Observation Date |
Observation Time |
Precipitation |
Snowfall |
Snowfall SWE |
Snow Depth |
Snow SWE |
Notes |
10/1/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Mostly cloudy with sun breaks in the afternoon. Low 58 High 76. No precipitation. |
10/2/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Mostly cloudy with mid-day sun breaks. Low 55 High 76. No precipitation. |
10/3/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Low 40, High 70. Mostly cloudy turning to sun breaks late afternoon. No precipitation. |
10/4/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Partly could with plenty of son breaks. Low 49 high 67. |
10/5/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Low 42, High 55, .10 inches of precipitation |
10/6/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.18 |
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M |
Low 54, High 62. .03 overnight, .17 by 0900 and a total of .18 inches of precipitation for the rain day. |
10/7/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Low 41, High 62. Cloudy, a few sun breaks. No Precipitation. |
10/8/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.41 |
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Low 51, High 62. Light rain consistent all day. .011 overnight .30 after sun rise. Total precipitation .41 inches. |
10/9/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.04 |
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M |
a beautiful sunny day with an occasional cloud passing through. The only rain event came yesterday, Monday, October 8th, after dark, between 1830 and 2030. |
10/10/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Low 44, High 65. Solid overcast until noon then mostly sunny with a breeze the rest of the day. No precipitation. |
10/11/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Nothing but sunshine. Low 39, High 72. |
10/12/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Not a cloud in the sky. Low 40, High 72. |
10/13/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Full sun, Low 39, High 75. No precipitation. |
10/14/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Full sun, no rain, 40 degree spread in temperature. 37 / 77. |
10/15/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Plenty of sunshine, no rain and a low of 35, high 73. |
10/23/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation but it really wants to. |
10/24/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.01 |
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M |
Over cast in AM and plenty of sunshine in the afternoon. Low 48, High 67.
0.015 inches of precipitation which came prior to sunrise. |
10/25/2018 |
5:00 PM |
T |
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Low 45, High 60. |
10/26/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.07 |
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Precipitation commenced at 0805 hours. Low 55, High 63. |
10/27/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.04 |
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No precipitation during the day. Low 51, High 70. |
10/28/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.42 |
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.31 inches of precipitation prior to sunrise with a total of .42. Low 52, High 64. |
10/29/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.84 |
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M |
Precipitation 1700-2100 = .31, 2100-0700 = .34, 0700-1645 = .19. Low 46, High 58. |
10/30/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
Early morning fog afternoon clearing with plenty of sunshine. Front beginning to move in. |
10/31/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.36 |
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M |
1700-0700 = .10, 0700-1300 = .23, 1300-1700 - .03. Low 48, High 55. |
11/1/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.06 |
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M |
Low 54, High 62. |
11/2/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.02 |
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M |
No precipitation over night. A light shower in the AM. A beautiful sunny autumn afternoon Low 56, High 63. |
11/3/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No Precipitation. Low 44, High 60. Rain commences at 1720. |
11/4/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.12 |
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1700-0700 .08 inches, 0700-1700 .04 inches of precipitation. |
11/5/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.02 |
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Precipitation from 1700-0700 is zero. 0700-1700 .02. Low 44, High 60. |
11/6/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.08 |
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M |
Precipitation 1700-0700, .08, 0700-1700, Zero. Low 45, High 61. |
11/7/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation. AM fog and sunny afternoon. Low 37, High 51. |
11/8/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation. Low 34, High 50. |
11/9/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation. Early morning freezing fog. Plenty of sunshine. Low 31, High 54. |
11/10/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No Precipitation. Low 33, High 51. Dense fog in AM sunny afternoon.
