Observation Date |
Observation Time |
Precipitation |
Snowfall |
Snowfall SWE |
Snow Depth |
Snow SWE |
Notes |
10/2/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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A cool 51F low this morning. Clear skies. Pressure 30.15, Wind NW light. Nice fall day shaping up. |
10/3/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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54F with clear skies. Pressure 30.36, Wind West light. High Monday 78F. |
10/4/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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54F with clear skies. Pressure 30.31, Wind NW light. |
10/5/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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54F with partly cloudy skies. Pressure 30.13, Wind NW light. |
10/7/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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62F mostly cloudy. Pressure 29.87, Wind West light. Rain in forecast tonight and next three days. |
10/8/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.12 |
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70F with light rain. Pressure 29.75, Wind West light. Rain and wind from Nate in forecast later today and tonight. |
10/9/2017 |
7:00 AM |
2.07 |
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71F with partly cloudy skies. Pressure 29.77, South 4mph. Highest gust yesterday only 12 mph, but over two inches of rain from Nate. |
10/10/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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72F with cloudy skies. Pressure 29.93, Wind SE light. |
10/14/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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67F with partly cloudy skies. Pressure 30.09, Wind SE 2-5 mph. |
10/16/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.41 |
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50F with partly cloudy skies. Pressure 30.03 rising. Wind NNW 2 mph, Nearly 1/2 inch of rain as cold front passed early evening. |
10/17/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Cold 43F low this morning. Pressure 30.19, Wind North 2 mph. Coldest low since last early May. |
10/22/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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51F with partly cloudy skies. Pressure 30.07, Wind NW light. High Saturday 77F. |
10/23/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.05 |
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63F with light rain. Pressure 29.66 falling. Wind NNE 2-7 mph. Rainy day today. Cooler this week. |
10/24/2017 |
7:00 AM |
1.70 |
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49F with partly cloudy skies. Pressure 29.66, Wind North 6-9mph. 1.70 inches of rain Monday as front blew through. |
10/25/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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40F with clear skies. Pressure 29.74, Wind SSW 5 mph. |
10/26/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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38F with clear skies. Pressure 29.78, Wind West light. Coldest low of fall yet. |
10/27/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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43F with clear skies. Pressure 29.84, Wind NNW light. Nice fall day shaping up. |
10/28/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.27 |
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54F with rain. Pressure 29.65 falling, Wind NW light. Rainy day ahead. |
10/29/2017 |
7:00 AM |
1.20 |
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36F with cloudy skies. Pressure 29.65, Wind NW 2mph. Cold day ahead. Over inch of rain Saturday. |
10/30/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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29F with clear skies. Pressure 29.79, Wind South light. Frost with coldest fall day so far. End of growing season in Farragut. |
10/31/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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40F with partly cloudy skies. Pressure 30.01 rising, Wind NE light. High yesterday 62F after a low of 28F. |
11/6/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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64F with cloudy skies. Pressure 29.86 falling, rain moving this way. Wind South 3 mph. |
11/7/2017 |
7:00 AM |
1.25 |
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Thunderstorms over Farragut this morning. Pressure 29.80, Wind South 3-7 mph. |
11/9/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.05 |
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46F cloudy. Pressure 29.95, Wind NE light. |
11/13/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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47F with partly cloudy skies. Pressure 30.21, Wind NW 4 mph. |
11/14/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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41F with partly cloudy skies. Pressure 30.12, Wind NNW 2mph. |
11/16/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.04 |
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47F with clear skies. Pressure 29.97, Wind East light. |
11/18/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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58F cloudy skies. Pressure 29.71 falling, gusty winds 5-15mph SW. Rain in forecast later today. Go Vols! |
11/22/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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38F with clear skies. Pressure 30.01, Wind NW 5-9 mph. |
11/23/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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34F with clear skies. Pressure 29.94, Wind NE 5 mph. Happy Thanksgiving. |
11/25/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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46F partly cloudy. Pressure 29.77, Wind West 2 mph. |
11/27/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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31F with clear skies. Pressure 30.05, Wind West light. |
11/28/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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31F with clear skies. Pressure 30.13, Wind NW light. High yesterday 62F nice. |
11/30/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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37F partly cloudy. Pressure 30.00, Wind NW light. High Wed 65F. |
12/1/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.10 |
