Observation Date |
Observation Time |
Precipitation |
Snowfall |
Snowfall SWE |
Snow Depth |
Snow SWE |
Notes |
10/1/2017 |
6:45 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.29, 41.3 F, 95% RH, 39.9 DP, Calm and Mostly Cloudy (high and thin)....Pink sunrise. |
10/2/2017 |
7:35 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.14 Steady last 16 hrs, 62.2 F, 67% RH, 60.9 DP, SSE 4 mph, Mostly cloudy. |
10/3/2017 |
6:45 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.23 Steady past 10 hrs, 67.2 F, 73% RH, 58.2 DP, Mostly Cloudy, S at 9 mph. |
10/4/2017 |
7:45 AM |
0.02 |
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Baro 30.29 Steady past 20 hrs., 66.7 F, 92% RH, 64.4 DP, Low overcast / scud, NW 8 mph......Finally seeing some precip. |
10/5/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
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Baro 30.23 Steady past 16 hrs., 50.0 F, 82% RH, 44.6 DP
Misty rain from 7AM to about 11AM (estimated) yesterday adding to the .02 we had before 7AM. Still not enough to moisten the soil. |
10/6/2017 |
7:40 AM |
0.11 |
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Baro 30.06 Steady past 12 hrs., 57.7 F, 95% RH, 56.1 DP, Calm with misty rain and low overcast. |
10/7/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.21 |
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Baro 29.70 Falling, 64.0 F, 84% RH, 59.9 DP, SSE 3 mph, Mostly Cloudy, expecting more rain. |
10/8/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.19 |
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Baro 29.85 Steady past 4 hrs., 49.4 F, 95% RH, 48.0 DP, Crystal clear skies and calm. Very heavy dew. |
10/9/2017 |
7:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 29.91 Raising Slowly, 50.9 F, 95% RH, 49.4 DP, Calm and Clear. |
10/10/2017 |
6:55 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.14 Steady past 4 hrs., 55.5 F, 86% RH, 51.2 DP, WNW @ 3mph, Mostly clear overhead, few high thin clouds, mostly cloudy to the southwest. |
10/11/2017 |
7:35 AM |
1.67 |
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Baro 30.06 Falling, 56.1 F, 95% RH, 54.5 DP, NNE at 4 mph, totally overcast and still raining (much needed). |
10/12/2017 |
7:30 AM |
0.17 |
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Submitted at 7:35 this morning....don't see it on map....this is a re-transmission of that precip report. |
10/13/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
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Baro 30.07 Steady past 10 hrs. 52.7 F, 95% RH, 51.0 DP, Calm and mostly cloudy......Measured rain fell after yesterday's report, but early in the morning as a misty drizzle. |
10/14/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.65 |
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Baro 30.09, 60.8 F, 94% RH, 59.0 DP, Calm, overcast and raining. |
10/15/2017 |
7:00 AM |
2.81 |
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Baro 29.82 Raising last 2 hrs., 55.7 F, 82% RH, 50.1 DP, Wind NW @ 14.3 mph, overcast. Temp dropping, down 3 degrees F in past 1.5 hrs. |
10/16/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.32 Raising over past 3 hrs., 40.6 F, 92% RH, 38.4 DP, Winds WSW 1.5 mph, Clear Skies |
10/17/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.20 Steady, 46.4 F, 72% RH, 37.7 DP, Clear skies, wind S at 4 mph |
10/18/2017 |
7:45 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.17 Steady, 45.8 F, 83% RH, 41.0 DP, Clear and Calm. |
10/19/2017 |
6:45 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.11 Up slightly in past 3 hrs., 46.4 F, 89% RH, 43.3 DP., Clear, Calm and Dark....Sun is sleeping in now days. |
10/20/2017 |
7:40 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.17 Steady past 24 hrs., 48.9 F, 92% RH, 46.7 DP. Clear and calm. |
10/21/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.06 Steady past 16 hrs., 59.0 F, 66% RH, 47.4 DP, Wind S @ 2 mph, Mostly clear, clouds moving in from southwest. Westerly sky mostly cloudy. |
10/22/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro. 29.94 Steady past 3 hours but trending downward past 24 hours. 65.3 F, 75% RH, 56.8 DP....Wind South at 5 mph., Mostly cloudy (about 90%) with a very orange ting to the clouds at sunrise. |
10/23/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.49 |
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Baro 29.91 Falling slowly past 3 hours, falling steadily over past 12 hours. 49.2 F, 95% RH, 47.8 DP....Calm winds, overcast (and dark). Could hear rain drops hitting the leaves on the trees but did not get hit with a single drop while checking gauge. Still raining (I guess). |
10/24/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.53 |
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Baro 29.55 Steady past 3 hrs., 44.2 F, 95% RH, 42.8 DP, Wind NW # 7.0.....Raining. |
10/25/2017 |
7:40 AM |
0.46 |
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Baro 29.79 Steady past 3 hrs., 36.1 F, 81% RH, 31.0 DP, Winds West at 7 mph., cloudy but not overcast....about 50%. Rain was all from yesterday from 7AM until it finally quit raining in the pm. |
10/26/2017 |
6:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro. 29.85 Steady, 33.2 F, 95% RH, 32.0 DP, Calm and Clear. No indication of frost at ground level, will have to wait until sunrise to see if the roofs have frost. Temp is still dropping. Edit 06:53: FROST REPORT submitted. |
10/27/2017 |
7:40 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 29.76 Raising slightly past 3 hours, 36.8 F, 70% RH, 28.1 DP, Wind W at 13, cloudy |
10/28/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
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Baro 29.85 Raising past 3 hrs, 33.9 F, 92% RH, 32.0 DP, Overcast, Wind NW @ 8 mph. Very cold (ice water) in gauge Brrrr, it is chilly out there. |
10/29/2017 |
7:30 AM |
0.01 |
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Baro 29.91 Steady, 32.1 F, 77% RH, 25.9 DP, Wind W @ 4, Mostly clear skies, some clouds on western horizon.......Rain fell early yesterday, then observed very small snow flakes/pellets just before 9AM. No accumulation, melted on contact and only lasted about 5 minutes. |
10/30/2017 |
7:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 29.67 Steady past 3 hrs., 42.0 F, 84% RH, 37.4 DP,
Overcast, Wind NW @ 8 mph.
10/31/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.09 Raising, 32.3 F, 55% RH, 18.0 DP, Wind NW @ 18, Wind Chill 14.8 F, Overcast |
11/1/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.03 Steady past 3 hrs., 34.1 F, 73% RH, 26.6 DP, Calm and overcast. |
11/2/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.24 |
0.0 |
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Baro 29.88 Steady past 12 hrs., 44.6 F, 95% RH, 43.1 DP, overcast (& dark), wind NW @ 5 mph. |
11/3/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.32 Raising, 35.7 F, 81% RH, 30.4 DP, Party Cloudy, Wind N at 6 mph. |
11/4/2017 |
8:15 AM |
0.34 |
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Baro 30.09 Falling, 41.7 F, 95% RH, 40.2 DP, overcast, wind N @ 1, RAINING. |
11/5/2017 |
6:50 AM |
0.29 |
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Baro 29.92 Steady past 3 hrs., 44.4 F, 95% RH, 42.9 DP, Low Overcast, Calm.....Fog in area but not here. |
11/6/2017 |
7:50 AM |
0.05 |
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Baro 30.26 Raising, 29.5 F, 79% RH, 23.9 DP. Clear, Wind NNW @ 8 mph. |
11/7/2017 |
7:20 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.32 Steady, 32.1 F, 74% RH, 24.8 DP, Partly Cloudy, Wind NW @ 3 mph. |
11/8/2017 |
8:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.38 Steady past 12 hrs., 28.3 F, 89% RH, 25.6 DP, Crystal Clear, Calm, VERY VERY Heavy Frost at ground level. Hard freeze overnight.....23 F when I got up at 4 AM. |
11/9/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.09 Steady past 3 hrs., 36.3 F, 68% RH, 26.8 DP, Mostly cloudy, Wind WSW 6 mph |
11/10/2017 |
6:50 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.56 Raising, 12.8 F, 59% RH, 1.4 DP, Clear, Wind NNW @ 3 mph |
11/11/2017 |
7:00 AM |
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Baro 30.41 Steady, 25.7 F, 59% RH, 13.7 DP, overcast, wind SSE @ 9 mph. |
11/12/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.04 |
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Baro 30.29 Steady, 32.9 F, 94% RH, 31.5 DP, Cloudy, Calm, Rain, Ice pellets, snow mix currently falling......Several ice pellets in rain gauge funnel and on the ground in places (Trace) but currently raining and pellets mix. |
11/13/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.13 |
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Baro 30.47, 28.6 F, 95% RH, 27.5 DP, Wind W @ 2 mph, Heavy frost and Ice Fog. Reported rain and trace of snow was from the weather MESS we had yesterday (during and after yesterday's report). |
11/14/2017 |
7:50 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.32 Steady, 31.5 F, 95% RH, 30.4 DP, Wind SE @ 2 mph, Mostly Cloudy |
11/15/2017 |
7:05 AM |
0.15 |
0.0 |
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Baro 29.85 Falling previous 3 hours, steady past hour. 40.6 F, 94% RH, 42.2 DP, Wind SE to SW at 4 mph, Overcast and moderate rain. |
11/16/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.07 |
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Baro 30.17 Raising, 23.4 F, 72% RH, 03.8 DP, Overcast, NW 10 mph.
