Observation Date |
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10/1/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.03 |
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Monday, 5 C (41 C) at 7 am. Overcast, West breeze 2 - 4 mph. 88 % humidity. Forecast, 14 C (57 F) overcast, North west winds 4 - 7 mph. 62 % humidity. This day in 1947 -3.9 C (25 F) and in 2002 26.4 C (80 F) |
10/2/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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Tuesday, 6 C (43 F) at 7 am, overcast, East breeze 0 - 4 mph. 89 % humidity. Forecast, 10 C (50 F) overcast, south west winds 7 - 10 mph. 92 % humidity. This day in 1975 -1.1 C (30 F) and in 1950 27.2 C (81 F) |
10/3/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.37 |
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Wednesday, 7 C (44 F) overcast, South east breeze 4 - 6 mph. 92 % humidity. Forecast, overcast 12 C (54 F) west winds 7 - 10 mph. 96 % humidity. This day in 1975 -2.2 C (28 F) and in 1953 25.6 (78 F) |
10/4/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.27 |
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Thursday, 16 C (62 F) overcast with rain, at 7 am. South winds 10 - 14 mph. 97 % humidity. Forecast, 22 C (72 F) mainly sunny, North west winds 14 - 22 mph.83 % humidity. This day in 1945 -3.3 C (26 F) and in 1951 26.1 C (79 F) |
10/5/2018 |
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Friday, 2 C (35.6 F) Sunny at 7 am. North west winds 4 - 7 mph. 89 % humidity. Forecast, mainly Sunny 15 C (59 F) North west winds 7 - 10 mph. 57 % humidity. This day in 1965 -3.3 C (26 F) and in 1941 27.2 C (81 F) |
10/6/2018 |
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Saturday 5 C (41 F) at 7 am. under a Overcast sky, west winds 2 - 5 mph. 85 % humidity. Forecast, 12 C (54 F) overcast, chance of showers, west winds 7 - 12 mph. 75 % humidity. This day in 1965 -3.3 C (26 F) and in 1941 27.2 C (81 F) |
10/7/2018 |
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Sunday, 5 C (41 F) overcast, North winds 9 - 14 mph. 86 % humidity. Forecast, 12 C (54 F) under a mix of Sun and clouds, North winds 6 - 10 mph. 76 % humidity. This day in 1965 -4.4 C (24 F) and in 1946 27.2 C (81 F) |
10/8/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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Monday, overcast 8 C (46 F) at 7 am. South east breeze 4 - 6 mph. 88 % humidity. Forecast, 9 C (48 F) overcast, South East winds 7 - 12 mph. 79 % humidity. This day in 1964 -5.6 C (22 F) and in 1946 27.8 C (82 F) "Happy Thanksgiving" |
10/9/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.54 |
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Tuesday, 8 C (46 F) extremely Foggy, at 7 am. South breeze 0 - 0 mph. 99 % humidity. Forecast, Sunny 28 C (78 F) South winds 7 - 11 mph. 72 % humidity. This
day in 1978 -4.1 C (25 F) and in 1949 26.7 C (80 F) |
10/10/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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Wednesday, 18 C (64 F) at 7 am. Under a Sun/ cloud mix, South winds 2 - 5 mph. 94 % humidity. Forecast, 24 C (75 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, 88 % humidity. This day in 1972 -4.4 C (24 F) and in 1955 23.9 C (75 F) |
10/11/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.20 |
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Thursday, 9 C (48 F) overcast, raining, west breeze 2 - 6 mph. 87 % humidity. Forecast, 15 C (59 F) overcast, west winds 7 - 18 mph. 63 % humidity. This day in 1943 -4.4 C (24 F) and in 1949 27.2 C (81 F) |
10/12/2018 |
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Friday, 3 C (37 F) overcast, North west winds 2 - 4 mph. 83 % humidity. Forecast, 10 C (50 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, west breeze 7 - 10 mph. 67 % humidity. This day in 1956 -2.8 C (27 F) and in 1961 24.4 C (76 F). |
10/13/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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Saturday 0 C (32 F) at 7 am. under a Sun/ cloud mix, North winds 2 - 6 mph. 80 % humidity. Forecast, 8 C (46 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, North west winds 4 - 7 mph. 63 % humidity. This day in 1951 -3.9 C (25 F) and in 1995 26.3 C (79 F) |
10/14/2018 |
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Monday, 1 C (34 F) at 7 am. under a Sun/ cloud mix, North west winds 4 - 7 mph. 79 % humidity. Forecast 9 C (48 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, North west winds 4 - 10 mph. 63 % humidity. This day in 1958 -4.4 C (24 F) and in 1956 24.4 C (76 F) |
10/15/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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Tuesday, 3 C (37 F) at 7 am. Overcast, spits of rain, North east winds 7 - 11 mph. 87 % humidity. Forecast, overcast, on/ off showers, westerly winds 6 - 11 mph. 79 % humidity. This day in 1958 -4.4 C (24 F) and in 1956 24.4 C (76 F) |
10/16/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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Tuesday, 0 C (32 F) at 7 am. under a Sun/ cloud mix, North west winds 89 % humidity. Forecast, 13 C (55 F) under mainly sunny sky's, west winds 7 - 10 mph. 68 % humidity. This day in 1978 -4.5 C (24 F) and in 1947 26.7 C (80 F) |
10/17/2018 |
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Wednesday, 1 C (34 F) at 7 am. overcast, North west winds 2 - 6 mph. 75 % humidity. Forecast, overcast, 8 C (46 F) overcast, scattered snow flurries, North west winds 5 - 15 mph. 63 % humidity. This day in 1978 -4.1 C (25 F) and in 1947 26.7 C (80 F) |
10/18/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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Thursday -4 C (25 F) at 7 am. Sunny, with west winds 2 - 6 mph. 73 % humidity. Forecast, 7 C (45 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, 66 % humidity. North west winds 4 - 7 mph. This day in 1978 -4.1 C (25 F) and in 1947 26.7 C (80 F) |
10/19/2018 |
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Friday, -1 C (30 F) at 7 am. Sunny, with westerly winds 1 - 4 mph. 74 % humidity. Forecast under a Sun/ cloud mix, North west winds 4 - 7 mph. 63 % humidity. This day in 1940 -6.7 C (20 F) and in 1963 25. C (77 F) |
10/20/2018 |
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Saturday, 8 C (46 F) at 7 am. Under Sunny Sky's, North west winds 7 - 12 mph. 77 % humidity. Forecast, Sunny with cloudy periods, North west winds 12 - 20 mph. 63 % humidity. This day in 1946 -7.8 C (18 F) and in 1995 22.4 C (72 F) |
10/21/2018 |
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Sunday -2 C (28 F) at 7 am. Sunny with cloudy periods, 62 % humidity. North west winds 16 - 24 mph. Forecast, 3 C (37 F) under overcast sky's, North west winds 14 - 24 mph. 58 % humidity. This day in 1946 -5.6 C (22 F) and in 1979 24.2 C (79 F) |
10/22/2018 |
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Monday, -4 C (25 F) at 7 am. Under a Sun/ cloud mix, North west winds 2 - 4 mph. 78 % humidity. Forecast, 4 C (39 F) overcast, west winds 5 - 7 mph. 62 % humidity. This day in 1940 -6.7 C 920 F) and in 1979 26.4 C (80 F) |
10/23/2018 |
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Tuesday 0 C (32 F) at 7 am. Overcast, North west winds 4 - 7 mph. 77 % humidity. Forecast 8 C (46 F) west winds 10 - 12 mph.62 % humidity. This day in 1969 -6.7 C (20 F) and in 1979 24.6 C (76 F) |
10/24/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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Wednesday 2 C (35 F) overcast, west breeze 2 - 3 mph. 81 % humidity. Forecast 5 C (41 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, west winds 5 - 10 mph.63 % humidity. This day in 1969 -6.7 C (20 F) and in 1979 24.6 C (76 F). |
10/25/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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Thursday, -2 C (28 F) overcast at 7 am. North west breeze 0 - 1 mph. 83 % humidity. Forecast 2 C (35 F) under a sun/ cloud mix, North west winds . 68 % humidity. This day in 1939 -6.7 C (20 F) and in 1963 23.9 C (75 F) |
10/26/2018 |
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Friday, -4 C (25 F) under mainly sunny sky's, at 7 am. South west breeze 2 - 3 mph. 85 % humidity. Forecast, 5 C (41 F) under mainly sunny sky's, North west winds 3 - 6 mph. 60 % humidity. This day in 1950 -7.2 C (19 F) and in 1947 23.3 C (74 F) |
10/27/2018 |
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Saturday, -1 C (30 F) very overcast at 7 am. North breeze 2 - 4 mph. 76 % humidity. Forecast, 5 C (41 F) with possible rain and snow mixed in. East winds 8 - 12 mph. 60 % humidity. This day in 1950 -7.3 C (19 F) and in 1947 23.3 C (74 F) |
10/28/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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Sunday, 0 C (32 F) overcast, with falling snow, North breeze 2 - 4 mph. 96 % humidity. Forecast, with a rain/ snow mix, 2 C (36 F) South breeze 4 - 6 mph. 93 % humidity. This day in 1976 -6.7 C (20 F) and in 1984 23.4 C (74 F) |
10/29/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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Monday, 0 C (32 F) overcast, at 7 am, South breeze 2 - 4 mph. 88 % humidity. Forecast, overcast, high of 5 C (41 F) with periods of rain, west winds 9 - 14 mph. 85 % humidity. This day in 1966 -6.1 C (21 F) and in 1989 20.7 C (69 F) |
10/30/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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Tuesday, -2 C (28 F) at 7 am. Under a Sun/ cloud mix, 86 % humidity, with North west winds 8 - 12 mph. Forecast, 6 C (43 F) under a mainly Sunny sky, West winds 9 - 14 mph. 92 % humidity. This day in 1966 -6.1 C (21 F) and in 1989 20.7 C (69 F) |
11/2/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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Friday, 2 C (34 F) overcast, on/ off showers, 94 % humidity, North west winds 7 - 10 mph. Forecast, 2 C (34 F) rain showers on/ off all day, North west winds 7 - 10 mph. 87 % humidity. |
11/3/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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Saturday, 2 C (36 F) overcast, with spits of rain, at 7 am. North west winds 9 - 13 mph. 94 % humidity. Forecast, 4 C (39 F) overcast with showers, west winds 13 - 22 mph. 96 % humidity. This day in 2002 -7.2 C (19 F) and in 1961 23.3 C (74 F) |
11/4/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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Sunday -2 C (28 F) Sunny, clear blue sky's at 7 am. (clocks turned back) 74 % humidity, west winds 4 - 7 mph. Forecast, Sunny 5 C (41 F) East winds 4 - 7 mph. 69 % humidity. This day in 1951 -8.9 C (16 F) and in 1938 18.9 C (66 F) |
11/5/2018 |
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Monday, 1 C (34 F ) overcast, North east breeze 2 - 4 mph. 92 % humidity. Forecast, 4 C (39 F) East winds 8 - 12 mph. 93 % humidity, with a chance of rain. This day in 1986 -9.6 C (15 F) and in 1938 22.3 C (73 F). |
11/7/2018 |
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Wednesday, 8 C (46 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, South West winds 6 - 9 mph. 76 % humidity. Forecast, 10 C (50 F) under a Sun / cloud mix, west winds 10 - 15 mph. 66 % humidity. This day in 1951 -15.6 C (4 F) and in 1938 23.9 C (75 F) |
11/8/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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Thursday, 2 C (36 F) overcast, with sunny periods, west winds 4 - 7 mph. 86 % humidity. Forecast, 4 C (39 F) overcast, west winds 6 - 12 mph. 82 % humidity. This day in 1991 -9.1 C (10 F) and in 1938 21.1 C (70 F) |
11/9/2018 |
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Friday, -3 C (26.6 F) North breeze 0 - 0 mph. at 7 Am. 98 % humidity, "Frosty". Forecast, 2 C (35.6 F) overcast, mixed precipitation possible, East winds 4 - 24 mph. 93 % humidity. This day in 1991 -9.1 C (16 F) and in 1938 21.1 C (70 F) |
11/10/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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Saturday, -1 C (30 F) under a Sun / cloud mix, South west winds 14 - 24 mph. 80 % humidity. Forecast, 1 C (34 F) under a sun/ cloud mix, more snow possible, west winds 18 - 31 mph. 60 % humidity. This day ion 2017 -13 C (8.6 F) and in 1945 17.8 C (64 F) |
11/11/2018 |
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Sunday, "Remembrance Day" -7 C (19.4 F) at 7 am. under mainly sunny sky's, West winds 2 - 6 mph. 69 % humidity. Forecast, -1 C (30 F) under mainly sunny sky's, West winds 7 - 14 mph. 54 % humidity. This day in 2017 -11 C (16 F) and in 1948 19.4 C (67 F) |
11/16/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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Friday, -8 C (17.6 F) overcast and snowing, West winds 4 - 7 mph. 92 % humidity. Forecast, overcast with snow falling, -1 C (30 F) west winds 7 - 10 mph, 94 % humidity. This day in 1967 -16 C (2 F) and in 1990 15 C (59 F) |
11/17/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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Saturday, -1 C (30 F) overcast, wit snow flurries, west breeze 0 - 1 mph. 94 % humidity. Forecast, 2 C (36 F) under a sun/ cloud mix, with a few flurries, west winds 7 - 16 mph. 93 % humidity. This day in 1967 -15.6 C (4 F) and in 1990 15.21 (59 F) |
11/18/2018 |
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Sunday, -17 C (1.4 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix at 7 am. West breeze 0 - 1 mph. 96 % humidity. Forecast, 1 C (30 ) under a Sun/ cloud mix, South winds 7 - 12 mph. 80 % humidity. This day in 1959 -9 C (15 F) and in 1953 17 C (63 F) |
11/19/2018 |