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48F and cloudy. Pressure 30.01, Wind NW 4 mph. Light rain yesterday afternoon. .10 inches. |
12/3/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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38F with fog. Pressure 30.07, Wing south light. |
12/5/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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58F cloudy. Pressure 29.88 falling. Wind SW 5mph. Rain in front of approaching cold front. |
12/6/2017 |
7:00 AM |
1.18 |
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34F with clear skies. Pressure 30.02 rising. Wind NNW 3mph. Rained steady all day Tuesday. |
12/7/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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34F with cloudy skies. Pressure 29.95, Wind West light. |
12/8/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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30F cloudy skies. No snow yet. Pressure 29.88, Wind NW 5 mph, wind chill 22F. Cold day ahead. |
12/9/2017 |
7:00 AM |
T |
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29F with cloudy skies. Pressure 29.70, Wind South 2 mph. Snow Flurries yesterday afternoon. |
12/10/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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23F with partly cloudy skies. Low of season. No snow here. Pressure 30.00, Wind North light. |
12/12/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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43F with partly cloudy skies. Pressure 29.66, Wind NW 3 mph. Cold front moving in today. |
12/13/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Season low of 20F, clear skies. Pressure 29.82. Wind South light. |
12/14/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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34F clear skies. Pressure 29.69, Wind West 5 mph. 42F high yesterday. |
12/16/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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24F with cloudy skies. Pressure 30.05, Wind South light. |
12/18/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.06 |
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42F with cloudy, fog, and light rain. Pressure 29.97, Wind SSE light. Rain in forecast. |
12/20/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.97 |
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52F with rain. Pressure 29.78, Wind NE 4 mph. Rainy day ahead. |
12/21/2017 |
7:00 AM |
1.83 |
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51F cloudy light rain. Pressure 29.89, Wind NNE light. |
12/23/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.30 |
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68F cloudy with gusty winds to 30 mph from South to SW. Pressure 29.62 falling. Line of thunderstorms to West. |
12/24/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.68 |
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40F and cloudy skies. Pressure 29.89, Wind NNW 4 mph. Gusty winds with front yesterday high wind of 30 mph. |
12/25/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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24F with partly cloudy skies. Pressure 30.19, Wind NW 2mph. Merry Christmas. |
12/26/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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28F with cloudy skies. Pressure 30.25. Wind North light. |
12/31/2017 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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22F cold cloudy skies. Pressure 30.03, Wind North 5mph. Wing Chill 14F. Cold day ahead. |
1/1/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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12F with clear skies. Pressure 30.31, Wind NW 7 mph, wind chill at 7F. Happy new year! |
1/2/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Cold 7F with clear skies. Pressure 30.41, Wind North 4 mph. Cold day ahead. |
1/5/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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13F with cloudy skies. Pressure 30.07, Wind West light. Another cold day and night coming. |
1/7/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Cold 13F again this morning. Clear. Pressure 30.25, Wind NE 2 to 6 mph. Possible freezing rain in the morning. |
1/8/2018 |
7:00 AM |
T |
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33F at 7AM. Cloudy. Pressure 29.98, Wind SW 2 mph, Sleet and freezing rain moving in from SW, |
1/9/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.11 |
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36F cloudy skies. Pressure 29.98, Wind NW light. Light freezing rain yesterday morning. Some roads icy. |
1/12/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.18 |
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54F foggy. Pressure 29.45, Wind West light. Cold front approaching from west. |
1/13/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.45 |
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24F with a trace of snow on ground. Cloudy skies. Pressure 30.00 rising. Wind NW 6-14 mph. Cold day ahead. |
1/15/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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23F mostly cloudy skies. Pressure 30.17. Wind SE light. |
1/16/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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33F partly cloudy. Pressure 30.13, Wind NE light. Snow on the way. |
1/17/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
1.0 |
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M |
6F partly cloudy with 1 inch of snow on ground. Pressure 30.17, Wind NW 7 mph. |
1/19/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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16F with clear skies. Pressure 30.03, Wind NW light. High to be 46F will feel good. |
1/22/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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43F with cloudy skies. Pressure 29.75, Wind East light, high Sunday 68F nice day. |
1/23/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.03 |
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44F With partly cloudy skies, Pressure 29.57, Wind SW gusty 4-17 mph. |
1/28/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.32 |
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50F fog and light rain. Atmospheric pressure 29.90, Wind NW light. Rain today. |
1/29/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.61 |
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39F with clear skies. Pressure 29.85, Wind NW 2mph. |