Rain collected is from yesterday morning post the 7AM report. |
11/17/2017 |
7:45 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.09 Falling slowly, 33.4 F, 80% RH, 28.1 DP, Mostly cloudy, Wind SE @ 15 mph. |
11/18/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.15 |
0.0 |
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Baro 29.50 Steady last 3 hrs., 39.5 F (dropping), 94% RH, 37.9 DP, Overcast and raining, Wind NNE 5 mph. |
11/19/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.32 |
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0.0 |
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Baro 30.00 Raising slowly, 25.2 F 67% RH, 15.8 DP, Clear, Winds NNW @ 13 mph.....Rain reported fell yesterday morning after the 7AM report. Rain continued until noon at which time we got 1/4 to 3/8" snowflakes falling like rain. The temp had dropped to 32.3 F when the snow arrived. Looking at the radar (GR2A), this snow 'EXPLODED' over our area on the back side of the rain. There was enough to coat the lawn furniture but it melted within minutes as the ambient temps were too close to freezing, and raising (slowly) to about 36 F. An hour later (1PM), snow stopped and melted rapidly. |
11/20/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 29.94 Steady past 3 hrs., 29.9 F, 74% RH, 22.7 DP, Partly cloudy, Wind S @ 7 mph. |
11/21/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 29.70 Steady, 39.9 F, 67% RH, 29.9 DP, Wind SW @ 8 mph, Partly cloudy (currently with orange clouds). |
11/22/2017 |
7:05 AM |
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Baro 30.35 Raising, 17.3 F, 78% RH, 11.7 DP, Clear and Calm...........Trace of rain fell around 8AM yesterday morning. At the 7AM report we had PC skies, by 8AM it was total overcast and sprinkles of rain. |
11/23/2017 |
7:50 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.03 Steady, 29.7 F, 65% RH, 10.4 DP,Clear skies, W SSW @ 3mph....At least the turkey is warmer than the ambient air.......Happy Thanksgiving |
11/24/2017 |
7:10 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 29.76 Falling slowly, 34.3 F, 73% RH, 26.6 DP, Clear overhead, few clouds on NW horizon, wind SSW @ 8 mph. |
11/25/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 29.88 Raising, 35.7 F, 89% RH, 32.7 DP, Clear, Wind WNW 5 mph. |
11/26/2017 |
7:15 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.23 Steady last 3 hrs., 22.9 F, 84% RH, 18.9 DP, Clear, Calm and Frost (roofs and grass). |
11/27/2017 |
7:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.06 Steady, 28.3 F, 95% RH, 27.2 DP, Wind SE @ 3 mph, Mostly clear skies, very high thin clouds to south. |
11/28/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 29.88 Steady past 7 hrs., 49.1 F, 50% RH, 31.3 DP, Wind SW to W @ 10 mph, Clear skies |
11/29/2017 |
7:45 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.32 Raising, 26.1 F, 74% RH, 19.1 DP, Clear and Calm |
11/30/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.03 Steady last 3 hrs but generally falling over past 16 hrs. 37.2 F, 58% RH, 23.8 DP, Clear with winds W @ 7 mph. |
12/1/2017 |
7:45 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.26 Steady past 3 hrs., 24.3 F, 92% RH, 22.5 DP,Clear and Calm |
12/2/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.11 Steady past 3 hrs., 27.0 F, 88% RH, 24.1 DP, Clear skies, Wind SE @ 1 mph. |
12/3/2017 |
7:45 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.20 Steady, 25.7 F, 94% RH, 24.5 DP, Calm & Clear |
12/4/2017 |
7:40 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 29.79 Falling, 53.4 F, 66% RH, 42.2 DP,Mostly overcast, some clearing to south, W S @ 12 mph. |
12/5/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.23 |
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Baro 29.85 Raising, 27.9 F, 67% RH, 18.5 DP, Clear (except for one small cloud to the NW) Windy, Wind SW @ 17 and gusting. Waning moon huge and bright. |
12/6/2017 |
7:40 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 29.97 Steady last 8 hrs., 23.9 F, 64% RH, 13.7 DP Wind WNW 10, Clear skies with high waxing moon still up in western sky. |
12/7/2017 |
6:55 AM |
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Baro 30.14 Steady last 3 hrs., 14.6 F, 77% RH, 8.8 DP, Overcast, Wind NW @ 9 mph.......Ground covered with a (dusting) trace of snow, not enough to actually measure on the snow board. More on the way (radar indicated). |
12/8/2017 |
7:00 AM |
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Baro 30.00 Falling slowly, 16.0 F, 57% RH, 3.8 DP, Wind WSW @ 7 mph, Few clouds......Reporting as Trace of snow as it was still falling after the 7AM report yesterday. No further accumulation. |
12/9/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.03 |
0.5 |
0.03 |
0.5 |
0.03 |
Baro 29.73 Steady past 2 hrs, generally falling. 26.1 F, 79% RH, 20.5 DP, Winds NNW @ 20 mph under mostly cloudy sky.....
First band of snow came in around 20:15 last evening. |
12/10/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
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Baro 29.91" Falling past 3 hrs., 20.3 F, 73% RH, 13.1 DP Wind S at 9 mph.Sky mostly clear, few clouds.....Remaining snow measured at .25" is being shown as a trace remaining due to the rounding factor of nearest 1/2". |
12/11/2017 |
7:40 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 29.94 Steady, 24.7 F, 77% RH, 18.7 DP, Wind S @ 9, Mostly cloudy with a few patches of clear.....Snow board clean, old snow has evaporated/melted. |
12/12/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.09 |
1.4 |
0.09 |
1.4 |
0.09 |
Baro 30.09" Raising, 13 F, 63% RH, 3.1 DP, Clear skies, Wind NNW @ 10 mph with a wind chill of -4.1 F.
This report duplicates the Significant Weather report that was submitted last evening around 5:30 PM. We had a narrow but moderate to heavy band of snow move through which dumped a quick 1.4" of snow. No additional accumulation is on the snow board this morning....post the report last evening. |
12/13/2017 |
7:40 AM |
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1.0 |
0.01 |
Baro 29.55" Falling, 25.0 F, 56% RH, Overcast with winds SSW variable from 5 to 12 mph............Trace of small snow/ice pellets fell for about 2 minutes around 06:40. Not enough to measure. Pellets white in color and all smaller than a BB..............Old accumulation of snow now measures .9" rounded to 1" (down from 1.4" of fresh snow yesterday). |
12/14/2017 |
7:00 AM |
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Baro 30.03" Raising, 9.0 F, 73% RH, 2.3 DP, Crystal clear skies, Wind NNW @ 4 mph. Frost on metal surfaces this morning, can't tell about grass and roofs, can't distinguish it from the remaining snow. Flurry of snow yesterday afternoon, no accumulation. |
12/15/2017 |
7:30 AM |
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Baro 29.91" Steady last 3 hrs., 23.8 F, 68% RH, 14.9 DP, Low Overcast (snow laden alto-cum), Wind NW @ 11 mph, light snow intermittently, not enough to measure (yet). |
12/16/2017 |
7:00 AM |
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Baro 29.85" Steady past 8 hrs., 31.0 F, 68% RH, 21.8 DP. Mostly clear, few high cirrus to the NW, Wind S @ 7 mph........Flurries on and off all day yesterday, no accumulation. |
12/17/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.06", 32.1 f, 95% rh, 31 dp, Wind calm, sky clear overhead but dense low clouds to south, west and northwest. |
12/18/2017 |
7:30 AM |
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0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
Baro 29.94" Steady past 4 hrs., 39.3 F, 92% RH, 37.2 DP, Overcast and spitting rain (can't even call it a drizzle), Wind SW @ 5 mph. |
12/19/2017 |
7:00 AM |
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0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
Baro 29.88" Steady past 16 hrs., 36.3 F, 85% RH, 32.1 DP, Wind WSW @ 8 mph, Partly cloudy (High Cirrus overhead, mostly cloudy to northwest and north, few clouds to southwest). |
12/20/2017 |
7:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
Baro 30.14 Steady last 12 hrs., 26.6 F, 60% RH, 14.8 DP, Partly cloudy, calm winds. |
12/21/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.06" Steady, 31.5 F, 73% RH, 23.9 DP, Wind SSE @ 6 mph, Cloudy
12/22/2017 |
7:00 AM |
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0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
Baro 30.00" Raising slowly, 32.1 F, 88% RH, 29.2 DP, Overcast with wind NNW at 3 mph.....Misty here, fog reported in the area. Visibility is still good, but walking outside,you can feel the mist hit your face. |
12/23/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
12/24/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
Baro 30.20" Steady, 17.6 F, 63% RH, 7.4 DP, Wind calm, Skies cloudy....Snow on the way, GR2A Radar showing virga just southwest of us but, nothing getting to the ground here yet. |
