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10/1/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 12.4 mph, SSE at 12:33am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.04". Current Temp: 57.8 Deg., Low Temp: 57.5 Deg. at 6:50am;
Wind: S, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 57.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 55.7 Deg. at 4:05am; Dew Point: 55.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 54.5 Deg. at 5:24am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.22Hg; Pressure Altitude: -276.08'; Density Altitude: -400.67'; Cloud Base: 628.68'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways:
No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
10/2/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 12.5 mph S, at 3:45pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 68.4 Deg., Low Temp: 67.1 Deg. at 12:34am; Heat Index: 73.1 Deg.; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.2 mph; Wind Chill: 68.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 63.7 Deg. at 6:16am; Dew Point: 62.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 60.9 Deg. at 12:14am; Sky: Cloudy>overcast, w/clouds up near 12K'; Humidity at 83%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.06Hg; Pressure Altitude: -12.20'; Density Altitude: 462.72'; Cloud Base: 1330.45'; Ground: Moist to wet, in msot areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
10/3/2018 |
7:00 AM |
0.49 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 17.8 mph W, at 2:33pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.49". Current Temp: 60.7 Deg., Low Temp: 60.6 Deg. at 4:21am;
Wind: S, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 60.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 57.8 Deg. at 2:04am; Dew Point: 57.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 57.5 Deg. at 4:21am; Sky: Scattered Clouds; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 7.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.07Hg; Pressure Altitude: -137.64; Pressure Altitude: -25.42'; Cloud Base: 683.02'; Ground: Soggy to saturated in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
10/4/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 16.1 mph W, at 3:18pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 72.3 Deg., Low Temp: 71.0 Deg. at 2:am; Heat Index: 76.6 Deg.; Wind: N, at 2.3 mph, Gust: 12.6 mph; Wind Chill: 72.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 66.4 Deg. at 6:41am; Dew Point: 65.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 65.2 Deg. at 3:36am; Sky: Cloudy>overcast, w/cloudsy up near 10K'; Humidity at 80%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.90Hg; Pressure Altitude: 25.96'; Density Altitude: 916.59'; Cloud Base: 1609.26'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
10/5/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 21.2 mph NW, at 5:42am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.30". Current Temp: 48.2 Deg., Low Temp: 47.1 Deg. at 3:10am;
Wind: ESE, at 3.5 mph, Gust: 4.2 mph; Wind Chill: 48.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 40.7 Deg. at 6:01am; Dew Point: 46.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 45.2 Deg. at 3:10am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 93%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.12Hg; Pressure Altitude: -186.57'; Density Altitude: -939.21'; Cloud Base: 509.69'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
10/6/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 9.9 mph E, at 8:25am. Today's Current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.39". Current Temp: 64.9 Deg., Low Temp: 58.4 Deg. at 12:01am; Wind: WSW, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 64.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 58.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 58.4 Deg. at 12:01am; Dew Point: 63.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 57.1 Deg. at 12:01am; Sky: Cloudy>overcast, w/clouds up near 41K'; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 5.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.05Hg; Pressure Altitude: -121.32'; Density Altitude: 255.96'; Cloud Base: 328.21'; Ground:
Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
10/7/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 15.8 mph WSW, at 12:55pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.56". Current Temp: 62.4 Deg., Low Temp: 62.2 Deg. at 6:43am;
Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 62.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 62.2 Deg. at 6:43am; Dew Point: 61.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 60.8 Deg. at 6:43am; Sky: P/Cloudy>Clear; Humidity at 95%; Visibility of 7.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.14Hg; Pressure Altitude: -205.57'; Density Altitude: -10.90'; Cloud Base: 339.56'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in most areas, Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
10/8/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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Special WX Statement: Areas of Dense Fog this Morning.
Yesterday's High Wind: 10.6 mph E, at 4:34pm. Today's Current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.11". Current Temp: 62.4 Deg., Low Temp:
62.4 Deg. at 5:59am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 62.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 62.4 Deg. at 5:59am; Dew Point: 61.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 61.1 Deg. at 5:59am; Sky: P/Cloudy>Clear; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 5.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.19Hg; Pressure Altitude: -251.69'; Density Altitude:
-61.21'; Cloud Base: 302.77'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures,
all open roads are clear and passable. |
10/9/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 10.8 mph WSW, at 1:42pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 67.1 Deg., Low Temp: 67.0 Deg. at 6:54am; Heat Index: 72.3 Deg.; Wind: WSW, 2.3 mph, Gust: 3.3 mph; Wind Chill: 67.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 62.5 Deg. at 6:39am; Dew Point: 63.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 63.1 Deg. at 6:54am; Sky: P/Cloudy>Clear; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.18Hg; Pressure Altitude: -238.14'; Density Altitude: 248.42'; Cloud Base: 957.53'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
10/10/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 10.9 mph SW, at 1:30pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 65.4 Deg., Low Temp: 65.2 Deg. at 6:51am; Heat Index: 70.4 Deg.; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 65.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 61.2 Deg. at 4:14am; Dew Point: 61.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 60.3 Deg. at 12:08am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 86%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.97Hg; Pressure Altitude: -50.49'; Density Altitude: 375.63'; Cloud Base: 1072.78'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
10/11/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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No Current Weather Alert. Yesterday's High Wind: 22.4 mph N, at 4:40pm. Today's Current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.02". Current Temp: 63.2 Deg., Low Temp: 63.2 Deg. at 7:00am; Heat Index: 60.0 Deg.; Wind: NW, at 9.2 mph, Gust: 6.9 mph; Wind Chill: 63.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 55.5 Deg. at 6:54am; Dew Point: 58.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 58.7 Deg. at 7:00am; Sky: Cloudy and overcast, w/clouds up near 12K'; Humidity at 85%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.70Hg; Pressure Altitude: 201.32'; Density Altitude: 542.69'; Cloud Base: 1111.71'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
10/12/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 18.3 mph NNW, at 5:31pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 44.0 Deg., Low Temp: 43.6 Deg. at 12:01am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 44.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 38.4 Deg. at 1:33am; Dew Point: 36.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 35.9 Deg. at 6:08am; Sky: Cloudy/overcast, w/clouds up near 31K'; Humidity at 75%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.94Hg; Pressure Altitude: -20.48'; Density Altitude: -1004.92'; Cloud Base: 1842.03'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
10/13/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 14.5 mph NNW, at 10:15am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.26". Current Temp: 38.6 Deg., Low Temp: 37.4 Deg. at 4:13am;
Wind: NW, at 3.5 mph, Gust: 1.9 mph; Wind Chill: 38.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 23.9 Deg. at 2:43am; Dew Point: 37.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 36.5 Deg. at 4:13am; Sky: Cloudy>overcast, w/clouds up near 11K'; Humidity at 97%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.93Hg; Pressure Altitude: -6.83'; Density Altitude: -1372.90'; Cloud Base: 220.12'; Ground: Moist to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
10/14/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 12.7 mph N, at 2:42am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 39.1 Deg., Low Temp: 38.9 Deg. at 5:48am; Wind: WSW, at 3.5 mph, Gust: 5.5 mph; Wind Chill: 39.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 34.0 Deg. at 12:53am; Dew Point: 36.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 36.6 Deg. at 5:48am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 92%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.10Hg; Pressure Altitude: -162.11'; Density Altitude: -1517.95'; Cloud Base: 531.03'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
10/15/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 13.0 mph NNW, at 10:30pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Light>moderate Haze; and, or Fog, in most areas; Current Temp: 54.4 Deg., Low Temp: 51.2 Deg. at 12:08am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 54.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 51.2 Deg. at 12:08am;
Dew Point: 53.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 48.1 Deg. at 12:08am; Sky: Cloudy, w/clouds up near 300'; Humidity at 95%; Visibility of 4.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.92Hg; Pressure Altitude: 4.10'; Density Altitude: -293.33'; Cloud Base: 335.35'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
10/16/2018 |
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Freeze Warning, until 9:am this morning. Yesterday's High Wind: 15.5 mph NNW, at 12:35pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: "T". Current Temp: 32.1 Deg., Low Temp: 31.9 Deg. at 5:22am; Wind: W, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 32.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 31.9 Deg. at 5:22am; Dew Point: 30.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 29.8 Deg. at 4:54am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 93%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.23Hg; Pressure Altitude: -289.63'; Density Altitude:
-2187.10'; Cloud Base: 454.30'; Ground: Areas of light to moderate frost; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
10/17/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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Freeze Warning: 2:am-9:am Thursday. Yesterday's High Wind: 16.2 mph at 4:59am. Today's Current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 42.0 Deg., Low Temp: 41.4 Deg. at 6:21am; Wind: WNW, at 9.3 mph, Gust: 14.0 mph; Wind Chill: 42.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 27.0 Deg. at 6:55am; Dew Point: 35.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 34.4 Deg. at 12:03am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 78%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.04Hg; Pressure Altitude: -107.71'; Density Altitude: -1257.19'; Cloud Base: 1547.31'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
10/18/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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Freeze Warning: Until 9:am this morning. Yesterday's High Wind: 18.7 mph NNW, at 2:20pm. Today's current 7:am weather Observation. Current Temp: 31.0 Deg., Low Temp: 31.0 Deg. at 6:53am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 31.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 31.0 Deg. at 6:53am; Dew Point: 27.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 27.4 Deg. at 6:47am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 86%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.47'; Pressure Altitude: -500.20'; Density Altitude: -2514.15'; Cloud Base: 886.93'; Ground: Light>moderate frost, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
10/19/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 12.9 mph N, at 3:11pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 38.0 Deg., Low Temp: 37.8 Deg. at 6:54am; Wind: SSW, at 4.6 mph, Gust: 3.6 mph; Wind Chill: 38.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 29.1 Deg. at 6:40am; Dew Point: 31.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 31.0 Deg. at 4:01am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 78%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.28Hg; Pressure Altitude: -332.93'; Density Altitude: -1814.08'; Cloud Base: 1575.27'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
10/20/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 30.6 mph NW, at 8:10pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.04". Current Temp: 49.8 Deg., Low Temp: 46.7 Deg. at 12:05am; Wind: N, at 0.3 mph, Gust: 3.9 mph; Wind Chill: 49.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 36.0 Deg. at 6:02am; Dew Point: 46.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 42.2 Deg. at 12:05am; Sky: Cloudy>overcast, w/clouds up near 1K'; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Pressure Altitude: 102.57'; Density Altitude: -479.38'; Cloud Base: 731.30'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
10/21/2018 |
7:00 AM |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 33.3 mph NNW, at 5:17pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.05". Current Temp: 33.4 Deg., Low Temp: 33.1 Deg. at 2:16am;
Wind: N, at 4.6 mph, Gust: 2.8 mph; Wind Chill: 33.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 18.4 Deg. at 6:09am; Dew Point: 28.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 27.4 Deg. at 6:22am; Sky: Cloudy/overcast, w/clouds up near 33K'; Humidity at 80%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.21Hg; Pressure Altitude: -265.24'; Density Altitude:
-2029.95'; Cloud Base: 1345.12'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
10/22/2018 |
8:00 AM |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 18.8 mph NW, at 12:06am. Todays current 8:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.01". Current Temp: 33.0 Deg., Low Temp: 32.5 Deg. at 7:25am;
Wind: SW, at 0.9 mph, Gust: 3.9 mph; Wind Chill: 33.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 23.0 Deg. at 7;45am; Dew Point: 30.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 29.7 Deg. at 7;25am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.14Hg; Pressure Altitude: -200.14'; Density Altitude: -1990.75'; Cloud Base: 693.46'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways:
No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
10/23/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 13.9 mph W, at 2:33pm. Todays' current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: "T". Current Temp: 44.4 Deg., Low Temp: 40.6 Deg. at 5:43am; Wind: NNW at 3.9 mph, Gust: 7.0 mph; Wind Chill: 44.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 34.8 Deg. at 6:51am; Dew Point: 39.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 37.5 Deg. at 5:37am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 82%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.02Hg; Pressure Altitude: -88.64'; Density Altitude: -1055.51'; Cloud Base: 1302.07'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
10/24/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 14.7 mph N, at 11:45am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 32.3 Deg., Low Temp: 32.0 Deg. at 6:33am; Wind: NNE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 32.3 Deg.; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 95%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.29Hg; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
10/25/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 12.1 mph ESE, at 11:54am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 29.0 Deg., Low Temp: 28.7 Deg. at 6:34am; Wind: SE, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 29.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 28.7 Deg. at 6:34am; Dew Point: 27.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 27.6 Deg. at 6:34am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.25Hg; Pressure Altitude: -303.16'; Density Altitude:
-2409.35'; Cloud Base: 267.93'; Ground: Moderate layer of frost covering, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closure, all open roads are clear and passable. |
10/26/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 8.1 mph SSE, at 11:14am. Today's current 8:am weather observation. Current Temp: 40.4 Deg., Low Temp: 40.0 Deg. at 5:23am; Wind: N, Light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 40.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 33.8 Deg. at 4:32am; Dew Point: 35.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 34.9 Deg. at 7:17am; Sky: Cloudy, w/clouds up near 11K'; Humidity at 82%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.89Hg; Pressure Altitude: 25.96'; Density Altitude: -1207.77'; Density Altitude: 1308.16'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
10/27/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 13.8 mph N, at 8:49pm. Today's current 8:am weather observation. Light rain is falling. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.52". Light>moderate Haze, in some areas; Today's current Temp: 44.0 Deg., Low Temp: 43.7 Deg. at 6:10am; Wind: ENE, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 44.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 39.4 Deg. at 1:34am; Dew Point: 43.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 42.9 Deg. at 7:21am; Sky: Cloudy>overcast, w/clouds up near 300'; Humidity at 97%; Visibility of 4.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.64Hg' Pressure Altitude: 259.06'; Density Altitude: -650.76'; Cloud Base: 212.02'; Ground: Wet, to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
10/28/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 14.2 mph N, at 6:57pm. Today's current 8:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.15". Current Temp: 39.4 Deg., Low Temp: 39.1 Deg. at 7:58am;
Wind: WNW, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill:
39.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 34.9 Deg. at 6:43am; Dew Point: 38.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 38.2 Deg. at 7:53am; Sky: Cloudy>overcast, w/clouds up near 31K'; Humidity at 97%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.83Hg; Pressure Altitude: 86.14'; Density Altitude: -1194.89'; Cloud Base: 214.39'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
10/29/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterdays High Wind: 24.2 mph N, at 6:38pm. Todays current 8:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.44'. Current Temp: 40.1 Deg., Low Temp: 39.8 Deg. at 5:18am;
Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 40.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 33.1 Deg. at 3:57am; Dew Point: 38.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 38.3 Deg. at 5:18am; Sky: Cloudy>overcast, w/clouds up near 19K'; Humidity at 94%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.95Hg; Pressure Altitude: -31.39'; Density Altitude: -1286.07'; Cloud Base: 382.69'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
10/30/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 19.0 mph N, at 3:25am. Todays' current 8:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: "T". Light to moderate Haze, in some areas; Current Temp: 35.5 Deg., Low Deg. at 33.9 Deg. at 5:45am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 35.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 33.0 Deg. at 5:45am; Dew Point: 34.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 33.0 Deg. at 5:45am; Sky: Cloudy, w/clouds up near 85K'; Humidity at 97%; Visibility of 5.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.13Hg; Pressure Altitude: 194.71'; Density Altitude; 1815.82'; Cloud Base: 197.77'; Ground: Light to moderate frost, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
10/31/2018 |
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No Weather Alert for today. Yesterday's High Wind: 11.9 mph N, at 12:55pm. Today's current 8:am weather observation. Current Temp: 60.0 Deg., Low Temp: 55.0 Deg. at 12:00am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.5 mph; Wind Chill: 60.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 51.7 Deg. at 1:00am; Dew Point: 52.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 41.4 Deg. at 1:26am; Sky: Cloudy>overcast, w/clouds up near 7K'; Humidity at 76%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.84Hg'; Pressure Altitude: 75.19'; Density Altitude: 178.03'; Cloud Base: 1876.34'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
11/1/2018 |
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Flood Watch: From 8:am today, until Friday Morning. Yesterday's High Wind: 18.4 mph N, at 8:14am. Today's Current 8:am weather observation. Light>moderate rain is falling. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 1.46". Current Temp: 44.0 Deg., Low Temp:43.8 Deg. at 7:45am; Wind: N, at 0.0 mph, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 44.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 38.5 Deg. at 6:27am; Dew Point: 43.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 42.9 Deg. at 7:45am; Sky: Cloudy, w/clouds up near 75K'; Humidity at 97%; Visibility of 2.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.86Hg; Pressure Altitude: 56.03'; Density Altitude: -916.67'; Cloud Base: 218.75'; Ground: Saturated, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. Some back/less traveled roads may have light to moderate ponding. |
11/2/2018 |
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Flood Warning: S. Central Ashland County until 11:45am today. Yesterday's High Wind: 18.8 mph N, at 10:44am: Today's current 8:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 2.79". Light>moderate Haze, in some areas: Current Temp: 42.0 Deg., Low Temp: 41.9 Deg. at 7:02am; Wind: NNW, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 42.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 36.2 Deg. at 5:57am; Dew Point: 41.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 41.2 Deg. at 7:02am; Sky: Cloudy>overcast, w/clouds up near 14K'; Humidity at 98%; Visibility of 4.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.69Hg; Pressure Altitude: 215.06'; Density Altitude: -842.00'; Cloud Base: 163.76'; Ground: Soggy to saturated, in most areas; Roadways: A Few road closures, due to high standing water, all open roads are clear and passable. |
11/3/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 15.0 mph NNW, at 5:09am. Today's current 8:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.12". Current Temp: 39.2 Deg., Low Temp: 38.6 Deg. at 6:22am;
Wind: NNW, at 4.7 mph, Gust: 6.6 mph; Wind Chill: 35.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 32.7 Deg. at 7:34am; Dew Point: 38.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 37.8 Deg. at 6:22am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 12K'; Humidity at 97%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.95Hg; Pressure Altitude: -31.39'; Density Altitude: -1355.10'; Cloud Base: 181.31'; Ground: Soggy to saturated, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all weather related roads that were closed (yesterday), are now open. All open roads are clear and passable...with some ponding on some low lined area roads. |
11/4/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 15.4 mph N, at 2:44pm. Today's current 8:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.12". Current Temp: 41.8 Deg., Low Temp: 34.2 Deg. at 2:04am;
Wind: N, at 9.2 mph, Gust: 1.0 mph; Wind Chill: 41.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 32.7 Deg. at 5:17am; Dew Point: 37.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 33.1 Deg. at 12:48am; Sky: Cloudy/overcast, w/clouds up near 12K'; Humidity at 85%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.35Hg; Pressure Altitude: -397.78'; Density Altitude: -1659.54'; Cloud Base: 1072.55'; Ground: Wet, to soggy in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
11/5/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 19.7 mph S, at 10:34am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.08". Current Temp: 48.1 Deg., Low Temp: 46.3 Deg. at 2:13am;
Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.9 mph; Wind Chill: 48.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 42.0 Deg. at 2:48am; Dew Point: 45.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 38.9 Deg. at 12:01am; Sky: Cloudy/overcast, w/clouds up near 7K'; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.04Hg; Pressure Altitude: -113.15'; Density Altitude:
-848.11'; Cloud Base: 595.27'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
11/6/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 11.7 mph WSW, at 1:24am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Light rain is falling in some areas. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.31". Current Temp: 54.6 Deg., Low Temp: 52.0 Deg. at 1:41am; Wind: N, at 0.6 mph, Gust: 17.8 mph; Wind Chill: 54.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 49.0 Deg. at 6:23am; Dew Point: 52.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 48.4 Deg. at 12:07am; Sky: Cloudy/overcast, w/clouds up near 23K'; Humidity at 92%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.57Hg; Pressure Altitude: 325.17'; Density Altitude: 136.93'; Cloud Base: 568.23'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
11/7/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 30.1 mph N, at 8:47am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.17". Current Temp: 38.0 Deg., Low Temp: 37.7 Deg. at 6:56am;
Wind: WNW, at 9.2 mph, Gust: 6.2 mph; Wind Chill: 33.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 30.8 Deg. at 5;33am; Dew Point: 32.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 32.6 Deg. at 6:56am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 81%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.00Hg; Pressure Altitude: -69.57'; Density Altitude: -1492.67'; Cloud Base: 1317.68'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
11/8/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind. 24.2 mph N, at 12:21pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 32.3 Deg., Low Temp: 30.4 Deg. at 5:27am; Wind: WSW, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 32.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 29.4 Deg. at 12:21am; Dew Point: 29.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 27.6 Deg. at 5:27am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 35K'; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.29Hg; Pressure Altitude: -338.33'; Density Altitude: -2226.85'; Cloud Base: 608.90'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways:
No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
11/9/2018 |
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No current weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind. 11.2 mph N, at 10:10am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Light snow is falling. Total snow accumulation since midnight. 0.7". Current Temp: 33.6 Deg., Low Temp: 33.1 Deg. at 6:25am; Wind: E, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 33.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 24.2 Deg. at 6:36am; Dew Point: 32.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 29.2 Deg. at 11:59am; Sky: Overcast; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 0.5 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.00Hg; Pressure Altitude: -72.30'; Density Altitude: -1795.92'; Cloud Base: 253.88'; Ground: Light to moderate layer of new snow, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
11/10/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 19.4 mph E, at 1:56am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 19.8 Deg., Low Temp: 19.6 Deg. at 6:53am; Wind: NW, at 5.8 mph, Gust: 4.2 mph; Wind Chill: 14.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 5.5 Deg. at 6:45am; Dew Point: 13.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 13.5 Deg. at 6:53am; Sky: Cloudy, w/clouds up near 38K'; Humidity at 78%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.17Hg; Pressure Altitude: -227.28'; Density Altitude: -2982.66'; Cloud Base: 1455.52'; Ground: Light layer of snow and frost, in some areas; Roadways: Some roads may be slick for travel, back and less traveled roads may be slick. No weather related road closures, All open roads are clear and passable. |
11/11/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 23.0 mph NNW, at 5:08am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 19.8 Deg., Low Temp: 19.2 Deg. at 6:08am; Wind: WSW, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 19.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 17.3 Deg. at 2:34am; Dew Point: 18.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 17.2 Deg. at 6:08am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 93%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.37Hg; Pressure Altitude: -405.87'; Density Altitude:
-3203.44'; Cloud Base: 43573'; Ground: Areas of light to moderate old snow and light to moderate frost; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
11/12/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 13.0 mph N, at 1:58pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 24.8 Deg., Low Temp: 23.6 Deg. at 3:55am; Wind: ENE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 24.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 20.7 Deg. at 6:11am; Dew Point: 22.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 20.8 Deg. at 3:55am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 11K'; Humidity at 92%; Visibility of 10.0 milers; Barometric Pressure: 30.29Hg; Pressure Altitude: -338.33'; Density Altitude: -2760.73'; Cloud Base: 529.46'; Ground: Areas of light frost; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
11/13/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 9.6 mph SW, at 9:56am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Areas of snow flurries to light snow. Light to moderate Haze, in some areas. Current Temp: 33.3 Deg., Low Temp: 32.5 Deg. at 11:59pm. Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 33.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 25.1 Deg. at 5:18am; Dew Point: 32.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 28.2 Deg. at 12:49am; Sky: Cloudy>overcast, w/clouds up near 300'; Humidity at 96%; Visibility: <1.0 mile: Barometric Pressure: 30.15Hg; Pressure Altitude: -208.29'; Density Altitude: -1986.87'; Cloud Base: 266.70'; Ground: Wet to moist, in some areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