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Monday, -7 C (19.4 F) overcast, with flurries, west breeze 2 - 4 mph. 96 % humidity. Forecast, -4 C (25 F) overcast, to some sunny breaks and light flurries, South west winds 4 - 10 mph. 83 % humidity. This day in 1986 -11.8 C (61 F) and in 1941 18.9 C (66 F). |
11/20/2018 |
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Tuesday, -7 C (194 F) overcast, and snowing, North west winds 4 - 7 mph. 90 % humidity. Forecast, snowing -4 C (25 F) west winds 7 - 12 mph. humidity 88 % . This day in 1987 -12.7 (9 F) and in 1985 18.2 C (65 F) |
11/21/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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Wednesday, -6 C (21.2 F) overcast, with flurries, west breeze 3 - 4 mph. 85 % humidity. Forecast, -6 C (21.2 F) overcast, possible brief periods of sunshine, to more flurries, North west winds 13 - 22 mph. 58 % humidity. This day in 1987 -13 C (8 F) and in 1985 18 C (64 F). |
11/22/2018 |
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Thursday, -18 C (-.4 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, west breeze 2 - 4 mph. 88 % humidity. Forecast, 14 C (6.8 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, west winds 7 - 10 mph. 66 % humidity. This day in 2017 "New record" Low -17.9 C (-.22 F) and in 1992 12 C (54 F) |
11/23/2018 |
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Friday, -23 C (9.4 F) under clear blue sky's East breeze 0 - 1 mph. 84 % humidity. Forecast, -4 C (24.8 F) under sunny sky's with South breeze 7 - 14 mph. 68 % humidity. This day in 2017 "New Record low" -21 C (-5.8 F) and in 1963 17 C (63 F) |
11/24/2018 |
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Saturday, -9 C (16 F) at 7 am. under a Sun/ cloud mix, East winds 2 - 2 mph. 76 % humidity. Forecast, 2 C (36 F) with South - East winds 9 - 14 mph. 93 % humidity, Under a Sun/ cloud mix to overcast with rain to freezing rain. This day in 1972 -16.1 C (3 F) and in 1963 17.2 C (63 F) |
11/25/2018 |
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Sunday, Overcast, Foggy, 0 C (32 F) at 7 am. South East breeze 1 - 1 mph. 100 % humidity. Forecast, 4 C (39 F) overcast/ cloudy, South west winds 6 - 9 mph. 93 % humidity. This day in 1995 -15.7 C (4 F) and in 2001 17.4 C (68 F) |
11/26/2018 |
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Monday, OVERCAST, 0 c (32 F) east breeze 1 - 1 mph. 98 % humidity. Forecast, 3 C (37.4 F) with mixed precipitation, East winds 13 - 21 mph. 100 % humidity. This day in 1949 -16.7 C (2 F) and in 1979 13.8 C (57 F) |
11/27/2018 |
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Tuesday, -2 (28 F) overcast, snowing, North East winds 6 - 10 mph. 98 % humidity. Forecast 1 C (34 F) overcast, with light snow, North west winds 7 - 12 mph. 86 % humidity. This day in 1949 -16.7 C (2 F) and in 1939 13.8 C (57 F) |
11/28/2018 |
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Wednesday, -2 C (28 F) at 7 am. under overcast sky's, snowing, North East winds 5 - 7 mph. 92 % humidity. Forecast, overcast 2 C (36 F) with falling wet snow, North East winds 11 - 17 mph. 88 % humidity. This day in 1940 -22 C (- 8 F) and in 1966 12 C (54 F) |
11/29/2018 |
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Thursday, -1 C (30 F) overcast, North - west winds 8 - 12 mph. 89 % humidity. Forecast, 2 C (36 F) cloudy with Sunny breaks, North west winds 7 - 13 mph. 80 % humidity. This day in 1940 -21.7 C (-7 F) and in 1966 11.7 C (53 F) |
11/30/2018 |
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Friday, -2 C (28 F) overcast, west breeze 0 - 1 mph. 88 % humidity. Forecast, 0 C (32 F) overcast, North west winds 5 - 7 mph 76 % humidity. This day in 1940 -22 C (-8 F) and in 1966 12 C (54 F). |
12/1/2018 |
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Saturday, -5 C (23 F) at 7 am under mainly clear to sunny sky's, South east breeze 0 - 1 mph. 88 % humidity. Forecast, 1 C (34 F) under a sun/ cloud mix, east winds 4 - 7 mph. 86 % humidity. This day in 1940 -28.9 C (-20 F) and in 1982 13.9 C (57 F) |
12/2/2018 |
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Sunday, -2 C (28 F) at 7 am, under an overcast sky, with ice pellets, snow and rain overnight, East winds 12 - 14 mph. 95 % humidity. Forecast, 3 C (37 F) cloudy with showers, east winds 8 - 16 mph. 100 % humidity. This day in 1958 -18.9 C (-2 F) and in 1998 13.8 C (57 F) |
12/3/2018 |
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Monday, -1 C (30 F) at 7 am, with falling snow since 6 am. North west winds 12 - 18 mph. 93 % humidity, there was a thunder storm last night , early morning. Forecast, -1 C (30 F) overcast, North west winds 12 - 21 mph. 80 % humidity. This day in 1940 -27.2 C (-17 F) and in 1982 16.3 C (61 F) |
12/4/2018 |
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Tuesday, -7 C (19 F) overcast, North West winds 10 -14 mph. 70 % humidity. Forecast, Mainly sunny, -4 C (25 F) westerly winds 7 - 16 mph. 62 % humidity. This day in 1940 -28 C (-20 F) and in 1982 14 C (57 F) |
12/5/2018 |
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Wednesday, -6 C (21 F) overcast, a few flurries, South breeze 1 - 1 mph. 90 % humidity. Forecast, 0 C (32 F) overcast, South winds 5 - 10 mph. 80 % humidity. This day in 1989 -23 C (-9 F) and in 1999 14 C (57 F) |
12/6/2018 |
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Thursday, -4 C (25 F) at 7 am. Under Sunny sky's with calm South west breeze 1 - 1 mph. 86 % humidity. Forecast, 0 C (32 F) overcast, west winds 4 - 8 mph. 80 % humidity. This day in 1989 -23 C (-9 F) and in 1999 14 C (57 F). |
12/7/2018 |
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Friday, -16 C (3.2 F) under Sunny sky's, West winds 8 - 10 mph. 77 % humidity. Forecast, -15 C (5 F) under Sunny sky's with North west winds 7 - 14 mph. 56 % humidity. This day in 1964 -22 C (-8 F) and in 1951 15 C (59 F). |
12/8/2018 |
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Saturday, 19 C (-2.2 F) at 7 am. With early sunshine, South breeze 0 - 0 mph. 78 % humidity. Forecast, -6 C (21.2 F) under a sun/ cloud mix, flurries possible, South winds 4 - 7 mph. 67 % humidity. This day in 1958 -23 (-9 F) and in 1953 9 C (48 F) |
12/9/2018 |
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Sunday, -6 C (21 F) overcast at 7 am. North east breeze 2 - 4 m[h. 79 % humidity. Forecast, -1 C 930 F) overcast, North winds 4 - 7 mph. 68 % humidity. This day in 1976 -26 C (-15 F) and in 1966 13 C (55 F) |
12/10/2018 |
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Tuesday, -7 C (19 F) under overcast sky's, East winds 9 - 13 mph, 80 % humidity. Forecast -1 C (30 F) overcast with flurries, South east winds 4 - 9 mph. 86 % humidity. This day in 1958 -13 F (-25 C) and in 1946 50 F (10 C) |
12/11/2018 |
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Tuesday, -7 C (19 F) overcast, snow flurries, east winds 9 - 13 mph. 80 % humidity. Forecast -1 C (30 F) overcast, flurries, South East winds 4 - 9 mph. 86 % humidity. This day in 1958 -13 C (-25 C) and in 1946 50 F (10 C) |
12/12/2018 |
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Wednesday, overcast, -9 C (16 F) North west winds 5 - 8 mph. 82 % humidity. Forecast, -7 C (19 F) partly sunny, east winds 10 - 14 mph. 92 % humidity. This day in 1977 -25 C (-13 F) and in 1946 12 C (53 F) |
12/13/2018 |
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Thursday, -15 C (5 F) overcast, east breeze 1 - 2 mph. 71 % humidity. Forecast, Sunny sky's -5 C (23 F) east winds 6 - 11 mph. 86 % humidity. This day in 1976 -24 C (-11 F) and in 1991 10 C (50 F) |
12/14/2018 |
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Friday, -4 C (25 F) overcast, East breeze 2 - 4 mph. 78 % humidity. Forecast, rain mixed with snow, -2 C 928 F) South winds 5 - 7 mph. 90 % humidity. This day in 1943 -26 C (-15 F) and in 1975 9 C (48 F) |
12/15/2018 |
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Saturday, -1 C (30 F) under Sunny, clear sky's, west winds 5 - 7 mph. 84 % humidity. Forecast, Sunny 3 C (37.4 F) West winds 4 - 8 mph. 86 % humidity. This day in 1943 -28 C (-18 F) and in 1975 9 C (48 F) |
12/16/2018 |
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Sunday, -7 C (19 F) "horror frost" to Sunshine, west winds 2 - 4 mph. 86 % humidity. Forecast, 2 C (35.6 F) Sunny to overcast, North - west winds 13 - 20 mph. 71 % humidity. This day in 1951 -28 C (-18 F) and in 1984 7 C (45 F) |
12/17/2018 |
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Monday, Overcast, 0 C (32 F) , West winds 2 - 4 mph. 83 % humidity. Forecast, 2 C (35.6 F) overcast, North west winds 13 - 20 mph. 71 % humidity. This day in 1942 -29 C (-20 F) and in 1984 9 C (48 F) |
12/18/2018 |
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Tuesday -11 C (12 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, North west winds 8 - 12 mph. 67 % humidity. Forecast, -7 C (19 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, North west winds 7 - 14 mph. 72 % humidity. This day in 1944 -26 C (-15 F) and in 1996 5 C (41 F) |
12/19/2018 |
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Wednesday, -11 C (12.2 F) at 7 am, under overcast sky's, East breeze 0 - 1 mph. 89 % humidity. Forecast, 1 C (33.8 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, South winds 5 - 9 mph. 93 % humidity. This day in 1944 -26 C (-15 F) and in 1996 5 C (41 F) |
12/20/2018 |
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Thursday, -8 C (17.6 F) under a hazy sky, South breeze 1 - 1 mph. 88 % humidity. Forecast, 3 C (37.4 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, South east winds 4 - 9 mph. 74 % humidity. This day in 1942 -34.4 C (-30 F) and in 1957 13.3 C (56 F) |
12/21/2018 |
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Friday, 2 (35.6 F) overcast and raining at 7 am. South East winds 7 - 11 mph. 95 % Humidity. Forecast, 3 C (37.4 F) overcast with rain, South east winds 9 - 16 mph. 98 % humidity. |
12/22/2018 |
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Saturday, -3 C (26.6 F) overcast, snow flurries, North west winds 18 - 27 mph. 84 % humidity. Forecast, overcast, -4 C (25 F) North west winds 17 - 29 mph. 80 % humidity. This day in 1942 -30 C (-22 F) and in 1949 9.4 C (49 F) |
12/23/2018 |
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Sunday, -14 C (6.8 F) under clear sky's, west winds 4 - 7 mph. 75 % humidity. Forecast, -8 C (18 F) west winds 3 - 6 mph. 61 % humidity. This day in 1943 -29 C (-20 F) and in 1957 11 C (52 F) |
12/24/2018 |
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Monday, -9 C (15.8 F) at 7 am. Overcast, snowing, North west breeze 2 - 2 mph. 91 % humidity. Forecast, -6 C (21 F) overcast, with scattered flurries, North winds 4 - 7 mph. 79 % humidity. This day in 1943 -29 C (-20 F) and in 2018 17 C (62.6 F) |
12/25/2018 |
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Tuesday, "Merry Christmas" -15 C (5 F) under clear sky's, North west breeze 1 - 2 mph. 85 % humidity. Forecast, Sunny, -9 C (15.8 F) West winds 2 - 5 mph. 68 % humidity. This day in 1980 -32 C (-26 F) and in 1982 13 C (55 F), Under a Christmas Full Moon. |
12/26/2018 |
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Wednesday, "Boxing Day" -13 C (8.6 F) overcast sky at 7 am. South west breeze 1 - 1 mph. 86 % humidity. Forecast, -4 C (24.8 C) under a Sun/ cloud mix, North west winds 6 - 11 mph. 79 % humidity. This day i 1968 -31 C (-24 F) and in 1982 10 C (50 F) |
12/27/2018 |
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Thursday -21 C (5.8 F) at 7 am, under mostly clean sky's, Sunrise 7:41 am. South west winds 2 - 4 mph. 79 % humidity. Forecast, -10 C (12 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, East winds 7 - 14 mph. 67 % humidity. This day in 1993 - 35 C (-26 F) and in 1946 8 C (46.4 F ) |
12/28/2018 |
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Friday, -5 C (23 F) overcast, south east breeze 2 - 4 mph. 88 % humidity. Forecast, overcast, 3 C (37.4 F) at 3 pm. and 5 C (41 F) at 11 pm with rain. 92 % humidity. South winds 8 - 10 mph. This day in 1993 -31.7 C (-25 F) and in 1949 7.8 C (46 F) |
12/29/2018 |
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Saturday, -9 C (16 F) at 7 am. Under mainly clear sky's, North winds 4 - 6 mph. 88 % humidity. Forecast, Sunny, cold -11 C (12 F) at 3 pm. North winds 7 - 10 mph. 84 % humidity. This day in 1993 -26.3 C (-15 F) and in 1982 6.2 C (43 F) |
12/30/2018 |
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Sunday, -14 C (6.8 F) under overcast sky's, South East winds 2 - 4 mph. 78 % humidity. Forecast, -3 C (27 F) possible flurries, South east winds 6 - 9 mph. 90 % humidity. This day in 1963 -27.8 C (-15 F) and in 1965 5 C (41 F) Happy Birthday Kristen |
12/31/2018 |
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Monday, -7 C (19 F) at 7 am. Overcast, East breeze 2 - 2 mph. 94 % humidity. Forecast, overcast, snow flurries possible, 1 C (34 F) east winds 7 - 14 mph. 93 % humidity. This day in 1962 -26.1 C (-15 F) and in 1951 5 C (41 F) |
1/1/2019 |
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Tuesday, "Happy New Year", -5 C (23 F) at 7 am. Under partly clear sky's, North West winds 8 - 12 mph. 78 % humidity. Forecast, -9 C (16 F) under mainly Sunny sky's, North West winds 15 - 27 mph. 63 % humidity. Snow mixed with rain overnight. This day in 1962 -26.1 C (-15 F) and in 1951 5 C (41 F) |
1/2/2019 |
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Wednesday, -25 C (-13 F) at 7 am. Under partly clear sky's, North West breeze 1 - 1 mph. 56 % humidity. Forecast, overcast, -12 C ( 10 F) East Winds 7 - 11 MPH. 65 % Humidity. This day in 1947 -27 C (-17 F) and in 1966 9.4 C (49 F)
1/3/2019 |
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Thursday, -13 C (8.6 F) at 7 am. Under overcast sky's, West breeze 0 - 0 mph. 78 % humidity. Forecast, -2 C (28 F) under a Sun/ Cloud mix, South West winds 6 - 12 mph. , 80 % humidity. This day in 1981 -34.5 C (-30 F) and in 1950 11.1 C (52 F) |