1/30/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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29F with partly cloudy skies. Pressure 30.05 rising, Wind NW 7-11mph. No snow, cold day ahead. |
2/1/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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43F cloudy skies. Pressure 29.72, Wind SW 5mph. Rain and light snow in forecast. |
2/2/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.38 |
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M |
24F with clear skies. Pressure 30.04, Wind NW 4-7 mph. No snow here. Cold day ahead. |
2/3/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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21F with partly cloudy skies. Pressure 30.05, Wind West 2mph. |
2/4/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.64 |
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34F with rain. Pressure 29.56, Wind 2 mph North. Rainy day ahead. |
2/6/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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34F cloudy, pressure 29.95, Wind South light. Rain in forecast tonight and tomorrow. |
2/7/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.60 |
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42F with rain. Pressure 29.69, Wind SE 2 mph. Rain today. |
2/8/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.62 |
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28F with partly cloudy skies. Pressure 30.12, Wind 4 mph NW. |
2/10/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.12 |
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44F with cloudy skies. Pressure 29.79 falling, Wind SSE 2mph. Heavy rain in forecast. |
2/11/2018 |
7:00 AM |
2.80 |
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60F with rain. Pressure 29.58, Wind SSW 2-9 mph. Rainy day ahead. |
2/12/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.53 |
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37F cloudy. Pressure 30.08 rising. Wind NW 6 mph. |
2/14/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.25 |
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47F with light rain. Pressure 30.10, Wind 2mph West. |
2/19/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
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53F cloudy. Atmospheric Pressure 29.98, Wind NW 2mph. |
2/25/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.63 |
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55F cloudy. Thunderstorm passed at 4AM. Pressure 29.10, Wind 11 mph NNW. |
2/26/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.47 |
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48F with light rain. Pressure 29.84, Wind NW 6 mph. |
2/28/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.06 |
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47F light rain falling. Pressure 29.79, Wind SW 3 mph. |
3/1/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.76 |
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52F rain. Pressure 29.50, Wind NW 2mph. Rainy day ahead. |
3/2/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.56 |
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41F clear skies. Pressure 29.98 rising. Wind NW 11 mph. 3.10 inches of rain since Sunday. |
3/6/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.20 |
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47F cloudy. Pressure 29.58, Wind SW light. |
3/7/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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36F with mostly cloudy skies. Pressure 29.72, Wind NW 7-15 mph. Winter like day. |
3/8/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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32F with mostly cloudy skies. Pressure 29.75, Wind SW 7 mph. |
3/11/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.10 |
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49F with light rain. Pressure 29.69, Wind NW 2 mph. Rainy day today. |
3/12/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.24 |
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37F cloudy skies. Pressure 29.59, Wind NW 4 mph. |
3/20/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.53 |
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56F partly cloudy, Pressure 29.34, Wind West 2mph. |
3/21/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
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33F with very light snow. Pressure 29.65, Wind NW 6-16 mph. |
3/30/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.78 |
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54F with partly cloudy skies. Pressure 29.81, Wind NW 5 mph. |
4/3/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.01 |
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56F with mostly cloudy. Pressure 29.81, Wind NW light. Brief shower this morning. |
4/4/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.43 |
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45F with partly cloudy skies. Pressure 29.83, Wind 5-10 NW. Heavy thunderstorm around 3am. Cooler today. |
4/7/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.60 |
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42F cloudy with very light rain. Pressure 29.71, temp dropped 10 degrees this morning as cold front passed. |
4/8/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Cold 30F this morning. Clear skies. Pressure 29.91, Wind North 2 mph. |
4/9/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.08 |
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39F with light rain. Pressure 29.91, Wind South light. |
4/15/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.30 |
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61F with light rain. Pressure 29.65, Wind East 5 mph, rainy day and night ahead. |
4/17/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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31F low of morning with clear skies. No frost noticed. Wind North 6, barometer 29.98 rising. Warmer ahead. |
4/23/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.34 |
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54F with light rain. Pressure 29.90, Wind NW 1 mph, rainy day ahead. |
4/24/2018 |
7:00 AM |
1.40 |
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54F with rain. Pressure 29.77, Wind NW light. Rain today. |
4/25/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.40 |
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54F with clouds. Pressure 29.82, Wind WNW 3 mph. Hoping for sunshine today. |