11/14/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 18.4 mph N, at 1:58pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 19.9 Deg., Low Temp: 19.7 Deg. at 6:58am, Wind: NNE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 19.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 11.9 Deg. at 2:30am; Dew Point: 15.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 14.8 Deg. at 6:58am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 82%' Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.48Hg; Pressure Altitude: -516.35'; Density Altitude:
-3331.76'; Cloud Base: 1191.37'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
11/15/2018 |
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Winter Weather Advisory: Until 7:pm tonight. Yesterdays
High Wind: 12.1 mph N, at 1:04am. Current 7:am weather
observation. Mix precip. is falling. Total precip. accumulation since midnight: 0.2" Current Temp: 29.1 Deg., Low Temp: 24.0 Deg. at 5:56am; Wind: SE, at 2.2 mph, Gust: 9.6 mph; Wind Chill: 21.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 12.3 Deg. at 5:58am; Dew Point: 26.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 18.3 Deg. at 4:51am; Sky: Cloudy/overcast, w/clouds up near 41K'; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 0.5 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.24Hg; Pressure Altitude: -297.75'; Density Altitude: -2416.79; Cloud Base: 633.51'; Ground: Light layer mixed precip., in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are passable. Some less traveled and back roads may be slick. |
11/16/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 15.2 mph N, at 12:30am. Todays current 7:am weather observations: Past 24-hr wintry mix accumulation: 0.30". Current Temp: 29.1 Deg., Low Temp: 28.7 Deg. at 1:37am; Wind: SSE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 29.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 28.7 Deg. at 1:37am; Dew Point: 28.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 28.1 Deg. at 1:37am; Sky: Cloudy/overcast, w/clouds up near 600'; Light to moderate Haze, in some areas; Humidity at 98%; Visibility of 6.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.93Hg; Pressure Altitude: -9.58'; Density Altitude: -2034.66'; Cloud Base: 142.05'; Ground: Light to moderate areas of wintry mix. Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. Some less traveled/untreated roads may be slick. |
11/17/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 11.8 mph N, at 1:33pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 32.4 Deg., Low Temp: 32.2 Deg. at 12:am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 32.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 27.2 Deg. at 5:10am; Dew Point: 31.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 31.2 Deg. at 6:24am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 2800'; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 6.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.28Hg; pressure Altitude: -330.22'; Density Altitude: -2195.56'; Cloud Base: 233.57'; Ground: Areas of past wintry mix covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. Some less traveled roads may still be slick. |
11/18/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 9.8 mph WNW, at 11:25pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Light>moderate Haze, in some areas. Current Temp: 32.1 Deg., Low Temp: 32.0 Deg. at 5:08am;
Wind: SE, at 6.9 mph, Gust: 7.5 mph; Wind Chill: 32.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 24.4 Deg. at 12:39am; Dew Point: 31.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 30.9 Deg. at 5:08am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 55K'; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 5.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.28Hg; Pressure Altitude: -324.81'; Density
Altitude: -2202.89'; Cloud Base: 246.20'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
11/19/2018 |
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Dense Fog Advisory: Until 10:am this morning. Yesterday's High Wind: 9.8 mph WNW, at 12:21am. Today's
current 7:am weather observation. Light snow is falling. Past 24-hr precip: 0.02". Light to moderate Fog and/or Haze, in most areas. Current Temp: 34.8 Deg., Low Temp: 34.4 Deg. at 7:am; Wind: S, at 0.2 mph, Gust: 3.6 mph; Wind Chill: 34.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 31.7 Deg. at 6:47am; Dew Point: 33.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 33.9 Deg. at 7:am; Sky: Overcast, w/clouds up near 500'; Humidity at 97%; Visibility of <1/4 mile; Barometric Pressure: 30.12Hg; Pressure Altitude: -183.85'; Density Altitude: -1879.19'; Cloud Base: 164.83'; Ground: Wet, to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
11/20/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 7.1 mph N, at 8:06am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Light snow is falling. Total accumulated snow since midnight: 0.2". Current Temp: 30.8 Deg., Low Temp: 28.7 Deg. at 5:28am; Wind: N, light and variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 30.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 28.7 Deg. at 5:28am; Dew Point: 29.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 27.7 Deg. at 5:28am; Sky: Cloudy and overcast, w/clouds up near 13K'; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 3/4 mile; Barometric Pressure: 30.05Hg; Pressure Altitude: -121.32'; Density Altitude: -2054.23'; Cloud Base: 219.06; Ground: Light coating of new snow, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
11/21/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 7.1 mph N, at 12:06pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 29.2 Deg., Low Temp: 28.9 Deg. at 6:02am; Wind: Light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 29.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 16.6 Deg. at 4:31am; Dew Point: 25.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 25.2 Deg. at 4:13am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 16K'; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.15Hg; Pressure Altitude: -219.15'; Density Altitude: -2293.64'; Cloud Base: 810.46'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in most areas; Roadways:
No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
11/22/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 20.0 mph N, at 12:30am. Today's Current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 24.8 Deg., Low Temp: 23.9 Deg. at 12:24am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 24.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 14.4 Deg. at 1:48am; Dew Point: 18.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 18.3 Deg. at 4:36am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 8K'; Humidity at 77%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.48Hg; Pressure Altitude: -510.97'; Density Altitude: -2970.22'; Cloud Base: 1528.16'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No current weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
11/23/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 17.8 mph NW, at 7:15pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 24.1 Deg., Low Temp: 23.7 Deg. at 5:55am; Wind: SSE, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 24.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 16.2 Deg. at 12:36am; Dew Point: 18.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 18.1 Deg. at 5:55am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 79%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.30Hg; Pressure Altitude: -351.85'; Density Altitude:
-2820.85'; Cloud Base: 1367.27'; Ground: Wet to moist, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
11/24/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 15.5 mph N, at 2:22pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Light rain is falling. Total rain accumulation since midnight: 0.16". Current Temp: 41.1 Deg., Low Temp: 38.8 Deg. at 4:41am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 41.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 29.8 Deg. at 5:29am; Dew Point: 39.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 33.2 Deg. at 1:47am; Sky: Overcast, w/clouds up near 1K'; Humidity at 95%; Visibility of 2.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.76Hg; Pressure Altitude: 149.17'; Density Altitude: -999.40'; Cloud Base: 316.46'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
11/25/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 21.0 mph WSW, at 1:22am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.09". Current Temp: 41.9 Deg., Low Temp: 41.8 Deg. at 6:57am;
Wind: N, at 0.6 mph, Gust: 7.5 mph; Wind Chill: 41.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 35.7 Deg. at 6:29am; Dew Point: 39.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 39.7 Deg. at 6:57am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 15K'; Humidity at 92%; Visibility of 7.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.88Hg; Pressure Altitude: 39.62'; Density Altitude: -1067.04'; Cloud Base: 509.61'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
11/26/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 13.1 mph N, at 7:46am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Total accumulated rain since midnight: 0.24". Current Temp: 44.1 Deg., Low Temp: 42.2 Deg. at 4:04am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 44.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 36.7 Deg. at 1:38am; Dew Point: 42.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 38.2 Deg. at 1:43am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 75K'; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.38Hg; Pressure Altitude; 499.32'; Density Altitude: -359.16'; Cloud Base: 286.58'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
11/27/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 30.1 mph W, at 8:06am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr accumulated Rain: 0.05". Past 24-hr new snow accumulation: 0.5". Current Temp: 25.2 Deg., Low Temp: 23.8 Deg. at 6:am; Wind: N at 13.8 mph, Gust: 2.3 mph; Wind Chill: 13.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 10.3 Deg. at 5:41am; Dew Point: 23.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 21.6 Deg. at 6:am; Sky: Cloudy/overcast, w/clouds up near 17K'; Humidity at 92%; visibility OF 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.81Hg; Pressure Altitude: 99.83'; Density Altitude: -2175.24'; Cloud Base: 466.06'; Ground: Areas of light snow, wet to moist, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
11/28/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 24.2 mph NNW, at 1:33am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Light blowing snow, this morning. Past 24-hr new snow accumulation: 0.3'. Current Temp: 20.5 Deg., Low Temp: 18.9 Deg. at 6:24am; Wind: NNW, 5.2 mph, Gust: 9.4 mph; Wind Chill: 12.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 7.2 Deg. at 6:24am; Dew Point: 18.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 17.3 Deg. at 6:24am; Sky: Cloudy/overcast, w/clouds up near 11K', and light to moderate Haze, in some areas; Humidity at 94%; Visibility of 0.5 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.98Hg; Pressure Altitude: -53.21'; Density Altitude: -2712.95'; Cloud Base: 387.16'; Ground: Light to moderate layer of snow, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, some untreated roads may be slick for travel, all open roads are clear and passable. |
11/29/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 20.2 mph NNW, at 1:26am. Today's current 7:a weather observation. Light snow is falling. Past 24-hr new snow accumulation: 0.1". Current Temp: 22.7 Deg., Low Temp: 21.4 Deg. at 4:42am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 22.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 21.4 Deg. at 4:42am; Dew Point: 19.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 18.3 Deg. at 12:02am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 10K'; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 0.5 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.11Hg; Pressure Altitude: -175.70'; Density Altitude: -2707.75'; Cloud Base: 634.60'; Ground: Light>moderate areas of snow covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
11/30/2018 |
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Areas of Dense fog/Light Icing, in some areas. Yesterday's High Wind: 11.8 mph N, at 9:55am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Light to moderate Fog in some areas. Past 24-hr new snow accumulation: 0.1". Current Temp: 32.3 Deg., Low Temp: 30.6 Deg. at 12:03am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 32.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 30.6 Deg. at 12:03am; Dew Point: 31.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 29.9 Deg. at 2:05am; Humidity at 97%; Visibility of 1/4 mile; Barometric Pressure: 29.97Hg; Pressure Altitude: -42.30'; Density Altitude: -1835.72'; Cloud Base: 201.36'; Ground: Light to moderate areas of snow covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/1/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 9.2 mph N, at 1:12pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Light to moderate Fog, in most areas. Current Temp: 36.5 Deg., Low Temp: 33.4 Deg. at 12:01am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 36.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 26.0 Deg. at 2:58am; Dew Point: 35.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 32.8 Deg. at 12:01am; Sky: Cloudy & Overcast, w/clouds up near 200'; Humidity at 98%; Visibility of 1.5 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.00Hg; Pressure Altitude: -77.75'; Density Altitude: -1600.14'; Cloud Base: 140.37'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/2/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 25.3 mph NNW, at 10:15pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.66". Current Temp: 53.1 Deg., Low Temp: 50.9 Deg. at 12:am; Wind: N, at 1.7 mph Gust: 0.1 mph; Wind Chill: 53.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 46.3 Deg. at 12:35am; Dew Point: 51.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 49.6 Deg. at 12:am; Sky: Cloudy, w/clouds up near 13K'; Humidity at 95%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.53Hg; Pressure Altitude: 363.79'; Density Altitude: 78.34'; Cloud Base: 361.83'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/3/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 26.5 mph N, at 3:25pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.02". Current Temp: 38.9 Deg., Low Temp: 38.9 Deg. at 6:49am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 38.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 29.6 Deg. at 2:48am; Dew Point: 34.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 34.2 Deg. at 6:13am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 19K'; Humidity at 84%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.76Hg; Pressure Altitude: 149.17'; Density Altitude: -1144.00'; Cloud Base: 1088.42'; Ground: Wet, to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/4/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 23.0 mph N, at 2:47am. Todays current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr wintry mix: 0.01". Current Temp: 29.9 Deg., Low Temp: 29.9 Deg. at 6:32am; Wind: N, at 3.9 mph, Gust: 2.0 mph; Wind Chill: 25.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 21.9 Deg. at 6:32am; Dew Point: 27.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 27.3 Deg. at 7:00am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 23K'; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.13Hg;'; Pressure Altitude: -94.71'; Density Altitude: -2209.72'; Cloud Base: 629.69''; Ground: Wet to soggy, in most areas: Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/5/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 11.5 mph N, at 2:50am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Light snow is falling. Past 24-hr new snow accumulation: "T". Current Temp: 28.7 Deg., Low Temp: 28.3 Deg. at 6:35am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 28.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 28.3 Deg. at 6:35am; Dew Point: 26.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 23.8 Deg. at 12:am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 55K'; Humidity at 92%; Visibility of 0.5 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.03Hg; Pressure Altitude: -104.98'; Density Altitude: -2182.50'; Cloud Base: 499.81'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas, w/light areas of snow; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/6/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 20.9 mph N, at 9:06pm. Today's Current 7:am weather observation: Past 24-hr new snow accumulation: "T". Current Temp: 28.2 Deg., Low Temp: 26.1 Deg. at 1:15am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 28.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 12.6 Deg. at 1:07am; Dew Point: 24.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 20.8 Deg. at 1:16am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 37K'; Humidity at 84%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.19Hg; Pressure Altitude: -248.98'; Density Altitude: -2405.50'; Cloud Base: 1015.03'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/7/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 23.2 mph NW, at 1:08am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr new snow accumulation: 0.7". Current Temp: 16.1 Deg., Low Temp: 16.0 Deg. at 6:56am; Wind: NNW, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 16.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 16.0 Deg. at 6:56am; Dew Point: 14.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 14.6 Deg. at 6:56am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 94%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.43Hg; Pressure Altitude: -467.89'; Density Altitude: -3541.56'; Cloud Base: 336.73'; Ground: Light to moderate layer of snow covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, some less traveled/back roads, bridges and on/off ramps may be slick. |
12/8/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 10.9 mph N, at 3:21pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 16.4 Deg., Low Temp: 16.0 Deg. at 6:56am; Wind: N, 2.1 mph, Gust: 3.9 mph; Wind Chill: 16.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 6.5 Deg. at 5:42am; Dew Point: 12.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 12.0 Deg. at 6:56am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 84%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.52Hg; Pressure Altitude: -553.99'; Density Altitude: -3664.82'; Cloud Base: 966.39'; Ground: Areas of snow and/or frost; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/9/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 15.0 mph N, at 5:14am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 15.0 Deg., Low Temp: 14.9 Deg. at 6:57am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 15.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 8.2 Deg. at 2:05am; Dew Point: 12.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 12.5 Deg. at 6:57am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.36Hg; Pressure Altitude: -403.17'; Density Altitude: -3548.06'; Cloud Base: 573.87'; Ground: Areas of old snow; Roadways: No weather related roads closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/10/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 9.7 mph N, at 12:32pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Areas of light to moderate Haze; Current Temp: 21.4 Deg., Low Temp: 15.1 Deg. at 2:15am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 21.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 15.1 Deg. at 2:15am; Dew Point: 20.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 13.6 Deg. at 2:15am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 12K'; Humidity at 95%; Visibility of 5.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.25Hg; Pressure Altitude: -305.87'; Density Altitude: -2958.32'; Cloud Base: 283.21'; Ground: Areas of light old snow covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/11/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 10.1 mph NNW, at 10:37pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Areas of light to moderate Haze. Current Temp: 18.6 Deg., Low Temp: 18.3 Deg. at 4:37am; Wind: W, 7.9 mph, Gust: 3.2 mph; Wind Chill: 18.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 6.0 Deg. at 5:29am; Dew Point: 17.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 16.9 Deg. at 6:54am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 94%; Visibility of 5.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.17Hg; Pressure Altitude: -230.00'; Density Altitude: -3080.76'; Cloud Base: 352.96'; Ground: Areas of old snow; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/12/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 19.6 mph N, at 2:30pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Areas of light to moderate Fog/and or Haze. Current Temp: 25.1 Deg., Low Temp: 21.8 Deg. at 1:26am; Wind: W, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 25.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 14.6 Deg. at 3:02am;
Dew Point: 24.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 20.6 Deg. at 1:26am; Sky: Fair to Clear; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 5.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.11Hg; Pressure Altitude: -175.70'; Density Altitude: -2520.79'; Cloud Base: 275.82'; Ground: Areas of old snow covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/13/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 19.8 mph N, at 1:36pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 32.4 Deg., Low Temp: 32.1 Deg. at 6:58am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 32.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 32.1 Deg. at 6:58am; Dew Point: 30.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 29.8 Deg. at 6:55am; Sky: Clear>overcast, w/clouds up near 2K'; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.14Hg; Pressure Altitude: -200.14'; Density Altitude: -2047.02'; Cloud Base: 568.66'; Ground: Spotty areas of old snow covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/14/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 11.3 mph NNW, at 12:06pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 39.3 Deg., Low Temp: 38.4 Deg. at 6:09am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 39.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 33.4 Deg. at 6:14am; Dew Point: 35.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 34.7 Deg. at 6:09am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.21Hg; Pressure Altitude: -267.95'; Density Altitude: -1642.92'; Cloud Base: 819.32'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closure, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/15/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 13.1 mph SW, at 9:59am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: "T". Current Temp: 42.6 Deg., Low Temp: 41.6 Deg. at 6:20am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 42.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 34.7 Deg. at 5:35am; Dew Point: 38.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 37.8 Deg. at 3:33am; Sky: P/Cloudy>Clear; Humidity at 86%; Visibility of 7.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.11Hg; Pressure Altitude: -178.42'; Density Altitude: -1310.84'; Cloud Base: 948.96'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/16/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 17.6 mph WNW at 11:26pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Light>moderate areas of Fog/and or Haze. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.97'. Current Temp: 37.7 Deg., Low Temp: 37.7 Deg. at 6:56am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 37.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 30.6 Deg. at 12:01am; Dew Point: 36.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 36.8 Deg. at 6:56am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 12K'; Humidity at 97%; Visibility of 5.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.01Hg; Pressure Altitude: -85.92' Density Altitude: -1519.99'; Cloud Base: 226.00'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related toad closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/17/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 16.7 mph n, AT 12:01AM. Todays' current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 32.7 Deg., Low Temp: 32.7 Deg. at 6:56am; Wind: N, at 0.8 mph, Gust: 12.4 mph; Wind Chill: 32.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 23.8 Deg. at 6:49am; Dew Point: 31.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 31.1 Deg. at 6:31am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 94%; Visibility of 7.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.04Hg; Pressure Altitude: -110.43'; Density Altitude: -1899.71'; Cloud Base: 396.29'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/18/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 17.2 mph N, at 10:47am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 25.7 Deg., Low Temp: 24.8 Deg. at 3:12am; Wind: NNE, Light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 25.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 22.5 Deg. at 6:42am; Dew Point: 24.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 23.4 Deg. at 2:37am; Sky: Cloudy, w/clouds up near 19K'; Humidity at 95%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.24Hg; Pressure Altitude: -295.04'; Density Altitude: -2613.16'; Cloud Base: 314.59'; Ground: Areas of light>moderate lawn frost; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/19/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 9.6 mph N, at 1:08pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 28.6 Deg., Low Temp: 25.2 Deg. at 12:01am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 28.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 17.6 Deg. at 4:37am; Dew Point: 25.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 23.2 Deg. at 12:01am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 87%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Pressure Altitude: -153.96'; Density Altitude: -2250.92'; Cloud Base: 822.35'; Ground: Areas of light>moderate ground frost; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/20/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 11.4 mph N, at 12:31pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 39.8 Deg., Low Temp: 37.0 Deg. at 12:18am; Wind: WNW, light/Variable, Gust: 0.0 mph, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 39.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 37.0 Deg. at 12:18am; Dew Point: 31.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 29.8 Deg. at 12:07am; Sky: P/Cloudy>Clear; Humidity at 76%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.88Hg; Pressure Altitude: 45.09'; Density Altitude: -1287.46'; Cloud Base: 1734.22'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/21/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 10.6 mph N, at 8:36pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Areas of light>moderate Haze. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.54". Current Temp: 38.0 Deg., Low Temp: 37.3 Deg. at 3:58am; Wind: NNE, Light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 38.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 28.7 Deg. at 5:22am; Dew Point: 37.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 36.5 Deg. at 3:58am; Sky: Cloudy and overcast, w/clouds up near 300'; Humidity at 97%; Visibility of 5.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.39Hg;'; Pressure Altitude: 491.01'; Density Altitude: -794.20'; Cloud Base: 180.36'; Ground: wet to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/22/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 22.2 mph N, at 7:30pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Light snow has ended. Total new snow accumulation since midnight: 0.1". Current Temp: 30.7 Deg., Low Temp: 30.3 Deg. at 5;14am; Wind: N, light and variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 30.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 19.1 Deg. at 5:57am; Dew Point: 29.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 29.3 Deg. at 6:16am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 24K'; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 6.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.83Hg; Pressure Altitude: 83.40'; Density Altitude: -1812.30'; Cloud Base: 257.20'; Ground: Light layer of new snow covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/23/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 19.0 mph N, at 10:25am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 30.7 Deg., Low Temp: 28.1 Deg. at 5:35am; Wind: N, light and variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 30.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 28.1 Deg. at 5:35am; Dew Point: 29.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 26.7 Deg. at 4:43am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 34K'; Humidity at 95%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.09Hg; Pressure Altitude: -156.68'; Density Altitude: -2098.46'; Cloud Base: 308.51'; Ground: Areas of light old snow; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/24/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 12.7 mph NNE, at 7:55pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 31.3 Deg., Low Temp: 31.3 Deg. at 6:58am; Wind: N, at 1.2 mph, Gust: 14.5 mph; Wind Chill: 31.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 20.6 Deg. at 6:07am; Dew Point: 26.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 26.3 Deg. at 6:58am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 3K'; Humidity at 81%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.18Hg; Pressure Altitude: -235.42'; Density Altitude: -2147.53'; Cloud Base: 1255.97'; Ground: Spotty areas of old snow; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/25/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 30.0 mph W, at 7:35am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 22.5 Deg., Low Temp: 21.5 Deg. at 5:09am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 22.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 21.5 Deg. at 5:09am; Dew Point: 20.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 18.9 Deg. at 2:32am; Sky: Fair>clear; Humidity at 93%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.35Hg; Pressure Altitude: -397.78'; Density Altitude:
-2993.95'; Cloud Base: 434.71'; Ground; Areas of light frost; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/26/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 10.3 mph N, at 11:56am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr new snow accumulation: "T". Current Temp: 30.1 Deg., Low Temp: 28.2 Deg. at 2:40am;
Wind: WSW, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 30.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 28.2 Deg. at 2:40am; Dew Point: 28.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 26.6 Deg. at 1:15am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 48K'; Humidity at 94%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.50Hg; Pressure Altitude: -532.49'; Density Altitude: -2604.18'; Cloud Base: 411.55'; Ground: Spotty areas of frost; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable.