11/11/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No precipitation. Freezing dense fog in the AM. Lot's of sunshine PM. Low 31, High 53. |
11/12/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No Precipitation. Low 29, High 56. The AM freezing dense fog cleared off several hours earlier this morning. |
11/13/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation. Low 33, High 57. Front with clouds moving in this later afternoon. |
11/14/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No precipitation. Overcast all day. Low 36, High 53. |
11/15/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No rain. AM overcast, PM sunshine. Low 38, High 50. |
11/16/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No precipitation. Overcast most of the day. Low 41, High 48. |
11/17/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation. A gorgeous afternoon. Low 43, High 62. |
11/19/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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Sunday, November 18th, AM freezing fog, Low 32, High 54. Today Monday, November 19th, AM freezing fog, Low 32, High 55. |
11/20/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No precipitation. Freezing fog in the AM. Low 32, High 47. |
11/21/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.29 |
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Low 37, High 47. |
11/22/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.53 |
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Plenty of wind and wind gusts. Low 42, High 52. |
11/23/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.41 |
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Low 44, High 52 |
11/24/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.11 |
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Precipitation occurred prior to sunrise. Most sunny after AM fog. Low 39, High 52. |
11/25/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No precipitation. Low 35, high 51. |
11/26/2018 |
5:00 PM |
T |
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A trace falling around noon time. Low 46, High 56. |
11/27/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.88 |
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Precipitation overnight was .39. Low 51, High 61. |
11/28/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.31 |
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Precipitation 1700-0700 .18 inches. Low 46, High 58. |
11/29/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.12 |
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Precipitation began at 1030 PST. Low 41, High 46. |
11/30/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.26 |
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Precipitation between 1700 & 0700 .07. Low 41, High 51. |
12/1/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.63 |
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Precipitation between 1700 & 0700 is .51. Low 39, High 45. |
12/2/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.03 |
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M |
No precipitation during the day and partly sunny. Low 40, Hight 52. |
12/3/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation. Low 30, High 42, low with wind chill mid 20s. |
12/4/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation. Low 28, High 48. |
12/5/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation. Low 26, High 45. |
12/6/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation, Low 24, High 45. |
12/7/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation. Low 25, High 37. ..... |
12/8/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.13 |
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M |
12/9/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.32 |
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M |
12/11/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.12 |
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Maximum wind gust 15 mph. Low 41, High 50. |
12/12/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.36 |
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M |
12/13/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No precipitation and mostly sunny all day. Low 35, High 56. Max wind gusty 11mph. |
12/14/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.13 |
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M |
Low 36, High 55, Maximum wind gust of 30mph registered at 1620. |
12/15/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.08 |
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Low 36, High 51. Maximum wind gust of 15 mph recorded at 1215 hours. |
12/16/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.25 |
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Low 45, High 52. Maximum wind gust of 12.5mph recorded at 1245 hours. |
12/17/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.04 |
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Low 41, High 51. Maximum wind gust of 18mpg recorded at 1445. |
12/18/2018 |
5:00 PM |
1.13 |
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Low 43, High 56. Maximum wind gust of 26mph recorded at 0620 |
12/19/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.04 |
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M |
Low 44, High 59. All precipitation was overnight. Dry all day partly sunny skies. Maximum wind gust of 10 mph recorded at 1320. |
12/20/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.30 |
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M |
No precipitation overnight. Low 43, High 54. Maximum wind gust of 20mph recorded at 0920 hours. |
12/21/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation. Mostly sunny. Low 38, High 53. |
12/22/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation. Low 32, High 45. Maximum wind gust 14mph |
12/23/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.26 |
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M |
Precipitation between 1700-0700 was .15. Low 41, High 52. Maximum wind gust of 13.6mph at 1557. |
12/24/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.64 |
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M |
Precipitation 1700 - 0700 was .53. Low 43, High 50. |
12/25/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation. Low 41, High 47. Maximum wind gust of 20.5 mph recorded at 2115 hours. |
12/26/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.16 |
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M |
No precipitation between 1700 & 0700. Low 34, High 46. Maximum wind gust of 9.6mph recorded at 1610. |
12/27/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.08 |
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M |
No precipitation during the day all came overnight. Partly sunny. Low 37, High 53. |
12/28/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.01 |
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M |
No precipitation overnight. Low 38, High 50. |
12/29/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation Low 43, High 52. |
12/30/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.20 |
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M |
All precipitation came overnight. Low 43, High 47. Maximum wind gust of 22.9 recorded at 2215 on the 29th. |
12/31/2018 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation. Low 34, High 47. Mostly Sunny. Maximum wind gust of 13.6 mph recorded at 1215 hours. |
1/1/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation. Mostly sunny. Low 27, High 43. |
1/2/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation. Mostly Sunny. Low 27, High 53. |
1/3/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No Precipitation. Mostly sunny in the afternoon.