12/25/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.11 |
2.1 |
0.11 |
2.1 |
0.11 |
Baro 30.17" Raising slowly, 9.0 F, 70% RH, 1.4 DP,Wind W to WNW @ 8 mph, Few clouds to the north, otherwise clear. |
12/26/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
1.9 |
0.16 |
Baro 30.53 Raising, -9.0 F (minus nine), 51% RH, -21.6 DP, Mostly clear (few clouds to south), Wind WNW @ 6 mph. Snow squeaking underfoot. Brrrrr !! |
12/27/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
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Baro 30.68" Steady last 3 hrs., -11.2 F, 54% RH, -22.9 DP, Clear skies, Wind NW @ 2 mph.....Unable to do old snow depth due to bitter cold and illness. |
12/28/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
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Baro 30.59" Falling slowly, 1.3 F, 55% RH, -11.0 DP, Overcast with wind S @ 3 mph........Unable to do old snow shrinkage measurement or old snow water content because of illness. There is still well over an inch of snow on the ground....too cold to melt off, just evaporate. |
12/29/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.04 |
0.8 |
0.04 |
2.5 |
0.23 |
Baro 30.32" Steady past 3 hrs., 3.4 F, 69% RH, -4.1 DP, Partly cloudy (clouds NW to SW, clear overhead), Wind calm. |
12/30/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.09 |
1.0 |
0.09 |
3.6 |
0.31 |
Baro 30.29" Raising, +0.2 F, 46% RH, -15.3 DP, Wind Chill -20.7 F, Wind NW @ 13.5 mph, Mostly clear, some clouds to the northwest. |
12/31/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
3.0 |
0.33 |
Baro 30.47" Steady past 8 hrs., -=4.3 F, 51% RH, -17.5 DP, Clear, Wind NNW @ 8 mph, Wind Chill -15 |
1/1/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
3.0 |
0.22 |
Baro 30.65" Steady past 8 hrs., -15.5 F, 45% RH, -29.5 DP, Clear, Wind NW @ 10 mph, Wind Chill -40.....Brrr |
1/2/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
3.0 |
0.30 |
30.56" Steady past 3 hrs., -13.7 F, 49% RH, -26.5 DP, Clear with wind WSW @ 5 mph. |
1/3/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
0.6 |
0.02 |
3.5 |
0.28 |
Baro 30.03" Steady past 3 hrs., +12.1 F, 67% RH, +3.4 DP, Overcast & Snowing, Wind NW @ 8 mph. |
1/4/2018 |
7:00 AM |
T |
T |
T |
3.0 |
0.31 |
Baro 30.29" Steady past 3 hrs., -8.8 F, 54% RH, -20.7 DP, Wind NW @ 8 mph, Clear skies. |
1/5/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
3.0 |
0.30 |
Baro 30.35" Steady past 8 hrs., 55% RH, -21.1 DP, Clear with wind NNW @ 5 mph. |
1/6/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
3.0 |
0.30 |
Baro 30.56" Steady last 3 hrs., -10.6 F, 52% RH, -22.9 DP, Clear with wind NW @ 6 mph |
1/7/2018 |
7:35 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
3.0 |
0.29 |
Baro 30.14" Falling, +15.5 F, 20% RH, -18.0 DP, Overcast, Wind S @ 9 mph. |
1/8/2018 |
7:45 AM |
T |
T |
T |
2.5 |
0.32 |
Baro 30.00" Raising slowly, 30.6 F, 45% RH, 11.9 DP, Wind NW @ 5 mph, High overcast (milky sky)...........Precip yesterday afternoon was wintry mix and only a track. |
1/9/2018 |
6:15 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
1.5 |
0.23 |
Baro 30.23" Steady past 3 hrs., 25.0 F, 53% RH, 10.6 DP, Wind calm, sky to dark to tell. |
1/10/2018 |
7:55 AM |
0.06 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
M |
M |
Baro 29.88" Falling, 36.6 F, 85% RH, 32.7 DP, Cloudy, Wind SSE @ 8 mph..........Unable to do old snow melt report today.....surgery yesterday. Sorry. |
1/11/2018 |
6:30 AM |
T |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
Baro 29.73" Steady last12 hrs., 52.7 F, 84% RH, 47.8 DP, Wind S @ 12 mph...........Only snow remaining is in drift areas. Wait until tonight....! |
1/12/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.29 |
T |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
Baro 30.09" Raising, 16.9 F, 68% RH, 8.5 DP, Wind NW @ 12, Cloudy...........0.29" of rain fell yesterday afternoon and froze in gauge. Few snowflakes as front moved through, not enough to measure as snow. |
1/13/2018 |
7:45 AM |
T |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
Baro 30.56 Raising, -0.5 F, 52% RH, -13/5 DP, Clear with with wind NW @ 6 mph........... Flurries yesterday, no accumulation. |
1/14/2018 |
7:45 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
Baro 30.59" Steady past 12 hrs., -1.8 F, 60% RH, -11.9 DP, Clear and Calm. |
1/15/2018 |
7:45 AM |
0.21 |
3.6 |
0.21 |
3.6 |
0.21 |
Baro 30.11 Steady last 3 hrs., 16.9 F, 74% RH, 10.3 DP, Overcast, Wind SSE @ 4 mph......Still snowing very lightly; tiny, tiny flakes. |
1/16/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.09 |
2.0 |
0.09 |
5.2 |
0.26 |
Baro 30.41" Raising, 11 F, 71% RH, 3.6 DP, Overcast, Wind NW @ 7 mph.....Total snowfall is an average of 4 locations because of winds yesterday. |
1/17/2018 |
7:00 AM |
T |
T |
T |
4.5 |
0.30 |
Baro 30.50" Steady last 12 hrs., -0.7 F, 63% RH, -9.9 DP, Clear with wind NW @ 6 mph. |
1/18/2018 |
7:45 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
3.0 |
0.22 |
Baro 30.11" Steady, 14.4 F, 61% RH, 3.6 DP, Clear overhead, clouds to northwest, wind NW @ 5 mph. |
1/19/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
2.5 |
0.21 |
Baro 29.88" Steady past 3 hrs., 25.2 F, 62% RH, 14.2 DP, Clear with wind SW @ 8 mph. |
1/20/2018 |
7:45 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
1.5 |
0.23 |
Baro 29.88" Steady last 3 hrs., 27.4 F, 79% RH, 21.8 DP, Clear with wind SW @ 3 mph. |
1/21/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
M |
M |
Baro 29.97", 36.3 F, 88% RH, 33.0 DP, Low clouds, light fog, wind calm. |
1/22/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.59 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
Baro 29.61" Falling, 42.0 F, 93% RH, 40.4 DP, Overcast and raining with wind E @ 3 mph. |
1/23/2018 |
7:45 AM |
0.36 |
1.1 |
0.11 |
1.0 |
0.11 |
Baro 29.73" Raising, 29.2 F, 82% RH, 24.7 DP, Overcast with wind NW @ 8 mph........Rain yesterday changing over to snow late last night. |
1/24/2018 |
7:00 AM |
T |
T |
T |
1.0 |
M |
Baro 30.23", 24.5 F, 78% RH, 18.7 DP, Overcast, Calm....Flurries yesterday....Snow inbound (radar indicated) in about an hour.....Narrow band. |
1/25/2018 |
7:00 AM |
T |
T |
T |
1.0 |
M |
Baro 30.29" Steady past 6 hrs., 22.5 F, 81% RH, 18.0 DP, Clear with wind SSE @ 8 mph..........Band of radar indicated snow that was rushing toward us yesterday morning dried up before it got here. All we got was about 3 minutes of flurries, no accumulation. |
1/26/2018 |
7:40 AM |
0.00 |
M |
M |
0.0 |
0.00 |
Baro 33.17†Steady, 33.4F, 78%RH, 27.4DP, Clear with winds SSE @ 9 mph. |
1/27/2018 |
7:35 AM |
M |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 30.09â€, 35.9 F, 67% RH, 26.1 DP, Clear overhead, PC to NW, Wind WNW @ 10 mph. |
1/28/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
Baro 30.32†Raising, 24.1 F, 81% RH, 19.3 DP, Wind calm, sky clear overhead, cloudy to west. |
1/29/2018 |
6:45 AM |
0.10 |
0.1 |
T |
0.1 |
T |
Baro 30.41" Steady past 4 hrs., 22.3 F, 65% RH, 12.4 DP, Overcast with light snow, wind NNW @ 5 mph. |
1/30/2018 |
7:30 AM |
T |
T |
T |
T |
0.00 |
Baro 30.47" Steady past 6 hrs., 09.0 F, 64% RH, -0.5 DP, Calm and Clear. Flurries briefly a couple of times yesterday (Lake Effect activity). |
1/31/2018 |
6:45 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 29.73" Falling, 29.2 F, 53% RH, 14.4 DP, Wind WSW 13 mph. To dark to tell cloud condition. |
2/1/2018 |
7:15 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 29.94 Raising, 20.3 F, 39% RH, -0.4 DP, Clear and windy...Wind NNW at 18 mph. |
2/2/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 30.50 Raising, -0.7 F, 47% RH, -15.7 DP, Clear with wind NNW @ 4 mph. |
2/3/2018 |
7:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 30.11 Falling, 21.8 F, 41$ RH, +1.8 DP, Overcast with winds SSW @ 9 mph. |
2/4/2018 |
7:30 AM |
0.03 |
0.4 |
0.03 |
0.5 |
0.03 |
Baro 29.88" Raising, 17.6 F, 61% RH, 6.7 DP, Overcast, Wind N @ 10 mph. |
2/5/2018 |
7:45 AM |
0.03 |
0.4 |
0.03 |
1.0 |
0.06 |
Baro 30.26 Steady, -3.4 F, 50% RH, -17.1 DP, Calm and Clear. |
2/6/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.16 |
2.0 |
0.16 |
3.0 |
0.25 |
Baro 30.38" Raising, -1.8 F, 57% RH, -12.8 DP, Clear with wind NW @ 1 mph. |
2/7/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.08 |
1.9 |
0.08 |
4.0 |
M |
Baro 30.29" Steady past 3 hrs., 10.1 F, 62% RH, 0.0 DP, Cloudy with flurries, Wind NW @ 7 mph. |
2/8/2018 |
7:00 AM |
T |
T |
M |
4.0 |
M |
Baro 30.41" Steady past 6 hrs., 6.3 F, 56% RH, -5.6 DP, Overcast with wind WSW @ 3 mph. Passing flurries on and off all day yesterday, no accumulation. |
2/9/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.51 |
6.1 |
0.51 |
9.0 |
M |
Baro 30.14" Steady past 3 hrs., 21.2 F, 73% RH, 14.0 DP, Cloudy/Overcast wind calm.....Snowing very fine snow currently. |
2/10/2018 |
6:45 AM |
0.02 |
0.9 |
0.02 |