12/27/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 9.8 mph NNW, at 2:26pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 34.4 Deg., Low Temp: 30.5 Deg. at 12:10am; Wind: N, at 1.2 mph, Gust: 7.3 mph; Wind Chill: 34.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 22.8 Deg. at 5:40am; Dew Point: 29.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 27.3 Deg. at 12:05am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 82%; Visibility of 10..0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.37Hg; Pressure Altitude: -413.97'; Density Altitude: -2166.53'; Cloud Base: 1243.83'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/28/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 34.9 mph S, at 9:57pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Areas of light rain is falling. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.13". Current Temp: 51.4 Deg., Low Temp: 47.4 Deg. at 12:am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 51.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 41.3 Deg. at 12:21am; Dew Point: 49.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 45.2 Deg. at 12:06am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 21K'; Humidity at 95%; Visibility of 6.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.85Hg; Pressure Altitude: 64.24'; Density Altitude: -405.98'; Cloud Base: 359.02'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/29/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 20.9 mph N, at 12:30am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.04". Current Temp: 31.0 Deg., Low Temp: 30.1 Deg. at 5:03am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.7 mph; Wind Chill: 31.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 19.7 Deg. at 4:28am; Dew Point: 29.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 28.3 Deg. at 5:03am; Sky: Cloudy>overcast, w/clouds up near 8K'; Humidity at 93%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.24Hg; Pressure Altitude: -295.04'; Density Altitude:
-2257.42'; Cloud Base: 458.82'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/30/2018 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 17.5 mph N, at 1:39am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 31.4 Deg., Low Temp: 31.4 Deg. at 6:35am; Wind: NW, at 8.8 mph, Gust: 12.1 mph; Wind Chill: 31.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 22.3 Deg. at 6:35am; Dew Point: 27.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 27.0 Deg. at 6:50am; Sky: Cloudy>overcast, w/clouds up near 17K'; Humidity at 84%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.20Hg; Pressure Altitude: -254.40'; Density Altitude: -2171.27'; Cloud Base: 1095.87'; Ground: areas of light frost; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
12/31/2018 |
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Wind Advisory to start: 7:pm tonight. Yesterday's High Wind: 15.4 mph N, at 1:12pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 38.4 Deg., Low Temp: 32.0 Deg. at 12:am; Wind: WNW, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 38.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 25.7 mph at 12:06am; Dew Point: 33.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 28.8 Deg. at 12:am; Sky: Cloudy>overcast, w/clouds up near 65k'; Humidity at 83%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.10Hg; Pressure Altitude: -159.39'; Density Altitude: -1576.90'; Cloud Base: 1198.27'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
1/1/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 35.6 mph W, at 11:55pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.99". Current Temp: 37.2 Deg., Low Temp: 37.0 Deg. at 6:57am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 9.6 mph; Wind Chill: 37.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 30.2 Deg. at 6:10am; Dew Point: 34.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 34.1 Deg. at 6:56am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 11K'; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.09Hg; Pressure Altitude: -151.24'; Density Altitude: -1643.11'; Cloud Base: 698.49'; Ground: Soggy to saturate, in most some areas; Roadways: Possible a few roads closed due to high standing water. All other roads are clear and passable. |
1/2/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 31.2 mph WNW, at 3:35a. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Light>moderate Haze, in some areas. Current Temp: 32.9 Deg., Low Temp: 32.5 Deg. at 5:06a; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 32.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 32.5 Deg. at 5:06a; Dew Point: 32.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 31.7 Deg. at 5:06a; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 800'; Humidity at 97%; Visibility of 4.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.27Hg; Pressure Altitude: -322.11'; Density Altitude: -2164.29'; Cloud Base: 169.96'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
1/3/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 21.4 mph N, at 9:51pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr new snow accumulation: "T". Current Temp: 30.2 Deg., Low Temp: 39.9 Deg. at 5:45am; Wind: N, 0.5 mph, Gust: 1.3 mph; Wind Chill: 30.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 18.2 Deg. at 12:43am; Dew Point: 27.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 27.1 Deg. at 4:10am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 11K'; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.09Hg; Pressure Altitude: -153.96'; Density Altitude: -2130.40'; Cloud Base: 583.01'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
1/4/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 23.9 mph N, at 12:30am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Areas of light patchy frost. Current Temp: 32.7 Deg., Low Temp: 30.3 Deg. at 12:42am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 32.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 22.3 Deg. at 2:07am; Dew Point: 29.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 28.1 Deg. at 1:57am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.95Hg; Pressure Altitude: -28.66'; Density Altitude: -1811.59'; Cloud Base: 705.50'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
1/5/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 10.5 mph N, at 1:50pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 32.2 Deg., Low Temp: 32.0 Deg. at 7:00am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 32.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 28.7 Deg. at 5:17am; Dew Point: 29.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 29.3 Deg. at 6:55am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 90%; Visibility 0f 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.71Hg; Pressure Altitude: 198.58'; Density Altitude: -1555.74'; Cloud Base: 655.56'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
1/6/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 17.3 mph N, at 10:33pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Light>moderate Haze, in some areas. Current Temp: 35.5 Deg., Low Temp: 34.5 Deg. at 5:59am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 9.0 mph. Wind Chill: 35.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 27.2 Deg. at 6:47am; Dew Point: 33.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 33.2 Deg. at 5:59am; Sky: Cloudy>clear; Humidity at 93%; Visibility of 7.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.16Hg; Pressure Altitude: -219.15'; Density Altitude: -1839.34'; Cloud Base: 475.00'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
1/7/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 11.5 mph N, at 6:47am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Total new snow and/or mixed precip. since midnight: "T". Current Temp: 32.7 Deg., Low Temp: 32.1 Deg. at 2:07am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 32.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 21.5 Deg. at 4:am; Dew Point: 26.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 26.0 Deg. at 3:34am; Sky: Cloudy; Humidity at 79%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.25Hg; Pressure Altitude: -308.58'; Density Altitude: -2147.37'; Cloud Base: 1468.41'; Ground: Wet, to moist, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
1/8/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 29.4 mph N, at 9:49pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.04". Current Temp: 51.8 Deg., Low Temp: 51.6 Deg. at 7:00am;
Wind: N, 2.3 mph, Gust: 2.6 mph; Wind Chill: 51.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 47.9 Deg. at 5:09am; Dew Point: 47.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 46.5 Deg. at 12:04am; Sky: Cloudy, w/clouds up near 14K'; Humidity at 87%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.86Hg; Pressure Altitude: 53.30'; Density Altitude: -392.73'; Cloud Base: 950.21'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
1/9/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 41.5 mph NNE, at 3:07pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Light snow is falling. Total new snow accumulation since midnight: 0.2". Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.05". Current Temp: 28.6 Deg., Low Temp: 28.4 Deg. at 6:59am; Wind: N, 11.5 mph, Gust: 2.7 mph; Wind Chill: 28.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 15.7 Deg. at 6:55am; Dew Point: 27.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 26.7 Deg. at 6:59am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 39K'; Humidity at 93%; Visibility of 0.75 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.94Hg; Pressure Altitude: -20.48'; Density Altitude: -2083.78'; Cloud Base: 408.55'; Ground: Light layer of new snow accumulation; Roadways: Some roads may be slick for travel. No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
1/10/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 25.8 mph N, at 11:07pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Areas of light snow is falling. Current Temp: 20.2 Deg., Low Temp: 19.2 Deg. at 4:41am; Wind: N at 11.4 mph, Gust: 13.9 mph; Wind Chill: 20.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 3.5 Deg. at 5:32am; Dew Point: 14.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 14.3 Deg. at 6:54am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 29K'; Humidity at 80%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.24Hg; Pressure Altitude: -295.04'; Density Altitude: -3017.00'; Cloud Base: 1322.26'; Ground: Layer of light snow, in most areas; Roadways: Some back/less traveled roads may still be slick for travel. No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
1/11/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 21.5 mph N, at 5:32am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr new snow accumulation: "T". Current Temp: 23.6 Deg., Low Temp: 23.3 Deg. at 6:55am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 23.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 14.9 Deg. at 12:07am; Dew Point: 18.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 18.4 Deg. at 5:28am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 23K'; Humidity at 82%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.42Hg; Pressure Altitude: -454.42'; Density Altitude: -2985.66'; Cloud Base: 1190.73'; Ground: Areas of light snow covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
1/12/2019 |
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Winter WX Advisory>From: 10:am this morning, To: 7:AM Sunday. Yesterday's High Wind: 9.7 mph NNW, at 2:52pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 23.9 Deg., Low Temp: 22.4 Deg. at 5:14am; Wind: SE, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 23.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 16.7 Deg. at 6:18am; Dew Point: 20.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 19.0 Deg. at 12:23am; Sky: Fair>Clear; Humidity at 86%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.41Hg; Pressure Altitude: -462.50'; Density Altitude: -2981.39'; Cloud Base: 885.57'; Ground: Areas of light old snow and/or frost; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
1/13/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 12.2 mph N, at 11:42am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr new snow accumulation: 3.0". Current Temp: 24.4 Deg., Low Temp: 24.0 Deg. at 6:22am; Wind: N, Light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 24.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 12.1 Deg. at 6:14am; Dew Point: 23.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 23.0 Deg. at 6:22am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 500'; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.29'; Pressure Altitude: -338.33'; Density Altitude: -2789.49'; Cloud Base: 243.63'; Ground: New powered snow covering, in all areas; Roadways: All treated and untreated roads/bridges and off-ramps, may still be slick for travel. Road conditions should be observed. |
1/14/2019 |
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Special WX Statement>Areas of dense fog: Yesterday's High Wind: 17.2 mph ESE, at 10:45am. Todays current 7:am weather observation: Possible light to moderate Haze in some areas, along with Fog. Current Temp: 18.0 Deg., Low Temp: 14.7 Deg. at 6:09am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 18.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 14.7 Deg. at 6:09am; Dew Point: 17.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 13.7 Deg. at 6:09am; Sky: Cloudy and overcast, w/clouds up near 400'; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 6.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.33Hg; Pressure Altitude: -381.58'; Density Altitude: -3300.81'; Cloud Base: 230.65'; Ground: Snow covered; Roadways: Some less traveled/back roads may still be slick for travel. No weather related road closures. |
1/15/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts for today. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 8.1 mph N, at 12:25pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Areas of Haze and possible light freezing fog. Current Temp: 18.7 Deg., Low Temp: 14.9 Deg. at 12:03am; Wind: WNW at 6.9 mph, Gust: 4.2 mph; Wind Chill: 9.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 7.4 Deg. at 6:16am; Dew Point: 17.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 13.7 Deg. at 12:03am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, with clouds up near 400'; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 4.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.27Hg; Pressure Altitude: -319.40'; Density Altitude: -3171.40'; Cloud Base: 267.80'; Ground: Wide areas snow covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
1/16/2019 |
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Winter WX Advisory>Freezing Rain: Until 10am this morning. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 19.6 mph NW, at 10:52pm. Todays' current 7:am weather observation. Spotty areas of light snow and areas of light ice glaze on most roads, brides and off ramps. Current Temp: 28.4 Deg., Low Temp: 27.6 Deg. at 12:am; Wind: WNW at 8.8 mph, Gust: 1.8 mph; Wind Chill: 28.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 15.4 Deg. at 12:30am; Dew Point: 27.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 26.5 Deg. at 12:am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 900'; Humidity at 95%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.18Hg; Pressure Altitude: -243.56'; Density Altitude: -2377.36'; Cloud Base: 286.23'; Ground: Wide areas of snow and light areas of freezing rain covering; Roadways: Untreated roads, bridges and off ramps may be slick for travel. No weather related road closures. |
1/17/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 20.6 mph N, at 12:54am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 25.2 Deg., Low Temp: 25.0 Deg. at 4:49am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 25.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 16.1 Deg. at 4:31am; Dew Point: 22.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 21.9 Deg. at 4:49am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 800'; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.27Hg; Pressure Altitude: -319.40'; Density Altitude: -2701.06'; Cloud Base: 675.11'; Ground: Wide area of old snow covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
1/18/2019 |
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Winter Storm Watch: To start tonight, through Sunday night. Yesterdays' High Wind Gust: 9.8 mph N, at 7:37am. Todays' Current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr new snow accumulation: 1.7". Current Temp: 31.5 Deg., Low Temp: 31.4 Deg. at 6:50am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 31.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 24.7 Deg. at 2:56am; Dew Point: 30.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 30.7 Deg. at 6:50am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 500'; Humidity at 97%; Visibility of 4.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.06Hg; Pressure Altitude: -132.20'; Density Altitude: -2025.49'; Cloud Base: 175.33'; Ground: Wide area snow covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
1/19/2019 |
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Winter Storm Warning: Until 10:am Sunday 1/20. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 13.4 mph N, at 3:18am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 26.9 Deg., Low Temp: 26.8 Deg. at 6:23am; Wind: Light & variable, Gust: 9.4 mph; Wind Chill: 26.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 16.7 Deg. at 1:50am; Dew Point: 24.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 24.0 Deg. at 1:50am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 24K'; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 7.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.03Hg; Pressure Altitude: -99.54'; Density Altitude: -2303.76'; Cloud Base: 541.41'; Ground: Wide area of old snow covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
1/20/2019 |
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Winter Storm Warning: Until 10:am this morning. Yesterday's High Wind: 26.4 mph NNE, at 9:24pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Light blowing snow is falling. Past 24-hr new snow accumulation: 9.4". Current Temp: 15.6 Deg., Low Temp: 11.8 Deg. at 3:33am; Wind: N, at 15.0 mph, Gust: 5.7 mph; Wind Chill: 2.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: -1.5 Deg. at 6:53am; Dew Point: 14.4 Deg.; Sky: Cloudy & overcast w/clouds up near 2K'; Humidity at 95%; Visibility of 3.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.85Hg; Pressure Altitude: 58.77'; Density Altitude: -2921.94'; Cloud Base: 299.79'; Ground: Wide areas of deep impacted snow covering; Roadways: All roads, bridges, and overpasses are hazardous for travel, some less traveled and back roads are impassable. |
1/21/2019 |
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Wind Chill Advisory: Until Noon, today. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 28.9 mph, N, at 7:58am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr new snow accumulation: 0.1". Current Temp: -9.4 Deg., Low Temp: -9.0 Deg. at 6:12am; Wind: NW, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: -9.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: -22.2 Deg. at 4:01am; Dew Point: -12.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: -11.8 Deg. at 6:12am; Sky: P/Cloudy> Clear; Humidity at 87%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.42Hg; Pressure Altitude: -449.03'; Density Altitude: -5449.31'; Cloud Base: 703.23'; Ground: Ground: Wide area of snow covering; Roadways: Some treated roads may still be slick for travel, No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
1/22/2019 |
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Wind Chill Advisory: Until 9:AM this morning. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 8.1 mph N, at 12:36am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 8.6 Deg., Low Temp: -2.5 Deg. at 12:46am; Wind: SW at 0.7 mph, Gust: 3.5 mph; Wind Chill: 8.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: -5.7 Deg. at 6:10am; Dew Point: 6.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: -4.5 Deg. at 12:46am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 11K'; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.49Hg; Pressure Altitude: -527.11'; Density Altitude: -4180.91'; Cloud Base: 642.65'; Ground: Wide area of old snow covering; Roadways: Some treated roads may still be slick of travel. No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
1/23/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 20.3 mph N, at 5:47am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Total rain accumulation since midnight: 0.17. Current Temp: 35.6 Deg., Low Temp: 33.2 Deg. at 12:50am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.2mph: Wind Chill: 35.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 23.4 Deg. at 1:12am; Dew Point: 34.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 24.9 Deg. at 12:11am; Sky: Overcast; Humidity at 94%; Visibility of 2.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.89Hg; Pressure Altitude: 31.42'; Density Altitude: -1512.70'; Cloud Base: 361.96'; Ground: areas of old snow covering; Roadways: No closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
1/24/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 30.3 mph N, at 1:35pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 1.00". Total new snow after midnight: 0.4". Current Temp: 26.6 Deg., Low Temp: 26.3 Deg. at 5:13am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 7.5 mph; Wind Chill: 26.6 Deg. Low Wind Chill: 16.0 Deg. at 6:09am; Dew Point: 25.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 24.4 Deg. at 6:13am; Sky: Cloudy>overcast, w/clouds up near 11K'; Humidity at 94%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.70Hg; Pressure Altitude: 206.82'; Density Altitude: -1941.27'; Cloud Base: 372.31'; Ground: 0.4" of new snow, over old snow; Roadways: Some roads may be slick. No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
1/25/2019 |
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Wind Chill Advisory: Until 1:pm today. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 27.4 mph N, at 10:57pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Total new snow since midnight: "T". Current Temp: 9.4 Deg., Low Temp: 9.2 Deg. at 6:54am; Wind: NNW at 4.7 mph, Gust: 13.6 mph; Wind Chill: 9.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: -9.6 Deg. at 6:25am; Dew Point: 5.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 5.1 Deg. at 6:50am; Sky: Cloudy>overcast, w/clouds up near 19K'; Humidity at 83%; Visibility of 8:0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.06Hg; Pressure Altitude: -126.76'; Density Altitude: -3614.70'; Cloud Base: 1007.60'; Ground: Areas of old snow covering; Roadways: Areas of slick Pri/Sec/Back roads, and a few slick off-ramps and bridges. No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
1/26/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 24.3 mph N, at 6:21am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Light snow grains was falling. Total new snow accumulation since midnight: "T". Current Temp: 15.3 Deg., Low Temp: 13.8 Deg. at 12:am; Wind: WNW, at 0.0 mph, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 15.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 13.8 Deg. at 12:am; Dew Point: 13.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 8.8 Deg. at 12:am; Sky: Cloudy and overcast, w/clouds up near 5K'; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 5.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.12Hg; Pressure Altitude: -186.57'; Density Altitude: -3260.48'; Cloud Base: 562.71'; Ground: Wide area old snow covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are passable. |
1/27/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 16.1 mph N, at 1:22pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr new snow accumulation: 1.8". Current Temp: 22.7 Deg., Low Temp: 22.5 Deg. at 6:48am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 2.2 mph; Wind Chill: 22.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 11.4 Deg. at 5:50am; Dew Point: 21.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 21.0 Deg. at 6:48am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 12K'; Humidity at 94%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.05Hg; Pressure Altitude: -124.04'; Density Altitude: -2635.66'; Cloud Base: 403.73'; Ground: Wide area of old and new snow covering; Roadways: Areas of slick roads at bridges, overpasses, less travelled and back roads. No weather related road closures, all open roads are passable. |
1/28/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts for today. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 29.6 mph N, at 1:19am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 11.7 Deg., Low Temp: 1.0 Deg., at 1:13am; Wind: N, at 6.5 mph, Gust: 9.3 mph; Wind Chill: 8.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: -3.1 Deg. art 6:17am; Dew Point: 8.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: -0.8 Deg. at 1:13am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 75K'; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 0.5 miles; Barometric pressure: 30.06Hg; Pressure Altitude; -126.76'; Density Altitude: -3450.98'; Cloud Base: 689.86'; Ground: Wide area of old snow covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are passable. |
1/29/2019 |
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Winter WX Advisory: Until Noon, today/Wind Chill Warning: From 7:pm tonight, thru 4:pm Thur. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 26.2 mph N, at 5:31pm. Todays current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.02"/Past 24-hr new snow accumulation: 0.1". Current Temp: 15.5 Deg., Low Temp: 15.5 Deg. at 6:53am; Wind: N, at 0.7 mph, Gust: 9.4 mph; Wind Chill: 15.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 1.8 Deg. at 3:01am; Dew Point: 12.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 12.1 Deg. at 6:26am; Sky: Cloudy>overcast, w/clouds up near 17K'; Humidity at 86%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.96Hg; Pressure Altitude: -28.66'; Density Altitude: -3024.76'; Cloud Base: 839.03'; Ground: Wide area of old & new snow covering; Roadways: Areas of slick walkways, roads around bridges, ramps, less traveled and back roads. No weather related road closures, all open roads are passable. |
1/30/2019 |
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Wind Chill Warning: Thru 4:pm Thursday. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 29.2 mph N, at 8:21pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr new snow accumulation: 0.4". Current Temp: -2.3 Deg., Low Temp: -2.6 Deg. at 6:57am; Wind: N, at 9.2 mph, Gust: 14.0 mph; Wind Chill: -2.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: -24.6 Deg. at 5:48am; Dew Point: -9.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: -9.6 Deg. at 5:13am; Sky: Cloudy, w/clouds up near 17K'; Humidity at 73%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.03Hg; Pressure Altitude: -104.98'; Density Altitude: -4473.95'; Cloud Base: 1669.16'; Ground: Areas of old/new snow covering; Roadways: Some private/public walkways/driveways are slick. Primary and Secondary, less traveled/back roads; ramps and bridges may still be slick for travel |
1/31/2019 |
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Wind Chill Warning: Until 4:pm today. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 40.4 mph at 10:17am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: -5.5 Deg., Low Temp: -5.7 Deg. at 6:48am; Wind: W, at 3.5 mph, Gust: 4.5 mph; Wind Chill: -5.5 (-14.2)Deg., Low Wind Chill: -19.1 Deg. at 6:am; Dew Point: -9.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: -9.3 Deg. at 6:48am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 84%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.46Hg; Pressure Altitude: -494.82'; Density Altitude: -5210.26'; Cloud Base: 912.31'; Ground: Wide area of old snow covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
2/1/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 17.3 mph SW, at 3:06pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Light snow is falling. Total accumulated snow since midnight: 1.0". Current Temp: 9.1 Deg., Low Temp: 8.5 Deg. at 2:49am; Wind: ENE, light & and variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 9.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: -2.7 Deg. at 6:23am; Dew Point: 7.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 3.2 Deg. at 12:am; Sky: Overcast, w/clouds up near 18K'; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 0.25 mile; Barometric Pressure: 30.41Hg; Pressure Altitude: -451.72'; Density Altitude: -4055.54'; Cloud Base: 515.80'; Ground: Wide area of old and new snow covering; Roadways: All primary/secondary, back and less traveled roads, off ramps and bridges, may be hazardous for travel. |