1/4/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.02 |
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M |
Mostly cloudy. Low 43, High 54. |
1/5/2019 |
5:00 PM |
T |
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Low 36, High 47. Maximum wind gust of 10.9 recorded at 1252 hours. |
1/6/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.43 |
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M |
Precipitation between 1700 & 0700 was .29. Low 36, High 45. Maxiumu wind gust of 27.2 recorded at 2042 hours. |
1/7/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.02 |
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M |
Icy this morning. Low 33, High 48. Maximum wind gust of 10.5 recorded at 1155 hours. |
1/8/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.26 |
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No precipitation during daylight hours. Low 38, High 45. |
1/9/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.13 |
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No precipitation overnight. Low 39, High 61. Maximum wind gust of 25.9 recorded at 1311 hours. |
1/10/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.15 |
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M |
All precipitation coming during the night. Dry and partly sunny. Low 42, High 60. Maximum wind gust of 9.6 mph occurring at 1618 hours. |
1/11/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation. Low 36, High 53, mostly cloudy. Maximum wind gust of 6.9 mph recorded at 1645. |
1/12/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No precipitation. Low 32, High 52. Mostly Sunny. Maximum wind gust of 10.9 recorded at 1518. |
1/13/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation. Mostly sunny. Low 32, High 49. Maximum wind gust of 10.9 recorded at 1249 hours. |
1/14/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No precipitation. Mostly Sunny. Low 30, High 45. maximum wind speed of 15mph recorded at 1442 hours. |
1/15/2019 |
5:00 PM |
T |
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Partly sunny. Low 32, High 42. Maximum wind gust of 15mph recorded at 1334. |
1/16/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.13 |
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Low 31, High 41. |
1/17/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.08 |
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Low 35, High 55. Maximum wind gust of 30mph recorded at 0854 hours. |
1/18/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.31 |
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Low39, High 46. Maximum wind gust of 23mph recorded at 2056 hours. |
1/19/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.39 |
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Low 39, High 52. Maximum wind gust of 15mph recorded at 0152 hours. |
1/20/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.81 |
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1/21/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.14 |
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Partly Sunny. Low 37, High 52. |
1/22/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.06 |
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Low 38, High 45. |
1/23/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.04 |
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Low 49, High 57. Maximum wind gust of 22mph recorded at 0630. |
1/24/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No precipitation. Fox early AM turning to mostly sunny. Low 41, High 54. Maximum wind gust of 13.6 mph recorded at 1403. |
1/25/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No precipitation and no fog. Lot's of sunshine in the afternoon Low 41, High 52. Maximum wind gust of 15mph recorded at 1456. |
1/26/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No precipitation. Very low overcast the entire day. Low 35, High 41. |
1/27/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No precipitation. Low 36, High 42. |
1/28/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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1/29/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No precipitation. Low 34, High 50. |
1/30/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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M |
No precipitation. Low 32, High 49. |
1/31/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No precipitation. Low 30, High 65. |
2/1/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.05 |
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Low 44, High 50. |
2/2/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.21 |
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Low 44, High 50. Maximum wind gust of 11mph recorded at 1452. |
2/3/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.56 |
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.50 coming during the night. Low 41, High 49. Maximum wind gust of 13.6mph recorded at 1504. |
2/4/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.35 |
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A trace of snow. Low 34, High 45. |
2/5/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.18 |
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A light dusting of snow this morning. Low 33, High 40. |
2/6/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.08 |
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Low 32, High 41. Afternoon mostly sunny. |
2/7/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No precipitation. Low 27, High 37. |
2/8/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.03 |
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Low 32, High 43. |
2/9/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.56 |
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Snow flurries through out the day but nothing sticking. Low 34, High 43. Maximum windiest of 20mph recorded at 0338 hours. |
2/10/2019 |
5:00 PM |
T |
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A trace of snow. Low 30, High 38. Maximum wind gust of 12mph recorded at 1554. |
2/11/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.16 |
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Low 38, High 48. Maximum wind gust of 26mph recorded at 1440. |
2/12/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.10 |
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Low 45, High 53. Maximum wind gust of 25mph recorded at 1100 hours. |
2/13/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.38 |
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2/14/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.38 |
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Low 38, High 50. Maximum wind gust of 21mph recorded at 1407. |
2/15/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.12 |
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Low 40, High 49. Maximum wind gust of 27mph recorded at 1318. |
2/16/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.39 |
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Hail .... Low 37, High 47. Maximum wind gust of 16mph recorded at 1247 hours.