9.5 |
M |
Baro 30.20" Steady, 9.9 F, 56% RH, -2.3 DP, Cloudy with wind N @ 5 mph. |
2/11/2018 |
6:35 AM |
0.39 |
4.1 |
0.39 |
12.0 |
M |
Baro 29.97 Steady past 3 hrs, 14.0 F, 65% RH, +4.5 DP, Cloudy, wind NW @ 8 mph. |
2/12/2018 |
7:40 AM |
T |
T |
0.00 |
11.5 |
1.55 |
Baro 30.62" Raising, -2.7 F, 56% RH, -14.0 DP, Clear and Calm.......Snow flurries a couple of times yesterday but no accumulation. |
2/13/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
11.5 |
M |
Baro 30.65" Steady past 3 hrs., 11.0 F, 59% RH, -0.2 DP, Wind calm, Sky high clouds, milky white, overcast. |
2/14/2018 |
4:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
11.0 |
M |
Baro 30.14" Falling slowly, 24.5 F, 75% RH, 17.8 DP, Wind SW @ 4 mph, Sky to dark to see but not seeing any stars.....Some snow melting or evaporation....down 1/2 inch from yesterday. Slight crust on top, from refreeze. |
2/15/2018 |
7:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
11.0 |
M |
Baro 29.73" Falling, 38.3 F, 93% RH, 36.3 DP, Cloudy with wind SSW @ 3 mph. |
2/16/2018 |
7:20 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
2.5 |
M |
Baro 30.14" Raising, 29.3 F, 67% RH, 19.8 DP, Cloudy with wind NW @ 9 mph.......Snow measurement off of snow board (it all melted there). |
2/17/2018 |
7:15 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
2.5 |
M |
Baro 30.09" Falling, 15.3 F, 49% RH, 0.0 DP, Wind S @ 3 mph, clear overhead |
2/18/2018 |
7:20 AM |
0.10 |
1.9 |
0.10 |
2.0 |
0.10 |
Baro 30.20" Steady past 3 hrs., 13.3 F, 70% RH, 5.6 DP, Clear overhead, wind SSE 2 mph, Very light fog, vis still well over a mile. |
2/19/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.11 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
1.5 |
0.60 |
Baro 29.88" Steady last 3 hrs., 36.8 F, 88% RH, Cloudy & foggy (mild) wind SSE @ 5 mph........Weekly snow measurement 1.5" of rain saturated snow. Rained last night with temp above freezing. Expecting rain today which should melt off remaining snow. |
2/20/2018 |
7:20 AM |
1.36 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 29.85" Steady last 8 hrs., 54.8 F, 91% RH, 52.1 DP, Cloudy with wind S @ 7 mph. Snow all melted except where snow plows have dumped it. |
2/21/2018 |
7:10 AM |
0.49 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
Baro 30.44" Raising, 23.8 F, 62% RH, 12.8 DP, Mostly cloudy, Wind NW @ 5 mph......Rain from yesterday became block of ice in bottom of gauge. Radical drop from the upper 50's to current 23.8 F. |
2/22/2018 |
7:40 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 30.53" Steady last 3 hrs., 30.1 F, 68% RH, 20.9 DP, Overcast (high), wind NNE @ 1 mph. |
2/23/2018 |
7:20 AM |
0.11 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 30.09" Steady past 3 hrs., 39.2 F, 89% RH, 36.1 DP, Overcast, wind S @ 7 mph. |
2/24/2018 |
7:15 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 30.17" Falling slowly, 31.3 F, 74% RH, 24.1 DP, Overcast with wind NNE @ 2 mph. |
2/25/2018 |
7:30 AM |
0.21 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 29.82" Raising slowly over past 3 hrs., 31.0 F, 62% RH, 19.6 DP, Few clouds, wind W @ 13 mph. |
2/26/2018 |
6:54 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 30.17" Steady past 3 hrs., 22.3 F, 76% RH, 16.0 DP, Clear and calm.........SWE Measurement Monday with no snow to measure....All gone! |
2/27/2018 |
5:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 30.20" Steady past 12 hrs plus, 33.8 F, 66% RH, 23.8 DP, Clear with wind SSE @ 5 mph. |
2/28/2018 |
7:15 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 29.85" Steady past 8 hrs, 42.6 F, 77% RH, 35.9 DP. Wind SSW @ 5 mph, Clear skies. |
3/1/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.38 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 29.82" Steady past 6 hrs., 35.4 F 92% RH, 33.2 DP, Low overcast, wind NNE @ 3 mph......Drizzle of rain, GR2A radar indicates very little more for us this morning. |
3/2/2018 |
6:50 AM |
T |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 30.38" Raising, 23.4 F, 89% RH, 20.7 DP, Clear, Wind NW @ 2 mph....heavy frost on ground and roofs.....Trace of rain fell after yesterday morning's report, then sky cleared and temp dropped. No snow flurries here. |
3/3/2018 |
6:45 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
Baro 30.53" Steady past 3 hrs., 26.5 F, 79% RH, 20.9 DP, Clear skies, wind out of northeast/east but blocked by trees, cannot give wind speed. |
3/4/2018 |
6:50 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 30.44" Steady (all night long), 24.7 F 78% RH, 18.9 DP, Clear with wind ESE @ 6 mph. |
3/5/2018 |
7:15 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 30.17" Steady past 3 hrs., generally falling. Temp 32.0 F, 54% RH, 17.3 DP. Overcast with wind out of the East but I am blocked by trees for an accurate reading....GR2A radar lighting up with wintry mix approaching from the southwest about 40 miles out. |
3/6/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.24 |
1.7 |
0.24 |
1.7 |
0.24 |
Baro 29.70" Falling, 31.7 F, 95% RH, 30.6 DP, Cloudy/ High Overcast, wind SE @ 6 mph. |
3/7/2018 |
6:30 AM |
T |
T |
T |
0.5 |
M |
Baro 29.94" Raising, 24.7 F, 75% RH, 18.0 DP, Cloudy with flurries, wind NW @ 7 mph......Flurries on and off all day yesterday, no accumulation......Yesterdays snow mostly melted or crusted over with ice from melt then refreeze. |
3/8/2018 |
6:50 AM |
T |
T |
T |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 30.03" Steady past 8 hrs., 18.5 F, 61% RH, 7.6 DP, Clear with wind NW @ 8 mph........Few flurries yesterday, no accumulation.....All snow melted except under trees where sun didn't reach, then only a dusting. |
3/9/2018 |
6:45 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 30.03" Steady past 8 hrs., 16.9 F, 76% RH10.8 DP, Clear with wind NW @ 1 mph. |
3/10/2018 |
6:55 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
M |
M |
Baro 30.09" Steady past 3 hrs., 17.3 F, 80% RH, 12.4 DP, Clear with wind E @ 3 mph (inaccurate because of trees to east). |
3/11/2018 |
6:40 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 30.17" Steady last 8 hrs., 21.6 F, 83% RH, 17.5 DP, Clear sky with wind out of NE about 3 mph (not accurate because of trees). |
3/12/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 30.09" Falling, 33.9 F, 75% RH, 27.0 DP, Cloudy, wind NW @ 10 mph. |
3/13/2018 |
7:00 AM |
T |
T |
T |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 30.14" Steady past 8 hrs., 22.5 F, 71% RH, 14.8 DP, Partly Cloudy, wind NNW @ 4 mph. |
3/14/2018 |
7:00 AM |
T |
T |
T |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 30.14" Steady past 3 hrs., 19.6 F, 65% RH, 10.1 DP, Wind WNW @ 4 mph. Sky clear except for one very long jet contrail that is stagnant........ Yesterday afternoon around 3:15 PM we had 1/16 - 1/8" Graupel. GR2A radar showed cloud tops at approx 10K and approx 15K on the clouds that had just gone over. Flurries earlier in day (per wife) with large flakes. Nothing stuck around long enough to measure. |
3/15/2018 |
7:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
Baro 29.88" Raising slowly over past 3 hrs., 22.3 F, 85% RH, 18.9 DP, Clear and calm. |
3/16/2018 |
6:45 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 30.17" Raising over past 3 hrs., 20.9 F, 78% RH, 15.1 DP, Clear with wind NE @ 3 mph. |
3/17/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 29.94" Falling, 32.5 F, 65% RH, 22.1 DP, Wind calm, Sky cloudy / overcast. |
3/18/2018 |
6:50 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 30.06" Steady past 8 hrs., 22.7 F, 64% RH, 12.4 DP, Clear and Calm. |
3/19/2018 |
6:40 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 29.94" Steady past 12 hrs., 29.3 F, 77% RH, 23.2 DP, Clear with wind ENE @ 3 mph. |
3/20/2018 |
6:45 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 29.94" Steady past 24 hrs., 25.4 F 60% RH, 13.5 DP, Clear with wind NE @ 7 mph. |
3/21/2018 |
6:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 30.03" Steady past 3 hrs., 23.8 F, 77% RH, 17.8 DP, Clear overhead but mostly cloudy to west and northwest. Wind NNW @ 8 mph. |
3/22/2018 |
6:40 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 30.32" Raising, 17.3 F, 80% RH, 12.4 DP, Crystal Clear sky, wind calm. Frost on grass and roof. |
3/23/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 30.35" Steady past 8 hrs., 21.8 F, 87% RH, 18.7 DP, calm and clear. |
3/24/2018 |
6:45 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 30.14" Falling, 33.0 F, 51% RH, 17.0 DP, Wind ENE @ 8 mph (partially blocked by trees-75' away). Sky clear overhead, PC just a couple miles to the west and very cloudy from the SW to NW directions. We are on the edge of a snow event but dry here so far. |
3/25/2018 |
6:40 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 30.32" Steady past 3 hrs., 22.7 F, 62% RH, 11.9 DP, Clear overhead, clouds to west and southwest on horizon.