2/2/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 10.4 mph ESE, at 9:39am. Todays' current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr new snow accumulation: 0.5". Current Temp: 18.0 Deg., Low Temp: 11.8 Deg. at 12:12am. Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 18.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 2.0 Deg. at 1:14am; Dew Point: 16.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 9.4 Deg. at 12:112am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 94%; Visibility of 7.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.35Hg; Pressure Altitude: -392.38'; Density Altitude: -3307.10'; Cloud Base: 382.84'; Ground: Wide area of snow covering; Roadways: Areas of slick spots. No weather related road closures, all open roads are passable. |
2/3/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 11.9 mph WSW, at 2:20pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 36.8 Deg., Low Temp: 35.5 Deg. at 12:01am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 36.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 32.0 Deg. at 5:46am; Dew Point: 35.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 34.4 Deg. at 4:25am; Sky: Cloudy>overcast, w/clouds up near 43K'; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 7.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.19Hg; Pressure Altitude: -247.56'; Density Altitude: -1786.10'; Cloud Base: 277.48'; Ground: Wide area of old snow covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
2/4/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust. 13.9 mph W, at 1:32pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 43.4 Deg., Low Temp; 41.8 Deg. at 4:33am; Wind: Light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 43.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 36.2 Deg. at 4:33am; Dew Point: 39.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 37.5 Deg. at 4:33am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 86%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.09Hg; Pressure Altitude: -156.68'; Density Altitude; -1228.95'; Cloud Base: 952.77'; Ground: Areas of old snow covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
2/5/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 18.5 mph N, at 7:21pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.15". Areas of light to moderate fog. Current Temp: 42.4 Deg., Low Temp: 42.4 Deg. at 6:54am; Wind: NNW, at 3.1 mph, Gust: 9.2 mph; Wind Chill: 39.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 37.4 Deg. at 6:35am; Dew Point: 41.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 41.7 at 6:54am; Sky: Cloudy; Humidity at 97%; Visibility of 4.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.14Hg; Pressure Altitude: -205.57'; Density Altitude: -1351.49'; Cloud Base: 170.54'; Ground: Spotty areas of old snow covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
2/6/2019 |
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Special WX Statement: Patchy Dense Fog, thru mid AM. Yesterday's High Wind: 14.0 mph NNW, at 4:28am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Total rain accumulation since midnight: 0.12". Areas of light to moderate fog. Light to moderate rain is falling. Current Temp: 45.6 Deg., Low Temp: 36.0 Deg. at 12:am; Wind: SW, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 45.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 38.9 Deg. at 6:29am; Dew Point: 44.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 40.9 Deg. at 4:51am; Sky: Overcast, w/clouds up near 200'; Humidity at 97%; Visibility of 3.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.04Hg; Pressure Altitude: -113.15'; Density Altitude: -1017.80'; Cloud Base: 186.42'; Ground: wet to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
2/7/2019 |
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Dense Fog Advisory thru 9:am today. Flood Watch thru late tonight. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 10.4 mph WSW, at 6:39am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.43". Areas of light to moderate fog. Current Temp: 39.8 Deg., Low Temp: 37.7 Deg. at 4:27am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 39.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 32.5 Deg. at 4:27am; Dew Point: 39.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 37.2 Deg. at 4:27am; Sky: Cloudy and overcast, w/clouds up near 2K'; Humidity at 98%; Visibility of 4.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.10Hg; Pressure Altitude: -109.73'; Density Altitude: -1479.72'; Cloud Base: 109.68'; Ground: Soggy to saturated, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
2/8/2019 |
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Wind Advisory: Thru 10:am this AM. Area Flood Warning: For SE Ash., thru 12:45PM. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 26.0 mph N, at 11:04pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Light snow grains is falling. Winds: Gusty; Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.88". Current Temp: 22.2 Deg., Low Temp: 21.1 Deg. at 5:57am; Wind: N, at 1.5 mph, Gust: 17.7 mph; Wind Chill: 12.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 5.5 Deg. at 5:48am; Dew Point: 17.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 17.0 Deg. at 5:37am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 23K'; Humidity at 82%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.27Hg; Pressure Altitude: -322.11'; Density Altitude: -2927.80'; Cloud Base: 1326.82'; Ground: Soggy to saturate, in most areas; Roadways: Areas of high water levels. No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
2/9/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 36.6 mph NNW, at 12:30am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr new snow accumulation: "T". Current Temp: 15.2 Deg., Low Temp: 13.8 Deg. at 2:10am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 15.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 4.6 Deg. at 6:45am; Dew Point: 10.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 7.2 Deg. at 2:12am; Sky: Cloudy>overcast, w/clouds up near 28K'; Humidity at 81%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.90Hg; Pressure altitude: -896.24'; Density Altitude: -4148.18'; Cloud Base: 1199.70'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
2/10/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 22.5 mph N, at 1:13am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 17.8 Deg., Low Temp: 14.5 Deg. at 1:32am. Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 17.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 3.9 Deg. at 4:10am; Dew Point: 15.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 12.0 Deg. at 1:32am; Sky: P/Cloudy, w/clouds up near 11K'; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.68Hg; Pressure Altitude: -696.12'; Density Altitude: -3719.00'; Cloud Base: 537.58'; Ground: Areas of light>moderate frost. Wet to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
2/11/2019 |
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Special WX Statement: Patchy freezing drizzle thru mid AM. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 13.8 mph N, at 12:28pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr new snow accumulation: 2.1". Areas of light>moderate fog. Current Temp: 33.2 Deg., Low Temp: 30.3 Deg. at 12:am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 33.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 30.3 Deg. at 12:am; Dew Point: 32.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 29.2 Deg. at 12:am; Sky: Cloudy>overcast, w/clouds up near 200'; Humidity at 97%; Visibility of 4.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.28Hg; Pressure Altitude: -330.22'; Density Altitude: -2153.32'; Cloud Base: 214.91'; Ground: Wide area of new snow covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures. Some less traveled/back roads may be untreated. Areas of slick roads around bridges and ramps. All roads are wet. |
2/12/2019 |
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Flood Watch: Thru late PM. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 12.7 mph N, at 8:21pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Light>moderate rain is falling. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.40". Current Temp: 35.5 Deg., Low Temp: 34.0 Deg. at 12:07am. Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 35.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 22.8 Deg. at 4:23am; Dew Point: 34.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 33.4 Deg. at 12:07am; Sky: Overcast, w/clouds up near 500'; Humidity at 98%; Visibility of 2.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.87Hg; Pressure Altitude: 72.45'; Density Altitude: -1468.48'; Cloud Base: 139.76'; Ground: Soggy>saturated, in most areas;
Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. Low lined areas standing water in roadways. All roads are wet and slick. |
2/13/2019 |
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Wind Advisory: Until 4:pm today. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 35.2 mph N, at 9:06pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Light blowing snow is falling. Past 24-hr new snow accumulation: 0.4". Windy. Current Temp: 23.7 Deg., Low Temp: 23.3 Deg. at 6:am; Wind: WNW, at 16.1 mph, Gust: 30.6 mph; Wind Chill: 23.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 6.9 Deg. at 5:57am; Dew Point: 21.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 19.6 Deg. at 6:07am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 27K'; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 0.5 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.87Hg; Pressure Altitude: 45.09'; Density Altitude: -2351.39'; Cloud Base: 637.56'; Ground: Wet to soggy, w/areas of new snow covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures. Areas of wet to slick roads near bridges and ramps, and less traveled and back roads. |
2/14/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 32.2 mph WNW, at 9:21am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 28.4 Deg., Low Temp: 26.2 Deg. at 3:29am; Wind: N, light>variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 28.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 19.3 Deg. at 1:38am; Dew Point: 24.5 Deg. Low Dew Point: 22.2 Deg. at 1:12am; Sky: P/Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 12K'; Humidity at 85%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.09Hg; Pressure Altitude: -156.68'; Density Altitude: -2268.54'; Cloud Base: 960.07'; Ground: Wet to soggy, with spotty areas of old light snow covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
2/15/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 19.6 mph N, at 3:PM. Today's current 7:AM weather observation. Windy. Total rain accumulation since midnight: 0.01". Current Temp: 37.9 Deg., Low Temp: 36.8 Deg. at 6:59am; Wind: N, at 1.2 mph, Gust: 18.1 mph; Wind Chill: 37.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 27.2 Deg. at 6:55am; Dew Point: 32.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 31.8 Deg. at 2:01am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 21K';
Humidity at 85%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.76Hg; Pressure Altitude: 143..68'; Density Altitude: -1303.15'; Cloud Base: 1012.13'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
2/16/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 24.6 mph WNW, at 2:39PM. Today's Current 7:AM weather observation. Current Temp: 21.1 Deg., Low Temp: 20.4 Deg. at 3:46pm; Wind: NNW, at 8.3 mph, Gust: 9.3 mph; Wind Chill: 21.1 (11.4) Deg., Low Wind Chill: 9.0 Deg. at 5:09am; Dew Point: 18.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 17.3 Deg. at 4:12am; Sky: Cloudy & Overcast, w/clouds up near 14K'; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.15Hg; Pressure Altitude: -211.00'; Density Altitude: -2853.32'; Cloud Base: 747.89'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas;, Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
2/17/2019 |
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Winter WX Advisory: Thru 7:PM tonight. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 15.0 mph N, at 10:41am. Todays current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 23.4 Deg., Low Temp: 23.2 Deg. at 6:38am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 23.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 11.6 Deg. at 5:46am; Dew Point: 19.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 19.5 Deg. at 4:32am; Sky: Cloudy>overcast, w/clouds up near 14K'; Humidity at 86%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Pressure Altitude: -148.52'; Density Altitude: -2615.97'; Cloud Base: 849.97'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
2/18/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 16.7 mph N, at 4:06pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Areas of light>moderate frost/ice. Past 24-hr new snow accumulation: 0.3". Current Temp: 23.8 Deg., Low Temp: 23.4 Deg. at 4:51am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 23.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 14.6 Deg. at 2:53am; Dew Point: 23.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 22.8 Deg. at 4:51am; Sky: Cloudy>overcast, w/clouds up near 400'; Humidity at 97%; Visibility of 6.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.10Hg.; Pressure Altitude: -170.27'; Density Altitude: -2621.68'; Cloud Base: 157.00'; Ground: Areas of light new snow covering; Roadways: No weather related roads closures, slick areas of travel, in some areas. |
2/19/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 10.6 mph N, at 3:10pm. Todays current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr new snow accumulation: 0.3". Current Temp: 17.7 Deg., Low Temp: 14.1 Deg. at 1:49am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 17.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 6.7 Deg. at 5:18am; Dew Point: 16.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 13.0 Deg. at 1:49am; Sky: Cloudy; Areas of light to moderate fog; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 5.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.73Hg; Pressure Altitude: -738.91'; Density Altitude: -3380.26'; Cloud Base: 236.22'; Ground: Areas of light to moderate new snow and frost; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear. Some less traveled/back roads may be slick. |
2/20/2019 |
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Winter WX Advisory: Thru Noon today. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 11.6 mph ESE, at 11:42am. Moderate snow is falling. Snow start time: 4:25am; Snow start Temp: 28.2 Deg. Current 7:am weather observation. Total new snow accumulation since 4:25am: 4.5". Current Temp: 26.0 Deg., Low Temp: 25.8 Deg. at 6:54am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 26.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 17.1 Deg. at 6:04am; Dew Point: 25.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 20.4 Deg.. at 2:40am; Sky: Overcast, w/clouds up near 1K'; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 0.25 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.32Hg; Pressure Altitude: -370.77'; Density Altitude: -2700.98'; Cloud Base: 245.64'; Ground: Wide area of moderate new snow covering; Roadways: All roads are snow covered, some treated, some untreated. Most area of travel are slick. |
2/21/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 18.8 mph N, at 8:35am; Todays' current 7:am weather Observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.24" Current Temp: 30.6 Deg., Low Temp: 30.4 Deg. at 5:51am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 30.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 18.6 Deg. at 4:40am; Dew Point: 26.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 26.7 Deg. at 6:35am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 23K'; Humidity at 86%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.19Hg; Pressure Altitude: -243.56'; Density Altitude: -224.22'; Cloud Base: 920.39'; Ground: Areas of snow covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. Some less traveled/back roads may be slick, or pass restricted. |
2/22/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 21.3 mph N, at 4:39am. Todays' current 5:am weather observation. Current Temp: 26.6 Deg., Low Temp: 25.4 Deg. at 5:am; Wind: NNE, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 26.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 21.6 Deg. at 4:21am; Dew Point: 23.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 23.5 Deg. at 5:am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.47Hg; Pressure Altitude: -502.89'; Density Altitude: -2838.04'; Cloud Base: 705.95'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in most areas, with spotty areas of old snow covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
2/23/2019 |
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High Wind Watch: From late PM today, through late PM Sunday. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 10.4 mph N, at 11:47am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 29.5 Deg., Low Temp: 26.5 Deg. at 12:04am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.2 mph; Wind Chill: 29.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 18.2 Deg. at 12:15AM; Dew Point: 24.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 22.9 Deg. at 4:01am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 80%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.31Hg; Pressure Altitude: -357.26'; Density Altitude: -2434.68'; Cloud Base: 1318.95'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
2/24/2019 |
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High Wind Warning: Until 1:AM Monday. Yesterday's High wind Gust: 10.4 mph SSW, at 1:55pm. High Wind Gust this hour: 24.1 mph N, at 6:04am; Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.08". Current Temp: 52.4 Deg., Low Temp: 45.8 Deg. at 12:02am; Wind: N, 1.2 mph, Gust: 1.4 mph; Wind Chill: 52.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 41.0 Deg. at 12:29am; Dew Point: 50.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 44.5 Deg. at 12:02am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast, w/clouds up near 24K'; Humidity at 93%; Pressure Altitude: 388.65'; Density Altitude: 62.45'; Cloud Base: 475.64'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
2/25/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 46.1 mph N, at 9:18am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr total rain accumulation: 0.08". Past 24-hr new snow accumulation: "T". Today's current Temp: 17.1 Deg., Low Temp: 16.8 Deg. at 6:58am; Wind: N, at 12.5 mph, Gust: 16.1 mph; Wind Chill: 17.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: -1.3 Deg. at 6:33am; Dew Point: 10.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 9.8 Deg. at 6:58am; Sky: Cloudy, w/clouds up near 25K'; Humidity at 74%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.28Hg; Pressure Altitude: -332.93'; Density Altitude: -3298.10'; Cloud Base: 1696.92'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
2/26/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 32.4 mph W, at 2:55am. Commercial Power lost due to high wind: From-02/24/19 @ 9:05pm...to...02/25/19 @ 1:25pm. Station on Generator power, during the outage.
Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 22.0 Deg., Low Temp: 21.9 Deg. at 7:00am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 22.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 21.9 Deg. at 7:00am; Dew Point: 17.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 12.8 Deg. at 5:35am; Sky: Cloudy/overcast, w/clouds up near 95K'; Humidity at 82%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.54Hg; Pressure Altitude: -572.79'; Density Altitude: -3257.37'; Cloud Base: 1139.57'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No current weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
2/27/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 11.3 mph N, at 4:22pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 24.0 Deg., Low Temp: 20.2 Deg. at 12:19am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 24.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 10.2 Deg. at 12:18am; Dew Point: 19.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 16.2 Deg. at 12:19am; Sky: Cloudy/overcast, w/clouds up near 8K'; Humidity at 82%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.33Hg; Pressure Altitude: -373.47'; Density Altitude: -2855.19'; Cloud Base: 1171.56'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
2/28/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 18.0 mph N, at 10:35am; Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 16.4 Deg., Low Temp: 16.3 Deg. at 6:57am; Wind: N, light & variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 16.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 12.4 Deg. at 12:14am; Dew Point: 13.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 13.5 Deg. at 6:57am; Sky: P/Cloudy>Clear; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.34Hg; Pressure Altitude: -389.68'; Density Altitude: -3428.28'; Cloud Base: 679.80'; Ground: Moist to wet, w/areas of light frost; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
3/3/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 16.7 mph NNE, at 4:38pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 27.1 Deg., Low Temp: 27.1 Deg. at 6:57am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 27.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 22.4 Deg. at 4:05am; Dew Point: 24.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 23.7 Deg. at 12:10am; Sky: Cloudy>overcast, w/clouds up near 36K'; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.24Hg; Pressure Altitude: -295.04'; Density Altitude: -2527.37'; Cloud Base: 775.45'; Ground: Solid to frozen, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
3/4/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 20.1 mph N, at 11:05pm. Todays current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr new snow accumulation: 0.3". New snow start time: 1:22pm; new snow start Temp: 29.6 Deg.; new snow end time: 4:35pm; new snow end Temp: 25.2 Deg.; Current Temp: 7.0 Deg., Low Temp: 7.0 Deg. at 6:55am; Wind: NW, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 7.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: -2.3 Deg. at 452am; Dew Point: 3.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 3.9 Deg. at 6:55am; Sky: Cloudy, w/clouds up near 19K'; Humidity at 87%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.19Hg; Pressure Altitude: -251.69'; Density Altitude: -3945.01'; Cloud Base: 754.80'; Ground: Solid, w/light layer of new snow covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
3/5/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 22.0 mph N, at 2:06pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation: Past 24-hr new snow accumulation: "T". Current Temp: 4.5 Deg., Low Temp: 4.3 Deg. at 5:13am; Wind: NW at 4.2 mph, Gust: 8.5 mph; Wind Chill: -4.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: -9.1 Deg. at 6:56am; Dew Point: 1.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 1.2 Deg. at 5;13am; Sky: P/Cloudy>clear; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Pressure Altitude: -235.42'; Density Altitude: -4112.94'; Cloud Base: 697.06'; Ground: Solid to frozen, w/areas of old snow covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
3/6/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 25.6 mph W, at 3:35pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr new snow accumulation: 0.1". New snow start time: 9:15am, new snow start temp: 10.2 Deg.; Current Temp: 10.1 Deg., Low Temp: 10.0 Deg. at 6:33am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 8.0 mph; Wind Chill: 10.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: -4.2 Deg. at 3:13am; Dew Point: 7.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 7.5 Deg. at 6:33am; Sky: Cloudy>overcast, w/clouds up near 45K'; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.36Hg; Pressure Altitude: -403.17'; Density Altitude: -3904.41'; Cloud Base: 585.93'; Ground: Solid to frozen, w/light layer of old/new snow; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
3/7/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 18.4 mph N, at 2:39pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation: Current Temp: 20.7 Deg., Low Temp: 18.8 Deg. at12:36am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 20.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 7.7 Deg. at 1:14am; Dew Point: 16.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 12.9 Deg. at 12:36am; Sky: Cloudy, w/clouds up near 43K'; Humidity at 84%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.40Hg; Pressure Altitude: -443.64'; Density Altitude: -3182.08'; Cloud Base: 987.56'; Ground: Solid to frozen, w/areas of light old snow covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
3/8/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 16.1 mph N, at 1:14am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr new snow accumulation: "T". Current Temp: 22.0 Deg., Low Temp: 19.7 Deg. at 12:43am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 22.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 10.7 Deg. at 2:23am; Dew Point: 18.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 15.4 Deg. at 12:31am; Sky: P/Cloudy>clear; Humidity at 87%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.36Hg; Pressure Altitude: -403.17'; Density Altitude: -3029.67'; Cloud Base: 837.76'; Ground: Solid to frozen, with areas of old/new snow covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
3/9/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 10.4 mph SSE, at 8:53am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 26.2 Deg., Low Temp: 23.7 Deg. at 4:02am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 26.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 14.3 Deg. at 4:07; Dew Point: 20.5 Deg. Low Dew Point: 19.2 Deg. at 2:25am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 79%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.30Hg; Pressure Altitude: -343.74'; Density Altitude: -2645.61'; Cloud Base: 1402.91'; Ground: Solid>frozen w/light layer of frost, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
3/11/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 31.3 mph N, at 6:56pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.35". Current Temp: 30.7 Deg., Low Temp: 30.7 Deg. at 6:59am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.3 mph; Wind Chill: 30.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 22.1 Deg. at 5:09am; Dew Point: 27.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 27.3 Deg. at 6:59am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 87%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.36Hg; Pressure Altitude: -408.57'; Density Altitude: -2420.72'; Cloud Base: 843.83'; Ground: Moist to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. {EDIT: Observer reported 0.35 for new precip. QPE data and surrounding reports of 0.00's indicate this could be a multi-day report or a date error. 0.35 matches better with reports in the area on the previous day. Changed report of 0.35 to NA until observer can be contacted to verify. Submission Time Before EDIT: 3/11/2019 7:05 AM CoCoSTAFF DNT} |
3/12/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 25.0 mph N, at 5:45pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: "T". Current Temp: 25.0 Deg., Low Temp: 24.7 Deg. at 6:47am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 25.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 21.0 Deg. at 2:28am; Dew Point: 20.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 0.0 Deg. at 2:02am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 83%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: Pressure Altitude: 30.36Hg; Pressure Altitude: 405.87'; Density Altitude: -2831.12'; Cloud Base: 1127.66'; Ground: Moist to wet, with areas of light frost covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
3/13/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 10.4 mph N, at 12:52am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 37.5 Deg., Low Temp: 30.1 Deg. at 12:52am; Wind: WNW, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 37.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 27.8 Deg. at 3:39am; Dew Point: 24.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 24.2 Deg. at 6:28am; Sky: P/Cloudy>clear; Humidity at 59%; Barometric Pressure: 30.13Hg; Pressure Altitude: -197.43'; Density Altitude: -1672.91'; Cloud Base: 3253.89'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
3/14/2019 |
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Wind Advisory: From>Noon today thru Midnight tonight.
Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 16.6 mph SSE, at 5:06pm. Todays' current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.01". Current Temp: 55.5 Deg., Low Temp: 50.7 Deg. at 1:37am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 55.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 50.7 Deg. at 1:37am; Dew Point: 36.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 34.8 Deg. at 4:46am; Sky: P/Cloudy>Clear; Humidity at 48%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.89Hg; Pressure Altitude: 23.22'; Density Altitude: -176.60'; Cloud Base: 4851.36'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
3/15/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 35.7 mph W, at 8:31pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation. 0.22". Current Temp: 44.4 Deg., Low Temp: 44.1 Deg. at 5:41am; Wind: N, at 5.8 mph, Gust: 1.6 mph; Wind Chill: 41.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 35.7 Deg. at 5:54am; Dew Point: 37.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 36.9 Deg. at 5:41am; Sky: Cloudy; Humidity at 75%; Visibility of 8.0.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.79Hg; Pressure Altitude: 121.75'; Density Altitude: -794.10'; Cloud Base: 1838.49'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
3/16/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 31.4 mph W, at 4:52pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.04". Total new snow since midnight: "T". Current Temp: 32.5 Deg., Low Temp: 32.3 Deg. at 2:55am. Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 32.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 22.2 Deg. at 1:32am; Dew Point: 29.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 29.0 Deg. at 6:46am; Sky: Cloudy; Humidity at 87%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.16Hg; Pressure Altitude: -221.86'; Density Altitude: -2053.05; Cloud Base: 844.16'; Ground: Wet to soggy, w/light layer of new snow; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
3/17/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 24.2 mph N, at 1:32am. Today's current 7:am weather observations: Total accumulated new snow: Few grains; Current Temp: 22.7 Deg., Low Temp: 22.1 Deg. at 7:07am; Wind: NNW, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 22.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 22.0 Deg. at 1:49am; Dew Point: 20.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 19.4 Deg. at 6:17am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 93%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.26Hg; Pressure Altitude: -316.70'; Density Altitude: -2870.42'; Cloud Base: 467.27'; Ground: Wet, w/light>moderate frost covering, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
3/18/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 11.7 mph N, at 12:25pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Light>moderate fog, in most areas; Past 24-hr new snow accumulation: 0.2". New snow start time: 6:40pm, Snow start Temp: 33.6 Deg., Start B/P: 30.22Hg; Snow end time: 12:25am, snow end temp: 33.6 Deg.; Current Temp: 27.5 Deg., Low Temp: 26.3 Deg. at 2:30am; Wind: NNN, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 27.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 21.3 Deg. at 6:29am; Dew Point: 26.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 25.1 Deg. at 2:31am; Sky: Cloudy; Humidity at 97%; Visibility of 5.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.27Hg; Pressure Altitude: -324.81'; Density Altitude: -2557.55'; Cloud Base: 203.14'; Ground: Light snow covering, w/light frost; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
3/19/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 15.8 mph NNW, at 5:pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr new snow accumulation: "T". Current Temp: 26.0 Deg., Low Temp: 25.9 Deg. at 6:28am; Wind: SE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 26.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 25.9 Deg. at 6:28am; Dew Point: 21.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 21.7 Deg. at 6:28am; Sky: Cloudy>Clear; Humidity at 84%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.38Hg; Pressure Altitude: -424.76'; Density Altitude: -2768.70'; Cloud Base: 1026.26'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas, with light frost covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
3/20/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 10.4 mph NW, at 6:44pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 29.0 Deg., Low Temp: 27.6 Deg. at 4:05am; Wind: SSE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 29.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 27.6 Deg. at 4:05am; Dew Point: 24.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 23.2 Deg. at 4:05am; Sky: Fair>Clear; Humidity at 83%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.25Hg; Pressure Altitude: -303.16'; Density Altitude: -2402.25'; Cloud Base: 1155.38'; Ground: Moist to wet, w/light areas of light frost covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
3/21/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 19.5 mph N, at 10:15pm. Today' Current 7:am weather observation. Total accumulated rain since midnight: 0.03". Current Temp: 42.0 Deg., Low Temp: 41.7 Deg. at 6:48am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 42.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 37.4 Deg. at 3:04am; Dew Point: 40.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 36.1 Deg. at 12:58am; Sky: Cloudy/overcast; Humidity at 93%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.90Hg; Pressure Altitude: 17.76'; Density Altitude: -1094.97'; Cloud Base: 481.86'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
3/22/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 19.2 mph N, at 11:40pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 37.1 Deg., Low Temp: 35.8 Deg. at 4:24am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 37.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 26.7 Deg. at 2:08am; Dew Point: 34.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 31.1 Deg. at 3:06am; Sky: Cloudy; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.78Hg; Pressure Altitude: 135.48'; Density Altitude: -1285.65'; Cloud Base: 741.28'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
3/23/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: N, at 26.1 mph. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr new snow accumulation: 0.2". Snow start time: 9:03am; snow start Temp: 35.4 Deg., snow start B/P: 29.79Hg; Snow end time: 1:16pm; snow end Temp: 33.4 Deg., Snow end B/P: 29.88Hg. Current Temp: 25.0 Deg., Low Temp: 24.9 Deg. at 6:57am; Wind: NNW, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 25.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 16.8 Deg. at 5:07am; Dew Point: 22.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 22.7 Deg. at 6:57am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 92%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.20Hg; Pressure Altitude: -259.82'; Density Altitude: -2647.85; Cloud Base: 529.95'; Ground: Solid, w/light frost covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
3/24/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 13.3 mph N, at 2:17pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 33.2 Deg., Low Temp: 28.9 Deg. at 2:27am; Wind: SW, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 33.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 25.9 Deg. at 5:17am; Dew Point: 24.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 22.1 Deg. at 2:27am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 70%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.21Hg; Pressure Altitude: -267.95'; Density Altitude: -2061.43'; Cloud Base: 2178.15'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
3/25/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 23.7 mph, at 5:38pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation: Total rain accumulation since midnight: 0.01". Current Temp: 34.4 Deg., Low Temp: 34.3 Deg. at 6:58am; Wind: N, at 9.2 mph, Gust: 4.3 mph; Wind Chill: 34.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 25.7 Deg. at 6:43am; Dew Point: 32.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 32.4 Deg. at 6:58am; Sky: P/Cloudy; Humidity at 93%; Visibility of 7.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.07Hg; Pressure Altitude: -137.64'; Density Altitude: -1828.49'; Cloud Base: 459.26'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
3/26/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 26.3 mph N, at 5:55pm. Todays' current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 22.8 Deg., Low Temp: 21.8 Deg. at 6:57am; Wind: E, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 22.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 17.2 Deg. at 12:38am; Dew Point: 15.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 15.1 Deg. at 2:47am; Sky: Clear: Humidity at 76%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.33Hg; Pressure Altitude: -381.58'; Density Altitude: -3024.25'; Cloud Base: 1634.61'; Ground: Solid, w/light frost covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
3/27/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 13.9 mph N, at 4:29pm. Todays current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 23.8 Deg., Low Temp: 23.1 Deg. at 4:02am; Wind: SSE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 23.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 12.0 Deg. at 4:57am; Dew Point: 15.9 Deg., Low Dew Pont: 0.0 Deg. at 4:57am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 71%; Barometric Pressure: 30.40Hg; Pressure Altitude: -443.64'; Density Altitude: -2950.50'; Cloud Base: 1971.59'; Ground: Solid, w/light to moderate frost covering, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
3/28/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 14.4 mph SSE, at 2:27pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 45.3 Deg., Low Temp: 38.6 Deg. at 12:37am; Wind: N, at 0.2 mph, Gust: 0.7 mph; Wind Chill: 45.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 33.1 Deg. at 1:06am; Dew Point: 26.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 23.4 Deg. at 12:44am; Sky: P/Cloudy; Humidity at 48%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.19Hg; Pressure Altitude: -246.27'; Density Altitude: -1217.27'; Cloud Base: 4629.32'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closure, all open roads are clear and passable. |
3/29/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 22.9 mph at 4:22pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation: Light rain is falling. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.33". Current Temp: 49.9 Deg., Low Temp: 47.4 Deg. at 4:16am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 49.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 44.5 Deg. at 2:37am; Dew Point: 48.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 41.8 Deg. at 12:31am; Sky: Cloudy & overcast; Humidity at 95%; Visibility of 2.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.05Hg; Pressure Altitude: -115.87'; Density Altitude: -703.02'; Cloud Base: 321.88'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
3/30/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 19.5 mph N, at 2:11am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Light rain is falling. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.09". Current Temp: 50.4 Deg., Low Temp: 50.0 Deg. at 1:34am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 51.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 50.0 Deg. at 1:34am; Dew Point: 49.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 48.8 Deg. at 6:44am; Sky: Cloudy/overcast; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.79Hg; Pressure Altitude: 124.49'; Density Altitude: -418.59'; Cloud Base: 309.48'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
3/31/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust:
10.5 mph W, at 3:18amm. Current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain and snow accumulation: Rain=0.98"...snow=1.7"=Total mixed precip: 2.68". Current Temp: 28.1 Deg., Low Temp: 28.1 Deg. at 5:52am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 28.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 17.5 Deg. at 6:13am; Dew Point: 27.4 Deg., Sky: Cloudy; Humidity at 98%; Visibility of 4.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.98Hg' Pressure Altitude: -58.67'; Density Altitude: -2167.11'; Cloud Base: 122.88'; Ground: Solid, w/light to moderate snow covering, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, some less travel roads may be slick for travel. |
4/1/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 21.3 mph N, at 11:47am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr new snow accumulation: 0.1". Current Temp: 21.8 Deg., Low Temp: 21.5 Deg. at 6:57am; Wind: NW, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 21.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 17.8 Deg. at 2:01am; Dew Point: 18.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 18.3 Deg. at 6:57am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.30Hg; Pressure Altitude: -351.85'; Density Altitude: -3008.63'; Cloud Base: 788.71'; Ground: Solid, w/areas of light>moderate
snow covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are passable. |
4/2/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 10.8 mph N, at 5:38pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 30.0 Deg., Low Temp: 29.8 Deg. at 6:43am; Wind: N. light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 30.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 23.1 Deg. at 1:44am; Dew Point: 23.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 22.8 Deg. at 6:52am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 75%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.14Hg; Pressure Altitude: 200.14'; Density Altitude: -2216.52'; Cloud Base: 1728.58; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas, w/spotty areas of snow and areas of light frost/glaze; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
4/3/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 14.0 mph N, at 5:22pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 38.9 Deg., Low Temp: 38.8 Deg. at 6:54am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 38.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 34.6 Deg. at 6:01am; Dew Point: 33.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 27.8 Deg. at 12:24am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 81%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.10Hg; Pressure Altitude: -167.55'; Density Altitude: -1552.41'; Cloud Base: 1322.43'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
4/4/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust. 24.5 mph N, at 1:51pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 44.6 Deg., Low Temp: 41.2 Deg. at 3:01am; Wind: NNE, light/variable, Gust: 3.0 mph; Wind Chill: 44.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 41.3 Deg. at 3:01am; Dew Point: 33.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 30.5 Deg. at 4:46am; Sky: Cloudy; Humidity at 65%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.34Hg; Pressure Altitude: -389.68'; Density Altitude: -1429.68'; Cloud Base: 2798.89'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
4/5/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 17.4 mph N, at 67:59pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Light rain is falling. past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.07". Current Temp: 44.0Deg., Low Temp: 40.8 Deg. at 1:03am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 44.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 32.3 Deg. at 12:47am; Dew Point: 40.7 dg., Low Dew Point: 34.0 Deg. at 12:04am; Sky: Cloudy/overcast; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.11Hg; Pressure Altitude: -167.55'; ltitude: -1197.94'; Cloud Base: 822.77'; Ground; Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
4/6/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 24.9 mph N, at 3:31am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Light patchy fog, in some areas; Past 2r-hr rain accumulation: 0.02". Current Temp: 48.2 Deg., Low Temp: 47.7 Deg. at 6:15am; Wind: S, light and variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 48.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 47.7 Deg. at 6:15am; Dew Point: 45.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 44.8 Deg. at 6:15am; Sky: Cloudy; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.15Hg; Pressure Altitude: -211.00'; Density Altitude: -942.45'; Cloud Base: 669.18'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
4/7/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 9.6 mph N, at 6:pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 45.8 Deg., Low Temp: 45.1 Deg. at 6:15am; Wind: SE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 45.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 42.9 Deg. at 5:04am; Dew Point: 42.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 41.0 Deg. at 3:09am; Sky; Clear; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.09Hg; Pressure Altitude: -162.11'; Density Altitude: -1058.19'; Cloud Base: 851.15'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
4/8/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 19.4 mph N, at 11:45pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.09". Current Temp: 58.7 Deg., Low Temp: 58.1 Deg. at 6:41am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.2 mph; Wind Chill: 58.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 55.6 Deg. at 5:20am; Dew Point: 54.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 53.8 Deg. at 5:13am; Sky: P/Cloudy; Humidity at 86%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.85Hg; Pressure Altitude: 72.45'; Density Altitude: 76.00'; Cloud Base: 970.13'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
4/9/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 20.7 mph N, at 2:01am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 56.4 Deg., Low Temp: 54.1 Deg. at 4:50am; Wind: N, at 0.4 mph, Gust: 1.4 mph; Wind Chill: 56.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 48.9 Deg. at 6:56am; Dew Point: 49.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 48.8 Deg. at 6:56am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 77%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.70Hg; Pressure Altitude: 195.83'; Density Altitude: 89.72'; Cloud Base: 1777.61'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
4/10/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 24.0 mph N at 1:34pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 38.0 Deg., Low Temp: 37.8 Deg. at 6:57am; Wind: E, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 38.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 37.8 Deg. at 6:57am; Dew Point: 33.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 32.0 Deg. at 2:58am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 82%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.91Hg; Pressure Altitude: 15.02'; Density Altitude: -1380.30'; Cloud Base: 1196.12'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
4/11/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 18.5 mph N, at 8:42pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation. "T". Current Temp: 38.4 Deg., Low Temp: 37.4 Deg. at 5:22am; Wind: N, 0.6 mph, Gust: 16.0 mph; Wind Chill: 38.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 27.8 Deg. at 6:02am; Dew Point: 32.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 29.7 Deg. at 4;29am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 78%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.96Hg; Pressure Altitude: -31.39'; Density Altitude: -1417.37'; Cloud Base: 1546.31'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
4/12/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 21.9 mph N, at 8:42am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 65.9 Deg., Low Temp: 61.2 Deg. at 12:32am; Wind: N, at 2.0 mph, Gust: 0.0 mph. Wind Chill: 65.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 61.2 Deg. at 12:32am; Dew Point: 50.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 46.3 Deg. at 12:06am; Sky: P/cloudy; Humidity at 58%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.75Hg; Pressure Altitude: 151.91'; Density Altitude: 653.99'; Cloud Base: 3815.91'. Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
4/13/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 35.5 mph SW, at 9:26am. Todays' current 7:am weather observation; Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.17". Current Temp: 44.3 Deg., Low Temp: 44.0 Deg. at 6:39am; Wind: WSW, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 44.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 40.5 Deg. at 6:53am; Dew Point: 32.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 31.7 Deg. at 6:32am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 63%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.09Hg; Pressure Altitude: -151.24'; Density Altitude: -1126.47'; Cloud Base: 2971.42'; Ground: wet to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
4/14/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 19.1 mph N, at 12:30am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Light rain is falling. Total rain since midnight: 0.14". Past 24-hr rain accumulation; 0.14".
Current Temp: 38.0 Deg., Low Temp: 38.0 Deg. at 6:45am; Wind: N, at 3.8 mph, Gust: 7.1 mph; Wind Chill: 38.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 28.3 Deg. at 6:41am; Dew Point: 36.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 31.0 Deg. at 2:33am; Sky: Cloudy/overcast; Humidity at 94%; Visibility of 2.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.85'; Pressure Altitude: 69.71'; Density Altitude: -1298.29'; Cloud Base: 426.10'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
4/15/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 26.0 mph N, at 6:53pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr new snow accumulation: "T". Total rain accumulation since midnight: 0.03". Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.95". Current Temp: 33.3 Deg., Low Temp: 32.5 Deg. at 5:53am; Wind: N, at 14.0 mph, Gust: 2.0 mph; Wind Chill: 33.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 21.6 Deg. at 5:17am; Dew Point: 32.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 31.7 Deg. at 5:53am; Sky: Cloudy/overcast; Humidity at 97%; Visibility of 6.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.70Hg; Pressure Altitude: 201.32'; Density Altitude: -1454.21'; Cloud Base: 202.26'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
4/16/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 24.4 mph N, at 9:28am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Total accumulated rain since midnight: "T". Current Temp: 40.3 Deg., Low Temp: 38.7 Deg. at 2:27am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 40.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 36.1 Deg. at 5:36am; Dew Point: 35.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 33.1 Deg. at 2:27am; Sky: Cloudy; Humidity at 82%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.14Hg; Pressure Altitude: -197.43'; Density Altitude: -1485.93'; Cloud Base: 1254.34'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
4/17/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 32.2 mph N, at 4:41am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Light>moderate mist, in some areas; Current Temp: 48.1 Deg., Low Temp: 47.8 Deg. at 6:51am; Wind: E, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 48.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 46.6 Deg. at 5:47am; Dew Point: 43.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 43.3 Deg. at 6:50am; Sky: Cloudy; Humidity at 85%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.00Hg; Pressure Altitude: -75.02'; Density Altitude: -834.65'; Cloud Base: 1087.65'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
4/18/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 20.5 mph N, at 3:14pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.01". Current Temp: 61.5 Deg., Low Temp: 59.1 Deg. at 1:56am; Wind; N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 61.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 59.1 Deg. at 1:56am; Dew Point: 47.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 47.2 Deg. at 6:56am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 60%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.74Hg; Pressure Altitude: 168.37'; Density Altitude: 391.21'; Cloud Base: 3477.45'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
4/19/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 31.1 mph WSW, at 5:13pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Light rain is falling. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.10". Current Temp: 50.8 Deg., Low Temp: 50.5 Deg. at 6:56am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 50.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 48.3 Deg. at 5:24am; Dew Point: 49.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 49.4 Deg. at 6:56am; Sky: Cloudy/overcast; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 5.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.52Hg; Pressure Altitude: 372.08'; Density Altitude: -78.36'; Cloud Base: 260.08'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
4/20/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 21.3 mph NNE, at 7:48pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation: Light>moderate rain is falling. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.93". Current Temp: 40.2 Deg., Low Temp: 39.4 Deg. at 12:05am; Wind: N, light and variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 40.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 29.4 Deg. at 5:58am; Dew Point: 39.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 38.7 Deg. at 12:05am; Sky: Cloudy and overcast; Humidity at 97%; Visibility of 7.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.50Hg; Pressure Altitude:
396.93'; Density Altitude: -752.93'; Cloud Base: 168.92'; Ground: Soggy to saturated, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, some area ponding of standing water, all open roads are clear and passable. |
4/21/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 30.0 mph N, at 5:14am. Todays' current 7:am weather observation: Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.16". Current Temp: 42.8 Deg., Low Temp: 41.6 Deg. at 12:24am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 42.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 37.9 Deg. at 12:10am; Dew Point: 41.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 40.4 Deg. at 12:24am; Sky: Cloudy; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.96Hg; Pressure Altitude: -39.85'; Density Altitude: -1117.57'; Cloud Base: 284.95'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
4/22/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 10.4 mph N, at 3:56pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 41.2 Deg., Low Temp: 40.9 Deg. at 6:26am; Wind: S, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 41.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 40.8 Deg. at 12:46am; Dew Point: 39.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 39.5 Deg. at 5:04am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 95%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.22Hg; Pressure Altitude: -276.08'; Density Altitude: -1521.80'; Cloud Base: 323.35'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
4/23/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 11.5 mph N, at 11:38am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 58.8 Deg., Low Temp: 56.7 Deg. at 12:59am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 58.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 56.7 Deg. at 12:59am; Dew Point: 45.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 45.8 Deg. at 1:58am; Sky: Cloudy; Humidity at 62%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: -9.56'; Density Altitude: -5.47''; Cloud Base: 3201.27'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
4/24/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 30.9 mph NW, at 1:54pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: "T". Current Temp: 38.9 Deg., Low Temp: 38.9 Deg. at 6:59am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 38.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 38.9 Deg. at 6:59am; Dew Point: 37.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 37.0 Deg. at 6:59am; Sky: S/Clouds to Clear; Humidity at 93%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.99Hgl Pressure Altitude: -64.12'; Density Altitude: -1416.61'; Cloud Base: 448.20'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
4/25/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 9.4 mph N, at 2:08pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Total accumulated rain since midnight: 0.11". Current Temp: 48.9 Deg., Low Temp: 47.6 Deg. at 4:10am. Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 48.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 43.4 Deg. at 5:05am; Dew Point: 45.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 42.0 Deg. at 12:05am; Sky: Cloudy/overcast; Humidity at 87%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.87'; Pressure Altitude: 47.83'; Density Altitude: -594.40'; Cloud Base: 892.91'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
4/26/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 17.7 mph N, ay 2:51pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Light rain is falling. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 1.24". Current Temp: 53.8 Deg., Low Temp: 53.7 Deg. at 7:00am; Wind; N, light/variable,, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 53.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 51.3 Deg. at 6:45am; Dew Point: 52.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 52.7 Deg. at 7:00am; Sky: Overcast; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.40Hg; Pressure Altitude: 482.70'; Density Altitude: 271.92'; Cloud Base: 256.39'; Ground: Soggy to saturated, in most areas, Roadways: No weather related road closures, a few less traveled roads may have some ponding of standing water, all open roads are clear and passable. |
4/27/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust:
36.2 mph N, at 6:06pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past-24-hr rain accumulation. 0.30". Current Temp: 40.3 Deg., Low Temp: 40.1 Deg. at 6:43am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 40.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 32.6 Deg. at 6:44am; Dew Point: 33.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 32.2 Deg. at 6:45am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 76%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.85Hg; Pressure Altitude: 64.24'; Density Altitude: -1153.23'; Cloud Base: 1745.92'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
4/28/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterdays' High Wind Gust: 24.2 mph NNE, at 8:51am. Today's current weather observation. Light rain is falling. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.58". Current Temp: 39.5 Deg., Low Temp: 39.3 Deg. at 6:58am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 39.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 31.0 Deg. at 6:53am; Dew Point: 38.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 38.5 Deg. at 6:58am; Sky: Cloudy/overcast; Humidity at 97%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.88Hg; Pressure Altitude: 36.89'; Density Altitude: -1249.33' Cloud Base: 188.12'; Ground: Soggy to saturated, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
4/29/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 19.9 mph N, at 8:02am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.30". Current Temp: 39.3 Deg., Low Temp: 38.5 Deg. at 4:17am; Wind: N, 7.0 mph; Gust: 1.0 mph; Wind Chill: 39.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 31.4 Deg. at 3:19am; Dew Point: 31.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 30.0 Deg. at 3:19am; Sky: Sunny; Humidity at 73%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.26Hg; Pressure Altitude: -313.99'; Density Altitude: -1686.75'; Cloud Base: 1987.75'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