1/4/2019 |
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Friday, -2 (28.4 F) at 7 am. under overcast sky's, South winds 2 - 4 mph. 80 % humidity. Forecast, 3 C (37 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, South West winds 8 - 16 mph. 86 % humidity. This day in 1981 -34.5 C (-30 F) and in 1950 11.1 C (52 F) |
1/5/2019 |
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Saturday -1 C (30 F) at 7 am. Under overcast sky's, North - West breeze 1 - 3 mph. 88 % humidity, Forecast, overcast 3 C (37 F) North West breeze 2 - 2 mph. 74 % humidity. This day in 1945 -31 C (-24 F) and in 1946 8 C (46 F) Remember the 1998 ice storm? |
1/6/2019 |
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Sunday, -2 C (28.4 F) under overcast sky's, at 7 am. North winds 18 - 27 mph. 65 % Humidity. Forecast, under a Sun/ cloud mix -5 C (23 F) North - West winds 14 - 27 mph. 64 % humidity. This day in 1945 -31 C (-24 F) and in 1946 8 C (46 F). |
1/7/2019 |
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Monday, -19 C (-2.2 F) at 7 am. Under a variable sky, South - West breeze 2 - 2 mph. 77 % humidity. Forecast, -10 C (14 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, East winds 7 - 14 mph. 52 % humidity. This day in 1945 -29 C (-20.2 F) and in 1946 4 C (39 F) |
1/8/2019 |
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Tuesday, -5 C (23 F) overcast at 7 am. North Breeze 2 - 2 mph. 96 % humidity. Forecast, 5 C (41 F) overcast wit peaks of sunshine, South west winds 5 - 11 mph. 93 % humidity. This day in 1968 -32.8 C (-27 F) and in 1965 7.2 C (45 F) |
1/9/2019 |
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Wednesday, -1 C (30 F) overcast at 7 am. West winds 4 - 8 mph. 96 % humidity. Forecast, 0 C (32 F) overcast, North west winds 12 - 19 mph. 86 % humidity. This day in 1968 -32.2 C (-26 F) and in 1965 10 C (50 F). |
1/10/2019 |
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Thursday, -11 C (12.2 F) under variable sky's, with blowing snow, North west winds 25 - 35 mph. 77 % humidity. Forecast, -9 C (15.8 F)under a Sun/ cloud mix, North west winds 20 - 32 mph. 66 % humidity. This day in 1945 -32.2 C (-26 F) and in 1939 6.7 C (44 F) |
1/11/2019 |
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Friday, -22 C (-7.6 F) under clear (star filled) sky's at 7 am. North West winds 12-21 Mph. 66 % humidity. Forecast, -14 C (+ 6.8 F) under Sun/ cloud mix with some snow flurries, North west winds 12 - 21 mph. 60 % humidity. This day in 1981 -29.6 C (-21 F) and in 1975 10 C (50 F) |
1/12/2019 |
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Saturday, -21 C (-5.8 F) under clear sky at 7 am, Calm North West breeze 2 - 2 mph. 69 % humidity. Forecast 15 C (5 F) under a Sun Cloud Mix, North west winds 2 - 7 mph. 62 % humidity. This day in 1982 -29 C (-20 F) and in 2018 11 C (52 F) |
1/13/2019 |
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Sunday, -21 C (-5.8 F) overcast sky's at 7 am. North west breeze 2 - 4 mph. 66 % humidity. Forecast -10 C (14 F) Sunny sky's North west winds 4 - 8 mph. 65 % humidity. This day in 1982 -29 C (-20 F) and in 1988 4.0 C (39 F) |
1/14/2019 |
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Monday, -22 C (-7.6 F) at 7 am under variable sky's, North west breeze 2 - 2 mph. 68 % humidity. Forecast, -11 C (-12.2 F) under a sun/ cloud mix, South west winds 2 - 4 mph. 64 % humidity. This day in 1957 -32.8 C (-27 F) and in 1950 8.3 C (47 F) |
1/15/2019 |
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Tuesday, -9 C (16 F) overcast, North West breeze 2 - 2 mph. 88 % humidity. Forecast -2 C (28 F) overcast, South East winds 4 - 9 mph. This day in -35.6 C (-32 F) and in 1995 11.7 C (53 F) |
1/16/2019 |
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Wednesday, -3 C (26 F) under overcast sky's at 7 am. North west winds 12 - 20 mph. 76 % humidity. Forecast, -14 C (6.8 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, North winds 17 - 28 mph. 62 % humidity. This day in 1957-35.6 C (-32 F) and in 1995 11.7 C (53 F) |
1/17/2019 |
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Thursday, -27 C (-16.6 F) clear sky's at 7 am. North west winds 1-1 mph. 77 % humidity. Forecast, mainly sunny, -14 C (7 F) , 62 % humidity, North west winds 7 - 10 mph. This day in 1998 -32.5 C (-27 F) and in 1953 7.2 C (45 F) |
1/18/2019 |
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Friday, -15 C (5 F) overcast, and snowing at 7 am. North west winds 10 - 15 mph. 86 % humidity. Forecast, -13 C (8.6 F) overcast, snowing North west winds 15 - 20 mph. 88 % humidity. This day in 1954 -29.4 C (-21 F) and in 1996 9.9 C (50 F) |
1/19/2019 |
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Saturday, -27 C (16 F) overcast, snowing, very blustery North winds 20 - 30 mph. 88 % humidity. Forecast, -25 C (-13 F) overcast, snowing, North winds 25 - 25 mph. "Drifting snow" 88 % humidity. This day in 1994 -31.2 C (-24 F) and in 1996 12 C (54 F) |
1/20/2019 |
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Sunday, -27 C (-16 F) overcast, snowing at 7 am. Blustery North winds 25- 30 mph. 88 % humidity. Forecast, -23 C (-9 F) clear sky's, blustery North winds 25 - 35 mph. 80 % humidity. This day in 1946 -30.6 C (-23 F) and in 1986 4.1 C (39 F) |
1/21/2019 |
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Monday, -27 C (-16.6 F) overcast, North west winds 10 - 15 mph. 82 % Humidity. Forecast, -20 C (-4 F) overcast, North west winds 12 -20 mph. 77 % humidity. This day in 1943 -31 C (-24 F) and in 1959 9.4 C (49 F) |
1/22/2019 |
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Tuesday, -28 C (-18.4) under a variable sky's at 7 am. Calm west winds 0 - 0 mph. 86 % humidity. Forecast, Sunshine, -16 C (3.2 F) North winds 5 -7 mph. 79 % humidity. This day in 1943 31.1 C (-24 F) and in 1957 4.2 C (45 F) |
1/23/2019 |
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Wednesday, -12 C (10 F) overcast, snowing, South east winds 6 - 9 mph. 87 % humidity. Forecast, -4 C (25 F) with mixed precipitation, South winds 8 - 13 mph. 98 % humidity. This day in 1943 -31 C (-24 F) and in 1957 7.2 C (45 F) |
1/24/2019 |
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Thursday, 0 C (32 F) overcast at 7 am to snow flurries, North winds 4 - 8 mph. 100 % humidity. Forecast, variable sky's -2 C (28 F) mixed precipitation, North west winds 9 - 16 mph. 88 % humidity. This day in 1976 -31.7 C (-25 F) and in 1999 7.7 C (46 F) |
1/25/2019 |
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Friday, -11 C (12 F) overcast, snow flurries, North west winds 5 - 10 mph. 89 % humidity. Forecast, -5 C (23 F) under variable sky's, snow flurries to snow squalls, North west winds 12 - 20 mph. 6 % humidity. This day in 1945 -27.8 C (-18 F) and in 1950 10.6 C (51 F) |
1/26/2019 |
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Saturday, -22 C (-7.6 F) under a hazy sky, to hazy sunshine, North West winds 2 - 6 mph. 62 % humidity. Forecast, -12 C (10 F) mainly sunny, east winds 5 - 9 mph. 66 % humidity. This day in 1945 -27.8 C (-18 F) and in 1950 10.6 C (51 F) "Saying Good bye to-day to Margie" Taken to soon. |
1/27/2019 |
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Sunday, -9 C (16 F) overcast, and snowing at 7 am. East winds 12 - 18 mph. 86 % humidity. Forecast -6 C (21 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, west winds 14 - 25 mph. 65 % humidity. This day in 1994 -31.4 C (-25 F) and in 1996 9.1 C (48 F) |
1/28/2019 |
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Monday, -27 C (-16.6 F) under clear sky's, North west winds 7 - 12 mph. 70 % humidity. Forecast, -18 C (-4 F) under mainly sunny sky's, North west winds 12 - 18 mph. 62 % humidity. This day in 1955 -29.4 C (-21 F) and in 1990 6.1 C (43 F) |
1/29/2019 |
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Tuesday, -20 C (-4 F) overcast, and snowing at 7 am, East winds 8 - 12 mph, 75 % humidity. Forecast, overcast, -4 C (25 F) with South winds 10 - 16 mph, 70 % humidity. This day in 1952 -28.9 C (-20 F) and in 1950 6.1 C (43 F) |
1/30/2019 |
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Wednesday -21 C (5.8 F) under a variable sky, North west winds 4 - 6 mph. 69 % humidity. Forecast, -13 C (8.6 F) under Sunny sky's , west winds 10 -15 mph. 67 % humidity. This day in 1952 -31.1 C (-24 F) and in 1974 5.6 C (42 F) |
1/31/2019 |
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Thursday, -20 C (-4 F) under clear sky's, west winds 6 - 8 mph. Forecast, -13 C (8.6 F) under Sunny sky's, west winds 12 - 19 mph. 53 % humidity. This day in 1996 -33.1 C (-28 F) and in 1988 8.5 C (47 F) . |
2/1/2019 |
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Friday, -22 C (-7.6 F) under clear sky's, west breeze 2 - 2 mph. 66% humidity. Forecast, Sunny, west winds 5 - 8 mph. 56 % humidity. This day i 1962 -31.1 C (-24 F) and in 1988 6.8 C (44 F) |
2/2/2019 |
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Saturday, -15 C (5 F) at 7 am. "Snowing" South winds 5 - 8 mph. 69 % humidity. Forecast, overcast, light snow. -11 C (12.2 F) west winds 9 - 16 mph. 79 % humidity. This day in 1962 -31.1 C (-24 F) and in 1988 6.8 C (44 F) "Ground Hog Day" |
2/3/2019 |
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Sunday, -15 C (5 F) under a overcast sky at 7 am. East breeze 2 - 4 mph. 80 % humidity. Forecast, overcast, ice pellets, snow and freezing rain possible, -8 C (18 F), East winds 6 - 11 mph. 92 % humidity. This day in 1971 -32.2 C (-26 F) and in 1991 6.5 C (44 F) |
2/4/2019 |
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Monday, -10 C (14 F) overcast, with "Horror Frost", Westerly Breeze 2 - 4 mph. 85 % humidity. Forecast, -2 C (28 F) overcast with freezing drizzle, East winds 5 - 9 mph. 100 % humidity. This day in 1948 -30 C (-22 F) and in 1991 6.9 C (44 F) |
2/5/2019 |
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Tuesday, "Rain overnight" 0 C (32 F) under overcast sky's at 7 am. North winds 5 - 7 mph. 100 % humidity. Forecast, -4 C (25 F) under variable sky's, North west winds 11 - 20 mph. 73 % humidity. This day in 1948 -28 C (-18 F) and in 1991 7 C (45 F) |
2/6/2019 |
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Wednesday, -15 C (5 F) overcast, North West winds 4 - 8 mph. 88 % humidity. Forecast, -9 C (16 F) North west winds 5 - 7 mph. On/ Off snow flurries, 77 % humidity. This day in 1995 -28.9 C (-21 F) and in 1991 3.7 C (39 F) |
2/7/2019 |
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Thursday, -8 C (17.6 F) overcast, North west winds 2 - 4 mph. 88 % humidity. Forecast, -5 C (23 F) overcast, South east winds 7 - 11 mph. 89 % humidity. This day in 1993 -30 C (-22 F) and in 1965 4.4 C (40 F) |
2/8/2019 |
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Friday, 2 C (35.6 F) under overcast sky's at 7 am. Blustery west winds 15 - 20 mph. 68 % humidity. Forecast, -14 C (5 F) under overcast sky's, west winds 15 - 30 mph. 55 % humidity. This day in 1993 -30 C (-22 F) and in 1965 4 C (39 F) Water in gauge was from yesterdays Misty freezing rain. |
2/9/2019 |
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Saturday, -15 C (5 F) under sunny clear sky's, with more blustery North West winds 19 - 29 mph. 49 % humidity. Forecast, -7 C (19 F) Sunny, westerly winds 10 - 19 mph. 52 % humidity. This day in 1951 -33 C (-27 F) and in 1990 7 C (45 F) |
2/10/2019 |
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Sunday, -18 C (-.4 F) at 7 am. Under Sunny clear sky's, North west breeze 2 - 2 mph. 56 % humidity. Forecast, -5 C (23 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, West winds 6 - 11 mph. 62 % humidity. This day in 1948 -33.3 C (-28 F) and in 1996 7.2 C (43 F) |
2/11/2019 |
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Monday, -18 C (-.4 F) at 7 am. Under Sunny Sky's, North- West breeze 2 - 4 mph. 66 % humidity. Forecast -10 C (14 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, Westerly winds 5 - 7 mph. 58 % humidity. This day in 1948 -33.3 C (-28 F) and in 1966 7.2 C (45 F) |
2/12/2019 |
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Tuesday, -19 C (-22 F) under a overcast sky, North west winds 7 - 10 mph. 70 % humidity. Forecast, overcast, 15 C (5 F) at 12 noon, Snow starting at 2:30 pm. Overcast, South East winds 10 - 15 mph. 76 % humidity. This day in 1967 -31.7 C (-25 F) and in 1999 3.2 C (47 F) |
2/13/2019 |
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Wednesday, -5 C (23 F) under Sunny but variable sky's, Westerly breeze 4 - 7 mph. 78 % humidity. Forecast, overcast -1 C (30.2 F) snowing again, North west winds 5 - 7 mph.74 % humidity. This day in 1967 31.7 C (-25 F) and in 1999 8.2 C (47 F) |
2/14/2019 |
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Thursday -12 C (10.4 F) under Sunny sky's, North = west breeze 2 - 2 mph. 79 % humidity. Forecast, -7 C (19.4 F) under variable sky's, North west winds 5 - 7 mph. 66 % humidity. This day in 1979 -28.2 C (-19 F) and in 1946 7.8 C (46 F) |
2/15/2019 |
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Friday, -4 C (24.8 F) at 7 am under overcast sky's, "Snowing" North West winds 5 - 7 mph. 78 % humidity. Forecast, 3 C (37.4 F) overcast, with Sunny breaks, west winds 4 - 6 mph. 77 % humidity. This day in 1943 -36.1 C (-33 F) and in 1954 6.7 C (44 F) |
2/16/2019 |
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Saturday, -8 C (17.6 F) under Sunny but variable sky's at 7 am. West breeze 2 - 2 mph. 77 % humidity. Forecast -8 C (17.6 F) under Sunny sky's, North west winds 5 - 7 mph. 66 % humidity. This day in 1943 -33.3 C (-28 F) and in 1981 7.7 C (46 F) |
2/17/2019 |
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Sunday, -18 C (-.4 F) at 7 am, Under a Sunny but hazy sky, North West breeze 2 - 2 mph. 55 % humidity. Forecast, -7 C (19.9 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, North East winds 4 - 6 mph.61 % humidity. This day in 1979 -28.2 C (-19 F) and in 1981 6.1 C (43 F). |