Wind NNW at 4 mph. |
3/26/2018 |
6:35 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 30.26" Steady past 8 hrs., 23.6 F 75% RH, 16.9 DP, Clear and calm. |
3/27/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.41 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 29.94" Steady past 3 hrs., 47.6 F, 95% RH, 46.2 DP, Overcast, Raining with wind WSW @ 7 mph. |
3/28/2018 |
6:40 AM |
T |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 30.03" Steady past 8 hrs., 34.3 F, 95% RH, 32.9 DP, Cloudy (about 90% overcast) and Calm........Trace of precip happened shortly after yesterday's report. One big drop in gauge, not enough to measure. Not enough to cover the bottom of the gauge. |
3/29/2018 |
6:55 AM |
0.09 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 29.88: Steady last 3 hrs., 41.9 F, 95% RH, 40.4 DP, Cloudy and Calm |
3/30/2018 |
6:45 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 30.17" Raising, 30.6 F, 86% RH, 27.0 DP, Clear overhead, clouds on NW horizon. Wind N at 6 mph. |
3/31/2018 |
6:50 AM |
T |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Baro 30.03" Falling, 38.3 F, 69% RH, 29.2 DP, Cloudy (overcast) with wind SSW @ 8 mph.......Sprinkle of rain just started around 06:40 CDT. |
4/1/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.11 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Baro 30.26" Raising, 20.2 F, 62% RH, 9.5 DP, A few wispy cirrus clouds, mostly clear. Wind NW @ 4 mph......Measured rain fell around 7 AM CDT yesterday (then froze in gauge). |
4/2/2018 |
6:45 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 30.11 Steady past 6 hrs., 17.1 F, 80% RH, 12.2 DP, Clear and Calm. |
4/3/2018 |
6:40 AM |
T |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 29.76" Falling, 35.0 F, 90% RH, 32.3 DP, Overcast with light drizzle. Wind NE @ 6 mph (non-exact wind velocity because of trees). |
4/4/2018 |
6:45 AM |
0.16 |
0.5 |
0.05 |
0.5 |
0.05 |
Baro 239.97" Raising, 23.2 F 76% RH, 16.9 DP, Partly Cloudy (approx 20%, with wind NW @ 18 mph.......Precip includes .11 (frozen in gauge) rainfall from before the snow event and .05 melted snow.....Looking forward to storing the snow measurement implements....Not yet!!! |
4/5/2018 |
6:50 AM |
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0.0 |
0.00 |
Baro 30.23" Steady past 8 hrs., 21.4 F 58% RH, 9.2 DP, Mostly cloudy (approx 75%)and Calm......A few flurries early yesterday morning (post report). All of yesterday's reported snow has melted. |
4/6/2018 |
6:55 AM |
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0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 29.88" Steady past 4 hrs., 32.0 F, 79% RH, 26.3 DP, High Overcast, winds NW @ 10 mph..........Flurries on and off yesterday. No accumulation. |
4/7/2018 |
7:40 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 30.17" Steady past 3 hrs., 16.7 F, 50% RH, 1.4 DP, Clear with wind NW @ 6 mph. |
4/8/2018 |
7:35 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.11" Steady past 6 hrs., 17.8 F, 69% RH, 9.5 DP, Clear and calm |
4/9/2018 |
6:45 AM |
0.08 |
1.5 |
0.08 |
1.5 |
0.08 |
Baro 30.11" Steady past 4 hrs., 27.9 F, 87% RH, 24.7 DP, Overcast, Wind NE @ 6 mph (approx....trees to east prevent accurate reading)......Currently snowing (light to moderate). |
4/10/2018 |
6:40 AM |
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Baro 30.26" Steady past 8 hrs.,23.8 F, 77% RH, 17.8 DP, Clear with wind WNW @ 7 mph.......Almost all of yesterday's 1.5" snowfall has melted (except in shaded areas under/behind trees). Trace of snow fell shortly after yesterday's report and during a couple of minor flurries during the day. |
4/11/2018 |
7:15 AM |
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0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 30.00" Steady past 3 hrs, but generally falling, 35.2 F, 71% RH, 27.0 DP, Clear skies (with jet contrails) Wind SW @ 7 mph. |
4/12/2018 |
6:45 AM |
0.15 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 29.61" Falling, 50.1 F, 67% RH, 39.3 DP, Clear with wind SSW @ 13 mph. |
4/13/2018 |
7:45 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 29.70" Steady past 3 hrs., 42.4 F, 86% RH, 38.3 DP, A few clouds to the north, wind NE at approx 6 mph (blocked by trees, not accurate). |
4/14/2018 |
7:10 AM |
0.09 |
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Baro 29.79", 36.5 F, 94% RH, 34.8 DP, Cloudy with NE winds approx 12 mph (inaccurate because of trees). |
4/15/2018 |
6:35 AM |
0.49 |
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Baro 29.70" Falling past 3 hrs., 31.7 F, 95% RH, 30.6 DP, Overcast and raining. Wind ENE @ approx 10 mph (not accurate because of trees blocking)......We are and have been in the rain sector. There is radar indicated icing west, northwest, and north of us. Had minor icing on rain gauge (not enough to measure) but we are still getting rain currently. |
4/16/2018 |
7:10 AM |
0.31 |
0.8 |
0.08 |
1.0 |
0.10 |
Baro 29.79" Steady past 6 hrs., 25.4 F, 84% RH, 21.2 DP, Overcast with light snow, wind WNW @ 11 mph......Yesterday was true example of 'Wintry Mix'. Went from rain to freezing rain, to sleet (chips) to snow, back to rain, and back to snow again. Scraped ice off of snow board (melted) was .02 which was equal to that of the ice (melted) from the gauge funnel. Rain was .21, snow was .8 measured, .08 melted. |
4/17/2018 |
6:45 AM |
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0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
Baro 29.91" Steady last 8 hrs, 26.6 F, 71% RH, 18.7 DP, Clear with wind NW @ 9 mph......Yesterday's snow event continued as flurries during the morning with no additional accumulation......Yesterday's snow melted off except under trees and in the shaded areas. |
4/18/2018 |
7:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 29.85" Falling over past 3 hrs, 30.2 F, 92% RH, 28.4 DP, Clear with wind ESE @ 5 mph. |
4/19/2018 |
6:30 AM |
0.24 |
0.6 |
0.09 |
0.5 |
0.09 |
Baro 30.20" Raising, 27.2 F, 90% RH, 24.8 DP, Clear with wind N @ 9 mph. Wintry mix yesterday starting with a brief downpour of rain at 11:45 AM and ending with snow late last evening and overnight. |
4/20/2018 |
6:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.50 Raising over past 3 hrs, 27.0 F, 79% RH, 21.4 DP, Clear and Calm...........Yesterday's snow all melted. Hopefully last snow of the season. |
4/21/2018 |
7:10 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.44" Steady past 8 hrs., 40.4 F, 57% RH, 26.5 DP, Cloudy, wind E @ 3 mph (approx because of trees blocking clean air). |
4/22/2018 |
7:15 AM |
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Baro 30.38" Steady past 2 hrs., but slowly falling. 42.8 F, 39% RH, 19.6 DP, Cloudy with wind NE @ 5 mph (approx because of trees blocking a clean air reading). |
4/23/2018 |
7:05 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.23" Steady past 6 hrs., 43.5 F, 52% RH, 27.0 DP. Mostly clear, few clouds to NW. Wind NE @ 5 mph (approx because of trees blocking clean air). |
4/24/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.09" Steady past 8 hrs., 49.6 F, 54% RH, 33.6 DP, Cloudy, Wind N @ 3 mph......Looks like rain, but none yet. |
4/25/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.11" Raising slowly over past 6 hrs., 40.6 F, 71% RH, 32.0 DP, Few Cirrus clouds overhead (vivid mares tails), more to SW. Wind N @ 8 mph (approx because of trees blocking clean air). |
4/26/2018 |
6:35 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 29.5" Steady past 3 hrs, 29.5 F, 92% RH, 27.7 DP, Clear and Calm. |
4/27/2018 |
7:10 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 29.85" Falling, 42.4 F, 72% RH, 33.9 DP, Clear with wind N @ 5 mph. |
4/28/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
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M |
Basro 30.06" Raising, 34.8 F, 85% RH, 31.0 DP, Clear with wind NNW @ 8 mph.......Brief shower late yesterday afternoon/early evening....Might add, we heard two different claps of thunder prior to the rain....All bark, no bite. |
4/29/2018 |
7:10 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.38" Raising, 27.9 F, 87% RH, 24.7 DP, Clear, Calm and light frost on roofs and grass. |
4/30/2018 |
6:35 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Baro 30.23" Steady past 8 hrs., 34.3 F, 66% RH, 24.3 DP, Clear with wind S @ 3 mph. |
5/1/2018 |
6:40 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Baro 30.00" Steady past 8 hrs., 54.8 F, 49% RH, 35.7 DP, Clear, WARM for a change, and wind S @ 7 mph. |
5/2/2018 |
6:40 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 29.91 Steady past 3 hrs., 68.3 F, 51% RH, 49.2 DP, Mostly Cloudy, Wind SSW @ 7 mph. Expecting rain, none yet. |
5/3/2018 |
7:00 AM |
2.93 |
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Baro 29.97 Raising slowly, 61.5 F, 95% RH, 59.9 DP, overcast, Calm and raining (light, but steady). Two hail reports submitted......'Oh, what a night'...One storm after another, training. |
5/4/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.14 |
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M |
Baro 29.73" Falling, 60.4 F, 76% RH, 52.8 DP, Cloudy, winds WSW 25 gusting to 30 mph. |
5/5/2018 |
6:40 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Baro 30.06" Seady past 3 hrs., 55.4 F, 67% RH, 44.4 DP, Clear with wind WNW @ 4 mph. |
5/6/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Baro 30.00" Steady past 3 hrs., 54.8 F, 84% RH, 50.0 DP, Overcast with wind NNW @ 3 mph. Looks like it could rain any minute but none yet. |