4/30/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 17.6 mph N, at 7:49am. Today's current weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.10". Areas of Light>moderate Mist; Current Temp: 43.1 Deg., Low Temp: 43.1 Deg. at 6:56am; Wind: N, light and variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 43.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 38.4 Deg. at 6:56am; Dew Point: 42.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 42.2 Deg. at 6:56am; Sky: Cloudy; Humidity at 97: Visibility of 3.0 miles; Barometric Pressure; 30.22Hg; Pressure Altitude: -276.08'; Density Altitude: -1370.60'; Cloud Base: 191.35'; Ground; Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/1/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 13.4 mph NNW, at 12:30am. Today's current 7;am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.40". Current Temp: 54.8 Deg., Low Temp: 51.0 Deg. at 2:49am; Wind: WSW, at 5.0 mph, Gust: 2.0 mph; Wind Chill: 54.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 51.0 Deg. at 2:48am; Dew Point: 53.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 49.8 Deg. at 2:48am; Sky: P/Sunny; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.06Hg; Pressure Altitude: -132.20'; Density Altitude: -421.97'; Cloud Base: 293.04'; Ground: Moist to wet, w/light covering of dew; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/2/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 33.6 mph WSW at 11:49am. Today's current 7:am weather observation: Areas of light fog; Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.49". Current Temp: 57.6 Deg., Low Temp:
57.2 Deg. at 6:38am; Wind: W, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 57.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 57.2 Deg. at 6:38am; Dew Point: 56.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 56.0 Deg. at 6:38am; Sky: Cloudy/overcast; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.13Hg; Pressure Altitude: -189.28'; Density Altitude: -313.28'; Cloud Base: 282.14'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/3/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 11.9 mph WNW, at1:40pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Light rain is falling. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.26". Current Temp: 61.4 Deg., Low Temp:
61.1 Deg. at 6:50am; Wind: NNW, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 61.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 61.0 Deg. at 5:30am; Dew Point: 58.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 58.6 Deg. at 6:50am; Sky: Cloudy/overcast; Humidity: 92%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.01Hg; Pressure Altitude: -85.92'; Density Altitude: 51.49'; Cloud Base: 584.06'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/4/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 9.8 mph NNE, at 3:07am; Current 7:am weather observation: Light areas of fog/mist; Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.29"; Wind: S, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 46.7 Deg.; Low Wind Chill: 41.8 Deg. at 3:23am; Dew Point: 46.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 45.3 Deg. at 3:55am; Sky: Cloudy; Humidity at 98%; Visibility of 4.0 miles; Pressure Altitude: -20.48'; Density Altitude: -834.75'; Cloud Base: 166.89'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable.; |
5/5/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 11.9 mph N, at 12:31pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.02". Light areas of Fog. Current Temp: 47.8 Deg., Low Temp: 47.4 Deg. at 2:46am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 47.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 43.8 Deg. at 2:24am; Dew Point: 46.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 46.4 Deg. at 2:46am; Sky: P/Cloudy; Humidity: 96%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.84Hg; Pressure Altitude: 72.45'; Density Altitude: -638.15'; Cloud Base: 242.98'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/6/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 15.8 mph; Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 43.8., Low Temp: 43.3 Deg. at 6:47am; Wind: S, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 43.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 43.8 dg. at 6:47am; Dew Point: 40.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 40.2 Deg. at 6:38am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.00Hg; Pressure Altitude: -80.47nsity Altitude: -1113.72'; Cloud Base: 733.83'; Ground: Areas of Dew of lawn; Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/7/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 12.0 mph NW at 10:10am. Areas of light Mist/Haze; Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 52.0 Deg., Low Temp: 52.0 Deg. at 7:00am; Wind: NE, at 5.3 mph, Gust: 3.0 mph; Wind Chill: 52.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 49.7 Deg. at 6:55am; Dew Point: 48.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 47.5 Deg. at 6:19a; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.13Hg; Pressure Altitude: -186.57'; Density Altitude: -656.28'; Cloud Base: 829.52'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/8/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 17.5 mph N, at 5:43pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Total rain since midnight: "T". Current Temp: 46.4 Deg., Low Temp: 44.8 Deg. at 4:37am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 46.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 40.4 Deg. at 3:15am; Dew Point: 40.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 40.0 Deg. at 6:12am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 80%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.21Hg; Pressure Altitude: -265.24'; Density Altitude: -1152.26'; Cloud Base: 1456.01'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/9/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 17.3 mph. Today's current Temp: 63.9 Deg., Low Temp: 61.3 Deg. at 2:05am; Wind: N, at 9.3 mph, Gust: 2.0 mph; Wind Chill: 63.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 61.3 Deg. at 2:05am; Dew Point: 55.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 52.5 Deg. at 1:41am; Sky: P/Sunny; Humidity at 75%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.91Hg; Pressure Altitude: 12.29'; Density Altitude: 342.43'; Cloud Base: 2006.48'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/10/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 36.0 mph SW, at 12:53pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 1.20". Current Temp: 58.0 Deg., Low Temp: 58.0 Deg. at 6:59am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 58.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 56.4 Deg. at 6:23am; Dew Point: 56.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 56.7 Deg. at 6.54am; Sky: Cloudy; Humidity at 95%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.92Hg; Pressure Altitude: -1.37'; Density Altitude: -28.32'; Cloud Base: 333.29'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/11/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 15.0 mph at 11:41pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Light areas of Mist and or Haze. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.02". Current Temp: 39.5 Deg., Low Temp: 39.1 Deg. at 6:53am; Wind: NNW, Light and variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 39.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 39.1 Deg. at 6:53am; Dew Point: 38.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 38.0 Deg. at 6:53am; Sky: P/Sunny; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.12Hg; Pressure Altitude: -183.85'; Density Altitude: -1524.29; Cloud Base: 247.29'; Ground: Mist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/12/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: ESE, at 18.5 mph, at 11:44am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.31". Current Temp: 45.6 Deg., Low Temp: 43.5 Deg. at 12:51am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 45.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 37.5 Deg. at 2:31am; Dew Point: 44.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 40.7 Deg. at 11:59am; Sky: Cloudy/overcast; Humidity at 97%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.75Hg; Pressure Altitude: 160.14'; Density Altitude: -678.40'; Cloud Base: 206.72'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/13/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 18.5 mph ESE, at 11:44am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Light rain was falling. Pass 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.09". Current Temp: 45.2 Deg., Low Temp: 44.9 Deg. at 6:45am; Wind: N, at 4.1 mph, Gust: 1.0 mph; Wind Chill: 45.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 42.2 Deg. at 4:56am; Dew Point: 44.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 44.2 Deg. at 6:45am; Sky; Cloudy/overcast; Humidity at 98%; Visibility of 4.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.73Hg; Pressure Altitude: 179.35'; Density Altitude: -681.72'; Cloud Base: 152.45'; Ground; Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/14/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 10.8 mph, N, at 3:08pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.08". Current Temp: 42.5 Deg., Low Temp: 41.4 Deg. at 5:43am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 42.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 41.0 Deg. at 4.18am; Dew Point: 41.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 40.3 Deg. at 5:43am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.98Hg; Pressure Altitude: -53.21'; Density Altitude: -1155.09'; Cloud Base: 291.33'; Ground: Moist to wet, w/light lawn Dew, in some areas; Roadways: No current weather related road closures, all open roads area clear and passable. |
5/15/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 18.1 mph N, at 2:11pm. Todays; current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 46.7 Deg., Low Temp: 46.1 Deg. at 5:23am; Wind: WSW, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 46.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 46.1 Deg. at 5:23am; Dew Point: 40.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 49.3 Deg. at 6:03am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 79%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.99Hg; Pressure Altitude: -66.85'; Density Altitude: -882.52'; Cloud Base: 1539.02'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/16/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 16.1 mph N, at 3:41pm. Today's current 7:am weather observations. Current Temp: 52.9 Deg., Low Temp: 51.6 Deg. at 6:26am; Wind: NW, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 52.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 51.6 Deg. at 6:26am; Dew Point: 48.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 45.6 Deg. at 12:01am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 86%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.96Hg; Pressure Altitude: -39.58'; Density Altitude: -434.12'; Cloud Base: 993.43'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/17/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 10.8 mph W, at 4:34pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Total rain accumulation since midnight: 0.05". Current Temp: 62.3 Deg., Low Temp: 60.6 Deg. at 4:42am; Wind: NW, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 62.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 59.5 Deg. at 4:53am; Dew Point: 58.7 Deg.; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.81Hg; Pressure Altitude; 99.83'; Density Altitude: 345.93'; Cloud Base: 889.78'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures,
all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/18/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 15.3 mph NW, at 1:10pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Light rain is falling. Total rain accumulation since midnight: 0.26". Current Temp: 54.4 Deg., Low Temp: 54.2 Deg. at 6:46am; Wind: N, light and variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 54.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 52.5 Deg. at 4:14am; Dew Point: 52.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 51.8 Deg. at 2:54am; Sky: Cloudy/overcast; Humidity at 94%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.99Hg; Pressure Altitude: -61.39'; Density Altitude: -354.02'; Cloud Base: 436.16'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/19/2019 |
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Wind Advisory, to start: 11:00 this AM, to 8:00 PM tonight. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 15.7 mph NW , at 4:47pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.02". Current Temp: 68.5 Deg., Low Temp: 67.7 Deg. at 5:56am; Heat Index: 72.4 Deg.; Wind: N, light and variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 68.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 67.7 Deg. at 5:56am; Dew Point: 60.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 58.6 Deg. at 12:51am; Sky: Clear and sunny; Humidity at 77%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.88Hg; Pressure Altitude: 36.89'; Density Altitude: 677.01'; Cloud Base: 1908.38'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/20/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 30.4 mph WNW, at 5:49pm. Today's current 8:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.07". Current Temp: 60.6 Deg., Low Temp: 60.0 Deg., at 4:47 am; Wind: N, at 12.2 mph, Gust: 7.0 mph; Wind Chill: 60.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 58.6 Deg. at 4:42am; Dew Point: 54.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 54.5 Deg. at 7:53am; Sky: Cloudy/overcast; Humidity at 80%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.89Hg; Pressure Altitude: 25.96'; Density Altitude: 156.68'; Cloud Base: 1531.61'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/21/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 18.8 mph N, at 8:59am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 43.5 Deg., Low Temp: 43.3 Deg. at 6:45am; Wind: ESE, at 3.7 mph, Gust: 7.0 mph; Wind Chill: 43.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 39.4 Deg. at 6:57am; Dew Point: 40.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 40.0 Deg. at 6:35am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.15Hg; Pressure Altitude: -211.00'; Density Altitude: -1275.96'; Cloud Base: 697.83'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/22/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 16.3 mph E, at 2:32am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 52.7 Deg., Low Temp: 51.8 Deg. at 5:22am; Wind: N, at 5.1 mph, Gust: 4.5 mph; Wind Chill: 52.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 48.6 Deg. at 5:34am; Dew Point: 44.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 43.7 Deg. at 3:59am; Sky: P/Cloudy; Humidity at 74%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.08Hg; Pressure Altitude: -148.52'; Density Altitude: -582.37'; Cloud Base: 2046.25'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/23/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 15.4 mph SSE, at 10:06am; Current 7:am weather observation: Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.04". Current Temp: 66.6 Deg., Low Temp: 66.0 Deg. at 6:48am; Wind: W, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 66.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 66.0 Deg. at 6:48am; Dew Point: 63.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 62.9 Deg. at 6:48am; Sky: Cloudy/overcast; Humidity at 90.3 Deg., Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.04Hg; Pressure Altitude: -104.98'; Density Altitude: 366.91'; Cloud Base: 723.38'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/24/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 29.8 mph WSW, at 1:37am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.06". Current Temp: 54.1 Deg., Low Temp: 53.6 Deg. at 6:44am; Wind: SE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 54.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 53.6 Deg. at 6:44am; Dew Point: 50.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 48.9 Deg. at 6:28am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 86%; Pressure Altitude: -202.86'; Density Altitude: -569.41'; Cloud Base: 990.84'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/25/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 10.9 mph N, at 11:am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 66.4 Deg., Low Temp: 63.7 Deg. at 2:15am; Heat Index: 66.4 Deg.; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 66.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 63.7 Deg. at 2:15am; Dew Point: 62.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 56.1 Deg. at 1:08am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 86%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.04Hg; Pressure Altitude: -107.71'; Density Altitude: 370.04'; Cloud Base: 1093.82'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/26/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 33.6 mph N, at 5:06pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.04". Current Temp: 67.4 Deg., Low Temp: 67.0 Deg. at 6:16am; Wind: NW, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 67.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 67.0 Deg.; Dew Point: 63.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 62.0 Deg. at 6:16am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 87.0 Deg.; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: -83.20'; Density Altitude: 484.25'; Cloud Base: 991.40'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/27/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 29.2 mph NNW, at 8:14am; Current 7:30 weather observation: Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.34". Current Temp: 55.5 Deg., Low Temp: 55.3 Deg. at 6:42am; Wind: NE, at 0.6 mph, Gust: 2.7 mph; Wind Chill: 55.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 55.3 Deg. at 6:42am; Dew Point: 51.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 51.4 Deg. at 7:36am; Sky: P/Sunny; Humidity at 86:4 Deg.; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.08Hg; Pressure Altitude: -151.24'; Density Altitude: -412.24'; Clouds Base: 895.75'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/28/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 11.7 mph E, at 11:34am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.39". Current Temp: 67.4 Deg., Low Temp: 64.6 Deg. at 3:51am;
Wind: WSW, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 67.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 64.6 Deg. at 3:51am; Dew Point: 65.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 42.9 Deg. at 1:23am; Sky: P/Cloudy; Humidity at 93.2 Deg., Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.75Hg; Pressure Altitude: 162.88'; Density Altitude: 754.56'; Cloud Base: 522.51'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/29/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 22.7 mph NW, at 9:20am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Areas of light to moderate Fog/and or mist. Current Temp: 62.9 Deg., Low Temp: 62.6 Deg. at 5:27am; Wind: SE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 62.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 62.6 Deg. at 5:27am; Dew Point: 60.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 59.3 Deg. at 4:34am; Sky: Overcast; Humidity: 92%; Visibility: 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.74Hg; Pressure Altitude: 171.12'; Density Altitude: 498.98'; Cloud Base: 558.50'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/30/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 18.0 mph N, at 4:06pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Light rain is falling. Total rain since midnight: 0.01". Current Temp: 62.8 Deg., Low Temp: 62.2 Deg. at 7:00am; Wind: NNW, at 0.1 mph, Gust: 1.0 mph; Wind Chill: 62.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 62.1 Deg. at 6:52am; Dew Point: 58.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 58.6 Deg. at 12:35am; Sky: Cloudy/overcast; Humidity at 87%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.76Hg; Pressure Altitude: 151.91'; Density Altitude: 436.22'; Cloud Base: 947.01'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
5/31/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 32.2 mph N, at 5:46pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.11". Current Temp: 54.9 Deg., Low Temp: 54.4 Deg. at 6:41am; Wind: WSW, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 54.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 54.4 Deg. at 6:41am; Dew Point: 52.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 51.5 Deg. at 6:30am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 92%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.86Hg; Pressure Altitude: 56.03'; Density Altitude: -195.82'; Cloud Base: 575.86'; Ground: Moist to wet, w/light to moderate areas of lawn Dew; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
6/2/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 17.3 mph N, at 5:45pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.09". Current Temp: 58.1 Deg., Low Temp: 56.9 Deg. at 6:46am; Wind: SSW, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 58.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 56.9 Deg. at 6:46am; Dew Point: 56.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 55.4 Deg. at 6:46am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 95%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.65Hg; Pressure Altitude: 297.61'; Density Altitude: 327.58'; Cloud Base: 347.97'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
6/3/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 12.7 mph N, at 10.35am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 48.1 Deg., Low Temp: 46.1 Deg. at 6:53am; Wind: ENE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 48.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 46.1 Deg. at 6:53am; Dew Point: 44.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 41.9 Deg. at 5:35am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 86%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.94Hg; Pressure Altitude: -186.57'; Density Altitude: -932.21'; Cloud Base: 1003.08'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
6/4/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 10.3 mph NNE, at 1:256am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 52.4 Deg., Low Temp: 47.1 Deg. at 2:24am; Wind: WSW, at 1.4 mph, Gust: 7.5 mph; Wind Chill: 52.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 47.1 Deg. at 2:24am; Dew Point: 42.0 Deg., Low Dew point: 38.9 Deg. at 5:13am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 68%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.98Hg; Pressure Altitude: -322.11'; Density Altitude:
-898.07'; Cloud Base: 2616.91'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas, all open roads are clear and passable. |
6/5/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 14.2 mph SW, at 4:28pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 67.9 Deg., Low Temp: 65.4 Deg. at 6:23am; Heat Index: 71.1 Deg.; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 67.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 65.4 Deg. at 6:23am; Dew Point: 58.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 54.9 Deg. at 12:24am; Sky: Cloudy; Humidity at 72%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.94Hg; Pressure Altitude: -17.75'; Density Altitude: 577.63'; Cloud Base: 2337.25'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
6/6/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust. 18.0 mph W, at 3:23pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Areas of moderate to light fog. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.38". Current Temp: 62.3 Deg., Low Temp: 60.3 Deg. at 6:40am; Low Wind Chill: 60.3 Deg. at 6:40am; Dew Point: 59.2 Deg. at 6;40am; Sky: Cloudy; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 3.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.08Hg; Pressure Altitude: 20.49'; Density Altitude: 261.22'; Cloud Base: 273.12'; Ground: moist to wet, in most areas; roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
6/7/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 9.8 mph N, at 8:09pm. Today's current 8:am weather observation. Areas of light Mist. Current Temp: 60.9 Deg., Low Temp: 56.3 Deg. at 6:44am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 60.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 55.5 Deg. at 6:59am; Dew Point: 56.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 54.3 Deg. at 6:46am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 87%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.02Hg; Pressure Altitude: -88.64'; Density Altitude: -17.52'; Cloud Base: 984.93'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
6/8/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 21.9 mph E, at 11:35am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 63.0 Deg., Low Temp: 61.2 Deg. at 4:30am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.4 mph; Wind Chill: 63.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 60.3 Deg. at 6:39am; Dew Point: 53.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 51.1 Deg. at 1:31am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 72%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.17Hg; Pressure Altitude: -208.29'; Density Altitude: 24.99'; Cloud Base: 2251.45'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
6/9/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust. 20.7 mph N, at 1:25pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 68.9 Deg., Low Temp: 67.1 Deg. at 4:04am; Wind: E, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 68.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 67.1 Deg. at 4:04am; Dew Point: 56.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 55.6 Deg. at 1:25am; Sky: P/Cloudy; Humidity at 66%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.35Hg; Pressure Altitude: -219.15'; Density Altitude: 355.81'; Cloud Base: 2956.51'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures. All open roads are clear and passable. |
6/10/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 23.2 mph N, at 3:13pm. Today's current 8:am weather observation. Heat Index: 73.0 Deg. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.01". Current Temp: 68.3 Deg., Low Temp: 65.1 Deg. at 5:33am; Wind: NE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 68.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 65.1 Deg. at 5:33am; Dew Point: 63.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 60.1 Deg. at 5:33am; Sky: P/Sunny; Humidity at 86%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.87Hg; Pressure Altitude: 77.92'; Density Altitude: 688.80'; Cloud Base: 1086.00'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
6/11/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 23.2 mph N, at 4:20pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.29". Current Temp: 52.5 Deg., Low Temp: 50.1 Deg. at 5:02am; Wind: NNW, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 52.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 50.1 Deg. at 5:02am; Dew Point: 48.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 47.4 Deg. at 5:03am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.44Hg; Pressure Altitude: -345.56'; Density Altitude: -850.93'; Cloud Base: 876.54'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
6/12/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 12.4 mph E, at 6:26pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 53.0 Deg., Low Temp:
52.4 Deg. at 6:20am; Wind; E, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 53.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 52.4 Deg. at 6:20am; Dew Point; 47.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 46.7 Deg. at 12:49am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 82.7 Deg., Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.19Hg; Pressure Altitude: -248.98'; Density Altitude: -698.37'; Cloud Base: 7286.28'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
6/13/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 21.3 mph SW at 8:11pm. Todays' current 8:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.21". Current Temp: 60.1 Deg., Low Temp: 60.1 Deg. at 7:57am;
Wind: W, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 60.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 60.1 Deg. at 7:57am; Dew Point: 57.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 57.7 Deg. at 7:57am; Dew Point: 57.9 Deg.; Sky: P/cloudy; Humidity at 92%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.78Hg; Pressure Altitude: 132.71'; Density Altitude: 255.56'; Cloud Base: 255.56'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
6/14/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 28.8 mph N, at 5:31pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.16". Current Temp: 51.3 Deg., Low Temp: 46.8 Deg. at 3:28am;
Wind: NW, at 2.1 mph, Gust: 7.0 mph; Wind Chill: 51.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 42.4 Deg. at 4:12am; Dew Point: 46.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 42.9 Deg. at 6:31am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 83%: Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.01Hg; Pressure Altitude: -235.42'; Density Altitude: -783.92'; Cloud Base: 1276.78'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
6/16/2019 |
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Flash Flood Warning: To expire @ 7:am. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 21.4 mph WSW at 3:24pm. Today's Current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr total rain accumulation: 1.74". Current Temp: 65.2 Deg., Low Temp: 62.0 Deg. at 5:10am; Wind: NW, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 65.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 62.0 Deg. at 5:10am; Dew Point: 64.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 61.0 Deg. at 5:10am; Sky: Cloudy/overcast; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.76Hg; Pressure Altitude: 160.14'; Density Altitude: 485.46'; Cloud Base: 251.99'; Ground: Soggy to saturated, in most areas; Roadways: A few roads were flooded and made impassable, due to High Water; all other roads are clear and passable. |
6/17/2019 |
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Area Flood Warning, thru 9:am today. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 19.0 mph W, at 4:19pm. Todays current 7:am weather observation. Areas of light to moderate Fog. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.46". Current Temp: 66.5 Deg., Low Temp: 63.4 Deg. at 4:52am; Wind: SE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 66.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 63.4 Deg. at 4:52am; Dew Point: 64.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 61.0 Deg. at 1:25am; Sky: Cloudy/overcast; Humidity of 94%; Visibility of 3.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.97Hg; Pressure Altitude: -50.49'; Density Altitude: 453.39'; Cloud Base: 453.39'; Ground: Wet, to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
6/18/2019 |
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Flash Flood Watch: Until 10:am today. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 9.6 mph N, at 2:16pm. Todays' current 7:am weather observation. Light>moderate Fog, in most areas. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.81". Current Temp: 64.8 Deg./, Low Temp: 63.0 Deg. at 6:29am; Wind: SSE; light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 64.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 63.0 Deg. at 6:29am; Dew Point: 63.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 61.9 Deg. at 6:18am; Sky: Cloudy/overcast; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 7.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.01Hg; Pressure Altitude: 25.96'; Density Altitude: 403.87'; Cloud Base: 283.42'; Ground: Soggy to saturated, in most areas; Roadways: Few "High Water" road closures, all other roads are clear and passable. |
6/19/2019 |
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Flash Flood Watch: Until 8:am Thursday. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 9.5 mph NE, at 7:51am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Areas of light Mist. Current Temp: 62.5 Deg., Low Temp: 59.1 Deg. at 6:45am; Wind: ENE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 62.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 59.1 Deg. at 6:45am; Dew Point: 58.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 56.4 Deg. at 6:45am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.73Hg; Pressure Altitude: 99.83'; Density Altitude: 293.63'; Cloud Base: 653.47'; Ground: Wet, to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
