 mph. |
9/15/2017 |
7:01 AM |
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9/15/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has a moderate morning dew, cool temperatures and light air from the north.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.01 inches.
Glen Allen's total precipitation for Sep. is now 2.74 inches.
HIGH temperature 70.0°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 65.8°F at 6:54 hours
The current temp. 65.8°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 4.2°F at 6:56 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -4.5°F for Sep. compared to the average.
9/16/2017 |
7:01 AM |
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9/16/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, pleasant temperatures and light air from the north.
HIGH temperature 67.2°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 65.6°F at 1:37 hours
The current temp. 66.7°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 1.6°F at 6:56 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -4.1°F for Sep. compared to the average. |
9/17/2017 |
7:05 AM |
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9/17/17 at 7:01 The Richmond International Airport is reporting fog.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, pleasant temperatures and light air from the ESE.
HIGH temperature 69.6°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 64.3°F at 5:10 hours
The current temp. 66.5°F at 7:01 hours
The current range 5.3°F at 7:01 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -3.7°F for Sep. compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 4 mph from the ave. direction of 106 deg/s & the current speed is 4 mph. |
9/18/2017 |
7:04 AM |
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9/18/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has a very heavy morning dew, cool temperatures and light air from the NW.
Glen Allen has had 4 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Sep. precipitation departure is now + 0.26 inches.
HIGH temperature 67.4°F at 0:05 hours
LOW temperature 64.5°F at 4:15 hours
The current temp. 64.6°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 2.9°F at 6:56 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -3.4°F for Sep. compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 5 mph from the ave. direction of 331 deg/s & the current speed is 3 mph. |
9/19/2017 |
6:55 AM |
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9/19/17 at 6:46 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
Glen Allen has a moderate dew and pleasant temperatures and light breeze from the north-northeast.
Glen Allen's total precipitation yesterday was 0.01 inches. This shower did not show up on the radar!
Glen Allen's total precipitation for Sep. is now 2.75 inches.
HIGH temperature 68.0°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 66.6°F at 1:13 hours
The current temp. 67.5°F at 6:46 hours
The current range 1.4°F at 6:46 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -3.2°F for Sep. compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 13 mph from the ave. direction of 19 deg/s & the current speed is 6 mph. |
9/20/2017 |
6:59 AM |
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9/20/17 at 6:51 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has a very heavy morning dew, cool temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen is cooler by -5.6°F than yesterday at 6:51 AM.
HIGH temperature 66.4°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 61.8°F at 6:33 hours
The current temp. 61.9°F at 6:51 hours
The current range 4.6°F at 6:51 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -3.0°F for Sep. compared to the average. |
9/21/2017 |
6:56 AM |
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9/21/17 at 6:46 The Richmond Airport is reporting scattered clouds.
Glen Allen has a very heavy morning dew, cool temperatures and light air from the north-northwest.
HIGH temperature 68.5°F at 0:03 hours
LOW temperature 64.1°F at 6:16 hours
The current temp. 64.3°F at 6:46 hours
The current range 4.4°F at 6:46 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -2.7°F for Sep. compared to the average. |
9/22/2017 |
6:52 AM |
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9/22/17 at 6:41 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, cool temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen has had 4 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Sep. precipitation departure is now -0.28 inches.
HIGH temperature 67.5°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 64.4°F at 4:53 hours
The current temp. 64.8°F at 6:41 hours
The current range 3.1°F at 6:41 hours |
9/23/2017 |
7:00 AM |
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9/23/17 at 6:51 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, cool temperatures and light air from the north.
Glen Allen has had 5 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Sep. precipitation departure is now -0.42 inches.
HIGH temperature 65.4°F at 0:04 hours
LOW temperature 60.3°F at 5:23 hours
The current temp. 62.0°F at 6:51 hours
The current range 5.1°F at 6:51 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -1.8°F for Sep. compared to the average.