2/17/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.15 |
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Partly sunny in the afternoon. Spots of hail. Low 32, High 48. Maximum wind gust of 18mph recorded at 1700. |
2/19/2019 |
5:00 PM |
T |
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Low 31, High 44. Maximum wind gust of 13.6mph recorded at 1606. |
2/20/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.31 |
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Low 38, High 44. Maximum wind gust of 12.3mph recorded at 1809 hours. |
2/21/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.23 |
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A light skiff of snow this morning. Low 32, High 48. Maximum wind gust of 13.6 recorded at 1551. |
2/22/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No precipitation. Low 29, High 48. |
2/23/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.36 |
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Low 40, High 46. Maximum wind gust of 12.3 mph recorded at 1920 hours. |
2/24/2019 |
5:00 PM |
1.77 |
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A mixture of rain and snow. Snow melting on contact with the ground at this point. |
2/25/2019 |
5:00 PM |
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13.0 |
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13.0 |
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Average of 13 inches of snow which I melted about .50 inches. Low 32, High 40.
2/26/2019 |
5:00 PM |
1.00 |
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1.00 |
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Unable to get accurate measurement of water and snow. Low 30, High 47. |
2/27/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.47 |
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Low 29, High 47. |
2/28/2019 |
5:00 PM |
T |
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Low 27, High 42 |
3/1/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
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No precipitation. Lot's of sun this afternoon. Low 33, High 53. |
3/2/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 31, High 53. Maximum wind gust of 17.8mph recorded at 1222 hours. |
3/3/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
Plenty of sunshine. Low 24, High 49. |
3/4/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
Nothing buy sunshine all day. Low 21, High 46. Maximum wind gust of 12.3 mph recorded at 1613 hours. |
3/5/2019 |
5:00 PM |
T |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 25, High 36. |
3/6/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.42 |
0.5 |
M |
M |
M |
Rain during the AM hours snow starting at 1430. Low 31, High 37. |
3/7/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.05 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Snow Flurries. Low 31, High 46. Maximum wind gust of 15mp recorded at 1331 hours. |
3/8/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.07 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 32, High 47. Maximum wind gust of 15mph recorded at 1500. |
3/9/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.05 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 33, High 51. Breezy the afternoon, Maximum wind gust of 20mph recorded at 1558 hours. Lot's of sunshine. |
3/11/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 28, High 70. Wind gust of 13.6 mph recorded at 1428. Mostly sunny. |
3/12/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.44 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 41, High 51. Maximum wind gust of 19.2 recorded at 1622 hours. |
3/13/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.06 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 37, High 59. Maximum wind gust of 9.6 mph recorded at 1548. Afternoon sunshine. |
3/14/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Mostly sunny with clouds moving in late this afternoon. Low 32, High 62. Maximum wind gust of 13.6mph recorded at 1450 hours. |
3/15/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 32, High 63. Maximum wind gust
of 14.9 recorded at 1600 hours. |
3/16/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 35, High 64. Maximum wind gust of 17.8mph recorded at 1440 hours. |
3/17/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 35, High 67. Mostly sunny. Wind gust maximum of 16.3 mph recorded at 1630. |
3/18/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
All sun!!! Low 35, High 81. Maximum wind gust of 14.9 recorded at 1408 hours. |
3/19/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No Precipitation. Low 40, High 80. Maximum wind speed of 13.6mph recorded at 1414 hours. Partly sunny. |
3/20/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Overcast in the AM mostly sunny in the afternoon. Low 47, High 73. Maximum wind gust of 12.3mph recorded at 1538. |
3/21/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Mostly cloudy with sun breaks late afternoon. How 47, High 63. Maximum wind gust ofg 10.9mph recorded at 1641 hours. |
3/22/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.12 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 38, High 55. Maximum wind gust of 12.3mph recorded at 1056 hours as the front moved in. |
3/23/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.22 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Rain heavy at times. Low 41, High 59. Maximum wind gust of 12.3mph recorded at 1532 hours. |
3/24/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 34, high 69. Maximum wind gust of 10.8 recorded at 1311 hours. |
3/25/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.15 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 41, High 52. Maximum wind gust of 12.3mph recorded at 1546. |
3/26/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.11 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 35, High 60. Maximum wind gust of 12.3mph recorded at 1630 hours. |