6/20/2019 |
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Flash Flood Watch: Until 8:pm. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 9.2 mph E, at 8:09pm. Todays current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.10". Current Temp: 68.4 Deg., Low Temp: 64.1 Deg. at 1:18am; Wind: SE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 68.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 64.1 Deg. at 1:18am; Dew Point: 66.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 59.9 Deg. at 12:13am; Sky: Cloudy/overcast; Humidity at 94%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.51Hg; Pressure Altitude: 383.12'; Density Altitude: 1031.72'; Cloud Base: 447.51'; Ground: Wet, to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
6/21/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 18.2 mph N, at 7:33pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation. 0.76". Current Temp: 56.9 Deg., Low Temp: 54.8 Deg. at 6:49am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 56.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 54.8 Deg. at 6:49am; Dew Point: 55.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 53.4 Deg. at 6:49am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 95%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.04Hg; Pressure Altitude: 42.36'; Density Altitude: -66.80'; Cloud Base: 317.29'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
6/22/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 14.0 mph N, at 9:57am. Today's current 7:am weather observations. Current Temp: 58.3 Deg., Low Temp: 55.7 Deg. at 6:39am; Wind: ESE at 3.3 mph, Gust: 3.7 mph; Wind Chill: 58.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 55.7 Deg. at 6:39am; Dew Point: 52.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 50.8 Deg. at 6:39am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 80%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.17Hg; Pressure Altitude; -232.71'; Density Altitude; -314.01'; Cloud base: 1482.11'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
6/23/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 11.6 mph E, at 4:28pm. Today's current 8:am weather observation. Current Temp: 63.8 Deg., Low Temp: 53.3 Deg. at 6:23am; Wind: SSE, at 5.4 mph; Gust: 3.9 mph; Wind Chill; 63.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 53.3 Deg. at 6:23am; Dew Point: 52.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 49.3 Deg. at 6:23am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 66%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.19Hg; Pressure Altitude: -251.69'; Density Altitude: 114.93'; Cloud Base: 2897.51'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
6/24/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 12.1 mph ESE, at 11:06am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: "T"; Current Temp: 69.0 Deg., Low Temp: 68.2 Deg. at 6:46am; Wind: NNW, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 69.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 68.2 Deg. at 6:46am; Dew Point: 64.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 56.7 Deg. at 12:24am; Sky: P/Sunny; Humidity at 87%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.54Hg; Pressure Altitude: 80.66'; Density Altitude: 1039.38'; Cloud Base: 1039.38'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
6/25/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 15.2 mph NW, at 10:10am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.40". Current Temp: 63.7 Deg., Low Temp: 62.6 Deg. at 6:14am; Wind: NW, at 3.4 mph, Gust: 7.5 mph; Wind Chill: 63.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 62.6 Deg. at 6:14am; Dew Point: 61.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 60.5 Deg. at 6:14am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 92%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.09Hg; Pressure Altitude: 45.09'; Density Altitude: 382.82'; Cloud Base: 560.16'; Ground: Wet, to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
6/26/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 19.0 mph N, at 1:11pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 68.4 Deg., Low Temp: 66.9 Deg. at 6:18am; Wind: WSW, at 1.3 , Gust: 2.7 mph; Wind Chill: 68.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 66.9 Deg. at 6:18am; Dew Point: 62.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 57.4 Deg. at 12:29am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 75%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.22Hg; Pressure Altitude: -278.87'; Density Altitude: 443.44'; Cloud Base: 2076.87'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
6/27/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 12.0 mph N, at 5:20pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Total rain accumulation since midnight: 0.49". Current Temp: 66.8 Deg., Low Temp: 65.2 Deg. at 5:57am; Heat Index: 74.3 Deg.; Wind: ENE, at 0.0 mph, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 66.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 65.2 Deg. at 5:57am; Dew Point: 64.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 61.4 Deg. at 5:57am; Sky: P/Cloudy & overcast; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.00Hg;; Pressure Altitude: -72.30'; Density Altitude: 549.25'; Cloud Base: 700.33'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
6/28/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 16.7 mph W, at 4:15pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.00". Current Temp: 68.5 Deg., Low Temp: 65.3 Deg. at 5:59am; Heat Index: 73.1 Deg.; Wind: S at 1.0 mph, Gust: 4.3 mph; Wind Chill: 68.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 65.3 Deg. at 5:59am; Dew Point: 64.8 Deg. at 5:59am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.09Hg'; Pressure Altitude: -178.42; Density Altitude: 373.61'; Cloud Base: 782.09'; Wet to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
6/29/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 11.5 mph ESE, at 9:33pm. Today's current 8:am weather observation. Current Temp: 75.4 Deg., Low Temp: 73.6 Deg. at 6:12am; Wind: NNW, at 4.5 mph, Gust: 7.2 mph; Wind Chill: 75.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 73.6 Deg. at 6:12am; Dew Point: 66.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 64.7 Deg. at 5:34am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 74%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 2998Hg; Pressure Altitude: -50.49'; Density Altitude: 1017.00'; Cloud Base: 2282.62'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
6/30/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 17.3mphNW, at 4:20pm. Today's current 7:15 weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: "T". Current Temp: 72.0 Deg., Low Temp: 71.2 Deg., at 6:30am; Heat Index: 76.4 Deg.; Wind: E, light and variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 72.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 71.2 Deg. at 6:30am; Dew Point: 66.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 65.4 Deg. at 5:50am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 84%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.86Hg; Pressure Altitude: 58.77'; Density Altitude: 902.74'; Cloud Base: 1253.58'; Ground: Moist to wet, w/areas of Dew covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
7/1/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 14.4 mph ENE, at 6:37pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 61.5 Deg., Low Temp: 60.5 Deg. at 6:32am; Heat Index: 61.5 Deg., Wind: ESE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 61.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 60.5 Deg. at 6:32am; Dew Point: 57.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 56.5 Deg. at 6:323am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 88.1%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.88Hg; Pressure Altitude: 42.36'; Density Altitude: 222.77'; Cloud Base: 895.02'; Ground: Moist to wet, w/areas of Dew covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
7/2/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 9.9 mph NW, at 6:35am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 72.8 Deg., Low Temp: 72.0 Deg. at 6:45am; Wind: SW, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 72.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 72.0 Deg. at 6:45am; Dew Point: 66.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 65.3 Deg. at 12:16am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 82% Deg.; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.78Hg; Pressure Altitude: 135.46'; Density Altitude: 1067.02'; Density Altitude: 1433.44'; Cloud Base: 1431.05'; Ground: Moist to wet, w/areas of Dew; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
7/4/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 9.8 mph NNE, at 11:11am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 70.6 Deg., Low Temp: 70.6 Deg. at 6:52am; Wind: S, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 70.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 70.6 Deg. at 6:52am; Dew Point: 66.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 66.4 Deg. at 6:27am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 87%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.85Hg; Pressure Altitude: 75.9'; Density Altitude: 865.00'; Cloud Base: 988.67'; Ground: Moist to wet, w/areas of Dew covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
7/5/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 11.9 mph SW, at 2:09pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 73.9 Deg., Low Temp: 71.6 Deg.at 5:25am; Wind: SE at 2.3 mph; Gust: 2.6 mph; Wind Chill: 73.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 71.6 Deg. at 5:25am; Dew Point: 69.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 67.7 Deg. at 4:52am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 87%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.90Hg; Pressure Altitude: 17.76'; Density Altitude: 1005.42'; Cloud Base: 985.20'; Ground: Moist to wet, w/areas of Dew covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
7/6/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 10.4 mph ESE, at 3:46pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.29". Current Temp: 74.6 Deg., Low Temp: 70.4 Deg. at 3:54am; Wind: SW, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 74.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 70.4 Deg. at 3:54am; Dew Point: 71.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 66.9 Deg. at 3:54am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.79Hg; Pressure Altitude: 165.63'; Density Altitude: 1072.17'; Cloud Base: 805.13'; Ground: Moist to wet, w/areas of Dew covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
7/7/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 13.8 mph NNE, at 4:17am; Areas of light Mist. Current 7:15am weather observation. Current Temp: 71.6 Deg., Low Temp: 69.4 Deg. at 1:41am; Heat Index: 78.4 Deg.; Wind: SW, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 71.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 69.4 Deg. at 1;41am; Dew Point: 70.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 68.0 Deg. at 1:58am; Sky: Some clouds; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 7.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.81Hg; Pressure Altitude: 42.36'; Density Altitude: 805.79'; Cloud Base: 335.68'; Ground: Moist to wet, w/areas of Dew covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
7/8/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 13.8 mph N, at 5:59pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.16". Current Temp: 65.0, Low Temp: 64.0 Deg. at 3:27am; Wind: NE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 65.0 eg., Low Wind Chill: 64.0 Deg. at 3:27am; Dew Point: 62.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 58.6 Deg. at 3:09am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.92Hg; essure: 206.82'; Density Altitude: 692.27'; Cloud Base: 838.35'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
7/9/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 16.1 mph E, at 12:37pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 61.9 Deg., Low Temp: 58.9 Deg. at 4:08am; Wind: ESE, at 2.3 mph; Gust: 5.0 mph; Wind Chill: 61.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 58.9 Deg. at 4:08am; Dew Point: 55.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 50.6 Deg. at 12:38am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 80%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.01Hg; Pressure Altitude: -77.64'; Density Altitude: 208.13'; Cloud Base: 1609.19'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
7/10/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 9.6 mph E, at 8:18am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 69.8 Deg., Low Temp: 68.2 Deg. at 6:50am; Wind: NW, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 69.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 68.2 Deg. at 6:50am; Dew Point: 65.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 64.2 Deg. at 6:50am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.87Hg; Pressure Altitude: 45.09'; Density Altitude: 849.15'; Cloud Base: 966.44'; Ground; Moist to wet, in msot areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
7/11/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 10.6 mph WSW, at 2:49pm. Todays' current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 74.6 Deg., Low Temp: 73.6 Deg. at 6:55am; Wind: S, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 74.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 73.6 Deg. at 6:55am; Dew Point: 68.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 66.4 Deg. at 12:03am; Sky: P/Cloudy; Humidity at 80%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.73Hg; Pressure Altitude: 223.31'; Density Altitude: 1244.71'; Cloud Base: 1627.71'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
7/12/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 12.7 mph N, at 4:15pm. Today's current 7:30 weather observation. Current Temp: 67.5 Deg., Low Temp: 63.7 Deg. at 6:40am; Wind: NE, at 1.2 mph; Gust: 6.4 mph; Wind Chill: 67.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 63.7 Deg. at 6:40am; Dew Point: 60.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 59.1 Deg. at 6:40am; Sky: P/Sunny; Humidity at 83%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.79Hg; Pressure Altitude: 121.32'; Density Altitude: 947.31'; Cloud Base: 1355.59'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways; No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
7/13/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 13.6 mph, E, at 2:55am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 62.2 Deg., Low Temp: 61.4 Deg. at 6:51am; Wind: ENE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 62.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 61.4 Deg. at 6:51am; Dew Point: 59.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 57.8 Deg. at 6:29am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity 89%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.93Hg; Pressure Altitude: 162.88'; Density Altitude: 430.16''; Cloud Base: 787.84'; Ground: Moist to wet, w/areas of Dew covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
7/14/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 13.9 mph WNW, at 6:06pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Total accumulated rain since midnight: "T". Current Temp: 69.4 Deg., Low Temp: 67.9 Deg. at 6:54am; Wind: E, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 68.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 67.9 Deg. at 6:54am; Dew Point: 63.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 62.5 Deg. at 1:38am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 85%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.95Hg; Pressure Altitude: -25.93'; Density Altitude: 696.26'; Cloud base: 1194.27'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
7/15/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 9.8 mph E, at 7:57pm. Todays' current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 62.7 Deg., Low Temp: 61.1 Deg. at 6:33am; Wind: ESE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 62.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 61.1 Deg. at 6:33am; Dew Point: 58.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 57.8 Deg. at 3:49am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.99Hg; Pressure Altitude: -64.12'; Density Altitude: 183.07'; Cloud Base: 1207.86'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
7/16/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 15.8 mph SSE, at 9:06pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.82". Current Temp: 72.9 Deg., Low Temp: 70.7 Deg. at 6:13am; Wind: WSW, at 1.3 mph, Gust: 4.2 mph; Wind Chill: 72.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 70.7 Deg. at 6:13am; Dew Point: 69.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 66.9 Deg. at 6:13am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.96Hg; Pressure Altitude: -88.64'; Density Altitude: 772.95'; Cloud Base: 887.66'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
7/18/2019 |
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Excessive Heat Watch: Until 8:pm Saturday. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 11.5 mph WNW, at 2:48am. Todays current 7:am weather observation: Areas of light>moderate Fog. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.78". Current Temp: 68.7 Deg., Low Temp: 68.0 Deg. at 6:30am; Wind: W, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 68.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 68.0 Deg. at 6:30am; Dew Point: 66.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 65.3 Deg. at 6:30am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 93%; Visibility of 7.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.82Hg; Pressure Altitude: 97.07'; Density Altitude: 789.58'; Cloud Base: 541.59'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
7/19/2019 |
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Excessive Heat Warning: Until 8:pm 7/20. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 13.1 SE, at 6:03pm. Todays current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: "T". Current Temp: 76.2 Deg., Low Temp: 73.3 Deg. at 2:55am; Heat Index: 81.3 Deg.; Wind: W, light/variable; Wind Chill: 76.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 73.3 Deg. at 2:55am; Dew Point: 71.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 67.0 Deg. at 1:09am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 86%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.82Hg; Pressure Altitude: 140.94; '; Density Altitude: 1289.49'; Cloud Base: 1138.66'; Ground: Moist to dry in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
7/20/2019 |
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Excessive Heat Warning: Until 8:pm tonight. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 15.0 mph W, at 6:29am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp:
77.9 Deg., Low Temp: 76.1 Deg. at 6:34am; Heat Index: 83.2 Deg.; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 1.3 mph; Wind Chill: 77.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 76.1 Deg. at 6:34am; Dew Point: 71.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 70.7 Deg. at 4:46am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 82%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.84Hg; Pressure Altitude: 64.24'; Density Altitude: 1178.40'; Cloud Base: 1495.78; Ground: Moist to dry, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
7/21/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind. 20.3 mph W, at 3:33pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: "T". Current Temp: 79.2 Deg., Low Temp: 76.23 Deg. at 6:26am; Heat Index: 87.9 Deg.; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 79.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 76.3 Deg. at 6:26am; Dew Point: 72.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 69.8 Deg. at 2:15am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 83%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.92Hg; Pressure Altitude: 292.10'; Density Altitude: 1531.85'; Cloud Base: 1383.26'; Ground: Moist to dry, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
7/23/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 16.7 mph E, at 8:08am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.47". Current Temp: 56.8 Deg., Low Temp: 56.8 Deg. at 6:41am;
Wind: NE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 56.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 56.8 Deg. at 6:41am; Dew Point: 54.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 53.7 Deg. at 6:41am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.95Hg; Pressure Altitude: -69.57'; Density Altitude: -211.71'; Cloud Base: 678.66'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
7/24/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust. 11.9 mph NNE, at 2:10pm. Todays' current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: "T". Current Temp: 59.5 Deg., Low Temp: 58.0 Deg. at 6:05am; Wind: ENE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 59.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 58.0 Deg. at 6:05am; Dew Point: 57.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 55.7 Deg. at 6:05am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 92%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.04Hg; Pressure Altitude: 28.69'; Density Altitude: 87.81'; Cloud Base: 587.87'; Ground: Moist to wet, with areas of Dew; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
7/25/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 11.9 mph NNW at 12:30am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Areas of heavy patchy Fog. Past 24-hr rain accumulation. "T". Current Temp: 58.4 Deg., Low Temp: 57.3 Deg., at 6:22pm; Wind: NE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 58.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 57.3 Deg. at 6:22pm; Dew Point: 55.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 54.0 Deg., at 6:22pm; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.04Hg; Pressure Altitude: -61.39'; Density Altitude: -95.84'; Cloud Base: 813.69'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas, w/areas of Dew covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
7/26/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 9.8 mph, NE, at 5:26am; Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 60.7 Deg., Low Temp: 60.5 Deg. at 6:48am; Wind: SE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 60.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 60.5 Deg. at 6:48am; Dew Point: 56.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 56.0 Deg. at 5:26am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.11Hg; Pressure Altitude: -257.11'; Density Altitude: -185.96'; Cloud Base: 963.58'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
7/27/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 9.7 mph ESE, at 10:46am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 66.4 Deg., Low Temp: 63.3 Deg. at 3:22am; Wind: SSE, light./variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 66.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 63.3 Deg. at 5:33am; Dew Point: 61.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 57.9 Deg. at 5:33am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 84%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.24Hg; Pressure Altitude: -335.63'; Density Altitude: 278.40'; Cloud Base: 1260.62'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
7/28/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 18.2 mph W, at 3:13pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 72.7 Deg., Low Temp: 71.0 Deg. at 6:26am; Wind: W, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 72.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 71.0 Deg. at 6:26am; Dew Point: 64.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 61.3 Deg. at 12:59am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 75%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.03Hg; Pressure Altitude: -66.85'; Density Altitude: 780.53'; Cloud Base: 2021.01'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
7/29/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 19.6 mph WNW, at 3:57pm. Todays' current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 70.0 Deg., Low Temp: 69.1 Deg. at 6:55am; Wind: SSE, light/variable, Gust: 3.2 mph; Wind Chill: 70.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 69.1 Deg. at 6:55am; Dew Point: 63.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 61.2 Deg. at 4:23am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 78%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.98Hg; Pressure Altitude: -55.94'; Density Altitude; 659.40'; Cloud Base: 1736.73'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
7/30/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 18.8 mph NW, at 1:45pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.15". Current Temp: 69.8 Deg., Low Temp: 68.8 Deg. at 6:44am; Wind: WNW, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 69.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 68.8 Deg. at 6:44am; Dew Point: 68.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 66.2 Deg. at 12:57am; Sky: Cloudy; Humidity at 92%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.76Hg; Pressure Altitude: 193.03'; Density Altitude: 971.65'; Cloud Base: 670.00'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
7/31/2019 |
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Special WX Statement: Areas of dense Fog. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 10.4 mph, NW at 11:58am. Todays' current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.01". Current Temp: 65.4 Deg., Low Temp: 63.4 Deg. at 6:56am; Wind: W, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 65.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 63.4 Deg. at 6:56am; Dew Point: 62.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 60.7 Deg. at 6:56am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 7.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.98Hg; Pressure Altitude: -83.20'; Density Altitude: 335.337'; Cloud Base: 672.75'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/1/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 9.8 mph E, at 6:42pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 64.4 Deg., Low Temp: 62.4 Deg. at 5:00am; Wind: ENE, light/variable, Gust: 5.2 mph; Wind Chill: 64.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 62.4 Deg., at 5:00am; Dew Point: 62.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 58.9 Deg. at 5:00am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 92%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.02Hg; Pressure Altitude: -94.09'; Density Altitude: 256.97'; Cloud Base: 607.97'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/2/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust; 10.9 mph ESE, at 11:12am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 62.5 Deg., Low Temp: 62.3 Deg. at 5:34am; Wind: ENE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 62.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 62.3 Deg. at 5:34am; Dew Point: 59.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 58.3 Deg. at 3:13am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.97Hg; Pressure Altitude: -47.76'; Density Altitude: 190.17'; Cloud Base: 828.09'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas, Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/3/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 10.4 mph E, at 10:23am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 61.5 Deg., Low Temp: 61.5 Deg. at 6:57am; Wind: SE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 61.5
Deg., Low Wind Chill: 61.5 Deg., at 6:52am
; Dew Point: 58.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 57.8 Deg. at 6:52am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 87%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.93Hg; Pressure Altitude: -4.10'; Density Altitude: 191.68'; Cloud Base: 935.83'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas, w/areas of Dew covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/4/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 11.6 mph ENE, at 11:26am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 60.0 Deg., Low Temp: 59.7 Deg. at 6:58am; Wind: NNE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 60.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 59.7 Deg. at 6:58am; Dew Point: 55.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 54.9 Deg. at 6:19am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 85%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.87Hg; Pressure Altitude: 47.83'; Density Altitude: 144.28'; Cloud Base: 1096.62'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/5/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 9.9 mph NNE, at 4:49pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 64.8 Deg., Low Temp: 64.7 Deg. at 6:57am; Wind: E, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 64.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 64.7 Deg. at 6:57am; Dew Point: 61.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 61.2 Deg. at 6:57am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.84Hg; Pressure Altitude: 75.19'; Density Altitude: 491.38'; Cloud Base: 860.10'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/6/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 18.5 mph N, at 4:30pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: "T". Current Temp: 68.2 Deg., Low Temp: 68.2 Deg. at 6:56am; Wind: SW, light/variable, Gust: 3.0 mph; Wind Chill: 68.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 68.2 Deg. at 6:56am; Dew Point: 63.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 63.3 Deg. at 6:41am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 85%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.70Hg; Pressure Altitude: 206.82'; Density Altitude: 879.40'; Cloud Base: 1203.09'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/7/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 20.7 mph WNW, at 2:36pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: "T". Areas of light to moderate Mist/and or Fog. Current Temp: 64.9 Deg., Low Temp: 64.9 Deg. at 6:56am; Wind: ESE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 64.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 64.9 Deg. at 6:56am; Dew Point: 61.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 61.6 Deg. at 6:56am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.67Hg; Pressure Altitude: 231.56'; Density Altitude: 690.32'; Cloud Base: 804.84'; Ground: Moist to wet, w/areas of Dew covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/8/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind: 12.7 mph N, at 5:26pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 66.7 Deg., Low Temp: 65.3 Deg. at 4:16am; Wind: SW, 1.2 mph, Gust: 2.5 mph; Wind Chill: 66.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 65.3 Deg. at 4:16am; Dew Point: 60.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 60.4 Deg. at 4:16am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 82%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.63Hg; Pressure Altitude: 270.07'; Density Altitude: 854.09'; Cloud Base: 1432.76'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/9/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 20.8 mph WNW, at 1:18pm. Todays' current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 60.4 Deg., Low Temp: 60.4 Deg. at 6:56am; Wind: SE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 60.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 60.4 Deg. at 6:56am; Dew Point: 55.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 55.5 Deg. at 6:56am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 84%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.74Hg; Pressure Altitude: 171.12'; Density Altitude: 329.15'; Cloud Base: 1196.05'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/10/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 10.9 mph N, at 4:19pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 59.1 Deg., Low Temp: 59.1 Deg. at 6:56am; Wind: NNE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 59.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 59.1 Deg. at 6:56am; Dew Point: 54.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 54.2 Deg. at 6:53am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 84%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.81Hg; Pressure Altitude: 108.05'; Density Altitude: 159.43'; Cloud Base: 1197.54'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/11/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 9.8 mph N, at 12:57pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 59.7 Deg., Low Temp: 58.8 Deg. at 4:22am; Wind: NE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 59.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 58.8 Deg. at 4:22am; Dew Point: 55.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 54.3 Deg. at 4:14am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 87%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.92Hg; Pressure Altitude: 1.37'; Density Altitude: 67.25'; Cloud Base: 999.57'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/12/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 9.6 mph SW, at 11:04am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 68.5 Deg., Low Temp: 66.1 Deg. at 2:28am; Heat Index: 68 Deg. Wind: SSW, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 68.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 66.1 Deg. at 2:28am; Dew Point: 58.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 57.9 Deg. at 6:58aam; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 69%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.82Hg; Pressure Altitude: 97.09'; Density Altitude: 763.87'; Cloud Base: 2610.94'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/13/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 13.0 mph W, at 5:03pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.07". Current Temp: 70.4 Deg., Low Temp: 70.2 Deg. at 6:51am; Wind: S, 1.2 mph, Gust: 1.4 mph; Wind Chill: 70.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 70.2 Deg. at 6:51am; Dew Point: 67.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 66.2 Deg. at 3:55am; Sky: Overcast; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 7.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.64Hg; Pressure Altitude: 264.57'; Density Altitude: 1078.83'; Cloud Base: 855.83'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/14/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust 9.4 mph N, at 4:46pm. Today's Current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation. 0.62". Areas of light Fog. Current Temp: 66.1 Deg., Low Temp: 66.0 Deg. at 6:57am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 66.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 66.0 Deg., at 6:57am; Dew Point: 63.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 63.8 Deg. at 6:50am; Sky: Cloud/overcast; Humidity at 93%; Visibility of 4.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.75Hg; Pressure Altitude: 160.14'; Density Altitude: 680.14'; Cloud Base: 550.44'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/15/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 11.5 mph E, at 7:15pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 64.4 Deg., Low Temp: 64.2 Deg. at 6:54am; Wind: SE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 64.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 64.2 Deg. at 6:54am; Dew Point: 61.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 60.6 Deg. at 6:47am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.77Hg; Pressure Altitude: 140.94'; Density Altitude: 546.35'; Cloud Base: 854.64'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/16/2019 |