9/24/2017 |
7:00 AM |
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9/24/17 at 6:51 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has a very heavy morning dew, damp, cool temperatures and calm air.
HIGH temperature 67.1°F at 0:08 hours
LOW temperature 60.0°F at 6:49 hours
The current temp. 60.0°F at 6:51 hours
The current range 7.1°F at 6:51 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -1.5°F for Sep. compared to the average. |
9/25/2017 |
6:56 AM |
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9/25/17 at 6:46 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, cool temperatures and light air from the north.
HIGH temperature 68.1°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 64.2°F at 5:48 hours
The current temp. 64.9°F at 6:46 hours
The current range 3.9°F at 6:46 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -1.2°F for Sep. compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 5 mph from the ave. direction of 5 deg/s & the current speed is 2 mph. |
9/26/2017 |
7:00 AM |
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9/26/17 at 6:51 The Richmond Airport is reporting an overcast sky.
Glen Allen has pleasant temperatures and light breeze from the northeast.
HIGH temperature 70.6°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 68.5°F at 6:40 hours
The current temp. 68.6°F at 6:51 hours
The current range 2.1°F at 6:51 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -0.9°F for Sep. compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 12 mph from the ave. direction of 42 deg/s & the current speed is 8 mph. |
9/27/2017 |
7:08 AM |
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9/27/17 at 6:51 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly cloudy sky.
Glen Allen has dry conditions, little humid temperatures and light air from the north-northwest.
Glen Allen has had 14 days with only 0.02 inches of rain.
The Sep. precipitation departure is now -0.97 inches.
Warm night as the low temperature last night was a warm 70.8°F at 5:47 AM.
HIGH temperature 72.9°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 70.8°F at 5:47 hours
The current temp. 71.3°F at 6:51 hours
The current range 2.1°F at 6:51 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -0.8°F for Sep. compared to the average.
Today's max. gust is 15 mph from the ave. direction of 345 deg/s & the current speed is 4 mph. |
9/28/2017 |
7:02 AM |
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9/28/17 at 6:56 The Richmond Airport is reporting a clear sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, pleasant temperatures and a gentle breeze from the north-northeast.
Glen Allen has had 15 days with only 0.02 inches of rain.
The Sep. precipitation departure is now -1.10 inches.
HIGH temperature 71.4°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 67.5°F at 4:04 hours
The current temp. 71.2°F at 6:56 hours
The current range 3.9°F at 6:56 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -0.5°F for Sep. compared to the average.
Currently the present wind speed is 12 mph.
The high wind gust yesterday was 21 mph at 13:00 hours.
Today's barometer was the lowest for Sep. at 29.78 inches occurring at 3:26 hrs |
9/29/2017 |
7:00 AM |
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9/29/17 at 6:51 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has a light morning dew, chilly temperatures and light air from the north.
Glen Allen is much cooler by -16.0°F than yesterday at 6:51 AM.
Glen Allen has had 6 days since the last measurable precipitation.
The Sep. precipitation departure is now -1.24 inches.
HIGH temperature 64.9°F at 1:14 hours
LOW temperature 55.1°F at 6:47 hours
The current temp. 55.1°F at 6:51 hours
The current range 9.8°F at 6:51 hours
The high wind gust yesterday was 20 mph at 10:13 hours. |
9/30/2017 |
7:03 AM |
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9/30/17 at 6:51 The Richmond Airport is reporting a mostly clear sky.
Glen Allen has a heavy morning dew, damp, chilly temperatures and calm air.
Glen Allen has had 17 days with only 0.02 inches of rain.
The Sep. precipitation departure is now -1.38 inches.
HIGH temperature 57.9°F at 0:00 hours
LOW temperature 52.1°F at 6:44 hours
The current temp. 52.1°F at 6:51 hours
The current range 5.8°F at 6:51 hours
The daily mean temperature departure is -1.0°F for Sep. compared to the average. |