3/27/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.05 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Thunder and Lightening. Low 40, High 62. Maximum wind gust of 14.9mph recorded at 1607 hours. |
3/28/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.02 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 40, High 65. Maximum wind gust of 14.9 recorded at 1630. Will be gone until Sunday evening. |
3/29/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.10 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
3/30/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No Precipitation |
3/31/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No Precipitation
4/1/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.19 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 49, High 62. |
4/2/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.77 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 50, High 64. |
4/3/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.17 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 50, High 61. Maximum wind gust of 14.9mph recorded at 1450 hours. |
4/5/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.82 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 48, High 66. Maximum wind gust of 25.9mph recorded at 1230 hours. |
4/6/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.12 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
4/7/2019 |
5:00 PM |
1.56 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 50, High 56. Maximum wind gust of 9.6mph recorded at 0930 hours. |
4/8/2019 |
5:00 PM |
1.50 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 48, High 56. Maximum wind gust of 9.6mph at 1912 hours. |
4/9/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.14 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 48, High 60. Maximum wind gust of 23.2mph recorded at 1411. |
4/10/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.14 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 45, High 56. Maximum wind gust of 17.8mph recorded at 1800 hours. |
4/11/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.36 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 47, High 52. Maximum wind gust of 14.9mph recorded at 1450 hours. |
4/12/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.17 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 46, High 66. Mostly sunny in the afternoon. Maximum wind gust of 13.6mph recorded at 1723. |
4/13/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.10 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 46, High 64. |
4/14/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.09 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 40, High 60. Maximum wind gust of 10.9 recorded at 1630. |
4/15/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.11 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 36, High 51. Maximum wind gust of 14.9mph recorded at 2003 hours. |
4/16/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.20 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 43, High 65. Maximum wind gust of 16.5mph recorded at 1622 hours. |
4/17/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
A beautiful sunny day. No precipitation past 24 hours. Low 50, High 73. Maximum wind gust of 13.6mph recorded at 1431 hours. |
4/19/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 51, High 79. Mostly cloudy with sun breaks. Maximum wind gust of 20.5mph at 1600 hours. |
4/20/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.24 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Partly sunny in the afternoon. Low 49, High 63. Maximum wind gust of
19.2mph at 1840 hours. |
4/21/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No Precipitation. Mostly cloudy AM, mostly sunny PM. Low 48, High 65. Maximum wind gust of 14.9mph recorded at 1717 hours. |
4/22/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No Precipitation. Sunny AM, overcast PM. Low 42, High 72. Maximum wind gust of 9.6mph recorded at 1836 hours. |
4/23/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.04 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
AM cloudy, PM Sun. Low 54, High 73. Maximum wind gust of 17.8mph recorded at 1426. |
4/24/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
N precipitation. Windy. Low 46, High 68. Maximum wind speed of 20.5mph recorded at 1411 hours. |
4/25/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Windy. Low 41, High 76. Maximum wind speed of 17.8mph at 1451 hours. |
4/26/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Windy. Low 44, High 73. Maximum wind gust of 19.2mph recorded at 1445 hours. |
4/27/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Windy. Low 41, High 66. Maximum wind gust of 24.6mph recorded at 1740 hours. |
4/28/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Windy, Low 34, High 68. Maximum wind gust of 21.9mph recorded at 1830 on the 27th. |
4/29/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Windy. Maximum wind gust of 30.1mph recorded at 1406 hours. Low 37, High 69. |
4/30/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Windy. Low 38, High 71. Maximum wind gust of 27.2mph recorded at 1338 hours. |
5/1/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Windy. Low 37, High 74. Maximum wind gust of 19.2mph recorded at 1800 hours. |
5/2/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Windy. Low 36, High 67. Maximum wind speed of 16.3mph recorded at 1715 hours. |
5/3/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Windy. Low 37, High 74. Maximum wind gust of 20.5 recorded at 1712 hours. |
5/4/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. A little wind and not like the past few days. Low 43, High 76. Maximum wind gust of 21.9mph recorded at 1502 hours. |
5/6/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Windy. Low 45, High 82. Maximum wind gust of 19.2mph recorded at 1635 hours. |