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Areas of light>moderate Fog/Mist. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 19.3 mph N, at 4:36am. Today's current 7:am weather observation: Current Temp: 68.0 Deg., Low Temp: 67.4 Deg. at 2:32am; Wind: WNW, light/variable, Gust: 3.4 mph; Wind Chill: 68.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 67.4 Deg. at 2:32am; Dew Point: 65.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 63.2 Deg. at 2:28am; Sky: Overcast; Humidity at 92%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.81Hg; Pressure Altitude: 108.05'; Density Altitude: 732.27'; Cloud Base: 609.18'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/17/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 11.9 mph W, at 1:30pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 69.3 Deg., Low Temp: 68.4 Deg. at 1:21am; Wind: WSW, 4.3 MPH, Gust: 3.0 mph; Wind Chill: 69.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 68.4 Deg. at 1:21am; Dew Point: 63.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 62.1 Deg. at 1:21am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 81%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.78Hg; Pressure Altitude: 132.71'; Density Altitude: 852.62'; Cloud Base: 1492.23'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/18/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 13.8 mph WNW, at 4:23pm. Today's current 7:15 weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.40". Current Temp: 71.4 Deg., Low Temp: 71.2 Deg. at 6:58am; Wind: S, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph;
Wind Chill: 71.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 71.2 Deg. at 6:58am; Dew Point: 67.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 67.1 Deg. at 6:58am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 87%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.81Hg; Pressure Altitude: 102.57'; Density Altitude: 940.36'; Cloud Base: 999.88'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/19/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 34.6 mph N, at 11:25pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation. 0.32". Current Temp: 64.3 Deg., Low Temp: 64.3 Deg. at 6:58am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 64.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 64.3 Deg. at 6:58am; Dew Point: 62.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 62.8 Deg. at 6:58am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 95%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.84Hg'; Pressure Altitude: 72.45' Density Altitude: 455.54'; Cloud Base: 364.70'; Ground: Wet, to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/20/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 12.3 mph NNW, at 12:30am. Todays current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 69.8 Deg., Low Temp: 69.1 Deg. at 6:37am; Wind: ESE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 69.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 69.1 Deg. at 6:37am; Dew Point: 66.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 65.6 Deg. at 4:56am; Sky: Cloudy; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 5.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.92Hg; Pressure Altitude: 4.10'; Density Altitude: 720.31'; Cloud Base; 780.98'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas, Roadways; No weather related road closure, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/21/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 28.8 mph WNW, at 5:40pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr total rain accumulation; 0.60". Current Temp: 69.5 Deg., Low Temp: 69.4 Deg. at 6:54am; Wind: S, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 69.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 69.4 Deg. at 6:54am; Dew Point: 67.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 66.9 Deg. at 6:54am; Sky: P/Cloudy; Humidity at 92%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.78Hg; Pressure Altitude: 138.20'; Density Altitude: 865.77'; Cloud Base: 613.81'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/22/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 10.4 mph W, at 2:07pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 68.4 Deg., Low Temp: 68.2 Deg. at 6:58am; Wind: NNW, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 68.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 68.2 Deg. at 6:58am; Dew Point: 65.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 65.0 Deg. at 6:58am; Sky: P/Cloudy>Clear; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.79Hg; Pressure Altitude: 124.49'; Density Altitude: 778.23'; Cloud Base: 778.23'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/23/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 10.4 mph ESE, at 6:40pm. Today's current 7:30am weather observation. Past 24-hour rain accumulation: 0.04". Current Temp: 59.1 Deg., Low Temp: 58.0 Deg. at 7:am; Wind: ESE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 59.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 58.0Deg. at 7:am; Dew Point: 55.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 54.4 Deg. at 7:am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.95Hg; Pressure Altitude: -25.93'; Density Altitude: -19.10'; Cloud Base: 925.47'; Ground: Wet to moist in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/24/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 16.1 mph E, at 4:08pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 58.4 Deg., Low Temp: 58.4 Deg. at 6:58am; Wind: E, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 58.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 58.4 Deg. at 6:58am; Dew Point: 53.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 53.6 Deg. at 12:01am; Sky: Clear/sunny; Humidity at 85%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.08Hg; Pressure Altitude: -143.08'; Density Altitude: -190.11'; Cloud Base: 1113.17'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/25/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 15.5 mph SE, at 2:19pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 55.5 Deg., Low Temp: 55.2 Deg. at 5:50am; Wind: ESE, 7.0 mph, Gust: 5.3 mph; Wind Chill: 53.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 53.2 Deg. at 6:28am; Dew Point: 51.9 Deg./, Low Dew Point: 51.4 Deg. at 5:41am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.03Hg; Pressure Altitude: -96.82'; Density Altitude: -338.29'; Cloud Base: 880.32'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/26/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 18.5 mph N, at 1:06pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 58.9 Deg., Low Temp: 58.5 Deg. at 6:13am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 58.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 57.9 Deg. at 5:20am; Dew Point: 53.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 52.6 Deg. at 4:18am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 81%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.90Hg; Pressure Altitude: 17.76'; Density Altitude: 34.84'; Cloud Base: 1461.33'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/27/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 18.9 mph N, at 10:42am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.17'. Current Temp: 67.7 Deg., Low Temp: 66.0 Deg. at 1:17am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 67.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 66.0 Deg. at 1:17am; Dew Point: 66.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 63.7 Deg. at 1:17am; Sky: Cloudy/overcast; Humidity at 94%; Visibility of 5.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.71'; Pressure Altitude: 198.58'; Density Altitude; 837.10'; Cloud Base: 423.24'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/28/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 18.8 mph N, at 12:30am. Today's current 6:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.31". Current Temp: 64.3 Deg., Low Temp: 64.1 Deg. at 5:56am; Wind: SW, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 64.3 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 64.1 Deg. at 5:56am; Dew Point: 62.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 62.1 Deg. at 5:56am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 93%; Visibility of 7.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.73Hg; Pressure Altitude:
176.61'; Density Altitude: 587.77'; Cloud Base: 485.77'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/29/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 16.7 mph WNW, at 3:09pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 57.7 Deg., Low Temp: 57.6 Deg. at 6:56am; Wind: SW, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 57.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 57.6 Deg. at 6:56am; Dew Point: 53.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 53.2 Deg. at 5:05am; Sky: P/Cloudy>Clear; Humidity at 86%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.86Hg; Pressure Altitude: 53.30'; Density Altitude: 6.19'; Cloud Base: 1054.41'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/30/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 18.8 mph WNW, at 4:09pm. Today's current 6:am weather observation. Current Temp: 68.4 Deg., Low Temp: 68.4 Deg. at 12:15am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 68.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 68.4 Deg. at 12:15am; Dew Point: 60.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 59.1 Deg. at 12:02am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 75%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.81Hg; Pressure Altitude: 108.05'; Density Altitude: 770.90'; Cloud Base: 2039.07'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
8/31/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 16.4 mph N, at 2:59am. Todays' current 7:15am weather observation. Current Temp: 61.6 Deg., Low Temp: 60.6 Deg. at 5:38am; Wind: E, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 61.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill; 60.6 mph, at 5:38am; Dew Point: 58.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 56.3 at 4:24am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.10Hg; Pressure Altitude: -162.11'; Density Altitude: -9.70'; Cloud Base: 848.47'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas w/light Dew covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/1/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 16.1 mph E, at 6:18pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 60.7 Deg., Low Temp: 60.2 Deg. at 4:52am; Wind: SSE, at 0.2 mph, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 60.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 59.2 Deg. at 5:08am, Dew Point: 54.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 51.9 Deg. at 5:46am; Sky: P/Cloudy; Humidity at 79%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.01Hg; Pressure Altitude: -85.92'; Density Altitude: 18.86'; Cloud Base: 1617.54'; Ground; Moist to wet, in most areas, w/areas of Dew covering; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/2/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 19.3 mph WSW, at 8:30pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.85". Current Temp: 64.7 Deg., Low Temp: 62.9 Deg. at 2:04am; Wind: WNW, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 64.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 62.9 Deg. at 2:04am; Dew Point: 63.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 61.4 Deg. at 2:04am; Sky: Cloudy; Humidity at 96%; Visibility of 4.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.90Hg; Pressure Altitude: 20.49'; Density Altitude: 411.06'; Cloud Base: 327.93'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas. Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/3/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 9.4 mph W, at 12:23pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Areas of light patchy fog. Current Temp: 61.2 Deg., Low Temp: 61.1 Deg. at 5:49am; Wind: E, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 61.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 61.1 Deg. at 5:49am; Dew Point: 58.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 57.9 Deg. at 5:49am; Sky: Cloudy; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 4.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.91Hg; Pressure Altitude: 9.56'; Density Altitude: 182.34'; Cloud Base: 753.72'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/4/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 17.3 mph N, at 3:54pm. Todays current 7:am weather observation. Areas of light>moderate Haze, Mist or Fog. Current Temp: 69.4 Deg., Low Temp: 69.3 Deg. at 6:59am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 1.6 mph; Wind Chill: 69.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 69.3 Deg. at 6:59am; Dew Point: 65.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 65.0 Deg. at 12:22am. Sky: P/Cloudy; Humidity at 88%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.77Hg; Pressure Altitude: 135.46'; Density Altitude: 862.40'; Cloud Base: 934.04' '; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/6/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 13.2 mph E, at 10:44am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 51.5 Deg., Low Temp; 51.4 Deg. at 6:54am; Wind: ENE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 51.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 51.4 Deg. at 6:54am; Dew Point: 48.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 48.3 Deg. at 6:54am; Sky; Clear; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.81Hg, Pressure Altitude: 99.83'; Density Altitude: -361.90'; Cloud Base: 752.65'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/7/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 9.3 mph SW, at 12:50pm. Today's Current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 61.4 Deg., Low Temp: 61.2 Deg. at 6:55am; Wind: E, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 61.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 61.2 Deg. at 6:55am; Dew Point: 56.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 56.6 Deg. at 6:55am; Sky: P/Cloudy; Humidity at 85%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.80Hg; Pressure Altitude: 116.27'; Density Altitude: 320.44'; Cloud Base: 1119.45'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/8/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 12.0 mph NW, at 3:35pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 61.2 Deg., Low Temp: 59.8 Deg. at 2:07am; Wind: ESE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 61.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 59.8 Deg. at 2:07am; Dew Point: 58.0 Deg., Low Dew Point: 55.3 Deg. at 12:45am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 89%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.89Hg; Pressure Altitude: 25.96'; Density Altitude: 189.45'; Cloud Base: 792.27'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/9/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 9.6 mph N, at 6:53pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.05". Current Temp: 58.7 Deg., Low Temp: 57.6 Deg. at 6:08am; Wind: ESE at 2.3 mph, Gust: 1.5 mph; Wind Chill: 58.7 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 56.8 Deg. at 6:22am; Dew Point: 54.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 53.6 Deg. at 6:08am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 85%; Pressure Altitude: -104.98'; Density Altitude: -136.47'; Cloud Base; 1130.23'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/10/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 0.0 mph. Current Temp: 60.2 Deg., Low Temp: 60.0 Deg. at 6:53am; Wind: E, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 60.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 60.0 Deg. at 6:53am; Dew Point: 55.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 55.3 Deg. at 5:28am; Sky: P/Cloudy>Clear; Humidity at 85%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.06Hg; Pressure Altitude: -126.76'; Density Altitude: -71.13'; Cloud Base: 1072.48';; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/11/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 12.7 mph NW, at 11:11 am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 71.5 Deg., Low Temp: 71.5 Deg. at 4:12am; Wind: SSW, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 71.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 71.5 Deg. at 4:12am; Dew Point: 64.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 64.9 Deg. at 4:12am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 80%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.03Hg; Pressure Altitude: -102.36'; Density Altitude: 730.67'; Cloud Base: 1630.78'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/12/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 19.9 mph SW, at 4:35pm. Today's Current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.24". Areas of light Mist; Current Temp: 68.5 Deg., Low Temp: 68.0 Deg. at 4:36am; Wind: SSW, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 68.5 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 68.0 Deg. at 4:36am; Dew Point: 65.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 64.7 Deg. at 4:36am; Sky: Cloudy/overcast; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Pressure Altitude: -39.58'; Density Altitude: 583.03'; Cloud Base: 681.31'; Ground: Wet to soggy, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/13/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 16.3 mph N, at 8:30pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 68.0 Deg., Low Temp: 67.4 Deg. at 3:18am; Wind: SSE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 68.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 67.4 Deg. at 3:18am; Dew Point: 65.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 64.5 Deg. at 3:18am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 91%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.98Hg; Pressure Altitude: -53.21'; Density Altitude: 540.48'; Cloud Base: 688.35'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/14/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 27.5 mph SW, at 9:10pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 0.24". Current Temp: 62.6 Deg., Low Temp: 62.3 Deg. at 6:58am; Wind: NE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 62.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 62.3 Deg. at 6:58am; Dew Point: 58.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 58.2 Deg. at 6:51am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 86%; Visibility of 10.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.02Hg; Pressure Altitude: -94.09'; Density Altitude: 119.99'; Cloud Base: 1018.36'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/15/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 13.8 mph N, at 2:14pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 58.0 Deg., Low Temp: 57.3 Deg. at 6:45am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.4 mph; Wind Chill: 58.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 57.3 Deg. at 6:45am; Dew Point: 54.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 54.1 Deg. at 6:42am; Sky: P/Cloudy>Clear; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.03Hg; Pressure Altitude: -99.54'; Density Altitude: -169.36'; Cloud Base: 758.45'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/16/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 9.8 mph W, at 11:09am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 65.2 Deg., Low Temp: 65.1 Deg. at 6:58am; Wind: W, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 65.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 65.1: Deg. at 6:58am; Dew Point: 59.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 59.2 Deg. at 3:22am; Sky: P/Cloudy; Humidity at 82%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.89Hg; Pressure Altitude: 25.96'; Density Altitude: 450.25'; Cloud Base: 1440.24'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/17/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 11.5 mph E, at 1:06pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 62.8 Deg., Low Temp: 62.6 Deg. at 6:30am; Wind: ESE, at 0.0 mph, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 62.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 62.6 Deg. at 6:30am; Dew Point: 60.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 60.2 Deg. at 6:30am; Sky: P/Cloudy>Clear; Humidity at 92%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.97Hg; Pressure Altitude: -42.30'; Density Altitude: 216.46'; Cloud Base: 550.65'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/18/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 17.3 mph ESE, at 12:02pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 58.6 Deg., Low Temp: 58.4 Deg. at 6:38am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 58.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 56.9 Deg. at 6:52am; Dew Point: 53.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 53.8 Deg. at 6:57am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 85%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: -80.47'; Density Altitude: -112.20; Cloud Base: 1122.18'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/19/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 16.1 mph N, at 3:39pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 57.4 Deg., Low Temp: 57.3 Deg. at 6:18am; Wind: SE, light/variable, Gusting: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 57.4 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 55.1 Deg. at 6:28am; Dew Point: 47.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 46.5 Deg. at 12:55am; Sky: P/Cloudy>Clear; Humidity: 70%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.00Hg; Pressure Altitude: -75.02'; Density Altitude: -165.51'; Cloud Base: 2385.96'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/20/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 13.9 mph S, at 10:46am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 62.8 Deg., Low Temp: 62.6 Deg. at 6:13am; Wind: NNW, light/variable, Gust: 4.7mph; Wind Chill: 62.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 62.6 Deg. at 6:13am; Dew Point: 55.6 Deg., Low Dew Point: 54.4 Deg. at 5:56am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 77%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.02Hg; Pressure Altitude: -88.64'; Density Altitude: 159.38'; Cloud Base: 1809.97'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/21/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 12.0 mph SW, at 4:26pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 67.2 Deg., Low Temp; 67.0 Deg. at 6:56am; Wind: ESE, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 67.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 67.0 Deg. at 6:56am; Dew Point: 62.5 Deg., Low Dew Point: 62.4 Deg. at 6:56am; Sky: P/Cloudy>Clear; Humidity at 85%; Visibility of 6.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.03Hg; Pressure Altitude: -102.26'; Density Altitude: 428.51'; Cloud Base: 1147.37; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/22/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 11.7 mph WNW, at 2:08pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: "T". Current Temp: 70.9 Deg., Low Temp: 70.2 Deg. at 5:34am; Wind: SW, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 70.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 70.2 Deg. at 5:34am; Dew Point: 64.8 Deg., Low Dew Point: 64.5 Deg. at 5:34am; Sky: P/Cloudy; Humidity at 81%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.96Hg; Pressure Altitude: -39.58'; Density Altitude: 743.63'; Cloud Base: 1520.57'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/23/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 25.3 mph, NW at 4:02pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Light rain is falling. Past 24-rh rain accumulation: 0.01". Current Temp: 68.6 Deg., Low Temp: 68.4 Deg. at 5:am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust:
0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 68.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 68.4 Deg. at 5:am; Dew Point: 63.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 56.3 Deg. at 2:58am; Sky: Cloud>overcast; Humidity at 83%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.72Hg; Pressure Altitude; 184.85'; Density Altitude: 865.27'; Cloud Base; 1307.01'; Ground: moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/24/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 19.9 mph N, at 2:57pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation: Past 24-hr rain accumulation: "T": Current Temp: 54.8 Deg., Low Temp: 54.5 Deg. at 6:57am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 54.8 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 54.5 Deg. at 6:57am; Dew Point: 50.7 Deg., Low Dew Point: 50.6 Deg. at 6:36am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 87%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.84Hg; Pressure Altitude: 72.45'; Density Altitude: -182.17'; Cloud Base: 961.86'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/25/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 14.1 mph WNW, at 1:04pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 58.6 Deg., Low Temp: 57.6 Deg. at 2:36am; Wind: SW, 4.3 MPH, Gust: 4.5 mph; Wind Chill: 58.6 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 57.6 Deg. at 2:36am; Dew Point: 50.2 Deg., Low Dew Point: 49.8 Deg. at 5:02am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 74%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.74Hg; Pressure Altitude: 173.86'; Density Altitude: 220.92'; Cloud Base: 2082.61'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/26/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 18.4 Deg. SW, at 2:06pm. Todays current 7:am weather observation: "T". Current Temp: 64.9 Deg., Low Temp: 64.7 Deg. at 6:58am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 64.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 64.7 Deg. at 6:58am; Dew Point: 58.9 Deg., Low Dew Point: 56.1 Deg. at 12:01am; Sky: Cloudy; Humidity at 81%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.64Hg; Pressure Altitude: 256.31'; Density Altitude: 720.79'; Cloud Base: 1481.99'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/27/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 21.4 mph N, ay 1:29pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Current Temp: 51.2 Deg., Low Temp: 49.0 Deg., at 3:15am; Wind: N, at 1.3 mph, Gust: 1.4 mph; Wind Chill: 51.2 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 49.0 Deg. at 3:15am; Dew Point: 47.1 Deg., Low Dew Point: 44.6 Deg. at 3:11am; Sky: Clear; Humidity at 86%; Visibility of 9.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.87Hg; Pressure Altitude: 45.09'; Density Altitude: -443.81';
Cloud Base: 1024.20'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/28/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 18.4 mph N, at 8:15pm. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Light rain was falling. Current Temp: 66.1 Deg., Low Temp: 65.2 Deg. at 1:42am; Wind: S, at 0.8 mph, Gust: 2.3 mph; Wind Chill: 66.1 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 65.2 Deg. at 1:42am; Dew Point: 61.4 Deg., Low Dew Point: 56.7 Deg. at 2:31am; Sky: P/Cloudy>Clear; Humidity at 85%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.82Hg; Pressure Altitude: 94.35'; Density Altitude: 599.21'; Cloud Base: 1166.97'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/29/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 15.1 mph N, at 3:55am. Today's current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: "T". Current Temp: 65.0 Deg., Low Temp: 64.3 Deg. at 4:17am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 65.0 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 64.3 Deg. at 4:17am; Dew Point: 61.9 Deg., Low Dew Point; 61.3 Deg. at 4:17am; Sky: Cloudy; Humidity at 90%; Visibility of 8.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 30.08Hg; Pressure Altitude: -151.24'; Density Altitude: 255.62'; Cloud Base: 765.67'; Ground: Moist to wet, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |
9/30/2019 |
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No Current Weather Alerts. Yesterday's High Wind Gust: 13.0 mph SE, at 1:32am. Today current 7:am weather observation. Past 24-hr rain accumulation: 1.84". Light rain was falling. Current Temp: 67.9 Deg., Low Temp: 67.5 Deg. at 2:34am; Wind: N, light/variable, Gust: 0.0 mph; Wind Chill: 67.9 Deg., Low Wind Chill: 67.5 Deg. at 2:34am; Dew Point: 65.3 Deg., Low Dew Point: 65.0 Deg. at 2:24am; Sky: overcast; Humidity at 95%; Visibility of 7.0 miles; Barometric Pressure: 29.99Hg; Pressure Altitude: -64.12'; Density Altitude: 514.16'; Cloud Base: 377.69'; Ground: Soggy, to saturated, in most areas; Roadways: No weather related road closures, all open roads are clear and passable. |