5/7/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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Baro 30.23" Raising, 46.7 F, 84% RH, 42.0 DP, Clear and Calm...........Trace of rain yesterday shortly after 7:20 AM. Not enough to measure but dampened concrete. |
5/8/2018 |
6:20 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.14" Steady past 8 hrs., 54.8 F, 62% RH, 41.9 DP, Clear with wind SW @ 2 mph. |
5/9/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.24 |
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Baro 29.88" Falling, 53.6 F, 92% RH, 52.5 DP, Low overcast, wind SE @ 8 mph...........Just had a thunderstorm pass over. This rain measurement is between 06:14 and 07:00 this morning. Quick 1/4" (almost). More rain expected. |
5/10/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.09 |
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Baro 29.88" Raising, 56.6 F, 88% RH, 53.0 DP, Clear with wind WNW @ 7 mph. |
5/11/2018 |
6:45 AM |
0.05 |
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M |
Baro 30.06" Stead last 3 hrs, 44.2 F, 74% RH, 36.3 DP, Overcast with wind NW @ 6 mph..........Currently getting light drizzle of rain....Measured rain happened after midnight as all was dry then. |
5/12/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.10 |
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M |
Baro 30.06" Raising slowly past 3 hrs., 42.8 F, 95% RH, 41.3 DP, Cloudy/Overcast with wind NNE @ 4 mph......Got hit with two drops of rain while checking gauge, but cannot say that it is 'really' raining. |
5/13/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.43 |
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M |
Baro 30.06" Steady past 8 hrs., 47.6 F, 95% RH, 46.2 DP, Low Overcast with wind NW @ 4 (approx because of trees possibly blocking clean reading).......Rain on and off all night, heavy at times.....Electrical storms early yesterday afternoon. |
5/14/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.39 |
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M |
Baro 30.00" Raising slowly, 55.7 F, 95% RH, 54.1 DP, Overcast and raining, wind variable NW to SE @ 6 mph.....Reported rain fell between 5 AM and 7 AM this morning as strong thunderstorm moved through. Currently still raining. |
5/15/2018 |
7:00 AM |
1.33 |
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Sorry !!! Wife took reading this morning for me as I was not home. Better late than never. |
5/16/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.06" Steady past 6 hrs., 48.3 F, 90% RH, 45.6 DP, Clear with wind N @ 3 mph. |
5/17/2018 |
6:58 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Baro 30.06" Steady past 8 hrs., 55.5 F, 81% RH, 49.6 DP, Clear and Calm |
5/18/2018 |
6:55 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Baro 30.11" Steady past 3 hrs., 52.1 F, 71% RH, 42.9 DP, Partly Cloudy (thin high clouds overhead - more lower clouds on southwest horizon), Wind WSW @ 3 mph. |
5/19/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.06 |
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M |
Baro 29.91" Steady past 8 hrs., 57.2 F, 95% RH, 55.5 DP, Overcast and Calm |
5/20/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.11 |
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Baro 30.14 Steady past 3 hrs, but raising slowly over past 8 hrs., 45.3 F, 93% RH, 43.1 DP, Low Overcast with wind W @ 2 mph....Rain in area....Just had a heavy shower (non electrical) in past half hour. |
5/21/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.59 |
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M |
Baro 30.14" Steady past 3 hrs, 50.5 F, 95% RH, 48.9 DP, Overcast and Raining, wind Calm.....Rain moved in again this morning at about 6:25 and is more than moderate but not heavy at this time....Got quite DAMP getting gauge reading. |
5/22/2018 |
6:55 AM |
0.88 |
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M |
Baro 30.03" Steady past 10 hrs., 57.2 F, 95% RH, 55.5 DP, Low Overcast, Wind Calm..........Fog in area but we have vis of over 3/4 mile here. |
5/23/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
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M |
Baro 30.20" Raising over past 4 hrs., 55.5 F, 95% RH, 53.9 DP, A few high thin clouds, Calm, very heavy dew (especially on rain gauge). |
5/24/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Baro 30.20" Steady past 8 hrs., 56.4 F, 93% RH, 54.3 DP, Clear and Calm. |
5/25/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Baro 29.97" Falling slowly over past 3 hrs., 63.5 F, 79% RH, 56.6 DP, Clear with wind SE @ 2 mph. |
5/26/2018 |
6:35 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Baro 29.79" Steady past 8 hrs., 68.7 F, 72% RH, 59.1 DP, Mostly cloudy (high Cum), wind NNW @ 3 mph. |
5/27/2018 |
6:40 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Baro 29.88" Steady past 3 hrs, 67.1 F, 94% RH, 65.3 DP, Clear, Calm & HUMID ! |
5/28/2018 |
5:35 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Baro 29.94" Steady past 8 hrs., 66.0 F, 90% RH, 63.1 DP, Clear with wind SE @ 2 mph. |
5/29/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Baro 29.94" Steady past 8 hrs., 68.7 F, 74% RH, 59.7 DP, Clear with wind NNE @ 2 mph |
5/30/2018 |
6:50 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Baro 29.76" Steady past 3 hrs, generally falling over past 8 hrs., 70.3 F, 80% RH, 63.6 DP, High Overcast, Calm. |
5/31/2018 |
6:55 AM |
3.79 |
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Baro 29.70" Raising slowly over past 3 hrs., 68.5 F, 93% RH, 90% Cloudy with some blue showing through, wind SSW at 4 mph.....Very heavy rain with T-storm yesterday afternoon with torrential downpour most of the time over a 90 minute period (3.67") with moderate to light rain after that for another 15 minutes. Rather extensive cloud to ground lightning during the storm...Significant Weather report submitted for the 90 minute period. |
6/1/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
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M |
Baro 29.85" Steady past 3 hrs, generally raising over past 12 hrs., 69.0 F, 93% RH, 66.7 DP......Had a garden variety shower dump .02" of rain on us from a cloud that developed directly overhead then moved east over the Fox River. Shower lasted all but about 2 minutes. |
6/2/2018 |
6:45 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.03" Steady past 8 hrs., 55.4 F, 81% RH, Milky clouds/overcast and Calm at ground level; leaves at tree tops barely rustling with wind out of the N at about 3 mph. |
6/3/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.23 |
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Baro 29.91: Steady past 12 hrs., 60.0 F, 78% RH, 53.0 DP, Clear with winds WNW @ 8 mph. |
6/4/2018 |
6:58 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Baro 30.06" Steady past 3 hrs., 55.5 F, 82 % RH, 50.0 DP, Clear with wind WNW @ 5 mph. |
6/5/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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M |
Baro 29.88" Steady past 8 hrs., 67.4 F, 58% RH, 51.8 DP, Mostly Cloudy, wind WNW @ 5 mph. |
6/6/2018 |
6:25 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Baro 30.00" Steady past 6 hrs., 50.7 F, 78% RH, 43.8 DP, Clear overhead, some clouds to SW. Wind Calm. |
6/7/2018 |
6:25 AM |
0.22 |
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M |
Baro 30.00" Raising slowly over past 3 hrs., 60.9 F, 87% RH, 56.8 DP, Very high overcast and calm winds. |
6/8/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
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M |
Baro 30.14" Steady past 3 hrs., 59.1 F, 87% RH, 55.0 DP, Clear and calm here....storms approaching from SW GR2A radar indicated... Had a shower around 6 AM, expecting much more in about an hour. |
6/9/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.61 |
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Baro 30.06" Steady past 3 hrs., 61.7 F, 95% RH, 60.0 DP, Overcast & Raining, wind calm.........0.21" of reported rain fell yesterday morning between 08:35 & 09:15...remaining 0.40" fell overnight to reporting time and it is currently raining at moderate rate. |
6/10/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.84 |
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Baro 29.85" Falling, 64.7 F, 95% RH, 63.1 DP, High dense overcast above 6000', wind calm......0.37" of reported rain fell between 07:00 & 10:30 yesterday morning. The remaining 0.47" fell between midnight and 07:00 this morning.....Not currently raining but looks like it could any minute. GR2A radar indicates it is moving out of our area. |
6/11/2018 |
7:10 AM |
0.18 |
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M |
Baro 29.94" Steady past 3 hrs., 61.7 F, 95% RH, 60.0 DP, Cloudy / Overcast with wind ENE @ approx 4 mph (partially blocked by trees to the East). |
6/12/2018 |
7:30 AM |
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Baro 29.91" Steady last 3 hrs., 69.2 F, 85% RH, 64.4 DP, Very high overcast, wind ESE @ 3 mph. |
6/13/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Baro 29.94" Raising slowly over past 3 hrs., 70.3 F, 84% RH, 65.1 DP, Mostly cloudy, wind NW @ 6 mph. |
6/14/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Baro 30.09" Steady past 8 hrs., 64.0 F, 81% RH, 57.9 DP, Partly cloudy, Calm |
6/15/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Baro 30.03" Steady past 6 hrs., 68.7 F, 68% RH, 55.5 DP, Overcast with wind SE @ 3 mph.....Watching storms to our west and northwest, ETA about 3 hrs. |
6/16/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.54 |