5/7/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Windy at times. Low 49, High 81. Maximum wind speed of 17.8mph recorded at 1630 hours. |
5/8/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Windy. Low 46, High 77. Maximum wind speed of 20.5mph recorded at 1520 hours. |
5/9/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Windy. Low 49, High 90. Maximum wind gust of 21.9mph recorded at 1247 hours. |
5/11/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No Precipitation. Windy. Low 47, High 88. Maximum wind gust of 14.9mph recorded at 2225 hours. |
5/12/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Windy. Low 48, High 78. Wind gust of 14.9mph recorded at 1330 hours. |
5/13/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Windy. Low 50, High 75. Maximum wind gust of 17.8mph recorded at 2000 hours. |
5/14/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.17 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 52, High 62. |
5/15/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.12 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 50, High 60. |
5/16/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.21 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
5/17/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.03 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
5/18/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.15 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
5/19/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.25 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
High 70. |
5/20/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Windy. Mostly cloudy. High 77. |
5/21/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.16 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
High 69 and windy |
5/22/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.09 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Lot's of sun in the afternoon. Low 51, High 74. Breezy Maximum wind speed of 16.3mph recorded at 1630 hours. |
5/23/2019 |
5:00 PM |
T |
M |
M |
M |
M |
A trace early morning. Low 54, High 76, Windy maximum wind gust of 16.3mph recorded at 1535 hours.
5/24/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.01 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 55, High 73. Windy, maximum speed of 25.9mph recorded at 1645 hours. |
5/25/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.28 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Heavy down pour this afternoon. Low 51, High 62. |
5/27/2019 |
5:00 PM |
T |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 54, High 66. |
5/28/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No Precipitation. Low 53, High 73. |
5/29/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No Precipitation. Windy. Maximum wind gust of 19.2mph recorded at 1634. Low 51, High 79. |
5/30/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 49, High 80. Windy. Maximum wind gust of 30.1mph recorded at 1710 hours. |
5/31/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No Precipitation. Windy. Maximum wind gust of 20.5mph recorded at 1615 hours. High 82. |
6/1/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Windy, maximum wind gust of 21.9mph recorded at 1540. High 83. |
6/2/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No Precipitation |
6/3/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation |
6/4/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Windy. Maximum wind gust of 17.8mph recorded at 1504. High 83. |
6/5/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No Precipitation. Windy. Maximum wind gust of 21.9mph recorded at 1250 hours. Low 52, High 78. |
6/6/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.02 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 52, High 65. Maximum wind gust of 19.2mph recorded at 1400 hours. |
6/7/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.06 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 49, High 69. Maximum wind gust of 19.2mph recorded at 1838 hours. |
6/8/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 44, High 71. Windy. Maximum wind gust of 21.9mph recorded at 1630 hours. |
6/9/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No Precipitation. Low 46, High 84. Windy. Maximum wind gust of 20.5mph recorded at 1439 hours. |
6/10/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 51, high 89. Windy. Maximum wind speed of 19.2mph recorded at 1402 hours. |
6/11/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 57, high 94. Windy. Maximum wind gust of 14.9mph recorded at 1636 hours. |
6/12/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 65, high 101. Maximum wind gust of 16.3mph recorded at 1348 hours. |
6/13/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 61, high 89. Maximum wind gust of 21.9mph recorded at 1550 hours. |
6/14/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No Rain. Low 52, high 89. Maximum wind gust of 21.9mph recorded at 1550 hours. |
6/15/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No rain |
6/16/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No Precipitation |
6/17/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Windy |
6/18/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Windy ..... |
6/19/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No rain plenty of wind. |
6/20/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation |
6/21/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Windy. Maximum wind gust of 19.2mph recorded at 1454 hours. Low 54, high 75. |
6/22/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
NO rain |
6/23/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No rain, high 80. |
6/24/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No rain. |
6/25/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No rain. High 76. |
6/26/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.02 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Thunder with maximum wind gust at 27mph |