2/18/2019 |
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Monday, "Family Day Holiday", -17 C (1.4 F) at 7 am. Under overcast sky's, North winds 5 - 7 mph. 58 % humidity. Forecast, -9 C (16 F) under mainly Sunny Sky's, west winds 6 - 9 mph. 56 % humidity. This day in 1979 -28.2 C (-19 F) and in 1981 6.1 C (43 F) |
2/19/2019 |
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Tuesday, -21 C (-5.8 F) under Sunny clear sky's, West breeze 2 - 3 mph. 52 % humidity. Forecast -9 C (16 F) under mainly Sunny sky's, South west winds 5 - 9 mph. 66 % humidity. This day in 1944 -27 C (-17 F) and in 1994 9 C (48 F) |
2/20/2019 |
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Wednesday, -23 C (-9.4 F) under overcast sky's, North breeze 2 - 2 mph. 55 % humidity. Forecast, -8 C (17.6 F) under overcast sky's, North east winds 4 - 7 mph. 57 % humidity. This day in 1944 -27 C (-17 F) and in 19949 C (48 F). |
2/21/2019 |
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Thursday, -5 C (23 F) under overcast sky's, South breeze 4 - 5 mph. 81 % humidity. Forecast, overcast, 2 C (36 F) west winds 11 - 17 mph. 69 % humidity. This day in 1950 -29 C (-20 F) and in 1994 10 C (50 F) |
2/22/2019 |
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Friday, -5 C (23 F) under mainly clear sky's to overcast, North west breeze 2 - 2 mph. 66 % humidity at 7 am. Forecast, 1 C (34 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, west winds 6 - 12 mph. 59 % humidity. This day in 1963 -27 C (-17 F) and in 1981 12 C (54 F). |
2/23/2019 |
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Saturday, -4 C (25 F) under clear to Sunny sky's, East breeze 1 - 2 mph. 62 % humidity. Forecast 2 C (36 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, South winds 4 - 11 mph. 80 % humidity. This day in 1939 -29 C (-20 F) and in 1984 11 C (52 F) |
2/24/2019 |
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Sunday, -2 (28 F) overcast, with "Freezing Rain", South east winds 12 - 19 mph. 93 % humidity. Forecast, 6 C (42.6 F) overcast with rain, South east winds 16 - 29 mph. 96 % humidity. This day in 1989 -21 C (6 F) and in 1984 10 C (50 F) |
2/25/2019 |
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Monday, -5 C (23 F) under mostly cloudy sky's, Blustery west winds 20 - 30 mph. 57 % humidity. Forecast, -10 C (14 F) under mainly cloudy sky's with some sunny breaks, North - West winds 18 - 30 mph. 51 % humidity. This day in 1939 -26 C (-15 F) and in 19998 8 C (46 F) |
2/26/2019 |
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Tuesday, -19 C (-2.2 F) under mainly clear sky's, North West winds 11 - 19 mph. 57 % humidity. Forecast, -22 C (-7.6 F) under partly overcast sky's, North west winds 5 - 9 mph. 77 % humidity. This day in 1970 -28 C (-18 F) and in 2002 7 C (45 F) |
2/27/2019 |
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Wednesday, -21 C (-5.8 F) under overcast sky's, East breeze 2 - 4 mph. 58 % humidity. Forecast -12 C (10.4 F) under overcast sky's, flurries possible. South East winds 4 - 7 mph. 72 % humidity. This day in 1940 -26 C (-15 F) and in 2000 12 C (54 F) |
2/28/2019 |
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Thursday, -21 C (-5.8 F) under clear sky's, South West breeze 2 - 4 mph. 44 % humidity. Forecast, -8 C (17.6 F) under Sunny sky's, South Winds 4 - 7 mph. 57 % humidity. This day in 1950 -25 C (-13 F) and in 1983 7 C (45 F) |
3/1/2019 |
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"March in like a lamb" Good Friday morning everyone, -19 C at 7 am under clear then to sunny sky's, North breeze 1 - 1 mph. 62 % humidity. Forecast, -1 C (30.2 F) under sunny sky's, South wind 5 - 9 mph. 58 % humidity. This day in 1980 -22.4 C (-8 F) and in 1983 7 C (45 F) |
3/2/2019 |
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Saturday, -14 C (6.3 F) at 7 am. Under an overcast sky, North West breeze 0 - 1 mph. 61 % humidity. Forecast, -3 C (26.6 F) under overcast sky's, light snow, East winds 4 - 7 mph. 86 % humidity. This day in 1980 -26 C (15 F) and in 1991 9 C (48 F). |
3/3/2019 |
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Sunday, -11 C (12.2 F) under overcast sky's, North breeze 1 - 1 mph. 60 % humidity. Forecast, -3 C (26.6 F) under a sun/ cloud mix, North west winds 2 - 4 mph. 62 % humidity. This day in 1980 -26 C (-15 F) and in 1991 9 C (48 F) |
3/4/2019 |
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Monday, -15 C (5 F) under Sunny sky's at 7 am. North West breeze at 1 - 1 mph. 64 % humidity. Forecast, a mainly sunny -7 C (19 F) with westerly winds 9 - 14 mph. 52 % humidity. This day in 1950 -30 C (-22 F) and in 1965 10 C (50 F). |
3/5/2019 |
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Tuesday, -19 C (-2.2 F) under overcast sky's, East breeze 2 - 4 mph. 62 % humidity. Forecast, -7 C (19 F) under overcast sky's with scattered flurries, South West winds 9 - 16 mph. 57 % humidity.This day in 1948 -23.9 C (-11 F) and in 1964 10.6 C (51 F) |
3/6/2019 |
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Wednesday, -25 C (-13 F) under clear to sunny sky's, North West winds 0 - 1 mph. 60 % humidity. Forecast, -8 C (18 F) under mainly Sunny sky's with some clouds, North West winds 10 - 17 mph. 56 % humidity. |
3/7/2019 |
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Thursday, -22 C (-7.8 F) under clear to Sunny sky's, at 7 am. North breeze 0 - 1 mph. 56 % humidity. Forecast, -7 C (19 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, West winds 11 - 18 mph. 53 % humidity. This day in 1989 -21.9 C (-17 F) and in 1974 11.1 C (52 F) |
3/8/2019 |
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Friday, -15 C (5 F) under Sunny sky's, North west breeze 0 - 1 mph. 56 % humidity. Forecast, -2 C (28.4 F) under Sunny sky's, 52 % humidity. North west winds 4 - 10 mph. This day in 1984 -24.2 C (12 F) and in 1987 12.4 C (54 F). |
3/9/2019 |
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Saturday, -10 C (14 F) under Sunny Sky's, North West winds 5 - 7 mph. 62 % humidity. Forecast, 0 C (32 F) under Sunny Sky's, North west winds 7 - 10 mph. 58 % humidity. This day in 1943 -26.1 C (-15 F) and in 2000 19.2 C (67 F). |
3/10/2019 |
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Sunday, -8 C (17.6 F) overcast, and snowing at 7 am. East winds 12 -18 mph. 75 % humidity. Forecast, 2 C (36 F) overcast with snow and possible rain, changing back to snow. South East winds 12 -22 mph. 93 % humidity. This day in 1984 -26.7 C (-7 F) and in 1977 12.7 C (55 F) |
3/11/2019 |
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Monday, 0 C (32 F) under overcast sky's at 7 am. With blustery west winds 18 - 25 mph. 75 % humidity. Forecast, 2 C (36 F) overcast with scattered flurries, west winds 14 - 22 mph. 64 % humidity. This day in 1984 -22.7 C (-9 F) and in 1977 10.5 C (51 F) |
3/12/2019 |
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Tuesday, -9 C (15.8 F) under hazy sunshine at 7 am. North West winds 12 - 17 mph. 69 % humidity. Forecast, 1 C (34 F) under mainly Sunny sky's, North west winds 10 - 21 mph. 53 % humidity. This day in 1984 -22.7 C (-9 F) and in 1977 10.5 C (51 F) |
3/13/2019 |
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Wednesday, -8 C (17.6 F) at 7 am. Under overcast sky's, with South East breeze 0- 1 mph. 74 % humidity. Forecast, 2 C (36 F) under overcast sky's with a mix of precipitation wet snow to rain with South winds 8 - 14 mph. 75 % humidity. This day in 1940 -20 C (-4 F) and in 1995 15.3 C (60 F) |
3/14/2019 |
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Thursday, 0 C (32 F) under overcast sky's at 7 am. South East breeze 0 - 1 mph. 88 % humidity. Forecast, 7 C (45 F) under overcast sky's with showers possible, East winds 9 - 16 mph. 78 % humidity. This day in 1992 -18.6 C (-1.5 F) and in 1995 17.7 C (64 F) |
3/15/2019 |
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Friday, 5 C (41 F) overcast, South West winds 12 -18 mph. 83 % humidity. Forecast, 8 C (46 F) overcast with Showers, South West winds 13 - 22 mph. 81 % humidity. This day in 1993 -21.8 C (-7 F) and in 1995 14.2 C (58 F) |
3/16/2019 |
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Sunday, -6 (21.2 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix with blustery North West winds 17 - 25 mph. 54 % humidity. Forecast, 0 C (32 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, west winds 14 - 25 mph. 55 % humidity. This day in 1949 -20 C (-4 F) and in 1990 12.5 C (55 F) |
3/17/2019 |
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Sunday, -8 c (17.6 F) at 7 am. Under a Sun/ cloud mix on this "St. Patrick's Day" Westerly winds 10 - 14 mph. 44 % humidity. Forecast, -2 C (28 F) under a Sun/ Cloud mix, West winds 12 - 20 mph. 50 % humidity. This day in 1961 -20.6 C (-5 F) and in 1983 11.1 C (52 F) |
3/18/2019 |
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Monday, -14 C (6.8 F) under Sunny sky's, with North west winds 0 - 2 mph. 60 % humidity. Forecast, 0 C (32 F) under Sunny sky's, with North West winds 7 - 11 mph. 39 % humidity. This day in 1941 -23.3 C (-10 F) and in 1966 16.1 C (61 F) |
3/19/2019 |
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Tuesday, -15 C (5 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix at 7 am. North west winds 2 - 2 mph. 77 % humidity. Forecast -3 C (26 F) under a Sun/ cloud westerly winds 5 - 7 mph. 56 % humidity. This day in 1949 -20.6 C (-5 F) and in 1986 12.4 C (54 F) |
3/20/2019 |
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Wednesday, Welcome the "First day of Spring" -5 C (23 F) under an overcast sky. South breeze 0 - 1 mph. 78 % humidity. Forecast, 8 C (46.4 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, South winds 8 - 15 mph.56 % humidity. This day in 1949 -23.3 C (-10 F) and in 1995 14.6 C (58 F) |
3/21/2019 |
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Thursday, -1 C (30 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, calm South breeze 0 - 1 mph. 76 % humidity. Forecast, 8 C (46.4 F) under a Sunny Sky's, North west winds 5 10 mph. 67 % humidity. This day in 1988 -19 C (-2 F) and in 1946 17.8 C (64 F) |
3/22/2019 |
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Friday, 0 C (32 F) overcast, 85 % humidity, South breeze 1-1 mph. Forecast, 3 C (37.4 F) under overcast sky's, North west winds 20 - 30 mph. 80 % humidity. This day in 1939 -20 C (-4 F) and in 1953 15.6 C (60 F) |
3/23/2019 |
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Saturday, -12 C (10 F) under a sun/ cloud mix, North west wins 22 - 30 mph. 62 % humidity. Forecast, -1 (30 F) under sunny sky's, west winds 16 - 30 mph. 40 % humidity. This day in 1940 -21.1 C (-6 F) and in 1979 17 C (63 F) |
3/24/2019 |
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Sunday, -12 C (10 F) at 7 am. under a Sun/ cloud mix, North west breeze 2 - 6 mph. 72 % humidity. Forecast, -5 C (23 F ) under overcast sky's, North East winds 5 - 7 mph. 78 % humidity. This day in 1940 -20 F (-4 F) and in 1987 17.7 C (64 F) Snowing this afternoon |
3/25/2019 |
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Monday, -12 C (10 F) under mainly Sunny sky's, North west winds 5 - 7 mph. 55 % humidity. Forecast, -3 C
( 26 F) under Sunny sky's, North west winds 4 - 6 mph. 51 % humidity. This day in 1960 -17.8 C (0 F) and in 1996 17.7 C (64 F) |
3/26/2019 |
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Tuesday, -11 C (12.2 F) under Sunny sky's, west breeze 0 - 1 mph. 50 % humidity. Forecast, 1 C (34 F) under Sunny Sky's, North west winds 7 - 13 mph. 51 % humidity. This day in 1960 -19.4 C (-3 F) and in 1945 21.7 C (71 F) |
3/27/2019 |
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Wednesday, -11 C (12.2 F) under clear sky's with hazy sunshine at 7 am. South breeze, 1 - 1 mph. 70 % humidity. Forecast, 6 C (42.8 F) under Sunny Sky's,, South West winds 5 - 11 mph. 66 % humidity. This day in 1975 -16.7 C (2 F) and in 1945 18.3 C (68 F) |
3/28/2019 |
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Thursday, -2 C (28 F) overcast sky's at 7 am. South East breeze 2 - 4 mph. 55 % humidity. Forecast, 8 C (46 F) overcast with showers, South west winds 12 - 20 mph. 81 % humidity. This day in 1940 -14.4 C (6 F) and in 1946 26.1 C (79 F) |
3/29/2019 |
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Friday, 0 C (32 F) at 7 am. Under a Sun/ cloud mix, Northwest winds 4 - 8 mph. 60 % humidity. Forecast, 7 C (45 F) under mainly Sunny sky's, North west winds 9 - 17 mph. 53 % humidity. This day in 1974 -18.9 C (-2 F) and in 1946 26.7 C (80 F) |
3/30/2019 |
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Saturday -2 (28 F) at 7 am. under overcast sky's, East winds 5 - 8 mph. 77 % humidity. Forecast, overcast with snow falling, East winds 6 - 14 mph. 100 % humidity. This day in 1974 -18.9 C (-2 F) and in 1946 26.7 C (80 F) |
3/31/2019 |
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March out like a LION, with new snow and periods of rain. Today Sunday, -2 C (28 F) at 7 am. Under an overcast sky, with snow flurries, North West winds 12 - 18 mph. 88 % humidity. Forecast 2 C (35.6 C ) under overcast sky's, with scattered flurries, North West winds 14 - 23 mph. 75 % humidity. This day in 1947 -13.9 C (7 F) and in 1998 18.2 C (65 F). |
4/1/2019 |
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Monday, Good morning April Fools!-11 C (12.2 F) under sunny clear blue sky's, Westerly winds 4 - 6 mph. 69 % humidity at 7 am. Forecast, 3 C (37 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, Westerly winds 12 - 21 mph. 44 % humidity. This day in 1965 -13.3 C (8 F) and in 1986 25 C (77 F) |
4/2/2019 |
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Tuesday, -2 C (28 F) overcast to Sunshine, North west breeze 0 - 1 mph. Forecast 6 C (43 F) under Sunny sky's, North west winds 2 - 4 mph 72 % humidity. This day in 1946 16.7 C (62 F) and in 1982 -8.9 C (16 F) |