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M |
Baro 30.00" Steady past 3 hrs., 68.3 F, 95% RH, 66.5 DP, Clear with wind SE @ 4 mph. |
6/17/2018 |
6:50 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Baro 30.00" Steady past 8 hrs., 76.4 F, 81% RH, 69.8 DP, Clear overhead, clouds to West and NW, Wind SE at approx 4 mph (partially blocked by trees). |
6/18/2018 |
6:50 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Baro 30.00" Steady past 24 hrs., 77.3 F, 80% RH, 70.5 DP, High clouds (mostly cloudy) primarily to the W & NW. Wind WSW at 7 mph. |
6/19/2018 |
7:00 AM |
1.34 |
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M |
Baro 30.00" Steady past 8 hrs., 65.4 F, 95% RH, 63.8 DP, overcast with wind S @ 3mph |
6/20/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
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M |
Baro 29.91" Steady last 8 hrs., 65.3 F, 90% RH, 62.4 DP, Overcast and calm |
6/21/2018 |
6:55 AM |
0.12 |
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M |
Baro 29.82" Steady last 3 hrs., 64.5 F, 95% RH, 62.9 DP, Overcast and calm |
6/22/2018 |
7:00 AM |
1.82 |
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M |
Baro 29.82" Steady last 3 hrs., 59.0 F, 95% RH, 57.3 DP, Overcast, Raining, wind NE approx 6 mph (partially blocked by trees) |
6/23/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.45 |
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M |
Baro 29.76" Steady past 8 hrs., 60.8 F, 88% RH, 57.0 DP, Partly cloudy (high clouds) Wind NW @ 3 mph. |
6/24/2018 |
6:40 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Baro 29.88" Steady past 3 hrs., generally raising slowly. 62.7 Fm 84% RH, 57.7 DP, Clear and Calm |
6/25/2018 |
6:50 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Baro 30.11" Steady last 6 hrs., 59.7 F, 93% RH, 57.5 DP,
Mostly clear with a few very high thin clouds;
wind NE @ 3 mph. |
6/26/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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Baro 30.00" Falling, 67.2 F, 75% RH, 58.8 DP, Overcast and just started raining, Wind S @ 4 mph......Expecting thunderstorms this morning. |
6/27/2018 |
7:00 AM |
2.83 |
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M |
Baro 29.82" Raising slightly last 3 hrs., 66.7 F, 95% RH, 65.1 DP, Overcast with wind WSW @ 8 mph. |
6/28/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 29.94 Steady past 3 hrs, 67.2 F, 95% RH, Clear and Calm |
6/29/2018 |
6:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 29.97" Steady past 8 hrs., 68.5 F, 94% RH, 66.7 DP, partly cloudy with high thin cirrus clouds (west and northwest), wind calm. |
6/30/2018 |
7:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Baro 30.00" Steady last 3 hrs., 79.5 F, 85% RH, 74.4 DP, Clear with wind SW @ 7 mph. |
7/1/2018 |
6:55 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 29.91: Steady past 8 hrs., 76.8 F, 87% RH, 72.5 DP, Mostly clear with very high cirrus overhead and to the west/southwest. Wind SE @ 3 mph. |
7/2/2018 |
7:30 AM |
0.26 |
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Baro 30.06" Raising, 66.7 F, 91% RH, 64.0 DP. Partly Cloudy, Wind N @ 3 mph. |
7/3/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.14 Steady last 3 hrs., 61.5 F, 93% RH, 59.3 DP, Clear and calm (not a single leaf is moving atop the trees). |
7/4/2018 |
7:25 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.23" Steady past 3 hrs., 76.2 F, 91% RH, 73.4 DP, A few clouds to the west, moon high in the sky. Wind S @ 6 mph. |
7/5/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.26" Steady past 3 hrs., 73.4 F, 88% RH, 69.4 DP, Few high cirrus clouds to NW, wind calm. Moon still high in southern sky. |
7/6/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.23 |
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Baro 30.41" Raising, 63.1 F, 87% RH, 59.0 DP, clear and calm. |
7/7/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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7/8/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.32" Steady last 2 hrs., 58.6 F, 93% RH, 56.4 DP, Clear and calm |
7/9/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.23" Steady past 8 hrs, 64.0 F, 95% RH, 62.4 DP, Few clouds on NW horizon otherwise crystal clear, wind calm. |
7/10/2018 |
6:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.11 Steady past 8 hrs., 72.6 F, 88% RH, 68.7 DP, Clear with wind NNW @ 3 mph. |
7/11/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.17" Steady past 3 hrs., 66.7 F, 76% RH, 59.0 DP, High cirrus directly overhead and toward north, clear toward south and east (like a frontal line). Wind calm |
7/12/2018 |
6:55 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.17" Steady last 8 hrs., 66.7 F, 89% RH, 63.5 DP, Clouds on SW horizon, clear overhead. Wind S @ 4 mph. |
7/13/2018 |
7:15 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.14 Steady past 8 hrs, 71.6 F, 73% RH, 62.2 DP, Few wispy cirrus on northern horizon, few clouds to south, clear overhead. Wind SSW @ 4 mph. |
7/14/2018 |
7:30 AM |
0.28 |
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Baro 30.09" Steady past 8 hrs., 70.8 F, 95% RH, 69.0 DP, Cloudy and Calm |
7/15/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.05 |
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Baro 30.00" Steady past 8 hrs., 70.1 F, 95% RH, 68.3 DP, Clear and Calm....not a single leaf moving atop the trees, very humid. |
7/16/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 29.97 Steady last 8 hrs., 75.7 F, 85% RH, 70.8 DP, Mixed 75% clouds (Cirrus and Cumulus), wind calm. |
7/17/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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Baro 30.09" Raising, 66.0 F, 81% RH, 59.7 DP, Clear, wind NW @ 3 mph......Very brief. big drop shower yesterday late morning. |
7/18/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.14", 60.2 F, 95% RH, 58.6 DP, Clear and calm |
7/19/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.03" Steady past 3 hrs., generally falling slowly. 60.4 F, 95% RH, 58.8 DP, Partly cloudy with patches of high cirrus clouds generally spread across the whole sky. |
7/20/2018 |
6:45 AM |
0.66 |
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Baro 29.70" Steady last 3 hrs, generally falling over past 16 hrs, 67.4 F, 95% RH, 65.8 DP, Triple layers of cloud....Few low thin fast moving cumulus traveling south to north, high cirrus to the NW, very high post frontal clouds to the NE. Wind S @ 9 mph......Majority of rain fell between 00:08 and 00:20 very early this morning with a downpour. Unknown when additional rain may have fallen - sound asleep! |
7/21/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.53 |
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Baro 29.76" Steady past 3 hrs, 67.1 F, 94% RH, 65.3 DP, Overcast with wind WNW @ 11 mph....Rainy day ahead. |
7/22/2018 |
6:50 AM |
0.04 |
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Baro 29.88" Steady past 8 hrs., 68.9 F, 83% RH, 63.5 DP, Overcast with wind NW @ 4 mph. |
7/23/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.03 |
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Baro 29.97" Steady last 8 hrs, 63.8 F, 91% RH, 61.1 DP, Clear with wind NW @ 6 mph |
7/24/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.03" Steady past 3 hrs., 66.0 F, 95% RH, 64.4 DP, Clear with wind N @ 4 mph. |
7/25/2018 |
6:50 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.06" Steady past 8 hrs., 63.5 F, 84% RH, 58.4 DP, Clear and Calm |
7/26/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 29.94" Steady past 6 hrs., 67.2 F, 84% RH, 62.2 DP, Few thin cumulus moving rapidly W to E, wind WNW @ 3 mph. |
7/27/2018 |
6:55 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.03" Steady past 3 hrs, generally raising slowly. 58.8 F, 90% RH, 55.9 DP, Clear with wind WNW @ 6 mph. |
7/28/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.14" Steady past 8 hrs, 58.2 F, 88% RH, 54.6 DP, Clear and Calm |
7/29/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.14" Steady past 16 hrs., 59.9 F, 94% RH, 58.1 DP, Cirrus clouds-few to west, more to northwest. Wind calm. |
7/30/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.29 |
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Baro 30.11" Steady past 16 hrs., 60.6 F, 95% RH, 50.0 DP, Clear and Calm |
7/31/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.06" Steady past 12 hrs, 64.2 F, 95% RH, 62.6 DP, 75%+ cloudy, winds calm |
8/1/2018 |
7:30 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.00" Steady 66.0 F, 75% RH, 57.5 DP, Few Clouds, Wind WNW @ 3 mph......... Watched storm clouds approach last evening, die over us, then rebuild after going over. Not a drop of rain for us. |
8/2/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.04 |
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Baro 29.97" Steady past 8 hrs., 67.2 F, 84% RH, 62.2 DP, Partly cloudy, wind SSW @ 6 mph....Rain fell during quick garden variety thunderstorm that went through around 17:15 yesterday afternoon. |
8/3/2018 |
7:15 AM |
0.15 |
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Baro 30.09" Steady past 6 hrs., 61.5 F, 95% RH, 59.9 DP, Few cumulus clouds to northwest, wind calm.........Rain fell between 7:45 AM and 8:00 AM yesterday morning in a rapid build T-storm that blew up just west of us and rapidly moved through --- more bark than bite, quite noisy. |
8/4/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.06" Steady past 8 hrs., 66.2 F, 93% RH, 64.0 DP, Clear skies with wind S @ 2 mph. |