4/26/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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53F with mostly cloudy. Pressure 29.81, Wind NW 4mph. Rain in forecast again for today. |
5/6/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.05 |
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59F with partly cloudy skies. Pressure 29.87, Wind 2 t0 5 mph SE. |
5/27/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.30 |
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68F cloudy. Light rain overnight. Pressure 29.85. Wind South light. Needed the rain. |
5/28/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.90 |
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69F with cloudy skies. Thunderstorms last night dropped nearly an inch of rain. Pressure 29.81, Wind NW 2-4 mph, |
5/29/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.10 |
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69F cloudy skies. Pressure 29.74, Wind NW 2 mph. Rain in forecast next three days. Flood watch for E. TN. |
5/30/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.26 |
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69F mostly cloudy. Pressure 29.75, Wind East light. Rain still in forecast. Scattered T Storms missed us. |
6/20/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.34 |
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76F with partly cloudy skies. Brief shower dropped .34 inches of rain yesterday at 3PM much needed for garden. |
6/22/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.77 |
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74F partly cloudy skies. Pressure 28.76, Wind SE 6-12mph. Nice rain yesterday afternoon. |
6/25/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.50 |
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68F with cloudy skies. Pressure 29.01, Wind NW light. Two heavy thunderstorms Sunday afternoon dropped 1/2 inch of rain. |
6/27/2018 |
7:00 AM |
1.14 |
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68F with light rain. Pressure 28.96, Wind SW light. Heavy thunderstorm dropped inch of rain 5:30 to 8PM. |
6/28/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.90 |
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67F cloudy with thunderstorm to NW. Pressure 28.89, Wind South, training thunderstorms since 3am. |
6/29/2018 |
7:00 AM |
1.48 |
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70F with fog. Pressure 28.95, Wind 2mph East. Heavy rain yesterday morning with 3.94 total this week. |
7/3/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.81 |
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72F with clear skies. Pressure 29.05, Wind East light, Heavy thunderstorm 8-10pm dropped .81 inches of rain. |
7/6/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.06 |
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73F partly cloudy, Pressure 29.11, Wind West light. Light rain shower 5:30 yesterday. .88 inches of rain for week. |
7/7/2018 |
7:00 AM |
1.04 |
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70F with partly cloudy skies. Pressure 29.07, Wind North light. Rain last night over one inch from 8PM to 11PM. |
7/8/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.30 |
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70F with partly cloudy skies. Pressure 29.16, Wind North light. Brief shower yesterday about 4pm. |
7/17/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.13 |
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71F with clear skies. Pressure 28.93, Wind South 3mph. |
7/21/2018 |
7:00 AM |
1.16 |
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64F with partly cloudy skies. Pressure 28.79, Wind North 2 mph. Two lines of heavy thunderstorms struck last night around 10pm and 3am. |
8/1/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.82 |
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68F with cloudy skies. Pressure 28.96, Wind SW light. Heavy thunderstorm yesterday afternoon. |
8/2/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.60 |
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66F with cloudy skies. Pressure 29.00, Wind North light. Steady rain all day Wednesday. 1.41 for week. |
8/9/2018 |
7:00 AM |
1.67 |
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70F with cloudy skies. Pressure 28.90, Wind SW light. Heavy thunderstorms dropped 1.67 inches of rain yesterday afternoon. |
8/10/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.12 |
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70F with light rain falling. Pressure 28.95, Wind South light. |
8/18/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.08 |
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72F cloudy with periods of rain. Pressure 28.95, Wind Sought 2-8mph. |
8/20/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.02 |
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74F with cloudy skies. Very light rain has taken place. Pressure 28.94, Wind SSW 4-6 mph. |
9/1/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.64 |
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69F with mostly clear skies. Pressure 29.11, Wind East light. Heavy thunderstorm yesterday around 3pm dropped over 1/2 inch of needed rain. Go Vols! |
9/6/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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72F pressure 29.12, Wind North light. |
9/10/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.40 |
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73F with cloudy skies. Pressure 28.83 falling, Wind SW light. Heavy thunderstorm 4pm yesterday dropped nearly 1/2 inch of rain in a few minutes. |
9/17/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.14 |
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70F with cloudy skies. Pressure 28.79, Wind South 2mph. Not much rain from storm. |
9/25/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.72 |
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Light rain, Atmospheric Pressure 29.06, Wind SW light. |
9/26/2018 |
7:00 AM |
1.06 |
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71F with cloudy skies. Pressure 28.99 dropping, Early morning, 5AM, thunderstorm dropped over inch of rain. |
9/27/2018 |
7:00 AM |
2.84 |
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68F with rain. Pressure 28.93, Wind East 4-8mph. Heavy rain yesterday afternoon caused some minor flooding in Farragut. |
9/28/2018 |
7:00 AM |
1.26 |
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Partly cloudy, cool 59F this morning. Pressure 29.02, Wind North light. 5.17 inches of rain this week. |