4/3/2019 |
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Wednesday, 2 C (35.6 F) under Sunny Sky's, South East winds 2 - 4 mph. 75 % humidity. Forecast - 4 (25 F) under Sunny Sky's, west winds 15 - 25 mph. 66 % humidity. This day in 1954 -16.1 C (3 F) and in 1981 21.4 C (71 F) |
4/4/2019 |
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4/5/2019 |
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Friday, -10 C (14 F) under Sunny with South East winds 0 - 2 mph. 62 % humidity. Forecast, overcast, 1 C (34 F) with some scattered flurries, with North west winds 4 - 7 mph. 77 % humidity. This day in 1995 -14.2 C (6 F) and in 1948 21.1 C (70 F) |
4/6/2019 |
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Saturday 1 C (34 F) at 7 am. under overcast sky's with a dusting of new snow on ground. West Breeze 1 - 2 mph. 89 % humidity. Forecast, 12 C (54 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, West winds 10 - 17 mph. 60 % humidity. This day in 1943 -13 C (8 F) and in 1997 19.7 C (67 F) One year since Humbolt Broncos bus crash. Rest in Peace. |
4/7/2019 |
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Sunday, 1 C (34 F) overcast, with South - West breeze 1 - 1 mph. 73 % humidity. Forecast, 9 C (48 F) overcast, with possible rain showers, North East winds 4 - 9 mph. 76 % humidity. This day in 1982 -15 C (5 F) and in 1991 25.7 C (78 F) |
4/8/2019 |
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Monday, -1 C (30 F) under an overcast sky, in rain, North west winds 5 - 15 mph. 100 % humidity. Forecast 3 C (37 F) under overcast sky's wit showers, East winds 6 - 15 mph. 100 % humidity. This day in 1972 -12.8 C (9 F) and in 1948 21.1 C (70 F) |
4/9/2019 |
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Tuesday, -3 C (26.6 F) at 7 am under overcast sky's with snow flurries, South East winds 4 - 7 mph. 88 % humidity. Forecast, 0 C (32 F) under overcast sky's, snow flurries, North east winds 9 - 17 mph. 91 % humidity. This day in 1997 -11.3 C (12 F) and in 1945 23.3 C (74 F) |
4/10/2019 |
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Wednesday, -5 C (23 F) under a Sunny sky's, at 7 am. With North west winds 2 - 5 mph. 62 % humidity. forecast, 5 C (41 F) under Sunny Sky's, North west winds 5 - 10 mph. 54 % humidity. This day in 1939 -11.1 C (12 F) and in 1945 25.6 C (78 F) |
4/11/2019 |
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Thursday, -5 C (23 F) under clear sky's, North west winds 2 - 2 mph. 80 % humidity. Forecast, 6 C (43 F) under mainly Sunny sky's, North west winds 5 - 11 mph. 44 % humidity. This day in 1943 -10 C (14 F) and in 1945 26.1 C (79 F) |
4/12/2019 |
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Friday, 1 C (34 F) overcast at 7 am. With Easterly breeze 1 - 1 mph. 66 % humidity. Forecast, 14 C (57 F) overcast with possible rain, South East winds 10 - 18 mph. 88 % humidity. This day in 1976 -10 C (14 F) and in 1945 26.7 C (79 F) |
4/13/2019 |
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Saturday, 5 C (41 F) under clear blue sky's at 7 am. With North West breeze 2 -2 mph. 61 % humidity. Forecast, 15 C (59 F) under Sunny Sky's with South West winds 14 - 24 mph. at 44 % humidity. This day in 1940 -8.9 C (16 F) and in 1945 26.7 C (80 F) |
4/14/2019 |
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Sunday, 0 C (32 F) at 7 am. Under Hazy Sunshine, with Cirrus clouds, calm North - West winds 1 - 1 mph. 100 % humidity. Forecast, 6 C (43 F) under overcast sky's with rain heavy times, East winds 6 - 13 mph. 100 % humidity. This day in 1940 -8.3 C 917 F) and in 1968 27.8 C (82 F) |
4/15/2019 |
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Monday, 0 C (32 F) at 7 am. Under overcast and raining sky's, North West winds 2 - 5 mph. 100 % humidity. Forecast, 6 C (43 F) under overcast with Trace of rain, North west winds 15 - 28 mph. 87 % humidity. This day in 1943 -8.9 C (16 F) and in 2003 24.9 C (77 F) "Broke old rain fall record of 15 mm in 1946" |
4/16/2019 |
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Tuesday, 1 C (39 F) under clear blue sky's, North West winds 10 - 15 mph. 70 % humidity. Forecast, 10 C (50 F) under clear sky's, North west winds 12 - 21 mph. 46 % humidity. This day in 1939 -8.3 C (17 F) and in 2002 28.8 C (84 F). |
4/17/2019 |
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Wednesday, 2 C (35.6 F) under a clear blue sky, North west winds 2 - 4 mph. Humidity 66 %. Forecast, 14 C (57 F) under mainly sunny sky's, North west winds 5 - 10 mph. 49 % humidity. This day in 1985 -8.2 C (17 F) and in 2002 30.2 C (86 F) |
4/18/2019 |
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Thursday, 3 C (37 F) at 7 am. under overcast sky's East winds 7 - 12 mph. 95 % humidity. Forecast 16 C (61 F)under cloudy sky's, with showers, and a risk of thunderstorms, heavy rain, with South East winds 14 - 26 mph. 95 % humidity. This day in 1983 -5.6 C (22 F) and in 1976 36 F (86 C) |
4/19/2019 |
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"Good Friday" morning, 4 C (39 F) under overcast and raining sky's, North winds 8 - 12 mph. 93 % humidity. Forecast, 8 C (46 F) under overcast and raining sky's, North winds 9 - 15 mph. 93 % humidity. This day in 1983 -7.5 C (19 F) and in 1976 30 F (86 F) |
4/20/2019 |
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Saturday, 2 C (36 F) under overcast sky's, North winds 8 - 12 mph. humidity 93 %. Forecast, 9 C (48 F) under mainly overcast sky's, 90 % chance of rain, with Thunderstorms, East winds 14 - 24 mph. 93 % humidity. This day in 1534 explorer Jacque Cartier sailed from France, in 20 days he landed in Newfoundland. |
4/21/2019 |
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Sunday, 2 C (36 F) at 7 am. Under overcast sky's, Westerly breeze 2 - 4 mph. 88 % humidity. Forecast, 16 C (61 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, South west winds 5 - 8 mph. 72 % humidity. Approximately 99.9 % of snow is gone, most waterways are flooding! |
4/22/2019 |
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Easter Monday, 3 C (37 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, North West breeze 2 - 4 mph. 60 % humidity. Forecast, 19 C 966 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, North winds 6 - 11 mph. 52 % humidity. This day in 1986 -6.8 C (20 F) and in 1954 26.1 C (79 F) "In Memory of Shirley (Morris) Sonnenburg" |
4/23/2019 |
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Tuesday, 10 C (50 F) under overcast sky's, North East winds 2 - 5 mph. at 7 am. 62 % humidity. Forecast 17 C (62.6 F) under overcast sky's, East winds 5 - 10 mph. 82 % humidity. This day in 1986 -6.8 C (20 F) and in 1954 26.1 C (79 F) |
4/24/2019 |
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Wednesday 3 C (37 F) under overcast sky's, North west winds 4 - 9 mph. 81 % humidity. Forecast, 7 C (45 F) under overcast sky's, with North west winds 17 - 25 mph. 81 % humidity. This day in 1965 -3.9 C (25 F) and in 1942 26.7 C (80 F) |
4/25/2019 |
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Thursday, 4 C (39 F) at 7 am. Under overcast sky's, with South - East breeze 1 - 1 mph. 84 % humidity. Forecast 16 C (61 F) under mainly sunny sky's, with South Winds 7 - 12 mph. 46 % humidity. This day in 1956 -5.6 C (22 F) and in 1942 29.4 C (85 F) |
4/26/2019 |
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Friday, 6 C (43 F) at 7 am. Under overcast sky's, with East winds 10 - 15 mph. 73 % humidity. Forecast, 11 C (52 F) under overcast sky's, rain on its way, East winds 15 - 26 mph. 100 % humidity. This day in 1966 -4.4 C (24 F) and in 1990 29.5 C (85 F) "Trace of rain before 7 am" |
4/27/2019 |
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Saturday, 3 C (37 F) under overcast sky's, with on/ off showers and westerly winds 10 - 12 mph. 78 % humidity at 7 am. Forecast, 4 C (39 F) under overcast sky's, with possible mixed precipitation, west winds 17 - 27 mph. 72 % humidity. This day in 1966 -7.8 C (18 F) and in 1990 31.1 C (88 F) |
4/28/2019 |
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Saturday, 3 C (37 F) under overcast sky's, with on off showers, snow flurries, ice pellets, west winds 17- 27 mph. 79 % humidity. Forecast, overcast, 4 C (39 F) possible mixed precipitation (rain to snow), west winds 17 - 27 mph. 72 % humidity. This day in 1966 -7.8 C (18 F) and in 1990 31.1 C (88 F) |
4/29/2019 |
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Sunday, 0 C (32 F) under a sun/ cloud mix at 7 am. North west breeze 2 - 5 mph. 69 % humidity. Forecast, 8 C (46 F) under Sunny sky's, North west winds 10 - 15 mph. 64 % humidity. This day in 1966 -7.8 C (18 F) and in 1990 31.1 C (88 F) |
4/30/2019 |
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Tuesday, 3 C (37 F) under overcast sky's, North winds 5 - 10 mph. 60 % humidity. Forecast, 11 C (52 F) under mainly sunny sky's, North winds 7 - 11 mph. 48 % humidity. This day in 1978 -5.4 C (22 F) and in 1970 28.3 C (83 F) |
5/1/2019 |
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Wednesday, 4 C (39 F) under overcast sky's, East winds 5 - 7 mph. 83 % humidity. Forecast, 2 C (35.6 F) under overcast sky's to rain with possible snow flurries, East winds 15 - 20 mph. 90 % humidity. This day in 1978 -5.4 C (22 F) and in 1970 28.3 C (83 F) |
5/2/2019 |
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Thursday, 2 C (35.6 F) under overcast sky's, ground is wet again! North winds 5 - 7 mph. 92 % humidity. Forecast 11 C (52 F) under overcast to Sunny breaks, East winds 6 - 11 mph. 76 % humidity. This day in 1966 -3.3 C (26 F) and in 2001 30.6 C (87 F) |
5/3/2019 |
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Friday, 5 C (41 F) under overcast sky's, with rain, East breeze 1 - 2 mph. 91 % humidity. Forecast, 12 C (54 F) under cloudy sky's with showers, North winds 4 - 6 mph. 87 % humidity. This day in 1966 -3.3 C (26 F) and in 2001 30.6 C (87 F) |
5/4/2019 |
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Saturday, 5 C (41 F) at 7 am. Under a Sun/ cloud mix, Westerly breeze 1 - 2 mph. 71 % humidity. Forecast, 18 C (64 F) under mainly sunny sky's, North West breeze 2 - 6 mph. 46 % humidity. This day in 1986 -2.7 C (27 F) and in 1944 30 C (86 F) |
5/5/2019 |
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Sunday, 4 C (39 F) at 7 am. Under Sunny sky's, "Heavy Dew", North Breeze 0 - 1 mph. Humidity 82 %. Forecast, 19 C (66 F) under Sunny sky's, East breeze 4 - 7 mph. 52 % humidity. This day in 1986 -2.7 C (27 F) and in 1944 30 C (86 F) |
5/6/2019 |
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Monday, 8 C (45 F) under Sunny sky's at 7 am. West breeze 0 - 1 mph. 78 % humidity. Forecast, 22 C (72 F) under mainly sunny sky's with South West winds 10 - 19 mph. 52 % humidity. This day in 1966 -3.3 C (26 F) and in 1999 27.8 C (82 F) |
5/7/2019 |
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Tuesday, 4 C 939 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix at 7 am.With North west breeze 1 - 2 mph. 78 % humidity. Forecast, 13 C (55.4 F) under Sunny sky's, North West winds 4 - 6 mph. 58 % humidity. This day in 1966 -3.3 C (26 F) and in 1999 27.8 C (82 F) |
5/8/2019 |
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Wednesday, 2 C (35.6 F) at 7 am. Under Sunny clear blue sky's, North West breeze 1 - 2 mph. 66 % humidity. Forecast, 12 C (54 F) under Sunny sky's, North winds 8 - 14 mph. 40 % humidity. This day in 1950 -3.9 C (25 F) and in 1939 30.6 C (87 F) |
5/9/2019 |
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Thursday, 5 C (41 F) under overcast sky's at 7 am. East winds 8 - 12 mph. 60 % humidity. Forecast 10 C (50 F) under overcast, and rain, East winds 16 - 22 mph. 87 % humidity. This day in 1947 -2.8 C (27 F) and in 1979 31.5 C (88 F) |
5/10/2019 |
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Friday, 12 C (53.6 F) under overcast sky's, South winds 10 - 15 mph. 91 % humidity. Forecast, 18 C (64 F) under overcast sky's with rain, thunderstorms possible, Westerly winds 12 - 22 mph. 92 % humidity. This day in 1947 -3.3 C (26 F) and in 1953 31.1 C (88 F) |
5/11/2019 |
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Saturday, 5 C (41 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, North West breeze 2 - 3 mph. 76 % humidity. Forecast, 11 C (52 F) under a Sunny sky's, North west winds 5 - 10 mph., 63 % humidity. This day in 1947 -3.3 C (26 F) and in 1953 31.1 C (88 F) |
5/12/2019 |
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Sunday, 7 C (45 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, North west winds 2 - 6 mph. 72 % humidity. Forecast, 19 C (66 F) North west winds 5 - 7 mph. under Sunny sky's, 57 % humidity. This day in 1940 -1.7 C (29 F) and in 1992 27.6 C (82 F) "Finally planting first Corn fields" |
5/13/2019 |
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Monday 7 C (45 F) under overcast sky's, North east winds 7 - 8 mph. 62 % humidity. Forecast, 11 C (54 F) under overcast sky's with light rain, East winds 8 - 13 mph. 81 % humidity.This day in 1940 -1.7 C (29 F) and in 1992 27.6 C (82 F) |
5/14/2019 |
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Tuesday, 5 C (41 F) under overcast and raining sky's, East winds 5 - 7 mph. 85 % humidity. Forecast, 11 C (52 F) under overcast sky's with on/ off showers to trace of rain, North East winds 6 - 11 mph. 80 % humidity. There is 14.2 mm Rain in gauge. This day in 1949 -1.1 C (30 F) and in 1985 28.2 C (83 F) |
5/15/2019 |
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Wednesday, Very Foggy at 5:30 am to .5 C (32.5 F) at 7 am. Under a Sun/ cloud mix, Easterly winds, 5 - 10 mph. 88 % humidity. Forecast, 14 C (57 F) under overcast sky's with rain, South West winds 7 - 12 mph. 88 % humidity. This day in 1947 0 C (32 F) and in 1998 30 C (86 F) |
5/16/2019 |