6/27/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.20 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Thunder ... |
6/28/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.06 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Partly sunny high 79 |
6/29/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No Precipitation. Low 50, high 83. |
6/30/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No Precipitation |
7/1/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No rain |
7/2/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No rain. Cloudy. Breezy. |
7/3/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No rain. High 80. Maximum wind gust 18mph. |
7/4/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No Rain |
7/5/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No Rain
7/6/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No Precipitation |
7/7/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No rain |
7/8/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No rain |
7/9/2019 |
5:00 PM |
T |
M |
M |
M |
M |
7/10/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.02 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
7/11/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation
7/12/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation |
7/13/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No rain |
7/14/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. High 90. |
7/15/2019 |
5:00 PM |
T |
M |
M |
M |
M |
7/16/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.01 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
7/17/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. |
7/18/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.03 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
7/19/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No Precipitation |
7/20/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Windy. High 86. |
7/21/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No Precipitation |
7/22/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No Precipitation. Windy. High 88. |
7/23/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No Precipitation. Mostly Sunny. Windy. High 80. |
7/24/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Windy. High 84. |
7/25/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 53, High 92. Maximum wind gust of 20.5mph recorded at 1418 hours. |
7/26/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 56, High 95. Maximum wind gust of 16.3mph recorded at 1700 this date. |
7/27/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No Precipitation. Low 57, High 85. Maximum wind gust of 17.8mph recorded at 1700 this date. |
7/28/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 57, High 87. Maximum wind gust of 192mph recorded at 1515 hours. |
7/29/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
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M |
No precipitation. Low 57, High 86. Maximum wind gust of 17.8mph recorded at 1430 hours. |
7/30/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
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M |
No precipitation. Low 56, High 80. Maximum wind gust of 14.9mph recorded at 1450 hours. |
7/31/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
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M |
No precipitation. Low 53, High 89. Maximum wind gust of 14.9mph recorded at 1645 hours. |
8/1/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
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M |
No precipitation. Low 56, High 92. Maximum wind gust of 19.2mph recorded at 1645 hours. |
8/2/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
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M |
No precipitation. Low 59, High 88. Maximum wind gust of 18.6mph recorded at 1540 hours.
8/3/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
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M |
No precipitation. Low 63, High 91. Maximum wind gust of 19.2mph recorded at 1636 hours. |
8/4/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 59, High 94. Maximum wind gust 19.2mph |
8/5/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
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M |
No precipitation. Low 59, High 91. Maximum wind gust of 14.9mph recorded at 1130 hours. |
8/6/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 61, High 86. Maximum wind gust of 13.6mph recorded at 1630 hours. |
8/7/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Cloudy all day. Low 60, High 72. |
8/8/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Cloudy all day. Low 60, High 71. |
8/9/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.04 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 58, High 77. Maximum wind gust of 12.3mph recorded at 1530. |
8/10/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.05 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 60, High 78. Maximum wind gust of 13.6mph recorded at 1700 hours. |
8/11/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 56, High 82. Maximum wind gust of 13.6mph recorded at 2200 hours. |
8/12/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 52, High 88. Maximum wind gust of 14mph recorded at 1615 hours. |
8/13/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 55, High 92. Maximum wind gust of 19.2mph recorded at 1545 hours. |
8/14/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 58, High 91. Maximum wind gust of 14.9mph recorded at 1615 hours. |
8/15/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 57, High 88. Maximum wind speed of 20.5mph recorded at 1245 Hours. |
8/16/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No Precipitation |
8/17/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. High 81. |
8/18/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation |
8/19/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