8/5/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.11" Steady past 3 hrs., 74.6 F, 73% RH, 65.1 DP, 90% Cloud cover, very few openings; wind SSE @ 4 mph. |
8/6/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.12 |
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Baro 30.06 Steady past 20 hrs., 68.1 F, 94% RH, 66.2 DP, Total overcast (no holes in clouds); wind calm, not a single leaf moving. |
8/7/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.07 |
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Baro 30.00" Steady past 12 hrs., 67.2 F, 95% RH, 65.6 DP, Clear and Calm. |
8/8/2018 |
7:00 AM |
1.06 |
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Baro 29.97" Steady past 6 hrs, 67.1 F, 95% RH, 65.4 DP, Partly cloudy (mostly to the south and west); wind calm |
8/9/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 29.97" Steady past 20 hrs., 68.7 F, 81% RH, 62.2 DP, Clear with wind WSW @ 8 mph. |
8/10/2018 |
7:15 AM |
0.02 |
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Baro 29.97" Steady past 8 hrs., 70.5 F, 92% RH, 68.0 DP, Mostly cloudy, wind ENE @ 6 mph. |
8/11/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.03" Steady past 8 hrs, 63.3 F, 86% RH, 58.8 DP, Clear and Calm |
8/12/2018 |
7:15 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.14" Steady past 3 hrs., 67.6 F, 93% RH, 65.4 DP, Clear and Calm |
8/13/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.14" Steady past 8 hrs., 61.5 F, 94% RH, 59.7 DP, Clear and Calm |
8/15/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.00" Steady past 16 hrs., 70.5 F, 87% RH, 66.2 DP, 100% Overcast, wind calm......Expecting rain any time now. Rain in area but not here yet. |
8/16/2018 |
7:30 AM |
0.35 |
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Baro 30.00" Steady past 12 hrs., 71.4 F, 95% RH, 69.6 DP, Partly Cloudy and Calm. |
8/17/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.51 |
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Baro 29.97" Steady past 16 hrs, 66.5 F, 95% RH, 64.9 DP, 100% overcast, wind calm. |
8/18/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.06" Steady over past 3 hrs., generally raising over past 12 hrs., 68.9 F, 94% RH, 66.9 DP, thin milky overcast (fog in area but not here) and calm. ....... Sat outside yesterday and watched clouds build, looked like rain any minute, but didn't get a single drop. |
8/19/2018 |
6:45 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.00" Steady past 16 hrs., 95% RH, 62.9 DP, Clear and Calm |
8/20/2018 |
6:45 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 29.94" Steady past 3 hrs, falling slowly over past 12 hrs., 67.2 F, 91% RH, 64.5 DP, Mostly cloudy, wind calm. |
8/21/2018 |
9:30 AM |
0.08 |
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8/22/2018 |
6:20 AM |
0.02 |
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Baro 30.14" Raising over past 3 hrs., 54.5 F, 92% RH, 52.1 DP, Clear with wind NW @ 2 mph. |
8/23/2018 |
6:50 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.14 Steady past 20 hrs., 55.5 F, 91% RH, 52.8 DP, Clear and Calm. |
8/24/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.03" Steady past 3 hrs., 65.1 F, 72% RH, 55.7 DP, 100% overcast (high - above 7000 Ft) Wind SE @ 7 mph......Expecting rain to start within an hour or two per GR2A radar. Big green blob not moving rapidly enough....Much needed rain. |
8/25/2018 |
7:00 AM |
1.02 |
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Baro 29.91" Steady past 8 hrs., 66.0 F, 95% RH, 64.4 DP, Low Overcast, wind SSE @ 5 mph. |
8/26/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
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Baro 30.03" Steady past 3 hrs, generally raising over past 12 hrs...69.4 F, 96% RH, 68.6 DP, Clear above, foggy (1/2 mile vis) at ground, wind calm |
8/27/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
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Baro 29.94" Steady past 8 hrs., 75.2 F, 86% RH, 70.5 DP. Partly cloudy (Cirrus overhead & Cumulus mix especially to the SW - NW), wind WSW @ 9 mph. |
8/28/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.46 |
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Baro 29.94" Steady past 3 hrs, 70.8 F, 90% RH, 67.8 DP Overcast with TStorms.......Cell blew over her in past half hour dumping .46 inches of rain. Hail radar indicated just south of us along US 20....Temp fell 8degrees during cell passing. |
8/29/2018 |
7:00 AM |
1.46 |
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Baro 30.00 Raising, 67.4 F, 95% RH, 65.8 DP, Overcast, wind NW @ 3 with gusts to 8 mph......Storms last night at severe levels for awhile. |
8/30/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
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Baro 30.23" Steady past 3 hrs., generally raising over past 24 hrs....55.4 F, 95% RH, 53.7 DP Clear and Calm |
8/31/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.11" Steady past 8 hrs., 55.5 F, 95% RH, 53.9 DP, Partly cloudy with Cirrus & Cirrostratus to the NW, wind calm. |
9/1/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 30.00" Steady past 8 hrs., 72.3 F, 88% RH, 68.3 DP, 100% Overcast, Wind SW @ 9 mph......Expecting rain any minute. |
9/2/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.36 |
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Baro 30.09" Steady past 3 hrs, generally raising over past 16 hrs., 68.5 F, 94% RH, 66.5 DP, Partly Cloudy with wind SE @ 6 mph......Several thunderstorms near us last night, most missed to the west by about 5 miles (GR2A radar indicated). |
9/3/2018 |
7:00 AM |
1.43 |
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Baro 30.17" Steady past 3 hrs., 70.5 F, 94% RH, 68.5 DP, 100% overcast, raining and one bolt of lighting 2 miles away while I was checking gauge (first bolt in last couple hours). Wind calm....Currently raining again....Now if you will excuse me, I have to go change my underwear !!!!! |
9/4/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.56 |
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Baro 30.20" Steady past 18 hrs., 69.0 F, 94% RH, 67.1 DP, Clear, wind S @ 3 mph. |
9/5/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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9/6/2018 |
10:05 AM |
0.42 |
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9/7/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.04 |
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Baro 29.23 Steady past 8 hrs, 62.6 F, 88% RH, 58.8 DP, Overcast and Calm |
9/8/2018 |
7:30 AM |
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Baro 29.17" Steady past 8 hrs, 60.8 F, 74% RH, 52.1 DP, High Overcast (well above 6000')-more dense to northwest, wind variable directions (NNW to SSW) at 2 mph. |
9/9/2018 |
6:45 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 29.05" Steady past 3 hrs, generally falling over past 24 hrs. 54.8 F, 84% RH, 50.0 DP, Partly cloudy, wind N @ 3 mph. |
9/10/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 29.02" Steady past 18 hrs., 53.2 F, 95% RH, 51.6 DP, Clear and Calm. |
9/11/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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9/12/2018 |
6:45 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Baro 29.17" Steady past 3 hrs, generally raising slowly, 55.7 F, 94% RH, 53.9 DP Clear with wind SSW @ 3 mph. |
9/13/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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9/14/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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9/15/2018 |
7:20 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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9/16/2018 |
6:35 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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9/17/2018 |
6:25 AM |
0.00 |
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9/18/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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9/19/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.12 |
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9/20/2018 |
6:55 AM |
0.02 |
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9/21/2018 |
6:45 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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9/22/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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9/23/2018 |
7:30 AM |
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9/24/2018 |
6:30 AM |
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9/25/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.05 |
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9/26/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.33 |
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Severe level storm moved through yesterday afternoon with very high surface winds and even higher aloft (out of the WSW). Showed 35 mph sustained with gusts to 45 here as storm line hit. Much higher elsewhere in the area, I am protected by some trees. |
9/27/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
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9/28/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
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9/29/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.12 |
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9/30/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.09 |
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