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Thursday, 4 C (39 F) under overcast sky's, with North winds 5 -8 mph at 7 am. with 79 % humidity. Forecast, 15 C (59 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix with West winds 5 - 9 mph. 60% humidity. This day in 1959 -1.7 C (29 F) and in 1998 31.3 C (88 F) |
5/17/2019 |
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Friday, 8 C (46 F) under overcast and raining sky's, East breeze 2 - 4 mph. 96% humidity at 7 am. Forecast, 15 C (59 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix with chance of showers, North West winds 11 - 21 mph. 82 % humidity. This day in 1956 -3.3 C (26 F) and in 1977 32.4 C (90 F) |
5/18/2019 |
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Saturday, 6 C (43 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, with North West winds 6 - 10 mph. 77 % humidity at 7 am. Forecast, 14 C (57 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, North west winds 5 - 9 mph. 62 % humidity. This day in 1944 -2.2 C (28 F) and in 1962 32.8 C (91 F) |
5/19/2019 |
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Sunday, 9 C (48 F) at 7 am under overcast sky's, East winds 7 - 10 mph. 83 % humidity. Forecast, 21 C (70 F) under mainly overcast sky's, with maybe late day sunny breaks, East winds 7 - 12 mph. 77 % humidity. This day in 1944 -.6 V (31 F) and in 1962 31.1 C (88 F) "There is 3.8 MM of rain in gauge." |
5/20/2019 |
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Monday - Holiday, Canadian May 2 4 weekend, 16 C (61 F) at 7 am under early Sun/ cloud mix to overcast, South west winds 10 - 15 mph. 88 % humidity. Forecast 21 C (70 F) under overcast sky's with possible showers, South West winds 12 - 21 mph. 67 % humidity. This day in 1956 -1.1 C (30 F) and in 1975 32 C (90 F) (So .14 " of rain is 3.55 mm) |
5/21/2019 |
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Tuesday 8 C (46 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, North west winds 15 - 22 mph. 75 % humidity. Forecast, 17 C (63 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, North West winds 18 - 30 mph.56 % humidity. This day in 1967 0 C (32 F) and in 1941 31.7 C (89 F) [There is 4.06 mm in rain gauge] |
5/22/2019 |
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Wednesday, 8 C (46 F) under hazy sunshine, with a North Breeze 0 - 1 mph. 68 % humidity. Forecast, 20 C (68 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, South East winds 5 - 9 mph. 44 % humidity. This day in 1967 1.7 C (35 F) and in 1977 31.1 C (88 F) |
5/23/2019 |
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Thursday, 10 C (50 F) at 7 am. Under overcast sky's, East breeze 2 - 4 mph. 77 % humidity. Forecast, 20 C (68 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, to rain with thunderstorms possible, South winds 9 - 18 mph. 88 % humidity. This day in 1967 1.7 C (35 F) and in 1977 31.1 C (88 F) |
5/24/2019 |
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Friday, 11 C (52 F) at 7 am. Under overcast sky's, North West winds 12 - 15 mph. 86 % humidity. Forecast, 21 C (70 F) under a Sun/ Cloud mix, North West winds 9 - 17 mph. 67 % humidity. This day in 1967 1.7 C (35 F) and in 1975 32.2 C (90 F) |
5/25/2019 |
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Saturday, 14 C (57 F) at 7 am. Under a Sun/ Cloud mix, south breeze, 4 - 6 mph. 82 % humidity. Forecast, 17 C (63 F) under overcast sky's to rain, South winds 11 - 18 mph. 94 % humidity. This day in 1956 -2.8 C (27 F) and in 1978 30.2 C (86 F) |
5/26/2019 |
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Sunday, 15 C (59 F) at 7 am. Under a Sun/ Cloud mix, North West winds 7 - 12 mph. 95 % humidity. Forecast, 20 C (68 F) under mainly Sunny Sky's, North West winds, 11 - 18 mph. 69 % humidity. |
5/27/2019 |
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Monday, 10 C (50 F) under an overcast sky's at 7 am. North West breeze 1 - 2 mph. 88 % humidity. Forecast, 16 C (61 F) under mainly Sunny sky's, North West winds 6 - 11 mph. 63 % humidity. This day in 1954 .6 C (33 F) and in 1978 31.9 C (89 F) |
5/28/2019 |
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Tuesday, 6 C (43 F) overcast with rain at 7 am. North west breeze 1 - 2 mph. 88 % humidity. Forecast, 13 C (55 F) overcast, with rain to Sun/ cloud mix, North West winds 5 - 10 mph. 72 % humidity. This day in 1940 -14.4 C (6 F) and in 1946 26.1 C (79 F) |
5/29/2019 |
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Wednesday, 8 C (46 F) under mainly sunny sky's, South west breeze 2 - 4 mph. 86 % humidity. Forecast, 19 C (66 F) under Sunny sky's, South East winds 5 - 9 mph. 59 % humidity. This day in 1949 2.8 C (37 F) and in 1978 32.6 C (91 F) |
5/30/2019 |
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Thursday, 10 C (50 F) at 7 am. Under Sunny sky's, South West breeze, 4 - 7 mph. 83 % humidity. Forecast, 23 C (73 F) under Sunny to Sun/ cloud mix with possible trace of rain, South west winds 11 - 17 mph. 60 % humidity. |
5/31/2019 |
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Friday, 6 C ( 43 F) at 7 am. Under a Sun/ cloud mix, North West winds 5 - 7 mph. 82 % humidity. Forecast, 19 C (66 F) under a mainly Sunny sky, Westerly winds 7 - 11 mph. 51 % humidity. This day in 1945 .6 C
(33 F) and in 1944 32.8 C (91 F) |
6/1/2019 |
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Saturday, 10 C (50 F) at 7 am. Under overcast sky's, East winds 5 - 8 mph. 75 % humidity. Forecast, 19 C (66 F) under overcast sky's, chance of trace rain, south east winds 8 - 12 mph. 66 % humidity. This day in 1945 .6 C (33 F) and in 1948 28.3 C (83 F) |
6/2/2019 |
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Sunday,9 C (48 F) at 7 am. Under overcast and raining sky's, North East winds 2 - 4 mph. 93 % humidity. Forecast, 19 C (66 F) under mixed sky's, overcast with rain to possible thunderstorms to the odd sunny period, Westerly winds 12 - 19 mph. 83 % humidity. This day in 1945 .6 C (33 F) and in 1948 28.3 C (83 F) |
6/3/2019 |
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Monday, 8 C (46 F) under overcast sky's at 7 am. Westerly winds 10 - 15 mph. 68 % humidity. Forecast, 12 C (54 F) under a variable sky, from overcast and rain to sunny breaks, West winds 17 - 20 mph. 76 % humidity. This day in 1986 3.8 C (39 F) and in 1970 30 C (86 F) |
6/4/2019 |
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Tuesday, 5 C (41 F) under mainly sunny sky's at 7 am. With South breeze 2 - 4 mph. 75 % humidity. Forecast, 15 C (59 F) under Sunny to overcast sky's, with showers possible, Westerly winds 12 - 22 mph. 67 % humidity. This day in 1964 3.9 C (39 F) and in 1943 31.1 C (89 F) |
6/5/2019 |
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Wednesday, overcast, 8 C (46 F) at 7 am. With North East Breeze 1 - 1 mph. 88 % humidity. Forecast, 16 C (61 F) under overcast sky's with showers East winds 6 - 11 mph. 88 % humidity. This day in 1964 3.9 C (39 F) and in 1943 31.7 C (89 F) |
6/6/2019 |
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Thursday, June 6th - 75th Anniversary of D-Day, Normandy beach assault. Today 9 C (48 F) under Sunny clear blue sky's at 7 am. North west winds 4 - 6 mph. 90 % humidity. Forecast, 21 C (70 F) under Sunny sky's, North West winds 6 - 14 mph. 53 % humidity. This day in 1948 2.8 C (37 F) and in 1955 32.8 C (91 F) |
6/7/2019 |
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Friday, 8 C (46 F) at 7 am. Under mainly sunny sky's, North West breeze 2 - 2 mph. 74 % humidity. Forecast, 23 C (73 F) under mainly sunny sky's, North West winds 7 - 12 mph. 51 % humidity. This day in 1958 3.3 C (38 F) and in 1999 35.1 C (95 F) |
6/8/2019 |
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Saturday, 10 C (50 F) at 7 am. Under Sunny clear blue sky's, North West winds 2 - 2 mph. 74 % humidity. Forecast, 20 C (68 F) West winds 6 - 9 mph. 55 % humidity. This day in 1958 3.3 C (38 F) and in 1999 35.1 (95.1 ) |
6/9/2019 |
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Sunday, 10 C (50 F) at 7 am. Under Sunny clear Blue sky's, North west winds 2 - 3 mph. 70 % humidity. Forecast, 25 C (82 F) under Sunny Sky's, South winds 6 - 11 mph. 38 % humidity. This day in 1980 4.3 C (40 F) and in 1959 32.8 C (91 F) |
6/10/2019 |
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Monday, 15 C (59 F) at 7 am. Under overcast sky's, South Breeze 2 - 2 mph. 60 % humidity. Forecast, 24 C (75 F) under overcast sky's, to late day showers, south winds 7 - 14 mph. 68 % humidity. This day in 1980 0 C (32 F) and in 1959 32.8 C (91 F) |
6/11/2019 |
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Tuesday, 10 C (50 F) under overcast sky's at 7 am. North west winds 17 - 26 mph. 84 % humidity. Forecast 20 C (68 F) under mainly Sunny sky's, North west winds 12 - 22 mph. 60 % humidity. This day in 1980 1.7 C (35 F) and in 1997 33.2 C (92 F) |
6/12/2019 |
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Wednesday, 10 C (50 F) under sunny sky's at 7 am. South - east winds 4 - 8 mph. 63 % humidity. Forecast, 20 C (68 F) under mainly Sunny sky's, South winds 10 - 15 mph. 63 % humidity. This day in 1980 2.7 C (36 F) and in 1942 31.1 C (88 F) |
6/13/2019 |
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Thursday, 12 C (54 F) under mainly overcast sky's at 7 am. East breeze 4 - 8 mph. 76 % humidity. Forecast, 17 C (63 F) under overcast sky's to mid afternoon showers, South East winds 7 - 12 mph. 83 % humidity. This day in 1979 6.0 C (43 F) and in 1988 33.2 C (92 F) |
6/14/2019 |
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Friday, 11 C (52 F) at 7 am. Under overcast sky's, South breeze 2 - 4 mph. 90 % humidity. Forecast, 18 C (64 F) under variable sky's, with a chance of more showers, West winds 12 - 20 mph. 90 % humidity. This day in 1946 4.47 C (40 F) and in 1988 34.5 C (94 F) |
6/15/2019 |
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Saturday, 13 C (55 F) under overcast sky's at 7 am. South winds 8 - 10 mph. 75 % humidity. Forecast, overcast with on/ off showers, South west winds 12 - 22 mph. 88 % humidity. This day in 1946 4.4 C (40 F) and in 1988 34.5 C (94 F) |
6/16/2019 |
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Sunday, 10 C (50 F) under mainly Sunny sky's at 7 am. North breeze 2 - 4 mph. 78 % humidity. Forecast, 21 C (10 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, North winds 6 - 9 mph. 60 % humidity. This day in 1980 5.9 C (49 F) and in 1994 34.2 C (95 F) |
6/17/2019 |
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Monday, 10 C (50 F) under clear blue sky's at 7 am. North West breeze 2 - 2 mph. 92 % humidity. Forecast 24 C (75 F) under mainly Sunny sky's, North West winds 4 - 7 mph. 50 % humidity. This day in 1980 5.9 C (43 F) and in 1994 34.2 C (94 F) |
6/18/2019 |
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Tuesday, 12 C (54 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix at 7 am. South winds 2 - 2 mph. 76 % humidity. Forecast, 26 C (79 F) under variable sky's to overcast, South winds 5 - 7 mph. 50 % humidity. This day in 1980 5.9 C (40 F) and in 1994 34.2 C (95 F) |
6/19/2019 |
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Wednesday, 16 C (61 F) under a sun/ cloud mix to over cast sky's at 7 am. South West breeze 1 - 1 mph. 81 % humidity. Forecast, 25 C (77 F) under mixed sky's, to overcast, some sun to risk of rain showers, North West winds 5 - 9 mph. 69 % humidity. This day in 1950 4.4 C (40 F) and in 1994 35 C
(95 F) |
6/20/2019 |
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Thursday 12 C (54 F) at 7 am. Under a Sun/ cloud mix, South winds 2 - 2 mph. 76 % humidity. Forecast, 26 C (79 F) under overcast sky's with possible showers, South winds 5 - 7 mph. 50 % humidity. This day in 1950 4.4 C (40 F) and in 1994 35 C (45 F) |
6/21/2019 |
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Friday, 14 C 957 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, at 7 am. North winds 13 -21 mph. 76 % humidity. Forecast, 23 C (73 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, North winds 13 - 21 mph. 49 % humidity. This day in 1952 5.6 F (42 F) and in 1988 34.8 C (95 F) |
6/22/2019 |
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Saturday, 13 C (55 F) at 7 am. Under Sunny but hazy sky's, 75 % humidity. North West winds 10 - 14 mph. Forecast, 25 C (77 F) under mainly sunny sky's, North West winds 14 - 22 mph. 43 % humidity. This day in 1940 3.3 C (38 F) and in 1983 33.3 C (92 F) |
6/23/2019 |
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Sunday, 15 C (59 F) under Sunny blue sky's at 7 am. North West breeze 2 - 4 mph. 74 % humidity. Forecast, 27 C (81 F) under Sunny Sky's, North West breeze winds 12 - 19 mph. 44 % humidity. This day in 1992 6.3 C (43 F) and in 1983 33.3 C (92 F) |
6/24/2019 |
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Monday, 14 C (57 F) under hazy sunshine at 7 am. West breeze 1 - 1 mph. 79 % humidity. Forecast, 26 C (79 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, East winds 8 - 12 mph. 47 % humidity. This day in 1992 6.3 C (43 F) and in 1983 33.3 C (92 F) |
6/25/2019 |
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Tuesday, 14 C (57 F) under overcast sky's at 7 am. East winds 5 - 10 mph. 93 % humidity. Forecast, 27 C (81 F) under variable sky's, with a chance of showers, West winds 9 - 16 mph. 69 % humidity. This day in 1986 5.5 C (43 F) and in 1966 34.4 C (94 F) |
6/26/2019 |
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Wednesday, 15 C (59 F) at 7 am. Under overcast sky's,with early morning showers, South winds 3 - 5 mph. 91 % humidity. Forecast, 27 C (81 F) under overcast sky's with possible thunderstorms, South West winds 9 - 17 mph. 69 % humidity. This day in 1970 7.2 C (45 F) and in 1941 33.9 C (93 F) |
6/27/2019 |