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M |
No precipitation |
8/20/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
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M |
No precipitation |
8/21/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.27 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 56, High 77. |
8/22/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.09 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 58, High 78. Maximum wind gust of 14.9mph recorded at 1650 hours. |
8/23/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 50, High 85. Maximum wind gust of 14.9mph at 1605 hours. |
8/24/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 54, High 86. Maximum wind gust of 14.9mph recorded at 1525 hours. |
8/25/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 58, High 84. Maximum wind gust of 20.5mph recorded at 1630 hours. |
8/26/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 51, High 88. Maximum wind gust of 19.2mph recorded at 1530 hours. |
8/27/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 51, High 101.3. |
8/28/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 60, high 97. Maximum wind gust of 10.9mph recorded at 1625 hours. |
8/29/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.05 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 60, High 85. Maximu wind gust of 14.9mph recorded at 1700 hours. |
8/30/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No Precipitation. Low 63, High 84. Maximum wind gust of 17.8mph recorded at 1800 hours. |
8/31/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No Precipitation. Low 56, High 90. Maximum wind gust of 19.2mph recorded at 1700 hours. |
9/1/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 65, High 88. Maximum wind gust of 16.3mph recorded at 1700 hours. |
9/2/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 56, High 86. Maximum wind gust of 14.9mph recorded at 1400 hours. |
9/3/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 55, High 87. |
9/4/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 55, High 84. Maximum wind gust of 16.3mph recorded at 1550 hours. |
9/5/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation at 1700 but is threatening. Low 60, High 91. Maximum wind gust of 14.9mphg recorded at 1530 hours. |
9/6/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.07 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 61, High 82. Maximum wind gust of 14.9mph recorded at 1630 hours.. |
9/7/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.02 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 61, High 67. Maximum wind gust of 10.9mph recorded at 1630 hours. |
9/8/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.37 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 58, High 70. Maximum wind gust of 13.6mph recorded at 1150 hours.
9/9/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.51 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 57, High 88. Maximum wind gust of 16.3mph recorded at 1330 hours. |
9/10/2019 |
5:00 PM |
1.46 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 55, High 69. Maximum wind gust of 10.9mph recorded at 1315 hours.
9/11/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.13 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 56, High 77. Maximum wind gust of 12.3mph recorded at 1630 hours. |
9/12/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 51, High 84. Maximum wind gust of 13.6mph recorded at 1845 hours. |
9/13/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 55, High 77. Maximum wind gust of 13.6mph recorded at 1400 hours. |
9/14/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 52, High 81. Maximum wind gust of 12.3mph recorded at 1415 hours. |
9/15/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.84 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
9/16/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.29 |
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M |
M |
M |
Low 52, High 68. Maximum wind gust of 14.9mph recorded at 1245 hours. |
9/17/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.13 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 54, High 65. Maximum wind gust of 21.9 mph recorded at 1450 hours. |
9/18/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.93 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 56, High 64. Maximum wind gust of 14.9mph recoded at 1315 hours. |
9/19/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.04 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 52, High 73. Maximum wind gust of 12.3mph recorded at 1430 hours. |
9/21/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 50, High 75. Maximum wind gust of 16.3mph recorded at 1630 hours. |
9/22/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.15 |
M |
M |
M |
M |
Low 53, High 72. Maximum wind gust of 12.3mph recorded at 1630 hours. |
9/23/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 53, High 74. |
9/24/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 59, High 79. |
9/25/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 54, High 73. Maximum wind gust of 17.8mph recorded at 1610 hours. |
9/26/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 50, High 76. Maximum wind gust of 12.3mph recorded at 1700 hours. |
9/27/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.00 |
0.0 |
M |
M |
M |
No precipitation. Low 54, High 71. Maximum wind gust of 14.9mph recorded at 1700. |
9/28/2019 |
4:00 PM |
0.25 |
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M |
M |
Low 47, High 62. |
9/29/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.17 |
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M |
Low 41, High 62. Maximum wind gust of 10.9mph recorded at 1600 hours. |
9/30/2019 |
5:00 PM |
0.30 |
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M |
Low 41, High 63. Maximum wind gust of 19.2mph recorded at 1915 hours on the 29th.