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Thursday, 17 C (63 F) under Sunny blue sky's, at 7 am. West breeze 1 - 1 mph. 79 % humidity. Forecast, 29 C (84 F) under a Sun/ Cloud mix, risk of thunderstorms, South west winds 9 - 15 mph. 54 % humidity. This day in 1970 7.2 C (45 F)and in 1941 33.9 C (98 F) |
6/28/2019 |
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Friday, 20 C (68 F) under Sunny Sky's, at 7 am. West breeze 1 - 1 mph. 89 % humidity. Forecast, 29 C (84 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, with a risk of thunderstorms, North West winds 5 - 20 mph. 66 % humidity. This day in 1988 6.4 C (44 F) and in 1991 34.9 C (95 F) |
6/29/2019 |
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Saturday, 18 C (64 F) under Sunny sky's at 7 am. West breeze, 1 - 1 mph. 94 % humidity. Forecast, 28 C (82 F) under variable sky's, with a risk of thunderstorms, north west winds 7 - 11 mph. 61 % humidity. This day in 1988 5.2 C (41 F) and in 1959 35 C (95 F) "rain all around us, not much here". |
6/30/2019 |
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Sunday, 14 C (57 F) under overcast sky's at 7 am. With North west winds 10 - 15 mph. 85 % humidity. Forecast, 22 C (72 F) under Sun/ cloud mix, North West winds 14 - 22 mph. 68 % humidity. |
7/1/2019 |
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Monday, "Happy Canada Day" 15 C (59 F) under Sunny clear blue sky at 7 am. North West breeze 2 - 2 mph. 86 % humidity. Forecast, 28 C (82 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, west winds 8 - 13 mph. 55 % humidity. This day in 1943 8.3 C (49 F) and in 1963 35.6 C (96.08 F) |
7/2/2019 |
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Tuesday, 20 C (68 F) under Sunny sky's at 7 am. Westerly breeze 2 - 2 mph. 78 % humidity. Forecast, 28 C (82 F) under Sunny sky's, North West winds 7 - 12 mph. 53 % humidity. This day in 1950 7.8 C (46 F) and in 1963 35.6 C (96 F) |
7/3/2019 |
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Wednesday, 18 C (64 F) under hazy sunshine at 7 am. North West breeze 2 - 2 mph. 84 % humidity. Forecast, 30 C (86 F) under sunny sky;s, North west winds 4 - 7 mph. 47 % humidity. This day in 1950 7.8 C (46 F) and in 1963 35.6 C (96 F) |
7/4/2019 |
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Thursday, 19 C (66 F) under Sunny sky's, North west winds 2 - 4 mph. 83 % humidity. Forecast, 35 C (95 F) under sunny sky's with cloudy periods, west winds 6 - 9 mph. 51 % humidity. |
7/5/2019 |
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Friday, 23 C (73 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix at 7 am. North west breeze 2 - 2 mph. 87 % humidity. Forecast, 29 C (84 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, North West winds 53 % humidity. This day in 1979 7.8 C (46 F) and in 1976 32.8 C (91 F) |
7/6/2019 |
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Saturday, 23 C (73 F) under partly overcast sky's at 7 am. West breeze 2 - 2 mph. 88 % humidity. Forecast, 29 C (84 F) under a Sun/ Cloud mix, North winds 11 - 17 mph. 64 % humidity, with a risk of thunderstorms. This day in 1965 7.8 C (46 F) and in 1946 32.8 C (91 F) |
7/7/2019 |
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Sunday, 15 C (59 F) under Sunny clear blue Sky's at 7 am. With North breeze 4 - 6 mph. 72 % humidity. Forecast, 25 C (77 F) under Sunny clear sky's, North winds 6 - 9 mph. 44 % humidity. This day in 1965 7.8 C (46 F) and in 1946 32.8 C (91 F) |
7/8/2019 |
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Monday, 16 C (61 F) under Sunny sky's at 7 am. North west breeze 2 - 2 mph. 75 % humidity. Forecast, Sunny 29 C (84 F), North West winds 4 - 7 mph. 44 % humidity. This day in 1963 8.3 C (47 F) and in 1988 35.3 C (96 F) |
7/9/2019 |
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Tuesday 14 C (57 F) under Sunny sky's at 7 am. North west breeze 2 - 2 mph. 75 % humidity. Forecast, Sunny 29 C (84 F) under Sunny sky's, North West winds 4 - 7 mph. 44 % humidity. This day in 1963 8.3 C (47 F) and in 1988 35.3 C (96 F) |
7/10/2019 |
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Wednesday, 17 C (63 F) under Sunny Sky's at 7 am. North breeze 1 - 1 mph. 74 % humidity. Forecast, 31 C (88 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, South East winds 7 - 13 mph. 47 % humidity. This day in 1963 8.3 C (47 F) and in 1988 35.3 C (96 F) |
7/11/2019 |
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Thursday, 20 C (68 F) under overcast sky's, at 7 am. East breeze 0 - 0 mph. 93 % humidity. Forecast, 30 C (86 F) under overcast sky's, rain on its way with risk of thunderstorms, South winds 13 - 22 mph. 79 % humidity. This day in 1942 5.6 C (42 F) and in 1988 34.3 C (94 F) |
7/12/2019 |
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Friday, 18 C (64 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix at 7 am. North winds 12 - 17 mph. 89 % humidity. Forecast, 25 C (77 F) under cloudy sky's with sunny breaks, North west winds 7 - 14 mph. 67 % humidity. This day in 1945 7.8 C (46 F) and in 1987 34.3 C (94 F) |
7/13/2019 |
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Saturday, 18 C (64 F) under Sunny clear sky's at 7 am. with West breeze 2 - 2 mph. 74 % humidity. Forecast, 29 C (84 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, possible rain mixed with thunderstorms, South west winds 10 - 17 mph. 61 % humidity. This day in 1939 7.8 C (46 F) and in 1995 34.7 C (94 F) |
7/14/2019 |
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Sunday, 17 C (63 F) under overcast sky's at 7 am. North west winds 10 - 19 mph. 91 % humidity. Forecast, 24 C (75 F) under mainly Sunny sky's, North west winds 10 - 16 mph. 64 % humidity. This day in 1939 7.8 C (46 F) and in 1995 34.7 C (94 F) |
7/15/2019 |
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Monday, 15 C (59 F) under Sunny sky's at 7 am. North West breeze 2 - 2 mph. 77 % humidity. Forecast, 27 C (81 F) under Sunny sky's, Westerly winds 4 - 7 mph. 59 % humidity. This day in 1946 6.7 C (44 F) and in 1968 33.9 C (93 F) |
7/16/2019 |
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Tuesday, 18 C (64 F) under overcast sky's at 7 am. South west winds 4 - 6 mph. 88 % humidity. Forecast, 30 C (86 F) under overcast sky's with sunny breaks, South west breeze 12 - 21 mph. 75 % humidity. This day in 1946 6.7 C (44 F) and in 1968 33.9 C (93 F) |
7/17/2019 |
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Wednesday, 21 C (70 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix at 7 am. North west breeze 2 - 2 mph. 82 % humidity. Forecast, 31 C (88 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, North winds 5 - 10 mph. 49 % humidity. This day in 1944 8.9 C (43 F) and in 1953 34.4 C (94 F) |
7/18/2019 |
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Thursday, 16 C (61 F) under a clear sky's, at 7 am. Easterly winds 4 - 6 mph. 80 % humidity. Forecast, 28 C (82 F) under mainly, Sunny sky's, East winds 7 - 12 mph. 52 % humidity. This day in 1944 8.9 C (48 F) and in 1953 34.4 C (94 F) |
7/19/2019 |
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Friday, 22 C (72 F) under an overcast sky at 7 am. South West winds 4 - 7 mph. 77 % humidity. Forecast, 33 C (91 F) under mainly Sunny Sky's, West winds 11 - 18 mph. 56 % humidity. This day in 1944 9.4 C (49 F) and in 1982 34.2 F (94 F) |
7/20/2019 |
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Saturday, 23 C (73 F) under hazy sunshine at 7 am. South west breeze 2 - 2 mph. 83 % humidity. Forecast, 31 C (88 F) under a Sun/ Cloud mix, with possible thunderstorms, west winds 9 - 15 mph. 79 % humidity. This day in 1947 8.9 C (48 F) and in 1991 34.3 C (94 F) |
7/21/2019 |
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Sunday, 25 C (77 F) at t am. Under clear blue sky's, West winds 5 - 10 mph. 74 % humidity. Forecast, 30 C 986 F) under Sunny sky's, North West winds 9 - 16 mph. 48 % humidity. This day in 1992 7.8 C (46 F) and in 1995 36.7 C (98 F) |
7/22/2019 |
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Monday, 15 C (59 F) under overcast sky's at 7 am. North breeze 1 - 1 mph. 84 % humidity. Forecast, 22 C (72 F) under overcast sky's, North winds 4 - 8 mph. 67 % humidity. This day in 1992 8.6 C (47 F) and in 1955 36.1 C (97 F) |
7/23/2019 |
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Tuesday 15 C (59 F) Under Sunny Sky's at 7 am. North west breeze 1 - 1 mph. 80 % humidity. Forecast, 24 C (75 F) under sunny sky's, North west winds 4 - 8 mph. 60 % humidity. This day in 1962 9.4 C (49 F) and in 1955 35 C (95 F) |
7/24/2019 |
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Wednesday 14 C (57 F) under Sunny Sky's at 7 am. North breeze 1 - 1 mph. 79 % humidity. Forecast, 26 C (79 F) under Sunny sky's, North West winds 5 - 7 mph. 57 % humidity. This day in 1962 10 C (50 F) and in 1947 34.4 C (94 F) |
7/25/2019 |
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Thursday 16 C (61 F) under Sunny Sky's at 7 am. North breeze 1 - 1 mph. 76 % humidity. Forecast 28 C (82 F) under Sunny Sky's, with North west winds 6 - 11 mph. 59 % humidity. This day in 1953 8.3 C (47 F) and in 1989 34.2 C (94 F). |
7/26/2019 |
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Friday, 16 C (61 F) under Sunny Sky's at 7 am. North West breeze 0 - 1 mph. 84 % humidity. Forecast, 30 C (86 F) under Sunny sky's, South winds 7 - 13 mph. 47 % humidity. This day in 1956 9.4 C (49 F) and in 1989 34.1 C (93 F) |
7/27/2019 |
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Saturday, 16 C (61 F) under Sunny Sky's at 7 am. South East breeze 1 - 1 mph. with a Humid 83 %. Forecast, 30 C (86 F) under Sunny Sky's, South winds 11 - 18 mph. 45 % humidity. This day in 1971 9.4 C (49 F) and in 1949 35 C (95 F) |
7/28/2019 |
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Sunday, 21 C (70 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix at 7 am. South west winds 5 - 10 mph. 77 % humidity. Forecast, 31 C (88 F) under mainly Sunny sky's, West winds 11 - 17 mph. 60 % Humidity. This day in 1977 8.2 C (47 F) and in 1949 35.6 C (96 F) |
7/29/2019 |
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Monday, 18 C (64 F) under Sunny Sky's at 7 am. South breeze 1 - 1 mph. 83 % humidity. Forecast, 31 C (88 F) under a Sun/ Cloud mix, thunderstorms possible, South winds 12 - 20 mph. 59 % humidity. This day in 1971 9.4 C (49 F) and in 1949 35 C (95 F) |
7/30/2019 |
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Tuesday, 19 C (66 F) under overcast sky's at 7 am. South breeze 1 - 1 mph. 88 % humidity. Forecast, 25 C (77 F) under overcast sky's, rain and thunderstorm possible, West winds 9 - 15 mph. 83 % humidity. This day in 1956, 8.9 C (48 F) and in 1949 33.3 C (92 F) |
7/31/2019 |
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Wednesday 16 C (under clear blue sky's, at 7 am. With North West winds 4 - 7 mph. 84 % humidity. Forecast, 27 C (81 F) under mainly Sunny Sky's, North West winds 7 - 12 mph. 59 % humidity. This day in 1978 7.8 C (46 F) and in 1955 33.9 C (93 F). |
8/1/2019 |
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Thursday, 12 C (54 F) under Sunny sky's at 7 am. North West breeze 1 - 1 mph. 78 % humidity. Forecast, 27 C (81 F) under Sunny Sky's, North west winds 5 - 9 mph. 39 % humidity. This day in 1947 6.1 C (43 F) and in 1955 36.7 C (98 F) |
8/2/2019 |
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Friday, under Sunny sky's at 7 am. North breeze 0 - 1 mph. 84 % humidity. Forecast, 29 C (84 F) with Westerly winds 6 - 9 mph. 42 % humidity. This day in 1947 8.3 C (47 F) and in 1944 33.9 C (93 F) |
8/3/2019 |
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Saturday, 13 C (55 F) under Sunny Sky's, at 7 am. North West breeze 1 - 1 mph. 83 % humidity. Forecast, 30 C (86 F) North West winds 5 - 8 mph. 42 % humidity. This day in 1947 8.3 C (47 F) and in 1944 33.9 C (93 F) |
8/4/2019 |
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Sunday, 13 C (55 F) under a Sunny clear blue sky, at 7 am. North West breeze 4 - 8 mph. 77 % humidity. Forecast, 21 C (75 F) under Sunny Sky's, with North West winds 8 - 14 mph. 45 % humidity. This day in 1982 8.6 C (47 F) and in 1944 35 C (95 F) |
8/5/2019 |
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"Civic Holiday" Monday, 11 C (52 F) at 7 am. Under Sunny sky's, calm Westerly breeze at 0 - 1 mph. 75 % humidity. Forecast, Sunny 29 C (84 F) with South West winds 8 - 14 mph. 39 % humidity. |
8/6/2019 |
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Tuesday, 17 C (63 F) Under an early Sun/ cloud mix at 7 am. With a South East breeze 0 - 1 mph. 71 % humidity. Forecast early Sunshine to risk of thunderstorms with a 80 % chance of rain, with South West winds 10 - 18 mph. 74 % humidity. This day in 1951 6.1 C (43 F) and in 200134.1 C (93 F) |
8/7/2019 |
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Wednesday, 18 C (64 F) under overcast sky's at 7 am. North West winds 0 - 0 mph. 95 % humidity. Forecast, 24 C 975 F) under overcast sky's, could see more rain mixed with possible thunderstorms, East winds 4 - 7 mph. 83 % humidity. This day 1954 8.3 C (47 F) and in 1949 36.1 C (97 F) |
8/8/2019 |
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Thursday, 16 C (61 F) under clear Sunny sky's at 7 am. West breeze 0 - 1 mph. 94 % humidity. Forecast, 28 C (82 F) under a Sub/ cloud mix, again rain and thunderstorms possible, South winds 9 - 17 mph. 100 % humidity. This day in 1960 7.8 C (46 F) and in 2001 36.9 C (98 F). |
8/9/2019 |
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Friday, 14 C (57 F) under Sunny clear sky's at 7 am. North West breeze 0 - 1 mph. 89 % humidity. Forecast, 24 C (75 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, rain and thunderstorms possible, West winds 10 - 17 mph. 64 % humidity. This day in 1968 9.4 C (49 F) and in 1944 36.1 C (97 F) |
8/10/2019 |
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Saturday, 12 C (54 F) Under overcast sky's at 7 am.
North West breeze 1 - 1 mph. 86 % humidity. Forecast, 22 C 972 F) under a Sun/ Cloud mix, North west winds 9 - 19 mph. 74 % humidity. This day in 1968 9.4 C (48 F) and in 1944 36.1 C (97 F) |
8/11/2019 |
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Sunday, 13 C (55 F) under a Sun/ Cloud mix at 7 am. With a South breeze 0 - 0 mph. 88 % humidity. Forecast, 27 C (81 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, West winds 12 - 20 mph. 43 % humidity. This day in 1968 6.1 C (43 F) and in 1944 37.8 C (100 F) |
8/12/2019 |
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Monday, 16 C (61 F) under a Sun / cloud mix, at 7 am. West winds 8 - 10 mph. 70 % humidity. Forecast, 27 C (81 F) under a sun/ cloud mix, thunderstorms possible along with maybe rain, West winds 6 - 11 mph. 61 % humidity. This day in 1946 6.7 C (44 F) and in 1947 35 C (95 F) |
8/13/2019 |
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Tuesday, 14 C (57 F) under manly overcast sky's at 7 am. North West winds 6 - 9 mph. 90 % humidity. Forecast, mainly Sunny, with North West winds 9 - 13 mph. 52 % humidity. This day in 1946 6.7 C (44 F) and on 1947 35 C (95 F). |
8/14/2019 |
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Wednesday, 12 C (54 F) under Sunny clear blue sky's at 7 am. North West winds 5 - 7 mph. 85 % humidity. Forecast, 24 C (75 F) under Sunny sky's, North west winds 7 - 12 mph. 46 % humidity. This day in 1964 7.2 C (45 F) and in 1994 37.8 C (100 F) |
8/15/2019 |
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Thursday, 8 C (46 F) under Sunny sky's, at 7 am. with North west breeze 1 - 1 mph. 90 % humidity. Forecast, 25 C (77 F) under Sunny Sky's, North Winds, 4 - 9 mph. 81 % humidity. This day in 1963 8.3 C (47 F) and in 1944 36.1 C (97 F) |
8/16/2019 |
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Friday, 14 C (57 F) under Sunny Sky's, North West breeze 1 - 1 mph. 81 % humidity. Forecast, 26 C (79 F) under Sunny Sky's, East winds 4 - 9 mph. 52 % humidity. This day in 1963 7.2 C (45 F) and in 1944 35 C (95 F). |
8/17/2019 |
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Saturday, 16 C (61 F) under overcast sky's with Fog at 7 am. South East breeze 0 - 0 -mph. 94 % humidity. Forecast, 25 C (77 F) under overcast sky's, possible rain with thunderstorms, South winds 7 - 11 mph. 83 % humidity. This day in 1979 7.6 C (46 F) and in 1987 32.8 C (91 F) |
8/18/2019 |
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Sunday, very foggy with overcast sky's, at 7 am. With a South breeze 0 - 1 mph. 96 % humidity. Forecast 25 C (77 F) under overcast sky's, with some sunny breaks, with possible showers and thunderstorms, Westerly winds 5 - 10 mph. 82 % humidity. This day in 1941 5.6 C (42 F) and in 2002 32.4 C (90 F) |
8/19/2019 |
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Monday, 19 c (66 F) at 7 am. under overcast sky's, with spits of rain, South west breeze, 2 - 2 mph. 93 % humidity. Forecast is for Sunny sky's, with Westerly winds 14 - 24 mph. with 54 % humidity. This day in 1953 5.6 C (52 F) and in 1955 32.8 C (91 F) |
8/20/2019 |
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Tuesday, 14 C (57 F) under Sunny clear sky's at 7 am. North West breeze 0 - 1 mph. 71 % humidity. Forecast 29 C (84 F) under Sunny sky's, with South West winds 6 - 11 mph. 43 % humidity. This day in 1953 5.6 C (42 F) and in 1955 32.8 C (91 F) |
8/21/2019 |
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Wednesday, 18 C (64 F) under overcast sky's, with early morning showers, and thunderstorms at 7 am. North west winds 1 - 2 mph. 85 % humidity. Forecast, 27 C (81 F) under variable sky's, mixed with possible rain and strong thunderstorms, South winds 9 - 16 mph. 81 % humidity. This day in 1953 5.6 C (42 F) and in 1955 32.3 C (91 F) |
8/22/2019 |
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Thursday, under a Sun / cloud mix at 7 am. West winds 9 - 14 mph. 77 % humidity. Forecast, 24 C (75 F) under a Sun / cloud mix, West winds 13 - 21 mph. 51 % humidity. This day in 1982 4.7 C (40 F) and in 1942 31.7 C (89 F) |
8/23/2019 |
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Friday, 11 C (52 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, at 7 am. North west winds 4 - 6 mph. 88 % humidity. Forecast,
22 C (77 F) under Sunny sky's, North West winds 11 - 18 mph. 48 % humidity. This day in 1952 6.1 C (43 F) and in 1943 31.7 C (89 F) |
8/24/2019 |
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Saturday, 14 C (57 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix at 7 am. North West winds 7 - 10 mph. 79 % humidity. Forecast, 24 C (75 F) under A sunny sky, with North winds 6 - 11 mph. 50 % humidity. This day in 1940 6.7 C (44 F) and in 1947 35 C (95 F) |
8/25/2019 |
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Sunday, 9 C (48 F) under Sunny clear sky's, very foggy over open water at 7 am. East winds 1 - 2 mph. 89 % humidity. Forecast, 25 C (77 F) under Sunny sky's, East winds 7 - 11 mph. 49 % humidity. This day in 1942 2.8 C (37 F) and in 1948 35 C (95 F) |
8/26/2019 |
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Monday, 9 C (48 F) under Sunny clear blue sky's at 7 am. North West breeze 0 - 1 mph. 86 % humidity. Forecast, 27 C (81 F) under Sunny clear sky's, South East winds 7 - 12 mph. 46 % humidity. This day in 1992 2.8 C (37 F) and in 1948 35 C (95 F) |
8/27/2019 |
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Tuesday, 10 C (50 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, at 7 am. South East winds 2 - 4 mph. 79 % humidity. Forecast, 25 C (77 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, South winds 12 - 19 mph. 61 % humidity. This day in 1954 6.1 C (43 F) and in 1953 35 C (95 F) |
8/28/2019 |
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Wednesday, 18 C (64 F) under overcast sky's at 7 am. South winds 4 - 6 mph. 96 % humidity. Forecast, 23 C (73 F) under an overcast sky, with possible rain and thunderstorms, South winds 9 - 17 mph. 94 % humidity. This day in 1954 6.1 C (43 F) and in 1953 35 C (95 F) |
8/29/2019 |
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Thursday, 14 C (57 F) under a Sun / cloud mix, at 7 am. South East breeze 2 - 3 mph. 85 % humidity. Forecast, 24 C (75 F) under a Sun / cloud mix, South West winds 10 - 17 mph. 53 % humidity. This day in 1986 2.6 C (37 F) and in 1953 35.6 C (96 F) |
8/30/2019 |
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Friday, 15 C (59 F) under mainly sunny sky's, at 7 am. Westerly winds 7 - 12 mph. 92 % humidity. Forecast, 22 C (72 F) under mainly Sunny sky's, Westerly winds 24 - 41 mph. 53 % humidity. This day in 1946 3.9 C (39 F) and in 1953 36.1 C (97 F) |
8/31/2019 |
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Saturday, 10 C (50 F) under sunny clear sky's at 7 am.West winds 2 - 4 mph. 84 % humidity. Forecast, 21 C (70 F) under mainly sunny sky's, North west winds 12 - 23 mph. 51 % humidity. This day in 1946 3.9 C (39 F) and in 1953 36.1 C (97 F) |
9/1/2019 |
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Sunday, 8 C (46 F) under mainly Sunny Sky's, East breeze 0 - 1 mph. 88 % humidity. Forecast, 23 C (73 F) under mainly Sunny sky's, South winds 14 - 24 mph. 52 % humidity. This day in 1965 3.3 C (38 F) and in 1969 32.2 C (90 F) |
9/2/2019 |
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Monday, "Labour Day - Holiday" 15 C (59 F) under overcast sky's at 7 am. West breeze 1 - 1 mph. 91 % humidity. Forecast, 24 C (75 F) under variable sky's with a chance of rain, West winds 7 - 11 mph. 67 % humidity. This day in 1946 4.4 C (40 F) and in 1973 32.8 C (91 F) |
9/3/2019 |
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Tuesday, 10 C (50 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, at 7 am. North West breeze 2 - 2 mph. 78 % humidity. Forecast, 20 C (68 F) under variable sky's, North West winds 5 - 10 mph. 56 % humidity. This day in 1946 4.4 C (40 F) and in 1999 32.9 C (91 F) |
9/4/2019 |
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Wednesday, 18 C (64.4 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, South winds 7 - 11 mph. 98 % humidity. Forecast, 20 C (68 F) under a Sun / cloud mix, westerly winds 19 - 32 mph. 73 % humidity. This day in 1946 4.4 C (40 F) and in 1999 32.9 C (91 F) |
9/5/2019 |
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Thursday, 6 C (43 F)under Sunny Clear blue sky's at 7 am. North West breeze 0 - 1 mph. 89 % humidity. Forecast, 22 C (72 F) under mainly Sunny Sky's, West winds 7 - 14 mph. 46 % humidity. This day in 1962 4.4 C (42 F) and in 1983 33.1 C (92 F) |
9/6/2019 |
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Friday, 12 C (54 F) under Sunny sky's at 7 am. North West breeze 2 - 3 mph. 83 % humidity. Forecast, 21 C 970 F) under a Sun / cloud mix, West winds 6 - 10 mph. 53 % humidity. This day in 1962 4.4 C (42 F) and in 1983 33.1 C (92 F) |
9/7/2019 |
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Saturday, 10 C (50 F) under rainy sky's at 7 am. North west winds 5 - 8 mph. 98 % humidity. Forecast, 18 C (64 F) under overcast sky's with brief periods of Sunshine, West winds 6 - 9 mph. 74 % humidity. This day in 1940 2.8 C (37 F) and in 1945 31.7 C (89 F) |
9/8/2019 |
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Sunday, 10 C (50 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, North West breeze 2 - 6 mph. 83 % humidity. Forecast, 18 C (64 F) under a cloud/ sun mix, west winds 7 - 12 mph. 62 % humidity. This day in 1940 2.8 C (37 F) and in 1945 31.7 C (89 F). |
9/9/2019 |
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Monday, 4 C (39 F) under a foggy sky, North breeze 2 - 6 mph. 88 % humidity. Fore cast, 18 C (64 F) under Sunny Sky's, North winds 3 - 7 mph. 55 % humidity. This day in 1956 2.8 C (37 F) and in 2002 35.1 C (95 F) |
9/10/2019 |
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Tuesday, 4 C (39 F) under mainly overcast sky's at 7 am. North winds 3 - 5 mph. 88 % humidity. Forecast, 18 C (64 F) under overcast sky's, with possible rain, with South East winds 13 - 23 mph. 77 % humidity. This day in 1956 2.8 C (37 F) and in 2002 35.1 C (95 F) |
9/11/2019 |
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Wednesday, 17 C (63 F) under overcast sky's at 7 am. South West winds 11 - 16 mph. 98 % humidity. Forecast, 25 C (77 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, North west winds 11 - 16 mph. 80 % humidity. This day in 1967 3.9 C (39 F) and in 1961 31.7 C (89 F) Its 18 years since 911. |
9/12/2019 |
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Thursday, 10 C (50 F) under Sunny sky's, at 7 am. With North breeze 1 - 2 mph. 82 % humidity. Forecast, 21 C (70 F) under Sunny sky's, South West winds 10 - 12 mph.51 % humidity. This day in 1946 2.8 C (37 F) and in 1951 30 C (86 F) |
9/13/2019 |
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Friday, 5 C (41 F) under a Sunny clear blue sky's at 7 am. South east breeze 0 - 0 mph. 78 % humidity. Forecast, 21 C (70 F) under mainly sunny sky's, South east winds 16 - 26 mph. 49 % humidity. This day in 1941 1.1 C (34 F) and in 1951 30.6 C (87 F). Next Full Moon on Friday the 13th will be in August 2049, see you there, LOL!! |
9/14/2019 |
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Saturday, 15 C (59 F) under overcast sky's at 7 am. South winds 10 - 12 mph. 98 % humidity. Forecast 21 C (70 F) under a Sun / cloud mix, West winds 19 - 32 Mph. 73 % humidity. This day in 1963 1.7 C (35 F) and in 2003 30.1 C (86 F) |
9/15/2019 |
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Sunday, 10 C (50 F) under a Cloud / Sun mix, at 7 am.
Westerly winds 5 - 10 mph. 82 % humidity. Forecast, 18 C (64 F) under a cloud / sun mix with a chance of showers, Westerly winds 7 - 12 mph. 68 % humidity. This day in 1953 2.2 C (36 F) and in 1939 32.8 C (91 F) |
9/16/2019 |
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Monday, 6 C (43 F) under sunny sky's at 7 am. North - West winds 2 - 4 mph. 84 % humidity. Forecast, 21 C (70 F) under mainly sunny sky's, North west winds 8 - 14 mph. 57 % humidity. This day in 1948 1.1 C (30 F) and in 1939 34.4 C (94 F) |
9/17/2019 |
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Tuesday 8 C (46 F) under Sunny sky's, North west winds 2 - 5 mph. 90 % humidity. Forecast, 23 C (73 F) under mainly sunny sky's, North winds 8 - 14 mph. 56 % humidity. This day in 1950 1.1 C (30 F) and in 1942 30 C (85 F) |
9/18/2019 |
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Wednesday, 8 C (46 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix at 7 am. East breeze 2 - 3 mph. 93 % humidity. Forecast, 22 C (72 F) under mainly sunny sky's, South East winds 6 - 9 mph. 56 % humidity. |
9/19/2019 |
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Thursday, 8 C (46 F) under a Sun / Cloud mix, North West breeze 1 - 1 mph. 89 % humidity. Forecast, 26 C (79 F) under a Sun / cloud mix, West winds 7 - 10 mph. 53 % humidity. This day in Sept. 2014 -2 C (28 F) and in 1946 30.6 C (87 F) |
9/20/2019 |
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Friday, 10 C (50 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix at 7 am. North west breeze 0 - 1 mph. 92 % humidity. Forecast 28 C (82 F) under a Sun / cloud mix, South Winds 9 - 17 mph. 61 % humidity. This day in 1979 .3 C (33 F) and in 1983 31.0 C (88 F) |
9/21/2019 |
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Saturday, 10 C (50 F) under Sunny blue sky's, at 7 am. West breeze 3 - 5 mph. 97 % humidity. Forecast, 27 C (80.6 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, South winds 9 - 17 mph. 61 % humidity. This day in 1956 -1.7 C (29 F) and in 1965 29.4 C (85 F) |
9/22/2019 |
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Sunday, 18 C (64 F) under overcast sky's at 7 am. South breeze 0 - 1 mph. 93 % humidity. Forecast, 26 C (79 F) under overcast sky's with rain, South winds 16 - 30 mph. 82 % humidity. This day in 1956 -1.7 C (29 F) and in 1965 29.9 C (85 F) |
9/23/2019 |
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Monday, 18 C (64 F) under "Raining Sky's at 7 am. South winds 5 - 10 mph. 94 % humidity. Forecast, 23 C (73 F) under overcast sky's, with rain and possible thunderstorms, South west winds 14 - 23 mph. 90 % humidity. This day in 1947 -2.2 C (28 F) and in 1961 28.9 C (84 F) |
9/24/2019 |
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Tuesday, 12 C (54 F) at 7 am. Under overcast sky's, South west winds 5 - 8 mph. 91 % humidity. Forecast, 18 C (64 F) under overcast sky's, west winds 7 - 12 mph. 68 % humidity. This day in 1944 -.6 C (31 F) and in 1968 26.1 C (79 F) |
9/25/2019 |
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Wednesday, 5 C (41 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix at 7 am. West breeze 2 - 4 mph. 87 % humidity. Forecast, 25 C (77 F) under sunny sky's, South west winds 7 - 12 mph. 52 % humidity. This day in 1950 -2.2 C (23 F) and in 2017 33 C (91.5 F) Started combining Natto Soybeans. |
9/26/2019 |
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Thursday, 14 C (57 F) under overcast and raining sky's at 7 am. West winds 4 - 9 mph. 93 % humidity. Forecast, 16 C (61 F) under overcast sky's with periods of both rain and sunshine, west winds 7 - 15 mph. 69 % humidity. This day in 1947 -1.7 C (29 F) and in 2017 30 C (86 F) |
9/27/2019 |
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Friday, 7 C (45 F) under an overcast/ sun mix, at 7 am. East breeze 0 - 1 mph. 89 % humidity. Forecast, 20 C (68 F) under a Sun / cloud mix, South West winds 12 - 20 mph. 55 % humidity. This day in 1989 -1.5 C (29 F) and in 1998 28.1 C (83 F). |
9/28/2019 |
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Saturday, 14 C (57 F) under overcast, and raining sky's, at 7 am. with South winds 8 - 12 mph. 81 % humidity. Forecast, 20 C (68 F) under overcast sky's, in rain, with North winds 11 -21 mph. 88 % humidity. This day in 1989 -1.5 C (29 F) and in 1998 28 C (83 F) |
9/29/2019 |
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Sunday, 5 C (44 F) under Sunny blue sky's at 7 am. North west breeze 0 - 0 mph. 89 % humidity. Forecast, 15 C (59 F) under a Sun/ cloud mix, North Winds 5 - 9 mph. 51 % humidity. "Cleaning Soybeans" |
9/30/2019 |
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Monday, 7 C (45 F) under mainly overcast sky's at 7 am. Sunrise 6:59, North East winds 4 - 7 mph. 85 % humidity. Forecast, 25 C (77 F) under overcast sky's with possible showers, South west winds 25 - 35 mph. 70 % humidity. This day in 1980 -3 C (27 F) and in 1948 28.9 C (84 F) |